Side effects of vaccinations in children: possible reactions. Consequences of various types of vaccinations

Let's talk about vaccinations. I know what a difficult topic this is, so I very rarely talk about it. But it would be worth talking more often. Because I know something.

Anti-vaxxers who are outraged by those who don't, I want to reach out to you. Imagine for a second that a complication after vaccination happened to your child. No one is immune from this. Just imagine for a second - you were born healthy baby, developed and grew. And then suddenly - and a rollback. And complex diagnoses, from which everything in the chest is torn into millions of pieces. Your baby, with whom everything was fine before. Not some mythical one, somewhere in the statistical tables, but your blood. How will you then feel about vaccinations?

This is not a simple story, this is the story of my child. This is not about some fictitious and distant aunt from the Internet. I personally encountered this. Therefore, I have the right to tell the truth about vaccinations. Forgive me if you don't like it. Ultimately, each parent decides for himself, weighing the risks of both sides. I have come across the fact that too little is said about the risks of vaccinations themselves. And the risk of those diseases for which we pour poison into our children is much lower.

I myself was determined that vaccinations were necessary, and my eldest son received them in full, according to schedule, throughout the first year of his life. I didn’t even think that this would happen, much less that this would happen to me.

Yes, this does not happen to everyone and not always. U large quantity The children are doing well. In any case, we don’t see anything like that, and it seems to us that everything is fine. Although much remains behind the scenes, the consequences are not immediately noticeable. But there are such cases, and there are many of them. While rehabilitating my son after vaccinations, I saw hundreds of such children. And these are just the ones I saw. I saw children who developed cerebral palsy after vaccination, who lost their hearing and vision, and who developed autism. A lot of dire consequences such useful injections.

The problem is that it is difficult to prove. Even if you vaccinated in the morning and the child became paralyzed in the evening, you will not prove anything to anyone. Death will be attributed to “syndrome sudden death", paralysis - to intrauterine developmental problems. And statistics on complications are not kept. How to conduct it?

My Danka has mercury in his tissues. Mercury, motherfucker, real mercury and lead, exceeding the norm by 10-20 times. It was as if we fed him not milk, but mercury - a spoonful every morning. It was as if we were breaking thermometers every day and pouring it into the child. Or as if he has been working in a mercury factory since birth. It is mercury and its salts that kill viruses in vaccinations. Do you only know thimerosal, which seems to be no longer there? Some still have it. In others, there are other mercury salts that may or may not be excreted from the child’s body, and then we get toxic poisoning. To remove them later you need a very complex and dangerous therapy. We still can't decide on it.

Except heavy metals vaccinations contain foreign proteins, viruses unknown to us yet and unproven effectiveness. Vaccination does not guarantee that a child will not get sick.

Nor does it guarantee that if she gets sick, everything will be easier. Many vaccinations are generally useless, because there are people, for example, who will never get tuberculosis, and there are those who get sick from this vaccination instead of gaining immunity. The hepatitis vaccine is given at developed countries only if the mother is sick with it. But here we give it to everyone, and right after birth, when the baby is still so fragile. Chickenpox, measles, whooping cough, rubella are not such terrible diseases, not Bubonic plague to risk the health and immunity of a child by pouring unknown things into him.

Read the list of possible complications after vaccinations. And you will be horrified. Consequences may occur within a month after. And you won't even understand it. And you won’t prove anything to anyone. You will not even know what is happening to the child’s body. An expensive analysis from a French laboratory showed me all this in black and white - an excess of heavy metal salts in the tissues of my little son.

I know how much all this has already cost us and how much is yet to come. How much nerves were spent, how much time, effort, money went there. Yes, many things come karmically, and for a reason - since the Lord allowed it. But this does not mean that we need to turn off our brains and believe everything they say on TV. This happened to us. And none of our children have received a single vaccination.

After this, will you vaccinate your other children? Me not. My husband personally signed refusals and threatened to vaccinate those nurses in the maternity hospital who approached the children with a syringe.

What is a vaccination? In fact, you are pouring a completely unknown liquid into the blood of your little defenseless and fragile child.

You don't know for sure what it is, you're told it's a medicine, but you can't check what's in it. You won’t understand the effectiveness either, you can only read some pieces of paper in which you are unlikely to understand anything. And even if the composition is written, you will not see everything on the package. They won’t tell you that antibodies in vaccines are produced by animals that have completely different DNA and that suffer from diseases that are still unknown to people.

Is this a risk? All life is full of risk. But I will not maim my children with my own hands, kill their immunity and poison their blood with an unknown liquid containing heavy metal salts. I'm over it.

For those who believe that there will be epidemics because of this, I suggest studying what else has changed in more than a hundred years in the world. Besides vaccinations. Hygiene, for example, living conditions, water purification systems and so on.

And I also suggest remembering that vaccinations do not last a lifetime, and they need to be updated every 5-10 years. Are you updating yours? If not, then you are also “at risk” and are also “targeting those who are vaccinated,” and are also leading the world to an epidemic.

You can also see what it is profitable business. Profitable and very convenient. You can control a lot of things this way - even population growth. In some countries you cannot even refuse vaccination. It’s good that we do this simply, and no one has taken this right away from us yet. And refusal to vaccinate by law does not affect a child’s enrollment in school or kindergarten.
I am not advocating that everyone refuse vaccinations. You decide for yourself, you are parents. You can get vaccinated not on schedule, but a little later.

Not in the first year, when the child develops so quickly, but after three years, for example. Before vaccinations, you can go to a good immunologist, get all the tests done, full examination. You can choose which vaccinations you will get and which ones you won’t.

I know immunologists who do not vaccinate their children. I know the same pediatricians. Agree, this says something. There is a lot of research about vaccinations, and now on the Internet you can find many videos and articles on this topic to help you make your own decision. Because no one but you can make this decision. And you yourself will also be responsible for this choice.

Olga Valyaeva

– various persistent or severe violations health developed as a result of preventive vaccination. Post-vaccination complications can be local (abscess at the injection site, purulent lymphadenitis, keloid scar, etc.) or general (anaphylactic shock, BCG infection, encephalitis, meningitis, sepsis, vaccine-associated polio, etc.). Diagnosis of post-vaccination complications is based on the analysis of clinical data and their relationship with the recent vaccination. Treatment of post-vaccination complications should include etiotropic, pathogenetic and symptomatic general and local therapy.

The individual characteristics of the child’s body, which determine the frequency and severity of post-vaccination complications, may include background pathology that worsens in the post-vaccination period; sensitization and changes in immune reactivity; genetic predisposition to allergic reactions, autoimmune pathology, convulsive syndrome, etc.

As practice shows, common cause post-vaccination complications are errors medical personnel, violating the grafting technique. These may include subcutaneous (instead of intradermal) administration of the vaccine and vice versa, incorrect dilution and dosage of the drug, violation of asepsis and antisepsis during injection, erroneous use of other solvents medicinal substances etc.

Classification of post-vaccination complications

To the number pathological conditions accompanying the vaccination process include:

Increased infectious morbidity in the post-vaccination period may be due to the coincidence of the disease and vaccination in time or to transient immunodeficiency developing after vaccination. During this period, the child may experience ARVI, obstructive bronchitis, pneumonia, urinary tract infections, etc.

Vaccine reactions include various unstable disorders that occur after vaccination, persist for a short time and do not interfere with the vital functions of the body. Post-vaccination reactions are of the same type clinical manifestations, usually do not violate general condition child and pass on their own.

Local vaccine reactions may include hyperemia, edema, infiltration at the injection site, etc. General vaccine reactions may be accompanied by fever, myalgia, catarrhal symptoms, measles-like rash (after vaccination against measles), enlarged salivary glands (after vaccination against mumps), lymphadenitis (after vaccination against rubella).

Post-vaccination complications are divided into specific (vaccine-associated diseases) and non-specific (excessively toxic, allergic, autoimmune, immune complex). By severity pathological process post-vaccination complications can be local and general.

Characteristics of post-vaccination complications

Excessive toxic reactions are regarded as post-vaccination complications if they develop in the first three days after vaccination and are characterized by a pronounced disturbance in the child’s condition (temperature rise above 39.5 ° C, chills, lethargy, sleep disturbance, anorexia, possibly vomiting, nosebleeds and etc.) and are stored for 1-3 days. Typically, such post-vaccination complications develop after the administration of DPT, Tetracoc, live measles vaccine, influenza split vaccines, etc. in some cases hyperthermia may be accompanied by short-term febrile convulsions and hallucinatory syndrome.

Post-vaccination complications that occur in the form of allergic reactions are divided into local and general. The criteria for a local post-vaccination complication are hyperemia and swelling of tissues that extend beyond the area of ​​the nearest joint or to an area of ​​more than 1/2 of the anatomical zone at the site of vaccine administration, as well as hyperemia, swelling and soreness that persist for more than 3 days, regardless of size. Most often local allergic reactions develop after the administration of vaccines containing aluminum hydroxide sorbent (DTP, Tetrakok, anatoksins).

Among post-vaccination complications, there are also common allergic reactions: anaphylactic shock, urticaria, Quincke's edema, Lyell's syndrome, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, erythema multiforme exudative, manifestation and exacerbation of bronchial asthma and atopic dermatitis in children. Immunization can cause the initiation of immune complex post-vaccination complications - serum sickness, hemorrhagic vasculitis, periarteritis nodosa, glomerulonephritis, thrombocytopenic purpura, etc.

To post-vaccination complications with autoimmune mechanism developments include lesions of the central and peripheral nervous system (post-vaccination encephalitis, encephalomyelitis, polyneuritis, Guillain-Barre syndrome), myocarditis, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, autoimmune hemolytic anemia, systemic lupus erythematosus, dermatomyositis, scleroderma, etc.

A peculiar post-vaccination complication in children in the first six months of life is a shrill cry, which is persistent (from 3 to 5 hours) and monotonous. Typically, a high-pitched cry develops after administration of the pertussis vaccine and is caused by an associated change in microcirculation in the brain and an acute attack of intracranial hypertension.

The most severe post-vaccination complications in their course and consequences are the so-called vaccine-associated diseases - paralytic poliomyelitis, meningitis, encephalitis, clinical symptoms which are no different from those diseases with a different mechanism of occurrence. Vaccine-associated encephalitis can develop after vaccination against measles, rubella, and DPT. The likelihood of developing vaccine-associated meningitis after receiving vaccination against mumps.

Post-vaccination complications after administration of the BCG vaccine include local lesions, persistent and disseminated BCG infection. Among the local complications, the most common are axillary and cervical lymphadenitis, superficial or deep ulcers, cold abscesses, and keloid scars. Among the disseminated forms of BCG infection, osteitis (ostitis, osteomyelitis), phlyctenular conjunctivitis, iridocyclitis, and keratitis have been described. Severe generalized post-vaccination complications usually occur in children with immunodeficiency and are often fatal.

Diagnosis of post-vaccination complications

A post-vaccination complication can be suspected by a pediatrician based on the appearance of certain typical clinical signs at the height of the vaccination process.

Mandatory for the differential diagnosis of post-vaccination complications and complicated course of the vaccination period is laboratory examination child: general analysis urine and blood, virological and bacteriological research blood, urine, feces. To exclude intrauterine infections(Differential diagnosis of post-vaccination complications in these cases is carried out with epilepsy, hydrocephalus, etc.

The diagnosis of a post-vaccination complication is established only after all other complications have been excluded. possible reasons violations of the child's condition.

Treatment of post-vaccination complications

Within complex therapy post-vaccination complications, etiotropic and pathogenetic treatment; a gentle regime, careful care and a rational diet are organized. In order to treat local infiltrates, local ointment dressings and physiotherapy (UHF, ultrasound therapy) are prescribed.

In case of severe hyperthermia, drinking plenty of fluids, physical cooling (rubbing, ice on the head), antipyretic drugs (ibuprofen, paracematol), parenteral administration glucose-salt solutions. In case of allergic post-vaccination complications, the amount of assistance is dictated by the severity of the allergic reaction (introduction antihistamines, corticosteroids, adrenergic agonists, cardiac glycosides, etc.).

In case of post-vaccination complications from the nervous system, syndromic therapy (anticonvulsant, dehydration, anti-inflammatory, etc.) is prescribed. Treatment of post-BCG vaccination complications is carried out with the participation of a pediatric TB specialist.

Prevention of post-vaccination complications

Prevention of post-vaccination complications involves a set of measures, among which the first place is occupied by the correct selection of children to be vaccinated and the identification of contraindications. For this purpose, a pre-vaccination examination of the child is carried out by a pediatrician, and, if necessary, consultations with pediatric specialists who monitor the child for the underlying disease (children’s allergist-immunologist, pediatric neurologist, pediatric cardiologist, pediatric nephrologist, pediatric pulmonologist, etc.). In the post-vaccination period, vaccinated children should be monitored. Important has compliance with immunization techniques: only experienced, specially trained medical personnel should be allowed to vaccinate children.

For children who have suffered a post-vaccination complication, the vaccine that caused the reaction is no longer administered, but in general routine and emergency immunization are not contraindicated.

What are the complications after vaccinations?

Thank you

Graft is an immunobiological drug that is introduced into the body with the aim of forming stable immunity to certain, potentially dangerous infectious diseases. It is precisely because of their properties and purpose that vaccinations can cause certain reactions from the body. The entire set of such reactions is divided into two categories:
1. Post-vaccination reactions (PVR).
2. Post-vaccination complications (PVC).

Post-vaccination reactions represent various changes in the child’s condition that develop after administration vaccines, and go away on their own within a short period of time. Changes in the body that qualify as post-vaccination reactions, are unstable, purely functional, do not pose a threat and do not lead to permanent impairment of health.

Post-vaccination complications are permanent changes in the human body that occurred after the introduction of vaccination. In this case, the violations are long-lasting and go significantly beyond physiological norm and entail various violations human health. Let's take a closer look possible complications vaccinations.

Post-vaccination complications can be toxic (unusually strong), allergic, with symptoms of disorders of the nervous system and rare forms. A post-vaccination complication should be distinguished from the complicated course of the post-vaccination period, when various pathologies are identified that occur simultaneously with the vaccination, but are in no way related to it.

Complications after vaccinations in children

Each vaccination can cause its own version of complications. But there are also complications common to all vaccines that children can develop. These include the following conditions:
  • anaphylactic shock, which develops within 24 hours after the vaccine is administered;
  • allergic reactions involving the entire body - Quincke's edema, Steven-Johnson syndrome, Lyell's syndrome, etc.;
  • serum sickness;
  • meningitis;
  • neuritis;
  • polyneuritis – Guillain-Barré syndrome;
  • convulsions that develop against the background of low body temperature - less than 38.5 o C, which are recorded throughout the year after vaccination;
  • sensory disturbance;
  • vaccine-associated polio;
  • thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura;
  • hypoplastic anemia;
  • collagenoses;
  • decrease in the number of leukocytes in the blood;
  • abscess or ulcer at the injection site;
  • lymphadenitis – inflammation of the lymphatic ducts;
  • Osteitis – inflammation of the bones;
  • keloid scar;
  • baby screaming for at least 3 hours straight;
  • sudden death.
These complications can develop after various vaccinations. Their appearance, as a result of vaccination, is possible only in a limited period of time, which is carefully verified and regulated by the World Health Organization. The appearance of the above pathologies outside the specified time period means that they are in no way related to the vaccine.

Complications and side effects of vaccinations in children - video

Main causes of complications after vaccination

Complications after vaccination can be caused by one of the following reasons:
  • administration of the vaccine if there are contraindications;
  • improper vaccination;
  • poor quality of the vaccine product;
  • individual properties and reactions of the human body.
As you can see, the main factors causing the formation of post-vaccination complications are various safety violations, neglect of the rules for administering drugs, ignoring contraindications or not actively identifying them, as well as unsatisfactory quality of vaccines. Individual properties of a person can only overlap with the listed factors, contributing to the development of complications.

That is why the basis for the prevention of vaccination complications is the careful identification of contraindications, adherence to the technique of using vaccines, quality control of drugs, compliance with the rules of their storage, transportation and transportation. The poor quality of vaccines is not necessarily inherent in them initially. A pharmaceutical plant could produce normal, quality drugs. But they were transported and then stored incorrectly, as a result of which they acquired negative properties.

Complications after vaccination with DTP, ADS-m

DTP vaccination is done to create immunity to whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus. In this case, K is a component against whooping cough, AD - against diphtheria, AS - against tetanus. There are also similar vaccines: Tetracok and Infanrix. The vaccine is given to children, three doses are administered, and the fourth one a year after the third. Then children are revaccinated only against diphtheria and tetanus at the age of 6–7, and at 14 years old with the ADS-m vaccine.

The DTP vaccine provokes the formation various complications 1 child in 15,000 – 50,000 vaccinated. And the Infanrix vaccine has a significantly lower risk of complications - only 1 child per 100,000 - 2,500,000 vaccinated. The ADS-m vaccine almost never leads to complications, since it lacks the most reactogenic pertussis component.

All complications from DTP vaccines It is customary to divide them into local and systemic. The table shows all possible complications of DTP and ADS-m and the time of their development after vaccination:

Type of complications DPT, ADS-m Type of complications Type of complications
Significant enlargement and hardening at the injection siteLocal24 – 48 hours
Swelling of the injection site greater than 8 cm in diameterLocal24 – 48 hours
AllergyLocal24 – 48 hours
Skin rednessLocal24 – 48 hours
Screaming continuously for 3 or more hoursSystemicUp to two days
Increase in body temperature above 39.0 o CSystemicUp to 72 hours
Febrile seizures (at a temperature of 38.0 o C and above)Systemic24 – 72 hours
Afebrile seizures (at normal temperature)Systemic1 year after vaccination
Anaphylactic shockSystemicUp to 24 hours
LymphadenopathySystemicUp to 7 days
HeadacheSystemicUp to 48 hours
IrritabilitySystemicUp to 48 hours
Digestive disorderSystemicUp to 72 hours
Severe allergic reactions (Quincke's edema, urticaria, etc.)SystemicUp to 72 hours
Reduced blood pressure and muscle toneSystemicUp to 72 hours
Loss of consciousnessSystemicUp to 72 hours
Meningitis or encephalitisSystemicUp to 1 month
Sensory impairmentSystemicUp to 1 month
PolyradiculoneuritisSystemicUp to 1 month
Decreased platelet countSystemicUp to 1 month

Local complications DTP vaccinations and ADS-m usually go away on their own within a few days. To alleviate the child’s condition, you can lubricate the injection site with Troxevasin ointment. If the baby develops complications after DTP vaccination, then the next time only anti-diphtheria and anti-tetanus components are administered, without whooping cough, since it is this that provokes most of the complications.

Complications after tetanus vaccination

Tetanus vaccination can lead to the development of the following complications within the specified time frame:
  • increase in body temperature for 3 days;
  • redness at the injection site – up to 2 days;
  • enlargement and pain lymph nodes– up to a week;
  • sleep disturbance – up to 2 days;
  • headaches – up to 2 days;
  • digestive and appetite disorders – up to 3 days;
  • allergic rash;
  • long, incessant screaming – up to 3 days;
  • background seizures elevated temperature– up to 3 days;
  • meningitis or encephalitis – up to 1 month;
  • auditory neuritis and optic nerve– up to 1 month.

To reduce the risk of complications to a minimum possible level, it is necessary to follow the rules of vaccination, take into account contraindications and not use drugs that were stored in violation of established standards.

Complications after diphtheria vaccination

Vaccination only against diphtheria is not very reactogenic, so it is relatively easily tolerated. Complications can develop in the form anaphylactic shock, allergies at the injection site, pain at the injection site and the entire limb as a whole, neurological disorders.

Complications after vaccination with Pentaxim

The Pentaxim vaccine is a combination vaccine, it is administered against five diseases - diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus, polio and Hib infection, which is caused by Haemophilus influenzae. According to observations of children who received all 4 doses of the Pentaxim vaccine, complications developed in only 0.6%. These complications required qualified medical care, but not a single death was recorded. Since Pentaxim contains a component against polio, there is no risk of contracting this infection, but it does occur when using the oral vaccine.

Pentaxim, despite its five components, rarely causes reactions and complications, which mainly manifest themselves in the form of high fever, irritability, prolonged crying, thickening and a lump at the injection site. In rare cases, seizures, mild neurological symptoms, digestive disorders, and severe pain at the injection site and the entire limb may develop. The most severe reaction usually occurs on the second dose, while the first and third are easier.

Complications after hepatitis B vaccination

Vaccination against hepatitis B can cause the following complications, which develop within the specified time frame:
  • Increase in body temperature – up to 3 days.
  • Severe reaction at the site of vaccine administration (pain, swelling more than 5 cm, redness more than 8 cm, induration more than 2 cm) – up to 2 days.
  • Headaches, irritability, bad dream– up to 3 days.
  • Digestive disorders – up to 5 days.
  • Runny nose – up to 3 days.
  • Pain in muscles and joints – up to 3 days.
  • Anaphylactic shock – up to 1 day.
  • Allergies (Quincke's edema, urticaria, etc.) - up to 3 days.
  • Decreased blood pressure, muscle tone, loss of consciousness – up to 3 days.
  • Arthritis – from day 5 for 1 month.
  • Convulsions against a background of normal or elevated temperature – up to 3 days.
  • Meningitis, encephalitis, sensitivity disorders - up to 15 days.
  • Polyradiculoneuritis – up to 1 month.

Complications after polio vaccination

There are two types of polio vaccine: oral live and inactivated. The oral one is administered as drops into the mouth, and the inactivated one is given as an injection. Complications of both types of polio vaccine and the timing of their development are reflected in the table:

Complications after BCG vaccination

It is necessary to understand that BCG is given not with the goal of making the body immune to tuberculosis, but to reduce the severity of the disease in case of infection. This is especially true for children under 1 year of age, who tuberculosis infection It does not affect the lungs, but causes generalized blood poisoning or meningitis. However, BCG itself is a low-reactogenic vaccine, which can cause a rise in temperature within 2 days, an abscess under the skin at the injection site or an ulcer of more than 1 cm after 1.5 - 6 months, as well as a keloid scar after 6 - 12 months. In addition, the following are registered as complications of BCG:
  • generalized BCG infection – after 2-18 months;
  • osteomyelitis – after 2-18 months;
  • osteitis – after 2-18 months;
  • inflammation of the lymphatic ducts – after 2 – 6 months.

Complications after influenza vaccination

Vaccines against domestic and domestic influenza are available in Russia. imported production, and they all have approximately the same properties and can cause similar complications. In general, the flu vaccine is extremely rarely accompanied by complications, the spectrum of which is very narrow. Most often, complications occur in the form of allergies, especially in people who have allergies to the drug Neomycin or protein chicken egg. Several cases of hemorrhagic vasculitis have been reported, but the connection between this pathology and the influenza vaccine has not been established for certain.

Complications after vaccination against chickenpox, measles, rubella, combined
MMR and Priorix vaccines

Priorix is ​​a variant of the combined measles, mumps and rubella vaccine. Vaccinations against these infections cause almost identical reactions and complications. Thus, a rise in temperature can be observed only on days 4–15 after vaccination, and a strong local reaction is observed in the first two days, and is expressed in the formation of severe swelling of more than 5 cm, redness of more than 8 cm, and thickening of more than 2 cm. In addition, Vaccinations against chickenpox, measles, rubella and combined MMR can cause the following complications in the appropriate time frame:
  • lymphadenopathy – from 4 to 30 days;
  • headache, irritability and sleep disturbance – on days 4–15;
  • non-allergic rash – after 4 – 15 days;
  • indigestion – after 4 – 15 days;
  • runny nose – from 4 to 15 days;
  • pain in joints and muscles – from 4 to 15 days;
  • anaphylactic shock - the first day after injection;
  • allergic reactions (for example, Quincke's edema, urticaria, Stevens-Johnson or Lyell syndrome) - up to 3 days;
  • decreased blood pressure and muscle tone, loss of consciousness – up to 3 days;
  • arthritis – from 4 to 30 days;
  • convulsions due to fever - from 4 to 15 days;
  • meningitis, encephalitis, sensory impairment – ​​from 4 to 42 days;
  • polyradiculoneuritis – up to 1 month;
  • mumps, inflammation of the testicles in boys (orchitis) - from 4 to 42 days;
  • decrease in the number of platelets - from 4 to 15 days.
These complications develop quite rarely, and they can be prevented by following the rules for vaccination, storage and transportation of drugs.

Complications after rabies vaccination

Rabies vaccination very rarely provokes the development of complications, and they are mainly manifested by allergies, especially in people suffering from reactions to chicken egg white. Also marked neurological symptoms, such as neuralgia, attacks of dizziness, neuropathy, which, however, after a short period of time pass on their own and without a trace.

Complications after the Mantoux test

Mantoux is a biological test that is necessary to detect whether a child is infected with the causative agent of tuberculosis - Koch's bacillus. The Mantoux test is used in children instead of fluorography, which is done for adults. As complications, the Mantoux test may be accompanied by inflammation of the lymph nodes and ducts, as well as malaise, headache, weakness or fever. The severity of reactions to the Mantoux test depends on individual characteristics human body. For example, some children have severe arm pain or vomiting.

Statistics of complications after vaccinations

Today in Russia, official recording and control over the number of complications as a result of vaccination has been carried out only since 1998. This work is carried out by national specialized scientific institutes and experts from World Organization healthcare, but they are able to study the situation only in a limited number of settlements, mainly in major cities. According to US statistics, every year 50 children suffer from severe neurological symptoms and central nervous system dysfunction as a result of vaccination complications. The table shows various severe post-vaccination complications from various vaccinations according to the World Health Organization:
Vaccine Complication Frequency of development
BCGInflammation of lymph vessels1 in 1000 – 10,000
Osteitis1 in 3000 – 100,000,000
Generalized BCG infection1 in 1000,000
Hepatitis BAnaphylactic shock1 in 600,000 – 900,000
Measles, mumps, rubellaCramps due to fever1 in 3000
Decreased platelet count in the blood1 in 30,000
Severe allergies1 in 100,000
Anaphylactic shock1 in 1000,000
EncephalopathyLess than 1 in 1,000,000
Oral vaccine against
polio (mouth drops)
Vaccine-associated polio1 in 2000,000
TetanusBrachial neuritis1 in 100,000
Anaphylactic shock1 in 100,000
DTPLong continuous scream1 in 1000
Convulsions1 per 1750 – 12500
Decreased blood pressure, muscle tone, loss of consciousness1 in 1000 – 33,000
Anaphylactic shock1 in 50,000
Encephalopathy1 in 1000,000

The variation in frequent complications is caused by differences in different countries Oh. Large quantity complications are caused by neglect of vaccination rules, ignoring contraindications, improper storage and transportation of vaccines, use of spoiled batches of drugs and other similar factors.

Before use, you should consult a specialist.

Any vaccination is a direct intervention in immune system person. The effect of vaccinations is obvious, and thanks to them, many epidemics have already been prevented around the world. But before sending their children for vaccination, it is advisable for parents to know about possible adverse reactions. You can find out what they may be in the article.

Types of vaccines

Children in the first years of life encounter many pathogenic viruses and bacteria. Most of them pose a serious health threat. To protect children's bodies from possible infection or complications of illness, vaccination is used. The body produces protective antibodies, and the risk of getting sick is significantly reduced. Immunity from many drugs lasts into older years.

For successful vaccination, it is necessary to give injections correctly, take into account all contraindications, pay attention to the quality of the vaccine, compliance medical standards Russia, the correctness of its storage and expiration date. Various manufacturers in last years They use different technologies in the manufacture of drugs. The degree of purification, the amount of antigens, the substances used, the biomaterial and preservatives may vary.

The basis for vaccines can be of different types:

  • living microorganism;
  • inactivated (that is, with a killed virus or bacteria);
  • toxoids;
  • recombinants (the result of genetic engineering);
  • associated or combined vaccines;
  • synthetic virus recognizers.

Each drug has its own schedule of use, contraindications and indications, and method of administration. There are also primary vaccinations and revaccinations in subsequent years. The usual vaccination calendar in Russia for children looks like this:

  1. in newborns. BCG in the first week of life, with revaccination at 7, 14 years. Hepatitis vaccination - on the first day, then revaccination every month and six months;
  2. in the third month, prophylaxis against tetanus, whooping cough, and diphtheria is usually started using DTP. Then a three-time revaccination is needed in subsequent years;
  3. After a year of life, vaccinations against measles, rubella, and mumps are given, and from the age of 6 - revaccination.

The above vaccines have actually been mandatory in Russia for many years. Only with a written refusal in a maternity hospital, kindergarten or school will they not be given to children. Additionally, you can optionally get vaccinated against less dangerous diseases, for example, influenza, epidemics of which occur every few years. Also, if the children did not have time before going to kindergarten to get chickenpox, get vaccinated against it.

Depending on the type of disease, vaccines may have different bases. Live preparations are used for polio, tuberculosis, rubella, mumps and measles. Inactivated vaccines are used against hepatitis, whooping cough, meningitis, and rabies. Toxoids are used for tetanus or diphtheria.

Consequences of vaccinations and vaccinations

Any vaccine immunobiological drug, and can cause two types of reactions: post-vaccination reactions and post-vaccination complications from vaccinations. In the first case, reactions are usually typical and are observed in most children. The second ones are side effects, are more dangerous and less common.

Post-vaccination reactions are changes in the baby’s condition that usually go away in a short time. Such reactions are unstable and do not pose a threat to health. Complications from vaccinations are persistent changes in the body of children after vaccination. They take longer and can lead to health problems.

Side effects after vaccinations usually occur for the following reasons:

  • due to poor quality of the drug, improper storage and use after the expiration date;
  • administration of the drug in the presence of contraindications;
  • incorrect procedure;
  • individual characteristics and reactions of the body;

Video “Popular myths about vaccination”

Skin reactions

After DTP, complications from vaccinations, according to statistics in Russia, occur in approximately one child in 20,000. Skin reactions may include allergies, swelling of the injection site, severe enlargement or thickening. Redness of the skin may also occur. Skin side effects usually go away within a few days.

The tetanus vaccine may cause redness at the injection site, allergic rash. Diphtheria vaccination, according to statistics, is less aggressive. Pain at the injection site or throughout the entire limb and allergies may occur. Combination vaccine Pentaxim (for whooping cough, Haemophilus influenzae, tetanus, diphtheria and polio) occasionally causes lumps and lumps at the injection site in children.

The hepatitis B vaccine is very reactive in its effects on the body. From skin manifestations You can note pain, swelling and redness, thickening, which goes away after two days. Urticaria or Quincke's edema may persist for up to 3 days.

Depending on whether it's alive or inactivated vaccine used against polio, external reactions may vary. In Russia it is produced and more often used live. From her skin reactions weak, and from non-living things there are: swelling, redness, pain and hardening of the injection site. In rare cases, allergies may develop (Lyell's syndrome, urticaria, Quincke's edema, Stevens-Johnson syndrome).

Vaccinations against measles, chickenpox, rubella, Priorix vaccine and MMR from local reactions can cause severe swelling(more than 50 mm), redness (from 80 mm), compaction (from 20 mm). The reaction lasts for a day. A non-allergic rash is possible, up to two weeks, as well as typical allergic reactions for up to 3 days.

Internal reaction of the body

If skin complications from vaccinations or after vaccinations pass quickly and rarely pose a danger, then more attention should be paid to internal reactions in children. In DPT this may be afebrile and febrile convulsions, migraine, disorder digestive tract, fever above 39 degrees, loss of consciousness, low blood pressure and muscle tone.

Possible from tetanus in children heat, sleep disturbance, migraine in the first two days. Intestinal and appetite disorders can last up to 3 days, as can cramps. From dangerous complications it should be noted optic neuritis and auditory nerve, as well as encephalitis or meningitis. They can last up to a month.

In rare cases, reactions to the Pentaxim vaccine occur in the form of seizures, severe pain in limbs, poor digestion. It was noted that the most severe internal reactions were precisely to the second vaccination.

There are many internal complications after the anti-hepatitis vaccine. These are high fever, migraine, poor sleep, runny nose, muscle pain, low blood pressure and fainting, convulsions, up to 3 days. Digestion may be impaired for up to 5 days. Dangerous reactions include: arthritis and polyradiculoneuritis up to a month, meningitis and encephalitis up to a crescent.

Live vaccine from polio can cause in children: flaccid paralysis, vaccine-associated polio, digestive tract upset, headaches. The temperature usually rises after the inactivated type of drug. After BCG, the following are noted: fever, osteomyelitis and osteitis, inflammation of the lymph nodes, generalized BCG infection.

Post-vaccination reactions

Unlike post-vaccination skin or internal complications, these reactions are absolutely normal and do not pose any threat to the health of children. On the contrary, they indicate that the drug has been absorbed by the body and the production of antibodies has begun. Normal reactions the following:

  1. from BCG - a papule at the injection site, which erodes and leaves a small scar;
  2. vaccinations against rubella, mumps, measles - pain at the injection site;
  3. DPT – body temperature up to 38 degrees for 2-3 days, slight swelling and pain at the injection site;
  4. hepatitis B vaccine – mild pain at the injection site for 2-3 days.

Video “Reactions and complications from vaccinations”

Dr. Komarovsky, a famous pediatrician from Kharkov, will try to tell caring parents why vaccinations can be dangerous and whether it is worth resorting to them in principle.