When a cat has worms, what are the symptoms? Identifying physical signs of worms in a cat. When not to deworm

When the first signs of helminthiasis appear, it is very important to find out the form of helminthic infestation, since incorrectly selected treatment can lead to serious complications or even the death of a cat. Only a veterinarian can determine what type of helminth has entered the body after a thorough medical examination animal.

  • roundworms;
  • tapeworms;
  • flukes.

Helminths promote development various diseases and often affects the organs and tissues of a pet. Sick kittens and adult cats can become infected different types helminths that inhabit the intestines, heart, lungs, gallbladder or liver.

Tip: Pets are susceptible to infection with worms through dirty shoes or the clothes of the owners. Therefore, they must periodically undergo prophylaxis: deworming tablets for dogs and cats.

Often the disease is secretive and does not cause alarming symptoms in the owner pet. Helminthic infestation can occur in acute and chronic phase. You can suspect the presence of helminths based on the following signs:

  • loss of appetite;
  • dull coat;
  • lacrimation;
  • lethargy;
  • itching in the anus;
  • pallor of mucous membranes;
  • liver enlargement;
  • convulsions or paresis.

If you examine your cat yourself, you can sometimes find whole worms or their fragments in the area. anus and in feces. Roundworms usually cause an unnatural increase in appetite, apathy, severe diarrhea And frequent urge to vomiting. When infected with nematodes, blood may appear in the stool, continuous diarrhea and severe pain in the stomach. Flukes cause foamy vomiting, fever, diarrhea and cough.

How to diagnose and treat

After determining the type of helminths, the doctor will help you choose suitable drug. If there are other pets in the house, everyone will have to undergo worm prevention, as there is a high risk reinfection.

Most often, a single dose of an anthelmintic drug, such as Pyrantel for cats or dogs, is prescribed. After two weeks, you can repeat this procedure to make sure there are no new helminths or their eggs. If the veterinarian deems it necessary, he may prescribe antihistamines, which relieve severe swelling of tissues or itching of the skin.

A pregnant cat can be given an anthelmintic no earlier than in the last trimester of pregnancy, and a nursing cat - three weeks after birth.

Any drug is given to the animal in the morning strictly on an empty stomach in the dosage specified in the instructions. The tablet or syrup can be mixed with a small amount of food or placed gently on the back of the cat's tongue. Along with taking an anthelmintic, the living area should be treated with a solution of bleach or any other disinfectant.

Advice: to prevent re-infection, it is recommended to re-give the animal an anthelmintic two weeks after the first dose and thoroughly disinfect the premises.

Prevention of helminthic infestation consists of avoiding contact of a pet with street or sick cats, careful care behind cat litter box and preventive deworming twice a year.



What to do if you find worms in your stool?

Since the appearance of man on earth, worms have been constantly present in his body. Moreover, they did not penetrate him in order to lead to death. Humans are a source of food for worms. However, there are cases where some patients died due to their activities.

Moreover, these creatures can penetrate the human body regardless of age. Young children are especially at risk. They continually try to put objects that contain dangerous dirt and dust into their mouths.

As for adults, helminths can enter their body as a result of eating poorly washed vegetables, fruits and berries, as well as undercooked meat. Dangerous situation may also arise when cutting different products the same knife or cutting board that has been in contact with raw meat is used.

What do worms look like in feces?

In the vast majority of cases, pinworms and roundworms can be detected when a person relieves natural needs in the toilet. Pinworms look like small worms white, having a length of no more than 1 cm. They are present alive in feces. Moreover, even before excrement is released, you can become aware of their presence. The presence of worm eggs and worms in feces is not the only sign of pinworms.

A clue to this can be not only a photo, but also unpleasant burning sensation anus, which often worsens during sleep. In some cases, pinworms can come out on their own, so a person can often find them on the skin or underwear.

Roundworms look like white worms middle length, which are found in feces in a dead or severely weakened state. Until such worms appear in the feces, a person does not feel specific symptoms.

To recognize the fact of their presence, you can conduct a special analysis - a coprogram. For this reason, if a person suddenly finds such creatures in his feces, he should not immediately flush the infected feces down the toilet. It is advisable to take some of them and place them in a suitable container so that a specialist can examine them.

Worms in a child's stool

Most often, many pinworms and roundworms are found in children. And the reason for this is simple - babies are accustomed to putting objects into their mouths without worrying about their cleanliness. They also like to feast on unwashed fruits from trees. They pay little attention to maintaining personal hygiene. For this reason, parents should take care of their children, noticing any changes in well-being and constantly monitoring the condition of their feces.

If, after a child’s next trip to the toilet, white pinworms and roundworms are found in the feces, an adult should remove them and try to take them to the hospital as quickly as possible. medical institution so that they can conduct an analysis and be able to choose the appropriate treatment for the baby.

It is worth saying that coprogram is not the only method by which pinworms and roundworms can be detected in the body. Another common technique is a blood test. Sometimes a comprehensive examination may be required.

According to doctors, even with these activities, it is not always guaranteed exact result. And this is due to the following reasons:

  • feces should be submitted for examination immediately after defecation;
  • One study is not enough; a repeat study of the stool will be required.

As a result, the doctor decides to carry out therapy based on the fact that white worms or their remains were found in the stool. Obvious symptoms, which include unpleasant itching V anus.


Currently, medicine has made great progress in treating this problem. Today, many medicines have been created that effectively fight all types of pinworms and roundworms. At the same time, folk remedies are also used for treatment. However, best result can be achieved provided that natural medicines complement medical supplies and procedures.

It is important to take appropriate measures here. Inaction will only make the situation worse. Do not forget that among helminths there are types of pinworms and roundworms that are dangerous to health. These include pork tapeworm, during whose activities the most unpleasant event will occur - the death of the patient. Moreover, in similar situations characteristic feature, which are the larvae of worms in feces, may be absent.

You need to be careful about the substances that are visible in the stool:

  • blood;
  • slime;
  • worms.

These signs are sufficient reason to submit feces for biological analysis by doctors.

It should be mentioned that among roundworms there are species that feed on human blood. One of them is the whipworm. His life cycle in the colon is several years. As a result, it absorbs significant amounts of blood every day. Such activities cannot but affect the human body. First of all, this leads to a decrease in immunity. And if a person does not take any action for a long time, then in a day he will lose up to 100 ml of blood. It is important to start treatment at the first symptoms, because otherwise this will lead to serious problems.

There may be cases when worms are present in the human body, but he cannot external signs identify them. And even if they are worried about slight malaise, weakness and fatigue, people attribute this to other reasons. Few people know what worm larvae in feces look like. Often they may seem like small pieces of food or other harmless elements. For this reason, you should periodically inspect your feces to see if there are any strange elements in it.

Precautions during treatment

While caring about protection from external threats, we should not forget about internal ones, which include organisms such as worms, although many people perceive them as unimportant. However, sometimes they can pose a great danger to health, and in order to notice their appearance in your body in time, you need to regularly monitor the condition of your stool.

Adults need to be attentive to children, since they violate the rules of personal hygiene and are therefore susceptible to infection with helminths. To make sure that nothing threatens you and your loved ones, it is recommended to undergo regular examinations with a doctor.

Helminthic infestation can occur not only in the intestines. Helminth eggs are very small, so eye infection can easily occur through unwashed hands. And this applies not only to children, but also to adults. Being in public place, after contact with many railings, handrails, door handles, a person’s eyes, it’s commonplace, itched.

What is he doing? Naturally, without first washing his hands, he will scratch and go about his business. This is quite enough for infection. Another common mechanism is to use one towel to dry all parts of the body after showering.

How to suspect and identify worms in the eyes? The main symptom is some unusual sensation in the eye (crawling, itching, discomfort, etc.).

Depending on the pathogen, helminth can manifest itself as:

The clinical picture of helminths in the eye can be different, depending on a number of factors:

The list is certainly much longer, but the most common diseases are listed.

Why is this dangerous?

Helminth like pathogenic organism always brings only harm. But which one exactly? The waste products of worms cause general intoxication body. Manifests itself as fever, weakness, drowsiness, apathy, etc.

In addition, there are more serious consequences:

Therefore, if a person, after viewing pictures on the Internet, does not see a similar picture in himself, this does not mean that he does not have an invasion. In addition, worms in the eyes of a person in the photo are visible in an advanced form, at initial stages all signs are weakly expressed. Therefore, if you have any problems with your eyes, you should immediately go to a specialist.

Considering that in the eye, unlike the intestines, there is no natural outlet for worms, the main therapy is surgical intervention. Therefore, if there are worms in a person’s eyes, independent treatment without a doctor is impossible.

Mature helminths are mechanically removed, and then drug therapy is prescribed:

  • Anthelmintic drugs;
  • Antibiotics wide range actions;
  • Antihistamines;
  • Detoxification measures;
  • Special preparations for certain pathogens.

The course of treatment is carried out long time, since all drugs affect only mature helminths and larvae, but not eggs. Incubation period is 14-21 days, so after 2 weeks a repeat course of anthelmintic drugs is prescribed.

What do you need to remember?

A disease such as helminths in the eyes is quite widespread due to the difficulty of maintaining absolute sterility of hands and objects. Signs of ingestion of worm eggs and their further development wavy convolutions are classified as eyeball or eyelid, prolonged redness, conjunctivitis, tumor formation on the eyelid, photophobia, swelling, some pain.

Additionally, therapy is supplemented with antibiotics for prevention secondary infection after surgical intervention. Although it is difficult to avoid contact with worms, preventive actions very important ( frequent washing hands with soap, using different towels for the upper and lower body and other personal hygiene measures).

Worm infestation is common in domestic cats. Therefore, the owner of the animal needs to know the first signs of worms in cats and the symptoms of various helminthic diseases.

  1. The animal becomes lethargic and gets tired quickly.
  2. The stool becomes irregular, and there is either diarrhea or constipation.
  3. The cat becomes nervous and is bothered by itching anal area. Because of severe itching the cat sits down and rubs its anus on the floor or carpet. The animal often scratches with its claws and licks the area under its tail.
  4. The abdomen is swollen, there may be pain in the abdominal area.
  5. Sometimes worms are visible in a cat's feces.
  6. The pet either loses its appetite or begins to eat an unusual amount. But, despite eating plenty of food, weight loss occurs; the cat loses weight for no apparent reason.
  7. Periodic vomiting may occur, and sometimes helminths are present in the vomit.
  8. The coat becomes dull and often falls out.

How can you tell if a kitten has worms? The symptoms in kittens are the same as in adult animals, but more pronounced.

It should be remembered that helminth infection is much more dangerous for young cats than for adult cats.

Diagnosis of worms in cats

Worm infestation in cats may resemble symptoms of poisoning or gastrointestinal disease. If an infection with lungworms occurs, the symptoms may be similar to those of a cold.

Symptoms of roundworm (nematode) infection

Symptoms of flatworm infection

Flatworms are divided into two groups: tapeworms (cestodes) and flukes (trematodes). Common types of flatworms in cats include broad tapeworm, cucumber tapeworm, and cat fluke. Cestodes can reach huge size and are very dangerous for the body.

You need to study the instructions for each veterinary drug for worms.

Treatment of diseases caused by roundworms (nematodes)

Treatment of diseases caused by flatworms

  1. For the treatment of dipylidia (infection cucumber tapeworm) use Praziquantel, Fenasal, Mebendazole. In addition to application anthelmintics you need to rid the animal of fleas.
  2. When infected with broad tapeworm, Praziquantel and Fenalidon are used. Before treatment, the animal should not be fed for 12 hours. Usually one dose of tablets is enough to get rid of worms.
  3. If in the liver and biliary tract My cat has worms, what should I do in this case? The fight against liver fluke requires integrated approach. To remove worms, medications are used: Hexichol, Hexachloroethane, Drontsit. Use choleretic agents, analgesics and antihistamines.

It must be remembered that anthelmintics toxic.

How to deworm a cat?

Human anthelmintic drugs should not be used to treat cats for worms. Only veterinary medications should be used. Kittens should be given deworming products that are appropriate for their age and weight. The dosage and type of drug for kittens is prescribed by a veterinarian.

Usually the animal resists taking the drug and may break out or scratch.

There are several ways to give an anti-worm tablet. The choice of method depends on how calm or fearful the cat is. After all, only you know and understand your pet’s behavior.

  1. You can crush the tablet into powder, mix it with water and pour it into your mouth using a syringe.
  2. You can add the crushed tablet to food.
  3. If the animal is calm, then you can use next way: open your pet's mouth, put the tablet on the root of the tongue, then close the jaws and stroke the throat. This way the pill will be swallowed.

How to prevent infection with worms?

Cat helminths are extremely dangerous for both animals and humans. Therefore, prevention of worms in cats is important. To do this, you must follow the following rules:

  1. It is better not to let your domestic cat go outside.
  2. The animal should be dewormed at least twice a year for preventive purposes.
  3. If particles similar to worms in a cat are found on the fur or in feces, only a doctor can determine the symptoms and treatment. You should immediately contact a veterinary hospital.
  4. When you come from the street, you need to immediately take off your shoes and put them in a closed cabinet.
  5. You should not feed your cat raw fish.
  6. Should not be allowed to drink dirty water from ponds or puddles.
  7. If an animal has fleas, the fur should be treated with special drops.
  8. It is necessary to regularly remove the tray with feces, and before doing this, you should wear gloves. The feces of a sick animal contain a large number of cat helminth eggs.
  9. The cat should not be allowed to eat rodents; they are often carriers of worms.
  10. If an animal is picked up on the street, it must be dewormed. It is very likely that your cat has worms; signs of the disease may not appear immediately.

These rules will help prevent the appearance of helminths and avoid infection to humans.

Domestic beauties can develop 3 types of helminths:

  • trematodes (sucking worms);
  • nematodes (roundworms);
  • cestodes (tapeworms).

The presence of pests in a cat’s body threatens human health. Some types of worms are transmitted from cat to owner.

The damage that worms cause to a cat's body

Worms living in the body of a pet harm it in different ways.

How can a cat become infected with worms?

Worms in a cat: symptoms of the disease

  • loss of appetite, fatigue;
  • digestive tract disorder;
  • anemia of visible mucous membranes;
  • deterioration in wool quality;
  • frequent or constant itching around the anus;
  • increased secretion of tears from the eyes.

In the most advanced cases cats blood and mucus appear in the stool and muscle cramps. A large number of Worms can cause miscarriage in a pregnant cat.

Worms in cats: treatment

Among the most popular medications to combat domestic cat can be called Polyvercan, Pyrantel, Dirofen, Profender, Kanikvantel, Trontsil K, Febtal and Prazitel for cats. Remember that due to the high demand for such drugs, they are very often counterfeited. Therefore, purchase deworming tablets for cats only from veterinary pharmacies.

In addition, make sure that the drug is appropriate for the age of the cat. For adults and kittens there are different medicines. Before starting treatment, be sure to read the instructions for use of these products.

Prevention of worms in cats

Even animals that do not go outside are at risk of becoming infected with worms. That's why preventive measures very important. To prevent infestation, follow these rules:

How to give medicine to a cat?

If a diagnosis is made and treatment with anthelmintic drugs is prescribed, you need to carefully and correctly give the drug to your pet. If we're talking about O little kitten, then it is better to purchase a suspension that the kitten can lap up. If the baby refuses to drink the suspension, you can use a syringe without a needle. Fill it with a solution and inject the contents of the syringe into the kitten’s mouth.

If an adult animal refuses to take the medicine, crush the tablet and prepare a solution in a teaspoon of water. Place the cat with its back to you, open its mouth, pour the contents of the spoon between its jaws and squeeze them tightly. Lift the cat's head up and stroke its throat. This way you will provoke a swallowing movement of the larynx.

To keep your pet healthy and feeling great, carefully monitor the animal’s behavior. At the slightest sign helminthiasis in a cat, take measures to remove them from the pet’s body. Only a healthy animal can enjoy life, give love and affection, delighting a caring owner every day.


There is a special portal where deceased pets are placed and they continue to live there in joy. It's called memoanimals.com And on that memory page you preserve the best memories and beautifully show your feelings, care, and respect for the furry for the wonderful moments given to you in your life. Many said that for them it was like a cool stream with clean water in the desert of pain.

Comment on the article "How to treat worms in a cat"

Cats. Pets. Keeping pets - nutrition, care, treatment of dogs, cats The cat has worms, what should a person drink. How to deworm a Maine Coon? Dogs. Vaccinations, worming, carrying - questions. We always worm all puppies in front of EVERYONE...

Section: Cats (the cat licked the helminthal). Cat breeders, urgent help!!! I dropped helminthal on the cat's withers. I didn’t expect that Keeping pets - food, care, treatment of dogs. We have kittens that even lick the cat’s mother’s ears and all the cat’s worms. Cats. Pets.

Medicines for worms in cats. Infection with worms in domestic cats. The main rules for feeding cats, cats and kittens. Depending on the type of helminths identified, they will be used medications to fight them.


Decaris, after 4-6 days vermox, after another 4-6 days pyrantel.
Worms live in several stages - adult animal, egg, cyst. The tablets only work on adults. A single dose is ineffective.

Just not drontal, but milbemax.

10/20/2013 08:36:25, breeder

It is not clear who, how and when will transport the cat somewhere. I am inclined to think about trying to give medicine for worms, in case she becomes wondering what is best to give for worms in such a situation, so that the treatment itself does not completely destroy the cat’s health.


The problem is that if the infestation is severe, then without the supervision of a doctor, the cat can die from deworming: (my mother-in-law’s dog almost gave out, but they immediately took her to the vet, they did a rinse there, I don’t remember what - probably the intestines.

What does the cat look like, besides being thin? in general adult cat Wormism rarely leads on its own to strong problems, usually in combination with some disease. at the cat's a good appetite?

Worms. How to remove worms from cats? Mine got small ones, 0.5 cm long, maximum. Worms in children: the most important symptoms and analyses. Worms in children: tests and treatment. Eggs and larvae of helminths in the body and allergies.


Yes...of course, cats have different specifics (I have a puppy), but somehow I don’t think that the vaccination system is excellent. Actually, first they give an anthelmintic, then after 10 days they vaccinate. You can give them a drink, or you can just stick them in their mouths and hold them, so that he doesn’t spit it out and swallows it, I gave it to a cat at one time. In general, there are liquid medicines (with a syringe). Nowadays there is a very wide range of anthelmintic drugs. It is very easy to determine worms, just like in a person (take a feces test) But in general, the main symptom is this when you touch the tummy, it’s at the very bottom, closer to the legs, there are a lot of small irregularities - in cats you can feel it well, although when you don’t know, you probably won’t understand, and usually it’s with severe neglect (I don’t think you’re lying) And sometimes cats and dogs They roll around on their butt, as if wiping it off - it looks so funny - this is one of the signs.

The cat has worms. 2. And what do family members (people) need...

Worms in children: the most important symptoms and tests. Worms in children: tests and treatment. Eggs and larvae of helminths in the body and allergies. Roundworms, pinworms - infection from dogs and cats.


And you, forgive me for asking, did you get rid of the worms yourself? Do you mean at home? It is possible that you and your cat regularly exchange them, so you are not fully recovering... I would advise you to take the anthelmintic with your whole family (and give it to all other animals, if you have them)...

Classification of pathogenic effects

The presence of worms in cats, symptoms of an invasive disease, can be classified according to several species characteristics:

In pathological inflammatory process gastrointestinal tract many microcomponents are involved in the pet, which significantly reduces the quality of life of the animal’s body.

Types of invasive pathogens: causes, symptoms and treatment

  • hexychol;
  • hexachloroethane;
  • hexachloroparaxylene;
  • polytreme;
  • dronzite.

Important! IN for preventive purposes You can't feed cats raw river fish. All fish must undergo appropriate heat treatment before eating.

On a note! A preventive action will be compliance with veterinary and sanitary standards for keeping the animal. It is necessary to change the bedding or rug more often, and also periodically scald them with boiling water.

Hydatigerosis in cats is another type of invasive disease, which is caused by infection with tapeworms of the Taeniidae family. Slim department The intestines are the main place of concentration of cestodes in hydatigerosis. Tapeworms, entering the cat’s intestines, reach sexual maturity after 35-90 days and are able to comfortably exist in the animal’s body from six months to two years, causing to a pet mass discomfort, which manifest themselves in the following:

  • work is disrupted digestive system;
  • intestinal obstruction is noted;
  • the animal has no appetite.

As a result of metabolism, the invasive lesion has a toxic and allergic effect on vital organs, which manifests itself in the following symptomatic signs:

  • the psycho-emotional state of the pet is disturbed;
  • there is constipation or diarrhea;
  • interest in food decreases.

Diarrhea in cats is a symptom of worms


General signs of the appearance of helminths (worms) in cats:

  • digestive system disorder, expressed in diarrhea or constipation;
  • intestinal obstruction, which can cause vomiting reflex in an animal, often accompanied by bleeding;
  • in the feces of a pet you can see individual fragments or fully formed helminths;
  • severe itching in the anus, which causes discomfort to the cat;
  • increased fatigue;
  • perversion of appetite;
  • hair loss;
  • weight loss.

How to recognize that a cat has worms: symptoms was last modified: September 7th, 2016 by Ekaterina Efimova

  • tapeworms
  • tapeworms


  • Nematodes
  • Ascaris
  • Toxocara
  • Hookworm





Cucumber tapeworms

Wide tapeworm

Causes of worms in cats

Symptoms of helminthic infestation in cats

What are the most common signs of worms in cats?

  • Digestive and gastrointestinal disorders (vomiting, constipation, which are followed by diarrhea, refusal to feed, or vice versa, increased appetite).
  • Coughing attacks may occur periodically, especially as a result of roundworm infection.
  • Yellowness of the mucous membranes, enlarged liver.
  • Signs of anemia, which are especially pronounced in kittens.
  • Tousled, faded fur. Hair loss.
  • Itching in the anal area.
  • Minor rash, hair loss near the anus.
  • Severe purulent or severe discharge from the eyes or nose
  • Presence of blood in feces
  • IN severe cases diagnose signs of intoxication. Paralysis of the hind limbs may also develop.
  • Premature birth or abortion.
  • Significant enlargement of the abdomen.
  • Developmental delay in kittens.

​Treatment of helminthiasis in cats

Infected animals are given anthelmintics broad spectrum of action that affect all types of helminths, or agents that affect specific worms. Modern drugs have virtually no toxic effects on the body, but it is important to follow the dosage and take into account contraindications. Anthelmintics Available in the form of tablets, suspensions and drops on the withers.

Most effective drugs for treating cats against helminths:

  • Drontal.
  • Profender.
  • Milbemx.
  • Stronghold.
  • Pirantel.
  • Vacation.
  • Prosit.
  • Prazicide.
  • Pratel.

If you care about your pet's condition, you should not try to treat the cat yourself, as this can only worsen its condition. The process of development and reproduction of worms occurs quite quickly, the count can go on for days, especially if the animal is weakened. A veterinarian should prescribe medications for the treatment of cats against helminths.

When giving anthelmintic drugs, you must strictly adhere to the instructions for the product and the dosage indicated therein.

It is important to ensure that the animal swallows the tablet completely. Quite natural reaction The cat will refuse such a tasteless and unusual “treat”, therefore, to ensure that the animal does not spit out the tablet, and that the deworming drug enters the body in the required volume, the following methods are used:

  1. The crushed tablet is mixed with a small amount of the cat's favorite treat. Moist food that has a uniform consistency is best suited for these purposes, for example, these types industrial feed as pate, jelly or mousse, as well as beef or minced chicken homemade.
  2. You can use a piller (inducer or tablet dispenser) - a special device sold in pharmacies that looks like a syringe with a soft rubber tip. The tablet is fixed in the tip, the cat’s mouth is opened, the tip is placed as close as possible to the root of the tongue and the tablet is pushed out by pressing the piston. Close and hold the cat's mouth, while stimulating swallowing with stroking movements across the throat from top to bottom. A similar procedure can be performed using your own fingers, but using a piller is more convenient due to the small diameter of the instrument and the ability to place the tablet closer to the larynx.
  3. The crushed tablet is dissolved in small quantity water, after which the resulting solution is injected into the cat’s cheek using a syringe without a needle. Hold the mouth until the animal swallows the medicine.

If the second or third method is used, it is possible profuse salivation- This is a normal physiological reaction.

For greater effectiveness, cats are treated for helminths again after 10-14 days, depending on the drug and the degree of helminth infestation. More severe cases may require longer treatment.

  • If the animal is very emaciated, weakened; for viral and infectious diseases
  • Pregnant and lactating cats.
  • Kittens younger than the age indicated in the instructions for the anthelmintic.
  • If you need to treat an old animal, carefully read the instructions for the anthelmintic and be sure to consult a veterinarian.


​Must be followed simple rules that will help prevent your pet from becoming infected

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to fully adhere to the rules described above, but you can reduce the likelihood of infection. Prevention of worms in cats can also include the use of folk remedies, however, their effectiveness is questionable. Prevent and even get rid of helminthic infestations in the initial stages, enemas from carrot juice, tincture of wormwood, decoction of tansy. But these remedies are less effective than medications for preventing worms in cats.