Russia's national security system

In accordance with the theories of state and law, as well as management, any complex system (which includes the system national security RF) must have a certain structure, which consists of: security objects and subjects, as well as the forces and means implementing it.

At the same time, ensuring the country’s national interests from external and internal threats is “ constant need"and at the same time targeted, large-scale and multifaceted activities of the main security actors. The implementation of this need precisely determines the organization of the security system.

The subject-object structure of security is expressed in the fact that its subject and object mutually presuppose each other and may even coincide, and the differences between them are relative, determined by their functions in the system and arise in the process of legal relations related to ensuring security.

The state and society as subjects of security depend on events that together constitute the elements of the ongoing security structure. The individual is also a valid part of the security system of an integral social state, and it is connected with other security subjects in such a way that their mutual influences jointly affect the security system, which exists as an inextricable legal relationship of the whole to its parts. A security subject exists as part of a security object, which in turn is part of a subject. They (according to theory) should have a specific sensitivity to changes in each other’s integrity.

IN effective systems In security, this sensitivity is ordered by legal norms so that parts (for example, security forces and agencies) adapt and improve themselves in order to maintain the stability and controllability of the entire NS system. The relationship of part to whole in security systems has a special interaction associated with healthy body, in which each part serves the whole, and the whole serves each part.

Thus, the essence of the subject-object understanding of security is the attribution and adaptation of various subjects to safety objects that remain intact.

Security object - This something that needs to be protected. According to theory, the variety of security objects is infinite. But law is concerned primarily with tasks and objects arising from the practical nature of social relations. Therefore, the law must have a theoretically justified classification of security objects, and it cannot be exhaustive. Today it actually already exists, but the list and characteristics of security objects are scattered across many sources of law (which will become clear after studying the next topic).

As mentioned earlier, the main objects of national security include (Article 1 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Security”): the individual - her rights, freedoms and health; society – its material and spiritual values; the state – its constitutional system, sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Security Subject - This one who can protect himself or someone else. The state or community of states, society and the individual as subjects of security are called upon to protect themselves and each other. This is reasonable security.

Legal personality in the field of security exists in two dimensions: national legal and international legal, and both seem quite complex. Thus, subjects of international law are bearers of rights and obligations in the field of security arising in accordance with the norms of international treaties or generally recognized principles and norms of international law. At the same time, there are two main types of such subjects: primary and derivative.

Primary The subjects of international law and security are states that have full rights and obligations. At the same time, it is generally accepted that derivatives subjects ( international organizations etc.) have limited legal personality compared to primary (states). However, it is international law that gives the derivative entity - the United Nations (UN) represented by its Security Council (in accordance with Chapters VI and VII of the UN Charter) - the highest legal personality in the field of international security.

In the sphere of national security, the opposite is true: the leading and primary subject, as a rule, is state, which gives rights and responsibilities to its parts - the authorities, legal entities(organizations) and citizens ( individuals). Consequently, the relationship of part to whole in the international security system and in the national legal system has a different interaction.

The state has a monopoly on coercion. Using it, as well as relying on the legal system, material and power resources, the state uses them in the interests of ensuring national security. For this purpose, it has special bodies, but it also realizes its participation through the activities of the legislative, executive and judicial authorities.

The subject of providing national security can be various associations of citizens: political parties, public organizations, commercial structures and others. organized groups. However, their participation in the National Security Service is largely limited by their legal status and regulations governing their activities in the field of ensuring National Security (for example, the law “On Private Detective and Security Activities”).

Great importance Today, citizens are creating independent public structures to maintain public order, self-defense of citizens and society itself (self-defense groups, structures in support of activities law enforcement, environmental public organizations etc.). In this case, the state has the responsibility to stimulate the collective participation of citizens in ensuring national security. It should be noted that currently in Russia there has been a tendency to increase the role of public structures in ensuring national security, which has certain negative sides. In particular, there is an “exit” of some non-state security structures (as a rule, security organizations created on professional basis) beyond their powers and sometimes even merging them with the criminal world. As a result, these structures can turn into their opposite - into sources of threats to national security.

The subject of the ONB may also be individual Russian citizens. The participation of citizens in ensuring national security is determined by existing legislation. So, in particular, the criminal law institutions regulating the right of citizens to participate in ensuring national security are: necessary defense, extreme necessity, detention of a criminal and justified risk. In addition, the ONB on the part of citizens is their participation in elections to all representative bodies of state power and administration. It can also be noted that the effectiveness of the activities of government bodies aimed at ensuring national security largely depends on the initiative of citizens in the timely provision of information about threats and providing assistance to government bodies entrusted with the responsibility to ensure national safety (for example, providing assistance in operational investigative activities ).

All of the above entities form national security system, which is usually understood as a set of subordinated to the common goal of ensuring the national interests of Russia and interconnected government bodies, state, public and other organizations and associations, citizens participating in the National Security Service in accordance with the Law, as well as conceptual foundations (installations) and regulatory legal acts regulating relations in the field of security.

In the previously mentioned Law of the Russian Federation “On Security” there is a special section II “Security system Russian Federation" It establishes the main elements of this system (Article 8), forming its three main subsystems: a) conceptual, b) normative and c) institutional.

Conceptual there is a subsystem necessary condition minimizing (or better yet, eliminating) spontaneity in the organization and development of the ONB system, preventing “hypertrophy of the subjective moment” in this process. This subsystem is represented by the Concept of National Security of the Russian Federation, which reflects new approaches to ensuring security that developed in Russia in the 90s of the 20th century.

Regulatory The subsystem is represented by legislation in the field of ensuring national safety, characterized by a certain lag in a number of its areas from existing realities, the lack of necessary orderliness and the presence of elements of spontaneity in it. This is largely due to the insufficient level of scientific and theoretical elaboration of a number of basic provisions of the Security Law, the absence for a long time of a clear definition at the state level of the main national interests of the country, and the lack of formation of a state program for the development of legislation in this area.

Basics institutional subsystems are determined by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the same law on security and its Concept, and are manifested in the presence of corresponding state and public structures of the ONB.

It is characteristic that the creation of security bodies not established by the law of the Russian Federation is not allowed.

Article 10 Law "ABOUT security" defines separation of powers state authorities in the security system.

Ensuring the security of the individual, society and the state is carried out on the basis of delimitation of powers of legislative, executive and judicial authorities in this area according to levels.

TO federal level powers include:

Determining priorities in protecting the vital interests of security facilities (mainly the President of the Russian Federation);

Development of a system of legal regulation of relations in the field of security (mainly the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation);

Establishing and maintaining the order of organization and activities of security agencies, as well as monitoring the personnel policy of state security agencies (mainly the Government of the Russian Federation and the Security Council under the President of the Russian Federation).

To competence Federal Assembly RF refers to:

Hearing the report of the President of Russia on ensuring the security of the Russian Federation (at least once a year);

Determination of budgetary allocations for financing security agencies and federal programs in the field of national security;

Development and adoption of federal laws, ratification and denunciation of international treaties and agreements of the Russian Federation on BSS issues.

Organs executive authorities:

Ensure the implementation of laws and other regulations governing relations in the field of security;

Organize development and implementation government programs ensuring security;

Implement a system of measures to ensure the security of individuals, society and the state within their competence;

In accordance with the law, state security agencies are formed, reorganized and liquidated. Judicial organs:

Ensure the protection of the constitutional system in the Russian Federation, guided by the Constitution and laws of the Russian Federation, the constitutions and laws of the republics within the Russian Federation;

Carry out justice in cases of crimes encroaching on the security of the individual, society and the state;

Provide legal protection citizens, public and other organizations and associations whose rights were violated in connection with security activities.

Article 11 of the Law defines management government security authorities. At the same time, the general management of the state bodies of the ONB is carried out by the President of the Russian Federation.

The president of the Russian Federation, exercising general management of the ONB bodies:

Heads the Security Council of the Russian Federation;

Monitors and coordinates the activities of government security agencies;

Within the limits of competence determined by law, makes operational decisions to ensure security;

Council of Ministers of the Russian Federation ( Government RF):

Within the limits of competence determined by law, provides leadership to state security agencies of the Russian Federation;

Organizes and controls the development and implementation of security measures by ministries and state committees of the Russian Federation, other bodies of the Russian Federation subordinate to him, republics within the Russian Federation, territories, regions, autonomous regions, autonomous okrugs. Ministries and other executive authorities of the Russian Federation:

Within their competence, on the basis of current legislation, in accordance with decisions of the President of the Russian Federation and decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation, ensure the implementation of federal programs for the protection of the vital interests of security facilities;

On the basis of this Law, within the limits of their competence, they develop internal instructions (regulations) for ensuring security and submit them for consideration by the Security Council.

Article 12 of the Law "ABOUT security" defines forces and means ensuring security.

Security Forces include:

Armed Forces (1.2 million military personnel),

Federal security agencies (75 thousand people directly in the FSB and 220 thousand people in its Border Service),

Internal affairs bodies and internal troops(1.2 million employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs),

Organs foreign intelligence(the number of air forces is classified),

Tax authorities,

Security authorities of the legislative, executive, judicial authorities and their senior officials, as well as justice authorities, including the GUIN (Main Directorate for the Execution of Punishments - 300 thousand employees who ensure compliance with the regime for one million prisoners and persons under investigation);

State Fire Service;

Emergency response agencies emergency situations, civil defense formations;

Bodies ensuring safe work in industry, energy, transport and agriculture;

Communications and Information Security Services (FAPSI), customs, environmental authorities, public health authorities and other government security authorities operating on the basis of legislation.

Security services of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, and other executive authorities that use special forces and means in their activities act only within the limits of their competence and in accordance with the law.

The heads of security agencies, in accordance with the law, are responsible for violating the established procedure for their activities.

Security forces and means are created and developed in the Russian Federation in accordance with laws, decisions of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, short-term and long-term federal security programs.

There is its own system of security agencies at the regional level (in federal districts and constituent entities of the Russian Federation).

Organizational structure of the national library system. The organizational structure of national security management is usually viewed from two aspects: wide - as the unity of all structures participating in the BSS (the approach contained in the Law “On Security”), and in narrow - as part of the executive branch system.

The links of this structure are:

President of the Russian Federation;

Security Council (SC) with its interdepartmental commissions;

Federation Council and State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation with their committees;

The Government of the Russian Federation with its boards;

Federal executive authorities;

Executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

Local government bodies (for example, in ZATO).

Identification of links in the organizational structure of public administration of the National Bank makes it possible to develop standard models for each of them. legal statuses, typical “internal” structures, relationships and, accordingly, analyze and evaluate their rationality and effectiveness. It should be noted that the organizational structure of the ONB is not only a collection of government bodies, but also a system of organizational relationships that influence management.

Features of the status, composition of the Security Council and the procedure for its formation (including interdepartmental commissions and apparatus), main tasks, decision-making procedure are presented in a special section III Law “On Security” (Articles 13–19) and the above-mentioned decrees of the President of the Russian Federation.

Details of the competence and powers of federal executive authorities (under the new structure), as well as the organization of their activities in the field of PSS can be discussed at the seminar.

Additional information on this issue can be found in the works.

1. What is included in the concept of “national security structure”?

2. What applies to NB objects?

3. How are the competence and powers of government authorities in the field of national security delimited?

4. What is the organizational structure and interaction of the bodies implementing the BSS?

5. Prepare for the seminar by considering, as an additional task, the functions of executive authorities in the field of national security and national security under the new structure of federal bodies.

test in the discipline Economics and economic theory on the topic: System of ensuring national security of Russia; concept and types, classification and structure, 2015-2016, 2017.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Federal State educational institution higher professional education

"Chuvash State University named after I.N. Ulyanov"

Department of Regional Economics and Entrepreneurship


"Economic security of the national economy"

Kanash 2009


1. National security of the state. Russian National Security Concept

2. Russia's national security system


List of used literature


The modern world is full of acute contradictions of a political, economic, social and historical nature. In this situation, it is especially difficult for Russia, since it has a unique geographical location, Natural resources, multi-ethnic population, diverse cultural and scientific achievements. Therefore, ensuring national security is very important for our country, without which its development is impossible.

1. National security of the state. Russian National Security Concept

The fundamental document in the field of state security is the “Concept of National Security of the Russian Federation.”

In accordance with the existing legislative and regulatory framework in Russia National security- this is guaranteed protection of the vital interests of the individual, society and state, as well as national values ​​and way of life from external and internal threats (political, economic, military, informational, environmental, etc.).

A distinction should be made between the national security system and the national security system. The first one is functional system, reflecting the processes of interaction of interests and threats, and the second is a system of bodies, forces, means, and various organizations designed to solve problems of ensuring national security.

To implement the state's political strategy in the field of national security, national values ​​must be expressed in substantive form. They acquire it in the national interests.

National interests are understood as the objective needs of the citizen, society and the state, arising from the characteristics of the socio-economic and political structure of the state, its level economic development, historically established place in the international division of labor, specifics geographical location, national and cultural traditions. National interests are realized in foreign economic, foreign policy and military doctrines, various kinds concepts, programs, etc. For each state there is a certain set of critical parameters, violating which it loses its independence and may even cease to exist. These critical parameters cover the areas most related to the problem of survival, which include, first of all, international, domestic political and social relations, economics, ecology, healthcare, culture, etc.

Based on national interests, relevant institutions and government bodies develop and formulate goals public policy, reflecting the interests of citizens, society and the state. To implement them, the country's leadership develops and implements special measures.

Interests that have been transformed into the goals of state policy are brought by state institutions to the world stage, where international policy is formed and conflict manifests itself. interstate relations. If the state of the state is characterized by the instability of its political, economic, social and national basis, the contradictory interests of various social groups and layers, relations at the intrastate level are complicated. As a result of the aggravation of contradictions in both cases, real threats arise to certain interests, external and/or internal. Moreover, due to the objectivity and inevitability of the diversity of interests of the individual, society, and state, contradictions are born that can become a source potential threats their safety.

2. Support systemnational security of Russia

Ensuring the national security of the Russian Federation means the purposeful activities of state and public institutions, as well as citizens, to identify, prevent and counter threats to the security of individuals, society and the state as a mandatory and indispensable condition for protecting the national interests of Russia. It is manifested in the definition of goals by the political leadership of the country and the setting of fundamental tasks to protect the national interests of the country and the development of forms, methods and means of achieving these goals.

National security policy is carried out on the principles of strict legality; maintaining a balance of interests of the individual, society and the state; mutual responsibility of the individual, society and state for national security and integration with international systems of collective security.

The main goal of ensuring the national security of Russia is to create and maintain the necessary level of protection of the vital interests of all security objects that create favorable conditions for the development of the individual, society and the state and eliminating the danger of weakening the role and significance of the Russian Federation as a subject of international law, undermining the state’s ability to realize the national interests of the Russian Federation.

This goal is achieved by solving a number of problems. The main ones are:

Timely forecasting and identification of external and internal threats to the national security of the Russian Federation;

Implementation of operational and long-term measures to prevent and neutralize internal and external threats;

Ensuring the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Russian Federation, the security of its border space;

Ensuring personal security of a person and a citizen, his constitutional rights and freedoms on the territory of Russia;

Strengthening law and order and maintaining socio-political stability of society;

Ensuring strict compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation by all citizens, officials, government bodies, political parties, public and religious organizations;

Raising and maintaining the military potential of the state at a sufficiently high level;

Strengthening the regime of non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their means of delivery;

Adoption effective measures to identify, prevent and suppress intelligence and subversive activities of foreign states directed against the Russian Federation;

Identification, elimination and prevention of the causes and conditions that give rise to crime;

Strengthening the role of the state as a guarantor of the security of the individual and society, creating the necessary legal framework and mechanism for its application;

Strengthening the system of law enforcement agencies, primarily structures counteracting organized crime and terrorism, creating conditions for their effective activities;

Involvement of government bodies, within their competence, in activities to prevent illegal acts;

Expanding mutually beneficial international cooperation in law enforcement, primarily with the CIS member states;

Promoting conflict resolution, including peacekeeping activities under the auspices of the UN and other international organizations;

Achieving progress in the field of nuclear arms control, maintaining strategic stability in the world based on the implementation by states of their international obligations in this area;

Fulfillment of mutual obligations in the field of reduction and elimination of weapons of mass destruction, conventional weapons, implementation of measures to strengthen confidence and stability, ensuring international control over the export of goods and technology, as well as over the provision of military and dual-use services;

Adaptation of existing arms control and disarmament agreements to new conditions international relations, as well as the development, if necessary, of new agreements, primarily on confidence- and security-building measures;

Promoting the creation of zones free of weapons of mass destruction;

Development of international cooperation in the fight against transnational crime and terrorism;

Counteraction to economic, demographic and cultural-religious expansion into Russian territory by other states;

Suppressing the activities of transnational organized crime, as well as illegal migration;

Implementation of collective measures to ensure the security of the border space of the CIS member states;

Preventing environmental pollution by increasing the degree of safety of technologies associated with the burial and disposal of toxic industrial and household waste;

Prevention of radioactive contamination of the environment, minimizing the consequences of previous radiation accidents and disasters;

Environmentally safe storage and disposal of decommissioned weapons, primarily nuclear submarines, ships and vessels with nuclear power plants, nuclear ammunition, liquid rocket fuel, nuclear power plant fuels;

Safe storage and destruction of chemical weapons stockpiles for the environment and public health;

Creation and implementation of safe production, search for ways practical use ecologically clean sources energy, taking urgent environmental measures in environmentally hazardous regions of the Russian Federation;

Improving the organization and conduct of civil defense on the territory of the Russian Federation, qualitative improvement of the unified state system prevention and response to emergency situations, including its further integration with similar systems of foreign countries;

Improving and protecting the domestic information infrastructure, integrating Russia into the global information space;

Countering the threat of unleashing confrontation in the information sphere.

National security is ensured by all means at the country's disposal - political, economic, legal, military, organizational and resource - based on the consistent implementation of national security policy.

The most important means of ensuring the military security of the Russian Federation is the Armed Forces.

The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is a state military organization that forms the basis of the defense of the Russian Federation, main element military organization states.

The changed foreign policy situation in recent years and new priorities for ensuring national security have set completely different tasks for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. They can be structured in four main areas:

1. Containment of military and military-political threats to the security or interests of the Russian Federation.

2. Ensuring the economic and political interests of the Russian Federation.

3. Carrying out peacetime power operations.

4. Use of military force.

The peculiarities of the development of the military-political situation in the world determine the possibility of the development of one task into another, since the most problematic, from the point of view of the security of the Russian Federation, military-political situations are complex and multifaceted in nature.

The nature of the tasks facing the Russian Armed Forces, taking into account the characteristics of armed conflicts and wars in which they may be involved, requires the formulation of new approaches to their construction and development.

The main priorities for the development of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are determined by the nature of the tasks in the field of national security and the geopolitical priorities of the country's development. We can talk about the existence of several fundamental requirements for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, which will determine the main parameters of military development:

The ability to implement strategic deterrence;

High combat and mobilization readiness;

Strategic mobility;

High level of staffing with well-trained and trained personnel;

High technical equipment and resource availability.

The implementation of these requirements allows us to choose priorities for reforming and strengthening the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation today and in the future. The main ones include:

1. Preserving the potential of the strategic deterrent forces.

2. Increasing the number of formations and units of constant readiness and forming groupings of troops on their basis.

3. Improving the operational (combat) training of troops (forces).

4. Improving the system of recruitment of the Armed Forces.

5. Implementation of the program for the modernization of weapons, military and special equipment and maintaining them in a state of combat readiness.

6. Improving military science and military education.

7. Improving systems social security military personnel, education and moral and psychological training.

The ultimate goal of these measures is to eliminate parallelism, eliminate duplicate links or redirect them to solve other defense tasks and provide, if necessary, complex application Armed Forces and military formations of power ministries and departments of the Russian Federation. All of the above must be taken into account when resolving issues related to ensuring the national security of Russia, since:

Despite the positive changes in the international situation, the sharp reduction in military confrontation, the military-political situation in the world remains complex and contradictory;

Russia, due to its geopolitical position, acutely feels the impact negative factors and features of the modern military-political situation;

There are real sources of threat to Russia's national security.

And this requires acceptance adequate measures to strengthen defense capabilities Russian state, increasing the combat readiness of its Armed Forces.


The state strategy of economic security during the transition period can be successfully implemented only if a number of certain requirements are met. Firstly, it is necessary to clearly delimit the functions of the apparatus of the President of the Russian Federation and the government, as well as federal executive authorities. Secondly, the tasks of the federal and local levels and the corresponding division according to public administration between federal authorities and executive authorities of the subjects of the Federation while ensuring the unity of executive power systems. Thirdly, adequate information support for the regulatory function of the state is required.

1. Official portal of the Southeast Prefecture Administrative District Moscow city: " Current issues ensuring Russia's national security"

2. Economic security, V.K. Senchagova, Moscow JSC [!!! In accordance with Federal Law-99 dated 05/05/2014 this form replaced with non-public Joint-Stock Company] "Finstatinform", 2000

3. Basics of economic theory: tutorial, M: Academic project, 2002.

Topic No. 4. National system security
Study questions.

1. The national security system as a scientific category.

2. The structure of the national security system.

3. Functional Basics national security systems.

1. National security system as a scientific category
The concept of “national security system” allows us to most fully and consistently reveal the capabilities of the country, the social relations existing in it, institutions, norms, culture, ideological aspirations, principles of organization of state power and their role in creating and strengthening national security.

In the regulatory documents of the Russian Federation, the category “national security system” first appeared in 1992 in the Law of the Russian Federation “On Security”. In this law it was interpreted as a “security system”. (Slide No. 2)

Article 8 of the Law established the security system of the Russian Federation in the following structure: bodies of legislative, executive and judicial authorities, state, public and other organizations and associations, citizens taking part in ensuring security in accordance with the law, as well as legislation regulating relations in the field of security.

If we turn to the regulatory documents of other states, we can find other interpretations of the national security system. (Slide No. 3)

In the Concept of National Security of the Republic of Moldova, the national security system is defined as a set of concepts, strategies, policies, means, rules and administrative structures of the state, as well as a set of institutions of society designed to realize, protect and promote the national interests of the country. It is a mechanism for interaction components, based on the national interests and values ​​of Moldovan society and intended to ensure the implementation of the country’s strategic objectives, defined by the directions of national security policy.

The Latvian national security system is formed by the structures exercising state power and administration, and by the citizens of Latvia, to whom the law delegates responsibilities and rights in the field of national security within a certain competence.

Analysis of the above interpretations shows that each state puts its own meaning into the concept of a national security system. At the same time, it is worth noting that in most interpretations there is a certain confusion of concepts. However, in all the above definitions there is government, society, citizens And legislation.

Along with the political interpretations of the category “national security system,” there is another problem - the confusion of the concepts of “national security system” and “national security system.” In many works and normative documents they are used as synonyms. However it is necessary to distinguish between the national security system and the system of ensuring national security. First- a functional system reflecting the processes of interaction of national interests and threats, second- organizational system of bodies, forces, means, various organizations designed to solve problems of ensuring national security - neutralizing these dangers and threats.

Based on this, we give a definition: “ The national security system, based on the current legislation and within the framework of a unified state policy, is formed by interacting forces and means, state and other bodies, associations, organizations and citizens who, within their competence, bear full responsibility for the formation of a given level of security in a specific area of ​​society. ensuring the national security of Russia". (Slide No. 4)

Thus, the national security system is an open, holistic, united on the basis of the values ​​of society and the state, a set of subjects of specific activities expressing the interests wide range social communities, as well as corresponding relations, norms, culture, which jointly ensure the formation and implementation of the conditions and factors necessary for the implementation of the development path chosen by society and the achievement of intended goals. At the same time, national security as a system is constantly evolving under the influence of both internal and external factors, changes its quantitative and qualitative parameters.

2. Structure of the national security system
Any system must have the following basic characteristics: Components; relationships (connections through which interaction between components occurs); border; target; external environment; enter exit; interface; laws, rules, operating restrictions.(Slide No. 5) Based on this, “A system is a set of elements that are in relationships and connections with each other and form integrity, unity.” Our task is to identify these elements and identify the connections between them.

The national security system has all the features of a complex systemic entities and includes both material(objects, subjects, technical and other means), and perfect(goals, objectives, principles of organization) components. This is proven by the following:

Firstly, the elements of the national security system are connected by a certain structure, internal system-forming connections. An essential feature of this structure is the multidimensionality of connections and interactions.

Secondly, being united by structural components, the national security system acquires the most important integrative quality - the ability to purposefully influence national security objects.

Third, the national security system has such a core feature of the system as unity and integrity. Unity is ensured by its general goals, foundations, principles, organizational norms, succession and continuity, coverage of the entire spectrum of subjects and objects of security. Integrity national security as a system is that all of it structural elements are naturally conditioned and objectively necessary.

Fourth, the national security system has its own external system-forming and system-preserving connections. It is revealed in them qualitative difference from other phenomena and systems. It consists, first of all, in the fact that through the functioning of the national security system, a targeted impact on the security object is carried out.

Fifthly, the national security system is a managed system. Its structural components, like the system itself as a whole, can adapt within certain limits and maintain relative stability and independence. In their genesis, they do not remain unchanged, but continuously develop together with society, the state, and the policies pursued by the country’s leadership.

At sixth, the national security system has its own functions, which in broad terms consist of resolving contradictions and bringing the security object into line with the requirements imposed on it by the policy of ensuring the national security of the state.

Under the system structure in general view refers to a certain relationship, the relative position of components in space, characterizing the structure or arrangement of something.

For a more in-depth analysis of the structure of the national security system, it is advisable to divide the entire set of its constituent elements, taking into account the place, role and nature of the manifestation of their functional essence, into two groups: organizational and functional structure And content structure. (Slide No. 6)

To the organizational and functional structure You can include: the ideological and theoretical basis of the national security system, objects of national security, subjects of national security, the legislative framework and governing bodies of the entire structure of the national security system.

Let us consider the elements of the organizational and functional structure of the national security system.

The effectiveness of the national security system depends to a great extent on correct definition its subjects and objects. Subjects and objects are the main interacting structural elements of the national security system. Subjects influence objects in order to form certain qualities in them.

1. The experience of organizing national security shows that it is most appropriate to distinguish three groups objects national security systems . (Slide No. 7)

First group of objects - Thisstate. The main components of this group are the inviolability of the constitutional system, the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the state, nations and ethnic groups living on its territory, image (of the state, country, nation), political, economic, spiritual and social stability, unconditional provision of law and order, development equal and mutually beneficial international cooperation. Defender of the principle of popular sovereignty J.-J. Rousseau wrote: “Only a strong state ensures freedom for its citizens.”

Co. second group of objects it seems possible to attribute society. Here it is necessary to focus efforts on strengthening democracy, preserving culture and spirituality, creating a legal, social state, achieving and maintaining public harmony and spiritual state.

Reference: A social survey conducted by the Federal Security Service of Russia in 2012 showed that the problems that most concern Russians are distributed from top to bottom in the following sequence: rising prices for goods and services, outpacing income growth (68.5%), low level income, poor financial situation (59%), increase in drug addiction, alcoholism (42.6%), low level medical care(41.7%), corruption, bribery in government structures (40%), poor housing conditions, housing and communal services problems (37.9%), insufficient social protection population (35.5%), inability to find work, unemployment (30.6%), crisis of morality, culture, ethics (29.7%), poor environmental situation (25.%%), high level crime (24.1%), conflicts on national and religious grounds (11.6%), threat of terrorist attacks (9.9%), untimely payment of salaries, pensions, scholarships, benefits (8.5), problems of heat and power supply (7 ,9%).

Thus, today our society is experiencing noticeable disintegration and atomization. A specific zone of isolation of citizens has formed. In fact, we can say that everything more people’s formed comfort zone becomes their home, or rather, their apartment. It's an apartment, not apartment house, V otherwise, considering general state Housing and communal services in our country, this issue would be significantly more acute. Russians rarely take part in meetings of residents and home owners. Until people feel an immediate threat to their family, their usual “habitat,” they are rarely ready to unite to solve joint problems.

TO third group of objects it is advisable to include person (personality). He has different status positions, often contradictory and even opposing political and ideological interests that do not coincide or are incompatible with the interests of other individuals. His behavior, active activity is determined not only by external, but also internal states(needs, interests, motives). He is capable of making independent decisions that may or may not correspond to the requirements of the systems in which he is a part - from complete coincidence to complete rejection. Predicting this behavior is always difficult and not always possible.

2. A special role in the structure of the national security system is played by its subjects - the state and its institutions, society (social strata and groups), the totality of government institutions, public, religious and other associations, as well as individuals called upon specifically to deal with problems of national security, and having certain forces and means to perform their functions . (Slide No. 8)

A study of national security practices inevitably leads us to the conclusion that main subject national security is state , performing functions in this area through legislative, executive and judiciary . It should be noted that the state acts both as an object and as a subject of national security.

In accordance with current legislation and by its purpose the state ensures the security of every citizen on its territory. Citizens located outside its borders are guaranteed protection and patronage by the state. Bodies of state power and administration, political institutions of the state determine the goals of national security necessary to achieve them, ways, forces and means, forms and methods, organize the interaction of state and public structures, political parties, and finally, directly make decisions on the use of forces and means of the national security. At the same time, their political influence on the objects of national security of the state is carried out not by itself, but through a number of factors. The main ones are:

political, including: the struggle for power in the country, region between national-political groupings, political parties, movements, associations, clans; separatist tendencies in the country, subject of the Federation, region, municipality; the level of stability of the political regime and its ability to solve problems of ensuring national security; growth in the number of policy subjects; expanding the functions of the national security forces to solve domestic problems of ensuring national security, etc.;

socio-economic, absorbing the breakdown of economic ties and ties of the industrial complex; deterioration or improvement in the supply of national security forces modern means as a consequence - accelerated moral and material aging of means of ensuring national security; deterioration of working, living, and rest conditions for representatives of the national security forces; decline in the standard of living of society; increased social tension in society, etc.;

moral and psychological, including the deployment of an ideological campaign to discredit the authorities; imposing on her a complex of guilt for failures in carrying out national security tasks; increased social tension in the forces ensuring national security, caused by the constant threat to life in the regions ensuring the national security of the country, etc.;

professional associated with the complication of organizing the training of national security forces due to the crisis and instability of society, a decline in prestige civil service and an increase in the degree of risk during the performance of official duties, etc.

The action of these factors occurs both directly and indirectly, although the line between them is fluid and largely depends on the activity of subjects of the national security system.

Reference. In relation to the Russian Federation:(Slide No. 9)

In accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the President of the Russian Federation is the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces. He approves the National Security Strategy, and in the event of aggression or an immediate threat of aggression, introduces martial law on the territory of the country or in certain localities with immediate notification of this to the Federation Council and the State Duma. Decrees of the President, his speeches in the media have great value for the effectiveness of the actions of national security forces, the formation of a healthy public opinion in the country, correct attitude population to fulfill tasks in the field of ensuring national security.

According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Federation Council approves Presidential Decrees on the introduction of martial law and decides on the possibility of using the Armed Forces outside the country.

The State Duma develops and adopts federal laws, including on issues of the “national security” item in the Russian budget, war and peace, etc.

The Government of the Russian Federation is implementing measures to ensure the country’s defense, national security, implementation of external and domestic policy states.

The Federal Assembly influences society as adopted laws, and the very course of discussion of these laws, various kinds of statements, resolutions on issues of ensuring national security, speeches of deputies in the media and before voters. No less important are the decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation and the speeches of its members.

A special place in general structure subjects of national security occupy civil society (political parties, public and religious associations, various unions, associations and other non- state institutions). They, as life shows, are capable of exerting a significant influence on the level of national security through the media, speeches of their representatives in government bodies, etc. (Slide number 10)

Reference: According to the report “Civil Society in a Modernizing Russia,” today the breadth and depth of the population’s involvement in the activities of civil society organizations, both social and political, is 33.7%. At the same time, the social base of Russian civil society is at least 90% of the adult population. "Core" social base civil society comprises 7.7% of adult Russians who declare their membership and (or) participation in the activities of public associations and other non-governmental non-profit organizations, civil initiatives, involvement in volunteering and philanthropy, and a willingness to unite with other people for any joint actions , if their ideas and interests coincide, and also demonstrate a certain level of awareness of third sector organizations and civil initiatives. The “satellite core” includes almost every fourth adult Russian (26.6%), who does not participate in the activities of NGOs and civil initiatives, but is ready to unite with others for joint actions, is engaged in charity in a broad sense, is informed about public associations and other non-governmental organizations. non-profit organizations, civil initiatives.

Statistical and sociological results of recent years suggest that civil society organizations in Russia today are most active in the following areas political life: protection of civil, political rights and freedoms (25%), participation in political elections at all levels (22%) and upholding the rights and interests of certain social groups - pensioners, military personnel, youth, etc. (18%).

Certainly, public associations do not have the same opportunities as government agencies. Their activities are mainly of a control nature. They identify dangers of various types, inform the relevant government agencies and society as a whole about the threatening dangers and threats, and mobilize public opinion to combat them. However, it should be noted that in the future, as the democratic foundations of society are strengthened, the role of public associations as subjects of the national security system will most likely increase.

An analysis of the experience of counter-terrorism operations in the North Caucasus region shows that in mandatory the structure of subjects of the national security system should include mass media (media) - so-called "fourth estate", having a huge impact on spiritual state nation. This is how the 37th President of the United States, Richard Nixon, characterized the media: “It is more profitable to invest one dollar in the media than 10 dollars in weapons: weapons are unlikely to speak at all, and the media do not close their mouths from morning to night.” In terms of expressiveness, volume and effectiveness of information and psychological impact, they have no equal. Using military terminology, it can be argued that control over the media, especially in times of crisis, the implementation of plans to ensure the national interests of the state is equivalent to “air supremacy in modern warfare.”

Reference: More than 94 thousand media outlets are registered in Russia today. However, a significantly smaller number of publications and programs are published: according to official data, in our country there are slightly less than ten thousand newspapers and about seven thousand magazines. At the same time, the share of independent media in the information field is behind last years decreased significantly. Local authorities are actively concentrating the media in their hands. In many regions, newspapers and television companies are uniting into large holdings, while their funding from regional budgets is increasing. The founders of most regional and up to 80% of municipal newspapers are regional and municipal authorities, which affects the editorial policy of publications and their economic independence. According to estimates by the Ministry of Finance, 174 billion rubles will be spent from the state budget on the media in 2011-2013. And who pays, as we know, calls the tune.

According to the results of a study by VTsIOM, central television remains the most widespread source of information for Russians and the main means of influencing public consciousness: 98% of residents use it modern Russia. In second place is regional, local television (87%). This is followed by the regional (71%) and central press (71 and 70%, respectively). The Internet is preferred by 60% of Russians as a source of information, and central and local radio by 57% and 54%, respectively. Foreign media were the least popular (42%).

In recent years, the demand for the Internet has been growing: the share of network users from 2008 to 2011. increased from 49% to 60%. The audience of local television is declining (from 92% to 84%), central (from 81% to 70%) and regional press (from 80% to 71%), as well as radio - both federal (from 65% to 57%) and and local (from 60% to 54%). Thus, television remains today the main source of information about events in Russia and the world. Schoolchildren, students of technical schools and universities also choose central television as the leading source of information about events in Russia and in the world (this was stated by 73% to 81% of young people). The Internet is used by 62% to 70% of young people.

At the same time, the level of trust in most sources of information has been declining in recent years: first of all, this concerns television - both central (from 75% to 69% over two years) and local (from 67% to 56%). There are fewer people who do not doubt the truthfulness of the central and regional press (from 52% to 42%), central (from 45% to 35%) and local radio (from 39% to 30%). The only source of information, the degree of trust in which is growing is the Internet (from 27% to 35%). However, among the entire population of Russia, according to Rosstat, only 19% have a computer; 38% have computer skills. These indicators demonstrate that Internet penetration in the country is still low, and its significance in influencing people’s mentalities is exaggerated.

The objects and subjects we have identified, despite their external disunity, still form a single structure. Moreover, each subject uses its own forms, methods and means of influencing the objects of the system. At the same time, the interaction between these structural elements of the system is not one-way directed - from subject to object. It is necessary to see feedback in this interaction.

What else, besides subjects and objects, is included in the national security system?

3. The most important component of the national security system of a country (society) is its ideological and theoretical basis . In the ideological and theoretical basis, two main elements can be distinguished - national And strategic. The first group is socio-political concepts relating to the national security system as a whole. The second group is provisions in a specific security area.

The basis of the ideological and theoretical base is the Strategy (concept, or another name) of the country’s national security. (Slide No. 11)

A certain part of the ideological and theoretical basis of the national security system is usually contained in other major national documents. These, in relation to Russia, include: the Constitution of the country, The federal law“On Security”, plans (programs) of economic, socio-political and spiritual development countries on long term, the military doctrine of the state, programs for building and improving the military organization of the state for a long time, Federal constitutional laws on states of emergency and martial law, as well as other laws and legislative acts regulating the organization of life in society as a whole or its individual spheres. And the more deeply their conceptual and theoretical basis is developed in these documents, the more perfect and effective their organizational and legal part will be.

The ideological and theoretical basis of the national security system can also use certain provisions of international and regional organizations on security (UN, OSCE), bilateral and multilateral treaties and agreements on security issues.

The strategy (concept) for ensuring national security is not only the basis of an ideological and theoretical basis. It plays a special role among the elements of the entire national security system. This special role lies in the fact that, being one of the elements of the national security system, it is simultaneously called upon to substantiate the overall composition and nature of the functioning of this entire system, the role and place of its remaining elements in ensuring national security.

The Strategy (concept) should formulate the most important directions and principles of state policy to ensure national security, the main objective and the means to achieve it. Based overall Strategy(concepts) usually develop a system of legal norms to ensure national security, as well as private concepts, programs, doctrines and plans to ensure security in certain areas of society: economics, politics, ecology, science, defense, computer science, etc.

4. A significant role in ensuring the effective functioning of the national security system is played by the presence of a well-thought-out and highly organized control element, designed to coordinate the efforts of all subjects of the national security system at all levels. (Slide No. 12)

The main purpose of the governing bodies is to establish expedient and stable connections and relationships between its elements and ensure its optimality. Since the functioning of the national security system is a process, it is carried out on the basis of purposeful organizational and managerial activities, which include in its structure the subjects, goals, means of this activity, as well as its final results.

The main carrier and agent of organizational and managerial activity are its subjects who directly implement the goals and objectives of national security. Their activities are carried out not only within the system, but outside, in the political-social-state sphere. Management bodies have a certain hierarchy, “zones” of competence and distribution of responsibility.

If we try to outline the hierarchy of governing bodies that has now developed in Russia, based on constitutional provisions and other legislative acts, the practice of making political decisions on issues of national security, then it can be represented by the following hierarchy:

State-political level- Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces - President of the Russian Federation, Federal Assembly(Defense Committee State Duma, Committee on Defense and Security of the Federation Council).

Administrative level- Government of the Russian Federation.

Organizational and managerial level– Security Council of the Russian Federation and other governing bodies at the regional and municipal level.

It should be noted that in recent years, Russian public associations have increasingly expressed their right to directly exercise civil control over the activities of governing bodies. Their task is to implement some forms of civil control within the framework of their competence and legitimacy of activity social movements, some of their representatives. For example, the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation has created and operates a Commission on problems of national security and socio-economic living conditions of military personnel, members of their families and veterans.

The process of activity of governing bodies is carried out on the basis of principles, which, on the one hand, are the methodological basis of organizational and managerial activities, and, on the other, set value-normative guidelines for its practical implementation, the realization of the goals of these entities. Thus, the structure of governing bodies is filled with specific content, objectified results of their functioning are achieved, of course, in the presence of appropriate conditions.

As for the means of achieving the goals of governing bodies, they are very diverse. They can be roughly represented in four main groups:

rational-theoretical- ideas, concepts, theories, scientific provisions, programs, methods, forms, methods, techniques of scientific knowledge;

directive-prescriptive- norms and requirements of laws and regulations, regulations, orders, directives, etc.;

information technology- communications, computer systems, software, media, cinema, video, audio equipment, etc.

Since not any means are suitable for achieving goals, but only those that correspond to them both from the point of view of expediency, admissibility, and justification, the coordination of the goals and means of activity of governing bodies gives the national security system integrity, stability and allows achieving effective results.

5. Like any management process, the functioning and development of the national security system should not be carried out in a voluntary manner, but be clearly regulated. In this regard, the presence in its structure of an appropriate legislative framework, which should serve as the legal basis for all objects and subjects of the national security system.

The peculiarity of the implementation of the functions of the legislative framework is the legal regulation of their actions with the help and on the basis of law. The object of this regulation can be not only the internal side of their activities, but also the sphere of activity of the entire population of the country. This is explained by the fact that the process of ensuring the national security of a state is determined not only by factors occurring within it, but also by many external influences, as well as the nature of society’s relations towards them. Therefore, in the national security system, not only federal legislation regarding the functioning of the national security system plays an important role, but also legal norms contained in documents regulating the life of the country as a whole. IN in this case we're talking about that the procedure for planning, organization and functioning of all subjects and objects that are in one way or another part of the national security system, their rights and responsibilities is established by law. We will consider issues of legal support for the functioning of the national security system in topic No. 6.

6. In the national security system, as in any system, an important role is played by communications, which represent “the ways of influence, interaction or relationship of elements among themselves, determining its structure and functioning in time and space.” Communication in the national security system is an expression of the compatibility of the functioning or development of its elements.

The national security system has connections that are different in nature. Among them differ informational connections, connections management, causal connections, connections correspondences, interactions, genetic communications, belongings, preferences, sequences and etc.

But we can especially highlight the connections sequences And preferences, since they help to find the most correct solution to form the level of ensuring national security and choose the most effective means for this.

Here we come close to the concept feedback . Its importance for the functioning of the national security system cannot be overestimated. The feedback mechanism ensures the stability and balance of the system in its interaction with the environment and is a universal objective law - autoregulation of the level of safety. In the process of functioning of the national security system, it is feedback that acts as a mechanism for taking into account the differences between the goal of the process and its result; the mechanism establishes the balance of the system, adjusting the process of regulating its state.

Attention should be paid to the specifics of the functioning of feedback in the national security system, which manifests itself in the possibility of a delayed reaction and a large time interval between an action and a reaction to it. The reasons for this are rooted in the complexity of interaction between subjects and objects of the national security system, which creates one of the greatest difficulties both in a timely response and in assessing the effectiveness of the national security system.

Structuring the national security system is, first of all, identifying real and potential dangers for the state and society as a whole. It is from them - actually existing and possible dangers - that one can determine the main areas and directions of activity to ensure national security. Indeed, if there is no one or another type of danger in one or another area of ​​public life, then there is no point in talking about ensuring security in this area. In other words, the problem of ensuring safety arises with the appearance of danger in real or potential form. Therefore, the security structure of the state and society as a whole coincides with the structure of existing and possible dangers for them.

We will consider this component of the national security system in more detail in topics No. 7-9.

Thus, we can make the following significant conclusions:

1. The structure of the national security system is a construction of interconnected components: objects; subjects; ideological, theoretical and legislative bases; governing bodies functioning in the interests of the country's national security.

TO objects national security systems are classified into three groups: state, society, person (person).

Under subjects national security systems are understood as: government institutions; civil society; MASS MEDIA.

As ideological and theoretical basis functioning of the national security system adopted: state ideology; concepts, programs, principles and patterns of state policy in the field of national security of Russia.

TO legislative framework national security systems include: federal, regional and municipal legislation in the field of national security; fundamental documents of the life of society.

Under governing bodies means: legislative, executive, judicial authorities; governing bodies at the federal, regional and municipal levels.

3. Functional foundations of the national security system
By the functioning of the national security system we understand the manifestation of its tasks in the system of relations between its structural elements.

The process of functioning of the national security system comes down to its following main functions: prognostic,informational, educational, mobilizing, incentive, planning, organizing, protective and preventive, managerial and regulatory, providing, restorative, rationalization, ideological, cultural. Let us consider the characteristics and purpose of the functions of the national security system that we have identified. (Slide No. 13)

Prognostic function forms trends in the development of political and social phenomena in the state through their forecasting, based on knowledge about the essence and structure of the state’s national security and the qualitative state of its main elements, as well as on the analysis of external and internal dangers and threats to national interests; political, economic, spiritual and other situation in the country and, taking this into account, develops a strategy for managing the positive impact on security facilities in the interests of achieving the required level of their protection. The result of the forecast is the conclusion from the results of the study of the deep connections of the processes of ensuring national security.

Information function forms in society the necessary socio-political knowledge and views, increases education in the field of national security, helps in achieving the most appropriate and effective form activities of national security forces in all areas of the country's security.

Educational function makes it possible to form a person as a citizen, an individual, a full-fledged member of society.

Mobilizing function reflecting the ability to purposefully influence the feelings and will of both an individual person and society as a whole, ensures the implementation of the effective activities of objects by creating a motivational mechanism, controlling and directing their total potential to provide the individual (group) with maximum opportunities to meet his social needs, changes his social status through legislative frameworks.

Incentive function represents a disclosure of the essence and mechanism of influence of the national security system on each of the elements of the group of security objects. And if in relation to the state this impact is of an indirect nature, then in relation to society and the individual it is direct. The end result of the implementation of the incentive function is stimulation, encouragement to conscientiously fulfill one’s duty to ensure national security.

Organizing function its implementation results in the organization and cohesion of government bodies, their ability to act as the core of ensuring the country’s national security, welded together by the unity of will and action, the desire to unquestioningly and accurately fulfill the requirements regulatory documents. At the same time, this function ensures internal orderliness and interaction of all components, processes, objects and subjects in the integral national security system.

Protective and preventive function provides and puts into action socio-political, pedagogical, psychological, organizational mechanisms for preventing and overcoming negative phenomena in the moral and psychological state of subjects and animate objects, government bodies, actively countering negative information and psychological influences, and protecting national security forces.

Planning function makes a choice effective way a combination of goals and means, which in the process of influencing security objects consists in finding the most rational option for activity. Goals acquire the quality of determination, opportunities are taken into account and assessed, and resources are not wasted.

Providing function provides for timely and high-quality provision of national security facilities and forces with the necessary highly effective means of protection.

Restorative function provides for the implementation of measures aimed at restoring the components of the national security system.

Rationalization function rationalizes internal conflicts and contradictions that arise in government bodies, national security forces, prevents them or resolves them.

Worldview function contributes to the development of a certain vision of reality by implementing a state policy for ensuring national security in government bodies and national security forces.

Cultural function is aimed at creating conditions to satisfy the cultural needs of national security forces, animate security objects, introducing them to the achievements of world culture, and the opportunity to self-develop in creativity.

Managerial and regulatory function expresses the interests and needs of various subjects and objects of influence and ensures their interaction, influences them by making appropriate decisions. It manages the socio-political processes taking place in the state and regulates them using social coercive measures and protection of objects. Forms and consolidates in the minds of individuals the necessary values, attitudes, goals, motives and norms of behavior. In its simplest form, it manifests itself as the reaction of the individual, society and the state to the dangers and threats to national interests reflected in their consciousness, the real state of the state’s national security system and ways to eliminate, localize these dangers and threats through the action of a whole range of measures: from political, diplomatic, economic and so on. - before the military.

And if the functions discussed above, as it were, prepared the specific activities of the state and government bodies to carry out national security tasks, then this function realizes itself in the regulation of this activity and its management.

The process of functioning of the national security system is based on the political and doctrinal guidelines and provisions of the state in the field of national security and includes a whole range of components. These include: political, economic, spiritual, legislative, financial and material, organizational and staffing, social, informational, managerial, psychological, providing, etc.

An important condition for the effective functioning of the national security system is the knowledge and creative implementation of certain principles - guiding ideas, scientifically based provisions and requirements on the basis of which it operates. The principles of functioning of the national security system are rooted in its essential connections and relationships of this process, and are a reflection of its laws. Being enshrined in the relevant departmental, regional, state and international regulations, they act as universal mandatory requirements indicating the main ways of practical activities of subjects and governing bodies in the national security system.

These principles perform two functions simultaneously: contribute to stabilization(systematization, regulation) of the activities of subjects and governing bodies, limiting it to a certain regulatory framework, and consolidate everything new that appear in national security practice and thus contribute to its development. Let's consider the main of these principles: (Slide No. 14)

objective assessment of the situation, level of security of objects; the need to see life as it really is, not to distort it, not to wishful thinking, not to embellish or denigrate it;

organizing the functioning of the national security system in close and inextricable connection with other systems of the state;

continuity of functioning of the national security system, constant impact on its facilities;

purposefulness of functioning, focus on solving specific problems in the field of national security, identifying and overcoming existing contradictions in the interests of increasing the level of protection of national security facilities;

differentiated approach to national security facilities;

unity, consistency and continuity in the implementation of influences on national security objects, a combination of historical and logical in this process, consideration of it in dynamics, development taking into account modern realities and historical experience.

the priority of consideration by management bodies of forces and means of national security not only in the form of “effective”, “cheap”, “independent” weapons intended for a positive impact on objects, but also as forces and means that are sufficient and most suitable for solving strategic problems in the field national security;

centralism, expressed in unified leadership of all forces and means of national security;

unity of political and military leadership;

state-political and public control over the implementation of the process of functioning of the national security system;

prolongation of the early start (long before the start of hostilities) and delayed (after the end of hostilities) completion of the positive impact on objects;

massing efforts through the use of all available forms, methods, forces and means of national security at all levels of their use to achieve goals.

Thus, the process of functioning of the national security system can be interpreted using the following fundamental judgments.

1. The national security system represents a structural integrity, the unity of functioning of its elements. These elements in a generalized form include the above-mentioned main structural elements of the national security system and are its unique foundation, basic basis.

2. Elements of the national security system are interconnected in a certain way and are structurally organized. There are various (intrasystem) connections and relationships between them. They have different character coordination (“horizontal”) and subordination (“vertical”). Many connections, for example, structural, functional and others, are of a fundamentally coordinated nature, since in most of them the dominant role belongs to the individual and socio-political relations. At the same time, these elements are in subordinate relationships with governing bodies.

3. The national security system is a specific part of a more complex system - political system state and experiences the impact of all those positive and negative changes that occur in politics, society, the state and the world. At the same time, the process of functioning of the national security system itself has a significant impact on the supersystem, and specifically on the political, economic, social, spiritual and other processes occurring in society and the state. Thus, it exists and functions not just on its own, but only in close interaction with others, more or less complex systems, while experiencing the influence of all other spheres of social life.

4. The national security system is capable of maintaining stability under the influence of internal (intra-system) and external (extra-system) factors and conditions, adapting to changes in the political, military, moral-psychological, information and other situations. However, this is only possible if external and internal conditions and the factors do not exceed the destructive potential they contain for the system. Otherwise, the system may turn into a chaotic, uncontrollable process of degradation. The ability to adapt the national security system to changing conditions of political and social life also has its “boundaries.” They persist until radical changes occur in the political and ideological orientation of the state and society, and a change in social and spiritual values ​​occurs (for example, as happened in 1991 in the USSR and Russia).

5. The main system-forming feature of the national security system is activity-based. This is consistent with the modern tendency to raise the question of man as the main subject of all political and social transformations, relationships and activities. The process of functioning of the national security system has its own various systemic properties and qualities. They arise as a result of the structural interaction of its subsystems, components and elements, the influence of external factors and conditions on them. One of the main system qualities is the optimal functioning of the system, as a result of the coordination of goals, forces and means of ensuring national security.

6. The process of functioning of the national security system enriches (and shapes) its content on the basis of historical continuity, absorbing into it everything positive from past historical experience, “cutting off” everything negative, constantly turning to historical and modern practice. In this regard, it is legitimate to classify the process of functioning of the national security system as an open type system, which is characterized by close connection With environment, the ability to accumulate in their content the most significant elements of this environment for them, to self-regulate and self-organize.

7. The system has a specific functional purpose- ensure a given level of security of the facility, corresponding to the changed political, socio-economic and spiritual values ​​of society and is aimed at developing its ability and readiness to protect national interests, in accordance with the situation in the world and the capabilities of the state.

Thus, the process of functioning of the national security system can be expressed by the following algorithm: S - O - C - Sr/Sp - P, where S is the subject of influence, O is the object of influence, C is the goal of influence, Sr/Sp means and methods of influence, P - result.

All conditions and factors that determine the functioning of the national security system can be divided into invariant and variable.

Invariant there are conditions and factors that predetermine any activity and in this sense are relatively stable and constant. It is most appropriate to include such elements of influence as type of activity of the subject; object of impact (object, group of objects, category of objects); purpose of impact (long-term, short-term, main, secondary, etc.); means and methods of influence; success or failure in achieving the result.

Variable conditions and factors are future, past and immediate conditions. They are variable because they are in constant change, dynamics, and sometimes change to the exact opposite.

Invariant and variable factors predetermine the activities of subjects of the national security system in the sense that they can either contribute to the impact or destroy its mechanism through a change or mismatch of its elements: needs, interests, motives, attitudes.

8. The national security system of the Russian Federation operates in four modes operating on a national, regional or sectoral scale: peacetime; high alert; state of emergency; wartime.

Peacetime regime- this is the normal functioning of the national security system in the absence of threats to the national interests of Russia or their practical neutralization.

High alert mode- this is the functioning of the national security system in the presence of threats that require their suppression.

State of emergency- this is the functioning of the national security system in the presence of threats to the national interests of Russia that require localization and elimination. This regime is regulated by the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On a State of Emergency”. In a state of emergency, certain restrictions are introduced on the activities of subjects and objects of the system.

Wartime regime- this is the functioning of the national security system in the presence of threats to the national interests of Russia that require reflection and destruction. This regime is regulated by the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On martial law”.

1. National security is a system consisting of interconnected elements, the relative position of which gives it a specific structure. The most important feature of this system is the expediency of its functioning, since it is the national security system that has the necessary influence on the level of security of its facilities and ensures the process of development of state security.

2. Having such a specific essential feature as self-development, the national security system, like any system, is subject to processes of interaction, demarcation, management, etc., which develop in the interests of implementing its functions and achieving its goals. This is one of the objective conditions for the functioning and development of national security as a system. The form in which this development and management is carried out is human activity.

3. The functioning of the national security system is a complex, system-integrated process that has the most important integrative quality - the ability to purposefully influence security objects. The national security system operates and develops according to certain objective laws, knowledge of which allows us to foresee the course of its development and develop scientifically based principles that are a reflection general practice ensuring national security. The principles of national security are enshrined in federal, regional, municipal and departmental regulations and are a kind of guiding basis for the activities of subjects and bodies managing the national security system.

4. Modern system national security has developed historically, incorporating the peaceful methods developed by mankind, first of all, to ensure the security of its facilities. At the same time, the evolution of the development of the situation in the world and in Russia, in particular, in the direction of interconnectedness and interdependence, required comprehensiveness in approaches to resolving contradictions that arise in the process of maintaining a given level of security. The national security system created in Russia strives to meet these requirements and resolve the contradictions that have arisen.

5. The national security system of the state, like any system, actually responds to influence impulses external to it, different kinds and expansion forms producing at the output:

plans, programs and plans for specific actions of security subjects, formation necessary relationships, creating appropriate forces, means and methods that meet national security requirements;

specific operations and activities of subjects of the national security system;

feedback impulses, taking into account the changing set of situations that are a factor in the development of expansion into the country, into the structure of the entire palette of social relations, which reflect the nature of the life of society, the country, and the peoples inhabiting it.

The following literature was used in preparing the lecture:

Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Security”. M., 2010.

National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation until 2020. M., 2009.

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