Documents to the military registration and enlistment office to obtain a military ID. In what cases is a certificate issued instead of a military ID? The legislative framework.

Even if a citizen did not serve in the army, after 27 years of age he will need a military ID in any case. Moreover, this document is really necessary for every young person, citizen Russian Federation. Without a “military officer,” you won’t be able to officially register in your new living space, you won’t be given a passport at the passport office, and you won’t be able to get any job without this document! Moreover, as a rule, young people begin to ask this question on the eve of the age of twenty-seven. As you can imagine, this is extremely important question, and we will try to figure it out in this article.

Military ID after 27 years, if you did not serve in 2016 legal basis

Every citizen of the Russian Federation is entitled to a military ID, regardless of whether he served in the army or was in the reserve. As Article 22 states, young people who have reached 18 years of age and have not reached 27 years of age are conscripted into the army of the Russian Federation to undergo military service. All this is subsequently indicated on the military ID.

How can you legally obtain a military ID in 2016:

  1. it is necessary to repay the debt to the Motherland;
  2. officially resign into the reserve;
  3. receive official release from service due to health problems.

There are also citizens who receive the status of those who have not served legally. It's about about young people who, up to the age of 27, hid from military service. They also have the right to a military ID, and they can pick it up one day after their twenty-seventh birthday.

What documents do you need to have with you at the military registration and enlistment office?

If you are over 27 years old and have never served in the Russian army, but want to get a military ID, then you should go to the military registration and enlistment office at your place of residence.

Prepare the following list of documents in advance:

  • original and photocopy of internal passport;
  • photographs 2.5x3.5 without corner, matte (2 pcs.);
  • original and photocopy of diploma of completed education;
  • original and photocopy;
  • application for receipt of the main military document (filled out in two copies, can be done at the military registration and enlistment office).

If you submitted this entire list of documentation to the military registration and enlistment office, the request will be accepted and registered. The application can also be submitted not only in person, but also sent by registered mail. In case of refusal, if the military registration and enlistment office employee does not issue a document, you can contact military prosecutor's office, where the case will be reviewed and an appropriate decision will be made soon.

Passing a medical examination

If the application was accepted without problems, the next step will be passing a medical examination. you pass medical checkup at the request of a military registration and enlistment office employee, who hands you personally sick leave along with a list of doctors to contact.

IN mandatory you need to undergo the following examinations:

  • fluorography;
  • taking a urine test;
  • blood test;

After passing the medical commission, you are given the results, with which you go to the military registration and enlistment office and present them. The results are analyzed and then a decision is made whether you are suitable for the army reserve of the Russian Federation or not. Without appropriate results, a soldier will not even be able to pass!

The process of obtaining a military ID in 2016

Once you have submitted your application and passed the medical examination, your application will be processed within ten working days. The draft commission makes a decision based on the federal law“On military service”, as well as on the Minutes of the meeting. What will happen to the citizen next depends on this conclusion. There are two options here: either he receives a military ID, or young man a criminal case is initiated. The last option, by the way, is not so rare. As a rule, it is resorted to due to the presence of evidence that the citizen actually evaded conscription Russian army, and this is already a criminal case, as you know!

Points you should be aware of

When going to the military registration and enlistment office at the place of registration, a citizen must know the rights and responsibilities of himself and the employees of this department. Remember:

  1. if you are over 27 years old, in Once again you do not have the right to be drafted into the army;
  2. you do not have the right to be required to pay fines if it is illegal;
  3. if you do not agree with the medical examination, you are not obliged to undergo it;
  4. If the summons was not signed by you or your representatives (relatives), you do not have the right to be held accountable under the law.

Remember, you are not the first and you will not be the last to face such a situation. At first glance, this may even seem scary. But in reality, there is nothing complicated here. Follow the instructions provided and you will receive a military ID as soon as possible. as soon as possible without any problems.


  • What actions are needed?

Often young people are faced with the need to get their hands on it after 27 years. Few people question whether it is needed. Even if you managed to live up to this age in such a way that you did not need a military ID, then over time, many situations usually arise when you cannot do without it. For example, without this document it is impossible to obtain a foreign passport or officially change your place of residence.

General information on military ID

This document is the main document indicating registration with the military commissariat; it looks like a red book. It is issued to everyone who served in the army, has the status of a military personnel or is in the reserve, and can also serve as an identification document.

According to the law, a military ID must be issued to the following persons:

  • served in the army;
  • undergoing training at a departmental military educational institution;
  • enlisted in the reserve on the basis of a medical report;
  • exempted from military service for medical reasons;
  • enlisted in the reserve upon reaching 27 years of age.

For young people, the age before which they are subject to conscription is set from 18 to 27 years. During this period, the young man is obliged to go to serve under conscription, either provide grounds for a deferment and join the army later, or obtain a medical certificate that allows him to be released from service and enlisted in the reserves.

Upon reaching the age of 27, if a young man does not yet have a military ID in his hands, but he has one, by law, he can exchange this document for a military ID.

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What actions are needed?

First of all, you need to pay attention to the fact that if a young man is already 27 years old, he is not subject to conscription for military service in any way. At the military registration and enlistment office, where you must go to get a military ID after 27, questions may be asked about why the service was not completed on time, why the summons was left without due attention, and others of the like. However, from the point of view of the law, in this case they cannot threaten anything.

To receive a military license after 27 years of age, you need to write an application for its issuance; it is better to prepare two copies. The person who will receive it should be given one copy, and the second one should be asked to sign. There are cases when the military commissariat begins to refuse to accept an application in a rather rude manner, citing as a reason the argument of draft evasion, but such behavior has no legality. The “Regulations on Military Registration” contain everything necessary information, which you can safely refer to.

In the event of a categorical refusal to accept the application at the military registration and enlistment office, you can personally send it there by mail in the form of a registered letter with a notification sent upon receipt. With this notification, you can then go to the military prosecutor's office in order to notify them that the law was violated by the employees of the military registration and enlistment office. Similar situations occur quite rarely, but you need to be prepared for them.

If obtaining a military ID after 27 years is associated with various additional difficulties, you should categorically avoid writing any “explanatory notes” or signing documents of unclear purpose, which can be regarded as evidence against a “dodger.” It is better to talk as little as possible, so as not to suddenly stir up something unnecessary. In some cases, they offer to undergo a second medical examination, but this will not be justified, and you should not give in to it.

When submitting an application, you must attach documents to it, about which a corresponding entry is made with an inventory at the very end.

The set of documents includes the following: an identification document on the territory of the Russian Federation, a certificate of education that was received, a driver’s license (if any) and a certificate of medical examination.

In addition, it is necessary to prepare copies of all documents provided. When accepting documents, a representative of the military commissariat checks the copies for compliance with the originals and takes them along with the application, and returns the documents themselves to the applicant.

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Possible difficulties in obtaining a military ID

Before going to the military registration and enlistment office, you should be mentally prepared for the fact that various threats may be directed from its employees. They usually consist of the possible imposition of administrative and criminal punishment, which has no legal basis. Also, you should not succumb to coercion to undergo examination by medical workers. There is no need to feel guilty; in this case, the law fully supports those who apply to the military commissariat after 27 years.

It is necessary to remember that stories with all the details about what happened in life, what moves and various problems had to endure, are under a categorical ban when applying to the military registration and enlistment office. The fewer words are spoken, the better for the benefit of the whole matter and the final result.

According to the current regulations of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, a conscript is issued a military document within 10 days, not counting weekends. To receive a military ID after 27 years of age, you will have to wait up to one month from the moment the application is submitted.

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Alternative to obtaining a military ID

This option is suitable for young people of any age, even those who have not yet reached conscription age. It will become a simpler answer to the question of how to get a military ID after 27 years. You can purchase a military ID while remaining within the law. The first thought that may arise with such a proposal is an appeal to the military commissar with a request to sell a military ID. In reality, everything is somewhat different.

Nowadays it is difficult to find people with excellent health. One could say more, it is practically unrealistic. Already from childhood they begin various diseases, someone is born with them. A lot depends on how the children themselves, their parents and attending physicians relate to diseases. Often even when serious illnesses parents ask doctors to slightly reduce their level when entering into the medical history, medical card to avoid problems in life in the future.

However, if you familiarize yourself with the list of diseases, in the presence of which you can get “exemption” from the army and go into the reserves, you can begin to prepare for this from childhood. Most experienced doctors can indicate this possibility to parents from the very beginning, as soon as suspicions of the “right” disease arose. At the same time, the most the best option is the constant collection of necessary certificates, annual visits to doctors with the appropriate notes on the card to confirm that the disease has not disappeared, if necessary, it is better to go to preventive treatment to the hospital (as in the case of allergies bronchial asthma, For example).

When passing medical examination In almost all cases, competent specialists identify conscripts with diseases that can become a reason for their inability to serve; such young people are not accepted into the army. If the necessary medical report is received, the conscript receives a military ID and is sent to the reserves.

This procedure fully complies with the law, and after receiving a medical certificate marked “unfit,” no one has the right to call a young man, which can always be proven in any court. No one has the right to conduct a medical re-examination either, since it has been cancelled.

If the indications really exist and when good relations With doctors, you can slightly exaggerate the degree of the disease, then this procedure can be completely free, not counting the necessary ongoing expenses, if this issue is addressed in time. IN otherwise Organizations that provide relevant services can come to the rescue, which can be expensive, but here you will have to choose.

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How to get a military ID after 27 years: 5 reasons to do it + step by step plan actions + 2 tips from experienced lawyers.

Are you a convinced pacifist and don’t dream at all about the laurels of Julius Caesar and Marshal Zhukov?

And do you consider the statement that girls love “military, handsome, hefty” to be utter nonsense?

Or have you heard enough “horror stories” about hazing in Russian troops?

Who is issued military ID cards?

  • to those who have already given their debt to the Motherland by serving compulsory military service;
  • those who were lucky enough to become a student (cadet) of a state military institution;
  • sent to reserve on the basis of a medical report;
  • for those who cannot serve army structures due to a specific diagnosis;
  • those who turned 27 and were sent to the reserves as well.

Why bother with the question of getting a military ID after 27 years?

When a military ID may come in handy:

    upon getting a job.

    Very often, potential employers do not risk employing young men without a ticket.

    And this is quite understandable!

    Who would then want to act as a “matchmaker” between the military registration and enlistment office and an over-aged kid hiding from military service?

    And if we are talking about a vacancy for a security guard, collector, head of the security service, or any more or less prestigious position, you definitely cannot do without this document.

    You will also not be hired by state and municipal structures.

    to obtain a foreign passport.

    To receive the coveted pass abroad, in addition to other papers, young men aged 18 to 26 years must present a military ID.

    But if you are already 27, rejoice, you will be released from the country without this “crust”!

    to obtain a driver's license and the right to buy/carry a weapon.

    To issue these documents, a certificate from a psychiatrist is required.

    In most cases, it is issued only if you have a military ID in hand.

    And since driving a car often becomes a necessity of life, it is worth thinking about how to get a military ID after 27 years;

    change of place of residence.

    When changing your official place of residence in public services You will also be required to present, among other documents, the necessary booklet;

    for identification.

    If you have lost your passport, forgotten it at home, etc., a military ID will temporarily fulfill its function.

How to get a military ID after 27 years: we have a plan for any occasion!

Did you wake up with a heavy head after celebrating the magic number - your twenty-seventh birthday?

    Go to the nearest military registration and enlistment office.

    And you shouldn’t delay your visit, because no one knows when you might need a “crust.”

    Bring the following documents with you:

    • original and copy of passport
    • original and copy of education document.

      You need to take the most “trump card” of your diplomas.

      That is, you should not carry a document about graduation from a vocational school if after it you managed to graduate from an elite metropolitan university;

      originals and copies of marriage and birth certificates (if there is a family).

      It is clear that the more offspring you have, the fewer questions there are about where you disappeared and why you did not go to serve;

    • original and copy of license (driving license), If there are any;
    • at least a couple of photographs (size 3.5*4.5 cm);

    • if you already have it, then take the examination or medical certificate, confirming your inability to perform service.

    This standard set papers to obtain a military ID at 27 years old, but vigilant military guys will let you know if anything else is needed.

    Write an application requesting a military ID according to the sample that will be shown to you at the military registration and enlistment office.

    The fact is that there are many different application samples floating around on the Internet.

    In order not to rewrite the document, it is better to understand its form already on the spot.

    Fill out the application in 2 copies, so that one can be left at the institution, and the second, with the signature of an authorized person, can be kept at home, like the apple of one’s eye.

    Be prepared that your application may not be accepted.

    But this is only if you have become the talk of the commissariat as a malicious “draft dodger.”

    Don't despair!

    Simply send your application, along with copies of all documents, by letter with return receipt requested.

    The letter must be registered.

    If you have to go to court, this will work to your advantage.

    Go through a medical examination and pick up your document within a month after submitting your application and forget forever about how to get a military ID after 27 years!

    The fact is that after your application has been accepted, you will be given a date for passing medical commission.

    In 99 cases out of 100, if you are over 27 years old, it becomes a simple formality.

    And then the conscription commission makes a positive decision to present you with a military document.

I already know how to get a military ID after 27 years, but I will be imprisoned for evasion?

We will not shake our heads reproachfully and appeal to your conscience.

But to give sensible advice – yes!

So, the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (Article 328) ( says that you are really a “radish”, because “mowing down” from military service is a real criminal offense for which you will be punished ( from a fine of 200 thousand rubles to 2 years in prison)

But practice shows that almost everyone gets a ticket.

You don’t need to ask Google about how you can get a military ID at 27 and not end up in places not so remote, even if:

    you did not appear at the training camp or medical commission, and you were informed about this in writing;

    no-show occurred due to insufficiently valid reasons.

    This includes birthdays best friend Zhory, and a trip to the mountains with a cheerful company;

    a subpoena has been served on you.

    The point is that it should be given to you, and not to your mother, godfather, brother, matchmaker, etc.

    It’s not for nothing that they say that someone else’s family is dark and the relationships in it can develop in ways that Shakespeare himself never dreamed of.

Only if all three circumstances are present can you be sentenced to prison.

How to get a military ID after 27 years and not lose money?

We recommend saving money to pay the administrative fine and learning how to get a ticket at the age of 27 for those who have violated the rules of military registration:

    failed to appear on summons without proper reason.

    A second cousin’s runny nose or a sale at your favorite sports equipment store is not an argument;

    He lived in a new place for 3 months or more and did not bother to notify the military registration and enlistment office about it.

    Even if you were busy searching for the meaning of life or were deeply depressed;

    did not inform the military registration and enlistment office about a trip abroad for more than six months and was not deregistered.

    We understand that the chance to travel around India comes once in a lifetime, but still...;

    moved or returned to Russia and did not register;

    did not share with the military registration and enlistment office the news about the change in marital status, place of employment, or place of residence.

    Upon returning from your honeymoon and moving to your wife’s parents (oh, horror!), do not forget to notify the military commissar about the changes in your life;

    somehow managed to ruin his military ID.

    And don’t try to “blame” the cat Barsik or your little nephew!

    refused to come to the draft medical examination.

The amount of money you will have to part with ranges from 100 to 500 rubles - depending on the circumstances and the severity of the military commissar.

They are worth sacrificing so that the question of how to get a ticket after 27 years does not become even more acute.

You should not rely on chance when it comes to paying a fine.

If you delay this matter, it will double.

The case could even end in administrative arrest for those notorious 15 days.

How to get a military ID at 27 years old: a difficult case!

What to do if the military registration and enlistment office flatly refuses to issue such a desired document?

    write a statement to the prosecutor's office.

    It will inform you that the subpoena was not properly served on you or that the procedure was violated in some other way.

    You had no reason to serve in our valiant troops;

    file a lawsuit immediately.

    At the same time, you need to be more confident in your abilities than the heroes of American legal series;

    reluctantly, agree to be written off to the reserve with an unenviable entry in the papers: “I did not serve without legal grounds.”

A couple more words about getting the desired document after 27 years, in the video:

2 good tips from lawyers about getting a military ID at 27 years old and later

Most young people sooner or later face a problem How to get a military card after 27 years.

When deciding, you should take into account all the nuances of the legislation and, armed with knowledge, feel free to go to the military registration and enlistment office to get the document.

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Sometimes military personnel are issued a certificate instead of a military ID. This practice exists in Russia long years. And many are interested in under what circumstances this document can be obtained. In addition, it is important to understand that a certificate of completion/failure to complete military service is the onset of a certain responsibility. What could be the consequences for a person? You need to know about all this. Fortunately, it is mostly men who are interested in issues related to military ID and military service. They have military duty. What should Russian men know?

Issuing a military ID

The first thing you should pay attention to is the situations in which it is not difficult to guess. The thing is that all adult male citizens of the Russian Federation are required to undergo conscript service in the army. And after it they will be issued a corresponding confirmation document. We are talking about a military ID.

Since 2014, in the legislation of the Russian Federation, instead of a military ID, a certificate of the established form has appeared. It is issued to everyone who has not completed military service. But with a small caveat. We are talking about the phrase "without good reason." That is, not all those who did not serve face a certificate, and not a military ID. In what cases will the document being studied be issued? What do future and current conscripts need to know?


The first category that falls under the law is draft dodgers. Such people do not serve in the army at all. And for no apparent good reason. Everyone is ignored. Often this category of citizens also hides.

After reaching 27 years of age, they are issued a draft dodger certificate instead of a military ID card. Additionally, criminal proceedings may be initiated for evasion. But the fact remains that a military ID is not issued. But there is a certificate that confirms the end.

No reason

Perhaps draft dodgers are one of the most common categories of persons who are issued a certificate of the established form. In other cases, people try to confirm that there are good reasons why they are being given a deferment.

In principle, any person who did not serve in the army (with the exception of women in the Russian Federation) and did not have a valid reason for doing so, receives a certificate of the established form from the military registration and enlistment office. It is not necessary to specifically avoid serving.

By the way, it is the draft dodgers, and intentional ones at that, who are the main recipients of the document being studied. This has already been said. But what should you pay attention to? How dangerous is the situation when a certificate is issued instead of a military ID?

Activity restrictions

The only thing to be wary of (with the exception of initiating a criminal case) is restrictions on the activities of a citizen. If there is a certificate from the military registration and enlistment office, as a rule, a person will be prohibited from working in certain areas.

For example, it is prohibited to work in government agencies, as well as in military areas. Serving in the Ministry of Internal Affairs also becomes impossible. This should be remembered. Otherwise, if a citizen was given a certificate instead of a military ID, there is no need to be afraid. This document is not as dangerous as it seems.


Sometimes it happens that the paper being studied is issued, but then it turns out that there are valid reasons. Then you will have to go to court to appeal. How good is this solution?

As practice shows, it is possible to achieve justice only when there are really good reasons. But they need to be proven. Otherwise, if certificates were issued instead of a military ID, you do not have to go to court.

Why? All because arbitrage practice indicates frequent refusals and decisions not in favor of the plaintiffs. They don’t just issue a draft dodger’s certificate. Which means there was a reason for it. Their absence will have to be confirmed.

For good reasons

But what if a citizen, for good reasons, did not undergo an urgent examination or what should he expect? Will there be any restrictions in this situation?

The thing is that a certificate from the military registration and enlistment office is not issued instead of a military ID in this case. Valid reasons are listed on legislative level(more on them a little later). Accordingly, if they are available, you can first receive a deferment from the army, and then complete release. Everything is official.

IN in this case The citizen is issued a military ID. Not a certificate. If a second document was issued, you should go to court to appeal the actions. After all, the presence of good reasons is a reason for receiving a “military officer”.

Grounds for deferment

So, an important point is to study situations that are recognized at the legislative level as valid for both deferment from the army and complete exemption from the army. military duty. After all, in this case they do not give a certificate instead of a military ID. It's worth remembering.

The following situations may be grounds for respect:

  1. Education. While a citizen is studying at a university, he is exempt from military conscription. After expulsion (independently or for poor academic performance), you are required to undergo military service. If a diploma is received, the person will also be called up. An exception is admission to master's/postgraduate/residency programs.
  2. Health status. Here, either a reprieve is granted to correct the situation, or a complete exemption is issued immediately. In the second case, a military ID will be issued immediately.
  3. Family circumstances. Extremely ambiguous reason. Situations may vary. Starting from caring for a disabled relative to having a pregnant wife. Fathers with many children, as a rule, are not drafted into the army at all. Especially if they are the sole breadwinner. Then they are issued a military ID, but there must be a note indicating the reason for their exemption from military service.

The most important thing is to have documentary evidence. In case of family circumstances, for example, a deferment from conscription due to caring for a needy family member is, as a rule, not always granted. The main requirement is that no one else can provide care. Otherwise, this privilege will be transferred to another relative, and the previous caregiver will be called to service.

Having small children is another reason. If a citizen has minor children under 3 years old, he will not be drafted into the army. A deferment is provided for this period.

In the case of training, everything is also not as simple as it seems. Instead of a military ID, a certificate is issued to draft dodgers who study at unaccredited universities. Indeed, in this situation, the citizen is subject to conscription. And training here is not at all a basis for granting a deferment from the army.

Medical examination

What other features are worth paying attention to? The point is that if a citizen has medical indications for deferment, they, like all other valid reasons, must be confirmed. How exactly?

By passing a medical commission. The procedure is simple - the citizen is given a summons to appear at the military registration and enlistment office for a medical examination. With all confirmation certificates, you should apply to Then undergo a medical examination, presenting to the doctors a certificate of health. If everything is confirmed, then, as already mentioned, the conscript is given a deferment. For at least a year. And then only if the illness or disease can be cured.

Otherwise, there is a risk of complete liberation from the army. But this is not a reason to issue a certificate of the established form. It has already been said that the person will be entitled to be issued a military ID. In this case, the potential conscript will be assigned a certain category at the medical examination. It is indicated in the “military record” and serves as confirmation of legal evasion of military service. Everything is according to the law, no deception.


What conclusions can be drawn? The thing is that a certificate is not always issued instead of a military ID. Law "On military duty"indicates that the document being studied threatens only those who are “truant” from the army until the age of 27 and do not have valid reasons for a deferment or complete release.

In some cases, you can appeal the issuance of a certificate. But, as practice shows, such situations rarely end in success for citizens. Often, the issued draft dodger certificate is not changed to a military ID. Only in as a last resort is it possible.

Should you be afraid of this document? It can bring informal problems during employment. Also, as already mentioned, in some areas, citizens who have not served in the army are prohibited from working.

One more fact should be noted - scientists and civil servants are not conscripted into the army. They are issued a military ID, and not a certificate of the established form. And on legal grounds. An academic degree is a kind of exemption from service. In practice it doesn't happen that often.

In any case, there is no point in avoiding military conscription. This act will not only entail receiving a certificate of the established form, but may also lead to the opening of a criminal case.

Good luck to everyone who, for one reason or another, failed to join the ranks of the valiant RF Armed Forces until the age of 27! And now you have a problem, namely: How to get a military card after 27 years

Of course, I am proud of the glorious victories of our army, but I categorically disagree with the phrase “debt to the Motherland,” which implies military service. I just don’t understand - when did I manage to owe my Motherland?

However, this is not what we are talking about now. So, let’s say that by some miracle, before the age of 27, you managed to avoid military service, being absolutely healthy (well, or almost healthy, that is, on your registration certificate you have category “B” - “fit with minor restrictions”). This could happen if, for example, you entered graduate school or managed to successfully hide from military commissars until the treasured twenty-seven years - it doesn’t matter. The important thing is that the situation is as follows:

A) you are 27 years old;

B) you did not serve in the army and did not receive a military ID.

And to complete the picture, let’s add the point

C) you find yourself seeking permanent residence in another city, and not where you are registered with the military registration and enlistment office.

It was in this situation that I myself found myself, and they didn’t want to officially hire me without a military document - only under a civil contract (which deprives the employee of paid leave, sick leave and employment records).

At first, however, the personnel department swore that as soon as I provided them with at least some of my military documents, they would immediately formalize me employment contract. Everything was complicated by the fact that registration certificate(such a little blue book) remained in the military registration and enlistment office of my hometown, located more than a thousand kilometers from Moscow, where I settled (they took it from me at the military registration and enlistment office to apply for a deferment for graduate school, but I was in no hurry to pick it up).

Before my rather sudden departure, I completely forgot about this piece of paper, so I had to call the military registration and enlistment office of my hometown and ask them to issue a certificate to my parents (fortunately, they did not move with me). In the end, I received the desired book, but after a couple of weeks, when a letter arrived from my parents.

I received it in the hope of getting official employment soon. But the head of the personnel department, at the sight of this document, made such eyes as if she was seeing this filthy certificate for the first time in her life, and said something stupid about the fact that I should have been given a military ID when applying for military registration(i.e., right after school).

What followed was some more nonsense, which was that they wouldn’t employ me without a military ID. The head of the military desk turned out to be a decent guy, and contacted the Moscow military registration and enlistment office, explaining the situation and agreeing with them that the military registration and enlistment office would put some kind of stamp on my registration certificate, and then everything would be okay.

Taking a day off from work without pay, I went to the military registration and enlistment office, showing along with my temporary registration for three months and swearing that I would extend it for two years. This fact did not convince them at all, and they kicked me out the door, saying that, firstly, because of the three-month registration, they would not even talk to me, that “go to your city and get a military ID there.” (Remember, this is more than a thousand kilometers away). And secondly, I’m actually already twenty-seven, and this accreditation is no longer valid, but yes, it’s a stupid diploma.

I began to wait for the end of the three-month registration period, and then another two weeks, when the registration was extended for two years. At the same time, the head of the military desk sent a request to the military registration and enlistment office of my city so that they would confirm that they did not issue me a military ID there.

After receiving all of the above, I took another day without pay, and, happy as an iron, went to the Moscow military registration and enlistment office, prudently taking with me all the rest Required documents(as it seemed to me, that's all).

Now the military commissar had no questions, and I was immediately sent to undergo a medical examination, having been warned in advance that first I would have to go through a psychiatrist in a mental hospital, then a narcologist, respectively, in a drug treatment center, and only after that all the other specialists in the military commissar commission.

Hoping to complete this entire quest in a day, I rushed through the necessary authorities, and here I am stuck again. Since I was registered in Moscow for less than a year, neither the psychiatrist nor the narcologist wanted to put a stamp on my bypass sheet without... guess what? That's right - no requests to similar establishments in my hometown.

In a series of criticisms, I must give due and fair gratitude to local grandmothers and aunties, employees of dispensaries, who helped me in any way they could in sending and receiving requests that I received within a week.

I told all these misadventures of mine only so that those who find themselves in a similar position understand what they have to go through, what obstacles they will encounter - this is the first thing. Well, secondly, to offer a little guidance on receiving a military ID after 27 years.

So, first, some advice from an experienced person =)

First and most important!

When going to any authority, have ALL documents with you, preferably with a couple of copies of the most important ones. In most cases, half of them will not be useful to you, but they can demand anything that comes to mind, and then you will not regret at all that you took with you the birth certificate of your beloved dog or a diploma of a participant in the city chess Olympiad. In any case, to pass the medical examination smoothly, you will definitely need:

1) Passport and a copy of it 2, 3 and 5 pages (2 and 3 are the main ones, where the photograph is, 5 – where the registration is);

2) Certificate of general secondary education and its copy;

3) Diploma of higher or secondary special education and its copy (if there are several diplomas, it is better to take them all with copies);

4) Driver's license(if any) and, of course, a copy of it;

5) Two photographs 3 by 4, matte, black and white, without a corner. On some sites they write that photographs of other sizes are needed, but if you don’t want to run to the photo salon again, take 3 by 4 at once;

6) Certificate of registration;

7) Certificate of registration at the place of residence with a registration period of at least one year (a piece of paper with a red stamp) and a copy thereof. If the registration period is less than a year, the gentlemen from the military registration and enlistment office will not even talk to such servants;

8) Response to a request from the military registration and enlistment office of your hometown stating that you did not receive a military ID there;

9) Response to a request from the psychiatric dispensary in your hometown stating that you were not registered with a psychiatrist there;

10) Response to a request from the narcological clinic in your hometown that you were not registered with a narcologist there;

11) A walk-through sheet with a list of specialists that you need to go through (it will be given to you at the military registration and enlistment office after submitting all other documents);

12) Medical insurance (the military registration and enlistment office will never need it, but in dispensaries without it they will not let you pass beyond the registration desk).

The first five points are mentioned by almost all sites dedicated to military service, but you will learn about the rest only from own experience(or, from this article).

The second is also important! - Be patient.

Firstly, be prepared for the fact that they may be rude to you (and given the fact that you will have to visit more than one establishment, at least one of them will definitely be rude, and more than once).

Secondly, you will have to waste your precious time running around and waiting for all sorts of answers and registrations.

Finally, the third – and again very important!

When receiving a military ID, no one has the right to demand any payment from you for services, be it a psychiatric examination or registration at your place of residence. The only thing you will have to splurge on a little is photographs and copies (if you don’t have your own photocopier at home). If you have an adequate employer, you can even be paid for the day of visiting the military registration and enlistment office, but for this you must provide the relevant evidence to the personnel department (for conscripts this is a summons with the seal of the military registration and enlistment office, for reservists - any piece of paper with the same seal).

Fourth – important again!

Remember firmly that after 27 years you cannot be called up under any pretext. Even if you have been maliciously running away from military commissars for the entire nine years of conscription age, the maximum that they can now do to you is to fine you 500 rubles. And no more! This is the law! So, if you know of any such sins, you have two options - either be ready to fork out the indicated amount (you will agree, not too much), or carefully think over the legend why you did not appear to them without having an official deferments.

You can use the second option only if the story is well thought out, otherwise they will still sort it out and fine you. After all, it’s new for you to come up with excuses, but the members of the draft committee are professionals, and it won’t be difficult for them to figure you out, you’re far from their first. So it’s easier to admit your mistake in this case, because, I repeat, they no longer have the right to call you up!

Finally, the fifth is a little less important.

In addition to specialists, you will be surprised to find columns like “Urine analysis”, “Blood analysis”, “Fluorography”, etc. on the worksheet. In general, if you are no longer passing the commission as a conscript, these points are not required. For example, I was given all the signatures and seals almost without looking, and no tests were needed. But there are suspicions that I was just lucky with this, and they could have sent me to the clinic. So if you have a fluorography, cardiogram and any other tests on hand, don’t be lazy to take them with you, maybe they’ll come in handy.

So on my own algorithm for obtaining a military ID after 27 years It’s quite simple and comes down to just five points:

1) Collect all the above documents;

2) You go with them to the military registration and enlistment office, get a bypass sheet there;

3) Pass a medical examination;

4) Carry all documents, incl. the bypass sheet, signed by the members and the chairman of the commission, back to the military registration and enlistment office;

5) Wait ten days (maximum two weeks) for your ticket to be issued and receive it with your passport.

The most difficult and time-consuming part here is point one; all the rest can be completed not even in a day, but in a couple of hours if circumstances are successful.

In any case, if you don’t give up and set the goal of still getting a red book after 27 years with the rank of private reserve, then you will definitely succeed!