Removing psychological pressures. Muscle Clamps and Blocks – Getting Rid of Once and For All

It is important to learn how to recognize and get rid of psychological stress in time. Mild tension can arise throughout the day, and if it is not removed, it will gradually develop into increased anxiety, and then into neurosis. It is worth remembering that the faster you try to solve problems, the higher the likelihood of depression or stress.

Sometimes at the end of the day we feel aching pain in our muscles, we cannot straighten up or turn our head. The reason for this is the “muscular shell” - this is what Wilhelm Reich called muscle spasm, who was the first to notice the connection between stress and the body’s reaction to it. He associated this with a person’s habit of keeping everything to himself and the inability to express emotions. All this leads to the fact that any psychological problem will be reflected in the body as a muscle block.

Exercises to relieve muscle tension and stress

We present to you 6 exercises aimed at removing these blocks. Completing them will not take you much time, and the results will not be long in coming.

1. If your middle back and lower back hurt

Constant tension and tightness of the back muscles can lead to various diseases: osteochondrosis, muscle blockade of discs, intervertebral hernias, spinal curvature.

Also compressed vertebrae can cause heart pain, headaches and dizziness, blurred vision.

How to relieve back tension

This exercise will help you relieve pain in your back muscles.

1. Stand up straight. Raise your hands up and then place them behind your head.

2. Lean back. The back should take the shape of an arch.

3. Return to the starting position.

4. Repeat 5 times.

2. For neck and upper back pain

Most likely, you are sitting at your computer while reading this article. Assess whether your neck is in the correct position:

    shoulders should not be raised up;

    the trapezius should not be tense.

Tension in the trapezius often occurs due to stress and fatigue, a habit of slouching, or persistently raised shoulders.

How to get rid of neck and shoulder pain

The neck is the part of the body that usually reacts first to stress. Tension in it negatively affects the functioning of blood vessels and nerves. The brain receives less essential oxygen and nutrients, and muscles weaken.

To prevent this from happening, do the following:

1. Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart.

2. Place your hands on your waist and tilt your head forward and then move it back.

3. Repeat 8 times.

How to remove clamps from neck and shoulders

This is fraught with myositis - inflammation of muscle tissue.

1. Straighten up, put your hands behind your head. Factors that provoke pain in the trapezius muscle can be hypothermia, insufficient warming up before training, performing monotonous movements, wearing heavy bags and backpacks. E

2. Tilt your neck to the right, then to the left.

3. If it’s hard, help yourself with your hands: this will increase muscle stretching.

4. Stay in the “down” position for 10 seconds while bending to each side.

3. With facial clamps

Sometimes the head and facial muscles also suffer from stress.

You may not feel muscle tension on your face. But it is quite easy to detect it in yourself. The most obvious evidence of a “muscular shell” is a frozen grimace.

Also, carefully examine yourself in front of the mirror, run your fingers over your face: areas where you feel tension clearly require relaxation. A tightness in the forehead can lead to migraines, increased intracranial pressure, around the eyes - to swelling and dark circles, fatigue, in the jaw - to problems with teeth and spasm of blood vessels that nourish the skin of the face.

How to relieve tension in facial muscles

1. Stand up straight. Place your hands behind your head, without intertwining your fingers.

2. Turn your head from side to side.

3. If you feel discomfort, gently help yourself with your hands.

4. Do 4 repetitions on each side.

5. After completing the exercise, gently massage your facial skin with your fingers.

4. For tension and pain throughout the body

Pinched back muscles have a negative impact on the spine, in especially severe cases this can lead to curvature. By shifting, the vertebrae compress the neurons coming from the spinal cord, which can cause pain in any organs. In addition, compression of blood vessels is fraught with tissue swelling and pain in the body.

How to relieve physical tension

This exercise will reduce stress on the psoas, lower back and abdominal muscles.

1. Stand up straight. Place your hands behind your head.

2. Tilt your body to the right. At the same time, extend your left hand to the right side.

3. Return to the starting position and then perform the exercise in mirror image.

4. Repeat 4 bends in each direction.

5. To get rid of psychological stress

It is important to learn how to recognize and get rid of psychological stress in time. Mild tension can arise throughout the day, and if it is not removed, it will gradually develop into increased anxiety, and then into neurosis.

It is worth remembering that the faster you try to solve problems, the higher the likelihood of depression or stress. If you often find yourself repeating the same thoughts, try the following exercise.

How to relieve psychological stress

This universal exercise is intended for people who constantly experience emotional discomfort and physical fatigue.

1. Choose a calm and quiet place. It is best if it is a well-ventilated area. The exercise can be performed standing or sitting.

2. Stand up straight with your feet together. Close your eyes and relax them, breathe calmly. Keep your head straight, in a natural position, without tension. Place your arms freely along your body. When performing the exercise while sitting, place your hands on your legs.

3. As you move your shoulders back and down, make a movement as if you were throwing something off your shoulders. Then transfer the weight of your torso to your pelvis. Try to relax and feel the strength of the muscles in your legs.

4. Find balance. You will succeed when all the tension is gone. Be relaxed and do not make unnecessary movements. Try to stay in this position for 5 minutes.

5. While doing the exercise, try not to think about anything.

After the time has passed, lightly massage your face, neck and décolleté.

As you can see, these exercises are easy to do. They can easily be done at the workplace. published.

Illustrations: Daniil Shubin

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In body psychotherapy, special attention is paid to working with voice and breathing. Deep breathing restores contact between consciousness and feelings, consciousness and bodily sensations. ( Therapy for joylessness. Bringing joy back into your life . , Secrets of health and longevity. Breathwork .) What does working with voice give us? The first is the removal of the throat and jaw clamps, which arise in early childhood.

The lower jaw serves as a kind of locking mechanism that does not allow anything from the outside to penetrate inside us. Initially, a jaw clamp is formed as a result of resistance to force feeding or eating unwanted food.

And this is not the only function performed by the lower jaw. The lower jaw is also designed not to release unwanted internal impulses outward. As a rule, we are talking about strong crying, screaming, anger, rage... Remember how often in childhood, when we were raised to be “good”, “cultured”, “well-mannered” girls and boys, we had to hear “shut your mouth” , “I’ll hit you on the lips”, “What’s wrong with you?”, “You’re a man!”, “Who behaves like that” and so on. I think everyone has their own list of similar phrases and attitudes.

The lower jaw plays an important role in the implementation of aggression. Let us remember that primitive people used their teeth not only to chew, but also to gnaw at the throats of their enemies, digging their teeth deeper into it. Therefore, when a person experiences anger, a powerful destructive impulse, which originates deep in the body, reaches our jaws. This impulse gives the jaw additional compressive force. Therefore, repressed anger often manifests itself in severe tension in the lower jaw and jaw clamping.

With the help of tension, modern people have learned to restrain screaming, anger, and malice. And some are so good at it that their mouth can no longer open fully to say something loudly. Their speech becomes incomprehensible, the person mumbles, multiple dental problems arise, and pain begins in the jaw and in the back of the head. Vision may decrease. Among other things, jaw and throat clamps block the possibility of free communication and expression of one’s feelings, which negatively affects a person’s psycho-emotional state and can lead to psychosomatic diseases.

How to determine if there is a jaw clamp?

It is quite easy to determine if you have tension in the lower jaw area. The first way is to simply feel your nodules on your cheekbones opposite the ear opening. If pain occurs, it means there is a clamp in the lower jaw.

The second way is to open your mouth more. If you feel limited in this movement, then again, this indicates chronic overstrain of the muscles that hold the lower jaw. The habit of grinding your teeth in a dream also indicates a jaw clamp.

The third option is to fold three fingers and place them between your teeth. How comfortable are you with holding this position for a long time? If it is convenient and comfortable, then most likely there is no strong clamping. If only two fit and pain occurs - strong compression.

Now, select some detail on the opposite wall and look at it, and then clench your jaw tightly and look at the same detail. Are the outlines blurry? This is the clamp.

Conversely, when a person is relaxed and experiencing positive feelings, the lower jaw drops slightly. This is precisely the purpose of yawns, which help the body relax. In addition, they contribute to the flow of more air into our body. We often yawn during the day not so much because we are bored, but because we unconsciously want to relieve the tension that arises in us as a result of trying to force ourselves to do something that we do not like.

Exercise for removing the jaw clamp.

Reich's vegetative therapy. Body-oriented psychotherapy. So, an exercise to remove the muscle block on the jaw segment. The exercise is performed in pairs.

To complete the exercise you will need 2 waffle towels and strong teeth without braces. If you have braces and do not have a waffle towel, then... you cannot do this exercise. Instead, you will remove the clamps from the jaw when you start working with the throat segment - because everything here is interconnected and therefore sometimes interchangeable.

But if you have a clean waffle towel in your house that you don’t mind, and your teeth don’t carry anything unnecessary and stand firmly in place, then do this exercise - boldly, but very carefully :-). If in doubt, then... decide for yourself whether to do it.

The exercise is called “Bobik, give me the leash, you bastard!”

So we have two actors. One will be the Master, the second will be Bobik. Props (aka stimulus material) - a waffle towel as a dog leash. Change roles with your friend so that the jaw clamp “opens” at the same time for both.

The dog gets on all fours. The owner twists the waffle towel into a rope and takes hold of both ends of this rope. The dog bites the tourniquet in the middle... And... BOXING!!! The fight has begun!

Everyone pulls their “blanket” over themselves. The person who plays the role of Bobik must fully get used to the role and not throw in the towel with all his might. And the second participant should also honestly pull on himself. The dog is allowed (even recommended) to growl and drool. The game ends with the victory of one of the players. The clamp in the jaw segment passes.

After this, the actors change roles.

The second version of this exercise is independent. Bite . Take some kind of dense and elastic object. This can be the same tightly rolled towel or an elastic ball; you can also use a dog toy designed for this purpose. Start biting that object with all the force and passion you can muster. At the same time, try to take the toy away from yourself with your hands, tearing it out of your mouth. Your task is to release all the anger that has accumulated in you, and at the same time protect your “territory”. When you feel that the tension begins to weaken and you no longer want to “tear and throw,” let go of the object and relax. You will feel that your lower jaw has dropped a little and has become more mobile.

Throat clamp.

Clamps in the throat also occur in early childhood, when it was necessary to suppress crying or screaming by squeezing the throat muscles. The throat tension also affects our ligaments, creating additional tension in them. As a result, the muscles involved in sound production become inactive. This is reflected in the sound of the voice. It can be too smooth and monotonous or hoarse and hoarse. Or, on the contrary, it may be too high, closer to falsetto.

In addition, in the throat area, almost under the larynx, there is the throat chakra - Vishuddha. Its functions include growth regulation. In the mental area, it determines our abilities to communicate, self-expression, the communicative aspect of creative activity and awareness of our own individuality. Therefore, by working to remove the throat clamp, we automatically restore normal energy circulation in this center.

Despite the fact that this problem dates back to childhood, we are quite capable of removing the throat clamp at a more mature age, thereby bringing into our lives a new degree of freedom and brightness of experiences.

How to remove the throat clamp?

Yawn more often. After all, yawning is a natural mechanism given to us by nature to relieve tension.

Sing. For the first time, a chiropractor advised me to go to vocal training. The first thing he said after the examination was to buy a Frolov breathing simulator to work with the diaphragm; sign up for the pool and vocal classes. After that, I gave a lecture on the benefits of singing for the health of the body.

And it is truly difficult to overestimate the benefits that singing has for a person’s physical and psychological health. It perfectly removes all throat tension. We cannot reach the deep muscles of the goal with either massage or exercises. But this can make a sound that makes the superficial and deep tissues of the throat vibrate, freeing them from excess tension, removing muscle blocks and throat clamps.

Singing imparts the “correct” vibrations to the body, which increases vitality. A beautiful voice literally “fascinates”, which has a positive effect on a person’s self-esteem and contributes to more confident and constructive communication with other people.

During singing, blood circulation improves, which has a beneficial effect on the vocal cords, tonsils and numerous lymph nodes. With regular vocal practice, the level of immunoglobulin-A and hydrocortisone in the body increases, which means it significantly improves immunity. We get colds less often and feel more energetic.

Improving blood supply when singing leads to increased activity of the brain: it begins to work more intensely, memory improves, and any information is more easily perceived. While singing, special chemicals are produced in the brain - endorphins, which help lift your mood, feel peace, lightness and joy.

Information for the fair sex :-). While singing, due to improved blood supply, the entire body rejuvenates, complexion and skin condition improves. And besides, who would refuse to once again be in the spotlight by singing a beautiful song somewhere at a party, karaoke or at a friend’s wedding. One of my friends, instead of a toast at her sister’s wedding, sang a song by the group “Slivki”, and during the loss she said congratulations. It was very impressive and beautiful.

Singing is very useful for lung diseases, as it not only replaces breathing exercises, but also promotes the development of the chest and proper breathing.

Currently, techniques have been developed to treat stuttering through singing and help improve diction. In addition, group vocal lessons most often have a warm, welcoming and friendly atmosphere. Which also has a healing psychological effect.

Exercise for removing jaw and throat tension.

Exercise “The road can be mastered by the one who walks” or “Language as a traveler.” This is also an exercise from body-oriented psychotherapy. It may seem tedious to some, but in addition to relieving muscle tension, it helps improve ability to concentrate . Which is also very important for a happy and quality life.

You do not need a partner to perform this vegetative therapy exercise.

Sit comfortably in a chair and ground yourself. That is, rest your feet on the floor. Close your eyes and sit like that for a while. Feel that there is a tongue living in your mouth. Love him, say hello to him.

Now let your tongue go on an excursion to the place where it has lived and worked all its life. That is, you begin to study and feel with your tongue every bump, every filling, every place in your mouth. Palate, gums, alveoli, teeth, lips (so far only their inner surface), cheeks, throat.

After each tooth has been felt (external, internal and cutting parts), let your tongue go out and feel everything there that it can reach. At this moment, a wide variety of sounds will be born - from smacking to whistling. Now your tongue will also sound and speak. Allow yourself this. So easily and imperceptibly the muscle block - “clenched jaws” and “walking” nodules - dissolves.

Your tour of the mouth should last at least 10-15 minutes. Take your time and never rush. If you feel the famous “lump in the throat” (the expression of all neurotics about this muscle block), then with this exercise the lump in the throat will disappear.

You need to perform this vegetative therapy exercise regularly. And it’s better if you’ve already worked on the eye and jaw segments before doing this. Then these fun will have therapeutic benefits and you will feel the results.

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Useful materials:

Therapy for joylessness. Bringing joy back into your life.

Secrets of health and longevity. Working with breathing.

How to improve memory and concentration?

When using the material, an indexed link is required.

Based on the book by Fadiman J. and Frager R

"Wilhelm Reich and the psychology of the body."

“Any serious conflict leaves its traces in the body in the form of rigidity.”

Release of the muscular shell

Reich believed that:

  • mind and body are a single whole, each character trait of a person has a corresponding physical posture;
  • character is expressed in the body in the form of muscle rigidity (excessive muscle tension, from the Latin rigidus - hard) or muscular armor;
  • Chronic tension blocks the energy flows that underlie strong emotions;
  • blocked emotions cannot be expressed and form the so-called COEX system ();
  • eliminating muscle tension releases significant energy, which manifests itself in the form of a feeling of warmth or cold, tingling, itching or emotional uplift.

Reich analyzed the patient's postures and physical habits to make him aware of how vital feelings were suppressed in various parts of the body.
All patients said that in the course of therapy they went through periods of their childhood when they learned to suppress their hatred, anxiety or love through certain actions that influenced autonomic functions (holding their breath, tensing their abdominal muscles, etc.).

The reason for increased muscle tension in adults is constant mental and emotional stress.
Goal-seeking is the state of modern man.
Imposed ideals of material well-being and comfort, the conditions for achieving them, and a focus on the final result rather than on life in the present moment keep people in constant tension.
Hence muscle tension → spasm of blood vessels → hypertension, osteochondrosis, peptic ulcer, etc. and so on.
Everything else is secondary reasons.

The function of the shell is protection from displeasure. However, the body pays for this protection by reducing its capacity for pleasure.

Muscular armor organized into seven main segments consisting of muscles and organs. These segments are located in the eyes, mouth, neck, chest, diaphragm, abdomen and pelvis.

Reichian therapy consists of opening the shell in each segment, starting with the eyes and ending with the pelvis.

Removing muscle tension

achieved through:

  • accumulation of energy in the body;
  • direct effect on chronic muscle blocks (massage);
  • expression of released emotions, which are revealed at the same time;
  • , yoga, qigong, holotropic breathing, etc.
  • ; its sound relieves internal tension.

1. Eyes. The protective armor is manifested in the immobility of the forehead and the “empty” expression of the eyes, which seem to be looking from behind a motionless mask. Blooming is accomplished by opening the eyes as wide as possible to involve the eyelids and forehead; gymnastics for the eyes.

2. Mouth. This segment includes muscle groups of the chin, throat and back of the head. The jaw can be either too clenched or unnaturally relaxed. The segment holds the expression of crying, screaming, anger. You can relieve muscle tension by simulating crying, moving your lips, biting, grimacing, and massaging the muscles of your forehead and face.

3.Neck. Includes deep neck muscles and tongue. The muscle block mainly holds anger, screaming and crying. Direct impact on the muscles deep in the neck is impossible, so screaming, singing, gagging, sticking out the tongue, bending and rotating the head, etc. can eliminate muscle tension.

4. Thoracic segment: broad muscles of the chest, muscles of the shoulders, shoulder blades, chest and arms. Laughter, sadness, passion are suppressed. Holding your breath is a means of suppressing any emotion. The shell dissolves by working on breathing, especially by fully exhaling.

5.Diaphragm. This segment includes the diaphragm, solar plexus, internal organs, and muscles of the vertebrae at this level. The shell is expressed in the forward arching of the spine. Exhalation turns out to be more difficult than inhalation (as with bronchial asthma). The muscle block holds strong anger. You need to pretty much dissolve the first four segments before moving on to dissolving this one.

6.Stomach. Abdominal muscles and back muscles. Tension of the lumbar muscles is associated with the fear of attack. Muscle tension on the sides is associated with the suppression of anger and hostility. The opening of the shell in this segment is relatively easy if the upper segments are already open.

7.Taz. The last segment includes all the muscles of the pelvis and lower extremities. The stronger the muscle spasm, the more the pelvis is pulled back. The gluteal muscles are tense and painful. The pelvic shell serves to suppress excitement, anger, and pleasure.

Reich discovered that as people free themselves from muscle tension, they become more flexible, and their entire being and lifestyle changes fundamentally.

The technique for removing internal clamps will help you forever get rid of various internal clamps, blocks and negative attitudes towards you.

To release muscle and internal tension, use the following psychotechniques.

Stand up straight, focusing your attention on your right or left hand. Push it as hard as possible. After a few seconds, you need to relieve tension and relax your hand. Do similar exercises with your other arm, both legs, lower back, and neck.

2. "Puppet"

Imagine that you are a puppet. After the performance, you were hung on a nail in the closet. You should imagine that you are suspended by various parts of the body: by a finger, neck, ear, shoulder. The body should be fixed only at this point. And everything else is relaxed and hanging out. This exercise can be performed at any pace. Both with closed and open eyes. It would be nice if someone from the outside monitored your level of relaxation.

3. “Voltage rollover”

The participant needs to strain his left arm to the limit. Next, gradually relaxing it, transfer the tension to your right hand. Then, completely relaxing the right leg, move it to the right leg, then to the left. And then on the neck, back, lower back.

4. "Spaghetti"
Want to turn into pasta? To do this, relax your arms: from the forearm to the fingertips. You need to swing your arms in different directions. And at the same time control their absolute freedom.

Next, free your hands from the elbow to the fingertips, continuing the chaotic rotation. The elbow joint must be kept closed, but the fingers and hands must be completely free. You should rotate them, feeling the springy vibration. Your fingers should be free and flow like boiled spaghetti.

5. "Fire and Ice"

In this exercise, you need to alternately tense and relax your entire body. At the command of a comrade “Fire!” you begin to make intense movements with your whole body. You choose the degree of intensity and smoothness yourself. A friend gives the command: “Ice!” And you must freeze in the position in which your friend’s team froze you. In this case, you need to strain your entire body to the limit. Your friend alternates these commands several times, changing the timing of both at his discretion.

6. “Relaxation by count”

Take your starting position - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, and point your arms up. The comrade is counting. During the counting, the participant must gradually relax all parts of the body. On the count of “one” you need to relax your hands. On “two” elbows. On the count of “three,” relax your shoulders and arms, and on “four,” relax your head. And on the count of “five” you need to completely relax your torso, which should only be supported on your feet. On the count of six, complete relaxation. You sit down “on point”. Then, when your friend claps, you get up.

In addition, the presenter can give the command to relax at different speeds. At the same time, checking the quality of relaxation of each part of the participant’s body. For example, on the count of “one, two,” they shook their hands and checked the degree of relaxation.

7. “Growing”

Squat down, bend your head towards your knees and clasp them with your hands. The presenter says: “Imagine that you are a small sprout that has just emerged from the ground. You stand up and gradually straighten, open up and rush upward. I will help you grow by counting to six. Try to distribute your growth stages evenly.”

If in the future you want to complicate this exercise, the leader can increase the duration of growth to 15-20 stages.

8. “Stretched and broke”

You need to stand up straight. The arms and the whole body rush upward, but the foot is completely adjacent to the floor. Do not lift your heels under any circumstances.

The presenter says the following: “We stretch, we stretch up. Higher and higher. Mentally lift your heels off the floor (they should not be on the floor) to become even higher. Now imagine that your hands are broken and hanging limply. After which the arms break at the elbows and shoulders. The shoulders fell, the head hung, and broke at the waist, the knees buckled. We fell to the floor, we lie relaxed, comfortable on the floor. Listen to yourself: is there any tension left somewhere? Let's relax this place."

While performing this exercise, the facilitator must draw the participant’s attention to the following components:

show the difference between performing the command “break your hands” and “lower your hands” (their relaxation is achieved in the first case)

when the participant is already lying on the floor, the leader must go around everyone, check whether the body is completely relaxed, indicating the places of muscle tension

9. “Clamps in a circle”

You walk in a circle and, on command, tense your left arm, left leg, right arm, right leg, lower back, both legs, whole body. The body tension should be weak at first and gradually increase to the limit. In a state of extreme tension, you need to walk for at least 20 seconds. Then, at the command of a comrade, the tension should be completely relieved. That is, completely relax a tense area of ​​the body.

As instructed by the facilitator, at the end of each part of the exercise, the participant listens to the sensations of his body. At the same time, he continues to calmly walk in a circle, remembering the usual tension in this part of the body (that is, his usual tension). After which, you should gradually tense your body in this place again. Having brought the clamp to the limit, reset after 17-20 seconds.

10. “Plasticine dolls”

The exercise consists of three stages. During it, the participant needs to turn into a plasticine doll. At the first clap of the leader, the participant must become a doll, which was stored for a long time in a cold place. In this regard, plasticine has lost its softness and plasticity: it is cruel and hard.

The second clap means the start of working with dolls. The presenter must change the poses of the dolls. And the participant needs to remember that the frozen form of the dolls complicates his work. He should feel that the material is resisting.

On the third clap, the last stage begins. You need to imagine that many heating devices were suddenly turned on in the room. The dolls are softening. It should be noted that this is a process, not an instant transformation. First, those parts of the body that require less plasticine should float. These are the neck, fingers, arms and then legs.

In the final part of the exercise, the dolls seem to “drain” onto the floor and turn into a shapeless plasticine mass. In turn, this is absolute muscle relaxation.

Relieving tension and pressure improves performance, increases self-confidence and improves mood. For dynamic relaxation, raise your right arm, and then clench and unclench your hand for a minute and a half. Keep your arm raised for another minute and a half, then lower it and relax it as much as possible so that it hangs like a whip. Do a similar exercise with your left hand, ensuring that maximum relaxation occurs in both hands. Without straining your upper limbs, raise your right knee to your waist 50-70 times, then assume a sitting position and relax your right leg and arms. Stand up and do the same exercise with your left leg.

Relaxation of this kind must be done by repeating aloud or silently a phrase that gives an attitude of calm. It may sound like this: “I am calm. I'm absolutely calm. Under any circumstances, in any situation, I will remain absolutely calm.” When pronouncing this formula (with your eyes closed), try to put it into images and visualize it. It is useful to perform this stress relief twice a day - morning and evening for 5-7 minutes. As a result of the exercises, anxiety and neuroses are eliminated, balance and self-confidence are gained, and internal pressures that hinder the effective development of a person are removed.

One of the famous psychologists who devoted a lot of time to researching the process of removing clamps is Vladimir Levi. Here are a few of their types, inherent in different people. Those who are focused on serious problems, for example those related to their own health, have constantly and strongly tense eyelids, the bridge of the nose and the eyebrow. Irritable, whiny and lonely people usually suffer from excessive tension in the jaws, lips and mouth. Insecure individuals (often young people) often experience a tonic stoop, and tension covers the shoulders, back of the head and neck. Restless, irritable, overly active people are prone to pinching their fingers and elbows. Those who talk a lot often have excessive tension in the abdominals, diaphragm, pharynx and larynx.

All of the above pressures are a source of bad mood, indecisiveness, and in some cases lead to stuttering. As a rule, combinations of several clamps are observed. Anyone can easily detect them, which is the first step towards relieving tension. That this must be done is beyond doubt. A person gets tired not from work as such, but mostly from internal pressures and emotional tension.

By learning to relax, we will get rid of the “muscular shell” that constrains the body, and at the same time we will deal with the “cockroaches” in the head.

Clamps in the elbows, hands, ready to clench into fists, closed jaws are signs of a person who is overly active, overly restless, and prone to conflicts.

And tension in the neck, chest and legs often occurs in people with low self-esteem.

Alas, not everyone can boast of psychological stability. In our difficult times, balanced people are a rarity. Daily stress, negative emotions, unfulfilled desires... If too much of them accumulates, they begin to form muscle tension in our body. Do you have them? Let's check...

One person asks another:

You don’t drink, don’t smoke... But how do you relax?

And I don’t bother.”

How to remove the clamps? Fun exercises


Take a mental look at your body, see if your hands, forearms, shoulder blades, legs, feet are relaxed...

Don't forget about your facial muscles. Are they reduced to the bridge of the nose? Is your brow furrowed? Are your jaws clenched? If you are reading this magazine without relaxing on the beach, then you have probably found at least a couple of clips in your possession. And each of them means something.

And this is what happens: tensions in the consciousness lead to tensions in the muscles, and those, in turn, lead to tensions in the consciousness. Communication is two-way. This means that by learning to relax, we will not only get rid of the “muscular shell that fetters our entire body, but lo and behold, we will also deal with the “cockroaches” in our heads.

And a wonderful system of exercises will help us with this - tonoplasty. Its author is the legendary psychotherapist, doctor of medicine and psychology Vladimir Lvovich Levi. By the way, if you try to exercise in the company of friends, keep in mind that there will be no end to everyone’s fun.


This exercise is very powerful in its invigorating effect; it has two options: male and female.

Use the second option yourself.

The exercise involves imitating a gorilla. These primates, preparing to attack the enemy, beat themselves on the chest. In this way they raise their morale. So, men are invited to completely follow the example of the warlike primates.


This exercise promotes deep relaxation and rapid sleep. Mark two points on the wall - one below the other. Lie down against this wall at a distance of 2-3 meters. Now begin to slowly move your gaze from one point to another. Slower, even slower. You will soon notice: the eyelids become heavy and relax. Now you can sleep.


The following exercise quickly eliminates anxiety and fear. To put it less poetically, “Smile of the Jungle” is simply a grin from ear to ear. Smile so that all your teeth are visible. You may look creepy, but there will be no trace of fear left. It is especially recommended before going “on the carpet” to the authorities. By the way, after the “Jungle Smile”, performed 12 times in a row, your face will automatically light up with the smile of Buddha. In other words, it will express your boundless love for all living beings without exception.


And now - disco! There is no need to learn any special steps - complete improvisation. You can dance with or without music, with or without a partner. The main thing is spontaneity. Allow your legs to make fancy knees, your arms to dangle back and forth, your body to shake. Wild dancing perfectly relieves any tension, but it is especially recommended for those who quit smoking. As soon as you feel nicotine hunger, immediately start dancing!


Actually, this is not so much an exercise as a good reason to think.

Just try lowering the corners of your mouth, squeezing your shoulders, squeezing your chest, hanging your head... After just a couple of minutes, life will seem five times more disgusting to you than it actually is, if you sit like this for 20 or 30 minutes. No, it’s better not even sample...

Now we do everything the other way around - straighten our shoulders, straighten our chests forward, smile from ear to ear. And we alternate “Smile” with “Anti-Smile”. Seven of these opposites will replace a contrast shower. You will certainly cheer up. You may even really want to laugh. And laughter, as everyone knows, is the best tonoplasty invented by Nature itself.


This exercise not only relaxes the facial muscles, but also wonderfully smoothes out wrinkles. Imagine a baby about to kiss his mother: his mouth is folded into a tube, his lips are an oval. He seems to make a sound: oo-oo. At the same time, the head is raised up, the skin under the chin is stretched. Wrinkles, of course, will not disappear in one day, but if you practice “Kiss the Baby” every day for 2-3 minutes, excellent results will not keep you waiting.

Taken from here:

Lately, very often everyone around is talking about how to remove psychological blocks, fears and pressures on your own. But few people know what it is, or they often confuse the concepts of a psychological block with a complex or fear or pressure. Today you can find a lot of information and even more false specialists, with the help of which, of course, for a lot of money, you can get rid of all your inner demons. And yes, people are getting rid of them, but the main question is for how long, and are they getting rid of the right blocks?

We will try to understand all the nuances and give precise definitions, learn how to diagnose psychological blocks in ourselves, and deal with a person’s internal fears and tensions. And most importantly, we will find out how to remove all the blocks, fears and clamps on our own.

Before diagnosing psychological blocks in yourself, you must clearly understand and realize what they are. A psychological block is not just an internal obstacle, it is a very serious internal barrier that prevents a person from living and developing, impeding the flow of vital energy. A person’s life values ​​change; he sees some important aspects under a different prism. There is no need to confuse psychological blocks with stress, pressure, complexes, phobias, etc. Blocks are much more serious and dangerous.

For example, you have a fear of relationships with a man. In this case, you simply will not be able to meet the person you like, but you will still have some kind of sympathy for him. In the case of a psychological block, you will not even pay attention to this person, you will pass by him, not only will he not interest you, you will not even notice him. A person at the subconscious level excludes the possibility of falling in love. Such blocks are fraught with loneliness for life.

How to identify a psychological block? Doing this on your own is extremely difficult. This is because a person takes this state for granted. For him, this is quite acceptable and even normal, for example, to live his whole life alone. It is better for specialists to identify the blocks, so to speak diagnose them.

But in order to remove them, simply the work of a specialist will not be enough; you yourself will have to work on yourself and try in every possible way to get rid of the blocks. Psychologists, unfortunately, are not fairies, and they cannot wave a magic wand and rid you of years of accumulated blocks, fears, complexes, pressures and phobias. This is hard work, first of all.

Psychologists divide psychological blocks into:

  • Blocks of desires.
  • Blocks of happiness.
  • Energy blocks.
  • Blocks of love.

You can often find psychotherapists who promise to remove blocks with a “wave of a magic wand.” So, these are real charlatans who want to increase their material wealth at your expense. If you really believe you have a block and have found a therapist to help you get rid of it, ask how your therapist will remove the block before you begin. And if this is self-hypnosis therapy, then be prepared as a result to fight not only psychological problems, but also depression.

Suggestion therapy works instantly, but does not last long. And when everything returns to normal, the person develops terrible depression. And all because there is little suggestion. What is needed is the work of the patient himself, and most importantly, constant self-control, so as not to repeat all the actions and processes that led to such a difficult psychological state.

The basis of any block is a subconscious protest reaction to a certain event. In order for you to have at least a little idea of ​​what causes blocks to appear, it is necessary to give examples. A striking example of a psychological block is the subconscious awareness of marriage through pain. That is, a person associates such a wonderful event as marriage and family life exclusively with pain and mental suffering. Or success with misfortune.

In order for you to have at least approximate guidelines, you can consider the following blocks:

  • A protest reaction to various events on an unconscious level. Negative anchoring (when your consciousness directly connects, for example, concepts such as marriage and pain, joy and grief, based on experience, which in the future makes it difficult to find a life partner or achieve success).
  • Transforming a destructive way of attracting attention to oneself (for example, self-mutilation) into a permanent mechanism for interacting with people.

Revenge of life is everything that is carried out or not carried out “in spite” of someone, something or life itself.

The cause of the block can be absolutely any stressful event, which, as a rule, a person experiences in childhood. The block does not appear instantly. At first it may be simply a rejection of the situation, then a complex, perhaps even fear, which as a result becomes a psychological block. It is difficult to say exactly why blocks occur. But this is definitely the result of stress and psychological trauma.

Down with psychological blocks

As mentioned above, getting rid of blocks is very difficult, but possible. Doing this on your own is almost impossible. You can’t do this without the help of psychologists. Only an experienced therapist can give instructions and advice on how to combat your ailments. And only individually. There are many ways to deal with blocks. One of which is meditation. But only a specialist has the right to tell you how to meditate correctly. This is because the methods of meditation and self-conviction are different, depending on which block.

Things are completely different with human fears and phobias. Everything here is much simpler than with psychological blocks. Fighting them is possible without the help of a specialist. There are many ways to deal with fears. Let's look at the most effective ones. But first you need to define the concept and occurrence of fears.

There is no person who does not know what fear is. Everyone knows this feeling well. Fear can occur in absolutely anyone, regardless of age. A more aggravated form of any fear is nyctophobia or obsessive fears. This is a very common occurrence.

There are very, very many types of fears. And it is simply necessary to fight them, since they poison a person’s life. What is obsessive fear? It's the same fear, only in a more aggravated form. That is, a person understands perfectly well that, for example, there is nothing terrible about a praying mantis, but a person feels fear of it. Signs of such fears are:

  • Suffocation.
  • Cardiopalmus.
  • Dizziness, weakness, darkening of the eyes.
  • Sweating.
  • Fever.
  • Numbness of the limbs, numbness of the whole body.
  • Dispersion of thoughts.

No one knows what causes fear. It can be absolutely anything. No one can understand why and why this feeling arises in our consciousness. We only know that there is always a cause.

Ways to deal with fear

There are quite a few ways to fight. Let's consider them, but we must not forget that all methods and techniques are a very individual matter. And if something doesn’t suit one person, it may be just right for another:

  1. One of the most effective ways to fight on your own is to change the environment, not just the environment, but the way of life. For example, if you are afraid of public transport, look for a job near your home. But it is impossible to get rid of fear this way. At the same time, you still need to work on yourself with the help of meditation or other techniques.
  2. Before you try to overcome your fears, determine what you are afraid of. Think in detail about the reason for your fear. After understanding the reason, you must realize the fact that all thoughts up to this point (regarding your fears) were not true. There is an opinion among experts that people who are angry, think incorrectly, and are greedy are more prone to panic fears. Therefore, analyze your actions and thoughts. After self-analysis, it's time to take action. Force yourself to do what you are afraid of. But here you need to be extremely careful. Because some fears are life-threatening. Therefore, without fanaticism.
  3. Another very effective way to fight is to do what you love. It should become your purpose.
  4. You can also overcome your illness through communication. Start leading a more active lifestyle. Chat with new people, make new acquaintances, spend a lot of time with friends. And this will help you get rid of your phobias.

Techniques for dealing with psychological blocks, fears and pressures

There is also a technique that can be used to get rid of fears; it can be practiced if you have been diagnosed with a psychological block:

These techniques are very simple and effective, you won’t notice how your fear or block will remain in the past, and you will live a new bright life. But don’t think that once you have worked through the technique you will get rid of psychological illnesses forever. This technique requires diligence and patience. And only then will you see the result.

Clamps and ways to deal with them

Moral pressures, shyness compared to fears and blocks are not a problem at all. But still, this psychological illness must be fought. Since it can develop into more serious physical and moral problems.

There are several ways to deal with your clamps:

  1. Ask a passing person on the street what time it is. Ask people on the street the time every day. Contact at least five people. If you find it difficult to do this, imagine yourself as an actor.
  2. Talk to a stranger. It's easier to do this on the road. Strike up a conversation and tell him about yourself. Ask him what you don't know. You need to practice talking with strangers often.
  3. Another way to get rid of your tightness is an anonymous conversation. It’s easier to start it over the phone by dialing an unfamiliar number and trying to talk to the person on the other side.
  4. Love yourself and find in yourself what is missing in others. Once you find it, show it to everyone, everywhere.
  5. Another very effective way to get rid of your internal ailments is very simple and effective. You need to meet the opposite sex, start a conversation, and most importantly, arrange another meeting.

There are many ways, methods, techniques with which you can fight fears, clamps, and blocks. None of them will give instant results. But if you have the patience and diligently follow all the steps, the result will be amazing. You will get rid of your illnesses forever, and this is the most important thing in such therapy.

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