Is it permissible for a nursing mother to eat pears? At what age can fruit be introduced into a woman’s diet? Dietary recipes. Can a nursing mother eat pears?

Pear is a juicy and aromatic fruit, known for its beneficial properties since ancient times. It is no coincidence that she is often called the queen of fruits. Rich vitamin and mineral composition, hypoallergenic, high nutritional value, low calorie content, good digestibility – important characteristics, thanks to which pears are allowed to be consumed by a woman when breastfeeding.

What are the benefits of pear?

For nursing mothers and babies, this fruit is a treasure trove of vitamins and beneficial elements that provide beneficial effect on the body. Pear contains:

  1. various vitamins: group B, retinol (A), ascorbic acid(C), tocopherol (E), phylloquinone (K), biotin (H), niacin (PP) – activate metabolism, strengthen the immune system, protect against aging, improve the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, the digestive system, general state body;
  2. minerals - iron, iodine, potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, copper, sodium, selenium, sulfur, phosphorus, fluorine, zinc - ensure development musculoskeletal system, maintain heart rhythm, acid-base balance, regulate cellular metabolism;
  3. fiber and alimentary fiber stabilize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  4. unsaturated (poly-/mono-) fatty acid regulate the level of insulin in the blood, reduce the risk of developing breast cancer, and promote the normal functioning of the body;
  5. saturated fatty acids provide energy and participate in the synthesis of hormones;
  6. amino acids are building material for proteins, normalize various vital processes;
  7. water cleanses blood vessels and helps remove toxins from the body.

Essential oils, contained in large quantities in pear, improve mood, easing postpartum depression.

Potential Harm

However, there is also back side medals: an excess amount of individual substances in the fetus, for example, fiber, causes fermentation and flatulence and acts as a laxative for the mother. This is dangerous for a newborn excessive gas formation and intestinal colic. Water can cause swelling. To prevent similar problems, you need to observe moderation in consuming fruits during lactation.

You should not eat pears if you have problems with stool, in particular constipation, as the fruit can aggravate the situation.

A reaction in the form of a rash in a baby should alert parents. This means that at this stage of development of the child’s body, the fetus is not safe for him. It’s too early to introduce pear into the menu!

When is it possible?

When breastfeeding mothers ask when pears can be introduced into the menu, breastfeeding experts answer the following: optimal age newborn, when to properly introduce the pear, 2-3 months. It is by this time that the work of the baby’s digestive system stabilizes, and colic ceases to torment him.

If during pregnancy a woman actively ate pears, then it is possible to diversify the menu a small amount fruit a little earlier than the specified date. After this, monitor the reaction of the newborn body. If all is well, then gradually increase the amount of product consumed.

How to properly introduce it into the diet?

Pear is considered a hypoallergenic fruit, but a nursing mother should still take precautions when consuming it. As stated above, perfect time introduction into the diet of this product considered 2-3 months after birth.

The first test is a small piece of fruit before lunch. In the absence of allergies, you can increase the daily norm to 1 - 2 fruits. If rashes or redness appear on your baby’s skin, you should exclude the product for 1-2 months. After this time, you can try the fruit again.

During lactation, mommy can consume no more than 400 g of fruit: 1 pear ( average weight 135 g) will fit perfectly into the menu. Breastfeeding specialists and nutritionists give following tips on this occasion:

  1. at first you should eat pears that have passed heat treatment, that is, baked or boiled in compote. The fiber content in such fruits is significantly reduced; they are more easily absorbed by the digestive system;
  2. You should not eat pears on an empty stomach. Optimal time– snack between main meals;
  3. It is not recommended to drink a pear with water, as this will increase gas formation and negatively affect the baby’s well-being;
  4. You should not eat pears after meat and mushrooms, which are difficult to digest foods.

Wash fruit thoroughly before eating warm water(use of a brush is allowed). For pears purchased outside the ripening period, it is better to peel them.

Which fruits should you prefer?

The best choice is seasonal fruits grown in the region where you live from July to October. You can buy them at the market, in a store, or grow them yourself. The most popular varieties: Lada, Duchess, Rogneda, Otradnenskaya, Curé, Svetlyanka and others. For nursing mothers, yellow or green pears with dense, juicy flesh are preferred.

Sweet-tasting fruits are beneficial for a newborn during breastfeeding, so sour, tart, hard or limp fruits should not be eaten during lactation.

Outside the ripening season, imported pears are available, which are usually treated with special chemicals and wax that increase the shelf life of the fruit. Varieties such as Conference, Abbot, Williams, Chinese, Rosemary and others are common in the store chain.

If you purchase imported pears, then before eating, the nursing mother should wash them very thoroughly, pour boiling water over them, and eat them without the peel.

During lactation, a woman is allowed to eat only fresh, ripe fruits. You can recognize ripe pears by the aroma they give off. If there is no pleasant fruity smell, it means the fruit is not ripe or has been processed. chemicals. Such fruits are not worth buying.

In what form should I use it?

For nursing mothers, it is important to answer the question: in what form can pears be consumed?

Breastfeeding experts recommend eating baked fruits at first. They save a lot useful substances and are more easily absorbed by the body of both mother and baby.

After the baby gets used to the innovation, you can eat the pears fresh. In this form they are natural and healthy.

When breastfeeding, you can eat pears prepared in different ways:

  • baked pears in the oven/slow cooker;
  • fruit puree;
  • juice, compote from fresh or dried fruits;
  • jam/preserve;
  • as a salad component.

An important point: when preparing a dish, do not get carried away with adding sugar when breastfeeding a newborn. Allowed only minimal amount. Be selective when choosing ingredients in your dish. Give preference to natural, hypoallergenic products.

Healthy recipes based on pears

There are many unusual, tasty and healthy recipes dishes for breastfeeding, the main ingredient of which is pear. A nursing mother needs to be extremely careful and include dishes on the menu that consist only of hypoallergenic ingredients. Here are examples of several dietary recipes with pears that are allowed for mothers while breastfeeding.

Baked pears are the best option for a nursing mother at the first stage of introducing fruit into the diet!

Pear baked with cottage cheese

To prepare the dish you will need 2 pears, 100 g of cottage cheese, granulated sugar and vanilla - to taste. Cut off thoroughly washed fruits top part, carefully remove the middle, trying to keep the fruit intact. Grind the cottage cheese with sugar and vanilla. Then stuff the fruit with it, cover with the cut top, and place in the oven to bake at 180 degrees for 15 minutes.

Any family member can cook in the oven for a nursing mother. A woman who is tired of the daily routine will be very pleased to receive her care. emotional background will increase, which will have a great effect on breast milk production!

You can eat pears with cottage cheese raw according to this recipe.

Pear puree with cinnamon or vanilla

Washed thoroughly fresh fruits(2 pieces) bake in the oven for about 10-15 minutes (temperature 200 degrees). Remove from oven, cool, and remove peel and seeds. Add sugar and cinnamon to taste to the resulting pulp, beat the mixture with a blender. Cinnamon can be replaced with vanilla. If desired, you can add an apple.

Chicken with pear in the oven

Required for 4 servings following products: 4 chicken legs(can be replaced with breast/chicken fillet), 3 pears, salt to taste, 0.3 tsp. citric acid, 2 tbsp. l. soy sauce, 2 tbsp. l. sunflower oil.

  1. Wash the chicken meat, remove the skin, cut the fruit into pieces.
  2. Line a baking dish with foil, making sure there is enough foil to cover the dish.
  3. Separately mix the sauce, salt, oil, citric acid. Lubricate chicken meat with this mixture.
  4. Leave for a while to allow the chicken to marinate in the sauce and release its juices.
  5. Place the pear around the chicken, cover with foil and place the pan in the oven for 1 hour at 200 degrees.
  6. After 45 minutes, remove the pan, open the foil and place back in the oven to brown.
  7. After an hour, enjoy the fragrant chicken and delicious fruit.

To prepare the dish you will need 1 pear, 0.5 cups of rolled oats, 1 tsp. sugar, 2 tsp. powdered sugar, 50 ml milk, 1 chicken egg.

Separate the white from the yolk, in a separate bowl mix rolled oats with milk, 1 tsp. sugar and fruit cut into pieces, add the yolk, mix thoroughly, place in portioned molds. Beat the egg whites with the powdered sugar until stiff. Lubricate the pear with rolled oats and place in the oven for 10 minutes.

Required Products:

  • 1 pear,
  • 80-100 g cheese,
  • a few drops of lemon juice,
  • 1 tsp each syrup/honey/sauce and olive oil,
  • 1 tbsp. l. nuts

Cut the fruit into thin slices, the cheese into small cubes. To prevent the cheese from being too salty, you can pre-soak it in cold water. Season the salad with your favorite syrup, honey (if you are not allergic) or pomegranate sauce, olive oil. Stir. Sprinkle with chopped nuts before eating.

Remember that the menu of a nursing mother should be varied and balanced. Don't forget about the main thing - moderation and reasonable approach to the introduction of new products. This way you will provide yourself and your baby with a set of useful elements and essential vitamins.

Pears are notable not only for their honey taste and aroma, but also chemical composition. This is a storehouse of useful substances that have a beneficial effect on the body of a nursing woman:

  • vitamins - A, E, C, B 2, B 5, B9;
  • minerals - potassium, calcium, silicon, magnesium, phosphorus, boron;
  • proteins, fats;
  • fructose, sucrose and glucose.

Pears are rich in fiber, in one fruit there are up to six grams of it, and precisely increased content fiber is scary for women who are breastfeeding. Coarse fiber is difficult for the body to digest and can cause intestinal disorders in a child, so it should be introduced into the diet carefully.

Up to three months of life, newborns suffer from abdominal colic, and pear can aggravate them. Therefore, it is better to refrain from eating of this fruit for this period, and introduce it after the baby’s intestines become stronger.

In what form should I use it?

It is not advisable for nursing mothers to eat raw pears., best baked in the oven. Also good is dried pear compote or juice, which provides a surge of milk. Dried or baked fruits preserve almost everything useful elements, just like jam or puree.

Benefits for the mother

Pear is a fruit that contains natural antibiotic arbutin, which kills bacteria in the intestines. Arbutin is rarely found in nature, except in pears, it is only found in bearberry and blueberries. Pear is also useful for:

  1. Diseases of the genitourinary system.
  2. Problems with the gastrointestinal tract and pancreas. Coarse fiber fibers sweep away all debris from the intestines and relieve constipation, and essential oils normalize the processes of fermentation and decay.
  3. Diabetes mellitus. Fructose, which pear fruits are rich in, is twice as sweet as glucose and is slowly absorbed without causing sharp jumps blood sugar.
  4. Reduced immunity. Dried pear fruits - good alternative fresh fruit in winter and early spring, thanks to vitamin C and essential oils.
  5. Strengthening bone tissue. This happens thanks to boron, which promotes the absorption of calcium, phosphorus and magnesium. Lack of boron in the body is accompanied by slow growth bone tissue and its fragility.

Can a child eat?

Pears should be introduced into a child’s diet at the age of at least seven months., immediately after apples, in the form of juice and puree. This fruit rarely causes allergies and is easily digestible; in addition, children like the taste.

For the first time you need to give a few drops of juice and monitor the reaction child's body for innovation in nutrition.

If everything went well, no rash or bloating appeared, the amount of juice is gradually increased to 40 g at a time, and only then puree is introduced into the menu.

Important! If the pears are not from your own garden, but purchased at the market or supermarket, be sure to cut off the peel, as it can be processed chemicals for long-term storage.

The benefits of pears for children's bodies are enormous:

  • potassium strengthens the heart;
  • tannins prevent the development of dysbacteriosis;
  • pear decoction reduces fever during colds;
  • quercetin fights inflammatory processes in the kidneys;
  • vitamins have a general strengthening effect on the child’s body;
  • microelements promote the growth of teeth and bones;
  • iron increases hemoglobin.

A decoction of dried pear will help with diarrhea, and pieces of boiled fresh pear will help with constipation.

Potential harm from breastfeeding

For mother

Moderation is required in everything, this also applies to eating pears while breastfeeding. Excessive consumption causes indigestion. It is not recommended to eat pears on an empty stomach, because coarse fibers irritate the mucous membrane. There are a number of contraindications to taking pears:

  • gastritis and peptic ulcer;
  • exacerbation of pancreatitis.

For babies

Pears are hypoallergenic products, but still sometimes cause allergies. In addition, this fruit can enhance already painful sensations in the baby’s intestines, which often accompany the formation of microflora. This is expressed by increased gas formation and pain in the abdomen. Also, due to its strengthening effect, pear is contraindicated for children prone to constipation.

How to choose and what to pay attention to?

When choosing pears, you should give preference to green varieties, the risk of allergies after eating such fruits is minimized. The aroma also says a lot - the bright honey smell indicates that the fruit is simply full of useful substances.

The pear should be ripe, without damage or stains, not too hard and not too soft to the touch. If you have to choose between underripe and overripe, preference should be given to the former, since overripe pears are hard on the stomach. The unripe ones will quickly ripen at home and become edible.

Reference: Pear jam and it is better to prepare jam yourself, since store-bought ones are richly flavored with preservatives, flavors and dyes.

The main rule when introducing new products into the diet of a nursing mother is gradualism. You shouldn’t eat the whole fruit at once, it’s better to start with a small slice and if the baby reacts well, the dose can be increased after a couple of days. Recommended daily norm- 1-2 fruits.

Precautionary measures:

  1. Fresh pears should not be eaten on an empty stomach.
  2. You can't drink it with water.
  3. Cannot be combined with meat.


Colic in newborns - normal phenomenon, and the use of pears for food should not frighten mothers, since bloating also occurs in babies who are on artificial nutrition. You should not deny yourself and your child such a valuable fruit; the main thing to remember is moderation, gradual introduction into the diet and monitoring the baby’s reaction.

Many nursing mothers adhere to a strict diet for fear of causing colic in the baby or provoking an acute allergic reaction. What about the pear? Should it be included in the diet during lactation? healthy fruit? Some people completely refuse this fruit, and some women are not afraid to eat it. So, can a nursing mother eat pears?

Properties and contraindications

The fruit is low in calories, rich in organic acids, fiber, pectin, B vitamins, as well as folic acid and carotene. The composition contains flavonoids and phytonicides.

The fruits taste sweet, but they contain less sugar than apples. Consumption is indicated for diseases of the heart, digestion, nervous system. Main beneficial properties:

  1. Essential oils in the fruit help strengthen immune system, fight infectious and colds.
  2. Organic acids affect pathogenic microflora in the intestines, providing an antimicrobial effect;
  3. Folic acid is recommended for hematopoietic processes, relieves Negative consequences depression.
  4. Iron reduces the feeling of fatigue and improves appetite.
  5. The fruit is recommended in the diet for diabetes mellitus, overweight.
  6. Sulfur has a beneficial effect on hair, skin covering, bones.
  7. Cobalt helps in proper functioning thyroid gland.

Does the fruit have any contraindications? It is not recommended to often use sour varieties of pears in the menu, as they are poorly absorbed by the body. The pulp contains stony cells consisting of lignified fiber. This element irritates the intestinal mucosa, therefore, in the stage of exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases, it is not recommended to eat the fruit.

Can I have pears during breastfeeding?

The beneficial properties of the fruit allow it to be introduced during feeding. But will eating pears cause increased gas formation in the baby? It is believed that great content fiber can cause colic in the baby. A swollen tummy is one of the reasons why babies under three months cry.

But these fears are not confirmed. Colic in infants appears during the development of intestinal microflora. No relationship has been established between maternal nutrition and increased gas production in the baby.

How to eat pears during breastfeeding?

A high-quality pear will only benefit a nursing mother. The fruit is not an allergen; it very rarely causes rashes in children. But if there are concerns, then the fruit should be introduced into the diet gradually. After a few bites, it is worth observing the baby for a day or two. Has a rash or bowel disorder appeared? If there are no signs, then you should enjoy the pear, taking small precautions. These include:

  1. It is recommended to eat the fruit thirty minutes after eating the main meal, since eating the fruit on an empty stomach can cause strong fermentation in the stomach.
  2. You should not eat fruit with meat dishes, this combination of products is difficult for the body to tolerate.
  3. You need to eat the pear without water, sometimes this method of consumption causes discomfort in the stomach. It is best to drink water thirty or fifty minutes after a fruit dessert.

Tip: Baked pears are very beneficial for breastfeeding.

Precautionary measures

You should not use pear in your diet if you have a history of allergies to this product. What else do you need to remember when using this fruit while breastfeeding?

  1. You should not buy store-bought pear juices or jams. It is best for nursing mothers to use home canned food.
  2. You need to cleanse the skin of store-bought fruits. The surface of the fruit is treated with preservatives to suppress rotting, so it is advisable not to use the peel for food or to wash it thoroughly.

A collection of breastfeeding recipes

How can you prepare healthy fruit during lactation and diversify your menu? The easiest way is to bake pear halves in a slow cooker or oven. They are sprinkled with sugar and put on baking mode. The dessert is kept in the oven for about an hour, thirty minutes on one side and the same on the other.

Stuffed dessert

Pieces of prunes, peeled apples, and kraga are added to the cottage cheese. The pears are cored and filled with curd mixture. Bake the dessert in the oven at 180 degrees. The optimal time is 20 minutes. You can stuff it not with cottage cheese, but with pumpkin or rice.


Cottage cheese is mixed with egg, semolina and sugar. Add butter(it is pre-melted) and pieces of pears. Bake for 40 minutes, temperature – 200 degrees.

Attention! The recipe contains egg, you need to be careful with this product as it strong allergen. If you are allergic to this product, do not add it to the recipe.

Meat and fruit dish

The boiled meat is twisted in a meat grinder, browned crackers are added. The fruit is cut in half, the core is removed and placed in spoiled milk and spices. After this, the void of the fruit is filled with minced meat and placed in the oven. Time – 45 minutes, temperature – 200 degrees.


When breastfeeding, you can eat a salad of allowed fruits. Main ingredients: pear, apples, boiled chicken. For dressing use low-fat kefir with cream.

So should nursing mothers eat pears? Our answer is that you can eat the fruit, taking precautions.

First of all, you need to remember: pear juice, compote, jam, etc., should be prepared at home. Products purchased in stores contain a large number of preservatives, dyes, flavors that can provoke a negative reaction.

In the off-season period, before consumption, the fruits must be thoroughly washed under running water, and it is best to peel them, since fruits for longer storage in storage facilities are treated with special substances that suppress rotting and give them a fresh appearance.

Does the pear weaken or strengthen?

The question “Pear – weakens or strengthens?” considered quite relevant during breastfeeding. Experts have different opinions on this matter. However experienced pediatricians They claim that a ripe, juicy and soft pear has a laxative effect on the body, while an unripe, rough pear, on the contrary, strengthens the stool. Thus, a woman should be extremely careful when choosing fruits to introduce into her diet.

When can you start eating and in what quantity?

The hypoallergenic nature of the pear allows a nursing mother to consume the fruit almost from the very beginning of breastfeeding. However, the reaction to the product in newborns can be varied. Besides positive effect, a pear can cause an upset stomach in a child, intestinal colic, bloating and increased gas formation. It is also possible allergic reaction in case of personal intolerance constituent components fruit.

To avoid this, consume the fruit by following these recommendations:

The introduction of a new product into the diet during breastfeeding should occur gradually. No matter how strong the desire to eat the whole fruit, you need to refrain from doing so. To begin with, you should try a small slice, and after feeding, observe the child’s reaction throughout the day. If no manifestations are observed, then pear consumption can be continued, gradually increasing daily norm. If something happens, you should postpone taking the fruit until a later time.

The optimal time for eating pears is half an hour after lunch. A pear eaten on an empty stomach will lead to negative consequences.

Also study: Why breastfeeding specialists do not recommend eating.

Recipes with pears for nursing mothers

Pears during breastfeeding can be consumed as follows:

  • fresh;
  • baked;
  • juice, compote (from both fresh and dried and dried fruits);
  • jam, preserves;
  • puree;
  • salads with pears.

In any case, before consuming the product, especially during the off-season, it is necessary to wash it thoroughly under running water, or better yet, peel it.

Pear baked with cottage cheese

To prepare this dish you need:

  1. Take the pears large sizes, a few pieces are enough, and cut them in half, removing the core.
  2. Place on a baking sheet lined with parchment.
  3. Fill the core with low-fat cottage cheese and sprinkle a little sugar on top or you can use honey.
  4. Bake for 20 minutes at 180 0 C.

Pear compote

For pear compote you will need half a kilogram of fruit (preferably hard), 100 grams granulated sugar and two liters of water.

Peel the pears, remove all excess and cut into small slices. Place in a saucepan, add water and bring to a boil. Then add sugar and cook for 8–12 minutes. The compote is ready.

Salad with pears

To prepare the salad you need: a bunch of lettuce, pear, feta cheese, sesame seeds, a slice of lemon.

Wash the lettuce leaves and tear them coarsely. Add peeled and diced pear, feta cheese and sprinkle with sesame seeds. The salad is ready to eat, all you need to do is add a little salt and sprinkle with lemon juice.

At first, when breastfeeding, it is recommended to eat exclusively at home and purchase food from trusted places. This is the only way to be sure of the quality and usefulness of your diet, which in this period has great importance for the baby's health.

Throughout human history, there is an undeniable truth: “we are what we eat.” From the right balanced nutrition Not only a person’s health depends, but also his mood. After all, in healthy body- healthy mind.

A properly selected diet during breastfeeding is the key not only wellness mother, but also the harmonious development of the little man. The issue of nutrition for a nursing mother must be approached with all seriousness and responsibility. During this period, it is vital that the body of both receives everything essential vitamins and microelements. Therefore, be sure to daily diet For a nursing mother, fruit should be present. But they must be consumed correctly so as not to harm the baby’s not yet fully formed digestive system.

Useful properties of pear

Pear is not only a tasty delicacy, but also a real treasure nutrients and vitamins. Due to its low calorie content, it is a favorite fruit of women who watch their figure. 100 grams of the most delicate pulp contains only 42 calories. The pear owes its nutritional value to cellulose (fiber), which not only perfectly saturates, but also has a beneficial effect on the intestines.

Pears also contain:

  1. Valuable essential oils. They have an immunomodulatory effect and help cope with bad mood.
  2. Organic acids. Eliminate intestinal dysbiosis, improve metabolic processes in the body, have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the kidneys, liver, and gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Ascorbic and folic acid. Actively participate in hematopoiesis processes and give elasticity to blood vessels.
  4. Iron. Participates in the synthesis of oxygen in the cells of the body. Relieves fatigue.
  5. Potassium ions. Necessary for strengthening the heart muscle. Reduce cholesterol levels in the circulatory system.
  6. Fructose. Excellent for people with pancreatic diseases. It is well absorbed even by diabetics. Used in dietary nutrition for obesity.
  7. Cellulose. Has a beneficial effect on intestinal function, excellent remedy to prevent constipation.
  8. Sulfur. Gives hair shine and silkiness, skin – elasticity and firmness.
  9. Cobalt. Necessary for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland. Actively participates in the production of hemoglobin.

Can a nursing mother eat pears? Many mothers ask themselves this question, because a pear is a pleasure that is difficult to refuse.

Possible harm to the child

Among the many useful vitamins and microelements, most of all, the pear contains fiber. This is an indispensable substance for cleansing the intestines, as fiber improves its functioning, acting as a “brush” for the body.

Let's look at whether it is possible to use a pear when breastfeeding a newborn baby.

The opinions of experts are divided on this issue:

  1. Some say up to 3 months digestive system the newborn has not yet fully formed. A child at this age does not yet have the beneficial microflora that is present in the intestines of adults. And a large amount of fiber can cause additional accumulation of gases in the intestines of a small person. Gases, in turn, cause bloating and colic in the newborn. Therefore there is medical specialists who, when asked: can a nursing mother eat pears, give a clear answer: no.
  2. There are doctors who claim that the formation of a newborn’s intestinal microflora does not depend at all on what the mother ate. This group of experts argues that due to latest results medical research, a pear during breastfeeding will not harm the baby.

The question of whether it is possible to eat a pear while breastfeeding is decided purely individually. But there are generally accepted recommendations that all nursing mothers should follow.

Rules for eating pears

Is it possible to eat pears while breastfeeding if you strictly follow the rules? Only by following the following recommendations:

  1. It is strictly forbidden to eat pears on an empty stomach. Especially if the body is prone to indigestion. Gastric mucosa and small intestine may not be able to handle this amount of fiber on an empty stomach and will react like this unpleasant phenomenon like diarrhea.
  2. You should not drink fruit with water or any other liquid. Otherwise, the process of fermentation and increased gas formation will begin in the body.
  3. When breastfeeding a newborn, pear should not be consumed immediately after eating. The process of fermentation and bloating will begin.
  4. Experts do not recommend combining pears with meat products. This is a big burden on the stomach, which will have a hard time digesting food.

How to introduce it into the diet of a nursing mother

In order not to worry about colic and bloating in the baby, it is better not to introduce pears into the diet during the first month during breastfeeding, but to start consuming them when the baby reaches three months of age. By this age, the baby has already formed its own microflora.

Nursing mothers should start eating fruit with caution. Be sure to observe the child's reaction. It is necessary to start with a small piece of fruit if the child does not have negative reaction body, the portion can be gradually increased.

Is it possible for nursing mothers to eat pears if the baby still suffers from colic? In this case, it is best to eat the fruits not raw, but baked.

To protect yourself and your baby, you need to choose the right fruits.

How to choose quality

There are several tips to help you choose quality fruits:

  • You need to buy fruit only in trusted places where there are quality certificates for the products.
  • Is it possible for a nursing mother to eat a pear if the fruit looks too beautiful? Definitely not. Large and beautiful fruits, without a single spot, with perfect smooth and shiny skin were processed by special means, which pose a danger to the human body.
  • Is it possible to eat a pear during breastfeeding if the fruit has a wormhole? Definitely yes. This small defect lets you know that the fruit was not processed in any way and was grown without the use of various chemicals. This is a natural and healthy fruit that will not harm either mother or child.

In what form can pears be eaten?

You can make all sorts of delicacies from pears:

  • jam;
  • jams;
  • compotes;
  • marmalade;
  • pies;
  • charlottes.

The main thing is that all gastronomic delights are prepared with love. Then the benefits from them will be significant, both for the nursing mother and for the baby.


From our video you will learn how to prepare a very tasty and healthy dessert from pear with cottage cheese.