From what day does sibutramine help? Composition and dosage. Why sibutramine is dangerous: side effects and effects

There are a huge number of people who, for one reason or another, suffer from excess weight. Getting rid of it is not always easy. Exercise and dieting are not always effective option. In addition, in addition to the fact that it is necessary to come to terms with some restrictions, and also to allocate a certain amount of time to this process, it is necessary to have good strength will. This is why many people pay attention to medications, in particular, medicine Sibutramine for weight loss.

The number of people who suffer from obesity is growing every year. Accordingly, the relevance of the problem increases. Excess weight is not only a problem appearance. This also causes psychological discomfort: a person worries about his figure. Getting rid of excess weight is not always possible, even if you exercise daily and eat right. That is why doctors prescribe medications, in particular Sibutramine.

Sibutramine is prescribed to people who suffer from excess weight. In this case, one of the most important conditions is the lack of results when using other weight loss methods, for example, compliance proper nutrition, diets, regular exercise and physical exercise. Despite the fact that the drug Sibutramine acts effectively and after its course there is observed positive result, you need to understand that these tablets are potent medications.

Please note: Like many other drugs, Sibutramine has its own side effects and some contraindications.

Sibutramine, like any medicine, should be used only after consultation with a leading physician, since its use not according to instructions can lead to side effects, as well as overdose. In general, reviews of those losing weight about Sibutramine are varied. After all, like many others medicines, it may not suit the person.

Sibutramine price

The table shows how much Sibutramine costs for different dosages and packages; in specific pharmacies prices may vary both up and down.

general information

This drug appeared more than two decades ago. Sibutramine has central effects in the treatment of obesity and weight loss. It is worth understanding that you will not be able to lose weight by taking these pills alone. Sibutramine is recommended to be used only in combination with a specialist-controlled diet, as well as regular and gradually increasing physical activity.

The first thing you feel after taking Sibutramine tablets is a feeling of fullness. Even if you eat a very small portion of food, it will be enough for the body and it will be full. - this is one of the the most important properties Sibutramine. This happens due to its influence on the part of the brain that is responsible for saturation. Accordingly, this leads to the fact that the patient consumes significantly less food, and accumulated reserves and fat deposits are burned.

Chemical compound
IUPAC (±)-1-(4-chlorophenyl)-N,N-dimethyl-alpha-(2-methylpropyl) cyclobutanemethanamine (as hydrochloride)
Gross formula C17H26ClN
Mol. weight 279.85 g/mol
CAS 106650-56-0
PubChem 5210
DrugBank APRD00456
Pharm.Group Appetite regulators
ICD-10 E66
Bioavailability Absorption 77%, presumably first pass effect
Metabolism Liver (CYP3A4-related)
Half-life sibutramine about 1 hour
metabolite 1: 14 hours
metabolite 2: 16 hours
Excretion Bile (sibutramine and active metabolites), kidneys (inactive metabolites)

This medicine is used when other measures have not had the desired effect in losing weight. It is in such exceptional cases Doctors recommend taking Sibutramine tablets. During the entire treatment course, the patient must be under the supervision of a doctor who specializes in weight loss problems.

In addition, the following measures must be prescribed:

  • individual balanced diet;
  • adjustment of lifestyle and some habits;
  • increase physical activity, playing sports.


Any medications, including Sibutramine, have not only useful action, but also contraindications. The instructions for use of the drug contain the following list of diseases for the diagnosis of which these tablets are not recommended for use.

Such as:

  • any stage of ischemia;
  • the presence of congenital and acquired heart defects;
  • pregnancy;
  • tachycardia;
  • when identifying organic causes that contribute to obesity;
  • high sensitivity to the drug, as well as the components it contains;
  • mental illnesses;
  • arrhythmia;
  • circulatory disorders in the cerebral cortex;
  • stroke;
  • kidney and liver diseases;
  • lactation period;
  • glaucoma;
  • presence of dependence on alcohol or drugs.

Thus, if the instructions are not followed, the drug can bring not only benefits, but also harm to the body.

Side effects and overdose

In addition to contraindications, Sibutramine has a fairly large list of side effects. It should be understood that even simple Citramon and Analgin also have an impressive list. Therefore, before taking Sibutramine, it is recommended to sensibly weigh the pros and cons.

When taking tablets, the following phenomena may occur:

  • dizziness;
  • feeling of excitement, fear;
  • insomnia;
  • headache;
  • heart rate disturbance;
  • increased sweating;
  • feeling of dryness in the mouth;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • change in behavior, psyche;
  • allergic reactions on the drug and its individual components;
  • increased cough;
  • laryngitis;
  • back pain;
  • effect of addiction to the drug.

In case of overdose, increased adverse reactions may occur. Reviews from doctors agree: when the first symptoms appear, the patient is advised to take a dosage according to the body weight of activated carbon, call a doctor or emergency medical help, and then contact a poison control center.

Instructions for use

If you pay attention to the instructions for use of Sibutramine, you can determine the daily dose for weight loss. In particular, the initial dose should be 10 mg per day. Capsules must be taken in the morning. According to the instructions, they must not be chewed and swallowed. If necessary, the medicine can be taken with a small amount of water (up to 1 glass) in order to wash down the medicine. After you start taking it, you need to monitor the results of weight loss and follow other instructions (maintenance of proper nutrition, regular exercise). With a medicinal course with this dosage, 2 kg should be lost within 4 weeks. If such a result is not observed, to increase the effectiveness of the drug, the dosage is increased to 15 mg. At the same time, an even greater increase is impossible. In addition, 15 mg of the medicine can be taken for a strictly limited amount of time.

Sibutramine is prescribed for one year. Large quantity It is not recommended to take it over time, since there is no reliable data on the safety and effectiveness of these tablets. Moreover, it is worth paying attention to the following fact: if the patient does not lose at least 5% of his body weight every three months while complying with all instructions, then the medication should be stopped due to ineffectiveness. Regular appointment Sibutramine leads to significant weight loss. But we should not forget about the dangers of Sibutramine. According to average data, patients lose excess weight within six months. In this case, the result persists throughout the entire treatment period.

Important! If you miss a pill, you do not need to increase the dosage the next day. You just need to return to your usual schedule. It is also worth remembering that it is necessary to stop taking any medication after prior approval from your doctor.

It is important to remember that the effectiveness of the medicine will achieve maximum results only when combined with a diet. It is also not recommended to forget about the large list of adverse reactions and correct scheme taking Sibutramine.

  • It is not recommended to use the drug for people who are elderly;
  • when working with mechanisms;
  • when driving a vehicle;
  • The medicine is not recommended to be taken while consuming alcoholic beverages, since Sibutramine significantly enhances the sedative properties of alcohol.

When taking medication, it is recommended to periodically visit a doctor to monitor your physical condition and determine the degree of effectiveness of the drug. If necessary, the diet can be changed and physical activity increased. Self-medication of drugs is not allowed.

Distribution of Sibutramine

Initially this drug was produced in the USA, but today it is prohibited for use in countries such as Canada, Europe, Australia, and the USA. This was due to the fact that Sibutramine has been proven to have a negative effect on the cardiovascular system. In Russia, the medicine, like its analogues, can be purchased at a pharmacy only with a doctor's prescription. He will add to the list potent drugs. However, it is prescribed only if there is no effect from diets and physical activity.

To suppress rampant appetite and cure obesity, it is recommended to take medical product Sibutramine for weight loss. Previously, this characteristic medication was used to treat depressive conditions, but in practice it turned out to be very mediocre. Currently, a unique opportunity has been identified to suppress appetite and successfully fight extra pounds. Before taking diet pills with sibutramine, you need to consult a nutritionist or your doctor.

What is Sibutramine

This synthetic medical drug in the fight against nutritional obesity is available in the form of tablets and is intended for oral use. Thanks to the active components, the feeling of fullness occurs prematurely, so the volume of daily portions is gradually reduced without harm to health. Excess weight is also going down. Sibutramine hydrochloride monohydrate is a potent medicine, therapeutic effect which is achieved due to the activity of the active substance of the same name Sibutraminum.

How it works

The active component of the drug of the same name provides an anorexigenic effect in the body, that is, it provides enhanced heat exchange, due to which subcutaneous fat is productively burned. After consuming a single dose, beta-adrenergic receptors are stimulated, which are responsible for the release of energy. Due to the moderate inhibitory effect and the action of brain neurotransmitter hormones, appetite and the volume of daily portions are reduced.

Preparations with sibutramine reduce cholesterol in the blood and help reduce the concentration of glycerides, which helps to maintain your new weight for a long period of time without a strict diet. Decay process synthetic substances observed in the liver, but active metabolites are still present in the systemic circulation for 4 days.

Why is it dangerous?

Before you buy a drug at a pharmacy, you need to find out about the potential threat to your own health. For example, a medication can provoke pathologies from of cardio-vascular system. Alternatively, these could be attacks of arrhythmia and tachycardia, or increased blood pressure. Because the drug is different systemic action in the body, side effects spread to all internal organs of the system, attacking in the first days of treatment for obesity and weight loss.

Side effects

Patients often complain of severe signs of dyspepsia, constipation, dizziness, nausea, dry mouth and complete absence appetite. These are abnormal changes in general health, which eloquently indicate the presence of side effects. Do not reduce the daily dose of medication, but it still wouldn’t hurt to immediately consult a nutritionist. Perhaps a specialist will recommend a milder analogue for successful correction of excess weight in adulthood.

If you decide to choose this method of losing weight, it is important to pay attention to the following potential anomalies, which in the body after the remedy will be rather temporary:

  • headache, paresthesia;
  • impaired sweating, insomnia;
  • change in taste;
  • increased frequency of limb spasms;
  • depressant effect on the central nervous system;
  • thrombocytopenia;
  • increased activity liver enzymes.

Consequences of taking

If side effects occur in the body, it is strictly contraindicated to continue taking the drug, and adjusting the daily dose will not provide the desired dietary effect. The doctor suggests another remedy to remove overweight, finally solve the problem of excess weight at any age. Unpleasant consequences of oral administration may be as follows:

  • cardiac dysfunction;
  • blood pressure surges, hypertension;
  • tendency to blues, depression;
  • sudden mood swings;
  • muscle spasms and pain;
  • decreased libido;
  • inflammation of the intestinal and stomach mucosa.

Why Sibutramine is banned in Russia

Many patients insist that the medication is narcotic drug, since the consequences of its use resemble the unpleasant phenomenon called “withdrawal in drug addicts.” A person losing weight already in the middle of the course develops a certain dependence, and without a new dose, the severity of side effects only intensifies. Therefore, the authorities decided to ban the sale of the medicine in Russian pharmacies, although nothing prevents you from ordering and buying the product in an online pharmacy.

Is it possible to lose weight with Sibutramine?

By controlling the feeling of hunger, the medicine promotes productive weight loss. In the absence of medical contraindications, it can be used to correct excess weight in a full course. The drug is not compatible with alcoholic drinks, has drug interactions. Any adjustments to the daily dose are made by the doctor strictly on an individual basis, otherwise, when losing weight, it can worsen general state health.

Indications for use

The drug can be recommended for obese patients when the BMI index is ≥30 kg/m2 or the BMI ≥27 kg/m2. Using a full course of tablets helps not only reduce, but also stabilize new weight and minimize the risk of developing diabetes. If the latter diagnosis is present, the use of the medicine is not prohibited, since the active components of the medicine reduce blood glucose levels.

Medicines containing Sibutramine

Detailed description The use of this medication is inspiring, but one should not exclude potential contraindications and side effects. If you lose weight in such a progressive way, there is no way to medical indications, in the pharmaceutical industry there are a number of equally worthy analogues that contain similar chemical composition and pharmachologic effect in a losing body. Below are the most effective weight regulators from different manufacturers.

This dietary product is available in the form of capsules, which are packaged in blisters of 7, 14, 28, 84 pieces. Meridia for weight loss controls rampant appetite and eliminates obvious signs of obesity. Here's what you need to know about a typical medication before purchasing and using it:

  • manufacturer – pharmaceutical company Abbott GmbH (Germany);
  • price – 1700 rubles (14 capsules of 10 mg each);
  • composition – active component: sibutramine monohydrate; auxiliary: colloidal silicone dioxide, microcellulose, magnesium stearate, lactose monohydrate;
  • principle of action – suppresses appetite, enhances heat exchange at the cellular level.


If obesity develops, you can lose weight with the help of this medication. Goldline is produced in the form of capsules, where each package of aluminum foil can contain 10, 30, 60, 90 pieces. Before the beginning intensive care You need to consult a nutritionist to minimize the risk of deterioration in your general condition. Here's what you need to know about this tool:

  • manufacturer – Ranbaxy Laboratories (India);
  • price – 1700–1900 rubles for 60 capsules;
  • composition – active component: sibutramine monohydrate; auxiliary elements: lactose, calcium and magnesium stearate, microcrystalline cellulose;
  • principle of action - satisfies hunger, sends impulses to the brain about a feeling of satiety.


This medication is available in the form of gelatin capsules for oral use. One package may contain 10, 30 or 90 capsules, so the duration of intensive therapy must be determined in advance. Here's what you need to know when buying this dietary product for productive weight loss:

  • manufacturer – Zentiva concern (Czech Republic);
  • price – 2100–2200 rubles for 30 capsules;
  • composition – active component: sibutramine monohydrate; auxiliary elements - gelatin, lactose monohydrate, magnesium stearate, microcellulose, iron oxide, silicon and titanium dioxides;
  • principle of action – suppresses appetite, allows you to eat in small portions.


Continuing to study tablets with sibutramine, doctors recommend the anorectic Reduxin, which is also available in capsule form. The predominant packs on sale are 30 and 60 pieces, intended for oral administration before meals. Here is some valuable information for potential buyers to note:

  • manufacturer – Ozon (Russia);
  • price – from 1600 rubles for 30 capsules;
  • composition – active ingredient: sibutramine; auxiliary elements: microcrystalline cellulose, calcium stearate, gelatin, titanium dioxide;
  • principle of action – provides a weight loss effect by stimulating metabolism.

Instructions for use for weight loss

The drug is intended for oral use; a single dose should be taken with plenty of water. The duration of intensive therapy is 1 year, since even minor changes in problematic figure are not immediately observed. In the first and second months of losing weight, the percentage of subcutaneous fat burning is minimal, which the doctor reports on during an individual consultation. If you maintain your diet, eat low-calorie foods and take the drug, weight loss becomes noticeable only after 4-6 months.

How to use

If the doctor prescribes Sibutramine, he additionally recommends exercising and monitoring your diet. When losing weight, it is important to monitor your blood pressure, which may increase pathologically during the correction of excess weight. The heart rate remains under control, and at the first symptoms of tachycardia, it is recommended to stop taking the medication and additionally consult a nutritionist.


A single dose of the drug is 10 mg, i.e. one capsule of the drug per day. If there is no dietary effect, it should be increased to 15 mg and subsequently adjusted individually. If, instead of productive weight loss, rapid weight gain occurs, it is recommended to stop further use of the capsules and consult a specialist.


The use of Sibutramine for weight loss helps to gain ideal forms, flawless body. However, it is recommended to use it for its intended purpose wisely, not forgetting drug interactions. For example, in combination with inhibitors of the CYP3A4 isoenzyme, the concentration of metabolites in plasma increases and the QT interval increases. Serotonin syndrome cannot be excluded if combined with 5-HT1 receptor agonists, opium analgesics, selective inhibitors serotonin reuptake, antitussives.

Where to buy Sibutramine

It is difficult to purchase a typical medicine on the domestic market; even in Moscow and St. Petersburg there are difficulties in purchasing medicine. There is no medicine in real pharmacies, it is better to immediately contact an online pharmacy, place an order and receive the goods by mail or courier. Delivery from virtual resources does not cause problems, and there is a chance to get a discount on capsules.


The cost of the medicine depends on the manufacturer and the number of capsules in one package. Retail prices of domestic pharmaceuticals are more affordable for buyers, but imported manufacturers often inflate prices, but they guarantee results. On average, purchasing Sibutramine for weight loss costs a patient 1,000 rubles for 30 capsules.


At hypersensitivity body to the active components, the use of the drug is contraindicated, otherwise side effects may occur in the form of local allergic reactions. Other medical contraindications from the instructions are presented below:

  • pregnancy;
  • glaucoma;
  • dysfunction of the liver, kidneys;
  • Tourette's syndrome;
  • psychical deviations;
  • chronic diseases myocardium;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • prostatic hyperplasia (for men);
  • pheochromocytoma;
  • drug addiction.


Losing weight is difficult - and everyone who has tried to get rid of at least a couple of extra pounds knows this. The laws of nature cannot be circumvented: only diet and exercise can defeat fat accumulations. To lose dozens of extra pounds through diet and fitness, you need remarkable willpower. Obese people are starting to look for miracle pills and diet pills, including medicine sibutramine for weight loss.

Sibutramine was created as a drug against depression, but during trials it was discovered to be an effective appetite suppressant. For 13 years, doctors in the United States and Europe prescribed the drug to people suffering from obesity, until serious side effects of this popular weight loss drug were discovered. According to American experts, the harm from using sibutramine far outweighs the benefits it provides for weight loss. In the USA, this drug has been withdrawn from sale, but in Russia it is included in the list of potent weight loss drugs that can be purchased at the pharmacy strictly according to a doctor’s prescription.

So, more than 10 years of history of the use of sibutramine in the West has shown that its use is associated with health risks. However, people who are tired of fighting excess weight are ready to take any risk just to achieve real results and see yourself looking slimmer in the mirror. Like all potent drugs, besides positive effect the drug has many contraindications.

How justified is the risk of using sibutramine for weight loss? Is it not a time bomb that can undermine protective forces body? To understand this issue, you need to understand the principle of action of the drug, thanks to which it promotes weight loss.

Pharmacological properties of the drug Sibutramine

Chemical compound
IUPAC (±)-1-(4chlorophenyl)-N, N-dimethyl-
(as hydrochloride)
279.85 g/mol
CAS 106650-56-0
PubChem 5210
DrugBank APRD00456
Appetite regulators
ICD-10 E66
Bioavailability Adsorption 77%
first effect
Metabolism List (CYP3A4-
Sibutramine about 1 hour
Metabolite1: 14 hours
Metabolite2: 16 hours
Excretion Bile (sibutramine and
active metabolites)
kidneys (inactive metabolites)

Sibutramine is used in medicine in the treatment of obesity; this drug affects the production of heat in the body. An increase in the temperature of metabolic processes creates conditions for burning fat reserves. The second property of sibutramine is appetite suppression; it helps reduce calorie intake when losing weight. Old fat reserves are burned, new ones are not formed - a rapid decrease in body weight occurs. The increase in temperature during metabolism is due to the fact that sibutramine acts on beta-adrenergic receptors and, like adrenaline, increases the rate of metabolic processes in the body.

Fat tissue is quickly burned, cholesterol levels in the blood decrease, but at the same time the heart rate increases, the heart’s need for oxygen increases, blood pressure rises - the body behaves as if in a situation severe stress. The decrease in appetite is associated with the selective effect of sibutramine on serotonin and norepinephrine - these brain neurotransmitters cause a state of happiness, satisfaction, dull the feeling of hunger, and reduce the need for food.

At the same time, drug intoxication occurs and dependence on the drug is formed. After oral administration, sibutramine is absorbed into the blood within 1-2 hours and is absorbed by 77%. Its transformation occurs in the liver, active metabolites are formed, which act in the body for 4 days.

Please note: Sibutramine is a psychotropic drug that causes the vital systems of the body to work with increased stress, forms drug addiction and provokes a state of withdrawal.

Indications and features of use

There is a small range of indications for which the use of sibutramine tablets as a weight loss medicine is justified.

  • Firstly, this is severe obesity, when the body mass index (BMI) is equal to or greater than 30 kg/m2, and all attempts to lose weight by others available methods were not successful.
  • Secondly, it is permissible to use drugs containing sibutramine with a BMI equal to 27 kg/m2 if obesity is accompanied by complications such as diabetes mellitus and hypertension.

However, even with such indications, it is dangerous to take this medicine for weight loss on your own. Only a doctor who knows the dangers of sibutramine can weigh the pros and cons, assess the patient’s condition and make a decision with the least risk to his health. Correction of obesity should be carried out comprehensively.

Despite the help of potent medicine, the following remain absolutely necessary:

  • diet;
  • balanced physical activity;
  • changing lifestyle and eating habits.

The course of therapy using sibutramine lasts at least a year, and it is important to adhere to the doctor’s recommendations in everything: do not change the dose of the medicine and the frequency of its administration, do not start or end treatment without permission. Consultation with a doctor is required before taking other medications, since sibutramine may interact with their components, increasing undesirable effects. First of all, such drugs include: antidepressants, narcotic analgesics, and other anti-obesity drugs.


Perhaps the most important sections contained in the instructions for use of the drug are lists of contraindications and side effects. From the bitter experience of the first years of using sibutramine, it was found that this is far from a harmless drug, and it cannot be prescribed to everyone who wants to lose weight.

The death rate from heart attacks and strokes among patients taking the drug was markedly higher than among those who were not familiar with it. Suicides have become more frequent among people who systematically used the drug. The list of contraindications is compiled on the basis of experimental data and as a result of in-depth study possible consequences action of the drug in the body.

  • Sibutramine is contraindicated in obesity caused by organic pathologies such as endocrine diseases, hormonal disbalance; neoplasms in the brain; metabolic disorders and water balance in organism.
  • It is very risky to use this product for weight loss in case of cardiovascular diseases: ischemia, tachycardia, arrhythmia, heart failure, myocardial defects, vascular disorders.
  • It is strictly forbidden to use medications that contain sibutramine for diseases of the central nervous system, mental disorders (including bulimia and anorexia nervosa), for alcohol and drug addiction, and after strokes.
  • The use of sibutramine is risky for people suffering from glaucoma, pathologies of the liver, kidneys, and prostate gland.
  • A special risk group includes women during pregnancy and lactation, people over 65 years of age, and those who have an individual intolerance to the drug.

Side effects and overdose

Sibutramine has an impressive list of side effects, so its use is possible only after consultation with a nutritionist and under the supervision of a doctor. Undesirable effects are most pronounced during the first month of using the drug, then they weaken and disappear. Only a doctor can determine the potential danger of these manifestations and make a decision: continue treatment, reduce the dosage, or abandon sibutramine in favor of its analogues.

According to doctors, the most common side effect of the drug is addiction and withdrawal symptoms. (withdrawal) upon its sudden cancellation. Without usual dose medication, the patient develops a feeling of anxiety, develops depression, insomnia, and thoughts of suicide appear. A restless state of consciousness is accompanied by general weakness, rapid pulse, hand tremors, migraines and fainting. The table below shows the percentage of adverse symptoms in the control group (people who lost weight with sibutramine) and in the placebo group.

Back pain, joint pain, rhinitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis, indigestion - far from full list side effects of sibutramine. When taking it, patients' blood pressure increases, heart rate increases, and syndrome develops. chronic fatigue. An overdose of the drug may increase undesirable effects and create a health hazard. It is recommended to take activated charcoal and contact a doctor or poison control center.

Sibutramine instructions for use

According to doctors, sibutramine is very effective means for weight loss, which can help people suffering running form nutritional obesity as a result of bad eating habits. Pathologically heavy weight(BMI ˃ 30) provokes deadly diseases: diabetes, oncology, strokes and heart attacks.

The use of a powerful weight loss drug that suppresses appetite is justified in case of a real threat of developing such diseases. The instructions indicate the basic rules for using the drug.

  • The initial daily dose is 10 mg.
  • The optimal time for taking is the first half of the day.
  • Tablets and capsules containing sibutramine are swallowed without chewing and washed down with a glass of water.
  • If one or more doses of the medication have been missed, the dose cannot be increased; you should continue taking the tablets as usual.
  • The expected effect of using the drug during the first month is weight loss by 2 kg.
  • If there are no side effects, the dose can be increased to 15 mg/day, but this dosage is limited to a course.
  • If within 3 months it is not possible to reduce weight by 5%, then you should switch to an analogue containing another active substance.
  • Treatment with drugs containing sibutramine should not be continued. longer than a year; The drug should be stopped under the supervision of a doctor.

An effective course of treatment allows you to reduce weight by no less than 10% within 10-12 months. You can maintain the results obtained only with the help of diet and physical activity.

Sibutramine price in Russia

Since 2008, sibutramine and all drugs based on it (Reduxin, Goldline - Russian production) have been included in the list of potent substances prohibited for free sale in pharmacies. You can buy the medicine only with a prescription from a nutritionist or endocrinologist.

The price of a package of 30 capsules (monthly norm) is from 900 rubles. for 30 Goldline capsules and from 1500 for the same package of Reduxin. When used under medical supervision, the drug helps many obese people change their eating habits and lose excess weight. This is evidenced by reviews of those losing weight about sibutramine.

Quick weight loss without any effort sounds very tempting to many who are tired of extra pounds. Therefore, “magic” drugs for weight loss are and, apparently, will always be in demand among part of the predominantly female population who are dissatisfied with their weight.

Sibutramine hydrochloride monohydrate, discovered by the international corporation Abbott Laboratories on the doorstep last decade last century and did not live up to its first purpose as an antidepressant, turned out to be a pronounced anorectic. The effect of this substance in terms of suppressing the feeling of hunger turned out to be unexpectedly effective, and the loss of excess kilograms was so significant that it began to be used as a medicine for obesity since 1997, prescribed to patients with overweight caused by uncontrolled absorption of food.

Why is sibutramine banned?

The fame of Sibutramine as an effective fat burner, which also eliminates the desire to snack, quickly spread across countries and continents, since the problem of excess weight is quite acute not only in the United States, but also in most economic countries. developed countries Europe. World organization healthcare considers this problem as an epidemic and, naturally, the appearance of a new drug that eliminates the feeling of hunger and stimulates metabolic processes in the body was received more than favorably. Sibutramine and medications containing it began to be prescribed to overweight patients right and left.

However, reports of mental disorders in patients taking drugs with this active component began to appear quite quickly. Among them, cases of suicide, acute cardiovascular pathologies With fatal, especially among older people. In addition, drugs containing Sibutramine may, according to some data, cause a similar drug addiction. All these facts and the long list of side effects that were discovered during more thorough research into the properties of this drug explain why Sibutramine is prohibited. Since 2010 sale medicines with this active ingredient has been temporarily discontinued in the European Union, Australia, USA, Canada and Ukraine; in Russia they can only be purchased with a doctor’s prescription.

Indications for use of this drug: primary nutritional obesity II-III degrees when the body mass index exceeds 30-35 kg/m² and other treatment methods are ineffective. Both immediately after its appearance and at present, this medicine for extra pounds was not recommended for everyone, but in especially severe cases of obesity. The Sibutramine treatment regimen involves a low-calorie diet and physical activity. It is also prescribed to people suffering from non-insulin-dependent diabetes, hyper- or hypoproteinemia. In this case, the recommended patient's body mass index is 27 kg/m² or higher.

Complex therapy, including medications with Sibutramine, is carried out under the supervision of a specialist with practical experience treatment of excess weight. An important part of it is the formation psychological readiness the patient to change his habits in terms of diet and diet, as well as changes in lifestyle, and maintain them after discontinuation of drug treatment.


A08AA10 Sibutramine

Active ingredients


Pharmacological group

For weight loss

Appetite regulators

pharmachologic effect

Anorexigenic drugs


The mechanism of action of this substance is that it helps to quickly satisfy the feeling of hunger, activating the feeling of satiety and, thereby, reducing the amount of food consumed without effort on the part of the patient.

The beginning of the transmission of chemical signals (for example, about satiety during food intake) between brain neurons is the release of neurotransmitters, serotonin and norepinephrine, in intercellular space(synapse) where the signal is received. Sibutramine molecules block the return of neurotransmitters back into the presynaptic cell. Due to this, the concentration of serotonin and norepinephrine in the synapse increases, potentiating the stimulation of the neuron receiving the impulse. The signal of saturation enters the postsynaptic cells more intensely, the body does not require intake large quantity food. In addition, the drug increases the production of heat by the body, forcing metabolic processes and forming monodemethyl- and didemethylsibutramine - active metabolites that can themselves inhibit the reuptake of released neurotransmitters (serotonin and norepinephrine), as well as the pleasure hormone dopamine, but to a much lesser extent. By acting in this way, Sibutramine promotes the rapid emergence of a feeling of satiety, and it becomes permanent. The desire to snack disappears by itself, food consumption is significantly reduced, which leads to rapid weight loss.

The active substance and its active metabolites are indifferent to the release of the enzyme monoamine oxidase and its activation, do not interact with neurotransmitters, including catecholamines, serotonin, histamine, acetylcholine, glutamic acid and benzodiazepines. They inhibit the uptake of membrane serotonin receptors by platelets and may alter their functions.

The reduction of body fat with the help of these medications is accompanied by an increase in lipoprotein levels high density(“good” cholesterol) in the blood plasma against the background of a quantitative decrease in triacylglycerides, total cholesterol due to “bad” and uric acid.

During treatment with these medications, cases of mostly minor increases in blood pressure and heart rate were recorded, but more serious changes in these parameters also occurred. Majority medications with sibutramine are single drugs, however, in addition to the main active ingredient, Reduxin also contains microcrystalline cellulose, a natural non-food product that has no side effects. It has the property, having lingered in the stomach, to swell under the influence of liquid, thus providing a feeling of fullness. In combination with sibutramine, it complements its effect. It is capable of absorbing not only water, but also putrefactive bacteria, cleanses the intestines well and prevents food poisoning.


At orally rapid absorption of the active component occurs from gastrointestinal tract(about 80%). Once in the liver, Sibutramine is metabolized into monodemethyl- and didemethylsibutramine. After 72 minutes after taking the medicine, dosed at 0.015 g, the highest concentration of the active ingredient is observed, and from three to four hours - its metabolites. Taking the capsule with food, the patient reduces the maximum concentration of metabolites by a third, and the time to reach it increases by three hours, without changing the total concentration and distribution. Sibutramine (almost completely) and its metabolites (>90%) bind to serum albumin and distribute at a good rate in body tissues. The concentration of active substances in the blood serum reaches a state of equilibrium four days after the start of therapy and is twice as high as their serum concentration determined after the first dose.

Excretion of inactive demethylated metabolites from the body mainly occurs in the urine, less than 1% is excreted in the feces. The half-life of sibutramine is 66 minutes, its metabolites (monodesmethyl- and didesmethylsibutramine) are 14 and 16 hours, respectively.

Use of Sibutramine during pregnancy

The results of tests of Sibutramine on laboratory animals indicate that this active substance does not affect the ability to fertilize, however, the teratogenic effect of sibutramine on the fetus was observed in the offspring of experimental rabbits. They were identified physical abnormalities relating to appearance as well as skeletal structure.

Medicines containing Sibutramine are prohibited for use by pregnant and lactating women. Throughout the entire treatment course and one and a half months after the end of treatment with these drugs, female patients of fertile age should use reliable contraception.


  • age restrictions: not prescribed to minors and persons over 65 years of age;
  • secondary obesity caused by diseases of the endocrine and central nervous system, others organic reasons;
  • eating disorders – bulimia, anorexia (present or in history);
  • mental pathologies;
  • generalized tic;
  • circulatory disorders in parts of the brain (present or in history);
  • toxic goiter;
  • ischemic disease heart (present or in history), rhythm and heart rate disturbances, chronic decompensated dysfunction of the heart muscle;
  • circulatory disorders in peripheral vessels;
  • uncontrolled increase in blood pressure above 145 mmHg;
  • severe degrees of liver and/or kidney dysfunction;
  • prostate adenoma with urinary retention;
  • pheochromocytoma
  • substance abuse and/or alcoholism;
  • angle-closure glaucoma;
  • hypolactasia, glucose-galactose malabsorption syndrome;
  • known sensitization to sibutramine and/or other ingredients of the drug.

It is prescribed with particular caution to patients with a history of: hypertension, circulatory disorders, muscle spasms, coronary insufficiency, epilepsy, hepatic and/or renal dysfunction, cholelithiasis, glaucoma, hemorrhages, tics, as well as those taking medications that interfere with blood clotting.

Side effects of Sibutramine

This substance is a very effective anorectic, and, naturally, those who want to lose weight and have read rave reviews, of which there are many, the question arises: Why is Sibutramine dangerous?

Of course, like any substance, it can cause allergies. In most cases, this is not anaphylactic shock, but a more harmless reaction of the body, for example, a rash from Sibutramine. Unpleasant, but not dangerous. If you stop taking it, it will itch and go away.

A more serious consequence is addiction. This drug is not recommended to be taken for more than one year, but people who start taking it often cannot stop and develop a real drug addiction, which, in fact, is a subtype of drug addiction. Not everyone. However, who can guarantee that his body will be resistant to this property this drug?

There will be no true narcotic high from Sibutramine, but upon withdrawal, which is recommended to be done gradually, sensations similar to “withdrawal” may appear. This happens even after taking the drug for a short period of time, about three months. These are dizziness and migraines, sleep disorders and anxiety, increased excitability or apathy and thoughts of suicide. Sibutramine has a direct effect on the brain and central nervous system. This is how he fights overeating and excess weight. But it is not always possible to influence the psyche and nervous system without undesirable consequences. The first prescriptions of Sibutramine were accompanied by pronounced neuropsychiatric disorders, suicides, deaths from acute heart and brain pathologies, patients became dependent on the drug and its long-term use resulted in dire consequences. Modern dosages of Sibutramine are much lower than initially recommended, the drug is better purified, but undesirable effects, albeit less pronounced, still remain. During therapy with this medicine, you should not perform work at heights, drive vehicles, or operate machinery that requires increased concentration. This drug is contraindicated for people who have or have a history of alcohol or toxic addiction, since the effects will be layered.

The instructions for the drug indicate that side effects most often occurred in the first month of treatment, and if it continued, then over time the frequency and intensity of these effects decreased. Negative effects were mostly reversible and went away with drug withdrawal.

The most common were: rapid heartbeat, hypertension, skin flushing with sensations of warmth, constipation, complete lack of appetite, exacerbation of hemorrhoids, nausea, dry mouth, insomnia, fainting, numbness of body parts, panic attacks, increased sweating, perversion of taste.

In the post-registration SCOUT study, initiated by the relevant authority of the European Union after many cases of severe adverse events, which included many obese patients with a high probability of cardiovascular diseases, the following data were obtained: the risk of non-fatal (!) heart attack, stroke, heart attack in patients taking Sibutramine increases by 16% compared to those patients who took placebo. However, what is very comforting is that with the help resuscitation measures managed to save 1.4% more patients who took real drug. But deaths, both from vascular pathologies and from all causes, occurred with the same frequency in both groups of patients.

Undesirable consequences have been observed in the form of allergies from minor rashes to anaphylactic shock. The number of platelets in the blood decreased, that is, the blood did not clot well, there were cases of autoimmune damage to the walls blood vessels (hemorrhagic purpura), mental disorders, which were already mentioned above. In these cases, treatment was recommended to be stopped.

The nervous system reacted to the drug with convulsions, short-term memory loss, and amnesia.

Pain syndromes in the head, back, ears, vision and hearing disorders, digestion, ENT diseases, herpes. The list of side effects is endless. It ends with a message that occasionally withdrawal syndrome is accompanied by headache and increased appetite (!).

Women planning to have children after a course of Sibutramine should seriously think about it. The drug is teratogenic, its ability to cause mutations has not yet been confirmed, but this drug is used for a very short time and, most importantly, it is often not officially used. Therefore, additions to the list are still possible.

The World Health Organization has called the problem of excess weight the epidemic of the 21st century. Of the 7 billion people on the planet, 1,700 million are overweight and 500 million are obese. By disappointing forecasts By 2025, the number of overweight people will exceed 1 billion! In Russia, 46.5% of men and 51% of women are overweight, and these figures are constantly growing.

Obese by medical concepts excess body weight is considered to be 30% or more. Weight is gained due to the fat layer, which is localized mainly in the abdomen and thighs.

In addition to physical and mental discomfort, the main problem of excess weight is its complications: the likelihood of developing cardiovascular pathologies and diseases increases musculoskeletal system, arterial hypertension, atherosclerosis, type 2 diabetes mellitus.

Not everyone can normalize weight in such conditions only with the help of fitness and fashionable diets, so many resort to the help of medications. The principle of action of such drugs is different: some reduce appetite, others block the absorption of carbohydrates and fats, and others have a laxative effect that does not allow food to be fully absorbed.

Serious drugs have many contraindications and undesirable consequences. The doctor prescribes them for severe obesity, when losing a third or even half of your weight by other means is simply unrealistic.

Such potent medications include Sibutramine (in the recipe in Latin - Sibutramine).

The antidepressant, developed at the end of the last century by the American company Abbott Laboratories, did not live up to the hopes placed on it, but proved to be a powerful anorectic. The weight loss was so significant that it was prescribed to patients with severe obesity who cannot control their appetite.

Why is Sibutramine banned?

Among those who like to solve all problems with a miracle pill, the medicine has gained worldwide popularity. A drug that stimulates metabolic processes and suppressing an indomitable appetite, WHO predicted a great future.

In addition, Sibutramine caused addiction close to a drug (the effect of ecstasy or amphetamine). Mature patients had a particularly difficult time with treatment. Before additional research The medicine was banned in the USA, Canada, Australia, Europe, and Ukraine. It can be purchased in the domestic pharmacy chain with a prescription.

Anorectic is prescribed for primary obesity of II-III degree, when BMI exceeds 30-35 kg/m² and other treatment methods are ineffective. Therapeutic regimen includes a special diet, as well as adequate physical activity.

It was prescribed to everyone who wanted it, with or without any reason. But soon doctors began to sound the alarm due to side effects: patients had mental disorders, increased cardiovascular risk, and suicides became more frequent.

The drug is also indicated for type 2 diabetes mellitus, hyper- and hypoproteinemia. In such cases, the body mass index should be above 27 kg/m². kComplex treatment, including Sibutramine and its analogues, is carried out under medical supervision.

An important aspect of the course is to motivate the patient to modify lifestyle and diet while maintaining the achieved results after treatment. Why Sibutramine is banned in civilized countries, watch the TV report on video:

Pharmacodynamics of anorectic

In the head, various brain structures are responsible for the feeling of fullness. The connection between them is carried out due to the activity of neurons, the excitation of which awakens the appetite, calling us to the next snack.

When food enters the stomach, nerve impulses excite the brain structures responsible for the feeling of fullness. But the feeling of hunger does not necessarily have a physiological basis: sometimes you want to have a snack to reduce nervous tension, relax, enjoy the process.

When there is no control over the balance between satiety and the amount of food entering the body, an inadequate eating behavior.

Sibutramine harmonizes the entire system, affecting neurons. Cells connect using synapses - connections that conduct signals like contacts in electrical wiring. Any activity of a neuron is accompanied by the release of a neurotransmitter - a biologically active compound that connects with the receptors of other neurons. This is how signals pass through their chain. Information about hunger or satiety is also transmitted along this path.

Balance helps regulate serotonin: if its volume drops, a person experiences hunger. During eating, a neurotransmitter is synthesized; when its amount reaches a certain limit, the body experiences satiety.

The drug prolongs this feeling by maintaining suitable levels of serotonin in the synoptic cleft. Thanks to this effect, the patient develops healthy eating habits, nighttime hunger attacks disappear, and the amount of food consumed is reduced.

Anorectic also inhibits the reuptake of norepinephrine, which is produced in the central nervous system, where it plays the same role as a neurotransmitter. An increase in its content in the synoptic gap provokes a surge of energy. One of the features of this substance is the activation of thermogenesis, which releases energy from the liver, fat and muscle tissue. This helps reduce fat and normalize lipid metabolism.

Under the influence of the synthetic appetite regulator Sibutraminum, eating behavior changes and thermogenesis increases. Fat reserves are burned, and the caloric intake of the diet does not allow them to be restored. Increased thermogenesis activates β-adrenergic receptors, which control energy production. Decreased appetite is associated with inhibition of the reuptake of norepinephrine and serotonin.

If the dosage is observed, side effects Most often, minor fluctuations in blood pressure and tachycardia occurred. You can see the capabilities of Sibutramine and its mechanism of action in the video:

Pharmacokinetics of Sibutramine

Up to 80% oral drug quickly absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract. In the liver it is transformed into metabolites - monodemethyl- and didemethylsibutramine. The peak concentration of the main active ingredient was recorded 72 minutes after consuming a tablet weighing 0.015 g; metabolites are concentrated over the next 4 hours.

If you take the capsule while eating, its effectiveness drops by a third, and the time to achieve maximum results is extended by 3 hours (the total level and distribution remain unchanged). Up to 90% of sibutramine and its metabolites bind to serum albumin and are quickly distributed throughout muscle tissue.

Inactive metabolites are excreted in the urine, and up to 1% are excreted in feces. The half-life of sibutramine is about an hour, its metabolites are 14-16 hours.

The potential of the drug was studied in pregnant animals. The drug did not affect the ability to conceive, but experimental rabbits had a teratogenic effect of the drug on the fetus. Anomalous phenomena were observed in changes in appearance and skeletal structure.

All analogues of Sibutramine are canceled at the stage of pregnancy planning. The medication is also contraindicated during breastfeeding.

During the entire period of treatment with Sibutramine and 45 days after it, women of fertile age should use proven contraceptives. Before deciding to lose weight with the drug, you should think about planning your next pregnancy.

The drug is teratogenic, and although its ability to provoke mutations has not been established, the drug does not have a serious evidence base, and the list of contraindications will be expanded.

List of contraindications for Sibutramine

For an anorectic, there are, first of all, age limits: the drug is not prescribed to children and adults (after 65 years). There are other contraindications for Sibutramine:

Special attention when prescribing Sibutramine, it should be given to hypertensive patients, patients with blood flow disorders, with complaints of seizures, with coronary insufficiency history, epilepsy, liver or kidney dysfunction, glaucoma, cholecystitis, hemorrhage, tics, as well as patients using medications that affect blood clotting.

Undesirable consequences

Sibutramine is a serious medicine, and like any serious medicine it has side effects, it is no coincidence that in many countries it is official medicine prohibits. The simplest thing is allergic reactions. Not anaphylactic shock, of course, but skin rashes are quite possible. The rash goes away on its own when the drug is discontinued or after adaptation.

A more serious side effect is addiction. Anorexics drink for 1-2 years, but many are unable to stop, strengthening drug dependence, comparable to drug addiction. It is impossible to determine in advance how sensitive your body will be to Sibutramine.

The effect of dependence can be observed as early as the 3rd month of regular use.

Weaning should be gradual. A condition similar to withdrawal symptoms is migraine, lack of coordination, poor sleep, constant feeling anxiety, high excitability, alternating with apathy and suicidal thoughts.

The medicine interferes with the work of the “holy of holies” - human brain and nervous system. It is not always possible to influence the brain and central nervous system without consequences for the psyche. The first attempts at treatment ended in severe addiction, suicide, mental disorders, fatal from heart and brain attacks.

Modern medicine is passing high-quality cleaning, the dosage has been significantly reduced, but unexpected effects cannot be ruled out. Regarding participation in traffic and management complex mechanisms, then work at height, in any other conditions that require quick reaction and increased attention, is prohibited during treatment with Sibutramine.

On Sibutramine, the instructions for use assure that most symptoms (tachycardia, hyperemia, hypertension, lack of appetite, change taste sensations, irregular bowel movements, hemorrhoids, dyspeptic disorders, sweating, anxiety, isomnia) disappear after discontinuation of the medication.

Study on Sibutramine in Europe - expert opinion

The SCOUT study, initiated by the relevant EU authorities after analyzing sad medical statistics, involved volunteers with a high body mass index and a risk of developing cardiovascular pathologies.

The results of the experiment are impressive: the likelihood of non-fatal strokes and heart attacks after taking Sibutramine increases by 16% compared to the control group receiving placebo.

Other adverse events recorded include allergic reactions. varying degrees severity, deterioration of blood composition (decrease in platelet levels), autoimmune damage to vascular walls, mental disorders.

The nervous system produced reactions in the form of muscle spasms and memory loss. Some participants had ear, back, and headache pain, and their vision and hearing deteriorated. Gastrointestinal disorders were also observed. The report concluded by noting that withdrawal symptoms can cause headaches and uncontrolled appetite.

Learn more about how Sibutramine burns fat and improves your mood in the video

How to use anorectic

The tablet is taken once. The timing of meals does not affect the results. At the beginning of the course, it is recommended to drink one capsule weighing 0.01 g. It is swallowed whole and washed down with water.

If in the first month the weight has dropped within 2 kg and the medicine is tolerated normally, you can increase the rate to 0.015 g. If within next month weight loss was recorded by less than 2 kg, the medication is discontinued, since further adjustment of the dose is dangerous.

The course of treatment is also interrupted in the following cases:

  1. If in 3 months less than 5% of the initial mass is lost;
  2. If the weight loss process has stopped at levels up to 5% of the initial weight;
  3. The patient began to gain weight again (after losing weight).

For more information about Sibutramine, watch the video instructions on the video:


Failure to comply with recommendations and increasing doses increases the risk of overdose. The results of such consequences have not been studied enough, so an antidote has not been developed. Within emergency care with such symptoms, the victim’s stomach is washed out and enterosorbents are offered if no more than an hour has passed since consuming Sibutramine.

Changes in the victim’s condition should be observed throughout the day. If signs of side effects appear, symptomatic therapy is carried out. More often than others, high blood pressure and increased frequency heart rate. Such symptoms are relieved with β-blockers.

Application of the device " artificial kidney“In case of an overdose of Sibutramine, it is not justified, since the metabolites of the drug are not eliminated by hemodialysis.

Options for interaction of Sibutramine with other medications

Sibutramine is also not compatible with alcohol. Tablets based on an appetite regulator with pharmacodynamics oral contraceptives don't change.

Terms of purchase and storage

Despite the fact that in many countries Sibutramine is prohibited in the official pharmacy chain, the Internet is full of such offers. So you can buy anorectic without a prescription. True, in this case you will have to take care of the consequences personally. The price of Sibutramine (about 2 thousand rubles) is also not suitable for everyone.

The rules for storing the medicine are standard: room temperature (up to 25°C), control of the expiration date (up to 3 years, according to the instructions) and access to children. It is better to keep the tablets in their original packaging.

Sibutramine - analogues

The biggest evidence base(but not the lowest cost) has Xenical, a drug with a similar pharmacological effect used for nutritional obesity. IN trading network synonym Orlistat occurs. Active ingredient blocks the absorption of fats by the intestinal walls and removes them naturally. The full effect (20% higher) appears only when you follow a diet.

Side effects are observed in the form of disturbances in the rhythm of bowel movements and flatulence. The severity of symptoms directly depends on the caloric content of the diet: the fattier the foods, the stronger the intestinal disorders.

The differences between Sibutramine and Xenical are in their pharmacological capabilities: if the first reduces appetite by acting on the brain and nerve centers, the second removes fats by binding to them and forcing the body to spend its own fat reserves to compensate for energy costs. Through the central nervous system, Sibutramine affects all organs of the system, Xenical in circulatory system does not enter and does not affect organs and systems.

Fenfluramine is a serotonergic analogue from the group of amphetamine derivatives. It has a mechanism of action similar to Sibutramine and is also prohibited for free sale as a narcotic substance.

Fluoxetine, an antidepressant that inhibits serotonin reuptake, also has anorectic properties.

The list can be supplemented, but all anorexigenic medications, like the original, have many side effects and can seriously harm health. The original has no full-fledged analogues; appetite regulators from the Indian manufacturer are more or less known - Slimia, Gold Line, Redius. There’s no point in talking about Chinese dietary supplements – it’s 100% a pig in a poke.

Reduxin Light is a dietary supplement based on oxytriptan, which has nothing to do with sibutramine, has sedative properties and suppresses appetite. Are there cheaper analogues for Sibutramine? The available dietary supplements Listata and Gold Line Light have a different composition, but the packaging design is very similar to the original Sibutramine. Such a marketing trick certainly does not affect the quality of the supplement.

Opinions of people losing weight and doctors

Some reviews about Sibutramine are alarming; victims and their relatives are intimidated by irreversible side effects and are urged to quit treatment. But those who survived the adaptation period and did not drop out of the course report noticeable progress.

Andrey, 37 years old. I’ve only been taking Sibutramine for a week, but it really helps me overcome hunger. The fear of novelty and threats from “well-wishers” gradually passes. The first two days my head was heavy, now I still have dry mouth. I had no loss of strength and, especially, no desire to kill myself. I eat twice a day, but you can eat once a day: I can get enough of one small portion. I drink one fat burner capsule with food. Before this, I never left the refrigerator at night. So far my weight is 119 kg with a height of 190 cm. I have enough energy to climb the horizontal bar. If anyone is concerned about the issue of sex, then that’s okay.

Valeria, 54 years old. Sibutramine is a strong medicine, I lost 15 kg in six months. Considering that I have diabetes, this victory counts doubly for me. At first, there were side effects from Sibutromin - my stomach was upset, my body itched, my head hurt. I even thought about quitting the course, but the doctor prescribed me vitamins, sedatives, something for the liver and kidneys. Gradually everything went away, now I only take 1 tablet of Sibutramine and my native Metformin. I feel good - my sleep and mood have improved.

Reviews from doctors about Sibutramine are more restrained: doctors do not deny the high effectiveness of Sibutramine, they remind you to strictly follow the prescription and regularly monitor those losing weight. They warn about the dangers of self-medication, since the drug is very serious and no one is immune from side effects.

According to statistics, with at least one of unwanted effects 50% of those losing weight encounter Sibutramine. It is no coincidence that the drug is banned in most economically developed countries, but in Russia it is included in the list of potent drugs.