Red dots on the head itch. Sores or red spots appear on the scalp. Possible causes of redness

Spots on the head can be a manifestation of many diseases.

Find out which ones exactly skin diseases lie in wait for the human head, how to identify them, recognize them and how to treat them will be useful.

It is better to never encounter a problem, but if it does arise, then you need to be armed with knowledge on this issue.

Possible causes of spots on the head

The skin on the head, due to its lack of protection by clothing, is exposed to many influences:

  • environmental;
  • mechanical;
  • chemical;
  • thermal;
  • manifestations of any diseases.

Reacting to them, the following appears on the skin:

  • spots;
  • acne;
  • sores;
  • lichen;
  • dandruff;
  • redness;
  • peeling.

The provoking factors of all these troubles will be:

  • reduced immunity;
  • errors in nutrition;
  • psychoneurotic conditions.

If in adults and de they are not correct balanced nutrition, then the body does not receive enough vitamins, minerals, and nutrients. Frequent stress, nervous and physical overload lead to weakening immune system, metabolic processes are disrupted.

Protective barriers stop working. The human body becomes open to penetration by any pathogenic bacteria and viruses.

All this gets worse when elementary violations rules of personal hygiene.

Lack of proper hair care, use of sharp, rough combs, incorrectly selected shampoo - all this leads to the formation of wounds on the skin.

Damage can occur due to inept use of dyes, varnishes, unprofessional perms, unqualified use of electric and hot rollers.

Illiterate pinning of hairpins, incorrect use of combs and brushes, straighteners and hair dryers, stylers and curling irons lead to skin injury.

The first signs of serious dermatological problems may include:

  • peeling;
  • acne;
  • spots;
  • dandruff.

If such symptoms are detected, in order to find out exactly what it is, you need to consult a doctor.

Seborrheic dermatitis

The disease is caused by the fungus Malassezia furfur, which settles on the head, face, and back.

He settles in sebaceous glands Oh. When they come for him favorable conditions, causes disease.

This is facilitated by:

  • hormonal changes;
  • heredity;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • mode errors;
  • stress;
  • ecology.

The occipital region suffers and can expand along the crown, towards the ears.

Red spots appear on the affected surface, covered with gray or yellowish scales that itch and peel (see photo). From this it appears a large number of dandruff.

For treatment, medicinal shampoos with antimicrobial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory effects are used:

  • Friederm, Nizoral;
  • Sulsena, Dandruff;
  • Sebiprox, Algopix;
  • Libre Derm Tar.

The following ointments are used:

  • Skin cap, Ketodin;
  • Triderm, Akriderm;
  • Salicylic acid.

Lotions: Elkom S, Belosalik.

The antifungal Diflucan is taken internally.

Hormonal: Diprospan, Prednisolone, Dexamethasone.

The procedures are carried out:

  • laser;
  • light emitting diodes;
  • fluorescent lamps.

Video from Dr. Malysheva:

Refers to autoimmune diseases when keratinocyte cells of the epidermis are perceived by the immune system as foreign protein, trying to tear him away.

Red spots appear on the head under the hair, which are covered with silvery scales - plaques (see photo).

Torments severe itching. Plaques can grow and occupy large areas. The skin underneath is very vulnerable, even with minor touches it bleeds easily. You need to be careful not to scratch them.

The disease occurs with alternating relapses and is progressive in nature. The itching intensifies, inflammation and irritation occur. The dermis becomes coarser, thickens, and peeling increases. The scales enlarge and turn into white flakes that cover the entire surface of the head.

In a child, this process proceeds a little differently.

The skin under the hair turns red, becomes moisturized, and then the scales begin to peel off, which accumulate in several areas of the head. They can be mistaken for diaper rash. The disease is difficult to treat.

The diagnosis is made based on a survey and examination.

3 distinctive points were noticed:

  1. Stearic stains – appear after scraping White color, similar to stearin.
  2. Terminal spots - after removing the scales, a shiny red dermis remains.
  3. Auspitz reaction - red dots appear under the removed scales - “blood dew”.

Ointments used in treatment:

  • Ichthyol;
  • Sulfur-tar;
  • Naftalan;
  • Salicylic acid.

Before lubricating, the wounds are treated with Solcoderm solution.

A whole range of drugs are taken internally.

The main ones:

  1. Hemodesis intravenously.
  2. Corticosteroids.
  3. Immunomodulators: Decaris, Methyluracil, Leakadine.
  4. ATP, Aloe injection.
  5. Antihistamines: Suprastin, Cetrin.
  6. Hyposensitizers: Calcium chloride, Calcium gluconate, Asparkam, Panangin, specific vaccines.
  7. Bekhterev's medicine, Valocordin, Corvalol.
  8. Vitamin complexes.
  9. Antidepressants.

Special medicinal shampoos are used, which include ketoconazole and tar:

  • Friederm Zink;
  • Friederm Tar;
  • Tegrin;
  • T/Sal;
  • Aloe vera.

Children are prescribed:

  • Hipp;
  • Karapuz;
  • Johnson's baby.

Physiotherapeutic procedures are effective:

  • plasmapheresis (purification of blood or part of it);
  • laser irradiation;
  • hydrotherapy;
  • PUVA therapy (irradiation together with the substance psoralen).
  • Caucasus;
  • Crimea;
  • Sochi.

Video from Dr. Malysheva:


This is a disease caused by the fungus Mikrostorium. It affects both people and animals. It can very easily be contracted from cats and dogs, which is why children are more likely to get sick.

There are several types of the disease.

Most often appears on the head ringworm, less often pink.

People with weakened immune systems or who are depressed are susceptible to the disease.

At the beginning, even before symptoms appear, the hair is already dull and split. Peeling and hair loss are detected. Then it begins to itch and flake more intensely. Then characteristic pink or red spots appear, and bubbles may form on top.

The size of the affected areas varies. From a distance they look like hair that has been cut off in places.

Photos of various skin manifestations for lichen:

In children, the places where the fungus is located are moist with bloody spots appearing. The skin on the baby's head is very thin, blood from already damaged vessels leaks through it.

Often the child has suppurations. The temperature rises, the lymph nodes enlarge.

It is necessary to start treatment as early as possible, so as not to make a mistake in making a diagnosis. A scraping is taken from the diseased area to accurately determine the source of the pathology.

The following drugs are used in treatment:

  • general strengthening;
  • immunostimulating;
  • antifungal.

The boys in adolescence Dermal cells contain undecylenic acid, which prevents the spread and growth of fungal strains.

When faced with a problem, it is better to cut your hair immediately, as it still loses its strength and looks unaesthetic.

To cure lichen, you will need patience. All manipulations must be performed exactly in a certain order, following all recommendations.

Targeted treatment will be complex; only a doctor can prescribe it after examination.

Approximate treatment option for lichen:

  1. Solutions for wiping the affected area: Vokadin, Nitrofungin.
  2. Gel (apply with a thin layer or make applications): Mycogel.
  3. Ointments (rub in): Lamisil, Mycospor.
  4. Tablets: Orungal, Lamisil.

You need to pay attention to nutrition. It is recommended to exclude: spicy, salty, sweet.

You should try not to scratch itchy areas, as spores that fall on your hands can cause new lesions in the patient and be transmitted to others.

Also, when scratching, an infection can get into the wounds, which will lead to suppuration or more serious complications.

Video from an expert:

Allergic manifestations

The male part is trying to keep up, using a huge arsenal of chemicals for hairstyles and shaving.

Allergy to the scalp is classified as a disease -.

Allergens can be a fairly wide range of substances:

  • items of general use, everyday life;
  • clothing, accessories;

The most known allergens:

  • varnishes, shampoos;
  • dyes;
  • shaving liquids;
  • makeup removers;
  • creams, cosmetics;
  • synthetic hats;
  • earrings, piercings;
  • medicines;

Painting allergic dermatitis on the head it looks like this:

  1. Red spots appear on the scalp under the hair. They can descend on the back of the head to the ears, on the neck. Front on top part forehead.
  2. Dandruff appears. Its scales cover the dermis.
  3. Bubbles filled with liquid appear on top of the redness.
  4. As the bubbles burst, they create weeping areas.
  5. The whole process is accompanied by severe itching.
  6. There is a threat of baldness, bald spots appear.

The appearance of allergic dermatitis on the head can be caused by the rapid proliferation of lipophilic fungi. Patients with hormonal or endocrine disorders are prone to such processes.

Take off acute symptoms antihistamines help hormonal drugs. Quick identification of the allergen and isolation from it gives hope for a successful recovery.

If a parallel intervention of fungi fits into the overall picture of the disease, then corticosteroid ointments and creams alone will not do.

Antifungal medications are included in the treatment:

  • Tar;
  • Zinc;
  • Ciclopirox;
  • Ketoconazole.

They are available in the form of shampoos, gels, and masks.

It is recommended to wash your hair in herbal decoctions:

  • chamomile;
  • sequences;
  • calendula;
  • oak bark.

The following treatment methods have been successfully used:

  • detox diets;
  • plasma lifting;
  • mesotherapy.

Mesotherapy consists of injecting small doses of nutrient solutions into the subcutaneous layer of the head with special syringes.

It can be:

  • vitamins;
  • lipolytics;
  • hyaluronic acid;
  • vasodilators.

To perform plasma lifting, blood is taken from the patient’s vein and centrifuged. The resulting plasma is injected into the dermis of the head.

During a detox diet, you change your diet in such a way that acid-base balance moved towards alkaline.

These procedures are prescribed to prevent diseases of the scalp, improve its health and protect against baldness.

Other reasons

Other causes of spots on the scalp include:

  • environmental;
  • climatic;
  • hereditary;
  • hormonal;
  • exchange;
  • protracted courses of chronic diseases.

It has been observed more than once how changing the composition of water affects the scalp. Or after difficult experiences, the hair becomes dull, falls out, and dandruff appears.

The appearance of itching and peeling was noticed by people who went on long, long hikes, where they were unable to adhere to the rules of personal hygiene.

There are frequent causes of scratching due to head lice, especially in children.

Video about proper care for the scalp:

  1. Always, everywhere and everywhere maintain cleanliness, take care to implement sanitary and hygienic measures.
  2. Use individually selected, comfortable hair care accessories:
    • combs, brushes;
    • curling irons, hair dryers;
    • hairpins, elastic bands.
  3. Do not use other people's combs, even close relatives. The rule “one time and nothing will happen” is not accepted here.
  4. Carefully select detergents and other cosmetical tools for hair care.
  5. Cover your head during bad weather or when working in a dusty area or workshop.
  6. Cover yourself in the sun.
  7. Wear a hat when swimming, especially in sea ​​water or in contaminated sources.
  8. When working with animals, do not straighten your hair or scratch your head. After finishing contact with animals, wash your hands thoroughly.
  9. If you want to have beautiful Thick hair, healthy skin, watch your diet. It must be balanced and contain necessary vitamins and minerals.
  10. If you feel discomfort, flaking, bumps or pimples on the scalp, or if your child’s head itches and peels, consult a doctor immediately.

The skin often acts as a kind of marker indicating the presence of internal pathologies. However, in some cases, problems with the dermis are caused by other reasons. These include red spots on the head that occur when allergic reaction, seborrheic dermatitis, psoriasis or lichen. Also, such neoplasms occur when damaged skin.

Allergic reaction

Red spots on the scalp caused by an allergic reaction, arise due to hypersensitivity dermis to the effects of certain irritants:

  • citrus and other products;
  • chemicals contained in shampoos and other personal care products;
  • animal hair, pollen;
  • with active sweating on the head.

The allergic form of dermatosis on the head develops due to a hereditary predisposition, endocrine pathologies, dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract or severe stress.

An allergic reaction usually occurs almost immediately after contact with the irritant. In this case, the following phenomena are observed in men and women:

  • intense itching;
  • redness of the scalp;
  • peeling of the skin.

Important! The allergic reaction often occurs as seborrheic dermatitis. Therefore, treatment begins only after identifying the causative factor.


At the beginning of treatment of an allergic reaction, it is necessary to eliminate the exposure to the irritant. The treatment regimen is selected taking into account the cause of the appearance of red spots on the head.

  1. When the first signs of an allergic reaction appear, it is recommended to take antihistamines: Claritin, Zodak, Erius and others.
  2. For symptomatic treatment allergies, ointments that suppress inflammatory process: tar, ichthyol and naphthalene.
  3. IN severe cases ointments based on corticosteroids are used to treat the skin.
  4. Entrerosorbents are used as an adjunct to drug therapy. These drugs help remove toxins from the body, thereby reducing the intensity of the allergic reaction.
  5. Treatment of the pathological condition is recommended to be supplemented with a specialized diet that provides positive impact on the functioning of the digestive system in adults and children.

Note! Seborrheic dermatitis occurs due to active secretion skin secretion caused by the abnormal structure of the sebaceous glands of the head.

The disease causes redness of certain areas of the skin, the surface of which begins to peel off over time, pink spots and dots appear on the back of the head and other parts of the body. The course of the pathology is accompanied by intense itching, in in rare cases - painful sensations.Seborrheic dermatitis worsens due to poor nutrition.

In a child or teenager, the disease can cause rashes in the form of acne. Such neoplasms occur against the background of active sebum secretion, which closes the hair follicle. As a result, the latter becomes inflamed. This leads to acne.


For seborrheic dermatitis, complex treatment is carried out, involving the use of the following drugs:

  • Antihistamines and hyposensitizers. These medications are used for symptomatic treatment. The first group of drugs (Clemastine, Chloropamine) relieves itching and restores skin color. Hyposensitizing agents (sodium thiosulfate, calcium gluconate) are injected directly into muscle tissue or veins.
  • Antifungal. Medicines in this group (Clotrimazole, Fluconazole) stop the growth and reproduction of fungal microflora in the scalp. Antifungal drugs are used in the form of ointments (for mild form pathology) and tablets (in severe forms).
  • Glucocorticosteroids. Prescribed when an inflammatory process is detected. Glucocorticosteroids (Hydrocortisone, Beclomethasone) for seborrheic dermatitis are used in the form of ointments.
  • Keratolytic. Used to remove dead skin parts. The group of keratolytic drugs includes medications including zinc, salicylic acid, urea.

In case of joining secondary infection drug therapy supplemented with antibacterial drugs of the tetracycline series.


Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory skin disease. It is extremely difficult to establish why pathology develops in a particular patient. It is believed that factors that weaken a person’s immune system can provoke a relapse of the disease:

  • infectious, viral and other diseases;
  • severe stress;
  • prolonged exposure to direct sunlight (useful in small doses);
  • reception medicines and other.

By the way! It is believed that the appearance of psoriasis is due to heredity.

Pathology after an exacerbation goes through several stages of development, each of which is characterized by certain characteristics:

  • itching and redness of the dermis, over time the skin itches more and more;
  • peeling of the skin;
  • appearance large spots covered with white flakes (dead tissue);
  • cracks and abrasions on the head.

Skin elasticity problem area decreases, as a result of which the dermis is easily injured.


Psoriasis requires an integrated approach to treatment. Therapy of the disease involves the use of:

  • corticosteroids and cytostatics (in severe cases);
  • antihistamines;
  • sedative and hyposensitizing drugs;
  • vitamin complexes and immunomodulators.

The use of these drugs is intended to relieve symptoms characteristic of psoriasis and increase the duration of the remission stage. However, it is impossible to completely get rid of the pathology. In case of secondary infection, treatment of psoriasis is supplemented with local antibacterial drugs.


Ringworm, like seborrheic dermatitis, occurs due to the activity of fungal microflora. Depending on the type of pathology, it develops after contact with animals or other carriers of the pathogen, as well as under the influence of factors that weaken the immune system.

A characteristic sign of lichen are spots of various sizes and shades that appear on the scalp. In the problem area, thinning and hair loss occurs. As the disease progresses, a person is bothered by itching and rash.

Treatment of lichen is carried out by treating problem areas with agents that suppress fungal microflora: Lamisil, salicylic and Sulfuric ointment, glucocorticosteroids.

In severe cases, systemic antifungal medications are used to treat lichen. In order to eliminate symptoms, antihistamines are introduced into the therapy.

Red spots on the head under the hair appear various reasons. It is highly recommended not to ignore such tumors or self-medicate. Some drugs used, for example, for ringworm, are contraindicated for psoriasis. Treatment of red spots must begin at the initial stage of development of the inflammatory process.

Useful videos

What is scalp seborrhea?

How to get rid of seborrhea on the head.

Medical research has long confirmed that the integrity and smoothness of the epidermis is an indicator general health person. Therefore, we may be bothered by such unpleasant phenomena as red spots on the head under the hair.

Dermatological manifestations may be accompanied by sensations of dryness, irritation, itching, excessive exfoliation of skin scales, and apolecia. This problem is more noticeable in males due to short hair.

More than 80% of pathologies are caused by various failures in internal systems body, fungal pathogens (lipophilic yeast fungus, molds dermatophytes) or inflammation.

The leading factors causing redness scalp, can be considered dysfunction of the secretion of the sebaceous glands due to a failure of nervous and hormonal regulation, as well as non-infectious dermatosis.


This is what seborrheic rashes look like

Chronic seborrheic dermatitis is caused by the proliferation of yeast. Many yellowish plates of dying skin cells appear on the head and in areas covered with hair. The oily type of ailment is characterized by excessive work of the sebaceous glands.

Dry seborrhea is accompanied by dandruff and acne. The catalyst for the disease is disorders of the immune system, psycho-emotional overload, influence low temperatures. Affected areas may partially lose hair. Seborrhea can be accompanied by a bacterial infection.


Manifestations of psoriatic disease are often noticed in neglected form, when the scalp is already completely covered with rashes and plaques. They itch and flake off. Epidermal cells divide much faster than normal, without having time to die. This disease affects all age groups.

A large proportion of cases are caused by genes, but it is also believed that disorders lead to chronic overload, disorganization in terms of rest and diet, alcohol abuse. The constant influence of low atmospheric temperatures aggravates the already unpleasant condition. This pathology usually does not lead to hair loss. Psoriasis can cyclically stop and reappear. This disease is not contagious by contact.

Other Sources of Scalp Spots

Tinea versicolor is also of fungal origin. The epidermis is affected by brownish or. The disease is inherited and is typical for people living in warm climates. You can become infected through contact with the things of a fungal carrier, or directly with him. Hyperhidrosis aggravates the disease.

Infection with mold microorganisms leads to dermatophytosis. Contact with a person infected with the fungus is contagious. Follow sanitary and hygienic rules at home if you find yourself or a loved one in your family similar symptoms.

An infection like ringworm kills hair follicles. The hairs break off directly, leaving smooth redness with dots from the roots. This is the most unpleasant fungal infection. To exclude complications, be sure to go to the hospital if you suspect this disease.

Symptoms of eczema include redness in the affected areas. To it are added, turning into itchy blisters, which, painfully bursting, form wounds. Progressive disease can cause a rise in temperature. During remission, the epidermis dries out.

The mechanism for the appearance of red spots on the head can be triggered by a hormonal imbalance, which is more likely after fifty years. Meteorological factors such as air humidity, precipitation, frost, excess sun rays, also directly affect the skin and hair of the scalp. In addition, experiencing a stressful situation and psycho-emotional turmoil can affect the well-being of the hair and epidermis.

A fairly common cause of red scalp is an allergic response of the body. You need to take a closer look at your surroundings to see if there are potential allergens in it, such as the hair of your favorite pets, pollen, household chemicals and cosmetics, and certain foods.

A reaction may occur after dyeing your hair, from water with excess salts in the composition. Deficiency of certain vitamins leads to redness of the outer skin layers and baldness. The doctor will help you choose suitable drug with vitamins and microelements.

The appearance of spots in children

Parents are very worried when they notice red spots on their child’s head. Their concerns are understandable. In a baby, similar symptoms may occur after being stung by some insect, in the form of an allergic attack.

Mom should carefully plan her diet, excluding possible allergens. Miliaria manifests itself in the same way as a result of hypersecretion of the sebaceous and sweat glands.

A red head can be observed due to a viral infection of the body or due to an acute inflammatory reaction to some external stimulus. Spotted rashes may also indicate chickenpox, measles, or lichen.

Redness under the hairs occipital region may be caused by the traumatic course of the birth process. WITH similar manifestations For babies, it is vitally important to see a pediatrician as soon as possible.

Therapeutic measures

A trichologist will help determine the pathology after examination and, if the need arises, additional examinations. This could be a blood test, an allergy test, or a study of a sample of cells from the site of the lesion. Additionally, you may need to see a number of other doctors.

Only a qualified doctor can prescribe competent treatment. In some cases, periodic visits to specialized medical dispensaries are indicated. Don't make your situation worse by trying to heal yourself.

Depending on the reason for the red spots on the scalp, treatment tactics will be chosen. If they are caused by allergies, antihistamines will help. In parallel, it is important to adhere special diet without reaction-provoking products.

Eczema is treated with ointments, creams, oral medications, and injections. For very dry skin, moisturize it with special products.

Coping with seborrhea

Treatment for seborrheic dermatitis also includes limiting yourself to fats, sugar and spicy foods. Enrich your menu with vegetables and fruits, herbs. In principle, this is a reason to think about your diet, diet and give up harmful ingredients. Try to make your life more harmonious and positive, learn to cope with stressful situations, play sports so that the stress hormone leaves the body in a timely manner.

To get rid of oily, unpleasant dandruff, antimycotic shampoos, emulsions and preparations containing a binary inorganic compound of selenium and sulfur and zinc are used. Salicylic alcohol effectively removes inflamed, dying cells from the skin and normalizes secretion production. Cosmetics that are beneficial for the skin include: Birch tar and ichthammol.

In case of a chronic course of the disease, it is necessary to drink in courses antifungal tablets, use peeling mixtures. Only your attending physician can select them. IN treatment period Do not dye or laminate your hair. Dermatitis often occurs on top of asthma.

It is useful to take vitamins during exercise. Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory therapy, immunomodulators may be needed. Do not go bareheaded in cold weather; use hats made from natural materials.

Treatment of psoriasis

To combat psoriasis, apply externally problem areas use synthetic steroid hormones similar to those produced by the adrenal cortex. It helps to cope with this disease by stimulating the immune system and endocrine system with physiotherapeutic procedures using cold, for example, a cryosauna. Ultraviolet rays work well on rashes and spots on the skin.

Selective use of laser accelerates blood flow and metabolism and acts as an antiseptic. Climatic factors have a beneficial effect: mud, sun or thermal baths. Intradermal or subcutaneous injections medications, vitamins or combined beneficial substances.

Psychotropics are prescribed in combination with other therapy if the course of the disease is aggravated by depressive attacks and the inability to communicate with people.

Traditional methods

As we mentioned earlier, doing it on your own instead of treatment will not bring any benefit, and may also provoke an allergic response from the body.

So the use of the described methods of traditional medicine against redness on the head of various etiologies is possible only as additional measures to the main treatment.

Dried marigold and plantain flowers are infused in boiled water, rubbed over the head with the liquid, and not washed off.

Also, fresh leaves and stems of flowering celandine are ground and squeezed. Juice from 300 g of raw material is mixed with 30 g of dry red wine. Apply the mixture to irritated areas before going to bed and leave for a quarter of an hour.

The condition of the integument is facilitated by applying gauze soaked in salvia tincture (ten grams of leaves per 300 ml boiled water, then add honey).

Olive oil is good for dry skin. It is rubbed into the head and covered. After an hour, wash your hair with a moisturizer.

Tinctures from burdock rhizome and yellow color, St. John's wort.

The following recipes may also provide relief:

  • mask made from castor oil, alcohol and tea; from fatty kefir half an hour before washing;
  • rubbing the skin with apple cider vinegar 1 hour before washing;
  • 1 tbsp. l. honey, sour cream, cognac and egg yolk are mixed and kept on the hair under a film for a couple of hours;
  • white and blue clay soothes the sebaceous glands;
  • all kinds of essential oils;
  • sea ​​salt removes dead cells well;
  • Mustard makes hair soft and softens skin.


A healthy regimen of activity and rest, a balanced diet and maintaining cleanliness will go a long way toward thriving skin and hair. Choose your cosmetics and care products wisely. Do not overload your hair with chemicals, over-drying with a hairdryer, or frequent dyeing.

Therapeutic wraps will help maintain lipid balance. Avoid spending long periods of time in the open sun during the hottest part of the day. Wear panama hats, heat caps and hats in damp and cold weather. Feed your body during the transitional seasons with complexes of vitamins and microelements.

Now you know why red spots appear on the head, why they flake and can itch. I liked the article, give it 5 stars!

Itching of the scalp is a permanent or temporary sensation of irritation of the skin area, causing us a lot of inconvenience. In most cases, itching manifests itself as a response of the body to an irritant, but in some situations this phenomenon may indicate the presence of any diseases. Severe itching of the scalp in a constant form can lead to thinning of the skin, scratching can lead to damage in the form of cracks, as well as inflammation if infection occurs.

It should be noted that skin itching cannot be ignored, especially in cases where it is accompanied by severe hair loss or the appearance of sores or red spots on the skin. It is important to identify the cause this phenomenon, for which you should consult a dermatologist and trichologist, who, after diagnosis, will prescribe optimal therapy. In most cases, itchy scalp can be successfully treated at home. As a rule, after eliminating the source of irritation (irritant), the itching itself goes away.

Causes of skin itching.

In medical practice, the most common causes of itchy scalp are:

The occurrence of dandruff often leads to the appearance of a strong and debilitating skin itching. To eliminate it, they often begin to use any available methods and methods, which often do not alleviate the condition, while the underlying disease (dandruff) in most cases is not taken into account, which is completely unacceptable, since the source of its appearance is a violation of the process of sebum formation. This, in turn, without proper treatment can lead to the development of a more serious disease - seborrheic eczema. Therefore, if dandruff appears accompanied by itchy skin, you should consult a trichologist, who will prescribe appropriate treatment, including diet, immunomodulators, medicated shampoos, and medications.

Seborrhea (seborrheic dermatitis).
This skin disease is caused by a malfunction of the sebaceous glands: dry seborrhea is a consequence of decreased activity of the sebaceous glands, oily seborrhea appears in the background excessive secretion sebum with impaired chemical composition. Dry seborrhea is accompanied by dandruff, severe itching of the scalp, and acne on the skin.

Allergic reactions to shampoo and other hair care products.
Often the skin begins to itch severely when changing hair care products or products (mask, conditioner, shampoo, conditioner, styling or coloring products). If itching appears immediately after using a new care product, it is recommended to return to the previously tested old one, or try another product that does not contain substances such as, for example, sodium laureth or sodium lauryl sulfate (usually the packaging of such products says “hypoallergenic”). . This is often the source of itching. If the itching does not disappear after changing shampoo, you should consult a trichologist who will diagnose the scalp and test for allergic reactions.

Hair dye allergies are also common and can cause itchy skin. Typically, paints containing ammonia and hydrogen peroxide cause an allergic skin reaction. Therefore, to prevent this phenomenon, it is recommended to give preference to tinted shampoos and ammonia-free paints. But even in this case, no one is immune from allergies. I would like to add that before any procedure, be it hair coloring or cosmetic procedure, always do an allergy test. If the scalp is still itchy and itchy after dyeing, you can use special dye-neutralizing shampoos; they are applied after washing off the dye. It is recommended to wash your hair with them after washing off the dye.

Allergy to detergent(washing powder) or fabric softener can also cause irritation and, accordingly, itching of the scalp.

Frequent washing and use of hair drying and styling devices.
Many women, without knowing it, provoke the appearance of itchy skin. AND frequent washing heads are no exception. Besides regular use hair dryers, straighteners and many other hair devices not only dry out the skin, but also negatively affect the condition of the hair itself.

In such cases it is necessary to refuse frequent changes brands of hair care products, use proven products, while always monitoring the condition of your scalp. At the slightest hint of itching or burning, you should immediately stop using them.

Dry skin.
With insufficient sebum, hair becomes dry and brittle, begins to become very electrified, frizzy, difficult to style, and quickly absorbs moisture. It happens that an excessively dry scalp suddenly begins to produce more oil. This is just a protective reaction of the skin from possible negative impact from the outside, however, it is often mistaken for excessive oiliness in the roots, as a result of which they begin to use products for the care of oily hair. All this makes hair and skin even drier. In this situation, experts insist on the use of special moisturizing shampoos, balms, masks and intensive moisturizing creams.

Also, itchy skin can occur due to a lack of unsaturated fats in the body. fatty acids, vitamins, microelements.

Fungal diseases of the scalp.
Fungal infections also cause severe itching. In this situation, experts recommend doing a fungal culture, according to which a course of treatment is prescribed, including the use of medicated shampoos and lotions, as well as antifungal drugs (Clotrimazole, Griseofulvin, Miconazole). In addition, patients are recommended to use when washing their hair. special shampoo Ketoconazal, which contains selenium sulfide. In some cases, drugs to strengthen the immune system are also prescribed. If you don’t have the opportunity to visit a specialist, pharmacy antifungal drugs, which contain components such as piroctone olamine, zinc pyrithione, climbazole and others, will help you cope with a fungal disease of the scalp.

Various stress factors.
Stressful situations ( psychological pressure, mental or physical stress, emotional instability, illness or death of loved ones), has already been proven, can also be a source of itchy scalp. Due to stress, the body experiences excessive production of adrenaline. To remove the latter from the body, it is necessary physical exercise. If there are none, adrenaline begins to accumulate in the blood, which leads to debilitating itching of the skin.

Dermatophytoses (lichen).
Ringworm is a contagious fungal skin infection. This problem common among children who are in contact with children's groups or infectious animals. The main signs of lichen are the appearance of severely itchy lesions on the scalp, in the area of ​​which the hair is broken off or completely falls out.

Muscle tension.
Itchy skin can also be a consequence of excessive muscle strain. Most often, itching is provoked by tension in the muscles of the back, shoulders, and neck, against the background of which blood microcirculation also deteriorates. Besides constant pressure head muscles can provoke microtraumas muscle fibers, the result of which can be an inflammatory process, which is also accompanied by intense and incessant skin itching.

In particularly severe cases, itching occurs due to intense hair loss hair. In this option, a doctor will be able to provide assistance through a special intensive care aimed at relaxing the muscle fibers of the head.

Treatment of itchy scalp.

Since itching is just a consequence or a symptom, to treat it it is necessary to identify and eliminate the cause that caused it. IN in this case need the help of a specialist who, after full diagnostics (various studies taking into account clinical manifestations and specific case) will prescribe the optimal treatment.

Treatment of seborrhea is a long and complex process. Important in the treatment of diseases have proper nutrition, stress avoidance, hormonal balance(violation can provoke seborrhea), adherence to sleep and rest patterns. In addition, it is important for patients to keep their scalp clean.

Will be useful for dry skin nourishing masks, they will have a softening effect and improve microcirculation. Also great importance has compliance drinking regime(at least one and a half liters of water per day), which will prevent dehydration.

If the itching is caused by a lack of vitamins and microelements, you should take a course of vitamins (Vitrum, Complivit, Alphabet, Centrum, etc.).

Treatment of itching with folk remedies.
Herbal medicine and massage are especially effective for treating the scalp. Decoctions medicinal herbs have long been used to normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Decoctions and extracts of nettle, oak bark, and chamomile are especially beneficial for the skin. Massage activates blood circulation, which, in turn, improves skin nutrition.

Onion and garlic juice, due to their sulfur and acid content, they effectively eliminate dandruff and relieve itching caused by hair coloring. Add lemon juice and vegetable oil (preferably olive) to freshly squeezed onion or garlic juice; take everything in equal proportions. Apply the resulting composition to wet hair and skin and leave for half an hour, then rinse warm water with the addition of a small amount lemon juice or vinegar.

For the same purposes, it is effective to use apple mask. Grind one apple on a coarse grater average size. Large apple grate, apply the resulting mass to the hair and scalp before washing. Put a cotton cap on top. Leave the mask on for half an hour and wash off. Recommended for use twice a week.

Dandelion flower lotion is also effective in relieving itchy scalp. Grind a handful of fresh dandelion flowers and place in a glass container. Pour this herbal mass with 50 ml of vodka, the juice of one freshly squeezed lemon and a teaspoon of honey, preferably in liquid form. Mix everything thoroughly and leave to infuse for two weeks. After the specified period, the resulting tincture must be filtered. Half an hour before washing, apply the infusion to the skin and hair, and put on a cotton cap or scarf on top. After the time has passed, wash your hair with shampoo.

Onion peels are also good to use for the same purposes. Wash the peels from four onions and place them in an enamel bowl with a liter of boiling water. Place the mixture on the fire and simmer for an hour over low heat. Use this decoction as a rinse after washing your hair. The decoction helps after two or three times of use.

If these simple ways the itching does not relieve, it is recommended to consult a doctor in order to rule out more serious problems and skin diseases.

The type and shade of a person’s skin often serves as a marker general condition body, the presence of internal pathologies. Redness on the head indicates a problem that needs to be addressed urgently. They can arise from various reasons, for example, as a result of an allergic reaction to products or as a symptom of a serious pathology: allergies, psoriasis or seborrheic dermatitis. Do not delay seeing a doctor if red spots appear on your head.

Causes of red spots on the head

All systems internal organs in the human body are connected, if one of them starts to work incorrectly, then this necessarily affects the rest of the body. If red spots appear on the head under the hair, you should definitely find the cause. The development of skin manifestations becomes the result of serious systemic pathologies - for example:

  • seborrheic dermatitis;
  • allergic reaction;
  • depriving;
  • fungal infection;
  • psoriasis.

All these diseases require long-term and complex treatment. The symptoms of the diseases are similar, but the treatment approaches are different, so it is important to determine what caused the red spots to appear on the head. There are other factors that can cause similar symptoms:

  1. Chemical and solar burns. The latter occur when exposed to direct rays for a long time without a headdress. Chemical damage often occurs when fertilizers are used in the garden. Dispersed dust gets on the scalp, which causes burns.
  2. Vascular formations innate nature. These areas of skin are also called “ birthmarks", they may appear over time and change shape and color.
  3. Deformation of the skin, its color, and composition occurs when the dermis overdries. This type of damage occurs when frequent use paints, hair dryer, drying shampoos, masks for skin and hair.
  4. Pediculosis. When lice bite, red spots appear on the scalp, causing severe itching. The lesion can spread to the neck and affect any scalp bodies.


Red flaky spots on the head are one of the manifestations of pathology. The first sign that should serve as a signal for you to visit a trichologist will be excessive dandruff. The symptom causes only aesthetic discomfort, the person does not experience other discomfort, therefore often ignores the fact of its appearance. The earlier the doctor can diagnose the disease, the more effective the treatment will be, so often the best moment to develop a therapeutic strategy is missed. Seborrhea has the following characteristic symptoms:

  • excessive skin greasiness;
  • appearance pink spots on the head;
  • hair loss;
  • itching throughout or in separate parts heads.

The affected areas become enlarged, become very itchy, peel off at the edges, and a burning sensation appears. At severe course pathology, bacterial infections can join the main illness. A provoking factor for complications can be an unhealthy lifestyle, stress, disorders or weakening of the body's immune defense. An integrated approach is used to treat pathology. Therapy consists of two main stages:

  1. Local treatment with antifungal medications: lotions, shampoos, emulsions. According to reviews from doctors and patients good result was after using Sibazon, Sulsena, Nizoral, which are available in pharmacies without a prescription.
  2. Reception antibacterial agents based on zinc. They may additionally be prescribed products to enhance exfoliation, for example, products from Kapous, Biolage, Natura Siberica. During treatment, it is prohibited to use hair straighteners, perms, or dyeing.


The most common dermatological type of ailment non-infectious is psoriasis. The main difficulty in its course is the predisposition to transition to chronic form With high probability relapse. It is difficult for doctors to identify the source that provoked the development of the pathology, but it is believed that the inflammatory process on the skin contributes to its development. Red plaques on the head may appear for the following reasons:

The disease is not contagious to others and does not pose a threat to the patient’s health, but it looks extremely unaesthetic. Accompanied the following symptoms And external manifestations:

  1. small rashes appear on certain areas of the head, which in severe form form into red plaques over the entire area;
  2. the person experiences severe itching and burning;
  3. when scratching the affected areas, cracks and wounds appear, which become crusty and sometimes ooze ichor.

It is impossible to cure the disease completely, but you can stop the symptoms and transfer the disease to a “quiet” phase. Complex therapy is carried out, it is necessary to take systemic drugs and process local means affected areas of skin. The composition of medications usually includes tar and ketoconazole. Physiotherapeutic procedures and sanitary resort treatment are well suited for prevention.

If during diagnosis a concomitant bacterial infection, your doctor may prescribe antibiotics. To prevent the development depressive states, nervous exhaustion The patient is prescribed additional psychotropic medications that help:

  • relieve stress, tension;
  • adapt to society;
  • cope with insomnia.


The manifestation of an allergic reaction depends on individual characteristics person, it can be provoked by any internal or external factors. To identify the allergen, you need to visit a doctor immediately after red or pink spots appear on your head. Allergies can manifest themselves in the form of a slow, dynamic type, for example, focal large rashes, urticaria. Itching is not a mandatory sign - sometimes the patient experiences pain upon palpation, as if pressing on a subcutaneous boil.

The first task of a doctor in case of an allergy is to determine the source that caused the reaction. Taking this factor into account, a further treatment regimen is selected and necessary medications. Therapy usually consists of the following stages:

  1. When the first signs develop, it is prescribed antihistamines: Erius, Zodak, Claritin, Cetrin, Alergodil.
  2. For local therapy for an allergic reaction, to relieve symptoms, special ointments are used: ichthyol, tar, naphthalene.
  3. In case of severe spread of red spots and severe disease, an ointment with corticosteroids is prescribed for treatment.
  4. Additional means enterosorbents will be used for therapy. They help remove toxins from the body, which helps reduce the intensity of the allergic reaction.
  5. Complex therapy includes a specialized diet that helps improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract in children and adults.

Fungal infection

If you have dandruff with red spots on your head and your hair begins to fall out, this indicates a fungus. There are several types of fungal pathologies, their symptoms are different, and only a doctor can determine the type of disease. Based on the test results, he will prescribe treatment. The fungus is transmitted through personal contact with a carrier; simply touching or failing to comply with personal hygiene rules is enough.

The main symptoms of a fungal infection on the head include the following:

  • increased sweating of the scalp;
  • the appearance of pink or red spots with a brown halo;
  • at the site of the lesion, the condition of the hair begins to deteriorate, then it falls out and bald patches appear;
  • itching, burning at the site of spot formation.

After diagnostic procedures The doctor prescribes a comprehensive treatment for the fungus. The following groups of medications are used for this:

  1. Keratolic agents. Medicines of this group are used for medicinal and cosmetic purposes, sold in the form of ointments, tablets: Microspor, Termicon, Terbizil, sulfuric and salicylic ointment.
  2. Antifungal medications: Griseofulvin, Miconazole, Clotrimazole.
  3. Antifungal shampoos: Mycozoral, Nizoral, Sebozol.
  4. Immunomodulators. Weakened immune defense often causes the disease to intensify, so it should be strengthened. For these purposes, Echinacea, Aflubin, Immunal are used.

All of the above pathologies have common provoking factors. If you follow the prevention recommendations, you will be able to significantly reduce the likelihood of red spots, hair loss, and other unpleasant symptoms. TO preventive measures relate following rules:

  • wash your hair with boiled water;
  • regularly take a course of vitamin and mineral complexes to strengthen the immune system;
  • avoid stressful situations, which can contribute to the activation of skin pathologies;
  • take head massage courses to improve blood microcirculation;
  • carry out cosmetic procedures to reduce the greasiness of the scalp, improve the condition of the skin;
  • observe the rules of personal hygiene (do not use other people's towels, hats, etc.);
  • When the first symptoms appear, usually dandruff, consult a doctor immediately.
