How to treat psychosomatic diseases at home. Basic and most vital advice. The difference between psychosomatic diseases and ordinary diseases

Folk wisdom says “All diseases come from nerves!” Traditional modern medicine not so categorical.

Although the list of diseases is already officially recognized as psychosomatic, is constantly updated and supplemented with more and more new names, doctors still treat the body, forgetting about the soul.

How to treat psychosomatics in such a way as to be cured, and not continue to go to doctors and take pills?

On the relationship between the physical and mental

When a doctor does not find physical, functional or organic reasons of a particular disease, he defines it as psychosomatic.

In fact, and by and large, All illnesses (from the runny nose to increased trauma) are psychosomatic!

The doctor is able to diagnose and identify the disease in the human body, but the “treatment” itself, as a rule, comes down to:

  • relieving symptoms of the disease,
  • mitigating its consequences.

That is causes diseases remain undetected and are not eliminated! That is why diseases tend to become chronic, and the number and dose of medications taken increases.

Is it possible to fix a problem without knowing its causes? Is it possible to recover from a disease without getting to its source?

It is forbidden!

But it is possible to find out the cause of any disease. She is already known! And not to someone else, but to the patient himself.

No doctor, healer, psychologist or psychotherapist will help a person if he does not want to help himself!

The source of psychosomatic diseases, to put it simply, is head at the patient's!

Reasons psychosomatic diseases are personal and psychological problems:

  • aggressiveness,
  • bitterness,
  • fears and phobias,
  • guilt,
  • shame,
  • anxiety,
  • diffidence,
  • pessimism,
  • perfectionism,
  • pride,
  • envy,
  • arrogance,
  • stress,
  • “victim” complex - the list can be continued for a very, very long time!

In short - everything negative:

  • emotions,
  • feelings,
  • experiences,
  • moods,
  • relationship,
  • words,
  • actions,
  • actions,

and in general the way of life of a person provoke occurrence of diseases.

More precisely, diseases are just projection accumulated negativity in the mental sphere, this is the body’s way of telling its owner: “Attention! Your Soul is suffering! "

The organs of vision of most people are designed in such a way that they are not able to see subtle, material and ideal things. Many people do not know how to feel themselves, do not know themselves (what to strive for, what to want), live unconsciously and often deliberately harm themselves.

For these reasons, a psychological problem often becomes noticeable only when it becomes a physical reality - manifested in the body.

Project by Natalia Svedova. This is a whole kingdom of pure and beautiful people.

How to treat psychosomatics yourself

Psychosomatics can be treated! To do this you need:

  1. Realize that in a human being everything is one. Negative thoughts, words and an overall unhealthy lifestyle lead to ill health. And, on the contrary, healthy habits, positive thoughts and attitudes lead to harmonization not only of the psyche, but also of the body.
  2. Designate a number of current and long-standing psychological problems and difficulties in relationships with others, the world, and oneself.
  3. Select among the problems the most significant and appear frequently. Try feel which of them can provoke the disease.
  4. Increase psychological literacy. In our country and abroad, many methods and classifications of psychosomatic diseases have been developed, containing a description possible reasons their occurrence. It is not difficult to find such transcripts, including on our website. However, it is always important to remember - the truth is hidden inside, not outside! All the answers you need look within yourself!
  5. Restate the problem that caused the disease, in tasks, put in front of you target. Example: disease - myopia; psychological problems - fear of the future, self-doubt, indecision; tasks - to become more self-confident, bolder, and look into the future with optimism; the goal is a joyful, love-filled look at the present life, where the future is beautiful, pleasant and desirable to look into.
  6. Develop goal achievement plan with step-by-step processing of tasks.
  7. Begin act, without delay and without doubting success!

The most main rule, without observing which, it is better not to start working on yourself - you need to act from self love!

Only with self-love can you reach your goal and improve your health. Need to give thanks body (himself) for the fact that the disease suggested what needs to be changed in life and, thereby, contributed to personal development, spiritual growth, and the transition to a healthy lifestyle.

When you can't do without help

Doctors Not treat psycho somatic diseases, but only help to hide them. A person provokes the onset of the disease himself, and accordingly, he can on one's own and be cured of it!

But very often, when solving psychosomatic problems, without help still cannot be avoided, especially if the illnesses are long-standing and serious.

Psychologists and psychotherapists are specialists, helping a person suffering from a psychosomatic illness, to understand himself and get rid of the disease.

Particularly effective in the treatment of psychosomatic diseases are such directions modern psychotherapy:

  • body-oriented,
  • cognitive-behavioural,
  • gestalt therapy,
  • neurolinguistic programming (NLP),
  • hypno-suggestive.

In addition to psychotherapy, it is effective manual therapy, herbal medicine, yoga and others unconventional methods treatment, based on the principles of natural healing of the body.

There are many directions and trends, a lot has been developed effective techniques getting rid of psychosomatic disorders.

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Patients with psychosomatic illnesses make up a significant portion of patients in the somatic network. In their treatment, it is necessary to take into account the role of psychological and psychopathological factors, the frequency of which ranges from 15 to 50%.

Psychosomatic diseases- these are somatic diseases, in the occurrence and course of which psychological factors play a decisive role. The cause of psychosomatosis is affective (emotional) stress (conflicts, dissatisfaction, anger, fear, anxiety, etc.) in the presence of certain personal characteristics.

Psychological factors also play a role in the case of other diseases (migraine, endocrine disorders, malignant neoplasms). However, it is necessary to distinguish between disorders, the occurrence of which is determined by mental factors and the prevention of which should be aimed, first of all, at the elimination and correction of emotional overstrain (psychotherapy and psychopharmacology) and other diseases. The dynamics of the latter are determined by mental and behavioral factors, changing the nonspecific resistance of the body, but not being the root cause of their occurrence. For example, it is known that the influence of psycho-emotional stress can reduce immune reactivity, and this in turn increases the likelihood of developing diseases; including infectious ones.

The psychogenic component plays an important role in the occurrence and development of many organic diseases: hypertension, gastric ulcer and duodenum, myocardial infarction, migraine, bronchial asthma, ulcerative colitis, neurodermatitis. These diseases are often called “major” psychosomatic diseases, emphasizing the severity of the disease and the leading role of the psychogenic factor in their occurrence.

Actually psychosomatic diseases are characterized by the following features:

  • mental stress is decisive in provoking them;
  • after manifestation, the disease becomes chronic or recurrent;
  • Occurs for the first time at any age (but more often in late adolescence).

Psychosomatic diseases are a consequence of stress caused by long-term painful and insurmountable psychotraumas, internal conflict between the individual’s motives of equal intensity, but differently directed. It is assumed that some types of motivational conflicts are specific to separate forms psychosomatic diseases. Thus, hypertension is associated with the presence of a conflict between high social control behavior and the individual’s unfulfilled need for power. An unfulfilled need leads to aggressiveness, which a person cannot identify through social attitudes. Moreover, unlike neuroses, which are also based on personal conflict, in the case of psychosomatic diseases there is a double repression - not only of a motive unacceptable to consciousness, but also of neurotic anxiety. An unresolved conflict of motives (as well as unresolved stress) ultimately gives rise to a reaction of capitulation, refusal of search treatment, and creates a general precondition for the development of psychosomatic diseases in the form of masked depression.

The defeat of certain organs and systems is caused by genetic factors or features of ontogenetic development. Historically, seven diseases are classified as psychosomatic, namely: essential hypertension, peptic ulcer, bronchial asthma, neurodermatitis, thyrotoxicosis, ulcerative colitis, rheumatoid arthritis.

How to treat psychosomatic diseases?

Therapeutic tactics in case of psychosomatic diseases, it provides for the main role of somatologists and appropriate methods of therapy.

However, psychotherapy is also important in preventing the occurrence of these diseases and at all stages of treatment and rehabilitation.

In the prevention of psychosomatic diseases, an important role is played by the timely identification of personal tendencies and the conduct of long-term person-oriented psychotherapy with the help of a psychotherapist. General practitioners and family medicine should learn and teach patients the skills of mental self-regulation, autogenic training for the purpose of mobilization or relaxation in stressful situations.

A completely different approach to the treatment of neurotic and somatoform disorders, when the patient’s somatic complaints are associated with functional somatic disorders, the main cause of which is mental illness. In these cases, treatment is carried out by a psychiatrist using psychotherapy and psychopharmacotherapy.

What diseases can it be associated with?

Hypertonic disease(essential arterial hypertension). The occurrence of arterial hypertension is due to the desire to openly express hostility with a simultaneous need for passive and adapted behavior. This conflict can be characterized as a conflict with such contradictory personal aspirations as a simultaneous focus on directness, honesty and openness in communication and politeness, courtesy, and avoidance of conflicts. Suppressing negative emotions in a person during a period of stress, accompanied by a natural increase in blood pressure (BP), can worsen the person’s general condition and even lead to the development of a stroke.

On initial stage hypertension, most patients adequately assess their health status and correctly perceive the doctor’s recommendations and prescriptions. Some patients with anxious and suspicious character traits perceive increased blood pressure as a tragedy. The mood of such patients worsens, attention is fixed on sensations, and the range of interests is limited to the disease. In patients of the other group, the diagnosis of hypertension does not cause any reaction; they ignore the disease and refuse treatment. There is a direct relationship between blood pressure levels and the likelihood of developing mental disorders not found. During examination mental state In patients with arterial hypertension, in combination with daily blood pressure monitoring, indicators were established for the first time daily monitoring Blood pressure that is significant regarding the prognosis of the development of mental disorders. They develop more often with high variability of blood pressure during the day and violation circadian rhythm fluctuations in blood pressure (increased or absent physiological decrease in blood pressure).

A patient with hypertension the reason for his condition should be explained, it should be reported that the disorder nervous system they are of a functional nature, they are temporary and in the case of appropriate systematic treatment, the impaired function will be restored.

Cardiac ischemia. For many years, emotional stress was thought to be a risk factor for coronary heart disease. These kinds of ideas are difficult to test because only prospective studies can isolate the psychological factors that led to the development heart disease, from psychological consequences caused by the influence of the disease itself. Studies conducted in the 1980s focused on a few groups possible factors risks, which include chronic emotional disorders, socioeconomic difficulties, overwork, long-term aggressors, and Type A behavior patterns.

The most reasonable is the type A behavior pattern, which is characterized by the following main features: hostility, excessive desire for competition, ambition, a constant feeling of lack of time and a focus on restrictions and prohibitions. During primary and secondary prevention, attention should be paid to eliminating risk factors such as smoking, poor nutrition, and insufficient physical activity.

Angina pectoris. Angina attacks are often triggered by emotions such as anxiety, anger and agitation. The sensations experienced during an attack are sometimes very terrifying, and often the patient subsequently becomes overly cautious, despite all the explanations of the doctors and despite their efforts to encourage him to return to normal active image life. Good effect in overcoming these problems usually gives conservative treatment in combination with regular physical exercises appropriate to the patient’s condition. Some patients are helped to regain self-confidence by behavioral therapy, carried out according to an individually developed program.

Cardiophobia. Discomfort and unusual sensations in the left side chest, which first arise in a psychotraumatic situation or even in its absence after prolonged asthenia, determine the increasing anxiety and alertness of patients, fixation on the activity of the heart, which increases confidence in the presence of a serious heart disease and fear of death. The unbearable fear that patients experience in connection with cardiovascular disorders cannot be compared with ordinary human feelings and experiences, neither in their intensity nor in their nature. Feeling near death becomes the only existing reality for the patient. And the obvious fact that dozens of similar heart attacks he had previously suffered did not lead to either a heart attack or heart failure does not have any meaning for the patient.

Popular wisdom says that it is not scary to die, but scary to die, therefore the fate of these patients, who “die” repeatedly, is truly tragic. Here special meaning has rational psychotherapy and suggestion. From their correct use by doctors in in some cases Even the life of the patient depends.

Think that bronchial asthma is caused by emotional conflicts associated with conditions of subordination, but there is no objective evidence in favor of this theory yet. With bronchial asthma, there are contradictions between the desire and fear of a certain sensation. Such a conflict is described as a “own-give” conflict. A quality of asthmatics such as hypersensitivity is noted, especially in relation to measures associated with reduced accuracy. Convincing evidence suggests that emotions such as anger, fear and agitation can provoke and increase the severity of individual attacks in patients with bronchial asthma.

Mental morbidity among children with bronchial asthma is not much higher than among the general child population. However, if such children develop psychological problems, then treatment, as a rule, becomes much more complicated. When trying to treat asthma with psychotherapy and behavioral therapy there has been no convincing evidence that these methods are more effective than conventional advice and support. Individual and family psychotherapy may be useful in the treatment of patients with bronchial asthma in cases where psychological factors are involved.

Peptic ulcer. Strong lasting affects negative emotions like that constant fear, great grief, severe fear during overexertion and depletion of the cerebral cortex can lead to prolonged spasm blood vessels the walls of the stomach with reduced resistance of its mucous membrane to the action of gastric juice, this is how an ulcer occurs. Further development peptic ulcer disease depends both on the ongoing action of these factors and on the occurrence of pain impulses in the interoceptors of the affected organ. Psychotherapy has a great influence on the course of the disease and the effectiveness of treatment.

Colitis. Colitis is diagnosed in patients with low self-esteem, hypersensitivity to one's own failures and a strong desire for dependence would burn. Illness is often seen as the equivalent of melancholy.

Neurodermatitis psychosomatic origin are most often represented by eczema and psoriasis. Patients are often passive and find it difficult to assert themselves.

Treatment of psychosomatic diseases at home

Treatment of psychosomatic diseases It is carried out both inpatient and outpatient. The decision about this is made by the attending physician. Stay in conditions medical hospital indicated at the stage of acute manifestation of psychosomatosis, after which a recovery period is indicated. It is important to work with the patient to alleviate the psychoneurological factors in the development of the disease.

What drugs are used to treat psychosomatic diseases?

Of the pharmacological drugs, preference is given to those that are necessary for the treatment of the developed disease. In parallel with taking medications, psychotherapeutic treatment is carried out in order to influence the mechanism of development of the disease and the factors that provoke it.

Treatment of psychosomatic diseases with traditional methods

Application folk remedies is considered solely as an addition to the main methods of treatment. Preference is given to those herbs and plant extracts that are relevant in the treatment of a specific developed disease (for example, or), but the choice of these should be discussed with your doctor.

Treatment of psychosomatic diseases during pregnancy

Treatment of psychosomatosis during pregnancy is carried out according to standard scheme. The drugs of choice are medications that are safe for the expectant mother and child. Significant attention is paid to working with a psychologist.

Which doctors should you contact if you have psychosomatic illnesses?

Defining psychological characteristics, responsible for the occurrence of psychosomatic diseases, today the following characterological traits have been identified, which in different combinations observed in patients with various diseases. These are traits such as isolation, restraint, anxiety, sensitivity, etc.

The main qualities of a person prone to the development of essential arterial hypertension are considered to be intrapersonal conflict, tension between aggressive impulses, on the one hand, and a feeling of dependence, on the other. Under stress, such a person tends to restrain his own irritability and suppress the desire to respond to the offender. When examining the mental state of patients with arterial hypertension in combination with 24-hour blood pressure monitoring, it was revealed that early stage arterial hypertension, after an increase in blood pressure in patients, the level of anxiety decreases. Thus, the compensatory role of prolonged psycho-emotional stress in increasing blood pressure is confirmed.

Angina attacks are often triggered by emotions such as anxiety, anger and agitation. Angina may be accompanied by atypical chest pain and shortness of breath caused by anxiety or hyperventilation. In many cases, there is a discrepancy between the patient's actual ability to tolerate physical exercise, established using objective research methods, and their complaints of chest pain and activity limitations.

Initially, vague concern and growing affective tension, anxiety, suspicion, fears, constitutional, as well as acquired personality traits become the basis for the development of an acute cardiophobic attack.

Patients with bronchial asthma often have hysterical or hypochondriacal character traits, but they are not able to “let their anger out into the air,” which provokes attacks of suffocation.

People suffering from gastric and duodenal ulcers have certain characterological characteristics. Among them there are often people with violent emotional reactions, categorical judgments, and straightforwardness in assessing the actions of others. Another category of patients is not prone to external manifestations of emotions. Often there are gloomy, dissatisfied, distrustful people.

Treatment of other diseases starting with the letter - p

Treatment of pancreatitis
Treatment of pancreatic necrosis
Treatment of tracheal papilloma
Treatment of parametritis
Treatment of paraneoplasia
Treatment of paranephritis
Treatment of pediculosis
Treatment of pelvioperitonitis
Treatment of testicular torsion

The term “psychosomatic diseases” is increasingly heard by ordinary people. An Orthodox psychiatrist will tell you what psychosomatics is, and most importantly, how and with which specialists to treat it. Vladimir Konstantinovich Nevyarovich.

What diseases are considered psychosomatic?

Psychosomatic diseases(from ancient Greek ψυχή - soul and σῶμα - body) are diseases, the occurrence of which is closely related to mental and psychological factors. The essence of these fairly common disorders lies, as the name itself suggests, in close connection and the interaction of soul and body. The term itself was proposed in 1818 by the Leipzig professor of psychology and doctor of mental illness (psychiatrist) Johann Christian August Heinroth (1773-1843). Heinroth is also called in dictionaries and reference books: a romantic, a moralist and a mystic. Heinroth believed that the source of many diseases was the pathology of the spirit and the depravity of the soul, on the basis of which he based his methods and models of treatment.

Only a century later, an independent “psychosomatic” direction in medicine was formed, the emergence of which was largely due to the emerging crisis of a purely materialistic view of all diseases in general, which has dominated over the past centuries in the wake of numerous scientific and technical achievements. Many representatives took part in the formation of “Psychosomatic Medicine” various schools and directions, both in medicine and in psychology, philosophy, physiology and sociology. Let's point out some of them: the German psychiatrist Karl Wiegand Maximillian Jacobi (1775-1858), who introduced the concept of “somatopsychic” in 1822; Berlin therapist Gustav Bergmann (1878-1955), who developed the doctrine of functional pathology; German philosopher Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (1844-1900); the world famous French psychiatrist Jean Martin Charcot (1825-1893), who studied with the father of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud (1856-1939); the founder of the doctrine of neurasthenia (1869), American neuropathologist George Miller Beard (1839-1883); his compatriot the physician Da Costa (1833-1900), after whom the “soldier’s excitable heart” syndrome (1871) is named; American psychoanalyst Franz Gabriel Alexander (1891-1964), who is considered one of the founders of modern psychosomatic medicine; German doctor Alexander Mitscherlich (1908 -1982), who opened a psychosomatic clinic in Heidelburg in 1949; Austrian physician and psychoanalyst, professor of psychosomatic medicine at the University of Washington Felix Deutsch (1884-1964); founder of the “stress” theory, Canadian pathologist and endocrinologist, Laureate Nobel Prize Hans Selye (1907-1982) and many, many others. Psychoanalysts, as a rule, see the cause of psychosomatic diseases in the presence of unconscious conflicts in a person, carefully examine mental traumas forgotten by patients, focus on sexual problems, including children’s unconscious relationships with parents, etc. In the development of a psychosomatic illness, psychosomatic reactions, disorders, conditions, and sometimes affects are distinguished.

How do psychosomatic illnesses differ from ordinary illnesses?

Any disease has a connection with the psyche (soul). However, in the development of “psychosomatic diseases”, supporters of this theory see a more pronounced and even decisive importance of the psyche than other reasons. Hence the treatment painful condition lies primarily in therapy mental factor or changing the way you respond to stress.

For example, a person complains of headaches or back pain. But the true cause of suffering in these cases, as it turns out upon comprehensive psychological research, is his personal problems related to work, which are projected onto the body, causing problems that are difficult to resolve with ordinary medical supplies persistent pain.

The most common psychosomatic diseases include the so-called classic seven(Alexander, 1968):

  1. essential hypertension,
  2. bronchial asthma,
  3. peptic ulcer of the duodenum and stomach,
  4. nonspecific ulcerative colitis,
  5. neurodermatitis,
  6. rheumatoid arthritis;
  7. hyperthyroid syndrome.

However, supporters of psychosomatic medicine in their assumptions significantly expanded this list, including ischemic disease heart disease, tuberculosis, stroke, obesity, alcoholism, drug addiction and a number of other diseases. They highlighted and characteristic types personalities: “coronary”, “ulcerative”, “arthritic”. The “Coronal” personality type, for example, is characterized by assertiveness, anxiety, desire for success, and aggressiveness. He is often haunted by a feeling of lack of time. He is prone to suppressing his internal experiences and emotions, which disrupts the physiological processes in the body.

Are psychosomatic diseases defined in the same way by different specialists?

No, there are many different views and discrepancies, both among representatives of the psychosomatic school and on the part of their colleagues who adhere to different concepts on the etiology and pathogenesis of diseases. For example, some psychosomaticians see the cause of bronchial asthma in the patient’s “unwillingness to breathe,” while others associate the pathology of this suffering with excessive assertiveness, which literally takes away the breath, leading to an attack of suffocation; Still others explain the attacks by egocentrism, attracting attention to oneself, and the desire to change the environment.

There are so many discrepancies that it is impossible within the confines of this article to even briefly list the main ones. Thus, psychosomaticians who graduated from doctors of psychoanalytic schools interpret the cause of almost all diseases, first of all, as a consequence of the repression of drives that disrupt the functions of organs; as a replacement existing problem for somatic disorder.

Behavioral or body-oriented psychotherapists offer a different perspective on the problem. The view of diseases in the models of materialistic schools is completely different Soviet period, based on the physiological teachings of I.P. Pavlov.

Which specialists should you contact for the treatment of psychosomatic diseases?

Unlike foreign medicine, where there are official psychosomatic departments, faculties and clinics, in Russia there is no approved status of a psychosomatic doctor, so this problem is most often dealt with by psychiatrists, psychotherapists and partly psychologists. This is the official point of view, theory and practice. But there is also spiritual, spiritual and moral therapy, which has the right to exist and gives remarkable results in the treatment of many diseases (look at this in the series of books by the author of this article: “Therapy of the Soul”, “Healing with Words”, “Vice of the Soul”, “ Treatise on healing in Orthodox explanation", "Miraculous healings").

What role does the type of nervous system of the patient himself play in the formation of the disease?

According to the classical theory of Academician I.P. Pavlov, there are 4 types of nervous system: choleric (strong, uncontrollable), sanguine (strong, agile, balanced), phlegmatic (strong, inert), melancholic (weak, easily exhausted). The types described essentially correspond to temperament.

Persons with a weak type of nervous system are more susceptible negative impacts from outside. Therefore, under the same circumstances, some people quickly “break down”, are more likely to become exhausted and “burn out” than others. Plays a role and immune defense, its condition, ability to resist and maintain the internal balance (homeostasis) necessary for the body.

How long can treatment last and how effective is it?

It all depends on the nature of the disease, its severity, timeliness of treatment (advanced, chronic pathological process always more difficult to treat). Treatment of some diseases that are based on spiritual (mental) ill health can be very lengthy.

The Holy Fathers mention the so-called “inconvenient” diseases, which have a special sacred meaning. The so-called genetic, hereditary factors cannot be discounted.

In each specific case, the approach to treatment should be purely individual, and, as was taught in Soviet times, personal, clinical and pathogenetic. I must say that Russian medical school made a significant contribution precisely to the process of a deep, holistic relationship with a sick person. Starting with Mudrov M.Ya. (1776 -1831), Zakharyin A.G. (1829 -1898), Botkin S.P. (1832-1889), Pirogov N.I. (1810-1881) - it was the multifactorial one that prevailed, therapy focused on the patient’s personality, the motto of which was: “Treat not the disease, but the person, in the fullness of his personality traits and conditions”
Let me dwell in more detail on some representatives of the Russian school of healing diseases, who could well be included among the outstanding psychosomatists (in the positive sense of the word). Among them is Professor of Therapy and Pathology at Moscow University Matvey Yakovlevich Mudrov, who professed a model of a holistic, multifaceted view of the disease, taking into account mental and spiritual, and not just biological and physiological mechanisms. He wrote, in particular: “Knowing the mutual actions of the soul and body, I consider it my duty to note that there are also spiritual medicines that heal the body. They are drawn from the science of wisdom; often from psychology. With this art you will console the sad, soften the angry, calm the impatient, stop the furious, frighten the daring, make the timid bold, the hidden - frank, the desperate - trustworthy. This art imparts to the sick that firmness of spirit that overcomes bodily illnesses, melancholy, and tossing, and which then subjugates the illnesses themselves to the will of the patient. The patient’s admiration, joy and confidence are then more useful than the medicine itself.” Along with medicines, Mudrov prescribed to the sick who and at what time from the heavenly doctors and under what cases they should pray.

Among the causes of diseases, important place he took away spiritual factors: “by spiritual disturbances: anger and malice, envy and ambition, luxury or stinginess, jealousy or despair and all sorts of everyday sorrows, which alternately pass through our gloomy life at night,” a person comes to various illnesses and sufferings. Another famous doctor of ours who treated the emperor Alexandra III and Leo Tolstoy, Professor Anton Grigorievich Zakharyin described “reflected” pain from certain internal organs to the skin, introducing an important milestone in the theory of the relationship between the internal and external in a person. During Soviet times famous doctor and psychologist Alexander Luria (1902-1977) wrote: « The brain cries, and the tears go to the heart, liver, stomach..."

What can the patient do? Are there any breathing exercises or physical therapy to cope with psychosomatic diseases?

AND breathing exercises(paradoxical according to Strelnikova, or classical, as well as according to the yogi system) plus physical therapy - can give a real positive result in complex treatment with an individually selected set of systematic exercises, but they cannot be a panacea for the treatment of diseases, as, indeed, any other individual type of health procedures (hardening, fasting, swimming, massage, autogenic training). Unfortunately, purely materialistically oriented schools do not consider such spiritual factors as sin, conscience, passions - categories that in the system of Orthodox medicine are among the most important, allowing one to study and understand the true spiritual meaning of suffering.

Letter from a reader of the ABC of Health:

I came to the conclusion that my problems with the gallbladder and stomach are purely psychosomatic. It's all about nerves. When you are calm, nothing hurts.

One experienced doctor gave me advice on what to do when you start to get nervous, how to cut off this signal from the stomach.

Exercise against the occurrence of psychosomatic diseases of the stomach and duodenum

Initial position: standing or sitting, arms down.

Simultaneously with a slow inhalation (about 8 seconds), we raise our arms straight up to the sides until they touch. The gaze rises along with the hands and rests on their connection.

Then we hold our breath for 3-4 seconds and, as we exhale, perform a reverse movement of the same duration.

We inhale and exhale in a stream, forming a tube with our lips.

We completely focus exclusively on breathing and movement.

We repeat three times. After the 2nd time, slight dizziness or drowsiness may occur.

How to relate to the interpretation of psychosomatic diseases given by the authors of esoteric books.

I treat esoteric literature like sweet intoxication. In search of truth, many, especially young people, wander into the fields of occultism and mysticism. Rarely do any of them recover with the help of these teachings, but many are damaged in their minds. In my opinion, some systems based on self-education and strict rules are also unsafe.

There are Orthodox-oriented teachings that have sound foundations with very controversial conclusions and recommendations that claim to be a comprehensive truth. I also remember all sorts of fashionable diets, types of fasting (according to Brag and Shelton). Not so long ago we were keen on healing according to the Seraphim (Chichagov) method as presented by Ksenia Kravchenko, the systems of Boris Vasilyevich Bolotov, Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin; It would also not hurt to remember the mass healing sessions of Anatoly Kashpirovsky and Alan Chumak, all kinds of urine therapy, sucking vegetable oil, drinking kombucha, apple cider vinegar etc. Is it worth repeating that a universal system of healing does not exist in nature, and all esoteric books, from the position of our Russian Orthodox Church, are harmful to the human soul.

Can a properly tuned spiritual life help cope with psychosomatics?

Undoubtedly! The results can exceed all expectations. Sometimes one confessed sin destroys a whole chain of painful conditions.

There is nothing higher and better than the individual conscious path of improvement and education, the pursuit of holiness. As emphasized Athonite elder Porfiry Kavsokalivit, diseases, in particular mental ones, are cured, “if a person acquires the correct Orthodox consciousness”, instead of selfish. “When you turn to God, you no longer look for anything, you cease to be an unsatisfied person. On the contrary, you become happy with everything and everyone, you begin to love everyone, you are always happy ... "(Tsvetoslov of the Councils, Holy Mount Athos, 2014, p. 526). The following advice from the elder is also useful: “Try to reject unpleasant memories and fears. Remember the good things that happened in your life. Always look to the future with hope and optimism. Listen to good music... Walk in nature more often, go out of town... in addition to the Divine Liturgy on Sundays, go to evening services and all-night vigils. Pray, turning to Christ with confidence.”(p. 524. Ibid.). Usually illnesses are treated as a great misfortune. But this is not entirely the right position. The Holy Fathers said that illness is a visit from God. And we cannot know for sure whether illness or health is more beneficial for us. Many people have accomplished great deeds and discoveries precisely, and sometimes thanks to illness. And speaking of psychosomatic illness, it is more useful, if possible, to begin treatment with therapy of the soul rather than the body.

From medical practice

One patient suffered from a disease with impaired support and movement functions. She moved independently with the help of a cane. Her husband repeatedly took her to the capital for consultations and treatment with eminent doctors. However, in the process of psychotherapeutic work, the true cause of the disease was revealed, which lay in frequent infidelities on the part of the husband and the woman’s unconscious desire to keep him close to her. After numerous conversations and individual work the patient gradually got rid of the cane, and her movements were fully restored.

But there were other examples, with a sadder epilogue. Once they brought to me (or rather brought in a wheelchair) a patient who, over the course of several months, had developed an incomprehensible weakness in the lower extremities. Additional research methods did not reveal any pathology, as a result of which he was referred for consultation and treatment to a psychotherapist, who passionately convinced the patient that he healthy man, unconsciously feigns due to reluctance to work. But in a conversation with that young man, it was possible to find out that the disease does not bring any benefit to the patient; on the contrary, it crosses out his much desired plans for the future. After a long conversation, I advised his relatives to show the patient to my friend, an old and very experienced neurosurgeon. A consultation took place, and the neurosurgeon clinically suspected the presence of a tumor in the spine. His diagnosis was soon confirmed by instrumental diagnostic methods. The patient was subsequently operated on in Germany, but, unfortunately, he could no longer walk. A month of sessions with a psychotherapist was irretrievably lost time and did not bring any benefit to the patient.

I would like to wish the readers God's blessing on all good and saving deeds; so that they are not embarrassed by any life circumstances, do not go into illness, but also do not neglect the help of doctors: first Heavenly, and then earthly! To study more the history and culture of our Fatherland, look for ways of holiness and learn to pray; they shunned vices and fought against swearing and sloppiness.

Psychiatrist V.K. Nevyarovich

Nowadays, doctors often detect difficultly diagnosed diseases in patients, without obvious reasons for manifestation. Many ailments are very insidious: the patient has not identified any physical factors for the onset and progression of the disease. For example, tests are normal and there are no hereditary pathologies. Then experts think about possible pathology psychosomatic in nature.

Psychosomatic diseases have different hidden reasons and a special approach to diagnosis to begin treatment of psychosomatic diseases. Impact of Discord mental health on physical organs studied back in ancient times. According to the ancient Greek philosopher Plato, the body and soul are one. For more than two thousand years, humanity has been trying to learn more deeply about the influence of emotions on physical state human body.

Factors causing psychosomatic diseases

Any treatment of psychosomatic diseases begins after full diagnostics the patient's body. Often the root of the problem lies in psychological factor- transferred severe stress. Researchers in the field of psychosomatics argue that even the slightest negative emotions can significantly harm the body. If a person keeps everything unsaid to himself, sooner or later psychological suppression will produce negative results. Over time, bad thoughts burn out inside a person, destroying, according to adherents of psychomatics, the body itself. Ailments appear that, according to the logic of things, the patient should not have.

Every year, medical statistics indicate an increase in psychosomatic diseases among the population. More than 40% of illnesses are provoked internal conflicts and mental trauma. Viral infections are not capable of inflicting so much great harm like depressed psychological condition. Scientists have conducted similar studies on animals - the trend is the same, although there are many differences in humans. The key one is the ability to recognize and control your emotions. But alas, it is not typical for a being of high intelligence to have 100% control over his own feelings. It is these emotional experiences that can have a devastating impact on our health.

If the patient suspects a disease of this nature, then treatment of psychosomatic diseases will begin with a course of psychotherapy, which will help identify all the hidden fears, anger, sadness that resulted in dangerous disease. In some cases, it is quite easy for a psychosomatic specialist to identify the root of the problem. For example, a patient shared the true reason for his depression state of mind due to death loved one and fears for his health. In most stories, it is much more difficult to find the chain of illness and cure a psychosomatic illness.

Symptoms of psychosomatic diseases

Not every specialist will be able to immediately suspect the patient’s true causes in order to begin treatment for psychosomatic diseases in a timely manner. Often such ailments do not have any special features outwardly. For example, gastritis can be bacterial and somatic in nature - this cannot be detected overnight. In some patients, the stomach is actually affected by the Helicobacter bacteria, while others felt acute cramps after another stressful situation. Diseases different systems organs in most cases are directly related to the dynamics of the patient’s mental state:

  • vascular-cardiac system;
  • nervous system;
  • immunity.

After a thorough diagnosis of the patient, a regular doctor will prescribe drug therapy to alleviate the condition and cure the disease. After the first symptoms subside, the patient is confident that he has been cured, omitting the psychological causes of the disease. By the end drug therapy stronger ones will be needed pharmacological preparations and procedures for the treatment of psychosomatic diseases. Several years after “wandering” in the diagnosis, the patient acquires chronic form own problem plus side effects from addiction to medicines. The patient loses hope of a complete cure, not realizing that for complete healing he needs to turn to a professional psychotherapist. It is this specialist who will “unblock” chronic stress, and with it other diseases will go away.

The key nuance lies in the following: patients sometimes tend to remain silent about mental problems due to shyness, and the doctor does not ask about the psychological state, considering this tactlessness on his part.

Psychosomatic diseases don't give in traditional therapy- you need to find out the psychological reasons and begin treatment with a psychotherapeutic bias. The key symptom of diseases of this spectrum is inaction traditional medicine. If the patient has not started best period in his personal life, it is advisable for him to immediately begin his path of examination with a psychotherapist to quickly identify disorders in the body.

What ailments are classified as psychosomatic diseases

Many doctors and patients lose sight of the psychological essence of the disease. The patient is confident that the next stress will be fleeting, and doctors are looking for new ways to heal, for example, from bronchial asthma. Few people know that this disease in most cases is caused by psychological disorders. This also applies to other diseases:

  • hyperventilation syndrome;
  • essential hypertension;
  • cardiophobic neurosis;
  • ischemic heart problems;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • arrhythmias;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia.

By the way, last illness on the list is completely treatable without drug therapy due to its 100% psychosomatic nature.

The study of psychosomatic diseases is most relevant in our time. Young people suffer from numerous gastrointestinal disorders, skin diseases. This direct result of the influence of the psyche on human health. As for young girls, due to psychological instability they suffer from many gynecological pathologies which lead to subsequent infertility. Stress is also a common culprit of endocrine disruption. He can call diabetes, hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism. Rheumatic and sexual ailments also arise in most cases due to psychomatics.

Risk groups for patients with psychosomatic diseases

Key patient population - hidden people who keep their inner emotions from the outside world. Among melancholic people there are many individuals who, with external calm, hide the raging volcanoes in their souls. Even the most balanced and calm people sometimes they break down. Such situations can lead to the onset of one or another psychosomatic disease.

The tendency to veiled diseases manifests itself in childhood or adolescence. Children and adolescents are not yet mentally stable enough to overcome stress on their own without consequences for the physiological health of the body. But in our society there are unique people who are able to live safely into adulthood without getting hung up on their problems. They also suffer from psychosomatics, but diagnosis for them will be lengthy and difficult.

For example, alcoholics will not be able to cope with their addiction until they believe in themselves as individuals. The roots of the problem may come from childhood, when parents set the bar too high for their child. In adulthood, some inconsistency leads to drowning problems with alcohol.

Have you noticed that your body catches a cold faster precisely when you are not in a good mood and have a good attitude towards life? It has also been scientifically proven that anemia occurs due to fear of the unknown. ENT diseases often occur in uncommunicative patients, for whom expressing their opinion is a real problem. A doomed psychological state leads to the manifestation of gastritis. Women who are afraid of independence in decision-making suffer from infertility. As you can see, lack of self-confidence can lead to psychosomatic illnesses.

What is the course of treatment for psychosomatic illnesses?

Methods are not acceptable for the treatment of psychosomatics general. Each patient should be treated individual approach. First of all, the doctor must find out the nature of the disease - physiological or psychosomatic. An experienced psychotherapist will help with this. Even the patient himself can find out the real reason your condition. Psychosomatics cannot be led to simulation or to inventing a problem. This is a truly destructive process that requires immediate treatment, which is not similar to classical drug therapy.

If doctors were able to identify a psychosomatic illness in your child, this is a reason to check the psychological state of all family members. To eliminate psychosomatics, you need to find out about the cause, and it often lies in a poor home environment. Even for the treatment of mature patients, it is necessary to involve relatives. Psychotherapists work with entire families, advising them to defuse their lifestyle by changing their work environment and even moving.

In most cases with medical practice the somatic aspect of the problem is hidden so deeply that it requires a psychotherapeutic course. Nowadays, the effectiveness of this type of treatment in getting rid of bronchial asthma, various allergies and gastrointestinal ailments has been proven. The right combination psychotherapy and medication will be able to restore the patient’s lost health without returning to illness. The main thing is for patients to remember diseases that require additional consultation with a psychotherapist. Many people are lucky enough to get relief from their symptoms after a few sessions of psychotherapy.

Popular wisdom says “All diseases come from nerves!” Traditional modern medicine is not so categorical.

Although the list of diseases is already officially recognized as psychosomatic, is constantly updated and supplemented with more and more new names, doctors still treat the body, forgetting about the soul.

How to treat psychosomatics in such a way as to be cured, and not continue to go to doctors and take pills?

On the relationship between the physical and mental

When a doctor does not find physical, functional or organic causes of a particular disease in his patient, he defines it as psychosomatic.

In fact, and by and large, All illnesses (from the runny nose to increased trauma) are psychosomatic!

The doctor is able to diagnose and identify the disease in the human body, but the “treatment” itself, as a rule, comes down to:

  • relieving symptoms of the disease,
  • mitigating its consequences.

That is causes diseases remain undetected and are not eliminated! That is why diseases tend to become chronic, and the number and dose of medications taken increases.

Is it possible to fix a problem without knowing its causes? Is it possible to recover from a disease without getting to its source?

It is forbidden!

But it is possible to find out the cause of any disease. She is already known! And not to someone else, but to the patient himself.

No doctor, healer, psychologist or psychotherapist will help a person if he does not want to help himself!

The source of psychosomatic diseases, to put it simply, is head at the patient's!

Reasons psychosomatic diseases are personal and psychological problems:

  • aggressiveness,
  • bitterness,
  • fears and phobias,
  • guilt,
  • shame,
  • anxiety,
  • diffidence,
  • pessimism,
  • perfectionism,
  • pride,
  • envy,
  • arrogance,
  • stress,
  • “victim” complex - the list can be continued for a very, very long time!

In short - everything negative:

  • emotions,
  • feelings,
  • experiences,
  • moods,
  • relationship,
  • words,
  • actions,
  • actions,

and in general the way of life of a person provoke occurrence of diseases.

More precisely, diseases are just projection accumulated negativity in the mental sphere, this is the body’s way of telling its owner: “Attention! Your Soul is suffering! "

The organs of vision of most people are designed in such a way that they are not able to see subtle, material and ideal things. Many people do not know how to feel themselves, do not know themselves (what to strive for, what to want), live unconsciously and often deliberately harm themselves.

For these reasons, a psychological problem often becomes noticeable only when it becomes a physical reality - manifested in the body.

Project by Natalia Svedova. This is a whole kingdom of pure and beautiful people.

How to treat psychosomatics yourself

Psychosomatics can be treated! To do this you need:

  1. Realize that in a human being everything is one. Negative thoughts, words and an overall unhealthy lifestyle lead to ill health. And, on the contrary, healthy habits, positive thoughts and attitudes lead to harmonization of not only the psyche, but also the body.
  2. Designate a number of current and long-standing psychological problems and difficulties in relationships with others, the world, and oneself.
  3. Select among the problems the most significant and appear frequently. Try feel which of them can provoke the disease.
  4. Increase psychological literacy. In our country and abroad, many methods and classifications of psychosomatic diseases have been developed, containing a description of the possible causes of their occurrence. It is not difficult to find such transcripts, including on our website. However, it is always important to remember - the truth is hidden inside, not outside! All the answers you need look within yourself!
  5. Restate the problem that caused the disease, in tasks, put in front of you target. Example: disease - myopia; psychological problems - fear of the future, self-doubt, indecision; tasks - to become more self-confident, bolder, and look into the future with optimism; the goal is a joyful, love-filled look at the present life, where the future is beautiful, pleasant and desirable to look into.
  6. Develop goal achievement plan with step-by-step processing of tasks.
  7. Begin act, without delay and without doubting success!

The most main rule, without observing which, it is better not to start working on yourself - you need to act from self love!

Only with self-love can you reach your goal and improve your health. Need to give thanks body (himself) for the fact that the disease suggested what needs to be changed in life and, thereby, contributed to personal development, spiritual growth, and the transition to a healthy lifestyle.

When you can't do without help

Doctors Not They treat psychosomatic diseases, but only help to hide them. A person provokes the onset of the disease himself, and accordingly, he can on one's own and be cured of it!

But very often, when solving psychosomatic problems, without help still cannot be avoided, especially if the illnesses are long-standing and serious.

Psychologists and psychotherapists are specialists, helping a person suffering from a psychosomatic illness, to understand himself and get rid of the disease.

Particularly effective in the treatment of psychosomatic diseases are such directions modern psychotherapy:

  • body-oriented,
  • cognitive-behavioural,
  • gestalt therapy,
  • neurolinguistic programming (NLP),
  • hypno-suggestive.

In addition to psychotherapy, manual therapy, herbal medicine, yoga and others are effective. non-traditional treatment methods, based on the principles of natural healing of the body.

There are many directions and movements, and many effective techniques for getting rid of psychosomatic disorders have been developed.

They are open and freely available! Experts teach everyone simple ways to heal themselves.

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