2nd national scientific and educational congress oncological problems. III National Scientific and Educational Congress “Oncological problems from menarche to postmenopause. Key topics of the congress

On February 14-16, 2018, the II National Scientific and Educational Congress “Oncological problems from menarche to postmenopause” will be held in Moscow, which is one of the key platforms for professional interaction between doctors in this field. The Congress is a large-scale event designed to consolidate specialists from around the world to find ways to solve a wide range of pressing problems in the field of gynecological oncology. Annual meetings of specialists at the Congress “Oncological problems from menarche to postmenopause” under the flag of the Russian Society of Specialists in the Prevention and Treatment of Tumors of the Reproductive System (ROSORS) pursue two important goals - popularization of modern achievements in fundamental and clinical medicine of pre-tumor and tumor diseases of the reproductive system organs, the formation of multicenter research involving various regions of Russia in the problem of prevention, early diagnosis and effective treatment of malignant tumors in women. Particular attention will be paid to the problem of the growth of oncological processes in young people, as well as to the increasing frequency of observations of cancer and pregnancy. In this topic, issues of not only organ-preserving therapy will be discussed, but also modern reproductive technologies that provide the possibility of motherhood with locally advanced tumor processes. A number of leading specialists from clinics in Western and Eastern Europe have been invited to the Congress.

Based on a number of decisions of Congress, subsequent efforts will be made to implement systemic implementation within the national health care system. Thus, the joint work of participants in the II National Scientific and Educational Congress “Oncological problems from menarche to postmenopause” will make it possible to take a qualitative step towards preserving women’s health and reducing morbidity and mortality from cancer.

Key topics of the congress:

  • Trends in the incidence of precancer and cancer of tumors of the female reproductive system over the past 20 years
  • Epigenetics in gynecology and gynecological oncology - applied aspects
  • Is modern prevention in oncology capable of becoming part of a national program (vaccination, secondary prevention, tertiary prevention)
  • Economic benefits of prevention and early diagnosis
  • Screening in gynecological oncology, which is carried out by an obstetrician-gynecologist
  • Modern ultrasound diagnostics in gynecology and oncogynecology
  • Modern endoscopic diagnosis and therapy in gynecology and gynecological oncology
  • Nuclear medicine in clarifying diagnosis and monitoring of cancer of the reproductive system
  • Early cervical cancer. Principles of organ-conserving treatment - a wide range of possibilities or lack of a single view
  • Early endometrial cancer. Organ-conserving treatment: who, when and how?
  • Early ovarian cancer. The concept and possibilities of organ-preserving treatment - lack of understanding despite great desire
  • Mammary gland at different periods of a woman
  • Benign breast diseases: can active tactics be the best prevention?
  • Drug therapy for breast cancer: options and for how long?
  • Locally advanced tumor processes and relapses. Modern possibilities of chemotherapy and surgery
  • Cancer and pregnancy: non-overlapping parallels
  • Reproductive function after cancer treatment: when, in whom and how?
  • Pediatric oncogynecology. Germ cell tumors in girls

On February 14-16, 2018, the II National Scientific and Educational Congress “Oncological problems from menarche to postmenopause” will be held in Moscow. The event was organized with the active participation of the Federal State Budgetary Institution National Medical Research Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology named after. V.I. Kulakova" of the Ministry of Health of Russia and the Russian Society of Specialists in the Prevention and Treatment of Tumors of the Reproductive System (ROSORS).

The main task of ROSORS is to attract the attention of the entire medical community, healthcare organizers, manufacturers of medicines and equipment and, of course, the general public to the problems of identifying and treating cancer of the reproductive system. The regular National Scientific and Educational Congress “Oncological problems from menarche to postmenopause” is one of the main key platforms for professional interaction between doctors in a given direction. The Congress is a large-scale event designed to consolidate specialists from around the world to find ways to solve a wide range of pressing problems in the field of gynecological oncology.

The annual meetings of specialists at the Congress “Oncological problems from menarche to postmenopause” under the flag of ROSORS pursue two important goals - popularization of modern achievements of fundamental and clinical medicine of pre-tumor and tumor diseases of the reproductive system, the formation of multi-center research, including various regions of Russia in the problem of prevention and early diagnosis and effective treatment of malignant tumors in women. Particular attention will be paid to the problem of the growth of oncological processes in young people, as well as to the increasing frequency of observations of cancer and pregnancy. In this topic, issues of not only organ-preserving therapy will be discussed, but also modern reproductive technologies that provide the possibility of motherhood with locally advanced tumor processes. A number of leading specialists from clinics in Western and Eastern Europe have been invited to the Congress.

Based on a number of decisions of Congress, subsequent efforts will be made to implement systemic implementation within the national health care system. Thus, the joint work of participants in the II National Scientific and Educational Congress “Oncological problems from menarche to postmenopause” will make it possible to take a qualitative step towards preserving women’s health and reducing morbidity and mortality from cancer.

Participation in the Congress is free for doctors; registration on the website is required.

Key topics:

  • Trends in the incidence of precancer and cancer of tumors of the female reproductive system over the past 20 years
  • Epigenetics in gynecology and gynecological oncology - applied aspects
  • Is modern prevention in oncology capable of becoming part of a national program (vaccination, secondary prevention, tertiary prevention)
  • Economic benefits of prevention and early diagnosis
  • Screening in gynecological oncology, which is carried out by an obstetrician-gynecologist
  • Modern ultrasound diagnostics in gynecology and oncogynecology
  • Modern endoscopic diagnosis and therapy in gynecology and gynecological oncology
  • Nuclear medicine in clarifying diagnosis and monitoring of cancer of the reproductive system
  • Early cervical cancer. Principles of organ-conserving treatment - a wide range of possibilities or lack of a single view
  • Early endometrial cancer. Organ-conserving treatment: who, when and how?
  • Early ovarian cancer. The concept and possibilities of organ-preserving treatment - lack of understanding despite great desire
  • Mammary gland at different periods of a woman
  • Benign breast diseases: can active tactics be the best prevention?
  • Drug therapy for breast cancer: options and for how long?
  • Locally advanced tumor processes and relapses. Modern possibilities of chemotherapy and surgery
  • Cancer and pregnancy: non-overlapping parallels
  • Reproductive function after cancer treatment: when, in whom and how?
  • Pediatric oncogynecology. Germ cell tumors in girls

You can find out more detailed information and register on the website:www.onco-gyn.ru

Location: Moscow, Radisson Slavyanskaya hotel and business center, Europe Square, 2

On February 12-14, 2019, Moscow will host III National Scientific and Educational Congress “Oncological problems from menarche to postmenopause”, which is dedicated to the memory of Academician A.F. Tsyba. The interaction of obstetricians-gynecologists, mammologists and oncologists at different stages, from diagnosis to rehabilitation, will be discussed. On February 11, there will be a precourse on benign pathology of the breast and cervix.

Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the world. Every year the disease is rapidly becoming “younger”, which causes alarm to be sounded among specialists. On May 7, 2018, President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin signed a decree outlining the priority directions for the country’s development for the near future, until 2024. Attention is largely focused on medicine, in particular on the National Program to Combat Cancer. That is why there is now an active unification of doctors of all specialties for one goal - the fight against oncology.

Over the past year, according to Rosstat, the mortality rate has increased in 30 out of 85 regions of Russia. The main reason is the detection of the disease at a late stage, when cure is no longer possible. Almost a fifth of patients die within a year from the moment the disease is discovered. The III National Scientific and Educational Congress “Oncological problems from menarche to postmenopause” will become a platform where specialists in the field of oncology, gynecology, mammology, radiation diagnostics and therapy will join forces in order not only to discuss pressing issues in the industry, but also to find specific solutions for a number of questions.

This year the Congress will be held in a new format. The program will be divided by specialty. A separate room will be allocated for each issue. This division will allow each participant to continuously gain knowledge during the event. Key topics covered a wide range of industry issues. An interdisciplinary approach will be taken to address a number of issues. During the discussion, it is planned to discuss methodological recommendations for obstetricians and gynecologists on the prevention of cancer of the reproductive organs, and to develop unified approaches to the treatment of precancerous pathology.

The scientific program has been supplemented with new topics on late stages of cancer. Also, Congress participants will be presented with the areas of responsibility of obstetricians and gynecologists in the implementation of the National Program “Oncology-2024”.

Participation in the Congress is free for doctors; registration on the website is required.

The first national scientific and educational congress “Oncological problems from menarche to postmenopause” will be held in Moscow on February 13–15, 2017. It will bring together gynecologists, gynecological oncologists, mammologists, oncologic mammologists and other specialists interested in studying and combating female oncological diseases.

The problem of malignant tumors of the reproductive organs over the past two decades has acquired particular significance not only due to the intensive increase in morbidity, but also, to a greater extent, due to the increase in mortality, especially one-year mortality. The situation is further aggravated by a clear trend towards younger morbidity, which increases the proportion of reproductive losses. They reflect not only mortality, but also consist of the number of patients who underwent radical mutilating treatment options. It should also be recognized that in modern oncology the problem of pregnancy and cancer increases its relevance every year, and the frequency of such a combination reaches 4–5%.

The event will discuss different opinions on the most pressing issues of interaction between doctors. Among the participants of the congress are representatives of 4–5 different schools, which will allow us to approach the problem comprehensively. During the discussion, unified approaches to the treatment of female oncology will be developed. All congress participants will have the opportunity to undergo preventive examination (ultrasound, cervical cytology, mammography).

Location: Moscow, Radisson Slavyanskaya hotel, pl. Europe, no. 2.

Contacts: [email protected].

Date of: 13.02.2017 - 15.02.2017

Location: Moscow

Directions: Oncology

On February 13-15, 2017, the 1st National Scientific and Educational Congress “Oncological problems from menarche to postmenopause” will be held in Moscow. Women's health problems are extremely relevant within the framework of national health care objectives. Solving them requires the work of highly educated professionals throughout the country. However, until today, no single platform has been created for interaction between doctors of several professions on issues of female oncology. The I National Scientific and Educational Congress is intended to talk about various aspects of gynecological oncology and become the first unique event for discussion between oncologists, gynecologists and mammologists.

The co-chairs of the I National Scientific and Educational Congress will be outstanding industry experts: M.I. Davydov, G.T. Sukhikh, V.A. Solodkiy, A.M. Belyaev, A.D. Kaprin.

The congress program includes lectures, seminars, symposiums, and discussions, during which different, including opposing, opinions on the most pressing issues of interaction between doctors will be considered. Representatives of various schools will take part in the Congress, which will allow us to approach the problem comprehensively and see new ideas for scientific research.

Conferences and congresses always provide impetus for new research,- noted Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Research Department of Early Carcinogenesis, Prevention, Diagnosis and Complex Treatment of Oncological Diseases of the Female Reproductive Organs of the Federal State Budgetary Institution Russian Scientific Center of X-ray Radiology of the Ministry of Health of Russia Lev Ashrafyan. Such events clearly show new interesting problems, which ultimately become the subject of scientific research and study. The development of the industry depends on how young scientists perceive the issues that arise at the Congress and how they will solve them in the future. And this, in turn, will affect the health and quality of life of patients.

The problem of malignant tumors of the reproductive organs has acquired particular significance over the past two decades and has become extremely relevant within the framework of national health care tasks.

The consolidated work of many specialists is exactly the option that will lead us to success,- noted the director of the Federal State Budgetary Institution Russian Oncological Research Center named after. N.N. Blokhin of the Russian Ministry of Health,Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Mikhail Davydov. I am confident that the Congress in Moscow will become a significant milestone for many Russian doctors on the noble path of comprehensive study of the problems of female oncology, which will certainly have a positive impact on the preservation of the reproductive health of the nation.

Participants in the Congress will be representatives of various institutions, in particular, the largest Scientific Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology named after V.I. Kulakov of the Ministry of Health of Russia, the Russian Oncological Research Center named after. N. N. Blokhin, Moscow Research Oncological Institute named after P. A. Herzen, Institute of Radiology and other great national centers.

Key speakers of the event will be: Davydov M.I., Sukhikh G.T., Ashrafyan L.A., prof. Sonya Anderson, prof. Miriam Mintz, prof. Dov Feldberg, Abubakirov A.N., Adamyan L.V., Andreeva E.N., Ailamazyan E.K., Krasnopolsky V.I., Serov V.N., Frank G.A., Konoplyannikov A.G. , Bershtein L.M., Davydov M.I., Chissov V.I., Solodkiy V.A., Belyaev A.M., Kaprin A.D. and others

Today, gynecological oncology is a strategically significant, multidisciplinary section, which is a platform for the development of high technologies in medicine.

For the first time, we will try to connect two huge communities, where the widest range of oncological problems will be considered, focused on human reproduction,- noted the director of the Federal State Budgetary Institution NCAG and P named after. Academician V.I. Kulakova Ministry of Health of Russia, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Gennady Sukhikh. We're going to discuss the burning issues that are bursting through our doors. We must not only talk about cancer in women, but also shout about it; this is the only way we will achieve a positive result.

During the Congress, unified approaches to the treatment of oncology in women will be developed, which will be reflected in clinical recommendations based on the results of the event. Also within the framework of the Congress there will be an exhibition at which the latest developments, drugs and equipment will be presented. All Congress participants will have the opportunity to undergo preventive examination (ultrasound, cervical cytology, mammography).

Location: Moscow, Radisson Slavyanskaya hotel, Europe Square, 2. Congress website: www.onco-gyn.ru

Organizers: Federal State Budgetary Institution "Scientific Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology named after Academician V.I. Kulakov" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Federal State Budgetary Institution "Russian Oncological Scientific Center named after N.N. Blokhin" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Federal State Budgetary Institution "Research Institute of Oncology named after N.N. Petrov" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Association of Oncologists of Russia, MOO "Society of Oncologist Specialists in Tumors of the Reproductive System Organs", Russian Society of Gynecological Oncologists (RSGO), Russian Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ROAG), Federal State Budgetary Institution "Russian Scientific Center of X-Ray Radiology" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation , Federal State Budgetary Institution "National Medical Research Radiological Center" of the Russian Ministry of Health.

Supported by: Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.