Why does a person hiccup frequently and for a long time? Video: causes and treatment of hiccups. Causes of hiccups

Many are convinced that if hiccups attack, then this is a sure sign that someone is remembering. It is no longer known who created such a prejudice, but many today continue to believe that sudden hiccups are connected with the fact that someone remembers. And this is a century high technology and advanced medicine.

It would not be amiss to recall the fact that hiccups are a physiological process and they do not just appear without a reason.

How do hiccups occur?
The hiccup mechanism cannot be called complex. There is an X pair in the human body cranial nerves. They have a name - nervus vagus. This nerve is assigned the function of innervating a large number of muscles throughout the body and mucous membrane. The vagus nerve connects internal organs and the central nervous system. It stretches from chest through a narrow opening in the diaphragm to the abdominal cavity and other internal organs. The very narrow septum of the diaphragm is made up of muscles and tendons. This is where the reason for the onset of hiccups lies.

Feeling hungry for a reason long absence food in the body, a person eats in large portions. These pieces go along the esophagus and touch the vagus nerve, pressing it. Nerve irritation occurs, which can impair the functioning of various organs.

Thus, when the vagus nerve begins to have problems, the body alerts alarm signal nervous system. That, in turn, activates the nerve, which is responsible for contractions of the diaphragm. As a result, unpleasant twitching occurs during hiccups. Therefore, it can be argued that hiccups occur as a result of the activity of the pulsating nerve of the diaphragm, which provokes its sharp contractions. The glottis closes sharply, and the person can hear the familiar sound characteristic of hiccups.

Why do hiccups appear?
One of the reasons for the formation of hiccups has already been discussed above - hasty and rough eating. But this is not the only reason.

Hiccups can be caused by:
Drunk a large number of cold water;
Nerve compression due to awkward posture;
A sharp sigh when frightened;
Small child often hiccups when he is cold.

If hiccups are a frequent guest in the human body, then the reason lies in a weak nervous system, in tested severe stress or in nervous shock.

If, in addition to hiccups, a person experiences nausea, abdominal pain, excessive salivation, this may indicate diseases of the liver, pancreas, gall bladder or ulcers. This situation will require visiting a doctor and undergoing an appropriate examination.

How to get rid of hiccups?
Continuous body tremors during hiccups are unpleasant. There is a desire to get rid of this condition. There are several ways to prevent hiccups. For hiccups to go away, you need to:
Stretch strongly;
Take deep and good breaths;
Inhale air and hold your breath;
Drink a glass of water very quickly in small sips;
From a glass of water placed on the table (with the hands) drink water in 12 quick sips, while trying not to breathe.

Every person has experienced bouts of hiccups. This unpleasant phenomenon causes discomfort to a short time, and people do not think about the reasons for its appearance and consequences. As it turns out, in reality, frequent hiccups are incorrect operation respiratory organs, it occurs due to spontaneous compression of the diaphragm. Its peculiarity is short and rapid breathing movements, accompanied by a strangled sound. What it is, is there a danger and how to get rid of it will be described in detail below.

Causes of the unpleasant symptom

Frequent hiccups can occur in both healthy and sick people, both adults and children. Usually it passes quickly, there is no harm from it, and it does not bring danger. But in some cases it is necessary to pay attention to this and identify the cause, because attacks of hiccups in adults may indicate the presence of diseases. If the hiccups do not go away for more than a day, and the person experiences suffocation, headache and shortness of breath, you should contact medical institution, where the patient can have full examination body.

You can do yoga or gymnastics; some exercises help cope with the discomfort.

Borrow correct position bodies. It is necessary to lie on a horizontal surface and make sure that the diaphragm is above the larynx. This situation will quickly be eliminated unpleasant symptom. But you cannot lie in this position for a long time, otherwise the blood will begin to rush to the brain.

It is important to remember that all of these methods are only suitable for treating frequent hiccups in adults. It is not recommended to treat children with these methods.

Examination and drug treatment

If you need to go to the clinic and undergo an examination to find out why a person hiccups? It is necessary to undergo the following types of diagnostics:

  • Blood tests: general and biochemical.
  • Study of heart functions: ultrasound or ECG.
  • X-ray of the chest.

If the examination reveals any pathology, then drug treatment. It is recommended to take the following medications:

  • Relaxing muscles of the diaphragm - Aminazine, Haloperidol.
  • Cleansing, reducing content of hydrochloric acid in the stomach - Omeprazole, Ranitidine.
  • Eliminating shortness of breath and feelings of suffocation - Gabapentin.
  • Painkillers – Ketamine.
  • Sedatives that help cope with stress and nervous overstrain, occurring after prolonged hiccups - Sedaphyton.
  • Acupuncture.
  • Hypnosis session.
  • Stimulation of the phrenic nerve.
  • Phrenic nerve block.

You should not prescribe such methods of struggle to yourself. Before using these methods, you should consult your doctor, otherwise you may simply worsen your symptoms. Hiccups do not lead to serious complications on the body or serious consequences, but its frequent and prolonged attacks lead to fatigue, loss of strength, stress, insomnia and headaches. The aesthetic side of the problem is also important - frequent hiccups cause embarrassment to a person and can cause serious moral damage.

Straightaway. You should pay attention to how often and at what moments it appears. If the cases are isolated and pass quickly, then there is no need to worry. In case of frequent and prolonged attacks, it is necessary to seek medical help. medical care.

Hiccups are involuntary contractions of the diaphragm muscles and appear as short breathing movements. The causes of hiccups in adults can vary.

Hiccup attacks occur in healthy people. However, most often the unintentional emptying of the stomach from air accumulation in an adult is caused by various problems with health.

Types of hiccups

Factors causing seizures hiccups are caused by its appearance. Depending on the duration, there are 2 types of this unpleasant phenomenon:

Involuntary contraction of the diaphragmatic muscles of a short-term nature lasts no more than 10-15 minutes. This type of hiccups is safe and does not pose a health threat.

Prolonged hiccups can last for several hours or even days.

Long hiccups should be a reason to consult a doctor, especially if it is associated with vomiting, weakness and headaches. Such symptoms may indicate serious illness.

Hiccups that last for a long time, depending on the type of manifestation, are divided into the following types:

  1. Central hiccups are associated with neurological damage.
  2. The peripheral type of prolonged hiccups is caused by malfunctions in the functioning of the diaphragm nerve.
  3. Toxic hiccups can be caused by taking medications aimed at combating defeats nerve endings.
  4. Physiological hiccups.

All these types have different nature And varying degrees health hazards for adults.

Causes of short-term hiccups

Involuntary contraction of the diaphragm, lasting for a short time, has external reasons. These include:

  • hunger;
  • binge eating;
  • thirst;
  • alcohol intoxication;
  • hypothermia of the body;
  • excitement;
  • severe stress;
  • excessive consumption of bread and bakery products.

The causes of frequent hiccups can also be explained by fast eating of food, when a lot of air enters the human stomach when swallowed.

When it accumulates, unintentional diaphragmatic spasms begin to occur.

Frequent hiccups can occur when sudden change temperatures For example, upon returning home in the cold season (from frost to a warm room).

The muscle spasm of the diaphragm provoked by such a difference is the basis for the occurrence of hiccups.

In this condition muscle contractions pass quickly, you just need to warm up and drink a glass of cool water.

Often in adults, as a result of severe fright or prolonged crying, muscle tension, which can cause a short attack of hiccups. It can be easily eliminated, just calm down and drink a glass of water in one gulp.

All these reasons should not cause concern and require seeking medical help. On your own and with the help simple ways short-term hiccups can be treated.

Causes of prolonged hiccups

Involuntary hiccups, which continue for a long time and are debilitating in nature, in most cases are caused by serious damage to various organs.

Often, with complications caused by pneumonia, the patient develops prolonged hiccups.

Experts explain this by saying that the infection irritates the muscles of the diaphragm, causing the person to suffer from unintentional contraction.

In most long-term smokers, the cause of lingering hiccups may be an oncological lesion of the chest.

As the disease progresses, the tumor irritates the diaphragm, resulting in a prolonged spasm.

Hernia food opening diaphragm provokes damage to the muscles of this organ, as a result of which the patient begins to develop a prolonged contraction of the diaphragmatic muscles.

Experts often record in adults suffering from liver diseases such a condition associated with this disease. side syndrome, as a long-term debilitating muscle diaphragmatic cramp.

Also among the common factors that provoke unintentional contraction of the diaphragmatic muscles are the following:

  • diseases of the central nervous system;
  • infectious lesions of the human body;
  • gallbladder disease;
  • digestive system problems;
  • diabetes;
  • narrowing of blood vessels;
  • helminthiasis

Experts note that often the cause of prolonged unintentional diaphragmatic contraction in women is psychogenic in nature.

Causes of neurological hiccups

The basis for the occurrence of neurological type hiccups are various pathological disorders functioning of the central nervous system in adults.

At neurological diseases there is an increase in the excitability of parts of the nervous system, as a result of which the diaphragmatic muscles begin to be exposed to impulses of varying intensity and consistency with each other.

This process provokes bouts of prolonged hiccups.

Prolonged hiccups can provoke emotional fatigue, nervous breakdowns, severe stress.

Often to protracted muscle spasms The following diseases cause diaphragm:

  • encephalitis;
  • stroke;
  • oncological pathologies of the central nervous system;
  • severe head injuries;
  • defeats spinal cord.

These diseases are extremely dangerous and it often happens that they do not have pronounced symptoms, so it is extremely important to inform the doctor about all even minor injuries, then it will be easier for him to detect the causes of the patient’s prolonged hiccups.

If symptoms of nervous system damage are detected, treatment for unintentional diaphragmatic spasms is based on relief of these symptoms.

IN in this case Diagnosing debilitating hiccups means using x-rays, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, spinal cord fluid, and the patient's blood counts.

Treatment is prescribed based on examination results.

Causes of peripheral hiccups

Peripheral hiccups, as a rule, appear as a result of damage to the organs of the diaphragmatic region.

In this case, there is a regular irritating effect on the vagus nerve, the muscles of the diaphragm are constantly exposed to impulses, which is why the patient begins to hiccup.

Among the reasons for the appearance of involuntary diaphragmatic spasms of a peripheral nature are:

  1. Lesions of the abdominal organs.
  2. Inflammatory processes and damage to the diaphragm.
  3. Various formations in the lungs.
  4. Neuritis of the phrenic nerve.
  5. Pleurisy of the lungs.

Persistent involuntary diaphragmatic muscle spasms may signal the development of one of these diseases. It is necessary to seek medical help and as soon as possible start treatment.

Causes of toxic hiccups

The most dangerous type of long-term hiccups for the health and life of the patient is its toxigenic form, caused by the use of certain medicines.

In this case, poisoning of the entire body occurs, associated with severe consequences for good health.

Treatment of the consequences of intoxication is often complex and lengthy. As this process develops, one of its consequences is prolonged hiccups.

Intoxication resulting from the use of medications aimed at combating damage to nerve endings can often affect many organs.

The liver performs in the body protective function, this explains why she suffers in the first place during the poisoning process.

Along with liver damage, with toxic infections in adults, the kidneys and heart suffer. Delay and failure to provide proper care to the patient are common cause his death.

Disease diabetes mellitus Regardless of its type, it can provoke attacks of debilitating hiccups.

This phenomenon can be explained by the fact that when such a disease occurs, the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates often fails.

As a result, chronic intoxication develops and diabetic neuropathy occurs, which affects the vagus nerve.

Prolonged attacks of hiccups are provoked by the vagus nerve damaged as a result of diabetes.

If diabetes has not been previously identified, then the causes of prolonged hiccups may lie in this disease.

Therefore, when diagnosing prolonged hiccups, one should not exclude the presence of symptoms of diabetes mellitus in the patient.

If a person already has diabetes, then he should analyze the treatment prescribed to him, check whether he follows the dosages of medications recommended by the doctor, and, if necessary, adjust the treatment plan.

Only adequate treatment can relieve the patient from prolonged diaphragmatic spasms.

Causes of physiological hiccups

Physiological hiccups are the most harmless of all its types. It does not require drug treatment and after a short time after the onset of hiccups, it stops on its own.

The physiological nature of the unintentional contraction of the diaphragm muscles is the process of releasing the accumulation of gases and air from the stomach. The reasons for this process are external in nature.

Air accumulation can occur during fast eating, overuse of dry food, or prolonged laughter. In adults, hiccups are often associated with excessive alcohol consumption.

During spasmodic attacks of the diaphragmatic muscle caused by physiological processes, treatment can be performed at home using simple techniques.

Causes of hiccups in men

Frequent involuntary diaphragmatic spasms are more common in men than in women.

Often, hiccups are associated with alcohol consumption (statistically, men drink more often than women), as a result of which irritation of the stomach walls occurs.

Unexplained, persistent hiccups - called indomitable hiccups - mostly affect men.

Over the years, attacks of such hiccups decrease, but their course takes on a more painful form. A feature of this process is the impossibility of identifying the source of indomitable hiccups.

Experts note that any pathological consequences for men's health indomitable prolonged hiccups doesn't call.

Manifestations associated with this type of hiccup include problems with sleep, heart rate, neurotic and depressive states.

The doctor selects the course individually medications that can alleviate a man’s condition. IN in rare cases hiccups are treated by excision of the nerve branches going to the diaphragm.

Causes of hiccups in women

Unintentional spasms of the diaphragm muscle are common in women during pregnancy. Experts note that hiccups can torment both the woman herself and the fetus in the womb.

There are several explanations for a woman’s hiccups:

  1. As the uterus enlarges, it puts pressure on the organs, which in turn put pressure on the diaphragm, as a result of which the woman may experience frequent diaphragmatic spasms.
  2. Hiccups are explained by periodic disturbances expectant mother, which provoke tension in the diaphragm muscles.
  3. When a woman gains weight, it is difficult for her to take a comfortable sitting or lying position. An uncomfortable posture causes pressure on the diaphragm, which causes hiccups.

A baby in the womb, towards the end of pregnancy, often hiccups. This may be due to ingestion amniotic fluid, which irritate the diaphragmatic muscles and the baby begins to hiccup.

Fetal hiccups can also be associated with oxygen starvation, which the child experiences in the womb.

There is an opinion among experts that when hiccups appear in this case, this indicates the full development of the fetal nervous system.

There is an opinion that with the help of hiccups, the child reacts to the mother’s feelings during pregnancy and thus tries to communicate with the outside world.

Diagnosis and treatment methods for prolonged hiccups

If for a long time a person suffers from debilitating attacks of involuntary contraction of the diaphragm, then it is necessary to find out the reasons for this phenomenon.

To establish them, the following diagnostic stages are used:

  1. Taking anamnesis in adults.
  2. Physical examination.
  3. If the first two stages do not clarify the causes of hiccups, then the doctor will order a laboratory test.
  4. Radiation diagnostics is used in cases where treatment simple methods does not lead to the desired result.
  5. When collecting an anamnesis of the manifestations of protracted attacks of hiccups, their frequency and history are determined. chronic diseases, Lifestyle.

The doctor determines the causes of prolonged unintentional spasms of the diaphragm based on the diseases that the patient currently suffers from.

To find out the cause of frequent involuntary contractions of the diaphragm, the specialist clarifies the list of medications the patient is taking.

By feeling, tapping and listening, hiccups are diagnosed.

Laboratory tests include blood tests to check levels of electrolytes, creatine, and urea nitrogen.

Sources of frequent unintentional diaphragmatic spasms will help identify such methods radiology diagnostics, such as chest x-ray, computer and magnetic resonance imaging of the head, abdominal organs and chest.

Prolonged hiccups are treated with medication and invasive methods.

Protracted hiccups are usually effectively treated with antidopaminergic drugs, gamma-aminobutyric acid-containing agents, and calcium agonists.

If drug treatment does not bring the desired results, then invasive methods of therapy are prescribed. For frequent hiccups, probing, anesthesia and stimulation of the vagus nerve are performed.

Every person has suffered from hiccups at least once in their life. It was caused by dry food or severe hypothermia body and after a short time went away on its own.

At first glance, this phenomenon seems absolutely harmless to health.

However, people often suffer from this phenomenon, which can last for days, or even months. This may be evidence of serious organ diseases.

With such prolonged hiccups, it is necessary to seek medical help to avoid serious consequences.

There is not a person in the world who has not at least once encountered an unpleasant feeling hiccups. When someone seems to forcefully tug on a rope inside us, causing our whole body to shudder. Why does the phenomenon of hiccups occur, and what prejudices are associated with it? What to do if you hiccup, and how long can this illness last? All details below.

Why does a person hiccup?

You've probably heard a fairly common phrase from friends or acquaintances: “I hiccup all day long. Someone probably remembers.” The author of this well-known prejudice can no longer be found, but sincere believers that when you hiccup means someone remembers quite a lot today. And such cases, of course, happen. But it is also quite likely that adults and seemingly serious people need to be re-explained that hiccups are a physiological process and empty space does not arise. But then why do we hiccup?

The mechanism is quite simple. In our body there are X pair of cranial nerves, which are called in one word - the vagus nerve. It provides innervation to many muscles throughout the body, as well as the mucous membrane. The vagus nerve is the link between the internal organs and the central nervous system. From the chest through a narrow hole in the diaphragm, it goes into abdominal cavity to other internal organs. The septum of the diaphragm, consisting of muscles and tendons, is very narrow. She is the one main reason why does a person hiccup? If the body has not received food for a long time and a person begins to hastily eat large pieces, they pass through the esophagus and injure the vagus nerve. When pressed, it becomes irritated, which can lead to disruption in the functioning of many organs. Therefore, when the vagus nerve is not doing well, the body sends an alarm signal to the nervous system, which activates the nerve responsible for contracting the diaphragm, which means the unpleasant “jerking” sensation when you hiccup.

At its core, hiccups are the result of the activity of the diaphragm nerve, which pulsates and causes it to contract sharply. At the same time, a sharp closing of the glottis occurs, as a result of which we hear the sound familiar with hiccups.

Causes of hiccups

In addition to hasty and rough eating, there are several other reasons why why people hiccups. Among them:

  • drinking cold water large quantities;
  • awkward position(due to which the nerve is compressed);
  • fright (in which a sharp sigh occurs);
  • Small children get hiccups when they are cold.

A more serious reason why a person often hiccups is a weak nervous system, severe stress or nervous shock. Also, if hiccups are accompanied by nausea, abdominal pain or profuse salivation this may be a manifestation of diseases of the liver, pancreas, gall bladder or a manifestation peptic ulcer, which requires additional research.

What to do if a person hiccups?

Wondering what to do when you hiccup? In order to help your body, you need to follow a few simple steps:

It is impossible to give a clear answer to the question: “Why do people hiccup?” Hiccups occur due to a number of reasons and this can be a sign of a disturbance in the functioning of the central nervous system or it indicates another ailment. If hiccups appear once, this means that the person may be cold or overeat. Long-lasting hiccups mean that there is some kind of illness in the body and it acts as a symptom.

Spasms of the diaphragm can provoke various factors, This normal process, if its appearance is not frequent.

What is hiccups?

Hiccups in adults are an involuntary contraction of the diaphragm that can occur up to several times per minute. Medically, this is known as rhythmic contraction of the diaphragm. Hiccups are an involuntary action involving reflex arc. This causes the diaphragm to contract and close after about 0.25 seconds. vocal cords, which results in the classic hiccup sound. Hiccups can appear in isolated cases or regularly from time to time. The hiccup rhythm, or the time between contractions of the diaphragm, tends to be relatively constant. A bout of hiccups generally comes and goes on its own without intervention, although many home remedies are often used to try to shorten its duration.

Causes, types and forms of hiccups

There are two main types of hiccups:

  • short-term;
  • long lasting

In short-term cases, a person may hiccup for 10-20 minutes. It occurs spontaneously due to a number of reasons:

  • hypothermia;
  • binge eating;
  • nutrition “on the run”;
  • hunger.

Also passive smoking or breathing polluted air can cause hiccups. It happens that attacks of severe hiccups appear at night and disappear until the morning. This may be a symptom of gastrointestinal problems or as a sign of stress. Warm water will help you get rid of hiccups quickly at night.

  1. Central, which is caused by brain damage, or diseases such as encephalitis or meningitis.
  2. Peripheral, which is caused malfunction phrenic nerve.
  3. Toxic hiccups, which occur as a result of damage to nerve endings. This is associated with all kinds of poisoning, be it poisonous mushrooms, low-quality products or medications.

Why and where do people get hiccups?

Why does a person hiccup? To understand where hiccups come from, it is necessary to establish a cause-and-effect relationship. After all, the causes of hiccups can be completely different.

  • Pato physiological reasons:
    • cough;
    • excessive swallowing of air;
    • quick food;
    • strong emotions such as fear, anxiety, excitement, joy, euphoria;
    • carbonated drinks, alcohol, dried bread, spicy foods;
    • use of sleeping pills;
    • laughter;
    • for long-term colds.

  • Causes associated with pathologies:
    • disease of the digestive system (for example, gastritis);
    • any inflammation of the organs adjacent to the diaphragmatic muscle affects the vagus nerve, which leads to contraction of this very muscle;
    • diseases of the respiratory system;
    • Hiccups occur in older people who have suffered a stroke;
    • vagus nerve syndrome.

In older people, hiccups have a different nature, because the body of an elderly person is different in some ways. After a stroke, the heart muscle affects neighboring organs. Heart failure, stress - this is what causes severe hiccups.

Psychosomatics of hiccups

Almost every attack of hiccups is based on purely physiological reasons. But if the hiccups tend to recur frequently and obvious reason no, that’s the result emotional state person. Psychosomatics plays an important role here.

Such noisy sighs may indicate that a person has an unhealthy attachment to something. The object of affection is not always a person; there have been cases of excessive craving for computer games, favorite food and so on.

For expectant mothers, the psychosomatic nature of the occurrence of hiccups is not excluded, because during this period they are exposed to stress and prone to worries.

Mechanism of the disease

Why and why do we hiccup? To understand this, you need to understand the mechanism of hiccups. In its normal state, the diaphragm that divides chest cavity and abdominal, is in a concave position. When stressed, it straightens. This process is accompanied by expansion of the lungs and means that their volume increases. This happens with every inhalation and exhalation. But when a person hiccups, this process occurs very quickly and the diaphragm contracts convulsively. Due to the fact that the vocal cords close and the epiglottis blocks access to air, we get not a normal breath, but a hiccup.

During pregnancy

The body of a pregnant woman is different from its normal state. On the background hormonal changes the peripheral nervous system becomes more receptive, and the constantly growing fetus begins to put pressure on the internal organs. If the pregnancy is going well, hiccups are normal. normal phenomenon. Moreover, the child himself begins to hiccup early stages, from about 6 weeks, but you can feel it at 27 weeks. But this may mean that already in the early stages the fetus begins to experience oxygen starvation. This means that in order to allay your fears, you need to see a doctor.

Exist various reasons occurrence of hiccups in pregnant women:

  1. Hypothermia. When the body experiences cold, it begins to concentrate all the heat around the fetus. This leads to muscle contraction. This compression forces the endings of the phrenic nerves to work. As a result, a task is formed in the brain stem to relax the diaphragm, so hiccups begin.
  2. Binge eating. Often, pregnant women consume twice as much food, because now not only the woman needs food, but also her unborn child. But with such a volume of food consumed, the stomach stretches, and with this shape, it presses on the diaphragm from below. The lungs cannot relax properly, so the body tries to get rid of it through sudden contractions.
  3. Carbonated drinks. Released bubbles carbon dioxide, which are in drinks, begin to concentrate in upper area stomach. The stomach swells, thereby irritating the vagus nerve. A signal is sent to the brain to empty the stomach, which causes hiccups. As a rule, after burping, the hiccups disappear completely.
  4. Stress. Frequent worries and worries certainly affect the peripheral nervous system. The brain is unable to focus on proper operation all organs, which leads to a sharp contraction of the diaphragm.

When should you ask for help?

The hiccup itself does not pose any threat. You can relieve hiccups using various methods. However, if attacks occur more frequently and last longer, this serves as a signal to contact a specialist. It will help determine what is causing this and help get rid of the annoying hiccups.


First of all, you should contact a specialist who will order a series of tests. A blood test is taken from the patient to rule out kidney disease, infections in the body, or diabetes. Examine using endoscopy Airways and esophagus to detect potential problems.

Tests are ordered using a CT scanner, MRI, or X-ray to detect possible signs problems with the diaphragm. Appointments for a consultation with a psychologist or neurologist are possible, because the emotional factor in the development of hiccups is also not excluded. Although, of course, hiccups cannot serve exact symptom any illness, but constant attacks should not be neglected.