Inflammation: stages, types, signs, symptoms, treatment. Symptoms of uterine bleeding. Treatment of chronic inflammation

The menstrual cycle reflects hormonal and reproductive health women: with oophoritis, the functioning of the ovaries is disrupted, which almost always leads to changes in menstruation. The inflammatory process in the hormone-producing organ becomes the cause of endocrine imbalance with ovulation disorders and temporary inability to conceive the desired baby. With proper and timely treatment, menstruation is restored, which significantly improves the prognosis for pregnancy.

How does the cycle change with ovarian inflammation?

Infectious lesions of the ovaries lead to disruption of the production of sex hormones that regulate the menstrual cycle. Typically, endocrine imbalance is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • increased frequency of menstruation (polymenorrhea);
  • reducing the duration of critical days (hypomenstrual syndrome);
  • scanty periods (oligomenorrhea);
  • infrequent menstruation (opsomenorea);
  • long-term spotting bloody issues, not related to the cycle;
  • bleeding before and after menstruation.

With oophoritis, any changes in cyclic processes in female body, but more often they are short and scanty menstruation. It is important to immediately pay attention to atypical critical days or scanty bleeding, and seek help.

What hormonal imbalances could there be?

The basis for the functioning of the ovaries is ovulation. The maturation of the follicle and the release of an egg ready for fertilization is accompanied by the cyclic production of the following hormones:

  • estrogens;
  • gestagens.

A deficiency of any of them during oophoritis can cause hormonal imbalance. Possible options imbalances can be:

  • a decrease in the amount of estrogen, which causes rare and scanty periods;
  • an increase in the concentration of estrogen in a woman’s blood, which will lead to a shortening of the cycle and heavy menstruation;
  • suppression of progesterone production, which significantly reduces the chances of conceiving a child and leads to a decrease in blood loss during menstruation.

Menstrual irregularities are usually caused by estrogen fluctuations. Both increases and decreases in estrogen levels lead to suppression of ovulation. Low progesterone is a risk factor for infertility and miscarriage.

What are the dangers of oophoritis?

Intermenstrual bleeding due to oophoritis or polymenorrhea can cause the following problems:

  • inability to conceive a baby;
  • miscarriage;
  • anemia due to constant heavy blood loss;
  • the appearance of gynecological diseases (uterine leiomyoma, endometriosis, cystic ovarian tumors).

In addition, a focus of infection in the ovary can lead to the progression of inflammation:

  • complicated salpingo-oophoritis with the formation of a limited abscess;
  • diffuse spread of infection (parametritis, pelvioperitonitis, peritonitis);
  • entry of microbes into the blood with the possibility of life-threatening complications (sepsis).

Focal infection in some cases spreads very quickly to neighboring organs, causing problems with urination and the appearance of intestinal diseases. However, with oophoritis, one should be wary of reproductive problems: disruption of the formation of eggs is the most important factor menstrual irregularities and infertility.

How to restore menstruation

The main goals of treatment for oophoritis are removal of the inflammatory process and restoration normal operation ovaries. Treatment tactics depend on the woman’s age, desire to conceive a baby and the severity of the inflammatory disease.

Anti-inflammatory therapy

Without affecting the infection against the background of oophoritis, it is impossible to return normal ovulation and ability to successful conception. To influence the microbial factor and in order to relieve inflammation, the doctor will prescribe:

  • antibacterial drugs (tablets are quite sufficient, but they must be taken strictly in the prescribed dosages and it is important to observe the prescribed duration of treatment);
  • rectal suppositories with an anti-inflammatory effect (the course of the drug should be carried out in parallel with antibiotics);
  • antiviral drugs (according to indications, when the doctor has identified viral origin infections);
  • medications that improve blood flow in the uterine appendages;
  • drugs to enhance immune defense (in rectal suppositories or injections);
  • local therapy for detection of chronic infections.

Correction of hormonal function of the ovaries

Immediately after a course of anti-inflammatory treatment, it is necessary to create maximum conditions to restore ovulation and improve the production of sex hormones. For this purpose, it is optimal to start taking oral contraceptives. Medicines prescribed by a doctor will perform 2 tasks:

  • protection from pregnancy (conception should be excluded against the background of oophoritis);
  • Influence at endocrine function(the introduction of external hormones in the form of tablets will provide rest to the ovaries, which stop working normally due to inflammation).

Oral contraceptives should be taken for about 2-3 months. After menstruation returns and if she wants to give birth to a child, a woman can refuse birth control.

Inflammation of the ovary almost always leads to problems with menstruation. Usually decreases against the background of oophoritis menstrual blood loss, sometimes critical days become rare. The main danger with any type of menstrual irregularities is that difficulties may arise with the desired conception. In addition, you should be wary of the spread of infection to neighboring organs with the formation of complicated adnexitis. In treatment, you must adhere to the recommendations of a specialist: in addition to antimicrobial therapy, you need to start taking contraceptive pills. After the end of therapy and when menstruation returns, you can think about pregnancy.

Menstruation during inflammation does not proceed as usual. In such a situation, the menstrual cycle shortens, lengthens, and periods become scanty or heavy. It is difficult to predict the situation in advance, since it depends on the degree of the disease, the complexity of the processes, and the source of infection. Inflammation of the uterine appendages or adnexitis is one of the most frequent illnesses female reproductive system.

The main cause of pathological processes is an infection that can enter the body in different ways. Inflammation of the cervix and appendages extends to nearby organs, however, the situation may arise due to infection of the bladder or kidneys. Dealing with the source of pathological processes is the main task of specialists. Since mutual infection of organs will be constantly present. The menstrual cycle will be disrupted until the causes are eliminated.

What is adnexitis

Inflammation is caused by extremely active pathogenic bacteria that enter through the genitourinary tract or bloodstream. Anything can provoke a pathological process - from PPP diseases to surgical manipulations on the genital organs, primarily the uterus. Develops simultaneously in the ovaries, fallopian tubes. The ovaries are responsible for producing hormones for healthy menstrual cycle. Under their influence, the egg develops, leaves the follicle, and ovulation occurs. The unfertilized egg dies and menstruation begins. Ovarian diseases not only change the course of development of processes in the reproductive system, but also hormonal balance. Changes in the menstrual cycle are inevitable.

Due to hormonal imbalance, periods behave differently during inflammation.

Improper functioning of the ovaries does not allow the hormones FSH and LH to be produced in the required quantities. The surface of the genital organ is covered with a crust of connective tissue, thickens significantly. A mature egg cannot be released. Ovulation does not occur or comes with a significant delay. Hence the menstrual cycle disorders, the whole reproductive system. In the absence of proper treatment, inflammation becomes chronic. In this case, scanty periods with inflammation are more common.

Nature of the discharge

Heavy periods with inflammation last from 7 to 10 days. Then there is a brown discharge, which may not end until the next period. To ordinary menstrual flow mucus is added. Its quantity increases due to the proliferation of pathogenic cells and is a product of the vital activity of bacteria. The dark brownish color of the period appears due to pus, which occurs due to uneven shedding of the endometrium. Violation hormonal balance leads to improper development of the endometrial layer. During menstruation, some areas are retained in the uterine cavity, the blood has time to clot, and becomes Brown color. For the same reason, clots are observed in the discharge. Adnexitis prevents complete blood clotting, so periods during inflammation are heavy and prolonged. In addition, during the disease the body temperature rises. The situation affects the condition of the blood vessels, fragility increases, which also causes bleeding.

Scanty periods with inflammation are due to permanent violation ovarian function for a long time. The situation is more typical of chronic adnexitis. Hormonal imbalance leads to a lack of ovulation and a delay in the development of a full endometrial layer. Monthly cycle shortens, lengthens, discharge is insignificant.

Associated symptoms

Inflammation is characterized by the presence of aching pain in the lower abdomen, lower back, and tailbone area. Appears periodically or is constantly present, the intensity changes. But before menstruation it definitely intensifies. Uterine contractions become more painful than usual. Immunity decreases. All diseases that were hidden before appear in full force. is present in the area of ​​the diseased ovary, because inflammation can only affect 1 of them. If both are affected, their entire abdomen hurts. The sensation is similar to appendicitis.

In addition, the infection leads to weakening of the body and disruption of the central nervous system. Symptoms appear:

  • body temperature rises;
  • nausea is present;
  • headache;
  • irritability;
  • muscle aches.

When infection enters bladder, frequent urination, false urges, and pain at the end of urination appear.

Menstruation with inflammation normalizes after complex treatment, which can take from 10 days to several months. First of all, they destroy the causative agents of the disease and relieve the symptom. Then they work to restore hormonal levels.

Inflammation of the uterus and appendages ( fallopian tubes and ovaries) in scientific literature commonly called “inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs in women” (PID). This group of diseases, in addition to inflammation of the uterus and appendages itself, includes inflammatory processes pelvic peritoneum and pelvic fat.

PID include:

Endometritis- inflammation of only the inner surface of the uterus, or its mucous membrane, which is called the endometrium.

Myometritis- inflammation of the muscular layer of the uterus, or myometrium.

Endomyometritis- simultaneous inflammation of the endometrium and myometrium.

Salpingitis- inflammation of the fallopian tube; It can be one- or two-sided.

Oophoritis- inflammation of the ovary; It can be one- or two-sided.

Salpingo-oophoritis, or adnexitis- simultaneous inflammation of the fallopian tube and ovary; It can be one- or two-sided.

Pelvioperitonitis- inflammation of the pelvic peritoneum. The peritoneum, in the form of a film, lines the inside of the abdominal and pelvic cavity and covers the internal organs.

However, in this article, for the sake of simplicity, the term “inflammation of the uterus and appendages” will be used.

Cause of inflammation of the uterus and appendages There are various microorganisms that penetrate the genital tract: viruses, fungi, protozoa and bacteria. Based on the frequency of detection in patients with inflammation of the uterus and appendages, these microorganisms can be arranged in the following order: gonococci, chlamydia, streptococci, staphylococci, mycoplasmas, coli, enterococci, proteus, bacteroides, spirochetes, protozoa, herpes simplex viruses, etc. A combination of 3-4 anaerobes (microorganisms living in an oxygen-free environment) with 1-2 aerobes (they require oxygen for their development and reproduction) is often observed. Many women suffer from sexually transmitted diseases before inflammation of the uterus and appendages. For example, gonorrhea or chlamydia.

As a rule, inflammation of the uterus and appendages occurs in at a young age, taking severe course in 60-80% of cases. Often the onset of the disease coincides with the onset of sexual activity.

Risk factors for inflammation of the uterus and appendages:

A woman has a large number of sexual partners;

The presence of a large number of sexual partners with a sexual partner;

Usage intrauterine contraceptives(spirals);

Douching (helps to “wash out” normal microflora from the vagina and replace it with conditionally pathogenic);

Past inflammation of the uterus and appendages or venereal diseases;

Violation of protective mechanisms caused by the mucus plug cervical canal(contains antibacterial substances), in particular for endocervicitis;

Ectropion (eversion of the mucous membrane) of the cervix is ​​a condition that occurs as a result of undetected ruptures of the cervix during childbirth

Besides, contribute to the development of inflammation of the uterus and appendages general diseases; great physical activity and mental stress, stressful situations; endocrine disorders; allergic factors; the presence of a dormant (latent) infection in the body.

TO factors that lead to infection of a woman’s internal genital organs, relate:


Artificial and spontaneous abortion;

Vaginal examinations;

Menstruation (the integrity of the genital organs is compromised);

Sexual intercourse during menstruation;

Intrauterine interventions (endometrial biopsy, installation of a spiral, etc.);

Diagnostic curettage of the uterus and cervical canal;

Cervical biopsy

The risk of inflammation of the uterus and appendages is reduced:

When using oral contraceptives;

Using barrier methods contraception (reduce the risk of gonorrhea and chlamydia);

After ligation of the fallopian tubes (there is an obstacle to the penetration of microorganisms into their lumen and, further, to the uterine appendages).

Symptoms of inflammation of the uterus and appendages:

Pain in the pelvis and lower sections belly (this is the most common symptom diseases);

Increased body temperature (if the disease is suppurative, chills are often observed) and increased heart rate;

Bloody discharge or bleeding from the vagina, not associated with menstruation, or appearing after sexual intercourse;

Other vaginal discharge (serous, serous-purulent, sanguineous, purulent);

Pain during sexual intercourse (dyspareunia);

Urinary disorders;

Discomfort in the epigastrium (sometimes with nausea and vomiting), pain in the right hypochondrium (these signs of the disease are not always found)

Traditionally, inflammation of the uterus and appendages is divided into acute, subacute and chronic. After infection Clinical signs acute endometritis appear on the 3-4th day, acute stage lasts approximately 7-10 days. In old age, pus (pyometra) usually accumulates in the uterus. At adequate treatment acute endometritis can be cured and less often becomes subacute or chronic. Main symptom chronic endometritis- uterine bleeding. Distinguish acute salpingitis and oophoritis based on the manifestations of the disease is impossible, and this is not necessary, because for these diseases the same type of treatment is carried out. Therefore, they talk about acute salpigo-oophoritis, or adnexitis. In acute purulent adnexitis, signs of pelvioperitonitis or even diffuse peritonitis may be present. In such cases, the abdomen, especially in the lower sections, becomes dense and tense, and the doctor determines the symptoms of muscle protection. Sometimes the uterine appendages take on the shape of appearance resembling a tumor. In such cases, they speak of hydrosalpinx or pyosalpinx (the fallopian tube is filled with fluid or pus, respectively). The contents of hydro- and pyosalpinx can periodically flow through the uterus into the vagina. Sometimes a tubo-ovarian (tubo-ovarian) tumor-like formation (abscess) is formed. With proper treatment, acute inflammatory process, if it does not cause significant anatomical changes, ends with complete recovery, in otherwise becomes subacute or chronic. In chronic adnexitis, the main complaint is aching or Blunt pain V iliac regions(in the projection of the uterine appendages), the intensity of which increases under the influence of trigger factors, which include hypothermia, menstruation, excessive physical activity and others adverse effects on the woman's body. This pain can take on a reflected character and spread to the vagina, sacral area, and lower back. If the disease recurs frequently, then symptoms of neurosis are also added to its characteristic manifestations. With a long course of chronic adnexitis, ovarian function decreases, anovulatory menstrual cycles appear (without the release of an egg), resulting in abundant, scanty or very painful menstruation(polymenorrhea, oligomenorrhea and algomenorrhea). Often there are low-symptomatic or erased forms of inflammation of the uterus and appendages, occurring without any clinical manifestations. Therefore, women may not be aware of their disease. This is evidenced by an interesting observation. Of all the women who, during laparoscopy (a method used to examine the abdominal organs or perform operations through small incisions in the anterior abdominal wall), reliable signs suffered inflammation of the uterus and appendages (adhesions, deformation of the fallopian tubes, inflammatory changes in the ovaries, etc.), two thirds did not even suspect that they had ever suffered inflammation of the uterus or its appendages. This is explained by the fact that the disease was asymptomatic. Based on these data, we can conclude that inflammation of the uterus and appendages is insidious and that even with an asymptomatic course of the disease, the internal genital organs are exposed to harmful effects and, ultimately, anatomical and functional changes, which lead to complications (see below).

Diagnosis of inflammation of the uterus and appendages

Only a gynecologist can diagnose correct diagnosis inflammation of the uterus and appendages. To do this, he collects complete information about complaints, the onset and further course of the disease and pays special attention to the nature of pain and discharge from the genital tract, as well as previous general and gynecological diseases. A full examination using clinical (physical examination) and auxiliary (laboratory and instrumental) methods may be required. A therapist and other specialists may be involved for this purpose. During examination of the pelvis through the vagina and anterior abdominal wall(bimanual vaginal-antero-abdominal wall, or bimanual examination), as well as through the rectum (rectal examination), the doctor determines the condition of the uterus and its appendages, determines their consistency and the presence of fluid (normally not determined) in the retrouterine cavity (the space between the uterus and the rectum ), draws attention to pain when the cervix is ​​displaced. It is necessary to collect secretions from the vagina, cervical canal, cervix and urethra to detect microorganisms that cause the disease. If necessary, culture is performed to determine the sensitivity of pathogens to antibiotics. Ultrasonography(Ultrasound) is informative in cases of inflammation of the uterus and appendages, in which the uterus and its appendages are enlarged, there are tubo-ovarian tumor-like formations (abscesses), accumulation of fluid (for example, pus) in the pelvis, thickening or deformation of the endometrium and myometrium. It is possible that the doctor may recommend examination of sexual partners with whom the patient has had sexual intercourse recently, even if they have no complaints. It should be remembered that without treatment of sexual partners, a woman may again become ill with inflammation of the uterus and appendages.

Treatment of inflammation of the uterus and appendages

Acute forms of inflammation of the uterus and appendages are treated in a hospital. Antibiotics in such cases usually lead to complete recovery. Some conditions (tubo-ovarian abscess; ovarian abscess, or pyovarium) may require different surgical interventions, for example, laparoscopic sanitation of the pelvis, during which pus is evacuated and the uterine appendages are irrigated saline solution with antibiotics, cut adhesions between organs, free the openings of the fallopian tubes from adhesions to prevent their obliteration (closing of the lumen). It should be remembered that the treatment of inflammation of the uterus and appendages is complex and, in addition to antibiotics, includes intravenous detoxification therapy (treatment aimed at removing toxins from the body), physiotherapy, etc. It follows that you should never self-medicate when symptoms of inflammation of the uterus appear and its appendages. In all cases, even if mild symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor.

Complications of inflammation of the uterus and appendages

Inflammation of the uterus and appendages leads not only to loss of ability to work, but often to deprivation of the happiness of motherhood, which is associated with the development of both primary and secondary infertility due to the appearance of adhesions between the ovaries and fallopian tubes, obliteration (disappearance) of the lumen of the latter, as a result why sperm cannot penetrate abdominal cavity and fertilize the egg. Past inflammation of the uterus and appendages can cause chronic pain in the pelvic area, outside intrauterine pregnancy(due to impaired movement of the fertilized egg into the uterus) and others dangerous complications in the process of development of intrauterine pregnancy - disturbances of the uteroplacental circulation, spontaneous miscarriage, premature birth, fetal infection. Sometimes infectious process from the uterus and its appendages spreads into the abdominal cavity, causing the formation of adhesions on the outer surface of the liver, which leads to the development of perihepatitis (Fitz-Hugh-Curtis syndrome), which is accompanied by pain in the right hypochondrium. The later treatment is started, the higher the chance of complications.


The prognosis is favorable for those patients with inflammation of the uterus and appendages in whom the disease is diagnosed on time and adequately treated.

Periods are difficult physiological process, occurring in the female body. During menstruation, the surface (functional) layer of the endometrium is rejected and released outward.

This process is accompanied by bloody discharge. During menstruation, pain in the abdomen, lower back, disturbances in general well-being, and emotional lability may occur. There are conditions of the body and some diseases in which menstruation is disrupted. Menstruation with inflammation of the appendages and uterine fibroids have their own characteristics, just like menstruation with the IUD or taking oral contraceptives. From this article you will learn how menstruation occurs during various states and when to be wary and consult a doctor.

Normal menstruation

Normally, a woman’s menstrual cycle ranges from 21 to 35 days, and menstruation itself lasts about 3-7 days. Normal menstruation may be accompanied by moderate pain in the lower abdomen and lumbar region, and general health may deteriorate somewhat. Great importance has heavy periods: normally, blood loss should not exceed 150 ml. Blood loss exceeding this indicator, when you have to change the gasket every 2-3 hours, it is considered excessive. When assessing normal course The menstrual cycle must also take into account its regularity.

Menstruation with inflammation of the appendages

Inflammation of the appendages (fallopian tubes and ovaries), or salpingoophoritis, is quite common pathology. Menstruation with inflammation of the appendages is painful, the duration of menstruation may increase, the regularity of the cycle may be disrupted, and the intensity of menstruation may also change. With such symptoms, you should immediately go to the doctor, because for effective treatment it is very important to start it in a timely manner.

Menstruation during ectopic pregnancy

An ectopic pregnancy is health threatening In women, a condition where the fertilized egg develops outside the uterus. Menstruation at ectopic pregnancy may occur despite changes in hormonal levels and are often spotty in nature. It is not entirely correct to call bleeding during an ectopic pregnancy menstruation, since this is not a detachment of the functional layer of the endometrium, but ovum at its location. This is not the only symptom of an ectopic pregnancy. Typical complaints are sharp pain lower abdomen, decrease blood pressure, fainting may occur. If such symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor immediately.

Menstruation with ovarian cyst

Enough common cause menstrual irregularities are follicular cyst ovary. Reason of this disease are hormonal disorders. As a result of the formation of cysts corpus luteum the cycle is disrupted. Common symptom- This is a condition when menstruation is delayed due to an ovarian cyst. If a woman has been diagnosed with this, she should not delay starting treatment.

Menstruation with endometriosis

Endometriosis is a common and not fully understood disease of the reproductive system. Its essence lies in the fact that areas of the inner layer of the uterus (endometrium) in the form of separate foci are located outside the place of typical localization, i.e. uterus. They can be located in the thickness of the uterine wall, then we're talking about about central endometriosis, or adenomyosis, or in other organs of both the reproductive and other body systems. These areas of the endometrium work the same way as in the uterus: during menstruation they increase, some of the cells are rejected. Menstruation with endometriosis is painful. In addition, spotting brownish discharge before and after menstruation is typical.

Menstruation with fibroids

Uterine fibroids are a benign tumor of muscle fibers, located in the thickness of the uterus, which develops in women reproductive age. Myoma has the appearance of a node, which gradually increases in size. Menstruation with uterine fibroids has significant difference: they are too abundant, uterine bleeding occurs. How to recognize bleeding? Naturally, no one can calculate the exact amount of blood loss. However, gynecologists have developed criteria that make it possible to understand that this is no longer normal menstruation, and bleeding. If there is bleeding, the hygiene product (tampon or pad) is completely wet within an hour; At night, a woman is forced to wake up specifically to change the pad; menstruation is long, more than seven days; characteristic separation large quantity large clots; general weakness occurs.

Menstruation has its own characteristics not only with diseases, but also with such a natural process as menopause, as well as with the use of a number of contraceptives.

Menstruation during menopause

Menopause is a special period in a woman’s life during which gradual decline occurs. reproductive function. Menopause is characterized by general disturbances in a woman’s well-being, as well as changes in the nature of menstruation. Menstruation during menopause can have absolutely different character every woman. Changes concern the regularity of menstruation, their nature, and duration. These changes occur due to changing hormonal levels.

Menstruation at opening OK

Women who start taking oral contraceptives may experience changes in their menstrual cycle in the first months. Menstruation may start earlier when taking OK due date or a little later, the abundance may change somewhat. But such changes can normally only occur within 1-2 months, when the body adapts to the changing hormonal background. In the future, on the contrary, menstruation becomes regular, and their pain and profuseness may decrease.

Periods with a spiral

Women note that periods with the IUD become heavy and painful. This is due to the fact that inside the uterus, in fact, there is foreign body. In the presence of intrauterine device menstruation becomes prolonged and regularity may be disrupted. In addition, intermenstrual bleeding often occurs. When installing an IUD, a woman is constantly monitored by a gynecologist, since only a doctor can determine whether the changes in menstruation that have occurred are normal, or whether the contraceptive method needs to be changed.

Few of us have never had a cold in our lives, suffered from a runny nose, or received abrasions and scratches. All these, one might say, harmless health problems, not to mention more serious illnesses, for example, pneumonia or gastritis, are associated with a pathological process in organs or tissues, called inflammation. Its stages, like any disease, are different - from the initial, easiest and most quickly treatable, to the last, most severe and irreversible. How does inflammation occur? What is happening in our body at this moment? How to treat inflammation? What are the forecasts and what are the consequences? We will try to answer each of the questions posed clearly and in detail.

The essence of inflammation

There are thousands of diseases in the world. All of them are either caused by inflammatory processes in human organs or give rise to inflammation. Stages of the latter at various ailments may change, the causes may differ, the signs may not be the same, but the result without proper treatment is almost always approximately the same - irreversible changes in health, and sometimes death. However, inflammation also has good side. It occurs in the body to protect it. This function has been formed over millions of years, throughout human evolution. That is, inflammation is a pathological process that develops with any damage in order to eliminate the irritant and restore tissue. Inflammation can be called a trigger button, turning on the body’s protective actions and at the same time a barrier that does not allow negative processes to leave the inflamed focus. It accumulates toxins that can cause intoxication. During inflammation, specific particles are produced - these toxins are destructive. And another one useful feature inflammation - they produce antibodies and strengthen the immune system.

There is also negativity, and quite a lot. Such processes can lead to failure and pose a threat to human life.


Doctors classify inflammation not only by location (throat, stomach, lungs, etc.), but also by many other characteristics. Its stages are as follows:

  • alteration;
  • exudation;
  • proliferation.

Depending on the form of inflammation, there are:

  • acute (duration from several minutes to several hours);
  • subacute (the period of flow is calculated in days and weeks);
  • chronic (appear in cases where acute or subacute forms are not cured, last for years, sometimes for life).

Whatever form the inflammatory process is diagnosed, the reasons for its occurrence are as follows:

  • infectious (viruses, bacteria);
  • toxic (exposure to chemicals harmful to health);
  • autoimmune (the body produces unnecessary antibodies or aggressive cells);
  • purulent-septic;
  • traumatic;
  • paraneoplastic (develop mainly in cancer);
  • post-traumatic;
  • physical (for example, temperature effects that are unfavorable for the body).

The reasons why inflammation occurred, the stages and forms of its progression are the main characteristics by which doctors classify the disease. Yes, pneumonia is infectious inflammation lung tissue, which can be acute and at the same time exudative. Let's take a closer look at the unclear terms.

How does the inflammatory process develop?

The starting point for anyone is such changes in the structure of cells, and with them the organs as a whole, in which their normal functioning is disrupted. This identifies signs of inflammation. In a cell, under the influence of an unfavorable factor, changes in the cytoplasm, membrane, and nucleus begin very quickly. This process activates the production of so-called mediators - special biological chemicals that activate biochemical reactions, that is, they give birth. Mediators include histamine, bradykinin, serotonin and many other specific agents. They are all responsible for different signs inflammation. Thus, histamine leads to the dilation of blood vessels and an increase in the permeability of their walls. Bradykinin and kallidin are involved in pain. In the area where the vessels are dilated, it appears initial sign inflammation - redness. Since the total cross-sectional area of ​​dilated vessels increases, the volumetric velocity of blood flow in them increases, and the linear velocity decreases. This causes the second sign of inflammation - a jump in temperature.

Subsequently, each link in the chain reaction is characterized by a more severe manifestation. A drop in linear velocity activates the production of red blood cells, which further slow down blood flow. This increases thrombus formation, in which the vessels can completely block. So-called stasis occurs, which causes tissue necrosis. After blood stagnation in the capillaries, stagnation begins in the venules. This leads to the accumulation of exudate in the tissues. The next sign of inflammation appears - swelling, and then another sign - pain.

Leukocytes, salts, and proteins begin to leak through the thinned walls of blood vessels (exudation occurs). In this case, leukocytes move towards the factor that caused inflammation, since their main role is phagocytosis. Subsequently, in the inflammatory infiltrate (the place where biological elements uncharacteristic for it accumulate), some of the cells die, others are transformed, turning, for example, into macrophages.

To summarize, the following general symptoms of inflammation can be identified:

  • redness;
  • an increase in temperature either in the inflamed area or in the body as a whole;
  • swelling;
  • soreness.

In addition, common symptoms include:

  • development of leukocytosis;
  • increased blood ESR;
  • change in immunological reactivity (the body’s response to the introduction and action of an inflammatory factor);
  • signs of intoxication.

But every disease has its own specific symptoms. So, with pneumonia it is a cough, with gastritis, nausea, sometimes vomiting, belching, heartburn, with cystitis, and so on.

Alteration stage

The term "alterative inflammation" in modern medicine is practically no longer found, but still exists in veterinary medicine. It means pathological changes in some organs (kidneys, heart, liver, spinal cord and brain), in which necrotic changes are recorded in tissues (parenchyma) without exudation and proliferation. Alternative inflammation occurs most often in an acute form and can lead to complete destruction of the organ.

Alteration is divided into two subtypes - primary and secondary.

Primary in its essence is the result of the introduction of a source of inflammation into the body. Secondary is the body’s reaction to damage caused by an inflammatory agent. In practice, both of them do not have clear boundaries.

Diseases caused by such inflammation include typhoid fever, myocarditis, dysentery and others. Now most doctors call alterative inflammation necrosis.

Exudation stage

Exudative inflammation is a stage of the pathological process in which there is a release from capillaries and other small vessels in the cavity or tissue of the body of various fluids (exudate). Depending on what exactly comes out, the following types of inflammatory processes are distinguished:

  • serous;
  • fibrous;
  • purulent;
  • putrefactive;
  • catarrhal;
  • hemorrhagic;
  • mixed.

Let's look at each of them.


Another name for the disease is serous exudative inflammation. This is a pathological process in which at least 2% and no more than 8% of blood serum protein is detected in the exudate, but there are literally only a few leukocytes. It occurs in mucous and serous thin, smooth and elastic membranes (for example, in the peritoneum, pleura, pericardium). The inflamed membranes become dense, cloudy and rough. Symptoms of inflammation are not pronounced. The patient may experience slight fever and not strong painful sensations. Causes of this pathology:

  • chemicals (intoxication, poisoning);
  • physical impact (injuries, including burns and frostbite, bites of certain insects);
  • microorganisms (Koch bacilli, herpes, meningococcus);
  • allergy.

Serous inflammations can be acute or chronic.


This type of inflammation is characterized by the fact that the exudate contains leukocytes, monocytes, macrophages, dead cells and fibrin clots - a blood plasma protein that forms the basis of blood clots. In the inflamed area, tissue dies and a large number of platelets form, a thin fibrous film is formed, under which microbes actively begin to multiply. Fibrous inflammation can be croupous and diphtheritic. With croupous, a film forms on the mucous membranes of the trachea, peritoneum, alveoli, and bronchi. It does not grow into the tissue, so it is easily removed without leaving wounds. With diphtheria, a film forms on the mucous membranes of the intestines, esophagus, and stomach. It turns out to be dense, as if fused with the layers located under it, so when it is removed, wounds remain. “Female inflammation” is what a similar process in the uterus is sometimes called. It may arise from various reasons- infections (gonorrhea, syphilis), hypothermia, mechanical damage(abortion, childbirth), poor hygiene. In all cases, the acute form presents pain in the genitals or lower abdomen, vaginal discharge, and fever. This can lead to kidney disease, heart disease, endocrine system. Inflammation in women, which is chronic, can occur without any noticeable symptoms, but leads to adhesions of the fallopian tubes and infertility. This form develops if a woman does not complete treatment acute illness, as well as with certain types of infections (for example, gonococci) occurring on initial stages practically asymptomatic.

Purulent and putrid

If there is pus in the exudate - a specific substance including purulent serum, tissue detritus, neutrophilic leukocytes, eozonophils - inflammation is accompanied by purulent processes. They are caused by various microorganisms, such as gonococci, staphylococci and others. Forms of purulent inflammation:

  • abscess (suppuration);
  • phlegmon;
  • empyema.

An abscess occurs either as an independent inflammatory process or as a complication of a previous disease. In this case, a barrier capsule is formed that prevents the spread of pathogens to neighboring tissues.

Cellulitis differs from an abscess in that it does not have clearly defined boundaries. There are many types of phlegmon. This includes subcutaneous, intermuscular, retroperitoneal, perinephric, and many others. If phlegmon spreads to adjacent tissue areas, sepsis may begin.

Empyema is somewhat similar to an abscess, but there is a significant accumulation of pus in the body cavity, and there is no protective membrane.

Putrefactive inflammation develops from purulent inflammation if putrefactive microflora enters the focus. In this case, tissue necrosis occurs, causing intoxication of the patient’s body and characterized by a putrid odor. This type of inflammation is possible with extensive wounds, for example, during military operations, and in women with unskilled abortions. How to treat inflammation in such severe form? Only therapy with properly selected antibiotics together with surgery may make the prognosis favorable.


This type of pathology is a continuation of the above inflammatory processes and develops if the permeability of the walls increases blood vessels, up to the violation of their integrity. In this case, it enters the inflamed area big number erythrocytes, making the exudate dark red, almost black in color, and if inflammation affects the gastrointestinal tract, their contents become chocolate-colored. Hemorrhagic inflammation is caused by bacteria, viruses, sometimes fungi, some chemicals and toxins. It is observed in diseases such as smallpox, plague, anthrax.


This process is not independent, because it is formed when mucus is added to an already existing exudate. Caused by the following reasons:

  • infection (viruses, bacteria);
  • tall or low temperatures(burn, frostbite);
  • chemical substances;
  • products of improper metabolism.

Examples include allergic rhinitis (hay fever, or, popularly, the well-known runny nose), bronchitis, which has turned into a purulent-catarrhal form, in which the bronchi and trachea are inflamed. Is it possible and how to relieve inflammation of this form at home? ethnoscience advises using aromatherapy (breathing oils of fir, geranium, eucalyptus and others). For catarrhal sinusitis, remove mucus from the nose, rinse with solutions of salt, herbs or plain water, and instill vasoconstrictors into the nose. At catarrhal sore throat gargle, drink plenty of warm liquid, do breathing exercises, take expectorants and antitussives. For any localization of catarrhal inflammation, medication is administered antiviral therapy, but antibiotics are used only as prescribed by a doctor and only in the presence of complications, for example, with the development of purulent inflammation.

Proliferative inflammation

This form is observed in all types of inflammation, and it is most active in the final stages of the disease. The term “proliferation” can be explained as follows: this is a new formation, the birth of cells and entire cellular structures. This mainly happens during the period of restoration of an organ or tissue after inflammation, when mesenchymal cells produce fibroblasts, and they, in turn, synthesize collagen, which often ends in the formation of scars. The types of proliferative inflammation are as follows:

The acute inflammatory process develops rapidly. It is characterized by the symptoms mentioned above, namely: redness of the affected area, heat, swelling, pain, formation of exudate, impaired blood circulation in the capillaries and venules. Chronic inflammation is characterized by the fact that in this form active macrophages begin to accumulate in one place. Pathological process causes the following reasons:

Acute inflammation, with all its severity, ends quickly (unless it comes to purulent abscesses), while chronic torments a person for years. It cannot end quickly for the following reasons:

  • macrophages, which trigger inflammation, live a very long time;
  • While macrophages are alive and remain active, resorption of granulomas is impossible.

Chronic inflammation in the remission stage practically does not bother the patient and is activated (the acute stage begins) when fresh, highly active macrophages are added to the inflammatory focus.

Which inflammation is more dangerous: acute or chronic?

For all its apparent harmlessness, chronic inflammation is the most dangerous. For example, inflammation of the ligaments of the limbs leads to diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, gout, arthritis and others. The acute form of all these ailments is manifested by pain, redness of the area of ​​the body around the source of inflammation, and increased temperature. When becoming chronic, pain occurs only under the influence of certain external factors, for example, weather conditions, high physical activity or mechanical influences. However, the chronic form is dangerous due to irreversible deformations of ligaments, cartilage, joints, and involvement of neighboring sectors in the process musculoskeletal system(for example, when rheumatoid arthritis affected cervical region spine), complete destruction of the joint and degenerative change in ligaments, which leads to disability. Inflammation of the ligaments of the limbs can be caused by multiple reasons, including:

  • injuries;
  • increased physical activity;
  • infections;
  • metabolic disease.

Inflammation of the throat ligaments is caused by infection in the ENT organs, smoking, hypothermia, inhalation of harmful gases, and strong screaming.

The acute form is manifested by pain in the throat when talking and swallowing, redness, fever, sore throat, hoarseness, but with proper treatment, the disease goes away quickly and without a trace. If acute form becomes chronic, the patient develops shortness of breath, the larynx swells, and chronic catarrh can lead to atrophy of the mucous membrane.

How to relieve inflammation

If the body is strong enough and able to withstand the inflammatory factor, or this factor is short-term and weak (for example, a scratch goes away on its own after a couple of days. You can only slightly help this process by disinfecting the injury site. At home, treatment of inflammation of the mucous membranes of the throat and oral cavity (along with drug therapy) is carried out using decoctions of chamomile, celandine, and calendula. Rinsing with a baking soda solution with a couple of drops of iodine helps.

In chronic forms of inflammation, supportive therapy is indicated, which consists of creating satisfactory conditions for the patient, a diet rich in vitamins, and eliminating health hazards. irritating factors(overwork, hypothermia, stress, etc.). During periods of exacerbation, drug and physiotherapeutic treatment is carried out.