A nicotinic acid. Properties and uses of nicotinic acid. Physico-chemical properties of nicotinic acid Nicotinic acid chemical formula





In the discipline "Pharmaceutical Chemistry"

Work theme:

"Pine Pollen as a Source of Nicotinic Acid"

Head department:

Ph.D., Associate Professor Bidarova F.N.

Scientific adviser:

Associate Professor Kisieva M.T.


5th year group 501 student

Rubaeva Z.V.

Vladikavkaz, 2015


Nicotinic acid is a provitamin of nicotinamide (a water-soluble antipellagritic B vitamin). Nicotinic acid is an extremely important vitamin for our body, contributing to the normal course of most metabolic and educational processes. It improves liver activity, has a trophic, healing effect on wounds and ulcers, stimulates the hematopoietic function of the bone marrow, eliminates spastic conditions of blood vessels, activates the production of the gastric mucosa and gastrointestinal motility, facilitates detoxification processes, and reduces blood glucose levels. Also, the use of nicotinic acid has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart, blood vessels and central nervous system. It has been proven that the use of nicotinic acid has a beneficial effect on lipid metabolism and also significantly reduces blood cholesterol levels in patients with hypercholesterolemia and atherosclerosis. The use of nicotinic acid for pellagra is extremely effective. With the first course of taking the drug, a rapid therapeutic effect is observed. At the same time, positive dynamics are noted both in terms of gastrointestinal and skin phenomena, and in the central nervous system. However, this is not a complete list of the beneficial properties of Nicotinic acid. The use of nicotinic acid is effective as an antipruritic, detoxifying, desensitizing, and vasodilator substance. Nicotinic acid is actively used for hair. Thus, nicotinic acid is an important medicine for many ailments, and its use in medicine occupies a special place.

The purpose of the course work is a study of Pine pollen and conducting a pharmaceutical analysis of Nicotinic acid contained in medicinal plant materials.

To achieve this goal, it was necessary to solve the following tasks:

  1. To study the composition of Pine pollen;
  2. Conduct pharmaceutical analysis of Nicotinic acid;
  3. Carry out qualitative and quantitative determination of nicotinic acid in Pine pollen;
  4. Provide a pharmacological description of Nicotinic acid;

Objects of research are medicinal products Pine pollen, medicinal products Nicotinic acid.

Research methods– comparative, graphic, logical, documentary, normative analysis,


Structure of Nicotinic Acid

Nicotinic acid (niacin, vitamin PP, vitamin B3) is a vitamin involved in many oxidative reactions of living cells, PP is antipellagric. Chemical formula C 6 H 5 NO 2

Figure -1 Structural formula of nicotinic acid

Physico-chemical properties of Nicotinic acid

Nicotinic acid is a white crystalline powder, odorless, slightly acidic taste. Slightly soluble in cold water (1:70), better in hot water (1:15), slightly soluble in ethanol, very slightly soluble in ether.

Vitamin B3/PP, which is called niacin due to its large number of forms, nicotinamide is used in the medical and cosmetology industries. The beneficial properties of the vitamin are so unique that it is equated to a medicine. The international name of the substance is nicotinic acid (in Latin “Acidum nicotinicum”).

History of the discovery of niacin. Humanity needed to survive in the face of the development of new diseases. The vitamin formula was discovered in the nineteenth century to combat the severe disease pellagra. This terrible disease developed in people due to an insufficient standard of living, accompanied by hallucinations, depression, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Soon, pellagra was discovered in people who abused alcohol. The literal translation of vitamins B3/PP is to prevent pellagra.

Why does the body need niacin? The main function of vitamin PP is participation in redox processes. Thanks to the effect of the substance, the growth of body tissues is normalized, the metabolism of fat cells is improved, the amount of fat is reduced, sugar and fats are processed into positive energy.

Why is niacin prescribed? Vitamin PP protects the body from complex diseases: platelets, diabetes, hypertension, etc. Nicotinic acid is used to treat disorders of the functionality of the nervous system and to combat migraines.

With a sufficient amount of vitamin PP in the human body, the gastrointestinal tract works without failures and pathological abnormalities. When inflammation occurs, the body fights the process, digests incoming food more easily, and produces gastric juice better. B3/PP has a positive effect on the functioning of the pancreas and liver. The vitamin plays a leading role in the synthesis of hemoglobin, the production of red blood cells, and the balance of hormones. There is no better substance for regulating blood cholesterol levels.

Vitamin PP helps the body produce the required amount of energy, increases blood sugar during a catastrophic drop in its level, which helps fight diabetes and hypertension. The substance is prescribed to increase metabolism and reduce the amount of triglycerides. In addition, niacin affects the protective properties of the pancreas, so problems with insulin do not threaten everyone who consumes nicotinic acid.

Vitamin PP should be consumed in case of problems with the nervous system, in cases of loss of concentration, or manifestations of depression. Thanks to the preventive use of the drug, it is possible to avoid the development of schizophrenia and other mental disorders.

Signs of excess and deficiency of niacin in the body

To maintain normal levels of vitamin B3, it is recommended for an adult to consume 20 mg of the substance per day. For children, the norm is set at 6 mg, depending on age. Doctors say that, unlike girls, boys of adolescence need an increased amount of nicotinic acid.

Women during pregnancy and lactation, performing athletes, consume vitamin PP in the amount of 25 mg per day.

Depending on nutrition and the use of food additives, the body experiences both a deficiency and an overdose of the substance. The reaction to the drug vaguely resembles an allergy, so the benefits and harms of “nicotine” are regularly discussed on forums and chats.

Symptoms of excess vitamin B3/PP:

  • disorders of the digestive tract;
  • lack of appetite;
  • nausea;
  • weakness;
  • diarrhea;
  • muscle pain;
  • sleep disorders;
  • hallucinations.

A lack of vitamin B3/PP in the body is manifested by a deterioration in the body’s condition:

  • skin problems (redness, rashes, peeling, dermatitis, etc.);
  • tachycardia;
  • low blood sugar levels;
  • painful sensations in the upper and lower extremities;
  • weakness.

To replenish your supply of nicotinic acid, add foods with a high content of the substance to your usual diet. Despite culinary processing (frying, drying, canning), 90% of the vitamin remains intact. We'll tell you more about the group of foods with high levels of niacin below.

An overdose of vitamin PP does not pose a danger to human health. Testing has shown that negative symptoms in the form of dizziness, redness of the skin in the scalp, and numbness appear only after taking the vitamin on an empty stomach.

For medicinal purposes, nicotinic acid is administered intravenously, in which case blood pressure sharply decreases. You should not be afraid of this symptom, because after some time the processes will normalize and the side effects will disappear.

You should not use nicotinic acid on your own, since it is a drug whose prescription is controlled by a specialized physician.

With long-term use of the drug, the following symptoms are possible:

  • loss of appetite;
  • constant headache;
  • change in urine color;
  • the skin becomes yellowish;
  • liver dystrophy develops.

To avoid such negative consequences, you should take a responsible approach to using the drug. Doctors recommend taking methionine and lipotropic drugs in parallel with nicotinamide. Increased amounts of methionine are found in the following foods:

  • cottage cheese;
  • meat;
  • fish;
  • eggs;

Nicotinic acid is a harmless vitamin, but not everyone can take it. Contraindications for taking vitamin PP are clearly stated in the instructions for use: liver disease, stomach and duodenal ulcers, gout, chronic forms of hypertension and atherosclerosis.

This is not all that vitamin B3 is useful for.

Most people don't even know what foods contain niacin. Advantage in the amount of vitamin PP in products of animal origin:

  • lean pork;
  • liver;
  • chicken breast;
  • low-fat varieties of fish;
  • kidneys;
  • chicken eggs;
  • dairy products.

The vitamin can be obtained from plant foods:

  • tomatoes;
  • potato;
  • carrot;
  • peanut;
  • yeast, etc.

Medicinal plants are rich in vitamin PP, most of all:

  • alfalfa;
  • sage;
  • sorrel;
  • rose hip;
  • burdock root;
  • eyebright;
  • dandelion, etc.

Niacin is present in all food groups, but its level of absorption varies. What is the difference? Vitamins from legumes are easily absorbed by the body, but vitamins from grains are difficult to absorb. The synthesis of nicotinic acid occurs exclusively in the presence of the amino acid tryptophan, which is replenished in the body when consuming proteins of animal origin.

Research has proven that the quantitative determination of vitamin PP in food products is determined by chemical, spectrophotometric and microbiological methods.

Nicotinic acid in medicines

The properties of vitamin B3 have led to its popularity in the pharmaceutical industry. The release form of nicotinic acid has three variations:

  1. Ampoules. The solution is being developed for administering the drug intramuscularly. Injections are prescribed for patients with gastrointestinal diseases. The advantage of this form is the immediate supply of the substance through the bloodstream into the cells where biochemical reactions occur.
  2. Capsules. Prescribed for hypovitaminosis, since it is not always possible to replenish the required supply of vitamin with food. The medicine corrects this deficiency a week after starting treatment.
  3. Pills. They have the same purpose as the capsule; they are prescribed to eliminate niacin deficiency.

Storing vitamin PP: the sealed preparation is stored in a dry place out of direct sunlight. The shelf life of ampoules is four years, and tablets are three years. Before using the substance, check the date of its manufacture and the integrity of the packaging. The authenticity of the drug is confirmed by multi-stage laboratory tests.

Due to the peculiarities of its chemical structure, niacin (chemical formula C6H5NO2) is actively used in traditional medicine. Vitamin PP penetrates deeply into the cells of the body, so the range of applications of the vitamin is extremely wide.

Indications for the use of nicotinic acid:

  • in case of violations of gastrointestinal tract renewal;
  • with a hernia of the spine;
  • in cases of brain dysfunction (memory impairment, inattention, absent-mindedness);
  • in a depressed state;
  • with sore throat;
  • with acquired type diabetes mellitus;
  • with alopecia;
  • for osteoarthritis;
  • for cardiovascular diseases;
  • during menstruation;
  • with multiple sclerosis;
  • with vitamin deficiency (lack of vitamin B3/PP leads to decreased immunity);
  • with osteochondrosis, in particular with cervical osteochondrosis;
  • with pellagra. This disease occurs due to a deficiency of vitamin PP in the human body due to poor nutrition. Pellagra occurs in people suffering from alcoholism and chronic gastrointestinal diseases, but it is often found in pregnant women;
  • in cases of dysfunction of the small intestine;
  • with pathological abnormalities in the functioning of the liver, gallbladder, thyroid gland;
  • with gastritis;
  • with dysbacteriosis;
  • with anorexia;
  • for hereditary pathologies;
  • for hypertension;
  • for malignant tumors;
  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • for headaches.

Nicotinic acid will not be superfluous for people who drink alcohol or oral contraceptives; for smokers it is completely irreplaceable. For children, vitamin B3/PP is prescribed exclusively by a pediatrician if there is an urgent need.

Niacin helps fight secondary symptoms of diseases. The drug is used for numbness in the fingers. To do this, you need to turn to intramuscular injections, they will also save you from chondrosis when used together with vitamin B and proserin.

For prevention, vitamin PP should be taken in tablets; in the treatment of diseases, it is better to use the liquid form of the drug. The treatment regimen and dosage of the drug are prescribed after clinical studies and the patient’s medical history.

Vitamin b3/PP is regularly used in cosmetology. With the help of drugs you can improve your health, improve your facial skin and hair condition. We suggest considering the popular uses of niacin.

For face

Nicotinic acid is the main element in the nutritional and regenerative process of cells. In addition to its beneficial effect on the functionality of organs, niacin becomes a reliable assistant in the fight for the beauty and health of the skin, which is why it is often used for rejuvenation.

If there is insufficient amount of the substance in the body, the first signs appear on the skin: red spots, itching, decreased elasticity. If you notice such problems, eat as many products containing nicotinic acid as possible and apply the vitamin externally. With an integrated approach, there will be no trace of acne left.

Rated world companies use 4% nicotinic acid in facial skin care cosmetics. The vitamin is freely available in every pharmacy, so you can add it to your favorite creams yourself.

The effect of nicotinic acid on facial skin beauty:

  • dilates blood vessels;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • removes excess fluid from tissues;
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • retains moisture necessary for tissues;
  • promotes regeneration;
  • cleanses the skin and improves its color.

In clinical settings, scientists have discovered another useful property - nicotinic acid minimizes the formation of skin cancer.

Skin cancer is less common in people who take advantage of the benefits of niacin. Reviews on how to use vitamin B3 to improve the condition of your face can be read on women's forums.

Face mask recipe

An ampoule of nicotinic acid is added to the usual lotion and cream (1 ampoule per 50 g of facial product). The vitamin product is applied as a standard cream and, if necessary, washed off with warm water. It is advisable to mix the drug in a separate small container, since long-term use of the vitamin leads to an overdose.

For hair growth

Nicotinic acid is considered a reliable remedy for accelerating hair growth. We warn you that even minimal contact of the substance with the skin provokes an allergic reaction. Allergies in the form of redness and slight clouding will disappear within 20 minutes, leaving no traces of themselves. Use the drug on your own with caution.

Sometimes people are skeptical about the properties of nicotinic acid because of the repulsive name. The substance is not associated with smokers, forget about prejudice. Nicotine and nicotinic acid are not the same thing.

Niacin, due to its availability, has become widespread for home use. Women prepare healing masks, shampoos and scrubs based on it. A couple of drops of nicotinic acid are added to your favorite shampoo and your hair is nourished with vitamins during each wash.

The drug affects the scalp as it strengthens blood vessels. Nicotinamide hits the scalp and instantly penetrates the inner layer of the epidermis. With improved blood flow, vitamin PP reaches the bulb of each hair. Changes in hair condition can be observed after just five procedures. Folk remedies, despite their effectiveness, at first dry out the hair or enrich it with an unpleasant odor. When a person’s hair falls out, they are ready to endure all the consequences; with nicotine, they don’t have to worry about such negative accompanying factors.

Vitamin PP is involved in the oxidative processes of the body, so hair has a complex effect. Hair follicles are nourished with vitamins and saturated with oxygen. The main advantage of hair care with nicotinic acid is considered to be hydration along the length. Dandruff disappears under the influence of a nourishing vitamin.

If you are wary of supplements not provided by the manufacturer, take niacin tablets. Thus, you influence hair growth and strengthen the condition of the body.

Nicotinic acid is considered a popular drug for hair loss and baldness. Rapid hair loss is the main signal of problems in the body, so first of all, get examined by a doctor, and under no circumstances start treatment without a prescription.

To stop hair loss, nicotinic acid is rubbed into the scalp onto dry hair. Additional ingredients that the vitamin formula is combined with can improve the effect of the drug:

  • decoction of medicinal herbs;
  • propolis tincture;
  • ginger;
  • vitamin E.

The compatibility of the drugs helps to achieve quick results in a short time. The course of treatment lasts for one month, only after consultation with a trichologist. The composition of the product for one rubbing uses only one ampoule of nicotinic acid. The vitamin is applied from the side of the temporal region, using massage movements towards the crown. Before the procedure, draw the liquid into a syringe or pipette, this makes it more convenient to apply the vitamin in even portions to the scalp.

Acid in ampoules must be used immediately after opening, otherwise, when exposed to air, it loses its beneficial properties and becomes unsuitable for further use.

Carefully monitor the body’s reaction to vitamin PP in its pure form; if after the procedure the skin turns red or itches, drink an anti-allergenic drug and then dilute the acid with purified water.

Recipes for hair masks based on nicotinic acid (analogues of expensive cosmetic products):

Egg mask.

To make it you will need:

  • 1 ampoule of niacin;
  • 1 capsule of vitamin E;
  • linseed oil – 40 g;
  • Eleutherococcus tincture – 20 g.

Directions for use: mix the ingredients and apply to washed, dried hair. After an hour, rinse off the mask and wash your hair under running water.

Nicotinic acid displaces vitamin C from the body, so you should additionally take ascorbic acid in the form of pharmacological vitamins. How much vitamin complex to take depends on the condition of the body and obvious symptoms.

Niacin is an excellent remedy against cellulite. There is a lot of information on the Internet about how to take the vitamin. To some extent, the recommendations have a basis for existence, since the substance improves blood circulation. Due to contraindications in the instructions for vitamin B3, it is better to avoid using it unnecessarily. Other methods will help you get rid of cellulite at home: cupping massage, body wraps, contrast showers.

Carefully monitor the dosage of vitamin PP to avoid overdose. Before drinking nicotinic acid, consult your doctor and carefully read the instructions for use, pay attention to contraindications.

In gynecology, nicotinic acid is used to eliminate premenstrual syndrome, to combat spasms and severe hemorrhages. Vitamin B3/PP has a positive effect on the body, but it is still unclear whether women can take nicotinic acid during pregnancy.

The instructions for use for the drug clearly state that the vitamin is not consumed during pregnancy and lactation. Pregnancy does not always go smoothly, so you cannot do without additional niacin intake.

Nicotinic acid is prescribed to pregnant women and nursing mothers in the following cases: multiple pregnancy;

  • pathological processes in the liver provoked by pregnancy;
  • maternal dependence on nicotine and certain medications;
  • abnormal functioning of the placenta.

Taking vitamin PP on your own during pregnancy without a doctor’s prescription is strictly prohibited. An overdose can adversely affect the development of the fetus. When breastfeeding, you can take the vitamin only if it is not contraindicated for the baby.

With controlled consumption of nicotinic acid, the expectant mother reduces spasms and improves blood circulation. When the fetus is oxygen starved, niacin improves the metabolic process and eliminates fetoplacental insufficiency. In severe cases, vitamin PP for pregnant women will help maintain pregnancy and give birth to a healthy baby. The antihypoxic agent in small doses will ensure that the fetus receives the required amount of oxygen.

During pregnancy, nicotinic acid is prescribed to thin the blood to prevent blood clots. In this case, vitamin B3 acts as a prevention of premature birth and possible complications.

Nicotinic acid deficiency in the body of the expectant mother is manifested not only by hair loss and dry skin, but also negatively affects the psycho-emotional state of the woman. Scientific data on the change in mood of pregnant women from a cheerful laugher to a depressed virgin has confirmed that a lack of vitamin PP is to blame.

Niacin in professional sports

In small doses, nicotinic acid acts as a supporting additive, and in excessive quantities it has a serious pharmacological effect. Why do athletes need nicotine? Intravenously administered 10 mg of niacin doubles the amount of growth hormone in the blood. Growth hormone provokes muscle growth and activates fat burning processes. In bodybuilding, professional athletes increase the dose of vitamin PP to 250 mg. The final dosage depends on the height, weight and age of the athlete. The table with numbers is freely available.

Among professional athletes, unspoken rules have been developed on how to take vitamin B3/PP:

  • before intense cardio or strength training;
  • before intense fat burning training.

In other cases, there is no point in taking nicotinic acid. During the drying period, niacin is simply irreplaceable, but do not overdo it. How to use niacin in sports should be discussed with your doctor and coach. Allergic reactions from overdose lead to undesirable consequences before the day of the performance. For athletes, not only a regimen, proper nutrition, and training are important, but also a properly selected vitamin complex.

Nicotinic acid is an affordable remedy that will help prevent the development of serious diseases. Positive reviews confirm the positive effect of the vitamin on the condition of the skin, hair and the body as a whole.

Nicotinic acid (niacin, vitamin B3, PP, nicotinamide) is one of the most necessary substances for humans. It is especially useful for smokers and people with impaired functioning of the nervous system. If there is a lack of niacin in the body, then the person becomes irritable and nervous. For this reason, niacin is called the calmness vitamin.

Vitamin PP - what is it?

The modern name for vitamin PP is nicotinic acid. It looks like a white crystalline powder that is odorless. The substance has a slight sour taste, does not dissolve in cold water, but is much better in hot water.Vitamin PP – thiso is a lipid-lowering agent that is converted into nicotinamide in the human body. The substance takes part in the metabolism of amino acids, proteins, and fats. Vitamin PP is involved in synthetic processes, glycogenolysis, and tissue respiration of the body. Nicotinic acid is also an antipellagric agent.

Vitamin PP – what the body needs it for

After nicotinamide enters the esophagus and stomach, a cycle of reduction and oxidation reactions occurs. Overestimate how usefulvitamin PP for the body, is very complex because it is involved in energy production, protein production, and metabolism. Benefits of nicotinic acid:

  1. Regulates bad cholesterol. Niacin eliminates the appearance of plaques by reducing the amount of bad cholesterol in the blood.
  2. Maintains energy at a high level. The action of the organic substance is aimed at optimizing metabolism, accelerating the synthesis of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates.
  3. Improving cellular and tissue respiration. Without the participation of vitamin B3, metabolic processes between the cell and oxygen do not take place.
  4. Strengthening blood vessels and heart. The positive effect is due to the participation of niacin in thinning and reducing the viscosity of blood plasma.
  5. Reducing triglyceride levels. This quality is necessary for patients suffering from diabetes. Due to the large amount of fat in patients, blood pressure increases and the disease worsens.
  6. Removal of toxic elements. The action of niacin neutralizes harmful elements that are formed after the digestion of low-quality food. The load on the liver is reduced.

Vitamin PP for hair

Due to its ability to quickly dilate blood vessels and enhance metabolic processes, vitamin niacin is used to enhance growth and against hair loss. When applied to the skin, this rich substance is absorbed into every cell, increasing blood circulation, resulting in follicles receiving plenty of nutrients and oxygen.

Niacin has a positive effect not only on the hair follicle, but also on pigmentation, which helps stop the graying process.Vitamin PP for hairUse at home for a course of one month. You should purchase water-soluble nicotinic acid preparations from pharmacies. Injection ampoules should be opened immediately before application, then rub 1 ml into the scalp daily for 20 minutes.

Vitamin PP deficiency

Since nicotinic acid is one of the important substances for the human body, thenlack of vitamin PPfeels particularly acute. The main symptoms of nicotinamide deficiency:

  • decreased performance;
  • asthenia, increased fatigue;
  • hypersensitivity of the affected areas of the skin;
  • affective insanity;
  • partial memory loss;
  • disorientation;
  • skin itching;
  • confusion;
  • lack of coordination;
  • apathy, insomnia;
  • inflammation of the mucous membranes of the genital organs, oral cavity, gastrointestinal tract;
  • foul diarrhea, loss of appetite, nausea.

Vitamin PP – excess

An overdose of niacinamide also does not bring anything good to the body.Excess vitamin PPcauses severe hypervitaminosis, which provokes the following symptoms:

  • muscle and headaches;
  • vomiting, nausea, dizziness;
  • hyperemia (flushes of blood to the surface of the skin);
  • numbness of the limbs;
  • diarrhea;
  • dry skin, swelling;
  • attacks of ulcers, gastritis;
  • blood pressure drops to a critical level;
  • it is possible to develop a pathology such as fatty liver.

Vitamin PP – which foods contain it?

It is difficult to imagine that today a person could have a deficiency of this microelement, becauseVitamin PP is found inabout many foods. The use of vegetables and fruits will relieve any child and adult from vitamin deficiency for a long time. Where is vitamin B3 found? The largest amounts of water-soluble niacin are found in apple, grape and tomato juices. The table will show which products contain nicotinic acid in large quantities:


Amount of vitamin PP (mg/100 g)



Lean beef


Chanterelle mushroom


Kohlrabi cabbage











Yellow tuna

Sunflower seeds





Vitamin PP - instructions for use

The daily requirement for the PP microelement in an adult is 17-28 mg. During pregnancy, during exacerbation of illnesses, long-term use of medications, or for people involved in professional sports, this rate should be increased. In medicine, niacin is prescribed in tablets or intramuscular/intravenous injections for photodermatoses, trophic ulcers, old wounds, childhood urticaria, rosacea (red) acne.

Instructions for use of vitamin PPstates that the choice of method of administering niacin is chosen by the doctor, depending on the severity of the disease and the desired speed of onset of the effect. The duration of therapy and dosage also depend on the type of disease. To treat hypovitaminosis, adults are administered the substance 50 mg intravenously or 100 mg intramuscularly 2 times a day for 14 days. Nicotinic acid preparations, when administered intravenously, can provoke severe allergies, so their use is indicated only in medical institutions.

Vitamin PP tablets

For many diseases and for children, tablets are indicated for use. It is recommended to take them after meals, since taking them on an empty stomach can cause nausea and burning. Assignvitamin PP tablets12.5-25 mg/day for adults, and 5-25 mg/day for children. For atherosclerosis, the dosage is 2-3 g/day, which should be taken in four doses. If fat metabolism is impaired, therapy begins with small doses of 500 mg/day, gradually increasing to 1500 mg. In total, the tablets must be taken for 3 months.

Vitamin PP price

Nicotinic acid tablets and ampoules are sold in Russian pharmacies without a doctor's prescription. Prices for drugs fluctuate slightly, which depends on the manufacturer, the cost of delivery, transportation, and the marketing policy of the retail chain. Average cost of 50 mg tablets 50 pcs. – 25-35 rubles. The price for a 1% solution for injection is slightly higher - from 39 to 76 rubles for 10 ampoules. Nicotinic acid capsules cost from 100 to 200 rubles for 90 pieces.

Video: PP vitamin

Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials in the article do not encourage self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and make recommendations for treatment based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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PP vitamin is important for human health. Getting it in the right doses is quite simple, since it is found in many foods and is not destroyed by temperature, alkali or acid.

What is vitamin PP and why does the body need it? Read on.

PP vitamin is a substance also known as nicotinic acid, niacin and nicotinamide. Part of a complex of substances called B3. The three names of the vitamin are its forms, with acid and nicotinamide considered the active forms.

Once in the human body, nicotinic acid is converted and sent to ensure redox processes that regulate fat metabolism. This function of vitamin PP is far from the only one:

  • participating in the breakdown of carbohydrates and fats, the enzyme also affects protein metabolism;
  • lowers cholesterol;
  • increases the activity of blood cells;
  • improves blood circulation and heart health;
  • normalizes coordination;
  • improves memory and concentration.

In addition to all this, vitamin PP forms the body’s resistance to the development of hypertension and diabetes, affects the normalization of intestinal motility, and improves the functioning of the liver and pancreas.

How much do you need per day?

The daily norm of nicotinic acid for people over 18 years of age is 20 mg, and the dose does not depend on gender and weight. But pregnant women in the second half of the term need to consume 22 mg of the substance; for nursing mothers, this figure rises to 23 mg. For newborns, at least 4 mg of PP vitamin is needed with an annual increase of 0.8 mg.

Lack of vitamin PP: general signs

The lack of such an important vitamin as PP leads to various diseases. A good example is pellagra, which leads to dementia and dermatitis. In real life, this pathology can only appear in undeveloped countries, where people live below the poverty line and do not have access to quality products. Otherwise, this disease has long remained in past centuries.

With a slight lack of vitamin PP, various nervous system disorders begin: aggressiveness, nervousness and increased irritability.

Symptoms of PP vitamin deficiency include:

  • gradually decreasing appetite;
  • constant headaches and dizziness;
  • the presence of diarrhea, heartburn and nausea;
  • increased gum sensitivity;
  • the occurrence of insomnia;
  • deterioration of mental activity;
  • sometimes even hallucinations occur;
  • pale skin;
  • increased dryness of the epidermis, in some places red spots and cracks may appear;
  • dermatitis.

Signs of excess PP

But in addition to a lack of vitamin PP, there is also an excess of it, which is also unhealthy for human health. The pathology is quite rare. It mainly affects women who use vitamin PP in ampoules for their face and hair.

Typically, the symptoms of excess nicotinic acid look like this:

  • facial redness;
  • increased skin numbness;
  • decreased appetite;
  • nausea;
  • More severe cases include darkening of the urine and lightening of the stool, which are the result of fatty liver degeneration.

What foods contain PP vitamin

Plant and animal products rich in nicotinic acid are often included in the daily human diet:

  • in meat by-products – liver and kidneys of chicken, beef;
  • in white meat - turkey, chicken;
  • in chicken and quail eggs;
  • in fish - tuna and salmon;
  • in dairy products;
  • in cereals;
  • in fruits - pineapples and dates;
  • in vegetables - broccoli and;
  • in homemade greens - sorrel and parsley;
  • in various nuts.

Unfortunately, in low-quality food products, the concentration of vitamin PP is reduced due to the use of large amounts of antibiotics and hormones by manufacturers. To eliminate synthetic nicotinic acid from your diet, you need to choose only high-quality products.

The name of vitamin PP comes from an Italian expression preventive pellagra– preventing pellagra.


Good sources are liver, meat, fish, legumes, buckwheat, and black bread. Milk and eggs contain little vitamin. It is also synthesized in the body from tryptophan - one out of 60 tryptophan molecules is converted into one vitamin molecule.

Daily requirement


The vitamin exists in the form of nicotinic acid or nicotinamide.

Two forms of vitamin PP

Its coenzyme forms are nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide(NAD) and ribose phosphorylated form – nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate(NADP).

Structure of the oxidized forms of NAD and NADP

Biochemical functions

Transfer of hydride ions H – (hydrogen atom and electron) in redox reactions.

The mechanism of participation of NAD and NADP in the biochemical reaction

Thanks to the transfer of hydride ions, the vitamin provides the following tasks:

1. Metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Since NAD and NADP serve as coenzymes of most dehydrogenases, they participate in the reactions

  • during the synthesis and oxidation of carboxylic acids,
  • during the synthesis of cholesterol,
  • metabolism of glutamic acid and other amino acids,
  • carbohydrate metabolism: pentose phosphate pathway, glycolysis,
  • oxidative decarboxylation of pyruvic acid,

Example of a biochemical reaction involving NAD

2. NADH does regulating function, since it is an inhibitor of certain oxidation reactions, for example, in the tricarboxylic acid cycle.

3. Protection of hereditary information– NAD is a substrate of poly-ADP-ribosylation during the process of stitching chromosomal breaks and DNA repair.

4. Free Radical Protection– NADPH is an essential component of the cell’s antioxidant system.

5. NADPH is involved in reactions

  • resynthesis tetrahydrofolic acids (vitamin B9 coenzyme) from dihydrofolic acid after the synthesis of thymidyl monophosphate,
  • protein recovery thioredoxin during the synthesis of deoxyribonucleotides,
  • to activate “food” vitamin K or restore thioredoxin after reactivation of vitamin K.

Hypovitaminosis B3


Nutritional deficiency of niacin and tryptophan. Hartnup syndrome.

Clinical picture

Manifested by the disease pellagra (Italian: pelle agra– rough skin) like three D syndrome:

  • dementia(nervous and mental disorders, dementia),
  • dermatitis(photodermatitis),
  • diarrhea(weakness, indigestion, loss of appetite).

If left untreated, the disease is fatal. Children with hypovitaminosis experience slow growth, weight loss, and anemia.

In the USA in 1912-1216. the number of cases of pellagra was 100 thousand people per year, of which about 10 thousand died. The reason was the lack of animal food, people mainly ate corn and sorghum, which are poor in tryptophan and contain indigestible bound niacin.
It is interesting that among the Indians of South America, who have relied on corn since ancient times, pellagra does not occur. The reason for this phenomenon is that they boil the corn in lime water, which releases the niacin from the insoluble complex. The Europeans, having taken corn from the Indians, did not bother to borrow the recipes either.


Isonicotinic acid derivative isoniazid, used to treat tuberculosis. The mechanism of action is not exactly clear, but one hypothesis is the replacement of nicotinic acid in the reactions of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide synthesis ( iso-NAD instead of NAD). As a result, the course of redox reactions is disrupted and the synthesis of mycolic acid, a structural element of the cell wall of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, is suppressed.

Dosage forms

Nicotinamide and nicotinic acid.