Drugs that increase sperm activity. How to make sedentary sperm active? Reasons for decreased mobility

Sperm motility is determined using a spermogram. A spermogram is the only test that helps determine a man’s ability to conceive and determine overall male health. Any deviations from the norm reduce the possibility of successful conception, but do not exclude its complete impossibility, because sperm motility can be increased.

What affects sperm speed

The speed of sperm movement is influenced by many factors. For example, inflammation of the genital organs, various injuries, complications after some infection suffered in childhood, prostatitis can cause a decrease in sperm activity. But even if a man has not encountered these diseases, a decrease in sperm activity may be associated with poor environmental conditions, smoking, drinking alcohol and harmful products nutrition, drug addiction, high physical activity.

If the spermogram result shows that 30-35% of sperm are actively moving, then this is considered normal. In order for your sperm count to be close to normal, you will need to make changes to your lifestyle. Pay attention to your diet, include everything you need for healthy eating- fruits, milk, cereals, vegetables. It is important that meat and nuts are always present in the diet. Meals should be nutritious and regular. In addition to a healthy diet, it is necessary to normalize rest and sleep; to do this, set a daily routine for yourself and be sure to stick to it.

Essential vitamins

Don’t forget about vitamins: vitamin E affects the quality of functioning of the sex glands, and vitamin C affects the activity of sperm. Therefore, men need to eat foods rich in these vitamins - meat, black currants, herbs, red pepper, rose hips, potatoes, nuts, olive, vegetable and butter, liver.


High sperm activity is observed when a man abstains from sex for several days. Moreover, the fastest sperm after abstinence are formed during the first sex.

Healthy lifestyle

In order for sperm to always be mobile, you should monitor your health, promptly treat identified infections and diseases, stop smoking and do not abuse alcohol.


Along with lifestyle changes, it is recommended to start taking stimulant medications that help increase total number sperm and improve their motility. You should take stimulant medications for at least 2.5 months. This duration is explained by the duration of the spermatogenesis cycle. It takes 2.5 months for the sperm to mature into its full mature form from its progenitor cells. In some cases, it takes longer for the sperm count to recover and for the partner to become pregnant.

Medical methods to increase sperm motility

Most often, men are prescribed vitamins - C, E, multivitamins, drugs that improve regional blood flow - Actovegin, Trental. Zinc preparations, herbal remedies - Speman, antiestrogens - clostilbegid. Testosterone agents - Proviron, Andriol, gonadotropins - Pergonal, Menogon, Pregnyl, Prophase.

Speman, used to treat infertility, has a complex medicinal plants, which have moderate androgen-like properties and prostatotropic effects. This drug contains: male orchis, compass lettuce, itchy velvet beans, long-leaved astercanthus, pearl parmelia. Tribulus terrestris, Argyrea beautifula, Suvarnavang complex mineral compound, Leptadenia reticularis.

The drug Speman has anti-edematous, anti-inflammatory, prostatotropic, diuretic properties. In addition, it can improve microcirculation in the tissues of the prostate gland and have a beneficial effect on male sexual function.

Speman at benign hyperplasia and/or inflammation of the prostate gland improves microcirculation, reduces inflammation, congestion, swelling of the prostate gland. At male infertility this drug reduces sperm viscosity, increases sperm motility, and stimulates spermatogenesis.


The speed of sperm movement depends on many factors. A decrease in their activity can be caused by inflammation of the genital organs, prostatitis, various injuries, complications after infections suffered in childhood. If with similar diseases have not encountered, the decrease may be due to poor environmental conditions, eating harmful foods and smoking, drug addiction, high.

It is considered normal if 30-35 percent of the total number of sperm taken for analysis are actively moving. In order for your indicators to become close to ideal, you should make changes to your current lifestyle. First, you need to carefully monitor your diet, include in it all the products necessary for a healthy diet: milk, fruits, vegetables, grains, and pay special attention to meat and nuts. In addition, meals should be regular and nutritious. In addition to nutrition, try to normalize sleep and rest, establish a daily routine and stick to it.

Vitamin C affects sperm motility, and vitamin E affects the quality of the gonads. Therefore, make sure that your menu contains foods rich in them: pepper, black currants, rose hips, greens, liver, potatoes, vegetable oil, olive oil, butter , as well as the aforementioned nuts and meat.

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  • how to increase sperm speed

Speed ​​of movement is one of the main characteristics that allows the sperm to reach the egg without problems, moving in a manner that is detrimental to it. acidic environment vagina. This indicator is influenced by many factors, eliminating or, conversely, increasing the influence of which, you can achieve spermatozoa.


Observe correct routine day, providing healthy sleep. Eat right and regularly. Introduce honey and nuts into your diet, eat more fruits and vegetables rich in antioxidants, which have a positive effect on. Provide your body with enough .

Counteract stress, which reduces sex drive and sperm quality. Improve reproductive health through regular exercise. Make sure your body weight is within normal limits. In this case, the body will maintain normal hormonal balance, ensuring the presence of healthy sperm in the ejaculate.

Beware of toxic substances that affect sperm quality. Limit your alcohol intake. Stop smoking, which makes you less active. Do not take drugs, especially those that reduce sperm motility.

Stop using lubricants during sex or replace them with vegetable oils. Reduce the amount of hormones you take that affect the condition of the gonads. Do not take hot baths or go to the sauna, since spending more than 30 minutes in water whose temperature exceeds 40 degrees Celsius reduces the number of healthy sperm.


  • how to increase sperm motility

According to studies conducted by the famous endocrinologist Nils Skakebak, over the past half century in men different countries the quantity decreased by about 50%. The exact reason for this trend has not yet been established. But there are many secondary reasons, it can be either tight underwear or chemical pollution air.

What are the dangers of a low sperm count?

A small amount of is the main reason why married couple cannot conceive on her own. Similar problem is becoming increasingly widespread. According to World Health, every tenth couple is unable to conceive a child, and this is twice as many as several decades ago. A small number of sperm is not a problem, since a man is still able to conceive a child in this case, since even one sperm is enough for this. But the smaller their number, the less.

Conception is also influenced by the quality and motility of sperm.

Methods to increase sperm count

You need to have sex more often and more. This the simplest way increasing sperm count. Their number, with daily sex, will increase by an average of 50-90 million. Also, not only their quantity will increase, but also their quality, which will thereby increase the likelihood of conception.

It pays to stay cool at all times. At increased sperm count weaken quite quickly, their productivity slows down sharply. Doctors also advise not to use tight underwear, not to wear tight pants, and to avoid using waterbeds and electric blankets.

You need to exercise at least once a day physical exercise, massage, shaking the testicles or kneading the lumbar area. All these procedures improve blood circulation in the genital area, which will contribute to the production of sperm and increase their motility. Excessive activity during the day never hurts.

You can't keep your laptop on your lap. The radiation and heat generated by computer operation, combined with tucked knees, harms proper sperm production.

According to recent research by scientists, mobile phone, which has been lying in one trouser pocket for more than 4 hours, can also negatively affect sperm production.

Proper nutrition

Scientists advise to eat right, not to abuse alcohol, not to smoke, and also to lead active image life. You need to be able to determine your life priorities so that you don’t have to regret some of your actions later. Following these simple rules, any man can almost completely forget about the loss of sperm functionality. You need to include more vegetables and fruits in your diet. Nutritionists more strongly advise consuming vegetables that contain glutathione, a special antioxidant that increases the quality and quantity of sperm. These vegetables include broccoli, Brussels sprouts and asparagus. There are also special dietary supplements on sale, a complex of minerals and vitamins in which is ideally selected for men's health.

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Deformed, overheated, weakened, lazy... Sperm motility is constantly deteriorating. Increasingly, it is men who become the cause of fruitless intimate relationships. What threatens male fertility and sperm activity?

Sperm activity

According to research, every fifth couple has problems conceiving, despite the regularity of sexual intercourse and non-use of contraception. According to statistics, male health problems (in particular, sperm activity) are already observed in half of these couples, although infertility doctors (with potentially curable people) claim that in Lately The data skews against men. At the same time, they emphasize that treatment is much easier than for women. Eight out of ten potential fathers leave the doctor's office with a prescription to increase sperm motility.

In particular, it is recommended to change lifestyle and undergo therapy using oral medications(usually vitamins, antibiotics, hormones), and in the near future they will be able to enjoy the joy of fatherhood. Sometimes, of course, surgical intervention is necessary - for example, in the case of the location of the testicles outside the scrotum or varicocele, which is a pathological expansion of the pampiniform venous plexus, which is responsible for supplying the testicles with blood.

1. Cigarettes and tight underwear affect sperm motility

Even a minor injury, seemingly harmless at first glance, and an infection caused by bacteria, viruses or fungi can significantly reduce male fertility. There are actually a lot of reasons for this - at least autoimmune diseases limiting sperm motility, or retrograde ejaculation(when ejaculation occurs bladder, and not into the urethra, and therefore has no opportunity to hit the target). The latter may be caused by urological surgery, multiple sclerosis or even the use of sedatives.

A healthy person can also have fertility problems if their sperm is weakened. Sperm are very sensitive. Even smoking has a bad effect on them. Not only does it provoke an obvious decrease in the motility of germ cells, but also the amount of sperm decreases and potency deteriorates. Even worse, it has been scientifically proven that nicotine tar can damage the DNA of sperm, causing the offspring to have birth defects. Thus, even if it is possible to conceive a child, the father will already harm him by smoking. Therefore, before planning a pregnancy, both parents must refuse this addiction. Fight with nicotine addiction after the birth of the baby is also welcome, but it may be too late...

Poor sperm condition may be due to a man's exposure to drugs, anabolic steroids (used by gentlemen who dream of Schwarzenegger's biceps), lead and even caffeine.

If you are taking any medications, be sure to ask your doctor about their effects on fertility. Remember that many diseases, as well as their treatment, negatively affect general state body, including the quality of sperm. The most dangerous in this regard include diabetes, tuberculosis, heart vascular diseases, diseases thyroid gland And chronic anemia. Sometimes the culprit for sperm problems can be “simply” stress.

2. Are everyone infertile?

Analyzing the above factors affecting sperm quality, it seems that all people must be infertile. However, don't get ahead of yourself. It all depends on the individual quality and quantity of sperm at the beginning, as well as the totality of these unfavorable factors. A single reason (for example, a man’s addiction to coffee) does not have such negative consequences. However, when coffee is consumed by a smoker, or a cycling enthusiast wears tight synthetic clothing, there is a risk of decreased fertility. Moreover, if a woman’s fertility is not optimal, then the probability of paternity is at a very low level.

The reaction of the partner’s body to the sperm of a particular man is also extremely important. Sometimes her cervical mucus is especially unfriendly to them, and then obstacles to conception arise on both sides. The wrong strategy is when a couple wants a child, but only the woman is examined and treated. But only when long time nothing brings results, then he goes to the doctor with great reluctance future father. It turns out to be a waste of time: diagnosis and treatment of both partners must take place in parallel. Sperm also ages, so it cannot endlessly “rely” on the determination of its owner. The sooner you start treatment, the better.

3. How to do this for a test tube?

Reluctance to visit a specialist for infertility treatment, not to mention donating semen for analysis, is typical male behavior and the source of conflict in relationships. Women think that men don't want to get tested because "they don't care," but in fact, the more they care, the more determined they are. Men are afraid of their partner's reaction if it turns out that they are the problem.
They are afraid of "irrefutable, verifiable evidence" that they are inferior as men. After all, what holds them back is having to masturbate in a dark closet because it the only way obtain sperm for analysis.

Few people know that modern clinics They not only set up special rooms that help men feel an intimate atmosphere, but also allow them to take sperm for analysis at home. Above all, however, they provide psychological support to each couple. The long-term struggle for motherhood and fatherhood provokes mental discomfort, while chronic stress only makes the problems worse. Thus, infertility treatment often begins from the soul, with lessons in mutual openness and recognition. Sometimes this is enough.

A whole team of specialists is increasingly struggling with infertility. Sometimes trying to conceive a child helps people diagnose other diseases that are dangerous to life and health. A decrease in fertility is promoted by diabetes mellitus (then you need to register with an endocrinologist and treat this disease) or asymptomatic celiac disease (requires examination by a gastroenterologist), which leads to oncological diseases intestines.

4. When you dare... get tested for sperm activity

The seed is the best material for research if a man abstains from sexual intercourse 3-5 days before sperm donation. Analysis will help determine the set possible deviations, including the following:

- oligozoospermia, or a decrease in the number of sperm in the ejaculate (a single dose of sperm released during ejaculation). About her we're talking about when the number of sperm is less than 20 million per milliliter.

— asthenozoospermia – decreased sperm motility.

- teratozoospermia - abnormal sperm structure.

– azoospermia – indicates the absence of sperm in the ejaculate.

- hypospermia, or small volume of ejaculate (less than 2 ml).

- aspermia - absence of ejaculate.

Semen examination also helps detect inflammation of the male genital organs (indicated by the presence of white blood cells) and recognize autoimmune diseases (in this case, more than 20% of sperm are covered with antibodies).

A one-time semen analysis result that indicates certain abnormalities is not a basis for final diagnosis: it must be repeated after a quarter. If the same deficiencies are re-identified next time, the man will need further specialized diagnostics (for example, functional and contact tests, hormonal studies, testicular biopsy), as well as treatment under the supervision of an andrologist.

5. It takes time!

If your doctor decides that your infertility requires drug treatment, then you should expect the first results of such therapy no earlier than three months later. It takes time for vitamins, antibiotics or hormones to take effect. The production of sperm in a man's body takes two months, and its journey to the appendages takes another two weeks. The process slows down significantly when something interferes with the production of class A sperm (for example, hypothermia or lack of sleep).

If treatment requires surgical intervention(as a rule, it is carried out in the urology department), then you need to be prepared for the fact that you will not be immediately optimal shape immediately after surgery. It will take time for both you and the sperm to gain strength and energy.

When the number of sperm is small and they are inactive, or problems arise during penetration through the female cervical mucus, then the solution to the problem may be artificial insemination, or the delivery of sperm using a syringe and a special catheter directly into the uterus. Sometimes micromanipulation is necessary, when the sperm is injected directly into a mature egg.

The test tube fertilization method is considered the most stable. It is especially recommended for older couples who have suffered from infertility in marriage for many years, as well as when the sperm has low-quality fertile parameters, and classical attempts to improve the situation do not bring results.
Video sperm motility

The female egg is fertilized by a sperm (male reproductive cell), after which a fetus is formed. However, this process is not always easy. It depends on the condition of the female genital organs and sperm activity.

The distinctive features of sperm are not only the shape and the presence of a flagellum, but also the set of chromosomes. Having passed it, you can determine the viscosity, the number of cells in the ejaculate, the percentage of mobile, weakly mobile, immobile, living, dead cells. In addition, the content of leukocytes, erythrocytes, mucus, and Bechter crystals is taken into account.

Successful conception occurs when at least 30% of active sperm are present. Based on the degree of activity, they are divided:

  • young ones with linear movement, speed 0.02 mm/s;
  • rotating around its axis – no more than 15%;
  • morphologically changed ( low quality, aging) at a speed of up to 0.02 mm/s – less than 10%;
  • dead, inactive cells.

Decreased sperm activity is quite common male problem. However, it can be easily solved by changing the rhythm of life, nutrition, and taking certain natural medications.

Factors that reduce the activity of germ cells include:

  • traumatic injury to the groin area;
  • chronic pathology of the genital organs;
  • diseases complicated by inhibition of sperm activity (infectious diseases);
  • bad habits, ecology, hard physical labor.

Nutritious diet for sperm activation

In some cases, it is enough for a man to adjust his nutritional diet, and the results improve significantly, and an increase in sperm activity is observed. For this It is recommended to enrich your food intake:

  • beans;
  • dairy products;
  • seafood;
  • beef, liver;
  • honey;
  • nuts;
  • ginger, poppy seeds;
  • brewer's yeast;
  • herbs (onion, parsley, dill);
  • vitamin C (black currant, rose hips, olive oil, red pepper).

Should be abandoned fatty foods, smoked meats, sausages, limit coffee intake.

Normalization nervous system is an integral part of recovery physiological mobility male germ cells, since it is possible to increase sperm activity by restoring balance in the psycho-emotional state.

Hardening the body, in particular, dousing it with water, has a good effect. The temperature should be reduced gradually, starting the procedure with summer period. Moderate physical exercise(running, swimming) will help activate sperm.

In addition, you should avoid visiting saunas, baths, hot bath. Special attention is given bad habits(smoking alcoholic drinks), which must be abandoned. The decrease in the activity of male cells directly depends on the volume of alcohol consumed.

“Daily intake of 100-150 ml of alcohol blocks spermatogenesis in 60-80% of men.”

You should also wear underwear made from natural fabrics. It should not put pressure on the genitals, limiting blood circulation in the pelvis. If a man spends most of his time in a sitting position, it is advisable not to cross his legs, which prevents the normal outflow of blood with the development of stagnation.

An increase in sperm activity is observed when abstaining from sexual activity for 3-4 days. The first sexual intercourse after a “break” is characterized by the greatest cell activity.

Medicinal, traditional methods of sperm activation

Previously, before conception, a man drank a decoction of elecampane for 10 days. Ginseng root, rose hips, and St. John's wort were also widely used. They strengthen general health, positively affecting spermatogenesis, cell activity, thereby.

  • dry ginseng roots (50 g) are covered with a liter of vodka and infused. Drink 10 drops three times;
  • 15 g of crushed St. John's wort is covered with half a liter of boiling water and left for 3 hours. Drink 100 ml twice;
  • Rose hips are infused in boiling water overnight in a thermos. Drink all day.

To activate male cells it is necessary to normalize metabolism. For this purpose, bee bread, consisting of 60 natural enzyme catalysts, is widely used. You need to take 10 g once daily. After 2 months, spermatogenesis increases, the cells become more mobile.

Low sperm activity is observed when the biochemical characteristics of the testes are disrupted. To normalize them, drone milk is used, which can increase the synthesis of androgens due to the content of enzymes of sulfide groups.

To increase general tone and restore physiological metabolism, it is used royal jelly. IN fresh it activates oxygen delivery and controls oxidative processes.

Concerning drug effects, then it is necessary to highlight medicines based on bee products, for example, Larinol, Apidron, Tentorium. They activate spermatogenesis and eliminate morphological changes.

Medicines containing the herb Tribulus terestis are also effective. Tribestan restores hormonal balance and increases testosterone levels. Verona – non-steroidal drug, which affects metabolism, improves spermatogenesis, activity of germ cells, and increases libido.

Insufficient sperm activity can be corrected quite well. The main thing is to follow the recommendations and have a desire to become a father.

How to increase sperm motility if the spermogram shows asthenozoospermia? Today you will learn why the morphology of live bait changes, what affects the quality and trajectory of their movement, how many days men live outside the body.

Every couple who wants to conceive a child and has not been able to do so for a long time thinks about it. To determine the quality and concentration of sperm, it is necessary to take a spermogram and undergo full inspection couple.

Statistics show that recently the quality of the ejaculate and the mobility of male gametes (asthenozoospermia) are to blame for infertility.

How long do sperm live?

Many people are interested in the question: “what is the cycle of live bait?” The duration depends on where you are in - what environment. They live outside the body for up to one week. Let's take a closer look at the lifespan:

  1. Spermatogenesis (nucleation, development, formation) – 70-75 days;
  2. Duration in seed – 1-2;
  3. Mature male cells exist until 28;
  4. In the vagina – 2-3 hours;
  5. IN fallopian tube– up to 5 days.

The distance to a woman’s egg (uterus) is up to 20 cm, the travel time of a mature sperm is 0.1 mmsec, their fusion will occur approximately half an hour after ejaculation. Since they live in the uterus for up to 5 days, women can wait there for the moment of ovulation and meet the egg.

How does sperm move in ejaculate?

In order for a live animal to be able to fertilize a mature egg during ovulation, it needs to be quite active and energetic. To determine mobility indicators, there is a procedure approved by WHO, such as a spermogram. Thanks to it, health problems can be identified.

The norm total volume It is considered up to 5 ml of male sperm in order for a woman to become pregnant. But it happens that in this number the number of “good” ones is miniscule, and attempts to conceive the long-awaited baby are reduced to zero.

Activity and motor ability are determined by the trajectory of their direction, movement and movement. The spermatozoon is normal, moves in a straight line without any oscillations, “tremors” or rotation. To correctly read a spermogram, you must have a highly qualified physician.

Therefore, the laboratory must be chosen carefully and if you have heard disappointing diagnosis asthenozoospermia - change the clinic or get tested again.

What does sperm consist of: chemical composition

Male ejaculate is rich in important components:

  • Zinc;
  • Potassium;
  • Calcium
  • Vitamin C, B12;
  • Fructose;
  • Lemon juice is necessary for liquefaction;
  • Seminal plasma, prostate secretions, mucus;
  • Sperm;
  • Proteins;
  • Fats;
  • Carbohydrates;
  • Hormones (testosterone).

Decoding mobility: table of normal indicators

When analyzing the ejaculate, a laboratory doctor should pay attention to the degree of their energy, what their morphology and agglutination (adhesion) are.

Spermogram norm table according to WHO

Indicators Description
Abstinence before analysis5 days
Ejaculate volume (V)2-5ml
Color Gray,unpainted
Liquefaction time1 hour
Consistency (viscosity)Up to 1cm
Density (P) in 1 ml of ejaculateUp to 150 million
Total quantityUp to 600 million
MobilityI. Cat.A – movable with a straight trajectory (progressive). >50%;
II. Cat B – slow. 15-20%;
III. Cat.C – poor maneuverability, they rotate and oscillate. 15-20%;
IV. Cat. D – inactive 10%.
MorphologyThis indicator determines the percentage of sperm ready for fertilization. The norm is 20% of the total amount.
Immature germ cells1-2%
AgglutinationAgglutination (gluing). No glued ones.
LeukocytesUp to 4 in sight
Red blood cellsNo
Amyloid bodiesNo
Lecithin grainsNo


Activity (asthenozoospermia) is divided into 3:

  1. Easy degree, mobile cat. A+B up to 50% in ejaculate. The ability to fertilize an egg is available only after identifying the cause and minor drug treatment, the problem will be eliminated;
  2. Moderate degree(cat. A + B<40%). При этой стадии эякулята мужчине нужна тщательная диагностика для выявления первопричины;
  3. Severe degree(cat. A+B<30% + С (10%) + Д (10%). Необходимо длительное лечение и восстановление.

Medical terms for sperm evaluation:

  • Normospermia – ejaculate parameters are normal;
  • Normozoospermia – slight deviations, egg ovulation is high;
  • Oligospermia – volume less than 2 ml;
  • Oligozoospermia – weak concentration in 1 ml of ejaculate (<20%);
  • Asthenozoospermia – low mobility;
  • Teratozoospermia – morphology is disturbed, abnormal >50%;
  • Necrozoospermia – no survivors (severe form);
  • Leukocytospermia – high white blood cell count;
  • Hemospermia – the presence of red blood cells;
  • Azoospermia – there are no sperm in the ejaculate.

Why does morphology change?

The diagnosis of asthenozoospermia is not a death sentence and can be treated. What are the causes of pathology?


  1. Genetic predisposition;
  2. Negative substances affecting the body, hazardous profession;
  3. Stress, severe psychological shock, prolonged depression;
  4. Long-term abstinence from intimacy;
  5. STIs, chronic illnesses that were not treated in time;
  6. High temperatures, overheating (baths, saunas);
  7. Infectious and viral;
  8. Endocrine diseases (diabetes mellitus, thyroid pathologies);
  9. Hormonal disbalance;
  10. Age and male menopause;
  11. Overweight;
  12. Abnormal development of the genital organs and vas deferens;
  13. Injuries;
  14. Poor nutrition, bad habits;
  15. Unstable intimate life.

As you can see, there are quite a lot of reasons for the development of pathology, identifying which will require finding the main cause so that the doctor can decide on treatment.

How to identify the disease

The pathology of gamete inactivity can be established by several laboratory tests.


  1. Spermogram (WHO standards). Accurate analysis of the seed with a complete decoding of mobility, abnormal development, shape and structure;
  2. Mar – test. Method for identifying autoimmune infertility in men;
  3. The Kruger morphology of the sperm and its abnormal forms are determined, and this is precisely what the emphasis of this test is on.

These tests will help your doctor how to increase sperm motility, and what medications are needed to eliminate the problem.

Treatment, prevention, alternative medicine

Increasing sperm motility is the main task in the diagnosis of asthenozoospermia. Medicines to improve and increase activity are divided into:


  • "Spermactin" An ideal drug for the treatment of all types of infertility, in preparation for artificial insemination;
  • "Doppelhertz Spermactiv". If a man wants to know how to increase sperm count, then this drug is perfect as a biological supplement to the main treatment;
  • "Speman." Recommended for oligospermia;
  • "Speroton". To improve semen performance, increases reproductive function, sperm motility increases up to 45%.


  • "Menogon". For infertility and in preparation for IVF;
  • "Actovegin". Based on the blood of calves, prescribed when planning pregnancy, has no side effects;
  • "Andriol." With a lack of the male hormone testosterone;
  • "Trental." A drug to improve blood circulation.

In some severe cases, surgery is also required. In addition to therapeutic measures for asthenozoospermia, there is prevention of infertility and treatment with folk remedies.


  • Quitting bad habits - alcohol, nicotine addiction;
  • Proper nutrition;
  • Vitamin therapy;
  • Moderate exercise;
  • Do not overheat, do not visit saunas and steam baths while conceiving a child;
  • Aromatherapy;
  • Prevent stressful situations during pregnancy planning.

There are folk remedies to increase sperm activity. Treatment of asthenozoospermia at home will help you cope with the disease yourself if the cause is stress. There are many recipes, but the most effective ones are given below.

Traditional methods

No. 1 Composition: Plantain 1 tbsp, a glass of boiling water, leave, strain, take 4 rubles. x 50 ml. An ideal tool for increasing the activity of live creatures.