What to do when a vessel in the eye bursts. Why do blood vessels burst in the eye and how to quickly remove them? A large blood vessel burst in the eye

Eyes are what we pay attention to first when we see a person. Therefore, any visual defects in the eyes become noticeable first. One of the common problems is burst blood vessels. People are often frightened by such a phenomenon, it seems to them that something terrible has happened, they do not understand what to do when a vessel in the eye bursts.

In addition, no one wants to appear with a red eye in front of friends, colleagues and loved ones.

But there is no need to panic in this situation. It is better to understand in order why this happens, what needs to be done to eliminate the consequences of the problem and how to prevent its possible recurrence in the future. This is exactly what we will talk about next.

Why does this happen?

First, you need to understand that in most cases, such a phenomenon does not essentially pose a particular danger to vision, but can serve as an indicator of other problems inherent in the body. Diseases that can indirectly lead to hemorrhage include endocrine diseases, diabetes mellitus and hypertension.

Sometimes a vessel in the eye can burst for relatively unimportant reasons, due to a one-time increased load on the body. This can happen when going to a bathhouse or sauna, where a sharp drop in pressure will lead to the vessel not being able to withstand it, it could be a change in the weather, which has exactly the same effect, it could be alcohol abuse.

In any of the three above cases there is no cause for concern at all, we are talking about a one-time phenomenon, which will go away after some time and may not appear again, so in such situations, when a vessel in the eye has burst, what to do should not worry you, just let the body deal with the problem.

Don't panic if your eyes are red!

Problems with blood pressure and increased fragility of the blood vessels in the eye may also be the cause. If the vessels are characterized by increased fragility, then there is no guarantee that the problem will not happen again, and this may not be very good for your eyes.


The actions that must be taken if a vessel has burst in the eye directly depend on what reason caused this problem. If the cause is a disease, you must consult a qualified doctor to prescribe a course of treatment. As soon as the initial problem disappears, the blood vessels will stop bursting.

If the problem is regular increased load - for example, if you work at a computer, then gradually begin to reduce this load, taking long breaks, unloading your eyes as much as possible. To “soothe” your eyes one-time, you can drip the drug “Vizin” into them, or something similar to it, for example, “Hyphenslez”. Various drops to narrow blood vessels will not help; they will only lead to the appearance of spots on the eyeball.

In most cases, you don’t even need to take any special measures, because the problem goes away without any intervention, small hemorrhages resolve quickly enough, like, for example, bruises on the body.

Moreover, the mechanisms of these two phenomena are approximately similar. If you want to speed up the resorption process, you can start taking absolutely harmless ascorbic acid. Any more serious medications can be taken only after prior consultation with an experienced doctor.

Folk remedies in theory can be effective, but in order to use them, it is important to understand how they work, and not try to guess what to do if a vessel in the eye bursts intuitively. An example is the widespread belief that washing the eye with tea can help speed up the resorption of hemorrhage, because it helps with conjunctivitis, and people expect a similar effect with burst vessels. But in fact, the effect may be the opposite - rinsing with tea will only cause infection - and this will lead to the appearance of conjunctivitis.


The appearance of such a hematoma on the eye can be prevented or, at least, the likelihood of its occurrence can be reduced. One of the simplest methods is to change your diet. Strive to eat as many citrus fruits as possible, which are good because they contain rutin and vitamin C, as well as other products with these components, such as bell peppers. Drink coffee and alcohol as little as possible, and also smoke less to keep your blood pressure normal.

Drops in the eyes, an excellent remedy to prevent redness

Normalize your computer work schedule by doing an eye warm-up at least every twenty-five minutes. While walking, try to protect your eyes from dust, sand and other foreign bodies.

Also, avoid exposure to excessively strong winds. Try to wash your face mostly with cold water, this will improve blood circulation in your tissues.

But when blood vessels burst regularly, you should not try to continue such simple prevention - you need to consult a doctor directly.

An experienced ophthalmologist will help you understand the problem, understand what to do if blood vessels in the eye burst, and prevent potential harm that could be caused to your eyes.

Remember that if it happened due to a disease, then nothing prevents it from happening in any other organ, so be careful when it comes to your health.

Has the white of the eye turned red due to burst blood vessels? Probably everyone experiences quite a lot of fear in such a situation. For some, such trouble happened once, while for others, blood vessels in the eye burst regularly.

Considering the prevalence of this problem, we want to figure out why blood vessels in the eye can burst, and what needs to be done in this case.

Let's look at the most common causes of gas ruptures.

  • Arterial hypertension. Basically, blood vessels rupture in the eyes when blood pressure increases due to their overflow with blood. Most often, this problem is encountered by patients with hypertension, which is complicated by a hypertensive crisis. The heart, brain, liver and eyes are the target organs that are primarily affected by hypertension. A hypertensive crisis is a sharp increase in blood pressure to individually high levels. That is, someone may develop a crisis at a pressure of 140/90 mm. rt. Art., and for some - at 200/100 mm. rt. Art. The vessels in the eyes become sclerotic and lose elasticity, so they cannot cope with the sudden flow of blood, as a result of which they rupture. But blood vessels can burst not only in patients with hypertension, since blood pressure can rise sharply due to alcohol abuse, excessive physical activity or psycho-emotional shock.
  • Most often, ruptures of blood vessels in the eye are observed during heavy lifting, intense training in the gym, and during labor during labor.
  • Injuries to the eyeball. Very often, a blow or bruise to the eyeball results in retinal hemorrhage. Also, the cause of burst vessels in the eye can be surgical intervention, for example, replacing the lens for cataracts, correcting strabismus, etc.
  • Diabetes. This pathology is characterized not only by insulin deficiency and increased blood glucose, but also by damage to capillary vessels. This is explained by the fact that excess glucose in the blood adversely affects the walls of the capillaries, as a result of which they thicken in some areas and thinner in others. The described pathological processes reduce the elasticity of blood vessels, and, accordingly, their strength.
  • Eye fatigue. Increased eye strain is observed in those who work at a computer for a long time or read a lot, especially in poor lighting. Therefore, such overwork leads to active blood flow to the capillaries of the eyes, which can cause them to rupture.
  • Sudden change of weather. In people who are very sensitive to changes in weather conditions (temperature, atmospheric pressure), blood vessels in the eyes often rupture, causing them to turn red.
  • Inflammation of the cornea. Inflammatory diseases of the eyeball are also often accompanied by retinal hemorrhage. The inflammatory process in this case can be triggered by pathogenic microorganisms, trauma, foreign bodies getting into the eye, an allergic reaction, chemical or thermal burns. In addition to ruptured blood vessels, patients complain of pain in the eyeball, especially in bright light, and tearing.
  • Inflammation of the conjunctiva. The causes of conjunctivitis are the same as those of keratitis. In addition, these diseases very often occur simultaneously. The main symptoms of inflammation of the conjunctiva are burning and itching in the eye, redness, discharge from the palpebral fissure, and ruptured capillaries.
  • Neoplasms of the eyeball. The appearance of tumors of any nature in the eyeball leads to deformation of the capillaries, as a result of which they rupture.
  • Lack of vitamin C and P. Hypovitaminosis of ascorbic acid and rutin leads to thinning of the vascular wall, as a result of which it becomes vulnerable and easily ruptures.
  • Fragility of vascular walls. Certain medications or eye diseases, such as glaucoma, can affect the condition of blood vessels.
  • Traumatic brain injuries. With head injuries, blood circulation in the brain and the outflow of cerebrospinal fluid are often disrupted, which can cause an increase in blood pressure in the vessels, including the eyes.
  • Overheat. Sunstroke, overheating in a high-temperature room, or even visiting a sauna or steam bath can cause rupture of blood vessels in the eyes.

Vascular ruptures in the eye are divided into several types according to their location, let’s look at them.

Rupture of retinal capillaries. This type of hemorrhage in the eye is the most dangerous because it threatens vision loss. The retina is the part of the eyeball on which the receptors responsible for visual perception are located. Therefore, a rupture of a vessel in the retina turns off some of the receptors. Patients may complain of blurred vision, flickering spots in front of the eyes, and the appearance of blind spots.

Rupture of orbital vessels. In this case, the blood flows into the fat cell behind the eyeball. These patients experience protrusion of the eyeball from the socket, swelling, bruising under the eye, double vision, and pain when moving the eyes.

Rupture of blood vessels in the vitreous body. This formation of the eyes allows light rays to pass through and hit the retina. Hemorrhage disrupts the transparency of the vitreous, which results in decreased vision.

Rupture of blood vessels in the anterior chamber. This condition is most often caused by glaucoma and trauma. Upon examination, a hematoma is detected in the lower part of the eyeball.

Rupture of a vessel into the sclera or conjunctiva. This type of hemorrhage in the eye is observed most often.

If you notice that a vessel in your eye has ruptured, then contact a specialist - an ophthalmologist. Only a doctor can determine the cause of this condition and, if necessary, prescribe effective treatment. We strongly do not recommend self-medication, as in some cases this can lead to partial or complete loss of vision.

The ophthalmologist does not prescribe treatment in all cases, since hemorrhage in the eye may resolve on its own after a few days.

Therapeutic tactics for ruptured blood vessels in the eye directly depend on the cause of the problem. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to determine the factor that provoked intraocular hemorrhage. After all, after eliminating the cause, the vessels will no longer rupture, and the hemorrhage will go away over time.

In the case where the rupture of the vessel was caused by eye fatigue, you should rest, do relaxing exercises and be sure to follow hygiene rules when working at the computer or reading.

For example, in case of hypertension, you will definitely need to consult a general practitioner or cardiologist, who will prescribe medications to normalize blood pressure.

For inflammation in the eyes, drops with antibiotics are used, and for dry eye syndrome, artificial tears, etc.

There are also a number of emergency conditions that require immediate treatment measures. Let's consider the principles of treatment of such conditions, which most often lead to ruptures of blood vessels in the eye.

  • Paroxysm of glaucoma. Glaucoma is a disease caused by increased pressure inside the eyeball. The most dangerous consequence of this pathology is optic nerve atrophy and complete loss of vision. The disease lasts a long time with periods of exacerbation. An acute attack of glaucoma can be triggered by taking certain medications, stress, overwork and other reasons. During paroxysmal glaucoma, the pressure inside the eyeball must be reduced within 2-3 hours to avoid death of the optic nerve. The drug in this case can be a 1% solution of Pilocarpine in the form of eye drops, which is instilled into the eye, two drops per quarter of the eye, until the condition improves. The patient is also given diuretics (Lasix, Furosemide, Torasemide) and painkillers (Nimesil, Diclofenac, Xefocam) and hospitalized in the ophthalmology department.
  • Hypertensive crisis. In this emergency condition, the patient is concerned about a sharp increase in blood pressure to high numbers, which is accompanied by headache, dizziness, noise in the eyes, flickering spots in front of the eyes, rupture of blood vessels in the eyeballs and other symptoms. A hypertensive crisis poses a serious threat to the patient’s life, so treatment should be started immediately, even before the ambulance arrives. For severe heart pain, take a Nitroglycerin tablet and two Aspirin tablets to prevent myocardial infarction. Also place a Captopress tablet under your tongue or drop 2-3 drops of Nifedipine onto the sugar and dissolve it.
  • Coagulopathy caused by an overdose of drugs that thin the blood. Patients with coronary heart disease, heart defects, arrhythmia, or patients who have undergone surgery on the heart or blood vessels must take medications for a long time to prevent the formation of blood clots - anticoagulants. Therefore, such patients are among those at increased risk of ocular vascular rupture. Also, very often, patients can independently increase the dose of the drug, causing an overdose, which is manifested by hemorrhages, including in the eyeball. If this happens, you need to contact your doctor to select the optimal dose of the anticoagulant.

It is strictly forbidden to use eye drops without consulting a specialist, since in some cases they will help, and in others they will only harm. It is also not recommended to rinse the eye with tea, infusions or herbal decoctions, as this can cause infection.

In cases where the rupture of a blood vessel in the eye is caused by a reason that does not pose a threat to your health and life, you can use eye drops, respectively, after consultation with a specialist.

The most effective eye drops for hemorrhage in the eye are the following drugs:

  • Visine. This drug accelerates the resorption of hemorrhage, relieves eye hyperemia, reduces pain and burning, and also moisturizes the conjunctiva. Visine should be instilled into the outer canthus, two drops every 12 hours;
  • Emoxipin. This drug was developed specifically to combat hemorrhages in the eyeball. Place three drops in the eye three times a day until the redness goes away.
  • Hyphenation. These drops are artificial tears and are used for dry eye syndrome.
  • Taufon. This drug promotes rapid resorption of hemorrhage in the eyeball and effectively eliminates unpleasant symptoms. Moreover, Taufon is indicated for glaucoma.

A blood vessel burst under the eye: what to do?

A burst blood vessel under the eye may look like a dark circle or resemble a bruise. But in any case, this problem spoils the appearance. Therefore, we bring to your attention the most effective ways to combat burst blood vessels under the eyes.

  • Applying concealer or powder to the skin under the eyes.
  • Contrast washing in the morning will help strengthen blood vessels.
  • Mesotherapy is a beauty salon procedure, the essence of which is the introduction of a vasoconstrictor drug into the skin under the eye.
  • Laser removal of blood vessels under the eyes, which is performed exclusively in a medical clinic.

The following recommendations will help you reduce the risk of rupture of blood vessels in the eyes:

  • perform relaxing exercises for the eyes when working at the computer or reading for a long time;
  • let your eyes rest every half hour during visual stress;
  • choose a safe distance between you and a computer or book;
  • ensure sufficient lighting of the work area;
  • do not abuse salt, alcoholic drinks and coffee;
  • humidify the air in the room where you are most of the time and ventilate the room regularly;
  • wear sunglasses when exposed to the sun or wind;
  • carefully approach the choice of cosmetics;
  • Be sure to remove your lenses before going to bed;
  • consume sufficient amounts of vitamins P and C, which are found in vegetables, fruits, herbs, or take vitamin complexes.

In most cases, a burst vessel in the eye does not require any treatment, but a consultation with an ophthalmologist will still not hurt you. After all, such a problem may hide a pathology that poses a threat to health and life.

The white of the eye, which for some reason suddenly turned red, otherwise subconjunctival hemorrhage, is a consequence of burst vessels. In some cases, the eye does not completely change its color; spots of a characteristic tone only appear on it. For this reason, the eye begins to look unnatural, but its appearance qualities in this situation play one of the last roles.

The main thing is the reasons that provoke this pathological phenomenon - they pose a danger. Bursted blood vessels in the white of the eye can be a symptomatic manifestation of a serious disease or other disorders in the functioning of organs and their systems.

When a blood vessel bursts in the eye, what to drip and how to treat the disorder? The answer to this question most often worries the patient. Before analyzing treatment methods, you should pay attention to the reasons that provoke such detection.

Why can blood vessels burst in the eyes?

There are many reasons why subconjunctival hemorrhage occurs.

The white of the eye may turn scarlet due to the following number of reasons discussed in the table:

Causes of hemorrhage
Cause Description
Change in blood pressureDue to a sharp increase in blood pressure, the vessels may become overfilled with blood and burst. Quite often, patients who have arterial hypertension, which provokes a hypertensive crisis and has a negative effect on the so-called target organs, encounter a similar manifestation.

These organs include the brain, retina, and kidneys. A hypertensive crisis always occurs unexpectedly - there is a rapid increase in blood pressure and redness of the whites of the eyes due to hemorrhage. Relief of this condition should occur as quickly as possible, since a surge in pressure greatly increases the risk of complications.

However, even if the patient does not have arterial hypertension, a jump in blood pressure and a hypertensive crisis can be triggered by the consumption of alcoholic beverages or a stressful situation.

Physical overexertionExcessive physical activity, which requires the patient's full concentration of strength, often causes ruptures of the blood vessels in the eyes.

A similar problem can arise for a number of reasons, for example, intensive training before important events, or when lifting heavy weights. Women often experience ruptures of blood vessels in the eyes due to incorrect behavior during the delivery process - during periods of contractions and pushing.

Mechanical damage and eye injuriesBruises and blows can lead to rupture of the eye vessels. Often, subconjunctival hemorrhage occurs after eye surgery.

This phenomenon does not pose a serious threat, since blood accumulates directly under the conjunctiva, resembling a hematoma or bruise in nature. However, it is not superfluous to consult an ophthalmologist.

Eye strainA similar factor can lead to subconjunctival hemorrhage during prolonged work on computer equipment or while watching television. Also, a similar condition can occur due to reading in poor lighting, which creates excessive strain on the eyes.
Diabetes mellitusThis disease provokes microangiopathy, the development of which affects the capillaries of the eyes. Exceeding physiologically normal blood glucose concentrations negatively affects the elasticity and strength of vascular walls - they become thinner in some areas, and in others, on the contrary, they become denser.

Obstruction of blood flow and metabolic processes subsequently causes ruptures.

Excessive weather sensitivityRedness of the whites of the eyes can act as a reaction of the body to sudden changes in weather conditions or changes in the usual climate. Fluctuations in atmospheric pressure and temperature can also cause the sclera to turn scarlet.
KeratitisKeratitis is characterized by photophobia, redness of the eyes, excessive tearing, and clouding of the cornea. It can be caused by a foreign body entering the eye, a fungus, a viral infection, a thermal burn, or an allergic reaction.

It is possible to solve the problem of protein hemorrhage by curing keratitis. Its therapy is based on the reasons that provoked it. For infectious keratitis, it is necessary to use antiviral and antifungal medications.

Antibacterial ointments and drops are used for bacterial pathologies. It is necessary to start treatment in a timely manner - only this helps to avoid damage to the cornea.

TumorsTumor processes of a malignant or benign nature in the eyes lead to deformation of the vascular walls and their ruptures.
ConjunctivitisConjunctivitis is an inflammatory process of the transparent film of the eye - the conjunctiva. It occurs quite often, like keratitis.

The condition can develop against the background of allergic reactions, vitamin deficiencies, exposure to the surface of the eye of infectious agents - gonococcus, staphylococcus, streptococcus, or under the influence of irritants such as dust or smoke. During the course of the disease, the blood vessels in the eye dilate and burst, causing redness, burning and itching.

The pathology is viral or allergic in nature. Can be transmitted by airborne droplets. Treatment is based on the causes and sources of the pathology

Fragility of the vessel wallCapillaries can become thinner as a result of treatment with certain groups of medications or due to previous diseases, for example, glaucoma.
AvitaminosisIt can provoke subconjunctival hemorrhage when it is represented by a lack of vitamins C or Z. Lack of ascorbic acid or rutin in the body leads to excessive fragility of the vascular walls and further rupture of capillaries.

It is possible to restore the vitamin balance by consuming increased amounts of cabbage, persimmons, peaches and apricots. To increase the content of rutin in the body, you need to consume more oranges, lemons, apples, cherries, tomatoes, beets and cabbage.

Head injuriesIn some cases, this can become a factor leading to disruption of the blood supply to the brain. In addition to bursting capillaries, migraine-like pain, sleep disturbances, nausea and causeless fatigue often occur after head injuries.

Magnetic resonance imaging can determine whether redness of the sclera is a consequence of head injuries.

Also, eye capillaries can burst due to temperature changes inherent in steam rooms. For this reason, you need to be careful when visiting baths and saunas and not spend an excessively long time in them.

When and what to instill? This question can be answered accurately only after identifying the cause that provokes the hemorrhage.

How to get rid of red blood vessels in the eyes?

It is possible to solve the problem of dilated capillaries in the eyes by eliminating the causes that provoked this phenomenon. Depending on the provocateur, treatment tactics are selected.

Capillary ruptures can be caused by the following number of reasons:

  • lack of sleep;
  • excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages;
  • severe fatigue.

When these circumstances appear as provocateurs, in order to solve problems with the blood vessels of the eyes, it is necessary to allow the body to recover and rest. At the same time, it is highly advisable to give up alcoholic beverages, reconsider your own eating habits and follow the correct sleep/wake schedule.

It is possible to reduce the load on the visual organs by performing certain exercises. When the etiological factor is eliminated, redness of the sclera often gets rid of.

Attention! If a blood vessel bursts in the eye, what to drip? It is quite difficult to answer such a question. The method of therapy is determined after examining the patient by an ophthalmologist.

However, if such measures are ineffective, it is necessary to seek medical help from an ophthalmologist.

Treatment of eye vessels

Attacks of a certain number of diseases that provoke hemorrhages in the sclera require emergency medical care. For glaucoma, it is required every 15 minutes. instill a solution of 1% Pilocarpine into the eyes. Intense eye pain in this disease can be relieved by using analgesics that are administered parenterally.

Such measures make it possible to reduce intraocular pressure, and as a result, normalize blood flow and prevent future capillary ruptures. The doctor will tell you what to put in the eye if a blood vessel has burst due to glaucoma, this is due to the fact that not all ophthalmic solutions are allowed to be used for this lesion.

In case of an attack provoked by arterial hypertension, you need to chew 2 Aspirin tablets as a preventive measure for the development of a heart attack. After this, you need to seek medical help, since ruptured eye capillaries are one of the key signs of the development of a hypertensive crisis.

Scleral capillaries can also burst due to an overdose of coagulants.

These drugs are characterized by a blood-thinning effect and can be used for various diseases:

  • ischemic heart disease;
  • atrial fibrillation;

As side effects from taking these medications, not only ruptures of small eye vessels can occur, but such conditions as:

  • bleeding gums;
  • hemorrhagic skin rashes;
  • uterine bleeding.

Attention! If vascular rupture is caused by an acute condition of the cardiovascular system, you should consult a specialist. Such a violation requires immediate medical intervention. Only a doctor can choose the optimal treatment, thereby saving the patient’s life.

If such effects occur from taking the drug, you need to consult a doctor - he will review the dosage or select another drug.

Drops that help with burst eye vessels

There are a number of eye drops that can quickly remove redness of the sclera.

What to drip if a vessel in the eye bursts?

  1. Visine (pictured)– characterized by anti-edematous effects and vasoconstrictor effect. They practically do not penetrate the bloodstream, but the effect occurs quickly. The effect of the drug is prolonged - the effect lasts for 8 hours. Can be used when redness is caused by conjunctivitis or an allergic reaction. Suitable for patients who use contact lenses.
  2. Taufon– the price of the drug is low, but it shows high effectiveness in ruptures of the eye vessels, as well as in conjunctivitis, cataracts, dystrophies and damage to the cornea. When used, blood flow is normalized by stimulating the metabolic and energy metabolic processes of the body. The drug is not recommended for use by pregnant women, children under 18 years of age, and those with individual intolerance to the components.
  3. Emoxipin– helps strengthen vascular walls, has antihypoxic and angioprotective effects. Allows you to strengthen capillary walls, reduce their permeability and stimulate the circulation of intraocular fluid. Can be used for preventive purposes. Can be used when wearing contact lenses.

Attention! The instructions for the listed drugs regulate the basic rules for using the drug, but doctors do not recommend treating such a disorder on their own.

The main ophthalmic drops to eliminate redness are discussed in the video in this article.

All these drugs should be prescribed by a physician, and you can take the following measures yourself:

  1. Include foods rich in vitamin C and rutin in your daily diet.
  2. It is necessary to control the amount of physical activity and avoid overexertion.
  3. When working at a computer, you need to give your eyes a break of 10 minutes once an hour.
  4. The room in which a person is located must have sufficient humidity.

Also, an important condition is compliance with preventive measures, which consist of the following rules:

  • compliance with hygienic standards when working with computer equipment;
  • cessation of smoking and consumption of alcoholic beverages;
  • compliance with a physiologically correct daily routine;
  • use of protective glasses in sunny weather, regardless of the season;
  • use of vitamin complexes as needed;
  • constant blood pressure monitoring;
  • annual preventive examination by an ophthalmologist.

Preventing redness of the sclera due to hemorrhages is easier than getting rid of the problem. For this reason, the prevention of subconjunctival hemorrhage should occupy an important place in the life of every person.

What to put in the eye if a blood vessel bursts? This question should be asked privately to an eye care professional.

Capillary-venous network, or choroid covers the retina and ensures the normal functioning of the eyeball, as well as supplying it with oxygen and other nutrients.

Small red spots can be seen on the surface of the eyeball. This is a sign that a blood vessel has burst in the eye. The reasons for this phenomenon can be extremely varied, ranging from lack of moisture in the air to serious illnesses.

Causes of burst blood vessels

There are many reasons why blood vessels burst and the eyes become red.

Increased pressure and broken capillaries

In case of hypertensive crisis and sudden increase in pressure the walls of the eye vessels cannot withstand.

They burst, capillaries rupture, and blurry red spots appear on the eyeball.

Capillaries cannot withstand not only high pressure, but also its strong surges, since they cannot quickly adapt to such changes.

Important! Hypertensive patients it is necessary to lower blood pressure to normal, refuse excessive loads and, if possible, avoid stressful situations. A hypertensive crisis can have dire consequences: stroke, myocardial infarction, and aortic dissection.

If a hypertensive patient ignores ruptured capillaries in the retina, then a vessel may burst not in the eye, but in the brain and lead to disability or death.

Physical activity, visiting the bathhouse

If, with high blood pressure, the vessels may burst at regular intervals, then increased loads lead to a one-time rupture of capillaries.

In athletes Those who exercise intensely can often notice redness in the whites of their eyes. There are the same red spots in women in labor during contractions, people lifting weights, loud crying newborns.

Sudden and severe tension leads to the fact that fragile vessels cannot withstand and burst.

When visiting a steam room or bathhouse, blood vessels burst from high, unusual temperature for the body.

When blood vessels rupture due to physical stress there are no pathological changes.


Diabetes mellitus is a common disease that leads to pathologies in the eyeball. The vessels become thinner and more fragile.

Diabetic retinopathy (disease of the vascular network of the eyes) goes unnoticed over time leads to decreased vision and complete blindness. Redness of the whites occurs both when a person is at rest and when he slightly strains (squats, rises, bends).

Attention! If a person suffering from diabetes mellitus has increased ruptures of capillaries in the retina of the eye, then you need to visit an endocrinologist.

Hemorrhages become more frequent when the disease affects not only small capillaries, but also large vessels.

With diabetes, blood vessels in the eyes often burst due to increased blood glucose concentrations.

Glaucoma and keratitis

One of the causes of ruptured blood vessels is ophthalmological diseases.

Glaucoma- a group of diseases characterized by increased pressure in the eyes with subsequent loss of vision.

In people suffering from glaucoma, the circulation of fluid is disrupted, resulting in its accumulation, which causes an increase in intraocular pressure. Fragile capillaries and constant redness of the eyeball are one of the symptoms of developing glaucoma.

If capillaries burst due to this disease, blood collects in the lower part of the eye. The person begins to see halos around light sources, and the eye itself appears red and painful.

Red blood vessels in the whites of the eyes can be a sign of inflammation. For keratitis a person develops photophobia and lacrimation. Before you can get rid of the symptoms, you need to identify the disease itself. The treatment method for keratitis depends on its type. It is necessary to visit a specialist as soon as possible, since over time this disease can damage the cornea.

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Chronic fatigue, overwork, stress, lack of sleep

Redness of the eyes is also caused by simple fatigue, as well as constant lack of sleep and eyestrain. Working at a computer for long periods of time, watching television, constantly using phones and tablets, reading books in poor lighting - all this leads to overwork of the eyeballs.

Other causes of capillary rupture include chronic fatigue, stress, lack of sleep.

The body is in constant tension and does not have the opportunity to rest even in sleep, which is why the blood vessels in the eyes burst with a certain frequency.

If you do not pay due attention to your condition, then Consequences, such as blurred vision, may occur.

Head injuries

A slight blow to the head, a concussion and a traumatic brain injury, especially an open one, can cause a rupture of a blood vessel in the brain. They also lead to increased intracranial pressure And rupture of fragile capillaries in the eye. In this case, there are no problems with determining the cause of redness in the eyes - the person himself will indicate the injury.

For head injuries Blood circulation in the brain is often disrupted. There is an outflow of cerebrospinal fluid, which can cause an increase in pressure, including in the eyes.

Traumatic brain injury is being treated under the supervision of a specialist. With a strong impact, the blood circulation process changes, and symptoms of traumatic brain injury occur.

Therefore, in addition to burst blood vessels, migraines, chronic fatigue, and insomnia are likely to occur. In this case, the doctor recommends undergoing MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) brain.


When the body begins to lack vitamins A and C, as well as vitamin P - routine, the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels is impaired. The lack of these vitamins leads to constant rupture of capillaries.

Ascorbic acid found in citrus fruits, Brussels sprouts, peaches, persimmons and apricots. Stocks routine can be replenished by eating lemons, oranges, cherries, apples. Rutin is also found in many vegetables: beets, tomatoes, cabbage.

Vitamin deficiency most often begins in the spring, due to a lack of vitamins after winter.

Cancer, jaundice or other illnesses

Redness of the retina of the eyeball may be associated with a disease such as eye cancer.

In this case, vision deteriorates, rapid fatigue and constant malaise appear, frequent flashes before the eyes, sudden pain, etc.

Broken blood vessels in the eyes can also be a symptom hepatitis, jaundice and other diseases. Each disease is characterized by different symptoms, which is why it is necessary to be attentive to your health and respond to the first manifestations of the disease by visiting a specialist.

What to do if blood vessels burst and the whole eye is red?

Several methods are used to treat red eyes.

Treatment with vasoconstrictor drops

If redness of the eyes occurs due to fatigue or a general inflammatory process in the body, then there is no need to panic. In such cases, doctors prescribe vasoconstrictor drops:

  • Visine.

Eliminates dryness and irritation of the mucous membrane of the eye. Reduces redness and relieves swelling.

Acts instantly, the effect lasts about 12 hours.

  • Hyphenation.

The drug eliminates dryness of the mucous membrane of the eye and is often used for microtraumas due to its gentle effect. It belongs to the group of mucous-moisturizing drugs. Used for conjunctivitis and keratitis.

Photo 1. Packaging of the drug Defislez in the form of eye drops with a dosage of 3 mg/ml. Manufacturer: Kurgan Synthesis.

  • Taufon.

In case of hemorrhage, the drug accelerates the regeneration process. The medicine is often recommended for those who spend a lot of time at the computer.

In case of open-angle glaucoma or injury, the cells, thanks to the use of the drug, are quickly restored. Taufon characterized by a wide spectrum of action. However, unlike the drops mentioned above, its cost will be quite high.

  • Emoxipin.

The drug is intended only for the treatment of internal hemorrhages. The product strengthens blood vessels, increases tissue resistance to lack of oxygen, and also prevents platelet fusion.

To achieve the effect, you must undergo a long course of treatment: more than a month.

Photo 2. Packaging and bottle of the drug Emoxipin in the form of eye drops with a dosage of 1%, volume 5 ml.

It is worth remembering that all remedies have their contraindications. In addition, the patient is often unable to determine the diagnosis on his own, and any drug should be taken only after a doctor's prescription.

How to treat with antibiotics and other means

For infectious lesions, the doctor prescribes a course of antibiotics. The doctor will determine the appropriate remedy, based on the diagnosis and individual characteristics of the patient.

The existing problem has visited each of us at least once. The frequency of occurrence of this symptom varies from person to person. What to do if a vessel in the eye bursts, what drops are needed and how to treat it? Should I be worried or is it not so bad? This article is devoted to the problem of eye capillaries, their fragility, the causes of the disease and how to treat them.

There are many possible reasons for this issue. Some of them are insignificant, others can cause serious illness.

The main symptoms of a burst vessel in the eye:

  • High blood pressure ().

One of the main reasons why a vessel in the eye bursts is high blood pressure. With a sharp or abrupt increase in pressure, the eye vessels cannot withstand the blood pressure, which provokes their rupture, and, as a result, a red eye. The patient also often bleeds from the nose. However, if a blood vessel in the eye ruptures during an attack of hypertension, this is a good sign, because in another case the vessel could burst inside the brain center, which entails a greater likelihood of disability and death in some cases.

Therefore, a burst vessel in the eye is a kind of warning from the body, which you should always pay attention to in order to avoid more serious problems.

  • Increased intracranial pressure. Head injuries.

The cause of the eye may be hidden not only in high blood pressure, but also in intracranial hypertension. It manifests itself in frequent migraines, with congenital anomalies of the skull, tumors, etc. Also, various injuries to the skull lead to increased intracranial pressure and rupture of fragile eye vessels. Usually the symptoms of a burst vessel in the eye are immediately visible, or they are indicated by the patient himself.

Diabetes is known for damaging the body's capillaries. For the eyes, the disease entails retinopathy. This disease manifests itself in a progressive decrease in vision and rupture of the ocular vessels. The latter can happen regardless of external factors, in itself, but also from physical exertion, sometimes insignificant. If such a reaction of the body is noticed, an appointment with an endocrinologist is required.

  • Overfatigue of the eye muscles.

This reason is a threat to the patient’s body. The main cause of eye fatigue is prolonged work in front of a computer monitor, reading, or hobbies that involve prolonged strain in the immediate vicinity of the eyes.

The visual capillaries are quite fragile and brittle systems; with prolonged stress, involuntary contraction of the visual muscles begins, which provokes the filling of the capillaries with blood and, as a result, rupture of the thin blood wall and hemorrhage of the eye.

You should not provoke your own blood vessels to dry eye and computer eye syndromes. To eliminate the problem for the above reason, you should relax your vision and exercise your eyes. It is enough to devote every 10 to 15 minutes per hour to simple exercises, as well as rest with your eyes closed.

  • Physical overload or its complete absence.

Overloads imply an increase in pressure in the blood canal when lifting heavy objects and transporting them. This category includes loaders, builders, champions of weightlifting, extreme strength sports, etc.

Also, hemorrhage of the blood vessels in the eyes can occur in a completely untrained person due to the lack of physical exercise in life at all. If the body does not receive any stress on its own body, then a simple turn of the head or a short position in a bent position provokes the problem of damage to blood vessels in the eye.

Many hematological diseases manifest themselves in increased tissue bleeding and may be a possible cause of hemorrhage of the ocular vessels. Symptoms of the problem are not only fragility of the blood vessels in the eyes, but also prolonged bleeding of even minor wounds, multiple bruises and hematomas, which can appear either with a minor injury or even on their own. Often, the causes of sticky eye vessels lie in the diseases of hemophilia, lymphoma, and thrombocytopenia.

  • Vascular pathology and ophthalmological pathology.

May cause retinal rupture. Ophthalmological abnormalities are a wide range of eye diseases that entail damage to the blood vessels of the eyes and their parts. These include formations, both malignant and benign, infections and inflammatory diseases of the eyes and protective apparatus.

Other possible factors that do not have serious consequences for the patient’s health:

  • Anticoagulants;
  • Various allergies;
  • Alcohol;
  • Infectious diseases;
  • Dependence on weather changes;
  • Lack of vitamins C and A;
  • Visiting the sauna;
  • Coughing.
Conjunctivitis of various natures - possible causes of rupture of blood vessels in the eye

There are a great many reasons why a vessel in the eye bursts. Some of them are quite trivial and do not pose any danger to our body, while others make us think about visiting a doctor. In any case, it is better to seek qualified help in order to avoid a possible impending illness.


If a vessel in the eye bursts, the main external symptom is the appearance of a bloody spot on the white of the eye. The spot can be small, and in some cases quite extensive if quite a lot of capillaries have burst. In most cases, hemorrhage does not have a pronounced pain syndrome, but there may be a feeling of discomfort and pressure on the visual apparatus.

To determine other symptoms that are invisible to the naked eye, it is necessary to undergo an ophthalmological examination of the fundus. When visiting a doctor, it is necessary to provide detailed information about the hemorrhage, explain under what circumstances it happened, tell if there were other symptoms, whether this has happened before, existing diseases, heredity, etc. All this will help the specialist identify the problem, diagnosis and prescribe eye treatment.

In children

The problem of ruptured eye vessels can affect even an infant. This happens in 2 cases out of 10 during natural childbirth, and up to 5 times in the case of cesarean section. Most often, hemorrhage occurs in only one eye; in rare cases of postpartum rupture, it occurs in both eyes of the child. If this happens, you should definitely consult a doctor and find out what the reason is.

Most often, parents have nothing to worry about: the hemorrhage resolves on its own without causing any discomfort to the child. In older children, the reasons for the appearance are the same as in adults.

What to do

What to do if a vessel in the eye bursts? As was presented above, cases of manifestation of the disease can be either frivolous, which can be treated and prevented at home, or quite dangerous to health. For example, if the day before you worked a lot at the computer and were overtired, then the redness of your eyes will easily go away on its own as soon as you are well rested. However, if the cause of vascular rupture is unknown, you should definitely go to the doctor, get diagnosed, and prescribe possible treatment.

Most often, it is not necessary to treat the hemorrhage in the eye itself; the body recovers on its own; above all, it is worth paying attention to the source of the disease. Until the diagnosis is known, you should absolutely not take medications on your own, as well as folk remedies, rinsing with tea and especially drops that constrict blood vessels. For allergic conjunctivitis, this will help eliminate the problem, but if a vessel ruptures, the drops can worsen the situation, becoming a source of spots on the eyeball.

Emergency cases

There are cases that cannot tolerate delay when capillaries rupture. If urgent assistance is not provided at the right moment, the situation may end in disaster.

Acute attack of glaucoma

Glaucoma is a broad group of eye diseases; if left untreated, glaucoma of the eye progresses and leads to complete blindness. Glaucoma is a chronic disease that is accompanied by high intraocular pressure and acute attacks in some cases. If an attack occurs, you must immediately reduce intraocular pressure within 3-4 hours, otherwise circulatory disturbance occurs, which entails atrophy of the optic nerve, which leads to incurable blindness.

Emergency help:

  • 1% pilocarpine, 2 drops every 15 minutes;
  • Drugs that suppress pain sensitivity are administered intravenously; in extreme cases, narcotic pain medications are taken, since the attack is accompanied by severe eye pain;
  • diuretics (40-60 mg furosemide) are taken orally;
  • hospitalization is indicated.

Hypertensive crisis

With a sharp increase in pressure, accompanied by pain in the heart, tinnitus, dizziness and weakness. This is an emergency condition that is life-threatening.

In case of hypertensive crisis you need:

  • Call an ambulance;
  • Take medicine to lower blood pressure as prescribed by your doctor (for example, 50 mg captopril, 2-3 drops of nifedipine).

Drug overdose

An overdose of anticoagulants can be indicated by bleeding gums, uterine bleeding, as well as ruptures of the eye vessels. If such symptoms occur frequently, you should consult a doctor who will adjust the dosage of the medication.


Drops for quick treatment of a burst vessel in the eye can be used if you are sure that the cause of the hemorrhage in the eye is harmless and does not pose a threat to health. What drops to buy if a vessel in the eye bursts?

  • Visine - relieves discomfort in the eye.
  • Emoxipin - drops for quick elimination of hemorrhage.
  • Hyphenosis - drops of artificial tears.
  • Taufon - approved for use even with glaucoma.

To ensure that the problem of hemorrhages in the eye never bothers you, you should follow some preventive rules:

  • When working at a computer for a long time, you should rest your eyes for 10-15 minutes every hour, this will relax the eye muscles. It will be useful to rest by closing your eyes for a while;
  • Do a simple exercise: direct your gaze to a specific object, concentrate on it for 2-3 seconds, then relax your eye muscles, looking at the background behind the object. This exercise is very easy to do while standing at the window and concentrating your gaze first on the glass and then on the landscape that opens outside the window. A walk in the fresh air will also be useful, not only for the eyes, but for the whole body as a whole;
  • Working conditions in an office or room should be as comfortable as possible - good lighting, normal air humidity, normal distance and position of the computer for the eyes;
  • Mandatory intake of vitamins, taking drops to eliminate dry eye syndrome (if any), maintaining eye hygiene, do not touch or rub your eyes with dirty hands;
  • Control of blood pressure, blood sugar, intraocular pressure;
  • Mandatory annual preventive examination by an ophthalmologist;
  • Limit the consumption of alcohol and nicotine, as well as coffee;
  • Do not lift heavy weights, and also be sure to play sports or do gymnastics.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that there can be many reasons for the occurrence of the described problem. Some of them are trivial and, if you follow the recommendations mentioned in the article, will go away on their own, others require closer attention, observation by a doctor and treatment.

If you think about your health in time, find the cause of the burst eye vessel and carry out the necessary treatment, as well as prevention, you can maintain the health of your own eyes and good vision for many years.