How do children get x-rays, is it necessary and at what age? X-ray studies in children

When the doctor tells parents infant that he needs to have an x-ray, they immediately have worries and doubts: isn’t x-ray radiation dangerous for the baby, because he is still so small and weak? Perhaps the diagnosis is not so serious, but an x-ray for a baby is difficult to predict the consequences...

Thinking about this, it is worth remembering that there are very few absolutely safe methods of examination and treatment; they can literally be counted on one hand. The number of all kinds of injuries and diseases, unfortunately, is enormous, and the more complex they are, the more likely it is that relatively harmless means will have to be used to identify and correct them. Therefore, doctors, when deciding to use them, mentally put on one side of the scale the danger of the consequences of using certain diagnostic methods, and on the other - the danger of the consequences of the pathology detected with their help. Usually, last bowl significantly outweighs the first.

What might cause a doctor and parents to expose an infant to the risk of X-ray radiation?

Most often, the need for an X-ray for a baby arises when there is a suspicion of certain injuries received during a difficult birth. This could be a broken bone or a dislocated joint. Infant bones and ligaments are both very vulnerable and very plastic; it is incomparably easier to correct such damage in an infant than in a grown-up baby. But to do this, it must be detected as early as possible, which is easiest to do with the help of x-rays.

Another reason for prescribing an x-ray for an infant is congenital pathologies. Sometimes they are detected in the maternity hospital, sometimes after discharge from it. But in any case for them accurate diagnosis and determining the correction strategy, x-ray examination is absolutely necessary. This dramatically increases the chances of correcting them without any consequences in the future.

X-ray diagnostics – fast and exact way identifying causes in infants inflammatory processes. Small children up to a certain age are incredibly fragile creatures. Their mechanisms of internal thermoregulation are still weak, so even short-term and insignificant from the point of view of an adult hypothermia (or overheating) can lead to the development serious illnesses, for example, such as pneumonia. Even a person cannot accurately determine this disease in an infant without the help of an x-ray. experienced doctor. Meanwhile, its consequences are very dangerous - in the absence timely treatment pneumonia can also be fatal.

When conducting an X-ray examination of an infant, in the office together with him in mandatory an adult relative is present. To protect him from radiation, he is given a special apron with a lead “lining.” He must ensure that the same apron covers that part of the child’s body that does not need to be exposed to translucency. In addition, the adult’s responsibility is to hold the baby in the position recommended for examination.

It cannot be said that the opinion about the harmfulness of x-rays is completely unfounded. But you shouldn’t exaggerate it. Firstly, the harmfulness of radiation exposure medical examination directly depends on its dose - the equipment used in current X-ray rooms makes it possible to reduce it to a minimum. Secondly, x-rays are not a cough medicine; no disease requires its too frequent or prolonged use. And thirdly, in everyday life there are no less sources of radiation exposure (or rather, much more) than in a medical X-ray room. This includes a TV, a computer, and a mobile phone - although an infant does not use them, he is almost constantly in the zone of their influence. Finally, as everyone knows, the most powerful source of radiation waves is our Sun. Complete isolation from them is just as impossible as complete isolation from the outside world.

And lastly: it is worth noting that the vast majority of modern humanity undergoes an X-ray examination one way or another throughout their lives, while remaining completely healthy and able to work. Keep this in mind when you take your child for an x-ray.

One of the most effective methods condition assessment internal organs and human bones is considered radiography. This method was the very first means to accurately diagnose pathological process without surgical intervention.

However, the ionizing rays underlying the technique are harmful to human body. That is why, in cases where a practicing pediatrician gives a referral for an x-ray examination, parents have a question: “Is it possible to do x-rays for children?”

Modern medicine has more by safe means organ examinations, but there are circumstances in which without this method can't get by. In addition, an x-ray is prescribed to a child only in cases where other studies are inappropriate! For example, there is no doubt that any caring mother will agree to what to treat antibacterial drugs pneumonia, which in fact does not exist.

In our article we want to provide detailed information about the rules and features of such a diagnostic procedure as children's x-rays, about its harm and possible consequences.

What are X-rays?

In order to understand why x-rays are harmful to children and how often they can be done, it is important to understand the essence of this reliable technique. Ionizing radiation, which passes through the cells of the body's tissues, leaves a clear image of the condition of the internal organs on a special film. Unfortunately, X-rays radioactive and greatest harm they apply to developing cells. This Negative influence may affect the functional activity of the child’s body.

IN large quantities radioactive exposure leads to the development radiation sickness, cell mutations and tumor formation. However, modern X-ray equipment emits radiation in such minimal doses that it cannot cause serious harm to the child’s body. In order to avoid negative consequences, x-ray diagnostics It is prescribed to children only in extreme cases.

At what age and how many times a year can examinations be carried out?

Given the environmental conditions in which we live, everyone modern man receives a certain portion of radiation, which negatively affects health. To prevent the spread of tuberculosis, adults undergo fluorography once a year. Children under 15 years old do tuberculin test- the well-known Mantoux reaction.

X-rays can be done on a child of any age – both infants and one year old child, but for what indications and how many times to carry out the examination is decided only by the attending physician! According to the recommendations of the World Health Organization, the amount of annual radiation exposure to a child should not exceed 3 millisieverts (mSv) per year. Depending on the type of X-ray equipment, this figure corresponds to 5–6 diagnostic procedures.

In cases where a child is prescribed fluoroscopy, parents should choose a clinic with good equipment

Modern devices make it possible to convey a clear picture of internal organs with a minimum level of radiation radiation. Facilities reliable protection, which will be selected by experienced personnel, will protect other systems of the child’s body from the effects of radiation. An interpretation of the image carried out by a qualified radiologist will help the doctor accurately diagnose the disease and prescribe adequate treatment.

Indications for examination

One of the main areas of medicine, whose specialists cannot do without the use of x-rays, is pediatric dentistry. When researching oral cavity The radiation doses are so low that the number of permissible shots is quite large.

The procedure is carried out:

  • when deciding on tooth extraction or treatment;
  • chronic periodontitis;
  • filling root canals before disinfection;
  • differentiation of tooth germs.

There are also a number of pathological processes, for the diagnosis of which the child needs to have an x-ray:

  • chest– allows you to detect organ pathologies (for example, an enlarged heart) and diseases such as pneumonia and tuberculosis;
  • gastrointestinal tract(esophagus, stomach) - if foreign objects enter the organs, if characteristic signs of indigestion appear when feeding the child, an X-ray of the intestine with a contrast agent (barium) is performed;
  • urinary system (bladder, ureters, kidneys) – to identify developmental anomalies affecting functional activity organs;
  • hip joints– the procedure is necessary for injuries (dislocations, fractures) and suspected dysplasia.

Given the high susceptibility of the child’s brain to radiation exposure, X-ray examination of the skull is performed extremely rarely. The procedure is required for head injuries and detection of a tumor formation.

According to everyone known to all parents pediatrician E.O. Komarovsky, small children should also be prescribed only in emergency circumstances - the presence foreign objects, serious injuries and suspected tumor. For sinusitis x-ray paranasal sinuses it is inappropriate to carry out - the structure of the nasopharynx has some anatomical features, which do not allow obtaining a reliable image.

A modern X-ray room has special clamps that allow you to immobilize that part of the baby’s body that is being examined using ionizing rays.

Parents need to remember that great importance depends on what diagnostic equipment is used in the medical institution. It is better to undergo examination in a clinic that regularly updates equipment. Modern digital X-rays are designed to produce an accurate image that maximally reveals the emerging pathological process, with a minimum dose of radiation.

It happens that you put accurate diagnosis very difficult, and the child needs to have the x-ray repeated. Of course, according to the law, parents can write a written refusal to repeat the procedure. But they don’t need to worry about the harm of the examination - changes in background radiation will not have any impact severe consequences on the baby's health condition.

Features of the procedure

Carrying out diagnostic examination for a child using an x-ray differs significantly from a similar procedure for adults. When performing radiography on a child, it is of great importance psychological factor. In some cases, to obtain a high-quality image, diagnostics require anesthesiology, drug immobilization or fixation of the baby.

These actions can improve the result of the examination - with an accurate diagnosis of the pathological process, a repeat procedure and additional irradiation of the child are not required. During the examination, special protective pads are put on the baby’s body, which are made of lead hidden in a cover or lead-lined rubber. First of all, the organs of vision need protection, genitourinary organs And thyroid. Compliance with all necessary rules allows you to carry out the procedure safely.

Negative consequences of X-ray examination

Ionizing radiation, passing through the tissues of a child’s body, can change the morphological structure of cells. The result of this impact may be:

  • various pathological processes leading to malignant degeneration of cells (disruption of the process of maturation and differentiation of cells - they randomly divide and form tumors);
  • the appearance of genetic abnormalities in future offspring.

X-ray radiation has a high penetrating ability; each organ reacts differently to radiation exposure

Red bone marrow is the most sensitive to ionizing rays. A small dose of radioactive radiation leads to a reversible change in blood composition. Common consequence long-term radiation exposure – development of blood diseases:

  • thrombocytopenia – a decrease in the number of platelets, which leads to slower blood clotting;
  • leukemia – a significant decrease in the number of leukocytes and changes in their morphology;
  • erythrocytopenia - a decrease in the number of red blood cells, which are responsible for the transport of oxygen molecules to tissues.

In conclusion, I would like to emphasize once again that scanning on modern digital devices allows you to reduce harmful effects Radiation on the child's body is kept to a minimum. A single procedure increases the risk of formation oncological pathology by 0.001% is a negligible figure. That is why x-rays five times a year are absolutely safe for a child - the resulting harm from this diagnostic procedure minimum!

One of the first methods allowing diagnosis without surgery was x-ray. With his help, it became possible to determine the condition of internal organs and bones.

However, the rays used during the study are radioactive. In large quantities they are harmful to the body. Therefore, parents reasonably have a question about how often children can have x-rays. Modern techniques studies of the body make it possible to make a diagnosis without this method. But in some cases you cannot do without it.

X-rays are prescribed to children only in cases where other approaches would be inappropriate. Every parent will agree that it is better to take an x-ray than to treat pneumonia with antibiotics, which in fact does not exist.


To understand children and how great its harm is for a growing organism, it is necessary to understand the essence of this method. Rays passing through body tissue leave a clear picture of the condition on the film internal systems. This reliable method diagnostics Therefore, it is still used in various fields of medicine.

X-rays are radioactive. Greatest influence they have an effect on new, developing cells. Therefore, such exposure can negatively affect the functioning of the body. Radiation in large quantities leads to the formation of radiation sickness. Cell mutations and the appearance of a tumor are also possible.

However, modern ones emit radiation rays in such small doses that they cannot harm the body once. Their total amount affects the body in the same way as staying 2-3 days in the territory of a large industrial city. However, x-rays are prescribed only in extreme cases.

Harm to the child

When wondering how often a child can be x-rayed, you should understand the harm the procedure can cause. Children, by virtue of their physiological characteristics 2-3 times more susceptible to radiation than adults.

The longer life expectancy of a child creates theoretically greater potential for manifestation over time various consequences somatic and genetic nature. It should also be remembered that in children the organs are located closer friend to friend. Their development is rather uneven in dynamics. This creates an additional risk of developing pathologies due to such influences.

Another important factor that increases the risk to a child’s health is the location of his red bone marrow. It is he who is most susceptible to radiation. The distribution of red bone marrow in children is not the same as in adults. In babies, it is more concentrated in the limbs and skull. Therefore, irradiation of these areas is particularly demanding.

At what age are x-rays taken?

Pediatricians are often asked questions about whether and how often it is permissible to do an X-ray on an infant. This procedure is necessary in a number of cases. For the nose, hip joints after the child passes birth canal An x-ray is required. Also, during the birth of a baby in a special difficult cases Possible skull injuries. In all of the above situations, X-ray examination can be performed in the first week after the birth of the child.

In this case, the baby is placed in a special box. It contains a certain protection system. Therefore, the rays pass exclusively through the area being examined. This procedure is performed at the lowest radiation levels. To do this, the equipment must be of a new type.

X-rays are performed on an infant only if there is a pathology that threatens life and development.

Precautionary measures

When studying the question of how often X-rays can be taken for children under one year of age and older, parents should familiarize themselves with existing recommendations. First of all, if you cannot do without such an examination, you should pay attention to the type of equipment for the examination.

If a medical facility uses old-style devices, the radiation exposure will be higher than in new models. If your child needs an x-ray, it is better to have it done in a hospital where the equipment is regularly updated. Such devices provide clear images with minimal radiation.

Experienced staff medical institution can correctly select the level of radiation exposure. The protective equipment will protect other body systems from the effects of x-rays.


There are several main areas of examination where x-rays may be required. Dentistry is one of them. When studying how often you can do x-rays for children under 3 years of age and older, you need to refer to WHO recommendations. This organization states that annual exposure should not exceed 3 mSv/year. In quantitative terms, this is about 5-6 times a year.

But it all depends on the type of equipment and type of examination. During dental examinations, the level of radiation is so low that the number of photographs that can be taken will be quite large. This is required if it is necessary to decide whether to remove a tooth or treat it. Also when chronic periodontitis or filling a root canal, a similar examination is required before performing an apex infection. X-ray is necessary to determine the rudiments of teeth. In some cases, a panoramic examination of the jaw is required.

X-ray of the chest and digestive system

When learning how often children can be x-rayed, you should pay attention to examining the chest and digestive tract. This type of diagnosis is never used unless there are obvious signs of the disease.

The digestive system is examined using the presented method when foreign objects enter the body.

The chest organs are also examined if there is characteristic symptoms some diseases. Children do not undergo annual fluorography until they are 18 years old. If there are signs of pneumonia or tuberculosis, the picture is taken without projection. If Mantoux is enlarged, x-rays are not performed unless other symptoms are present.


X-rays of joints are necessary for injuries (fractures, dislocations), as well as suspected dysplasia. In infants, such examination is complicated by the presence in large quantities cartilage tissue. Because of this, the result may be unreliable.

When asking a pediatrician how often X-rays can be taken for children with dysplasia or injuries, parents receive ambiguous answers. On the one hand, one-time exposure will not affect the baby’s health, but on the other hand, it is required to comply certain rules protection. The hip joints are one of the most dangerous areas to examine. Under no circumstances should the genitals be irradiated. To do this, they are covered with special material. All areas of the baby’s body must also be protected during such examinations.

Skull shot

Another area in which x-rays are performed is the examination of the skull. This is required if head injuries occur or if a tumor is suspected.

When asking the question of how often you can do an X-ray of a child’s nose, you should consider the features of this procedure. Irradiation of this part of the body is carried out only in in case of emergency in the event of serious injury.

When is never carried out. Structure maxillary sinuses in young children it has some peculiarities. This does not allow us to obtain a reliable picture of the processes occurring in this area.

Since the bone marrow of children is susceptible to the influence of radiation, this area is carried out very rarely, and only when the danger to the baby’s body during treatment without this diagnosis is significant.

Carrying out the procedure

Performing an X-ray on children can differ significantly from the procedure on adults. The room where x-rays are performed must have special clamps. This allows you to immobilize the area being examined using such irradiation. Therefore, when studying how often children can be x-rayed, the psychological factor is also taken into account.

In some cases, the child must be immobilized with medication and anesthesia. This is necessary when performing long-term tomography. Fixing allows you to increase the likelihood of getting a good photo.

In this case, you will not need to re-do an x-ray and irradiate the baby again. During the examination, the child’s body is protected with special pads. If they are made of lead, the material should be covered.

First of all, the eyes, thyroid gland, genitourinary system. At the right approach the procedure can be completely safe.

Having considered how often children can be x-rayed, it will be easier not to be afraid to carry out such a procedure several times a year. The process requires the correct protection to be applied. The newer the equipment used during the examination, the less radiation the child receives. Modern devices make it possible to reduce radiation exposure to negligible levels.

X-ray examinations are widespread in clinical practice to detect diseases in people of all ages. However, when an X-ray is offered to a child under one year old, many parents are concerned. important question: Is X-ray harmful for a child under one year old and at what age can it be done? In order to answer this question, you need to understand how they work X-ray methods and what biological effects they can have on a rapidly developing organism.

General information about X-ray examination

X-ray studies are based on the ability of ionizing radiation, passing through body tissues, to “reflect” their density. This leads to a well-known effect: in the resulting image, the bones are always lighter than soft tissue formations, etc. This makes it possible to identify various pathological processes and diseases in the body even when no complaints or symptoms are observed.

An important advantage of x-rays is the low cost of the study and fast deadline performing an image, which has a positive effect on its prevalence in medicine.

However, due to the fact that ionizing radiation affects tissue various organs, primarily those that are constantly updated, the use of x-rays in children is strictly regulated. In particular, strict indications and contraindications for examination apply to children under one year of age.

Indications and contraindications for x-rays in infants

Do children under one year old get x-rays? Yes, it can be used to make an accurate diagnosis, but such an examination method is never used as a method of preventive detection of diseases. For last case there are more safe methods such as ultrasound examination.

When do X-rays take place on infants?

  • The need to identify bone fractures associated with injury (falling from a bed, changing table, etc.). This may lead to the need for an X-ray of the head of a child under one year old due to the risk of developing skull fractures.
  • Identification of birth injuries.
  • If doctors suspect congenital or acquired disorders in musculoskeletal system, for example, dysplasia of various joints or rickets.
  • Suspicions of foreign bodies in digestive system or into the trachea and bronchi.
  • Need for implementation comprehensive training to surgical intervention, for example, during operations to correct heart defects.
  • Identification of the level and causes of intestinal obstruction.

As a rule, following strict indications and limiting the amount of radiation exposure throughout the year can reduce the risk of developing negative consequences in a child from the procedure.

Carrying out an X-ray examination of a baby

How are x-rays done for children under one year old?

  • Firstly, such a procedure should always be carried out in a specialized office.
  • Secondly, during the examination, one of the parents must be next to the child to hold the baby and calm him down in preparation for the x-ray.

The basic rule for a successful X-ray examination is maximum immobility. If the child moves, the images may be of poor quality, which will lead to the impossibility of their interpretation and the need for a repeat procedure. In this regard, the baby’s mother or father must hold him well.

Preventing exposure to other areas of the body that are not being screened should be a priority. To solve this problem, lead plates or linings are used that do not transmit ionizing radiation and protect the body. In addition, for children under one year of age it is very important to use digital devices, in which the level of radiation exposure is significantly lower.

The duration of the procedure is 5-20 minutes, depending on the preparation and the child’s reaction to the need for examination. As a rule, a properly organized x-ray examination does not lead to the development of negative consequences from x-rays.

Consequences of x-rays for a child’s body

The child's body is more sensitive to ionizing radiation than the adult body. In this regard, the risk of developing negative consequences of X-rays during studies of the brain, kidneys, lungs and other organs is much higher in childhood.

By exerting their biological effects, X-rays can lead to various violations in the cells of the body - both somatic and genetic, which increases the risks of developing benign and malignant neoplasms in the future, and also affects the risk of other pathologies of internal organs. At the same time, in children's body organs are located close to each other, making it difficult to limit exposure to ionizing radiation.

It is important to note that the peculiarities of the location of red bone marrow in children (it is located in the bones of the limbs and skull) can also cause negative consequences associated with inhibition of its work and decreased production. shaped elements blood.

Necessary X-ray precautions for children

What needs to be done to reduce the risk of negative consequences?

  • X-rays should be performed on children under one year of age only if indicated. Under no circumstances should you use it or fluorography as a preventive measure.
  • Research must always be carried out using modern equipment and in compliance with all safety regulations.
  • It is important to use protective shielding panels that protect the child’s organs and tissues from ionizing radiation.
  • X-rays should be performed on children under one year of age minimal amount once. If there is a need for it, then the number of pictures in one year should not exceed 1-2.

X-ray for children under one year old serious danger for their health. However proper organization examinations and compliance with all safety regulations can minimize the risk of developing negative consequences. It is important to remember that x-rays should only be used when absolutely necessary. In all other situations the choice must be made in favor of safe research such as ultrasound, etc.

Anton Yatsenko, pediatrician, especially for the site

Useful video

X-ray radiation is a stream of quanta that do not have electric charge and propagating in a straight line at the speed of light. It is of great importance in medicine and is one of the the most important methods clinical trials. X-ray radiation has special properties that are not characteristic of visible light. It penetrates through bodies and objects and is absorbed depending on the specific gravity of the tissue. For example, in the human body the maximum x-ray radiation is absorbed by bone tissue, and air-containing media passes through unhindered. Therefore, on x-rays, the lungs appear transparent, and the bones give intense shadows. In some diseases, such as pneumonia (pneumonia), the pathological focus appears as a shadow on an x-ray. On the other hand, the destruction area bone tissue at osteomyelitis(bone marrow inflammation) is an area of ​​clearing. X-ray radiation causes some to glow chemical compounds, which is used when fluoroscopy. It has the ability to decompose silver compounds contained in photoemulsions of X-ray films used in radiography. This property underlies the acquisition of any x-ray image. Very important property x-ray radiation is its ability to cause the formation of positively and negatively charged particles (ions), which occurs during the decay of neutral atoms. Therefore, this radiation is not safe for living beings. IN scientific research it has been proven that x-ray radiation can cause gene mutations leading to developmental abnormalities in offspring, and tumor diseases in those who have been exposed to radiation. But the doses that the patient and X-ray room personnel receive when conducting this type of research are small and do not cause harm if all safety rules are followed.

X-ray examination techniques

Radiography (digital or film) – obtaining a static image on a computer monitor screen or on X-ray film. X-ray – a technique for obtaining an image on a fluorescent screen and then converting this image onto a monitor screen. Her distinctive feature is the opportunity to study organs during their natural movements (for example, heart contractions). A negative feature is that X-ray radiation affects the patient’s body more long time, so the radiation dose is higher than with radiography. Linear tomography – layer-by-layer x-ray examination, accompanied by multidirectional movement of the x-ray tube and film cassette. The result is an image at a certain specified depth (for example, at a depth of 4, 10, etc. centimeters from the surface of the skin). X-ray CT scan (CT ) – is based on scanning an object with a narrow X-ray beam, has high resolution, and allows you to determine the density of various tissues. Therefore, with computed tomography, it is possible to evaluate complex organs and tissues in more detail, and by measuring density to find out what the pathological object consists of (for example, blood or pus). Fluorography and electroradiography are not used in pediatric practice, since the patient receives higher radiation doses than with radiography.


X-ray examination is performed for children at any age and the main criterion for its appointment should be the presence of certain indications for its implementation, that is, the inability to make an accurate diagnosis by any other, less in a safe way. Any x-ray examination requires an appointment from the attending physician or specialist consultant. Despite the presence biological action X-ray radiation, which was mentioned above, it is the doctor’s responsibility to make a decision and explain to the parents the consequences of refusing to carry it out. This fact must be recorded in the medical history or outpatient card, and after the doctor’s prescription, written consent from the parents follows. This need is enshrined in law, and if a number of institutions are not fulfilled, then this fact is considered a violation. Any suspicion of bone disease or damage in children requires confirmation or exclusion of the diagnosis using x-ray examination. This also applies to the consequences of injuries during childbirth, and any accidents. The child's complaints of pain, fever, local swelling or redness may be symptoms of inflammatory or tumor disease, therefore are a reason for urgent appeal to a doctor and then carried out in combination with other diagnostic methods and x-ray examinations. Respiratory pathologies are common in children. Put clinical diagnosis Respiratory diseases are not difficult, but often radiography is mandatory to clarify the location of the pathological process and to identify complications. X-ray examination for heart defects or diseases in children is always performed in combination with other methods X-ray examination, for example, such as ultrasound diagnostics ( Ultrasound). X-ray examination of the gastrointestinal tract in children is most often performed when a developmental defect is suspected, such as atresia ( complete absence area) of the esophagus. A feature of these studies is the use of artificial contrast, that is, an introduction to digestive tract special substances. Thus, in children in the first month of life, water-soluble (gastrografin) or fat-soluble (iodolipol) substances are used, and at an older age - barium sulfate. If you suspect an abnormal development of the esophagus, stomach or duodenum contrast agent administered orally, and if pathology of parts of the colon is suspected, using an enema. Sometimes abdominal x-rays are performed in children emergency indications without the use of contrast. This happens when swallowed by a child. foreign bodies, symptoms intestinal obstruction, perforation (formation of a hole) of a hollow organ or if peritonitis is suspected - inflammation of the peritoneum - a thin connective tissue film covering organs and walls abdominal cavity. X-ray examination of the urinary system in children is also associated with the administration of contrast agents. The intravenous urography technique is performed to diagnose abnormalities in the development of the kidneys. It requires the introduction of water-soluble contrast agents (Omnipaque, Ultravist) and x-rays at certain intervals. After injection into a vein on the child’s arm or leg, the contrast agent travels through the bloodstream to the kidneys, is filtered by them, and is excreted in the urine. Therefore, it is always necessary to take several photographs to assess the stages of passage of the substance through all parts of the urinary system. During cystography (bladder contrast), water-soluble contrast is injected into the bladder using a thin catheter, and an x-ray is taken at the time of urination. This technique allows you to diagnose a very important type of pathology, found only in children. This is vesicoureteral reflux (that is, reverse flow of urine), which, in the absence of adequate treatment leads to decreased kidney function. The largest share among studies of all organs and systems in children is occupied by radiography. X-ray is not performed often, which is associated with a higher radiation exposure. It is used to control the correct location of fragments in fractures, in some studies of the gastrointestinal tract, in a number of surgical interventions. As for X-ray computed tomography in children, it is prescribed primarily in cases of unclear diagnosis, as well as in the study of such complex areas as the skull, mediastinum, and retroperitoneal space.

How to prepare baby?

Most X-ray examinations require no preparation. The child is usually stripped of clothing in the areas being examined. It is especially worth paying attention to the presence of metal buttons, appliqués, as well as various, especially metal, decorations on the child’s clothes in the study area. Their presence does not harm the child in any way, but may complicate the interpretation of the resulting image. Another main condition for performing an x-ray examination is the maximum immobility of the child during the examination. To do this, there must be an adult (parents or junior medical staff) in the X-ray room with small children. Infant carefully fixed using a special device. It is advisable to convince older children that the procedure is painless and safe, and also, if necessary, teach them how to perform certain commands (for example, “inhale and don’t breathe!”). When the procedure lasts a long time or is accompanied by painful sensations(injections, punctures), it is performed under anesthesia, for example, computed tomography in children under one year old. In some cases (this applies to planned studies of the gastrointestinal tract and urinary system), a number of measures are recommended to reduce gas formation in the intestines. To do this, the child needs to follow a restricted diet 3–4 days before the test. raw vegetables and fruits, black bread, carbonated drinks, whole milk. From medicines appoint Activated carbon, enzymes, Espumisan. These drugs are given to children over 3 years old , especially for those who have digestive problems such as constipation or bloating.

X-ray protection

When performing an x-ray examination, a number of rules must be observed. Those areas of research that are not studied in this particular case must be reliably screened by special means protection containing polydisperse powders of rare earth element oxides, which are equivalent to lead in their X-ray absorption properties. So, during a chest x-ray, it is necessary to wear a protective “skirt” that covers the abdomen and pelvic area. When taking pictures of the limbs, in addition to special aprons covering the chest and abdomen, it is necessary to protect the area thyroid gland using a collar. If the mother or any other adult assistant holds the child during the examination, he/she must also wear a special protective apron.

What to take with you for research?

For parents who came with their child to x-ray room, you must have with you an outpatient card (or a medical history in a hospital), which must contain a reasonable referral for an x-ray examination and the written consent of the parents for its conduct. Sometimes it is necessary to take a clean diaper into the X-ray room, especially when the examination is performed lying down. For infants, you can take a pacifier with you. For older children, small toys are not prohibited if they do not interfere correct position child and taking the photo. The time spent on the study depends on the complexity and extent of the study area, the behavior of the child and the assistants. It is especially important for parents to understand the fact that the more correctly and motionlessly they hold the child, the faster it will work out. high quality photo and there will be no need to repeat it. By the way, the development process can also take different time: if the X-ray room is equipped with a developing machine, this will take a few minutes, and if developed using old methods, it will take at least half an hour. Next, the radiograph with the medical history ends up on the table of the radiologist, who describes it. The duration of this process depends on a number of factors: the degree of workload of the office, the doctor’s experience, the complexity of the particular case. It should be noted that usually descriptions of x-rays and x-ray computed tomograms are issued at the end of the appointment or the next day after the examination. Naturally, when emergency conditions the protocol is written as much as possible short time, and with the participation of the attending physician, and sometimes a whole council of doctors. If any pathology is detected in a child, then all radiographs and research reports taken should be kept and presented for subsequent studies. The photograph can be given to parents upon request or purchased at the cost of the film (this depends on the type of medical institution). If the image remains in the medical institution, it should be stored in the archives of the X-ray room.

Is it possible to replace?

Recently, in connection with the development and improvement of such a safe and available method research how Ultrasound, the diagnosis of some diseases does not require radiography. Increasingly used Ultrasound for diagnostics congenital dislocation, subluxation of the hip and dysplasia of the hip joints in children in the first months of life, especially for children under the age of 3 months, since performing radiography during this period to diagnose this type of pathology is impractical. The hip joint of a child at this age consists mainly of cartilage tissue, which is not visible on an x-ray. On the other hand, the increasing age of the child is not an absolute criterion for refusing Ultrasound in favor of radiography. The main indicator in this situation will be the specialist’s knowledge ultrasound diagnostics methodology for studying hip joints and technical characteristics ultrasound machine. Advantage ultrasound examination hip joints in children is also the opportunity to evaluate not only bone, but cartilaginous and connective tissue structures. Of particular note is the possibility of multiple studies and real-time research. In some cases, carrying out X-ray studies turns out to be generally uninformative, for example, if a brain tumor is suspected. IN in this case The diagnosis can only be made using computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging.