There should be a heart rate per minute. How many beats per minute does a healthy adult heart make? Age indicators when measuring pulse

The number of heart beats per minute is called the pulse. Pulse– this is one of the main medical indicators. It is usually customary to talk about the pulse as the number of beats per minute. This makes it quite convenient to compare indicators with average values ​​and with each other.

In an adult in a calm, relaxed state, the pulse ranges from 60 to 80 beats per minute, that is, a little more often than one beat per second. You can measure your pulse using medical devices or manually by placing your fingers on one of the easily palpable arteries - for example, in the wrist or neck.

Heart rate changes

The pulse is never the same. It changes from external factors: air temperature and humidity, pressure, wind and much more. Also, changes in heart rate can be internal sensations, emotions, and even unexpected changes in mood.

In newborn babies, the heart rate is twice as high as normal - about 140 beats per minute. This is completely normal. During the first year of life, it begins to gradually decline. By about six years of age the average normal pulse the child's rate is already 100 beats per minute. The normal value - from 60 to 80 beats per minute - the pulse acquires only by the age of 16-18 years.


Arrhythmia refers to instability of the heart rhythm. Simply put, the heart beats sometimes less often, sometimes more often. Thus, the pulse is sometimes higher, sometimes lower. When this happens without any reason, by itself, then they talk about arrhythmia.

It should be noted that if, with a normal pulse, it is enough to count the number of heart beats in 30 seconds and then multiply the resulting value by two, then with arrhythmia, for greater accuracy, the pulse should be measured for a full minute.

Tachycardia and bradycardia

Two more deviations from the norm are associated with changes in heart rate. If a person's heart rate is generally higher than normal - for example, 90, 100 or even more - this is called tachycardia. If the heart beats less frequently than necessary, this phenomenon is called bradycardia.

Both tachycardia and bradycardia can be individual characteristics body, but may turn out to be signs of some kind of disease. As a rule, changes in heart rate are associated with the work of the heart. vascular system, as well as with the characteristics of pressure in the body.

Beats per minute during heartbeat tell about a person's condition

Many people wonder “how many beats per minute should the heart make.” There is no clear answer to this question, since this indicator depends on a number of factors. This is the age general state subject, temperature environment and other factors. But there are general norms determining a person's pulse.

Arterial pulse is one of the important indicators work of the cardiovascular system. Arteries that are close to the surface of the skin and can be easily palpated are suitable for its study.

In adults, the pulse is counted on the radial artery. This is the most common method, but far from the only one. The temporal, femoral, brachial and other arteries are also suitable for palpation.

It is correct to feel your pulse in the morning before eating. The person must be in calm state and don't talk. To count, use a watch with a second hand or a stopwatch.

Beats per minute during heartbeat tell about a person’s condition:

- 60 - 80 beats per minute is considered normal;

- more than 85 - 90 beats - tachycardia;

- less than 60 beats - bradycardia;

- absence of pulse - asystole.

I would like to note the changes in heart rate with age. In infants it is twice as high as in adults. As you get older, your heart rate decreases. Upon reaching 15 years of age, the heart rate in adolescents is compared with that of adults. At the age of 50, the heart rate increases again.

When counting beats per minute during a heartbeat, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of a person’s age.

When body temperature rises by one degree, the pulse increases by 8 - 10 beats per minute.

Massage courses, Massage training

Alexey Baraev

Tachycardia is not a disease, but a SYMPTOM.

Normal heart rate is from 60 to 80 beats/min,

It is necessary to distinguish between tachycardia as a pathological phenomenon, that is, an increase in heart rate at rest, and tachycardia as a normal physiological phenomenon (an increase in heart rate as a result of physical activity, as a result of excitement or fear).

What is pulse?

This is the frequency of oscillations of the arterial walls, determined by the heart rhythm. Reflects the number of heart beats over a period of time. He is key indicator work of the heart and related human systems. To the seemingly simple question of how many beats per minute the heart should beat, many will give the wrong answer.

There is no definite answer, since even practically healthy person this indicator varies significantly under different conditions.

Still, there are some norms, deviation from which indicates the presence serious pathologies body.

Most of them are related to the cardiovascular system.

How to determine pulse correctly

Most specialists measure the pulse at the wrist artery. This is due to the fact that the wrist artery passes close to the surface of the skin. In the marked place it is very convenient to independently detect and count the pulse. You can even do this for yourself.

The artery is felt on the left arm, since it is closer to the heart, and therefore the shocks of the artery walls are more distinct. You can measure the pulse on your right hand. It is only necessary to take into account that in in this case it may feel out of sync with the heartbeat and be weaker.

Ideally, the pulse in both arms should be the same for an adult. In practice, it varies. If the difference is large enough, then the cause may be problems with the cardiovascular system. If this is discovered, then it is necessary to undergo examination by a specialist.

If you grab your wrist from below with your right hand, then middle finger right hand will feel shocks in the area of ​​the bend of the left wrist. This is the radial artery. It feels like a soft tube. You need to press it lightly, which will allow you to better feel the shocks. Then count the number of pulsations for a minute.

This will be the pulse. Some people count their pulse for 10 seconds and then multiply it by six. We do not recommend this method, since when counting beats per second, the error increases, which can reach large values.

Normal heart rate of a healthy person

It is believed that an adult's heart rate should be 70 beats per minute. Actually on different periods life this value changes.

In newly born children, the norm is 130 heart beats per minute. By the end of the first year of life, the pulse drops to 100 beats. The student should have about 90 strokes. In old age, the norm is 60 beats per minute.

There is a primitive, but generally quite reliable way to calculate the normal heart rate for a healthy person. It is necessary to subtract the number of years lived from 180. The resulting figure determines normal indicator this individual. Ideally. At absolute rest, without external stimuli and normal atmospheric conditions.

In practice, this indicator is healthy body may vary significantly depending on a number of factors. In the morning, as a rule, heart beats are less frequent than in the evening. And a person lying down has a slower heartbeat than when he is standing.

The accuracy of measurements will definitely be affected by:

  • prolonged exposure of people to cold, hot sun or near heat sources;
  • dense, fatty foods;
  • consumption of tobacco and alcohol-containing drinks;
  • sexual intercourse;
  • taking a relaxing bath or massage;
  • fasting or dieting;
  • critical days for women;
  • physical exercise.

To correctly track the parameters, it is necessary to measure the value of heartbeats for several days in a row.

And do it in different time, recording the results and conditions under which the measurement was carried out. Only this method will give a correct idea of ​​the condition of cardio-vascular system.

When to think

It is worth noting that when working intensively or visiting the gym, a healthy person normal value heart rate increases significantly. So, when walking, the norm is 100 pushes per minute. A runner's heart rate can rise to 150 beats.

A person's pulse is considered dangerous when it approaches 200 beats per minute. In this state, it is necessary to stop physical exercise and give the body rest. In a healthy person, after 5 minutes of rest, the pulse returns to normal. If this does not happen, then this fact is evidence of problems with the heart or other body systems.

Another dangerous symptom when, when climbing several floors of stairs, the heartbeat exceeds 100 beats per minute.

Timely detection of deviations from the norm can prevent severe complications, since this circumstance signals the presence of pathologies in the functioning of the body. So, with an accelerated heartbeat, which long time exceeds 100 beats per minute, serves as the main parameter of tachycardia. This dangerous disease requiring special treatment.

In this case, an increase in heart rate is possible around the clock, even at night.

If the number of heart beats per minute has decreased to 50, this indicates the presence of an equally serious disease - bradycardia. This is very anxiety, which may appear sudden death even in adults. When specified symptoms, the person needs to be taken to a specialist for examination.

A normal heart rate is a sign of excellent health.

In this case, there is nothing to worry about.

This article will tell you in detail about how to measure your pulse correctly and what the normal heart rate standards are, depending on gender and age.

Every person has a pulse. It is quite simple to understand what it is, the pulse is the vibration of the walls of blood vessels. Oscillations appear when the heart muscle contracts. By the pulse, or rather by its frequency and strength, you can roughly determine the rhythm of the heartbeat, the nature of its work, the health and current condition of large vessels.

You can determine whether a person is healthy from the first seconds, because in a healthy person the pulse rate (the intervals between heartbeats) should be the same and uniform. An abnormal frequency is already a symptom of problems in the body, for example, heart pathologies.

You should measure your pulse correctly; you need to find areas on the body in which vascular vibrations are felt very well. It is also necessary to know the values ​​of the measured pulsation, which differs depending on the age, gender of the person and his type of activity (sports person or person with chronic diseases).

The pulse should be measured on the radial artery, which can be easily felt on the wrist. Measurement time – 30 seconds. If rhythm cannot be established in the first 30 seconds, then the pulse should be measured for a minute. If you cannot measure your pulse on your wrist, you can also feel it in your temples.

Pulse in women:

Pulse - norm by age in healthy men: table

There are several reasons that affect your heart rate:

  • Person's age
  • Human body position
  • Body temperature
  • Stress
  • Human hormonal background
  • Environment

INTERESTING: It is important to know that men have a slightly lower heart rate than women. To be precise, this is approximately 5 to 8 strokes.

On the male pulse, or rather its frequency, big influence is determined by the age of the man. It is also necessary to take into account the physical state of health of the man (child, boy, guy) and his physical training, meal time (how long ago he ate) and what he was doing before measuring his pulse (sleeping, walking, running).

Pulse - heartbeat

Pulse - norm by age in healthy children: table

Before measuring a child's pulse, each person should be aware that the rate of beats varies depending on age. Children's body, unlike adult men and women, grows and matures very quickly. The indicators can also be affected by an increase in the child’s body weight.

INTERESTING: Heart rate indicators and norms change after the child turns 1 month old. A child's pulse should be taken much more often than an adult's to determine his or her health status. After 1 month of life, the child’s pulse decreases and only when he turns 12-13 years old do the norms become similar to those of an adult.

Child's age

Blood pressure (normal)
D about 1 month 110 130 165 60-80/85
Up to 12 months 100 130 160 80-110
ABOUT t 12 months to 2 years 90 130 150 90-110
From 2 to 3 years 90 100 130 90-110
From 3 to 4 years 90 100 130 90-110
From 4 to 5 years 85 105 125 110-120

Normal pulse rate in pregnant women: table

Pregnancy is a special situation for a woman that affects her health and well-being. First of all, a woman may feel heaviness, her heart “jumping out” of her chest and a rapid pulse. There is no need to worry about this, because such a pulse is medical norm pregnant women. The fact is that to maintain the health of a woman, as well as her fetus, the heart has to do almost double the amount of work and pump about one and a half liters of blood more than usual.

During pregnancy, a woman's pulse rate is approximately 10-15 beats higher than that of an ordinary woman. So, if in the normal state expectant mother If the pulse was 110, then the figure of 120-140 beats during pregnancy is quite adequate. When measuring, it is important to pay attention to the woman’s build, her activity (does she play sports: yoga, swimming, Pilates, etc.).

INTERESTING: The baby's heart rate does not increase, despite the number of pulsating beats of the mother. The fetal pulse may increase only in the second and third trimester of pregnancy, and may also slow down several weeks before birth.

The pulse rate of a pregnant woman does not change when measured if she changes her body position (sitting, lying on her back or side). The pulse rate during pregnancy may also increase, depending on body weight, which increases as labor approaches. Affects weight gain and heart rate hormonal background, increased metabolism, pressure surges, severe toxicosis, uterine displacement.

If a pregnant woman’s pulse is above 90, then doctors can safely diagnose tachycardia. Such a pulse most often does not cause feeling unwell and complications, but a pulse exceeding 120 makes you experience dizziness, nausea and weakness (in the worst case, loss of consciousness). Only a professional doctor can prescribe treatment that will correct the pressure and pulse of a pregnant woman.

What should be the beats per minute heart rate of a healthy adult at rest, when running, walking, during training: normal

Pulse rate Type of load
Calm state 60-90 No load
Walking tour 100-110
Quick step 110-130
Jogging 130-150
Run 150-170
Running with load (maximum) 170-190

What pulse is considered normal for a man and woman at 30, 40, 50, 60 years old?

Pulse rates for a woman:

What heart rate is considered normal for a child at 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 years old?

Child's age

Minimum (normal) number of beats Average (normal) number of beats Maximum (normal) number of strokes
6 years 90 92 95
7 years 83 85 90
8 years 80 83 85
9 years 80 83 85
10 years 78 80 85
11 years 78 82 85
12 years 75 80 82

What heart rate is considered normal for a teenager at 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 years old?

Where can you feel your pulse?

The pulse can be felt in several places on the human body and therefore can be measured:

  • On the wrist - radial artery pulsates
  • Ulnar artery- look for the ulnar artery, which is located in the bend of the elbow.
  • In the armpit
  • On the temples
  • Temporal artery above the eyebrows
  • Neck - location of the carotid artery
  • Angle of mouth (edge ​​of jaw) – there you can feel the facial pulse.
  • Groin – here you can feel the femoral pulse
  • Below the knee(where the leg bends is the popliteal artery).
  • Foot or arch

How to measure the pulse on the hand on the wrist yourself and determine the pulse on the carotid artery?

Measuring your pulse is very simple:

  • You will need to have a watch that will measure the time and number of heartbeats over a certain period of time.
  • Calm down and sit down, find a quiet and peaceful room.
  • Place the index and middle finger of your right hand at the site of the artery pulsation (wrist, neck or other part of the body).
  • Record the time (from 30 to 60 seconds) and count the number of beats during this period of time.
  • Check the data with the table

Video: “How to measure your pulse yourself?”

An important criterion by which you can evaluate the functioning of the cardiovascular system is the frequency heart pulse. With its help, you can diagnose arrhythmias or suspect a number of other diseases. A healthy person does not feel his pulse; for him, cardiac activity occurs unnoticed. If it occurs in the chest unpleasant feeling palpitations, then this is a reason to consult a doctor. Let's consider what pulse is considered normal, what it depends on and how to measure it correctly.

What is pulse?

Pulse(from lat. "pulsus"- blow, push) are vibrations of the walls of blood vessels that correspond to contractions of the heart. To push blood through all vessels, including small capillaries, the heart pumps it out with tremendous force. If you place your hand on an artery in your wrist or neck, you can feel the pulse waves coming from the heart.

The regulation of heart contractions is controlled by the so-called sinus node. Its work is significantly influenced by the autonomic nervous system, which consists of the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions.

Activation of the sympathetic department causes stimulation of cardiac activity, while activation of the parasympathetic department, on the contrary, suppresses it. When a person runs or is nervous, his sympathetic nervous system makes the heart work faster, and when a person, for example, sleeps, it starts working parasympathetic division and the pulse slows down. In this way, self-regulation of all organs and systems of the body occurs, including the heart and blood vessels.

The pulse can be used to judge the strength and rhythm of the heartbeat, as well as the condition blood vessels. If pulse waves occur at unequal intervals of time, such a pulse is called irregular (arrhythmia). It may indicate heart disease emotional stress or hormonal disorders.

In addition to rhythm, the pulse has another very important characteristic - frequency. In healthy adults it is 60-90 beats per minute. At the same time, women's pulse is usually 6-8 points higher than men's.

A heart rate above 90 beats per minute is called tachycardia. It can be either a variant of the norm or a sign of disease. In the first case, tachycardia is not dangerous; it occurs as a physiological reaction of a healthy body to external influences(physical activity, stress, consumption of energy drinks). That's what they call it - physiological or sinus tachycardia. If a high pulse occurs without visible reasons, then this may be a consequence pathological changes (hormonal disorders, birth defects heart, central lesions nervous system and etc.)

When the heart rate drops below 60 beats per minute, this condition is called bradycardia. Low heart rate at rest is normal for athletes and trained people - it is easier for a strong heart to cope with its work, which means fewer contractions are needed. When bradycardia is accompanied by weakness, fainting, dizziness or other unpleasant symptoms, then this may indicate a disease. In this case, as with pathological tachycardia, it is necessary to visit a doctor as soon as possible and undergo an examination.

Normal heart rate by age for women, men and children

Minimum and maximum

value (beats per minute)

What does heart rate depend on?

The pulse value is not constant and even in a healthy person can vary widely depending on external circumstances and the state of the body. Changes in body position and exposure to high or low ambient temperatures also lead to changes in the frequency of pulse waves. The time of day also has a certain influence - the most slow pulse at night, when a person is sleeping, and maximum values ​​are recorded from 3 pm to 8 pm.

Gender: men and women

The normal pulse rate for men is practically the same and ranges from 60 to 70 beats per minute. Since women are more impressionable, their indicator is on average 7 beats higher. During early menopause, which occurs at 40 years of age, functional tachycardia may be observed due to a decrease in the level of the hormone estrogen in the body.

During pregnancy, a slight increase in heart rate is normal. The reason for this is increased load on the body of the expectant mother, because he has to provide nutrients and oxygen not only for yourself, but also for the growing fetus.

Age: children and elderly

An interesting fact is that a heartbeat with a frequency of even 140 beats per minute is the norm in children during the neonatal period, which in adults, in turn, is regarded as a heart rhythm disorder. After a year, this figure gradually decreases. Up to 12 years, pulse 100 beats/min. is not considered a pathology, just like a pulse of 90 beats/min. up to 15 years.

After 50 years, the heart rate accelerates again. There is evidence that just before death, heart rate increases to 160 beats per minute.

Physical exercise

Heart muscle, like any other, grows under stress. How stronger heart, the fewer contractions it needs to pump blood. Therefore, athletes involved in aerobic sports (running, swimming, cycling, dancing, etc.) have a lower heart rate than an untrained person.

How to measure pulse correctly?

The simplest and available method Pulse measurement is by palpating the radial artery. It is here that the vessel comes as close to the skin as possible, so its pulsation is clearly felt.

  1. Lightly place two fingers on inside wrists, under the base thumb. Do not press hard, as the vessel will close and the shocks will no longer be felt.
  2. Count the number of beats for 60 seconds.
  3. The result obtained will be your indicator.

On human body There are other places where you can feel the pulse. These are the carotid, ulnar, temporal and other arteries. In young children, for example, it is more convenient to measure the pulse in the area of ​​the temporal bone (temporal pulse).

If the pulse is rhythmic, then it is enough to count the number of pulsations of the artery in 30 seconds and multiply the result by two. If heartbeat is impaired, the pulse rate should be counted for one minute. For more accurate diagnosis The measurement can be carried out on both hands at the same time.

It is important that during the measurement the person is physically and emotionally calm, otherwise the results will be inaccurate. Before taking measurements, you must sit quietly for at least 5 minutes. Great importance has and emotional condition. Even slight excitement increases the indicators by 10-15 points.

In addition to the palpation method of research, there are instrumental ones, such as sphygmography and pulse oximetry. They are performed with special medical devices in a hospital setting. Sphygmography makes it possible to find out not only the pulse rate, but also other important parameters - filling, rhythm, height. Pulse oximetry is a method for assessing blood oxygen saturation that is often used in intensive care settings.

Pulsometry is used to assess how well the body adapts to physical activity. Athletes often use it. To do this, the pulse is measured at rest and immediately after physical exercise(usually squats). The obtained figures are compared and the final result is calculated. How faster pulse returns to the original value, so better body adapts to the load.

For a more thorough diagnosis, it is recommended to do an electrocardiogram (ECG). IN in some cases There is a need for Voltaire monitoring, when heart rate is recorded throughout the day. Normally, a healthy person will not have significant deviations from established age norms.

When does a high heart rate occur?

In healthy people, the number of heart contractions may increase:

  • for any physical activity;
  • at emotional excitement(as due to the release of adrenaline);
  • when a person experiences pain;
  • when body temperature rises (an increase of 1 degree increases heart rate by 10 beats per minute);
  • after drinking coffee-containing drinks;
  • under the influence of alcohol, drugs and chemicals;
  • for infectious diseases;

Among these reasons, a neurogenic increase in pulse associated with increased work of the sympathetic department of the autonomic nervous system is very common. This condition is often referred to as vegetative-vascular dystonia (VSD) or neurocirculatory dystonia (NCD). The sympathetic department is responsible for the “fight or flight” response. IN stressful situation it activates the work of all organs and systems, including the cardiovascular system. Therefore, people with a labile psyche, often suffering from neuroses (VSD), may experience a high pulse. In such a situation, cognitive behavioral psychotherapy and relaxation help reduce the heart rate.

If the increase in heart rate is functional in nature, the person does not have complaints such as shortness of breath and chest pain, darkening of the eyes, dizziness or loss of consciousness. In this case, the heartbeat should not exceed the maximum values ​​typical for the corresponding age. The maximum heart rate (PVP) in an adult can be determined by the formula:

PVP = 220 - KPL

KPL - quantity full years. According to the formula, for a person aged 40 years, the maximum heart rate is 180 beats/min. In this case, the heartbeat should normalize within 5 minutes after stopping the load. Pathological tachycardia may be observed in the following cases:

  • heart diseases and congenital heart defects, in which changes in heart rate are recorded even at rest;
  • damage to the nervous system;
  • endocrine pathologies;
  • presence of tumors;
  • the sensation of heartbeat can be recorded in infectious diseases.

A tendency to tachycardia is also observed with anemia, in women during heavy menstruation and during pregnancy. Reason high heart rate There may be prolonged vomiting and diarrhea, general dehydration. If rapid heartbeat appears even with a slight load, for example, when walking, then this requires additional methods examinations, since it may indicate heart failure (with little physical activity, heart rate should not exceed 100 beats per minute).

In children, tachycardia is a common reaction to increased physical activity. For example, active games or strong emotions may be accompanied by an increase in heart rate. This counts normal occurrence and indicates that the cardiovascular system adapts to changes physical condition body.

In a teenager with vegetative-vascular dystonia heart rate also changes. It should be remembered that in case of loss of consciousness, presence of pain in the chest, attacks of dizziness and presence concomitant diseases heart disease, you should consult a doctor, as there may be a need for pharmacological correction of heart rate.

When does low heart rate occur?

If the heart rate is below 60 beats per minute, then this may be functional in nature or indicate a number of pathologies. Functional bradycardia is most often observed in athletes and in any person during sleep. It should be noted that in people who are professionally involved in sports, heart rate can decrease to 40 beats per minute. This is normal and is associated with the peculiarities of the autonomic regulation of heart contractions.

Pathological bradycardia is found during myocardial infarction, inflammation of the heart muscle, intoxication, and also against the background age-related changes heart and blood vessels, high intracranial pressure, peptic ulcer, myxedema or hypothyroidism. At organic lesions heart rate can be 50 or less beats per minute.

As a rule, a decrease in heart rate occurs when there are disturbances in the conduction system of the heart, which leads to changes in the passage of electrical impulses through the myocardium. Minor changes sinus rhythm are not accompanied by complaints.

If in in good condition The pulse is significantly reduced, dizziness, weakness and cold sweat, and as a result insufficient blood supply brain there may be loss of consciousness (due to severe hypoxia). It is also worth mentioning drug-induced bradycardia, which is associated with taking certain pharmacological agents, as well as her idiopathic form when a weak pulse is recorded for no apparent reason.

Unfortunately, with age, the elasticity of blood vessels decreases and the functioning of the heart is impaired. The reason becomes poor nutrition, physical inactivity, bad habits, development of many others accompanying pathologies. After 45 years, the body is no longer able to fully adapt to negative impact environment and resist stress. This causes heart rate disturbances and can lead to heart failure, so it is important to monitor your heart rate and, if abnormalities are detected, consult a cardiologist in a timely manner.

Oct 7

How many beats per minute should the heart beat?

The number of heart beats per minute is the main medical indicator, depending on many factors. It is known how many beats per minute the heart of representatives should beat different ages. For example, a normal human pulse should be 60-90 beats, for a newborn child - 150 units, for athletes - 40-46 beats per minute. A woman's heart beats 8-10 beats faster than a man's. In case of stress or excessive physical stress this number can reach 200 units. The pulse is measured with a medical device or detected by palpating with your fingers. large arteries located on the neck and wrist.

Factors affecting heart rate

A change in heart rate should alert you. The reasons for the deviation of the number of contractions from the norm are:

  • emotional stress;
  • heredity;
  • overwork;
  • fitness;
  • hormonal changes in the body;
  • weakening of the heart muscle caused by age or disease;
  • neurosis, arrhythmia, ischemia, hypertension;
  • cold;
  • poisoning;
  • viral infection of the body;
  • ambient temperature and humidity;
  • inflammatory processes.

Failure of the functioning of the cardiovascular system causes weakness, headaches, increased fatigue, voltage. The main fibromuscular organ of a person works like a pump, pumping up to 130 mm of blood in one contraction. The volume of pumped liquid reaches 7,500 liters per day. From the left ventricle, the blood flow enters the aorta and is pumped through the arteries at a speed of 40 km/h.

How many beats per minute should the heart beat normally?

A slow pulse is a good sign, indicating the ability of the main organ to pump the required amount of blood in fewer contractions. The same picture is observed in a sleeping person, who needs less oxygen and nutrients. With age, the heart wears out, the muscles weaken, and the heart rate increases every year. Its indicator usually corresponds to the number of years lived. For example, at 80 years old, a heart rate of 80 beats per minute is considered normal.

Exploring the music of the heart using computer programs allowed scientists to penetrate into the secrets of the heart. In particular, it was found that the heart rhythm in a healthy person is somewhat chaotic (accelerated or delayed), and in a patient with pre-infarction condition it's perfectly accurate. This circumstance helps to identify a predisposition to heart disease.

Influence of external conditions on pulse

A series of experiments were conducted at the Institute of Clinical Cardiology, the purpose of which was to study the factors causing disruptions in the circulatory system. In particular, restricting the mobility of rabbits for 70 days led to atrophy of myofibrils - muscle fibers, disruption of intercellular connections, proliferation of capillary walls and reduction of the lumen of blood vessels. This did not take long to affect the pulse rate.

Volunteers watching a film with a sad plot resulted in a decrease in the volume of current in the blood by 35%, and a funny plot increased it by 22%. Positive influence per condition circulatory system provides daily use dark chocolate, which improves performance by 13%.