How to protect yourself from heavy metals. Why is lead dangerous? Cleansing the body from TM

You will be surprised, but coal mines and chemical plants are by no means the only sources of toxins that pollute the environment and our bodies. Heavy metals are present in the soil, in the water we drink, in food, in cigarettes, alcoholic drinks, and even in the medications that each of us is forced to take every now and then. These harmful substances enter the body, damaging its cells, weakening the immune system and causing serious illness. Moreover, you should not think that heavy metals settle exclusively in the liver and damage only this organ. Toxic damage can affect the brain, intestines, kidneys, organs of hearing or vision, and therefore every person should know the means that cleanse the body of heavy metal salts.

Pathways to heavy metal damage

1. Inhalation
First of all, heavy metals enter our body through the air. Those most affected by this are residents of areas located in close proximity to mining plants, chemical plants and nuclear power plants. However, distance from such objects does not provide protection from these dangerous toxins, because most of us, residents of large cities, have to breathe exhaust fumes from cars every day.

2. Food
You will be surprised, but food is the main source of contamination of the body with salts of heavy metals. This can be agricultural products treated with chemicals, and even ordinary water that comes to us through the water supply.

3. Absorption
In addition to inhaling polluted air and eating foods filled with “chemicals,” heavy metals can enter the body through contact with sources of infection. Toxins are absorbed by our skin from the air, precipitation, as well as from the water of polluted lakes and rivers.

Dangerous heavy metals

1. Arsenic
This extremely dangerous substance can enter the body with polluted air from emissions from industrial enterprises or with ordinary tap water containing arsenic particles due to filtration features. For humans, this is an extremely undesirable element, because by affecting the body it provokes the development of skin cancer and causes diabetes.

2. Lead
Lead is typically ingested through tap water, but can accumulate in the liver when consuming vegetables and fruits that contain pesticides. According to doctors, such a microelement undesirable for the body can cause the development of anemia and kidney damage, and can lead to paralysis.

3. Mercury
A broken mercury thermometer is not at all the only source of mercury entering the body. We consume this dangerous metal with contaminated fish and other seafood, without even suspecting that its accumulation in the body leads to severe neurotic disorders, hand tremors and inflammatory processes in the oral cavity.

4. Cadmium
Many agricultural fertilizers contain cadmium, and therefore it is not surprising that this dangerous microelement, which causes lung cancer and others, can enter our body with vegetables and fruits. dangerous forms oncological diseases.

All of the above makes you think about how to quickly remove heavy metal salts from the body without harming your health. Don't think that this process is complicated and expensive. You can cleanse your body of heavy metals at home, and without bothering yourself at all. How? We'll tell you in this article.

Detoxification Methods

1. Water
The human body is 70% water, so it is not surprising that water is the best means of detoxification. No other means or methods will help remove toxins if the body is dehydrated. In addition, dehydration causes oxidative processes, which impedes the body’s ability to fight free radicals. That is why make it a rule to start your day with a glass of clean filtered water and make sure that you drink at least 2 liters of purified liquid per day.

2. Garlic
It is no secret that garlic is a natural antibiotic that perfectly protects the body from infectious agents, especially during periods of epidemic. But few people know that this healing vegetable perfectly removes waste, toxins and heavy metal salts from the body. Moreover, you don’t need complex recipes for this. Just start every day by eating ½ clove of garlic with water. And don't worry about bad breath. It will disappear instantly if you drink a little water with added lemon juice.

3. Fermented foods

When talking about cleansing the body of toxins and heavy metal salts, one cannot ignore fermented foods, that is, foods containing live bacteria. Kefir and natural yogurt, sour cucumbers, sauerkraut and, of course, kvass contain living organisms that not only improve the intestinal microflora, but are also able to bind with heavy metal salts, removing them from the body naturally. Fermented foods cope especially well with lead and cadmium deposited in the body. Include these wonderful foods in your diet more often and problems with body pollution will not bother you!

4. Products containing polyphenols
Products containing polyphenols in abundance are famous for their antioxidant activity, which means they support cardiovascular system and prevent the appearance cancerous tumors. But what’s even more interesting is that when polyphenols enter the body, they increase the production of matallothionein, a protein that has a powerful detoxifying effect and perfectly cleanses the body of harmful substances. How to saturate the body with polyphenols? Sources of these valuable compounds in nature are: green tea and dried oregano, dark chocolate and cocoa powder, strawberries and blueberries, currants and plums, flax-seed, anise, mint and cloves. That is, to cleanse the body, simply replace black tea with green tea, regularly consume dark chocolate and drink cocoa, eat fresh wild berries (freeze them for the winter), or make jam.

5. Foods rich in sulfur

According to scientists, key substance, which removes harmful elements from the body is glutathione. This tripeptide is called the "father" of all antioxidants, the "vanguard" of the immune system and the "maestro" of detoxification. Moreover, the good news is that glutathione is produced by the body itself, which means that the cleansing process occurs constantly. However, this is not always the case. With a lack of sulfur, the level of glutathione sharply decreases and arsenic and other harmful elements begin to accumulate in the body. To avoid this, you need to eat foods that contain sulfur, namely cruciferous vegetables such as Brussels sprouts, spinach, broccoli, cauliflower, leeks and shallots.

6. Unpolished rice
According to experts, unpolished rice is one of the best natural sorbents, which can even cope with heavy metal salts. This effect of rice is explained simply: when it enters the body, it absorbs everything like a sponge. harmful products metabolism, starting from excess water and ending with toxic metals.

To use this remedy to cleanse the body, you will have to try. First you need to take and number 5 half-liter jars. 3 tbsp. Rice needs to be washed and poured into the first jar, pouring water on top. After closing the jar, you need to put it in the refrigerator. The next day, drain the water, rinse the rice and place it in a second jar, also filling it with water. And load a new portion of washed raw materials into the first jar. By performing similar manipulations, by the sixth day you will get rice that was soaked for a day in each jar. It can be eaten raw or boiled in water for 15–20 minutes. This rice is consumed without any additives in the morning, on an empty stomach, at least 3 hours before next appointment food. The duration of daily cleansing of the body is one month.

7. Milk thistle
Another remedy that helps rid the body of heavy metal salts can be milk thistle, in other words, milk thistle. This herbaceous plant Known for its ability to strengthen liver cells, preventing the absorption of toxic heavy metals. In addition, the substances present in milk thistle enhance the body's production of glutathione, which helps it quickly get rid of substances hazardous to health. To cleanse the body in this way, you will need to drink up to 6 cups of milk thistle tea a day. To prepare it, simply brew 1 tsp in a glass of boiling water. plant seeds, let it brew for 20 minutes. Duration of therapy – 1 month.

8. Coriander

In case of toxic damage to the body from lead, aluminum or mercury, you cannot do without a proven remedy for years - cilantro. This aromatic green, also called coriander, has amazing antioxidant properties, but what's even more interesting is that it acts as a powerful detoxifying agent when ingested. To help remove lead and other heavy metals from the body, you need to prepare a special cocktail. To do this, you will need to take the juice of 1 zucchini, 1 bunch of cilantro, 1 green apple, 1 stalk of celery and ½ lemon, mix everything and add a pinch to the mixture sea ​​salt. Take this medicine ¼ cup morning and evening for 14 days.

9. Exercise
Having studied samples of sweat, blood and urine from 200 experiment participants, American scientists came to the conclusion that each biological fluid contains a significant amount of toxins, but the most harmful substances, including salts of heavy metals, are present in sweat. On this basis, it was concluded that one of the the best ways detoxification of the body is intense physical training With copious discharge sweat. You can also use this tool, the main thing is to contact your fitness instructor and choose the physical activity that is most suitable for you.

10. Sauna
Continuing the theme of removing toxins from the body through sweat glands, let’s turn to another method of detoxification, namely visiting the sauna. Sauna detoxification is considered one of the best for removing metal salts, but it has one caveat. According to doctors, long sauna sessions are necessary to remove toxic substances from the body, which are contraindicated for people with heart disease, as well as the elderly. In any case, removing lead, aluminum or cadmium from the body in this way should only be done under the supervision of a doctor.

As you can see, you can cleanse your body of toxins and heavy metal salts without resorting to medications or unpleasant procedures. Just take note of these simple but effective ways to detoxify and be healthy!

Salts of heavy metals are one of the harmful substances that can penetrate into human body. How do they do this, which ones are the most dangerous and are there proven and safe methods of detoxifying the body?

The most dangerous heavy metals

Chemicals are constantly entering the environment hazardous components, including heavy metals. Once in the human body, they are deposited, and over time cause diseases that are dangerous to health and life. To find out how to remove dangerous microelements, you need to decide which ones enter people’s bodies:

  • Arsenic. One of the most dangerous substances, which can enter the body along with dirty air or water that has undergone poor-quality filtration. This chemical is very dangerous for the immune system, as it leads to diabetes and skin cancer.
  • Lead. Mostly found in tap water, but also collected in the liver due to consumption of fruits and vegetables grown with pesticides. If heavy metals (especially lead) are not removed in a timely manner, they can cause anemia, kidney pathologies and even paralysis.
  • Mercury. Mercury poisoning can occur not only from breaking a thermometer, but also from frequent consumption of contaminated fish and seafood. When the concentration of mercury in the body reaches critical levels, hand tremors will begin, and inflammatory processes will regularly occur in the mouth.
  • Cadmium. Among all the toxic substances that enter the human body, cadmium occupies no last place. It is found in agricultural fertilizers, so we absorb it with fruits and vegetables. The microelement is dangerous for the development of lung cancer and other oncological diseases.
  • Zinc. It is found in muscle tissue and is necessary for their development, but an excess of this heavy metal contributes to an imbalance between other metals and leads to diseases.
  • Thallium. Doctors called it chemical AIDS. When passing through cell membranes, it creates strong formations that do not dissolve with riboflavin, and this leads to disruptions in sulfur metabolism.
  • Copper. Excessive concentration of copper in the body is dangerous due to hemolysis, growth retardation, decreased hemoglobin and even degradation of organ tissue.

How do heavy metal salts end up in the human body?

Dangerous chemical elements, including metals, are found in soil, water and air. They are especially susceptible dangerous influence people living in unfavorable areas, close to industrial enterprises. Exhaust fumes, cigarette smoke, untreated tap water, household chemicals and even food and beverages are also sources of these dangerous salts.

We inhale them and ingest them, and they are also absorbed through the hair and epidermis. This is especially true for people living near chemical and mining enterprises, nuclear power plants and simply in large cities with high concentration exhaust gases in the air. Thus, even the leading healthy image In life, people do not have one hundred percent protection from the accumulation of heavy metals, so it is better to understand in detail what and how removes heavy metal salts from the body.

Symptoms of excess heavy metals in the body

You can recognize poisoning with salts of heavy metals or determine their excessive content in your body by unpleasant symptoms, which you should remember:

  • constant headaches and dizziness;
  • nausea leading to vomiting;
  • severe diarrhea or constipation;
  • painful sensations in the esophagus;
  • metallic taste in the mouth;
  • spasms in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • the appearance of erosions and ulcers on the mucous membranes;
  • hyperemia of the pharynx or larynx.

If two or three of them are detected listed symptoms, go to see a doctor and tell us about how you are feeling. To confirm or refute heavy metal poisoning, a specialist will prescribe tests and, if necessary, treatment.

Drugs that remove heavy metals from the human body

Helps remove hazardous metals from the human body medications, but they must be prescribed by doctors. Prescriptions always depend on the increased concentration of which metal the analysis reveals. These may be medications such as:

  • antidotes, among which the universal drug Unithiol stands out;
  • phytosolutions such as Lymphominosot;
  • homeopathic remedies;
  • sorbents Polyphepan or Enterosgel;
  • hemodialysis in the most advanced situations;
  • forced diuresis with Torsemide, glucose solution or Mannitol;
  • injections of Hemodez N or Gelatinol.

The doctor determines a suitable remedy that will make it easier to remove toxins and accumulated metals from the body individually.

What foods will help remove heavy metals from the human body?

You can rid your body of heavy metals by regularly consuming healthy foods. Separately, we should highlight water, the amount of which in the human body exceeds 70%. This is partly why it is considered one of the the best means detoxification. Any methods of cleansing the body will be useless with dehydration, which also triggers oxidative processes and does not allow the organs to fight dangerous free radicals. Doctors recommend drinking at least 1.5-2 liters of fluid daily.

Helps cleanse the body regular products nutrition that can be emphasized in case of accumulation large quantities hazardous salts:

  • Citrus. They contain a lot of pectin, which creates a cleansing effect.
  • Beets with flavonoids neutralize heavy metals, making them safe for humans.
  • Garlic, a powerful detoxifier, increases the concentration of lymphocytes and improves immune mechanisms.
  • Seaweed cleanses the blood and removes toxins containing metal salts.
  • Rice absorbs and then removes mercury, lead and other metals.
  • Raspberries, viburnum or cranberries combine metal salts, promoting their elimination.
  • Dairy products, kvass and other products containing live bacteria. They even help remove lead and cadmium.
  • Cauliflower and broccoli, as well as leeks, contain sulfur - the main fighter against heavy toxins.
  • Polyphenols promote the production of metallothionein in the body, which cleanses the blood of salts. Present in cocoa, green tea, natural chocolate, mint, flaxseeds, strawberries and blackberries.

Folk remedies for removing heavy metal salts

You can cleanse your body folk remedies, some of which give good results. Among them are:

  • A decoction of milk thistle seeds strengthens the liver and prevents the absorption of heavy metals in the body. It is prepared simply: pour a spoonful of seeds with a cup of boiling water and let it sit. We drink 250-300 ml daily for a month.
  • Using herbal teas, you can remove metal salts and prevent their accumulation in the body. The most useful are rosehip, chamomile and sea buckthorn infusions.
  • It also helps remove metals from the brain and the body as a whole. oat broth. To prepare it, pour 2 liters of water into a glass of flakes and boil for 30 minutes over low heat. We drink ½ glass four times a day.
  • A proven remedy with a detoxifying effect is cilantro or coriander. Add it when preparing salads or brew tea: 4 tablespoons of chopped herb per 1 liter of boiling water.

The benefits of exercise in the process of removing heavy metals from the human body

Scientists conducted a study in which they studied blood, urine and sweat samples from hundreds of experiment participants. As a result, they concluded that all these biological fluids contain toxins, and sweat is especially rich in heavy metal salts.

Thus, intense exercise, during which a person sweats heavily, is an effective method of detoxifying the body. The main thing is to choose physical activity, which will give you pleasure and allow you to sweat a lot: aerobics, cycling, jogging and much more.

Cleaning the body in the bath

Lead, cadmium and mercury are also removed from the body in a bathhouse or sauna. When visiting them, we sweat a lot, and all harmful substances come out through the sweat glands. This method of detoxification is also useful in preventing diseases caused by toxins and metals.

Doctors confirm the effectiveness of baths and saunas, but they talk about the need for long sessions, which are not useful for everyone. For example, people with heart disease or simply elderly people should not stay in the steam room for a long time.

What removes heavy metals from a child’s body

Cleansing a child's body from heavy metal salts is a little more difficult, but this activity is even more important. For example, mercury is a substance that can cause a condition in children that is similar in symptoms to autism. This does not mean that mercury poisoning leads to such a disease, but all children with autism are prescribed biocorrection during treatment.

Before detoxification child's body Doctors normalize intestinal functions, otherwise supplements and medications can cause a yeast infection and worsen the child’s condition. Additionally, blood and urine tests are carried out with a chelator - without it, the mercury concentration is underestimated. After all these preparatory procedures Doctors begin removing heavy metals from the baby's body by starting chelation.

Depending on the individual characteristics and health conditions, the appropriate remedy is used. Most often this is a solution of dimercaptosuccinic acid - one of the best chelators (safe and effective). After taking the drug, the child improves eye contact, communication skills improve, coordination and speech are restored. The dosage is determined individually from 10 to 30 mg/kg of body weight per day. The solution is taken orally, pre-mixed with a sweet drink, but sometimes it is administered intravenously. The first course lasts three days, after which there is a 10-11 day break and then again. The cycle is repeated up to 10-12 times - this is necessary to completely remove mercury and other metals from tissues.

In addition to chelation, children are prescribed other medications and substances:

  • lipoic acid, which is strong antioxidant;
  • melatonin, which normalizes sleep and wake cycles;
  • glutathione;
  • taurine;
  • metallothionein stimulants;
  • allithiamin, etc.

The course of treatment lasts until the condition improves, and then another 1-2 months to consolidate the result. After this, a control test of urine and blood is taken from the child to check the concentration of heavy metal salts.

Finally, we note that it will be easier for you to prevent excessive accumulation hazardous metals into the body, rather than subsequently removing them using medications. This is not always possible, since not all of us live in favorable environmentally friendly areas, but try to at least make proper diet, drink clean water, breathe less cigarette smoke and exhaust gases.

Dear visitor to my blog, today I have bad news as I am going to address the toxic effects of mercury and heavy metals, telling you what I learned from recent medical conferences where issues related to heavy metals were discussed.

But, I’ll say right away that there is good news, I’ll tell you a clear plan in 3 steps so that you can carry out it yourself cleansing the body of heavy metals and restore your health. I have been using this same plan successfully and safely with all my clients for several years now.

But first, let's look at the data on the "health effects of mercury and environment» that were presented at conferences.

Mercury and Autism: Part One

I have spoken more than once about the toxicity of mercury, as well as the connection between mercury fillings and autism. Now I would like to discuss the effects of mercury fillings in more detail.

Boyd Haley, Ph.D., of the University of Kentucky, is an outspoken opponent of dental fillings. The toxicology literature and his own decades of research haunt him.

The National Institutes of Health funded his research for 25 years, until he began to seriously question the safety of dental fillings, and the use of thimerosol (another form of mercury in vaccines), and their relationship to autism.

His work is currently funded by the private Henry Wallace Foundation.

The doctor believes that in fact, sea ​​fish mercury does not make such a big contribution to the toxicity of the body, such as amalgams (mercury fillings), because, as a rule, methyl mercury is eliminated from the body quickly, while mercury vapor from fillings is not eliminated until the filling be in your mouth.

At the conference, he reported a significant increase in autism among people. The numbers were staggering—more than 900% in one generation in California and 714% nationwide. The sharp increase in autism in California was due in part to the introduction of the hepatitis B vaccine in 1990, and an increase in general scheme vaccinations.

In 1999, thimerosol (mercury) was removed from these vaccines as parents became aware of the danger it posed. It has been proven that thimerosol quickly turns into ethyl mercury in the body, and where, after mercury quickly passes from the blood to the brain. It wasn't until 2004, five years after thimerosol was banned from vaccines, that autism rates in California dropped for the first time.

Although, through the courts, the manufacturers of these vaccines tried to prove that there was no connection between vaccines and autism. But we must remember that judicial practice is not scientific proof. Statistics and data can be manipulated and interpreted in different directions, depending on who is doing the analysis. It's often what's hidden or between the lines that hides the real data, and we've seen this time and time again in scientific research. Research funded by pharmaceutical companies or food companies is always announced only positive results, compared to research that is conducted privately, initiated by a group of people who care about lies and the lives of millions of people.

Let's also look at the work of Dr. Wakefield and the questions it raises and the directions it provides.

Mostly, doctors and scientists ignore the fact that up to 95% of children with autism have intestinal problems, especially large, swollen bellies. How do stomach problems destroy their brains, make them withdrawn, mute and lost in their own world?

Dr. Wakefield asked why. He accidentally noticed inflammation (or lymphoid hyperplasia), in the stomachs of some children with autism. Could this sighting be a coincidence? Dr. Wakefield began to research this further and found that it was something common in all autistic children.

The study involved 148 children with autism and 30 children without autism. 90% of autistic children were found to have inflammatory bowel disease and only 30% of non-autistic children (I personally question whether many non-autistic children may have inflammatory bowel disease from poor diet and allergies).

He also noticed inflammation was much more severe in children with autism. Food allergens, bacteria, viruses and toxins (such as mercury) could all cause illness. These same things are common reasons all diseases and create imbalances in each of the body's key systems, ie toxins, infections, allergens, poor nutrition, and stress.

Measles Vaccine Controversy

Other studies have linked live measles virus in vaccines to intestinal inflammation. Measles viruses have been identified in people with inflamed intestines. How did this happen? And how does this relate to autism?

Typically, when you or your children receive a vaccine, even with a half-live virus, it only stimulates your body's immune system to create antibodies that will protect you in the event of an actual infection. But sometimes, as in the case of children with autism, their weakened immune system may not be able to cope with this “half-living” live virus and cannot fight it off. Therefore, the live virus wanders in the body, creating inflammation at a low potential level - both in the intestines and in the brain.

In a study of children with developmental delays, they found that 75 of 91 patients with autism had live measles virus detected in intestinal tissue samples. And only 7 out of 70 ordinary patients were found to have the measles virus in their intestines.

In another study looking at measles viruses using DNA, they found intestinal inflammation in autistic children from the measles virus, and they compared them with non-autistic children, but also with inflamed bowel. THE SHOCKING FINDING was that the measles virus DNA in autistic children came from the measles vaccine (that is, viruses that were bred specifically for vaccines) and not from wild measles viruses (a type of measles virus that comes from a community-acquired infection). ).

Many people claim that this does not mean that all children who receive vaccinations have problems (personally, I completely disagree with this), but the question is why it is not possible to cope with the live measles virus, which is used in immunization, and this causes inflammatory response in the intestines and brain. These children cannot cope with the vaccine (maybe because mercury suppresses the immune system), and then the usually benign live measles virus takes root in the body and begins to damage these children more, and especially the brain.

Even more alarmingly, the measles vaccine virus migrates into the brains of autistic children (perhaps normal children too?). This means that not only is there inflammation of the intestines that causes problems, but the measles virus can even take root in the brain itself. How all this happens is not clear, but the presence of a vaccine against measles has been identified in the cerebrospinal fluid of children with autism.

Research shows that autism is a complex, heterogeneous disorder that has multiple causes. Vaccines and mercury, food, air, water, all this needs to be researched, this requires money, and the state, pharmaceutical companies and food companies are absolutely not interested in this, so while there are doctors and scientists in the world who care about the sick people, we should help them, at least for example, disseminate information about their research. How more people they will know about less people will suffer. Therefore, I ask you to share this article with your loved ones and friends.

Now back to Dr. Haley.

Dr. Haley noted that low level mercury was found in the hair of a newborn, the most seriously affected child with autism.

Interestingly, the 4 to 1 ratio of autism in males to females in particular may be due to exposure to mercury testosterone and its elimination from the body. Antibiotics also prevent the excretion of mercury, and antibiotic use has been observed to be much higher among autistic children. You can find more information about this on Dr. Haley's website.

As proof, you can study the presentation in English by Dr. Haley, and this is only the beginning of the story that tells about the relationship between mercury and autism...

Mercury and autism, part two

Jane El Dara, MD, PhD chief physician in children's allergies, immunology and rheumatology. She also discussed a possible link between thimerosol in vaccines and autism. (The data she presented is available at

In California, strict reporting standards have been introduced for people with autism.

Over the course of 25 years, based on this reporting, we learn that there were only 6,527 cases of autism. But literally within 3 years, another 6596 cases were added. Also for example, from 1987 to 1998 there was a 273% increase in autism cases in California!
In response to this increase, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the American Academy of Autism declared an "Autism Alarm", stating that 1 in 166 children in the US have autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Currently, one sixth of all children under the age of 18 have a developmental disability. This means that almost 20% of the population may suffer from this problem and may not be able to be productive members of society as a result.

Much of this may be due to mercury toxicity.

This is not just a guess - the scientists are based on an analysis of the actual doses of thimerosol (mercury) received by children after a change in vaccination schedule.

Also the disease Acrodynia or "syndrome pink baby", which occurs from exposure to calomel or mercury in toothpaste, has similar symptoms autism, thereby providing us with another link between mercury exposure and autism.

Other potential sources containing mercury are contaminated fish, ear drops and nasal drops. But vaccines may be more problematic here than all other sources. Pro-gam vaccines represent a significant source of mercury exposure to the brain, such as influenza vaccines during pregnancy and childhood immunizations.

The maximum level in these vaccines during the first six months of life was found to be 187.5 micrograms of mercury - far exceeding the limits set by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Environment Agency.

Like lead, there is no safe level of mercury—and children are more susceptible to toxic effects than adults.

So what should we do about the mercury that is affecting our children and causing us health problems?

Mercury in Children: Assessment, Diagnosis and Treatment

Stephanie Cave, MD, in the clinical department at Louisiana State, has seen more than 2,300 children with autism since 1996. In her latest book: " What your doctor can't tell you about childhood vaccinations», outlines the evidence and debate in this highly charged area.

Dr. Cav reported an increased incidence of autism in the last 30 years—150 in 10,000 children and 1 in 30 men in the United States.

The main toxicity of mercury that is contributing to this epidemic, she said, is its ability to disrupt the structural integrity of cells, interfering with normal functioning.

On conference dr. Cav was critical of a well-publicized study in the Lancet that said there was no toxic effect from thimerosol, which is in vaccines. She noted that there were numerous problems with the study, including that the researchers used different amounts of thimerosol (mercury) and only had 33 participants.

Another study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association also did not report increased risk autism from thimerosol. And the problem with this study was that the authors were associated directly with State Institute for the production of vaccines. 80% of this Institute's profit comes from vaccines! The methodology in this study is also questionable due to inconsistencies in their reporting system.

Another study yielded even more ominous findings. After examining 221 children with autism and following the trial, 18 vaccinated autistic children had three times higher levels of mercury in their urine than the rest.

The question we are left asking is how children with autism spectrum disorders should be treated. Dr. Kav offered her approach...

Her treatments include avoiding casein- (store-bought dairy), avoiding GMO gluten, avoiding contaminated seafood, removing fillings from teeth, and performing a complete body cleanse.

The key to treating autism is to carefully detoxify heavy metals from the body, repair the gut, and cleanse the liver of chemicals.

The doctor also suggests that the intestines can be completely restored with herbs and natural probiotics (). And so on.

The results of this protocol were impressive. Dr. Kav has presented a number of cases where these treatments have shown significant benefit and reduction in autism symptoms!

But mercury isn't just linked to autism. It provokes many other diseases.

Mercury and adult diseases: From Alzheimer's disease to heart failure.

Robert Nash, MD, is a practicing neurologist and chairman of the American Board of Metal Toxicology. At the conference, he reviewed mercury and accompanying illnesses, mechanisms, controversies and therapeutic options.

He suggests that the toxic effects of mercury are related to wide range diseases, including autism, Alzheimer's disease, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, nervous disease, nephrotoxicity and cancer.

Mercury can also affect the central nervous system, concentrating in the cerebrospinal fluid, and the kidneys, reducing the ability to concentrate. And this inhibits the growth of the nerve, and easily passes through the placental barrier. The chemical mercury can also reduce nerve function, which can subsequently lead to the development of neurofibrillary tangles - common feature Alzheimer's disease.

Dr. Nash suggests that most, if not all, of the abnormal brain chemistry in Alzheimer's disease is due to mercury.

Adding to the compelling evidence, the study suggests that mercury may also be linked to cardiovascular disease.

For example, one patient had this problem. She had no reason or suspicion for heart failure - but at 62, she is facing a heart transplant. Then having done a few additional tests, it was discovered that the woman had mercury toxicity in her body, so after undergoing a heavy metal cleanse, she began to thrive again. Her heart function has significantly improved by 130%!

Dr Nash says mercury is a risk factor for many diseases - but can also be safely eliminated from the body. He said the body could be rendered harmless from the mercury. Of course, more research needs to be done to shed light on this very important topic, and this requires honest people and, of course, finance.

More importantly: it can be treated!

In my practice, I have seen the benefits of cleansing the body of heavy metals. Many have recovered from dementia, chronic fatigue, even Parkinson's disease, heart failure, diabetes mellitus, obesity, sclerosis, depression, autoimmune diseases such as colitis and rheumatoid arthritis, and many other problems. Of course, this does not mean that mercury is the cause of these diseases, but it is one of many causes that need to be considered.

So now you understand that mercury can have a powerful effect on your health, let's take a look:

How can you tell if you have mercury toxicity?

and then: How to treat mercury toxicity?

Diagnosis and treatment of mercury poisoning

The first thing to understand is that to identify a mercury problem (or any other type of heavy metal poisoning) you will have to do very thorough tests, so you may need to do different clicks to do this.

What follows is a three-step plan to find out if you are suffering from mercury poisoning. Understand that this approach must be done carefully and systematically so that you end up with a body that is ready to remove metals.

  • Step 1: Preparing for Detoxification

This process can take several months, and I cannot stress enough how important this preparatory step is. You will achieve the result by optimizing your nutrition and cleansing procedures. Once you start doing this, you will begin to feel the metals progress in your body and begin to be excreted through urine, bile, feces and sweat.

  1. Optimize your intestinal functions. Gradually eliminate common ones food allergens(dairy, gluten, corn, eggs, etc.), replace them for a while (1-6 months) with other organic products, eat greens, herbs, organic fruits as much as possible.
  2. Optimize your diet to cleanse your body of heavy metals. Use healthy fats (omega-3 fats, olive oil cold pressed, homemade butter), natural amino acids and minerals.
  3. Help cleanse your liver. Eat more folates and vitamins B12 and B6 in kind(sulphur-containing foods) such as broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, garlic, onions, etc.
  4. Start sauna therapy (it is better to use a bathhouse). Make sure you drink enough water.
  5. Optimize excretory routes for metals, including your urine, stool, and sweat. Use different liquids (herbal teas, filtered water, detox water), consume organic fiber (non-GMO) and steam in a bathhouse, and exercise.
    • Get a test to assess your total mercury load in your body. Today this test is called a challenge or provocative test. It can only be done with a doctor's prescription and under the supervision of a doctor. But there is the easiest and safest way to do such a test, for this you need to take 500 mg of DMPS in one dose. And apply first thing in the morning, after bowel movement. Bladder. After which, wait 6 hours and collect your urine. The drug DMPS is not approved in the US, although it has been approved and used for decades in Europe and Russia.
    • Another option is to use the drug DMSA, which is approved and approved in the United States. It pulls in much less mercury and should be taken at a dose of 30 mg/kg to test for mercury toxicity in your body. But I believe that this is not as effective in getting a true analysis of what is in your body.
    • Saunas (baths) daily, especially on the days when you are doing the test.
    • Make it yourself or ask knowledgeable person, a clear three-month plan to provide your body with organic vitamins and antioxidants for three months while it undergoes the cleansing process.
    • Drink enough filtered water and liquids.
    • Make sure you have bowel movements 1-2 times a day. This is very important, or you will eliminate mercury from your intestines. You can add flax seeds, or drink senna tea (you can learn more about this in my course).
    • If you are not allergic to organic dairy products, then use yogurt, whey, butter, they will help increase glutathione and heal your intestines.

    Understand one thing that I am simply sharing my experience and knowledge with you here. I acknowledge that this is a controversial area, requires honest people And government agencies, which can even more accurately suggest a way to remove heavy metals and mercury from the body. But unfortunately, there is not one large controlled study looking at this problem.

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Everyone needs to know how to remove lead from the body, since anyone can become intoxicated with this heavy metal.

Lead is a silver-white, fusible metal, used in various fields:

  • for the manufacture of explosives, bullets;
  • in the production of rechargeable lithium batteries;
  • in coating glass, porcelain;
  • to protect patients from x-ray radiation;
  • in electrical engineering;
  • for casting bearings.

Lead is also included in gasoline, some insecticides, household utensils, paints, varnishes, whitewash, printing fonts, etc. However, due to the high toxicity of the metal, it has become less used. However, this does not reduce the likelihood of lead poisoning, since contact with it is still possible.

Why is lead dangerous?

Lead can enter the body in any way: through the skin, stomach, Airways. You can get poisoned:

  • during repair and artistic work with white or lead paints;
  • in hazardous production;
  • when using utensils with a hazardous coating;
  • when independently repairing electrical appliances containing lead;
  • from old lead water pipes;
  • when welding and cutting metal containing lead, etc.

The metal itself and its compounds, especially water-soluble and volatile ones, are toxic. When it enters the body, up to 90% of the poison accumulates in bone tissue, which are gradually destroyed, and the concentration of lead begins to increase in the liver and kidneys.

The danger of lead for the body lies in the fact that the poison affects several systems at once:

  • Central nervous system (ranging from insomnia to serious mental disorders, encephalopathy);
  • peripheral nervous system (up to paralysis of the hands and feet);
  • urinary (as a result sudden violation kidney function, urine is not excreted completely, chronic renal failure develops);
  • bone (bones become softer).

For pregnant women, lead poisoning can lead to fetal death or premature birth. For women, intoxication with this heavy metal can manifest as impaired reproductive function.

But contact with lead is especially dangerous for children.

  • Up to 5 years of age. Suffering mental development child, because brain damage occurs. At this stage, only one step separates the baby from the onset of an irreversible disease - mental retardation.
  • From 6–7 years old. Chronic lead poisoning leads to arrested development of the child and polyneuropathy (loss of sensation in the legs and arms). The body gradually weakens.
  • And regardless of the child’s age, anemia develops (red blood cells are destroyed). This leads to hypoxia, and it is also one of the causes of mental retardation.

Lead is eliminated from the body very slowly. It will take up to 3 months to remove at least half of it from bone tissue. From blood and soft tissues - up to 40 days.

For getting severe poisoning an adult needs only 1 to 3 mg of lead, and death occurs when 10 mg enters the body.

Signs of poisoning

With constant exposure to lead in the body, chronic poisoning develops. The main signs of Saturnism (as the chronic form is called) may not appear for a long time until the concentration of this metal becomes critical.

Read also: How to quickly remove barbiturates from the body

Dry skin gradually develops, decreasing muscle mass in volume, weakness, increased fatigue, decreased performance, dental damage, etc. These signs indicate advanced stages of poisoning. Treatment to help remove lead from the body in such cases takes a long time, and there is no guarantee that the victim will fully recover.

Acute poisoning occurs suddenly if a large amount of poison enters the body at once. Here the symptoms are hard to miss. They will vary depending on the route of entry into the body. If the cause of lead poisoning was skin contact with metal dust, signs of intoxication will appear skin problems in the form of ulcers, cracks, etc.

If swallowed or inhales vapors characteristic features Lead poisoning includes increased sweating, muscle stiffness, constipation with cramping abdominal pain, muscle paralysis with subsequent damage to the kidneys, liver and other organs.

In the absence of help acute intoxication exposure of the human body to lead will lead to death.

If there are signs of acute or chronic form of lead poisoning, the patient needs medical attention in both cases.

Lead removal through medication

At the first stage of treatment, the patient must be prescribed antidotes (according to the condition):

  • Succimer. The dosage cycle is usually designed for 3 days, 500–600 mg of the drug 3–4 times a day. After 3 days - a 2-day break.
  • Tetacin. Used in the same way as Succimer, but in more complex cases.
  • Unithiol. Give in tablets 4 times a day or as a 5% drip solution intravenously.
  • D-penicillamine. 450 mg per day, designed for 3-4 injections.

These drugs, which bind and remove lead, are called “metal cleaners” by toxicologists for a reason. Taking such medications is vital for the patient in case of poisoning with other heavy metals.

At the second stage, the patient is prescribed medications, depending on the lesions. If the metal concentration is localized in the heart or kidneys, the following is prescribed:

  • intravenous or intramuscular nicotinic acid;
  • cocarboxylase solutions;
  • adenosine triphosphate intramuscularly.

In case of defeat nervous system or brain:

  • Vasobral (in tablets) and intravenous Vinpocetine with sodium chloride;
  • 20% glucose solution;
  • magnesiums;
  • B vitamins by drip or intramuscular injection.

All medications and dosages are selected by the doctor strictly individually. Treatment takes place under the supervision of doctors in a hospital.

Lead removal using traditional methods

With the permission of the doctor and provided the condition improves, you can resort to folk remedies for removing lead from the body.

  • Milk thistle. It will strengthen liver cells and remove harmful substances. Pour a teaspoon of seeds into a glass boiled water, leave for 20 minutes. Take for a month.
  • Teas made from chamomile, sea buckthorn, rose hips or calendula. Drinks disinfect well, relieve inflammation and remove toxins.
  • Oat decoction. Boil a glass of cereal in 2 liters of water for 40 minutes. Strain and drink half a glass a day. This method is an excellent cleansing of the body from heavy metals.
  • Bathhouse. One of the best ways to remove toxins is through the sweat glands. But you need to stay in the steam room for a long time, so this method is not suitable for heart patients and the elderly.
  • Physical exercise. If you exercise until you sweat profusely, then poisons will begin to come out through the sweat glands.

Read also: Food poisoning of bacterial origin

Traditional methods of removing lead cannot replace basic treatment, so you cannot rely solely on them.

Heavy metals can accumulate in animal organisms and plants that we eat. They enter the human body through inhaled air, cigarette smoke, exhaust gases, vapors or particles household chemicals, water. Their isotopes are deposited on the walls of organs, provoking the development of diseases of various etiologies.

Health Hazard

HMs are concentrated mainly in near-surface soil layers (up to 20 cm). When removed from other pollutants that decompose under the influence of physicochemical as well as biological factors, or are removed from the soil, heavy metals can persist for a very long period of time (from 70 to 5900 years, depending on the type of metal) even after the source of pollution has been removed.

Cause of danger

The toxicity of HMs is determined by their binding to active-functional protein complexes and other compounds that are vital for the normal functioning of the body.

As a result, the normal functioning of cells and tissues is disrupted, which causes intoxication, which in some situations ends in death.

Negative influence

Heavy metals are classified into two groups - organic and inorganic. Organic ones end up in the body thanks to taking medications (by the way, this includes alcoholic drinks With tobacco products). The latter penetrate through food and from the environment, in particular by inhaling air and through the skin.

Basically, these elements are deposited in lymphatic system, in particular in the liver.

The most common heavy metals that accumulate in our body include arsenic, lead, copper, iron, aluminum, cadmium, nickel, manganese, mercury, thallium and others. How do they affect organs?


This element causes toxemia, described in Japan as the disease "itai-itai" (translated into Russian as "oh-oh"). This poisoning is characterized by the development of osteomalacia of bone tissue. In other words, its total volume increases, but mineralization decreases.

Chronic intoxication, which is provoked by cadmium, destroys the liver and kidneys, disrupts the metabolism of metals, in particular iron, and calcium. Cadmium disrupts the activity of zinc enzymes, as well as DNA synthesis.


It inhibits one of the stages of biological synthesis of heme and provokes excessive aggressiveness. Chronic toxemia causes impaired renal function, nervous system, and anemia. By blocking proteins SH groups, forming complex compounds with complexes of phosphate compounds of ribose and nucleotides, quickly destroy RNA, inhibit carboxypeptidase and other enzymes.


It is often referred to as “chemical AIDS.” Passing through cell membranes, it forms strong complex formations, in particular, insoluble with riboflavin. As a result, the process of sulfur metabolism is disrupted.

Intoxication with this substance provokes gastroenteritis and peripheral nephropathies. Acute toxemia leads to death.


A chronic excess of this substance leads to hemolysis, growth inhibition, decreased hemoglobin, and degradation of tissues such as internal organs, like the liver, as well as the brain and kidneys.

Excess zinc disrupts the balance of other metals


A good half of this element is present in muscle tissue. The highest concentration is concentrated in the prostate. In the bloodstream it is found as a cofactor in carbonic anhydrase.

An excess of zinc leads to an imbalance in the metabolic balance of other metals. For example, an imbalance in the zinc/copper ratio causes the development of cardiac ischemia.

Cleansing the body from TM

An excess of toxins can cause allergic manifestations, anomalies during pregnancy and even infertility, malignant tumors, pathologies of the kidneys and liver, developmental inhibition, autism, decreased immunity, disorders of the nervous system, endocrine system, joint diseases, Parkinson's disease, as well as Alzheimer's disease and others.

The list of pathologies is terrifying. Children are most exposed to this danger. That is why everyone who is concerned about the health of their loved ones, and especially their child, should know how to remove heavy metals from the body.

Medicinal cleansing

Screening helps determine the severity of toxemia and the presence a certain type TM, the direction of therapy depends on this. What procedures and medications will be prescribed are also influenced by the symptoms observed.

The problem associated with young children is complicated by the method of taking samples. Often this is enough to examine urine and hair. As a rule, in inpatient conditions Combined detoxification is used. Among the procedures characteristic of it:

  • parenteral administration of special solutions (hemodez N, neocompensan, gelatinol, reamberin, etc.);
  • extracorporeal - hemodesis, as well as hemodialysis;
  • forced diuresis (mannitol, torsemide, hypertonic 40% glucose solution, etc.);
  • enterosorbent agents (polysorb, enterosgel, White clay, polypefan, etc.);
  • antidotes (unitol, as a universal one, cuprenil - a complexing agent);
  • herbal infusions, as well as homeopathic remedies (lymphomyosot, nux-vomica, etc.).

Among the signs by which one can suspect TM toxemia are the following:

  • bloating, nausea;
  • cracks in the skin throughout the body;
  • hemoptysis;
  • lacrimation;
  • movement disorders;
  • specific odor from the mouth;
  • sweating;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • convulsions;
  • mental disorders, etc.


Besides medications You can resort to treatment with proven folk remedies. Moreover, such a cleansing of the body from heavy metals is a simple and not very expensive method. Many who monitor their health are interested in how to cleanse the body of heavy metals on their own? What products have excretory abilities?


These are algae containing a lot of chlorophyll, which is responsible for binding and eliminating HMs.

By the way, those who are interested in how to remove lead from the body can adopt this method. Algae contain glutathione. This tripeptide is the “father” of existing antioxidants, the “maestro” of detoxification, the “vanguard” of immunity. It provides natural cleansing and removal of heavy metals from the body.


Add to salads or drink the prepared tincture (1:5 ratio of dried herbs and 60% alcohol, drink three times a day, dissolving 5 drops in 100 ml of water). Then you can remove lead, mercury and aluminum from the body.


Back in 1987, a Korean medical news magazine reported on garlic having excellent chelating abilities. It is capable of removing cadmium and mercury from the human body.

Moreover, in such a situation, the protective effect of garlic is comparable to the therapeutic effect of prescription drugs.

Young sprouts

A remedy that effectively removes salts of heavy metals are green sprouts of cereals such as barley and wheat.

15 grams is enough. per day to eliminate deposited toxic substances, including HM.


Having a bitter taste, it is an excellent stimulant of the contractility of the bile ducts and a tonic for the liver. This plant has proven itself in cleansing the liver, blood, kidneys, and spleen from HM.


How to remove TM salts using products? When talking about cleansing procedures, one cannot fail to mention fermented food products and including polyphenols, etc.

Fermented foods

These are food products containing live bacteria. Among them are kefir, fermented baked milk, yoghurts, salted cucumbers, sauerkraut, homemade kvass.

These products not only restore microflora. They can contact HM salts and remove them naturally. They cope well with heavy metals such as lead and cadmium.

Products with polyphenols