Causes of bloating and colic in adults. Intestinal colic in adults. Prevention of intestinal colic


Intestinal colic is a sharp, paroxysmal pain caused by certain changes in the intestines.


The most striking clinical signs of this disease are: 1) paroxysmal, spasmodic pain in the intestines; 2) bloating and rumbling of the intestines; 3) stool disorder (constipation or diarrhea); 4) secretion of mucus in the form of white ribbons or tubes. The allergic nature of mucous colic is confirmed by the presence of eosinophils and pointed crystals in the feces (as in sputum in bronchial asthma).

Colic attacks occur after nervous shocks, conflict situations. During an attack of colic, palpation abdominal cavity sets spastically contracted colon, very painful. However muscle tension does not happen, the temperature remains normal. The duration of an attack of mucoid colic varies - from several minutes to a day. Outside of an attack of colic, patients remain constipated with the release of “sheep” feces.
In case of lead poisoning, lead intestinal colic develops, characterized by attacks of severe pain, the stomach is retracted, and the abdominal wall is tense. Long-term constipation is observed, there is a gray border on the gums, and other signs of lead are detected.


Pathogenesis intestinal colic very complicated. In some cases, pain is associated with stretching intestinal loops with their peritoneal covering, in others - with irritation nerve endings in the intestinal wall due to tension of the mesentery of the small intestines. But the main role in the mechanism of occurrence intestinal pain plays disturbed intestinal motility: tone, peristalsis, stretching and spasms of intestinal loops.

For example, with intestinal obstruction, pain is associated with increased stenotic peristalsis in the segment of the intestine located above the obstruction. In colitis and enterocolitis, they are associated with stretching and peristaltic contractions of the intestinal wall, altered due to the inflammatory process.


For treatment the following is prescribed:

Intestinal colic can and should be relieved. For this purpose, medications already known to us are used - antispasmodics, but with some “intestinal emphasis” (i.e., predominantly acting on the intestines). Unlike biliary and renal colic, for intestinal colic (if not), medications are taken orally. It is possible to apply the following treatment options at home:

   1. 2 tablets of no-shpa, wash down with a glass of warm mint decoction;
   2. dry belladonna extract (in “stomach tablets”, the preparation “becarbon”, “besalol”, “bellalgin” and “bellataminal” - 1-2 tablets, as well as in rectal suppositories);
   3. papaverine tablets with platyphylline - 1-2 tablets;
   4. warm therapeutic enema with a decoction of mint or lemon balm (200 ml);
   5. Smecta preparation (1 powder per 100 ml of water).

“Simple” intestinal colic goes away after such treatment, often after the passage of gas and a single loose stool.

The patient should not eat anything for 6-12 hours after this; You can drink warm, weak unsweetened tea with crackers.

Intestinal colic, or intestinal spasm, occurs when the smooth muscles that make up the intestinal wall suddenly contract. IN normal conditions rhythmic contraction of the muscular wall of the intestine promotes the evacuation of food. With some disorders, the muscles contract suddenly and intensely - intestinal spasm develops.

What is intestinal spasm? Irritation of the intestinal walls activates nerve endings, which disrupts the tone of smooth muscle tissue. In this case, the rhythmic contraction of the intestine becomes difficult and heterogeneous peristalsis appears: peristaltic waves are weakened in some places and intensified in others. Naturally, this will manifest itself in severe and sharp pain. Along with this, the evacuation of intestinal contents is disrupted, as obstacles appear in the path of the food bolus.

The mechanism of development of intestinal colic is multiple intestinal spasms

Why does this condition develop?

Intestinal spasms can develop against the background of organic and functional changes in the gastrointestinal tract, as well as with improper and irregular nutrition. Similar manifestations signal the patient that he should consult a specialist and undergo an examination.

The main causes of intestinal spasms are as follows:

  • Ingress of pathogenic bacteria during consumption of spoiled foods;
  • Fast food, constant overeating, which leads to poor digestion food in the stomach and increased load on the intestines;
  • Stress as a factor in the development of functional changes in the gastrointestinal tract, including the development of intestinal spasms on nervous soil;
  • Heavy metal poisoning;
  • Sedentary lifestyle;
  • Functional intestinal failure (as observed in infants);
  • Increased intra-abdominal pressure and hormonal changes– the cause of cramps in pregnant women.

Important: Intestinal colic can develop due to obstruction or intussusception. These are acute surgical pathologies that require emergency hospitalization and, most often, surgery. The condition of the patients deteriorates significantly, so when timely application It is difficult to see a specialist to miss a life-threatening pathology.

Symptoms of the disease

Symptoms of intestinal cramps depend on the location. Most often, the problem is localized in the small intestine, less often in the large intestine or in the entire intestine. In addition to severe pain, intestinal colic is characterized by other symptoms, which vary depending on the location.

  • Spasm of the large intestine is always accompanied by a violation of defecation: constipation, false urges, etc.
  • Spasm small intestine accompanied by malabsorption nutrients. Food moves faster through the intestines, which is accompanied by rumbling, increased gas formation, diarrhea, and often vomiting.

With long-term, frequently recurring spasms, absorption is impaired. useful substances, the content of vitamins and minerals decreases, which leads to the following symptoms: headache, decreased performance, sleep disturbance, nausea.

Signs of intestinal colic in a baby

Intestinal spasms in infants appear due to functional failure digestive system, which occurs in half of newborns. The spasm occurs in the first months of life and usually disappears by six months. Frequent attacks may indicate any serious violations, therefore, if intestinal spasms are observed frequently in a baby, you should urgently consult a specialist.

During intestinal colic, the baby is restless, does not sleep or eat. There is regurgitation and rumbling in the abdomen, bloating, tension in the anterior abdominal wall. The baby moves his legs towards his stomach, trying to relieve the condition. The attack lasts from half an hour to three hours. Improvement usually occurs after defecation or passing of gas. If, outside of an attack of intestinal spasm, the child is calm, eats well, gains weight according to his age, and attacks do not occur frequently, then there is no need to worry. However prophylactic appointment a specialist won't hurt anyone.

Diagnosis of intestinal colic

It is important that this article is not a guide to action. Diagnostic plan, as well as medical tactics, are determined strictly individually depending on the patient’s age and body condition. The doctor selects a list of additional examinations only after a conversation with the collection of complaints and medical history. Afterwards, palpation of the abdomen is performed, on the basis of which important symptoms that may indicate emergency conditions are excluded.

Then general clinical tests and additional research methods are carried out.

  • General blood test (detection of markers acute inflammation, assessment of the state of the hematopoietic system, detection of anemia).
  • Urinalysis to assess kidney function.
  • Biochemical blood test to exclude liver diseases (determination of liver transaminases and bilirubin).
  • Fecal occult blood test.
  • Ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs.
  • X-ray of the abdominal organs with contrast (the main method for excluding intestinal obstruction).
  • Endoscopic research methods (FGDS, colonoscopy) for diagnosing organic changes in the stomach and intestines.

How to relieve a spasm: first aid

Tip: In order to eliminate cramps in the intestines, it is recommended to apply a warm (but not hot) heating pad to your stomach. You can also take antispasmodics (no-spa, spasmalgon and others). A single dose of the drug will relieve pain, after which the patient can see a doctor.

If the spasm is of high intensity and is not relieved by a warm heating pad and a single dose, call ambulance to exclude acute surgical conditions.

Cramps during pregnancy can also be relieved with a warm heating pad, tea with mint and lemon balm, but taking any medications without consulting a gynecologist is strictly prohibited. Stroking the tummy and applying a warm diaper will help eliminate or alleviate intestinal colic in a baby.

Important: There are no antispasmodics approved by the manufacturer for use in children of the first year of life, so before looking at your first aid kit and giving your child any medicine, consult a specialist.

Treatment methods

In addition to eliminating symptoms, treatment of intestinal spasm involves normalizing gastrointestinal function and treating concomitant pathologies. First of all, you should change your diet:

  • Avoid eating legumes, processed foods, black bread, carbonated drinks, beer, smoked and spicy foods.
  • Add baked vegetables and fruits, first courses, and steamed food to your diet.
  • Increase the consumption of foods containing large amounts of fiber: cereals, pasta made from durum wheat, baked goods made from wholemeal flour.
  • Eat small portions 4-5 times a day, the last meal should be 4 hours before bedtime.

These rules will especially help pregnant women, since during pregnancy any medications can be harmful. Considering that during pregnancy, cramps are caused by functional changes in the intestines, following a diet will help prevent and avoid the development of intestinal colic.

To treat intestinal spasms, doctors prescribe probiotics and enterosorbents to almost every patient. These drugs will help restore microflora and eliminate toxins in the intestines, which will certainly improve the function of the gastrointestinal tract. According to indications, other drugs may be prescribed depending on the existing pathology.

For intestinal colic due to nervousness, taking sedatives, prescribing restorative massage and physiotherapy will help. However, before this, all possible organic causes of spasm must be excluded.

Prevention methods

The main methods for preventing intestinal cramps are to properly fractional meals. This is especially important for pregnant women and nursing mothers. Remember, intestinal colic in a baby is mainly due to the fact that the mother consumes unacceptable foods, which, together with breast milk enter the child's body.

Painful sensations that suddenly arise in the abdominal area indicate diseases, both serious and minor. So, the cause of pain may be intestinal colic. They arise due to various factors: sometimes the pathology is provoked by irritation of the nerve endings in the intestinal wall, and sometimes the reason is the stretching of the intestinal loops. Affects the appearance of colic weak tone and peristalsis. At this moment, a person feels sharp pains that appear suddenly due to spasms of the abdominal muscles.


Intestinal colic is characterized by painful sensations that occur unexpectedly. More often the disease is cramping in nature. Often the sensations arise due to proper nutrition, abuse fatty foods. Depending on the damage to the intestinal area, the following types of colic are distinguished:

  • Rectal, or rectal. With this type, a person experiences pain during the urge to go to the toilet.
  • Lead. It occurs due to lead poisoning and manifests itself as cramping pain in the abdominal area. In this case, the body temperature can reach 39 °C, and bleeding gums appear. Workers who work with lead, produce paints, and batteries are often susceptible to the disease.
  • Appendicular. Typical for patients who have appendicitis. The pain is mild at first, but gets worse over time.
  • Renal. With this type of colic, a person experiences pain not only in the abdomen, but also in the groin, lower back and genitals. Increases noticeably arterial pressure and body temperature (up to 39°C). Pathology occurs against the background urolithiasis, with tuberculosis or tumors.
  • Pancreatic - pathology associated with problems of the pancreas. First, the pain occurs in the abdomen on the left side, then spreads throughout the abdomen and moves to the back. The source of the disease may lie in pancreatitis or pancreatic tumors.
  • Hepatic colic occurs when cholelithiasis or cholecystitis in acute form. The patient feels pain in the right hypochondrium, which “shoots” in the shoulder and under the shoulder blade.

These types of colic provoke spasms that occur in the abdominal cavity. Pathology can occur in both adults and children. It is recommended to consult a doctor at the first symptoms to get treatment. full examination, determine the root cause, and begin treatment in a timely manner. It is important to overcome not only the symptoms, but also the causes of colic.


Intestinal colic in children

In newborns, colic occurs due to immature intestinal microflora.

It is not uncommon for babies to experience colic in the first couple of months. They are explained by the fact that a newborn baby’s bacterial microflora intestines and digestive tract. If a child is introduced to complementary foods before 3 months or given food that is inappropriate for their age, this leads to colic.

In children, it is extremely rare for the temperature to rise due to intestinal colic.

The disease is more often observed in boys or first-born children. When painful sensations occur, the child begins to scream loudly and press his arms and legs to his body. Colic can last from 10 minutes to several hours. Infant colic itself is not harmful and goes away before 4 one month old. But the baby needs an examination by a pediatrician to make sure that the reason for the child’s crying is not due to other diseases.

Intestinal colic in adults

In the process of their life, worms infect the intestinal mucosa.

The disease can be provoked by both external and internal factors. Often, diseases of the digestive system provoke colic. It is worth checking the health of the liver, pancreas and gall bladder. The following problems can also lead to this disease:

  • the presence of helminths on the intestinal walls;
  • if the diet is dominated by fried and spicy foods;
  • a respiratory viral disease in which inflammation The lymph nodes abdominal cavity;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • food poisoning;
  • , in which toxicosis occurs;
  • stress, nervous breakdowns, mental disorders;
  • heavy metal poisoning.

Lead to pathology frequent constipation, in which intense spasms occur, causing pain. More often, colic is not a pathology itself, but a symptom of more serious diseases. Therefore, a complete examination is needed in order to get rid of not only the symptoms, but also to properly treat the source of the disease itself.

Main symptoms

The patient feels constant discomfort in a stomach.

The symptoms of this disease are pronounced, appear suddenly and develop quickly. First of all, the patient complains of abdominal pain that radiates to the lower back. Discomfort and pain intensify after eating, especially when overeating, after physical activity or walking at a fast pace. The following symptoms are also present:

  • bloating and rumbling;
  • loss of appetite and poor health;
  • in women there is pain in the genital area, in men - in the testicles;
  • irregular bowel movements (diarrhea or constipation);
  • discharge of whitish mucus.

If there are sharp intestinal diseases(gastritis, ulcer), then a feeling of nausea, vomiting, lack of appetite is added to the general symptoms, and gastrogenic diarrhea occurs, in which a sharp pain in the abdomen is felt. If colic is not treated in time, intestinal obstruction will follow, which will lead to many other diseases. You should consult a doctor in a timely manner to avoid the need for surgical intervention.


To determine the diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe laboratory research.

In order to prescribe the most effective treatment, it is important to undergo a comprehensive diagnosis of the entire abdominal cavity. First, the doctor is interested in the patient’s well-being and takes into account complaints. The main test is stool analysis. It is used to determine the presence of dysbacteriosis, helminths and intestinal infections. A coprogram is carried out, which records enzyme activity. Additionally carry out ultrasonography abdominal cavity, colonoscopy and cholecystography.

What is the treatment for adults?

Conservative therapy

First of all, treatment should be aimed at eliminating the cause of the disease, and then the symptoms will disappear. Since there are many causes of the disease, it is impossible to determine unambiguously how and with what to treat it. An examination by a doctor and selection of individual treatment is necessary. The doctor prescribes antispasmodics and painkillers. If present, antibiotics with a wide spectrum of action are prescribed.

If there is colic and severe mechanical obstruction, then urgent surgical intervention is required.

The doctor will prescribe antibiotics to eliminate the infection in the intestines.

In case of colic due to an intestinal infection or toxic infection, a course of antibiotics is prescribed. If it does not give the desired result, then glucose, blood plasma and saline solutions. If the disease was caused by general respiratory diseases, it is recommended to take activated carbon and vitamins. It happens that the source of the problem lies in the low blood flow to the abdominal organs. In such cases, medications are prescribed to improve arterial patency.

Treatment with folk remedies

In folk medicine there are a lot of recipes that reduce spasms of the abdominal muscles. Pumpkin seeds are very popular in the fight against disease. It is necessary to grind them and pour 300 ml of boiling water into 2 tablespoons. Pumpkin therapy lasts for 5 days. Used for colic lavender oil, which can not only eliminate spasms, but also has a beneficial effect on nervous system. It is enough to drink 5 drops of oil per day, diluting it slightly with water.

Folk recipes will help eliminate pain.

Fresh cabbage juice and ginger tea are considered equally effective. It is prepared as follows: half a teaspoon of ginger root is crushed and poured with boiling water. You should make this tea twice a day. It is recommended to dilute cabbage juice a little with water and drink it before meals. In case of colic and diarrhea, a decoction of alder cones is used. St. John's wort, lemon balm, and thyme eliminate diarrhea and pain. Do not forget that traditional medicine can only be used with the consent of a doctor, so as not to cause more harm.

It turns out that many suffer from colic in the intestines. In adults (how to treat it will become clear later) it is an ordinary spasm of one of the sections of the intestine - the small (upper) or large intestine. However, this division of symptoms does not play a big role, despite the predisposition of the small intestine to painful contractions. Happening in upper section spasms quickly begin to spread throughout the intestines.

Spasm in the intestines - the cause of colic

Sometimes about developing pathologies in the gastrointestinal tract they speak specifically of colic in the intestines in adults. Treatment and symptoms of this problem are interrelated. The diagnosis, and therefore the treatment in the future, depends on the description of the character. Having determined that colic is caused by intestinal spasm, it is necessary to deal with the irritant that is the causative factor in the occurrence of intestinal spasm.

Often, cramping pain in the abdominal area appears due to excessive amounts of food consumed. Even if the products were of 100% high quality, the stomach could not fully cope with the volume of food supplied and could not digest it at the proper level. Gastritis and pancreatitis are considered one of the most common diseases that prevent complete digestion. It follows that it is these ailments that can contribute to the occurrence of colic in the intestines in adults. Everyone needs to know how to treat the problem.

Poor quality and junk food - a provocateur of spasms

Eating food that is sometimes stale and begins to ferment often causes bloating. In national Russian cuisine, the predominant number of dishes are prepared in ways that are not the most suitable for the digestive system. For example, sauerkraut, soaked apples, fermented kvass, bread - and that is made with yeast, so, in principle, you should not be surprised at the appearance of a spasm that provokes colic in the intestines in adults. How to treat (nutrition plays an important role here - it is extremely important to completely reconsider your usual diet) is described below, and now about the next cause of intestinal spasms.

Eating contaminated food normal reaction the intestines will become irritated.

It's about about getting into the gastrointestinal tract:

  • pathogenic microorganisms that cause diseases such as dysentery, salmonellosis, etc.;
  • opportunistic bacteria that do not always provoke diseases (some types of E. coli, staphylococcus, Klibsiella, etc.);
  • toxic waste products of pathogenic microorganisms ( food toxicosis, berries and other plants).

Chemical poisoning of the body and worms

Quite often, people whose professional activity directly related to the use of lead, colic in the intestines can be detected.

In adults, treatment in in this case will be aimed at quickly cleansing the body of heavy metal chemical poisoning. It is often easy to notice a characteristic dark plaque between the teeth of those who have been poisoned.

It often happens that uncomfortable colic in the intestines is a consequence of helminth infection. Worms are detected during clinical laboratory tests of stool. In the contents, experts find eggs of one or another type of helminth. However, intestinal colic is not the only sign of uninvited “guests” appearing in the body. Except painful spasms, observed:

  • rapid weight loss;
  • nausea;
  • complete lack of appetite;
  • constant itching around the anus;
  • the presence of more than 4 eosinophils in the blood parameters of the clinical analysis.

Neurological cause of intestinal colic

As a stress reaction of the body, colic in the intestines can occur in adults. How to treat a spasm in case of nervous excitement is quite difficult to answer. Naturally, the body's response to any shock with spastic contractions of the intestine is not entirely standard for humans. For example, unexpected diarrhea in a frightened bear is a completely natural phenomenon. Most often, the problem lies in the congenital abnormal distribution of nervous excitation.

Homemade Gut Health Recipes

Since the problem of intolerable spasms always takes you by surprise, you must always be prepared for the onset of colic in the intestines in adults. Treatment at home involves the use of a variety of methods, including proven medications and recipes from traditional healers.

The most important thing is to observe bed rest, do not eat anything and apply a warm heating pad to your stomach. Massage often helps eliminate intestinal colic in adults. What to treat (folk remedies are very popular due to their harmlessness and the naturalness of each component) - choose individually. Several recipes proposed below have been tested over the years and deserve special attention.

It’s absolutely not difficult to prepare an infusion that will relieve colic, bloating, and so on. IN equal quantities mix the following components:

  • chamomile;
  • angelica;
  • oak bark

Pour three tablespoons of the mixed mixture into one liter of boiling water and cook over low heat for no more than half an hour.

The resulting decoction must be drunk throughout the day, taking 100 ml at a time.

Motherwort, oregano and lavender

Among chronic diseases that cause constant colic in the intestines, acute colitis occupies one of the first places in terms of prevalence. You can relieve irritation of the intestinal walls with the help of an infusion of motherwort and stinging nettle. Finding a dry collection of motherwort in a pharmacy is not difficult, and pour two tablespoons of dry herb into two glasses at home hot water, after 30-40 minutes the infused drink can be filtered and consumed in medicinal purposes. You need to drink this drug for three weeks.

Oregano herb is another one effective remedy, helping to overcome intestinal colic in adults. Many supporters know how to treat and how to get rid of spastic pain alternative medicine. They found their salvation in an infusion of a dry plant. To obtain healing drink, you will need 3 tablespoons of dry inflorescences of the plant, poured with a liter of boiling water. You do not need to infuse this drug for a long time; after ten minutes you can begin treatment.

"Mountain lavender", sung in songs, is capable of short term calm the intestines and relieve spasms. A plant prepared as a simple tea that does not need to be specially infused helps. The recipe is simple - a teaspoon per glass of boiling water. However, it is extremely important not to overdo it folk therapy and drink no more than three cups of tea per day.

Popular herbal “cocktails”

When it’s not just colic in the intestines in adults that causes discomfort. How to treat (tablets that have been trusted for many years - No-Shpa) concomitant diarrhea at home is a fairly common question. The herbal mixture, represented by thyme, alder cones, St. John's wort, lemon balm and stinging nettle in equal quantities, is poured with boiling water overnight, and the medicinal drug is infused in this way until the morning. For 10 grams of dry herbal “mix”, 250 ml of boiling water is enough.

Another recipe that helps with the same problem is another collection medicinal herbs. It is prepared from three main components (snake knotweed, valerian root and chamomile inflorescences), but arnica is often added or per tablespoon herbal collection A quarter liter of hot water is enough. Before taking the medicine, it should be infused in a thermos, and it is recommended to drink it on an empty stomach.

Many people do not know how to overcome intestinal colic in adults or how to treat it. Medicines prepared independently will not bring less benefit than potent pharmacy medicines. For example, a decoction of alder bark boiled over a fire for a couple of minutes is one of the most effective remedies against intestinal colic.

Cabbage juice will improve bowel function

developing infection in intestinal cavity or beginning inflammatory processes in the intestinal cavity will eliminate cabbage juice.

Despite its specific and not entirely pleasant aroma, the drink is useful to drink not only for people with problems with colic in the intestines. Twice a day, a glass of cabbage liquid diluted with water or carrot-beet juice, you need to drink to maintain the body’s immune strength and resistance to colds.

Colitis and flatulence have long been treated with enemas and temporary fasting. A person suffering from intestinal spasms was allowed to drink only herbal infusions and infusions of thyme, dandelion, coltsfoot, marjoram and blueberries.

Wormwood with honey

The following recipe proposed is guaranteed to overcome colic traditional healers. To prepare it you will need about 100 grams of fresh wormwood. After pre-soaking the grass for 24 hours, put it on the fire and cook it. Add 2 cups of honey to the strained broth. After stirring and completely dissolving the honey, you need to take this medicine several times throughout the day, a tablespoon at a time.

Prevention of intestinal colic

For colic, probably caused intestinal infection, it is advised to eat fresh artichoke roots and grated carrot and apple puree.

These vegetables are effective antiseptics in the gastrointestinal tract.

You can prevent the occurrence of colic in the intestines by following the basics healthy eating and excluding bad habits. Alcohol and smoking pose a danger to the entire body. Poor quality of drinking water can also affect negative consequences on the state of the digestive organs. In addition, you should not overuse self-medication. Only a doctor, after conducting an examination, will be able to make a diagnosis and prescribe appropriate therapy.

Intestinal colic is a painful attack in the abdomen, in the area where the intestines are located, usually ending with a sharp urge to defecate. The pain often resembles muscle cramps when the intestines work intensely and too actively. Such colic can occur as a result of overeating, poor nutrition, an inflammatory reaction in the intestines, and for many other reasons.

ICD-10 code

K58 Irritable bowel syndrome

Causes of intestinal colic

Colic in the intestines is caused by spastic contractions of the thick or thin section. Most often, such spasms originate from the small intestine, gradually covering the entire length of the intestine.

Intestinal spasm is most often the result of irritation. There are many reasons for this irritation:

  • diseases of the stomach, pancreas, and even diseases oral cavity do not provide the opportunity to properly process food that enters the intestines insufficiently digested;
  • overeating, taking too much large quantity food in one sitting;
  • eating poor quality or stale food;
  • eating unusual, exotic foods;
  • bacterial infections of the intestines (salmonellosis, dysentery, etc.);
  • poisoning with mushrooms, poisons, and other toxic substances;
  • poisoning with salts of heavy metals (for example, lead);
  • stressful situations, excessive nervous tension;
  • helminthic infestations;
  • intestinal obstruction.

Symptoms of intestinal colic

As a rule, signs of colic develop suddenly, manifested by acute sharp pain in the abdomen, which can sometimes radiate to the lumbar region. Such an attack can be provoked by lifting heavy weights or running suddenly. But in most cases, this condition occurs some time after a heavy lunch.

Abdominal pain is cutting, gradually increasing. The patient cannot decide on a position, he writhes and tries to reduce the painful manifestations by changing his body position. During the maximum spasm, the patient groans, screams, and may experience a state of strong excitement.

If the attacks are prolonged, then gradually the pain can smooth out, subsequently increasing again. The pain radiates to the lumbar and groin area, genitals.

Due to irritation of the nerve endings of the peritoneum, gas removal and bowel movements are disrupted, therefore flatulence increases, nausea and headache appear. People prone to hypertension have increased blood pressure.

After prolonged colic, the patient is exhausted, apathetic, looks tired, exhausted.

If colic ends in sudden diarrhea, the patient feels sharp relief, although nagging pain may continue to be present in the stomach.

Acute intestinal colic

An attack of colic is always acute, manifested by cramping pain and a burning sensation in the intestinal area. This condition does not arise on its own, without a reason. After the end of the attack, in any case, it is recommended to visit a doctor and find out the cause of the disease.

The following signs indicate that the attack is acute:

  • pain during intestinal colic is sudden, unexpected, and usually takes you by surprise;
  • periodic, often short-term, intestinal spasms are felt;
  • stool is liquid, heterogeneous, with various impurities (mostly mucous), foul-smelling;
  • During an attack (only) the abdominal muscles tense.

The patient’s health deteriorates sharply, appetite disappears, constipation turns into diarrhea.

The temperature with intestinal colic is often normal if the condition is not caused by an intestinal infection. Otherwise, there may be an increase in temperature to high numbers (up to 39°C), symptoms may resemble colds along with intestinal problems.

Sometimes the patient experiences a false and painful urge to defecate. Pain can be observed over the entire surface of the abdomen, or mainly in the right iliac zone, resembling an acute attack of appendicitis.

Intestinal colic in adults

Intestinal pain in adult patients cannot be interpreted as independent disease. This can be a symptom of a large number of various pathologies of the digestive system. In other words, it is impossible at first glance to determine the root cause of this condition. This may be a dysfunction digestive tract, spasms of smooth muscles, allergic manifestations.

Signs of intestinal damage are unchanged: painful attacks, cramping pain, increased gas formation, stool upset, mucus in the stool. When palpating the abdomen, pain is detected, but the muscles abdominals should not be tense. Temperature is normal. The attack can last for several minutes, then there is a short or longer break. The total duration of the attack is from several hours to several days.

Heaviness general condition in an adult patient depends on the presence of other concomitant diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. For example, if colic develops against the background of gastritis, then nausea, vomiting, and pain in the stool may accompany the disorder. epigastric region, heartburn.

A frequent guest in adults, along with a spastic attack, is intestinal obstruction - a mechanical hindrance, or a violation of the motility of a certain area of ​​the large intestine. The result of such a pathology can be complete paralysis of the intestine, narrowing of the intestinal lumen, which in any case requires emergency medical care. Sometimes surgery has to be used.

Intestinal colic in pregnant women

Sudden attacks of cramping pain in the abdominal area can seriously frighten any pregnant woman. Not understanding what is happening, a woman often panics: the best way out in such a situation would be an urgent consultation with a doctor. In emergency cases, it is recommended to immediately call an ambulance.

Intestinal problems during pregnancy can arise due to poor nutrition or physical inactivity - a sedentary lifestyle. The fact is that for the normal functioning of the digestive system, it is necessary not only to follow a special dietary regime, but also to practice daily gymnastic exercises, walk in the park or just in the yard, completely eliminate foods such as soda, smoked and fried foods from your diet.

During pregnancy, overeating is strictly discouraged: the digestive tract is already compressed by the enlarged uterus, and we make its life even more difficult by eating large amounts of food. All this complicates the digestive process, impairs the passage of food elements through the intestines, which inhibits intestinal function. Hence - constipation, interspersed with spastic attacks of diarrhea.

Antispasmodics (No-shpa, Papaverine) will help relieve spasms and pain in the intestines, but consulting a doctor under any circumstances should be mandatory.

Intestinal colic in children

The digestive tract consists of several sections where different processes of digestion and absorption of food components occur. For example, proteins are broken down in the stomach cavity, fats are broken down in the duodenum, etc.

In case of digestive disorders (for example, with diseases of the pancreas, biliary tract, inflammation of the walls of the stomach, as well as with some hereditary diseases) there may be problems with proper digestion of food. Clinically, in childhood, this can manifest itself as a digestive disorder, accompanied by decreased appetite, bloating, stool disturbances, the appearance of fat or mucus in the feces, general discomfort, and decreased motor activity.

Depending on the cause of this condition, the doctor will prescribe treatment. Perhaps this will be taking enzymatic agents or other treatment, depending on the situation.

Help for infantile colic should be selected individually and differentiated. Each specific situation should be considered by the doctor separately, taking into account age little patient, the mechanism of appearance painful condition, individual tolerance of the constituent ingredients of a particular drug.

Intestinal colic in newborns

In the first months of life, a newborn baby may suffer from intestinal colic. These are peculiar cramps in the tummy that appear in paroxysms and occur with pain and increased capriciousness of the baby. In many cases, attacks occur due to the inability of the digestive system of a small organism to change living conditions. This condition is not a disease.

A newborn baby's first food is usually mother's milk. At first, the baby uses it relatively small quantities, so it is digested and absorbed without problems. For several weeks the need little man in food increase, and intestinal colic may appear, indicating that children's intestines is not yet able to cope with the assigned tasks.

After the child has eaten, he presses his legs to his tummy and becomes restless. May cry, blush and tense up. These are the signs of childhood intestinal colic.

What can help the child in such cases?

  • Tummy massage.
  • Transferring the baby from his back to his tummy.
  • Warm heating pad.
  • Sometimes it is necessary to review baby food (perhaps switch to a different formula). Changing the mother's diet if the baby is breastfed also helps.

Diagnosis of intestinal colic

Diagnostic procedures for spastic attacks are usually simple, since the doctor in most cases already externally determines the essence of the problem. Difficulties can arise only in the presence of malabsorption syndrome or inflammatory diseases. In such situations, the procedures may be slightly different and sometimes even require short-term hospitalization.

The initial diagnosis is made based on examination and several questions:

  • age, lifestyle, diet of the patient;
  • accompanying illnesses;
  • when and after what the discomfort supposedly began;
  • the nature of bowel movements and bowel movements;
  • associated symptoms;
  • what the patient took, whether he felt better or worse after taking the medications.

Additional studies may include the following procedures:

If there are inflammatory diseases of the digestive organs, then sometimes studies such as gastroduodenoscopy, cholecystography, colonoscopy, and ultrasound of the abdominal organs may be required.

Treatment of intestinal colic

It is recommended to treat intestinal colic under the supervision of a doctor, who will accurately determine the cause of this condition, as well as detect a possible worsening of the condition in time and provide the necessary assistance. The basis of treatment is the impact on the cause that caused the development of intestinal colic. Therefore, it would be wrong to give universal treatment advice, since competent treatment tactics are required depending on each specific case.

In order to eliminate excruciating spastic pains, it is necessary to influence them. But one treatment option may be if the patient has ordinary diarrhea and functional intestinal disorder, and a completely different one if the patient develops intestinal obstruction, which usually requires urgent hospitalization and even surgical intervention. Therefore, acting independently, without the doctor’s knowledge, may not always be correct and sometimes leads to dire consequences.

However, intestinal colic, of course, needs to be treated. For this purpose they use antispasmodics, which relax the spasmodic smooth muscles of the intestine. If there is no vomiting, then the medications are taken orally. In other cases, injections or rectal suppositories are indicated.

The most commonly used treatment options are:

  • two tablets of drotaverine (No-shpa), tea with mint;
  • belladonna extract tablets (you can use analogues - Becarbon, Besalol, Bellalgin, etc.), 1-2 tablets. one-time;
  • tablets, suppositories or injections - papaverine with platyphylline (1-2 tablets once);
  • activated carbon – 1 tablet 0.5 g per 10 kg of patient weight;
  • enema administration of a warm infusion of mint and chamomile (approximately 200 ml).

Uncomplicated functional intestinal colic may subside after the gases have passed and a single loose stool occurs. The patient is not recommended to eat food for 10-12 hours after the attack: you can drink non-hot tea without sugar with white crackers.

What to do with intestinal colic?

Care for intestinal colic should correspond to the patient’s well-being.

If he himself associates his condition with errors in nutrition, if he has pain and spasms in the intestines, but there is no vomiting or fever, then he can be helped at home. Use the tools described above.

If the patient is suspected of having an infectious disease or intestinal obstruction, then he should be urgently hospitalized in an infectious disease or surgery department. In such cases, any delay or passive observation can significantly worsen clinical picture and the course of the pathology. Even if gastric lavage was performed at home, antispasmodics and analgesics were used, and the patient was given cleansing enemas, then in case of infection or obstruction, such procedures can only create the illusion of improvement. In fact, this can only lead to delayed delivery of the patient to the doctor, which only worsens the prognosis of the disease.

In the hospital, the patient will be provided with all possible assistance along with the necessary diagnostic procedures. And after the production accurate diagnosis The doctor will prescribe appropriate therapy:

  • in case of an infectious disease - antibacterial treatment mainly antibiotics wide range actions;
  • for spastic obstruction - antispasmodic therapy, perirenal block;
  • for paralytic obstruction - the use of ganglion blockers, perinephric blockade;
  • In case of mechanical obstruction, surgical intervention may be indicated.

Therefore, it is very important to consult a doctor at the slightest doubt so as not to provoke the development of adverse consequences.

Medicines for intestinal colic

  • Activated carbon is a sorbent (a drug that can absorb toxic substances, gases, fermentation products, etc.). Used for increased gas formation, indigestion, and poisoning. Take at the rate of 0.5 g of the drug per 10 kg of weight, usually no more than 30-40 g at a time.
  • Sorbex - granular analogue activated carbon, which binds harmful compounds during poisoning and promotes their removal from the body. The effect of the drug lasts almost two days. At the same time, Sorbex helps with errors in nutrition, excess alcohol in the body, poisoning with poisons, drugs, and poor-quality food. Take 1-3 capsules, preferably at empty stomach(you can perform gastric lavage in advance or induce vomiting). The maximum amount of the drug taken at one time can be 8 capsules.
  • Atoxil is a fourth generation enterosorbent. Neutralizes toxic substances, microbial and food allergens, metabolic products of bacteria that are formed as a result of putrefactive processes in the intestines. Atoxil is used for acute forms intestinal disorders, food infections, salmonellosis, poisoning, enterocolitis, alcohol and septic intoxication. Before use, dissolve 1-2 sachets in 150 ml of water.
  • No-spa is a well-known antispasmodic drug that eliminates spasms in the stomach or intestines. Take tablets of 0.04-0.08 g up to 3 times a day. When taking, caution should be exercised by persons prone to low blood pressure.
  • Spasmalgon – combination remedy, combining the effect of an antispasmodic and an anesthetic drug. Used to eliminate spasms, pain due to stomach or intestinal colic. Prescribe 1-2 tablets. up to 3 times a day, but not more than 6 tablets per day. It is not recommended to take Spazmalgon for more than 3 days in a row.
  • Spasmomen is an M-cholinergic receptor blocker. Reduces the tone of smooth muscles in the intestines, reduces the number of peristaltic movements, eliminates spasms. Apart from the intestines, the drug has no effect on other organs. Take 1 tablet per day for 2-3 days. Not prescribed for children under 12 years of age.
  • Buscopan - relieves spasms, reduces the secretory activity of the digestive glands. Can be used for both intestinal and renal colic. Prescribe Buscopan 1-2 tablets. morning, afternoon and night. You can use the drug in suppositories, 1 pc. three times a day.

Treatment of intestinal colic with folk remedies

Herbal medicine has always been regarded as an effective and harmless treatment, devoid of many side effects, which drugs have medicines. In case of intestinal colic, the effect of medicinal plants should be aimed at restoring the functionality of the intestines, inhibiting the development of pathogenic bacteria and stabilizing the microflora.

Plants such as alder cones, oak bark, sorrel, strawberry leaves, caraway seeds, blueberries, mint, lemon balm, chamomile, and St. John's wort are used alone or in the form of collections.

Eliminate signs of inflammation, neutralize bacteria and provide astringent action following medicinal fees and mixtures:

  • berries or blueberry leaves, mint, knotweed root, chamomile blossom in equal parts, mix and pour hot water(90°C), insist. We drink the warm infusion several times a day, half a glass, 15-30 minutes before meals;
  • cinquefoil root, immortelle flower, caraway seeds, blueberries (berry or leaf), sage, pour hot water and infuse. Use half a glass 15 minutes before meals;
  • Mix cinquefoil root, immortelle flower, cumin, blueberries, sage and pour boiling water. Take 100 ml of infusion 3 times a day before meals.
  • burnet root, shepherd's purse - make a decoction, take up to 4 times a day;
  • plantain leaf, St. John's wort herb - prepare an infusion, take 100-150 ml 3-4 times a day;
  • chamomile color, mint leaf, oak bark - drink 150 ml infusion up to 4 times a day.

The following combinations of herbs reduce the intensity of fermentation and putrefactive processes:

  • alder cones, oak bark, bird cherry – drink 250 ml of infusion throughout the day in small sips;
  • chamomile color, cumin - prepare a decoction and drink 100 ml before meals.

If colic is accompanied by constipation, you can brew a mixture based on buckthorn bark, licorice, anise, fennel, and elderflower.

In order to suppress the putrefactive and fermentation process in the intestines, it is recommended to use garlic tincture, 15 drops up to 3 times a day, for 20-40 minutes. before meals.

Nutrition for intestinal colic

The most important condition for the successful treatment of intestinal colic is special food based on application dietary table No. 4. This diet is used for dysfunctional intestinal diseases, which are accompanied by stool disorders (diarrhea).

The diet for intestinal colic has the following goals:

  • maintain the body’s strength during the period of disturbed digestive process;
  • reduce inflammatory manifestations;
  • eliminate the reaction of fermentation and putrefaction in the intestinal cavity;
  • normalize intestinal function.

The diet has a low calorie content due to a reduction in the amount of lipids and carbohydrate foods, with a normal amount of proteins, with the exclusion of all kinds of foods and substances that are irritants to the digestive tract. Food ingredients that enhance enzymatic activity digestive organs, as well as those that favor fermentation and putrefactive processes. All food served must be liquid or semi-liquid, crushed, boiled or steamed, not very hot and not very cool. The optimal diet is 6 times a day in small portions.

The average daily calorie intake is determined to be approximately 1800-1900 kcal.

  • white crackers, not rough, without pre-frying;
  • low-fat first courses, lightly rich broths, cereal decoctions (based on semolina and rice);
  • meat products without fat and fascia, minced meat without lard, meat soufflé;
  • low-fat fish, fish meatballs, steamed cutlets;
  • fresh skim cheese;
  • boiled eggs no more than 2 pcs. per day;
  • porridge made from rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, not containing milk or butter;
  • vegetable broths;
  • fruits or berries only as jelly, jelly;
  • tea without sugar, coffee without added sugar and cream, warm rosehip drink.

Excluded from the diet:

  • any bread, muffins, rolls, pies, cakes, etc.;
  • rich and fatty broth;
  • fatty parts of meat, lard, sausage, etc.;
  • fatty, salted, canned fish, caviar;
  • milk and other dairy products, except low-fat cottage cheese;
  • fried eggs, omelet;
  • pasta, vermicelli, beans and peas, pearl barley and barley;
  • fresh vegetables with fruits;
  • pickles, pickled foods, sauces;
  • sweet products, including jams, honey, compotes, etc.;
  • butter, spread, cooking oil;
  • milk-based drinks, soda and chilled drinks, juices.

An approximate menu for such a diet might look like this:

  • For breakfast: Oatmeal with water, a glass of green tea and a cracker.
  • Snack: Blueberry broth, cottage cheese;
  • For lunch: A cup of low-fat broth with the addition of semolina, steamed meatballs, jelly.
  • Afternoon snack: rosehip drink, cracker.
  • For dinner: Steamed fish fillet, buckwheat side dish, tea.
  • An hour before bedtime: baked apple without peel.

You should stick to this diet until your condition improves, after which you need to smoothly and gradually add familiar foods and dishes to your diet. It is not recommended to suddenly switch to a normal diet, as this may cause a re-exacerbation of the disease.

Prevention of intestinal colic

In order not to disturb the natural digestive processes and not to provoke a failure of digestion and absorption of food, you need to think about the prevention of intestinal disorders in time. If colic has previously bothered you, it is better to consult a doctor.

You should balance your diet, do not overeat or indulge in fried, spicy foods, and limit your consumption of sweets and soda. The emphasis in the diet should be on vegetable dishes, cereals, meat and fish, steamed, stewed or baked in their own juices.

Among the events additional prevention can be distinguished:

Our health largely depends on our lifestyle and nutritional principles, so everyone can take preventive measures in a timely manner.

Prognosis of intestinal colic

With timely assistance, the prognosis for intestinal disorders can be favorable. In the opposite situation, colic can worsen and lead to the development of complications and chronic bowel dysfunction.

Whether colic will pass without a trace or leave consequences depends on the causes of this condition. Regular functional disorders in most cases they end well. If you follow preventive measures, you can even avoid repeated relapses of the disease.

Frequently recurring colic can later “come back to haunt” irritable bowel syndrome, dysbiosis, enterocolitis and other disorders of the digestive tract. Therefore, if you are prone to this kind of pathology, it is strongly recommended to adhere to proper nutrition and lifestyle, do not overeat, do not get carried away junk food. Intestinal colic does not occur on its own, without a reason. And the reason most often is what, when and how we eat.