How many days should you drink milk thistle oil? Milk thistle oil – beneficial properties and contraindications. Indications for use of milk thistle oil in capsule form

It is known that milk thistle is a thorny plant with purple flowers, popularly known as thistle. Its composition includes big set vitamins and microelements. Made from the plant medicinal oil using milk thistle meal. This extract has been used in medicine since ancient times, and is now an integral element of traditional healing. Doctors advise adding milk thistle oil to food, the benefits and harms of which have long been studied. This eliminates the risk of side effects.

Composition and beneficial properties

Milk thistle oil is a dietary supplement that helps maintain immune system, nourish the body with vitamins. The secret of the healing properties of thistle is in its composition. A set of vitamins such as A, B, E, D, and F maintain healthy skin, hair and improve the functioning of vital organs (heart, liver, gall bladder). Chlorophyll, found in milk thistle, saturates the blood with oxygen and strengthens cells. Iron, zinc, potassium, magnesium – necessary for the body minerals that protect cardiovascular system.

How to take milk thistle oil in capsule and liquid form

Found thistle extract wide application in medicine, cosmetology, gynecology, dietary nutrition. Use oil medicinal milk thistle, the benefits and harms of which are similar to other plants, both externally (sold in bottles) and internally - in the form of capsules. This unique remedy easy to combine with various drugs in the treatment of the liver, and it is also mixed with shampoo to improve the condition of the hair. One hundred grams of milk thistle oil contains 889 kcal (proteins and carbohydrates - 0 g, fat - 98 g).

In medicine

Thistle extract is an auxiliary remedy in a person’s fight against drug or alcohol addiction. In case of poisoning, oil in capsules easily removes poisons from the body and helps to recover after chemotherapy. Milk thistle oil is often used in the medical field in the treatment/prevention of various diseases:

  • hepatitis A;
  • cirrhosis;
  • diseases of the stomach and colon;
  • tuberculosis.

For the liver

For diseases associated with the liver, milk thistle oil is taken in combination with other medications to protect and restore vital cells important body. Thistle extract contains a rare component, silymarin, a biologically active substance. This component becomes a kind of shield for the liver microflora: it repels toxins and serves as a material that activates the growth of new cells. Milk thistle oil is harmless in combination with other medications, but the dosage is prescribed by your doctor.

For diabetes

Used in the treatment of diabetes drug therapy, combining with additional way fight the disease - milk thistle extract. This remedy is consumed in the form of oil, tablets, teas, seed decoctions and meal. For diabetes, doctors advise taking the medicine orally three times a day. A decoction of thistle meal, which you can prepare yourself, will also be effective:

  1. Take 30 g of meal powder.
  2. Mix with half a liter boiled water.
  3. Reheat for 15 minutes.
  4. Strain the broth with gauze.
  5. Take one tbsp. l. an hour after eating.

In cosmetology

Due to its healing and rejuvenating effect, milk thistle oil is often used in the field of cosmetology. The extract can improve complexion, moisturize the skin, heal minor wounds, smooth out wrinkles, and increase the protective functions of the skin. Milk thistle oil is often used in the form of shampoos, tonics, lotions, and creams. Thistle-based product has a good effect on the health of hair and facial skin.

For hair

Cosmetologists advise using milk thistle oil for hair, mixing the extract with shampoo or conditioner in a ratio of one to ten. The resulting mixture should be rubbed lightly into the scalp, wait 10 minutes and rinse. warm water. This procedure helps strengthen the curls, give them shine and promote their growth. Lotions are made from milk thistle oil at home. To do this you need:

  1. Mix the extract with grape, peach or tea tree in a 1:1 ratio.
  2. Heat the mixture in a water bath.
  3. Apply evenly over the entire length to the roots/curls.
  4. After half an hour, rinse thoroughly.

For facial skin

Human skin is very sensitive to weather conditions and temperature changes. To maintain facial beauty, cosmetologists advise applying milk thistle oil masks at night. This winter cosmetic procedure will help protect the skin from frost and cool wind, and in the summer - from the hot rays of the sun and high humidity. Mask recipe:

  1. Mix thistle oil with tea tree ether (ratio 6:1).
  2. Add a teaspoon of olive oil.
  3. Heat in a water bath.
  4. Apply to face with light massaging movements.
  5. After half an hour, remove any unabsorbed product with a paper towel.

For weight loss

Milk thistle oil is no less often used in the field of nutrition. The use of capsules or decoctions of thistle has positive action on the organs of the excretory system, the disruption of which leads to excess weight. The product quickly removes toxins and waste that lead to obesity. We must not forget that milk thistle oil is an additional element in the complex of combating metabolic disorders.

During pregnancy

Milk thistle during pregnancy is used only as prescribed by a doctor. The oil is used for the treatment and prevention of certain diseases, helps replenish the lack of vitamins, smooth out stretched skin, and contribute to the disappearance of bedsores. You should know that all changes in the body are reflected in the unborn child, so taking medications on your own is not recommended.

Possible harm and contraindications for use

When using medicinal milk thistle oil, the benefits and harms of which have long been studied by doctors, one should not forget about possible side effects. As a biological additive, thistle is a drug that has a neutral effect on the body. However, there are a number of contraindications that can cause harm if they are not taken into account:

  • depression;
  • cholecystitis;
  • any chronic diseases;
  • individual intolerance;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • childhood up to 12 years;
  • pregnancy and lactation (as prescribed by a doctor).

What are beneficial features and contraindications for milk thistle oil? Is it as effective as is commonly believed? How to use the product to treat liver diseases, improve skin and hair? Techniques for preparing oil at home and its use in the treatment of diseases and cosmetology.

Milk thistle oil is obtained from the seeds of the plant. Contrary to popular belief, the formulations offered in pharmacies contain far from “ pure product" Its production technology involves soaking the seeds in olive oil, and it is with an admixture of this component that the product goes on sale. Using a similar technology, you can prepare it at home.

Product Features

Milk thistle oil is considered the most valuable form of the medicinal plant. This is true for the treatment of a number of diseases. It is used for the treatment of skin, mucous membranes and internal organs- liver and gall bladder. But when taken orally, it is important to take into account that the volume of silymarin - the main component that has a hepaprotective effect - in the oil is lower than in the extract. Therefore, the indications for use of the product differ from other dosage forms of milk thistle in powder and tablets.


To prepare milk thistle oil, you will need the seeds of the plant. They must be collected after ripening, in late August - early September. The seeds easily fall out of the dried baskets, which just need to be opened and shaken. The remaining petals are separated from them and placed in a glass container.

The seeds are infused in vegetable oil. The perfect combination valuable substances provides a combination with olive oil. They pour the seeds in a ratio of one to two, that is, for a third of a half-liter jar of seeds you will need approximately three hundred and fifty milliliters of olive oil.

The composition is sealed and left in a dark place for twenty-one days. During this time, milk thistle seeds swell, become saturated with olive oil and easily release their contents. After three weeks, the raw materials are squeezed out. Ready oil separated and poured into a clean container.

It is not recommended to throw away the cake. According to herbalist Andrei Varenikov, it is difficult to find a more delicate and effective remedy from constipation and intestinal disorders than this meal. It contains fiber and traces of oily substances that help in treating constipation. At the same time, taking the meal from the oil infusion reduces cholesterol levels.

Composition and properties

The use of milk thistle oil in therapeutic and prophylactic practice is associated with its rich composition. It contains several active substances.

  • Chlorophyll. Biological agent that stimulates cell regeneration. Promotes tissue renewal and rejuvenation of body systems. When used externally, it demonstrates high wound healing activity. When internal, it affects the tissues of the mucous membranes and liver, creating conditions for the formation of their healthy areas.
  • Carotenoids. These substances are found in the form of pigments in red and orange color. They participate in oxidative processes in the body. Essential compounds needed to form the retina and maintain its health. They have an antihistamine effect.
  • Tocopherols or vitamin E. All natural oils rich in this valuable component. Tocopherols have antioxidant activity, which is why they are called fighters against old age. In fact, tocopherols of old age, as such, do not prevent, but cellular level really work. They warn education free radicals- substances that cause cells to work incorrectly, causing their mutations, including development cancerous tumors. Tocopherols eliminate the formation of free radicals, maintaining the correct rhythm of cell function and tissue regeneration.
  • Fat Not saturated acids . These substances are also called the source of youth, primarily because it is thanks to them that the skin is renewed more actively. Our body does not produce these compounds, but the human body needs them vitally. Fatty acids are involved in the formation of the brain and its function. They support heart and vascular health. They increase the tone of the skin, eliminating dryness and premature formation of wrinkles. Milk thistle oil contains a large amount of acids, the main share of which (more than sixty percent) is linoleic acid. More than twenty percent of the product oleic acid, stearic and arachidic acids are present.

The complex of chlorophyll, fatty acids and tocopherol has a wound healing and anti-inflammatory effect. Increases the intensity of epithelial renewal, which is used in therapeutic practice and cosmetology.


Instructions for use of milk thistle oil contain recommendations for the use of the product in the treatment of liver diseases: cirrhosis, fatty degeneration, toxic and alcoholic impairment. One of the indications is the use of the composition in the treatment of hepatitis.

However, the effectiveness of the liver oil will be lower than when taking the dry extract or water infusion. The main value in the treatment of liver diseases is the complex of substances silymarin, the volume of which in the oil composition is extremely low. More productive is the effect of oil on the mucous membranes of internal organs and systems, and the skin.

Therefore, indications for the use of the oil composition when taken orally are peptic ulcers of the duodenum, stomach, gastritis in chronic and acute stage with symptoms of heartburn.

For external use The product is effective in the treatment of skin lesions, extensive wounds, and burns. Its benefits are also valued in cosmetology in programs for the care of problematic, sensitive and aging skin and hair.

Medical and therapeutic practice

The beneficial properties of the product were identified during clinical trials of various types. The benefits and harms of the drug in the treatment of burns were assessed, peptic ulcer, gynecological diseases, dental practice.


Extensive clinical trials were carried out by two reputable research centers in Russia. Based at the Center for Thermal Injuries of the Institute of Surgery named after. A. Vishnevsky observed patients who received thermal and chemical burns. Specialists from the Moscow Institute named after. N. Sklifosovsky conducted research comparing the effects of milk thistle and sea buckthorn oils.

The following dynamics of skin regeneration were observed.

  • On the third to fifth day. Marked reduction in the manifestations of the inflammatory process. A decrease in swelling and skin hyperemia was observed in the affected areas. When dressings, the contents of the wounds were separated evenly, without causing discomfort or pain to the patient. Traces of marginal epithelialization were revealed, which indicated the beginning of localization of the process.
  • On the fifth to seventh day. The dynamics of epithelization increased. Skin lesions formed along the edges of the wound areas and along their plane.
  • On the twelfth to fifteenth day. Even with primary extensive thermal burns complete epithelization of tissues was observed. The total duration of wound healing was about two weeks.

Based on the results obtained, it is recommended to use milk thistle oil in the treatment of burns when the burn surface area is no more than twenty percent of the body surface. Compared to the effects of sea buckthorn oil, a greater effect of the milk thistle drug can be seen. It does not cause allergies or burning sensation when applied, and does not “stick” the dressings to the wound, which eliminates pain when replacing them.

Heart and blood vessels

The use of milk thistle oil in the treatment of heart and vascular diseases is not a common practice. But, according to a number of studies, the inclusion of the drug in a comprehensive treatment program allows at best correct the patient's condition. So during the tests it was revealed positive impact composition on the effectiveness of treatment of angina pectoris observed in hypertension.

It has been proven that taking the drug corrects metabolic metabolism, changing the structure and content of protein compounds. The amount of protein in patients with angina increases, while the level of globulins decreases. Normalized lipid metabolism and significantly reduces the level of cholesterol that causes blockage blood vessels.

Even in cases of chronic processes with metabolic disorders, milk thistle oil normalizes metabolism, stabilizes the condition of patients with various forms angina pectoris, including in the phase of active progression.

Ulcers of the stomach, duodenum

The drug can be used in complex therapy peptic ulcers. Its value lies not in its ability to envelop membranes, but in correcting the metabolism of tissues and internal organs. Milk thistle oil corrects lipid metabolism, improves liver function, and reduces cholesterol.

Its effect was observed in the treatment of patients with gastric and duodenal ulcers. During the two-week trial, a significant improvement in blood laboratory parameters was detected, while in the group that did not take the drug, all main markers remained unchanged.

Thanks to the correction of lipid metabolism in tissues and normalization of metabolism, there is reason to recommend milk thistle oil for weight loss. The product restores healthy cellular metabolism, while healing organs and systems.

Cervical erosion

In modern gynecological practice there is no single the right remedy for the treatment of cervical erosion. All existing practices are partial or cause significant trauma to the mucous membranes with long period their healing.

The use of milk thistle oil as an alternative to existing practices demonstrates positive dynamics of tissue healing. When eroded surfaces are lubricated, signs of inflammation disappear within a few days with the development of healthy epithelium. Clinical trials have shown the high wound-healing ability of the product in gynecological practice, which allows us to recommend it for use in similar areas.

Milk thistle oil, according to doctors, can be used as an anti-inflammatory and active regenerating agent in proctology, in particular, for the treatment of hemorrhoids and anal fissures.

Admission rules

For external use, the composition is applied to the affected surface. Traditionally it is used in the form of applications, moistening soft cloth or cotton pads that are applied to burn areas or wounds. The duration of wearing the bandage is determined individually.

For small wounds, short-term sessions are preferable; oil can also be lubricated on injured areas. The burn surfaces are treated under a breathable bandage. The dressings should be replaced according to the doctor’s recommendation, cleaning the surface of the wound from purulent contents and applying a portion of fresh oil.

In recommendations on how to take milk thistle oil internally, it is important to consider the duration of the course. It is at least one month, but doctors and herbalists advise monitoring your own condition. If persistent improvement is observed while taking the drug, you can extend therapy for three or six months. IN in some cases It is recommended to take it for up to a year. There is no need to be afraid of such long-term therapy. Medicine It does not accumulate in the body, has no toxic effects, and no side effects. Its use is completely safe at any age, with the exception of rare cases of individual intolerance.

The dosage of milk thistle oil is one tablespoon thirty minutes before meals. Repeat the dose three times during the day. The dosage of the product in capsules is determined by the manufacturer's recommendations.


In cosmetology practice, milk thistle oil is used for hair and skin. Rich in carotenes, tocopherols and regenerative components, it has a renewing effect, promotes the formation of young epithelium, and stops inflammatory processes.

Milk thistle oil for hair is valuable for its content of vitamins and microelements, with which it enriches the skin and hair follicles, stimulating hair growth, heals it, renews its structure.

For face

Cosmetologists advise using milk thistle oil in the care of different skin types.

  • Problematic. Thanks to the anti-inflammatory effect of the product, the severity of inflammation decreases, existing micro-wounds heal faster. Caution should be exercised if you have oily skin, avoiding treating your face with oil-containing products. In this case, you can apply the product to the affected areas pointwise with a cotton swab.
  • Dry. In winter, it is recommended to include the composition in the care program for sensitive, dry skin prone to developing allergic reactions to cold and dermatitis in the form of peeling and persistent redness of the epidermis. In addition to direct applications to the affected areas, add the product to your daily cosmetic products: tonic, cream. This is how you raise them nutritional value for demanding skin.
  • Aging. The composition will be the right choice for aging skin. Apply it in the form of applications (masks) to a cleansed face twice a week. Leave the product for twenty minutes and blot with a napkin. The antioxidant and rejuvenating effect of the oil will help maintain youthful skin.

In cosmetology, milk thistle oil is used in pure form. There is no practical sense in combining it with other oils, for example, olive, since the composition is made on its basis.

For hair

The composition is applied to the roots while warm. Rub it into the skin with light movements, then cover the hair with a plastic bag and wrap it with a towel. The duration of the mask is thirty to sixty minutes. Then the hair should be washed with regular shampoo.

The effect of therapy will be noticeable when regular use. Apply the oil before every hair wash for one month.

Milk thistle oil contains a complex of valuable substances that accelerate the regeneration of the skin and mucous membranes, nourish the skin and hair. Used in medical practice for healing wounds and damage of various nature, including erosions, ulcers and burns. IN home cosmetology The use of milk thistle oil is important for the care of sensitive skin prone to inflammation and for healthy hair.

Milk thistle, popularly called thistle, has been known to medicine for a long time and is widely used in cosmetology and pharmaceuticals. Most Valuable dosage form milk thistle - oil used internally or externally.

Thistle seed oil, obtained by cold pressing, due to its unique composition and a wide range of medicinal properties, is invaluable dietary product found for a long time various applications V alternative medicine many countries, and is also an effective natural cosmetic product.

Chemical composition oils

Milk thistle oil is quite rich in D, A, E, K, F and group B. Chlorophyll, tocopherols and carotenoids are very valuable in its composition. In addition, the oil contains the following trace elements: zinc, iodine, potassium, copper, magnesium, vanadium, aluminum, selenium, calcium, boron, manganese, chromium, iron; polyunsaturated fatty acids: linoleic, oleic, stearic, arachidic, behenic; biologically active components: flavonoids (quarcetin), powerful hepatoprotector silymarin (a unique complex of the strongest natural antioxidants-flavolignans: silibinin, silicristin, silydianin, neohydrocarpine, etc.).

Milk thistle oil: properties and uses

Thistle oil has anti-sclerotic, anti-inflammatory, epithelializing, wound healing, anti-ulcer, immunomodulating, bactericidal, laxative, choleretic, analgesic, anti-allergic effects; it is also a powerful hepatoprotector and detoxifier, preventing the absorption of toxic substances and compounds entering the human body with water or food. That is why milk thistle, the properties of which we have just listed, has been successfully used for many centuries for the prevention and treatment of all kinds of ailments.

For 2 millennia, milk thistle oil has traditionally been used to treat a variety of diseases of the gallbladder, liver and biliary tract. The contained silymarin reliably protects liver cells from the destructive effects of free radicals, promotes the restoration of liver cells damaged by the influence of alcohol and toxins, improves the detoxification work of the liver, which is aimed at neutralizing and eliminating harmful substances from the body, stops development in the biliary tract, liver and gallbladder inflammatory processes, promotes increased bile formation and separation of bile, improves metabolic processes in the liver.

Thanks to this, the oil has found application in the prevention and complex treatment cholangitis, hepatitis, cholecystocholangitis, cirrhosis, cholelithiasis, fatty liver (and associated with excessive alcohol consumption or diabetes mellitus, including), toxic damage to the liver (due to exposure to alcohol, natural or synthetic poisons and heavy metals, because of long-term use medications).

In addition, with constant consumption of thistle oil, it significantly improves digestion and has a beneficial effect on the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract. That is why oil is often used for the prevention of gastritis, ulcerative lesions duodenum or stomach, enterocolitis, colitis and constipation.

Milk thistle oil is also useful for diseases of the throat, nose, ear and oral cavity. Often in dental practice it is used in the complex treatment of gingivitis, stomatitis, periodontal disease, periodontitis and for effective and speedy healing postoperative wounds. For bleeding gums, swelling and pain in the mouth, and suppuration of gum pockets, applications with thistle oil will help. And these applications are also very useful for throat diseases (tonsillitis, pharyngitis, etc.), and for atrophic rhinitis- intranasal use.

This amazing remedy will improve the activity of blood vessels and the heart, since the oil is rich in substances that have a beneficial effect on the condition of blood vessels and the heart. In complex combination, these substances help reduce blood levels blood pressure, strengthening the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, reducing the risk of thrombosis, maintaining normal blood clotting, eliminating spasm of blood vessels, and preventing the occurrence of atherosclerotic plaques. Microelements and vitamins present in the oil provide good protection for blood vessels and the heart from inflammatory processes and harmful influence free radicals, and also help the functioning of the heart muscle. Oil is useful to include in the diet for prevention and complex treatment. arterial hypertension, arteriosclerosis, varicose veins veins, ischemia, and also as an effective natural remedy prevention of strokes and heart attacks.

Thistle oil is an excellent aid in the treatment of gynecological diseases and pathologies. Due to its wound-healing, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects, the oil is often used in the form of intravaginal applications in the complex treatment of cervical erosion, endocervitis, colpitis, atrophic vaginitis characteristic of menopause, and other inflammatory diseases of the female genital area. With daily applications with the oil of this plant, already on the tenth day the erosive area of ​​the epithelium begins to be covered with new epithelium, and soon the erosion completely heals.

External use of the oil is also common; it is useful for diseases of the skin and its traumatic injuries. Possessing anti-inflammatory, analgesic and anti-allergic properties, the oil significantly accelerates the process of epithelization of skin tissues during injury or disease (the effectiveness of the wound-healing effect is even much higher than that of the known one. Due to this, milk thistle oil is popularly known as an effective remedy in the treatment of wounds, thermal and chemical burns, allergic rashes or cracks in the skin, trophic ulcers, bedsores, neurodermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, hyperkeratosis, acne, red lichen planus. The oil does not cause a burning sensation, does not glue the wound to the dressing tissue, but at the same time promotes healing skin without education rough scars.


Thistle oil has no contraindications or side effects, this is why pharmacists in many countries fell in love with it. If you suffer from serious illnesses, then before taking this tool consultation with a doctor is required.

Good health!

Hello friends!

Milk thistle, rosebud, thistle - all these and some other names refer to the same plant.

They have one thing in common - almost universal recognition, but not positive opportunities, but quite the opposite.

Capable of reaching two meters in height, they try to destroy the thorn everywhere, and only those with special knowledge carefully collect it, carefully store it, and use it to prepare medicinal potions, powders and other medicinal preparations.

One way to effectively use the beneficial properties of milk thistle is to use oil prepared from it.

Let's take a closer look at when its use is relevant, and when it should be abandoned, how to use it correctly and in what dosages.

From this article you will learn:

Milk thistle oil - beneficial properties and recipes for use

What is milk thistle - a brief description of the plant

Milk thistle oil can accelerate metabolic processes not only in the body, but also in the tissues, so it perfectly helps get rid of cellulite. They lubricate heels, elbows and knees to get rid of roughness and rough skin.

Apply oil to lips. This helps make them smoother and firmer, giving them a healthy appearance and getting rid of dead cells.

Protects oil from harmful effects environment, from exposure to radicals and ultraviolet radiation.

Directions for use and instructions for use

The oil intake depends on the severity of the disease and its type. So for prevention, a teaspoon is enough for adults and half a teaspoon for children for 2 months.

  • If you have problems with the heart, liver, duodenum and blood vessels, you need to take 2 teaspoons twice a day half an hour before meals.
  • Help with hemorrhoids oil enemas. The intestines are first cleansed, and then 30 ml of the product is injected into the intestines. Once a day, preferably at night.
  • If you suffer from constipation, you can use half a teaspoon on an empty stomach once a day.
  • A gauze swab moistened with oil will help relieve pain from ulcers and burns.
  • Taking ½ teaspoon three times a day will help protect the liver.
  • If erosion is a concern, a tampon soaked in oil is inserted into the vagina. Do it for 10 days at night, then take a break for a week, check with a doctor and, if necessary, repeat the course.
  • In dentistry, the oil’s ability to relieve inflammation and pain and stop bleeding is valued. It is used to draw out pus.
  • Milk thistle oil is also useful for weight loss. 20 days regular intake A tablespoon twice a day will give more than noticeable results. It is clear that if you maintain a healthy lifestyle and adhere to the principles of proper nutrition, as well as with regular physical activity. the result will be even more noticeable.

For those who can't stand the taste finished product, pharmacies have oil in capsules. They are taken 2-4 pieces at a time, without chewing and washed down big amount water, preferably sparkling.

Where to buy real milk thistle preparations?

Milk thistle (silymarin) in seeds and capsules - organic quality from the world's best producers. Very a wide range of, look here (click on the banner)

Contraindications for use

Despite that great benefit, which the resulting milk thistle product has, the harm of the oil can be quite noticeable.

Particular care must be taken when:

  • pancreatitis and problems with the biliary tract;
  • pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract
  • exacerbations of heart and vascular diseases;
  • individual intolerance to components.

Milk thistle oil is a unique healing drug that helps solve most health problems.

Knowing how to take the oil internally and how to use it externally correctly, you can easily ensure your beauty and longevity.

Alena Yasneva was with you, bye everyone!

It is rightfully considered a valuable medicine and one of the most useful plant products. This oil is obtained by cold pressing from the seed herbaceous plant spotted milk thistle . Many of us know this prickly plant with purple flowers as thistle.

Its extremely prickly leaves and stem reaching two meters in height did their job. This touch-me-not, although with beautiful inflorescence boxes, scares away plant lovers with its thorns.

But ancient legends, from many nations, connect the healing properties that milk thistle has with the name of the Virgin Mary. And medicine appreciates this plant. Almost all of its parts are used to treat many ailments.

But true popularity came to the plant only in the last century, when German scientists studied its biochemical composition. This happened in 1968 at the Munich Institute of Pharmacy. And now unique properties Milk thistle transmits to us through many medications.

It is also worth noting that vegetable oil Milk thistle does not have a distinct taste and has a pleasant smell of dried nuts.

How to choose

You should only choose milk thistle oil that has been produced by cold pressing, since it is in it that the beneficial and medicinal properties.

It is better to buy oil in a small bottle, since after opening and contact with air, its shelf life is sharply reduced.

How to store

After the first use, it is recommended to store milk thistle oil in the refrigerator in a glass bottle with a tightly closed lid.

In cooking

Milk thistle oil should not be subjected to heat treatment. But it can be added to ready dish just before serving. In addition, you can add it to sauces, cereal side dishes, salads, cereals, pasta, vegetable dishes, rice dishes, hot and cold appetizers.

You can diversify your baked goods with this product by adding it to pies, bread, pies, buns, pancakes and pancakes.

Calorie content

This oil is used in the fight against overweight and obesity, but, undoubtedly, it is worth considering considerable energy value of this product, amounting to 898.8 kcal. Oil can only help if there is a significant reduction in the overall caloric intake of the diet. In this case, the oil will support metabolism at the required level.

The oil contains biological active substances, neutralizing cholesterol, and polyunsaturated acids, which stimulate metabolism. In addition, consuming oil helps remove waste and toxins.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

Beneficial properties of milk thistle oil

Composition and presence of nutrients

Milk thistle seed oil contains polyunsaturated Omega-6 acid (about 62%), monounsaturated Omega-9 acid (about 22%), saturated acids - stearic, palmitic, behenic and arachidic.

Macro- and microelements add benefits to the product. This series is represented by substances such as potassium, magnesium, and manganese. The oil also contains phosphorus, selenium, zinc and chromium. It is also rich in copper, boron, iron, and aluminum.

In addition to the above-mentioned substances, biogenic amines can be distinguished. These are tyramine and histamine. Also available in oil essential oils, silymarin, chlorophyll. This oil also contains phytosterols, vitamins K and E.

Useful and healing properties

Milk thistle oil is considered an excellent remedy to strengthen protective forces. Thanks to a fairly rich vitamin-mineral complex, this product strengthens the immune system, and can also improve well-being during colds, and restore after long-term serious illnesses, surgeries, radiation and chemotherapy.

The plant itself has proven itself as the best remedy for liver treatment. Therefore, oil from its seeds is recommended to be taken for the treatment of cirrhosis, hepatitis, liver dystrophy, and for use in case of poisoning with toxic substances. This product restores the cellular structure of this organ, preventing damage to the cell membrane and enhancing protective functions. Actively active ingredient oils - a substance called silymarin, which neutralizes the effects of toxic substances that have a detrimental effect on the liver.

Milk thistle oil helps reduce the damage caused by alcohol. This oil can inhibit the synthesis of acetaldehyde, which is formed in the body when drinking alcohol. You can take 15 drops of milk thistle seed oil every day to remove toxins from the body.

In addition, milk thistle oil helps protect not only our liver, but also the entire human body from the negative aggressive effects of free radicals and toxic substances. Thanks to the antioxidants contained in the oil, cell aging processes slow down and the risk of developing cancer is reduced.

Polyunsaturated acids, which in a considerable number are part of the oil and have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. With its constant use, lipid metabolism will be normalized, cholesterol levels will decrease, and normal blood clotting will be maintained. The unsaturated acids, magnesium, vitamin E and biological active substances contained in the oil help strengthen and increase the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels. In general, this leads to a decrease in high blood pressure and the risk of blood clots, preventing the formation of plaques on the walls of blood vessels.

Flavolignans, vitamins, and some microelements effectively protect the heart and blood vessels from inflammatory processes and the effects of free radicals. B vitamins and microelements contribute to the proper functioning of the heart muscle. Chlorophyll stimulates metabolism in the heart. Oil strengthens muscles and increases energy resources. It follows that this product is recommended for use in the treatment and prevention of such vascular and heart diseases: cardiosclerosis, atherosclerosis, hypertension, coronary disease, varicose veins. In addition, milk thistle seed oil is effective prophylactic from heart attacks and strokes, and also actively fights anemia.

Due to its wound-healing and anti-inflammatory properties, the use of milk thistle seed oil also has a beneficial effect on the mucous membranes gastrointestinal tract. This product is used for long-term disorders of the digestive tract. It also helps with gastritis, stomach and intestinal ulcers, hemorrhoids, colitis, cholelithiasis, inflammation of the spleen and gall bladder.

Milk thistle oil has a relatively mild laxative effect and helps normalize intestinal motility. This herbal product activates fat metabolism and cleanses the body of toxins. That is why it is very useful to add to the diet for those who want to get rid of excess weight.

Proven beneficial effect oils on the pancreas. It contains necessary complex microelements to stimulate the production of insulin by the pancreas. Therefore, the use of this product is recommended for those suffering from diabetes and in the prevention of this disease.

Milk thistle oil benefits damaged and problematic skin. And all thanks to the fact that it has bactericidal, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, wound healing and antiallergic effects. Vitamin E in milk thistle oil improves skin condition and is often used in treatment skin diseases, for example, for acne, psoriasis, vitiligo, baldness.

This oil can be used to treat extensive wounds and burns. Fabric bandages are soaked in oil and applied to the affected areas of the skin. Such a bandage will not stick to the wound and can be easily removed without injuring the affected area or causing pain.

This milk thistle product is also used in gynecological practice. Vitamin E contained in it, and in considerable quantities, is considered the best regulator of sexual and endocrine systems, regardless of whether it is a woman or a man. The components of the oil help restore reproductive function.

Topical use of the oil is recommended for atrophic menopausal vaginitis, accompanied by itching. For inflammation in the vagina, endocervicitis, cervical erosion, colpitis, and in order to prevent and prevent the formation of scar tissue, topical use of a combination of oils from milk thistle and tea tree seeds is useful.

Milk thistle oil is successfully used in dental practice. It is used in the treatment of stomatitis, periodontal disease, periodontitis, gingivitis, as well as for healing wounds after operations. To do this, the oral cavity is treated with a disinfectant solution, and then applications are made with milk thistle oil.

They successfully help in the treatment of throat diseases, such as tonsillitis, pharyngitis, etc. A mixture of tea tree and milk thistle oils is used to lubricate the tonsils for chronic and acute tonsillitis.

For inflammation of the ear and nose, instillation of milk thistle oil heated in a water bath is recommended. For these purposes, a mixture of 50 ml of milk thistle seed oil and 2-3 ml of tea tree oil is also used.

To strengthen the body and prevent cardiovascular diseases, in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and liver, milk thistle oil is recommended to drink a teaspoon 2-3 times a day 20-30 minutes before meals. You can drink it in a course of 1-2 months, after which you need to take a break of several months.

Use in cosmetology

Milk thistle oil is considered an excellent antioxidant, making it an excellent assistant in the fight for youth and beauty of the face and body, and has cleansing, rejuvenating, toning and wound-healing effects. Therefore, this product is widely used in cosmetology.

The oil can improve the condition of the skin, helps regenerate cell membranes, stimulating the process of tissue renewal. Milk thistle product protects the skin from peeling and drying, maintains elasticity and even improves complexion. It is suitable for absolutely all skin types, but you simply cannot do without it for dry, problematic, flaky, inflamed and irritated skin. Oil can normalize activity sebaceous glands in case of oily skin. Unsaturated fatty acids perfectly cleanse acne, various rashes and prevent possible enlargement of pores.

An excellent rejuvenating effect is obtained by using a mixture of milk thistle seed oil with almond or olive oil in equal parts. It is applied to a previously cleansed face, neck, and décolleté instead of a nourishing cream.

A mixture of milk thistle seeds with tea tree or avocado oil helps to give a healthy color to the skin, increase elasticity, and remove wrinkles. To prepare the mixture, you need to heat 3 tablespoons of milk thistle oil and 1 teaspoon of one of the listed oils in a water bath. Simply lubricate cleansed skin with the resulting warm mixture instead of cream at night or make a mask with it 2 times a week. To do this, moisten gauze in a warm mixture and apply it to the face, neck and décolleté for 30-40 minutes. Then wash everything off with cool water.

A mixture of milk thistle oils and grape seeds used to protect against weathering. Milk thistle product protects the skin well from frostbite and exposure ultraviolet rays. Lubricate your face with this oil before going outside, and your skin will be under excellent protection.

Milk thistle oil is also recommended to be used to care for lips, skin of feet and hands. It will help cracks heal faster, small wounds, relieves itching and irritation.

Massaging the face and neck with this product gives excellent results. It is recommended to do this massage in the evening after washing your face, and leave the oil on for the whole night.

This oil, among other things, is successfully used in anti-cellulite massage, as it can enhance blood circulation in the subcutaneous fat layer. And this in turn prevents the accumulation of deposits.

Milk thistle oil is also effective for strengthening hair, as it prevents hair loss, fights baldness, and gives hair a healthy look and shine. If your hair is falling out, it is recommended to simply rub the heated oil into the scalp. This procedure should be carried out a couple of hours before washing your hair every other day. The course should take 1 month.

If you want to have healthy long hair, you can add 10 ml of milk thistle seed oil to 100 ml of shampoo or any balm, apply to wet hair, leave for 5-10 minutes and rinse with warm water.

This oil strengthens nails quite well, so you can rub it into the nail folds and nails.

Problems with skin, nails, and hair are often caused by various internal problems, so it is recommended to combine internal and external use of the oil.

Dangerous properties of milk thistle

You should not use milk thistle oil during periods of exacerbation of cholecystitis and cholelithiasis. The oil is also contraindicated for those who have mental illnesses, epilepsy and severe depression.

It is also contraindicated for children under 2 years of age and those with intolerance to oil. Pregnant and breastfeeding women should consult a doctor before taking the oil.