Shakes his legs. A slight smile coupled with direct eye contact can be an attempt at seduction. The absence of wrinkles around the eyes may indicate an artificial smile.

Limbs are the most common movement disorder in patients. In some cases, tremor is observed not only in the hands, but also in the legs. These involuntary movements caused by the rhythmic alternation of muscle contraction and relaxation. Trembling may be invisible to others, but is felt by the person himself.

Such physiological tremor legs arises in a state alcohol intoxication, at strong excitement, fear, hypothermia, general weakness. It can intensify with physical fatigue. For example, after long work standing in one position may cause the so-called orthostatic tremor legs, which disappears when lying down, sitting or walking.

It also occurs pathological tremor legs He is noticeable to people around him. It is a sign of a number of diseases (see causes).

Leg tremors can occur at any age: both in infants and adolescence, both in adults and in old age.


Physiological tremors in the legs can occur in all situations that lead to overexcitation nervous systems s (fatigue, anxiety, drinking too much coffee or strong tea, consumption alcoholic drinks, drugs, etc.). In all these cases in the body in large quantities the hormone norepinephrine is produced. Norepinephrine causes overexcitation of the nervous system, which manifests itself in the form of trembling.

In newborns Leg tremors are associated with immaturity of the endocrine and nervous systems. Any irritant (intestinal colic, crying, feeding, teething) can cause tremor of the arms, legs, and chin in a newborn. If tremor persists beyond 3 months of age, it may be associated with cerebral hypoxia during intrauterine development, fetoplacental insufficiency, etc. In such cases, consultation with a neurologist is necessary. Very often, tremor of one or both legs (arms) is observed in premature babies.

Leg tremors often begin in children V adolescence , the cause is hormonal changes in the body. Trembling legs are often caused by muscle strain as a result of underdosed exercise. Moreover, the less trained the body, the more likely the occurrence of tremor.

Reasons pathological tremor limbs(upper and lower) there may be the following diseases and conditions:

  • Parkinson's disease ( degenerative changes in motor cells of the brain);
  • Konovalov-Wilson disease ( hereditary disease with accumulation of copper in organs and tissues;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • liver and kidney failure;
  • poisoning chemicals(for example, mercury);
  • overdose of some medications(Amphetamine, antidepressants, tranquilizers, etc.);
  • poisoning with salts of heavy metals;
  • brain tumors;
  • traumatic brain injuries;
  • genetic predisposition.

Treatment of leg tremors

Treatment for limb tremor depends on the cause of its occurrence. One-time occurrences of tremors are not dangerous and do not require treatment. In such cases, the simplest measures help: stopping the consumption of tea, coffee, avoiding narcotic drugs and alcohol, dosed physical exercise and sufficient rest, a calm psychological environment at home and at work, etc.

If tremor occurs repeatedly after psycho-emotional stress, and the problem is difficult to eliminate, sedatives are prescribed.

For the treatment of children -

Most people are accustomed to swinging their legs at many points in their lives. According to scientists, when you shake your legs, you are either bored, anxious, tense or tense.

Shaking the legs is usually done deliberately, as the body does it to balance its emotions. For example, if you're nervous about a meeting but need to appear composed and confident, your legs may shake to counteract the anxiety with how you make the rest of your body act.

This may also be one of the signs of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Although, you shouldn't worry when you or someone else shakes their legs because it's a normal action.

Paying attention to your emotions when you shake your legs will help you better understand why people shake them in the first place.

WITH scientific point vision, there is no harm in shaking your legs while sitting. This can be caused by anxiety, or concentration, or even due to stress. In fact, shaky legs help with blood circulation, which becomes difficult after sitting for a long time. However, this is not valued socially as it shows that you are restless and nervous.

Bouncing your feet is a body language as well as a reflex. This simple harmonic motion is a pendulum. To others similar action is the movement of the upper body in simple harmonic motion while sitting and reading aloud to memorize the text. This is socially unacceptable in most countries in Asia and Europe. Children with attention deficit hyperkinetic disorder and autism may shake their legs excessively. It's hard to stop. However, if this happens to you all the time, it's more likely moderate disorder, known as the syndrome restless legs. People with RLS feel uncomfortable feeling in the legs (or sometimes in the arms) when they do not move, especially at night.

Many people rarely give up their habits. Shaking your legs often calms you down and helps you deal with unpleasant behavior in people. People with this condition feel like they just need to move their legs. Their legs feel uncomfortable or even painful if they don't move them. When it is extreme, patients with this condition may be sitting in a meeting, in a conversation, watching television, and have to constantly move their legs, which can be very distressing for themselves and others.

How to stop shaking your legs

If you think you have RLS and it is harming your sleep or becoming painful rather than just uncomfortable, you should see a doctor. There is no cure, but there are many things that can be done medical specialists to mitigate the effects of the disorder. If your RLS is just a mild nuisance, there are some simple preventive measures things you can do to help keep your feet under control. Scientists suggest some simple changes lifestyle.

Avoiding or reducing alcohol or tobacco use, maintaining regular sleep and exercising several times a week may help. You can also try leg stretching exercises, taking hot or cold baths, massaging your feet, using heat or cold packs on your feet, or even focusing on mentally challenging tasks.

I found an article on this matter that is largely right.

In Turkey, and in general and not only in it, sometimes you can see this phenomenon. Especially on public transport.

This phenomenon is more common in men, although Lately observed in women and even children. These are not just dangling legs while sitting on a chair with nothing to do, but rather rhythmic sporadic movements with a clearly defined amplitude of vertical or horizontal direction. They can be intermittent or long-term. Shaking occurs when a person is at rest, in a sitting position, although this kind can occasionally be observed in standing and lying positions, then such movements are more reminiscent of stamping while standing or turning the feet in different directions in a lying position.

If you experience this in yourself, your child or loved one, then I can congratulate you on the fact that now you know what astheno-neurotic syndrome or simply neurasthenia looks like. Just as I am typing this article, representatives of the shaking legs are sitting in the subway car on both sides of me, and if you analyze their behavior, the shaking reaches its peak at the moment when a new portion of passengers enters the subway car and practically disappears after about a minute after the start train movement through the tunnel.

Confirm at home this diagnosis quite simple external manifestations, although for staging accurate diagnosis It is necessary to undergo diagnostics by a specialist. A person begins to shake his leg or legs under two conditions:

1) being at rest;

2) in uncomfortable conditions. Uncomfortable conditions for such a person can be: loneliness, serious conversation, waiting for something to start, be it a conversation with you or a new episode of a TV series.

Those whose loved ones make such movements with their legs were able to understand what was going on without additional observations.

So, what is astheno-neurotic syndrome?! This is a kind of attempt by the human psyche to compensate for the very strong stress caused by increased level anxiety. That is, under other conditions a person behaved extremely aggressively, but for certain reasons the inability to show aggression in response to increased anxiety leads to this type of behavior. As a rule, people suffering from this disease are often impulsive; conversations, especially in private, can be accompanied by outbursts of anger and even rage. This is due to the fact that a person feels driven into a corner, at a dead end, is afraid of seeming stupid or ignorant of the issue, and so on, but in fact these are the foam under which lies hidden main reason Anxiety is a reason to be rejected or rejected.

This problem leads to partial, rarely complete, social maladaptation of a person, namely, the inability to interact normally with the outside world, leads to a decrease in social contacts, closing a person from the outside world and immersion in states of artificial relaxation, which is frequent sex or masturbation, disappearing while playing computer games, immersion in religious and other communities with a clear leader-mentor and clear rules of behavior.

In addition to shaking your legs, you can observe other variations, namely, fiddling with keys in your hands, nervously fingering your rosary in your hands or something that can replace them, irregular but frequent stamping of your feet, active movement around the room during telephone conversation or communicating from corner to corner like a prisoner, accompanying the conversation with active gestures.

Along with outbursts of anger and aggression, a person also experiences a decrease in mood, apathy, manifestations of depression, procrastination, problems with concentration, memory, general weakness and soreness, fast fatiguability. And this is not surprising, because it takes a lot of strength and energy to suppress feelings of anxiety and contain the aggression caused by this, so there is no strength left for the rest of life.

If you notice in a loved one similar symptoms, contact a specialist for advice. This syndrome does not go away on its own and at home, like a cold, you will not get rid of it, and there are no books that you need to read in order to be cured. Timely handling, as well as psychological prevention help to get rid of the problem or prevent it as quickly and painlessly as possible. Your health is in your hands!

“We have one such guy in our group. Constantly twitches. It’s impossible to sit next to him - the whole row is shaking. And it is useless to make comments. He’ll sit and sit and start again...”

The medical name for this condition is neurosis, one of the varieties neurotic disorder. From the point of view of energy psychotherapy - infection with subtle-material entities.

There is a saying: “the devil is shaking on his leg.” This may not be too far from the truth. On the leg (more precisely, on its energetic component) there may be an entity (an elemental according to Master Choa) that stimulates this movement. Of course, this phenomenon does not only apply to the legs. Some people jerk their hands, constantly fidget with something, drum their fingers on the table, click a fountain pen.

Some time later I received the following letter: “I want to thank you for the girl with chapped lips. There really were larvae there. I just took them off, cleaned the girl in the evening, and the next morning there was no redness around my lips! People say “as if it happened,” but it’s true – in one movement! Remotely. The girl was smeared with all sorts of ointments for two weeks without success. And now everything is fine.”

Expulsion of the essence, local energy cleansing and recharging using pranic psychotherapy methods will help solve this problem - both in children and adults.

Here is another recent experience to illustrate the topic. The story also contains guidance for action.

“The place of what is happening is a sports club where an aikido seminar was held. I sat watching the classes, and next to me sat young guys in their 20s, and one of them, closest to me, had a continuously shaking leg.

After an hour of shaking my leg (and the workshop lasted two hours), I decided to try to do something about it. I mentally asked this young man permission. I turned to the Higher Powers for guidance, help and protection.

I mentally scanned my leg and found the location of this entity. She was pretty large size(the size of a mole) and was located just above the knee.

The next step was to create a channel to expel the entity. She had to be sent somewhere so she wouldn’t come back. A channel was mentally created that led under the wooden platform (holding the mats) and from there deep into the ground - into a “parallel universe.”

Then came a call for help Higher Powers and the essence was repressed, expelled from energy body the subject into the channel and through the channel is sent to “its own place and space.” All this happened very quickly and was marked by an “energy shift”, which always indicates that the operation was completed. Almost immediately, that guy’s leg stopped shaking.

Immediately after this, electrical violet energy was used to clear energy pathways, nerves and erase the memory of the inhabitant. The whole operation took no more than five minutes.”

However, more best approach To expel the entities there will be an appeal to the Higher Powers for help:

“Powerful beings-saviors of the Light, I ask you: enclose this entity in a capsule of light, remove it from the field of (person’s name) and direct it to its designated place in the Light so that it never returns.”

“Healing angels, I ask you: cleanse the affected area, heal it, fill it with Light and protect it with a spiritual shield. I thank you with full faith.”

It is important not just to expel the entity from the human body, but to send it to its “destined place in the Light” so that it does not return back or attach to other people.

Healing care is important for this condition, but not required. Every adult can make a conscious choice - not to feed the essence, not to indulge the impulses sent to perform compulsive actions. If the entity does not receive nourishment, it will leave the body of the “owner” on its own.

According to Master Choa, these negative elementals are weak. They are like ethereal insects, a kind of cockroaches. Their influence can be overcome by simply making a strong-willed decision to leave the bad habit.

(Yulia Pal, December 2010)

Prantherapy and the Reserve Project

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In Turkey, and in general and not only in it, sometimes you can see this phenomenon. Especially on public transport.

This phenomenon is more common in men, although recently it has been observed in women and even children. These are not just dangling legs while sitting on a chair with nothing to do, but rather rhythmic sporadic movements with a clearly defined amplitude of vertical or horizontal direction. They can be intermittent or long-term. Shaking occurs when a person is at rest, in a sitting position, although this kind can occasionally be observed in a standing position.

I also lie down, then such movements are more reminiscent of stomping while standing or turning the feet in different directions while lying down.

If you observe this in yourself, your child or a loved one, then I can congratulate you on the fact that now you know what it looks like astheno-neurotic syndrome or simply - neurasthenia. Just as I am typing this article, representatives of the shaking legs are sitting on both sides of me in the subway car, and if you analyze their behavior, the shaking reaches its peak at the moment when a new portion of passengers enters the subway car and practically disappears after about a minute after the start train movement through the tunnel.

Confirming this diagnosis at home is quite simple based on external manifestations, although to make an accurate diagnosis it is necessary to undergo diagnostic testing by a specialist. A person begins to shake his leg or legs under two conditions:

1) being at rest;

2) in uncomfortable conditions. Uncomfortable conditions for such a person can be: loneliness, a serious conversation, waiting for something to start, be it a conversation with you or a new episode of a series.

Those whose loved ones make such movements with their legs were able to understand what was going on without additional observations.

So, what is astheno-neurotic syndrome?! This is a kind of attempt by the human psyche to compensate for the very strong stress caused by an increased level of anxiety. That is, under other conditions a person behaved extremely aggressively, but for certain reasons the inability to show aggression in response to increased anxiety leads to this type of behavior. As a rule, people suffering from this disease are often impulsive; conversations, especially in private, can be accompanied by outbursts of anger and even rage. This is due to the fact that a person feels driven into a corner, at a dead end, is afraid of seeming stupid or ignorant of the issue, and so on, but in fact these are the skins under which the main cause of anxiety is hidden - a reason to be rejected or rejected.

This problem leads to partial, rarely complete, social maladaptation of a person, namely, the inability to interact normally with the outside world, leads to a decrease in social contacts, closing a person from the outside world and immersion in states of artificial relaxation, which is frequent sex or masturbation, disappearance for playing computer games, immersion in religious and other communities with a clear leader-mentor and clear rules of behavior.

In addition to shaking your legs, you can observe other variations, namely, fiddling with keys in your hands, nervously fiddling with your rosary or something that can replace them, irregular but frequent stamping of your feet, active movement around the room during a telephone conversation or communication from a corner in a corner like a prisoner, accompanying the conversation with active gestures.

Along with outbursts of anger and aggression, a person also experiences a decrease in mood, apathy, manifestations of depression, procrastination, problems with concentration, memory, general weakness and pain, and fatigue. And this is not surprising, because it takes a lot of strength and energy to suppress feelings of anxiety and contain the aggression caused by this, so there is no strength left for the rest of life.

If you notice similar symptoms in a loved one, contact a specialist for advice. This syndrome does not go away on its own and at home, like a cold, you will not get rid of it, and there are no books that you need to read in order to be cured. Timely treatment, as well as psychological prevention, help to get rid of the problem or prevent it as quickly and painlessly as possible. Your health is in your hands!