Where can you get referrals? Where to get referrals? How to attract referrals? Advertising on bulletin boards and advertising chats and groups on social networks

Don't know how to attract referrals?

In the article we will consider various methods, highlighting the most effective among them. Each search option has its own degree of effectiveness and requires either 100% involvement in the process or indirect participation from the referrer.

Why attract referrals

Before answering the question “why,” you need to understand the definition of who a referral is. This is a user who followed the referral link and became a registered participant in the project/system.

Let me explain with an example:

Let’s take a certain Peter, who uses the “Standard” service of a company providing Internet and cable television.

Having become a participant in the promotion from his provider, Peter brought two friends who also began to use the company’s services. At the same time, for each friend, Peter received a 50% discount on services for two months and a “Lux” package for the same price as “Standard”. And friends were given preferential rates for the first three months - 70% discount.

Thus, Peter is a referrer, and his two friends are referrals who learned about the promotion through a referral link (the referrer’s individual number is encoded in it) for preferential registration, which Peter sent to them by email.

The person who invites new clients receives a percentage of the invited user’s earnings. The latter come in different levels, depending on the type of employment. Some only read letters while others complete tasks. The system pays the referrer a percentage of the user's earnings.

Attracted participants are needed on various sites - economic games (Fruit, Gnome, Rich birds, Golden mines), on resources promoting services and goods, cashback services like ePN, on promotion sites like VKtarget.

Ways to attract

In order for the referrer’s profit to be stable, it is necessary not only to find a large number of invited users (300-400 for a permanent income), but also to ensure that their activity grows, or at least does not fall. Among the most popular methods of searching for users, there are both free and paid options.

There are different ways to recruit referrals

Many sites recommend starting to attract users using free methods. This way you will evaluate your capabilities as a referrer, practice collaborating with users and determine the most beneficial methods of interaction for both parties.

Having mastered the basics of cooperation, start using paid methods of attraction.

How and where to find referrals - the most popular options

Let us immediately warn you that the methods of searching for money cannot be called simple.

Investing financially and doing nothing else will not work. It will take both strength and time.

Option 1. Recruitment through special tasks

Each referral often needs to pay 50% of the amount Y. It is also necessary to select the optimal number of users attracted per day - X.

The calculation formula took the following form: (Y*X*3)/2 = the amount of required investments.

If the referrer is not ready to pay the resulting amount, then at first you can reduce the number of referrals for cooperation per day, then gradually increasing their number.

Correctly composed task

Searching for users through websites such as Seosprint, Wmmail, Socpublic guarantees attracting a considerable number of referrals, and in automatic mode. One of the reasons is that many people start making money on the Internet through click sponsors.

Option 2. Buying advertising space on websites and blogs

A good alternative to creating your own website.

Before you finally decide where to place it, you need to:

  • study the popularity of the site/blog;
  • find out the level of daily attendance;
  • determine the most advantageous placement of advertising on the page.

Option 3. Contextual advertising

This type of product significantly increases the likelihood of a response, but at the same time its cost is several times higher than purchasing space on a website or blog for advertising.

Option 4. Create your own website

Quite a costly method, but the most promising. It should be understood that the results from the funds spent will not be obtained immediately after the launch of the project. The main thing here is to be patient and competently develop a strategy for promoting and monitoring results.

Option 5. Order a banner

Through services such as Rotaban, Linkslot, it is easy to buy banners on various thematic resources. To do this, you need to register on one of the services, deposit funds into your account to pay for banner advertising, select a project to place and buy a banner. The option is considered costly, but effective.

Option 6. Buying referrals on exchanges

Experts consider the method unjustified because:

  • the return on purchase lasts up to six months;
  • there is no guarantee that the referral will not “leave the game”;
  • there is no certainty that the user will maintain his activity.

It’s easier to make money on the exchange by reselling referrals.

How to do it for free - methods that work

There are not many options for attracting referrals without any investment.

Let us describe the main and most effective of them.

Method 1. Through free message boards

It is necessary to place vacancies on various online resources in the “job” category. The danger is that the ad will not pass moderation, which will lead to its deletion. You will find boards in search engines for the query “looking for a job.”

Method 2. On thematic forums

Many referrers actively attract users through forums. It is important to understand that rare posts on various resources will not bring the desired results. It is necessary to write messages on thematic forums every day, create interesting topics, increasing your rating and the trust of potential referrals.

It’s convenient that on all forums you can make a special signature that will be displayed under each written message; referrers include a referral link in it in the form of a banner or text.

Method 3. Among friends and acquaintances

This is considered one of the least effective attraction options, but you shouldn’t reject it. When talking about the project, it is necessary to indicate all the advantages and possible risks - deception is inappropriate.

Method 4. Using social networks

Social networks guarantee communication with an audience of thousands of potential referrals, which is why many start a campaign by attracting users from VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Moi Mir. According to monitoring data, Facebook and Instagram are less effective.

The diversity of social networks significantly expands the possibilities of finding referrals

If we consider recruitment using the example of work on VKontakte, the algorithm of actions looks like this:

  1. Creating a work profile.
  2. Placing referral links on sites with the VKontakte comment widget installed.
  3. Writing comments with videos and pictures in thematic groups.
  4. Creating a group on a social network for one or several projects with its further promotion.

Creating your own group has proven to be the most effective way to attract people. A prerequisite is regular content updating.

Method 5. Through your website on free hosting

Good training before creating your website and purchasing a domain. Among the free hosting services, the best option is: Wix, Ucoz, wen.ru. With their help, websites are created as quickly and simply as possible.

It is necessary to take care of the high-quality content of the resource: we are talking about SEO-optimized articles, selection of photos, regular publication of materials, and well-described advantages of all projects.

The nuances of free sites: platforms place their own advertisements, there may be restrictions on the number of pages and sections, there are bans on the content of articles.

For other options for free user acquisition, watch the video:

What to do to get more referrals - useful tips for a novice referrer

The main thing for a referrer is to understand that the main emphasis should be on attracting the target audience.

If you reach too many users, the effect of disappointed expectations will occur: a colossal amount of work has been done, but the result is close to zero. And this is not the only tip for increasing work productivity.

Tip 1. Tell the truth about the advertised product/service

If the referrer promises the user mountains of gold, but in reality his profitability will be less than a dollar per day, then the referral will stop cooperation. In addition, exaggeration will cause bad publicity as the user will share his experience with other referrals.

Tip 2. Don’t get hung up on one attraction method

To improve performance, it is necessary to use all possible options for attracting users. Even if the referrer has the required amount to use exclusively paid options, one should not disdain free methods. Thoughtful work will be effective even using methods that do not require financial investments.

Take advantage of all opportunities to attract

Tip 3. Distribute your budget evenly among paid referral search options

You don’t need to invest all your income exclusively in one way to attract users. If for various reasons the result is minimal, the referrer will have no desire to further invest in the business.

One of the most interesting types of earnings on the World Wide Web is earnings from referrals.

Thousands of different projects offer their users to build referral networks and thereby organize a passive source of profit.

In this article we will try to consider the main questions of people who are just starting to organize their referral network and want to achieve success. The most common question is “Who are referrals and how to recruit them?”, so we decided to start with this.

Watch the video lesson.

Referrals are users whom you invite to various projects, and in the future you receive profit from their actions. For example, by inviting people to email services, you can receive a percentage of their earnings or from depositing funds.

In addition to email services, you can attract referrals to freelance and copywriting exchanges, affiliate programs, online casinos, bookmakers, etc.

How to get referrals for free?

To attract new users, the system provides its users with special links, after clicking on which, people register and become referrals of other participants.

In this case, everyone benefits, the services receive a constant “tide” of new users, referrers (people who invite new participants) profit from the users’ activity, and referrals learn about the possibility of using a useful service and can contact those who contact them with any questions. invited.

There are many different ways to recruit referrals:

1 . The simplest one is to invite all your friends to the service you are using. For example, you can tell your friends and acquaintances about the success you achieved by selling articles on one of the exchanges. This type of attraction is the most effective, because you can explain everything to new users, and your offer will be accompanied by trust.

Unfortunately, your circle of acquaintances is limited, and this method will not bring you a huge audience of users, which makes it not the most practical.

2. If you have the money or time, you can start advertising referral links. For example, you can post entries on forums, thanks to which you will receive new users. In addition, you can invest in an advertising company that will present your banners and links for a fee.

This method can be quite productive, but at the same time it is accompanied by some expenses, both time and money, which limits the circle of people using this method.

Creating a website for the purpose of recruiting referrals

3. The last option we will present is creating your own website. Thanks to your project, you will be able to constantly receive new referrals and distribute advertising.

Separately, I would like to say that thanks to the articles, you will be able to influence the level of interest of users, which will allow you to receive a huge number of potential referrals.

According to many people, this method of attracting participants to the service is the most acceptable and productive.

If you also want to build a large referral network, then start implementing your website, perhaps this will allow you to succeed.

If you begin to actively use all opportunities to attract users, then it is quite possible that you will achieve a successful result.

Many people choose this method of earning money, and they are easy to understand, because thanks to referrals you can earn money without doing anything, but only receiving small percentages for their activity.

How to get referrals automatically?

To avoid having to send out invitations yourself, communicate with people and post links somewhere, use click sponsors.

On the best mailers, you can create tasks and ask people to register, or place a referral link on some site.

This is not difficult to do, for example, if you use the Wmmail project, then the instructions for action will be as follows:

It's simple, people will start registering using your link, and all you have to do is check their reports so as not to pay scammers.

Don't have money for this? This is also not a problem, because you can use the axle boxes to complete other people’s tasks and thereby replenish your balance. Choose the most expensive orders; after completing a task with a payment of $1, you can order 100 completions of your task for 1 cent.

Where can I get referrals for free?

If you have free time, try to attract referrals for free through social networks. You can post any posts in them, as well as generate reposts using special services.

It’s good if there is a promoted page, but the most effective option is on similar sites.

Posts need to be designed beautifully so that they attract attention. The image must be:

It is these types of systems that are best to look for, because just one person you invite can attract a whole network of participants.

You don’t need to pay any money on social networks, but there are now so many advertisements being distributed there that your posts may simply be deleted or not viewed. Plus, it’s worth taking into account their rules; the page can be frozen for spam.

How to quickly get referrals?

Do you want to attract a huge audience in the shortest possible time? Then you will have to invest money. You can negotiate with site owners about advertising placement.

If you don’t want to contact directly, try using the system, many different sites have been added there that rent out different areas of the site:

This is part of the available resources; the table shows impressions and prices per month. An unusual form of payment is used here. Money is paid not for clicks or impressions (as everywhere else), but for 30 days of advertising.

The prices are relatively low, so this service can be considered one of the best for attracting referrals.

In addition to the above service, there are many alternative resources where you can also order advertising or place an affiliate link:

  1. – through this site you can order placement on video advertising sites.
  2. – suitable for advertising in VKontakte and Odnoklassniki groups.
  3. – here is the largest database of advertising platforms from social networks.
  4. – buy links from blogs, YouTube channels and social networks. networks.
  5. – payment for impressions in the advertising line (you can order from me, line at the top).
  6. – order placement of banners on partner sites.

If you plan to invite people to some services for beginners to make money, you will find it useful. You will pay only 20 kopecks for clicks on your promotional materials.

Be sure to keep in mind that this system is mainly used by beginners, so there is no point in advertising something serious, such as Forex brokers.

Even professionals make great efforts to attract new users to various systems. My main income is referral networks, so I know firsthand how difficult it is to find an active user who can bring a good profit.

  • You need to use as many methods of recruiting referrals as possible;
  • shows good results;
  • the most effective way to attract referrals is your own website;
  • to come up with tempting texts, you need to learn this;
  • use short sentences, do not send people text of 5000 characters;
  • create original banners and teasers, do not use hackneyed promos;
  • never deceive people, because after registration they will not be active;
  • offer your help to referrals so that they do not leave the project;
  • motivate people to become a referral, offer bonuses or refback;
  • make short links so that no one goes to the site directly ();
  • Animated banners provide the highest conversion;
  • Using different methods and services, follow the statistics and draw conclusions;
  • invite only interested people; in this matter, quality is important, not quantity.

As you work, you will gain experience and you will have your own secrets for recruiting referrals. The most important thing is not to stop and work actively, because here everything goes into perspective, at first there will be no income.

It’s difficult to say how many referrals you can attract in one way or another, because a lot depends on how much money is spent, how filtered the target audience is and whether good promotional materials are used.

In any case, this is a decent option for earning money that is worth using.

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The opportunity to make passive money on the Internet attracts people all over the world. At the same time, many understand that it is impossible to do without attracting partners who would register using yours on a certain resource. Therefore, the question of how to attract referrals will remain relevant.

It is clear that attracting referrals can only bring profit if the site or service assumes the presence of a system that allows you to expand the number of participants in the system. All you have to do is simply post your referral link on the Internet using any available means.

Promotion of referrals can be done in two ways - free of charge and with the involvement of a certain amount of money.

How to get referrals for free?

Before you learn how to get referrals for free, it is worth understanding that some methods of free attraction do not always bring results. However, you should not neglect them, because any of them can be quite effective.

Your own website is the most successful tool. On its pages you can invite referrals not to one, but to several projects. In addition, your website allows you to advertise your projects well. By compiling a series of benefits, you can motivate and increase the effectiveness of referrals.

It’s not difficult to attract referrals for free using a link through your own website, but it involves investing a certain amount of money on promotion, design and design, purchasing a domain, etc. That’s why you should first register your website on free hosting. Perhaps the best option is Ucoz, Wix or wen.ru, with their help you can create a resource quite quickly.

It is worth remembering that these platforms will place their advertising unit on the site you create. But there are a few more nuances. Some hosting sites have introduced bans on the creation of sites advertising various HYIPs and pyramid schemes, there are restrictions on the language of pages, etc.

Free notice boards

The essence of the method is quite simple: you write an ad in the “Job” or “Vacancies” categories, where you place your referral link in the message. The difficulty is that such message boards are moderated, so there is a high probability that your ad will simply be deleted. And the number of registrations from such resources is small.

You need the ability to write short, catchy phrases that would encourage people to click on your link. Do not overdo it with promises, otherwise the user will be disappointed and you will not receive an active referral.

Your friends

Usually everyone starts with this method, but I deliberately put it in third position, since this is not the best way. Firstly, a good referral is an interested person, and if you have to convince your friend, nothing good will come of it. Secondly, if the project is risky or, even worse, sinking, there is a risk of losing the relationship. If you care about a person, do not become a guarantor for him in financial matters. And thirdly, if everything goes well with the project, but your friend is disappointed for other reasons, your reputation has a chance to be damaged.

Think twice before referring friends or relatives as referrals. But if you have already decided, then talk about real income and do not promise mountains of gold. Think about who might be interested in this and don’t offer it to everyone.

From the forums

You can get referrals using forums. Moreover, this is where the largest number of people are looking for partners. The main advantage is free registration on the forum, so the referrer does not need to spend his precious funds on this.

  1. Create new topics on the forum.
  2. Leave comments in already created popular topics.
  3. Place the referral link under your author.

It is very important to read the rules of the resource here, because if you neglect this, your message will be banned. Some forums allow you to create topics of the same type, while others strictly combat such spam. Therefore, before creating a topic, look for similar ones through the forum search.

There are several forums where getting referrals for free is really effective:

  • mmgp.ru— this forum is considered one of the most popular resources dedicated to making money on the Internet, but the moderation here is quite strict;
  • wm-forums.ru— a forum dedicated to making money, but its popularity is not as high as that of the previous resource;
  • imoneyforum.ru. The forum is already more than 6 years old. Contains many topics (sections) about making money.

This is not a complete list of forums where you can recruit referrals. Just write the query “forum about making money” in the search bar, and at least a hundred different options will be presented to your attention. Moreover, there are types of forums where you can create topics without directly registering as a user.

Another important advantage of posting on forums is the ability to create your own signature, which will be displayed under each message you write. The advantage is that here you can indicate your affiliate link, and using Photoshop, make a small banner that is perceived by users better than regular text.

Attracting referrals from Ucoz forums

There are also Ucoz forums, where you can also post messages about attracting referrals. Ucoz is a special platform where various forums, websites and other resources are created.

Finding partners on forums turns out to be very effective, but you need to understand that this is constant work. You will have to write messages on various resources as often as possible, trying to highlight them from the general row, supplement them with pictures, banners, etc. The work is dreary, but you can’t do without it.

Social media

Social networks have long been a place where a huge number of users gather, so they have become full-fledged advertising platforms where companies and individuals look for potential clients. The same can be said about finding referrals. There are many social networks, from Odnoklassniki to Facebook, but the most popular network in our country is VKontakte.

Attracting referrals for free using this social network can be done in several ways:

You can create a whole bomb by combining all these methods. Create your own group and direct the entire flow to it through comments, invitations and even spam.

For this purpose, you will need another, new VKontakte page, otherwise you will suddenly go too far and get blocked.

Now let’s take a closer look at each individual way to attract referrals through social networks.

Comments on websites via the VKontakte widget

Referrals from sites where the VKontakte network widget is present. The essence of the action is quite simple: you post your messages with a referral link on those sites where there is a VKontakte widget. People comment and their messages are broadcast to the social network. The owners of these sites are quite loyal to such messages, but remember that they should look natural and not like spam from a bot.

Search for people in groups

Search for people in VKontakte groups. This method is almost identical to the previous one, but the work is already carried out directly on the social network itself, and not on third-party sites. You need to find groups that match the theme of the project to which you invite people. Finding them is easy because the site has a convenient search for people, groups, etc.

Spam via messages

The next method is outright spam. The idea is to send a mass message to your friends, which will contain. For such actions, the VKontakte administration quite often blocks users, so get yourself a second page “for work”, from which you can send out such information.

The effectiveness of this method can be high only if the fake page is sufficiently promoted, i.e. it has a lot of photos, posts on abstract topics, a large number of friends and subscribers.

Some people also use special programs for VKontakte spam, or, as it is also called, “a program for attracting referrals,” but be prepared for the fact that your page will be blocked after a while. And if your link is blocked by a social network even when you send it, you can read it like another social network.

Create your own group

Perhaps the most effective method is to create your own group or community for a specific project to which you want to invite people. Of course, promoting a group will cost not only your efforts, but also certain financial investments, but it’s worth it.

Video hosting

The most popular video hosting in the world is Youtube, so we will consider this particular resource as a means of attracting referrals. There are also several ways to get referrals quickly and, most importantly, for free.

The first way is to post comments on various videos with the content of your referral link. It is important that the topic of the video and channel coincide with the topic of the resource or project you are advertising, but this rule is considered common for many methods of attraction.

  • Compose a new comment each time;
  • Do not use various symbols, such as emoticons, in comments;
  • In the text of your comment, use words from the description of the video;
  • Avoid certain words, such as “registration”, “on this site”, “my channel” and the like;
  • Don't write a lot in one day.

For obvious reasons, Google will not reveal the secrets of how the spam filter works on Youtube, but from observations it is clear that by following these recommendations, the chances are much greater.

The second way to attract partners is to create your own channel on YouTube, where you can advertise the project in which you are participating. This is not to say that this method is simple, because you will not only have to create the channel itself, but also upload your own videos on relevant topics, in which you talk about certain advantages of participating in the project, etc. In addition, the channel should not be “ dead”, you need to post videos on a regular basis - at least two to three times a month.

The promotion of the channel is the main key to the success of this method. This may take more than one month. But if you pay more attention to the process, you can achieve results faster. There have been cases when some videos on a well-promoted channel were explosive with millions of views. It's worth a try.

Leave your comments on blogs

Another way to get referrals is by commenting on various blogs on the Internet that correspond to the topic of the project. The method is not much different from similar commenting on forums and YouTube channels, so we will not focus on it.

It is important here that your message does not look like outright spam, so you need to approach posting with a certain amount of creativity, correctly constructing sentences. Users should get the impression that they are actually being communicated with by a person who has experienced all the delights of participating in the advertised resource or project.

Attracting referrals in a paid way

If you have already tried free methods, but the question of how to attract referrals to the project remains, you should definitely turn your attention to paid methods of this process. Below are effective techniques that have shown their effectiveness in practice.

Attracting referrals through tasks

There are many sites on the Internet where you can post paid tasks for users ( Seosprint, Wmmail , Socpublic etc.). Such cooperation turns out to be beneficial for all parties, because the person receives an agreed amount for registering using your link, the service receives its commission, and you receive a referral. But here you need to correctly display the essence of the task so as not to work at a loss.

Or here is an example of a motivating task, when a performer can, having passed a certain threshold of activity, receive payment again and again.

On sites with tasks, it is also possible to add users who are already registered but do not have a referrer. For example, on Seosprint there is a special category of tasks, which is called “Invitation to Seosprint referrals”.

Purchasing advertising space on websites and blogs

If you don't want to spend time creating your website, you can purchase advertising space on a third-party resource. Naturally, you must study its popularity, daily traffic levels, so that your investment brings you profit.

It is more effective to buy places closer to the top (header) of the site, although they are, however, more expensive.

Enter a query close to your topic into a search engine and open site after site. In each, you should find the “Advertising” section in the menu and find out how you can order it there. To save money, it would be a good idea to create a table of the ratio of traffic to price and choose the optimal value.

Order newsletter

Getting referrals online can be done by sending emails to users' email addresses. It is not always possible to collect them yourself, so many resort to the help of third-party services - standartsend.ru or sendpulse.com, providing their own address database. Naturally, not for free.

contextual advertising

Many people ask the question - how to quickly attract referrals? In this case, you can use contextual advertising from Yandex-Direct. However, this method is only relevant if the advertised project requires investment from the person registered using your link, because the cost of advertising from Yandex is quite high. Such projects include binary options, Forex, PAMM accounts, etc.

However, some affiliate programs prohibit the use of this method of attracting partners, so you should carefully study all the terms and conditions of the affiliate program.

Considered the undisputed leader Nolix.ru. You can see this line on many sites; it is usually located at the very top of the page.

The rental process has been simplified to the basics. You can order a line directly on the site where you saw it, or you can select others from the list by clicking on “Selection of advertising platforms.” And then, using two filters, select a suitable site for advertising.

Order a banner

Answering the question of how to get referrals, we can highlight one of the forms of advertising on the Internet - banners. Here are several services that place this type of advertising:

  1. Rotaban.ru— here you can purchase space to place your banner. At the same time, you pay for the monthly term at once, and not separately for impressions or clicks.
  2. Linkslot.ru— has convenient functionality that allows you to select a theme, adjust banner sizes and other settings.
  3. surfearner.net— for ease of use, the site contains detailed video instructions on how to place ads, work with the site’s functionality, etc.

Please note that if you are attracting referrals for a long-existing project, there is a possibility that standard banners have already become an eyesore for Internet users and do not attract attention. Then you should work hard and draw your own simple banner with catchy text.

Your own website to attract referrals

If you still don’t know where to get referrals, then creating your own website will certainly help you with this. Moreover, this method is much more effective than others. In terms of effectiveness, it can be safely put in first place.

Of course, success depends on the popularity of the site, so you will need to work hard on it, but the result exceeds all expectations. If you have your own resource, you can simultaneously attract partners to several projects, which will significantly increase your profit.

Take the time to write more or less detailed reviews of sites where you want to attract referrals on the pages of your website. Firstly, this will increase the activity of your referrals, since they will already have instructions for action (your article), and, as a result, your earnings from referrals will increase. Secondly, as practice shows, it is from such articles that the most referrals are registered for the project.

You can also combine several ways to attract referrals using your website. For example, order a newsletter not for a specific referral project, but for your website where you offer several referral links. In this case, there is a chance that in one shot you will receive a referral for each of the projects.

Buy referrals on the exchange

You can buy referrals on specialized services - Wmmail, Wmzona and others. The price tag here is very different - from 10 - 30 rubles to 1 thousand. and more for one referral. The disadvantage of this method is that there is a high probability of a decrease in the activity of the purchased referral, which, of course, will affect your earnings.

Renting referrals

There are sites on the Internet, mostly axle boxes, that rent referrals. This method cannot be called automatic, as it requires constant intervention, otherwise you will waste your money. A striking example is the foreign axle box Neobux. The point is that you rent several referrals for a certain period of time; if they become inactive, they can be replaced. And if they are active, you will be in the black.

In conclusion, I would like to highlight a few basic rules of attraction that will be effective regardless of the method of attraction. So to speak, a short repetition of the main points:

  1. Tell the truth about the projects you advertise. Avoid slogans like “earn 1 thousand. $ today!
  2. Place your advertising on thematic resources.
  3. Try not only to send out the referral link wherever possible, but also try to train the referral. Offer your help if the project provides for communication with your referrals.
  4. If you have already formed a small database of referrals, send them mailings to other similar sites. Just don’t spam, write softly and unobtrusively (only works if such advertising is not prohibited by the site rules).
  5. Help your partners attract referrals. For you, these will be second-level partners. For example, you can provide a link to this article.
  6. In many cases, it makes sense to shorten the referral link through special services, which are described in detail.
  7. Don't focus on one method, combine several. For example, make a website and advertise it on forums. If the site talks about several projects, there is a chance that a person will choose what he likes.
  8. When using paid methods to attract referrals, do not spend your entire budget on one thing. It’s better to distribute it and add as you get results.

As we see, there are a lot of ways to attract partners for any project. This is not surprising, because attracting active referrals allows you to make money online in the most effective way. And although it is considered passive, it is important to understand that working on the Internet is not much different from regular work for which people leave in the morning and return in the evening. Therefore, efforts - monetary and mental - are expended in full.

Quite a bit of. All of them are divided into paid and free. The first ones are less labor-intensive and faster, but will require significant financial investments. Although there may be no result. The second ones are slow and take a lot of time. But it’s best to start with the free ones. Let's look at some of them.

1. Invite friends

This is one of the simplest and most reliable ways to attract referrals. You can tell them everything in detail and immediately involve them in work. The only downside is that there aren't many of them. Moreover, not everyone will be active.

2. Notice boards

There are plenty of boards on the Internet where you can post advertisements. If you're lucky, it will attract a lot of referrals. But there is one important point. You need to constantly update your ads, as competition on the Internet is very high. If you do this, then you won’t have to think about how to attract referrals.

This could be adding earnings information to your profile or creating a separate group. You can find a lot of people this way. But for this you need to work hard and devote time every day to promoting your page or group.

4. Website creation

This is probably the most promising way to attract referrals. If the resource is promoted well enough, it will be visited by many interested people - potential referrals. Moreover, if you correctly explain on the website about the specifics of registration, then they will not ask unnecessary questions and will actively get involved in the work. To create a website, use free platforms such as Joomla! and "WordPress".

5. Forums

How to attract referrals using a link? Very simple. Place it on thematic forums with a description of your site, the proposed work, the amount of payment, etc. This way you will learn a lot of useful information, exchange links, find interested people, and also significantly increase your advertising volumes. But before posting, read the forum rules, since violating them risks not only deleting posts, but also blocking your account.

6. Chats or ICQ

If a person refuses the offer, then you can ask him about the reasons, and, of course, convince him. If everything goes well, he could use your online help with registration.

There are many sites on the Internet through which this can be done. This is an easy way to convey information to a large number of people. Only, unfortunately, most of the letters will not be read and will be marked as spam.

8. Websites about work

Another way to attract a lot of referrals is to post an advertisement for a relevant vacancy on job sites. Many people are interested in the work, so the traffic on such sites is quite high. Only, just like on the forums, there are certain rules here that you should familiarize yourself with. In case of any violations, the ad will simply not be published.

9. Offline ads

This method is more suitable for attracting territorial referrals. Write tear-off advertisements and paste them on poles, porches, fences, etc. You can also place printed advertisements in mailboxes, under car windshield wipers, etc. But you should prepare in advance for dissatisfaction and claims from the owners of mailboxes, cars, etc. etc.

How can you make money on the Internet without investment if you are a beginner? In fact, one of the best ways to earn money is through affiliate programs of various companies.

This type of work has many advantages:

  • Work only when it’s convenient for you, flexible schedule
  • There is no boss, you are treated as an equal partner
  • Your profit depends only on you
  • No special knowledge required
  • Suitable for any age

In general, there are different types of companies whose affiliate program you can earn money from: MLM companies, HYIPs, axle boxes, faucets, etc. In this article I will focus on HYIP projects with a multi-level structure. They are often called social MLM projects.

Typically, such HYIPs have a low profitability of 5-15% per month, have real offices and a plausible legend. It seems to me that such projects are great for attracting referrals.

I have already written about how to engage in referral farming, but all of them were not aimed at beginners. Here I will give a detailed step-by-step plan on how to make money from the referral program if you are a beginner and don’t know anything about the Internet.

What are the features of attracting referrals for beginners?

I am a proponent of content marketing, but I understand that for beginners it is all very difficult. Therefore, I would recommend that beginners play on the simplest and most understandable feeling - the desire to make money.

That is, your tools will be: screenshots and videos of payments from the project, motivating quotes about financial independence, successful lifestyle, etc. The best way to motivate your partner is to lead by example.

Article on the topic:

What is the technology for attracting referrals?

On the one hand, everything is simple: you registered in the project and your personal affiliate link became available to you, now you need to distribute it on the Internet in as many places as possible. On the other hand, these various places will most likely not be very happy about your link.

Below I have provided a step-by-step plan with which any beginner can attract referrals to their project and earn their first money on the Internet. The above methods are mostly free.

Evaluation of free ways to attract referrals.

As soon as you register in the project and receive an affiliate link, you can start working.

Below I will describe the 9 most popular and frequently used free ways to promote your referral link. 8 of them will be designed to advertise direct links to the project without any padding. The last ninth method will be more difficult.

Comparison of ways to attract referrals.

In order not to simply describe each method in general phrases, but to provide more complete information, I decided to evaluate each of them according to 3 parameters: effectiveness, simplicity and freeness.

  • Efficiency.

Here I decided to evaluate the result (transitions, registrations, deposits) divided by labor costs. That is, if you have to spend 5 working hours to get 10 registrations with deposits, then the score will be higher than if it takes 50 hours to get the same result.

The assessment here will be very subjective due to the fact that I will evaluate the effectiveness of this or that method based on my own experience. That is, it may turn out that I did not get the result using some tool because I did not know all the intricacies of the work and the so-called tricks.

In other words, I can give a rating of 1 to some method based on my experience. At the same time, I fully admit that there are people who have found their chips and are getting excellent results using this method.

  • Simplicity.

Here I will evaluate how convenient and easy it will be to work with this or that tool for a beginner who knows practically nothing on the Internet. And how quickly you can learn the basics of working with this tool.

The higher the score, the easier it is to work with the tool.

  • Free.

Here I will evaluate whether it is possible to use this method without investing money. That is, how effective and complete free work with this tool will be.

The higher the score, the more complete and effective the free work.

Link shortening.

The first thing I would advise you to do is use a link shortening service. This will solve 2 problems:

  • Avoid link blocking. You can often see that sites block some links, for example, on the social network VK. Basically, this happens because someone is complaining about the links. But, even if the link is blocked, the shortened link will still continue to work.
  • Get the stats. Link shortening services provide click-through statistics for each link. Thus, if you set a shortened link for each site or even for each ad, you will be able to track the effectiveness of each of them.

The most popular link shortening services:

If you don’t want to understand the features of each service, I recommend using goo.gl from Google.

First steps.

So, if you are a beginner, then you have 2 options:

  • Provide a direct link to registration
  • Provide a link to your page or group on a social network

Let's start with the first option.

This is the simplest and most understandable option - you need to place a link to the project website on as many sites as possible. But, in order for people to notice it and be more willing to follow the link, you need to format it in the form of an ad.

The ad will consist of several elements:

  • Title. It should attract attention and not be very long. It is recommended not to use the project name in the title. In some cases, writing in capital letters and placing emoticons is acceptable.
  • Announcement text. This is a continuation of the title. Capital letters and emoticons are also allowed here. At the end of the text there should be a call to action, for example: “Follow the links and start earning money!”
  • The link to the project itself. It is advisable that it be shortened.
  • Your contacts. Leave your Skype, Telegram or a link to a page on social networks so that interested users can contact you and ask questions about the project.
  • Screen or video of payment. Your ad should convey the message: “Look, I’m making money! So what are you waiting for?". And of course, such an announcement would be incomplete without a personal example. It is advisable that there is a large amount on the screenshot or video. Therefore, if you did not contribute to the project or invested a small amount, you can take someone else’s screenshot or video and say that your superior partner sent it.

An example of the simplest ad.

1. Axle boxes.

Books are the very services where many newcomers try to make money by clicking and viewing advertisements. That is, users view ads and receive a small reward for this.

Tasks can be different: watching an advertisement, following a link, reading a letter, watching a video, etc. Boxes are often used to increase views for websites or videos. But don’t forget that those people who sit on the axleboxes are your target audience.

That is, the calculation is such that a certain number of users who view your ad will become interested, follow your link and become your referrals.

Many axle boxes are populated by bots, so I recommend running ads on each axle box separately in order to track not only the number of clicks on the link, but also the number of registrations and deposits into the project.

Here you can start a company either paid or free. The first option is clear: you deposit money, create ads and launch impressions. In the second case, you first need to view the advertisements yourself in order to earn money for your balance, from which you can already launch your own advertising campaign.

Russian speakers:

English speaking:

In general, you can find a huge number of different axle boxes on the Internet. Ideally, you need to test the effectiveness of each service and keep the best ones, discarding those that showed the worst results. But practice shows that the more popular the box, the more bots there are on it.

I monitor the traffic of some referral sites that use bookmarks as the main source of traffic. They give preference to recently opened services: they find a new service, test it, if the test result is positive, then they invest a large sum there and squeeze out traffic as much as possible, and as soon as the efficiency drops, they switch to another axlebox.

That is, I think the tactics are clear - look for still unpopular axle boxes.

There are no special features for composing advertisements. Since a click costs money, the user will click on any ad, regardless of the quality of the title and description. What matters most here is the quality of the landing page that he will view. Therefore, the advantage goes to projects that provide beautiful and personalized capture pages.

Work plan with axle boxes:

My marks:

  • Efficiency - 2.
  • Simplicity - 8.
  • Free – 2.

2. Browser extensions.

Another way to distribute your referral link is through special browser extensions. These extensions mainly work with Google Chrome and Opera browsers.

The principle of operation here is very similar to axleboxes - users who have installed this extension are shown advertising banners and ads directly in the browser (teaser advertising, popup or banners). They receive a small reward for viewing this ad or clicking on a link.

Depending on the type of task (viewing an advertisement or clicking on a link), you need to use different tactics for composing advertisements. If you pay to view a site, then the quality of the ad does not matter much. If you only pay for viewing ads, then the quality of your ad becomes the most important parameter.

If you choose to pay for viewing ads, you will get more accurate statistics, because only those users who are interested in your advertising offer will follow your link.

As for the ad, everything is standard here: a tempting headline, a description of the advantages and benefits, exclamation points, a call to action. Often in such services you can add a picture to the ad. It is recommended to use bright pictures that attract attention. By the way, near-erotic images with beautiful girls work well.

To get the best results, you need to test different ads. In your personal account, you will display all the statistics on your ads (how many impressions and how many clicks). Disable ineffective ads and continually improve effective ones.

If we talk about tasks for viewing sites, then everything here is the same as in the axle boxes.


I used similar extensions and concluded that their effectiveness is approximately the same as axle boxes.

Plan for working with extensions:

My marks:

  • Efficiency - 3.
  • Simplicity - 7.
  • Free – 2.

3. Cranes.

How do faucets work? At first glance, it seems that the user is given a reward for simply solving the captcha. But it is worth noting that there are a lot of advertisements on the captcha page. This is the point of the faucet: a person goes to the faucet for a reward, simultaneously views advertisements and, possibly, clicks on banners. Thus, his reward pays off and even brings profit to the faucet owners.

Accordingly, you can place your banners on the captcha page and advertise your link among users of some faucets.

The audience here is similar to the audience of axle boxes, and the effectiveness is also about the same.

Some faucets charge per view, others per click, but in any case, quality ads will increase the effectiveness of your advertising campaign.


Crane work plan:

My marks:

  • Efficiency - 2.
  • Simplicity - 7.
  • Free – 2.

Other tasks.

As you can see, all these tools work with approximately the same audience. And while cranes, axle boxes and extensions are the most popular here, there is a wide range of additional tools that can be used.

This is watching videos for money, reading letters, surveys, etc. I am sure that if you use them correctly, you can get better results than from classic services. If only because competition among advertisers is lower there.

Results from the previous methods:

I have seen several successful referral providers who attract audiences only in these ways, but, nevertheless, boxes, faucets, extensions and other tasks are far from the best ways to attract referrals.

Although the audience is similar to the HYIP audience - they are interested in making money on the Internet, there are also differences. Firstly, these users are looking for income without investments, and secondly, they have very small amounts.

Therefore, such advertising is extremely effective if you advertise other cranes, axleboxes, etc. and less effective against hype. Here you can attract referrals with small deposits of 10-20 dollars. Things can go better if you advertise a project that offers some kind of free bonus for registration.

Since you are unlikely to receive large deposits from beeches, there is a possibility that you will not recoup the advertising costs. Experienced referrers also understand this, so most often they do not advertise a direct link to the project, but use heating pads that interest visitors. You can read about this in my other articles.

4. Advertising on bulletin boards and advertising chats and groups on social networks.

I often see how beginners are advised to use 2 tools to distribute their links: message boards and advertising chats and groups. These methods are very similar.

There are message boards on the Internet - these are sites where each user can create a free ad and post a link. Often there is no moderation, or it is very loyal and skips any announcement.

Groups and advertising chats work in much the same way. There are groups and chats created specifically so that advertisements can be posted there for free.

If you study popular resources, you will see that new advertisements appear there every 10-60 seconds. You need to understand that with such competition you need to take both quantity and quality.

As for quality, I already wrote above about the correct design of the ad. You need to use all available tools: pictures, videos, emoticons, words: “free”, “bonuses”, etc. It is important to do everything possible to attract the attention of users and motivate them to click on your link.

Examples of ads that people use to attract referrals in these groups:

As for quantity, everything is simple: you need to place the maximum number of ads on the maximum number of sites. In other words, to be successful, you need to spend a lot of time publishing your ads.

Examples of groups:

Results for this instrument:

Apparently, the audience of these sites are referrals just like you. I can’t imagine that anyone would voluntarily go to such a site to read spam. Is it possible to find your referrals there - yes, is it easy to do - no.

The best option here is to come in with an interesting ad, an unfamiliar project, and select sites that are not too spammy. This method is suitable, first of all, for those who have a lot of free time and practically no skills in working with a computer and the Internet.

My marks:

  • Efficiency - 1.
  • Simplicity - 9.
  • Free – 10.

If you have at least minimal skills or want to acquire them, then you can use your time more efficiently. Read about it below.

5. Forums.

Why do people even write on forums? 90% of messages are written just to place your advertising link at the bottom. Often, well-promoted forum users who have nothing to advertise even sell signature space to advertisers for money.

The more messages you write, the more popular threads you choose, the more readers will see your link. Accordingly, the more views, the more conversions and registrations.

All you need to do is communicate on the forums, having previously placed affiliate links in your signature: ask questions, express your own opinion, argue with other participants. The more expert your posts are and the more popular your profile is, the more credible your links and projects will be.

Do not forget that flooding and direct advertising in your posts are not welcome on the forums.

Examples of forums:

My marks:

  • Efficiency - 7.
  • Simplicity - 5.
  • Free – 9.

6. Comments on blogs.

Approximately the same principle applies to commenting on blogs. The fact is that on most sites, when commenting, you can insert a link, making your login clickable.

You can insert your affiliate link there, but this approach is not very effective. Firstly, many moderators will not skip referral links, and secondly, by clicking on your login, readers will expect to see your profile, and not an investment project.

Therefore, when commenting on blogs, I recommend inserting a link, if not to your website, then at least to your page on a social network. Of course, the page should be designed in a style that will warm up visitors and motivate them to register in the project. But you can read about this below.

My marks:

  • Efficiency - 3.
  • Simplicity - 5.
  • Free – 10.

7. Chats and groups of closed projects.

There is another effective way to attract referrals, which is rarely used. This is posting links in chats and groups of projects that have just been published.

As soon as payments stop, moderation in chats stops. At the same time, investors continue to be there, monitoring all messages in order to understand the current situation. And these investors are your hot target audience.

Such chats can be used in different ways, but the easiest way is to post an ad with your referral link. Ads should be a little non-standard and optimized for the target audience.

You can write that you also lost money here, but it’s good that you also invested in another project and provide links to it. You can say that it was immediately clear that this admin was a scammer, and provide a link to a project where the admin is very experienced and always makes money.

You don’t have to be afraid of moderation, argue with chat participants and give arguments in favor of your project. Of course, you will encounter negativity, but you will also receive new registrations for your project.

Track the maximum number of projects that are presented on the market. At the first messages about problems with payments, go to the website, look for groups and chats for this project and start working with the target audience there.

This needs to be done quickly, because within a day the activity on this site will drop to almost zero. The sooner you react, the better.

My marks:

  • Efficiency - 4.
  • Simplicity - 9.
  • Free – 10.

8. Special social networks.

Kaleostra is implemented like most popular social networks - here you can add photos, friends, communicate with other users, etc. Users, for the most part, are referral guides just like you.

Several operating options are available. The first is rotations. The mechanism here is simple - you do some target action, and in return other participants do the target action for you. For example, you viewed 20 sites, and in return 20 people will look at your site.

How can you benefit from rotations?

Rotation based on VK reposts is available. That is, users will repost your post. I don’t think this is an effective strategy for promoting posts, because these users will make dozens of reposts per day and their wall will be filled with all sorts of advertisements, among which your post will get lost.

In addition, such people do not have an audience, because no one wants to see a bunch of reposts of various posts in their news, most of which look more like spam.

  • Communication.

Based on the rotations, we can conclude that they are only suitable for adding friends or subscribers on social networks. Such additions have a clear advantage - these people don’t mind communicating. Therefore, if after adding you start communicating with everyone, you can get good results.

And now we come to the next way to work with Kaleostra - communication. Here you can write unlimited messages to users and add them as friends. That's why the PM here is always filled with spam. But there is still room for personal communication.

When communicating in Kaleostra, you can set “minimum” and “maximum” goals.

  • Minimum goal— learn to communicate (for beginners).

If you want to start inviting partners using traditional social networks, then I recommend that you first practice Kaleostra. Here no one will be able to block your page and you can start an unlimited number of conversations.

There is another plus for beginners - on this social network you will meet many experienced “networkers” who have a lot to learn from. See how other people will establish contact with you and present their projects, I am sure that you will be able to take some of their techniques into your arsenal.

But don’t spam and immediately throw a link in the first message. Say hello, introduce yourself, ask your partner about his projects and only then proceed with the presentation.

  • Goal maximum- find partners.

After you gain experience and learn to communicate with other users, you will increasingly find referrals to your projects. Perhaps you yourself will be interested in suggestions from other users.

To summarize, we can say that the Kaleostra network is, first of all, interesting because of its live communication. This is its main advantage. The remaining tools are either non-unique or ineffective.

My marks:

  • Efficiency - 6.
  • Simplicity - 4.
  • Free – 5.

9. Social networks.

Social networks are one of the most effective tools for attracting referrals. There are a large number of different ways to work on social networks, but I will tell you about a method that is suitable for beginners. In this section I will talk about VKontakte, but the same techniques can be used on Facebook or Odnoklassniki.

Creating a page.

The tactic is to promote one page. That is, you should not use spam and other methods for which you can get a ban. You need to treat the page as an asset, which, as its popularity grows, will bring more and more profit.

I have already written about the basic rules for page design in my previous articles. In order not to repeat myself, I’ll just give you such an article.

Most often, a page is tailored for one or two projects. After the scam, it either freezes or continues to work with a new project. The second method is more effective, because you don’t need to start from scratch every time; it’s better to continue working with an existing audience, even though some of the subscribers will be negative.

Please note that a successful referral leader is called a leader. This is no coincidence, because a leader leads people. Investors are not so interested in the subtleties of the legend, investment plans, beautiful design, etc., they follow the leader they trust. And you need to become that leader.

Like I said, you have to build trust. Confidence is enhanced by your photographs, videos recorded by you, your payments and deposits. Secondly, you must show yourself as an expert; at a minimum, you need to thoroughly study the project being promoted in order to be able to answer questions from potential investors.

Third is your personal example. If you show people how you invest and earn money, they will simply repeat after you. If you work in these three areas, then many visitors to your page will see you as a leader and will follow you.

As for the page design, you can adhere to general standards or try to get creative in order to stand out among other referral guides. Regardless of your approach to registration, you need to pay attention to one important element - confirmation of a large payment from the project.

Your page, among other things, should contain a video of a large payment from the project. It is better to place such a video in the most visible place - attach it to the very top of your wall. It is advisable to update this video as often as possible.

If you have not yet withdrawn large sums from the project, then such a video can be borrowed from other referral providers. You can take any video with a large payout and say that this is a payment from your upliner (sponsor) or that this is a payment from your referral.

That is, I recommend publishing on the wall your even small payments and payments from your referrals (if you have a contribution and referrals), and in the most visible place on your page, place a video with a large payment, which you will submit as a payment from your sponsor. And you will update this video every time the donor releases a new video with a payment.

You can also publish a post talking about your (or your partner's) expensive purchase, travel, or simply showing you with a lot of cash.

A pinned post should consist of a video or photo, emoticons, a bright title, a test and a call to action.

Cool post that motivates to invest.

Page promotion.

Now that the page is complete, you need to start attracting your audience. The first thing I recommend starting with is adding friends.

  • Adding friends.

First, you need to understand that 1,000 fake bot friends and 1,000 live partner friends are not the same thing. Therefore, it is better to immediately decide why you need friends.

The first case is when you just created your page and you don’t have a single friend. Most partners and visitors simply will not take you seriously if you have, for example, 5 friends. So first you need to get a couple hundred of any friends.

I do not recommend using cheating services. The easiest way, in my opinion, is groups in which advertisements for adding friends are posted. I have already written in detail about these groups in.

You need to understand that most of those you add are ordinary schoolchildren. I don’t think it’s worth trying to sell them something or invite them to projects. You only need them to make the page look more or less decent.

Once your page is complete and you have 200-300 friends, you can move on to attracting your target audience.

  • Services for attracting friends.

You need to keep in mind that these services are used mainly by referral guides like you. That is, they want to involve you in their projects, and you want to involve them in yours. Whichever of you is more convincing will receive an active referral.

For a successful transaction, you will need to get to know your partner, consider his offer, make a counter offer, and perhaps become friends with him. Such people are a good asset. Even if he does not join your current project now, you will have the opportunity to invite him to new projects in your structure in the future.

Therefore, don’t just add potential partners as friends, but get to know, communicate and be friends with them. This friendship can then be monetized.

All friend referral services work roughly the same way: you invite a certain number of people and in return other people invite you. By connecting to a paid account, you can increase the number of incoming applications.

What services can you work with:

In general, you only need one service for each social network, because the number of friend requests is limited. You may choose a different service, but please note that to avoid blocking your social media account, links to accounts in the selected service should not be clickable.

That is, to go to the page of the person you want to add as a friend, you need to copy the link and paste it into the browser, and not just click on it. This way, social networks won’t be able to track where you came from and they won’t have a reason to block you.

Plan for attracting referrals in this way:

  • Register in one of the services.
  • We send the required number of applications and confirm incoming applications.
  • After confirming the application, we write to all new friends. We do not offer anything and do not provide any links. We ask: “What kind of business are you in?”, “How are you doing?”, “Is everything okay?” - that is, we make an acquaintance.
  • Only after this we unobtrusively begin the presentation. You can provide a direct link to the project or to the webinar. You can also invite your new friend to call you by phone or Skype.
  • We'll remind you in a couple of days. We ask how he likes the project and what he has in mind. We work with objections.
  • If we receive a refusal, we don’t continue to press the issue. We maintain friendly relations with a potential partner: we like, comment on photos, and sometimes ask about successes. After some time, he can be re-invited or presented with a new project.

  • Cold messages.

This method is more risky. By risk I mean the likelihood of your account being blocked. Therefore, to implement this strategy, I would recommend not using the main page.

That is, you can create a second page and design it in approximately the same way as the main one. For cold messages, use an additional page, and transfer all interested potential partners to the main page (you can also transfer them to Skype, Telegram, Viber and other instant messengers and social networks, if they are your main tool).

Everything is simple here, you find target people on social networks and add them as friends or immediately write a cold message. Again, in order not to provoke complaints or turn potential partners against you, you do not need to offer anything in the first message.

You can start your dialogue something like this: “Hello. I found you in the group “Successful MLM Entrepreneurs”. Can I ask you a question?". After that, ask if he wants to improve his financial situation or if he is already engaged in some kind of business?

Your further dialogue will depend on which audience your current interlocutor belongs to. That is, where you found it.

First option- this is a cold audience. You can write to those who are members of groups of young mothers, groups about business, groups dedicated to making money on the Internet, etc. That is, these people are at least a little bit your target audience and it will be easier to work with them than with those who are members of neutral groups, for example, football, memes, news, etc.

The scheme of work here is simple - you just add yourself as a friend or write a cold message. In the message, you say that you found your interlocutor in such and such a group and ask if you can ask him a question. And then you ask if he is interested in making money on the Internet, if he wants to improve his financial situation, etc.

Since the audience is cold, most of your interlocutors will refuse you. Considering that social networks impose restrictions on outgoing friend requests and messages, then you will need several pages to work effectively.

Second option- this is a warm audience. Still, if you decide to use cold messages, then it is better to work with the target audience, that is, with those who are engaged in or interested in MLM and HYIPs.

To search for such people, you can use groups for MLM, network business, investing in HYIPs and for individual projects. If the page shows that a person is undertaking investment or referral activity, then you can act in the same way as in the case of services for attracting friends. That is, you ask what business your interlocutor is in and try to make friends with him.

If there are no referral links, payments, etc. on his page, then act in the same way as in the case of a cold audience, that is, ask if he wants to improve his financial situation and present the project.

Plan for attracting referrals with cold messages:

  • We create several pages.
  • We go to the group we are interested in, enter a filter by age (over 18, 20, 25, depending on what age group you want to work with), possibly by gender.
  • Write the first message to all the participants you have chosen. We do not impose too much, so as not to receive a complaint.
  • It is better to transfer interested users to the main page or messenger.