The upper lip and palate swell. The upper lip is swollen - what is the reason? Is cancer possible?

Any changes on the face make a person nervous. If your lip is swollen, this may be a defect that will go away on its own or a sign of a violation of internal processes in the body. It is important to find out the cause and start treatment in a timely manner.

Swelling of the lips - pathological condition, resulting from inflammation and the accumulation of large amounts of fluid in the tissues. The swelling is often one-sided (half of the upper lip is enlarged), but there are cases of diffuse swelling of the chin, cheeks, and tongue. Swelling appears in the morning or suddenly in the middle of the night. There are a number of factors that cause such a defect.


Poor quality food and cosmetics are the main culprits of lip swelling. Allergic manifestations associated with the chemical components of lipsticks, foundations and powders. Children are often brought to the doctor with contact allergy on the lips - the child decided to play with his mother’s lipstick. Toothpaste, which the whole family uses, can cause internal swelling lips Older people suffer from new plastic dentures.

Pens, pencils, wind instruments, food, some medications, and working with chemical reagents will cause allergies on the face in people with a predisposition.


  1. Feeling of itching and burning.
  2. The skin around the lips begins to turn red, and cracks may appear in the corners of the mouth.
  3. Rash in the form of small blisters with clear liquid. At untimely treatment or constant action allergen, the blisters burst, pathological microflora may join.
  4. Urticaria often occurs with the formation of blisters up to 5 mm in diameter.


Burns, infections, mechanical trauma to the mucous membrane oral cavity cause inflammation, formation of aphthae and ulcers. The lower lip is a typical location of stomatitis. Slight redness and swelling appear on the mucous membrane. The affected area will be very itchy and painful. Over time, a pale ulcer with a red rim forms, which is covered with a white coating on top. If it swells suddenly underlip, this may be a sign of stomatitis.

Mechanical damage and inflammation

  1. As a result of physical trauma (bruise, strong biting, piercing, squeezing out pimples), the mouth may swell with the formation of bruises.
  2. Cosmetic manipulations (tattoo, plastic surgery, youth injections, fillers) lead to serious consequences if carried out incorrectly.
  3. A lip bruise can be complicated by infection.
  4. Against the background of ARVI, colds, accompanied high temperature body, swelling, microcracks, and peeling appear.
  5. Low qualifications of the dentist, incorrect placement of fillings, and violation of antiseptic procedures lead to inflammation of the periosteum, gums and swelling.
  6. If swollen upper lip with the formation of a group of blisters after hypothermia, this is a clear sign of herpes.
  7. Burns from eating hot food and drinks.
  8. Insect bites lead to lip enlargement.

How to quickly relieve swelling

The swelling of the lips takes you by surprise. The main thing is not to panic. A few simple steps will help relieve swelling:

  1. Attach cold compress on the sore spot (ice cubes, a piece of cloth moistened with water).
  2. Use aloe. Cut the leaf lengthwise and place the gel-like side on the swelling. Aloe has anti-inflammatory properties, relieves pain and swelling.

Depending on the cause, you need to take medications. They will help remove the resulting swelling from the lip due to allergies. antihistamine tablets(Suprastin, Diphenhydramine, Diazolin, Claritin). They relieve inflammation, pain, reduce nervous tension, and help relieve itching and burning.

Herpes and others infectious diseases are treated with antiherpetic ointments (Zovirax, Acyclovir). Apply to the swollen area 4-5 times a day.

For microtraumas and burns, antiseptic solutions are prescribed (Chlorhexidine, Actovegin, Miramistin, essential oils). Treatment is carried out several times a day. After the procedure, apply a sterile bandage.

At bacterial infection, the presence of blisters with pus on the lips is prescribed antibacterial drugs(Akriderm, Dioxidin, Ichthyol ointment, Levomycetin).

Stomatitis is treated with diet therapy (exclude hot, spicy food, alcohol). Painkillers with lidocaine (Kamistad, Kalgel, Dentinox-gel) are prescribed. To enhance reparative processes, you can use Solcoseryl, Actovegin gels, Vinilin balm. Depending on the etiology of the disease, appropriate drugs are prescribed (antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal).

Swelling of the lips caused by cosmetic procedures requires referral to specialists to prevent complications.

If an infiltrate with pus, an abscess or phlegmon has formed on the lips, it is necessary surgery. The surgeon opens an abscess under local anesthesia, removes the contents of the cavity. Afterwards, an antibiotic ointment and a sterile bandage are applied.

Home remedies will come to the rescue if the pharmacy is far away, or swelling occurs at night. Folk remedies:

  1. Take soda and warm water, mix, apply to the affected area. Wash off after 10 minutes.
  2. Apply a layer of honey to a cotton pad and apply to the swelling for 20 minutes. Repeat the procedure 4-5 times a day.
  3. Use used tea bags as compresses.
  4. The juice of celandine and plantain is applied to a cotton swab and applied to the inflamed area. Keep the lotion on for as long as possible. You need to do 2-3 procedures a day.
  5. Wrap ice cubes in a handkerchief and place on the swelling. Or use a cold spoon. Place it in the freezer for a few minutes. Bottle with cold water- another alternative option.

Possible complications and prevention of occurrence

Lips are a delicate part of the body. A harmless sore can cause severe complications. Swelling may be a symptom initial stage serious diseases. Timely appeal for qualified medical care will help avoid complications. In the presence of persistent swelling, discoloration around the lips - consult a doctor immediately. Complications include:

  1. Quincke's edema is swelling of the face and neck. IN pathological process The larynx, pharynx, and trachea may turn on. If not provided quickly emergency assistance, a person may die from respiratory arrest. Urgently dial code 103, help the patient sit down, open the windows for air, give antihistamines.
  2. Accession secondary infection with the formation of an abscess and phlegmon. Such conditions require surgical intervention.
  3. Constant relapses of herpes. If the swelling appears as a result of herpetic infection, then the disease will occur throughout life. The virus penetrates into nerve cells and remains in them forever.
  4. Education can develop into cancer.
  5. Punctures and piercings performed in a low-quality salon or incorrectly can become very dangerous diseases(HIV, hepatitis B, C).
  6. Skin deformation, scars.

If your lip is swollen, do not worry too much, as this is a very common phenomenon. And it appears suddenly. A man goes to bed with normal face, and wakes up in the morning with a surprise on her lips. Before you begin troubleshooting unpleasant phenomenon It’s worth figuring out what caused it. In fact, there are quite a few reasons.

Causes of lip swelling

The causes of lip swelling can be varied. First of all, don’t rule out allergic reaction. It can be caused by certain foods or cosmetics. True, this phenomenon occurs no later than 30 minutes after contact with the allergen itself.

An infection could have entered the body. This reason clearly should not be excluded. Moreover, it can occur against the background of squeezing out pimples or blackheads around the lips with dirty hands. All this can be accompanied elevated temperature And painful sensations. In this case, swelling may develop gradually and over several hours.

The swelling causes a disease - macrocheilitis. The first sign of its presence is swelling and redness. If you touch your lips, they will feel hard. This disease does not arise just like that, it is preceded by hypothermia, viral infections and other conditions that significantly depress immune system.

Crohn's disease can cause lip swelling. True, it is also accompanied by the presence of pain in the abdominal area, as well as diarrhea.

Lip swelling may occur due to certain cosmetic procedures. Including, such as tattooing, Botox injection, etc. All this can be eliminated quickly if you follow the doctor's advice. If your lip is swollen, there is no need to pull; you should immediately seek help.

Why do lips swell?

Do you know why lips swell? There can be quite a few reasons. The most common is weak immunity. On the background this phenomenon Often not only colds occur, but also swelling on the lip develops. Herpes is one of them. Not many people have it, but it is still quite common. It is almost impossible to remove herpes. This infection “lives” in the human body and manifests itself under certain conditions. It could be nervous tension, stress, hypothermia and simply weakened immunity.

Swelling can also occur due to poor personal hygiene. Do not crush pimples, blackheads and other rashes with dirty hands. All this allows the infection to enter the body and lead to the development of swelling.

In addition to such phenomena, a tumor will appear, perhaps against the background of serious diseases. These include Crohn's disease and macrocheilitis. All this is accompanied not only by swelling, but also by pain, both on the lip itself and in the abdominal area.

It's important to keep track own fortune health and do not ignore this phenomenon. After all, the cause of its occurrence can be either ordinary mechanical damage or serious illness. If your lip is swollen, don’t hesitate, you need to start quality treatment.

Why is my upper lip swollen?

Why is the upper lip swollen and what could cause this phenomenon? First of all, you should not exclude the presence of an allergic reaction. This problem is common. It is enough just to eat something wrong or take medicine, and swelling will not take long to occur.

The manifestation of herpes is possible. This is what causes lip swelling in most cases. It occurs against the background of weakened immunity. Therefore, it is worth strengthening the body, because it is impossible to get rid of the herpes virus.

Swelling can also be caused by an infection that enters the body as a result of squeezing out pimples and blackheads. Not many people take this development into account. In fact, the consequences can be serious.

The lip may swell due to mechanical damage. It is quite possible that a hematoma may appear. Therefore, after a blow or bruise, you should immediately apply something cold.

The occurrence of diseases such as Crohn's disease and macrocheilitis should not be ruled out. Therefore, if your lip is swollen, it is better to consult a specialist on this topic.

If the upper lip is swollen, then we are most likely talking about the presence of an inflammatory process or mechanical damage. Often this phenomenon occurs due to weakened immunity or the special effect of certain products on the human body.

Ordinary hypothermia can lead to the development of swelling. Therefore, you should dress warmly and monitor your health. After all, weakened immunity along with unfavorable conditions can lead to the development of herpes.

The upper lip may swell due to the presence of a more serious pathogen in the body. So, this could be Crohn's disease, which is characterized by pain even in the abdominal area, and diarrhea is also possible.

Macrocheilitis can also cause swelling. This disease is characterized by a large tumor that feels very hard to the touch. This phenomenon should definitely not be ignored; neglected disease leads to more serious problems.

If your lip is swollen, you should immediately identify the cause of this phenomenon. After all, it can be either an ordinary mechanical damage or a serious illness.

Why is my lower lip swollen?

If your lower lip is swollen, you should immediately identify the problem. After all, it can be quite serious. So, appearance Inflammatory processes can easily spoil it. Naturally, insect bites, allergic reactions, hepatitis virus, etc. make a huge contribution.

The swelling can be caused by ordinary damage, in this case there is no reason to worry. It is enough to apply something cold and soothe the damaged area. The problem can also be caused by an insect bite. It is advisable to treat this area with anti-inflammatory ointment.

Abrasions and wounds can cause significant swelling of the lower lip. The skin in this area is very delicate and any damage leads to the manifestation of negative factors

A tumor occurs and if there is colds. It can be provoked by stomatitis and diseases associated with the lips. These include macrocheilitis. It is possible that Crohn's disease may develop, which is characterized by persistent pain. In any case, if your lip is swollen, you need to consult a specialist, because the cause is not always harmless.

Why is my lip so swollen?

Is your lip very swollen and there is unpleasant pain? More likely, we're talking about about an allergic reaction or inflammatory process. The presence of viral or infectious diseases cannot be ruled out.

The lip can become very swollen due to a traumatic injury, including piercing. Moreover, during this phenomenon, infection is possible, which will only aggravate the current situation.

In any case, you need to seek help from a specialist. The fact is that swelling can also appear against the background severe stress or nervous overexcitation body. Basically, problems on the lips indicate a weakened immune system. In this case, you need to monitor own health, because the situation can be aggravated. The development of herpes is also possible.

If your lip hurts a lot and also itches, then it is quite possible that you have macrocheilitis. This is a disease of the lips, which is characterized by particular hardness and unpleasant pain. Crohn's disease should not be ruled out.

Severe mechanical damage can cause severe swelling and cosmetic procedures. Even eating some food and taking medicines can lead to the development of this problem. Therefore, if your lip is swollen, you need to immediately find out the cause.

Why are my lips swollen and itchy?

If your lips are swollen and even itchy, then most likely we are talking about an allergic reaction or an infection. This phenomenon may occur due to the penetration of an allergen into the body. This could be food, medicine, or even a cosmetic product. For many girls, this phenomenon can be provoked by ordinary lipstick.

If we talk about infection, then this is herpes. It is present in the body of almost every 3rd person. All you have to do is create favorable conditions how he will immediately manifest himself. Therefore, you need to monitor your own health, avoid hypothermia and severe stress.

Basically, itching on the lips indicates that a cold will soon appear. Therefore, it is advisable to start treatment immediately and lubricate the surface with special ointments for herpes.

What’s most interesting is that a similar reaction can appear after visiting the dentist’s office. Various manipulations in the mouth and contact of the doctor with the skin of the lips can easily lead to swelling. Therefore, it is advisable to check that the dentist has gloves before starting procedures. There are many reasons for a swollen lip, it is important to know them and understand how to act.

Why are my lips red and swollen?

If your lips are red and swollen, the most likely cause is an allergic reaction. Why does this phenomenon occur? Allergens can affect the human body in different ways. They can lead to feeling unwell, itching, burning and even swelling of the lips.

Inflammatory processes in the body often show themselves externally. This appears on the lips, nose and facial skin. In many cases, even ordinary pimples do not just appear. Most likely, we are talking about problems that lie inside the body.

Infectious diseases can also cause redness and swelling. These include herpes. This virus is present in the body of almost every person. It just doesn’t always manifest itself and often only under certain conditions. It can be triggered by hypothermia, colds and stress.

Traumatic wounds often result in redness, swelling, and pain. In this case, nothing bad will happen, just delete it unpleasant feeling. If your lip is swollen, you need to find the cause of this phenomenon and then begin to eliminate the problem.

Why is my lip swollen from the inside?

If the lip is swollen from the inside, the problem is most likely an infection or inflammatory process. This is often how herpes manifests itself. It can be either on the lip itself on the outside or on the mucous membrane inside. Naturally, this process brings a lot of inconvenience. It is important to start treatment on time and the problem will go away. Unfortunately, it is not possible to completely eliminate herpes. With the help of treatment are removed external manifestations this infection, it also continues to exist inside the body.

Swelling can also occur against the background of an inflammatory process. Moreover, it is mainly fixed inside the body. Swelling of the lips warns a person that there are problems with internal organs or processes.

Perhaps the inflammation occurred against the background of inflammatory processes in the gums. This is also quite common. In this case, you need to visit the dentist and solve this problem. After all, inflammation of the gums and dental pathologies often lead to problems with the mucous membrane.

In fact, there are many reasons. Even ordinary mechanical impact can create a lot of inconvenience. Therefore, if your lip is swollen, you need to find out the cause and take action.

Why do lips swell due to allergies?

Lips often swell due to allergies. This reaction can happen to anything. Either certain food or cosmetics. The latter option only takes into account if swelling manifests itself 15-30 minutes after application.

Lips become swollen quite often due to this problem. Eliminating an unpleasant symptom is quite simple; it is enough to protect the body from the allergen and take a drug that is aimed at combating allergic reactions.

Naturally, such a phenomenon is not so scary and it’s easy to get rid of it. But it is also necessary to take into account the fact that everyone’s organisms are individual. Therefore, an allergic reaction can manifest itself in different ways. In this case, it is recommended to completely prevent contact with the allergen to avoid complications.

Determining on your own what you are allergic to is not so easy. Therefore, it is advisable to consult a doctor for detailed advice. After all, situations are different, and it is not known how the allergy will develop. If your lip is swollen and this phenomenon is very disturbing, you need to resort to radical methods fix the problem.

Why do lips swell with herpes?

The herpes virus is found in almost 95% of the population. It can manifest itself at any moment; for this it is necessary to create certain conditions. Ordinary emotional overstrain, stress and hypothermia are enough. Some people have a reaction to these negative factors occurs immediately. She comes to other representatives much later.

It is important to start dealing with the problem in time. The fact is that it is almost impossible to destroy the herpes virus. You can remove its manifestations in the form of swelling, blisters on the lips and itching. But it cannot be completely eliminated. Therefore, you should just take pills aimed at strengthening the immune system and maintaining it. When the first signs appear, use special ointments.

Herpes manifests itself in different ways. For some, it just “comes out” like an ordinary pimple, for other people, the lip swells and itching and burning appear. Therefore than formerly man starts treatment, the faster he gets rid of unpleasant symptoms. If your lip is swollen as a result of herpes, the problem cannot be eliminated quickly.

Why is the lip swollen with stomatitis?

If your lip is swollen due to stomatitis, you need to understand why this happened. The fact is that this disease causes inflammation of the oral mucosa. Stomatitis happens different types: infectious and traumatic.

Inflammatory processes in the oral cavity can manifest themselves with hypovitaminosis, diseases of the stomach, intestines, nervous system and blood. Before starting treatment for stomatitis, you should consult your doctor.

The disease itself does not occur. As a rule, it is provoked by the presence of infection or weakened immunity. Often this disease brings a lot of inconvenience. After all, not only the mucous membrane of the oral cavity is affected, but also the lips on the outside. Diagnosing this disease is simple; a simple visual examination is sufficient.

Stomatitis mainly occurs in children. There is nothing dangerous in this if you start eliminating the disease on time. Stomatitis is characterized by the appearance of ulcers that can itch and burn. The sooner treatment is applied, the faster unpleasant symptoms will retreat. If your lip is swollen for this reason, you need to consult a specialist.

Why is my lip swollen after going to the dentist?

The phenomenon of a swollen lip after going to the dentist is quite common. The fact is that some doctors do not follow the basic rules and begin dental treatment without gloves. Lip damage occurs due to contact of the dentist's fingers with the skin. As a result of his actions, he can easily damage or scratch it. Therefore, the occurrence of swelling or herpes in this case is quite normal phenomenon.

Therefore, during treatment you need to pay attention to how the specialist works. If he is not wearing gloves, you should ask him about it for the sake of personal safety.

Sometimes, even the presence of gloves cannot save you from this unpleasant phenomenon. In this case, everything arises against the background of work performed in the oral cavity. Removing a tooth, nerve, or installing a filling is a minor operation. As you know, as a result of any “surgical” intervention, swelling occurs. Therefore, in this case, this phenomenon is quite normal. If your lip is swollen after tooth extraction, it is enough to simply treat it with special ointments.

Why is my lip swollen after a blow?

If the lip is swollen after a blow, then in this case we are talking about the formation of a hematoma. This is a very common phenomenon that is not so easy to eliminate. The fact is that after a bruise the tissues are severely damaged and a certain period is needed for their restoration. The skin on the lips is delicate and therefore the healing process takes a long time.

You can try using special ointments for bruises. But you should understand that remedies for treating bumps on the legs, arms and other parts of the body are not suitable for eliminating a hematoma on the lip. A delicate remedy is needed here. Therefore, it is not recommended to start treatment on your own.

The swelling may grow over time, depending on the severity of the injury. Therefore, within a few days the situation can change for the worse. It is recommended to immediately apply something cold to the damaged lip, this will avoid severe swelling. But still, you need to see a doctor. If your lip is swollen after a strong blow, you should resort to high-quality measures to eliminate the problem.

Why is my lip swollen from a pimple?

Many people have encountered this problem when their lip is swollen due to a pimple. There's nothing surprising about this really. Some people try by all means to get rid of pimples, blackheads and other troubles. But often this desire leads to a worsening situation.

A poorly squeezed pimple can grow significantly. This is especially dangerous when removing unpleasant inflammation with dirty hands. Eat high risk introduce an infection into the resulting wound. In this case, the pimple will not only remain in its place, but will also grow exponentially. There are also cases when the consequences of such elimination have to be removed through surgery.

If a person constantly rubs a pimple, then it is possible that it will grow and even develop a cold on the lips. So it's best to start smearing it by special means and not provoke further growth. This situation will not lead to anything good. Moreover, if your lip is swollen due to such exposure, you should still resort to effective methods fix the problem.

Why does my lip swell after kissing?

If your lip is swollen after kissing, your partner most likely has inflammatory processes in the oral cavity or herpes. Many problems are transmitted after such close contact. This shouldn't be surprising. Naturally, asking a person about the presence of any inflammation is not correct. But also ignoring this issue can lead to serious problems.

If a person has stomatitis or herpes, which has not reached the stage of “complete disappearance,” then the risk of infection is high. These diseases become especially dangerous when there are ulcers and blisters with fluid. They are the source of infection.

If a problem occurs, it can be eliminated, but if a person “caught” herpes, then it is almost impossible to eliminate the virus from the body. Therefore, no matter how correct it may be, it is worth asking a person about the presence of any inflammatory processes in the oral cavity. After all, one awkward question can save from unpleasant diseases. Naturally, everyone decides for themselves what to do. But if you don’t want your lip to swell and problems to appear in the future, it’s better to find out everything.

If your lips are swollen after a kiss, then most likely there is a problem in someone’s mouth. This phenomenon does not just happen. Surely your partner has some problems. It could be stomatitis or inflammatory process in the mouth. Often this problem occurs due to the presence of herpes.

Naturally, it is somewhat ugly to ask a person about the presence of this inflammatory process. But I don’t want to receive it as “compensation” either. Therefore, it is best to find out whether a person has problems or not.

The thing is that detecting the presence of herpes is not so easy. After all, it can be inside the oral cavity. Therefore, there is no way to notice it. Naturally, herpes is easily transmitted through kissing. Therefore, this fact needs to be controlled. There is no need to be shy; it is better to immediately ask the person about the problem, so that unexpected and interesting situations do not arise in the future. But if your lip is still swollen, it is recommended to use special ointments.

What to do if you bite your lip?

In this case, it is worth understanding why this phenomenon occurred. The fact is that the strength of the bite can be varied. In this case, involuntary lip injury occurs. Moreover, there are also such phenomena when a person bites the skin in a dream. This can cause not only swelling, but also severe injury.

Excessive biting can also lead to blue lips. Therefore, it is advisable to immediately resort to treatment. Nothing special can be done in this case. Regular anti-inflammatory ointments will help. The fact is that inflammation can occur against the background of this injury. The skin on the lips is too delicate and easy to damage.

If such a phenomenon occurs and the lip is swollen, you will have to wait until all this passes. There is no treatment in this case. You can use ointments, but they will rather prevent the situation from getting worse, but will in no way speed up its improvement. If your lip is swollen due to a bite, you will have to wait until it heals completely.

Why is my upper lip and nose swollen?

If your upper lip and nose are swollen, this may be caused by serious problems. So, this situation happens when strong impact. In this case, not only the lip and nose swell, but also part of the face.

It happens that this phenomenon occurs without trauma. It could be ordinary herpes. True, in addition to the lip, he also captured the nose. Sometimes the bubbles themselves are located inside. They are not on the lip itself, so it is difficult to understand that it is herpes.

In some cases, we may be talking about a boil. If instead of a pimple with blisters you see an abscess, you should immediately seek help from a doctor. Most likely, a boil is ripening. Do not forget that the nose is one of the most dangerous parts of the body. Any boil that appears must be removed immediately. And in most cases this is done surgically. Under no circumstances should you start the problem. This may lead to serious complications. Herpes in the nose is not so terrible; the danger comes directly from the boil. If your lip is swollen and unpleasant painful sensations, you should seek help immediately.

Why do my lips swell in the morning?

When your lips swell in the morning, you need to look for the cause of this phenomenon. The fact is that this problem can be either isolated or permanent. In the first case, we are talking about the appearance of inflammation or infection. Often, a sharp swelling in the morning is caused by the presence of herpes. But there are also cases when there is a tumor, but there is no visible manifestation of a cold. What could it be?

If the swelling is permanent, then most likely we are talking about an allergic reaction. It can be triggered by medications taken at night or certain cosmetics. To get rid of this problem, it is enough to eliminate contact with the allergen.

Sometimes, a large number of drinking liquid at night can cause a similar reaction. In this case, you need to drink much less water. It is not so easy to immediately determine the allergen. In this matter, it is better to trust your doctor. After all, if your lip is swollen spontaneously or it happens constantly in the morning, you need to look for the cause and solve it.

Why is my lip swollen after anesthesia?

If your lip is swollen after anesthesia, then you should not worry about it. This phenomenon is quite normal. An injection into the gum or lips can lead to swelling. But do not confuse personal sensations with visual ones. The fact is that after anesthesia it seems to a person that he has a swelling, but there is none.

An injection into the lip does little damage. Therefore, the presence of swelling should not be surprising. It’s not for nothing that after surgery, swelling increases over the course of 3 days. An injection is a kind of “operation” that leads to a similar phenomenon. In this case, you don't need to do anything. You just have to wait until the swelling goes away on its own.

If the swelling does not go away long time, you need to seek help from a doctor. There are also cases when an infection is introduced through an injection. This phenomenon should not be excluded. It is advisable to use anti-edema agents. If your lip is swollen after the injection and this phenomenon does not go away over time, you need to start treatment.

Why do lips swell after tattooing?

The fact is that enlarging them or drawing a contour is not so easy. To do this, they use peculiar methods that in some way cause damage to the skin. The skin on the lips is very delicate, so causing microtrauma is quite easy.

Usually, before getting a tattoo, it is recommended to take a preventive course against herpes. It quite often manifests itself due to this effect on the skin of the lips. These are usually antiviral or anti-inflammatory drugs. This preparation will help you avoid problems in the future.

After tattooing, special ointments are prescribed that will support the skin and prevent infection from appearing on it. It is advisable to follow all doctor’s recommendations and not resort to self-medication. In any case, after tattooing your lips will not be very swollen; this is normal. Indeed, during this procedure, trauma to the skin occurs, which leads to slight swelling. If your lip is very swollen and you experience pain, you should first contact beauty salon and then see a doctor.

Why does my lip often swell?

If your lip often swells, it is likely that you are talking about an allergic reaction. This arises negative phenomenon capable for several reasons. The main ones are the presence of a disease or just an allergy.

If this phenomenon occurs frequently, then most likely we are not talking about a disease. This is how allergies manifest themselves. Getting rid of it won't be that difficult. The main thing is to identify the allergen and eliminate it. Its role may be food, the use of any medications or cosmetics. The last allergen begins to manifest itself 30 minutes after application to the lips. If more time has passed, then it is most likely not cosmetics.

Persistent lip swelling may be due to oral problems. Stomatitis and inflammation of the gums lead to swelling. In this case, you need to consult a doctor and prescribe treatment. If none of the suspected problems are related to the fact that the lip is swollen, understand the real reason Only a doctor can do this.

Why is my child's lip swollen?

Many mothers are interested in the question, why is the child’s lip swollen? The first step is to check for stomatitis. This disease occurs quite often in children. Naturally, adults are not immune from it either, but children suffer several times more often.

With stomatitis, ulcers are located not only on the mucous membrane, but also on the lips. If it is not possible to start treatment according to the doctor’s recommendations, simply rinse your mouth. It is desirable that these be collections of medicinal herbs, such as chamomile, St. John's wort, oak bark and others.

Children often have swollen lips due to an allergic reaction. If up to this point similar situations have already occurred, it is worth using previously used drugs. When this phenomenon occurs for the first time, you should immediately consult a doctor. Self-prescription of medication can lead to aggravation of the situation.

Swelling on the lips can occur due to problems with the teeth, especially when they begin to cut. Many children find this process difficult. In this case, you need to consult a doctor. The baby’s lip is swollen for a reason; there is an explanation for this that needs to be identified.

Why is my child's upper lip swollen?

My child has a swollen upper lip, what should I do? The first step is to determine the cause of this phenomenon. Children often suffer from swollen lips as their teeth develop. When they start cutting, the children suffer; in most cases, this process is quite difficult to bear. It is advisable to seek help from a doctor. Fixing the problem on your own is not so easy. The maximum you can do on your own is to rinse your mouth with gentle medicinal herbs, such as chamomile.

Often swelling occurs due to stomatitis. This phenomenon is common in children. It manifests itself in the form of ulcers in the mouth and inflammation on the lips. In this case, rinsing with medicinal herbs will also help. Regarding this method treatment, you should consult your doctor.

Swelling can also occur due to an allergic reaction. The main thing is to identify the allergen and completely eliminate it. You can do this yourself, based on observation, or consult a doctor. After all, if your lip is swollen, you can’t hesitate, you need to get treatment.

Why do lips become swollen during pregnancy?

If your lips and nose are swollen during pregnancy, all this indicates the presence of rhinitis. These symptoms are quite common. This phenomenon is called “rhinitis in pregnant women.” He manifests himself in the same way as common illness. True, it does not appear due to a cold, but due to an ordinary hormonal imbalance.

It is easy to cure, but you cannot use medications for this. During pregnancy, many medications are prohibited. It is advisable to resort to the help of traditional medicine.

Swelling of the lips and nose is not always associated with the presence of rhinitis. If a woman is on later pregnancy, then this is ordinary edema. It cannot be eliminated; it goes away on its own after childbirth. In some cases, swelling lingers for an indefinite period and after.

The first step is to diagnose the problem and prescribe appropriate treatment. The doctor is dealing with this issue. He will be able to determine the cause during a visual examination.

You should not start any treatment on your own. Especially if there is a suspicion of a serious illness. How to relieve swelling folk remedies, and serious medications. All unpleasant symptoms are eliminated quickly. The main thing is to determine the cause of this phenomenon. It is worth understanding that in many cases the problem will not go away on its own. Therefore, quality and timely treatment are relevant. If your lip is swollen and there are other symptoms, you need to see a specialist.

How and how to treat a swollen lip?

Treatment for a swollen lip involves using several methods. But first you need to determine the exact cause of the phenomenon, and then begin eliminating it.

If the tumor occurs due to an inflammatory process, you can feel the presence of an odor from the wound. In this case, there are formations of pus or other discharge. If this process is accompanied by pain, it is worth treating the wound with hydrogen peroxide. Inflammation can begin due to the presence of an open wound. If the pain does not subside at all, then most likely we are talking about serious case. It is necessary to consult a doctor who will prescribe quality treatment. In some cases, surgery cannot be avoided.

If the tumor is due to infection or viral disease, then antiseptic agents should be used. When choosing them, attention should be paid to contraindications and side effects. The selection of medication should be carried out by the attending physician. Zovirax ointment, acyclovir and herpevir are suitable. They are applied in a thin layer to the affected area (in the case of herpes), about 5 times a day. It is advisable to take tablets orally with the same name. The application diagram is described in the instructions. Basically, you should take 5 tablets per day.

If the tumor appears due to an allergic reaction, then you need to take medications aimed at combating them. This can be suprastin, kestin and claritin. The dosage regimen is described in the instructions. You should not use them on your own, only with the permission of your doctor.

Many of us have encountered such a problem as swelling of the upper lip at least once in our lives. The reasons for this problem may be various factors: microtraumas, allergies, hypothermia, etc. However, in all cases the mechanism of swelling is approximately the same and lies in the fact that intracellular pressure increases in the structure of the lip tissue, and this, in turn, leads to the accumulation of fluid in its tissues . Sometimes it happens that the tumor spreads beyond the upper lip, and then it is not surprising that the lower lip is swollen. This problem can be effectively dealt with only after the exact cause of its occurrence has been established. What are the most common of these reasons?

Microtraumas and inflammation

Most often, the cause of a tumor of the upper lip lies in damage to the structure of its tissues, when one or more passages in it are ruptured blood vessels. It can be various injuries: cracks, cuts, bruises, injections, burns. There are often cases when a person injures his own lip by biting it at moments nervous tension. Piercing lips in order to insert rings or other metal jewelry into them also very often leads to microtrauma. If you are sure that the cause of the tumor is related specifically to injury to the lip, the first thing you should do is to make sure whether there is an inflammatory process. The following symptoms may indicate this:

  • pain when touching the lip;
  • unpleasant odor (its source is bacteria that multiply on inside lips when they are inflamed);
  • discharge of blood, ichor or pus.

Very often, the cause of swelling of the upper lip is periostitis, which, as a rule, occurs after an unsuccessful filling on a tooth or due to poor oral hygiene. Therefore, if you have problems with your gums, first of all take care of eliminating the source of inflammation, and then treat your upper lip.

In cases where the inflammatory process has led to the formation of an abscess in the upper lip, measures should be taken Urgent measures, otherwise you risk permanently disfiguring your appearance. Even before going to the doctor, treat the problem area with an antiseptic, after rinsing the skin with running water. If the inflammation can be stopped in time, you can avoid surgery, which in such cases is very often the only way out from the situation.

It is also worth adding that inflammation of the upper lip can theoretically begin after any damage to it, especially if the integrity has been compromised skin in this area. For example, in adolescence The cause of such a tumor is very often squeezing out pimples on the face, especially in areas of the skin near the mouth. You can combat the effects of inflammation using the following means:

  1. Chlorhexidine.
  2. Actovegina.
  3. Solcoseryl.

Cauterizing agents such as hydrogen peroxide, alcohol or iodine are not recommended to be applied to the surface of the lips, as this can cause burns. However, it is permitted to treat the skin around the mouth with these solutions.


The upper lip can swell both in the absence of mechanical damage and in the absence of inflammation. For this, sometimes contact with an allergen is enough if you suffer from allergies to certain foods, cosmetics, etc. For example, swelling may appear after using a new type of lipstick or after brushing your teeth with a toothpaste different from the one you used. used previously. Allergies can also be caused by:

  • face cream;
  • moisturizing balms;
  • cosmetic masks on the face;
  • medicines.

In order for the immune system to react to one of these allergens, even the slightest touch of the surface of the lips is enough. In addition to the above, an allergic reaction of this kind is also very often caused by insect bites. In particular, we are talking about bees and wasps, the venom of which can cause a severe form of allergies. The tumor can move from the lip to the face and neck, causing suffocation. In order to keep your own immune system under control, you should always have one of the following remedies on hand:

  1. Suprastin.
  2. Claritin.
  3. Zyrtec.
  4. Xizal.
  5. Tavegil.

If your upper lip is swollen due to allergies, use one of these medications and the symptoms will go away, leaving behind only unpleasant memories.

Artificial lip augmentation

Many women, in pursuit of an extravagant appearance, resort to cosmetological methods lip augmentation In this case we mean injections hyaluronic acid or Botox, which do not always have beneficial effect to a woman's appearance. Yes, carried out incorrectly cosmetic procedure or the body’s rejection of the “chemistry” injected under the skin can lead to a tumor of the upper or lower lip (depending on where the injections were given).

Cosmetologists assure that such consequences are the norm, and the swelling itself goes away within a maximum of six to eight days after the session. However, this outcome does not always occur in medical practice, and there are cases when the tumor has to be removed surgically or at least using drugs local action. Whether you need such risks, only you can decide for yourself.


Both the upper and lower lips can be affected by the herpes virus, which, as has already been repeatedly proven during scientific research, is present in the body of 90–95% of people. However, its activation requires favorable conditions, one of which is hypothermia. So, if your lips get cold outside in the cold, after a few days you can find characteristic tumors on them that will not give in traditional methods treatment. It is worth noting that the lips are just one of many areas where the effects of herpes can make themselves felt. Regardless of location, they are treated with such drugs.

The course of treatment for a swollen lip will depend on the cause. If swelling is caused by internal health problems, then treatment will begin with solving the health problem. In case of lip injury apply a soothing ointment to the lips or apply anti-inflammatory drugs. Let's take a closer look at how to treat swollen lips and get your smile back. Choice medicines for the lips, the task is quite troublesome and sometimes causes difficulties when opening the mouth. The doctor will decide the treatment depending on the cause of the swollen lip.

If the swollen lip is slightly numb and accompanied by redness and itching, then this may be due to an allergic reaction. In this case, your lips may become somewhat dry and cracked. If blisters or sores appear on the lips, as well as tumors, then this may be due to viral infection. Once these conditions are treated, the tumor shrinks over time. In case of allergic reactions, antihistamines are prescribed. A soothing, hypoallergenic lip ointment is recommended to reduce dryness and chapped lips and help them heal faster.

If your lip is swollen what to do First of all, the main thing is not to panic because there are some home remedies to treat swollen lips. This is first of all cold and hot compress. Take a few ice cubes and wrap them in a towel. You can also take a spoon and keep it in the freezer for some time and gently hold it near the affected lip. You can also try hot compresses. Keep the towel soaked in warm water for 10-15 minutes near the swollen lips. Heat reduces the accumulation of blood in swollen areas and therefore reduces swelling. These remedies are useful if the swelling is due to injury.

To others useful tool is using a mixture of turmeric powder, Fuller's earth and water. Earth Fuller has healing properties which help reduce swelling. Using aloe gel also helps reduce lip swelling. Applying a tea bag on swollen lips is another effective means legal protection. Soak the tea bag in warm water for a few minutes. Remove the tea bag and let it cool. Place it on swollen lips for a few minutes. This will help reduce the swelling.

Make sure lip balms and lipsticks do not cause allergic reactions. In addition to the above, when your lip is swollen, what should you do first? The main thing is to drink enough water to prevent dryness and keep your lips moisturized. Have a balanced and healthy eating to avoid shortages nutrients. Your diet should be rich in vitamins, especially vitamin B and C. Use a light, mild lip balm on a daily basis to keep your lips soft and flexible, so you can smile and be happy. Take care of yourself!

Plump lips are the dream of many women. They look attractive and sexy, their “mistress” always arouses the interest of the opposite sex.

To keep their lips plump, women resort to various tricks.

They specially bite them before a date, apply a thick layer of decorative cosmetics, “playing” with color and texture, pump up this part of the face with a special gel, and perform a rather painful procedure - permanent tattooing.

If the upper lip is swollen, but the lower lip remains the same size, then the condition will not add beauty to the face. In this case, you need to sound the alarm - swelling of the soft tissues of the face may be a symptom dangerous condition, the first sign of an allergic reaction.

What to do if the upper lip is swollen sharply, and how can you quickly remove the swelling?

Why might my upper lip become swollen?

The most common causes of swelling of the upper lip.

  • The most simple reason, due to which the lips may swell, the upper and lower ones may cause injury. They may be caused mechanical damage– bruise, appear after "cosmetic intervention"– piercing or permanent tattoo, after pumping surgery, while squeezing out pimples. As soon as a tumor appears, action must be taken immediately. TO closed injury apply ice, process the edges of the open antiseptics. The brilliant green on the lips looks defiant, but you can use hydrogen peroxide or any alcohol tincture - propolis, boric, camphor or formic alcohol. The main thing is to prevent the appearance of a purulent-inflammatory process in order to avoid opening an abscess in such a prominent place;
  • You can also injure your lip from the inside by biting the mucous membrane, or scratching it with unsuccessful dentures or a fresh filling - the habit of a new bite does not develop immediately. In this case, the wound also needs to be treated. Alcohol solution the mucous membrane can be re-injured, so you should limit yourself to rinsing antiseptic solutions: soda, salt, chamomile tincture, alcohol tincture of propolis or "Chlorfilipptom". Alcohol tinctures should be diluted with water before rinsing. To reduce swelling, you should also apply a cold compress to the skin from the inside - a piece of ice or any metal object previously cooled in the freezer.

Some people believe that frozen meat works best against swelling. Beef or pork wrapped in plastic does not have any special properties. "Healing" the effect occurs due to cold exposure;

  • Insect bite. Why is a bite easy to miss? A small midge, introducing its proboscis into the human body, first injects an anesthetic substance. Ticks and many other insects do the same thing. But even if the bite was noticeable and quite painful - it is difficult to remain indifferent when a wasp or bee digs into your face - you should not take it lightly. If the upper lip is swollen, it means poisonous substance, which is brought under the skin, an allergy has arisen. Swelling can spread to the entire face and to the oral mucosa, which in some cases makes breathing difficult.

You need to immediately take an antihistamine, and if the skin continues to swell, seek help from official medicine.

The wound should also be treated with an antiseptic.

After a midge or earth flea bite, marks sometimes appear only for 2-3 days.

  1. Such an allergic reaction can be caused by any substance dissolved in the atmosphere, or food products. The condition is quite dangerous. If your lip is numb, and there seems to be no reason for this, you should take an anti-allergy remedy in any case;
  2. If your lips are swollen - upper or lower - the cause may be infection. Herpes rashes or lesions from stomatitis lead to the formation of ulcers, which contribute to swelling of the lips. To stop the activity of herpes, use medical supplies local action, which contains acyclovir. It will be easier and faster to get rid of numbness and swelling of the upper lip if you supplement the treatment antiviral drugs oral administration.

Stomatitis can be of different types: viral, bacterial, fungal. For treatment, targeted agents are selected that destroy the causative agent of the disease.

Fungal infections can be distinguished from viral and bacterial infections by a characteristic plaque throughout the oral mucosa. If you try to remove the film, they will remain on the mucous membrane of the upper lip. pinpoint hemorrhages. Treat the affected area by rinsing soda solution, ointments with nystatin or clotrimazole.

When bacterial and under it appear ulcerative defects which are filled with secretion - white or gray matter. Treatment is with antibacterial ointments.

If there is doubt about the origin of the pathogen - a virus or bacteria - use sulfa drugs or products with metrogyl.

IN therapeutic regimen when eliminating stomatitis various types introduce drugs that increase general immunity, and vitamin preparations.

If your lip is swollen and numb after visiting the dentist, and there is pain in your gums upper jaw, you need to see your doctor again. Most likely, the dentist made a mistake - an infection got into the wound during treatment. Unfortunately, this is not an isolated case during root canal treatment.

Poor-quality filling leads to a sad outcome - periostitis occurs, an inflammatory purulent process in the jaw that affects the periosteum.

Restore your lips yourself required sizes will not work. Swelling is caused by pus that has accumulated inside the gums. It is impossible to do without draining the affected area, and it should only be done on an outpatient basis.

If the doctor who caused this inflammation has no desire to return, you can go for a consultation with a specialist surgeon "Maxillofacial Surgery".


There is no need to panic when you wake up in the morning, see yourself in the mirror, and your upper lip resembles a swollen dumpling. It is unknown what is causing the condition, because yesterday everything was fine.

There is no damage, breathing is not difficult, there is no rash. This means that nothing threatens life, but cosmetic defect you should try to cope on your own.

It will not be possible to completely remove the swelling quickly, but it is worth trying to reduce the defect as much as possible.

You should start with antihistamines- suddenly there was a bite that is not yet visible, or soft fabrics reacted to new cosmetics or food products. Everything new is removed from the diet, and cold and heat are applied to the affected area in turn: 3 minutes of cold - 3 minutes of heat. As warm compress use a clean cloth dampened warm water, tea bag, boiled egg, wrapped in a towel - you can later eat it for breakfast.

After 15-20 minutes, you will notice that the swelling subsides.

Do not use this day decorative cosmetics– first you need to put your lips in order.