Androstenedione is normal. Androstenedione is the norm in women and its role in the body. Feedback Mechanism

Hormonal levels are one of the most important indicators of the health of the female body.

Unlike men's, it is quite non-static and depends on various factors.

A special role is played by androgens - male sex hormones, in particular androstenedione, the norm of which in women is a prerequisite both for reproductive function and for the prevention of pathologies of an autoimmune nature.

The presence of male hormones in the female body is quite natural. They are necessary for the proper functioning of the reproductive system. Androstenedione is produced by the ovaries and adrenal glands, exerting, albeit an indirect, but quite important effect on the work of these organs, stimulating their active activity.

At the same time, androstenedione also performs other functions in a woman’s body:

  • influences the increase in body weight and physical strength;
  • helps reduce glucose levels;
  • increases protein synthesis and retention in the body;
  • stimulates the production of sex hormones;
  • promotes faster breakdown of fats;
  • “streamlines” the work of the sebaceous glands, controlling the oiliness of the skin;
  • helps increase libido (sexual desire).

Women need to undergo a thorough examination in order to detect hormonal abnormalities in time and receive proper treatment for successful maternity planning.

Androgen binding globulin is a hormone that regulates sexual and reproductive functions. The next article will talk about what it is and what functions it performs in the body.

Read tips for young mothers on how to properly stop breastfeeding.

You can familiarize yourself with the functions of gonadotropic hormones in the human body by going through.

Androstenedione level

The concentration of this hormone in the blood can change in a woman’s body for various reasons:

  1. age
  2. stage of the menstrual cycle
  3. pregnancy condition
  4. Times of Day.

That is why there are no fixed indicators of androstenedione norms for women - in each specific case many small nuances are taken into account.

High levels of androstenedione

Too high indicators require immediate consultation with a doctor and therapy, since they are often symptoms of various disorders of the body:

  • polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • ovarian hyperthecosis (pathological enlargement);
  • osteoporosis;
  • thyroid dysfunction;
  • tumors of the adrenal glands and pelvic organs;
  • hyperplasia of the adrenal cortex;
  • Itsenko-Cushing syndrome (the main symptoms are obesity, trophic changes in the skin, increased hair growth akin to the male type, etc.).

Polycystic ovary syndrome

High levels of androstenedione in women are also observed during pregnancy and can be observed from the first weeks of pregnancy. This condition does not require treatment, requiring only observation by a doctor and regular monitoring of blood tests.

This is necessary for the timely detection of excessive increases in androstenedione, which can lead to both spontaneous abortion and the development of pathological abnormalities in the unborn baby.


The most critical in this case is the third trimester of pregnancy; in earlier stages, a slight increase in the hormone is acceptable.

After the baby is born, hormonal imbalances usually go away. If the indicators “stay the same,” a more in-depth examination is required to determine the cause and prescribe appropriate therapy.

As for elevated androstenedione in women of childbearing age who are just planning a pregnancy, in them hyperandrogenism can be the main reason for the inability to conceive.

When to go to the doctor?

As a rule, it is impossible to independently determine the onset of an increase in hormone levels. Therefore, women go to see a specialist already when visible symptoms of an endocrine disorder appear, the intensity of which depends on the hormonal background and state of health in general.

An excess of androstenedione is usually characterized by the presence of the following conditions:

  • sudden delay or cessation of menstruation, bleeding in the middle of the cycle;
  • severe manifestations of acne (excessive acne) on the face, accompanied by excessive oily skin;
  • changes in voice timbre;
  • excessive hair growth on the body and face;
  • fat deposition in the abdominal area;
  • excessive hair loss on the back of the head (baldness);
  • rapid weight gain due to the addition of fat deposits and muscle growth;
  • early onset of development of the genital organs;
  • unsuccessful attempts to conceive a child;
  • miscarriages.

If you detect at least one of the listed symptoms, you should consult a doctor in order to prevent complications of the condition, since hormonal levels require immediate “adjustment” for the normal functioning of the entire body.

The fact that a visit to the doctor can no longer be postponed is indicated by a roughened voice, increased hair on the face and body, changes in the figure with the acquisition of masculine lines and features. Along with this, gynecological problems arise (polycystic disease, ovarian hyperplasia, menstrual irregularities). But the most serious complications can be ovarian tumors, malignant neoplasms of the pelvic organs, obesity, autoimmune diseases, diabetes mellitus, etc. That is why it is so important not to “let the situation go” and to carry out timely diagnosis for hormonal disorders.

You should not hope that the hormone level will normalize “on its own” - such a misconception often leads to a greater aggravation of the situation and ultimately requires serious and long-term treatment.

Androstenedione is the norm in women in ng/ml

Today, the most accurate way to determine the level of androstenedione is to test blood from a vein for its content. In order for the result to be as informative and not distorted as possible, it is important to follow a number of rules:

  1. You need to take the test either at the beginning of menstruation or after the end of the discharge (it is best to clarify the optimal timing at an appointment with a doctor).
  2. Blood is donated only in the morning on an empty stomach (the last meal is no later than 8-10 hours before the procedure), only drinking clean, still water is allowed.
  3. One month before the study, you must stop taking any hormonal medications.
  4. During the day before the test, you should not overeat (especially fatty and spicy foods).
  5. For at least three days before the examination, you must refrain from smoking and drinking any alcoholic beverages, excessive physical activity and stressful situations.

Failure to follow these rules may result in a falsely high hormone level.

The level of androstenedione varies depending on the woman’s age:

  • for adolescents this figure is 8-240 ng/100 l;
  • for adults - 85 – 275 ng/100.

This is due to the fact that until the age of thirty, the level of the hormone in the body increases, and after that it begins to decrease.

When studying the norms and indicators of the analysis result, it is necessary to focus on the data presented on the letterhead of the laboratory that conducted this study.

In case of female and male infertility, it is imperative to take a hormonal profile test, including FSH. , read the article.

If a woman is not lactating, but milk is released from her breasts, there may be hormonal problems. We'll tell you what macroprolactin is and when it is necessary to get tested for this hormone.

Due to the fact that different laboratories have their own research methods and units of measurement, which may differ from others, it is better not to engage in self-diagnosis, but immediately go to an appointment with a specialist who can not only correctly decipher the data received, but also prescribe the correct treatment in case of necessary.

The problems of hormonal changes are dealt with by an endocrinologist, gynecologist, as well as a gynecologist-endocrinologist (a highly specialized specialist in the field of disorders of the female reproductive system).

To see a more detailed “picture” of the patient’s health status, a specialist can prescribe additional examinations (tests for other hormones, ultrasound, colposcopy, etc.), after which he will draw up an appropriate treatment regimen.

Every woman is obliged to carefully monitor her health, not leaving a single “alarm bell” unattended. This is especially true for hormonal levels, because the normal level of female and male biologically active substances in the body ensures a full sex life, reproductive function, as well as the maintenance of youth, beauty and well-being for every representative of the fair sex.

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The well-being and mood of the fairer sex largely depends on the level of hormones in the blood. One of them - the hormone androstenedione - is a precursor to testosterone and estrogens, which are responsible for women's health, appearance and the ability to become a mother.

Thus, androgen directly affects the production of sex hormones, which are so necessary for the body. Below we will look at what the substance is responsible for, what its elevated level indicates, and how to reduce androstenedione.

What is a hormone

Androgen, produced in the ovaries and adrenal glands (to a lesser extent), is an anabolic and takes part in fat metabolism and protein biosynthesis, inhibiting their breakdown. In this case, the hormone helps reduce the percentage of subcutaneous fat in relation to total muscle mass. However, the process has a big disadvantage for the fair sex. The fat layer increases in a male pattern (on the abdomen) and decreases in a female pattern - on the chest, hips and buttocks.

Androstenedione increases sexual desire while reducing vaginal secretion, which can make sexual intercourse painful.

The hormone is responsible for the normal functioning of all systems and organs, regulating metabolism and the menstrual cycle. Its increased concentration reduces life expectancy and increases wear and tear on the body.

In addition, in medical practice there have been cases where a high level of the hormone androstenedione in the mother contributed to the development of a female fetus with a male central nervous system.

Androstenedione level

The hormone is present in the body of the fairer sex from birth. Its concentration in the blood is constantly changing and depends on the time of day and the phase of the monthly cycle. Thus, the highest levels are observed in the mornings and during the period of ovulation. The production of androstenedione increases sharply from the age of 8 and reaches a maximum by 32 years. Then its amount in the blood gradually decreases. During pregnancy, the level of the hormone also increases significantly.

The norm of androstenedione for women of reproductive age is 80–280 ng/100 ml. Deviation from these indicators, up or down, is dangerous to health.

The table shows different ages:

If there is a deviation of the hormone from normal levels, this indicates the development of pathology in the adrenal glands or genitals. In this case, the woman needs to undergo an androstenedione test.

Usually the biologically active form of the hormone is tested - androstenedione glucuronide. For women who have crossed the 50-year mark, its norm is slightly different from those given above and is 0.1–6.1 nmol/liter.

Before testing the hormone level, special preparation is required, which the doctor will tell you in detail. It includes the following points:

  • the test is carried out exclusively in the morning (before 10 o’clock) and on an empty stomach;
  • blood must be taken for analysis 7 days before menstruation or a week after the onset of menstruation;
  • the day before the hormone test, it is necessary to exclude alcohol, cigarettes, fatty and spicy foods;
  • 30 days before the androstenedione test, stop taking hormonal medications.
  • three days before the analysis, reduce physical and sports activity to a minimum, avoid excitement and emotional turmoil.

Following these simple rules will make it possible to obtain a more reliable result.

The ELISA method and units of measurement of the hormone androstenedione may differ in different clinics. The norm is always indicated on the analysis form.

Reasons for increasing androstenedione

Increased androstenedione in women is always a sign of serious pathologies that require immediate treatment. Most often, hormone levels increase in the following diseases:

  • benign proliferation of the adrenal cortex;
  • polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • androgen-producing tumors of the ovaries or adrenal glands;
  • bilateral proliferation of ovarian connective tissue.

The reason for the drop in androstenedione levels is reduced activity of the adrenal cortex (), osteoporosis or ovarian dysfunction.

If there is any deviation of the hormone from normal levels, you should immediately visit a doctor.

Signs of increased androstenedione

A high concentration of the hormone always causes vivid symptoms that are difficult to miss. A woman experiences a male-type change in appearance (hyperandrogenism). The symptoms of this pathology manifest themselves in different ways and depend on how much androstenedione is exceeded.

The most common signs of hyperandrogenism are:

  • Change in voice, appearance of male-type hair on the face and body.
  • Absence of a monthly cycle or long delay.
  • Uterine bleeding during the ovulation phase.
  • Baldness of the frontal or occipital part of the head.
  • Fat deposits on the waist and abdomen.
  • Rapid weight gain due to muscle gain.
  • Oily skin and acne on the face and back.
  • Early sexual development.
  • Primary or secondary infertility.
  • Habitual miscarriage.

With a slight increase in the level of the hormone androstenedione, symptoms are usually absent or very mild. Such subtle signs are most often the result of physiological processes - the period of ovulation, taking hormonal drugs, pregnancy.

Serious illnesses are always accompanied by a pronounced clinical picture and cause women many unpleasant moments. Therefore, it is not surprising that representatives of the fairer sex often have the question of how to reduce androstenedione and which doctor to contact.

Treatment of elevated androstenedione

Most often observed in women. The pathology can be corrected quite successfully if therapy is started in a timely manner. Under no circumstances should you try to adjust androstenedione levels on your own. Self-medication can lead to even more severe hormonal imbalances.

Only specialists - an endocrinologist or gynecologist - should correct androstenedione.

Hormone therapy is used to bring androgen levels back to normal. The treatment regimen is selected individually and only after an androstenedione test. To reduce the concentration of the hormone, oral contraceptives and other medications are used. All of them contain drospirenone to a greater or lesser extent.


Various regimens and combinations of drugs are used in treatment. Therapeutic methods depend on the general hormonal background of the woman. Most often, drospirenone is combined with estrogen. For adrenal hyperplasia and during pregnancy, dexamethasone is used.

The following drugs have shown their effectiveness in treating elevated androstenedione:

  • Glucocorticosteroids. For the treatment of high hormone levels, Dexamethasone, Dexazone, Metypred, Urbazone and Prednisolone are indicated.
  • To restore the monthly cycle and treat infertility, Clomiphene is prescribed.
  • Signs of masculinization are successfully eliminated by Cytoproterone.
  • Nutritional supplements - Androstenediol and Androstenedione.
  • Oral contraceptives.

Experts often prescribe Diane-35 and OK to eliminate excess hair on the face and body. In addition to them, Ovidon, Marvelon or Femoden are prescribed to correct hormonal levels. To obtain a lasting effect, these drugs must be used for at least a year. It was observed that contraceptive therapy significantly reduced the risk of breast cancer.

For women with a history of cardiovascular disease and stage II diabetes mellitus, oral contraceptives are contraindicated.

Surgery is performed only when tumors of the ovaries or adrenal glands develop.

Additional methods for correcting androstenedione

In addition to drug therapy, your doctor may recommend other ways to combat elevated androstenedione levels. For example, in some cases, ovarian cauterization is performed.

To eliminate external signs of hyperandrogenism, various cosmetic hair removal procedures are prescribed.

If a woman has elevated androstenedione, a special diet will help. To reduce the level of the hormone, you should remove spicy, salty and smoked foods from your diet. Preference should be given to white meat, vegetables and fruits, and lactic acid products.

To normalize androstenedione levels, it is a good idea to engage in light sports: dancing, aerobics, fitness. It is recommended to avoid all kinds of weight-bearing exercises, as they contribute to the active production of the hormone.

It should be noted that treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a gynecologist. Only a specialist can develop an effective treatment regimen and, if necessary, adjust it. Careful adherence to the doctor’s recommendations and a correct lifestyle will help quickly return androstenedione levels to normal.

Androstenedione is one of the adrenal androgens, that is, steroid hormones produced by the adrenal cortex layer. The adrenal glands produce this hormone in both sexes. An additional source of androstenedione in women is the ovaries, and in men the testicles.

Indications for testing the level of androstenedione

A study of androstenedione levels is carried out in case of suspected masculinization, i.e. development of masculine qualities in a woman.

For example it could be:

  • hypertrichosis (hirsutism);
  • change in figure;
  • strong muscle development;
  • acne that persists after puberty;
  • menstrual irregularities.

The study is also carried out if an athlete is suspected of using anabolic steroids.

The process of studying androstenedione levels

The study of androstenedione levels is carried out on the basis of blood serum. There is no need to be on an empty stomach before the test; however, it should be kept in mind that slightly elevated androstenedione levels may be:

  • in the morning;
  • in the middle of the menstrual cycle;
  • during pregnancy.

You should inform the laboratory technician taking blood for testing about the day of your menstrual cycle. It is best to conduct the study a week before and a week after menstruation.

Norms for androstenedione levels

Norms of androstenedione may vary depending on age and gender. Androstenedione standard for men is 85-275 ng/dL (that is, 2.8-9.8 nmol/L). In women, the amount of androstenedione varies greatly depending on age:

  • in girls under 10 years of age, androstenedione levels can be 8-50 ng/dL;
  • in girls during puberty (that is, from 10 to 17 years), the level of androstenedione increases, it can reach 8-240 ng/dl;
  • in women during the reproductive period, that is, from the age of 15-18 years until menopause, the level of androstenedione reaches 75-205 ng/dl;
  • in women after menopause, androstenedione levels decrease significantly, reaching values ​​below 10 ng/dl.

These standards may vary depending on the laboratory performing the test because each laboratory uses different reference values.

What does high androstenedione levels mean?

High levels of androstenedione may be evidence of the athlete's use of illegal anabolic steroids.

In addition, an increase in the amount of androstenedione in the blood is observed when:

  • masculinization(that is, the appearance in women of qualities typical of men, for example, excessive hair, a change in voice timbre, a change in figure, etc.);
  • polycystic ovary syndrome(the disease is quite common in women of childbearing age, manifested by menstrual irregularities, the development of excessive hair growth, acne, seborrhea, obesity - a very common cause of infertility);
  • some types of cancer(for example, hormonally active tumors located in the ovaries or adrenal glands);
  • congenital adrenal hypertrophy(the disease is associated with a gene mutation, resulting in a deficiency of the enzyme 21-hydroxylase, which takes part in the synthesis of adrenal hormones);
  • osteoporosis.

Very high androstenedione levels, exceeding 1000 ng/DL, usually indicates the presence of a hormonally active tumor.

Androstenedione is a virilizing steroid hormone from the androgen group.

Synonyms: delta4-androstenedione, AD.

Androstenedione is

hormone-precursor of stronger androgens - and dihydrotestosterone, and at the same time female sex hormones - estrone (E1) and (E2). Precursors of androstenedione - and.

The level of androstenedione is an indicator of androgen biosynthesis.

Takes part in sexual differentiation in men and women, the development of secondary male sexual characteristics (rough voice, hair growth). Daytime fluctuations of androstenedione in the blood directly repeat changes in concentration - maximum in the morning, minimum in the evening. In women, fluctuations are associated with phases.

In men, an increased concentration of androstenedione does not have specific symptoms; in women it leads to virilization, as a result the woman acquires masculine characteristics.


  • in men - adrenal glands (2%) and testicles (98%)
  • in women - in premenopause, the adrenal glands (50%) and ovaries (50%), in postmenopause - production in the ovaries is reduced by half and the adrenal glands provide up to 80% of daily synthesis

The production of androstenedione in the adrenal glands is regulated by pituitary ACTH, and in the gonads by LH and. In the blood, 70% are bound to proteins and are therefore inactive. 30% are free and realize their biological effects in tissues.

Because androstenedione is weak, its blood levels can be higher than testosterone levels in health and disease.

Metabolized in the liver, 90% of metabolites are excreted in the urine.

Features of the analysis

A blood test determines the total concentration of androstenedione, not the biologically active one. There is no direct relationship between the concentration of the hormone in the blood and symptoms.


  • symptoms of virilization in women
  • assessment of adrenal function
  • identified neoplasm in the area of ​​the adrenal gland, ovary or testicles
  • premature sexual development in children
  • menstrual irregularities
  • monitoring the success of treatment of congenital adrenal dysfunction

Norm, nmol/l

  • boys 0-9 years 0.90-1.50
  • girls 0-9 years old - 0.90-5.80
  • boys - 9-15 years old - 0.10-11.70
  • girls - 15-20 - 1.60-7.70
  • adult men - 1.05-10.80
  • adult women

— 20-40 years — 0.73-10.75

- over 40 years old - 1.26-6.30

The level of androstenedione in the blood is not determined by international standards, and therefore depends on the methodology and reagents used in the laboratory. In the laboratory test form, the norm is written in the column - reference values.

Additional Research

  • — ( , ), ( , )
  • testosterone
  • 17α-hydroxyprogesterone
  • inhibin
  • DHEA,
  • estradiol,
  • LH, FSH
  • sex hormone binding globulin
  • - TTG, St. T4

What influences the result?

  • increase - smoking, exercise, anabolic hormones, danazol, clomiphene, levonorgestrel, corticotropin, metyrapone
  • reduce - obesity, corticosteroids (dexamethasone)
  • gradual decline with age in both sexes
  • the maximum of androstenedione is observed in the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle


Reasons for the increase

- among women

  • androgen-producing ovarian tumors (Sertoli-Leydig tumor)
  • ovarian hyperthecosis (Frenkel syndrome)
  • (Stein-Leventhal syndrome) - hyperadrogenism of ovarian origin
  • Cushing's disease

- in men

  • testicular tumor
  • adrenal tumor

- in children

  • congenital dysfunction of the adrenal cortex - deficiency of 21β-hydroxylase, 11β-hydroxylase
  • testicular tumors or

Reasons for the decline

  • decreased function of the adrenal cortex, for example in Addison's disease
  • decreased testicular function
  • decreased ovarian function
  • 17α-hydroxylase deficiency

Interpretation of the result

Detection of elevated levels of androstenedione in the blood will not indicate its source - in the adrenal glands or in the gonads. Therefore, several indicators are examined simultaneously.

Normal androstenedione levels, together with normal levels of other androgens (testosterone) and adrenal hormones, indicate normal adrenal function.

The level of androstedione can be normal or increased in tumors of the adrenal cortex, including malignant ones (depending on the hormones synthesized).

With polycystic ovary syndrome, it may remain within the normal range or increase, since the disease is associated with increased secretion of androgens in the ovaries, not the adrenal glands.

When treating congenital adrenal cortex dysfunction with glucocorticoid hormones, tests for androstenedione are performed regularly to ensure that excess androgen synthesis is sufficiently suppressed. If androstenedione increases in such patients, the dose of replacement therapy is increased.


  • in boys, the concentration of androstenedione increases significantly during puberty, 2 years before testosterone
  • the analysis can be used as a doping test in professional sports

, are converted into testosterone in the body, which stimulates the growth of muscle tissue, increases strength and endurance. Negatively affects bone tissue, heart muscle and liver.

In men, androstenedione drugs also lead to enlargement of the mammary glands, prostate glands, and the risk of prostate cancer.

  • formula C19H26O2

Androstenedione was last modified: October 7th, 2017 by Maria Bodyan

Can't get pregnant due to elevated androstenedione levels? What are the causes of this hormonal imbalance, what is the optimal amount of hormones for conception? How to restore normal androstenedione levels? You will get the answers in our article.

Hormone androstenedione

The human body is a complex structure, for the proper functioning of which hormones are responsible. What is the hormone androstenedione responsible for? He ensures that fatty tissues and the liver produce testosterone and estrogen in the right quantities.

From the age of nine, the level of androstenedione begins to constantly increase in the human body. The peak occurs at age 30, after which the level declines. However, there are now more and more cases where the level of this hormone in women does not decrease. This negatively affects both their appearance and health. High levels of androstenedione are one of the causes of reproductive system failures.

Increased androstenedione levels in preparation for pregnancy
associated with a malfunction of the adrenal glands and ovaries. An increase in hormone levels is observed against the background of pathological diseases, such as osteoporosis, malignant degeneration of the ovaries. High levels of androstenedione are the result of many autoimmune and neurodegenerative diseases.

Androstenedione. Normal for women

When planning a pregnancy, it is very important to know the level of androstenedione and, if necessary, reduce it to normal. The permissible level of the hormone in a woman’s blood ranges from 85-275 ng/100 ml. Noticeable deviations are observed when taking hormonal drugs and tumors of various etiologies. During the menstrual cycle, depending on the time of day and phases, slight fluctuations in the level of androstenedione also occur.

When preparing for childbirth and at all stages of pregnancy, make sure that there is no hormonal surge. A sharp increase in the level of the hormone in the blood during pregnancy leads to bleeding of the uterus and threatens premature birth. During pregnancy, androstenedione levels may also be slightly higher than normal, this can also be attributed to natural fluctuations. However, you will still be closely monitored by both a gynecologist and an endocrinologist.

For treatment, oral hormonal contraceptives, dexamethasone, and clomiphene are used.

Doctors determine medications, therapeutic agents and treatment regimens individually, based on the causes of hormonal imbalance, age and the presence of concomitant pathologies and diseases. Self-treatment is strictly prohibited!

Androstenedione. When to take it?

When preparing for pregnancy, you must take a blood test to determine the level of androstenedione. There are several rules for correctly taking tests. Blood is donated for androstenedione early in the morning on an empty stomach. When you decide to get tested for androstenedione, stop taking birth control medications thirty days beforehand. Avoid alcohol and overeating 24 hours and smoking at least 3 hours before the test. Before the tests, try to avoid physical activity and stress. It is not recommended to donate blood for testing immediately after ultrasound, fluorography, radiography and physiotherapeutic procedures.

Many women are interested in the question of which day of the menstrual cycle to take androstenedione. There is no definite answer, because every woman’s cycle
individual. It is important to know that the peak level of the hormone occurs in the middle
menstrual cycle. Therefore, it is recommended to conduct research at the end or beginning of the cycle.