What a healthy meal. Eating Well: The Ultimate Guide for Beginners. The main element is carbohydrate

Good day, dear readers and visitors of the project! I have already said more than once: proper and healthy nutrition is a key component (before 60% ) in the success of building a proportional, relief body. So that’s what we’ll talk about, and the “packs and bars” will be detailed, interesting and with a lot of information to think about, so get ready in advance.

So, today we will look at the laws of healthy eating and learn about macronutrients (proteins, fats and carbohydrates), we will learn how to create your own menu, learn about the rainbow of food colors and what it means and, of course, we will receive specific recommendations on how to comply with all this. Well, the agenda has been formed, let’s move on to the technical side of implementation (I’m kinda freaking out).

Proper and healthy nutrition: what is it?

I think there is no need to say that the issue of proper and healthy nutrition is one of the most popular and popular PR topics of any source of information. (and especially television). It is enough to enter the query “healthy eating” into any search engine, and you will immediately be bombarded with a colossal flow of information, such as: 5 the healthiest foods you knew nothing about or the secret to a slim figure found - you need to eat less :-) and all that stuff.

I decided not to stuff you with this kind of information, but to give basic concepts and a general idea of ​​how a healthy nutrition system should, in principle, be formed, and what needs to be done for this.

Actually, I would like to start with what healthy eating is. We all know that nutrition performs a vital function of the body, namely, it provides the necessary nutrients. (in the form of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals) to maintain various types of activity and the course of physiological, biochemical and other processes. However, in this simplicity (essential nutrients) This is precisely the main pitfall and the answer to the above question.

How often do we eat full meals? (who give us their biological value in full) calories, or are they increasingly empty, ballast?

The simplest example from life, which most colorfully illustrates this process, is when someone can easily be blown up in 6 o'clock in the morning and be cheerful all day, and some even at 10 barely drags his feet. And of course, the question arises, why is this so? Since a person is what he eats, therefore, the root of all troubles lies in the calories consumed. So much for healthy eating!

It would seem that healthy foods have long been known to everyone, for example, apples - chew them for breakfast, lunch and dinner and you will be healthy. But no, it's not that simple. Despite the fact that “bulk” contains few calories, a lot of iron and vitamins, try to consume only them, say, for 1-2 weeks, and you will immediately experience a loss of strength, loss of immunity and some symptoms of anemia. And all this is due to the lack of the necessary “meaty” caloric content of the diet. The same goes for butter, for example. Although, on the one hand, it is “solid fat,” it is also a very significant source of vitamin A (necessary for healthy skin, hair and much more).

In general, it is worth considering that each product is unique in its chemical composition, and there is no “magic” product among them that could fully satisfy a person’s needs for all the components necessary to ensure health. Therefore, when forming a proper nutrition system, it is worth taking this fact into account and combining different products.

So, we figured out that there are no “magically universal” products, but there is healthy nutrition based on its own laws. We'll talk about them next.

Proper and healthy nutrition: basic laws

Any science has its own written laws, and nutrition is no exception. There are basic principles that form its basis. So let's go in order (learn how to “Our Father”).

Law No. 1: It is necessary to maintain compliance between the caloric content of the diet and the energy expenditure of the body


The most important component for the body in general and for building muscles in particular. In the human body, they are broken down into individual amino acids, from which the body itself synthesizes the thousands of proteins it needs with various functions. All the variety of proteins is nothing more than different combinations 20 amino acids, some of which (9 - for adults and 10 - for a child) transform into one another and are irreplaceable (i.e. not synthesized by the body) And 10 – replaceable (the body produces them itself).

These essential “amins” come from protein foods consumed day after day and are stored in the depot. Moreover, it does not matter from what products the proteins will be obtained: meat, chicken, eggs, legumes, etc., the main thing is that the body receives all the essential ( 10 ) and essential amino acids in sufficient quantities.

Next in line...


Most people's most undeservedly disliked nutrient. Unloved, because due to its energy value (which is twice as high as proteins/carbohydrates) and high calorie content is the main source of excess weight (deposition of fat depot). Undeservedly - because benefits of fats (with the right approach) more than compensates for its main drawback. Fats, in relation to the human body, are more correctly called lipids.


Calorie content 1 gr. nutrients:

  • protein - 4 kcal;
  • fat – 9 kcal;
  • carbohydrates - 4 kcal

So, lipids are an important structural element of all living cells; in addition, they are the main component of cell membranes and a spare/reserve source of energy for the body. Lipids, by nature of origin, are: plant (unsaturated) and animal (saturated). High consumption of animal fats very often leads to diabetes, obesity and other diseases. Therefore, you need to observe moderation in their use. Vegetable fats are mainly represented by polyunsaturated fatty acids: omega-3 and omega-6, which are found in flax, sesame, fish and other products.

I suggest you familiarize yourself with the percentage of fat and lean (bone) mass in both men and women in order to decide which category you belong to now and want to belong to in the future (see image).

Carbohydrates and fiber

This is the main element of the human diet and an energy source for the whole body. They are widely present in plant foods in the form of complex carbohydrates. (eg starch, dietary fiber), simple sugars - glucose, fructose. Sugar and other sweets (jams, preserves) are sources of simple carbohydrates, so their amount in the diet should be reduced to the maximum, otherwise diabetes, caries and other diseases are your faithful companions in life.

Complex carbohydrates contain polysaccharides such as fiber or dietary fiber, which are almost not digested by the body, but have a significant effect on the normalization of peristalsis and the creation/maintenance of favorable intestinal microflora. High amounts of fiber are found in “unrefined” grains (for example, Hercules), bran, vegetables and fruits.

In addition to macronutrients, a person’s daily diet in its chemical composition must correspond to its physiological needs for nutritional and biologically active substances. In other words, consume not only macronutrients, but also micronutrients (vitamins, minerals and their complexes).


Micronutrients are nutrients found in small quantities in food.

Micronutrients are not stored for use and are not synthesized by the body independently, but for life (and especially active, like bodybuilders and athletes) the body requires more than several hundred different types of them. To meet the required daily requirement for micronutrients, you need to eat different types of foods - vegetables, fruits, grains, and not just meat and dairy products.

So, we’re done with macro/micronutrients, and before we move on to the next law, it would be useful to familiarize yourself with and remember some numbers on the calorie content of basic foods (see table).

In general, to understand whether the first law is satisfied, you can calculate your BMI (body mass index, equal to the ratio of body weight in kg to the square of height in meters) and compare it with the numbers below:

  • BMI is less 18,5 – body weight deficiency, increase nutrition;
  • BMI from 18,5 before 25 – weight is normal, the amount of calories is sufficient;
  • BMI from 25 before 30 – excess weight, reduce portions and increase activity;
  • BMI more 30 - bah! how everything is neglected (:)) - obesity. Change your diet, consult a doctor, and take up a suitable sport.

That's it, the next law says.

Law No. 2: It is necessary to provide a balanced diet that meets the physiological needs of the body.

In addition to the fact that the body receives energy with macronutrients, it also receives valuable nutritional and biologically active components in various proportions. Therefore, it is important to ensure the required balance of incoming components and their correct percentage.

So, for example, in the daily diet of an ordinary person there should be approximately the following ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates: proteins - 15% 30% , carbohydrates - 55% . In turn, if you do strength training in the gym (experienced bodybuilder), you should adhere to the following ratio: proteins – 25-30% 15% , carbohydrates - 55-60% , i.e. increase your intake of the main building block of muscle.

For you, as novice athletes, the optimal percentage of macronutrients is as follows: proteins - 15% 15% , carbohydrates - 70% (see image).

We must understand that this is not mathematics, and deviations (+- 5% ) are quite acceptable. For reference: this is the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates that nutritionists recommend to us (see image).

It is from these compounds that the body builds its organs and tissues, and dietary supplements (biologically active additives) ensure the normal speed of metabolic processes. A properly balanced daily diet provides a high degree of physical and mental activity and increased performance.

Because Proteins are not only a building block for muscles, but also the material from which hormones, enzymes and antibodies are synthesized, so an athlete’s diet should not be depleted in this important component. In general, protein content should be calculated according to the rule: 1 g on 1 kg of human body weight. However, athletes (bodybuilders) are not all like people, so the following ratio is true for them: 1,5-2 g on 1 kg body weight. Moreover, animal and vegetable proteins should be present in food in equal proportions.

Now let's talk about macronutrient diet.

Protein diet

High protein (approx. 20% ) products of animal origin include:

  • meat;
  • fish;
  • cottage cheese;
  • eggs;

The daily intake of such products in the diet should be (acceptable for 70 kg person) 70 g of pure protein, for bodybuilders this figure 140 d. Red meat - beef, lamb should not be consumed more than twice (3 - bodybuilders) per week, in addition, do not forget about fish and chicken.


Many people do not distinguish between portion sizes (mass fraction of the product in general) and the amount (content) of the nutrient per 100 g of product. For example, if it is said that the daily norm of a protein product should be 500 d. This means that 500 - the volume of the entire serving, and not the content of pure protein in it, specific numbers on 100 g of product still needs to be calculated. Those. take a chicken breast weighing 500 g and calculate the amount of protein in this volume. On average in 100 g breast contains 21 g protein, means in 500 g (weight) - 105 G (net mass fraction of protein).

Good source of plant proteins (combined with carbohydrates, minerals and fiber), I can be:

  • cereals (oatmeal, pearl barley, etc.);
  • pasta (coarse wheat varieties);
  • rice (brown, black);
  • potato.

Fat diet

Fats, in addition to having high energy value (9 kcal/ 1 G) are also valued for the beneficial compounds they contain: fat-soluble vitamins ( A, D, E, K), sterols, polyunsaturated fatty acids (Omega 3/6), phospholipids, so necessary for the complete absorption of food. The fat content in the diet is also subject to the following rule: 1 g on 1 kg of human body weight, and in the diet of athletes/bodybuilders this ratio remains practically unchanged.

The most preferred sources of vegetable fats are the following oils:

  • linen;
  • olive;
  • corn;
  • sesame;
  • mustard.

Enough 1 2 Art. ( 30 d) spoons of such oils per day to cover your daily need for vegetable fats. Animal fats are found in almost all products of this origin. You can also consume low-fat/low-fat dairy products - kefir, yogurt, milk, thereby also replenishing the body's need for calcium and other essential microelements.

Carbohydrate diet

Because the body is a mobile energy complex for performing specific tasks, so solving them requires a large amount of energy and sources of its replenishment. In this regard, our body (to ensure smooth operation) What is needed most is carbohydrates, both complex and simple (an order of magnitude less complex). Complex carbohydrates are primarily starchy foods - bread (preferably wholemeal flour), porridge (oats, millet, buckwheat), pasta, as well as vegetables and fruits.

Summarizing all of the above, it should be said that, knowing the general level of energy consumption and the percentage of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the body, it is possible to accurately determine the mass amount of these same macronutrients in the athlete’s nutritional structure.

So, the diet for an athlete ( 70 kg) at an average level of total energy consumption (3500 kcal/day) and percentage: proteins ( 15% ) (15% ) , carbohydrates ( 70% ) will look like this (see image).

Based on the fact that 1 g protein gives 4 kcal of energy, we get that 15% per protein – this is 725 kcal from total energy expenditure. Those. it turns out that the average daily requirement 70 athlete's kg is 2 g on 1 kg weight (70 X 2 = 140 G).

So the last law is this.

Law No. 3: Regularity of nutrition. It is necessary to adhere to a clear eating schedule

Each color has its own signal, for example:

  • green ( 1 ) – can be easily consumed at every meal. Sources of the most important components of a balanced diet;
  • yellow ( 2 ) – you can eat several times every day, but you should be careful, because... products from these groups contain fat, the consumption of which should be limited;
  • red ( 3 ) – be careful, there is danger! Sources of easily digestible carbohydrates and fat. It should be consumed only in limited quantities and if there are no problems with excess weight.

Be careful not to mix up the colors, otherwise you may become “unhealthily” healthier :).

The article would be logically incomplete if simple tips were not given on how to comply with these laws, so let’s get on with it.

  1. Plan your meals in advance and diversify your diet as much as possible;
  2. Give preference to vegetables and fruits, bread (made from wholemeal flour enriched with vitamins and minerals);
  3. When preparing porridge, choose cereals based on whole grains (oats, corn, barley);
  4. Don’t forget about potatoes - the second bread, boil them in their skins;
  5. Dairy (kefir, milk, fermented baked milk, etc.)– this is a necessary source of calcium for strengthening bones, include them in your diet;
  6. Limit your consumption of deli meats and animal fats. Give preference to lean varieties of meat and poultry. Include in your diet (3 once a week) lean fish (cod, sockeye salmon, tuna);
  7. Use flaxseed, mustard, etc. in your diet. oils rich in omega 3 and 6;
  8. Bon appetit!

Well, our review on healthy eating has come to an end, it’s time to say goodbye, but first...


Today a lot of words were said about proper and healthy nutrition: You learned to understand the percentage composition of nutrients in the diet, learned to create your own menu (meal plan) and most importantly, we are one step closer to our goal called “I am the owner of a sculpted body.” I am very pleased that you took this step together with the “ ” project, there is still a lot of interesting things waiting for you, so don’t switch :-).

All the best and see you again!

PS. As always, if you have any suggestions, additions, questions, etc., comments at your service, write!

Anna Mironova

Reading time: 11 minutes


If you want to be beautiful and healthy, you need to learn the basics of proper nutrition. If you do not watch your diet and eat sandwiches, canned food and breakfast cereals, serious health and digestive complications may arise in the future. During poor nutrition, large amounts of fat and sugar accumulate in the body, eventually causing the most common diseases of the 21st century - atherosclerosis and diabetes. Read: With an excess of these products, most of them are deposited in cellulite and fat deposits in the abdomen, thighs and buttocks. Be sure to learn the principles of proper nutrition and the basics of a healthy diet.

Proper nutrition - the essence and foundations of a healthy diet

How to create the right diet - step-by-step instructions

Drawing up a menu for a certain period will help balance the diet, count calories and enrich the body with essential substances.

Step-by-step instructions for creating a healthy diet

Books on proper nutrition will help you organize your diet correctly.

There are many books about proper nutrition that will allow you to properly organize your diet.

  • Adiraja Das "Vedic Culinary Arts"

    The book is interesting because it has a real tour of proper nutrition. It has a lot of pictures and good explanations. The author knew what he was writing about.

  • Gubergrits A.Ya. "Therapeutic nutrition"

    A. Ya. Gubergrits is one of the brightest representatives of the Kyiv School of Internal Medicine. In her book on proper nutrition, she pays special attention to the basics of rational nutrition, the nutritional and biological value of foods, and also provides principles for constructing food rations. The doctor gives detailed arguments about fasting days and dietary nutrition.

  • Vydrevich G.S. "Salt-free diet"

    The book talks about the dangers of salt. Reduced diets form the basis of many therapeutic diets. The book provides examples of many salt-free diets and their principles. Readers will be able to find a diet to suit their taste and health.

  • Vydrevich G.S. "50 rules of healthy eating"

    The book provides the basic principles of healthy and proper nutrition. Nutrition helps maintain youth, health and beauty. There are also recipes for delicious and healthy dishes that you can simply prepare at home.

  • Bragg Paul "The Miracle of Fasting"

    Here are the correct principles of fasting, which helps cleanse the body of toxins and remove toxins. By fasting you can keep your heart healthy and your body young. Bregg Paul assures that by adhering to proper fasting, you can live up to 120 years or more.

  • Brezhnev V. “The Kremlin diet - salads, snacks, desserts”

    Many celebrities, diplomats and politicians. Currently, this diet can be used by ordinary people. With its help, you can get the figure of your dreams by losing a couple of kilograms. Brezhneva's book describes the main principles of dieting and has many recipes for salads, appetizers and desserts.

  • Blumenthal Heston "The Science of Cooking or Molecular Gastronomy"

    In this book, a modern chef offers simple recipes for a healthy diet. They are distinguished by their unusual cooking technology, but still the dishes can be prepared at home.

Proper nutrition - guarantee of beauty and health. Few people can boast of excellent health by eating hamburgers and cola, so watch your diet and you will live happily ever after!

Nutrition plays an important role in human health. Proper nutrition allows a person to feel good, be in a great mood and live for many years without problems. The essence of proper nutrition is to follow simple rules and recommendations in your diet every day.

Many people begin to take care of their health only when problems with their well-being begin - and this is not right. It is necessary to take care of your health and strengthen it when you are absolutely healthy, so that diseases and problems pass you by. Proper nutrition does not mean that you need to force yourself into strict limits and eat several foods. Below you will learn 8 basic recommendations for proper nutrition and make sure that healthy food is varied, tasty and balanced.

8 basic rules of healthy eating

Eat vegetables and fruits every day. The basics of proper nutrition say that vegetables and fruits contain many vitamins and nutrients that the human body needs for a healthy lifestyle. The fiber included in their composition improves metabolic processes in the human body. A couple of fruits or a couple of vegetables will cost you about 50 rubles, and the benefits you will receive are 10 times more than this amount. Vegetables and fruits are useful for the prevention of many diseases. Fiber maintains normal cholesterol levels in human blood, normalizes weight, and improves the functioning of the digestive tract. Additionally, fiber removes toxins from the body and controls the amount of sugar in the blood. Include vegetables and fruits in your proper diet and after a while you will notice how they have a positive effect on your health.

Clean water improves the functioning of all internal organs and more. A proper diet involves drinking 1 glass of water on an empty stomach in the morning. This way you will prepare your stomach for the upcoming meal, improve the removal of toxins and waste from the body. Every day to maintain the health of the whole body, it is recommended to drink 1-2 liters of water. It is necessary to divide this volume into 5 parts. Remember these nutritional basics regarding water, especially when to drink water. You should drink water 15-20 minutes before eating. You don’t need to drink while eating and you don’t need to drink 40-60 minutes after eating either. The body of an adult is 65-70%, in children the figure is 65-70%, and in older people the body is 55-60% water. Water helps fight excess weight, because if you drink 200-300 ml of water 30 minutes before meals, your appetite will decrease. Reduce sugary carbonated drinks and other unhealthy foods to a minimum or remove them completely from your diet.

Watch useful video No. 1:

Follow the correct diet. Try to eat 4-5 times every day. This way you will speed up your metabolism, won't stretch your stomach, and will feel light throughout the day. It turns out that every 3-4 hours you need to sit down at the table or take pre-prepared food with you and eat where it is convenient for you. Food in containers is convenient during work, rest, etc., always at hand.

The diet should be balanced every day. Proper nutrition includes sufficient amounts of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. If you lead a normal lifestyle, then the amount of protein per 1 kg of your weight should be 1 gram, carbohydrates 3-4 grams, and fat 0.5-1 g per kilogram of your weight. As a percentage of the total calories it looks like this: proteins 20-30%, carbohydrates 40-50%, fats 10-20%. This ratio will allow you to get enough energy for the whole day, maintain your normal weight and feel comfortable. For example, if your weight is 70 kg, then to maintain your current weight, you need to eat 70 grams of protein, 210-280 grams of carbohydrates, 35-70 grams of fat. If you are losing weight, then increase the caloric content of your diet; if you gain weight, then accordingly reduce the caloric content of your diet.

Chew your food thoroughly. Proper nutrition means not overloading the stomach, but helping it. If you chew your food well, then the already crushed food enters the gastrointestinal tract, and it is easier to digest and assimilate, and thereby reduce the load on the internal organs. Additionally, you will protect yourself from overeating and excess fat deposits. About 15 minutes after eating, the human brain understands whether you are full or not. Therefore, eat slowly, at an average pace at the table.

You should not fast for a long time. Every person has busy everyday life, work, study, training, and it is not always possible to eat on time - and you have to go hungry for 5 hours or more. If you often fast, then when you eat, your body will take this into account and store food in subcutaneous fat in order to create a reserve when you are hungry. Thus, a person can gain excess weight, namely fat. Metabolism is disrupted, the condition worsens with frequent hunger strikes. Try to take food with you in containers and do not go hungry. Then your weight will be normal and your metabolism will be good.

Watch useful video No. 2:

Don't be distracted while eating. Do not train yourself to eat while watching TV, laptop, etc. When you eat, your brain and stomach need to focus on food. This way your digestive system will work better and food will be digested and absorbed better and faster. Eat calmly, without haste. There is no need to rush into proper nutrition.

Proper nutrition includes separating incompatible foods according to their chemical composition. Some scientists believe that you cannot eat protein and carbohydrate foods together, and they need to be separated in your diet. During the digestion of protein foods, an acidic environment is needed, and during the digestion of carbohydrate foods, an alkaline environment is needed. Protein products are fish; chicken; bird; cottage cheese 0-2%; milk 0.5-1%; eggs without yolks, legumes, nuts and others. Carbohydrates predominate in rice, buckwheat, porridge, cereals, durum pasta, wholemeal bread, and others.

  1. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Proper nutrition means that in the morning the human body receives a sufficient amount of carbohydrates for a good charge of energy for the whole day. It is advisable to eat porridge every day in the morning. Animal proteins are also necessary; you can include cottage cheese, milk, eggs without yolks, chicken or fish fillet.
  2. Lunch – during lunch the body gets hungry, because about 3-5 hours have passed since breakfast. It is necessary to eat complex carbohydrates and animal proteins. For carbohydrates, you can eat rice, buckwheat, and durum pasta. Proteins include chicken, fish, and lean meat. This way you will get enough nutrients until the evening.
  3. Afternoon snack – for an afternoon snack, eat a light fruit salad or fruit separately.
  4. Dinner - dinner should be light, contain protein products and complex carbohydrates, preferably vegetables. You need to have dinner 3-4 hours before bedtime. If you are hungry, then 1 hour before bedtime, drink a glass of kefir with 0.5-1% fat content.

Healthy food

Proper nutrition includes the following foods:

Animal proteins:

  • Cottage cheese 0-2%
  • Milk 0.5-1%
  • Kefir 0-1%
  • Chicken fillet
  • Fish fillet
  • Lean meat (pork, beef)
  • Turkey fillet
  • Chicken eggs without yolks

Complex carbohydrates in foods:

  • Rice (brown)
  • Buckwheat
  • Durum pasta
  • Wholemeal bread
  • Lentils

Plant proteins:

  • Beans
  • Peas

Products with vegetable fat and Omega-3 fatty acids:

  • Seafood
  • Vegetable oils
  • Olives
  • Corn
  • Pine nuts
  • Walnut
  • Peanut

Foods rich in vitamins and fiber:

  • Vegetables
  • Fruits

Unhealthy food

Proper nutrition excludes the following foods:

Animal fats:

  • fat meat
  • full fat milk
  • fatty cheeses
  • egg yolks
  • fast food (fast food)
  • Chips
  • Sausages
  • Sausage
  • Mayonnaise

Simple carbohydrates:

  • sugar
  • chocolates
  • cakes
  • cakes
  • buns
  • baking
  • White bread

Other junk food:

  • Alcohol
  • Large amounts of salt

Watch useful video No. 3:

A lot has been written about healthy eating. However, this article is intended for those who do not want or do not have time to search and read, but simply want to know the most important rules of healthy eating in a nutshell. These are rules that don't require much effort and don't cost you anything. They can be used for almost any condition and will give you amazing results. Moreover, with great comfort and practically free of charge.
Implement the effective 25 rules of healthy eating - it's worth your attention!

The importance of healthy eating is extremely high. It not only supplies nutrients to produce enough energy throughout the day, but also provides essential nutritional components. Those that will help you stay healthy, and when you are sick, get better.

Simple 25 rules of healthy eating and their fantastic effects on health

If you are interested in these 25 healthy eating rules, then you can easily implement them. Many of these theses will not seem outstanding to you, but by introducing them into your life as nutritional rules, you will noticeably change your health. It’s sad when, knowing the right path, a person lives violating rules that can have a fantastic impact on health.

Let's take as an example the rule number 3: Chew your food thoroughly. This is not the first time you have heard this expression. Do you use it? But this rule turned out to be so effective and efficient that on the basis of this simple thesis, the Austrian gastroenterologist Franz Xavier Mayr (1875-1965) developed the author’s treatment method, which is famous today. A system aimed at acquiring the correct skill of thorough chewing. This rule acts both as healing and as detoxification, and as a restorative measure for the intestinal-digestive process.

In the end, it has been confirmed that the slower you eat and the more thoroughly you chew, the:

  • Food will be digested better and the body will be better supplied with vital nutrients;
  • less chance of unwanted fermentation or putrefaction in the intestines and less bloating and other digestive problems;
  • healthier intestinal mucosa, less chronic diseases;
  • There are fewer disturbances to the intestinal mucosa and intestinal flora, which reduces the risk of diseases, including cancer.

So you can see how much of an impact this little rule can have on your health. The situation is completely similar with all the other 25 points. Try making them a habit!

Get used to it gradually, introducing one rule after another. Make your diet in such a way, but not in such a way that you immediately throw your previous eating habits completely overboard. The body needs time to get used to it. So go step by step! It's exciting and useful!

1. Eat only when you are hungry

Always eat unless you are really hungry. And stop eating when you're full. You should not give in to temptation and eat simply because you like the taste or because there is a lot of delicious food prepared. Avoid overeating. This rule does not work for acute illnesses (colds, flu, gastrointestinal infections, etc.). During illness, the feeling of appetite is deceptive. Therefore: if you have an appetite, take advantage of the moment and eat; if you don’t have it, abstain. Listen to your body!

2. Find time to eat, don't eat on the run.

Eat slowly! Eat when you are hungry and don't do it in a hurry. Start eating only after all urgent matters are completed and nothing will prevent you from enjoying your meal. The body must prepare to absorb it.

3. Chew thoroughly!

Chew carefully and slowly before swallowing - chew 30-40 times. We have already mentioned the advantages above in the introduction. If you do it right, your food will only be half eaten when everyone else has long finished eating. Don't swallow food without chewing it thoroughly - you are not a duck or a boa constrictor.

4. Avoid desserts

Sweets after lunch interfere with digestion and have established themselves as unhealthy foods. Moreover, they are made mainly from sugar and carbohydrates or sugar and dairy products. Get into the habit of waiting at least half an hour after eating dessert. Advantage: satiety, which we do not feel immediately, will reduce cravings for sweets during this time. If you still want to eat your dessert, this will not interfere with the digestion of the main meal. In addition, by waiting until you feel full, you won’t eat as much dessert as you would immediately after eating. Which is also not bad.

5. Breakfast - yes or no?

Don't force yourself to eat breakfast in the morning (see Rule 1: Eat only when you're hungry). What if you don't feel hungry at 7 a.m. but know it will hit you at 9 a.m. or later on your way to work? Prepare a healthy snack in your own home, in peace and quiet, and take it with you. Then at 9 a.m. or whenever you get hungry, you will have a healthy and nutritious breakfast at your fingertips. This way you can avoid unhealthy snacks in the cafeteria or pizzeria.

6. Eat in the evening no later than 6 pm

If you eat dinner later than 18:00, the food will tax your digestive system for the night. Digestive activity in the late evening and especially at night is usually low. Therefore, food lingers for a long time in the stomach and intestines, worsening the quality of sleep and disrupting digestion.

7. Several small meals or several large ones?

Whether you prefer small meals or just two or three large meals is up to you. Depends on your preferences and possible health restrictions. Those who have problems with blood sugar levels should eat several small meals a day. Healthy people can experience intermittent fasting. That is, two large meals a day. Try this diet and you will feel fantastic.
But, for example, Buddhist monks eat even less often - one meal per day. And they look good...

8. Drink correctly

As a drink, it is better to choose water or natural. Avoid drinking sugared or sweetened drinks, eliminate all carbonated drinks, soft drinks, energy drinks, dairy drinks and alcoholic drinks.

Juices and cocktails cannot be called drinks at all. After all, in terms of the number of ingredients included, these are rather appetizers or snacks. You shouldn’t buy fruit juices and fruit smoothies from concentrates at all, but if you decide to, at least make sure they have an expiration date. Vegetable and fruit juices are sold in organic supermarkets and are natural. But the best choice is fresh juices. They are natural, their shelf life is obvious and does not require trust in the manufacturer.

In terms of water quality, it is recommended to either choose a good water source in your area or filtered tap water. We use a bio-filter to purify drinking water and are happy to recommend it to everyone. The water is purified in this mobile drinking water filter and slightly mineralized. This gives it a slightly basic and wonderful taste - the taste of fresh spring water.

Many unintentionally overweight ladies will lose weight just by implementing this one rule. Especially if they have previously consumed sugary drinks. Anyone who is used to feeling sick has often seen an improvement in their general condition if they replaced all other carbonated drinks they consumed with pure water or drinks made from natural ingredients.

Teas should be considered as tonics or nutritional supplements and not as a liquid supplier. They contain antioxidants, bitter substances tannins and many other healing substances. The collection or recipe is selected depending on the immediate situation or seasonal needs.
Have you noticed how, some time after drinking tea, the desire to drink arises again - this is what is said.

9. Start your day with a glass of water

If you do not like or are not medically advised to drink cold drinks in the morning, drink slightly warmed water. If you really want flavor, add some fresh lemon juice. There is no need to sit down at the table immediately after this; wait at least ten minutes before eating breakfast. Water stimulates digestion and helps to liquefy accumulated overnight waste.

10. Whole food instead of junk food

Choose unrefined food! These are: wholemeal bread instead of white bread, whole wheat pasta instead of regular pasta, brown rice instead of white rice, etc. Whole grain nutrition contains more vitamins, more minerals, and trace elements. And at the same time, such foods contain more fiber, which has a very positive effect on intestinal health and thus overall health.

11. Avoid wheat and flour products

Replenish your diet with healthier pasta and baked goods made from spelled, rye, oats, barley, or original varieties of einkorn and emmer. Many people react to wheat and complain of symptoms, but rarely blame the wheat itself. Excluding wheat from food leads to overall health improvement.

12. Do a gluten test

The situation is similar to that with gluten and protein of many grain crops (wheat, spelt, rye, oats, barley, kamut, einkorn, emmer). Many people react with illnesses not only to wheat, but also to gluten itself. In such cases, foods containing gluten should be avoided. Millet and corn grains do not contain gluten. Pseudo-cereals such as quinoa, amaranth, teff and buckwheat do not contain gluten.


Take a gluten test, try to live 60 days gluten-free and evaluate how you feel. Many of the grains listed above—einkorn, emmer—are much better tolerated than gluten-containing “normal” grains such as wheat and spelt. Test your personal gluten sensitivity and decide what's good for you and what's not.

13. Sugar? - No thanks!

Sugar and products containing sugar (sweets, fruit yoghurts, puddings, cakes, etc.) cause great discomfort and affect the development of diseases. Try to remove sugar from your diet - you will immediately notice how good you feel. You will become less distracted, and other chronic symptoms of improved body condition will appear. You will spend less time at the dentist, and get a much more convincing return from the sport. However, no one should give up sweets completely, as is often recommended. There are very tasty healthy sweet dishes that set a good mood.

14. Eat raw vegetables every day

Raw food is the food with which humanity has evolved over many millions of years. It provides the purest nutrients and vital substances in a form that suits our body best.

Therefore, make it a rule to eat some raw food every day at least one meal. Either for breakfast (fruit salad, puree, oatmeal-fruit muesli), as a snack (vegetable sticks, green smoothie) or lunch (salads, cabbage, etc.)

Remember: Always Eat Raw before eating food, such as salad before the main meal. The word “salad” refers to more than just the lettuce leaf. This also includes grated kohlrabi, beets, radishes, carrots, etc.

Not everyone can tolerate raw food in the evening. So if you have a weak digestive system and/or are not accustomed to eating raw foods, then do not eat it in the evening. Try not to include it in your diet after 2 pm or later. Better to eat a steamed vegetable dish. And remember that even with a “raw” diet you cannot deviate from Rule number 3! Chew thoroughly!

15. Basic nutrition with vegetables

The main product in a healthy diet is vegetables. Therefore, the main food ingredients are vegetables and legumes. For satiety, add appropriate side dishes: whole grain rice, wholemeal pasta, whole grain couscous, whole grain bulgur, polenta, quinoa, buckwheat, etc., and/or tofu (like hamburgers, pies, cutlets, etc. .).

For vegetables and fruits, as much as possible, focus on seasonal fruits from your region and always choose natural products.

It is better to steam, raw or boil vegetables. Spicy, deep-fried or high-fat cooking methods should be avoided.

16. Eat fruits raw

Fruits must be raw, not cooked. Raw fruits have a cleansing effect, especially when eaten alone or on an empty stomach. If you eat fruits along with other foods, it may cause discomfort and upset stomach. However, it is not the fruit that is to blame, but the unfavorable combination (see also point 25). Different foods are digested at different speeds; this is the basis of such a well-known nutritional system as separate meals.

Fruits are digested faster than any other food group. If you eat them with other food groups, they then inhibit the passage of fruit through the intestines. Thus, the fruits remain in the intestines for an unnaturally long time and, after being digested, begin to ferment after some time. This leads to flatulence, abdominal pain and stomach cramps.

Those not accustomed to raw fruit often believe that it can be made palatable by boiling. This often has the opposite effect. Boiled fruits remain in the digestive system of most people even longer, which leads to bloating, heartburn and discomfort. Fresh raw fruits are recommended to be chewed well and eaten separately from the main meal. This will accustom the digestive organs and bring you a feeling of lightness. Additionally, fresh raw fruits are considered acid-reducing, while cooked fruits are acid-forming.

The real reason to rarely eat cooked fruit is that raw fruit tastes better. Unlike most vegetables, which become tastier when cooked. In addition, beans should be cooked properly - cooking for more than 10 minutes at 100°C neutralizes the main toxins in them. Before cooking, the beans should be thoroughly soaked in water, this also helps remove toxins. Also, during cooking, allergens are destroyed to some extent, but these substances do not harm non-allergy sufferers. Thermal cooking of food clearly leads to a loss of food quality, since such cooking leads to a decrease in the amount of valuable nutrients in the fruit.

17. Meat, fish, eggs and dairy products? Reduce

Eating meat in limited quantities (two servings per week) usually does not lead to illness. But meat (and its derivatives) is not a healthy diet. Because food can be called healthy only when it is good not only for people, but also for the rest of the world. And a diet containing meat is not healthy for humans, the environment, or the corresponding animals in the food chain. Because of this, the choice of choosing a meat diet leads people not only to an unhealthy state of the body, but also to a painful existence and, ultimately, to death.

Those who want to eat meat or fish should not do so more than twice a week, and meat should be purchased directly from organic farms.

Sausages and other processed meat products should not be eaten. Most of these products contain numerous additives such as nitrite and have been linked to an increased risk of diseases:

  • Mammary cancer
  • Red meat increases the risk of developing
  • Bladder cancer
  • Meat increases the risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease

Fish is a product of fishing and is therefore contaminated with heavy metals and other environmental toxins. If, under the influence of advertising, you still want to eat fish, then reconsider your criteria and sources of purchases. Fish raised in aquaculture may be a better option than fish caught somewhere else.

Eggs and milk

If you buy eggs, then only organic eggs! The differences between organic and conventional egg production are significant. Buy organic eggs preferably from organic supermarkets. The EU organic regulation (“standard” organic eggs) provides chickens with more or less pleasant living conditions.

There are 230 laying hens in the breeding area of ​​a conventional poultry farm, but only 140 hens are kept in the same area on an organic farm. There are no rules for raising chickens or for the use of veterinary drugs. An organic farm, however, has strict rules and is guided by moral principles. Many dubious veterinary drugs are prohibited there, partially or completely.

Dairy products are not, in our opinion, a healthy food for adults and very often lead to complaints that do not seem to be related to dairy products. These include frequent respiratory infections, persistent throat problems, a tendency to allergies, chronic headaches and/or upset stomach, chronic skin problems, and in children, persistent tonsillitis and ear infections.

Instead of consuming cow's milk, cook with rice milk, oat milk and almond milk. Or, if tolerated, use soy milk.

18. If it's snacks, then healthy snacks.

For healthy snacks, it is advisable to choose home-cooked ones. Such as chips, potato chips, green smoothies, smoothies, veggie sticks, nut balls, nuts and raisins, dried fruits, fresh fruits, whole grain crackers with delicious toppings and more.

19. What salt is used instead of table salt?

Instead of saline solution, it is better to use herbal salts, rock salt or crystalline salts. These are natural salts without additives. Use salt sparingly, which is easily achieved when using herbal salt, since most of it consists of herbs. Consuming more than 3-5 grams of salt per day is not recommended. In addition, you should also take into account the presence of salt in finished products; they are usually over-salted. Yes, finished products contain up to 80 percent of the required daily amount of salt. For example, 50 grams of salami contains as much as 1.5 grams of salt. In sandwiches - for every 100 grams - 2 grams of salt. Spice mixtures also include salt.

20. Be careful when buying spices!

When purchasing spice mixtures, there may be excessive concentrations of flavor enhancers (monosodium glutamate) and other undesirable additives. Use better spice blends from an organic supermarket or organic online store. Also use natural spices, which also have a healing effect. For example: ginger, turmeric, cumin, cinnamon, pepper, vanilla, cardamom, curry, etc. You can also create your own spice blend using ingredients purchased separately.

21. Prepared food

Conventional prepared foods often contain unnecessary and harmful additives. Therefore, always buy finished products from the manufacturer/manufacturer. For example, bread from organic bakeries (not from the supermarket), dairy products and meat products from the farm. Dairy products can also be purchased in the organic section of the supermarket. Also look for Wedgeburger, tofu, soups or the like in an organic supermarket. Or choose from a regular supermarket from those products that do not contain any harmful or unnecessary additives or ingredients. The list of ingredients on the packaging should not contain any flavor imitators, sugar, sweeteners, preservatives, dyes, emulsifiers, etc.

Vinegar, mustard, ketchup and similar products are recommended from an organic supermarket or organic retail chain. Since the products offered there are of natural origin and of acceptable quality. Their production uses high-quality raw materials and does not contain any unnecessary food additives.

22. Eat low fat

The amount of fat consumed daily can be 10-30 percent of total calories. So if you eat 2400 calories a day, you get 240-720 kcal from fat. Every 10 grams of pure fat (vegetable oils, butter) brings from 75 to 90 kcal.

With this in mind, choose healthy, organic-quality fats and oils that provide a balance of saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats (and omega-6s). In the latter case, also note that the correct ratio is approximately 5:1 (omega-6 to omega-3).

This is one of the 25 rules of healthy eating in practice looks like this:

  • use coconut oil for high-heat cooking and baking;
  • For baking, use high-quality vegetable margarine in addition to butter (if you still take dairy products);
  • for frying vegetables and salads, use olive oil;
  • take flaxseed oil and hemp oil exclusively for raw food dishes;
  • We spread bio-butter and high quality organic margarine on the bread. If desired, you can also: coconut oil, nut butter, peanut butter, olive oil (olive oil with a little salt and transfer to the freezer for 1 hour) or similar;
  • From time to time you can use pumpkin seed oil, sunflower seed oil or other high quality oils. And, of course, oils rich in omega-6 should not be used constantly.

23. Wild herbs

If you want to eat the healthiest foods possible, incorporate wild plants into your diet. The next time you take a walk or the next time you weed in the garden or country house, pick a light dandelion, plantain, register, etc. At home, cut what you get from nature into small pieces and add it to a salad or smoothie. It won't kill you.

Wild plants are cultivated vegetables in terms of significant nutrient and protein content. They provide the body with antioxidants and other substances in large quantities. This is a very good option to protect against disease, support detoxification of the body and reduce oxidative stress. Wild plants are also an option because they still have a natural bitterness that has long been lost in cultivated vegetables. Even chicory and kale no longer taste bitter. Several decades ago they stopped being bitter, but are still very healthy.

24. Bitters

Extremely beneficial substances give plants their bitter taste. They support basic body functions, encourage and support digestion, reduce sugar cravings, and aid liver regeneration, bile production, and the functioning of the entire digestive system. Eat bitters daily, either in the form of wild herbs, herbs, spices, teas, or even special bitters supplements.

25. Combined rules

If you have digestive problems after eating, or even if you suffer from chronic diseases, you must help your body. In this case, select a certain combination of foods when preparing your diet and make sure you feel better.

  • Always eat fruit, mix it with other non-food groups (but not with grains, nuts, legumes or starchy vegetables). Typical examples of such combinations of “normal” food: cake with fruit, bread with jam, muesli with fruit, rice salad with raisins, carrots with apples, etc. There is only one group of foods that can easily be mixed with fruit (if the mixture is well ground) - green leafy vegetables (for example, a green smoothie with spinach);
  • Always eat only raw food or freshly prepared food;
  • Try it and you will feel better if you eat (starch-rich nutrition potatoes, bread, pasta, rice) not together with protein foods (meat, fish, dairy products, cheese, eggs);
  • Always eat easily digestible foods first and then more difficult to digest foods.

25 healthy eating rules, recipes

As you may have noticed, we advocate here and further a vegetarian diet. Here you will find more detailed information that will show that you should never worry about nutritional deficiencies with a vegetarian diet compared to a “regular” diet. After reading these, you can begin to gradually change your life by following the right advice.

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Read: 39

What is the essence of proper nutrition? Not everyone can answer the question posed. After all, many people mistakenly believe that the principles of proper nutrition include only some restrictions that are imposed on certain ingredients. Moreover, most people who want to lose weight sometimes even refuse to eat any foods. It should be noted that this is the wrong approach to an ideal figure and good health. In this regard, we decided to devote the presented article to this topic.

general information

If you have long dreamed of getting beautiful forms, then it makes sense to contact an experienced nutritionist. After all, only a specialist can tell you what the principles of proper nutrition for weight loss are. Moreover, it is doctors who can create for you a dietary menu that will help you lose excess weight, but will not have a detrimental effect on your health.

Where is the mistake?

A huge number of people claim that they have long known the basic principles of proper nutrition for weight loss. However, they all still purchase various herbs, teas, lymphatic drainage, use liposuction and, of course, strict diets. Unfortunately, none of the presented methods will ever give you the desired result. Of course, you can lose a certain amount of kilograms for a while. But soon they will be back again. So what is the mistake of such people?

If you decide to use a strict diet to lose weight, then it should be said that this method perfectly trains the strength of the spirit, but it is of little benefit to the body. After all, when you find yourself in a stressful situation, your body literally remembers this state. And after you return to a normal diet, it will begin to accumulate pounds of fat even more diligently. Thus, the effect of fasting on your figure and health is negative.

So what are the basic principles of proper nutrition? We will present the answer to this question right now. It should be especially noted that these rules can be used not only for weight loss, but also for the general health of the body. After all, by eating thoughtfully, you can significantly improve the condition of all digestive organs, and, accordingly, feel more comfortable.

Proper nutrition: basics and principles

Before you switch to a healthy diet, you should understand that your body urgently needs a daily supply of special elements. It is advisable to remember them:

  • water;
  • fats;
  • proteins;
  • carbohydrates;
  • minerals;
  • vitamins.

By excluding at least one of the presented elements from your diet, you will deprive yourself not only of health, but also of a beautiful appearance. After all, it is these substances that promote the growth of hair, nails, affect the condition and color of the skin, etc.

Principle one - understanding

Not only adults, but also children should know what principles of proper nutrition exist. This is due to the fact that it is from a young age that a person develops the feeling and attitude towards food that your child will consume in the future.

Thus, it is very important to understand what you eat. You should not consume everything that is on the table or in the refrigerator at once. Experts say that products are divided into 3 main groups:

  1. Proteins that are digested in the stomach mainly with acid.
  2. Carbohydrates (that is, starch and various types of sugar), which are digested with the help of alkalis.
  3. Plant-based, which simultaneously contain both nutritional elements and enzymes for their breakdown.

In connection with all of the above, we can safely summarize that the essence of proper nutrition lies in understanding what you eat and in what quantities. In other words, you should eat food mindfully. That is, having eaten, for example, an apple on an empty stomach, you need to understand that it will leave it in about 15 minutes. But if you consume it after a hearty and plentiful meal, it will take several hours to digest. As a result, you will feel terrible and your stomach will undergo inflammatory reactions, which will ultimately lead to various types of diseases.

Thus, experts recommend not consuming all food at once, but adhering to the principle of separation. For example, you ate meat, and an hour later - carbohydrate food, etc. This method will significantly improve your digestion, and therefore lead to inevitable weight loss.

The second principle is quantity

The basic principles of proper nutrition, which we discuss in this article, are recommended to be put into practice not for a certain number of days, but throughout your entire life. After all, this is the only way you can maintain your own health at the proper level and not lose your graceful shape, even despite the years.

So, the second principle of proper nutrition is the amount of food eaten. Most of us are accustomed to eating, as they say, “to satiety.” This fact contributes to the emergence of various diseases of the digestive system and, of course, rapid weight gain.

You need to eat food in small portions several times a day (for example, 5 or 6). It should be remembered that the number of calories you absorb should not exceed the calories you burn. This is exactly what nutritionists count on, who not only create a special menu for their client, but also require him to constantly move.

The third principle is time

The main principles of proper nutrition should include not only certain prohibitions or, conversely, recommendations, but also a certain time for meals. After all, to maintain shape and excellent health, it is not enough to give up chocolates and sweets. It is very important to maintain a proper diet.

Nutritionists almost always insist that their client strictly adhere to certain times for breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner, etc. After all, if you eat according to a schedule for some time, your body will get so used to it that it will begin to secrete various enzymes to break down food exactly at its usual hours. This will promote good digestion of food, which will undoubtedly affect your health and figure.

For the average person who works from 8 am to 5 pm, a sample schedule might be as follows:

As you can see, the breaks between meals are 3 hours. If you significantly increase this figure, for example, by eating every 7-8 hours, then you can cause stagnation of bile in the bladder, which will ultimately lead to the appearance of stones or other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Basic Truths of Healthy Eating

We talked about the principles of proper nutrition. But this is not enough to maintain your health and weight at the proper level. After all, it is very important to pay attention not only to how much and at what time you eat, but also to the quality of the food consumed. In this regard, we decided to tell you a few simple truths about healthy eating.


What should a proper diet be like? As mentioned above, in order for your body to feel comfortable, it must absorb all the necessary elements. In this regard, your diet should be as varied as possible. To do this, you should eat both protein and carbohydrate foods every day, as well as various fruits and vegetables that contain useful micro- and macroelements.

Let's look at a sample healthy nutrition menu, which includes a wide variety of dishes.

First breakfast:

  • any porridge with milk;
  • freshly brewed tea.


  • soup with a piece of boiled lean meat;
  • salad of raw vegetables with the addition of refined olive oil.
  • a glass of sweet yogurt or some fruit.
  • any low-fat side dish of vegetables (maybe with a little gravy).

Late dinner:

  • a glass of low-fat kefir or katyk.

Of course, the sample healthy nutrition menu presented may vary. However, it should be as varied as possible, and one serving should not contain a huge number of different foods.

Limiting fat intake

The principles of proper nutrition state that absolutely all elements must be included in food, including fats. However, most people abuse such dishes, as a result of which they begin to suffer not only from excess weight, but also from cardiovascular diseases. After all, fats are cholesterol, which has a detrimental effect on human health. In this regard, it is recommended to minimize the use of this element.

Thus, animal and cooking fats should be replaced with vegetable fats. How to do it? Salads should be dressed not with mayonnaise or sour cream, but with vegetable oils. When purchasing meat products, you need to give preference to less fatty ones. For example, instead of pork, duck or goose, buy chicken, veal or turkey, etc.

We continue to discuss proper nutrition. What can't you eat while on a diet? We talked about how you can minimize your fat intake. But this element is present in almost all confectionery products. Moreover, they combine fat with a large amount of carbohydrates, which will undoubtedly lead to a quick gain of extra pounds. In this regard, not only certain meat products (lamb, pork, etc.), but also all kinds of sweets, cakes, chocolate, cookies, ice cream, pastries and other confectionery products should be strictly prohibited. Having abandoned the listed ingredients, you will very soon begin to notice that the arrow of your scales has deviated significantly to the left.

“No” to alcohol and pure sugar!

The principles of proper nutrition (the daily menu was presented a little higher) include not only certain recommendations, but also multiple prohibitions. In the previous section of the article, we talked about the fact that in order to lose weight and maintain your own health, you should definitely stop eating confectionery products and large amounts of fat. However, the prohibitions do not end there. After all, any specialist to whom you turn for advice will certainly urge you to limit the consumption of alcoholic beverages and pure sugar. It should be noted that such products have a fairly high calorie content and, moreover, stimulate appetite. That is why there are not and cannot be free places for them in the diet menu.

Reasonable salt intake

What to eat when eating right? We will give a comprehensive answer to this question, but a little lower. After all, first you should talk about what products are prohibited.

Salt is a mineral substance. It is extremely necessary for our body. However, in large quantities, such an ingredient can cause enormous damage to health. In this regard, doctors recommend minimizing its consumption. After all, most products already contain this mineral.

By significantly reducing your salt intake, you will very soon notice how you lose weight. After all, it is this element that retains all excess fluid in the body, contributing to regular swelling.

Minimum carbohydrates

Almost everyone knows that carbohydrates are necessary for our body to function normally. However, this element can be different, or rather simple and complex. Simple carbohydrates are quickly absorbed by the body and just as quickly settle on the body in the form of unwanted fat deposits. As for complex ones, a person needs to spend much more energy to break them down. Due to this, there is less chance that they will be converted into fats and deposited where they are not needed.

But how can you distinguish between foods with complex and simple carbohydrates? This is quite easy to do. With the help of simple carbohydrates, it is quite difficult for a person to get enough. As for complex ones, the feeling of satiety does not come immediately, but persists for a long time. To make it more specific, let’s present a list of products that belong to one category or another.

Simple carbohydrates:

  • fresh baked goods;
  • potato;
  • White rice;
  • semolina, corn and wheat cereals;
  • all confectionery products.

Complex carbohydrates:

  • whole grain cereals (buckwheat, rolled oats, brown rice);
  • legume products;
  • pasta made from durum wheat.

Proper nutrition: what can you eat?

We talked about what prohibitions include proper nutrition. However, it should be noted that a healthy lifestyle does not only consist of many restrictions. After all, experienced nutritionists know that to lose weight there is no need to starve, since by eating only healthy foods, you can lose a significant amount of extra pounds without causing any harm to your own body.


Fiber is another type of complex carbohydrate. As you know, it is found in fruits, vegetables and berries. At the same time, it is practically not absorbed and not digested by the body. This fact has a positive effect not only on a person’s figure, but also on his health. After all, fiber can completely cleanse the intestines of toxins and waste accumulated in it. Moreover, this substance regulates the digestion and absorption of carbohydrates from other foods without causing a sharp and strong increase in blood sugar levels.

Thus, if you want to lose weight and be as healthy as possible, you should forever give up simple carbohydrates and include only complex carbohydrates in your diet, including fiber. Although here you should know when to stop. After all, if you eat a large amount of grapes, apples or bananas, then the extra calories will in any case make themselves felt in the form of extra pounds.


Proteins are often called building blocks. Indeed, it is this substance that helps build human muscle mass. Moreover, it does not affect the filling of fat layers in any way. That is why the protein diet is especially popular among those who want to lose weight quickly. However, everything is good in moderation. Not long ago, scientists found that people who consume predominantly protein foods are more likely to develop cancer. That is why meat and dairy products should be included in your diet, but not in large quantities.

Water is the source of life

Almost every diet states that it is recommended for an adult to drink from 1 to 2 liters of clean water per day. Indeed, it is liquid that helps gradually wash out various deposits in the form of toxic substances and waste from our cells. However, it should be noted that many people mistakenly believe that alcoholic drinks, soda and other cocktails are water. But that's not true. Indeed, for a healthy lifestyle, as well as for significant weight loss, a person should forever give up all of the above-mentioned drinks, and instead drink only clean spring water (you can also use it from the tap, but be sure to filter it).

Let's sum it up

Now you know what proper nutrition is, what you need to eat to lose weight and improve your body, and what you should give up forever. Let us summarize all of the above briefly:

  1. Starving to lose weight is wrong, since the human body needs a certain amount of essential elements every day.
  2. You should eat often, but in small portions.
  3. It is advisable to eat food at the same hours. This will significantly improve your digestion.
  4. To lose weight and improve your health, you should avoid consuming large amounts of fat, simple carbohydrates, alcoholic beverages and pure sugar.
  5. A healthy diet means a reasonable intake of fiber, salt, complex carbohydrates and proteins.
  6. Water is the source of life. That is why an adult should drink about 1-2 liters per day in its pure form.

Among other things, I would like to say that a healthy lifestyle includes not only proper nutrition, but also constant movement.