ICD 10 spondylosis. Inflammation of the facet joints or spondyloarthrosis of the lumbosacral spine: how to treat and stop the destruction of intervertebral discs. What is it, causes and symptoms

A pathology in which deformation of the vertebrae occurs, leading to a narrowing of the spinal canal, is called spondylosis. The shape of the vertebrae changes as a result of the formation of bone growths that have projections and spines. In some cases, the altered vertebrae grow together, and sometimes the nerve endings are pinched.

Spondylosis is the body's reaction to the destruction of the discs between the vertebrae. The resulting growths limit the mobility of the spine, and if nerve endings are pinched, the patient may experience dull pain at the pinched site.

Most often, this disease is diagnosed in older people, and the most common area of ​​spondylosis is the cervical region. As a rule, spondylosis is observed in people who remain in immobile positions for a long time, for example, in those who work at a computer for a long time. The ICD-10 code is M 47.


Pathology is classified into three types, which differ depending on the localization of dystrophic changes:

  1. cervical region;
  2. chest;
  3. lumbosacral.


Each type of spondylosis has its own characteristic manifestations. Cervical spondylosis is accompanied by:

  • pain in the occipital region, which becomes stronger when moving the head;
  • the pain may fall to the shoulders, shoulder blades and radiate into the arms;
  • limited neck movement;
  • headaches and dizziness;
  • decreased hearing and vision;
  • presence of ringing in the ears;
  • sleep disturbance.

REFERENCE! Spondylosis developing in the cervical spine can provoke glenohumeral periarthritis, which is accompanied by significant limited mobility of the shoulder joint, as well as the presence of intense pain.


Thoracic spondylosis is not so common, it is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • pain on one side of the middle and lower spine, which can often extend to the chest;
  • increased pain when bending sideways;
  • problems with the functioning of internal organs.


With lumbar spondylosis, in most cases the 4th and 5th vertebrae are affected, this is accompanied by the following:

  • the appearance of radicular syndrome;
  • clinical picture of inflammatory processes in the sacrum and lower back;
  • weakening of the lower extremities;
  • leg pain;
  • decreased sensitivity in the legs and a feeling of numbness;
  • the pain becomes less intense when bending forward, because in this case the area of ​​​​the affected disc increases.

If lumbar spondylosis is combined with osteochondrosis, radiculitis may occur, which develops as a result of pinched nerve roots.


As for the degrees of development of pathology, they are as follows:

  1. First degree. Signs of the disease appear infrequently and faintly; most often, patients associate them with overwork. Diagnosis of this stage is difficult, since it is difficult to notice abnormalities during a hardware examination.
  2. Second degree– the symptoms become more pronounced, and x-rays show altered disc structures.
  3. Third degree characterized by degenerative signs of the pathological process. The patient's physical capabilities are limited, analgesics do not have an effect, or the effect is short-lived.


This form of the disease is typical for young people; in old age it occurs extremely rarely. In this case, the joints of the spine are affected, and most often the pathological process is localized in the area of ​​the iliosacral joint.

This is a chronic inflammatory disease of a non-infectious nature, which results in damage to the intervertebral joints. At the same time, the functionality of other organs - kidneys, heart, eyes - may be impaired. In another way, this type of spondylosis is called ankylosing spondylosis; teenagers and young people under 30 years of age are susceptible to the disease.

REFERENCE! The earlier the disease develops, the greater the likelihood of various complications and disability.

The disease is incurable; drug therapy will reduce the intensity of the clinical picture and slow down the progress of the disease.

Signs and symptoms

Pathology can be suspected by the presence of pain:

  • at the early stage of the disease, the pain is not constant, and mainly occurs during movement, and an increase in pain during the day is typical;
  • the intensity of pain may change with bad weather changes;
  • When palpating the spine in the affected part, the pain symptoms intensify.

As the disease progresses, the mobility of the spine in the affected part begins to gradually become limited.


The main diagnostic measure for suspected spondylosis is an x-ray of the spine. Osteophytes (growths) are very visible on x-rays. For a more detailed picture of the disease, an MRI or CT scan of the affected area may be prescribed.

How to treat spinal diseases?

Treatment of spondylosis is more effective in the early stages of development of the pathology, when there are no large osteophytes yet. As a rule, conservative therapy is prescribed aimed at:

  • relief of pain;
  • reduction of inflammation;
  • improvement of blood flow in intervertebral discs;
  • restoration of spine flexibility;
  • posture correction.

Prem medications, massage, physiotherapy, exercise therapy, dietary nutrition and folk remedies are used as therapeutic approaches.

Drug treatment

Since one of the most striking manifestations of spondylosis is pain, it is this symptom that prompts people to seek medical help. To relieve pain, as well as as anti-inflammatory drugs, the following drugs are prescribed:

  • Ibuprofen.
  • Diclofenac.
  • Indomethacin.
  • Ketonal.
  • Nimesulide.
  • Movalis.

When nerve fibers are pinched, the following remedies are prescribed:

  • Baralgin, Ketoral.
  • Kenalog, Hydrocartisone.
  • Novocaine-lidocaine blockades.

To normalize metabolic processes in the spinal column are used:

  • Chondroxide, Aflutop, Gialgan.
  • Karipain.
  • vitamin complexes.

Very often spondylosis provokes increased muscle tone, to weaken it the following are prescribed:

  • Mydocalm.
  • Flexeril.
  • Zanaflex.

Gymnastics exercise therapy and back exercises

After the acute process has resolved, patients are recommended to undergo physical therapy. It is necessary to normalize the flexibility of the spine, improve blood circulation in the affected part, and also to strengthen the back muscles.

The exercises prescribed for spondylosis are simple, however, to achieve a lasting positive effect they must be done regularly. In addition, yoga, swimming, and Pilates are recommended.

Treatment with gelatin

Gelatin treatment is widely used for spondylosis. Gelatin helps restore the cartilaginous basis of the intervertebral disc, which means the condition of the spine will significantly improve.


  • limit the consumption of vegetable and animal fats;
  • monitor sufficient protein intake in the body;
  • exclude the use of stone-forming products - salt, smoked meats, spicy dishes;
  • Avoid strong tea and coffee, which can cause narrowing of blood vessels.

It is important to understand that a diet for spondylosis is not just an additional method of therapy, but a significant component of the main treatment, since only with proper nutrition can the progression of the disease be prevented.


For spondylosis, massage is aimed at influencing the gluteal and paravertebral muscles, since they are the ones that hold the body in the anatomically correct position.

It begins with rubbing, stroking and kneading, after which the specialist begins segmental procedures in the area where spasmodic muscle contraction occurred. The duration of one session is on average 20 minutes. A total of 15–20 sessions are prescribed.

IMPORTANT! Traumatic effects - chopping, beating, etc., are excluded with spondylosis.

The benefits of massage for spondylosis are invaluable - it is the only way to eliminate pain without the use of medications. In addition, massage very effectively restores blood flow, especially after exercise therapy, manual therapy, and so on.


Surgeries for spondylosis are performed in very rare cases; as a rule, they become advisable when complications develop or there is a complete lack of effect from conservative treatment methods. The essence of the surgical intervention is cutting down bone growths with special tools. Also in some cases, it is practiced to replace the affected vertebrae with implants.


Physiotherapeutic measures are as follows:

  • pulse therapy;
  • interference therapy;
  • TENS;
  • ultraviolet;
  • mud therapy;
  • baths;
  • wearing a special one.

Folk remedies

Collection to speed up metabolic processes– rose hips, currant leaves, lingonberries, raspberries, bird knotweed, nettle, horsetail, yarrow. All ingredients are taken in equal proportions and mixed. For a tablespoon of the mixture you will need 2 cups of boiling water. Leave for 2 hours. Half an hour before meals, take a glass of the product in the morning and evening.

Painkiller. Mix lemon balm, mint, plantain seeds, burdock, St. John's wort and fireweed in equal quantities. Brew and drink like regular tea.

Among external remedies for spondylosis, essential oils of oregano, fireweed, fir, lavender, cedar, and thyme are actively used. A couple of drops of these oils are added to olive oil and rubbed into the affected area. In some cases, it is allowed to use capsicum tincture.

Which doctor treats you?

If you suspect spinal spondylosis, you should seek advice from, and if the clinic does not have one, you can make an appointment with a neurologist. If present in combination with spondylosis, it is recommended to consult a trauma surgeon.

What is the difference between spondylosis and osteochondrosis?

The term spondylosis refers to the bony vertebral structures. In this case, there is a growth and change in the shape of the vertebrae, which are in close contact with the intervertebral discs.

When the discs are destroyed, the vertebrae begin to experience increased pressure, which forces them to defend themselves - to form. This is necessary to increase the area and reduce pressure.

In addition, with spondylosis, a large role is played by the anterior longitudinal ligament, which, when stretched when osteophytes occur, provokes back pain. Doctors consider spondylosis to be a secondary phenomenon, as a response to long-term osteochondrosis.

But this is a pathology that destroys intervertebral discs. This destruction occurs as a result of disk overload or power failure. When destroyed, a protrusion occurs - the exit of the gelatinous body beyond the disc. This results in a hernia of the spine, which can put pressure on the adjacent vertebra and provoke the development of osteophytes.

Possible complications

Spinal spondylosis can lead to the following complications:

  • Herniation. This complication does not occur in all cases; sometimes a hernial protrusion precedes spondylosis, but if osteophytes are closely adjacent to the intervertebral disc, a hernia can form as a result of spondylosis.
  • Compression of blood vessels, which leads to myelitis. This complication most often occurs with a long and advanced course of the pathology. In this case, the blood supply to the brain may deteriorate. When a spinal artery is negatively affected, spinal Preobrazhensky syndrome or spinal cord infarction may develop.

Are spondylosis and spondyloarthrosis the same thing?

It is impossible to say that these two pathologies are one and the same - rather, they are two varieties of one disease. Spondylosis is bone growths that can provoke fusion of bone vertebrae, and spondyloarthrosis is the destruction or fusion of facet joints.

ICD-10 was introduced into healthcare practice throughout the Russian Federation in 1999 by order of the Russian Ministry of Health dated May 27, 1997. No. 170

The publication of a new revision (ICD-11) is planned by WHO in 2017 2018.

With amendments and additions by WHO.

Processing and translation of changes © mkb-10.com

Dorsopathy and back pain

2. Degenerative-dystrophic changes in the spine

Degenerative changes in the spine consist of three main options. These are osteochondrosis, spondylosis, spondyloarthrosis. Various pathomorphological options can be combined with each other. Degenerative-dystrophic changes in the spine in old age are observed in almost all people.

Osteocondritis of the spine

ICD-10 code: M42 - Osteochondrosis of the spine.

Spinal osteochondrosis is a decrease in the height of the intervertebral disc as a result of degenerative processes without inflammatory phenomena. As a result, segmental instability develops (excessive degree of flexion and extension, sliding of the vertebrae forward during flexion or backward during extension), and the physiological curvature of the spine changes. The convergence of the vertebrae, and therefore the articular processes, and their excessive friction inevitably lead in the future to local spondyloarthrosis.

Spinal osteochondrosis is an x-ray, but not a clinical diagnosis. In fact, spinal osteochondrosis simply states the fact of aging of the body. Calling back pain osteochondrosis is ignorant.


ICD-10 code: M47 - Spondylosis.

Spondylosis is characterized by the appearance of marginal bone growths (along the upper and lower edges of the vertebrae), which on radiographs look like vertical spines (osteophytes).

Clinically, spondylosis is of little significance. It is believed that spondylosis is an adaptive process: marginal growths (osteophytes), fibrosis of the discs, ankylosis of the facet joints, thickening of the ligaments - all this leads to immobilization of the problematic spinal motion segment, expansion of the supporting surface of the vertebral bodies.


Code according to ICD-10. M47 - Spondylosis. Includes: arthrosis or osteoarthritis of the spine, degeneration of facet joints.

Spondyloarthrosis is arthrosis of the intervertebral joints. It has been proven that the processes of degeneration in intervertebral and peripheral joints are not fundamentally different. That is, in essence, spondyloarthrosis is a type of osteoarthritis (therefore, chondroprotective drugs would be appropriate in treatment).

Spondyloarthrosis is the most common cause of back pain in older people. Unlike discogenic pain in spondyloarthrosis, the pain is bilateral and localized paravertebrally; increases with prolonged standing and extension, decreases with walking and sitting.

3. Disc protrusion and herniation

ICD-10 code: M50 - Damage to the intervertebral discs of the cervical spine; M51 - Damage to intervertebral discs of other parts.

Disc protrusion and herniation are not a sign of osteochondrosis. Moreover, the less pronounced the degenerative changes in the spine, the more “active” the disc is (that is, the more likely the occurrence of a hernia). This is why disc herniations are more common in young people (and even children) than in older people.

A sign of osteochondrosis is often considered a Schmorl's hernia, which has no clinical significance (there is no back pain). Schmorl's hernia is a displacement of disc fragments into the spongy substance of the vertebral body (intracorporeal hernia) as a result of disruption of the formation of vertebral bodies during growth (that is, in essence, Schmorl's hernia is dysplasia).

The intervertebral disc consists of an outer part - this is the fibrous ring (up to 90 layers of collagen fibers); and the inner part is the nucleus pulposus. In young people, the nucleus pulposus is 90% water; in the elderly, the nucleus pulposus loses water and elasticity, fragmentation is possible. Disc protrusion and herniation occur both as a result of degenerative changes in the disc and as a result of repeated increased loads on the spine (excessive or frequent flexion and extension of the spine, vibration, trauma).

As a result of the transformation of vertical forces into radial forces, the nucleus pulposus (or its fragmented parts) shifts to the side, bending the fibrous ring outward - disc protrusion develops (from the Latin Protrusum - push, push out). The protrusion disappears as soon as the vertical load stops.

Spontaneous recovery is possible if fibrotization processes spread to the nucleus pulposus. Fibrous degeneration occurs and protrusion becomes impossible. If this does not happen, then as protrusions become more frequent and repeated, the fibrous ring becomes more and more unfibered and finally ruptures - this is a disc herniation.

A disc herniation can develop acutely or slowly (when fragments of the nucleus pulposus come out in small portions into the rupture of the fibrous ring). Disc herniations in the posterior and posterolateral direction can cause compression of the spinal root (radiculopathy), spinal cord (myelopathy) or their vessels.

Most often, disc herniation occurs in the lumbar spine (75%), followed by the cervical (20%) and thoracic spine (5%).

  • The cervical region is the most mobile. The frequency of hernias in the cervical spine is 50 cases per 100 thousand population. Most often, a disc herniation occurs in the C5-C6 or C6-C7 segment.
  • The lumbar region bears the greatest load, supporting the entire body. The frequency of hernias in the lumbar spine is 300 cases per 100 thousand population. Most often, disc herniation occurs in the L4-L5 segment (40% of all hernias in the lumbar spine) and in the L5-S1 segment (52%).

A disc herniation must have clinical confirmation; asymptomatic disc herniations, according to CT and MRI, occur in 30-40% of cases and do not require any treatment. It should be remembered that the detection of a disc herniation (especially small ones) using CT or MRI does not exclude another cause of back pain and cannot be the basis of a clinical diagnosis.

Contents of the file Dorsopathy and back pain:

Degenerative-dystrophic changes in the spine. Disc protrusion and herniation.

Inflammation of the facet joints or spondyloarthrosis of the lumbosacral spine: how to treat and stop the destruction of intervertebral discs

Spondyloarthrosis of the lumbosacral spine is a disease of the musculoskeletal system, which is accompanied by destruction of the intervertebral joints. The disease affects small facet joints, so spondyloarthrosis has another name - facet arthropathy.

The last stages of the pathology are accompanied by the proliferation of osteophytes, which leads to an inflammatory process throughout the entire joint and to serious mobility impairments. The lumbar region suffers more often than other areas of the spine, due to the constant load on this area and the influence of a host of negative factors.

Reasons for the development of pathology

The spine consists of vertebrae, between which are located arches and other processes. Between the arches there are small facet joints (flat in shape, covered on top with a thin layer of hyaline cartilage, limited by the articular capsule). Between these bodies are intervertebral discs, they are designed for shock absorption. The proper functioning of the vertebrae directly depends on the small articulations between them.

Various negative factors lead to the destruction of the cartilage layer of the facet joints, narrowing of the gap, and increased pressure of the upper vertebra on the underlying one. The pathological process leads to inflammation of the articular cavity and nearby tissues (ligaments, blood vessels, nerves). Spondyloarthrosis develops (ICD 10 code - M45-M49).

Advanced stages of the disease lead to the formation of osteophytes, bone growths contribute to pinching of nerve endings and a decrease in motor activity. About 70% of patients with lumbar spondyloarthrosis are elderly. Pathology develops against the background of age-related changes in the body.

In people after twenty years of age, spondyloarthrosis develops against the background of various pathological processes:

  • traumatic back injuries;
  • flat feet;
  • postural disorders (scoliosis, kyphosis);
  • lifting weights, other heavy physical labor;
  • lack of regular physical activity;
  • professional sports;
  • endocrine diseases (diabetes, obesity);
  • congenital anomalies of the structure of the spine;
  • the presence of dorsopathies (pathologies associated with the destruction of bones and cartilage).

Often, spondyloarthrosis develops against the background of osteochondrosis (destruction of intervertebral discs, proliferation of osteophytes). The favorite area of ​​localization of the disease is the lumbar area, so the disease is often diagnosed in this area.

Find out the instructions for using Neuromultivit tablets to restore nervous regulation in diseases of the spinal column.

Treatment methods and possible consequences of a lumbar vertebral compression fracture are described on this page.


Spondyloarthrosis is divided into three groups, depending on the location of the pathology. There is another classification, taking into account the course of the disease:

  • deforming type. The vertebrae change their shape due to the proliferation of osteophytes;
  • degenerative. It manifests itself in the destruction of not only facet joints, but also intervertebral discs;
  • arcuate. Degenerative processes affect the facet joints;
  • ankylosing. It has another name - ankylosing spondylitis, and is accompanied by damage to many joints, not only in the lumbar region. Often diagnosed in men under thirty years of age;
  • dysplastic. Manifested by severe deformation of the vertebrae;
  • polysegmental. The pathological process affects not only the lumbar region, but also other areas of the spine.


This disease manifests itself as chronic pain in the area where the pathological process is located. Often these are unpleasant sensations that spread to the area of ​​the buttocks and legs, without affecting the area below the knee. Staying in one position for a long time increases discomfort, and active movements also worsen the situation. At rest, the pain usually subsides.

As the disease progresses, patients complain of spinal stiffness in the morning immediately after waking up. The discomfort usually lasts for several hours and then subsides. This unpleasant symptom is caused by the growth of osteophytes (bone growths). The formations themselves pose a serious threat to health, so this sign cannot be ignored.

Spondyloarthrosis is also characterized by a specific symptom - subluxation of the damaged joint. Against this background, the tone of nearby muscles increases, causing limited mobility of the spine and increased pain symptoms.

Unpleasant sensations with spondyloarthrosis in the lumbar region are formed against the background of the following pathological conditions:

  • pinched nerve endings. Discomfort will spread along the entire affected nerve. There is also a decrease in sensitivity, numbness, and muscle weakness;
  • pain in muscles and ligaments. The discomfort in this case is very strong and intensifies during a vertical position of the body and movement. The pain will intensify with palpation of the damaged muscle tissue.


To make a correct diagnosis, the following manipulations are used:

  • palpation of the damaged and painful area;
  • radiography in several projections;
  • CT, MRI. Research allows us to assess the condition of not only bone tissue, but also muscles, blood vessels, and nerve endings;
  • radioisotope scanning (doctors evaluate the inflammatory process in the articular processes).

Based on the data obtained, the physician makes a diagnosis and selects appropriate therapy, taking into account the patient’s characteristics.

Effective treatments

How to treat spondyloarthrosis? The disease requires complex therapy and responsibility on the part of the patient. Therapy includes the use of medications, physiotherapy, and in difficult situations, doctors resort to surgery.

Drug therapy

Effective medications:

  • NSAIDs. Medicines are the “gold” standard in the treatment of various pathologies associated with the spine, spondyloarthrosis is no exception. Nimesulide, Movalis, Celecoxib are modern drugs that rarely cause side effects. For spondyloarthrosis, short courses are recommended; NSAIDs are often used in the form of injections;
  • muscle relaxants (Mydocalm, Baklosan, Sirdalud). The products are used to relieve muscle spasms in the damaged area, which helps to start blood circulation and reduce pain;
  • novocaine blockades. Used for pinched nerve roots. Novocaine blockades allow you to cope with pain in the lumbar region; to enhance the positive effect, glucocorticosteroids are added to the drug;
  • chondroprotectors (Dona, Aflutop, Teraflex Advance). The products contain chondroitin sulfate and glucosamine. Substances restore cartilage tissue and prevent its further destruction;
  • Products containing ascorbic acid will help start blood flow. B vitamins have a positive effect on nerve tissue.

The combination of the above-described groups of medications can relieve the symptoms of spondyloarthrosis and prevent the development of complications.

Physiotherapeutic procedures

Outside the period of exacerbations, the patient is prescribed a course of physiotherapy, which has a positive effect on the patient’s condition, increases the mobility of damaged joints, and reduces discomfort.

  • magnetotherapy. The magnetic field allows you to relieve pain, eliminate swelling and inflammation;
  • paraffin applications. Thermal effect on the affected area helps relieve muscle spasms and activate blood circulation;
  • laser therapy. Manipulations eliminate pain and swelling. The procedure allows you to activate metabolism in the bone tissues of the spine.

Acupuncture, UHF, and electrophoresis are also used. All manipulations are prescribed by a physician; the duration of therapy is also indicated by a specialist.

Learn about the causes and treatment methods for thoracic intervertebral disc herniation.

Indications for the use of Milgamma injections in the complex treatment of pathologies of the back and spine are described in this article.

On the page http://vse-o-spine.com/iskrivleniya/kak-ispravit.html read about how to correct the curvature of the lumbar spine using therapeutic exercises.


Surgical therapy is used infrequently. This is due to the excellent results achieved by conservative treatment methods.

Indications for the operation are:

  • disorders of the intestines and urinary system;
  • neurological disorders, numbness of the lower extremities;
  • spinal canal stenosis;
  • spinal instability.

Surgical solution to the problem in the lumbar area is carried out in different ways (facetomy, laminectomy, laminotomy, foraminotomy). After removal of damaged tissue, the risk of recurrence of neurological disorders increases, so spinal fusion (using bone grafts) is performed.

After surgery, soft tissue healing takes several weeks, but the entire rehabilitation period lasts two months. Surgery is used infrequently due to complications (infections, traumatic nerve damage, leg pain).

Preventive measures are divided into two groups: recommendations to prevent the formation of the disease and useful tips to prevent relapse and progression of spinal spondyloarthrosis.

The first group of preventive measures includes:

  • lead an active lifestyle, do yoga, swimming, fitness, avoid excessive physical activity;
  • Monitor your body weight and avoid obesity;
  • promptly treat diseases accompanied by degenerative changes;
  • strengthen your back muscles, preventing slouching and poor posture.
  • stop lifting heavy objects, wear a special corset for the spine, especially in cases where you need to cover a long distance (vibration negatively affects the course of spondyloarthrosis in any part of the spine);
  • Hiking, swimming, yoga, walking help prevent exacerbation of the disease and improve the patient's condition.

Video about the treatment of spondyloarthrosis of the lumbosacral spine using exercise therapy and gymnastics:

Spondyloarthrosis of the spine: treatment and prevention

Until relatively recently, spondyloarthrosis was considered exclusively an ailment of older people. However, today this pathology of the spine has become significantly “younger”. Many who suffer from back pain and have no idea what spondyloarthrosis is. According to statistical studies, more than 90% of cases associated with discomfort in the spine fall on this disease.

What is it, causes and symptoms

Back pain was previously mistaken for symptoms of radiculitis or the consequences of poor posture. However, spondyloarthrosis today is one of the most common diseases associated with degeneration of the spinal column.

It is completely natural that with age, all organs and the musculoskeletal system gradually fail. The vertebrae are worn out and joint movement is limited.

Recently, doctors have noted that many ailments are “getting younger” and even manifestations such as pain in the spine worry young people and middle-aged patients.

The occurrence of spondyloarthrosis can be associated not only with the natural aging of the body, but also with the following factors:

  • suffered injuries;
  • advanced stage of scoliosis;
  • displacement of the vertebrae;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • congenital pathology of the vertebrae;
  • obesity 3 and 4 degrees;
  • the presence of autoimmune diseases;
  • flat feet;
  • constant load on the back.
  1. Impaired spinal mobility (the symptom is especially noticeable in the morning after sleep).
  2. Pain syndrome in one of the departments, which intensifies with changing weather conditions.
  3. Rapid fatigue and discomfort in the back when staying in one position for a long time.
  4. Unpleasant sensations disappear if the patient takes a comfortable horizontal position and bends his knees.

Classification according to ICD 10

Each pathology has its own diagnosis code. Spondyloarthrosis is no exception. During the tenth revision of the international classification of diseases ICD 10, the disease was assigned the code M45-M49 (spondylopathies). At the initial stage, the disease does not manifest obvious signs. The symptoms are vague, and the pathology is difficult to identify even with an x-ray.

The following stages of changes in the spine are manifested by distinct symptoms.

Depending on the location of the destructive process, the disease is divided into types:

In addition to the listed types, spondyloarthrosis is divided into 4 degrees, which are determined by the stage of the destructive process:

  1. The elasticity of the discs, membranes and ligaments is lost, and the movement of the intervertebral joints is limited and the mobility of the vertebra is reduced.
  2. The load on the cartilage lining between the disc bodies increases. The fibrous rings cease to perform their function.
  3. It becomes possible to diagnose the disease. Pathological changes can be seen on the X-ray image. Ligament dystrophy develops.
  4. Osteophytes reach large sizes. The spine becomes inactive. There is pressure from bone growths on blood vessels and nerves.

Also in medicine, spondyloarthrosis is divided into varieties, which determine the course of the disease and the phase of development:

Types of treatment

Which doctor should you consult with a problem such as degeneration of cartilage tissue and spinal deformity? Several years ago, with similar manifestations, we went to a neurologist. Now many patients, faced with back pain, do not know which doctor treats spondyloarthrosis.

This disease is diagnosed by a specialist in abnormalities in the musculoskeletal system and spine - a vertebrologist. Patients with spondyloarthrosis should know that this is a disease that requires regular compliance with doctor’s orders and long-term therapy with medications that relieve pain and relieve inflammation.

Patients whose disease is in the stage of weakening manifestations, in addition to medications, are prescribed massage and certain exercises. It helps improve blood and lymph circulation, and also relieves discomfort and back pain.

Acupuncture relieves muscle spasms and improves blood flow in the affected area.

Elderly people are concerned about the question of how to treat spinal spondyloarthrosis if exercise is contraindicated for them. The fact is that this active method of treatment is not used in the treatment of patients of advanced age and in younger patients with certain types of disease. If it is not possible to carry out exercise therapy for spondyloarthrosis, then in such cases courses of physiotherapy (magnetic therapy, phonophoresis, ionogalvanization, sinusoidally modulated currents) are prescribed.

Currently, the treatment of spondyloarthrosis cannot take place without the use of chondroprotectors (Chondroxide), which are irreplaceable in restoring damaged cartilage.

Treatment with folk remedies is ineffective for spondyloarthrosis. The only thing a patient can do to help relieve pain is warming up the muscles (warm bath, compresses with tinctures, insulation with a dog hair belt).

Special exercises for spondyloarthrosis are performed during prolonged subsidence of the disease. Their effectiveness is no lower than drug treatment, but on the contrary, with exercises they successfully achieve muscle strengthening, pain reduction, restoration of spinal column mobility, and prevention of further progression. Wearing an orthopedic corset will relieve problem areas.

Treatment also includes the use of structure-modifying drugs. For this, glucosamine sulfate and chondroitin sulfate are prescribed. The action of these medications is aimed at stopping the destruction of cartilage.

The condition for such a method of therapy as gymnastics for spondyloarthrosis is the regularity of performing the necessary exercises.

Surgery is indicated only for patients with serious disorders. In other cases, minimally invasive operations are prescribed to alleviate the patient’s condition (radiofrequency or chemical denervation, transpedicular fixation, microsurgery to remove the vertebral arch, insertion of stabilizing implants).

Possible complications

Spondyloarthrosis can be accompanied by the following complications:

  • restriction of spinal movement;
  • spinal canal stenosis;
  • coordination problems;
  • problems in the nervous system;
  • numbness of the limbs, lameness;
  • improper functioning of the pelvic organs;
  • the occurrence of seizures;
  • muscle dystrophy.


Spondyloarthrosis can be prevented by avoiding factors that provoke degenerative changes in the spine. Preventive measures are:

  • eliminating unnecessary stress on the back;
  • getting rid of excess weight;
  • posture monitoring;
  • sleeping on a hard bed;
  • moderate exercise.

The disease, in the absence of necessary therapy, tends to progress. Treatment of spondyloarthrosis is a set of measures that give the best results in the initial stages of the disease. Therefore, the first symptoms described above should not be ignored or treated with disdain.

spondyloarthrosis of the spine ICD 10 code

Osteochondrosis code according to ICD 10

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Still, whatever one may say, in our country the path to untold wealth began with a huge lag behind the rest of the world. As a result, the main chapter of knowledge about this subject exists in foreign languages, and not at all in Russian. This applies to the interfaces of analytical programs, books, magazines, and numerous Internet forums. There's nothing you can do about it, that's the reality. Therefore, you have to regret the unlearned school lessons and start learning them here and now. Actually, this is what this section was created for.​

​In none of the developed countries of the world, in any medical classification of degenerative-dystrophic diseases, is there a nosological unit “osteochondrosis of the spine.” Only in the previous German classification did “osteochondrosis” previously designate the classic “Schmorl’s hernia”. In Webster's American English Dictionary, spinal osteochondrosis is not even mentioned, nor in medical English dictionaries..​

​As mentioned above, the disease of osteochondrosis is classified under the ICD-10 code. The ICD-10 code is the 10th revision classification of diseases. The ICD-10 is assigned a code that indicates a specific back disease. Osteochondrosis in the ICD-10 classification has code M42 and is determined by the patient’s age and location.​

​Acupuncture helps to get rid of pain syndromes of osteochondrosis by applying needles to certain spinal points, which are determined by the doctor. It is worth carrying out only in the right way

ICD 10 osteochondrosis of the spine

How does lumbar osteochondrosis manifest itself according to ICD 10?

​As a rub for patients diagnosed with dorsopathy (intervertebral hernia), cinquefoil tincture helps well. It can also be taken internally as a medicine. Throw 2 tbsp into a glass of boiling water. spoons of grass. Infuse, strain the product and rub it on the sore spots. In addition, you can prepare an alcohol tincture. 100 g of cinquefoil is infused in 1 liter of alcohol for three weeks. Add a few drops of tincture to a glass of water and take the product three times a day.​

Spinal disease osteochondrosis is caused by dystrophic damage to articular cartilage and bone tissue. It is also characterized by degenerative changes in the intervertebral discs, which over time lead to a reduction in the height of the spine.​

​Lumbar osteochondrosis, which has ICD code 10, is a common disease of the musculoskeletal system. Statistics show that if previously this disease mainly affected people over 45 years of age, now this disease is rapidly becoming younger and is no longer uncommon for people under 35 years of age.​

​Using all of the above treatment methods, one should not forget about disease prevention. Much attention should be paid to strengthening the immune system, trying not to overcool and controlling physical activity. At the first signs of the disease, do not neglect a visit to the doctor - deviations detected in time can be treated more quickly than a disease in a progressive stage.​

​Despite a number of characteristic prerequisites, doctors are inclined to believe that the main reasons for the appearance of this type of pathology are uncontrolled and constant loads, as a result of which the vertebrae in the lumbar region begin to put pressure on the intervertebral discs.​

​Deciding how to deal with cervical osteoch

Codes of injuries, spinal bruises according to ICD-10

Unfortunately, spinal injuries occur frequently in humans. Some of them relate to damage to the spinal column due to negligence, for example, due to loss of balance. A back injury has serious health consequences. The main danger is that a person does not seek medical help. Injuries of the spinal column and coccyx are included in the international classification of diseases ICD-10 and have their own special code in this system.

In ICD-10, the back region and spine are designated as T2. Depending on the nature of the damage, the possibility of developing complications, the impact on other organs, and the patient’s quality of life in the future, they are divided into subgroups. There are injuries of an unclear nature, with deterioration or minor, therefore each type has its own code or subgroup, and in addition to the code, symbols may be indicated indicating the ambiguity of the diagnosis, its ambiguity.

The ICD-10 code is often indicated on sick leave. This approach allows you to save space on the sick leave; the information capacity of one code, when deciphered, is more useful than a diagnosis described in words. Familiarization with this classification will allow you to understand what disease is being discussed in the medical card and what the diagnosis is.

Category T09 includes injuries to the abdomen and back, the type of which is difficult to determine. The following are not attributed to T09: crushing of the torso, multiple injuries, cutting of the back and abdomen. T09 of unclear nature includes the following types of damage:

T08 – Fracture of the vertebral column, unspecified type. This code is used as the main one when there is no point in adding certain information or analyzing damage or injury. The code may

What is spinal dorsopathy, ICD-10 code, what are its symptoms and treatment?

Dorsopathy of the spine (ICD-10 code) is a complex of diseases that affect not only the spine, but also the ligaments, muscles, and nerve endings that surround it. If we take the literal translation of the word itself from English, it means “back pathologies.”

This name appeared not so long ago; before that, the well-known word osteochondrosis was used more often. The disease itself received a medical code ICD-10 in general terminology.

Causes of the disease

The functioning of all organs in the human body is controlled by the brain through neural connections with the spinal cord. If a patient is diagnosed with dorsopathy, this means that his spinal cord is compressed, thereby connections with the brain begin to be disrupted, the functions of internal organs change, which has a detrimental effect on the condition of the entire organism.

The main and initial cause of the development of this disease is low immunity. Medical research shows that symptoms of the disease begin to appear after 45 years of age. But in certain cases: after injuries, infectious diseases, metabolic disorders - this process can develop at any age. There have been cases where the disease manifested itself as a hereditary factor.

The body undergoes subtle changes in the spinal disc. At this stage, the patient practically does not feel any symptoms; discomfort may occur in certain body positions. During examinations in the hospital, pathological changes are not visible.

At the second stage, the disease begins to actively progress, affecting the intervertebral joints, bones and neighboring vertebrae.

The patient feels a constant manifestation of pain, which is caused by compression of the vessels and nerve endings of the vertebral

Causes of development of spondyloarthrosis of the lumbosacral spine and treatment of the disease with injections

Most adults are familiar with back pain. The older a person is, the more problems he has with his spine. One of the causes of unpleasant symptoms may be spondyloarthrosis of the lumbosacral region. This is a chronic degenerative process in the vertebral joints, as a result of which pain occurs and mobility is limited. Spondyloarthrosis code according to ICD 10 – M45-M49 (spondylopathies).

To prevent the progression of the disease from leading to disability, it is necessary to diagnose it in a timely manner and begin treatment. One of the methods of complex therapy for spondyloarthrosis is the administration of medications by injection.

general information

The structure of the spine includes vertebrae that are connected to each other by intervertebral discs. They act as a shock absorber. Processes emerge from the vertebrae, between which there are facet joints. The surface of the joint is covered with thin hyaline cartilage and is limited by the articular capsule. The structure of the discs and their function are directly related to the small articulations between the vertebral processes.

Under the influence of certain causes that contribute to degenerative processes, the cartilaginous layer of the facet joint begins to deteriorate, and the joint space narrows. This causes increased pressure on the vertebrae against each other. The joint cavity and surrounding tissues can become inflamed.

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The progression of spondyloarthrosis without proper therapy leads to the formation of bone growths around the edges of the vertebrae (osteophytes). The proliferation of osteophytes damages the surrounding soft tissue, which causes muscle spasms and compression of the spinal nerve roots. Advanced lumbosacral spondyloarthrosis leads to the development of spondylosis deformans. Osteophytes interact with each other

Schmorl's hernia: how dangerous is the disease and how to diagnose it?

The disease affects not only older people, but also young people as a result of injuries, physical activity, poor lifestyle and some other factors.

The initial stages of the pathology occur without visible manifestations, so often a hernia is detected completely by accident during an X-ray examination or at later stages.

Schmorl's hernia is.

A hernia or Schmorl's node is a deformity that represents a breakthrough of the tissue of the nucleus pulposus into the vertebra, as a result of which the bone is pushed through. With this type of disorder, the spinal cord or spinal nerves are not compressed, as happens with a herniated disc, so the disease is characterized by an asymptomatic course. Most often, the disease is observed in the lumbar or thoracic spine. Pathology usually does not develop in the cervical area.

The first stages of the disease are not accompanied by pronounced symptoms, since the hernia does not compress the nerve endings. Only at the last stages of development do the nodes begin to manifest themselves. The first symptom of the disorder is numbness of the limbs after sports or physical labor.

In addition, patients experience rapid fatigue and back fatigue. The numbness spreads gradually: first the fingers lose sensitivity, then the palms and hands.

When these signs appear, you need to lie down and relax. During this time, blood circulation will gradually restore and the numbness will disappear. If the load on the vertebrae continues, then after a while the arms will lose sensitivity, followed by the legs. In this case, the patient should immediately consult a doctor.

Protrusion of discs of the lumbar spine has been diagnosed quite often recently. The provoking factors for the occurrence of pathology are different. Next, we will find out what disc protrusion is. Treatment, what about

In the last stages of development, the main signs of a hernia are pain in the area

Spinal stenosis

Spinal stenosis is a chronic process characterized by pathological narrowing of the central spinal canal, lateral recess or intervertebral foramen by bone, cartilage and soft tissue structures, with their invasion into the spaces occupied by the nerve roots and spinal cord.

Narrowing of the spinal canal caused by disc herniations, which lead to acute compression of neurovascular structures, is usually not classified as stenosis.

Lumbar spinal stenosis [edit | edit code]

Spinal stenosis is a disease that involves a combination of narrowing of the spinal canal as measured by either computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or spinal x-ray (spondylography) and characteristic clinical symptoms. When performing MRI on people over 60 years of age, it was noted that 21% of them had radiological signs of narrowing of the spinal canal at the lumbar level. Only a third (33%) had complaints characteristic of stenosis

The main causes of curvature were rickets and sexually transmitted diseases. In one of the observations of this researcher, the lumen of the spinal canal was reduced by half. Particularly important is the development noted by the author in some patients of weakness in the legs, muscle atrophy and even paralysis of the lower extremities. Since 1954, Henk Verbiest began developing this topic.

He described the observation of 4 patients with a narrow spinal canal at the lumbar level, in whom laminectomy led to the complete disappearance of complaints. The author introduced the concepts of “absolute” and “relative” stenosis, and also described the syndrome of “neurogenic intermittent claudication.” Since then, there has been a steady increase in interest in this problem and the search for new treatment methods.

Treatment of lumbar spondyloarthrosis in the vast majority of cases is conservative. Non-drug therapy, including massage and physical therapy, plays a critical role. Massage reduces muscle spasm, promotes blood circulation and tissue metabolism in the affected area. Exercise therapy helps reduce pain and restore the functional activity of the spine. In parallel, physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed: ultrasound, electrophoresis of cobalt, sulfur and zinc, phonophoresis with hydrocortisone and magnetic therapy.
To reduce acute pain in the absence of signs of severe inflammation, use paracetamol or tramadol. In the presence of inflammatory phenomena, NSAIDs are prescribed: celecoxib, meloxicam, nimesulide, ibuprofen, diclofenac. Along with tablet forms, anti-inflammatory and warming gels and ointments are used. For severe spasms, muscle relaxants are used: tizanidine, tolperisone and baclofen. In addition, in recent years, for arthrosis of various localizations, including spondyloarthrosis, along with the drugs listed above, chondroprotectors are increasingly being prescribed: marine fish extract, glucosamine, chondroitin sulfate. These drugs prevent the progression of degenerative changes in cartilage tissue and slow down the development of spondyloarthrosis.
For persistent pain syndrome, blockades with novocaine and cortisone are performed in the area of ​​the facet joints. In addition, if there is no effect from conventional treatment, minimally invasive radiofrequency destruction of pain receptors in the area of ​​the affected joints is sometimes performed. The procedure is well tolerated by patients and is performed in a clinic setting.
If conservative treatment is ineffective in young patients, in some cases surgical operations are performed, during which the doctor installs special implants - interspinous spoilers - between the spinous processes. These structures help to widen the intervertebral openings and reduce the load on the spinal discs. The operation belongs to the category of relatively low-traumatic surgical interventions and can be performed under local anesthesia, both in a hospital setting and on an outpatient basis. This expands the possibilities of using the technique in the treatment of elderly patients, who often suffer from concomitant somatic diseases and have difficulty with general anesthesia and extensive operations.
The prognosis for lumbar spondyloarthrosis is usually favorable. Regular treatment and compliance with doctor's recommendations in most cases helps maintain the functionality of the spine and reduce pain. The ability to work during an isolated process is not impaired, except during periods of exacerbations. When spondyloarthrosis is combined with other degenerative diseases of the spine, the development of radiculitis, the formation of disc herniations and the appearance of neurological symptoms are possible.

Spondyloarthrosis of the lumbosacral spine is a disease of the musculoskeletal system, which is accompanied by destruction of the intervertebral joints. The disease affects small facet joints, so spondyloarthrosis has another name - facet arthropathy.

The last stages of the pathology are accompanied by the proliferation of osteophytes, which leads to an inflammatory process throughout the entire joint and to serious mobility impairments. The lumbar region suffers more often than other areas of the spine, due to the constant load on this area and the influence of a host of negative factors.

Reasons for the development of pathology

The spine consists of vertebrae, between which are located arches and other processes. Between the arches there are small facet joints (flat in shape, covered on top with a thin layer of hyaline cartilage, limited by the articular capsule). Between these bodies are intervertebral discs, they are designed for shock absorption. The proper functioning of the vertebrae directly depends on the small articulations between them.

Various negative factors lead to the destruction of the cartilage layer of the facet joints, narrowing of the gap, and increased pressure of the upper vertebra on the underlying one. The pathological process leads to inflammation of the articular cavity and nearby tissues (ligaments, blood vessels, nerves). Spondyloarthrosis develops (ICD 10 code - M45-M49).

Advanced stages of the disease lead to the formation of osteophytes, bone growths contribute to pinching of nerve endings and a decrease in motor activity. About 70% of patients with lumbar spondyloarthrosis are elderly. Pathology develops against the background of age-related changes in the body.

In people after twenty years of age, spondyloarthrosis develops against the background of various pathological processes:

  • traumatic back injuries;
  • flat feet;
  • postural disorders (current,);
  • lifting weights, other heavy physical labor;
  • lack of regular physical activity;
  • professional sports;
  • endocrine diseases (diabetes, obesity);
  • congenital anomalies of the structure of the spine;
  • the presence of dorsopathies (pathologies associated with the destruction of bones and cartilage).

Often, spondyloarthrosis develops against the background of a progression (destruction of intervertebral discs, proliferation of osteophytes). The favorite area of ​​localization of the disease is the lumbar area, so the disease is often diagnosed in this area.

On the page, read about how to correct the curvature of the lumbar spine using therapeutic exercises.


Surgical therapy is used infrequently. This is due to the excellent results achieved by conservative treatment methods.

Indications for the operation are:

  • disorders of the intestines and urinary system;
  • neurological disorders, numbness of the lower extremities;
  • spinal instability.

Surgical solution to the problem in the lumbar area is carried out in different ways (facetomy, laminectomy, laminotomy, foraminotomy). After removal of damaged tissue, the risk of recurrence of neurological disorders increases, so spinal fusion (using bone grafts) is performed.

After surgery, soft tissue healing takes several weeks, but the entire rehabilitation period lasts two months. Surgery is used infrequently due to complications (infections, traumatic nerve damage, leg pain).

Preventive measures are divided into two groups: recommendations to prevent the formation of the disease and useful tips to prevent relapse and progression of spinal spondyloarthrosis.

The first group of preventive measures includes:

  • lead an active lifestyle, do yoga, swimming, fitness, avoid excessive physical activity;
  • Monitor your body weight and avoid obesity;
  • promptly treat diseases accompanied by;
  • strengthen your back muscles, preventing slouching and poor posture.
  • stop lifting heavy objects, wear a special one, especially in cases where you need to cover a long distance (vibration negatively affects the course of spondyloarthrosis in any part of the spine);
  • Hiking, swimming, yoga, walking help prevent exacerbation of the disease and improve the patient's condition.

Video about the treatment of spondyloarthrosis of the lumbosacral spine using exercise therapy and gymnastics:

Intervertebral spondyloarthrosis (deforming arthrosis) is a chronic pathology that often develops in elderly patients, less often in young ones.

The main manifestations of the disease are back pain and limited movement.

Spondyloarthrosis of the spine

This pathology is explained by degenerative and dystrophic damage to the spinal-costal and facet joints. Isolated variants of spondyloarthrosis are rare. They usually occur in combination with osteochondrosis or spondylosis.

Why is spondyloarthrosis dangerous? If the disease is not treated in time, significant restriction of movements in the damaged part of the spinal column may occur, as the marginal osteophytes gradually grow and even fuse with each other. The pain will only increase over time, interfering with a full life and physical activity. Moreover, the sharp angles of osteophytes can not only exert pathological pressure, but also damage the spinal artery, which can even cause death in the patient.

The consequences of spondyloarthrosis are unfavorable, since other possible complications of the disease may be the formation of a hernia or spondylolisthesis (pathological displacement of a vertebra posteriorly or anteriorly from the next lower vertebra). In this situation, surgery is no longer necessary: ​​the vertebrae will be fixed with metal knitting needles. However, even after surgery, restrictions on physical activity are inevitable.

Assessing the above, we can say with confidence that treatment of the disease must be carried out necessarily and in a timely manner. You should not wait for complications and adverse effects to occur and consult a doctor in a timely manner.

ICD-10 code

M45-M49 Spondylopathies

Causes of spondyloarthrosis

Old age is the most common period of manifestations of the disease. Changes in cartilage tissue that occur with age favor the development of spondyloarthrosis. Over the years, it becomes more and more difficult for the spine to cope with physical stress.

However, spondyloarthrosis often appears in young people. The following factors may contribute to this:

  • weakness of the muscles and ligaments of the back, pathology of posture, curvature of the spinal column;
  • deformation of the foot, its flattening;
  • an overly active lifestyle, playing sports that involve excessive stress on the spine;
  • frequent and prolonged sitting or standing in an incorrect and uncomfortable position;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • professional, sports or household back injuries.

In childhood, the causes of the disease can be birth injuries, congenital defects of the spine (fusion of the vertebrae, curvature of the spinal column, nonfusion of the vertebral arches).

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Symptoms of spondyloarthrosis

Manifestations of the deforming form of spinal arthrosis, especially in the early stages of the disease, can rarely be clear not only in terms of symptoms, but even on an x-ray.

At later stages, the process may manifest itself as pain in certain areas of the back and impaired range of motion of the torso. In general, symptoms may largely depend on the location of the lesion, so several types of pathology are usually distinguished:

Cervical spondyloarthrosis

With cervicoarthrosis (the second name of the pathology), patients usually complain of pain in the neck, radiating to the shoulder joints, between the shoulder blades, to the back of the head, to one of the upper extremities. Bone and cartilage growths with damage to the cervical spine can contribute to deformation and reduction of the lumen of the spinal canal, as well as the development of radicular phenomena. In addition, osteophytes can be pressed into the wall of the spinal artery, which provokes disorders of blood flow to the brain. This may be accompanied by dizziness, headaches, and cochlear disorders.

Thoracic spondyloarthrosis (dorsarthrosis)

It is found less often than cervical or lumbar spondyloarthrosis. This is explained by some difficulties in diagnosis, since in this area the facet joints are hidden behind the ribs. In addition, the pathology itself is much less common here, since the thoracic region is initially less mobile than other parts of the spine.

Lumbar spondyloarthrosis (lumboarthrosis)

A common variant of the disease. It is characterized by constant nagging pain in the affected area, radiating to the thigh area and buttocks. The pain becomes more pronounced when turning and bending the body backwards. Most often, pain appears as a result of prolonged sitting or lying down and is relieved after some physical activity (warm-up, exercise).

Spondyloarthrosis of the lumbosacral region

The main symptom is pain in the lumbosacral spine. The pain is aching and may radiate to the femoral and gluteal region, but only to the knee area. Initially, pain may appear only during physical activity. Over time, the process increases, pain begins to appear both during movement and at rest. The most common localization of pathology of the lumbosacral region is spondyloarthrosis L5-S1. The disease, detected in a timely manner, can be treated conservatively without the use of surgery.

Degrees of spondyloarthrosis

As we said above, initial spondyloarthrosis is usually asymptomatic. As a rule, manifestations of spondylosis or osteochondrosis come to the fore - degeneration of the fibrous rings of the anterior longitudinal ligament. In this case, the damage to the small joints of the spine does not yet have sufficiently pronounced symptoms; it is characterized only by marginal bone growth in the thoracic and lumbar zone.

The initial signs of spondyloarthrosis appear only when the bony marginal growths become large, the articular processes lengthen, the contour of the joints changes, and the articular surfaces increase. As a result, the joint spaces narrow, and the ratio of the articular axes often changes, which cannot but affect the functions of the affected part or the entire spine as a whole.

Spondyloarthrosis progresses through several stages:

  • 1st degree – loss of elasticity of the intervertebral disc, joint membranes, ligaments, reduction in the range of mobility of the spinal column;
  • 2nd degree – increased load on the discs, loss of the ability of the fibrous rings to fully perform their functions;
  • 3 degrees – X-ray confirmation of bone growths, degenerative changes in ligaments;
  • Grade 4 – the presence of bone growths of impressive size, limited mobility of the spine, compression of nerve endings and vascular walls.

The mechanism of formation of the pathology can be called the processes of degeneration in cartilage tissues, the spread of changes to the structure of the fibrous ring, degeneration of the ligaments that hold the vertebrae, and the growth of osteophytes.

Types of spondyloarthrosis

Depending on the course and stage of the process, spondyloarthrosis is divided into several options. We will consider general information about each of them.

Spondyloarthrosis deformans

The term “deforming” can be applied to almost any type of spondyloarthrosis, because this disease occurs against the background of deformation (changes in size, configuration and shape) of the vertebrae and the posterior part of the spinal canal due to the formation of bone growths and displacement of intervertebral discs. The deformation is irreversible and is detected x-ray.

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Degenerative spondyloarthrosis

It is also a complex concept, since spondyloarthrosis is a degenerative-dystrophic disease in itself. With this pathology, the facet and vertebral-costal joints, as well as the fibrous rings of the intervertebral discs, are susceptible to degeneration. The rings lose their elasticity, flatten, and shift. This gives the corresponding clinical picture of the disease.

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Uncovertebral spondyloarthrosis

This concept refers to arthrosis of the facet joints, which develops in the space between the spinous processes on the posterolateral surface of 1-2 vertebrae of the cervical area. Its main symptoms are neuritis (shoulder, cervical), hypertension, imbalance of body balance and weakness of neurological reflexes.

Spondyloarthrosis of the facet joints

This is one of the manifestations of spondyloarthrosis, the degenerative-dystrophic processes of which can affect the facet joints and vertebral-costal joints. An isolated variant of spondyloarthrosis of the facet joints is observed extremely rarely; as a rule, combined damage to the paravertebral joints occurs.

Ankylosing spondylitis

Polysegmental spondyloarthrosis

A serious pathology in which several parts of the spine are simultaneously affected: lumbar, sacral, thoracic and cervical. Treatment of such a disease is labor-intensive and lengthy, and the manifestations of the disease are multi-symptomatic. Here there is a combined clinical picture of damage to several parts of the spinal column.

Dysplastic spondyloarthrosis

The term “dysplastic” is used when they want to emphasize the nature of the pathology. Dysplastic spondyloarthrosis is accompanied by a violation of the structure of the joints, changes in their shape, size, and structure. Dysplasia is not a diagnosis, it is only a manifestation of another disease, in this case, spondyloarthrosis.

Diagnosis of spondyloarthrosis

The disease is diagnosed based on the clinical picture, as well as radiological and tomographic indicators.

X-ray examination of the deforming pathology of the facet joints presents certain difficulties, because on X-ray photographs taken in the anteroposterior projection, there is a layering of the joints on other osteoformations (articular costal heads, transverse processes, etc.). This is especially noticeable in the thoracic and cervical spine. To solve this problem, in addition to standard X-ray images, atypical patient positions are used (use of oblique, three-quarter projections), as well as computed tomography - layer-by-layer visualization of the picture.

In the presence of inflammatory processes in the lesion, the radioisotope scanning method is used. This technique is a registration of radioactive radiation from the patient’s body after a radioactive drug is introduced into the body (usually intravenously). As a rule, attention is paid to the uniform distribution of the substance throughout the body, which helps in detecting inflammation and determines the exact location of the outbreak.

Treatment of spondyloarthrosis

Treatment methods for spondyloarthrosis are mainly conservative. They are aimed at relieving painful symptoms and increasing mobility of the affected area of ​​the spine. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are usually prescribed to reduce pain. There are quite a large number of them, but the most popular are diclofenac, ketonal, xefocam, ketorol, etc. New generation drugs include Celebrex, Nise, and Movalis.

In the remission stage, the use of massage, gentle gymnastic exercises, and exercise in the pool is indicated. All this contributes to strengthening the muscular corset of the spinal column and allows maintaining the motor functions of the spine.

If muscle tone is impaired and there is severe pain, isometric (static) exercises are recommended.

In elderly patients (or in other cases where active muscle strengthening measures are contraindicated), physical therapy methods are often used. To relieve pain, in addition to drug therapy, magnetic therapy, ionogalvanization procedures with anesthetics (lidocaine or novocaine), and the method of sinusoidally modulated currents are used. The use of phonophoresis with hydrocortisone is also popular: this procedure perfectly relieves swelling and inflammation.

Since the main etiological factor in the formation of spondyloarthrosis is damage to the structure of the intervertebral discs, recently the method of structure-modifying therapy has become widespread. This technique involves the use of glucosamine sulfate and chondroitin sulfate - these are substances that can slow down the processes of degeneration of cartilage tissue. This method can be used already at the initial stages of the disease.

Treatment of spondyloarthrosis of the cervical spine, as well as other parts of the spine, is currently impossible without the use of chondroprotectors. These are drugs that help restore damaged articular cartilage. These medications can be used orally, as injections, or as ointments.

One of the representatives of chondroprotective ointments is chondroxide, an external preparation that improves the exchange of calcium and phosphorus in cartilage tissue, inhibits the degenerative process, and helps restore the cartilaginous surface of the joint. The drug also has analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects.

Chondroxide is also used as a medicinal component of phonophoresis, which accelerates the elimination of pain and symptoms of spinal stiffness.

Recently, the use of the therapeutic patch Nanoplast Forte has become popular. This is an analgesic anti-inflammatory drug that improves blood flow in the lesion. It is used in both acute and latent stages of the process. The patch is glued to the affected area of ​​the back, overnight. Usually the patch is not removed for 12 hours: the acute process is usually stopped by using the patch for 4-5 days.

In severe advanced cases, surgical treatment methods may be used. These include:

  • minimally invasive method - destruction of nerve endings with radiofrequency rays. This procedure does not remove the main problem, but significantly alleviates the pain syndrome;
  • hemilaminectomy method - surgical excision of a section of the vertebral arch that compresses the nerve endings.

Treatment of spondyloarthrosis with folk remedies

Traditional treatment involves the use of various ointments, compresses, decoctions and baths from medicinal plants. Such remedies can bring real benefits if they are combined with traditional medicine methods: the use of medications, manual therapy, physiotherapy, etc.

Treatment of spondyloarthrosis at home involves the use of the following methods and means:

  • medicinal bath. It is recommended to take a bath at a water temperature of up to 40 C. Use 150 g of sea or rock salt per 50 liters of water;
  • decoction. Boil a mixture of parsley and celery leaves (200 g) for 8 minutes in 0.5 liters of water. Add lemon juice and honey to taste to the resulting decoction, drink in small sips throughout the day;
  • medicinal infusion. Place a mixture of equal parts of juniper, flaxseed, mint, hop cones, oregano, and calendula in a thermos and pour boiling water over it overnight. Drink three times a day half an hour before meals;
  • medicinal tinctures. Tinctures made from chestnut fruits and pine nuts are effective. Tinctures are made with vodka and kept for up to 40 days. Take a teaspoon before meals three times a day;
  • healing compress. Take 100 g of calendula per 0.5 liter of vodka or alcohol lotion and leave in a dark place for 14 days. Used as compresses or rubbing;
  • healing ointment. Equal parts of coriander, mint, birch buds and dandelion roots are boiled for 5 minutes, infused and filtered (6 tablespoons of the mixture per glass of boiling water). The decoction is mixed with 100 g of nutria fat, or vegetable or butter. Lubricate the affected area overnight;
  • healing warmth. Apply bags of hot sand, heated salt or freshly boiled chicken eggs to the affected area;
  • fir oil Ready-made oil, sold in pharmacies. Use as a massage ointment, or for oral administration (100 ml of milk with a teaspoon of oil).

Massage for spondyloarthrosis can be light and gentle during the period of exacerbation, using anti-inflammatory external drugs (diclak-gel, diclofenac ointment, diclofite, viprosal). In the stage of symptom relief, you can use massage with honey:

  • honey massage. For massage, natural honey heated to 40 C is used, which is applied to the skin, pressed firmly with the palm of the hand and sharply torn off the palm from the surface of the skin. Using this method, we seem to press the honey into the skin and immediately extract it. After the session, the honey must be washed off with a decoction of herbs: mint, lemon balm, oregano, calendula. Procedures should be carried out every other day for 14-20 days.

Therapeutic exercise for spondyloarthrosis

It is possible to achieve the effect of treatment procedures for spondyloarthrosis with an integrated approach, using, among other things, physical therapy. It helps reduce pain, stabilizes muscle tone, and facilitates back mobility.

It is necessary to start exercises for spondyloarthrosis with a warm-up, gradually performing more complex exercises.

The specificity of performing exercises during an exacerbation of the disease is to perform exercises in periods between attacks of pain, alternating them with other therapeutic measures.

The starting position is usually chosen based on the characteristics of the course of the disease in each specific case. The most acceptable position is lying on your back, side or stomach. The affected part of the spine should not be overloaded; movements should not be sharp or fast. If pain occurs during the exercises, the exercise should be stopped.

Gymnastics for spondyloarthrosis:

  • lie on your back, hands behind your head. We bend our knees, arms at the elbows, close them together and return to the starting position.
  • lie on your back with your right leg bent at the knee. We try to bend, lifting the pelvic area and leaning on the head and foot, returning to the starting position.
  • We stand on our knees, leaning on our elbows. Inhaling, we round our back and lower our head. Exhaling, we return to the starting position.
  • lie on your back, hands behind your head. We pull our legs bent at the knees to our stomach, clasp our knees with our hands and press our head to them, and return.

During classes, you should try to breathe deeply, perform exercises measuredly and slowly.

An exercise to fix correct posture also gives a good effect: take a stick (about 1 m long) and place it horizontally behind your back, holding it with the inner surfaces of your elbow joints. Thus, you should move several times a day for 25-30 minutes.

Nutrition for spondyloarthrosis

The diet for spondyloarthrosis should be divided, meals should be taken every 3 hours.

Excluded or limited in use:

  • grapes (also wine or juice);
  • strong meat broth, fatty meat, lard;
  • legumes (beans, peas);
  • sorrel;
  • refined products;
  • spices, salt, sugar.

If you are overweight, it is necessary to limit the caloric content of your diet and completely eliminate the intake of simple carbohydrates: sugar, sweets, cookies, cakes, and pastries. Along with this, it would be nice to increase physical activity, walk, move more, and do physical exercises.

Once every 7-10 days you can have a fasting day on cottage cheese, milk, kefir, vegetables or apples.

In general, the diet should be dairy-vegetable with a limitation of animal proteins (meat, fish, eggs), fatty foods and table salt.

By the way, joint diseases occur much less frequently in vegetarians than in adherents of a traditional diet. This is especially true for lacto-vegetarians.

It is also important to drink enough liquid: it should be pure water or herbal tea, but in no case Coca-Cola or energy drinks.

Prevention and prognosis of spondyloarthrosis

The prognosis for spondyloarthrosis is relatively favorable. Timely consultation with a doctor and treatment of pathology helps prevent the development of serious consequences.

Preventive measures for the disease are based on reducing the load on the spinal column. What to do:

  • maintain normal body weight;
  • avoid excessive stress on the spine and lifting heavy objects;
  • beware of spinal injury;
  • monitor your posture, both while walking and while sitting;
  • you should sleep on a semi-rigid mattress, the pillow should be small (exclude soft feather beds and large high pillows);
  • be physically active, go swimming;
  • eat right and drink enough clean water.

If you sit for a long time, try to change your position every 10-15 minutes, and every half hour you should, if possible, get up and stretch, walk around the room, and get distracted.

Disability due to spondyloarthrosis is not excluded. If the disease is advanced, there are certain neurological symptoms, as well as signs of limitations in physical and motor activity that interfere with the patient’s full life, an expert decision can be made to determine the appropriate disability group.

The spine is a very important component of the body. It protects and supports the spinal cord, which performs vital functions of the body. This is a framework for the passage of many nerves and blood vessels. Spondyloarthrosis of the spine is a pathology that introduces changes into the vertebral structure. To prevent this, you need to monitor the health of your back, take care of it and avoid overloading.