5 ways to fight hunger. How to satisfy your hunger without food and get rid of hunger in the most effective and simplest ways. How to deceive and suppress hunger while losing weight

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The witch's fly agaric was used in secret magical rituals all over the world, and the Slavs were no exception. An infusion was made from this mushroom, which was drunk immediately before the performance. magical ritual initiation. Fly agaric infusion was also used to enhance the ability of clairvoyance.

Some witches constantly kept fly agaric on the altar. Fly agarics are considered an attribute of Baba Yaga. It is believed that around her hut there is the greatest concentration of these mushrooms, because she constantly uses them in her decoctions and infusions.

Fly agaric is well known poisonous mushroom, but this does not prevent it from having medicinal properties that are used in folk medicine. How often, while picking mushrooms in the forest, we admired these beauties. They really attract the eye appearance. We pass by with regret, because we know that they are not suitable for food, but we do not even suspect that there are medicinal properties of the red fly agaric that may be useful to us.

General information

Fly agaric belongs to a species of lamellar mushrooms of the Amanitaceae family. It received this name due to the fact that it was very often used as an insecticide against flies. At first this applied only to the red fly agaric, but later spread to the entire genus. They grow throughout Russia.

Almost all fly agarics are not only inedible, but also highly poisonous. To death dangerous mushrooms include the stinking fly agaric and the pale toadstool. Unfortunately, they are very often mistaken for edible mushrooms. An exception, from a poisonous kind, represents a very small part mushrooms Some of them are considered to be the gray-pink fly agaric and Caesar mushroom, which in countries Southern Europe has the status of a delicacy.
Red fly agaric belongs to medium degree toxicity, and is endowed with hallucinogenic properties, but death occurs in rare cases when consumed. The content of poisons in it varies greatly, but it is believed that the lethal dose of red fly agaric is equal to 15 caps.

The body of the mushroom contains a number of substances that have psychotropic and toxic effects - ibotenic acid, muscazone, muscimol, muscarine and a number of other substances, which in some cases can also have a therapeutic effect. These substances are partially destroyed in hot water, therefore, eating them after heat treatment can only lead to mild poisoning. However, this does not mean that after boiling the red fly agaric in several waters, it will become an edible mushroom.
Medicinal properties of red fly agaric

The modern pharmacological industry uses some of the medicinal properties of the red fly agaric to prepare medicines. It may be part of medical supplies, which are used to treat sore throat, epilepsy, diseases spinal cord, with vascular spasms.

As an external agent, it is included in ointments that help in the treatment of the following diseases:
- poorly healing wounds (bedsores, boils, fistulas);
- vein pathology (varicose veins, thrombophlebitis);
- pathology nervous system(neuralgia, osteochondrosis, neuritis);
- joint pathology (arthritis, arthrosis);
- for warts and papillomas;
- other skin pathologies (psoriasis, fungus, dermatitis, eczema, pyoderma).

In France, red fly agaric is included in preparations that are used as sleeping pills.
Healers knew about the medicinal properties of the red fly agaric, so they have used it since ancient times (as a tincture) to treat various diseases:
- atherosclerosis;
- insomnia;
- tuberculosis;
- hypertension;
- constipation;
- impotence;
- coronary heart disease;
- nervous overexcitation;
- diabetes mellitus;
- convulsions;
- epilepsy.

The use of a medicine based on a mushroom shows good results in severe menopause and painful menstruation. Red fly agaric contains pigments that have an antitumor effect, therefore it is also used for treatment oncological diseases, but no scientifically confirmed cases of recovery have been identified.
Preparation of tincture for external use

As medicinal dressings, rubbing and compresses, you can prepare a tincture or use the juice of the red fly agaric, which has antitumor and immunostimulating effects.


Grind the collected fly agaric mushrooms and store them in a cool place for 3-4 days. Place the mushroom mass in a jar and fill it with vodka so that it is 1 cm above the level of the mushrooms. Close the container tightly and put it in a dark place for 2-3 weeks. The tincture prepared in this way retains its medicinal properties for 2-3 years. For external use only!


Finely chop a few fly agarics, put them in a jar and put oppression on top. Place in a cool, dark place for 2 days. After the juice appears, squeeze the mushroom mass well and strain. Store the juice for no more than 3-5 days in a cool place. To prepare a tincture from it, you need to dilute it with water in a 1:1 ratio. For external use only!

***Recipes with tincture for internal use there are quite a few. Before preparing and using it, carefully study all recipes and dosages, because your health depends on it. Consult your doctor about the benefits of this treatment and possible consequences.


The tincture is contraindicated for children, pregnant and lactating women, with diseases of the pancreas and liver, gastritis, stomach and duodenal ulcers.

First aid for red fly agaric poisoning

Despite the use of fly agaric in medicinal purposes, due to its toxicity, it must be used with extreme caution and strictly adhere to the dosage. In case of poisoning by a mushroom or a drug prepared on its basis, immediate measures must be taken to avoid undesirable consequences.

Signs of poisoning may include: severe pain in the abdomen, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, drooling, increased sweating, constriction of the pupil, convulsions, decrease blood pressure, hallucinations, delirium, loss of consciousness. At the first symptoms of poisoning, you must urgently call ambulance.

Before the doctors arrive, give the patient first medical care- rinse your stomach. To do this he must drink a large number of clean water and induce vomiting. After this, give him activated charcoal and a laxative.

How to treat poisonous, handsome fly agaric mushrooms? (a little more detail)

It's no secret that drugs from poisonous plants, if used in the right proportions, have certain healing actions and can be used to treat and prevent many diseases. This fully applies to treatment with red fly agarics, growing in mixed and coniferous forests almost throughout Europe and Asia.

People became familiar with the healing properties of fly agarics a long time ago, apparently having noticed that these mushrooms are eaten in small quantities by many animals.

Over time, scientists also became interested in fly agarics and determined that these mushrooms contain alkaloids and a number of other substances that can cause serious poisoning: bufotenine, mycoatropine, muscarine, muscimol, hyoscyamine, phallin, ibotenic acid, etc.
Consequences in various ways Scientists observed the use of red fly agaric among the peoples of Siberia and the North, where these mushrooms are traditionally used both in shamanic practice and as an invigorating potion or for the treatment of a number of diseases. During the 1787 expedition to Siberia, the naturalist and ethnographer Academician I.G. Georgi made a curious entry: “When someone eats a fresh fly agaric at one time or drinks a boil from three dried ones, then after this reception he becomes talkative at first, and then becomes so frisky that he sings, jumps, exclaims, composes songs, shows extraordinary strength” .

With the use of red fly agaric in reasonable quantities, a certain therapeutic effect is possible.
If safe dose(individual for different people) is slightly exceeded, usually dispensed with serious consequences, a person feels a surge of strength, gaiety, increased heart rate, a distorted perception of reality and hallucinations may appear.

When consuming fly agarics in significant quantities, severe dizziness, vomiting, blurred vision, shortness of breath, cardiac disorders, convulsions. If a person with similar signs of poisoning is not provided timely assistance, a coma and death may occur.

IN Lately fly agaric began to be used in pharmacology for the manufacture of certain drugs.
In reference books on traditional medicine you can find various recipes preparing preparations from fly agarics, including for the treatment of cancer.

Fly agaric is not a panacea, and preparations made from it can be taken orally only after consultation and under the supervision of a doctor. In this regard, I will not risk giving any advice on the preparation of drugs for oral administration and their dosages. But I’ll tell you in detail about external use, since fly agaric has an excellent wound-healing effect, copes even with old ulcers and abscesses, and usually relieves joint pain and tumors in a matter of hours.

It happens that in the forest, tourists, hunters or mushroom pickers inadvertently receive injuries: skin damage, bruises, sprains, dislocations. In these cases, fly agaric can come to the rescue.

IN in case of emergency mushroom can be used in fresh. Usually, to do this, they take the caps of young spherical or cone-shaped mushrooms, knead them (it is better to do all this without using metal objects) and bandage the resulting mass through gauze or a cloth to the sore spot. It is advisable to cover the fly agaric pulp with a piece of some kind of film on top so that the mushroom juice is not absorbed into the bandage. After just a few hours, the pain begins to subside, and wounds and lesions on the skin heal.
If possible, it is advisable to prepare fly agaric mushrooms for external use. special drugs, especially since they are easy to make. One of the simplest to prepare is ointment. To prepare the ointment, use a mixture in a ratio of approximately 1:1 powder from dried mushrooms with Vaseline, vegetable oil or animal fat. This ointment helps well with muscle and joint pain, radiation injuries and various diseases skin. It can also be used for compresses. Just don’t forget to wash your hands thoroughly with soap after using the ointment. However, this also applies to the use of other external preparations from fly agaric.

An ointment-like preparation can also be prepared from fresh fly agarics, which are ground and mixed in equal quantities with sour cream. This drug is good to use for rheumatism, radiculitis, arthritis and arthrosis. In the evening, apply the ointment to the sore spot, cover with film and wrap well. In the morning, remove the bandage and wash the area where the ointment was applied with warm water and soap. The drug can be stored for 7-10 days in the refrigerator (cool place) in ceramic or glass containers.
Let me emphasize once again that when making preparations from fly agarics, it is advisable not to use metal objects (dishes, knives, crushers, etc.).

There are a significant number of preparations made from fly agaric mushrooms, the production of which requires a certain time.

The simplest is a paste (gruel) made from fresh mushrooms.

To make it, break or cut several fly agarics into small pieces, put in a ceramic or glass bowl, press down with pressure (a stone, a plastic bag with water) and place in a dark place for two days. After abundant juice appears, grind the mass to a paste. Use the same as sour cream ointment. It helps well in the treatment of ulcers, wounds, abscesses, but it should not be applied directly to the skin, after covering the sore spot with a cloth, several layers of gauze or a thin layer of cotton wool.

For external use, you can prepare a tincture or squeeze the juice from fly agarics. To prepare juice, use the previous method, only the mass that has given the juice is not ground, but squeezed through several layers of gauze. Fresh Juice can be used for 3-5 days for compresses and bandages.

If the juice is diluted in equal proportions with vodka, you get the simplest tincture. Used for medicinal dressings, compresses and rubbing.

For another option for preparing the tincture, the mushrooms are crushed and kept in a cold place for 2-3 days. Then they are placed tightly in a jar and filled with vodka so that it protrudes 0.5-1 cm above the mushroom mass. The jar is tightly closed with a lid and kept in a dark place for at least two weeks.

For medicinal purposes, you can use both tincture and gruel.

Fly agaric tincture can be stored in a dark place for 2-3 years, practically without losing its properties. healing properties.
There are more difficult ways preparation of drugs.

To obtain infused juice, fly agaric mushrooms are crushed, filled to the top in a glass jar, which is hermetically sealed (not with a metal lid) and placed in a dark place for 25-30 days. During this time, the mushrooms produce abundant juice, which accumulates at the bottom of the jar. The mushroom mass is discarded, and the juice is used in medicinal purposes.
Apparently, with this method of obtaining juice, some kind of fermentation occurs in it, increasing its healing properties.

When using preparations from fly agarics, it is advisable to adhere to simple rules.
We should not forget that fly agaric contains strong poisons, which only in small doses when taken orally and with limited external use have medicinal properties.

Preparations from fly agaric, with rare exceptions, are not used in the treatment of children.
During the day, a bandage with preparations made from fly agarics can be left on the sore spot for 4 to 10 hours.
For radiculitis, arthrosis, arthritis, etc., preparations from fly agarics relieve pain, reduce inflammation and swelling, but changes in cartilage tissue and intervertebral hernias are not treated.

Red fly agarics can be harvested for medicinal purposes throughout the summer.
Only the caps of young mushrooms are collected.

For long-term storage fly agarics are dried or a tincture is prepared from them.
You can dry mushrooms in the sun or in the shade in a well-ventilated place.

Thermal drying is not recommended.

Dried mushrooms are stored at room temperature out of the reach of children, naturally, separately from food products.
Don’t be afraid to be considered, to put it mildly, an original by picking up a basket of fly agarics in the summer.
At correct use these beautiful poisonous mushrooms can be a good help in treating many diseases.

Botanical characteristics of fly agaric

The fly agaric is a mushroom with a bright red skin from the fly agaric family. The red skin of the mushroom cap is strewn with many white spots. Under this bright shiny skin is white, yellowish or orange pulp with a sweet taste and no odor. The mushroom has main and intermediate plates. The first of them are white or cream in color, very frequent and short. The stem of the mushroom is in the form of a white or yellow color. There are cottony white spots on the skin that have the ability to fall off. The leg ends in a white hanging ring. The lower tuberous part of the stalk is connected to the volva with white warts. The fungus reproduces using white spore powder.

The mushroom prefers to grow on acidic soil, in the mountains, on the edges of forests, on birch and spruce. It is found anywhere in Russia; it can grow alone, or maybe in small groups.

Fly agaric is a poisonous mushroom! Therefore, it should be used for medicinal purposes carefully and slowly.

Useful properties of fly agaric

Although the fly agaric is a poisonous mushroom, it still has beneficial properties, such as analgesic, stimulant, analgesic and anticancer. It is also used as an antispasmodic and pain-relieving agent for tumors, rheumatism, and nervous tension.

Preparations from fly agaric are used for menopause, tuberculosis, intestinal spasms and bladder. Fly agaric restores energy in the body and rejuvenates the entire body.

Use of fly agaric

Fly agaric has recently been used to prepare many medicines. However, they can only be taken orally under medical supervision.

But fly agaric is used externally with ease, as it gives a good healing effect. For example, fly agaric has very strong wound-healing properties. You can take fresh fly agaric mushrooms, tear off only the caps from them, knead them and use gauze to bandage the finished mass to the wound. After a couple of hours, the skin wound will begin to heal.

Fly agaric is used in the treatment of inappropriate behavior, sclerosis and paralysis. This mushroom helps get rid of heaviness in the stomach, gas, bloating, constipation and diarrhea. Fly agaric is used for impotence, painful menstruation, sexual arousal and irritation of the genitals.

Oddly enough, fly agaric is used for spots in the eyes, decreased vision, conjunctivitis, inflammation of the eyelid margins, myopia and cataracts. Pain in the ears, itching in them and swelling of the ears can also be cured with the help of preparations from fly agaric.

In folk medicine, fly agaric has found its use for toothache, belching, increased salivation, prickly pain in the heart and bad.

Fly agaric tincture for compresses, bandages and rubbing. To prepare it, you need to take mushrooms and chop them, then leave the chopped mushrooms in a cool place for three days. Next, take a glass jar and place the mushrooms in it so that the jar is not filled to the top. After this, you need to take vodka and pour over the mushrooms so that they are completely in the vodka. Vodka should be 1 cm above the mushrooms. After closing the jar, leave it in a dark place for 2 weeks. Therapeutic action not only the tincture, but also the mushroom gruel. The tincture can be stored for no more than three years, since after this period it loses its medicinal properties.

Fly agaric ointment for radiculitis and arthritis. It is prepared as follows: you need to take fresh fly agarics and grind them with equal amount sour cream. In the evening, apply the prepared ointment to the sore spot, cover with film and wrap it up overnight. Early in the morning, remove the bandage and wash the sore spot with warm soapy water. You can store this ointment in a ceramic or glass container, but under no circumstances store this medicine in a metal container.

Infused fly agaric juice for compresses. Take fresh mushrooms and chop them. Next, take a glass jar and fill it with chopped mushrooms. Then we close the jar, but not airtight! And leave it for a month in a dark place. During this time, the mushrooms will produce juice, which will accumulate at the bottom of the jar. The mushrooms are thrown away from the jar, but the extracted and infused juice is used for medicinal purposes.

Fly agaric poisoning

Do not forget that fly agaric contains toxic substances that, if ingested in large quantities, can lead to poisoning. Signs of fly agaric poisoning are the following: nausea, rapid heartbeat, dilated pupils and blurred vision. Hallucinations, memory loss, and drowsiness may occur. Convulsions, coma, delirium are also symptoms of fly agaric poisoning.

In case of poisoning, drink warm salt water or tickle the palate. In case of severe poisoning, only gastric lavage with the help of a doctor will help.

Contraindications to the use of fly agaric

You must always remember that fly agaric is a poisonous mushroom, and therefore you must not only use preparations from it in strict compliance with dosages, but also store them correctly and away from children. When the first signs of poisoning appear, such as nausea or vomiting, action must be taken immediately, because slowness and lack of action can be fatal.

Expert editor: Sokolova Nina Vladimirovna| Herbalist

Education: Diploma in General Medicine and Therapy received from the University named after N. I. Pirogov (2005 and 2006). Advanced training at the Department of Herbal Medicine at the Moscow People's Friendship University (2008).

ethnoscience from time immemorial has been used to heal ailments only natural remedies which I received from natural sources– plants, animals, mushrooms, insects.

Take mushrooms for example. This is a very large family, with a huge variety of species, families and subfamilies. Among the mushrooms there are both huge raincoats and microscopic yeast mushrooms, there are edible kefir grains, and there are poisonous fly agaric mushrooms.

There are different types of fly agarics - red, white, panther, toadstool, gray-pink and many other varieties of deadly poisonous and conditionally edible.

These mushrooms are very often used in everyday life; they destroy insects, flies and bedbugs, which is where the name of the mushroom comes from. They also found their use in cooking. At proper preparation Some fly agarics make quite edible and even tasty foods.

The secret of fly agarics is that the toxic substance, muscarine, is contained only in the skin covering the mushroom cap. Nevertheless, you should not test peeled fly agaric caps for edibility - the mushroom itself contains other toxic substances and it is very easy to get an overdose, but they can be used for medicinal purposes.

Types of fly agarics

Amanita mushrooms are agaric mushrooms, united in the Amanitaceae family, numbering almost 600 species. There are a large number of options for systematization and classification of these mushrooms.

The main difference between fly agaric species is the color of the cap. It can be from white, like the white fly agaric, to brown, like the panther or royal fly agaric. The caps of other fly agaric species can be yellow, greenish, red, orange or gray-pink.

The most common types of fly agarics:

Toadstool fly agaric

Fly agaric gray-pink

Despite their diversity, most fly agarics have much in common. They all grow to large sizes, most often with a fleshy leg and cap.

The cap of young mushrooms is dome-shaped, becomes umbrella-shaped with age and is easily separated from the stem. The color of the cap depends on the type of mushroom, its age and place of growth.

Immediately after the end of the cap, you can find traces of the shell, which covers the plates of young mushrooms, the stem comes out of the bag, its remains are retained by the mushrooms for life. Fly agaric spores, which serve as reproduction, are white powder.

Why is fly agaric useful?

The skin covering the mushroom cap contains toxic and psychotropic substances, such as ibotenic acid, muscimol, muscazone, etc.

  • Ibotenic acid– a toxic substance, a neurotransmitter that provokes the death of brain cells.
  • Muscimol– sedative, hallucinogen.
  • Muscarine is a vasodilator alkaloid. With its appearance in the body, cardiac activity is suppressed, resulting in poisoning with a fatal outcome.

The effects of substances contained in fly agaric mushrooms are similar to the effects of drugs - first there is an improvement in mood and a surge of energy, then hallucinations appear, blood pressure drops, sweating increases, salivation, nausea and vomiting intensify. In case of severe overdose - coma and death.

But, used in microdoses, fly agaric can be used as:

  • pain reliever,
  • anthelmintic,
  • antitumor agent,
  • strong antibiotic.

Included medicines, fly agarics prevent bleeding, heal wounds, fight fungi and inflammation, stimulate immune system, fight germs and relieve spasms.

Traditional medicine adds fly agarics to medicines for colds, epilepsy, and cancer. Infusions of these mushrooms combat skin diseases, varicose veins, hemorrhoids, tracheitis, headaches, and dizziness.

In foreign medicine, mushrooms are added to sleeping pills and sedatives, drugs for the treatment of the heart and blood vessels.

Medicinal uses of fly agaric

Scientific medicine makes very limited use of medicinal possibilities of these mushrooms, contained in them useful material difficult to obtain without losing their activity.

Traditional healers often use fly agarics for their own purposes. They are used to prepare products for external use. These infusions or rubbings are used to treat joint pain, rheumatism, osteochondrosis, varicose veins.

Means for internal use, which contain fly agarics, help fight all kinds of tumors internal organs, diseases of the nervous system. Most often this homeopathic remedies taken in microdoses.

The beneficial properties of the red fly agaric can help, if necessary, already in the forest. The caps of freshly collected fly agarics, crushed into pulp, will relieve pain from bruises, sprains, exacerbation of arthritis, rheumatism or arthrosis.

The crushed pulp of fly agarics is used for treatment skin diseases– psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis or pyoderma. This drug brings relief from varicose veins or thrombophlebitis.

Preparation of preparations from fly agaric

Traditional medicine has created many recipes prepared using the pulp of the legs or caps of fly agaric mushrooms.


It is prepared from fresh fly agaric caps and vodka. The collected mushrooms are cleared of debris, washed, turned into pulp and kept in a cold place for about 3 days. Then, in a ceramic or glass container, the mushroom mass is poured with such a volume of vodka that it is 1 cm higher than the pulp. The mixture is infused for two weeks in a cold place. The tincture is filtered and used for external purposes. The tincture, as an anesthetic, is used to relieve joint pain.


Extracts can be prepared from both fresh and dried mushrooms.

To obtain the powder, the caps of fresh mushrooms are cleared of plates and dried in a well-ventilated place, strung on a thread. 2 kg of fresh mushrooms or 15 g of powder are filled with 500 ml of 45% alcohol. The mixture is infused in a cold place for 14 days.

The extract is taken drops diluted in water, milk or juice of oyster mushrooms, or porcini mushrooms, in the treatment of various oncological diseases. Treatment should be supervised by a phytomicotherapist. Courses lasting up to 4 months are required.

Recipes from traditional healers

For many centuries, healers and traditional healers have accumulated many recipes for the treatment of specific diseases.


If muscle cramps occur frequently, it is recommended to take fly agaric tincture twice a day, morning and evening, 5 drops diluted in 100 ml of water. Therapeutic effect becomes noticeable after a short time.


Healers in Western Ukraine recommend treating mastopathy with fly agaric tincture in cognac. The method of preparing the drug and using it is the same as using vodka.


Freshly picked and washed mushrooms are chopped and mixed with the same amount of sour cream. At night, apply the mixture to sore areas, cover with polyethylene and wrap warmly. In the morning, wash off any remaining product with soap and water.


In Russian villages, fly agarics and the Russian stove were used to treat rheumatism. fresh mushrooms tightly placed in a clay pot. The top of the vessel was sealed with dough and placed in a hot oven, trying to prevent the mushrooms from burning. Keep in the oven for 3 to 5 hours. The resulting juice is drained, filtered and mixed with alcohol in a 1:1 ratio. The mixture is stored in an opaque container for up to 14 days. Used for rubbing.

Another recipe - molasses

It is prepared in almost the same way as in the previous recipe, but by placing layers of mushrooms in a baking vessel, sprinkle with salt. They are also baked in an oven or oven for about 4 hours at 100-180°C. The resulting “molasses” is not mixed with alcohol. Store in an opaque container in a cool place for a long time. The liquid has analgesic properties, relieves muscle and joint pain, and breaks up “cold swelling.”

Varicose veins

6 chopped mushrooms are placed in a glass jar, closed with a lid and left warm until the juice appears. The liquid is drained, the pulp is squeezed out, the juice is diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio. Sore spots are treated aqueous solution and tied with a bandage. The procedure is carried out in the morning and evening. The liquid can be stored for up to 4 days.


Place 8 fly agaric caps in a liter jar and fill them with water, covering the caps by 1.5 cm. The jar is closed with a vacuum lid. Dig a hole about 1 m deep and bury a jar there for 5 weeks. The material decomposed under such conditions is used to rub joints and the spine for osteochondrosis.

Skin diseases (dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema)

The caps of 10 mushrooms, crushed into porridge, are placed in a glass jar. In a tightly closed jar, keep the contents warm for three days. Alcohol or moonshine is added to the fermented mass. The alcoholic liquid should cover the mushroom mass by 1 cm. The jar is hermetically sealed again for 1 month. Apply the tincture with a cotton pad to sore spots at night. The tincture can be stored for up to three years.

Epilepsy, arrhythmia, stroke, multiple sclerosis

1 part crushed caps are poured with 4 parts vodka. Insist for 3 days. Take 9-10 drops of tincture per day, diluted in a tablespoon of water.

Fistulas, festering, long non-healing wounds, ulcers

The affected areas are lubricated with infusion (1 part mushroom caps and 4 parts vodka, infused for three days) using cotton or gauze swabs.

Contraindications and safety measures

A lethal dose of muscarine is contained in 4-5 fly agaric caps.

With small overdoses, lightness, hallucinations, lung nervous excitement. In case of moderate poisoning, dizziness, hearing, vision and speech disorders, nausea, vomiting, sharp pains in the stomach. For severe poisoning Characterized by convulsions, delirium, suffocation, loss of consciousness, death from respiratory paralysis is possible.

All drugs created on the basis of processed raw materials from fly agaric mushrooms, if taken uncontrolled, can lead to severe consequences. It is necessary to take such drugs exclusively under the supervision of a specialist.


  • pregnancy and breastfeeding,
  • individual intolerance,
  • age up to 16 years,
  • mental disorders,
  • diseases of the digestive system.

Fly agaric is an unusual mushroom. Its poison can be used for health benefits. Be careful when preparing and using preparations from fly agaric. Be sure to consult your doctor before taking orally. And follow the dosage. Good health to you!

The red fly agaric is a representative of the genus of cap mushrooms. The body of the fruit of this mushroom has one common cover. It turns into a film or scales at the base of the leg. Many red fly agarics have another cover. It is presented in the form of a ring at the very base of the leg. The red fly agaric is a mildly poisonous mushroom. But if taken in large quantities it is deadly. In our country, the red fly agaric is widespread. It can be found in every forest belt from June to the end of October. There are especially a lot of mushrooms after the rains, because... Due to increased moisture, their growth increases significantly.

Preparation and storage of fly agaric

You can collect red fly agarics throughout the entire period indicated above. It is necessary to choose not very large mushrooms. Of course, preferably those that are either dark red in color or with rounded (almost correct form) hats. As soon as you have collected them, you need to cut the small mushrooms lengthwise and place them in the oven at a temperature not exceeding +50°C. You need to heat until almost all the moisture has evaporated. You will be able to understand this when the smallest mushrooms begin to darken.

It is advisable to dry large red fly agaric mushrooms in the open air, but protected from sun rays place, within 1-2 days. After that, carry out the same procedure with them - cut them lengthwise and dry them in the oven. Store received dried mushrooms Can be either in a glass jar or in a plastic container. The lid must be closed; it can be stored at room temperature, but always in a dark place.

Use in everyday life

In everyday life, fly agaric is used as an insect repellent. You need to boil 5-6 mushrooms in 1000 ml of water, then moisten the spots possible appearance or reproduction of absolutely any species of insects. Even after heat treatment there remains a lot of toxic substances, becoming a lethal dose for insects.

Composition and medicinal properties of fly agaric

  1. Today, fly agaric is used throughout the pharmaceutical industry. The components of this mushroom cope well with diseases such as tonsillitis, epilepsy, spinal cord pathologies, vascular spasms, bedsores, boils, varicose veins, arthritis, psoriasis, fungi, dermatitis, papillomas and many, many others.
  2. Preparations based on red fly agaric are used both internally and externally. IN the latter case ointments or solutions based on it are used to treat poorly healing wounds, vein pathologies, as well as pathologies of the nervous system.
  3. The only country in the world that adds elements of the fly agaric to sleeping pills, is France. Their doctors confirmed not only the absence of any harmful consequences, but also beneficial influence. Using such drugs, people stop worrying for no reason, and the amount of stress and neuroses that can cause other, more serious diseases of the central nervous system decreases.
  4. Tinctures of red fly agaric perfectly cure atherosclerosis, insomnia, hypertension, impotence, ischemic disease heart disease, diabetes mellitus, seizures, and epilepsy.
  5. Red fly agaric is especially useful for women's health. So, taking drugs not based on it makes it easier severe forms menopause, as well as painful menstrual cycles. The mushroom in question contains substances that have an antitumor effect. It is this fact that became the basis for the use various drugs as a remedy against cancer. Of course, in the latter case, there was no official confirmation on this matter.

Use of fly agaric in folk medicine

Despite the fact that the mushroom in question is poisonous, in small doses it copes well with many diseases. Let's look at a few popular and safe recipes preparation of drugs based on it.

Tincture for the treatment of skin diseases

It is necessary to cut 5-6 mushrooms finely and put them on the bottom of a 1-liter glass jar. Close the lid, put in a dark place at room temperature, then let it brew for 3 days. Then add vodka to the indicated jar in such a way that the upper edge of the liquid was exactly 1 cm above the mushrooms. Close the lid and put it away for 3 whole weeks. Apply the indicated tincture with a cotton swab to damaged areas of the skin, while the reaction to alcohol must be endured. You can cover the damaged area with a bandage. Repeat the procedure 2 times a day. Upon the onset of pronounced allergic reactions, stop the procedures. You can store this tincture for a maximum of 3 years in the same conditions as when preparing it.

Red fly agaric juice for the treatment of varicose veins on the knees

You need to chop 5-6 mushrooms as finely as possible. Place the resulting mass in a 1-liter glass jar, close the lid and place in a dark place at room temperature. As soon as the mushrooms give juice, you need to drain it and squeeze the remaining mass into a container as much as possible. Dilute the resulting juice with warm boiled water in equal proportion. The specified solution must be applied with a cotton swab to areas of the skin where varicose veins are visible. Be sure to wash your hands after the procedure. After wetting the skin areas, use a bandage to cover the treatment area. Repeat the procedure 2 times – in the morning after getting up and in the evening before going to bed. Store juice only in the refrigerator, out of the reach of children, with the lid closed. It is advisable to use glass containers. Dilute the juice of the red fly agaric only immediately before the procedure. One serving of prepared juice can be stored in the refrigerator for a maximum of 4 days.

Tincture of red fly agaric for the treatment of psoriasis

You need to take 8-10 dried caps of this mushroom, place them in a glass jar and fill them with vodka. The top edge of the liquid should be 1 cm higher than the mushroom particles. Close the jar with a lid, then leave for 40 days in a dark place at room temperature. After the specified time, strain and apply to areas of skin damaged by psoriasis using a cotton swab. After this, bandage the treated area with a bandage or gauze bandage. You can store this tincture for as long as you like, the main thing is not to forget to close the lid.

Tincture of red fly agaric for oral administration as a general prophylactic agent, as well as for the treatment of diseases of the digestive tract

It is necessary to chop 5-6 red fly agaric caps, then place them in a glass jar, pour in the same amount of vodka, close the lid, and place in a dry, dark place at room temperature. It is necessary to insist for a month. Then drink 1 drop in the morning on an empty stomach, 1 time per day, increasing the dose by 1 drop daily. By the 30th day, the number of drops should be 30. Then you need to interrupt the procedure for at least 1 month, and then repeat everything according to the same program. The tincture should be stored in a glass jar in a dark place at room temperature with the lid closed.

Red fly agaric tincture for the treatment of cancer

You need to take a 500 ml glass jar and fill it to the top with pieces of just collected red fly agaric. Let it brew for 1 month with the lid closed in a dark place at room temperature. Then drain the fly agaric juice and add vodka to the top of the jar. After this, close the jar with a lid and place it in the refrigerator. After 1 week the tincture is ready. On the 1st day of administration (on an empty stomach) take 1 drop diluted in 30 ml boiled water 1 time, increasing the number of drops by 1 daily. As soon as the number of drops reaches 20, it is necessary to reduce exactly 1 drop per day. Maximum course – 1 month, then also month break. Repeat the procedure at least 2 times.


It is extremely contraindicated to take doses that differ from those recommended, since a large amount of red fly agaric can cause poisoning. At the first signs of dizziness, vomiting, headache nausea, it is necessary to rinse the stomach with water with a small addition of potassium permanganate. Be sure to call an ambulance.

In small doses, it is prohibited to take any drug based on red fly agaric to pregnant women and nursing mothers, as well as for the following diseases: gastritis, stomach ulcers, pathologies of the pancreas, diseases of the liver and duodenum.

Researchers find traces of the red fly agaric in different parts of the world. For example, one of the African tribes specially grows fly agaric for food, and the mythical Indo-Aryan drink of the gods, Soma, was most likely prepared from fly agaric.

Rock painting “Man-Fly Agaric” found in Chukotka

Rock paintings of mushroom people were found in Pegtymel in Chukotka. Northern shamans used red fly agaric in their ceremonies to enter a special state of consciousness under the trance rhythm of a tambourine. The ancients knew about the property of the fly agaric to restore and increase physical and spiritual strength. Their visions allowed them to peer into the depths of the world.

Siberian shamans used unique way purification and distillation, using your body as a filter. So the first person to use fly agaric accepted all the consequences side effects on themselves, while others drank his urine, which already contained entheogens in their pure form. It is difficult to imagine how long this chain could continue.

Fly agaric in Scandinavia. In the Middle Ages, the whole world feared the Vikings, because among them there were fearless warriors - berserkers; there is an unconfirmed opinion that before the battle they used a special potion, one of the ingredients of which was red fly agaric. In battle, they were full of rage and unusually strong, without fear or pain. The berserkers could not stop until the last enemy fell dead, and after the battle they fell into a long, heavy sleep.

Why do you want to try?

If you are attracted by idle interest, it is better not to simply tempt fate and abandon this idea. If there is good reason- It is your right. Any food affects consciousness, because what is absorbed always becomes part of what it absorbs. The ancients know this, which is why they say that the parts determine the whole. Each plant has its own purpose. Just as a person has a soul, so plants and animals have it, only they (the soul) are common to each species. exists in nature interesting feature When an individual animal acquires a new skill, subsequent generations of that species will be born with that skill. Their common soul together is something personal. And when you come into contact with it, you merge into one. A person who consumes red fly agaric is united by his soul. Such a transcendental experience can greatly influence a person’s further perception of himself and the world around him. If contact is made regularly, an internal struggle begins to occur. Subsequently, the personality of the fly agaric displaces the personality of the person, and he himself becomes a “mushroom”, although outwardly he looks like a person.

A completely dried fly agaric hat can be eaten on an empty stomach - it is better to eat gradually, half of one hat every 30/60 minutes. How much is needed for optimal effect? For each individual, I would recommend starting with the 1st medium hat, dividing it into 3 parts and consuming it in an hour. The effect comes quickly in the form of vivacity, then it can feel nauseous, after a couple of hours it acts in all its glory.

The effect lasts more than 5 hours, muscimol is similar to mescaline, so nausea and a long acceleration are normal. Safe dosage for consuming red fly agaric is: 1 medium size hat, approximately 2 grams. Next, according to your feelings, if you can digest more, go for it, write in the comments how you feel. There is no special point in eating legs. The tops under the hat can also be cut off for quick drying.

Which is better? Eat half a cap/hat, after 2 hours drink a decoction (throw into boiling water, cook for 10 minutes over low heat) fresh dried fly agarics are much stronger, after six months of storage they are already many times weaker. Fresh in general for deep acquaintance 5 grams need to. It is better not to use it at once.

Active components of fly agaric

Here we present only the most important elements. Important psychotropic components in red fly agaric are: ibotenic acid, which is converted during drying into muscimol and muscasone, and an entheogen such as muscarine, which is found in very little Catholicism (similar to mescaline from). The fly agaric also contains the mediator serotonin, which stimulates nervous activity. Others active active ingredients- These are muscafurin, choline and trimethylamine, which are especially valued in oncology.

Medicinal properties

The fly agaric is the most famous mushroom of childhood and is often portrayed as an evil character in children's games. Children were taught that this mushroom is very poisonous. Everyone knows that red fly agaric should not be eaten. And there is some truth in this, because a careless, or even disrespectful attitude towards the fly agaric can lead to sad consequences. On the other hand, fly agaric can help a person. This mushroom can be safely called a panacea for many diseases. Fly agaric has an analgesic, hemostatic, antibacterial, immunostimulating and healing effect. Traditional medicine uses red fly agaric as a remedy for worms, for the treatment of colds, sore throats, epilepsy, spasms and diseases of the spinal cord. You can make a sleeping pill based on the components of fly agaric. Fly agaric is used in the treatment of oncological diseases such as pulmonary tuberculosis and cancer. The mushroom is used in the treatment of diseases thyroid gland, prostate gland, diabetes mellitus, loss of strength and overwork, and this is far from full list amazing properties fly agaric.

Preparation for use

First you need to buy or collect fly agaric caps in the forest (no legs needed). We do not recommend picking a worm mushroom in an industrial area, we also do not recommend taking a panther fly agaric, which is 5 times stronger than usual. Take only whole, healthy-looking mushrooms. When you return home, cut off the plates from the bottom of the caps; they are also not needed. Then dry the hats in a well-ventilated area until ready. It is better to dry in natural conditions. Note that the longer the mushrooms are stored, the weaker the effect becomes, so after half a year the effect will become noticeably worse.

Possibilities and consequences of application

The effect of fly agaric depends greatly on dose taken And individual characteristics individual person. The average dose is 15 grams or 5 small caps, which are best taken gradually. If not high dose a person may experience increased strength, euphoria and mental clarity. At average appear visual hallucinations, but nevertheless a person can adequately react and answer questions. With a large dose, a person becomes inadequate, because he himself is in another world. Moreover, the body can be active. After a difficult journey often comes an equally difficult and long sleep. To intensify the fly agaric trip, you can smoke hemp or sage (sage under fly agaric lasts not 5 minutes, but 15-20 minutes, be careful, you cannot get out of such a dissociative state until the effect itself weakens).

Eating red fly agaric for the purpose of having a mystical experience is quite dangerous business, too much dosage can lead to fatal outcome. It is also not recommended to consume raw fly agarics, as ibotenic acid can cause vomiting and upset gastrointestinal tract, diarrhea, increased secretion saliva and sweat and other very unpleasant things. Before consuming red fly agaric, please understand that you are solely responsible for any possible consequences. Below we present several ways to use fly agaric for psychotropic purposes:

  • Fly agaric in dry food. Carefully dried fly agaric caps are eaten with a drink. a small amount water.
  • Fly agaric in a coffee grinder. Grind dried hats in a coffee grinder, then pour warm water and drink.
  • Fly agaric tea. Grind the dry caps well and place in a kettle with water, then simmer for a while over low heat, then strain. Tea is ready!

Time of action

The effect of fly agaric begins to be felt 20 minutes after taking it, and gains momentum within 2 hours, total time action - about 5 hours, the effect is present for several days in the form of increased tone.

(unverified information - for better effect consume urine the next day)


There are no poisonous plants in nature, including mushrooms, only improperly prepared ones. Below are some recipes:

  • Fly agaric tincture It is used both externally and internally. It is prepared in this way: the mushrooms are placed in a glass container and placed in a dark place; you can press them on top with a press. The juice collected in the jar is diluted with vodka or alcohol in a 1:1 ratio. They insist not less than a month in a dark, dry and cool place, then filter. The dosage of the tincture is purely individual, from a few drops to 30.
  • Fly agaric ointment good for joint pain. A fresh mushroom cap is ground well and mixed with sour cream, then in gauze and applied to the sore joint. Or dried fly agaric caps are crushed into powder and mixed with Vaseline, natural fat or oil.

Cooking as food

(no psychedelic effect)


It should be remembered that this mushroom can be dangerous. At severe poisoning fly agaric must be provoked in any way vomiting reflex and quickly call an ambulance. Do not use tincture or ointment on open wound. Not recommended for pregnant women and children. Individual intolerance. We do not recommend using metal utensils during cooking.