Self-healing capabilities. Mechanisms of self-healing of the body. Reserve forces of the body

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Recreational resources are resources of all types that can be used to meet the needs of the population for recreation and tourism. Based on recreational resources, it is possible to organize economic sectors specializing in recreational services.

Recreational resources include:

natural complexes and their components (relief, climate, reservoirs, vegetation, wildlife); cultural and historical attractions; economic potential of the territory, including infrastructure, labor resources.

Recreational resources are a set of elements of natural, natural-technical and socio-economic geosystems, which, with appropriate development of productive forces, can be used to organize a recreational economy. Recreational resources, in addition to natural objects, include any types of matter, energy, information that are the basis for the functioning, development, and stable existence of the recreational system. Recreational resources are one of the prerequisites for the formation of a separate sector of the economy - the recreational economy.

In the modern world, recreational resources, i.e., resources of natural territories, as areas of recreation, treatment and tourism, have acquired great importance. Of course, these resources cannot be called purely natural, since they also include objects of anthropogenic origin, primarily historical and architectural monuments (for example, the palace and park ensembles of Petrodvorets near St. Petersburg and Versailles near Paris, the Roman Colosseum, the Athenian Acropolis, Egyptian pyramids, the Great Wall of China, etc.). But the basis of recreational resources is still made up of natural elements: sea coasts, river banks, forests, mountainous areas, etc.

The growing flow of people “to nature” (recreational explosion) is the result of the scientific and technological revolution, which, figuratively speaking, unloaded our muscles, strained our nerves and tore us away from nature. Every country in the world has one or another recreational resources. People are attracted not only by the magnificent beaches of the Mediterranean, Tropical Africa and the Hawaiian Islands, Crimea and Transcaucasia, but also by the soaring snow-capped Andes and Himalayas, the Pamirs and Tien Shan, the Alps and the Caucasus.

Recreational resources are natural and man-made objects that have such properties as uniqueness, historical or artistic value, aesthetic appeal, and health value.

Recreational resources can be divided according to their origin

into two subtypes:

Natural and recreational;
anthropogenic and recreational.

Natural and recreational resources include sea coasts, river banks, lakes, mountains, forests, mineral water outlets, healing mud, and favorable climatic conditions.

Recreational resources of anthropogenic origin are also called cultural and historical resources. Such objects include, for example, the Moscow Kremlin and the Genoese fortress in Crimea.

Picturesque. An excursion site or area where people relax should be beautiful.

The concept of beauty is largely subjective, but some generally accepted norms exist (an example is given in the description of landscape resources).

Diversity. It is desirable that various natural complexes and cultural recreational facilities be located in the recreation area. In one tour, it is desirable to combine activities with different goals.

Uniqueness. The rarer an object is, the more valuable it is.

Recreational resources and their classification (page 1 of 4)

Objects that are unique on a global scale (Egyptian pyramids, Lake Baikal), on an all-Russian scale (the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus), on a regional scale (Lake Svetloyar for the Volga-Vyatka region), on a local scale (Wonderful Mountains in the Voronezh region) are highlighted.

Fame. It is a derivative of uniqueness and the extent to which this uniqueness is known among the general public.

For example, everyone knows Lake Baikal, and the name of the "Central Sikhote-Alin" ridge in the Far East says little to the average worker, although the nature of this

The ridge is also unique.

Transport accessibility to the tourist site. This concept includes the cost of travel, type of transport, travel time, frequency of transport, its comfort, etc.

It depends both on the territory where the object is located and on the gathering place of the group of tourists.
Service conditions determined by the recreational infrastructure of the area where the facility is located. This is the presence of tourist and medical and recreational institutions, their capacity, comfort, quality condition, profile and other characteristics, the presence of a road transport network and the institutions serving it (train stations, ports, stations, lockers, etc.), the presence and quality of communication institutions , financial institutions, utilities, etc.

Physical recreational resources are all components of inanimate nature classified as physical and geographical resources (geological, geomorphological, climatic, hydrological and thermal).
Biological recreational resources– these are all components of living nature, including soil, faunistic and floristic.
Energy information recreational resources They are specific fields of noospheric nature that serve as factors of attraction of an area or landscape and have a positive effect on the psychophysical state of a person.

This type of resource is the basis for development

cultural, scientific, educational, environmental and religious tourism.
All natural recreational resources - physical, biological and energy information, organically interconnected and inextricably linked by flows of matter and energy, form complex recreational resources, or resources of natural-territorial recreational complexes, which are divided into: natural-continental, near-aquatic
Each of them is divided into natural (reserves, river valleys, etc.), natural-anthropogenic (parks, squares, forest parks, national parks).
Unique complex recreational resources are artificially isolated from natural and natural-anthropogenic landscapes.

This is due to the fact that for the development of a recreationally-oriented economy, unique resources (natural monuments) are of exceptional importance, being the most attractive tourist sites.
On this basis, types of natural recreational resources are identified: geological, geomorphological, climatic, etc.
Each type of natural recreational resource has its own unique characteristics and properties, on the basis of which the types are distinguished:

if possible, use (direct and indirect);

2. according to the degree of attractiveness;

3. for medicinal and health-improving properties;

4. by historical and evolutionary uniqueness (natural monuments, endemic and relict species);

5. according to environmental criteria.

For economic assessment, it is important to determine the possibility of using natural recreational resources.

Under direct recreational resources understand those forces of nature that directly contribute to the restoration and development of human physical and spiritual strength. These include geomorphological, climatic, hydrological and energy information, floristic (plants), faunistic (animals).
Indirect recreational resources influence the formation of direct resources.

These include geological, soil, partially geomorphological, energy information, floristic and faunal
Complex natural recreational resources– is a combination of all natural recreational resources, inextricably linked with each other by flows of matter and energy, having medical-biological, psycho-aesthetic and scientific value for the restoration of spiritual and physical

Only if there is a combination of natural recreational resources collected in one region or on one territory, can this area be classified as recreational or considered as a single comprehensive natural recreational resource. The more diverse the recreational resources, the higher the recreational potential of the region and the possibilities for its economic development.

Recreational natural resources are divided into exhaustible and inexhaustible

An important condition for the emergence and development of the tourism and recreational sector of the economy is the demand for tourism and recreational resources and services, as well as the accessibility and development of the region, which is largely determined by the geographical location and the state of the tourism and recreational infrastructure.

It should be emphasized that each of the natural recreational resources is most effective only in combination with other natural resources and, if any of the natural resources that can potentially be used to restore the spiritual and physical strength of a person is in combination with natural resources that do not have this property, then this potential recreational resource will remain unclaimed and, therefore, will not be recreational.

Natural recreational resources are the basis for the formation of resort areas and areas.
Natural recreational resources are also classified according to the criterion of mandatory use. Technologically mandatory, or necessary, and technologically optional, or accompanying, natural recreational resources are distinguished.

The first group includes resources without which a certain type of recreational activity is impossible, for example, ski tourism requires snowy mountain peaks.
The second group includes resources that are not directly involved in the recreational process, but without which the recreation process is impossible, for example, a sufficient amount of clean drinking water, mountainous terrain favorable for the construction of access roads, etc.
It should be especially emphasized that for the stable development of tourist centers, a systematic approach to recording and assessing all available recreational resources included in a single recreational complex is of paramount importance.

The latter is impossible without the development of automated information systems that make it possible to collect together data on all natural recreational resources, conduct their economic assessment and make a forecast for the future.

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"Recreational resources and their classification"


In the development of tourism and recreation, the role of recreational resources is great. Therefore, in order to determine the possibilities of using a territory for recreational purposes, it is necessary to study and evaluate the recreational and tourism resources that the territory possesses.

Under recreational resources understands the components of the natural environment and sociocultural phenomena, which, due to certain properties (uniqueness, originality, aesthetic appeal, therapeutic and health significance), can be used to organize various types and forms of recreational activities.

Recreational resources are characterized by contrast with the usual human environment and a combination of various natural and cultural environments. Almost any place that meets two criteria is recognized as recreational resources:

1) the place differs from the habitat familiar to a person;

2) represented by a combination of two or more naturally different environments;

Classification of recreational resources

Recreational resources can be classified as follows:

1) by origin;

2) by type of recreational use;

3) according to the rate of depletion;

4) if possible, economic replenishment;

5) if possible, replacing some resources with others;

6) if possible, self-healing and cultivation;

The involvement of recreational resources in the process of recreational activities can be different in nature:

1) perceived visually – landscapes, excursion objects;

2) use without direct expenditure;

3) directly spent in the process of recreation;

Based on their origin, natural recreational resources are divided into physical, biological, and energy-informational.

Physical recreational resources are all components of inanimate nature classified as physical and geographical resources: geological, geomorphological, climatic, hydrological, thermal.

Energy-informational recreational resources are fields of noospheric nature that serve as factors of attraction of an area or landscape and have a positive effect on the psychophysical (emotional and spiritual) state of a person.

This type of resource is the basis for the development of cultural and religious tourism.

Biological recreational resources mean all components of living nature, including soil, faunal, and floristic.

All natural recreational resources - physical, biological, energy-informational - are interconnected and inextricably linked by flows of matter and energy, forming complex recreational resources of natural-territorial recreational complexes;

On this basis, types of natural recreational resources are identified: geological, morphological, climatic, etc.

Each type of natural recreational resource has its own characteristics, unique to them, on the basis of which the types are distinguished:

1) if possible, use (direct and indirect).

2) according to the degree of attractiveness;

3) for medicinal and health-improving properties;

4) by historical and evolutionary uniqueness;

5) according to environmental criteria.

Recreational resources are largely derived from the recreational needs of the population, which in turn are determined by the tasks of socio-cultural development of the territory.

Thus, the main reason and factor for transforming the totality of certain properties of a territory into recreational resources is the needs of the socio-cultural development of the territory.

Tourist resources are understood as combinations of natural components, socio-economic conditions and cultural values, which act as conditions for satisfying human tourism needs.

Tourist resources can be divided into the following groups:

1) natural – climate, water resources, relief, caves, flora and fauna, national parks, picturesque landscapes;

2) cultural-historical – cultural, historical, archaeological, ethnographic objects;

3) socio-economic conditions and resources - economic and geographical location of the territory, its transport accessibility, level of economic development, labor resources, etc.

It should be noted that recreational resources are a broader concept than tourism, since they include components of nature, socio-economic conditions and cultural values ​​as a condition for satisfying all recreational needs of a person, including medicinal ones.

To identify the recreational potential of the territory, it is important to conduct a recreational assessment of natural resources; assessment is a reflection of the relationship between a person (subject) and elements of the environment or the environment as a whole.

In science, there are three main assessments of natural resources: medical-biological, psychological-aesthetic, and technological.

Climate plays a leading role in biomedical assessments. When analyzing, it is necessary to identify the comfort of conditions, determined by climatic and medical-biological characteristics, but the concept of “comfort” is relative, because

For some types of recreation (for example, skiing), conditions typical for the winter period of the middle zone and for the transition seasons of the northern territories can be considered comfortable.

In a psychological assessment, first of all, the aesthetic qualities of the territory are taken into account - exoticism and uniqueness.

The exoticism of a territory is defined as the degree of contrast of a vacation spot in relation to a permanent place of residence, and uniqueness is defined as the degree of occurrence or uniqueness of objects and phenomena. Scientists have proposed a number of provisions for measuring the aesthetic properties of a territory. Thus, the most attractive landscapes are border ones: water-land, forest-glade, hill-plain.

Technological assessment reflects the interaction of humans and the natural environment through the “technology” of recreational activities and technology.

Firstly, the possibilities for a certain type of recreation are assessed, and, secondly, the possibilities of engineering and construction development of the territory.

An economic assessment of natural recreational resources is necessary for the economic justification of investments in the reproduction, protection and improvement of the use of recreational resources.

This assessment is closely related to the type of resource, its quality, location relative to areas of demand, technology of use, and environmental qualities.

Natural recreational resources

The connection can be expressed by a system of qualitative and quantitative indicators. Quantitative ones include the availability of places of recreation and tourism, their carrying capacity, the consumption of medicinal resources per person per day, the concentration of people in recreational areas, etc. Qualitative indicators take into account the attractiveness of a tourist site, landscape, level of comfort, etc.

A particular difficulty in assessing recreational resources is that they must be considered both from the position of recreation organizers and from the position of vacationers.

The effectiveness of recreation is determined by the possibility of combining different types of activities, which suggests the need for an integrated approach to resource assessment. When assessing resource combinations, it is important to identify the weight and significance of individual components that make up the overall value of the natural complex.

There are various methods for assessing natural recreational resources, but the most common and most appropriate for a comprehensive recreational analysis of a territory is to assess the degree of favorability of certain parameters for recreational research.

When considering natural resources, it is advisable to use a factor-integrated assessment of the resource depending on the type of recreational activity in which this resource is used.

Also, for the development of the tourism industry, it is of great importance to take into account the norms of anthropogenic load on natural complexes, since the illiterate exploitation of natural resources has a detrimental effect on the ecological state of natural complexes.

Thus, a prerequisite for the suitability of natural recreational resources is the ecological well-being of the natural environment.

Types of natural recreational resources

Among recreational and tourism resources, the role and importance of natural recreational resources is especially great. They are divided into:

1) climatic;

2) geomorphological;

3) hydrological;

4) hydromineral;

5) soil-vegetable;

6) faunal.

A special place among them is occupied by landscape and natural resources, which are complex recreational resources.

Let's consider certain types of natural recreational resources.

Climatic recreational resources.

Climatic recreational resources are meteorological elements or their combinations that have medical and biological properties and are used in the process of recreation.

This type of recreational resources is fundamental.

Certain types of climate contribute to an effective increase in the physical and spiritual strength of a person, both on their own and in combination with other natural resources that can be classified as recreational in a given region. In this sense, climatic recreational resources may have a regional aspect.

The impact of climate on the human body is called bioclimate.

In accordance with this, bioclimatic parameters differ from ordinary meteorological characteristics, since they represent the complex impact of the meteorological characteristics of air masses on the human body: temperature, wind speed, humidity, pressure.

To assess the bioclimate, all bioclimatic parameters are considered according to the degree of favorableness of their impact on the human body. At the same time, unfavorable factors that place an increased burden on the adaptive systems of the human body are called irritating.

Meteorological conditions leading to less pronounced tension of adaptive mechanisms in the human body are called training conditions. In general, they are relatively favorable, and for most people who do not suffer from serious illnesses, they are useful conditions that have a training effect. Gentle climatic conditions are favorable for all people without exception, including weakened patients on medical holidays in a sanatorium or resort.

What other classifications of natural resources do you know? Bring them.

In the old classifications, at the first stage, resources were divided into exhaustible and

inexhaustible. Since, according to modern concepts, there is nothing inexhaustible in nature, resources can be divided only according to the rate of depletion: quickly depleted and slowly depleted (which is relative).

Based on the possibility of self-regeneration and cultivation, resources are divided into renewable (soil, vegetation, water, wildlife) and non-renewable (minerals), renewable (for example, replacing petroleum-based motor fuel with alcohol obtained from plant materials). If used irrationally, renewable resources become non-renewable (soils, wildlife), or their renewal becomes long and difficult to achieve.

Therefore, the division into renewable and non-renewable is complemented by the division into renewable (due to new10 sources, new technologies) and non-renewable, and also, if replacement is possible, into replaceable (for example, metal can be replaced with plastic, natural fibers with artificial ones, etc.) and irreplaceable (for example, atmospheric air).

Based on their use, resources are divided into real (relevant), i.e.

which can be used under existing technical and economic conditions, and potential, i.e. those that cannot yet be involved in use for technical reasons or due to economic inexpediency, lack of environmentally acceptable technologies (deuterium and tritium resources in the World Ocean, useful minerals with complex mining and geological conditions or located within specially protected natural areas and resort areas).

The border between real and potential resources is very arbitrary.

Natural resources can be classified according to their use

(economic approach), or by belonging to one or another component

geographical envelope (geographical approach).

There is also a combined natural-economic classification.

Within the framework of economic classification, resources of material production and non-production spheres are distinguished. Resources of material production are further divided into resources of industry, agriculture (with further

division by industry), transport.

Recreational resources of Russia

Resources in the non-productive sphere are divided into resources of direct consumption (directly used by the population) and resources of indirect use (resources that are important for satisfying physical and moral needs, but are not directly consumed - for recreation, sports, aesthetic perception).

Within the framework of geographical classification, resources are divided according to

belonging to the components of the geographical envelope: subsoil resources (fossils), atmospheric, land, water, flora, fauna.

For example, water resources include surface and groundwater, further

surface waters are divided according to types of reservoirs, underground waters - according to the horizons of the underground hydrosphere; within these categories, waters are also classified according to mineralization, composition of dissolved substances, temperature, etc.

All types of resources are interconnected by many direct and backward connections.

What is the fundamental difference between soil resources and


The concept of earth resources is broader than the concept of soil resources, because

includes, along with agriculture, a number of other possible forms of use. Accordingly, the most important characteristics of land resources, along with soil fertility, also include the nature of the relief (absolute and relative elevations, slopes), lithology of surface sediments, vegetation cover, etc.

Moreover, each characteristic

can be assessed from different points of view: for agriculture the most

flattened, low-lying areas folded from the surface are favorable

fertile soils, other characteristics are important for construction:

subsidence, karst formation, susceptibility to other exogenous processes; mountainous terrain may be more favorable for recreational purposes.

Land resources are practically non-renewable: land area

quite stable (the centuries-old efforts of the Dutch are only an exception that confirms this rule).

Erosion and other destructive processes, without reducing the total area, reduce the area of ​​territories suitable for certain purposes.

Soil fertility, i.e. the ability to provide plants with the necessary amount of nutrients, water and air can be easily lost due to erosion, development, littering of the territory, and restoration requires a lot of effort and time, incomparable with the life expectancy of a person.

Our body is designed in such a way that it strives for healing, carrying out self-healing work every minute even without our intervention. The only thing you need to do is stop disturbing him.

Health is not just a certain blood test result or blood pressure reading. All these indicators were created by modern medicine.

Health is not a reduction in tumor size while life is drained from the patient.

Health is not an increase in the number of CD-4 while the patient’s real immunity decreases and cannot resist new opportunistic infections.

Changing your lifestyle is not just about “eat less salt”, “exercise your heart for 30 minutes a day” or “drink 2 liters of water a day”. A complete revision and change in your understanding of health.

Understanding Health

This is the ability to sleep soundly at night, not feel pain when walking, eat with appetite, have a good memory and the ability to achieve what is important to you (and only you).

Health is time spent with family, a walk in the forest, the ability to rejoice, not be afraid of the future and resist stress.

Health is a respectful attitude towards your body and a feeling of happiness from the fact that your body works like a clock.

Health is full of energy, inexhaustible optimism and a zest for life.

View of modern medicine

Modern medicine does not solve any of these issues. Moreover, she doesn’t even put them before herself, because she is not interested in the quality of our lives.

If you suffer from insomnia, you will be prescribed a pharmaceutical chemical that will stun your body and cause you to lose consciousness. And this will be considered a normal dream and an acceptable way out of the situation. But will you feel fresh, rested and full of energy after such a dream? No one is interested in this anymore.

Today's society pays dearly in illness and death for the monopoly given to doctors in the last century.
Medical tests can be used to diagnose the disease. But treatments that rely on ingesting large doses of chemicals are unlikely to lead to the health and happiness you desire.

Try to define the concept of “health” for yourself.

What is health for you? What sensations, what feelings, what actions mean health to you? Exactly for you, because for a long time we have been using not our own, but borrowed concepts.

So, if you have completed the task, you will most likely understand that the pharmaceutical health industry does not add. This is what happens when you become friends with your body and listen to its desires.

The power of your own healing

Now let's see how we can again turn on the self-healing of the body as a whole - our healing powers.

Remember an incident from childhood. You rush headlong and suddenly fall... Your knees are scraped, you cry or try to hold back your tears. And watching in horror the consequences of your high-speed “flight”, it seems to you that your knees will never be the same as before...

But, lo and behold, the next day the wound was already healed. The body has created a protective film through which bacteria do not penetrate and your knee gradually returns to its original form. Skin cells “understand” that there is a need to act and begin to replicate and “darn” the sore spot. A process similar to the creation of neoplasms begins - division and growth, but unlike cancer, this process stops in time.

That is, the body knows at the cellular level what and when to do. The DNA in the nucleus of every cell replicates itself and heals the skin using amazing nanotechnology! (Scientists cannot even come close to repeating this process.) Cells multiply, nutrients are delivered to them through the blood and... healing occurs. And when the wound heals, the regeneration process carefully stops.

The most amazing thing in all this is not even that the body includes the regeneration process and not that the body is able to grow cells, but that all this happens without our knowledge, that is, completely autonomously.

This means that we don't have to direct blood to the wound or consciously initiate cell replication, coordinate the removal of toxins, and decide when to stop regeneration (of course, we have no idea how this could be done consciously).

All this happens without our intervention. These and other processes occur in the background in the body when we sleep. Consciousness dreams, and in our body biochemical processes and transformation of the energy necessary for treatment occur - alchemy occurs.

Barriers to your own recovery

If all of the above is true, then why are we not healed, why does our health always want to leave the best?

The answer is that we ourselves create barriers to our recovery. We misinterpret the symptoms of the disease and take treatments that make the situation worse.

Here we touch on the causes of the disease that arose as a result of an unhealthy lifestyle and external factors (environmental pollution and excessive use of medications, toxic household chemicals, body care products, cosmetics, etc.). And we do not touch on the deeper layers associated with human karma (no one claims that karma does not exist), because this is not within the scope of this article.

Fact: Many symptoms are actually the result of our body trying to heal itself.

Asthma. How to remove the cause of the disease?

For example, most people are chronically dehydrated. They don't drink enough plain, clean water. But water is one of the components of blood. When the body does not receive enough water, it tries to reduce moisture loss, most of which is lost during respiration. And to retain this moisture, our body limits the functioning of the bronchial tubes, creating histamines there.

Histamines make breathing difficult, meaning it becomes physically harder for us to inhale and exhale. Modern medicine believes that this protective mechanism is a disease (asthma). And they begin to treat it, instead of simply removing the cause - dehydration.

No, to prescribe a person to drink more water (this would reduce the formation of histamines), doctors prescribe antihistamines, which cause the bronchial tubes to relax and facilitate the passage of air. This leads to even greater fluid loss and the dehydration condition worsens.

You see, due to incorrect interpretation of the body's call for help from traditional medicine, the condition of patients worsens.

Hypertension. Cause. Treatment

Here's another good example: high blood pressure. Basically, one of the causes of high blood pressure is blood that is too thick and does not flow into the small capillaries.

To continue to provide normal blood circulation, the heart must work harder. And this increases the pressure. Again, pressure is not a disease, but a symptom. The body tries to push thick blood where it cannot go. After all, if blood access to cells is limited, such cells begin to die.

Healthy blood does not thicken and flows freely. If a person drinks enough water and eats foods rich in fatty acids (for example, omega-3), the blood naturally thins and blood pressure drops. After all, it’s easier to drink water through a straw rather than honey.

Medicine diagnoses a person with “high blood pressure” and begins to attack the person’s arteries with chemicals. These substances deprive the arteries of tone and artificially force them to relax.

This “treatment” leads to circulatory problems, because this thick blood jelly, despite the treatment, cannot squeeze into the thin capillaries. This is why many people who take pills for hypertension begin to have problems with blood circulation. In addition to thick blood, they also get too relaxed arteries.

Do you suffer from high blood pressure?

Try drinking more pure water (not tea, not coffee, not juices, but water!). And also eat raw vegetables and fruits, and foods containing omega-3 fatty acids (found in fatty sea fish - mackerel, sardines, salmon - and some seeds and nuts - walnuts, flax seeds). And your blood pressure will return to normal within five days.

Our body has much greater wisdom, so it is better to listen to the body than to wage war with it (together with doctors).

“Asthma,” like “high blood pressure,” are medically invented diseases. In other words, they do not exist separately on their own. These are simply symptoms through which the body tries to bring its complex system into balance.

Messages from our body for self-healing

To be able to heal again, you must learn to listen to your body and understand what it wants from you, without weakening it with chemicals and toxic therapies.

If you want to be healthy, instead of going to the doctor, learn to read the messages of your body and understand the real principles of health.

For example, cancer is a sign that cells are not communicating with each other properly. A tumor (a cell that continues to divide uncontrollably) indicates that the cells are not being given the signal to stop reproducing. “Normal communication” between cells can be restored by changing diet, environment, state of consciousness and getting enough vitamin D through sunlight and food.

In general, keep in mind that your body wants to be healthy and puts a lot of effort into it.

“Symptoms” are just a cry for help, an urgent request from the body to help in the healing process.

If you are paying attention, you will hear what your body is trying to tell you. And if not, you will begin to suppress these symptoms with the help of painkillers, surgery or other types of destructive therapy.

And keep in mind that most doctors do not understand, nor have they been trained, how to restore your body to balance. All modern medicine is aimed at reducing symptoms and nothing more.

Nanotechnology body

Our body is an amazing creation of nature. We have the most advanced nanotechnology built into us - the immune system.

Our nervous system is more complex and coherent than the most advanced computers in the world.

Our reproductive system is a miracle of life reproduction.

Our internal organs store memories and emotions. And those who have received organ transplants also receive memories and emotional experiences from the donor.

We are a wonderful creation of nature. We have such a potential for self-healing that the only thing that can reduce this potential is pharmaceutical products.

This is what most people do: numb themselves with analgesics; disable the immune system with chemotherapy; they shoot their nervous system in the foot with vaccines and so on. All chemical-based drugs are unnatural and disable an important process - the body’s self-healing. It is not surprising that after a toxic cocktail the healing magic disappears.

Try for a week to give up all allopathic (here we do not mean homeopathic remedies) medicines, products with additives, type E, refined foods (white sugar products, flour and everything that has been heat-treated outside your kitchen), do not use household chemistry (many things can be replaced with baking soda), cosmetics, perfumes, and do not eat meat from animals that were fed hormones and antibiotics (and then killed).

Perhaps then the healing powers of your body will again become available to you...

But if you still need a guide on the path to healing your body as a whole, then our wizard for healing not only the body, but also the soul, will always help.

“Why are you sick... And how to launch the self-healing mechanisms of your body...”

(Medicines, Doctors... And Even Dietary Supplements Are NOT Necessary)

The fact is that…

Traditional Chinese medicine prevents diseases using soft, virtually effortless, exercises for internal organs.

If your mind is not open to accepting new knowledge (or you cannot be impartial), please do not read further, because this presentation will talk about new(although it is already more than 3000 years old) and a completely different method of self-medication from the Western one and launching the body’s self-healing mechanisms.

This Qigong System, which originated in China 30 centuries ago, is called “traditional Chinese medicine.” And the outstanding popularizer of this System, Professor Wu Qing Zhong accessible and interesting will present you with this practical knowledge.

Using easy-to-understand comparisons and figurative language, Professor Wu Qing Zhong systematically sets out the fundamentals of Chinese medicine that he has rethought and his approach to the prevention and treatment of common chronic diseases.

The Health Program He proposed is logically justified, simple and accessible to anyone

The program describes wise holistic system human body from the standpoint of modern informatics and computer technology and from the standpoint of ancient Chinese medicine, and based on the synthesis of these approaches, he proposes new revolutionary program strengthening and restoring health.

In the face of numerous chronic diseases, modern medicine continues to blindly believe that the day will come, the hour will come, and a cure will be found that can defeat at least one disease... But maybe the direction of research itself was chosen incorrectly?

Many therapeutic methods are harmful to the body, negatively affect the body's ability to absorb nutrients and lead to a drop in energy balance. Low energy levels, in turn, cause disruption in the functioning of all body systems and lead to serious illnesses.

Excess Weight Doesn't Have Reserved Energy...

Against, Excess weight indicates that the body does not have enough energy to remove waste and debris. The real cause of obesity is heart problems, which occur long before a person begins to gain extra pounds.

Most serious illnesses are the result of improper use of one's own body.
We believe that the human body is much more perfect than a man-made computer. If you follow the operating rules, it is not so easy to disable it.

Having fallen ill, we are ready to travel halfway around the world in search of a miracle cure, but we stubbornly refuse to change our habits and way of life. Surgical intervention in the body, the structure of which modern medicine understands very vaguely, often gives rise to even more serious problems.

According to Chinese medicine, there are complex and close relationships between all internal organs, the main thing in these relationships is balance. The system of meridians or active channels is one of the main systems of the human body.

If we consider chronic diseases from the perspective of the system of managing the body's internal resources, we can find the true causes of these diseases and develop a new strategy for their treatment.

The first symptoms of aging are most often problems with the legs due to deterioration of qi and blood circulation in the lower extremities, decreased joint mobility, and lack of sexual and vital energy.

In his course, Professor Wu Qing Zhong will tell you how to get rid of these and many other problems with the help of simple exercises problems that become more serious with age, and thus restore youth and energy to your body.

You will learn:

  • Why Many Traditional Chinese Medicine treatments focus on helping the body rid itself of debris and toxins.
  • Why the meridian system has the functions of transmitting signals, transporting nutrients and removing waste.
  • Why the doctrine of meridians is the most important component of Chinese medicine.
  • Why is the main thing in the theory of the five elements is balance. If one of the internal organs shows a lack or excess of energy, this disrupts balance and harmony.
  • Why is it that most pain of unknown etiology is meridian pain?
  • Why is it that most of those who do not find time for proper sleep will sooner or later have to find time for illness.
  • Why our desires sometimes become the main burden for our body.
  • Why do people who grew up in rural areas have greater energy reserves than city dwellers?
  • Why most chronic diseases are a manifestation of varying degrees of depletion of the body’s energy resources.
  • Why can sport improve the permeability of energy channels, increase the functional state of the heart muscle, stimulate the waste elimination system, but is not able to increase the level of energy balance of the body.
  • Why is it that if you go to bed early and tap the gallbladder canal, there will be a tendency to increase your energy balance, no matter how low it was before.
  • Why is it important to learn that energy can be accumulated and stored for future use.

  • Why tapping the gallbladder canal helps remove blocks along the canal and stimulates the production of bile.
  • Why tapping the gallbladder canal leads to a reduction in fat deposits in the buttocks and thighs. After about two months you will notice that your trousers have become too big for you.
  • Why Tapping Your Gallbladder Channel Will Benefit You More Than Taking Expensive Dietary Supplements.
  • Why sleeping at the “right” hours gives the body time to process nutrients and produce blood.
  • Why is the pericardial channel given a special place in Chinese medicine - many diseases are associated with problems in this channel.
  • Why, by increasing the level of Qi and Blood, you can expect that the body will independently begin measures to remove “Cold Qi”.
  • Why is it that when “Cold Qi” is released from the bladder channel, it can manifest itself as nagging pain in the back and shoulders.
  • Why, if “Cold Qi” affects people with high energy levels, it is usually a very serious injury, and the manifestations of a cold in this case will also be very serious.

“An organism is a highly self-organizing and self-regulating system”

Russian physiologist I. Pavlov

“Do not rely on medicine, it cannot teach a person how to become healthy. Try not to be captured by doctors! To become healthy, you need your own efforts, constant and significant. Man, fortunately, is so perfect that he can almost always regain health.”

Academician, cardiac surgeon N.M. Amosov

Today, no one needs to be convinced that chemical drugs are unsafe for the body. Synthetic drugs are foreign to the body (xenobiotics). The concept that a person can be cured by a synthetic chemical is contrary to nature.

Modern medicine is based on relieving the symptoms of diseases, instead of eliminating the causes. Agree, you can endlessly bail water out of a leaky boat. Maybe it would be better to seal the hole?

Modern medicine's approaches to "treatment" are crude and violent. , antibiotics, antacids, hormonal, psychotropic drugs, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, surgeries and much more, unnecessarily and unnecessarily disrupt the delicate regulatory mechanisms and break the body's defense systems. While the human body is so wisely designed that it is capable of regenerating itself. The body’s ability to self-regulate, self-heal, and self-renew is worthy of admiration. From birth, a person has enormous compensatory capabilities and a huge potential for self-healing. All systems of our body always strive to defeat the disease and restore balance. The body always knows exactly how to repair itself. You just need to help him with this. Create favorable conditions for him and he will naturally and automatically heal himself.

But a person's physical and mental capabilities are limited. And health problems arise when a person balances at the limit of his capabilities. And the “margin of safety” of the body depends on the supply of nutrients necessary for normal functioning.

Biochemical processes occur in the body constantly, every second. All substances that enter the body with food are converted into body tissue. Self-renewal of cells, tissues and organs is a natural process. Obsolete, damaged cells are destroyed, and new ones are formed instead - young and healthy.

On average, half of all tissue proteins change in a person every 80 days. Every 120 days - red blood cells, 10 days - skin, 2-3 days - the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines. In a maximum of a year, the body is completely renewed. And it is very important that the “building materials” for renewing body tissues are of high quality.

Be healthy!

In the era of the heyday of insurance and paid medicine, it is naive to believe that someone else will take care of a person’s health other than himself. This troublesome task has long been transferred to the shoulders of the patients themselves, and insurance or cash serve only as crutches, on which many rely more than on their own strength.

At the same time, instead of the usual waste of energy, time and money, you can very thoughtfully engage in such an affordable activity as self-healing. The human self-healing system will simultaneously include disease prevention and treatment of existing ailments.

How to trigger the body's self-healing mechanism

Any human body has enormous potential, allowing it not only to survive, but also to live a quality life, independently preventing the development of pathological processes in the body. During transitional periods of life (early childhood, during hormonal changes or old age), a person’s protective mechanisms and self-healing resources weaken somewhat. Against the backdrop of poor nutrition, an irrational lifestyle, industrial hazards or environmental difficulties, the body also spends all its strength on simple survival, without having a margin of safety to restore problem areas. But synthetic drugs, artificial hormones and household antiseptics simply turn off the human self-healing function, switching the body to life in sterile conditions and breaking the immune self-defense.

In order to solve the problem, you need to adhere to six simple rules.

How to start recovery mechanisms:

  • Realize that external factors are a provocation of the disease, and the readiness for it lies in the person himself. Therefore, resistance to the disease or recovery from it is possible only with the right and conscious attitude.
  • It is necessary to start the day or any task during it with a smile, straighten your shoulders and straighten your back. Positive emotions are the key to successful self-healing of a person.
  • Rejoice at your even small achievements and praise yourself for them. Feeling grateful to yourself for taking care of your health can mobilize significant resources that a person did not even know about.
  • Master the practices of relaxation, relieve internal tension and muscle tightness, connect not only consciousness, but also subconscious attitudes to the body’s self-healing.
  • Master the skills of simple gymnastics, self-massage and use them regularly, accustoming the body to a clear routine for the functioning of all organs and systems.
  • Stick to the basics of good nutrition, avoiding overeating, an unbalanced diet or fasting.

Self-healing methods for the spine

The spine is the main support of the entire body, the health of which determines the mobility and flexibility of the body, the adequacy of cerebral blood flow and the normal functioning of internal organs. In the East, it is believed that the main flows of vital energy are distributed along the spinal column and, having learned to manage the health of the spine, you can control the entire body. And this can be achieved by simple actions that accelerate the process of human self-healing.

Spine health rules:

  • Monitor your posture and train your muscle corset, strengthening and stretching the ligaments. This allows you to reduce the load on the spine and prevent its premature wear, as well as injuries.
  • Timely relax the spine and massage to help the muscles around it receive enough oxygen and remove toxins.
  • Eat right, pushing back degenerative-dystrophic changes in the bone and cartilage tissue of the spine.
  • With psychological training, reinforce all physical achievements and form the correct attitudes that guide the self-healing of the spine.

Self-healing vision

The visual analyzer works fully only if all its parts are rationally loaded. Therefore, the basis for vision rehabilitation using the body’s own forces is the restoration of physiological loads on the muscular system of the eye. This allows the muscles to alternate contraction and relaxation in a balanced manner, sufficiently nourish all the tissues of the eye with blood, stimulate the optic nerve and the center in the occipital lobe of the brain. At the same time, visual tables are a way to monitor achievements, and eye gymnastics itself does not give brilliant results without the right psychological attitude and mobilization of a person’s mental and physical self-healing capabilities.

Liver self-healing

How to take care of your liver:

  • Avoid intoxication.
  • Do not abuse medications, adhering to the principles of self-healing.
  • Follow a diet balanced in fats, do not eat dry food.
  • Train the abdominal muscles and limbs so that sudden loads do not cause spasms of the bile ducts.
  • Maintain spinal health by ensuring normal functioning of the autonomic nervous system.