What are the reasons why the face sweats in women? What to do with the appearance of profuse sweating in the head and face? Nervous system diseases

In the heat, streams of sweat run down your face, and your head suddenly gets wet. This is a common phenomenon inherent in every person. However, if increased sweating is associated not only with heat, then this is evidence of pathology in the functions of internal organs. ​

Thermoregulation in the human body depends on various reasons, therefore all kinds of disorders provoke excess sweat, and women sweat heavily on the head and face, as a consequence of the development of hyperhidrosis.

Increased sweating of the face and head is a serious problem for women, both in appearance and in the psycho-emotional state. Hair that quickly becomes dirty and drips of decorative cosmetics causes deep psychological distress in a woman.

Hyperhidrosis is a dysfunction of the sweat secretion system. This is common among people of all ages. Under normal conditions, sweat production occurs from high temperature, high humidity, and stuffy indoor air. People also sweat during high physical activity.

Sweating of the head alone is local hyperhidrosis, it indicates the presence of pathological processes in the body.

Why does increased sweating develop?

In some women, excessive sweating began in early childhood, and accompanies them throughout their lives, demonstrating excessive activity of the glands responsible for the secretion of sweat on the head. Sometimes increased sweating is normal, but how much trouble is caused by the constant flow of sweat across the face and neck. Girls often wash their hair and choose special cosmetics that are resistant to moisture.

However, if women have experienced severe sweating of the head and face since childhood, then this can be taken as normal. If excessive sweating appears unexpectedly and for no apparent reason, then you should seriously think about it, even going so far as to contact your local physician.

Hyperhidrosis is a consequence of metabolic disorders. The causes of sweating vary.

The most common reasons:

  • emotional overstrain. What to do to not be nervous when speaking in public
  • communication with management, this is decided by the woman herself. Trainings and indoctrination sessions are conducted. If a woman cannot cope with the tension of emotions in the usual ways, then hyperhidrosis becomes a consequence of a depressive state and frequent stress;
  • overweight, diabetes. Women with excess weight and diabetes mellitus sweat the most;
  • infections in the body. The acute course of an infectious disease is accompanied by increased sweating due to high temperature. Here, sweat is a natural temperature regulator;
  • oncological pathologies. Increased sweating is one of the symptoms of the appearance of a neoplasm.

What to do if you want to use cosmetics, but the sweating of your face does not allow it. The pursuit of beauty brings women to health risks. Why apply foundation and powder to your face if it all drains from the skin along with sweat in unpleasant streaks.

Many women go without a hat all winter, in any frost, in any weather. For the head it is always stress and hypothermia. Increased activity of the sweat glands on the scalp is a reaction to stress.

    Do you sweat often?

Diagnosis of local hyperhidrosis

It is not difficult for the therapist to diagnose hyperhidrosis - severe sweating of the head and face observed in a woman. For this purpose, laboratory and instrumental examinations are carried out.

Types of diagnostics:

  • anamnesis is collected;
  • a physical examination is performed;
  • it is necessary to undergo a gynecologist;
  • blood and urine tests are taken;
  • An ultrasound scan of the thyroid gland and pelvic organs is performed;
  • You definitely need to do a chest x-ray.

If serious pathologies are detected, the doctor prescribes a CT or MRI, if appropriate, to clarify the diagnosis. As a rule, checking your blood composition and monitoring your blood pressure is sufficient. Based on the results of the examination, treatment is prescribed.

Therapeutic measures

Hyperhidrosis usually responds to conservative treatment methods - taking vitamins, changing diet and lifestyle.

Treatment according to the detected causes:

  • for nervous disorders, sedatives are prescribed;
  • in case of endocrine disorders, hormone therapy is prescribed with constant monitoring of T3, T4 levels;
  • Infectious diseases are treated with immunostimulants.

Modern treatment with botulinum toxin is considered a conservative method. It is carried out on the recommendation of a cosmetologist and consists of a subcutaneous local injection of Botox or Dysport. Injections are given once a month. Treatment by a cosmetologist for women with symptoms of severe sweating of the head and face usually has positive results.

Surgical treatment is used when the question is “What to do” and there is no effect from conservative treatment.

Manipulations used:

  • thorascopic sympathectomy. It is an abdominal operation during which the surgeon compresses the nerve nodes. This operation has contraindications due to its high invasiveness and long rehabilitation;
  • endoscopic sympathectomy. The essence of the operation is the same: the surgeon pinches the nerve endings, which inhibits the work of the sweat glands.

These methods are used in cases of genetic pathology, they stop sweating forever, and the question “What to do with this sweating” is closed forever. But there is an aesthetic drawback - scars remain.

Women often experience increased sweating of the face and scalp. Running cosmetics, an unattractive complexion, and greasy locks are a source of psychological problems and complexes.

Therefore, it is important to understand the reasons why a woman’s face and head sweat a lot.

Letters from our readers

Subject: I got rid of hyperhidrosis!

To: Site Administration


I have recovered from excessive sweating. I tried powders, Formagel, Teymurov ointment - nothing helped.

Excess sweat on the face of women is considered normal if it results from:

  • staying in a stuffy room;
  • taking antipyretic medications;

If excessive sweating causes trouble and inconvenience in other cases, then we are talking about an illness.

Types of hyperhidrosis

Primary and secondary hyperhidrosis are divided into:

  • Primary hyperhidrosis. Characterized by localization in a specific area of ​​the body. Generated by genetic predisposition. Does not pose a serious danger to human life. It is only a cause of discomfort, especially when the head and face of women sweat. Excessive sweating accompanies puberty and reaches its climax by age 22.
  • Secondary hyperhidrosis. It is a side symptom of the disease, dysfunction of internal organs.

Endocrine pathologies

The functioning of the pituitary gland is directly related to the activity of the systems and organs of the body.

The slightest problems in the hormonal production of the thyroid gland cause the occurrence of hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism.

Anomalies establish a wide range of reasons why a woman’s face sweats a lot:

  • long-term treatment with hormones;
  • diffuse toxic goiter;
  • pituitary tumor;
  • accumulated excess iodine.

Properly prescribed therapy relieves both increased sweating and lethargy, headaches, nausea, etc.

Nervous system disorders

The psycho-emotional state affects the functioning of the sweat glands. For the most part, shy and psychologically stressed women in difficult situations sweat heavily on the head and face, and the reasons for this are... Psychological discomfort provokes various phobias, mental disorders, and susceptibility to panic disorders.

In such circumstances, it is necessary to seek special medical help, otherwise there is a risk of worsening psychological instability.

Hormonal imbalances

If women's face and neck sweat, the reasons are associated with hormonal changes.

The female body undergoes changes in the following cases:

  • menopause;
  • menstruation;

The human epidermis reacts instantly to physiological changes that occur in the body and indicates the presence of pathology. Heart and vascular diseases, among other things, hypertension should not be ruled out.

Women's face and head sweat very much, there is noise in the ears, the contraction of the heart muscle increases, there is not enough air - the reason lies in rapid changes in blood pressure. To avoid a hypertensive crisis and health-threatening consequences, it is important to stop the attack in a timely manner.


Problems in the activity of the sweat glands are observed in people who suffer. Often foods activate sweating.

The reasons for increased facial sweating in obese women include:

  • metabolic disease;
  • physical inactivity.

The energy supplied with food is not completely spent, and its excess is converted into fat deposits. Thanks to sweating, the body is freed from excess salt, liquid, and urea. However, if you have extra pounds, these components gradually accumulate.

Stabilization of sweating is possible by following the rules of hygiene, dietary nutrition, and an active lifestyle.


The reasons why a woman’s face sweats a lot can be insidious. Increased sweating sometimes marks the initial period of development of a malignant tumor.


In case of viral, fungal and bacterial diseases, harmful microflora is responsible for the overactivity of the sebaceous glands and is the cause of severe sweating of the face and head in women.

The penetration of toxins into the body is accompanied by allergies.

Manifestations of the reaction:

  • rashes;
  • sweating.

Cleansing and removing toxic substances from within explains the reason why a woman's face sweats a lot.

What to do to determine the reasons if women's head and face sweat. Exit - . Diagnosing local hyperhidrosis is not difficult.

To clarify the diagnosis, they usually do:

To effectively treat sweating at home, experts advise Dry Control. This is a unique tool:

  • Normalizes psycho-emotional state
  • Stabilizes sweating
  • Completely suppresses unpleasant odor
  • Eliminates causes of excessive sweating
  • Suitable for adults and children
  • Has no contraindications
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  • familiarization with the patient's complaints;
  • urine and blood tests;
  • Ultrasound of the thyroid gland;
  • chest fluorography;
  • magnetic resonance or computed tomography.

If necessary, consultations with narrow specialists are prescribed:

  • gynecologist;
  • endocrinologist;
  • pulmonologist;
  • oncologist;
  • dermatologist.

The treatment strategy for facial sweating in women and its causes is selected based on the diagnostic results. In the absence of pathologies, the root cause of sweating is eliminated. In the presence of concomitant ailments, complex therapy is prescribed.

To combat the causes of severe facial sweating in women, both recipes are suitable. The main thing is to use them in consultation with your doctor.

To get rid of increased sweating use:

  • ointments for external use: , ;
  • anticholinergic drugs;
  • medications to reduce sweating: Oxybutin and Benzotropin;
  • sedative medications: Bellataminal, Bellaspon, Belloid;
  • sedatives: valerian, motherwort, Persen.

She will advise what to do in a problematic situation, if women’s face and head sweat a lot. Allows you to reduce anxiety and control emotions:

  • hypnosis;
  • positive mood;
  • yoga.

He is in a hurry to help and will tell you how to deal with the reasons why a woman’s face is sweating.

Productivity with hyperhidrosis differs:

  • salt-pine baths;
  • hydrotherapy;
  • climatotherapy.

When ointments and creams become powerless in the fight against excessive facial sweating, doctors can offer.

The technique is characterized by effectiveness, but the operation must be repeated after 6-8 months. Reviews from patients will recommend what to do when your face sweats a lot.

Many ladies claim that after Botox injections they said goodbye to trickles of water and are busy organizing their own lives.

Helpful if your head and face are sweating.

Benefits of folk remedies therapy:

  • availability;
  • reasonable cost;
  • independent use at home.

Herbal baths

Infusions and decoctions of medicinal herbs are introduced that benefit the epidermis: chamomile, string, thyme, as well as

Some women face this problem: their face sweats a lot. It is especially pronounced in overweight ladies and in the summer heat. The reasons for this phenomenon can be either completely natural or associated with certain diseases.

In order to find out where the norm ends, it is necessary to analyze this problem in more detail.

Causes of increased sweating

Experts call increased sweating hyperhidrosis. It occurs almost equally in both women and men. At the same time, provoking factors may also be similar, but, nevertheless, the female body still has its own characteristics. You can highlight the normal phenomena of sweating. In this case, the head sweats for completely natural reasons. These may be emotional experiences, stress, high ambient temperature, physical activity, and the like.

However, there are times when the face becomes covered in perspiration for no apparent reason. In that case the question "why is this happening" is completely natural. Sometimes hyperhidrosis is temporary and does not pose any danger or warning. However, the older a woman is, the more reasons for concern she has.

If a woman’s head and face sweat, this may be a sign of the following disorders in the body:

  • secondary hyperhidrosis;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • obesity;
  • high blood pressure;
  • neurotic disorders;
  • reaction to cosmetics;
  • interaction of the body with drugs;
  • consequences of poor nutrition.

The exact cause of such a reaction of the body can only be determined on the basis of thorough research in a medical institution. Other factors can also trigger hyperhidrosis. Some of them require urgent treatment, while others cannot be eliminated.

Primary and secondary hyperhidrosis

To understand why exactly the face and head sweat, we should consider in more detail the concepts of primary and secondary hyperhidrosis. They have cardinal differences.

Primary hyperhidrosis is a natural reaction of the body to some external factors. For example, this is the response to an increase in the maximum temperature limit. This can occur in hot weather, when being near a fire or heating appliances, wearing warm clothes, etc. Also, perspiration covers the face of a sick person during a fever attack.

In addition, this also includes facial hyperhidrosis. It is associated with emotional experiences. This happens when a person is worried or feels embarrassed. The head may also sweat when eating spicy foods and hot dishes. This is especially noticeable in the summer, when a person drinks hot tea or coffee.

The primary category also includes cranial hyperhidrosis, which causes discomfort due to an unpleasant odor. Dysfunction of the sweat glands can occur independently or be provoked by outside interventions.

As for secondary hyperhidrosis, this is the body's reaction to the disease. In other words, this is a symptom indicating that dangerous changes have occurred in the body. So, it may be a sign of a disorder of the autonomic system.

First of all, this is Parkinson's disease, so if you notice similar symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor. Problems with the thyroid gland are also possible.

But chronic dermatosis is characterized by local sweating. The nasal area is mainly affected. Also with this disease, redness of the skin with the formation of pinkish papules may be observed. If the area of ​​the temples and ears becomes wet, then most likely the patient has had experience of mumps or surgery involving the salivary glands.


After 45 years, the reason why a woman’s face begins to sweat a lot can be menopause. The onset of this period is determined by hormonal changes in the body. It is essentially useless to do anything in this case. However, you can make you feel better with the help of medications, in particular, phytoestrogens and folk remedies with similar effects.

If head fogging causes too much inconvenience, then you need to take hormone tests and consult a doctor to draw up an optimal treatment program. If other symptoms appear, such as dizziness or bleeding, a visit to a medical facility becomes mandatory.


Hyperhidrosis can be caused by problems with blood pressure. Basically we are talking about hypertension, that is, its increase above normal. In women, this problem most often occurs after 35 years.

The development of the disease can be accelerated by poor diet and unhealthy lifestyle, as well as frequent stress. In particular, drinking strong coffee, chocolate and spicy foods increases blood pressure, and at the same time additionally heats up the body, which only aggravates the problem.

The following symptoms are also observed with hypertension:

  • noise in ears;
  • headaches often;
  • dizziness;
  • tapping and pulsation in the temples;
  • redness of the face, sometimes in the form of spots;
  • numbness of the limbs.

To treat hypertension, special medications are used to lower blood pressure. It is also necessary to adjust your diet, namely to exclude those foods that provoke pressure surges.

It is necessary to observe a rest regime and not overload your body. Regular measurements of indicators allow you to monitor a person’s condition. If your face begins to sweat a lot and the numbers reach a critical level, call an ambulance, as this may be a sign of a stroke or heart attack.

The problem of excess weight

Not only for women, but also for men, the problem of excess weight is very, very relevant. Some ladies struggle intensely with it, while others prefer not to notice or have simply lost hope of changing anything. Fat deposits, especially visceral ones, have a negative impact on the entire body and shorten life expectancy. This is why it is important to prevent the development of obesity.

If you are overweight, there is a colossal overload on the body. It is very difficult to maintain such a weight. In parallel, diseases of the cardiovascular system and musculoskeletal system can develop. Any active body movements are difficult, which causes sweating even during normal walking.

Over time, pathologies in the functioning of the sweat glands may occur. This is one of the reasons why ladies in the body constantly sweat on their faces. Also most often affected are the scalp, neck and collar area.

To solve the problem, you need to get rid of extra pounds. To do this, you need to follow a diet that is based on the principles of healthy eating. It is also important to constantly do morning exercises and moderate exercise. A combination of cardio and strength training is ideal for weight loss. If you follow these rules, the problem of excess weight will gradually be solved, therefore, hyperhidrosis will no longer bother you.

What to do if your face and head sweat a lot for unknown reasons? There are a number of useful recommendations that can help you avoid awkward situations in society and alleviate the manifestation of this deficiency, regardless of what reasons provoked it.

Besides the armpits, back and legs, some people's faces are also prone to sweating a lot. For many, and especially naturally for women, this situation causes great embarrassment and extreme inconvenience.

In medicine, excessive sweating is called hyperhidrosis. And the reasons for its detection are different. In addition to the fact that this condition is caused by too high an ambient temperature, it can be caused by Parkinson's disease, heart disease, thyroid disease, excess weight, etc. Also, severe sweating of the face can be accompanied by great emotional stress.

Don't worry too much about the causes of sweat. However, the most common causes are high physical activity and high air temperature.

What to do if your face sweats a lot

The following rules will help you prevent excessive sweating on your face:
1. Avoiding tea, coffee and other drinks containing caffeine is one of the best ways to prevent and combat heavy sweating, since these drinks act as stimulants. Try drinking soothing herbal teas or choosing caffeine-free drinks such as decaf coffee or green tea. Also avoid drinking alcohol.

2. Review your diet towards reducing fat intake. Replace animal fats in your diet with olive oil. Moreover, such a diet will help reduce blood pressure and cholesterol levels in the blood. Also, limit your intake of foods such as onions and garlic, as they create large heat stores in the body and are often the cause of strong body odor. If you are prone to excessive sweating due to emotional reasons, consume more calcium-rich foods such as milk, yogurt, cheese, because this element helps the body cope with anxiety and stress.

3. Reduce your weight, as being overweight or obese contributes to excessive sweating.

4. Drink more water throughout the day. This dissipates heat and lowers body temperature.

5. Avoid wearing clothes made of heavy and dark materials in hot weather. Your body must constantly breathe.

6. Good results for the problem of excessive sweating are shown by the acupuncture procedure. Due to it, the work of nerve endings is regulated. Often, such procedures are carried out in conjunction with herbal medicine sessions.

Home remedies for excessive sweating of the face

Try the following tips and recipes while at home:

1. To regulate sweating, consume two teaspoons of organic apple cider vinegar mixed with the same amount of honey every day. Eat this mixture three times a day half an hour before meals. In addition, this recipe will help you lose excess weight.

2. Use a cotton swab dipped in witch hazel tincture (extract or oil) to wipe your face before going outside. Witch hazel has astringent properties and acts as a natural antiperspirant. However, avoid frequent use of this product as it can be very drying to the skin.

3. Aloe vera juice has a soothing and cooling effect on your skin. In addition, it regulates excessive sweating caused by high air temperatures. Once you apply it to your face, you won't have to worry about sweating for the next few hours. If you don’t have juice on hand, you can use a gel based on it, after diluting it with water.

4. Sage tea contains high levels of tannic acid, which has a natural astringent effect. So, drink two cups of this tea a day for a week to see noticeable results on your face. To prepare the drink, brew one teaspoon of dry or two teaspoons of fresh sage leaves in a glass of boiling water for 10 minutes. In addition, this tea can be used as a facial wash.

Interesting video about facial hyperhidrosis and its treatment

Increased sweating can be observed on any part of the human body or be generalized. This problem can develop for various reasons. Sometimes it is a sign of a dangerous disease, as a result of which doctors warn that excessive sweating should not be left without diagnosis and treatment.

Physiological reasons

A separate category of hyperhidrosis is a condition during which a woman or man's head sweats heavily. In this position, the sweat glands actively work, producing excessive sweat.

Before finding out why such a disease occurs in an adult or child, it should be noted that hyperhidrosis can be primary and secondary.

The primary form of hyperhidrosis is considered normal. It occurs at the age of 14-15 and reaches its maximum by the age of 21.

Secondary hyperhidrosis is a sign of a serious illness. In this condition, a person may experience severe sweating of the head both during the day and at night while sleeping.

Physiological reasons for this condition may be:

  • Increased air temperature, at which all people sweat.
  • Poor quality synthetic bedding.
  • Excess weight (all obese people are prone to increased sweating).
  • Drinking large amounts of alcoholic beverages.
  • Insufficient personal hygiene.
  • Treatment with certain drugs.
  • Physical activity that increases your heart rate. Because of this, systems in the body that are responsible for thermoregulation are “connected.”
  • Using synthetic clothing that does not allow air to pass through, creating conditions for sweating.

These factors can be eliminated, thereby relieving a person of increased sweat production.

Pathological causes

Sometimes the head sweats a lot with developing diseases. In this case, you need to carefully “listen” to yourself and be sure to visit a doctor. It is best to start an examination and consultation with a therapist.

Increased sweating may be a sign of metabolic disorders, developing hypertension, diabetes, thyroid diseases (in the latter case, the drug Thyreotom is often prescribed).

Moreover, this symptom is observed in acute respiratory viral infections, cancer, nervous disorders, and tuberculosis.

It should be noted that very often resentment, stress, depression or bad mood affect night sweats, since the psychological state is directly reflected in the general health of a person.

In addition to this symptom, the patient may also have a rapid heartbeat, a feeling of lack of air, headache, and high blood pressure.


With increased activity of the sweat glands, a person experiences profuse sweat production. Sometimes it is so pronounced that the patient notices drops of water on his forehead and his hair becomes wet.

Hot flashes and discomfort often occur.

If sweating was caused by a disease, then the person may experience associated symptoms.


If a specific cause of increased sweating is identified, the patient should undergo a comprehensive examination. Traditionally, a general blood and urine test, an ultrasound of the thyroid gland, an X-ray of the lungs, and a CT scan if necessary are prescribed.

The patient should also undergo a consultation with a neurologist, therapist, oncologist, cardiologist, and infectious disease specialist.

Correction of the regime for hyperhidrosis of the head

To get rid of such hyperhidrosis, experts advise following the following tips:

  • Eliminate sources of stress. You can't be nervous in this state. A depressed mood is also unacceptable.
  • Become at least 8 hours a day.
  • Avoid physical overexertion.
  • Stick to a healthy diet.
  • Wash your hair more often with natural shampoos.
  • Be physically active.
  • Wash with cold water.
  • Drink soothing herbal infusions (only with your doctor’s permission).
  • Ventilate the room before going to bed.
  • Use natural cotton clothes.
  • Use a pillow made of artificial filler.

If sweating is accompanied by poor sleep, then in the evening it is advisable to take long walks in the fresh air. You can also watch light, relaxing films and listen to calm music.


Very often, severe sweating of the head is caused by poor nutrition. In such a condition, a person needs to enrich his menu with B vitamins. To do this, add nuts, yolks, liver, legumes, lean fish and dried fruits to the diet.

It is better to completely avoid alcohol, spicy foods, and fatty foods.

Hyperhidrosis of the head and face: treatment, features of conservative and alternative therapy

Treatment for sweating is selected by the doctor depending on the cause of the disease. If this condition was caused by a specific disease, then appropriate drug treatment is prescribed.

Primary hyperhidrosis is usually treated with drugs that block the sweat glands (Glycopyrrolate, Oxybutynin).

If sweating is caused by nervous overstrain, the person is prescribed sedatives. B vitamins are also required.

Using Botox

Hyperhidrosis of the face and head, the treatment of which is determined by the root cause of the disease, can also be eliminated with the help of Botox. This method is used only when other methods of therapy have not had the desired effect.

Botox is injected into a person's skin, blocking nerve impulses from the sweat glands. The effect of this procedure lasts for 6 months.

Before eliminating sweating with Botox, you should remember that it has many contraindications, which can only aggravate the course of the disease.


Treatment of hyperhidrosis of the head and face with surgery is carried out in advanced cases. This usually involves an operation called sympectomy. During it, a person undergoes intersection of the nerves that respond to the functions of sweating.

The effectiveness of the technique is high, because the nerve is completely cut, however, due to the high risk of complications, this operation should be practiced only in extreme cases.


Folk remedies help very well to get rid of excessive sweating. To do this, you can use the following recipes:

  • Pour 2 green tea bags into 1 liter of boiling water. Rinse your hair with warm infusion.
  • Take a spoonful of oak, rowan and sage bark. Pour the mixture with 0.5 liters of boiling water. Let it sit and then use it to rinse your hair.
  • Mix honey with apple cider vinegar. Drink a teaspoon before meals.
  • Squeeze the juice from aloe and wipe your face with it.

Hyperhidrosis of the head and face, the treatment of which is usually long-term, can be completely eliminated. To do this, you should take a serious approach to diagnosis and selection of therapy.