How we sleep: what does the posture in a dream say about a person’s character? What sleep positions say and how to choose the right position

Psychologists can tell a lot about a person by his clothes, gait, gestures, and speech. However, we control all this meaningfully. As for sleep, not everything is so simple here. Falling asleep in one position, you can wake up in a completely different part of the bed! The positions that a person’s body takes in sleep can tell a lot about his character, mood, state of mind and relationship with his significant other (if you sleep with someone).

Poses in sleep

There are 6 main positions in which a person can be during sleep. The pose may not completely match (for example, you place your hand differently), but overall it suits the person. Everyone probably has a favorite sleep position in which you are used to falling asleep. Check if it tells the truth about your character.

  1. Fetal pose. It resembles the state of an embryo: lying on its side, the spine is curved, arms and legs are pressed to the chest, the head is slightly tilted forward, most often with the face away from the wall. This is the most common sleep position: 41% of the population sleeps this way. Such people are friendly, crave security, need care, are sensitive, although they can be harsh, and shy when meeting people. Slowly get along with partners.
  2. Pose “Log”. The sleeper lies on his side, legs and arms extended to the sides. 15% of people sleep this way. Such people are good friends, socially active, and sociable. They are calm, reasonable, but trusting and naive.
  3. Pose "Soldier". Sleeping in the blue, hands at your sides. 8% of people sleep this way. These people are self-confident, calm, balanced, demanding of themselves and others, love to be in the center of attention, devote a lot of time physical exercise, not fussy.
  4. Pose "Dreamer". It looks like a log, but the arms are extended upward. 13% of people take this position in their sleep. People of this type are careful, make every decision carefully, are usually stubborn, do not change decision taken, they are difficult to carry out, often cynical, suspicious.
  5. Free Fall Pose. The sleeper lies on his stomach, arms and legs are spread out different sides, take up a lot of space. 7% of people sleep in this position. These people are sensitive to criticism, self-centered, get lost in extreme situations, therefore they love comfort and constancy, are easily vulnerable, but sociable and purposeful.
  6. Star pose. Similar to the previous one, but lying on your back. Sleeping in this position occurs to 5% of people. These people, on the contrary, do not like to be the center of attention, they give the initiative to others, but they are good listeners, always ready to help, do not like intrigue, are optimistic and self-confident.

One can also consider the position individual parts bodies. This is what his position says about a person legs in a dream:

  • If a person tries to wrap his legs around the bed or put them under the mattress, then he does not like change and is conservative.
  • If the legs are hanging off the bed, then this person does not like to follow the rules
  • Crossed ankles are usually seen in dreams by weak-willed and uninitiative people.
  • Legs exactly one under the other mean a desire for comfort, a reluctance to conflict

Hand position also has a lot to say:

  • If in a dream a person holds on to something, then he is not independent, he is dependent on others
  • If the palms lie under the head, then this is an intellectual person.
  • If a person sleeps on his back with his arms stretched up, it means he is weak-willed and passive in life.

Throughout sleep, a person's posture changes. So which one should we use to interpret character? Basically, a person sleeps in two or three main positions, the rest are temporary and serve simply to lie down more comfortably. But the main one remains the one in which he spends the majority of his sleeping time. It happens that during life these main postures change: it depends on events in people’s lives. These could be changes while on vacation or when moving to a new place.

Man and woman: what does their joint position in a dream say about their relationship?

You can tell a lot about the relationship between spouses simply by their sleeping position together. The main points here are as follows:

  1. In an embrace facing each other. Such partners are very attached to each other, this indicates strong feelings between them. They are tightly pressed with their bodies, their legs can be extended or intertwined (which indicates sexual attraction). If this position persists for a long time, then the relationship between spouses is strong and trusting. In this case, the heads may be on at different levels: Whose is taller is the head of the family.
  2. Hugs from behind. Both lie on their sides, pressed against each other, with their knees slightly bent. The partner behind usually also hugs the one in front. As a rule, this is a man, which indicates that he is the head of the family and takes care of his soulmate. The shorter the distance between sleepers, the closer the relationship. If the hug is too tight, then this is already a sign of jealousy and possessiveness.
  3. A couple sleeps on one side but with a large distance between them. There are clearly problems in the relationship between the partners. They often sleep like this after a quarrel, while the one who turned away is offended, and the other is ready for reconciliation.
  4. Back to back speaks of a protracted conflict in the family, especially if their bodies are not touched. If this continues for a long time, then no one wants to make concessions. It will reduce partners’ interest in each other, there is no sincerity.
  5. If a couple sleeps with their backs to each other, but their buttocks touching, this indicates that each of them is a bright, extraordinary personality, both love independence, but value their relationships.
  6. If one of the partners sleeps on their back, and the second hugs him in the pose of a star, then the head of the family lies on his back, and the second obediently obeys him. This is a very harmonious pose.

It is better for spouses to sleep together even if they are in a quarrel, since the bed, even in a dream, brings people together, while separate beds push them further apart.

This article Dear friends, let me open most interesting topic about body language.

Have you ever wondered why you like to sleep on your back or side, curled up, or with your feet under the mattress?

Meanwhile, they are full of meaning, they reflect his essence, image and style of life, line of behavior.

Body language (facial expressions, gestures and postures) contains 80% of information about a person and is conditioned, which cannot be faked.

So says Allan Pease, an outstanding specialist in the field of human relationships, who wrote the book “Body Language”.

While we are awake, if we wish and using strict self-control, we can control our body movements. However, at night, self-control is impossible, because our consciousness is at rest, body movements and postures are dictated by our subconscious, and they openly talk about our fears, experiences, and preferences.

Famous psychologists Samuel Dunkell, Dale Carnegie, Sigmund Freud and somnologists agree that a person’s posture in sleep best characterizes his physical and mental state.

Let's look at and analyze the main postures, and Samuel Dunkell, a doctor and psychoanalyst, and his book “Sleeping Postures” will help us with this. Night body language."

Basic sleep positions

During a night's sleep, a sleeping person changes his body position from 25 to 30 times. And if he is sick or in under stress, then more than 100 times. This means large movements and significant movements of the entire body.

Studies have shown that the sleeper takes ten or more different positions in his sleep, but basically they are mirror images of each other. If we consider these mirror poses from a psychological point of view, they are one and the same. In addition, many poses are intermediate and short-term.

Samuel Dunkell divides all poses into “Alpha” and “Omega”:

  • Initial or "alpha" pose. The body position in which we fall asleep.
  • Basic or "omega" pose. The position in which we are comfortable, we return to it every now and then during sleep, and in it we most often wake up in the morning. This pose is the main one and should be considered in the analysis.

Dr. Samuel highlighted 4 main (basic) “omega poses”:

1. "Embryo".
2. “Stretched out.”
3. "On your back."
4. “Half-embryo.”

Germ. In this pose, the whole body is curled up, the knees are bent, and the knees are pulled as close to the chin as possible. A person lying in this position tends to cover his face and center of the body, clasping his legs with his arms and palms, and closing them in a ring. Hiding internal organs, the sleeper sometimes hugs a pillow or blanket.

Analysis: a person is like a tightly curled bud; he does not allow himself to open up to the events of life, its joys and difficulties, and therefore does not use his life potential to the fullest. Typically, such people sleep in the upper corners of the bed, facing away from the wall.

While awake they experience high need in protection, in a fulcrum (loved one, family, children), around which they can organize their life, and will depend on it. They adhere to a dependent line of behavior that was formed in early years, and provided them with security of existence.

Prostrate. A person lies face down, his arms are most often thrown above his head, while his legs are straight and extended, and his feet are spread apart. The sleeper seems to be protecting himself from the surprises and troubles that he expects.

The pose reflects the desire to dominate the space of the bed, embracing it as fully as possible. If it is not possible to capture the necessary space in bed, a person feels vulnerable.

Analysis. While awake, people who prefer this position experience a similar need to control their living space and the events in it.

They are vulnerable, do not like surprises, and organize their life activities in such a way as to avoid any surprises. They are characterized by punctuality and self-discipline, accuracy and diligence in achieving their ideal of a measured and predictable world.

Sleeping on your back or the “royal” position. The arms of a person lying on his back lie freely on the sides of the body, and his legs are turned out and free, they are not scattered chaotically to the sides, but are not closed either.

Analysis: There is an old proverb: “Kings sleep on their backs, wise men on their sides, rich men on their stomachs.” Dr. Samuel was convinced more than once that a person sleeping on his back feels like a king not only in his dreams, but also in life. These people, as a rule, were children in childhood who were loved and surrounded with increased attention.

“Royal” is the pose of a confident, straightforward, decent, simple-minded, sometimes rude person. In life, he is a leader who persistently achieves his goals, or a headstrong stubborn person who defends his opinion.

It is very difficult to convince the “king”. Accustomed from childhood to being the center of attention, he adult life strives in any society (in the family, in the company of friends, in professional activity) take a dominant position.

Regardless of the type of activity, people who take the “royal” pose in a dream feel completely safe, have strength of personality and confidence in their abilities. They are ready to openly and joyfully accept the world as it is, and feel their unity with it.

The desire to occupy the center of the bed and the face turned upward indicates the neatness and rationalism of a person.

Important. If you begin to wake up in a royal position with your hands behind your head, and this position in your sleep was not typical for you before, undergo a cardiac examination. Perhaps this is a sign of problems with the heart.

"Half-embryo". The most common position in sleep. According to a 1909 study by Boris Sidney at Harvard, right-handers sleep primarily on their right side, while left-handers sleep primarily on their left.

The advantage of this position is the physical comfort of the sleeper:

In this position, when the legs are slightly bent at the knees, the body retains heat better, while air circulates freely around the body.

The center of the body and the heart, the most important organ, are well protected.

The pose allows you to roll over from one side to the other without completely disrupting the configuration of the body. In the “prostrate”, “fetal” and “on the back” poses there is much less opportunity to move without violating the accepted body position.

Analysis: physical comfort and common sense postures characterize the degree of a person’s adaptation to the world.

Typically, individuals who choose this pose are reliable and balanced. They adapt to living conditions without undue stress. Their psyche is stable, they do not need to control the space in bed, they do not curl up into a “fetus” in order to find protection from the uncertainty of the future.

So, each person has his own individual set of body movements. The complexity of a person's character is reflected in the number of positions he takes in his sleep and in the unique combination that he chooses. Many of us can take two or three postures during the night that are important for analysis.

The position changes throughout the night.

For example, you can fall asleep in the “royal” position and wake up in the “fetal” or “semi-fetal” position. What could this mean?

In wakefulness, a person considers himself the ruler of his world, the “king” of the situation. And when he falls asleep, he no longer needs to “keep his mark” either in front of others or in front of himself. In sleep, the restraining centers are silent and people behave like children sincerely and directly, which is manifested in postures.

A majestic and confident person during the day, who falls asleep in a “royal” pose, in a dream takes a pose that reflects his deep attitude to the world, he can show himself to be completely different - sensitive and vulnerable. The “royal” pose represents one aspect of his personality, but it is far from the main one.


The pose we most often take in our sleep reflects our true attitude towards the world and ourselves.

As you can see, the sleeping postures carry a deep meaning, but it is very important to avoid a simplified approach when analyzing, because the position of the body in a dream is influenced by many reasons.

Factors influencing sleeping postures

General physical state and diseases:

pain in the stomach can force you to sleep lying on your back, covering the painful area with your hand. If you have shoulder or hip pain, you will sleep on your healthy side. People suffering from heart pain and respiratory ailments, often sleep sitting, covering themselves with pillows.

With sleep disturbances, a person cannot fall asleep for a long time and tosses and turns, taking the most comfortable position, but not typical for him.

When the disease goes away or painful sensations are removed with the help of analgesics, the person returns to his characteristic posture.

Ambient temperature. If it’s cold, we curl up and diligently wrap ourselves in a blanket. When it’s hot, on the contrary, we open up and spread our legs and arms as far as possible to the sides, trying to increase heat transfer.

Excessive lighting. We cover our heads, turn to the wall, cover our eyes with our hands.

All these factors should be taken into account when interpreting the sleeping position.

We have looked at the main four poses, which can be transformed into a “sphinx”, “swastika”, “mummy” and so on. , and also, we’ll talk in the following publications.

Sleep is an important phenomenon for each of us. A person spends about a third of his life sleeping. Night rest just as necessary as food, water, air, communication, and other needs. During sleep, the body relaxes, the speed and intensity of all metabolic processes, brain function. Not only the rest itself is important, but also its quality and duration. For a good night's sleep you just need the right and comfortable position in bed. It has long been noted that sleep posture and a person’s character are two interrelated phenomena.

Night body language

Our character and psychological characteristics are manifested in all actions Everyday life: habits, relationships with loved ones or colleagues, nutrition, choice of interior, clothing, partner, raising children, much more. If we control all the listed moments with our consciousness, then the position of the body in a dream is not amenable to this control, it is unconscious. That is why posture during sleep is of considerable importance and can tell a lot about a person, his character, temperament, and behavioral psychology.

There are several most common sleeping positions:

  • position on stomach;
  • on the back (“star”);
  • “embryo” pose;
  • regular;
  • "heron" or "flamingo";
  • soldier pose.

Of course, each of us changes positions several times during the night. You need to find out for yourself the most common position in a dream, the most comfortable one for you, it will mean the predominant psychotype. Some experts believe that the way we sleep is a reflection of our relationship with the outside world. The latter will change, the sleeping position will change. Let's try to figure out what postures say during sleep, how they reflect manifestations of character, psychological characteristics of the individual.

Supine position with limbs outstretched

"Royal" pose

This position in a dream means that a person is confident in himself and has all the qualities of a leader and leader. Such people are not afraid of anything, are ready for any difficulties, problems, and easily solve the most complex tasks. They are calm, balanced, adequate when communicating with others, and feel at ease in any environment, in a new team.

A person sleeping on his back with his arms and legs apart is open to everyone, does not hide anything, is not closed, and is good-natured.

Often small children or people whose profession is directly related to their willingness to be the center of everyone’s attention, in the first place, sleep in this way. Limbs that are too spread out may indicate an overly self-confident person (star pose).

A variation of this position is the “king” pose, when the limbs are not so widely spread. This position is characterized by relaxation, openness, trustfulness, and straightforwardness. IN real life the psychotype has the same qualities.

Prone position

Such people are very energetic, hardworking, and always achieve their goals. The position of the limbs can indicate the peculiarities of the nature of this pose.

  • The legs are straightened and the hands are on the pillow: this psychotype of personality does not count on anyone, solves his own problems, manages life, his opinion is the most correct of all, tries not to trust anyone, is stubborn in achieving goals and objectives, and is extremely picky about little things.

Sleeping position may change throughout the night

  • Arms outstretched to the side, one leg bent: calculating, confident, prudent, insanely punctual, love to point, command, pedants in all respects.
  • The arms are located above the head, and the legs are extended and spread (similar to a “star”, only on the stomach): these individuals strongly desire to control all the events of their life, do not like surprises and surprises, are precise, neat, and take a detailed approach to everything. The pose indicates an attempt to subjugate the whole world.

Every child loves to sleep on their stomach, but preferences change with age.

Embryo pose

It is a position on your side with your legs strongly bent and pressed to your stomach, your hands resting under your cheek or head. This is how the embryo is located in the mother’s womb for all 9 months. What does this common position of the embryo in a dream mean? It defines a person as weak, unsure of his abilities, constantly doubting, fearful, fearful. Such a person is subject to outside influence, quickly changes his mind, and is easy to convince. A person who sleeps like this constantly seeks protection or help and is unable to solve complex tasks or problems on his own.

In this pose, the whole body curls up into a ball.

Normal pose

This is how most people (usually women) sleep. It is convenient, comfortable, the limbs do not become numb, and the spine is as relaxed as possible and is in its own place. physiological state. The person lies on his side, legs slightly bent, and hands on a pillow or under his head. Similar to the previous fetal position.

People who are sociable, sympathetic, kind, and calm sleep this way. It is difficult to bring them out of balance. If a person often changes sides during the night, this may indicate flexibility. Usually these people adapt well to their surroundings and quickly get used to everything new. About a third of all adults choose the described sleeping position (often spouses lie with their backs to each other), so these character traits are suitable only for those who constantly sleep this way.

The “heron” pose is a variation of the position described above, when one leg is fully straightened and the other is bent at the knee.

This means unpredictability in behavior, actions, words, increased fussiness, moodiness, frequent mood swings. It is very difficult to communicate with such people because you never know how they will react to news, offers or other events.

Soldier pose

People who prefer to sleep on their backs with their limbs tightly pressed to their torso are usually withdrawn, not sociable, do not like to talk much, are restrained in their actions and words, avoid noisy groups or holidays, retire to work or with family, and clearly mark their territory. The basic rules of such people: less fuss, but more action.

Sleeping on your back in an upright position

Philosopher's pose

Characterized by lying on your back with your hands behind your head. From the outside it seems as if the person is not sleeping at all, but is thinking about something. This is how it is in life: philosophers are constantly solving some problems, they are always immersed in themselves, their thoughts, they harbor ideas, make plans, and do not like to communicate often or a lot. On the other side, characteristic features Such a person may have shyness, timidity, refined taste, and frequent changes of opinion (if a person prefers to sleep on his stomach with his hands under his head).

This posture is typical of sensible people.

Cross pose

Few people prefer to sleep in this position, sometimes sizes sleeping place they simply do not allow one to accept such a position. The sleeper's arms and legs are scattered chaotically (for example, left hand along the body, and the right one at the top, left leg to the side, and the right one is bent and abducted). In life, the psychological character is exactly the same. Here sample list qualities of these people:

  • lack of organization in business;
  • fussiness;
  • forgetfulness;
  • stupidity;
  • randomness;
  • clutter at home;
  • lack of composure;
  • absent-mindedness.

Such individuals are always and everywhere late; they cannot be relied upon or entrusted with an important task. In a word, “chaos man.”

Log pose

Usually, calm, good-natured, open people. They quickly and completely integrate into the team, feel like a fish in water, and are confident in their decisions.

Sociable people like to sleep in this position

Character is judged not only by the position of the body and limbs in the bed, but also by other signs. For example, if even in a stuffy room the sleeper covers himself with a blanket up to his head or completely wraps himself up, leaving the tip of his nose for breathing, then such sleep positions will tell you that:

  1. a shy, timid person;
  2. he is constantly overcome by doubts, he makes decisions slowly and doubts them;
  3. feels insecure among large quantity of people;
  4. loves solitude and solitude, where he can relax;
  5. hides from problems, life's troubles, is cowardly;
  6. tries to avoid unpleasant situations and conflicts rather than resolve them.

Character traits of a person who likes to relax with his feet hanging off the bed:

  • Works a lot.
  • Constantly active, no time to sleep, unable to relax.
  • The pose is typical for businessmen, executives who live in constant voltage from a lot of work. About such people we can say that “the legs feed the wolf.”
  • He lives by his own rules, wants to stand out in the gray mass.

Some of us like to sleep at night not on a pillow, but hugging it. This indicates a lack of love, attention, and protection in real life. The head of a person sleeping on the palms can indicate high intelligence, wisdom, intelligence, and quick wit. Such people want to know a lot, be able to do it and put it into practice. Crossing your legs speaks of a weak-willed, timid, pessimistic person.

By observing the sleeping person, you can draw many conclusions relating not only to the character or psychological characteristics, but also the events taking place in his life at the present time.

Sleeping positions and their meaning are constantly changing. If serious significant problems arise (divorce, dismissal, etc.), troubles, the position may radically change (temporarily or permanently). This is how our subconscious reflects all current moments. It has been noted that after blows of fate (death of a loved one, loss of property, placement in prison), the psychotype and character of a person changes, as well as his posture during sleep.

Some become stronger, more confident, decisive, and aggressive, while others, on the contrary, huddle in a corner and begin to sleep in the “embryo” position. When studying posture during sleep, it is worth taking into account not only the condition mental health, but also somatic (disease). After all, chronic pain syndrome with osteochondrosis, night attacks of shortness of breath with bronchial asthma, oncological diseases strongly affect the position of the body in bed.

Concerning married couples, then their sleeping position can tell a lot about relationships and feelings. Only constant favorite position healthy person, in which he falls asleep or spends most of the night, can tell about his character, experiences or psychological characteristics.

It is interesting and useful to observe a person’s behavior, facial expressions and movements. Body language allows you to read a lot of valuable information about yourself and others. Moreover, we send signals not only while awake, but also in our sleep. Each of us has our own favorite positions that the body takes on its own unconsciously. Psychologists have found out what sleep positions say, this useful information We have posted it on this page for you. You will also learn about which position is better or worse to take during rest in case of diseases of the spine, in childhood and during pregnancy.

What does your favorite sleep position say about a person?

Sleeping in a standard position

This position is called ordinary, since it is occupied by 30% of people. This is a side sleeping position with slightly bent limbs. Position your hands slightly above head level. The hand can be hidden under the pillow or placed on the chest. It is interesting that in a dream the body turns over, but the posture remains the same. Considering that we are talking about the most common position, it is almost impossible to judge the unusual sides of the character. We can only talk about a certain trend. As a rule, open-minded people with high adaptive potential sleep this way on a regular basis. They are usually flexible, calm, harmonious and sociable individuals who have many friends and are often the center of attention.

normal pose

Sleeping in the heron position

This is one of the subtypes of the above-mentioned standard provision. Hands lie under your head. The bent leg is attached to the second straight leg, creating a triangular structure of legs. This position is typical for unpredictable and wayward people. They say about them: a person is in a good mood. Depressive state is replaced by elation and general positivity. The posture of such a person also clearly shows data about sexuality - when bending the upper leg, this indicator is at a high level, and when bending the lower leg, the situation is the opposite.

heron pose

Sleeping in the fetal position

The fetal position means lying on your side with your knees drawn up to your chest. Often the person is in the corner of the bed, with their face turned away from the wall and holding a blanket or pillow between their legs. This is the position in which the baby is in the mother’s womb. If an adult assumes the fetal position, this is a signal that he lacks a sense of security in life. In a dream, he tries to get closer to security and peace.

When a person constantly curls up into a fetus, this gives certain information about his character. He probably has increased anxiety and indecision predominates in behavior. This picture is typical of people who were unable to psychologically separate from their parents when growing up; as a result, they have a powerful need for outside support. Such people are often withdrawn and find it difficult to communicate. Due to the feeling of anxiety that comes over you when in contact with other people, it becomes difficult to correctly express feelings and use emotions. It is difficult to get close to such a person, but if this can be done, then he will become best friend and will open up.

fetal position

Sleeping in the soldier position

The position is flat on the back, while the arms are extended along the body. The position is typical for a closed and secretive person. In communication, such a person is self-possessed and taciturn. He acts more than he speaks, but he does not fuss and does things in vain. This is a firm and direct person who demands a lot from others and himself. Strives to high quality in everything.

soldier pose

Sleeping in the star position

It's most interesting to talk about what sleep positions mean if you have the opportunity to test all these hypotheses by studying your loved ones. Position on your stomach or back. The legs and arms are spread to the maximum width, as if the body is trying to cover the entire sleeping area. A similar mechanism works when awake - such a person is accustomed to the desire to express himself in all possible areas. The man takes away significant role sense of self-importance, he may have a high self-evaluation, and under it, as we know, a whole series of complexes usually hides. The character may contain aggression and persistence.

The position of the star can be a reflection of current situations in life. Maybe on man is walking pressure or attempts to conquer its territory. With this body posture, the mind is trying to demonstrate that a person has a right to his place and can protect personal boundaries. Those who feel a surge of strength and realize that they are successful in life may also want to sleep like a star.

star pose

Stomach sleeping position

The sleeper lies with straight legs, arms extended and often half bent, above the head. Such a person’s character is often closed. In the case of the fetal position, this feature is more pronounced. And a person who loves the stomach position has a need to defend his boundaries, he expresses it by not allowing people to interfere in his personal affairs. This is a person with an independent and independent character, not subject to public influence. There is a tendency to lay things out on shelves and in order.

Such a person usually makes a clear plan for the whole day and is a bit of a pedant. In the worst case, one can see boringness in communication, but it is also impossible not to notice persistence and perseverance. Determination helps you achieve a better financial position and win good status in society. If in a dream there is obvious anxiety and a person constantly turns over, then he needs to get out of the current situation and solve pressing problems. He is looking for a foothold for effective fight with troubles.

stomach sleeping position

Sleeping in a royal pose

A relaxed and spacious position looks like this: straight legs are in a turn, but do not lie casually, arms are extended along the body, they are located at a slight distance. Most likely such a person high level self-confidence, he is used to acting directly and frankly, without malice. This behavior is typical of decent and honest people. Notes of rudeness can be caused by a straightforward character. A person who is a leader in life and is used to getting what he wants rests in this position. Sometimes achieving goals feels like stubbornness. If the king notices that someone is trying to change his beliefs, he begins to believe in them even more.

royal pose

Sleeping in a philosophical pose

Lying on your back, arms bent at the elbows and placed behind the head, head resting on the hands. This variation of sleep is called the philosopher's pose, since a person at this moment looks like a thinker and if you imagine that he is awake, you might think that he is thinking and philosophizing. In fact, such a comparison brings us closer to unraveling the essence of personality. Most likely, this is a reasonable and very serious person who can analyze something for a long time and discuss the most complex topics. He is characterized by slowness in everyday life and communication. There may be difficulties in contacting people of the opposite sex.

This also includes a pose on the side and stomach with your hands behind your head and your head slightly turned to one side and lying on your palms. Here the situation with character is almost the same as in the philosophical pose, but the person is more often embarrassed, is sophisticated, and also withdraws more into himself. There are other features - this is super-practicality and from this the inability to quickly make decisions develops, it is possible frequent change beliefs.

philosophical pose

Sleeping in log pose

The body is turned to one side, the arms are extended along the body. This situation speaks of the frankness and kindness of a person. The communication sphere of life brings only joy. Easy to find mutual language with almost anyone who meets along the way. If the arms are often extended forward, excessive naivety is noted. A person can think for a long time before making a decision, but it turns out to be firm. If such a person finds himself in a dysfunctional environment where lies reign, he acquires the corresponding qualities - he stops trusting people and becomes a cynic.

log pose

Sleeping in the cross position

The body is twisted so that one hand is below, the other is above. A person bends one leg at the knee and straightens it at the hip area, the position of the second leg is the opposite. The result is the appearance of a running man who makes characteristic movements with his arms and legs. We can say that such a person has disorganization in his character. This means a tendency to be late, forgetful and low level self-discipline. A capricious and disorganized person cannot adapt to various situations, you cannot rely on him, many things remain unfinished.

cross pose

As we see, a person’s posture in a dream and his character are interconnected; the first can be used to judge the second.

What do sleep positions tell us about partners' relationships?

  • sleeping in the position of partners touching their backs - indicates trust and calmness, shows stable positive relationships, mutual respect, support, unity and compromise;
  • back-to-back pose without contact - a dream of two people turned away from each other, located at a considerable distance, speaks of problems in relationships, if the bodies are strongly bent, that is, tension, unhealthy competition and resentment;
  • copying the partner’s pose - the partners are close in spirit, the couple is not afraid of everyday difficulties, complete mutual understanding reigns in it, sex life on high;
  • dividing the bed into zones is a sign of stubborn partners’ struggle for leadership, an attempt to gain power and self-realization through dominance over the other, to control the situation;
  • stretching out your hand towards your partner - dreaming face to face holding hands speaks of complete trust and the desire to protect and support;
  • intertwining of limbs in a dream - sleeping in an embrace in sensual poses reflects passion, which usually happens at the very beginning of a relationship;
  • dreaming like a train - if one person turns his back, the other lies facing him and puts his hand on his shoulder, then the second feels affection, and the first desires freedom;
  • if one partner hugs the other tightly from behind, this is a signal of ambiguity in the relationship, they are comfortable together, but they get over it difficult period, there is a lack of care and attention;
  • the pose of one partner on his back, the second hugging him with his limbs like a child - reflects the relationship according to the principle of a boss and a subordinate, this is a strong couple, they have a well-thought-out sex life, where one dominates and the other submits.

Indeed, the sleeping positions of lovers can tell a lot about their life together and attitude towards each other.

Sleeping positions will tell you about the relationship between partners

The best sleeping positions

Sleeping positions during pregnancy

Consider sleep tips for pregnant women:

  • It is better to lie on your side to rest;
  • You can’t sleep on your stomach at any stage;
  • It is undesirable to sleep on your back;
  • It's better to sleep on your left side.

It is also advisable for pregnant women to use special pillows; they come in the most different forms, their fillers differ.

Sleeping positions for osteochondrosis

Spine problems dictate special conditions for sleep. Need orthopedic supplies. Here are the main organizations:

  • Sleeping on your back with your legs half bent and your legs straight and your muscles tense is beneficial;
  • sleeping in the fetal position - allows the spine to rest; you can put a pillow under the knee of the leg on top;
  • sleeping on your side with your shoulder resting on the mattress and your head resting comfortably on a small pillow.

If you have osteochondrosis, you should not use a surface that is too soft or hard for sleeping.

Sleeping positions for spinal hernia

Hernias in different areas of the spine are a serious disorder, causing pain and many complications. To improve your quality of life, you need to follow doctors' recommendations. Here are tips for sleeping positions:

  • a good option is a semi-rigid bed, it does not allow the spine to sag in the lumbar region;
  • optimal relaxing and pain-relieving position - fetal position; You should not sleep on your back during an exacerbation when inflammatory process most clearly manifested;
  • doctors welcome lumbar hernia sleep on your stomach, turning your body slightly and pulling the mountain up on the side where there is radicular syndrome.

During an exacerbation of the disease, it is important not to overcool. The body may react poorly to cold, resulting in general vascular spasm.

Sleeping position for a newborn

It is important for a child to create best conditions from birth, so that he grows well, is calm and develops correctly. Pay great attention to choosing a bed and arranging the children's room. Eat general tips on sleeping positions for parents of little ones.

Newborn sleeping on his back

Sleeping on the back is the safest for a newborn, day and night. The head should be turned to the side to prevent vomit from entering the Airways. To prevent the development of torticollis, the rotation of the head should be varied each time. If your child is diagnosed with dysplasia hip joint, then it is better to sleep not on your back, but on your stomach. If you have hypertorus muscles and problems with arm swings, the position on your back is also not suitable. When a baby has colic, sleeping on his back is likely to be restless and will require assistance.

Newborn sleeping on stomach

When awake, you need to turn the baby onto his stomach one or more times a day. This approach allows you to develop your back muscles and get used to holding your head, learn the world and get used to orientation in space. The stomach releases excess gases well and reduces pain from colic. You can allow a child to sleep on his stomach only under the close supervision of a parent, otherwise breathing may stop and the child will suddenly die. If you move away, then turn the child on his side.

Newborn position on side

Of course it is safe posture for sleep, but only if the child definitely does not turn over on his stomach with his own efforts. A reasonable option is to place it on the half-side, with a cushion of a towel or blanket under the backrest. We place our hands in front of our faces and protect them from self-harm with mittens. If a child often regurgitates food and suffers from colic, then on his side is best pose for sleep. If you have hip dysplasia and are less than 3 months old, you should not place your baby on its side so as not to put stress on the pelvic bones.

Do not position the child's body so that the head is higher. After feeding, it is enough to hold the baby upright for 5-10 minutes. He should sleep on a strictly horizontal surface, this will ensure proper development spine.

It is impossible to say for sure which correct posture for sleep and what not, it is different for everyone. The main thing is to pay a lot of attention to your rest in general: ventilate and clean the bedroom in a timely manner, take care of your psychological comfort, use the highest quality sleep accessories and pleasant bedding.

It turns out that the postures taken during sleep matter and can tell a lot about the character of a particular person.

The fact is that our posture affects our mood and this is easy to verify. You just need to choose a certain position and stay in it for a while. And very soon you will feel your mood changing.

Someone who kneels and remains in that position will feel very differently than someone with their head held high. The bending pose has one effect, the squatting pose has another, the lying pose has a third, etc. Even if you just fold your arms across your chest and sit in that position for a while, you will feel a certain closeness.

Sleeping positions - what do sleeping positions mean?

Sleeping positions are the only thing we have no control over. If we can change a feature of our character while awake, then it is impossible to do this with a posture in a dream. That is, a sleeping person “gives away” his true distinctive features, determining one or another way of his behavior.

And what then do sleep positions say? Scientists at the Edinburgh Sleep Center conducted research and found a direct relationship between the favorite sleeping positions of people and their individual character traits:

Embryo/fetal position in sleep

Approximately 40% of people sleep curled up. The embryo/fetus is in the same position in the mother’s womb. If in adult life we ​​return to this position every night, this indicates, on the one hand, a desire to regain lost security, and on the other, a clear attachment to oneself.

This pose reveals a person who is inclined to show himself as a person who is outwardly more independent and tough than in reality.

Side sleeping position (log position)

The second most common pose is the log pose, which about 15% of people are prone to. They lie perfectly straight on one side and keep their arms on one side, although not strictly at the seams, as in the "soldier" pose described later.

This position signals openness, at least partially - for a partner or some other loved one. People of this type are easy to communicate and love company. They quickly begin to trust strangers and therefore easily make new acquaintances. And sometimes they are too gullible.

Side sleeping pose (“Passionate” pose)

People with this sleep position also lie on their sides, although not as motionless and straight as “logs.” Their arms are passionately extended forward, and approximately 13% of people sleep in this position. They, as a rule, lie on the same side, from which we can conclude that they are inflexible.

People who prefer to sleep this way are open and passionate by nature, but do not like to conform. Sometimes people of this type are distrustful and hot-tempered, and can also become suspicious. They need a lot of time to make decisions.

Sleeping position on your back (soldier position)

The “soldier” lies in bed on his back, holding his “hands at his sides.” 8% of the population sleeps in this position. In this case we're talking about about a secretive, reserved type of people with high claims to themselves and to their environment. Even in their dreams they do not want to give up their claims.

Sincerity and freedom of communication are alien to them in any life situation. They are always oriented to the very top, to the top of the hierarchy, as befits good performers or soldiers.

Stomach sleeping pose (fallen pose)

In this position, the sleeper lies on his stomach, turning his head to the side and hugging the pillow. For all those who are not included in the 7% of people who prefer this position, it is perhaps difficult to maintain it for even half an hour, lying on the massage therapist’s table. This just goes to show how different our sleep patterns are.

A person sleeping in this position seems to have fallen from high altitude and crashed. He lies spread-eagled on the ground, turned in last moment facing to the side.

At first glance, such people seem sociable, and also a little rude, feigning their thick skin. However, in reality they are completely different and behind the outer shell hides a nervous, sensitive and insecure person. This pose speaks of the insecurity of a person seeking support in a hugging pillow. They do not handle criticism well due to a lack of self-confidence.

Arms Overhead Sleeping Pose (Star/Surrender Pose)

Only about 5% of people sleep in the star/surrender position. They lie on their backs, with their arms raised above or behind their heads, or hugging a pillow from behind, as if to say, “I give up.” One who expresses such submission to fate even at night can completely forget about himself and follow others.

These types of people are good listeners, appear open-minded, and easily form friendships. They avoid being the center of attention, but are always ready to help.

Different sleeping positions (“Movable” position)

About 10% of people of this type, who are on the move day and night, take different sleeping positions, changing one to another. In this case, we are talking about people who are insecure and constantly strive to find an ideal position in life.

Some, for example, are so sensitive that their body unconsciously tries to avoid danger in their sleep, and on a large bed this can lead to constant movement. Children in their cribs sometimes perform impossible tricks to avoid such dangerous areas.

The “ascetics” do not have enough time to rest. At the same time, they are very flexible, can easily adapt to different circumstances and understand other people well. They try by any means to find their place in life.

It is also necessary to mention people who sleep peacefully and wake up in the same position in which they fell asleep. Anyone who sleeps peacefully is obviously satisfied with himself.

Cover ourselves with a blanket - meaning

Most people sleep under a blanket, and many have one leg or arm out from under it. In this case, the person seems to be putting up an antenna to communicate with the outside world.

The second most common option is in which a person puts both legs outward. Here we may be talking about an unconscious attempt to cool and ventilate our own limbs.

Only 10% of people prefer to sleep completely covered with a blanket. Even fewer people cover their heads and hide completely under the blanket. This undoubtedly conceals a desire for security and a desire to hide. This phenomenon is more common among those sleeping in the “fetal” position or on their back than among those sleeping in the “surrender” or “soldier” position.