Erosive hemorrhagic reflux gastritis temperature. How is erosive-hemorrhagic gastritis treated? Reasons for the development of the disease

Diseases of the digestive system are one of the most common and numerous groups of pathologies that affect humanity. Most gastrointestinal pathologies are inflammatory in nature. Take, for example, the same gastritis, which is diagnosed in every 2nd adult (according to some data, this figure is much higher, if we also take into account that not everyone seeks help from doctors) and in 10-15% of children and teenagers And this is not surprising, because in fact, gastritis is a generalized concept that unites pathologies characterized by an inflammatory process in the stomach. Some of the varieties of gastritis are for the time being quite mild in nature, but there are those that, according to doctors, are considered severe and even life-threatening pathologies. This is exactly what hemorrhagic gastritis is, which will be discussed in this article.

ICD-10 code

K29 Gastritis and duodenitis

K29.6 Other gastritis


As already noted, gastritis is considered one of the most “popular” diseases of our time. And if earlier doctors diagnosed mainly mild forms of the disease, now last decade There has been a significant increase in the incidence of such dangerous pathologies as hemorrhagic gastritis and gastric ulcers. Moreover, the incidence of hemorrhagic gastritis has increased almost 10 times, which is a side effect of progress.

Most often, the pathology is diagnosed in those who take NSAIDs and corticosteroids, as well as in people suffering from alcoholism. In these population groups, hemorrhagic gastritis is found in half of the cases.

Hemorrhagic gastritis affects both women and men equally. In children, such pathology is detected only in isolated cases.

Causes of hemorrhagic gastritis

Gastroenterologists consider hemorrhagic gastritis as a polyetiological disease that has not yet been sufficiently studied. Determine exactly the reason that high probability will be responsible for the appearance pathological changes microcirculation in the vessels of the stomach, scientists have not yet succeeded. However, they still identify several risk factors that can trigger the development of pathology.

Such factors with a large percentage of coincidences (the impact of a pathogenic factor - the appearance of symptoms of hemorrhagic gastritis) include the following:

  • Negative effects on the stomach of acids and alkalis due to uncontrolled and irresponsible use of certain groups of medications without taking them into account side effects. In particular, long-term use non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and analgesics, the use of corticosteroid hormones and long-term antibiotic therapy.
  • Chronic alcohol abuse.
  • An incorrect approach to nutrition, in particular the consumption of too hot foods, an excessive passion for salty, smoked, spicy and fried foods, which irritates the walls of the stomach and negatively affects the condition of the blood vessels in them.
  • Consumption of poor quality foods containing salts heavy metals, added there as flavoring additives or for other purposes by manufacturers of these products who do not consider it necessary to care about the health of consumers. Such products include all kinds of seasonings and spices, hot store-bought sauces and preserves, and low-quality smoked products.
  • Frequent cases of viral diseases that weaken the body.
  • The presence of a bacterial infection in the body, especially if it is a notorious cause of most gastrointestinal diseases Helicobacter pylori.

In addition, lead to the development pathological process may mechanical damage to the stomach, Crohn's disease, characterized by a severe inflammatory process affecting the gastrointestinal tract, stressful situations and emotional stress, metabolic disorders in the body's cells, vascular pathologies associated with impaired capillary permeability.

Most often, hemorrhagic gastritis develops against a background of weakened immunity, which is unable to respond to negative impact pathogenic factors.


So, hemorrhagic gastritis is one of the most severe types of inflammation of the gastric mucosa. It is characterized not only by inflammation of the stomach walls, but also by the appearance of bleeding erosions and small ulcerations on them. This resembles the erosive form of gastritis, which explains the fact that hemorrhagic gastritis is often called erosive or erosive-hemorrhagic.

In fact, these are two completely various diseases with somewhat similar symptoms, but with a different mechanism of development. Thus, with erosive gastritis, inflammation of the mucous membrane precedes the appearance of erosions on it, which can be provoked by rough food, anti-inflammatory drugs, the irritating effect of alcoholic beverages, and bacterial factors.

The pathogenesis of hemorrhagic gastritis seems to follow the opposite path. First, flat ulcerations and superficial erosions appear on the mucosa, which appear as a result of microcirculatory vascular disorders in the subcutaneous (more precisely submucosal) layer, and then symptoms of inflammation appear, associated both with damage to the mucosa and exposure to them bacterial factor, as well as with the vascular disorders themselves.

Hemorrhagic gastritis is called so because it is characterized by the appearance of small bleeding lesions and inflamed areas around them on the gastric mucosa. As a result of microcirculatory disorders in the small vessels of the stomach, blood clots can form in them, which makes the pathology even more dangerous.

In other words, pathology manifests itself as if from the inside, despite the fact that the factors causing it can be both internal and external.

The main role in the development of hemorrhagic gastritis is played by impaired vascular permeability and blood circulation in them. Of no small importance in this regard is the disruption of metabolic processes in cells, leading to the development of degenerative processes in them. The reason for such changes is considered to be long-term or constant effects on the stomach tissue and the body as a whole. negative factors, which will be discussed below.

Symptoms of hemorrhagic gastritis

The disease often begins with the appearance of symptoms similar to indigestion. In other words, first signs hemorrhagic gastritis characteristic of most gastrointestinal pathologies.

Patients most often complain about:

  • discomfort in the stomach,
  • dull pain, localized in the epigastric region, which become stronger after eating food or if you put a little pressure on the stomach.
  • symptoms of dyspepsia: a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen and bloating due to increased gas formation, nausea, sometimes accompanied by belching with sour taste and vomiting
  • the appearance of a metallic taste in the mouth.

There are often cases when hemorrhagic gastritis began immediately with gastric bleeding. Then patients note the presence of traces of blood in the vomit and feces, which take on a black tint.

Many patients note a noticeable decrease in appetite, the appearance of a whitish coating on the tongue, stool disturbances (alternating cases of diarrhea and constipation), vomiting with elements of undigested food, weakness and dizziness due to blood loss.

As the disease progresses, the symptoms become more and more reminiscent of gastric bleeding. The vomit changes color to black, somewhat reminiscent of coffee grounds, and the stool becomes liquid and tarry. The skin becomes noticeably pale, and sometimes there are cases of loss of consciousness due to severe bleeding.

When examining a patient, the doctor pays attention to the unnaturally pale color of the skin and mucous membranes, rapid pulse and relatively low blood pressure. If the inflammatory process is acute, upon palpation, tension in the abdominal muscles is felt, associated with noticeable pain.

In the chronic course of the pathology, patient complaints are reduced to headaches, general weakness and excessive fatigue, and dizziness. In this case, some symptoms of iron deficiency anemia are noted, such as a pale tint and noticeable dryness of the skin, brittle nails and the absence of their usual healthy shine.


Hemorrhagic gastritis is usually classified according to three indicators: the nature of the course, the root cause of the pathology and the localization of the affected area.

Based on the root cause of the disease, hemorrhagic gastritis is divided into two types:

  • primary, if the pathology was diagnosed initially healthy person and its cause was one or more external pathogenic factors,
  • secondary, if gastritis develops against the background of existing diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and the stomach in particular.

It is the root cause of the disease that also determines some differences in the patients’ complaints, since in the second case there are layers of symptoms of other diseases, which makes diagnosis a little more difficult. But the symptoms may vary slightly depending on the stage of development of the pathological process.

Based on the nature of the course of the disease, one can also distinguish 2 types of pathology, which would be fair to call forms of hemorrhagic gastritis:

  • acute form of the disease,
  • its chronic form.

The acute course of the disease is characterized by a focal location of erosions, which makes it possible to short terms(up to 10 days) cope with the disease. The chronic form of the pathology, as usual, is much more difficult to treat, and the danger of internal bleeding haunts a person for many years.

Acute hemorrhagic gastritis

More often acute course The disease is observed at the beginning of its development. But there are cases when acute attacks begin with relapses in the chronic form of the pathology.

Acute gastritis is characterized by high severity of symptoms inflammatory process. The most common causes of pathology are:

  • low quality and frankly harmful products nutrition,
  • burn of the gastric mucosa when chemicals, poisons, salts of heavy metals come into contact with it,
  • intoxication of the body due to previous diseases,
  • dull mechanical abdominal trauma,
  • damage to the gastric mucosa due to unqualified diagnostic tests,

The development of pathology in this case is not associated with a violation of the secretion of gastric juice or an increased content of hydrochloric acid in it.

Chronic hemorrhagic gastritis

This form of the disease is characterized by some vagueness of symptoms. It is characterized by periods of remission and exacerbations. For some time after treatment, the disease may not manifest itself in any way, but under the influence irritating factors can flare up again, sometimes even in an acute form.

Based on the location of foci of inflammation in the stomach, the following types of disease are distinguished:

  • Hemorrhagic antral gastritis. This diagnosis suggests that the localization of vascular changes on the gastric mucosa has become its initial section - the antrum. This is one of the most common types of disease.

Pathology can occur in both acute and chronic forms.

The acute form is characterized by: rapid development of the disease and the presence of blood in the vomit and feces.

In the chronic form, you can observe symptoms characteristic of any type of gastritis: pain in the stomach, especially after eating, nausea/vomiting, loss of appetite, changes in taste, the appearance of a whitish coating on the tongue, frequent attacks weakness and dizziness.

  • Proximal hemorrhagic gastritis. This form of pathology can be attributed to both gastritis and a type of bulbitis (inflammation of the initial part of the duodenum adjacent directly to the stomach) with symptoms characteristic of both pathologies.

Among other things, this pathology can be caused by impaired intestinal motility and stagnant processes in it.

  • Hemorrhagic focal gastritis . The very name of the pathology suggests that vascular disorders in the submucosal layer of the stomach, which subsequently appear in the form of erosions and blood clots, do not cover the entire internal surface of the organ, but represent lesions different sizes. The localization of such foci can also be different.

Most often, the disease occurs in an acute form and is accompanied by frequent headaches, attacks of stomach pain, various dyspeptic symptoms, and weight loss.

In the chronic form of gastritis, other unpleasant symptoms associated with disruption of the digestive process. These include episodes of numbness in the arms or legs, deterioration in the condition of hair, nails and teeth, and noticeable paleness of the skin.

As a separate type of pathology we can distinguish hemorrhagic reflux gastritis, in which the appearance of edema and erosions on the mucous membrane is associated with reflux of the contents duodenum back to the stomach.

As for the stage of development of the disease, here we can consider the superficial and erosive form of the pathology.

Superficial hemorrhagic gastritis doctors diagnose when vascular changes are already noticeable in the gastric mucosa in the form of small hemorrhages, but a strong inflammatory process and fairly deep bleeding erosions affecting large blood vessels, has not yet been observed. To call this form of gastritis mild means to sin against the truth, because any negative impact on the lesions can cause the disease to progress to a more severe stage. And then already we'll talk about erosive-hemorrhagic gastritis with its characteristic erosive and ulcerative lesions of the mucous membrane, inflammation and bleeding into the stomach cavity.

The likelihood of bleeding in this case depends on the location of large erosion (or several smaller, rather deep lesions). If damage to the mucosa is located on the anterior or posterior wall of the stomach, as well as on its bottom, the risk of bleeding remains small.

Complications and consequences

Hemorrhagic gastritis, like other forms and types of gastritis, cannot but affect the general well-being and health of the patient, especially if it is left without proper treatment. Starting from a superficial form under the influence of various irritants, hemorrhagic gastritis acquires increasingly severe forms.

The danger is already posed by the fact that acute gastritis if the treatment provided is insufficient or absent, it threatens to transition to chronic form, which, as we know, is much more difficult to treat and constantly threatens to remind itself again with painful and rather dangerous relapses.

Dangerous consequences of the development of the disease are considered to be its development into a stomach ulcer or stomach cancer. Hemorrhagic gastritis is especially close to a stomach ulcer, because erosions can increase in size over time and go deeper and deeper, affecting not only the mucous membrane, but also muscle tissue main digestive organ. Proximal hemorrhagic gastritis can most likely develop into a gastric and duodenal ulcer.

As for the complications of the disease, most often hemorrhagic gastritis, especially its acute form, is accompanied by symptoms of anemia. This is due to blood loss when erosions begin to bleed.

And yet, the greatest danger to life is not so much anemia itself, but severe gastric bleeding with erosive-hemorrhagic gastritis, if large blood vessels are involved in the process.

Diagnosis of hemorrhagic gastritis

As you can see, hemorrhagic gastritis is not a harmless disease of the stomach, in which it is especially important to recognize the disease in time and begin its effective treatment, avoiding disastrous consequences.

The diagnostic plan depends on the patient’s condition. If possible, diagnosis of hemorrhagic gastritis begins with an external examination and study of the symptoms of the disease according to the patient. At the same time, attention is paid to the localization of pain, the time of its appearance and dependence on food intake, the color and composition of vomit, the color of feces (subjective assessment of the patient).

Upon external examination, one may note pallor and dryness of the skin, and the presence of plaque on the tongue. Pulse and blood pressure measurements may indicate tachycardia and low performance Blood pressure as a sign of bleeding.

Palpation (feeling) of the abdomen is mandatory. With hemorrhagic gastritis, this procedure in the vast majority of cases turns out to be painful.

Among laboratory research The following tests are mandatory:

  • general blood analysis,
  • blood chemistry,
  • general Analysis of urine,
  • stool test for blood content.

Main method instrumental diagnostics in case of hemorrhagic gastritis, esophagogastroduodenoscopy is rightly considered, which makes it possible to visually assess the state of the gastric mucosa, see the pathological changes occurring in it, the location of the lesions, their number and size, and the source of bleeding.

During this procedure, material is also collected ( small area mucous membrane) for microscopic examination in order to identify modified cells. Targeted biopsy in in this case is considered appropriate, since it remains, even if not Great chance transition of the disease to oncology.

To identify a bacterial infection in the body (the notorious Helicobacter pylori), a urease breath test and PCR diagnostics are performed. And the results of pH-metry provide sufficient information about the acidity of the stomach.

Differential diagnosis

Differential diagnosis carried out with such pathologies as erosive gastritis, stomach and duodenal ulcers, stomach cancer.

Treatment of hemorrhagic gastritis

The doctor can begin treatment of a patient with hemorrhagic gastritis only after diagnosing accurate diagnosis and exclusion of malignant changes in the cells of the stomach. Based on the patient’s condition, the issue of placing him in a hospital or prescribing appropriate outpatient treatment is decided. Presence of signs gastrointestinal bleeding is an unconditional reason for hospitalization of the patient.

Treatment begins with diet therapy and the prescription of medications that solve the problem in several directions:

  • Control of gastric juice production.
    • antisecretory drugs:
      • H 2 blockers -histamine receptors(“Famotidine”, “Ranitidine”)
      • proton pump inhibitors (Omez, Omeprazole)
      • antacids (“Maalox”, “Almagel”).
  • Protecting the gastric mucosa from the influence of aggressive factors - enveloping agents, drugs with an astringent effect (De-nol, Flocarbin)
  • Stopping and preventing bleeding (hemostatic therapy). Treatment is carried out using intravenous drip administration of aminocaproic acid together with adrenaline plus intravenous or intramuscular injection of the drugs “Vikasol”, “Ditsinon”, “Etamzilat”.

At heavy bleeding And severe symptoms anemia (hemorrhagic shock) may require a blood transfusion or infusion of blood substitutes with an anti-shock effect.

After stopping bleeding, it is customary to prescribe additional iron supplements.

  • Normalization of digestion with the help of enzyme preparations (Festal, Creon, Pancreatin).
  • Fighting bacterial infection (if diagnostic study Helicobacter pylori was discovered) using antibiotics prescribed according to a special two- or three-component regimen.
  • Regenerative therapy:
    • taking vitamins and vitamin-mineral complexes to replenish the deficiency of nutrients in the body resulting from indigestion and blood loss.
    • strengthening of blood vessels (drugs “Detralex”, “Venarus”)
    • healing of erosions and tissue regeneration with the help of vegetable oils (sea buckthorn, rose hips).

TO surgical treatment Doctors resort to hemorrhagic gastritis extremely rarely, since surgical intervention very often ends in the death of the patient. And they did not guarantee a complete cure. According to medical statistics, about 25-30 percent of patients who successfully underwent surgery were faced with the fact that after a while the disease relapsed in the form of bleeding.

The best results are achieved by endoscopic treatment of hemorrhagic gastritis, which includes:

  • injecting the affected area with a mixture of alcohol and adrenaline,
  • treating the affected area with hemostatic solutions,
  • electrocoagulation of the source of bleeding,
  • long-term hemostasis (barium-thrombin composition is used).

Physiotherapeutic treatment of hemorrhagic gastritis is carried out mainly in its chronic course during the period of remission. Effective methods of physiotherapy include: Spa treatment with reception mineral waters directly at the source, mud therapy, galvanization, ultrasound exposure.

Popular drugs for the treatment of hemorrhagic gastritis

Since gastritis is considered one of the most common diagnoses, the pharmaceutical industry is preoccupied with the release of more and more new effective drugs, capable of providing positive impact both on the gastric mucosa and on the entire digestion process as a whole. However, not all practicing doctors are inclined to experiment, therefore, in the treatment of gastritis, including hemorrhagic, both new drugs and time-tested drugs remain equally in demand.

For example, old and good "Famotidine", which is used to treat erosive and ulcerative lesions Gastrointestinal tract, including reflux disease. It helps normalize stomach acidity and prevents relapses of gastrointestinal bleeding.

The drug belongs to the group of histamine H2 receptor blockers. It is usually prescribed to be taken 1 or 2 times a day, 1-2 tablets. The course of treatment is 1-1.5 months; for reflux disease, the therapeutic course can be increased to 12 weeks.

The drug is quite well accepted by all groups of patients. Contraindications to its use can only serve during pregnancy and breastfeeding, younger childhood(from 0 to 3 years), hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Taking the drug may be accompanied by the following side effects: nausea and vomiting, a feeling of dryness of the oral mucosa, abdominal pain, stool disorders, headaches, sleep disturbances, depressive state, drowsiness, arrhythmia and decreased blood pressure, allergic reactions and etc.

"Creon"- it's more new drug with an enzyme composition close to that produced by the human body. It is used to improve digestion and ease the work of the stomach in case of any gastrointestinal pathologies.

Directions for use and dosage. The drug in capsule form is taken with each main meal, washed down with a sufficient amount of water.

The dosage is prescribed by the attending physician depending on individual needs organism at a certain degree of severity of the pathology. Typically, a single dose ranges from 20 thousand to 80 thousand units. and depends on the quality of food taken. If the food does not contain components that are difficult to digest, it is enough to take half the prescribed dose.

The drug has no contraindications, except hypersensitivity to its components, but is not free from some side effects. Most often this is abdominal pain, dyspeptic symptoms, and less often - allergic reactions.

"De-nol"- an innovative drug, the effect of which is incredibly significant for hemorrhagic gastritis, accompanied by erosive lesions of the mucous membrane. After all, this drug is precisely intended to protect the damaged gastric mucosa from additional irritation. It is also considered effective in fighting bacterial infections.

The drug is used in the acute phase to reduce the unpleasant symptoms of gastritis. Daily dosage The drug consists of 4 tablets, which are divided into 2 or 4 doses. Take the drug half an hour before meals or at night. For children, the daily dose, depending on weight, is 1-2 tablets.

The therapeutic course can range from 4 to 8 weeks.

This drug is not used during pregnancy and lactation, in case of kidney failure in the decompensation stage, hypersensitivity to the drug, as well as in pediatrics for the treatment of children under 4 years of age.

"Detralex"- a drug intended to strengthen blood vessels, because with hemorrhagic gastritis we are primarily talking about circulation disorders in the small vessels of the stomach, which subsequently result in bleeding erosions due to the rupture of these same vessels.

The drug is effective as a component of restorative and strengthening therapy. Take it 1 or 2 times a day. The recommended daily dose is 2 tablets.

For ruptures small vessels stomach and bleeding ulcers, the dose can be increased to 6 tablets per day (in 2 divided doses). After 3 days, the dosage is reduced to 4 tablets per day with the same frequency of administration. After another 3 days, return to the maintenance dose.

The course of treatment with the drug is long (up to 1 year) with possible repetitions as prescribed by the doctor.

Contraindications to taking the drug include hypersensitivity to it and breastfeeding. There are not many side effects, and they mainly concern the gastrointestinal tract: diarrhea and various dyspeptic symptoms. Abdominal and head pain, dizziness, and skin rashes appear less frequently.

Diet for hemorrhagic gastritis

What you need to pay special attention to for any gastrointestinal pathology is diet. If you do not streamline your food intake and do not control its quality and quantity, you can negate even the most effective treatment.

Hemorrhagic gastritis, as one of the most severe pathologies, requires an integrated approach to treatment, in which medication and diet play a major role. Moreover, experts approached the development of a diet for hemorrhagic gastritis with the danger of gastric bleeding especially carefully.

Requirement fractional meals(in small portions 5-6 times a day), known to many who have been diagnosed with gastrointestinal pathologies, remains still relevant for hemorrhagic gastritis. But food should be easily digestible and not irritate the gastric mucosa.

Vegetables can be eaten only in boiled or baked form, with the exception of cabbage, which in case of hemorrhagic gastritis cannot be consumed in any form. From legumes (beans, beans, peas), fatty varieties meat and fish, spicy spices will have to be abandoned altogether. Coffee and chocolate products, carbonated drinks (still mineral water is fine), and grapes (due to possible fermentation in the stomach) are also prohibited. And, of course, you should not eat smoked meats, spicy, fatty or fried foods, or canned food.

You can only eat yesterday’s bread (preferably made from bran); you will have to forget about fresh pastries and cakes with butter cream. However, the same goes for fresh milk, which increases stomach acidity, cheese or full-fat sour cream.

But the low-fat ones dairy products, jelly, non-acidic compotes, low-fat broths must be included in the patient’s diet. Dishes on the table should be liquid or pureed whenever possible. It is better to boil or steam meat and fish.

You can eat all the porridges except pearl barley, which increases acidity. Viscous porridges are especially useful, they are easily digestible and protect the gastric mucosa from damage. But alcohol, with its aggressive effect on the stomach with hemorrhagic gastritis, on the contrary, contributes to the worsening of the situation.

And most importantly, food and drinks should be warm, but not hot, which can cause capillary ruptures and bleeding. Eating cold food does not help normalize digestion.

Let's consider sample menu for hemorrhagic gastritis:

1 breakfast:

  • Semolina porridge (oatmeal with honey, cottage cheese casserole with berries, cereal pudding, lazy dumplings, etc.)
  • Soft-boiled egg (steam omelet, colostrum)
  • Green tea with crackers or drying ( Herb tea, grain drinks)

2 breakfast:

  • Mashed potatoes (rice or buckwheat, braised cabbage)
  • Steam cutlet from chicken meat(steamed lean meat meatballs)
  • Non-acidic berry jelly


  • Vegetable soup cooked in beef broth (beet soup, rice or tomato soup)
  • Low-fat steamed fish (steamed meatballs, boiled lean meat, vegetable casserole)
  • Rosehip decoction (herbal or green tea, non-acidic fruit compote


  • Apple (fruit soufflé, pear, banana)
  • Kissel (weak tea, herbal decoction)


  • Cottage cheese (1 pack) with sour cream or honey (meat and vegetable casserole, fish pudding, buckwheat porridge, etc.)
  • Fruit and berry jelly (berry soufflé, jelly)
  • Non-acidic compote or herbal decoction

2nd dinner:

  • Baked apple or a glass of kefir (ryazhenka, yogurt).

As you can see, with all the restrictions, the choice of products and dishes for the diet of a patient with hemorrhagic gastritis is large enough for the diet to remain complete and varied.

Traditional treatment

There are not many diseases in the treatment of which alternative medicine has not yet made its feasible contribution. So is the case with hemorrhagic gastritis. Traditional treatment significantly alleviates the condition of patients and contributes to the normalization of metabolic processes in the body.

To treat hemorrhagic gastritis, oils from medicinal plants(the raw materials are sea buckthorn or rose hips), as well as carotene oil, which can be purchased at any pharmacy. You need to take the oils 1 hour before meals 3 times a day for a month.

To normalize acidity, as usual, you can use potato juice, which you drink 1 glass on an empty stomach. After 10 days of treatment, take a break for 2 weeks.

It is impossible not to note the benefits of sprouted wheat. It must be crushed and taken raw or boiled, 1 tbsp. three times a day.

And, of course, we should not forget about beekeeping products. Propolis in the form of a tincture (an hour before meals three times a day in the amount of 20 drops) or just a small piece of it (chew for a long time for a month) will help to effectively relieve inflammation and other unpleasant symptoms of gastritis.

Practiced for hemorrhagic gastritis and herbal treatment. Aloe juice, lettuce infusion, herds of chamomile, sage, yarrow, and thyme will be useful.


When an inflammatory process is observed in the stomach, and the mucous membrane is covered with painful erosions, it is natural to want to protect it from additional irritation, which is observed during oral administration. synthetic drugs. Homeopathy – section alternative medicine, the drugs of which have a more gentle effect on the body, although they are rarely inferior in effectiveness to medications with the same effect.

This is precisely why the treatment of gastritis, including hemorrhagic, is very popular. homeopathic remedies, the only drawback of which is long duration course of treatment.

It is clear that if the symptoms indicate acute gastritis, accompanied by gastric bleeding, then you need to go to the hospital, and not make an appointment with a homeopath. But if acute attack was stopped, then it is quite appropriate to use homeopathic medicines to continue treatment and prevent relapses of the disease.

Thus, potassium bromicum in 3 and 6 dilutions is indicated for an erosive-inflammatory process in the stomach, which is accompanied by copious mucus secretion and vomiting mixed with blood.

For superficial hemorrhagic gastritis with bloody vomiting, taking the drug Ipecuana in 3 dilutions is recommended, which relieves the symptoms of nausea and vomiting.

Prevent the development of the disease by identifying it early stage, preventive medical examinations and visiting a doctor will help when the first signs of hemorrhagic gastritis or other gastrointestinal pathologies appear.

Up to a certain point, our health is only in our hands, and will such unpleasant pathology, like hemorrhagic gastritis, also depends only on us.


If we talk about hemorrhagic gastritis, then this is a pathology with a controversial prognosis. If you follow a diet and take courses of drug treatment prescribed by your doctor, the patient’s life will not be threatened by the disease. Another thing is that this insidious pathology is more prone than others to relapses, which cannot be prevented even by surgery.

Treatment methods for chronic erosive gastritis

Erosive gastritis is a type inflammatory lesion gastric mucosa. The disease can occur in acute or chronic process, characterized by single or multiple erosions formed on the shell of the organ.

If the localization of the inflammatory process is observed in the antrum of the stomach, antral chronic erosive gastritis is diagnosed. Many people consider this disease not serious, so they do not seek help from a specialist in a timely manner.

In fact, this form of gastritis does not pose any particular danger to human life, however, ignoring treatment increases the likelihood of developing a gastric ulcer, which can later develop into malignancy- cancer.

Features of erosive gastritis

Unlike ordinary gastritis, the erosive form is accompanied by numerous erosive areas on the gastric mucosa, formed against the background of an inflammatory process. In some cases, such pathology is observed on the entire surface of the digestive organ.

Acute erosive gastritis occurs suddenly and, as a rule, it is provoked by toxic compounds or poor-quality food entering the body. Helicobacter pylori infection can also trigger the development of this form of the disease. Unlike ordinary gastritis, erosive gastritis has a fairly long course and is difficult to treat.

In case of chronic gastritis of the erosive type, sudden internal bleeding cannot be excluded, varying degrees gravity. In some cases, this dangerous complication observed on the entire surface of the stomach, simultaneously.

Acute gastritis occurs against the background direct contact mucous membrane with aggressive components. Chronic erosive gastritis is based on disorders of secretory processes that may be associated with internal failures in the functioning of the body, as well as due to poor quality nutrition.

Antral erosive gastritis can occur against the background of pathological changes in the vessels of the organ, in the presence of helminthic infestation, and also after long-term use of certain medications. The development of this disease also contributes to nervous overstrain, bad habits, the presence of infection in the body and autoimmune disorders.

Erosive gastritis can be diagnosed by characteristic symptoms manifested in a patient during an acute process. As a rule, the chronic form of the disease is practically not detected by symptoms or there are mild signs that can be ignored by the sick person.

Symptoms of acute and antral erosive gastritis

In acute erosive gastritis, the patient is bothered by paroxysmal pain in the abdominal area, which intensifies after eating. After eating, attacks of nausea may also occur, and sometimes vomiting is detected, where mucus and gastric juice are visible. This disease is also characterized by stool disturbances, and diarrhea is common.

If visible in the stool blood clots, there is a high probability of internal bleeding. With such symptoms, you cannot self-medicate and ignore the help of specialists. Correct solution– contact a gastroenterologist, who, based on individual characteristics sick patient will be able to prescribe effective drug treatment.

With antral gastritis, cramping pain in the abdomen is observed, often occurring during periods of hunger. IN epigastric region the patient feels characteristic discomfort: heaviness, bloating, a feeling of oversaturation after eating food, even in small quantities.

Sometimes nausea, vomiting, belching, and painful heartburn appear. Also, a person is often bothered by diarrhea and bloating, and in some cases there is constipation. Antral gastritis radically disrupts the digestive process, oral cavity the patient prevails bad taste and a characteristic smell.

Disturbances are also noticed in the level of stomach acidity. The disease can cause internal bleeding, which is especially likely in the later stages of progression.

These symptoms indicate the need for adequate treatment, as prescribed by an experienced gastroenterologist. Ignoring the signs is fraught with serious consequences and the disease becoming chronic.

Erosive-hemorrhagic gastritis

Long-term course of chronic gastritis erosive form entails serious complications, one of which is gastric bleeding from the organ mucosa. This manifestation of gastritis is called erosive-hemorrhagic. Its development is associated with the localization of erosive formations, as well as the depth and size of these pathologies.

The greatest danger is posed by multiple erosions that occur at great depths, especially if their location is in the area of ​​slight curvature. As is known, in this zone there are large vessels having high blood flow intensity. If the disease causes bleeding in this area, the consequences can be quite dangerous.

The degree of risk of transition from erosive gastritis to erosive-hemorrhagic is ambiguous for each patient. This depends on the individual characteristics of the branching of small vessels, their structure and internal pressure.

Patients at risk include those who have poor clotting blood, as well as people diagnosed arterial hypertension. Taking anticoagulant drugs, anti-inflammatory and non-steroidal painkillers also increases the likelihood of transforming erosive gastritis into erosive-hemorrhagic.

There are certain symptoms that indicate such a transformation:

  • reduced pain intensity;
  • a mandatory sign is vomiting, in the masses of which brown contents are observed, which confirms the presence of blood in the stomach area;
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • accelerated pulse;
  • dizziness, general weakness;
  • the skin becomes noticeably pale;
  • feces become dark in color.

Treatment of erosive gastritis

Depending on the form of the disease, treatment is carried out in a laboratory or in a hospital setting, as prescribed by a doctor. IN complex therapy includes medication and diet. To eliminate excess secretion of gastric juice, antisecretory drugs are prescribed.

It is possible to eliminate stomach acidity and form a protective film over the organ mucosa and erosive formations with the help of antacid medications. also in compulsory course therapeutic treatment includes enzymes that significantly facilitate the digestion process.

If erosive-hemorrhagic gastritis is detected, the patient is prescribed hemostatic medications administered intravenously or intramuscularly. If the disease is caused by Helicobacter pylori infection, mandatory prescriptions include anti-Helicobacter drugs.

The effectiveness of treatment largely depends on adherence to diet, which plays a big role in the fight against this disease. Detailed dietary ration prescribed by the attending physician, focusing on the form of diagnosed gastritis.

This is an inflammation of the gastric mucosa, accompanied by the formation of erosions and bleeding. This is a polyetiological disease that can have acute or chronic course. Patients complain of dull pain in the epigastric region associated with eating, dyspeptic disorders; in case of acute gastric bleeding, symptoms of blood loss, vomiting in the form of “coffee grounds” and tarry stools develop. Treatment includes diet, the use of drugs to reduce acidity and restore mucous membranes, and hemostatic therapy. Sometimes required surgery.

Hemorrhagic gastritis is one of the most severe inflammatory lesions of the gastric mucosa. Gastroenterologists consider this pathology to be quite common, but least studied; According to WHO statistics, over the past 10 years the number of registered cases of the disease has increased 10 times. In patients taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, corticosteroid hormones and alcoholics, the erosive process is detected in 50% of cases.


Errors in nutrition (irregular meals, hot and spicy foods, smoked foods) trigger the formation of defects in the gastric mucosa; action plays an important role high temperatures(food too hot). Quite often, mucosal defects are found in patients after suffering stress, especially against the background of chronic psychotrauma.

An important role in the development of hemorrhagic gastritis under the chronic action of damaging factors is played by impaired vascular permeability and microcirculation, intracellular metabolic processes and the development of cellular degeneration. The occurrence of bleeding is directly due to the presence of multiple erosions, as well as the leakage of blood plasma and cellular elements into the lumen of the stomach.


Depending on the duration of the course, acute and chronic forms of the disease are distinguished: acute erosions heal in 4-10 days, and chronic ones can exist for quite a long time. Primary and secondary hemorrhagic gastritis are also distinguished. Primary develops in practically healthy people against the background of an intact (unaffected) mucous membrane, secondary - in people who already have stomach diseases. Depending on the location of the pathological process, erosions of the fundus, body and antrum of the stomach are differentiated (damage to the antrum is more common).

Symptoms of hemorrhagic gastritis

In most cases, the main signs of pathology are mild dyspeptic complaints. In some cases, hemorrhagic gastritis can manifest itself immediately with gastric bleeding. Most often, patients complain of decreased appetite, dull pain in the epigastrium, a feeling of fullness and pressure in the stomach, nausea, heartburn, sour belching, and an unpleasant, sometimes “metallic” taste in the mouth. Pain occurs immediately after eating. There may be vomiting undigested food, diarrhea followed by constipation.

Palpation of the abdomen reveals pain in the epigastric region, there are no symptoms of peritoneal irritation, however, with acute hemorrhagic gastritis, defence (tension) of the abdominal muscles may occur. Specific to hemorrhagic gastritis are signs of acute or chronic gastric bleeding. In the case of an acute process, patients complain of general weakness, dizziness, and nausea. Vomiting is typical coffee grounds"(vomit turns black due to blood entering the stomach and combining with hydrochloric acid to form hydrochloric acid hematin).

At heavy blood loss possible disturbance of consciousness. The skin and visible mucous membranes become pale, tachycardia and decreased blood pressure are detected. Black liquid stools (“tarry stools”) are passed. For chronic bleeding typical complaints of general weakness, headache, fatigue, dizziness, skin becomes pale, dry, nails dull, brittle. Posthemorrhagic iron deficiency anemia develops.

For hemorrhagic gastritis associated with taking medications, an almost asymptomatic course of the disease is typical. If the changes are provoked by other diseases of the internal organs, then the signs of gastritis are superimposed on the symptoms of the underlying disease (diabetes mellitus, myocardial infarction, thyrotoxicosis). Radiation sickness is accompanied by signs of radiation enterocolitis and infectious complications.


When examining a patient, the gastroenterologist reveals pallor skin, the abdomen may be painful on palpation. IN clinical analysis changes characteristic of acute or chronic blood loss (anemia) are determined. In order to determine the acid-forming function of the stomach, pH-metry is performed; to identify Helicobacter, a respiratory urease test and PCR diagnostics are performed.

Most informative method diagnosis is esophagogastroduodenoscopy, which allows you to visually assess the condition of the gastric mucosa, the localization of pathological changes, their prevalence and the source of bleeding. Against the background of the inflamed mucosa, numerous erosions, areas of hemorrhage and bleeding are determined. In the process of endoscopy, a targeted biopsy is performed to exclude the oncological nature of the changes and determine the characteristic signs of inflammation.

Treatment of hemorrhagic gastritis

Therapy can take place on an outpatient basis or in a hospital setting. Patients with signs of gastrointestinal bleeding are subject to mandatory hospitalization. Treatment begins with diet therapy: meals should be frequent, fractional, in small portions, food should be consumed pureed and semi-liquid, warm. If there is bleeding, the Meulengracht diet is prescribed - pureed chilled food. Coffee, rich broths, spicy and fried foods, smoked foods, alcoholic drinks and freshly squeezed juices.

Pharmacotherapy is carried out individually, taking into account the characteristics of the disease. In accordance with treatment standards, acidity correctors are used (H2-histamine receptor blockers - cimetidine, ranitidine; M-anticholinergics - pirenzepine; proton pump inhibitors - omeprazole, pantoprazole; antacids - aluminum hydroxide + magnesium hydroxide, aluminum phosphate). Enveloping, astringent agents are also used medicines(bismuth subcitrate, aluminum hydroxide + sucrose octasulfite), antibiotics (in case of bacterial etiology of the disease), mucus formers (licorice root extract, licurazide + quercetin) and reparants (methyluracil, sea buckthorn oil).

In case of bleeding, hemostatic therapy is prescribed: oral solution of aminocaproic acid with adrenaline, tranexamic acid; Vikasol and etamsylate intramuscularly, intravenously. At hemorrhagic shock blood loss is replenished with antishock blood substitutes, sometimes with drugs and blood components. It is advisable to use vegetable oils: sea buckthorn, carotene and rosehip oil. These drugs have anti-inflammatory and reparative effects. In the remission stage, herbal medicine is indicated: a decoction of flax seeds, yarrow, plantain, St. John's wort and chamomile inflorescences.

In some cases, surgical treatment is performed. To this day there is no consensus on what volume surgical intervention is optimal, so the operation is performed only when all possibilities have been exhausted conservative therapy and endoscopic treatment. The methods of endoscopic injection with an alcohol-adrenaline mixture, irrigation with hemostatic solutions and electrocoagulation of the bleeding area, and the method of prolonged hemostasis using a barium-thrombin mixture are quite effective.

Prognosis and prevention

The prognosis for life with hemorrhagic gastritis is in most cases favorable, but for recovery it is doubtful, since this disease takes a long time to be treated and often recurs even after surgical treatment.

Prevention comes down to a healthy lifestyle, correct regimen day, regular nutrition and stress prevention, timely treatment of stomach diseases, avoidance of smoking and alcohol consumption. If symptoms of stomach damage appear, you must definitely contact a gastroenterologist - timely treatment allows you to avoid progression of the disease and the development of life-threatening complications.

Erosive hemorrhagic gastritis, the treatment of which involves complex therapy aimed at improving the patient’s condition, is a disease that leads to the destruction of the mucous walls of the stomach. Initially, erosion forms on a small part of the stomach wall, but over time it can gradually spread to the entire stomach. In parallel, the symptoms of this disease progress.

Symptoms of erosive hemorrhagic gastritis

Internal factors include some diseases and pathologies in the human body. For example, diseases associated with metabolic disorders, renal failure can give impetus to the formation of erosions in the stomach.

It is extremely difficult to independently determine this particular type of gastritis. Only in the case of running form erosive gastritis, which is accompanied by gastric bleeding, one can independently assume this diagnosis. However, it is not recommended to go to this extreme, and as soon as the first minor symptoms appear, you should consult a gastroenterologist.

Symptoms of erosive gastritis include:

  • pain that occurs in upper area belly. Initially pain syndrome may not be so pronounced, but as the erosion spreads, the patient may need painkillers, as the pain intensifies and becomes difficult to bear;
  • constant heartburn, which occurs in most cases with this disease;
  • indigestion and a feeling of heaviness in it, which often accompany the disease;
  • periodic occurrence of belching with a putrid odor, as well as a bitter taste in the mouth;
  • the occurrence of spontaneous pain in the morning on an empty stomach or after a short period of time after eating.

As soon as you notice at least some of the symptoms characterizing erosive gastritis, you should immediately contact a gastroenterologist. But remember that even he is not able to determine the nature of the disease without conducting a set of certain studies. Thanks to examinations and tests, the doctor will determine the nature of the disease and its stage, after which he will prescribe comprehensive treatment and a biopsy if necessary.

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Transition from erosive gastritis to erosive-hemorrhagic

If treatment for erosive gastritis is not started in time, it can develop into more complex shape- erosive-hemorrhagic gastritis, which in most cases is accompanied by gastric bleeding. Their character is directly related to the depth and area of ​​erosion located on the mucous wall of the patient’s stomach. The most dangerous in the case of erosive hemorrhagic gastritis are not large erosions in diameter, but small and deep ones, distributed throughout the mucosa. Symptoms during the transition of erosive gastritis to a complex form:

  • reduction in the severity of pain, after which bleeding occurs;
  • vomiting, the nature of which directly depends on the size of bleeding erosions. The vomit will contain clots of baked blood;
  • severe anemia (weakness in the body, low blood pressure and pale skin) due to bleeding in the stomach;
  • dark color of stool, since even with minor bleeding in the stomach, blood enters the intestines.

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Causes of erosive gastritis

The disease can be caused by both external and internal factors. External ones include the ingestion of chemical and alkaline substances into the body that can corrode the gastric mucosa. Some medications because of long-term use can also cause erosion. This group of factors also includes poisoning and the entry of salmonella or Helicobacter into the body, junk food, frequent consumption of spicy and sour foods, as well as very hot drinks, which have a detrimental effect on the mucous walls of the stomach.

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Diet for erosive hemorrhagic gastritis

Erosive hemorrhagic gastritis, treatment of which with medications will not bring the desired result if you do not follow a diet, requires an integrated approach.

Dietary nutrition is one of the main components contributing to quick recovery. A patient with gastric erosion should completely avoid fried, very salty, and pickled foods. You should also exclude spices and smoked foods from your diet, refrain from eating sweets, white and rye bread, butter buns, coffee drinks and sour fruits. Products that contain a large number of fat, can worsen the patient’s condition, so they should also be excluded. Alcohol and carbonated drinks, which can provoke the formation of new foci of erosion, are strictly prohibited.

Dishes that a patient with erosive hemorrhagic gastritis should eat daily:

  • light vegetable soups;
  • buckwheat, oatmeal, rice porridge;
  • vegetable puree with the addition of refined vegetable or olive oil;
  • vegetable stews cooked on vegetable oil, possible with the addition of greens;
  • fresh cottage cheese or non-acidic kefir;
  • fish or chicken, cooked exclusively steamed, boiled eggs, omelette.

If there is a large loss of blood caused by gastric bleeding, it is recommended to eat boiled liver and baked apples. These products contain iron, the lack of which is felt by patients with hemorrhagic gastritis. It is recommended to eat at least six times a day, or even more often, but little by little. Food must be chewed thoroughly or taken in puree form so that pieces of food do not damage the already irritated gastric mucosa. Tea and coffee should be replaced chamomile tea or herbal infusion.

Acute hemorrhagic gastritis is considered one of the types of inflammatory diseases of the stomach, but the most insidious and dangerous, because it quickly progresses and gives severe consequences. Its incidence in last years increased 10 times. Damage to the mucous membrane does not affect the underlying muscle layer. The mucous membrane heals without scarring. There is no gender gradation in hemorrhagic gastritis. It is more likely to affect alcoholics and people taking NSAIDs and corticosteroids for a long time, antibiotics and analgesics - in these groups of the population it occurs in 50% of cases.

Mechanism of defeat

The peculiarity of this type of gastritis is that microcirculation disturbances first appear in the capillaries and other vessels of the submucosal tissue, blood sweats onto the mucous membrane and hemorrhages occur here. They permeate the mucous membrane through and through. Then erosions appear, and only then does an inflammatory reaction develop with infiltration of leukocytes and blood clots, i.e. the pathology comes from within. In the end it threatens internal bleeding. Hemorrhagic and are not synonyms. With hemorrhagic gastritis, mucosal defects do not always appear, and with erosive gastritis, bleeding occurs.

The mechanism of development is also different: with erosive inflammation, inflammation immediately appears, and then everything else. There are no characteristic signs of damage in this form of gastritis. When the submucosal layer is affected, the symptoms are always erased and scant; heartburn, vague pain in the epigastrium and occasionally nausea are occasionally noted. More often than others, the antrum, the farthest part of the stomach, is affected, because there are many vessels there and gastric juice stagnates more. Affected vessels provoke the destruction of epithelial cells of the mucous membrane, but there is almost no penetration. When bleeding develops, the pathology is fatal in 2% of cases.

Etiology of the phenomenon

The disease is polyetiological, the first 2 main causes have already been mentioned. Predisposing factors include:

  • addiction to spicy, salty dishes, seasonings, smoked foods;
  • starvation;
  • vegetarianism;
  • long breaks in eating;
  • extensive body burns with 40% surface lesions;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the liver, kidneys, cardiovascular system, respiratory system (for example, with liver diseases and acute renal failure, erosions and ulcers appear on the walls of the stomach, because in severe intoxication, frostbite, SDR, the blood is filled with toxic decay products of dead tissue);
  • stress;
  • chemical burns of the esophagus and stomach for intentional purposes (suicides);
  • heredity;
  • installation of a nasogastric tube for more than 5 days;
  • blood diseases with bleeding disorders (leukemia, hemophilia, thrombocytopenia);
  • consequences of chemotherapy and radiation therapy, which often causes constant vomiting and nausea, irritating the gastric mucosa and damaging it;
  • a decrease in the number of platelets, which increases bleeding;
  • weakened immunity, which cannot respond to negative factors.

And one more thing: the pathology in question is never associated with Helicobacter pylori.

Types of hemorrhagic gastritis and symptoms

The disease is classified according to 3 indicators: the course of the process, localization and root cause. Pathology can be primary and secondary. In the first case, gastritis occurs in a healthy person, in the second - against the background of existing gastrointestinal pathologies. According to the course, acute and chronic forms are divided. In the first case, erosions are located in separate foci and can be eliminated within 10 days of treatment. In the chronic form, a large area is affected and is very difficult to treat. The symptoms are general: dull pain in the epigastrium after eating, headaches, frequent nausea, heartburn, metallic taste in the mouth or decreased sensations while eating, sour belching, white coating on the tongue, increased heart rate and general fatigue.

Acute gastritis with a hemorrhagic component begins violently, similar to. The beginning is sharp, with bright pain symptoms, bleeding necessarily appears. In this case, blood is present in the stool (it becomes dark in color) and vomit. The more bleeding, the less pain. Vomiting of coffee grounds occurs and anemia develops. It is manifested by unnatural pallor, dizziness, drop in blood pressure and tachycardia. The causes of this gastritis are often sepsis, shock, acute renal failure, burns and liver failure.

According to the foci of inflammation, gastritis can be:

  1. Antral - when the entrance part of the stomach - the antrum - is affected.
  2. Proximal - it can be identified with inflammation of the initial part of the duodenum - bulbitis, since these segments are located nearby. It often develops more when stagnant processes in the stomach. If the proximal part of the stomach is affected, such gastritis has a greater chance of developing into a duodenal ulcer.
  3. Hemorrhagic - it usually has an acute form of the course, accompanied by cephalgia, stomach pain, weight loss, dyspeptic symptoms(heaviness in the stomach, flatulence, nausea). Hemorrhagic reflux gastritis occurs due to the fact that part of the contents of the duodenum is thrown into the stomach.

Symptoms of hemorrhagic gastritis

The onset of hemorrhagic gastritis is no different from other types. Pain in the epigastrium during palpation or after eating, heaviness, belching and nausea are observed. Then symptoms of gastric bleeding are added with a change in the color of the vomit and feces. The disease in question differs from other types precisely in the symptoms of anemia, because there can often be hidden bleeding. Signs of hemorrhages are also reflected in the diagnosis - bleeding erosions with thoroughly soaked mucous membranes. Anemia is determined in a general blood test, negative test for Helicobacter.

Possible complications

Complications include:

  • transition to a chronic form that is very difficult to treat;
  • development into a stomach or duodenal ulcer;
  • malignancy;
  • stomach bleeding.

Diagnosis of hemorrhagic gastritis

The appearance of patients is characterized by pale skin, dryness, and a white coating on the tongue. Blood pressure is often reduced, pulse is increased. The epigastrium is painful on palpation.

The gold standard for diagnosis is EGD - visual assessment of the mucous membrane, the location of lesions, their extent and the presence of bleeding. In the process of endoscopy, a targeted biopsy can also be performed if cancer is suspected. Mandatory are: general and biochemical tests blood. Additionally, stool is examined for hidden bleeding.

Principles of treatment

Treatment of hemorrhagic gastritis, like any other, always begins with diet. Then it is already assigned drug therapy, the purpose of which is to control the production of gastric juice. For this purpose, antisecretory drugs are prescribed - Ranitidine, Nolpaza, Dalargin, Famotidine, Sucralfate, Gastrocepin, Omeprazole, Kvamatel. Antacids - Almagel, Rennie, Gastal, Phosphalugel, Maalox.

To protect the mucous membrane from aggressive factors, enveloping agents with an astringent effect are used: Flocarbine, De-Nol, Vikair. To relieve spasmodic pain, antispasmodics are prescribed: Drotaverine, Mebeverine, No-shpa, Papaverine. To improve the motor function of the stomach, prokinetics are used - Motilium, Domperidone, Itopride. Hemostatic therapy - administration of aminocaproic acid with adrenaline, for example, Etamsylate, Vikasol, Dicinone.

Treatment must always be comprehensive to achieve the desired effect. In case of severe bleeding in a hospital setting, it is necessary to administer blood-substituting compounds with an anti-shock effect. After bleeding, to replenish hemoglobin, iron supplements, vitamins and mineral complexes, and general tonics - Aloe, Plazmol, Solcoseryl - must be prescribed. To strengthen blood vessels - venotonics: Venarus, Detralex, Actovegin, etc. Enzymatic treatment to improve digestion: Creon, Festal, Panzinorm, Mezim, etc. For healing the mucous membrane - sea buckthorn and rosehip in the form of oils.

For hemorrhagic gastritis, treatment does not exclude surgical intervention. Operations are not always successful during bleeding with hemorrhagic gastritis, since every third and fourth patient experiences relapses, which can result in the death of the patient. Surgical interventions this kind are produced in the most extreme cases when all other methods have been exhausted.

Often in such cases, instead of extensive open surgery endoscopic treatment is carried out:

  • in this case, the affected area is pricked with a mixture of alcohol and adrenaline, hemostatic solutions;
  • electrocoagulation of the source of bleeding is carried out;
  • hemostasis with long-term action: barium-thrombin composition, which is administered orally - 86% effective (or thrombin-fibrin drug - 94.9%).

During the period of remission for chronic gastritis, physiotherapeutic treatment is carried out. This includes drinking mineral waters from springs, mud therapy, ultrasound therapy, and galvanization.

Special diet

The diet for hemorrhagic gastritis must be followed constantly to avoid exacerbations. Food should be consumed liquid or puree, always warm. Meals for hemorrhagic gastritis should be divided, without overeating and at the same time. Food is needed that is gentle and does not cause irritating effect on the mucous membrane. Cooking method: just boil or bake.

The use of diet therapy involves the appointment of table No. 1 for exacerbations of the process, and for remissions - No. 5. Cabbage, legumes, fatty meat and fish, spices, smoked meats, and canned food are completely excluded. Coffee and soda, chocolate, pastries and creams, and grapes are prohibited due to the possibility of fermentation in the stomach. You cannot eat sour cream, fresh milk, cheese - they increase the acidity of the stomach. It is necessary to consume broths, cream soups, jelly, compotes, and fruit drinks. The only porridge that is not welcome is pearl barley.

Folk remedies

Treatment folk remedies used as an auxiliary with the use of various herbs. To restore damaged mucous membranes and accelerate reparative processes, a mixture of plantain juice and honey, taken in equal quantities, decoction of flax seeds. To stop bleeding - a decoction oak bark, for the same purpose and to relieve swelling of the mucous membrane, yarrow is used. An infusion of a mixture of herbs - chamomile, mint, fennel and valerian - is used as a painkiller. Aloe juice, plantain, lettuce infusion, decoctions and teas of chamomile, St. John's wort, sage and thyme are good for the stomach.

They have an analgesic and healing effect. Potato juice, sprouted wheat, raw and boiled, promote healing of the mucous membrane and normalizes acidity for 10 days. Heartburn is relieved with tincture of sophora and birch bark. In addition to honey, propolis is also widely used from beekeeping products: in the form of tincture or chewing a piece. Also, for gastritis, populists recommend eating more peeled green apples in the form of puree or baked.

As a preventive measure, it is necessary to eliminate all provoking factors whenever possible. Need to lead healthy image life and be sure to eat a balanced diet and give up bad habits. The prognosis of hemorrhagic gastritis remains controversial; what is clear is that it is not worth agreeing to surgery until all other treatment options have been exhausted.