Carrying out exercise therapy during the development of pyelonephritis. Beneficial exercise for the kidneys

Kidney damage pathogenic microorganisms leads to an inflammatory disease - pyelonephritis, the treatment of which requires integrated approach. Sports activities for this problem have preventive and therapeutic effects, but have significant limitations. Any physical exercise V acute period illness or during an exacerbation chronic process are strictly contraindicated, and persistent remission requires physical activity.

Whether it is possible to play sports with pyelonephritis is determined exclusively by the doctor, having examined each isolated case. The decision is made depending on clinical picture disease, age, test results and patient’s well-being.

Sports that lead to hypothermia or intense physical exertion are contraindicated. It is also undesirable to engage in swimming, as it puts a lot of stress on the abdominal muscles.

Cycling, walking, gymnastics and other sports that are not aimed at achieving records, but at having fun and improving well-being, are useful. The main thing is to avoid injury. Has proven itself well against kidney inflammation therapeutic yoga, classes of which must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist.

Pyelonephritis is an inflammation renal pelvis, calyces and organ parenchyma

Physical therapy for pyelonephritis

Doctors, as a rule, include physical therapy (physical therapy) in the complex therapeutic measures with pyelonephritis. Physical exercises are selected individually and are initially performed under the supervision of a specialist individually or in a group. Exercise therapy is prescribed after stabilization of the condition with normal temperature, absence of pain, risk internal bleeding and contributes to:

  • restoration of impaired blood circulation in the affected organ;
  • normalization of metabolism in the kidneys;
  • decrease stagnation in the urinary organs;
  • normalization of pressure;
  • reduction of edema;
  • restoration of the endocrine system;
  • increasing immunity and body resistance;
  • improvement psychological state sick;
  • preventing relapses of kidney inflammation and possible complications;
  • improving well-being and performance.

Exercise therapy is used along with drug treatment, diet and includes therapeutic or hygienic gymnastics, active exercises in the form of games, walking, and massage.

Walking is often prescribed, even in acute pain syndrome. It promotes not only recovery, but also training of the motor and cardiovascular systems.

When choosing exercises, intense loads on the patient’s body are excluded; they are present in minimum quantity exercises for abdominal region. All movements are performed at a slow or medium pace.

In the acute period of pyelonephritis, they resort to a special exercise - diaphragmatic breathing, which leads to relaxation of the body.

In some cases, exercise therapy includes massage, which creates vibrations in the desired area. The back, buttocks, abdomen, legs, and lower back are massaged for 10 minutes. Before the procedure, it is recommended to visit a sauna or bathhouse.

Physical therapy is prescribed only after extinction acute symptoms pyelonephritis and improvement of the patient’s condition

Principles of sports and physical therapy

To achieve maximum positive effect When playing sports or exercise therapy, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • classes should be regular and systematic;
  • correctly dose physical activity to the patient;
  • tension should alternate with rest;
  • the risk of overvoltage should be minimal;
  • the intensity of the load should gradually and slowly increase;
  • breathing technique must be observed;
  • exercises should be agreed with your doctor.

In case of pain, discomfort in the kidney area and other unfavorable symptoms, as well as exacerbation of the disease, you must temporarily stop exercising and inform your doctor.

If you suffer from chronic pyelonephritis and exercise, it is important to visit your doctor regularly to monitor the disease

Exercise therapy for pyelonephritis

Classes physical therapy begin in the hospital, after discharge continue in the clinic, and then at home on their own.

They include three stages:

  • Breathing exercises and walking for 10 minutes prepare the patient for basic physical exercise.
  • Exercises, which are mostly performed in a lying or standing position and are repeated after the trainer. Provides moderate, uniform and comprehensive load on the abdomen, chest, hips and leg muscles. Duration – half an hour.
  • Next, resort to relaxation and relaxation for 5 minutes.

Sports activities with pyelonephritis are possible only with the permission of a doctor and under the supervision of a trainer.


The kidneys, by removing water and salts from the body, also regulate water exchange and constancy of osmotic pressure of blood plasma. Urine continuously produced by the kidneys is removed through the ureters. bladder and the urethra.

Pyelonephritis (from the Greek pýelos - pelvis and nephrós - kidney) is the most common inflammatory disease of the urinary system. It accounts for 65-70% of all inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary organs.

Pyelonephritis is an inflammation of the renal pelvis of a bacterial nature with spread to the interstitium and parenchyma of the kidneys.

The development of pyelonephritis is promoted by urolithiasis and urinary tract obstruction of different nature, prostate disease, pregnancy, diabetes, anomalies of the urinary tract, their dyskinesia.

Pyelonephritis can be acute or chronic.

Exercise therapy for chronic pyelonephritis must be carried out regularly; the effectiveness of treatment depends on this, among other things. Doctors agree that the best option are recreational jogging for pyelonephritis, walking and walking. However, you should not forget that everything is good in moderation, and not to be too zealous. The body itself will answer the question of whether you are doing everything right: listen to it. Doctors also recommend a morning hygienic set of therapeutic exercises for pyelonephritis.

The combination gives excellent results proper nutrition and a correctly selected set of exercises for pyelonephritis. For example, it is worth drinking more water and juices. Water “washes out” bacteria, and vitamin C, which is contained in juices, makes it difficult for them to grow. Give preference natural food, ideally – without salt and sugar, as well as dairy products.

1. Pyelonephritis. General information

Pyelonephritis is an inflammatory process with damage to the renal pyelocaliceal system, renal tubules, followed by damage to the glomeruli and renal vessels.

Kidney inflammation can be considered as independent disease, and also as a complication of the most various diseases(acute renal failure, urolithiasis, hyperplasia and prostate cancer, gynecological diseases). Inflammation of the kidneys occurs in the most various circumstances: postoperative period, pregnancy.

In general, women predominate among patients with kidney inflammation.

The most common causative agent of kidney inflammation is coli, less common are staphylococci and enterococci.

Acute kidney inflammation manifests itself:

High fever;

Chills and heavy sweats;

Pain in muscles and joints

Headache, sometimes confusion;

Nausea and vomiting;

Pain and muscle tension in lumbar region;

Tension of the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall;

Frequent, painful urination

Flakes, cloudy urine;

Excessive urination, predominant frequency of urination at night.

Testing for kidney inflammation includes: general analysis urine, complete blood count, kidney ultrasound, biochemical analysis blood, urine analysis according to Nechiporenko, etc.

2. Therapeutic physical education (physical therapy).

2.1 General information about exercise therapy

Physical activity is one of the important conditions life and human development. It should be considered as a biological stimulus that stimulates the processes of growth, development and formation of the body.

Physical activity depends on the patient’s functional capabilities, age, gender and health.

Physical exercise (training) leads to the development of functional adaptation. Physical activity, taking into account social and living conditions, ecology and other factors, changes the reactivity and adaptability of the body.

A preventive and therapeutic effect during dosed training is possible if a number of principles are observed: systematicity, regularity, duration, load dosing, individualization.

Depending on the patient's health condition, he uses various means physical culture and sports, and in case of deviations in the state of health - physical therapy (physical therapy). Exercise therapy in in this case is a method of functional therapy.

Physical therapy is used in various forms:

Hygienic gymnastics;


Outdoor games;

Various forms of walking, sports activities.

2.2. Exercise therapy for pyelonephritis.

Exercise therapy classes begin after the acute symptoms subside as they improve general condition patient, termination sharp pain and normalization of temperature.

Physical therapy for pyelonephritis is a remedy pathogenetic therapy, allowing to reduce inflammatory changes in renal tissue, improve and normalize the state of renal function.

Basic tasks of exercise therapy with pyelonephritis:

♦ ensure proper blood circulation in the kidneys;

♦ improve urine flow and reduce congestion in the urinary system;

♦ increase the body’s nonspecific resistance;

♦ improve regulation metabolic processes;

♦ normalize arterial pressure;

Physical therapy classes for pyelonephritis include general developmental exercises from the starting positions of standing, lying and sitting with moderate physical activity. From special exercises use diaphragmatic breathing and relaxation exercises. To eliminate congestion in the urinary system, it is advisable to include a stroking massage and vibration elements in the abdominal area.

Exercises for muscles abdominals turn on with caution, avoiding increasing intra-abdominal pressure and, especially, straining. The pace of most exercises is slow and medium, the movements are smooth, without jerking.

A sauna (bath) followed by a reception is recommended warm shower(swimming in the pool, swimming in reservoirs is excluded!); performing a massage with heated oil or massage with brushes in a warm bath (temperature not lower than 38°C), or manual massage in the bath. Massage course 15–20 procedures.

Massage for pyelonephritis: massage the back, lumbar region, buttocks, abdomen and lower limbs using hyperemic ointments. Impact techniques are excluded. The duration of the massage is 8-10 minutes, the course is 10-15 procedures. For chronic pyelonephritis, manual massage and massage with brushes in the bath (water temperature not lower than 38°C) are indicated, 2-3 procedures per week.

Contraindications to the use of physical therapy are:

1. General serious condition sick.

2. Danger of internal bleeding.

3. Unbearable pain when performing physical exercises.

· avoid hypothermia and drafts, generally avoid all colds;

· After completing the course of treatment, regularly donate urine;

· avoid excessive stress on the back;

· treat your sex life with some restrictions.

2.3 Suggested exercises.

Since in this case the indications are for moderate loads, we will choose:

Walking like remedy widely used for recovery motor functions, cardiovascular and propulsion systems etc. Walking with crutches, in special “walkers”, walking on stairs, in water, etc. is also used. The dosage is carried out according to the pace, length of steps, time, according to the terrain (flat, rough, etc.). Walking is used to restore the gait mechanism (in case of injuries, amputations, paralysis, etc.), improve mobility in the joints, and also for training of cardio-vascular system in patients with ischemic heart disease, hypertension, vegetative-vascular dystonia, pulmonary pathology (pneumonia, bronchial asthma etc.), with metabolic disorders. Measured walking and walks in areas with different terrain (trail paths) are practiced.

Skiing helps train the cardiorespiratory system, stimulates tissue metabolism, etc. Depending on the type of walking (tempo, speed, distance length, distance profile, etc.), the intensity of the exercise can be moderate, high or maximum. Skiing has not only a training effect, but also a hardening effect. Skiing is widely used in sanatoriums and holiday homes.

Cycling enhances vegetative-vestibular reactions, stimulates metabolic processes, and is also an excellent remedy training of the cardiovascular system, breathing, function lower limbs etc. The dosage is determined by the time of cycling, its pace, distance (distance), terrain, etc. Applicable in spa treatment, in dispensaries.

And a course of exercises:

1. Starting position - lying on your back, legs bent, feet apart slightly wider than shoulders. After a deep inhalation, as you exhale, tilt your shins inward one by one, taking out the mattress (15-20 times).

2. Starting position - the same, feet together. After a deep breath, bend your knees to one side or the other (15-20 times).

3. Starting position - the same, legs bent, slightly apart, arms bent in elbow joints. Leaning on your feet, shoulders and elbows, after inhaling and exhaling, raise and lower your pelvis.

4. Starting position - the same. A bag of sand on the stomach (either in the upper or lower abdomen). As you exhale, raise it as high as possible, and while inhaling, lower it.

5. Starting position - the same. After a deep inhalation and exhalation, alternately raise the straight leg with circular rotations in hip joint then in one direction, then in the other direction.

6. Starting position - lying on the left, then on the right side, legs bent at the knee and hip joints. As you exhale, move your leg back, gradually increasing the amplitude of leg abduction and decreasing the angle of flexion.

7. Starting position - lying on your back, arms along the body, cross movement of straight legs (right over left, left over right).

8. Starting position - lying on your back, legs extended and spread to the sides as much as possible, feet placed in loops made of elastic bandages attached to the headboard. Bringing your legs together with resistance. Same in reverse side with your legs together, move them apart with resistance.

9. Starting position - the same. Between the inner arches of the foot there is a medicine ball weighing from 2-3 to 5 kg. After a deep inhalation, as you exhale, raise the ball to an angle of 15-20°.

10. Starting position - sitting, leaning back in the chair, grasp the seat of the chair with your hands. After a deep inhalation, as you exhale, leaning on your arms and legs, raise your pelvis, return to the Starting position - inhale.

11. Starting position - sitting on a chair. After a deep inhalation, as you exhale, pull the leg bent at the knee and hip joint towards the abdominal and chest wall.

12. Starting position is the same. Full extension of the torso back followed by a return to the starting position (fix the legs).

13. Starting position - sitting, arms along the body, legs together. After a deep breath, alternately tilt the torso to the right and left with your arm raised up (opposite to the tilt of the torso).

14. Starting position - sitting, legs apart slightly wider than shoulders. After a deep breath, bend your torso forward, alternately reaching out to the toes of your right and left feet. Bend forward, reaching the floor with your hands.

15. Starting position - standing, holding the back of a chair. After a deep inhalation, as you exhale, alternately move your legs to the side and back.

16. Starting position is the same. After a deep inhalation, as you exhale, alternately rotate the legs at the hip joint (knee slightly bent) to the right and left.

17. Starting position - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt. Turn the body to the right and left.

18. Starting position - standing. Walking, 2-3 steps - inhale, 4-5 steps - exhale, walking with turns of the body, after inhaling, exhale, throwing out left leg, make a moderately sharp turn of the body to the left with a simultaneous swing of both runes to the left, and the same to the right.

19. Starting position - standing, legs wide apart, hands behind your head “locked”. Spreading your shoulders to the sides, move your head back, inhale as much as possible, squeeze your shoulder blades together, slowly exhale, lower your head and tilt your torso forward and relax.


Therapeutic physical culture for pyelonephritis is a necessary thing, because, in combination with using medications treatment, it can work wonders and get the patient back on his feet in no time.

Unfortunately, physical therapy is practically not used for diseases of the urinary organs. Only general strengthening is used physiotherapy, since pyelonephritis (from the Greek pyelos - pelvis and nefros - kidney) is an inflammation of the renal pelvis, complicated by inflammation of the kidneys due to the penetration of pathogens inflammatory process from the renal pelvis into the kidney tissue. Inflammation of the renal pelvis occurs as a result of the penetration of microbes into the cavity of the renal pelvis. The most common causative agents of pyelitis are Escherichia coli, staphylococci and streptococci. Chronic course illness most often depends on specific reason, supporting inflammatory phenomenon. Frequent pain in the lumbar region they do not give the opportunity to exercise physical culture regularly and with with full dedication strength The course of the disease is characterized by alternating periods of calm, when patients do not experience painful sensations, with periods of exacerbation usually occurring after past infection as well as from vitamin deficiencies and colds.

And although physical therapy is very effective and effective remedy fight against diseases, it is treated, unfortunately, as a technique that does not give positive results(with pyelonephritis) except for a temporary improvement in general condition.

There will be an effect from physical therapy for pyelonephritis, but only if you do it regularly. Regular exercise therapy and drug therapy V the right combination will help you get back on your feet and overcome the disease


1. K. N. Pribilov “Therapeutic physical education”

2. K. V. Maistrakh “Prevention of diseases”

3. I. A. Levinson “Nephritis, pyelitis, pyelonephritis”

4. A. V. Mashkov “Fundamentals of therapeutic physical culture.”

5. V. E. Vasiliev “Therapeutic physical culture.”

6. K. V. Maistrakh “Prevention of diseases”

7. I. A. Levinson “Nephritis, pyelitis, pyelonephritis”

Federal Agency for Education of the Russian Federation

Ukhta State Technical University

Department: Physical education

Abstract on the topic:

"Exercise therapy for pyelonephritis"

Checked by: Davydova I.E.

Ukhta, 2010


1. Pyelonephritis. General information…………………………………4

2. Therapeutic physical education (physical therapy)………………………………………………………...5

2.1.General information about exercise therapy……………………………………………………….5

2.2. Exercise therapy for pyelonephritis…………………………………………...6

2.3. Suggested exercises……………………………………..8


List of references……………………………..13

Everyone knows how important sport is for health. However, not everyone seeks advice from a specialist before starting classes. But this is necessary even for people who have no complaints about their health. Those who have health problems should mandatory clarify what they are allowed to do and what they are not. Physical exercises with pyelonephritis must be done, but it is important for the patient to monitor his condition and follow all the doctor’s recommendations.

The patient himself is not always able to figure out when and what kind of physical activity he is allowed to do, so he can aggravate his condition. In the acute form of the disease, as well as in the acute stage chronic form any sports activities are excluded. With a calm course of chronic pyelonephritis, physical therapy exercises are not only possible, but also extremely useful.

What are exercises for?

In the photo - a woman doing a set of exercises for kidney disease

Therapeutic exercise is specially developed for patients with health problems, including kidney disease. Exercise therapy for pyelonephritis is used for the following purposes:

  • Restoring full blood circulation in the kidneys
  • Normalization of metabolic processes
  • Reducing congestion in the urinary system
  • Normalization of blood pressure.

In addition, physical therapy for chronic pyelonephritis will help restore and maintain performance after an exacerbation of the disease. Without it, you won’t be able to get rid of recurring symptoms. In order to remember the illness as little as possible, you will need to combine drug treatment, diet and exercise.

Exercises that are useful to perform for kidney inflammation:

  • You need to lie on your back, bend your left leg at the knee, inhale, lifting right hand. Returning to the starting position, exhale. bend right leg, lifting left hand, take a breath. Returning to the starting position, exhale. Repeat the exercise several times.
  • Lie on your back with your hands on your waist. Raise your head and shoulders, exhale. As you exhale, look at your socks. Return to the starting position (lying down) and inhale.
  • Lie on your back, placing your right hand on your stomach and your left hand on your chest. Take deep breaths and exhales. During inhalation and exhalation, the arms should move simultaneously with chest and belly.
  • Lie on your left side, extend your left arm up and bend your left leg halfway. Raising your right hand up, do deep breath. While exhaling, bend your right leg, pressing your knee to your stomach.
  • Lie on your left side. Try to take both legs back and inhale. Returning to the starting position, exhale.
  • Lie on your left side. Inhaling, lift your right leg up (bending your knee and pressing it to your chest) and right arm. Exhale, tilting your head.
  • Lie on your left side. Move your outstretched right arm back and inhale. Exhale, returning to the starting position.

Exercises are performed lying down for 2 weeks after an exacerbation. The number of repetitions is 6-8 times, the total duration of classes is no more than 12 minutes. In the stage of incomplete remission, you can exercise while sitting or standing. You should stick to a slow pace and avoid sudden movements. The duration of training should not exceed 15 minutes, and the number of repetitions is 8-10 times. In the stage of complete remission, exercises from different starting positions are allowed. Training for the development of the abdominals and back is added to the already known ones.

Such therapeutic exercises for pyelonephritis can be performed by the patient independently at home. On initial stage recovery the right decision There will be a visit to a healthcare facility, where a specialist will be able to monitor the correctness of the exercises, as well as monitor the patient’s well-being.

Accounting for load intensity

It cannot be said that pyelonephritis and sports are incompatible things. Of course, classes professional sports are impossible, since excessive loads can provoke an exacerbation of the disease. High-intensity exercise reduces blood flow to the kidneys, so only moderate loads allowed for kidney inflammation.

In addition, it is important to pay attention to muscle relaxation after exercise. Relaxing the muscles in the lumbar region reduces the tone of the kidney vessels, and, therefore, has a positive effect on their performance.

A few words about glomerulonephritis

Glomerulonephritis is a disease characterized by inflammation renal glomeruli. Patients after an exacerbation are allowed to exercise only after their condition has significantly improved. Exercises and their duration are prescribed depending on the recovery period. The more time has passed after recovery, the greater the load can be and the longer the classes can be.

Is it possible to play sports with glomerulonephritis? Your attending physician will answer you, based on the test results and your general health. Theoretically, during the period of complete remission, training on sports equipment is allowed, but their duration should not be more than half an hour.

What else can you do?

In the photo - cycling as one of the types of physical therapy for pyelonephritis

You should not exercise too hard if you have kidney inflammation. Allowed activities include running at a moderate pace, skiing and cycling, walking, rowing, cycling can be replaced by exercise on an exercise bike (only during the period of remission!). If you have pyelonephritis of a single kidney, then you should be even more careful about your health and avoid any sports that can lead to injury. Pyelonephritis and a kidney cyst imply a ban on jumping and jumping.

Since very often problems in such patients arise due to hypothermia, it is important to pay attention Special attention hardening, however, hardening procedures should only be carried out under the supervision of a doctor. For example, cold and hot shower- the most famous procedure for hardening the body - is contraindicated for patients with pyelonephritis. Patients whose inflammatory process is combined with kidney prolapse should definitely wear a renal band.

Many patients are interested in whether it is possible to go diving and go to the pool. Doctors are categorical on this issue: it is better to avoid such procedures. You can easily become hypothermic in water, and then an aggravation will not take long to occur. You can take warm baths without restrictions, as well as visit a sauna followed by a warm shower, but after such procedures you need to dress warmly and avoid drafts.

Physiotherapeutic methods in the treatment of pyelonephritis

Physiotherapy for kidney inflammation is used for the following purposes:

  • Reduce pain
  • Stop the inflammatory process
  • Restore blood circulation
  • Destroy infections.

Methods used for treatment acute pyelonephritis, do not differ from methods of treating the chronic form of the disease. The only difference is that the treatment process for the chronic form is more complex and takes much longer.

Inflammation is relieved using UHF therapy, electrophoresis with uroseptics. Reparative-regenerative (restoration after damage) methods include infrared laser therapy And ultrasound therapy. To dilate blood vessels, ozokerite therapy, mud therapy, infrared irradiation, galvanization are used ( electricity low voltage), low-frequency magnetic therapy.

Diuretic methods include: high-frequency magnetic therapy, pulsed magnetic therapy, use mineral waters, sodium chloride baths. To strengthen the immune system, thalassotherapy, heliotherapy, radon baths,LOK ( laser irradiation blood). The most commonly used are LOC, electrophoresis with uroseptics on the kidney area, low-frequency magnetic therapy, radon baths, thalassotherapy, and mud applications.

Can I go to the gym?

A certain set of therapeutic exercises is shown in this video:

It is not at all necessary to do boring and tedious exercises at home. You can go to the gym, but be sure to tell the trainer about your health problems. Most likely, you will be offered a special set of exercises suitable for your condition. Running at a calm pace, training on exercise machines, light strength loads that exclude sudden movements - you can do all this. However, it would be better if before this you visit a doctor who, based on tests, can narrow or expand the scope of your activities.

One of the most popular activities allowed for pyelonephritis is yoga. There are special asanas (postures) that help with kidney diseases. Qualified specialist will always tell you which poses you should pay attention to. If you see that the trainer cannot answer your questions, then you should consult with another specialist; the most important thing for you is not to worsen your health.

Women who want to lose weight often use hoop exercises to do this. Is it possible for you to spin a hoop with pyelonephritis? Again, you need to check with a doctor who can determine valid view physical activity. You should also find out what weight hoop you are allowed to use. It must be understood that any flick or the impact may seriously impair your health. In case of pyelonephritis with nephrosis, exercises with a hoop are clearly prohibited - after all, the kidney (kidneys) are not very well fixed and the risk of injury is very high.

From all this it follows that doing fitness during kidney inflammation is not only allowed, but also recommended. In addition, there is no need to limit yourself in the choice of activities - with such a variety of exercises, everyone can choose what they like.

Kidneys are one of the most important organs. They perform a number of vital important functions: remove salts, liquid, harmful substances, are responsible for regulating blood pressure and water metabolism. Pyelonephritis is one of the most common kidney diseases. In order to avoid its occurrence, prevent progression and speed up treatment, doctors usually prescribe a course of massage and exercise therapy for pyelonephritis.

The kidneys never stop working. But their system can also fail if they are overloaded. Therefore, in addition to doing exercises, the patient needs to eat properly, rest, observe personal hygiene rules and avoid hypothermia. A course of physical therapy for pyelonephritis will help improve health and slow down the development of the inflammatory process.

Pyelonephritis usually does not appear as an independent disease. It provokes the development of an inflammatory process that can affect other organs human body. Following pyelonephritis, diseases such as:

  1. Kidney failure.
  2. Urolithiasis disease.
  3. Hyperplasia.
  4. Prostate cancer.
  5. Various diseases gynecological nature.

Sport is an integral part of the treatment of many diseases. Having prescribed a course of exercise therapy for a disease, the doctor should pay attention to the presence of secondary or additional diseases. Correct activities sports in acceptable quantities cause correct formation body, speedy recovery.

Physical activity for pyelonephritis not only helps the patient get rid of the disease, but also performs a preventive function, strengthens the body, makes it more adaptable and resistant to other diseases. It is very important for a doctor to correctly indicate the number of hours that should be allocated per week for sports. If the load is very heavy, then such gymnastics will not bring therapeutic effect, but on the contrary, can aggravate the patient’s condition.

That is why the first few physical therapy sessions must be done with a trainer. Of course, there are adapted courses consisting of exercises necessary for pyelonephritis. But only a trainer can point out mistakes and adjust the program so that its implementation does not harm your health. In order for exercise therapy to bring results, it is important to follow simple rules:

  1. Perform the exercises systematically, regularly.
  2. Each element should have a time limit.
  3. It is not worth repeating the exercises an infinite number of times in 1 day.
  4. Loads must be balanced.
  5. It is necessary to rest from time to time.

Physical therapy includes various elements: walking, gymnastics, games. Some exercises can be done by yourself, while others require working with a partner. You can do gymnastics with pyelonephritis only after it goes away. acute form diseases. If the patient's condition is still unstable, then physical activity will have to be postponed.

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What does treatment include?

Most often, a set of exercises includes many walking variations. Almost all elements that are performed in a standing position are based on movement. This allows you to provide required load on the body, and not to overtire the patient. In addition to the fact that walking allows you to develop the functioning of the musculoskeletal system, such exercises help strengthen the cardiovascular system. Walking is suitable even for those patients for whom the main course of treatment with gymnastics is contraindicated. These patients may use crutches or a walker to walk.

When treating pyelonephritis, it is very useful to practice skiing. Typically, this treatment is used in specialized sanatoriums. In addition, patients with pyelonephritis are recommended to visit saunas and baths. But in this case, beating with a broom is excluded. It is best to combine a visit to the sauna with a course general massage, where the patient can stretch all the muscles of the body. The massage should last no more than 15 minutes, but it should be repeated regularly after 1 day. Massage for pyelonephritis can be very different. The main thing is to influence the body correctly and prevent injury.

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Objectives of therapeutic exercises

When prescribing a course of therapeutic exercises to a patient, the doctor pursues several goals. First of all, it is necessary to return the person to normal image life, normalize blood pressure, improve the regulation of metabolic processes, reduce the amount of congestion, improve the outflow of urine and ensure the outflow and flow of blood in the patient’s kidneys.

The set of exercises combines elements for general development and strengthening the body. The course is divided into several parts depending on the position in which the exercises should be performed: lying, sitting or standing. Pyelonephritis involves the implementation of elements that are aimed at relaxing the entire body and normalizing breathing.

Sometimes, in parallel with the exercises, it is necessary to do a massage, which will create a vibration effect in the abdominal area. Patients are contraindicated from swimming and changing the course of exercise on their own. You cannot increase the number of approaches and complicate the elements. All movements should be smooth and slow. Jerking and heavy stress can aggravate the patient's condition.

In some cases, patients are prohibited from performing therapeutic exercises. Basically these are people who for a long time can't get out rehabilitation period after surgical intervention, patients who experience severe pain when performing elements, and those who are at risk of bleeding.

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A course of exercises performed on the floor

In order to do the first course of exercises (consisting only of those elements that are performed on the floor), you need to take the starting position. Lie on your back, spread your legs as wide as possible and bend your knees slightly. Now inhale and exhale deeply several times. Relax your body and feel it. This should take about 2 minutes.

Now bring your feet together. Move your knees together. As you inhale, gently lower your knees to right side, while exhaling, return them to the starting position. On your next inhalation, lower your knees to left side, while exhaling, return to the starting position. You need to do 12 repetitions in each direction. Repeat the position in which you were breathing. Bend your elbows and lean on them. Now, with each inhalation, gently lift your pelvis up. It is not necessary to raise it very high at first. If the exercise causes pain, then try to lift your pelvis off the ground quite a bit. As you exhale, lower yourself to the floor. Repeat 5 times.

Now place something not very heavy on your stomach. It could be a book. As you inhale, raise your stomach, and as you exhale, lower your stomach. Try to rise as high as possible. The element is repeated 8 times. After this, return to the starting position and give yourself a little rest. Breathe and let your body relax again. Lie on your right side. Bend your legs at the hips and knees, bringing your knees slightly toward your chest. Slowly move your left bent leg back. Hold for 2 seconds and return it to the starting position. Complete the task 8 times. After this, lie on your left side and perform the exercise with your right leg.

Get back on your back. For this exercise, you will need a machine that operates on the principle of a soft spacer. It must be placed between the legs. It is necessary to try to bring the limbs together, thereby overcoming resistance. If there is no such simulator, then you can use elastic bandages. Tie them to different legs of the bed, make loops and thread your legs through them. Now try to bring them together. The tension in the loops should not be too great so that the exercise does not cause pain. The element must be performed for 2-3 minutes. After this, lie on your back, stretch your legs and arms, and let yourself breathe.

There is an opinion that kidney disease and sports are incompatible things. Indeed, physical activity during an exacerbation of pyelonephritis can provoke increased pain and deterioration of well-being. And physical therapy during the period of remission, on the contrary, helps restore impaired kidney function.

Lesson objectives

Exercise therapy for pyelonephritis is performed under the supervision of the attending physician: all exercises must be selected individually taking into account the specific course of the disease, the presence of contraindications and concomitant pathology.

The goals of physical therapy for kidney diseases:

  • restoration of impaired blood supply through the renal arteries;
  • normalization of metabolism in the body;
  • reduction of increased pressure due to pyelonephritis, reduction of edema;
  • restoration of impaired urine passage by urinary tract, spasm relief.

Exercises indicated for kidney inflammation

If there are no contraindications, you can do physical therapy every day, preferably in the first half of the day.

Such exercises improve blood supply to the kidney tissue, strengthen the muscular frame of the back and stimulate the outflow of urine. You can start classes after you withdraw acute symptoms pyelonephritis. For two weeks, exercises are recommended in which the starting position is lying on your back or side (functional training). Then, in the absence of kidney symptoms and stable remission, you can exercise while sitting and standing (training exercises).

Physical activity should be increased gradually: it is better to perform fewer approaches, but observing the technique and rules of breathing. When pain occurs, discomfort in the kidney area, you should stop exercising for a while and consult a doctor. If the described exercises are performed easily, the number of approaches can be increased.

Elements of yoga and pyelonephritis

Therapeutic yoga classes are also indicated for inflammatory diseases kidney An important point is a state of peace and measured deep breathing during asanas. Yoga loads are static and are usually easier for patients to tolerate.

  1. “Kati Shaktivradhak.” IP – standing, arms freely. At “one”, take a deep breath and stretch your arms up, palms forward. Exhale on “two” and bend down, trying to reach your feet. Hold your breath and maintain the asana for 20–60 seconds. Repeat 1-3 times.
  2. "Uddiyana Bangha". IP - the same. “Once” bend forward at an angle of 45 degrees, with your hands resting on your hips, and hold your breath. The stomach is pulled in, the gaze is directed forward, attention is concentrated on the kidney area. When the desire to inhale appears, take a breath, straighten up and relax the muscle frame. Start with 1 repetition of the exercise, then increase to 7–8.
  3. "Utthita Hasta Padangusatasana." IP - standing, hands on the belt. There is a support (bench, chair) in front of the face. Raise your right leg one time, rest your heel on the support. In this case, both legs are extended, the torso and supporting leg represent a straight line. Hold the asana for 30 seconds. Repeat on the other side.
  4. "Baddha Konasana" IP - sitting on the floor, legs shoulder-width apart, straightened. Palms are directed forward, resting on the floor. At the count of times, bend your legs and pull them towards the perineum, bringing your feet together. Try to reach out kneecaps to the floor. Stay in this position for a minute, concentrating on the spine and lower back. On the count of two, return to the starting position. Perform 2–4 times.
  5. "Janurasana". IP - lying on your stomach, arms and legs extended. Grab your ankles with your hands and arch your back. Perform the asana for 30–60 seconds. Repeat 1 to 4 times.

Sports activities and pyelonephritis

Unfortunately, intense physical activity during chronic, and even more so acute inflammation kidneys are contraindicated. Professional sports are prohibited, for some types physical activity(weightlifting, powerlifting) significant restrictions are introduced. Such activities lead to a decrease in blood supply to the kidney tissue, increase the risk of kidney prolapse and can provoke an exacerbation of the disease. Doctors are also categorical regarding aquatic species sports: in the pool and open water you can easily get hypothermia.