Bacterial candidiasis is an imaginary diagnosis. Symptoms and treatment of bacterial candidiasis

Candidal vaginitis is a fungal infection of the mucous membrane of the vagina and the vaginal part of the cervix. The causative agent of the disease is conditionally pathogenic fungus Candida albicans, which causes vaginal candidiasis. What is the difference between candidal vaginitis and thrush, the main causes of its occurrence, the most typical symptoms and basic treatment.

Differences between candidiasis and vaginosis

As the survey shows, many women are often confused about the concepts of “vaginal candidiasis” and “candidal vaginitis” and do not always understand the difference between vaginitis and vaginosis. The cause of these two pathologies is the same – fungal, and the symptoms are very similar in many ways. Therefore, clarification on this matter will not be superfluous.

Candidiasis is a fungal infection caused by the yeast-like fungus candida, which is an opportunistic inhabitant of human mucous membranes. The fungus Candida albicans is present in certain quantities as part of the normal vaginal microflora.

Rapid reproduction of white candida begins with a sharp change in the acidity of the vagina and causes thrush (candidiasis), which almost every third woman is familiar with.

Thrush is characterized by typical symptoms, the main of which are:

  1. Itching and burning in the genitals.
  2. Hyperemia of the mucous membranes.
  3. Abundant curdled discharge with a sour smell.

Vaginitis is nothing more than inflammation of the mucous membranes of the vagina and vulva, caused by various infectious agents. These can be viruses, fungi, bacteria or protozoan microorganisms that cause damage to the vaginal mucosa.

Rapid reproduction and chronic presence of a pathogenic agent, in in this case Candida fungus leads to candidal vaginitis. Its symptoms are in many ways similar to those of thrush, but there is still some difference between them, which determines the differences in treatment.

Thrush, as a rule, develops against the background of a general decrease in immunity and changes in the pH environment of the vagina and brings certain discomfort and inconvenience to the woman. The initial stages of the disease do not pose a definite threat to the patient’s health. Timely recovery vaginal microflora and raising protective forces organism, allow you to stop the process in time and not give white candida a chance to become the mistress of the situation.

Vaginitis develops under the influence of various infectious agents.

The chronic presence of fungus, vaginal dysbiosis (vaginosis) and the presence of unfavorable factors can provoke the spread of the pathogenic agent and lead to aggravation of the pathology. Advanced thrush is the beginning of the development of candidal vaginitis.

Vaginosis (vaginal dysbiosis) – a disorder vaginal microflora, leading to the predominance of anaerobic pathogenic bacteria.

From thrush to colpitis

Long-term untreated thrush and the presence of a number of provoking factors contribute to further inflammation vaginal mucosa and the development of candidal vaginitis. Symptoms fungal infection the vagina, and sometimes the vulva, become more pronounced and the discharge more abundant.

This disease mainly affects women aged 15 to 45 years, during reproductive decline The causes of vaginitis may be as a result of treatment with hormonal drugs.

It is customary to distinguish three stages of development of thrush: colpitis, vaginitis and pyelocystitis. Each stage is characterized varying degrees spread of infection and has its own symptoms. Treatment of the disease at different stages has its own characteristics, therefore it is prescribed only by a doctor.

Candida colpitis is noted in cases where the yeast fungus is localized only on the mucous membrane of the vagina and the outer membranes of the genital organs. The causes of its occurrence are often associated with decreased immunity and intestinal candidiasis.

With candidal vaginitis, candida penetrates deeply into the mucous membranes of the vagina, the constant presence of the fungus causes damage to the integument and persistent inflammation. The most typical symptoms:

  • Hyperemia, swelling and soreness.
  • The presence of a thick coating on the vagina.
  • Periodic pain in the lower abdomen.
  • “Sour” cheesy discharge.
  • Itching and burning, worse when urinating.

Candidal vaginitis appears when thrush is ignored for a long time.

Candidal pyelocystitis is characterized by deep inflammation and penetration of the pathogen into the mucous membranes neighboring organs(urethra, bladder).

On the background further dissemination Fungal infection in the vagina progresses the inflammatory process, which spreads further and deeper, which aggravates the symptoms of the disease.

Among the common causes of candidal vaginitis are:

  1. Vaginosis and sexually transmitted infections.
  2. Incorrect use of antibiotics.
  3. Hormonal changes in a woman's body.
  4. Consequences after surgical interventions.
  5. Decrease in the body's defenses.
  6. STDs (sexually transmitted diseases).

The disease has an acute and chronic course. Acute form Candida inflammation has bright, pronounced symptoms and can last two to three weeks. Chronic vaginitis is sluggish, has smoothed symptoms and frequent relapses.

Exacerbations can last up to two months, then the disease subsides for a while, only to return again. Chronic fungal infection of the female genital organs is dangerous for its development severe complications, one of which is infertility.

Antifungal therapy

Treatment of candidal vaginitis begins with establishing a diagnosis, as well as the cause of its occurrence. Success therapeutic activities largely depends on the accuracy of identifying the pathogen in smears and the level of its resistance to antifungal drugs.

Tactics antifungal therapy Laboratory tests largely determine bacterial cultures vaginal flora and the patient’s health status.

Used in the treatment of candidiasis medications indoor and outdoor use. Internal antifungal agents include:

  • Fluconazole capsules 150 mg and its analogues.
  • Itraconazole capsules 100 mg and its analogues.
  • Pimafucin (natamycin) tablets 100 mg.

A good antifungal agent is Fluconazole.

Depending on the nature of the disease, the doctor may prescribe different treatment regimens. For acute candidiasis of the vagina, 150 mg of fluconazole is recommended once. In some cases, it is necessary to repeat the drug after a week.

In the chronic form of the disease, therapy with fluconazole 150 mg should be at least two weeks. The drug is taken once, once every three days. It is this frequency that allows you to create constant concentration antifungal agent in the blood and provide an effective therapeutic effect.

Combination oral administration antifungal drugs With vaginal insertion antimycotics potentiates therapeutic effect and promotes speedy deliverance from infection.

Among the vaginal remedies for candidal inflammation, the following should be noted:

  • Pimafucin 100 mg No. 3 suppositories.
  • Canesten 500 mg No. 1 vag. Pills.
  • Nystatin 500,000 units No. 10 suppositories.
  • Ketoconazole 400 mg No. 10 suppositories.

In addition, they have an excellent antifungal effect vaginal suppositories, containing Sertaconazole, Miconazole and Terconazole. These medicines can be freely purchased at the pharmacy. But it is important to know: before purchasing and using them, you should visit a doctor and carefully read the instructions.

If the cause of candidal vaginitis is vaginosis or intestinal candidiasis, as well as immunodeficiency states, then it is assigned additional treatment. It consists in raising immunity and normalizing the microflora of the pelvic organs and is an equally important event.

In the chronic form of candidal inflammation, probiotics (Vagisan, Lacidofil) and immunomodulators are prescribed in parallel plant origin, which are, for example, echinacea, eleutherococcus and rose hips.

In conclusion, we can say: vaginal candidiasis is a potential fungal vaginitis, which is fraught with serious complications, so treating a fungal infection in the genital area and identifying the cause of its occurrence is an important condition maintaining women's health.

The content of the article

Vulvovaginal candidiasis, bacterial vaginosis and trichomonas vaginitis are among the most common reasons for women to visit a doctor. All sexually active women with trichomoniasis, recent bacterial vaginosis, and sometimes with candidiasis are advised to be screened for other STDs.

Vulvovaginal candidiasis

Vulvovaginal candidiasis usually not associated with sexual intercourse. However, infection through vaginal and oral sex is possible. Yeast Candida mushrooms albicans, Candida glabrata and other Candida spp. are part of normal microflora vagina. A number of factors (for example, changes in vaginal microflora during antibiotic therapy) lead to active growth yeast fungi or the occurrence allergic reaction on them. Vulvovaginal candidiasis is manifested mainly by burning and itching of the vulva, which facilitates diagnosis. However, leukocytosis is rarely detected in vaginal discharge. Drugs for the treatment of vulvovaginal candidiasis are sold without a prescription. They are often used by women with vaginal discharge and vulvar itching due to other reasons. Self-treatment is permissible only for typical relapses in women who, due to of this disease Already consulted a doctor.

Bacterial vaginosis

Bacterial vaginosis caused by an imbalance of the vaginal microflora, which reduces the proportion Lactobacillus spp.. and the proportion of opportunistic pathogens increases microorganisms Gardnerella vaginalis, Mobiluncus spp., Mycoplasma horninis, anaerobic bacteria. The first step in the pathogenesis of bacterial vaginosis is to reduce the proportion of Lactobacillus spp. that produce hydrogen peroxide. The reasons for this have not been fully clarified. Bacterial vaginosis is not associated with sexually transmitted pathogens; Treatment of sexual partners does not reduce relapse rates in women. However, it is associated with sexual intercourse; behavioral risk factors for STDs (multiple sexual partners, new sexual partner, history of STDs); In lesbians, bacterial vaginosis can be transmitted through vaginal discharge. Bacterial vaginosis does not cause inflammation of the vaginal mucosa (hence the name vaginosis, not vaginitis). It increases the risk of inflammatory diseases of the uterus and appendages, premature birth, perinatal and neonatal complications. However, treatment of bacterial vaginosis in pregnant women does not reduce the risk of perinatal and neonatal complications. Often, women with bacterial vaginosis resort to douching, associating the unpleasant odor of vaginal discharge with insufficient hygiene. However, douching itself is a risk factor for bacterial vaginosis; associated with inflammatory diseases of the uterus and appendages, ectopic pregnancy. According to modern ideas, douching is neither hygienic nor therapeutic effect.


Trichomoniasis is a very common STD caused by Trichomonas vaginalis. Most cases of trichomoniasis, which are associated with non-sexual transmission, are late detected chronic infection. Trichomoniasis with clinical picture accompanied by inflammation of the vaginal mucosa; smears reveal an increase in the number of neutrophils. With this disease, changes in the vaginal microflora are often detected, as with bacterial vaginosis (a decrease in the proportion of lactobacilli and an increase in the proportion of anaerobic bacteria). In young women, trichomoniasis is often combined with other STDs. A single dose of metronidazole is slightly less effective than more long-term treatment. Local treatment ineffective for trichomoniasis.
Less common reasons vaginal infections and vaginal discharge includes foreign bodies vagina (eg, vaginal tampons), enterovaginal fistula, estrogen deficiency. Sometimes women's complaints about an increase in vaginal discharge are due to physiological fluctuations in the nature and amount of discharge from the cervical canal.


Incidence and prevalence
Vulvovaginal candidiasis, bacterial vaginosis and trichomopadic vaginitis are very common in young women. There are no exact data on morbidity. Among visitors to STD clinics and family planning centers, vulvovaginal candidiasis is detected in 20-25%; bacterial vaginosis - in 10-20%; trichomoniasis - in 5-15%.
Routes of infection
The causative agents of vulvovaginal candidiasis can be sexually transmitted. Transmission of bacterial vaginosis through sexual contact has not been proven. However, it is associated with sexual intercourse; Lesbians may become infected through vaginal discharge. Trichomoniasis is transmitted sexually; exceptions are extremely rare.
All three diseases occur at any age, but most often in young people. Trichomoniasis in older women is usually a late-diagnosed chronic infection.
Bacterial vaginosis occurs only in women. No changes are detected in the sexual partners of women with bacterial vaginosis. In sexual partners of women with vulvovaginal candidiasis, candidal balanitis/balanoposthitis is often detected. Trichomoniasis in men is often asymptomatic, sometimes manifesting as NGU.
Sexual orientation
Bacterial vaginosis is common in lesbians; suggest transmission of the disease through vaginal discharge. The incidence of vulvovaginal candidiasis and trichomoniasis among lesbians is most likely no different from that among heterosexual women (the issue has not been sufficiently studied).
Douching and contraception
Douching; contraceptive sponges, creams and foams with 9-nonoxynol are risk factors for bacterial vaginosis, and possibly vulvovaginal candidiasis.
Other risk factors
Antibiotic therapy contributes to vulvovaginal candidiasis, and possibly bacterial vaginosis. Uncompensated diabetes contributes to candidal vulvovaginitis. However, diabetes mellitus is rarely detected in young women with recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis. HIV infection does not increase the risk of vulvovaginal candidiasis, but reduces the effectiveness of its treatment. Contrary to traditional beliefs, tight underwear does not increase the risk of vulvovaginal candidiasis.


Incubation period
May be different. Symptoms of trichomoniasis and bacterial vaginosis usually occur within a few days to 4 weeks after sexual intercourse.

Vulvovaginal candidiasis

Manifested by burning and itching of the vulva; painful urination, caused by urine entering the inflamed mucous membrane of the vestibule of the vagina and labia. Vaginal discharge is usually devoid of unpleasant odor and scant.

Bacterial vaginosis

Most patients complain of an unpleasant odor of vaginal discharge, which is often compared to the smell of rotten fish. The odor usually worsens after sexual intercourse, as the alkaline pH of semen promotes the formation of volatile amines. Vaginal discharge often does not leave marks on underwear.


Manifested by vaginal discharge, often profuse, sometimes with unpleasant smell. In this case, vaginal discharge often leaves marks on underwear. Itching of the vulva is possible.
Epidemiological history
Women with bacterial vaginosis and trichomoniasis are often diagnosed with behavioral factors risk of STDs. Patients with bacterial vaginosis, and sometimes vulvovaginal candidiasis, often have a history of douching. Vulvovaginal candidiasis and bacterial vaginosis may be preceded by antibiotic therapy.


Vulvovaginal candidiasis
Hyperemia of the vulva is detected, often in combination with swelling of the mucous membrane and superficial cracks. Vaginal discharge white, scanty, cheesy consistency. Sometimes there is a homogeneous, pus-like vaginal discharge.
Bacterial vaginosis
Characterized by scant or moderate watery, grayish-white vaginal discharge, evenly covering its walls. Erythema and other signs of inflammation are usually absent.
Appears homogeneous, often abundant, yellow discharge from the vagina. The foamy nature of vaginal discharge is changing characteristic symptom trichomoniasis, but not found in everyone. Possible hyperemia of the vaginal and vulvar mucosa. Many women with trichomoniasis have strawberry-shaped hemorrhages on the vaginal part of the cervix.
Examination of women with vaginal discharge and other changes in the vulva and vagina begins with a speculum examination. It allows you to determine the source of the discharge (vagina or cervix).
Pay attention to the nature of the discharge and the condition of the vaginal and vulvar mucosa (erythema, swelling, ulcers and other rashes). The pH of vaginal discharge is determined. A test is performed with a 10% potassium hydroxide solution (adding it to vaginal discharge for bacterial vaginosis causes an unpleasant fishy odor). Microscopy of a native preparation or Gram-stained smear of vaginal discharge is shown. IN in doubtful cases culture for Trichomonas vaginalis helps and yeast mushrooms. If it is impossible to quickly obtain microscopy results, seeding acquires additional higher value. A semi-quantitative test for Trichomonas vaginalis, based on an immunochemical method, can also help in diagnosis. All women with trichomoniasis, recent bacterial vaginosis, and sometimes vulvovaginal candidiasis are screened for chlamydial infection, gonorrhea, syphilis and HIV infection (the scope of the test depends on sexual behavior).
Laboratory research
Vulvovaginal candidiasis
pH of vaginal discharge Bacterial vaginosis
pH of vaginal discharge >4.7. Adding 10% potassium hydroxide solution to vaginal discharge causes an unpleasant fishy odor due to the formation of volatile amines. Microscopy of a native preparation with saline solution or Gram-stained smear reveals “clue cells” (vaginal epithelial cells covered with many coccobacilli; characterized by many punctate inclusions and unclear boundaries) in the absence of large gram-positive bacilli (Lactobacillus spp.). There are usually no neutrophils in vaginal discharge.
pH of vaginal discharge > 5.0. Microscopy of a native preparation with saline solution reveals motile Trichomonas vaginalis and a large number of neutrophils. At negative result microscopy shows culture for Trichomonas vaginalis. It is possible to identify “key cells” and changes in the vaginal microflora characteristic of bacterial vaginosis. Adding 10% potassium hydroxide solution to vaginal discharge may cause an unpleasant fishy odor.


Vulvovaginal candidiasis
fluconazole (mycoflucan), 150-200 mg orally once;
imidazoles (butoconazole, clotrimazole, econazole, miconazole, terconazole, tioconazole) for local application in the form of vaginal cream or suppositories daily for 3-7 days.
Relapse Prevention
indicated for women with frequent relapses of vulvovaginal candidiasis;
fluconazole (mycoflucan), 100 mg orally 1 time/week;
clotrimazole, 500 mg intravaginally 1 time/week.
Bacterial vaginosis
Drugs of choice
Metronidazole, 500 mg orally 2 times a day for 7 days.
Reserve drugs
Metronidazole, 2.0 g orally once. Indicated when there are doubts about the patient’s compliance with medical prescriptions. The method is characterized by a higher frequency of relapses compared to treatment for 7 days;
metronidazole, 0.75% gel, 5 g intravaginally 2 times a day for 5 days;
clindamycin, 2% cream, 5 g intravaginally at night for
7 days;
clindamycin, 300 mg orally 2 times a day for 7 days. Considering the activity of clindamycin against Lactobacillus spp. And possible violation vaginal microflora, more likely high frequency relapses.

Bacterial candidiasis represents a violation of the vaginal microflora. Almost every woman faces this problem for one reason or another. This disease is accompanied by painful itching in the external genital area, the appearance of thick or liquid discharge from the vagina. All this leads to damage to the mucous membrane, which is accompanied by a pronounced burning sensation during urination and during sexual intercourse, and increases the risk of attachment bacterial infection. When primary symptoms bacterial vaginosis, you should immediately consult a gynecologist.

Bacterial candidiasis is a form of thrush that is the most common gynecological problem. Please note that this disease is not independent, developing against the background of one or another pathology. What is it? this type thrush? Bacterial candidiasis is characterized by the proliferation of opportunistic microorganisms on the vaginal mucosa. That is we're talking about about an increase in the number of “native” bacteria that normally make up the microflora. When exposed to predisposing factors, they can provoke disease progression gynecological field.

The bacterial form of candidiasis occurs when gardnerella predominates on the mucous membranes of the vagina. Another name for this disease is gardnerellosis. It should be understood that lactic acid microorganisms, which are protective, control the level of all bacteria inhabiting the microflora. For one reason or another, especially when immunity decreases, there are fewer lactic acid bacteria. During this period, opportunistic microorganisms begin to develop rapidly.

Plus, there is an increase in the amount of yeast-like environment, the causative agent of which is the fungus Candida albicans. They, like Gardnerella, are opportunistic microorganisms that are found in the body of all women without exception.

Bacterial candidiasis differs from ordinary thrush in the following ways:

  1. No worsening of symptoms at night.
  2. The presence of a pronounced unpleasant “fishy” odor.
  3. Rare occurrence of swelling and hyperemia.
  4. The nature of the discharge is viscous, homogeneous, foamy.

Vaginitis is an inflammatory process caused by bacteria. They can be transmitted both sexually and progress in the body independently against the background of certain factors.

What causes vaginosis?

Bacterial candidiasis occurs in the body in the following cases:

A weakened immune system may be a cause of vaginosis.

  • Carrying out long-term or uncontrolled antibacterial therapy.
  • Decline protective functions body.
  • Violation hormonal levels body (taking contraceptives, pregnancy, thyroid dysfunction, etc.).
  • Excessive douching and use of cleansers that have high level pH.
  • Long term use sanitary pads, which are an excellent breeding ground for pathogenic microorganisms.
  • Disturbance of intestinal microflora.
  • Wearing tight synthetic underwear.

The bacterial form of candidiasis can be transmitted through unprotected sexual intercourse, therefore drug treatment sexual partners should be carried out simultaneously, which eliminates the possibility of relapse.

How to avoid developing the disease?

In order to exclude the possibility of developing bacterial candidiasis, you should adhere to elementary rules prevention:

  1. Take antibiotics only under the supervision of an experienced doctor.
  2. Take breaks from using hormonal contraceptives.
  3. Treat inflammatory processes in a timely manner.
  4. Eliminate sweet foods and baked goods from your diet.
  5. Douche according to a strict scheme and only with the solutions recommended by the doctor.
  6. Do not use panty liners unless necessary.
  7. Wear only loose cotton underwear.
  8. Avoid drinking alcoholic beverages.

In addition, it is useful to include a sufficient amount of vegetables, fruits and fermented milk products, exercise regularly exercise and try to eliminate stressful situations.

Please pay special attention to the fact that you should be careful when choosing sexual partners. Sexual intercourse must be protected or after sexual contact antibacterial suppositories should be used.

Establishing diagnosis

Bacterial vaginosis and thrush have somewhat similar symptoms, so it is impossible to independently determine the true cause of the discharge. To do this, you need to go to a gynecologist and undergo all the necessary tests.

Bacterial vaginosis or candidiasis is diagnosed using a laboratory smear, which allows you to determine the causative agent of the disease. These include not only gardnerella, but also mycoplasma, ureaplasma and trichomonas. The simplest microorganisms can progress together with yeast-like microflora or separately.

IN mandatory The patient is tested for microflora culture of the discharge. Most often determined coli in high titer. The presence of other opportunistic microorganisms cannot be ruled out. This pathogen, in the absence of the influence of predisposing factors on the body, does not independently cause the development of the inflammatory process. This is only possible when the microflora contains several opportunistic microorganisms, which, together with the Candida fungus, increase each other’s activity. In this case, the development of the inflammatory process cannot be avoided.

If an STD is detected, the patient is required to be referred to a dermatovenerologist for consultation. Effective drug therapy can only be appointed by a specialized specialist who knows a lot about these matters.

Therapeutic measures

The bacterial form of candidiasis should never be treated independently. In order to select the most effective medicine, it is necessary to establish the type of causative agent of the disease, the nature and stage of its course. Only a qualified doctor can make a correct diagnosis, based on the results of the diagnosis.

Currently, the pharmaceutical market offers great amount antibacterial and antifungal drugs. Individual drug therapy is selected for each patient. Immunity-strengthening drugs are prescribed without fail. antihistamines and suppositories or solutions that restore microflora. This allows for a comprehensive approach to the problem.

Effective treatment tactics:

For bacterial candidiasis, treatment should be carried out comprehensively, that is, at the same time measures must be taken to destroy bacteria and fungus, as well as to restore the vaginal microflora. The duration of use of drugs developed on the basis of metronidazole and fluconazole should not exceed 7 days. IN in rare cases therapy continues for 2 weeks.

Antibacterial therapy during pregnancy

During pregnancy, vaginal candidiasis should be treated with extreme caution. Pregnant women are contraindicated to take drugs that have systemic impact on the body. This may cause problems with fetal development.

In this case, only those drugs are used that are intended for local application to the problem area of ​​the mucous membrane. During pregnancy, it is best to take measures aimed at restoring the natural microflora of the vagina. Lactic acid organisms displace pathogenic bacteria, relieving symptoms and normalizing natural microflora vagina.

Bacterial candidiasis is quite difficult to identify, much less cure. Under no circumstances should you engage in self-diagnosis or use medications on your own. This is fraught with development serious complications. If primary symptoms of gynecological diseases appear, you should immediately consult a specialist.

Bacterial thrush is a very common disease, especially in women. This disease can bring a lot of trouble. This disease is also known as candidiasis. The pathology develops due to the increase in the number of yeast-type fungi, which are constantly present in the human microflora - in the intestines, oral cavity, vaginal area (specifically in women). When a person’s immunity weakens, the number of fungi increases.

The bacterial form of the disease is a common illness, but in normal healthy condition immunity will not allow a sharp increase in the concentration of opportunistic or pathogenic microflora units. This also applies to Candida fungi. However, sometimes the living conditions change in the human body. That's what it is a starting point in order for the entire process of pathology development to start. Which is typical for a disease such as generalized candidiasis. So basically thrush develops due to the action various factors, but the most important reasons are weak immunity and an increase in the number of pathogens.

In addition, the reason may be the occurrence various violations in the integrity of mucous layers and skin. Changes in acidity levels during internal environment vagina. Hot temperatures are bad for your health climatic conditions. Because of this, a person sweats more, which also creates favorable conditions for the propagation of fungal and bacterial cultures.

Systemic candidiasis can develop not only in adults, but also in newborns. They can still become infected intrauterine development or in the process labor activity when the baby passes through the vagina. If the integrity of the skin of the mother's nipple is broken, the child may catch fungal infection even with breastfeeding. Children at this age have a weak immune system, so bacterial candidiasis will quickly develop.

Another fungus that causes candidiasis can enter the human body along with food. For example, most often it is meat and poultry, sour cream, cottage cheese. This also happens when sharing household items.

Symptoms and types

Urogenital candidiasis is not only unpleasant, but also quite an insidious disease. In general, thrush can appear on any part of the body, and it does not depend on gender or age. Symptoms of the disease will depend on the location pathological processes, as well as from individual characteristics the body of every person.

The types of thrush are quite varied. Depending on where the disease manifests itself, the following varieties are distinguished:

  • urogenital candidiasis;
  • oral disease;
  • disease of the skin and periungual area.

In addition, there is also a congenital form.

Urogenital candidiasis manifests itself in the organs of the urinary and reproductive systems, both in women and men. In women, the vulva, uterus and nipples can usually be affected. In men, the disease provokes urethritis, balanitis, balanoposthitis. In more rare cases, prostatitis of a fungal nature develops.

The visceral form is, in other words, systemic candidiasis. The peculiarity of this type of disease is that not only the superficial layers of organs are affected, but also the various internal organs and systems. Eg, yeast fungi adversely affect not only the organs of the urinary and reproductive systems, but also digestive tract, respiratory system. Generalized candidiasis requires a more careful approach to therapy.

can lead to stomatitis, glossitis or cheilitis. This form of the disease most often manifests itself in childhood. But the fungus can attack skin on any part of the body. Most often these are the palms and soles, especially the skin around the nails.

There are several forms of the disease. Firstly, candidiasis is not a separate disease, so special therapy is not needed. The acute form of candidiasis is characterized by rapid development and bright severe symptoms. But it heals very quickly. Launched form may lead to the disease becoming chronic in the future. This usually happens when there is incorrect or untimely treatment. In its turn, chronic pathology There are the following types: thrush is recurrent or persistent. The first type appears as a sharp outbreak. For example, this happens after menstruation or childbirth. The second type is characterized by a sluggish course. It is impossible to completely cure such a disease.

A separate form is deep candidiasis. It is considered the most severe in the course of the disease. With this disease it is necessary complex therapy. The deep form of candidiasis may have various signs depending on which organ or system is affected. For example, this is candidal meningitis, pericarditis, endocarditis, bronchopulmonary candidiasis and other severe types.


Regardless of the form of the disease or what infection it is caused by, it is imperative to start treatment as early as possible. Moreover, therapy should only be prescribed by a specialist; self-medication is prohibited. It is better not to delay going to the hospital, as the disease will develop, expand the affected areas, or later become chronic, when therapy will be less effective.

Now urogenital candidiasis is treated by two methods. Firstly, you need to take the drugs in tablet form. Typically, drugs with antifungal properties and, if necessary, antibiotics are prescribed. The doctor can first determine the type of infection and select the means that will most effectively influence such microflora. For example, Lomexin, Polygynax, Betadine, Clotrimazole, Livarol, Pimafucin, Terzhinan, Macmiror will help eliminate a fungal infection. In addition, medications are prescribed that will help strengthen the immune system - these are immunomodulators and vitamin-mineral complexes.

Secondly, complex therapy includes the use of not only system tools, but also drugs with local action. For example, candles, creams, ointments are suitable. Solutions for rinsing (douching) are used. Can be used not only pharmaceutical drugs, but also traditional medicine recipes.

You can't do without a diet either.

Dishes need to be steamed, boiled or baked in the oven. It is best to temporarily remove fatty meat and fish from your diet. It is also prohibited to eat dishes that are prepared with the addition of yeast. This also applies to bread and various flour products. It is necessary to reduce the consumption of sweets, as such food creates ideal conditions for the development of fungal infection. If a person chronic form illness, then the diet should be constant so as not to provoke a relapse. In addition, it is recommended to go for walks more often fresh air and play sports. It is imperative to maintain hygiene and bathe every day, and intimate parts Wash after each urination or bowel movement.

Bacterial candidiasis is a very common disease. It is caused by the active reproduction of fungal cultures of the Candida class in the microflora. This happens due to weakening immune defense Under the influence unfavorable factors. There are several types of this disease, but their symptoms are almost the same: itching, white cheesy discharge, redness, sour unpleasant aroma. The doctor selects the therapy. Basically, agents with antifungal properties are used, as well as drugs to strengthen the immune system and stabilize the microflora.

The term bacterial candidiasis is a bit of a misnomer. After all, it is known that candidiasis is caused by fungi of the genus Candida, and not by bacteria. Therefore, bacterial thrush is often confused with a problem such as vaginosis. This disease is provoked by decreased immunity and disruption of the vaginal microflora. And already against the background of vaginosis, thrush develops. These two diseases are very related to each other, which is why this concept is usually called bacterial candidiasis.

Symptoms of bacterial candidiasis

Since this name carries two diseases, it is worth examining them separately. If you notice the symptoms of a problem such as vaginosis in a timely manner, you can avoid the appearance of candidiasis. Thus, bacterial vaginosis is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Homogeneous foamy discharge of white or transparent color;
  • Sometimes there is a burning or itching sensation;
  • Unpleasant smell.

Candidiasis is characterized by completely different manifestations, more acute and serious:

With thrush, the discharge is always thick, white, and looks like curd. Unlike bacterial vaginitis, candidiasis is always accompanied by swelling of the external genital organs, severe itching and burning. These symptoms worsen during sleep. Because of severe inflammation vagina, the mucous membrane of which becomes loose and thin, the woman feels severe pain during intimacy. Due to its almost imperceptible course, vaginosis occurs unnoticed by the girl. And already with obvious manifestations of thrush, we can talk about the presence of bacterial candidiasis, timely treatment which is very important.

To summarize all the manifestations vaginal candidiasis It is worth noting the following pattern:

Symptom Bacterial vaginosis Vaginal candidiasis
Discharge Foamy, homogeneous, yellowish or white. White, thick, curd-like.
Smell Unpleasant fish smell. Unpleasant smell of sour milk.
Pain during sexual intercourse and urination None. Sexual intercourse and urination are always accompanied by unpleasant sensations in the form of pain.
Itching and burning Sometimes they meet. Expressed very clearly, especially when acute course diseases.
Swelling Absent. Always present.

Reasons for the development of bacterial candidiasis

There are many reasons for this disease. And to start correct treatment It is worth finding out exactly the nature of the origin, eliminating this factor. initial stage bacterial candidiasis is vaginosis. The causes of bacterial vaginitis are a decrease in the number beneficial bacteria in a woman’s vagina, which disrupts the natural microflora. Microflora is aimed at protecting and strengthening local immunity.

It is worth noting that vaginosis manifests itself only when immunity decreases. Refers to inflammatory diseases, which are not sexually transmitted and are individual in nature. And to inflammatory processes cause pathogenic bacteria that exceed their level for a certain period. If the signs of bacterial vaginitis are recognized early, the treatment will pass quickly, without transition to bacterial candidiasis. The following factors cause vaginosis:

  • Disturbances of the endocrine system;
  • Use of antibiotics or hormonal drugs;
  • Infectious diseases;
  • Frequent douching;
  • Weakening of the immune system;
  • Poor nutrition.

The development of bacterial candidiasis is characterized by the appearance of thrush itself. It occurs for almost the same reasons as vaginosis. But the causative agents are not bacteria, but Candida fungi. Thrush is always transmitted sexually, which is not typical for vaginitis.

Bacterial candidiasis and its treatment

Treatment takes place in several stages. Of course, first of all, you should make sure that bacterial candidiasis is present. To do this, you need to contact a specialist. During the initial examination, the doctor will already be able to draw the correct conclusions. And analysis of the smears taken will only confirm the diagnosis if visual inspection vagina.

To relieve symptoms of thrush, treatment involves using vaginal suppositories. It is these drugs that have proven themselves well in the treatment of thrush. They act very quickly, relieving the girl of discomfort. And all because the suppositories are introduced into the very source of the disease and act directly on the fungus, killing it. It is very important, when the condition improves, not to stop treatment, but to undergo full course which is usually one to two weeks.

Among the most effective, with minimum quantity adverse reactions are:

In order for the treatment to bring the fastest possible results, you can use it in combination. antifungal creams. They relieve the manifestations of thrush on the external genital organs, promote their fast healing. There are a lot of such drugs: Nystatin, Zalain, Miconazole, Fluconazole, Nizoral, Candide, Ginofort.

In acute or chronic course bacterial thrush Treatment involves the use of oral medications. This helps to overcome the disease from the inside, prevent its spread throughout the body, and possible reappearance. After getting rid of thrush, it is worthwhile to restore the vaginal microflora. This is the only way to completely cure bacterial candidiasis.

Vaginosis is treated with suppositories, gels, tablets and solutions. Experts recommend using such suppositories for bacterial vaginitis:

  • Ornidazole;
  • Metronidazole;
  • Ginalgin.

Some doctors advise using douching solutions instead of suppositories. They often bear the same names, with almost the same composition. Sometimes douching is much more convenient for women, but the effect is the same. So, suppositories leak from the vagina during the day, causing discomfort and staining underwear. There is no discomfort observed when douching. All these drugs help due to the high content of beneficial bacteria necessary for the vaginal microflora.