My pet is sick: what should I give my dog ​​for diarrhea? Diarrhea in a dog: how to prevent digestive upset in your pet Anti-diarrhea tablets for small breed dogs

Diarrhea in dogs is quite common. The causes of such a disorder can be both relatively harmless and very serious, requiring a visit to the veterinarian and adequate treatment of the animal. In any case, if diarrhea lasts for several days, it can lead to dehydration and the development of various diseases. Owners often give a certain dosage of the drug "Enterofuril" for diarrhea in a dog. The amount of medication selected according to the rules allows you to quickly and effectively alleviate the animal’s condition.

For dog owners, fecal monitoring is one of the ways to diagnose many diseases at an early stage. Animals cannot tell their owner where and what hurts them. The only way to control your pet's condition is to closely monitor the slightest changes in its well-being.

Normal dog poop should be brown. Stool with blood or white color is a deviation, the explanation for which is important to find in a short time. Feces are stained with bile. It plays an important role in digestion. Sometimes the stool becomes yellow or very runny. In this case, detailed diagnostics are required. Find out what is orma and deviation during bowel movement, in our separate

Table 1. Treatment of diarrhea in dogs

Type of diarrheaPossible reasonsTreatment
  • stress;
  • overheat;
  • indigestion
  • "Smecta", "Loperamide", "Activated carbon"
  • poisoning from spoiled food
  • Visit to the veterinarian
  • liver diseases;
  • blockage of bile ducts
  • Visit to the veterinarian
  • stress;
  • poisoning;
  • worms;
  • infection
  • Black
  • damage to the stomach or duodenum;
  • treatment with “Activated carbon”;
  • switch to natural food
  • Consultation with a veterinarian
  • tumors in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • severe injury
  • Treatment by a veterinarian
    Diarrhea with mucus
  • inflammatory processes;
  • infections;
  • helminthiasis
  • "Enterofuril", consultation with a doctor

    Causes of diarrhea

    Diarrhea is most often not an independent disease, but a symptom of some illness or problem in the animal’s body. Normally, a dog defecates 2-4 times a day. If there are more frequent urges, stool of a liquid consistency, or abnormal color, this is a reason to take a closer look at the animal. It is advisable to visit a doctor or conduct therapy yourself.

    There can be several reasons for the appearance of diarrhea:

    Treatment of diarrhea in dogs

    Treatment directly depends on the cause and type of diarrhea. If this is a one-day phenomenon caused by a malnutrition, you can do without medication. This problem usually goes away on its own. If diarrhea continues for a long time, there is a need to stop the process to avoid dehydration. After providing first aid, it is necessary to examine the dog, find out the cause of prolonged diarrhea and treat it directly.


    First of all, it is necessary to change the animal's diet. For the first day, you can completely eliminate feeding. At the same time, the dog must have constant access to water so that it can replenish the fluid balance in the body. On the second day, it is better to limit yourself to fermented milk products and liquid rice porridge. The amount of food should not be large. It is better if the dog eats small portions several times a day.

    When the stool returns to normal, you can add the animal’s usual food in small quantities.

    Advice! Foods that cause diarrhea should be permanently excluded from the dog’s diet.

    Drug treatment

    In more serious situations with severe diarrhea, diet alone is not enough. To stop the process, it is necessary to resort to the help of medications.

    Table 2. Drugs for diarrhea in dogs

    NameRelease formIndications for useDosageprice, rub.
    "Activated carbon"10 tablets in a blisterChemical poisoning, intoxication, food poisoning, flatulence1 tablet for every 10 kg of weight8-20
    "Levomycetin"10 tablets in a blisterInfections, dysentery, inflammatory processes1/2 tablet per day for medium and large breeds25-30
    "Furazalidone"10 tablets in a blisterDysentery, food poisoning, helminths1-1.5 tablets per dayfrom 60
    "Smecta"Suspension, 10 packets per packageAcute diarrhea, indigestion, with infection as part of complex treatment1 sachet (3g) per 3 kg weightfrom 125
    "Enterosgel"Gel (10 sachets)Intoxication, infections2-3 tbsp. spoons per day for medium-sized dogsfrom 400
    Blister with tablets (10 pcs)Dysentery, poisoning, gastrointestinal diseases0.5 tablets 4 times a dayfrom 20
    "Lopers"Tablets 20 pcs per packAcute and chronic diarrhea of ​​various origins1 tablet per day7-35
    Suspension 90 mlDiarrhea of ​​various origins1 ml per 2.5 kg weightfrom 300

    "Activated carbon"

    An inexpensive, proven remedy for mild forms of diarrhea. “Activated carbon” is used when there is reason to suspect that the dog has eaten something stale or inappropriate for its body.

    Activated carbon tablets

    It is a powerful adsorbent. It is able to remove toxins from the body, facilitating the work of the kidneys and liver. This drug itself is capable of absorbing quite large quantities of various compounds, while protecting the body from their negative effects. Its main disadvantage is that it is quite difficult to force a dog to swallow this drug. Most often, it is ground into dust, mixed with water and poured into the animal’s mouth from a syringe without a needle.

    Reference! After taking the drug, the dog may vomit. In this case, the procedure should be repeated. After 2-3 doses of the drug, your pet will feel much better.


    A well-known drug for people. Copes well with pathogenic microflora. Used to treat acute diarrhea. This drug is used quite rarely for dogs. It has a strong effect on the liver of animals, provokes allergic reactions and has many side effects.

    "Levomycetin" tablets

    "Levomycetin" is used only in the most desperate situations.

    Advice! The tablet has a strong bitter taste, so after taking it it is necessary to provide the dog with access to clean water.


    A drug with a powerful antifungal effect. Sold in any pharmacy, but highly not recommended for treating animals. Has a strong hepatotoxic effect. If it is occasionally used for adult healthy dogs, then for old weakened animals its use is strictly prohibited. Multiple side effects and toxicity to the body make Furazalidone dangerous to use. The drug is used only under the supervision of a doctor when its benefits outweigh the possible risks.



    The drug consists of kaolin, which acts as a sorbent, binding and removing toxins. Its effect is similar to cleansing the body with activated carbon. Kaolin removes harmful compounds from the body, reduces their effect on the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines.

    "Smecta" in the form of a suspension for oral administration

    Has no side effects. In case of severe diarrhea, it is ineffective. It is used for minor digestive disorders.

    Reference! Thanks to the aromatic and flavoring additives, dogs willingly take the drug on their own.


    Combines the effects of Smecta and Activated Carbon. Gently envelops the walls of the stomach, protecting them from irritation. Approved for use by puppies and older animals. It has no contraindications or side effects.

    An effective antimicrobial drug. Works directly in the intestines, destroying pathogenic bacteria. In addition, it has an anti-inflammatory effect. The components of the drug enter the blood in small quantities, which is why the drug does not have a strong toxic effect on the body and is well tolerated by dogs.

    Used to treat diarrhea caused by stress or overheating of the animal. The action of the drug is based on inhibition of peristalsis. The product effectively stops diarrhea even in case of poisoning, but all toxins will remain in the dog’s body and will continue their destructive effects.

    In normal doses it is safe for the animal and does not cause side effects. Acts quickly and with high efficiency.

    "Enterofuril" for diarrhea in a dog

    A broad-spectrum drug with a pronounced antimicrobial effect. With high efficiency in suppressing pathogenic bacteria, the natural microflora is practically not affected by the drug. The product acts selectively only on harmful organisms.

    Available in capsules or suspension form. The latter is most often used to treat animals. It has a pleasant taste and aroma, which provokes the dog to voluntarily take the drug, without resorting to additional effects on the animal.

    This remedy can be used to treat diarrhea caused by poisoning, infection or inflammation. It is often prescribed for diarrhea resulting from taking other medications. It is used to treat puppies and elderly individuals.

    Reference! It is also successfully used to stop diarrhea of ​​unknown etiology.

    Contraindications and possible side effects

    Contraindications include only individual intolerance to the main active ingredient (nifuroxazide) or fructose. To prevent allergies, apply a little suspension to your pet’s nose before use. If within 1-2 hours after the animal licks the drug, no signs of allergy are observed, you can safely use the drug for treatment.

    Allergic rashes on the body of a Dalmatian

    Side effects include hives, conjunctivitis and runny nose. Other manifestations of a local allergic reaction are also possible.

    Reference! For pregnant and lactating bitches, Enterofuril is used only as prescribed by a veterinarian.


    The drug is administered orally at the rate of 1 ml for every 2.5 kg of live weight. No negative reactions in case of overdose were identified during the studies. The course of treatment lasts 7 days.

    Dosage - 1 ml of product for every 2.5 kg of live weight

    Indications for use

    "Enterofuril" has shown high efficiency in the fight against pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microflora. The drug gives good results in the treatment of diarrhea caused by parvoviruses.

    "Enterofuril" is used for:

    • acute diarrhea;
    • diarrhea caused by taking antimicrobial agents;
    • chronic diarrhea of ​​bacterial origin;
    • diarrhea caused by enteritis, colitis and other gastrointestinal diseases;
    • diarrhea of ​​unknown origin.

    Video - How to quickly help a dog if it has diarrhea?

    The easiest way is to give the animal suspensions. They often have a pleasant taste and aroma, and pets drink the medications on their own. If the medicine is in tablet form, they can be crushed and mixed into a small amount of food.

    Capsules will have to be given by force. To do this, use the thumb and index finger of one hand to press on the dog’s lower jaw, forcing it to open its mouth. With the other hand, insert the capsule, trying to place it on the root of the tongue. Release the dog's jaw and hold its mouth so that it cannot spit out the medicine. At the same time, stroke the animal's throat, this will cause a swallowing reflex. After releasing the animal, you need to make sure that the medicine is swallowed and treat it with a small piece of its favorite treat.

    Diarrhea in dogs can be caused by a variety of problems. When diarrhea occurs, the main thing is to adequately assess the situation and take the right actions. The main danger that animals face when diarrhea occurs is dehydration. At the first manifestations of the disease, it is imperative to provide the dog with regular drinking and appropriate treatment. According to reviews from animal owners, one of the best remedies for eliminating the problem at home is Enterofuril. This drug must be present in any dog ​​breeder’s first aid kit.

    The occurrence of diarrhea in pets is an unpleasant moment, which many simply do not pay attention to, because such a phenomenon in a dog does not always require treatment. After overfeeding, the animal’s body can easily cope with the problem on its own, but in other cases you need to know what to give your dog for diarrhea to alleviate the condition.

    Enterofuril for diarrhea

    The product is made on the basis of nifuroxazide and is a good anti-diarrhea drug. Many dog ​​owners successfully use Enterofuril when it is necessary to urgently treat their pet. It is available in two versions - capsules or suspension. If you purchased capsules, it is recommended not to exceed the recommended dose of 100 mg (2 capsules) three times a day. When treating with a suspension, you need to take 1 cube of liquid and give it to the dog to drink. It will take three days to completely get rid of diarrhea.

    Loperamide for dogs

    If your pet has diarrhea, it is necessary to destroy the source of infection, relieve pain, calm and relax the walls of the large intestine. Loperamide, used by many dog ​​owners, copes well with this. This medicine is used in a volume of 0.2 mg per kilogram of animal weight. Loperamide (Imodium) is not advisable for the treatment of diarrhea in small breeds weighing less than 10 kg.

    This drug is perceived ambiguously by many doctors, since with diarrhea it tends to cause bleeding and poisoning, so it is not recommended to give it to a pregnant or lactating dog.


    The drug has been successfully used by both veterinarians and amateurs for many years. Furazolidone has an antimicrobial effect, eliminates disorders, and kills various types of bacteria. The drug is available in yellow tablets of 50 mg. For the treatment of diarrhea in dogs, the required dose is 10 mg per kilogram of animal weight. To get rid of diarrhea, you need 3-4 doses of medication per day for five days.


    The product perfectly helps with diarrhea, colitis, salmonellosis and is excellent for treating dogs after operations on the intestinal tract. The daily dose for treating a pet should be up to 1 g of phthalylsulfathiazole. Phthalazole must be used several times a day.

    How to use Smecta

    Drugs in this category cope well with the formation of gases, improve the patient’s condition, and remove toxic substances from the body. To treat diarrhea in a dog, the drug should be dissolved in 10 mg of liquid. The resulting suspension is injected into the animal's throat using a syringe without a needle. It copes well with diarrhea and poisoning in dogs. It is advisable to maintain an interval of an hour between doses.

    Activated carbon

    Activated carbon, tested for many years, is a sorbent that safely removes all toxic substances from the body. This is one of the "human" medications that can be given to your dog to treat diarrhea. To treat diarrhea at home, your pet should be given 1-2 g of charcoal three times a day. To make it easier for your pet to use the tablets, they can be ground into powder and diluted in water. If a dog is poisoned, activated carbon is used in large quantities to lavage the stomach.

    Broad-spectrum antibiotics have a positive effect on loose stools caused by harmful organisms. Is it possible to give a dog Levomycetin for diarrhea? This diarrhea remedy has an unpleasant taste, but is often used to treat dogs. If your pet has diarrhea, Levomycetin is needed twice a day, 10 mg. The drug is available in the form of powder, capsules and tablets, so before giving Levomycetin, the dog needs to carefully study the dosage.

    This product is an oral paste with a porous structure. Enterosgel is produced in the form of a jelly-like mass, packaged in a tube, and does not contain a pronounced odor. If you need to cure diarrhea in a dog, it is used between meals with an interval of several hours. For the treatment of puppies, a single dose is half a teaspoon of the drug, for an adult - a full spoon of gel for a week. Capricious dogs can be infused with gel diluted in water using a syringe without a needle.

    What to feed your pet with diarrhea

    Many novice dog breeders do not know what to feed their pet if diarrhea occurs. At the first manifestations of diarrhea with an attack of vomiting, you need to consult a veterinarian and transfer the animal to a dietary diet. The first day you need to completely stop giving food to the dog, leaving access to water. If the cause of diarrhea is poisoning, on the second day you can make a diet of boiled meat, cottage cheese, boiled rice or potatoes.

    If diarrhea is caused by infection, the diet should be administered by a veterinarian. Your dog's diet should not include pork, spices or salt. The menu should consist of dairy products, cereals and meat.

    Since diarrhea is a phenomenon that often occurs in dogs, every experienced dog breeder knows several simple remedies used to relieve diarrhea. Some of them are known to everyone (ordinary carbon, not even activated), some are more often used in medicine, but their use in veterinary medicine is not prohibited. You just need to remember that anti-diarrhea medications for dogs should not be given “just like that” or at random.. Firstly, it wouldn't hurt to consult your veterinarian anyway. Secondly, it is advisable to at least approximately understand the mechanism of their action and those cases when a particular drug can be used and when it is strictly prohibited.

    Activated carbon is a product that can easily be found in every home medicine cabinet. Frankly speaking, it was used even before our era. Of course, then no one activated coal, but ordinary burnt wood was used (except for birch and conifers). The product obtained by firing alder is especially good. By the way, what is good about coal in general, why is it used for diarrhea and poisoning? The fact is that this material has excellent adsorbing properties. Simply put, it can absorb large volumes of various liquids and compounds. When it is “activated,” the number of pores responsible for the absorption process increases sharply, as a result of which the activity of the drug increases.

    Its other advantage is absorbed compounds do not come back out. Thus, charcoal is good for intoxication of the body. It adsorbs toxins and other harmful substances, the load on the liver and kidneys is reduced, and it becomes much easier for the pet’s body to overcome the consequences of the pathological condition. How and for how long can it be given to dogs? Let us say right away that there have been no cases of coal overdose during the entire period of its use. However, if you give it too much, the dog is guaranteed “reinforced concrete” constipation. The optimal dose is 1 tablet per 10 kilograms of live weight.

    But there is one problem. Of course, it does not have a special taste, but still it is not particularly attractive to dogs. Add it to food? Of course, dogs with color vision have problems, but still few people will eat food with an unusual appearance. Finally, if the pet has a strong appetite, it may be completely absent. So the coal must first be crushed to the state of “pollen”. After this, it is diluted with water so that a semi-liquid slurry is obtained. It is poured directly into the dog’s throat using a syringe (you can use a Janet syringe).

    If the animal vomits, it's okay. This is even better - the “waste” coal will leave the dog’s body. Repeat the procedure again. As a rule, after two or three “fills” the pet’s condition already improves significantly.

    Proper use of Levomycetin

    – a “classical” medical drug, often used to relieve severe diarrhea. But how justified is its use in veterinary medicine? Experienced specialists do not recommend using it: the medicine causes many side effects in animals, some of which can be very severe. In particular, because of him severe vomiting may occur, sometimes allergic reactions develop, the drug puts a lot of stress on the kidneys and liver. In addition, the product is very bitter, and therefore giving it to a dog is a very difficult matter.

    So why do veterinarians still use it, despite all the “side effects” and other negative aspects? It's simple - this drug works well against pathogenic protozoa, which are often the cause of diarrhea in dogs (giardia, pathogenic ciliates, etc.). The main problem is choosing the right dose. “Human” standards are not suitable here. It is believed that you need to take 1-1/2 tablets of the drug per dog. We strongly do not recommend increasing the dosage on your own: first consult with an experienced veterinarian. If, after taking the medicine, your dog has flaky foam coming out of his mouth, he is behaving strangely and showing other signs that something is wrong, you should immediately seek help from a specialist!

    By the way, how do you even give a terribly bitter medicine to a dog? There is only one way - by force. The tablet is crushed until a powder is obtained, diluted with water, and then poured directly into the pet’s throat using a syringe. It is advisable that the dog has access to an unlimited amount of clean drinking water s, because after the “execution” he will probably want to drink.

    It is logical that this drug has contraindications. Thus, it should not be given to pets with pathologies of the liver and kidneys (especially with chronic renal failure); its administration to young animals less than six months old is prohibited. They can develop very severe side effects, including complete failure of internal organs.

    Please note that in parallel with Levomycetin, experienced veterinarians strongly advise giving hepatoprotectors. These are drugs that protect the liver. In such cases, you can protect your pet from quite serious problems.

    Is it possible to give Smecta to dogs?

    It is possible and even necessary! The fact is that Smecta is essentially a mixture of kaolin (a special clay), flavoring additives and other components. There are no substances in this medicine that pose even a “phantom” threat to the dog’s health. What is the mechanism of action of the drug?

    It is similar to that of activated carbon. Kaolin has impressive adsorbing ability, meaning it can also absorb and absorb toxins and other harmful compounds. In addition, it softens the effect of these substances on the intestinal mucous membranes. Finally, thanks to the aromatic additives and pleasant consistency, the medicine does not have to be forced down the dogs’ throats.

    The dosage is also simple. For a dog weighing from 7 to 15 kilograms, you can take three or even four bags at a time. There have been no cases of overdose or the development of any side effects during the entire period of use of the drug in veterinary medicine.

    But! Today on sale you can find not only Smecta, but also a large number of its analogues, “smectins”. Look carefully at their composition: if they contain salicylates (salicylic acid salts), it is better to refrain from purchasing them. Of course, these compounds are not as dangerous for dogs as they are for cats, but it still wouldn’t hurt to consult with your veterinarians first.

    Aspects of the use of Furazalidone

    – a medicine from the nitrofuran group. These drugs were widely used in medicine and veterinary medicine at a time when antibiotics were just coming into use. Has a good antimicrobial effect and very cheap, you can easily find the medicine in any pharmacy you come across.

    But the list of advantages can be considered complete here: experienced veterinarians advise giving this medicine to a dog only in case of extreme need, since nitrofurans have a bad effect on the dog’s liver. Because of this, the drug is strictly contraindicated in all animals suffering from diseases of this organ, although it is sometimes used in the treatment of kidney diseases.

    So, you find yourself in a situation where this is the only medicine you can give to a dog suffering from severe diarrhea. What dosage should I use? It is believed that no more than 1-1 ½ tablets should be taken per dog (and this, we note, is the daily norm). Please note that the specified amount of the drug should be divided into three parts and given to the dog during the day, at equal time intervals. If you feed your dog more, the likelihood of developing side effects increases sharply. The duration of the therapeutic course is no more than three days.

    Purpose and use of Loperamide

    Small white tablets that sometimes help people cope with even the most “severe” diarrhea caused by sudden changes in diet, or caused by the action of various pathogenic microorganisms. It is believed that the drug can be used in veterinary medicine: it is completely safe for the animal’s body, and if the dosage is observed, you will not see any side effects.

    Take one and a half to two tablets per dog. Large dogs may require up to four pills, especially in cases of severe, watery diarrhea. As in most of the cases described above, the drug is given, having first crushed it to a powder state and slightly diluted with water. The treatment is complicated only by the fact that the medicine does not taste very pleasant, and therefore you will have to pour it in by force. So giving it again may not be easy, which is somewhat offset by the rapid action of the medicine: giving it again may not be necessary.

    How effective is Enterofuril?

    It appeared on the shelves of “human” pharmacies quite a long time ago, immediately gaining recognition and popularity among consumers. Available in the form of tablets (more precisely, capsules), as well as in the form of a suspension. When treating diarrhea in dogs, we would recommend using a liquid drug, since it will be much easier to give it to your pet. In addition, in this case the medicine has a pleasant taste, so the dog drinks it himself.

    Means effective for diarrhea caused by pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microflora. In particular, there is information about the good effect of Enterofuril in parvovirus diarrhea. The advantage of the medicine is its mild effect. Despite its high efficiency, it does not irritate the intestinal mucosa, which is already “worn” by the pathogen; the product can be given from a fairly early age (puppies should be at least one and a half to two months old). The dose, however, is not too small - 2.5 kilograms of live weight - per milliliter of the drug. The duration of the therapeutic course can be up to one week.

    Use of Enterosgel

    And finally, let’s talk about one more adsorbent. This is Enterosgel. According to the principle of its action, the medicine is both similar to activated carbon and Smecta. It gently envelops the intestinal mucous membranes, preventing their further irritation and the development of inflammatory processes. The medicine has decent absorbing ability, and therefore is capable of absorb large volumes of toxic compounds. In addition, it can be given even to very young puppies.

    The dose is not too large - two to three tablespoons of the drug per day per adult animal. For puppies, the dosage is halved. The medicine is given for four to five days until the clinical manifestations of the pathology completely disappear.


    The whole point is that trichopolum puts very strong pressure on the liver. As in the case of chloramphenicol, when prescribing it, you must simultaneously give your pet hepatoprotectors. The dose in each specific case is determined by the veterinarian separately. The simultaneous administration of metronidazole and antibiotics is extremely undesirable.

    The appearance of diarrhea in pets is an unpleasant event, but people often neglect it. Diarrhea in dogs does not always require treatment. It goes away easily from overfeeding, but often this disorder develops into a serious problem. Studying the causes, varieties and symptoms of this disease is an important task for a responsible dog breeder.

    Diarrhea in a dog - causes

    If your pet’s stool has a dense structure and normal color, then his body digests the food normally. Sometimes the animal becomes restless, the number of bowel movements exceeds 4 times, and the stool changes color and becomes liquid, frightening the owner. The causes of intestinal upset are a long list. There are simple options among them that are eliminated in a couple of hours or days, but sometimes diarrhea in dogs signals an incipient infection or an extremely unpleasant chronic disease.

    An unnatural color of stool indicates a serious problem. With green stools, we are dealing with eating rotten foods; problems with the biliary tract are accompanied by white discharge. Yellow diarrhea in a sick dog is a sign of simple indigestion, but when a pet has orange-colored stool, its liver should be examined immediately. Bad symptoms are dark stools. Incipient black diarrhea may indicate that your dog has semi-digested blood in his stool.

    This disorder needs to be investigated immediately, with the immediate involvement of a specialist. has various reasons, but they are all dangerous. It is caused by salmonellosis, leptospirosis, damage to the intestinal walls by bone or swallowed foreign objects, an atypical form of rabies, and poisoning by strong chemicals.

    Loose stools in a dog - treatment

    Continuous loose stools are dangerous; they can be eliminated with modern tablets, mixtures, powders, and injections. Medicines for diarrhea for dogs are selected carefully; drugs for humans are not always suitable for our pets. The dosage of the chosen remedy must correspond to the weight of the sick animal, otherwise you risk poisoning your unfortunate four-legged friend, aggravating the situation.

    A good antidiarrheal agent is enterofuril, which is produced on the basis of nifuroxazide. Some pet owners use it successfully when urgent treatment for diarrhea in dogs is required. It is available in capsules or as a convenient suspension. It is advisable not to exceed the dose of 100 mg, 2 capsules three times a day, using the drug for 2-3 days. When purchasing a suspension, take 1 cube of liquid and feed the puppy 3 times a day, using a syringe with the needle removed for convenience.

    In case of disorders, it is desirable to destroy the source of infection, calm the large intestine and relieve pain symptoms. Loperamide has been successfully used by many owners at a dose of 0.2 mg per kilogram of the animal’s body, eliminating colitis and significantly reducing the pet’s suffering. This medicine is perceived ambiguously by veterinarians. It is not recommended for diarrhea in a small dog; treatment with drugs of this type (loperamide, Imodium) for animals up to 10 kg without serious control is undesirable. It can occasionally provoke bleeding and intoxication during diarrhea.

    Furazolidone has been used by hobbyists and veterinarians for many years. Its antimicrobial effect helps eliminate disorders and destroy various types of bacteria, reducing the proliferation of staphylococci and inhibiting the resistance of these microorganisms to antibiotics. Yellow furazolidone tablets for dogs with diarrhea at a dosage of 10 mg/kg are recommended to be divided into 3 or 4 doses per day; treatment with the drug continues for up to 5 days.

    In the question of how to stop diarrhea in a dog, this sulfonamide drug helps well. It is prescribed for dysentery, colitis, in the fight against salmonellosis, coccidia. Treatment with these tablets after operations on the intestinal tract gives a good effect. The main substance is absorbed into the blood slightly and does not lead to poisoning. The daily dose for dogs during treatment is up to 0.5-1 g of phthalyl sulfathiazole, the standard amount per tablet is 0.5 g. It is recommended to take phthalazole in several doses per day.

    Adsorbent drugs bind gases well, improve the patient’s condition and help remove toxins, bacteria and viruses from the body. Smecta for dogs with diarrhea in a dosage of 10 ml dissolves in liquid. Using a syringe without a needle, the suspension is injected into the animals’ mouths in three doses to treat diarrhea and severe poisoning. It is advisable to maintain an interval of one and a half hours between doses of smecta and another drug.

    Activated carbon, proven for decades, is a sorbent that safely removes toxic substances and gases from the sick body. If a dog has diarrhea, treatment with the drug at home is carried out in a dosage of 1-2 g in 3 or 4 doses per day. The feces become dark in color, but this does not negatively affect the well-being of the animals. The tablets can be ground into powder, then shaken in water. In case of poisoning, charcoal is used for intestinal lavage in large quantities.

    Is it possible to give a dog chloramphenicol for diarrhea?

    Broad-spectrum antibiotics effectively cope with the problem of loose stools caused by harmful microorganisms. Levomycetin - anti-diarrhea tablets for dogs with an unpleasant bitter taste. For dogs, 10-20 mg of this drug is prescribed for treatment a couple of times a day. The medicine comes in powders, capsules, tablets, so you need to carefully study the amount of active ingredient in the package before taking it.

    This product with a porous structure and silicon molecules in its composition belongs to the group of enterosorbents. It is supplied in the form of a jelly-like mass, packaged in tubes, light in color and without a distinct odor. In the case of how to cure dangerous diarrhea in a dog, enterosgel is used with an interval of up to two hours between meals. Puppies are offered half a teaspoon, and adult dogs a full spoon of gel for a week. You can dilute it with water and feed it to capricious pets using a syringe without a needle.

    If a dog develops diarrhea, many novice dog breeders do not know what to do. Any beginning diarrhea in a dog, treatment begins with a diet. For half a day or a day, your pet should be given exclusively fresh water, without offering food. Next, the animals are offered boiled chicken, thermally processed chopped beef, and boiled rice. The four-legged friends are transferred to a regular diet after a few days. It is advisable to prescribe medications in the form of antibiotics, anthelmintics and other strong drugs after tests.

    When a dog develops colitis or diarrhea, every owner tries to relieve his pet from suffering as quickly as possible. Some go with the animal to the veterinarian, while others prefer self-treatment with improvised drugs. The main mistake dog owners make is that they can treat their pet with human medications. For example, loperamide is a drug that perfectly helps people with diarrhea, but not animals.

    Rules for taking loperamide for dogs

    Loperamide is a medicine created to suppress excessive sensitivity of the colon. Once in the animal's colon, this drug plays the role of an anesthetic and sedative.

    This medicine relieves the dog of pain, but does not fight the inflammatory process in the body.

    Typically, loperamide is taken in dosage 0.2 mg per 1 kilogram of dog weight. For example, if the animal weighs 15 kilograms, then 15*0.2 = 3 mg, which is equal to 1.5 tablets. The duration of use of the medicine is one week. At the beginning of treatment, this drug is used by the animal 4 times a day; as the animal recovers, the dose and quantity are reduced.

    Can loperamide be used to treat diarrhea in a dog?

    This medicine can only be used to treat colitis; if your pet has diarrhea, then loperamide will not help, but, on the contrary, will worsen the situation.

    It should be noted that in most cases, diarrhea is a protective reaction of the body to the presence of harmful substances in it. If, in such a condition, you give an animal a loperamide tablet and forcefully slow down this process, then all the harmful substances will enter the blood.

    If loperamide is consumed during diarrhea, the animal may experience gastrointestinal bleeding and increased intoxication.

    It is strictly forbidden to give this medicine to dogs weighing up to 10 kilograms.

    In what cases is it contraindicated to treat a dog with loperamide?

    In addition to all of the above, there are several other points in which treating a pet with loperamide is strictly prohibited:

    • The animal is allergic to any component contained in loperamide.
    • Intestinal obstruction.
    • Ulcerative colitis.
    • The presence of infectious diseases in the dog’s body.
    • The bitch is pregnant.
    • Nursing period (when the bitch feeds her puppies with milk).
    • It is prohibited for use by dogs under 1 year of age.

    In all other cases, before giving your pet a loperamide tablet, you should consult a veterinarian.

    Causes that can cause colitis and diarrhea in dogs

    It is worth noting that before you begin treating your dog and selecting a drug, you need to understand the reason why the disease developed.

    The reasons may be as follows:

    1. Feeding unsuitable or spoiled foods. For example, dog owners quite often feed them fresh vegetables - cabbage, carrots and various fruits. This cannot be done, since these animals do not digest such products well.
    2. A sudden change in diet (switching from home-cooked meals to dry food or vice versa).
    3. Entry of a foreign object into the intestines.
    4. Chemical poisoning.
    5. The presence of worms in the dog's body.
    6. Infections.
    7. Allergy to any product.
    8. Mechanical injury to the intestine or its walls.
    9. Lack of vitamins.
    10. Malfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract.
    11. Oncological diseases.
    12. Disturbances in the digestive system.

    It is important to understand that most of these causes cannot be identified on your own and you need to consult a veterinarian. And there he will already prescribe the necessary medications and, quite possibly, loperamide will be among them.

    Symptoms that require immediate contact with a veterinarian

    If an animal has colitis, it may exhibit symptoms such that the dog owner should immediately take the dog to the doctor. There can be no question of self-treatment and selection of any medications; delay will lead to the death of the pet.

    Among these symptoms are:

    1. The presence of not only diarrhea, but also vomiting.
    2. A sharp decrease or increase in the dog’s body temperature.
    3. When defecating, the stool has a tar-like color or bloody discharge is visible.
    4. The pet very often wants to go to the toilet, there is lethargy, and convulsions may occur.
    5. The dog has not been vaccinated for more than one year.

    In addition, if diarrhea is observed in puppies, they also need to be taken to a doctor, since their body is not yet able to fight such ailments.

    In any case, if the dog owner notices that something is wrong with his pet, then it is better to play it safe and diagnose the animal’s condition.

    After analyzing the information received, it can be noted that Loperamide is not a very suitable drug for treating an animal, it can only reduce the symptoms, but not get rid of the root of the problem. If possible, you should give preference to another medicine for colitis and diarrhea in dogs. It’s best to contact a veterinarian and get detailed information from him about the treatment and care of your dog.