Make breathing easier for a cat with metastases. What is cancer, what provokes it and how does it occur in cats and cats? Favorable conditions for the development of cancer

primary cancer easy - quite rare disease, which is only 0.5% of all diagnosed neoplasms. No found yet etiological factors for these types of tumors. Lung cancer in cats is treated with surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy. The prognosis is often poor or cautious.

The most relevant for this topic is the classification into primary and secondary tumors. Secondary cancer lung is a metastasis from primary focus, this is the most common form, which accounts for 96.5% of all lung neoplasms.

primary cancer represented by adenocarcinomas and lung carcinomas. This article deals with primary neoplasms.

Etiology and symptoms of the disease

In cats, no gender or breed predisposition has been found. Usually, the neoplasm is found in the right posterior lobe of the lung. Despite the fact that in humans it has long been established that lung cancer causes tobacco smoke, no such dependence was found in cats.

Most cancers become malignant, they usually occur epithelial cells . Adenocarcinomas, as a rule, are localized in the bronchi, alveoli, bronchial glands, carcinomas can be localized in the trachea, large bronchi. In general, the causes of lung cancer remain unknown.

There are no clinical manifestations at an early stage, which is why the cat is referred to the veterinarian rather late. The first symptoms are coughing and shortness of breath. Then dyspnea is added, the animal loses weight and quickly weakens, body temperature increases, hemoptysis develops.

Often, with lung cancer, symptoms of pneumonia appear as a complication, increases the amount of calcium in the blood, due to the leaching of calcium from the bones, hypertrophic osteopathy appears.

Cancer diagnosis

First, x-rays are taken. chest. With the localization of cancer in the roots of the lungs, bronchoscopy is prescribed. In this case, multiple small tumors or one large neoplasm can be detected. In the first case, chemotherapy is recommended, in the second - surgical treatment.

The level of lung infiltration and tumor differentiation is also important. With severe infiltration, chemotherapy is recommended, in otherwise perform surgery. The prognosis is worsened by the presence of metastases in other lung lobes, damage to the lymph nodes in the roots of the lungs, a particularly unfavorable symptom is metastasis to the bones of the chest.

Accurate Diagnosis can only be made by biopsy. A biopsy can be obtained with bronchoscopy, with localization of cancer on the periphery of the lungs, a biopsy can be obtained using percutaneous transthoracic puncture. Unfortunately, in most cases it is impossible to take a biopsy due to the difficult localization of the tumor, as a result cytological examination carried out after thoracotomy.

Disease prognosis

It depends on the size of the tumor, the presence of metastases and damage to regional lymph nodes:

  • When single tumor, is located among healthy tissues, has no metastases, the prognosis is cautious. This is due to the fact that adenocarcinoma and carcinoma often relapse. Average duration life for about a year.
  • At multiple tumors, as well as damage to regional lymph nodes, the prognosis is unfavorable. If the neoplasm penetrated into neighboring structures, gave distant metastases, then the prognosis is also unfavorable. The average life expectancy in these cases does not exceed 4 months.
  • The prognosis worsens with the location tumors in the periphery of the lung, since in this position it is difficult to determine the boundaries of the neoplasm, besides, it easily metastasizes here.
  • At single solitary, discrete tumors who do not have metastases, after a successful operation, life expectancy is greatly increased, it can be several years or more.

Cancer treatment

The main treatment is surgery. It can seriously extend the life of a pet. There are also several reports on the conduct of radiation and chemotherapy.


There are several types of operations:

  • Resection or excision of a fragment of the lung. This operation removes one small plot lung, the operation is recommended for benign tumors of the lung (which is very rare).
  • Segmentectomy is the removal of a segment of the lung.
  • Lobectomy is the removal of a lobe of the lung.
  • Pulmonectomy - removal of one half of the lung, while removing the surrounding adipose tissue and lymph nodes.

During the operation, an incision is made between the ribs, after which the latter are moved apart. Bandage before removal of a lung lobe pulmonary artery and vein (to avoid blood loss). After the operation, the bronchi are sutured, the tightness of the bronchial stump is verified. Then the chest is sutured and at the same time air is drained from chest cavity. After the operation, active aspiration of the lung during the day is recommended.

Before surgery, lymph nodes and other organs are examined for the presence of metastases. Removal of lymph nodes is not desirable (an exception is pulmonectomy), as they contain the spread of cancer. The presence of a tumor only in the regional lymph nodes is not a reason to cancel the operation, but the presence of metastases in other organs makes it advisable surgical treatment in doubt.

Radiation therapy

Irradiation is not practiced for two reasons. First, surgery high results in animals, which makes it possible to refuse irradiation. Second, irradiated lungs in cats develop complications in healthy tissue.


Usually applied as adjuvant therapy after surgical intervention. As independent method treatment, it began to be used quite recently with the use of cisplatin and vindesine course of 3-6 months. While there is no data on its effectiveness, but preliminary studies suggest a high efficiency of this method of treatment.

How independent disease thoracic dropsy is extremely rare in domestic animals. Most often, hydrothorax is the result of various disorders of the respiratory system, the heart, as well as pathologies of the liver and kidneys. The accumulation of transudate in the chest cavity of the animal has a pronounced clinical picture and prompts the owner to immediately seek qualified help.

Read in this article

Causes of hydrothorax

The protective pleura, which protects the chest from friction with the ribs, normally produces a small amount of special lubricating fluid. If by various reasons there is too much serous fluid, it accumulates in the chest, leading to the development of chest dropsy. IN veterinary practice The following factors are considered to be the reasons provoking the development of hydrothorax:

Veterinarians also note that intoxication of the animal's body can lead to the development of hydrothorax, autoimmune diseases and allergic reactions.

When do metastases appear?

In the presence of malignant process in organism domestic cat As a rule, the tumor metastasizes to other organs and tissues. For example, breast cancer, which is common in cats, metastasizes to the pleura. The developing tumor compresses the lymphatic and blood vessels, leads to a violation of the effusion of transudate into the chest cavity.

On the x-ray of a cat: lung metastases, hydrothorax

In addition, toxins produced by cancer cells lead to an increase in capillary permeability and lymphatic vessels which increases the amount of serous fluid in the chest.

The development of hydrothorax with the delivered cancer diagnosis at pet is a sign of an unfavorable prognosis due to the involvement of other organs and systems in the pathological process.

Signs in a cat that should alert

The course of the disease may be acute form and chronic. Intensity of manifestation clinical picture will depend on the severity pathological process.


The owner of a sick animal, as a rule, is faced with the following symptoms:

  • Decreased appetite.
  • Lethargic, apathetic state. The cat prefers darkened corners, has little contact with household members, and motor activity decreases.
  • An unusual posture of a pet can alert the owner. The cat lies with its forelimbs wide apart. The head is directed forward and upward, resembling a sphinx. This posture is caused by fluid pressure in the chest. The sick animal tries to alleviate the condition with hydrothorax by placing its front paws on an elevation (chair, bench, step, etc.). In this position, there is an outflow of accumulated transudate and a decrease in discomfort and soreness.
  • A characteristic symptom of the development of chest dropsy is shortness of breath. The animal takes a long breath, which is difficult for him, and then a short exhalation follows. The cat often has a cough.
  • When examining visible mucous membranes, the owner may observe signs of cyanosis. The bluish tint is associated with a violation of the supply of tissues with oxygen that develops due to the progression of heart failure.
  • Edema subcutaneous tissue in various parts of the body.
  • Attempts to feel the area of ​​​​the sternum in a pet cause backlash due to soreness.
  • In advanced cases, during a cough, you can hear characteristic sounds indicating the accumulation of serous fluid in pleural cavity.

Thermometry during the disease shows, as a rule, normal values or the animal is hypothermic.

Diagnosis of pathology

A veterinarian can make a preliminary diagnosis based on a visual examination of a sick cat. On percussion of the chest, the physician will detect dullness in the lower part of the lung. The upper limit of bluntness is located in the horizontal direction even in the case of a change in the position of the animal's body.

efficient diagnostic method if hydrothorax is suspected x-ray examination chest area. accumulated serous fluid at the same time it is found in the form of a continuous darkening of the lower half lung field. The horizontal upper limit of obscuration fluctuates during the breathing period of the animal.

Chest x-ray of a cat with hydrothorax

Informativeness has such a diagnostic method as the study of transudate. A fluid sample is obtained by puncture. hallmark transudate in thoracic dropsy is the protein content in it is below 3%.

First of all, it is necessary to exclude pleurisy in the animal, which usually occurs with an increase in temperature. If a protein concentration higher than 3% is found in the test fluid taken during a puncture of the chest cavity, the doctor may suspect inflammation of the pleura in the pet.

For the purpose of differential diagnosis the animal is prescribed clinical and biochemical analysis blood, urine, scatological examination, electrocardiography of the heart, ultrasonography myocardium, liver, kidneys and other organs. The prognosis is more often cautious or unfavorable.

To see what hydrothorax looks like in a cat during an ultrasound examination, see this video:

Treatment of hydrothorax in a cat

Therapeutic measures for chest dropsy are primarily aimed at eliminating the cause of fluid accumulation in the chest cavity. For this purpose, after a thorough examination of the animal, true reason hydrothorax.

In the case of hypoproteinemia due to cachexia, treatment is based on therapeutic diet, vitamin therapy and strengthening the immunity of the animal. With the development of hydrothorax due to damage to the kidneys or liver, complex treatment underlying disease. If vitamin C deficiency is detected, vitamin therapy is prescribed to the animal.

In order to alleviate the condition of the animal is carried out symptomatic therapy.First of all, the accumulated liquid is removed. For this purpose, a puncture of the pleural cavity is performed.

Animal in without fail cardiac drugs are prescribed to reduce the phenomena cardiovascular insufficiency and reducing the load on the myocardium (Camphor, Cardiamin, caffeine preparations, etc.).

If necessary, a sick cat can be prescribed antibacterial drugs, for example, Cobactan, Sumamed, etc. Good in some cases therapeutic effect has the use of glucocorticoid agents, for example, Dexamethasone. Good for a sick animal herbal preparations: bearberry, horsetail in the form of decoctions and infusions. According to indications, the therapist may prescribe infusion therapy(injections of glucose, calcium chloride solution).

Sick animals should be given complete rest, limit the use of water. Cat should be fed in small portions, but often. Nutrition must be balanced.

Prevention of cardiovascular problems

You can prevent the development of chest dropsy in your beloved pet, guided by the advice of veterinary specialists:

Hydrothorax in domestic animals is a symptomatic complex that manifests itself in the underlying disease. Identification of the cause of the pathological process gives the animal a chance to adequate treatment and the absence of relapses and complications in the future.

Symptomatic treatment is aimed at eliminating fluid from the pleural cavity and alleviating the condition. The prognosis for infectious etiology is favorable, for diseases internal organs- careful. With the development of an oncological process in the body, complicated by metastases, the prognosis is unfavorable.

Unfortunately, cancer also affects pets. To date, the situation has progressed somewhat. better side with the development of new drugs, treatments and vaccines. However, not all pathologies can be cured, and it is not always possible to prolong the life of pets.

The occurrence of cancer in cats

Factors in the development of cancer this moment not yet fully elucidated.

Many experts believe that the main factor may be wrong content pet, not attentive to his problems, ignoring minor symptoms and untimely treatment.

Improper maintenance of cats can lead to cancer.

Poor quality feed

Poor quality feed contains carcinogens that disrupt the cellular genome.

One of the reasons is just poor quality feed saturated with preservatives, chemical additives to improve palatability and smells. Carcinogens present there provoke a violation of the cellular genome, as a result of which cell mutation occurs, tissue degeneration and tumor formation.

If the cat refuses to eat food - this is a reason to think.

Cancer viruses

However, one should not discount oncological viruses, of which there are more than a hundred species.

Cancer viruses can appear in a cat due to stress.

Such viruses are present in the body of most animals in a dormant state, and any pathological factor contributes to their "waking up". These factors can be:

  • stress;
  • wrong diet, low quality feed;
  • frequent illnesses;
  • infection;
  • helminthic invasion;
  • long-term chronic processes;
  • wrong treatment.

genetic predisposition

We should not forget about the genetic predisposition.

Often, cancer can be provoked by obesity.

Often, oncology can be provoked by a violation of the diet and, as a result, obesity. crash hormonal balance, prolonged stay of the animal in bad conditions content. Large dose of radiation sedentary image life, restricting access to fresh air. Oncological cat diseases are not dangerous to humans.

Types and stages of cancer in cats

The transformation of cells and tissues can occur on any organ, in any system of the body. There is no particular predisposition.

The transformation of cells and tissues can occur on any organ.

Neoplasms distinguished by type : benign and malignant tumors.

benign tumors

Benign neoplasms are characterized by slow progress, absence of pain syndrome, absence. Surgical removal of these tumors usually results in full recovery cats.

Surgical removal benign tumors leads to the recovery of the cat.

Malignant tumors

Tumors of a malignant nature are manifested by more severe symptoms.

There is an increased growth of pathogenic cells, the presence of bleeding. Growth of foci of affected tissues - metastases, to others nearby organs and fabrics. On final stages appears strong pain syndrome. Such neoplasms are very rarely amenable to complete cure, especially in the last stages, which are manifested by the presence of metastases.

Malignant tumors are rarely curable.

Formation types

Exist different types formations: sarcoma - the spread of pathogenic cells throughout the body, without reference to a specific organ, skin cancer, oncology of the reproductive system, breast cancer.

Skin cancer in a cat.


According to the development of the pathological process, four stages are distinguished.

During the first stage, a small cancerous nodule appears.

  1. During the first stage, a small cancer nodule , possibly consisting of several degenerated cells. Such compaction of metastases does not give and is quite amenable to complete cure.
  2. The second stage is manifested by the progressive growth of the neoplasm, germination into the depth of the affected organ, "capture" of the lymphatic system in the form of metastases.
  3. The onset of the third stage slows down the growth of the tumor itself, but makes it possible for metastases to grow throughout the body.
  4. The most difficult and already incurable stage is the fourth. The whole body is affected and ends in death.

The main symptoms of cancer

At oncological diseases the cat becomes depressed and lethargic.

Depending on the location of the lesion, different symptoms will occur.

  1. The first stage is usually is asymptomatic , and it is extremely difficult to notice the presence of a tumor. That is why a systematic full medical examination of the animal is important, which allows you to notice the problem in time.
  2. Then there is a decrease in appetite, a sharp decline weight.
  3. The coat becomes dull, clumps form, an untidy general appearance.
  4. The pet is oppressed, lethargic, reluctantly there is no contact.
  5. Light scratches or wounds do not heal well, nosebleeds are possible.
  6. Failure of natural processes - defecation, urination.
  7. Difficulty breathing, possible shortness of breath, the presence of an unpleasant odor.
  8. In the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe mammary glands in females, a painful seal is felt.
  9. On early dates positive result will give surgical removal tumors.

    Complex medical measures depends on the degree of damage and the stage of the disease.

  • In the early stages, a positive result will be given by surgical removal of the tumor and subsequent use of chemotherapy.
  • The use of maintenance therapy will help to slightly extend the life of the pet: heart medications, pain medications.
  • In the last stages, the animal is euthanized so as not to prolong the agony.

Video about a tumor in a cat

Metastases in the lungs of a cat are small neoplasms that appear as a result of cancer affecting the breast, liver, kidneys, stomach, or soft tissues. These small tumors can metastasize to the lungs, as well as to the lymphatic system, in the first place, and then they continue to spread throughout the body. Most often, oncology (and as a result, the spread of metastases to the lungs) appears in older cats and not sterilized.

When tumors, called metastases, are found in a cat, the prognosis for recovery and long life is poor. IN similar condition it is almost impossible to treat the animal, but you should simply alleviate his condition. How long a pet will live in such a situation depends on him. general condition and tumor growth rates. In most cases, the period is from 1 month to a year. Cancer can no longer be defeated.

If the cat has severe pain, and metastases are rapidly increasing, the question of euthanasia to end suffering is raised. This is more humane than artificially prolonging the animal's period of pain, which is almost impossible to remove. Lung cancer is not metastasis. How to proceed in a particular case is decided by the owner. The veterinarian can only give his opinion. Not only a cat, but also a dog can get sick with cancer with metastases.

Symptoms of metastases

Many symptoms of the disease are associated with the location of metastases in the lungs. However, there is also common manifestations, which take place if there is a lesion of the lungs with metastases. Symptoms that appear regardless of the location of tumors in the lungs include:

  • loss of apatite - it occurs due to general intoxication animal organism against the background of the oncological process. As a result, the pet short term exhaustion appears, and then - cancer cachexia;
  • deterioration of the coat - in this case, the cat looks disheveled. Her coat is dull and brittle. The phenomenon is connected with the fact that the body is maximally weakened by the fight against the pathological process, and digestion against the background of the disease is disturbed, and the tissues do not receive required amount nutrients;
  • depression and weakness - the pet begins to sleep for a very long time, it completely loses interest in games and, even when not sleeping, sits in one place for a long time without movement and activity. The more the organ is affected by neoplasms, the faster weakness appears;
  • edema, including pulmonary edema, which presents with symptoms acute violation breathing is a critical condition in this case, and it is extremely rarely possible to stabilize it. If there is an accumulation of fluid in the lungs of a cat, then it usually dies within the next day, rarely two. If at this moment an x-ray is taken, then the result will immediately show the accumulation of fluid. This diagnosis is used, and only if there are suspicions of the appearance of neoplasms in the lung tissue;
  • very long healing of any damage - appears due to the fact that due to incorrect operation lungs, the body does not receive enough oxygen, as a result of which the ability of regeneration is reduced;
  • putrid smell from the mouth - appears due to the fact that processes of tissue decay occur in the lungs. The gases that are released in this case through the respiratory tract have a heavy odor;
  • deterioration in breathing - a sick animal has wheezing, shortness of breath, cough. As the disease progresses, it becomes gurgling and almost constant. The cat coughs with metastases almost constantly.

Lung metastases in cats appear after the cancer process has been developing in the animal's body for some time. To prevent this condition, you need to regularly feel the mammary glands and The lymph nodes at pets. If even slight seals are detected there, the animal should be urgently shown to the veterinarian. If cancer is detected at an early stage before metastasis occurs, the prognosis is quite favorable.

Treatment of metastases

Depending on the condition of the animal, treatment when lung metastasis is detected is surgical or medical. If it is possible to remove the primary tumor, due to which the neoplasms developed, then the animal can a long period stay in good condition. After the operation, radiation or chemotherapy is mandatory. If the cat’s immunity is not critically weakened due to the disease, then after therapy, the body can be activated to fight the disease and its retreat for 2-3 years.

If the primary tumor cannot be removed and the animal does not suffer very much, then therapy is indicated to maintain satisfactory condition pet. It consists in the use of expectorant drugs, if necessary, adjusting the patency respiratory tract surgical method, taking drugs that improve the functioning of the heart and immunity, iron injections.

Feeding cats with metastases should be very high in calories and iron-fortified, as they eat very little and do not get enough nutrients. Additionally, it is possible to prescribe infusions of glucose.

The presence of metastases in the lungs in a cat - serious condition, which in the vast majority of cases, despite all efforts veterinarian leading to the death of the animal.


Today we will talk about what is cancer in a cat, what are its signs. Methods of treatment and prevention of this disease will also be considered.

What is this disease?

Cancer in a cat is a pathological process in which some cells of the body grow very quickly. They can grow into neighboring tissues and organs. Cancer in animals, just like in humans, has different forms. It can affect only one area, or maybe several at once. Squamous cell carcinoma is also common in cats.

What species are found in cats?

Animals get the same types of cancer as humans. Periodic inspections and correct diagnosis allow to detect cancer in a cat in a timely manner.

The most common species in an animal:

1. It usually happens in older dogs, but it does not bypass cats either. Most neoplasms on the skin tend to become malignant. Any suspicious manifestations should be shown to a veterinarian.

2. Lymphomas. Both cats and dogs are affected. In cats, it is usually caused by the leukemia virus in 26% of cases. Basically, this strikes digestive tract animal. It can be suspected by the weakness of the pet and dyspeptic disorders.

3. Breast cancer. As a rule, this species affects older animals. This tumor is the third most common various types cancer. About 86% of neoplasms are malignant. This tumor is localized in the tissues, usually found in unsterilized animals, but there are also cases of damage to sterilized representatives of the cat family.

4. Tumor of the abdomen (abdominal). This type very difficult to identify early stages development. It is necessary to pay attention in this situation to a sharp decrease in the body weight of the animal, repeated vomiting, diarrhea or bloating. It is worth visiting the veterinarian if these signs occur periodically.

Noticing any of the above manifestations, immediately go to a consultation with a veterinarian.

Identified cancer in initial stages, it is possible to achieve complete cure by using combined method therapy:

  • chemotherapy drugs;
  • radiation therapy;
  • surgical intervention.

What is this disease? Is cancer in cats dangerous to humans?

A photo of a sick animal does not cause anyone positive emotions. Why does cancer appear? The disease can be caused by many factors. No single cause. It is known that they influence internal factors organism, for example, heredity, and external, for example, under the influence of the sun, a cat can develop squamous cell carcinoma.

The disease we have mentioned affects the ears, eyelids, and nose.

Lymphosarcoma is the most dangerous and frequent view cat cancer. When she is struck lymphatic system animal, causes disease - FeLV. This cancer in a cat is dangerous for humans. Since it is a retrovirus transmitted through the saliva of an animal and direct contact with it. Runs asymptomatic. In order to prevent the spread of the disease, it is necessary to periodically look around and take tests from a veterinarian. Similar cancer in a cat is dangerous for other cats in the same way as for humans. There is now a vaccine for it.

Types of Cancer in Cats

It is impossible to specifically say which systems of organs and tissues will be affected by cancer. Malignant neoplasms can develop anywhere, usually the blow goes to the organ or system that is most vulnerable, weakened by something. Of course, meet benign neoplasms. But, unfortunately, they are much rarer.

A benign process, of course, is more easily tolerated by animals, and its removal entails the recovery of a cat.

So what is the difference between a benign tumor?

Unlike malignant, it:

  1. It is concentrated in a capsule that prevents cancer from getting out and germinating into a neighboring organ.
  2. Such a process develops very slowly, which gives more time to take any action to eliminate the pathology.
  3. Doesn't cause pain.

Malignant tumors can be characterized as follows:

More common than others are:

Cancer staging

Pathological neoplasm has its own staging.

There are four:

  1. First, initial. At this stage, a small tumor nodule appears, metastases have not yet been observed.
  2. Second stage. The tumor nodule continues to grow in size, most likely the size of the node is already 5-6 cm. The formation begins to grow into neighboring organs. As a result, it metastasizes to the nearest lymph nodes.
  3. Third stage. The tumor becomes mobile, metastases are added.
  4. Fourth stage. The most severe and practically leaves no hope for the recovery of the cat. The tumor formation grows more and more, it is even more affected more organs. As a rule, imminent death awaits the animal at this stage.

What does cancer look like in cats?

The manifestations of cancer are:

  1. "Bumps" on the body of the animal. Of course, it's not necessarily cancer, but it's worth checking. Because they don’t just appear, any seal on a cat’s body must have an explanation.
  2. Neoplasms. long time non-healing wounds, sometimes with purulent discharge of them.
  3. Unexplained discharge of pus from any part of the animal's body.
  4. Bad breath.
  5. A change in the behavior of the animal in the direction of weakness, drowsiness.
  6. Sudden weight loss.
  7. Intermittent lameness.
  8. Dyspeptic disorders.
  9. The spots on the skin are red or with dry scales.
  10. Refusal to eat or eat, but very little.
  11. Problems with respiratory system, urinary, digestive.

Cancer diagnosis

1. When there is a seal on the skin of an animal, the first step is to do a biopsy. This method involves the removal of a small piece of tissue, which is taken for cell microscopy.

2. X-ray.

4. Blood and urine for analysis.

These diagnostic tests are basic. But if necessary, they can be supplemented with any more.

All studies are needed then to determine if the animal has cancer. If so, what form is it, and what stage.

Which cats are more likely to get cancer?

Many cats are diagnosed with cancer. But most often it still occurs in older animals.

Thoroughbreds are more susceptible to it than others. For example, cats with light muzzles and ears are more often affected by squamous cell carcinoma skin.

Is it possible to prevent cancer?

Yes, it is quite possible to warn some forms. If you keep the animal only indoors, then you will save him from skin cancer.

Breast cancer is in 3rd place among other forms. And it can also be prevented if the cat is spayed before it matures.


Treatment types vary depending on the type and stage of cancer.

These include:

  1. Surgical methods;
  2. Chemotherapy;
  3. Beam therapy;
  4. Immunotherapy.

Sometimes you have to combine several options at once. The success of the treatment will also depend on the type and stage of the cancer, as well as the immunity of the animal. Therefore, the earlier the disease is diagnosed, the greater the chance of coping with it.

Cat cancer. Last stage

A photo of an animal at this stage of the disease causes nothing but pity and a great desire to help him. True, during this period it is hardly possible to somehow fix something.

It all depends on the owner of the animal. Most of the people at latest form Cancer ceases to treat them and puts them to sleep. Although often this decision is premature. After all, you can try your luck in another way, you just need to talk about it to the veterinarian, consult with him. And then maybe something can be done.

Whatever you decide to do, try to be with him until the last days of the animal's life, love him the same way as before. After all, animals, like people, and we have the same diseases.

After all, you will not, for example, euthanize your elderly relative? So the cat is a full member of the family. So try to give her all your love in last days her life.

Some types of cancer are completely curable, others are not, but you can try to help the animal (by relieving suffering, etc.). So don't be afraid to try new ways. This will not make the pet worse, but it can get better.

When should you go to the vet?

Immediately, as soon as at least one of the above signs is detected. Delay threatens the death of the animal.

How long can a cat with cancer live? It is extremely difficult to answer this question. Because it all depends on many factors. But on average, cats are able to live with cancer for about 4 years.


It is very difficult to prevent the occurrence of cancer, but there is still a small opportunity for this. It consists in following all the rules normal life animal, as well as timely vaccinations.

It is important to pass full examination with animals periodically. Then you will be able to recognize the beginning of the pathological process in a timely manner and take action together with the doctor. necessary actions to heal the cat. If your pet is spayed before puberty, it will help to avoid breast and uterine cancer in the future. Of course, if you own an animal rare breed, then sterilization is unlikely to be done, since most of these species are kept precisely for reproduction.

Another option to protect the animal from cancer reproductive organs- do not get involved in taking hormones for contraception. Since it is they who often give impetus to the development of the pathological process.


Now you know what is cancer in a cat, what are its symptoms. Monitor your pets closely for any signs of illness. And then everything will be fine.