How much blood can a donor donate: indications and contraindications for donation, places to donate blood. Medical standards and legal benefits. What not to do before taking the test. When to donate red blood cells

Nowadays, blood donation is considered not only useful, but also a widespread activity that affects the lives of people around. In this regard, the relevant question is how often can you donate blood? Slogans modern laboratories they say “donor, give life,” famous politicians and pop personalities set an example of donation. The issue of donation must be approached extremely seriously, and therefore you need to understand the benefits and harm that your body will receive as a result.

To become a blood donor, you must go through special examination, which in most cases is carried out directly at the transfusion station. Pre-registration is required to schedule an examination. Registration can be done online or by telephone. You cannot undergo the examination instantly; detailed preparation and consultation with a specialist are required. After your appointment has been received, a transfusion specialist conducts a consultation with the candidate, where he talks about the main aspects of transfusion and answers the candidate’s questions. Afterwards, the doctor informs you about how the examination and analysis will be carried out. Full examination may take about a month.

Part of the blood that is taken from a person is sent for analysis. An analysis is required to determine the person’s Rh factor, a general analysis, the presence of pathogens of blood-borne infections, as well as the immunodeficiency of the future donor, hepatitis B and C viruses, and syphilis. The result of the analysis will be ready within a few days, and each donor can voluntarily receive information about it. At such stations, all information about the donor and analysis results is confidential and is not disclosed to third parties. If the analysis shows the presence of viruses, the laboratory technician will inform the donor exclusively about this and advise which specialist is best to contact for a more detailed study of the health condition.

Future donor, in addition to the mandatory donation necessary tests, must pass the planned medical checkup, which also requires advance registration. During the examination, the doctor will measure your pulse and blood pressure and perform an examination. skin, the individual mental state and behavior of the donor were assessed. A mandatory stage of preparation for donation is filling out a special questionnaire, where the future donor must provide information about previous and existing diseases, as well as note when these diseases occurred. You can't disturb the order initial examination or you will be denied admission. The decision to admit a donor to a transfusion is made by a transfusiologist, taking into account the results of tests and examination, as well as mental state donor. People who abuse drugs or alcoholic drugs, cannot be allowed to donate blood.

There are two main types of transfusion, the most common type is the donation of whole blood and the less common is the donation of its components, plasma. Donation is made by collecting venous blood. Required amount ranges from 200 to 450 ml at a time. This collection occurs within approximately 5-10 minutes. How much material the recipient needs depends on the severity of his condition.

Sometimes not whole material is required, but exclusively platelets. The most labor-intensive process is obtaining its components from solid material. This process occurs both automatically and through manual collection. It is impossible to say exactly how long this procedure lasts; in most cases it takes less than an hour. If the collection of material into components occurs through special apparatus, it takes less than half an hour.

A substance is taken from the donor’s body, and during the collection process it is divided into components, red blood cells and platelets. Mostly platelets are taken from the donor, and the remaining unused components are returned back to the human body.

The amount of material that can be donated without harm to the body per year is determined differently for men and women:

  • men are allowed to submit whole material no more than 5 times a year;
  • for women no more than 4 times a year.

Women in donation are given Special attention, since you cannot hand in the material on time menstrual period, in moments breastfeeding or pregnancy. Since last menstrual period One week and one year must pass after the birth of the child before the girl can be allowed to donate. If there are tattoos on a person’s body, then the substance can be collected after one year from the date of their application. The intervals between donations should be at least two calendar months a year, then donation will not have a negative impact on your body. Blood components can be donated to both men and women without harm to the body no more than once every two weeks, but not more than 10 liters per year.

Preparing the body before donating blood

The donor's body must be properly prepared before donation. For a month, you need to think about what to eat and what to exclude from your diet. Junk food may affect the quality of the material. The month is minimum term to bring the body in order, regular donors lead healthy image life always, and not in anticipation of donation. It is recommended to eat exclusively healthy and fresh food, this is a plus for the person donating.

The day before the intended blood donation, it is prohibited to consume:

  • salty, fried, spicy, smoked food;
  • any alcoholic drinks.

Recommended to eat healthy food, more fruits and vegetables. The main thing is to make sure that the fruit is not particularly sweet, as this can raise your sugar levels. Bananas, flour products and sweet juices are prohibited. If you are a smoker, then you should refrain from taking nicotine approximately 5 hours before donation, as harmful elements may penetrate into the composition and affect the material. Refrain from using painkillers and aspirin, they can cause the consistency of the material to thin out. Must be followed correctly water balance, during the preparation period you need to drink at least 2 liters of plain water still water, not counting tea or coffee.

Benefit or harm

The topic of donation is quite widespread nowadays. Most people, due to their ignorance, conclude that donating blood can cause minor harm to the body. But in fact, the donor’s body does not sacrifice anything and does not receive any harm, because if such a threat existed in reality, the transfusiologist would definitely report this and would not allow the individual to donate blood.

The circulatory system is a replenishable source of our body; its regular intake will allow it to independently, in natural conditions renew and purify. When the donor himself may need a transfusion, for his circulatory system this will not be something unnatural, therefore, the adaptation of a foreign substance into the body will pass more successful. We can conclude that the benefits of donation are much greater than the harm. Disadvantages can only occur if a person exceeds the time frame for donating blood recommended by experts.

How many times you donate is entirely up to you. Remember that by handing over the material, you can give life to many people and young children who, for whatever reason, suffer from a lack of it. Do not neglect the recommendations of doctors regarding the number and timing of donations, and then the body of both the donor and the recipient will receive maximum benefit from transfusion.

Many people are ready to become voluntary blood donors. Some people do this once, responding to an urgent call for help for a specific person, while others become regular donors. Research results confirm that this is not only not dangerous to health, but rather even beneficial. In this regard, many who want to become donors are interested in how often they can donate blood, how much volume can be taken at one time, and at what intervals repeated drawings are allowed.

The recovery time for the body after a blood transfusion procedure depends on the type of donation. The most common method is to donate whole blood. It is taken from a vein in the arm. The average volume of blood drawn at a time is approximately 450 ml. Donors can also donate individual blood components, such as plasma or platelets.

Whole blood It is allowed to take it several times a year. The norms are different for men and women: men can donate blood no more than 5 times during the year (that is, no more than 1 time in 2 months), and women - no more than 4 times (no more than 1 time in 3 months). If necessary, transfusions can be performed more often, but the minimum period that must be maintained before blood is taken again is 1 month.

Blood plasma Doctors allow you to take it no more than once every 2 weeks. At the same time, no more than 12 liters of plasma can be taken from a donor during the year. If a donor donates whole blood, then plasma collection can only be done after one month has passed from the last blood collection procedure.

Platelet donation can be carried out no more than once every 2 weeks. Platelet collection is an expensive procedure, so it is usually only allowed to regular donors who have repeatedly donated blood and undergone appropriate examinations, since doctors are confident in their absence of infections.

Donation of red blood cells(erythrocytapheresis) can be performed no more than 2 times a year. The recovery period for red blood cells in the donor’s blood is about a month, but according to medical standards, long time intervals must be observed between erythrocytepheresis procedures - at least six months.

Donation of granulocytes can be performed once every 2 weeks, but doctors recommend doubling this period. Donors undergo granulocytapheresis only on request, that is, when granulocytes are needed by a specific patient with a weakened immune system (for example, a patient after a course of chemotherapy).

There are also time limits recommended by doctors between different types of donation. Thus, the collection of plasma and platelets after donating whole blood can be carried out after 1 month, and erythrocytepheresis in this case is allowed only after 3 months. In addition, doctors should consider physiological characteristics and the health status of the donor before deciding on the possibility of additional blood draws and matching various types donation.

Many people are interested in how many times they need to donate blood to receive the status of an honorary donor. The following donors can receive this status:

  • who donated blood and/or its components (except plasma) free of charge at least 40 times;
  • who donated blood and/or its components free of charge at least 25 times and who donated plasma, provided that total number there are more than 40 of these procedures;
  • who donated blood and its components free of charge less than 25 times and who donated plasma, provided that the total number of these procedures exceeds 60.
  • who have donated blood plasma for free at least 60 times.

Donors who meet these conditions receive an award " Honorary Donor Russia" in the form of a badge, as well as the right to a number of benefits (priority receipt of medical care and discounted vouchers, vacation at convenient times of the year and annual cash payments).

Temporary contraindications

In some cases, the donor may not be allowed to donate blood for a period of time. Temporary withdrawal from donation may occur in the following cases:

  • after ear piercing or tattooing;
  • after vaccinations (from 10 days to a year depending on the type of vaccination);
  • in the presence of infectious diseases;
  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • after surgical interventions, including after an abortion;
  • with an increase in ALT activity (withdrawal from donation for 3 months);
  • when the hemoglobin level decreases after the next blood donation by more than 10 g/l from the norm (withdrawal from donation for 6 months).

How does frequent donation affect health?

Regular blood draws help natural renewal body and serve as a good preventive measure cardiovascular diseases. According to research results, regular blood donors are ten times less susceptible to heart attacks, in addition, the risk of heart attacks in men who regularly donate blood is reduced by about 30%. It is also believed that in the event of an accident or accident, a permanent donor has a greater chance of successful outcome, since his body is well adapted to blood loss.

Who is a donor? This is a person who voluntarily gives part of his blood for the needs of other people. How many times can you donate blood per year or month? There are approved standards and...

First of all, donation is permitted to persons who have reached the age of majority.

Everyone must undergo examination and examination by a doctor before:

  • is filled in questionnaire and personal profile
  • A citizen's blood is taken from a finger to examine the level of hemoglobin and red blood cells, leukocytes, platelets, to identify antibodies to HIV and RV, and the Rh factor is also required.
  • pressure and temperature are measured.
  • further, the donor is invited sweet tea with cookies.

The process of donating blood by donors is carried out in comfortable chairs, in a reclining position. By law, no more than 10% of the circulating blood volume can be taken from one person as a donation. If we take into account that there is, on average, 4.5 – 5.0 liters of blood in a person’s bloodstream, then the permitted one-time volume is 450 – 500 ml. As a rule, it is taken bottom line(450 ml), this is the volume that a person can lose without harm to health.

Just as with regular donation of whole blood, it is necessary to take long breaks after every fifth donation. For plasma donation, this break is one month. How many times a year can you donate blood for plasma without causing harm to the donor? No more than 12 times; ignoring these standards has unpleasant consequences.

What is it being rented for? There are diseases in which the human body is deprived of its own protective function. As a rule, this is due to a clotting disorder or cancer. In the presence of malignant tumor, one of the treatment methods is chemotherapy.

The use of such strong and toxic drugs not only kills cancer cells, but also inhibits the process of hematopoiesis. It is during this period that patients need donor platelet mass and its systematic administration. Platelet mass is the smallest component of the collected blood. A single 450 ml blood donation yields only one dose of platelets, and many patients require multiple doses at a time. Unfortunately, platelet mass is a scarce drug.

Donating blood for platelets is a more complex and lengthy process. It lasts at least one and a half hours. The donor has catheters connected to the veins in both arms, blood is collected from one arm and passed through a separator, which separates the platelet mass, and the remaining blood is returned through the catheter in the other arm.

The procedure is quite tedious, so in many medical institutions TVs or other video equipment are often installed, and medical staff are on duty near the donor at all times.

Arrives in a few days. How many times a month can you donate blood for platelets? Twice with a break of two weeks. No more than 12 procedures are allowed per year.

Contraindications and benefits of donation

It’s the same here as in many places. medical procedures There are some contraindications. People with antibodies to viral hepatitis, if present, or syphilis.

Contraindications include:

  • which develops when anemia occurs;
  • reduced arterial pressure, since this is dangerous for the donor himself.
  • increased body temperature;
  • , which indicates the presence of an inflammatory process;
  • hangover.

Those wishing to become donors have many questions, the main ones being:

  • for the body;
  • whether dependence arises;
  • how many times can a donor donate blood?
  • What benefits are available to honorary donors?

In addition to helping people in need of other people's blood and obvious benefit for them, regular donation has a beneficial effect on the donor himself. Studies have shown that people who donate blood regularly are at lower risk of cardiovascular disease.

The constantly renewed composition of the blood enhances the body’s immune response, cell rejuvenation occurs and tissue structure improves. IN extreme cases associated with significant blood loss, the donor is in a more advantageous situation, since his body is accustomed to regularly replenish lost reserves.

Donation is not addictive, but the fact is that regular cell renewal gives a stimulating impulse to the whole body, so donors are usually active and optimistic people.

There are no quantitative restrictions on blood donation. There is only the desire of the person himself and the possibilities of his health. Depending on the age at which a person became a donor, it is possible to reach a certain number of blood donations to receive an honorary donor ID. This title is awarded for 40 units of blood donated or 60 times of plasma donation. For this category of citizens there are certain benefits: monthly cash rewards, social benefits.

Rules of conduct after donating blood

While in the office, after donating blood, you need to sit quietly for at least 10 minutes while the body adapts to the changes that have occurred. On this day you should not expose yourself to serious physical activity, accept hot bath or alcohol.

Over the next two days you will need:

  • good nutrition and especially protein-rich food;
  • It is necessary to drink at least two liters of fluid per day, especially juices and fortified drinks.

Donating blood does not affect driving, but it is not recommended before competitions, exams, or before any intense activity. Now we hope you know how often you can donate blood to donors and how beneficial this procedure is for a person.

In order to make a correct diagnosis for a person who goes to the hospital for medical care, he is prescribed some tests. Each of them allows you to highlight certain blood indicators, on the basis of which a person will be diagnosed.

All blood tests are divided primarily into two types, depending on what kind of blood is collected venous or capillary. Venous blood is obtained directly from a vein in the elbow. Capillary blood is obtained from ring finger piercing it with a needle.

There are several main types of blood tests used in medicine:
  • general;
  • biochemical;
  • blood group and Rh factor;
  • for hCG;
  • for the presence and condition of microelements;
  • for sugar;
  • immunological;
  • serological;
  • allergy tests;
  • determination of coagulability;
  • hormonal analysis;
  • study for tumor markers.

Each of them can provide data about certain cells and substances that make up the blood. By their presence or a certain concentration, we can talk about the state of the body.

It is worth considering that for some types of tests, blood can be taken not only from a vein or from a finger.

Test for sugar is carried out in two stages. First of all, blood is drawn from the capillaries. The procedure is carried out in the morning, when the person has not eaten for at least 8 hours. Based on the resulting data, the doctor can judge the level of sugar concentration in the blood. Glucose testing is carried out even at home. For this, people with diabetes use special devices. Monitoring is carried out to prevent exacerbation of the disease. It is also prescribed to people at risk.

Blood from a vein for testing diabetes mellitus usually taken from people over 40 years of age. It is prescribed to detect glucose levels. In venous blood its concentration is higher than in tissues. Indicators are considered normal from 3.3 to 5.5 mmol/l.

Allergy tests are carried out using capillary blood, but it is not taken from a finger.

Allergy tests involve making small scratches on the patient's skin. Most often, the skin area on the wrist is chosen for this. Substances isolated from allergens are then applied to the scratches. If the scratch begins to swell, you can judge whether the person is predisposed to an allergy to a specific substance.

Assign this analysis people suffering from severe allergic reactions, to isolate the exact allergen.

Finger blood test

Capillary blood is collected from a finger. It allows you to assess the general condition of the body and find out about the presence of certain diseases, but without specifics.

Blood is taken from a finger for the following types of studies:

  • general;
  • for sugar;
  • to determine blood clotting.

Most often, doctors prescribe to patients passing general analysis blood. It is assigned as mandatory for passing before scheduled inspection, as well as with any visit to a therapist. Based on this, the doctor can judge the content blood cells, hemoglobin level, erythrocyte sedimentation rate. The number of leukocytes is also assessed to detect inflammation.

Define degree of clotting A finger prick blood test also helps. To carry it out, the finger is pierced with a needle, after which the time to stop the bleeding is measured. Considered normal indicators from 2 to 3 minutes. A component such as heparin is responsible for blood clotting. If there is not enough of it, a person’s bleeding will not stop. long time. This condition requires urgent treatment.

Blood from a vein

Blood from a vein is not taken so often, however, it is used to carry out more analyses. They are prescribed when it is necessary to conduct a study of those indicators that only a study of venous blood can provide.

The most frequently performed study is biochemical analysis. For it, blood obtained from a vein is used early in the morning, after an 8-hour fast.

With its help you can notice what is happening in the body inflammatory processes, estimate water-salt balance, as well as the balance of microelements. Its implementation allows us to determine such indicators as:

  • protein;
  • cholesterol;
  • sugar;
  • bilirubin;
  • triglycerides;
  • iron;
  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • sodium;
  • urea;
  • creatinine;
  • uric acid;
  • blood gases;
  • other enzymes.

Biochemical analysis is also prescribed to confirm accurate diagnosis and before prescribing treatment.

Immunity research is also carried out by assessing the state of the blood. To do this, blood is taken from a vein in the morning from a person on an empty stomach.

In this case, it is not the blood itself that is examined, but the resulting serum isolated under the influence of a centrifuge. It identifies indicators of leukocytes, granulocytes, lymphocytes, monocytes, killer cells, nullers, and also indicates the activity of blood cells and their speed.

Blood test for the condition and presence of microelements is also carried out based on the state of venous blood, since its content of microelements is higher than in tissues.

This study allows us to judge the excess or deficiency of microelements in the body.

Immunological analysis allows you to diagnose the quality of immunity. It is carried out primarily to assess the condition of patients suffering from allergies and frequent requests see a doctor with complaints of infectious diseases.

Such an analysis is also prescribed for suspected oncology and immunodeficiency.

Practically it is also carried out serological analysis blood. It is carried out with the aim of studying antibodies and antigens produced in the body under the influence of viruses. To conduct the study, the blood serum of a sick person is used. Antibodies are isolated from it, on the basis of which an accurate diagnosis can be established.

Hormone research carried out based on the results of venous blood studies. Diagnosing the amount of various hormones contained in it is necessary for people who have certain health problems. Carrying out this analysis allows us to identify sufficient different types diseases that arise as a result malfunction different organs and human systems.

Venous blood is collected for hormone testing in the morning on an empty stomach. People suffering from bulging veins and pain are first prescribed a blood clotting test.

Blood test for the presence of tumor markers also performed using venous blood.

The study is carried out to detect in the blood a special protein produced in the human body by tumors. If tumor markers are detected in the patient’s blood, treatment begins immediately, since the earlier the disease can be diagnosed, the more likely cope with the disease.

Venous blood for testing for tumor markers is taken in the morning on an empty stomach.

A blood test from a vein is also performed to determine pregnancy, or rather, to study the level human chorionic gonadotropin person. Having passed such an analysis, a woman can determine pregnancy already 6 weeks after pregnancy.

PCR or polymerase chain reaction also performed on the basis of blood from a vein. It is used to detect urological diseases. The doctor evaluates its results, together with the results of the urethral smear, and identifies which bacteria or viruses could cause the disease.

IN emergency situations held blood test from a vein to determine blood group and Rh factor. The same analysis is prescribed for women when they become pregnant. antenatal clinic to get information about possible risks termination of pregnancy.

How many times a year can and should you take it?

Most of the tests performed in hospitals are prescribed exclusively when visiting a doctor with health complaints. Other tests are taken by women only once or twice during pregnancy or when planning it.

However, the main blood tests listed above must be taken periodically throughout the year in order to promptly prevent possible diseases or follow general condition body. This general and biochemical tests . Also, more and more often, doctors recommend taking sugar test, since quite a lot of people, regardless of age, go to clinics with this problem.

Blood donation is the procedure of donating whole blood or plasma on a voluntary basis. Collected material used for blood transfusion, during scientific research and in the production of medicines.

How many times can you donate blood?

The procedure for donating blood and plasma in women has certain restrictions than in men.

Artificial blood substitutes are expensive to produce and toxic; when transfused to patients, they cause side effects, therefore, blood donation remains a popular procedure, encouraged by the state. There are social benefits for donors: the day of donation is legally designated as a day off, and additional time off is given, which can be added to vacation days.

The health of the donor is also a priority, so the frequency of blood donation is carefully regulated so that the body can recover from blood loss. Recovery time is 2.5-3 months, depending on the gender of the donor. You can submit material no more than 4-5 times a year. Blood is taken from a vein using disposable needles. You must first take tests for hemoglobin and infectious diseases. It is recommended to follow a diet for several days before the procedure, limiting the consumption of foods containing animal fats and proteins.

How many times a year can you donate plasma?

It is important to distinguish between donating whole blood and donating plasma, which is the liquid component of blood and is separated from red blood cells using plasmapheresis. The red blood cells are returned back to the donor. This procedure weakens the body to a lesser extent than donating whole blood, so it can be performed more often, up to 12 times a year.

How long can you donate plasma to women?

Women childbearing age By physiological reasons Every month they lose a certain amount of blood, so they donate plasma less often than men - once every 2-3 months. and during the first week after its completion. You also need to wait a year after giving birth to donate.

How often can you donate plasma to men?

Blood donation from a vein

Men can donate blood once a month. The recovery period should be at least 2 weeks. If this condition is met, donation has a beneficial effect on health and helps improve the composition and quality of blood. For men, this procedure brings special benefit, replaces the natural, physiological renewal of blood in women.

When can you donate plasma after donating blood?

After donation there should be no less than a month. Despite the fact that when donating plasma alone, red blood cells are transfused back to the donor, it is necessary to allow the body to recover before carrying out another donor procedure. After regularly donating blood (plasma) for a year, donors are recommended to take a break of 3-4 months. This is necessary to save normal operation hematopoietic systems.

Contraindications to blood donation

After you have found out how many times blood can be used, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the restrictions and contraindications for this procedure. You cannot donate blood in the following cases:

  • with AIDS, syphilis;
  • earlier than a month after suffering from influenza, sore throat, respiratory diseases;
  • during exacerbation of allergies and fever;
  • after contact with patients with hepatitis;
  • under the age of 18;
  • if there is a history of hypertension, diabetes mellitus;
  • after vaccinations;
  • during and during the first week after menstruation;
  • if less than a year has passed since birth;
  • after a stay in Asia, Africa, Central and South America.

2 days before the procedure, you must avoid alcohol and not take medications.


The most frequently asked question on this topic is: how often can you donate plasma to donors, as well as whole blood, and how safe this procedure is for health. In medical institutions specializing in blood collection, everyone potential donor It explains how and what should be done before and after donation and what rules must be followed to maintain health. The importance and significance of the procedure, which helps save the lives of patients in need of emergency blood transfusion, cannot be overestimated. And people who regularly donate blood are awarded the title “honorary donor.”