Advice for men, or how to keep fit. How to keep yourself in shape - all about physical and spiritual development

Beauty attracts not only men, but also women. However, if women spend their entire lives improving their appearance, men are not accustomed to preening themselves. How can representatives of the stronger sex maintain physical shape and take care of their appearance without spending a lot of time on it and without experiencing any particular difficulties?

Diet will help you stay in shape

Diet is necessary for those who suffer from overweight and has the whole set of complexes associated with this feature of its own constitution. The choice of diet is best left to girls, who often resort to severe dietary restrictions in order to improve external indicators.

If you don't have a decent source of information in mind, try something original. For example, go on a protein diet for a couple of weeks (you should exclude fatty dishes by replacing them with skim milk, chicken meat and soy), banana (2-3 unripe bananas for breakfast will cleanse the body of fat deposits in a couple of months), or egg. Can't give up flour and sweets? Then we move on to other methods.

Running will help men keep fit

Scientists have developed a formula that can quickly determine energy costs while running. And energy costs are calories, which are so difficult for fat people to get rid of. Multiply each kilometer of jogging by your own weight and get the number of kilocalories that can be lost this way. Can you run 5 kilometers weighing 80 kilograms? If yes, then get rid of 400 kilocalories.

After a week or two of daily jogging in a park or forest, you will see the result in the mirror (just don’t run along the road - you’ll inhale all sorts of nasty things). In addition to improvements in appearance, you will soon notice an improvement in your mood and increased vitality. Moreover, it doesn’t matter at all whether you run at the speed of a sprinter, a marathon runner, or in “ragged running” mode, constantly changing the rhythm.


Swimming is an excellent, albeit not the most popular sport (alas, there are not enough swimming pools even in major cities, not to mention towns and villages). When swimming, all muscle groups are involved; An hour actively spent in the pool is no less useful than an hour of training with dumbbells and barbells. In addition, an amateur swimmer does not risk damaging his joints or getting sprained ligaments. And swimming, you see, is much more pleasant than running along a polluted highway.

And it won’t be long before you can surprise everyone with your excellent form and ability to float elegantly on the water. good swimmer visible not only in swimming trunks on the golden sand, but also in ordinary clothes, far from the sea: he is athletically built, springy, but not pumped up. Visit the pool twice a week, and after a month the entire fair sex will be looking at you.

Charging outdoors

If there is no pool or good fitness center nearby, take a closer look at your own yard. It is quite possible that somewhere nearby there is a structure or a simple device for pumping up the press, parallel bars and a horizontal bar. There are such “oases of amateur sports” in every neighborhood, in groves and parks.

By the way, about the press: if you pump it up for at least five minutes a day, after two weeks any fat man will be surprised when he looks at his own reflection in the mirror. The abs are one of the main muscles of the body. In the process of working on the abs, all other muscles receive an impulse to grow and renew.

Home exercises to keep fit

For the laziest people who are glued to the computer, TV or sofa, we recommend doing this at least once a day. simple exercises. Ten squats, ten push-ups, bends forward, right and left can work wonders. Not immediately, but in a maximum of a month you will feel a surge of strength, better side your mood will change, and your lifestyle will begin to change on its own.

Do men need to keep themselves in shape, and is the game worth the candle?

Good question, which is best answered not by a doctor, but by a psychologist. Yes, indeed, many of us consciously give appearance and the state of the body in favor of the usual comfortable lifestyle. Torture yourself sports loads without seeing the result ahead, it makes no sense. If you can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel, and you’re tired of living the old way, try starting with action: behavioral therapy- one of the most popular psychological techniques, allowing you to improve your life and get out of the swamp of everyday life.

- Oct 19, 2013

I really want to keep myself in great shape all the time so that I can look at myself in the mirror and admire my so desirable sexual forms. Unfortunately, not everyone can boast that they are happy when they see their figure in the mirror - getting to the ideal one, as they say, still takes a lot of work and work. How to keep yourself in shape constantly so that if you lose weight once, the result will last for a long time? Some people don't believe it's possible, but it's still worth a try.

There are several tips from experienced fitness trainers that will help you lose weight. overweight and then keep yourself in shape. It’s worth listening to them if you still decide to take care of your figure.

Start leading a healthy lifestyle

Are you tired of lying in bed and justifying your laziness by saying that you need to lose weight? excess weight impossible or very difficult? It's time to get up and take care of your figure and your health. Create an action plan that you should strictly follow. No excuses are better. Start right now, don’t put it off until tomorrow, Monday, otherwise you will never start a healthy lifestyle.

Start cooking your own food

Not everyone likes to cook. However, in in this case It's best to cook your own food. Even if you are cooking for the whole family, then prepare yourself a separate lunch and dinner, which is rich in healthy, fortified food. You will have less desire to eat something harmful to your figure. Yes, and when you cook, your appetite dulls; you eat less than you planned. So cooking is useful from all sides!

Let's start training

How to keep fit? Find a good fitness trainer. Really good and experienced. You need individual program training, if the usual ones do not bring results. An experienced trainer will help you choose the right classes and will also help you create a menu that will also have a positive effect on your figure. Don't waste time and energy on self-training if it doesn't bear fruit - it's just Lost time, exhausted strength, and a discouraged desire to exercise and lose weight further.

Choosing the right clothes

Clothes play great importance for you, your figure, your image. Don't assume that clothes should just keep you warm. It should, but it should also emphasize the advantages of the figure. Clothes are like wrappers for candy. If the wrapper is so-so, you will never buy these candies, even if they are incredibly tasty. So are the clothes. Choose one so that all your advantages are emphasized and your shortcomings are hidden. In addition to the fact that clothes will look great on you, they will also motivate you to go further in achieving perfect figure. Many people find it helpful to buy clothes a size smaller in order to be more willing to lose weight and look irresistible.

Don't be afraid of strength training

Such exercises often help you burn more calories. Don’t be afraid to pull weights and dumbbells, but, of course, without fanaticism. It is better to discuss the type of strength exercises with a trainer. Loads, as a rule, help to burn accumulated fat faster.

Combine cardio with strength training

This will not only help you lose weight faster, but your heart will also be healthy. However, before starting cardio training, make sure that your heart is allowed such loads. By combining such training, you kill two birds with one stone - both healthy and beautiful.

Set the number of classes per week

Organize your time. In order for training to be effective and quickly bring the desired result, it must last at least 45 minutes, and the more often it is repeated, the better. Minimal amount There should be at least three workouts per week. If you want to lose weight faster and pump up your figure, then the number of workouts should be 4-5 per week. Find time for yourself, because 45 minutes a day is not that much, and your figure certainly deserves it. By the way, ample training, which is combined with healthy diet, will help you lose up to five kilograms per week. After all, it's worth it!

It's only seven simple recommendations from famous fitness trainers around the world. These tips have already helped many people find beautiful figure. Whether you listen to advice or not is up to you. If you do listen, then to the question of how to keep yourself in shape, you will have a clear answer - follow seven simple rules. Start today, and tomorrow your figure will begin to transform for the better.

During adolescence, your body will grow and change. Therefore, at this time in your life, it is important to stay physically fit, develop healthy eating habits and exercise. If you want to bring yourself to better shape, start eating right. Try to idle less and watch TV less, and also be physically active for at least one hour a day. If, as a teenager, you decide to take your fitness more seriously, you can even join a Gym or create a study schedule at home.


Improving the diet

    Eat foods that will provide you with a healthy and balanced diet. The first and most important thing to do to stay in shape in adolescence- it's eating right. Avoid junk food, which includes most processed foods and foods instant cooking. Instead, focus on consuming enough dairy and protein to help you grow. These include milk, yogurt, chicken, beef, fish, and beans or tofu.

    • If you (like most teenagers) are still living at your parents' house, ask them to help you with your diet. Let them buy for you healthy snacks, and serves whole, non-processed foods at every meal.
  1. Eat a large number of fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables should make up a significant portion of your daily diet. Set a goal to eat four servings of fruits and five servings of vegetables every day. For example, drink a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice and eat a handful of berries for breakfast, for lunch as a side dish small portion salad and an apple, and for dinner - a portion of boiled vegetables.

    • Fruits and vegetables are sources healthy sugars(which is much better than that, which is added to processed foods) and fibers. Your body needs both.
  2. Eat foods that provide you with calcium and iron. These two minerals are vital for a teenager's growing body. Challenge yourself to consume at least 1300 ml of calcium daily. This means you need to drink plenty of milk and consume dairy products, including hard cheeses and yogurt.

    Consume foods rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber. It is important for teenagers to get vitamins from their diet. Vitamins stimulate normal development and are an important part of the overall physical condition. Fiber will keep you healthy digestive tract, and will also give you a feeling of satiety. This is all because foods containing fiber sit in your stomach and are digested slowly. Fiber is found in foods such as celery and beans.

    Drink 6-8 glasses of fluid daily to stay hydrated. Your body requires plenty of water and other fluids to function well. This is especially true if you increase your daily activity or start exercising regularly. Keep your body hydrated with water, fruit juices, tea and other healthy options. Avoid carbonated and energy drinks.

    Eat healthy snacks between meals. The teenage years are the years active growth, so when your stomach growls, don't reach for a piece of cake or a bag of chips. Instead, give preference healthy snacks such as yogurt, fruit or smoothies.

    • Don't worry if you feel hungry often, as increased exercise and activity will increase your appetite.

    We support daily activity

    1. Be active for at least one hour a day. An hour of activity every day will help you get into better shape and reduce negative impacts from a leisurely lifestyle. To be active, you don't have to go to the gym or play sports. Try walking or biking to a friend's house instead of driving, or join a local pool for a swim after school.

      • Increasing your daily activity has many benefits. Hour of daily activity b O most of the week will reduce stress, increase energy and reduce the risk of certain diseases.
    2. Play sports or sign up for a section where you will be active after school. Sports and athletic exercises are a great way to increase your daily activity level and strengthen your physical training teenager If you enjoy participating in sporting events, try being on your school team. Or find a section that you can attend after school and spend time actively there (for example, swimming).

      • The activity you choose does not have to be a team sport such as football or basketball. If you wish, you can try other activities such as gymnastics, horse riding, skateboarding or karate.
    3. Join a gym or go to workouts. These options will help you stay active by providing regular physical exercise which will take place in a fun, friendly atmosphere. Look for nearby gyms that offer day or evening classes in popular sports to attend after school.

      Walk or bike to school. If you live close enough to the school and can safely walk or bike there in a reasonable amount of time (say, less than 30 minutes), try incorporating this activity into your daily routine. A 30-minute walk to school will provide half daily norm activity and will improve your health by increasing your heart rate and training your leg muscles.

      • If you work part-time after school or on weekends, also walk or bike there.
    4. Take short walks during breaks. If you have a 15-minute recess or 45-minute lunch break during the school day, use this opportunity to go for a brisk walk. Short walks will improve your level physical activity and get you in shape. Instead, if your school has stairs (and most schools do), you can walk up and down a few times. In the evenings, do the same when you do your homework. Take one or two 15-minute breaks and go for a walk, jump rope, or jog.

      • From the above, it is obvious that you do not need to wait for free time to be active.
    5. Reduce the time spent on the computer and watching TV to two hours a day. Most teenagers spend many hours a day watching TV or playing video games. These activities are detrimental to your fitness and can lead to weight gain. Limit screen time to two hours a day (or less). This will give you more time to exercise.

Maintenance physical fitness is a great bonus in life and can lead to you being happy and healthy person. If you keep fit and healthy, you will not only look and feel better, but you will also reduce the risk of such medical complications like diabetes heart attack, high level cholesterol and hypertension. There are many useful strategies to stay fit and healthy that, with patience and ambition, can be used.


Part 1

Sports activities

    Start walking, jogging or cycling. Regardless of your speed, walking, jogging or cycling are very important parts of a healthy lifestyle as they are activities that work your muscles and stimulate your blood circulation. If you need to save your knees or avoid body pain, then cycling is the best solution.

    • Start with a daily walk, jog, or ride that fits your schedule (for example, go for a run every day at 6 p.m.). After some time you can increase distance, speed and time.
    • Make an extra effort to walk more. For example, if you're shopping at the store, try parking at the furthest point from the exit so you have to take a few extra steps on the way there.
    • Walk or bike to work/school. If you live close enough to work or school, then a good option– start walking or cycling.
    • If you jog, you should be running at least a kilometer to lose fat, but it's important to move at your own pace.
  1. Exercise at home. Not everyone has the time or money to go to the gym, nor is it necessary. Exercising at home is very simple and can bring great benefits. Home exercises include:

    • Push ups . Use your weight to push off the floor or wall to work on upper body strength.
    • Body lifts. Raises can be done while lying on the floor or, in more advanced techniques, with a chair or exercise ball.
    • Yoga. Yoga practices like downward dog and sun salutations are easy to do on a carpet or yoga mat.
  2. Work out at the gym. If you like the gym atmosphere and can afford a membership, then the gym is perfect place to maintain shape.

    • Use cardio equipment and weights, but be careful and never use too much heavy weight. Use small dumbbells and you will find that you move up to heavier weights very quickly.
    • Learn strength training and muscle-toning techniques from an instructor or professional.
  3. Join a local sports team. If you're not a fan of the gym or free exercise, then joining a local sports team might be great solution to get outside, move and have fun! Many cities have sports teams that meet to play on certain days.

    • The most popular city sports: dodgeball, pioneer ball, volleyball, basketball and eternal frisbee.

    Part 2

    Balanced diet
    1. Get rid of junk food. This is one of the most important components of a healthy lifestyle. Many people ignore this, but if you exercise and eat a lot junk food, then you won't get in shape. This happens because junk food turns into fat almost instantly. Junk food contains little or no nutrients, but a lot of salt and sugar. For this reason, the sugar level in your body drops after consuming them and you experience severe disadvantage energy. Foods to avoid:

      Eat right. Sometimes, it's difficult to stick to a balanced diet if you don't have time to cook for yourself every day. But also find healthy alternatives in restaurants and food delivery. You will find that you are healthy and balanced diet can increase your energy and productivity, speed up your metabolism, and make you a happier person because you'll be consuming the nutrients and vitamins your body needs. Products you need to eat:

      Understand the difference between complex and simple carbohydrates. Simple carbohydrates are carbohydrates that consist of one or two sugar molecules that have little nutritional value. Complex carbohydrates are made up of a chain of sugars but are very high in fiber and contain healthy vitamins and minerals.

    2. Know when to eat. It's really important not to skip meals. Many people think that they will lose weight if they skip meals, but this is not true. In fact, skipping food slows down your metabolic rate and can cause you to lose nutrients your body needs. Here are some examples useful techniques meals and snacks, as well as the time of their consumption:

      • Light breakfast: egg whites(you can mix egg whites with vegetables such as onions or mushrooms, etc.) with grapefruit and a piece of toast.
      • Morning snack: yogurt with berries.
      • Lunch: Salad (be careful with dressing) with protein (grilled chicken or turkey).
      • Daytime snack: apple, orange or banana with almonds and a spoonful of peanut butter.
      • Dinner: Lemon baked salmon with brown rice and asparagus.
    3. Drink plenty of water. human body 50-65% consists of water, and you need to replenish its reserves. Your body releases this water as sweat, so you need to replenish it.

Probably not anymore terrible word for any modern woman, how "diet". What could be more tiring than constantly counting calories, limiting yourself to your favorite foods, etc.

And I’ll tell you a big secret: if you tell your beloved man that you are on a diet, there is a very high risk that in the future he will avoid meeting with you. After all, subconsciously he understands that having connected his life with a woman who is constantly confused on diets

  1. He risks becoming a guinea pig for these diets himself.
  2. Often women who limit themselves to their favorite foods become irritable.
  3. If at some point a woman gets tired of following a diet, she can quickly gain weight and no longer be the little inch he met her.

Therefore, it is much more pleasant for a man to invite a woman to a restaurant and enjoy a pleasant meal with her, without unnecessary tedious stories about painful diets and dietary restrictions. When proper nutrition become your norm of life, sometimes you can afford small weaknesses.

Many of you may object to me that it is simply impossible love to eat delicious food and always stay in good shape.

Let me disagree with you here! I have always loved and love to eat delicious food, and at the same time, at 44 years old and 173 cm tall, I never gain more than 59 kg. And over the past 25 years, it has fluctuated within no more than 2-3 kilograms, with the exception of the period of pregnancy, during which I gained 15 kg, but lost it in the first 1.5 months after giving birth.

Eating deliciously and a lot has always been a cult in my family, so all my close relatives have always been very obese. But such prospects did not suit me at all and therefore already school age I never missed a single issue of my favorite newspaper with a column about healthy image life and healthy eating. I got acquainted with dozens of techniques and diets. God bless, " iron curtain" began to weaken little by little, and some literature on this topic could be found.

The most difficult thing was to break the stereotypes about nutrition that had been ingrained in our consciousness since childhood.. Namely, the fact that lunch must necessarily consist of 3 courses and be washed down with compote and a bun, that you can only be well satisfied with potatoes with meat and pasta with sausages. When you come home from school or work in the evening, you need to reinforce your strength with potatoes and cutlets fried in lard. And wash it all down with sweet tea and sandwiches. And the best sandwich, of course, is one with butter, sausage and cheese. At the same time, analyzing such a diet, you understand that in general, there is nothing particularly tasty in such dishes, but this is how most of the inhabitants of our country eat. At the same time, in most cases, citing the fact that this is the only way to feed a large family.

Experimenting with various systems nutrition, I have developed my own system for myself, which allows me to eat deliciously and variedly, enjoy the process of cooking and, even more, the process of enjoying food. And I cannot call this process any other way. And at the same time you don’t have to spend money on buying groceries. more money than the average family.

The main rule here is that less is better, but better! In this matter, I like the approach of the French: food should not be eaten, but tasted and enjoyed. It is estimated that the French spend an average of 2 hours a day eating! And here stop a little and think about this figure... How much time a day do you spend on food? Can you guess why there is such a difference? Because for a Frenchman, food is one of the main pleasures in life that brings pleasure, and not a method to fill your belly more and run on with your business. Food that you eat with pleasure and, most importantly, slowly, chewing thoroughly and enjoying the taste, is absorbed better. And you get 25% fewer calories from the same serving! Impressive?

So ,

Rule #1 from Helen Vivas:

We eat slowly and with pleasure!

This is correct, very universal and saves in many cases. For example. If you are at a party with a large group, where a very caring hostess constantly makes sure that the guests' plates are full, yours certainly won't be empty! At the same time, compared to other guests, you will be able to eat 2 or even 3 times less goodies, having time to analyze the usefulness of other dishes for your body and choose the most suitable one.

Rule #2 from Helen Vivas:

Don't put anything in your mouth! Think about what will end up in the toilet and what will end up on your waist and hips.

And now in more detail about Helen Vivas Weight Maintenance Technique.

First you must understand what you want to achieve as a result.

Situation 1

You already have catastrophic excess weight of 10 kg or more and you need to lose weight and maintain the desired weight.

In this case, we act in three stages. And in this situation, unfortunately, you cannot do without some stage of the diet. Sorry, as they say, first you need a bitter pill.

Stage 1. Major colon cleansing. Without this stage, all your efforts may be nullified. So get ready to spend the next weekend on the toilet. Not the most pleasant event in life, but necessary in this situation. 2-3 days before cleaning, try to eliminate all hard and rough food from your diet. It is quite easy to live these 2-3 days on kefir, cottage cheese, broth, liquid puree soups, juices. On the day off, with the intestines prepared, we begin to thoroughly cleanse them.

The most humane and effective method Buy the drug Fortrans in the amount of 3 sachets at the pharmacy and take it according to the instructions. You need to take it from lunch, by the evening your intestines will be as clean as a baby’s. It is useful to repeat such cleaning once every six months for prevention, but do not get carried away.

Second way. Drink magnesia for 2 days and do enemas with an Esmarch mug, dissolving a tablespoon in 2 liters of water sea ​​salt and soda. During these two days, drink a lot of water, at least 2 liters per day. It's good to add lemon juice to water.

Stage 2. Actually, we lose the hated kilograms. We choose for ourselves one of the emergency diets for weight loss presented on our portal Liki.Ru: tomato, rice, buckwheat, and we strictly follow this diet, according to the recommended time. If necessary, via month break repeat the diet.

Stage 3. To further maintain the achieved result and subsequent gradual loss of excess weight, we adhere to Helen Vivas nutritional methods.

Situation 2

Your excess weight does not exceed 10 kg or is normal and you only want to stabilize it and keep it normal and not turn into an “aunt” over the years.

  1. Carry out intestinal cleansing twice a year using the methods described above.
  2. Analyze the contents of your refrigerator and cupboard and honestly answer the question: Which of their contents is good for your health and will successfully reach the toilet on time?

What I forever threw out of the refrigerator and cupboard for myself and what I replaced it with.

  1. Store-bought mayonnaise. I season all salads with homemade salad dressings from olive oil, lemon juice, balsamic, for variety I add herbs, orange juice, good wine vinegar, and whatever comes to mind. Who will say that such salads are less tasty? I allow self-prepared mayonnaise for some dishes, but this is a rare exception to the rule.
  2. Store-bought ketchups. This is a little more difficult because in the summer I spend 2 days making my own homemade tomato sauce. Yes, this takes time. But I am sure that such a sauce will not harm my health and will be made from natural tomatoes and peppers, and not from starch, dyes and stabilizers with who knows what.
  3. All sausages. Few of us know what sausage is actually made from. Current guests allow only 10% meat content in them. An excellent alternative to any sausage is a good piece of beef fillet or tenderloin, stuffed with garlic, seasoned with various herbs and spices and baked in the oven in foil. What is tastier: sausage made from soy and starch for the price of meat or aromatic beef fillet, cooked with your own hands and you know what it’s made from? Will you say that you don’t have time to cook, that sausage is quick? I don't agree with you. To prepare the meat for baking you will need no more than 10 -15 minutes. Then the oven does everything, and that’s what makes it so wonderful. You put the groceries in the cupboard, set the timer and do your favorite things.
  4. All types of lard and bacon, no matter what they are called. Many people tell me that doctors recommend 30 grams of lard per day, that it contains vitamins that are essential for the body. Lie! Results of the game of broken phone. Doctors admit that consuming 30 grams of lard per day will not cause much harm to the human body, but at the same time it will not bring any benefit. And where a Russian person has 30 grams, there are 300... hence the consequences. Well, when you really want it, you can afford a couple of plates of good jamon, cut in industrial conditions. Such a portion will not amount to more than 10 grams. And jamon, eaten with aromatic melon or added to a salad of lettuce leaves, will only bring pleasure and relieve the psychological stress of the ban.
  5. Margarine. I don’t even know why it is needed...
  6. Any industrially produced pates. With modern kitchen appliances, it is not so difficult to prepare your own meat or liver pate. You will need 10 minutes to grind the meat with a blender or food processor and put everything in the oven! And your imagination will allow you to diversify them each time by adding new ingredients. And by adding more vegetables, you can control its calorie content yourself.
  7. Pork. Love beef and veal! Believe me, a piece of beef boiled with big amount greens and tomatoes will give you more pleasure than pork entrecote with a golden crust!
  8. Candies. It was difficult to wean myself off them, but only psychologically. Instead of sweets, there is always a beautiful vase with dried apricots and prunes. For variety, I also buy dried figs, pears, kumquats, dates, or just a ready-made mixture of dried fruits and nuts.

Now let's talk about those foods that you need to limit in your diet, but not give them up completely.

  1. Potato. It contains a large amount of starch and sugars, the concentration of which increases sharply when potatoes are fried. Glycemic index fried potatoes are higher than honey! Therefore, we completely exclude fried potatoes from the diet. Vegetable soups without potatoes are more aromatic, since the smell of boiled potatoes in them overpowers all other aromas. Therefore, we eat potatoes only in cases when we really don’t feel like it, or when we want to treat ourselves to some herring and potatoes. Only this pampering should be no more than once a week and no more than 2 small potatoes. If you are used to eating as a side dish mashed potatoes, an excellent alternative is cauliflower puree. It’s tastier and healthier and the same price, with the exception of a few winter months.
  2. Bread. If you need to lose excess weight, then at this stage it is better to replace bread with crispbread if it is completely psychologically difficult for you to give up bread. But it’s better to replace the bread with a bowl of boiled rice. If you are happy with your weight, then simply limit your bread consumption. Bite it into very tiny pieces. Then one thin slice of bread will be enough for one meal. And then, attention! It makes absolutely no sense to replace the usual White bread to black. The difference in calories is so insignificant that it makes absolutely no sense to limit yourself to a traditional product. But bread made from wholemeal flour with bran will really only benefit you.
  3. Pasta. You can eat, but do it right! Of course, a full plate of pasta, seasoned only with cheese, butter and store-bought ketchup, will give you nothing but extra pounds. But 100 g quality pasta (finished product), with stewed vegetable sauce, with homemade tomato sauce and will bring pleasure and will be completely processed by your body and disposed of.
  4. Butter. You shouldn’t completely exclude it from your diet, but you shouldn’t exceed it either. daily norm in the size of 20 grams is also not necessary. Many vitamins contained in cereals are fat-soluble, and are best absorbed with milk fat. Therefore, a morning portion of buckwheat porridge or oatmeal with a piece butter will bring more benefit than without it.

In my opinion, there are not so many products you need to give up on the path to your health and attractive appearance. Moreover, in their own way taste preferences you can easily replace them.

Now let's talk about the technology of preparing healthy dishes.

I think I won’t be very original here, but I replaced the frying pans in the kitchen with beautiful fireproof baking dishes. Moreover, I definitely want to note that these are not thin Teflon forms, in which the product is often fried as if in a frying pan, but ceramic and glass forms with a thick bottom and sides, ceramic saucepans with lids, in which the products are simmered, retaining all their aromas and are obtained as in old Russian stove.

Meat and fish much tastier and healthier if they are baked in the oven with your favorite herbs and spices than fried in a frying pan. You just have to try it! Just try baking a whole mackerel in the oven once, stuffing its belly with dill and lemon, adding a little Provençal herbs, and you will never want to buy it smoked or salted or replace it with another one. fried fish! Well, slices of salmon or pink salmon baked in a pot with onions, peppers and tomatoes will only make your imagination work even more and experiment next time with more vegetables!

It is better to bake the meat in one piece, seasoning it with herbs, natural spices and wrapping it in foil. You can always take its thin slices with you on the road or to work, making a sandwich with vegetables from them.

Vegetables. Housewives often use a frying pan to prepare vegetable stews and ratatouilles, citing that it is much tastier. I just put all the vegetables in a ceramic saucepan, and put the onions and garlic on the bottom, so they have time to fry a little, while the rest of the vegetables release their juice, I add a little vegetable oil, cover with a lid and put everything in the oven for 1 hour. At this time I do what I love. The taste turns out the same as if I spent that hour fiddling around at the stove, frying all the vegetables and making sure they don’t burn.

Dessert. When I really want a sweet dessert, I again take my favorite oblong ceramic saucepan, put as many apples as can fit in it, squeeze out the juice of one or two oranges, season with cinnamon, add a few buds of cloves, drip a little honey on the apples and put them in the oven. The time depends on the type of apple. Need to be controlled. For some, 20 minutes is enough, for others it languishes for about an hour.

And now directly about the principles of eating

  1. Don't mix proteins with carbohydrates! In other words, never mix meat or fish with starchy foods: potatoes, pasta, cereals in one meal. Meat or fish should be accompanied by vegetables and only vegetables! Accordingly, the best ingredients for pasta, potatoes and cereals are also vegetables and fruits.
  2. Eat slowly, in small pieces, chewing thoroughly and enjoying the taste.
  3. Eating is about pleasure, not about stuffing your belly with food! Limit your portions. Eat according to the French principle: just try it. Change your plates to smaller ones. For first courses, buy broth bowls with a capacity of no more than 200 grams, and you won’t eat too much!
  4. Eat at least 4 times a day, preferably 5. Breaks between meals should not be more than 3 hours. If you reduce your usual portions, then believe me that very soon you yourself will feel the need to eat more often.
  5. Review your daily schedule, try to have dinner no later than 19:00, if you can’t have dinner on time, replace dinner with a glass of kefir or yogurt. If you really don't feel like it, eat a thin slice of cheese. Believe me, it only seems to you that you are very hungry and you need to eat heavily. Your stomach needs to sleep at night, just like the rest of your body!
  6. Drink more water. Water partially quenches the feeling of hunger and helps correct exchange substances throughout the body.
  7. When leaving home for a long time, never overeat. It’s better to think about where you can have a snack, or take a bottle of drinking yogurt and a couple of your favorite fruits or dried fruits with you. Let me give you one more piece of advice here: buy yourself a small, beautiful tin box for nuts and dried fruits that you really like and don’t forget to fill it before leaving the house! And then you won’t be embarrassed to take it out of your purse and have a snack.
  8. You should have them in your diet every day dairy products, for supporting healthy microflora intestines and preventing rotting processes.
  9. The main meals are breakfast and lunch. After 16-00, food should be more like light snacks, and the intestines should prepare to rest at night along with the whole body.

Waking up in the morning drink a glass of water with the juice of half a lemon or a whole grapefruit or orange. Water will make your intestines work, and citrus juice will perfectly cleanse it and enrich the body with vitamins.

Be sure to have breakfast! A cup of coffee on the go does not count as food! If you don't have enough time for breakfast, get up 20 minutes earlier and cook! Charge your body with the necessary energy in the morning, and learn to enjoy your morning meals. In addition, an energy-rich breakfast will help you avoid feeling hungry until lunch and refrain from questionable snacks. Once you learn to limit what you eat before bed, you will begin to wake up feeling a little hungry! A glass of cool fruit drink on an empty stomach will only increase your appetite.

Breakfast. Several options for delicious and healthy breakfasts:

  1. Classic option: oatmeal, cooked in milk and water, taken in equal proportions. Cup green tea and a small piece of cheese. Once again I want to emphasize that oatmeal should be cooked in milk, normal fat content 2-3%. Otherwise, the absorption of all its beneficial properties will be insignificant.
  2. Any porridge with added milk. To speed up the process of preparing breakfast, I soak any cereal in the evening cold water. This way, excess starches are washed away from it and the cooking process takes just a few minutes. I first boil the cereal in water until it is completely cooked, then drain the water if necessary and add milk. Cereals take much longer to cook in milk. An excellent addition to sweet cereals would be fruits and dried fruits. For variety, porridges can be prepared not sweet, with the addition of vegetables, and milk fat can be replenished by adding cheese. Buckwheat with the addition of eggs and cheese such as feta cheese - great option healthy and energetic breakfast!
  3. Cottage cheese. An excellent breakfast, rich in proteins and lactic acid bacteria necessary for the intestines, will be a breakfast made from cottage cheese. Here you can also not limit the flight of your imagination. Cottage cheese with honey and dried fruits will satisfy your sweet tooth. Cottage cheese also goes well with banana. And cottage cheese with finely chopped fresh cucumber, dill and a clove of garlic - a true gourmet delight. If the cottage cheese is too dry for you, dilute it with kefir.


This is the main meal. But at the same time, there is no need to turn it into a feast. 200 g servings of meat or fish, baked or boiled, with a side dish of stewed or fresh vegetables enough for one meal. If you are used to eating soup for lunch, then here you can offer two options. First option. It's easy vegetable soup, or puree soup, no more than one cup. And a small portion of meat or fish with vegetables. Second option: thick soup with legumes (beans, lentils), one serving of which is enough to satiate you. This soup can be with pieces of meat.

It is advisable to eat fruits in between meals, so you will enjoy the taste more and their absorption will be more successful. Don't forget that they contain a lot of sugars.


This is the most easy reception food. It may consist of different lungs vegetable salads with the addition of seafood or boiled pieces of fish. The taste of lettuce dishes is greatly enhanced by the addition of a boiled egg. At the same time, this allows you to satisfy your hunger and helps psychologically, that you are not just chewing grass. Addition small quantity cheese in the salad will also significantly enrich its taste and beneficial features. No meat for dinner! We only eat meat for lunch!

We remember that we are good physical exercise, significantly satisfy the false feeling of hunger. Therefore, more movements, more sports and more fresh air into your life!