How to find out if a tooth is a baby tooth. Are all children's milk teeth replaced by permanent ones? The need for radiography

As you know, teething is a rather complex process that causes quite a lot of trouble. At the beginning, baby teeth appear. Over time, they are replaced by permanent molars. This change process has its own characteristics.

As molars grow, every effort must be made to ensure that they grow straight and healthy. Here you need to pay attention to some factors. First of all, this concerns the timely change of teeth.

People are accustomed to solving all dental problems with the help of dentists and orthodontists. Of course, turning to specialists is quite important process. But, some issues can be resolved independently.

This is especially true for changing teeth. Having certain information, even parents themselves can easily determine what teeth their children have: baby or permanent teeth and how to distinguish them from each other.

Meet baby teeth

The baby's first teeth begin to form in the first trimester of the mother's pregnancy. Therefore, during this period, doctors recommend Special attention pay attention to your diet. Of course, baby teeth erupt much later after the baby is born.

Most often, this period occurs when the child makes his first significant movements. In this case, the child’s temperature may rise and the gums may swell.

At one and a half to two years, the child already has all his milk teeth; they are somewhat smaller and have a different shape than the molars. Their peculiarity lies in their unique bluish tint.

Permanent teeth have a yellowish-gray tint. At the age of six, baby teeth begin to be actively replaced by molars.

In any case, care should be carried out for both permanent and baby teeth. Proper nutrition, hygiene and regular visits to a specialist will ensure the formation of a normal bite.

On an ongoing basis

By the age of 6, the child’s first molars appear. The number of molars is 12, 6 for each jaw. The peculiarity of the upper molars is large size and high strength. They have 3 roots that diverge into different sides. This ensures their reliable fastening and resistance to loads.

When a molar appears, the primary tooth naturally falls out. But sometimes there are exceptions. So, it happens that the milk has not yet fallen out, but permanent teeth are already ready to take their place.

In such cases, the child experiences pain and discomfort. In this case, it is better to immediately seek help from a specialist.

Timely assistance will prevent the new tooth from becoming crooked. Molars perform an important function, which is to crush food. This happens thanks to four tubercles on its surface.

They must be carefully looked after throughout their lives. This will preserve their integrity and functioning. Otherwise, you cannot do without the help of specialists.

When you can't do without a doctor's help

Often, changing teeth occurs almost painlessly. When teeth fall out on their own, there is no pain. But there are exceptions.

So, if a child has severe pain, itching, fever or increased sensitivity of the enamel, you should immediately seek help from a doctor. Excessive hemorrhage at the site of a recently fallen baby tooth should also alert you.

If a permanent tooth does not appear in place of the lost milk, then you need to consult a dentist. The fact is that treatment may be needed here.

Also in some cases there may be inflammatory processes and other complications that will cause discomfort and pain to the child. No less important issue is also abnormal tooth growth. In the future, this negatively affects the bite.

In fact, changing your bite is a natural process. If no pathologies or symptoms arise, then there is no need to worry.

If, when the bite changes, the temperature rises and the child becomes overly irritable, then you need to seek help from a specialist. This will quickly solve the problem and prevent complications from occurring.

Baby teeth and molars have many differences. First of all, it is worth noting that baby teeth are temporary; over time, they fall out and teeth take their place. The process takes place with some effort.

Roots grow first permanent teeth. They push milk out through the dental canals. Also, a permanent tooth, growing, rests on baby tooth, which creates additional force that pushes it out.

Special meaning They also have special cells that destroy the roots of baby teeth. As a result, they lose grip on the jaw. The root becomes thin and long. This form accompanies the pushing out of a baby tooth under the influence of previous factors.

If a tooth does not fall out on its own for one reason or another, it can be easily eliminated with the help of dental instruments.

You can distinguish teeth from each other by their number. First of all, it is worth noting that an adult has 32 molars.

Their roots bend and diverge, which ensures a secure attachment to the jaw. Milk teeth have characteristic shape. A cushion-shaped thickening can be observed in the cervical part of the tooth.

One more characteristic difference is the inclination of the longitudinal axis of the crowns to the tongue and palate. Most often, it is this inclination that makes it possible to distinguish milk teeth from molars.

In the photo, the boy’s baby teeth have not yet fallen out, but his permanent teeth are already coming in

You can also distinguish teeth by their shade. The baby's first teeth are White color with a slight bluish tint. As for the indigenous ones, they have a yellowish-grayish tint. The neck of the tooth is darker.

It is also worth noting that baby teeth are less hard than permanent teeth. They are easily amenable to drilling and other manipulations carried out by the dentist for the purpose of treatment.

With this information, every parent can easily recognize which tooth is growing in the child. In the future, this will allow careful monitoring of changes in the bite.

Thanks to this, there is every chance that the child will receive a healthy and beautiful smile. If you suddenly determine that a baby tooth cannot leave the dental canal, you should immediately seek help from a doctor. This will avoid many problems, including the occurrence pain, and the child is unwell.

How to distinguish a baby tooth from a molar?

The process of a child’s teeth appearing is always interesting to parents, so they keep track of which baby teeth have fallen out and which permanent ones have come out. However, there are situations when it is not clear whether it is still a baby tooth in the toddler’s mouth or a molar one. How are they different and by what signs can you recognize them?

This is the name given to the first teeth that appear in a baby before the age of 2.5-3 years. They begin to erupt in most babies at 6 or 7 months, when lower jaw The baby “pecks” at the first central incisor. Soon his “partner” also crawls out, after which the incisors are cut into upper jaw, lower lateral incisors, first molars, canines and second molars until the child has 20 teeth.

This amount will remain until about 5-6 years, after which the time will come for the eruption of the first molars.

The replacement of baby teeth with molars begins at the age of 6-7 years

This is the name for permanent teeth, which begin to cut on average at 6-7 years of age. The first of the molars to erupt are the molars, which occupy the sixth place in the dentition, and only after that the milk teeth begin to fall out, and their permanent replacement begins to cut in their place. At the same time, there are more molars - there are 32 of them in total, although in childhood in most cases, only 28 of them are cut through.

The last four (wisdom teeth) appear later than the others, sometimes even after the age of 30-40.

If a child only has 20 baby teeth, then there will be at least 28 molars.

You can determine whether a tooth is a baby tooth or a molar tooth by its:

  • Size and shape. Temporary ones are small in size and more rounded, while permanent ones are larger.
  • Coloring. The color of milky ones is often white with an unexpressed blue tint, while permanent ones differ due to the presence of more mineralized tissues. yellowish tint enamels.
  • Location. The growth of the deciduous ones occurs vertically, while the molars are slightly directed with their crowns outward towards the lips and cheeks.

Let's take a closer look at how to understand whether a baby tooth is in the baby's mouth or is already permanent, taking into account its serial number in the dentition (the number is counted from midline out):

  1. If the tooth is the sixth or seventh, then it is a molar, because there will be only five milk teeth on each side of the jaw.
  2. If you're looking at the fourth and fifth teeth, pay attention to the crown. The milk teeth in this place are distinguished by wider crowns and the presence of four chewing tubercles. If these are already permanent teeth, which are called premolars, they will have fewer cusps (there are only two on each tooth) and narrower crowns. At controversial situation the tooth is compared with a similar one on the other side of the dental arch.
  3. When deciding whether a child’s third tooth (canine) is permanent or baby, you should also take into account its shape and size. Milk fangs are smaller in size, and by the time of physiological change, their sharp tips wear out. The permanent canines are longer, and their cusp has a distinct pointed apex.
  4. When looking closely at the incisors (first and second teeth), first of all, their size is also taken into account. If they are temporary, their width is approximately 4-5 mm and their height is approximately 5-6 mm. In permanent incisors, the width of the crowns is larger - approximately 10 mm for the central ones and about 6-8 mm for the lateral ones. In addition, at the age of eruption of permanent incisors, their cutting edges are uneven (with small tubercles), and in baby incisors by this age the edge will always be smooth and even.

In order for a child to have molars, absolutely all baby teeth must fall out. Some mothers feel that their baby molars are large sizes They are considered permanent and do not fall out, but this is not the case. They will also fall out in due time, giving the opportunity for permanent premolars and molars to erupt.

Wisdom teeth are the four teeth that erupt last. Based on their location in the dentition, they are also called “eights.” Since they represent the 29th, 30th, 31st and 32nd teeth in a person's mouth, they cannot possibly be primary teeth, since there are only twenty primary teeth. In addition, they are cut after the age of 17, when not a single baby tooth should normally remain in the child’s mouth.

Wisdom teeth are undoubtedly molars.

The situation when a molar has already “hatched”, but the milk tooth is in no hurry to fall out, is not uncommon. In this case, you should wait a while, allowing the baby tooth to loosen and leave the dentition.

If, since the appearance permanent tooth More than three months have passed, and the milk remains in the gums, it’s worth taking your child to the dentist.

Starting from the age of five, the roots of baby teeth begin to dissolve. This process takes quite a long time, for example, the root of each incisor is resorbed within two years, and the complete resorption of the roots of molars takes about three years. However, all the roots sooner or later dissolve, and only after that the teeth fall out, so they cannot remain in the gums.

The roots of baby teeth dissolve over time

In controversial situations, when it is difficult to determine whether a baby tooth is a baby or a molar, an x-ray examination is recommended. For example, using this research method, you can decide how to treat it or why its change to a permanent one is delayed. On the x-ray you can see:

  • The length of the roots, which will be shorter in baby teeth.
  • The presence or absence of tooth germs under baby teeth.
  • The location of the cutting molar (it affects the correct position after eruption).

How to distinguish a baby tooth from a molar

Parents whose children are 6 years old need to know how to distinguish a baby tooth from a molar. A change in bite is a natural process in the body; every child goes through this stage as they grow up. But not everyone’s shift goes without complications, so in order to control the process and avoid serious problems, you need to understand the difference between molars and primary molars. To do this, you need to understand the nature of both.

First bite

Baby teeth form in the baby's gums while they are still in the womb. They erupt much later - starting at the age of 6 months. Often the appearance of the first elements of the future jaw is associated with a certain physical activity child's first attempts to stand up and walk. The appearance of the first incisors can cause discomfort child, sometimes the temperature rises or the gums become inflamed.

The surprising thing is that already during the appearance of the first bite, the rudiments of a permanent bite develop in the gums! This is why parents should pay close attention to oral health. Outdated beliefs that primary molars do not need to be treated because they will fall out anyway can lead to undesirable consequences. Deep caries will not only create extremely painful sensations, but can also lead to damage or disruption of the development of molar tooth buds located in the gums.

The enamel of the deciduous elements of the jaw is much thinner and more vulnerable than that of the permanent ones, so the deciduous molar appears bluish tint and not such a rich white color as the permanent one. Such molars are easier to treat; the drill enters them easily. However, the vulnerability of the enamel leads to the easy spread of caries. It happens that children's primary molars completely rot, leaving black “stumps” in their place. Hygiene milk bite is very important, parents should teach their child to brush their teeth twice a day as early as possible, and it is necessary to limit the amount of sweets consumed.

Change of bite

The milk bite consists of 20 elements, 10 each on the upper and lower jaws. The first permanent elements appear at the age of 6–7 years, simultaneously with the loss of the first primary incisor. The first molar does not wait until space is free for it, but grows sixth in the existing row of teeth, complementing it. And there are 8–12 such molars that grow once and for all. Thus, regardless of the loss of the anterior elements of the jaw, the signal for parents to erupt permanent teeth is the appearance of “sixes”. Sevens and so-called “wisdom teeth” also immediately grow permanent. Therefore, at the beginning of the process of changing the bite, it is easy for parents to determine where which teeth are: milk teeth are 20 elements that are in the child’s mouth until the age of six, molars appear additionally, they are sixth, seventh and eighth in the jaw.

The body provides a mechanism to ensure that the bite is replaced. The shallow and fragile roots of the milky elements of the jaw begin to gradually thin out and dissolve in the gums. It becomes much more difficult for the incisor to stay in the hole, and, pushed from below, it gradually crawls out of the gum. In order not to delay the process of the appearance of a permanent element of the bite, children can loosen their teeth, which are ready to fall out. It is useful to eat solid foods during this period, which will allow naturally update your bite. After the socket is released, the gums may bleed a little. It is better at this time to refrain from eating for several hours and hold a piece of sterile cotton wool on the wound. Within a few hours, a protective plug will form in the hole, which will prevent bacteria from penetrating into the gums.

The 20 bite elements located at the front of the jaw are baby teeth and must fall out to make room for permanent teeth. The root element usually appears almost immediately after its predecessor falls out, because it is he who pushes it out of the gums. If the primary incisor did not have time to leave its place, the permanent one may change the direction of its growth, which in the future will seriously affect the bite as a whole. If a molar appears before the socket is freed, you should immediately contact your dentist. The doctor will remove the retained element and determine measures to correct the growth of the new one.


The replacement of the bite occurs gradually and is completed by approximately 14 years. The exception is the third molars, the very last in the row, or, as they are also called, “wisdom teeth.” They grow into adults from 17 to 21 years of age and beyond. Often such molars remain under the surface of the gum and are not visible on the surface. During the period of active bite replacement, it is difficult for parents to remember which element of the first 20 has changed and which has not yet changed. How to determine whether a baby molar or a molar is a molar? They will help distinctive features temporary and permanent molars.

The visual differences between baby teeth and permanent teeth are as follows:

  • permanent molars have an angle of inclination relative to the gum, their tops should be directed towards the cheeks, temporary molars stand straight in the gum;
  • the permanent elements of the jaw have branched and deep roots, while the temporary ones have shallow and small roots;
  • the milk has a thickening at the point of contact with the gum;
  • the temporary crown has a more round shape;
  • the primary molar has a blue tint due to the small thickness of the enamel, the permanent molar has a yellowish color;
  • the neck of the molar is darker than the crown;
  • The surfaces of permanent molars are distinguished by the fact that, as a rule, they contain 4 tubercles necessary for successful chewing of food.

If it is not possible to visually determine the type of tooth, it is recommended to take an X-ray of the jaw. For example, a permanent upper molar will have a triple root that extends deep into the periosteum.

In the area of ​​the root of the primary incisor, during the replacement period, the rudiment of the molar will be visible. The root will be thinned and small. The appearance of the permanent element of the jaw may be delayed, but in this case the baby tooth can still be easily identified by the characteristics of the root. It is not recommended to pull out a baby tooth in the absence of a permanent element in the gum; you need to maintain it healthy condition. Conversely, if a permanent element has already formed in the jaw, but the temporary one does not fall out, removal may be necessary.

A situation is possible when a baby molar falls out, but the permanent molar does not come out for several months. In this case, the molars, under pressure from each other and from the process of chewing food, begin to move to the free space. The bite changes, the free space may disappear completely, and there will be no room left for the growing molar and it will also grow into wrong place. The problem can be solved with the help of prosthetics.

Permanent bite

In the permanent dentition of an adult there are 32 elements, and each of them is very firmly held in the gum and periosteum thanks to roots diverging in different directions. Thanks to this structure of the roots, molars are able to withstand significant loads during chewing. Caries in the enamel of a permanent molar will develop more slowly than in a primary molar. But even in the dentist’s office it will take much more time to drill a hole and put a filling. It should be noted that when a molar has just emerged, its enamel is thin, and only over time does it thicken. Therefore, during the teething period, you need to especially carefully monitor oral hygiene.

The difference between baby teeth and permanent teeth comes down to the fact that they perform their functions temporarily. Therefore, temporary occlusion is more vulnerable to diseases and requires a responsible attitude and careful care. It must be remembered that the beauty of a smile in adulthood will largely depend on the health of the primary occlusion and the correct process of its change.

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How to recognize a molar or baby tooth

Teething - difficult process, causing children and their parents a lot of trouble and anxiety. During their eruption, some experience fever, inflammation, and nasal congestion, while others endure the change of a baby tooth without special symptoms.

Many parents are concerned about the question of how to distinguish a baby tooth from a molar, and in what period this can happen.

Features of the appearance of radical units

Almost all children begin to erupt baby teeth at six months, which over time are replaced by molars. The replacement process is characterized by a number of specific features. And in order for the molars, which will serve a person well throughout his life, to remain healthy, even, and beautiful, parents need to monitor the oral cavity during the shift.

It is advisable to seek help from dentists and orthodontists to understand the timeliness of teeth change events and the correctness of their growth. And, if you have information that will help you determine a baby tooth or a molar, you can solve some issues yourself.

In children, the first milk teeth begin to erupt at 6 months.

The period is characterized by the first movements that the growing baby makes. During teething, babies often experience fever and swelling of the gums. By the age of two, many children have almost all their milk teeth, different in size, shape, and they also have a unique bluish tint. This factor distinguishes them from the indigenous units, which are a shade of yellowish-gray.

Milk teeth are usually actively replaced by molars by the age of 6 years. But you should take care of your teeth at any stage of their development, including monitoring nutrition, hygiene, and making regular visits to dentists to ensure the formation of your bite. Primary teeth are also susceptible to various dental diseases, like pulpitis, caries, which need to be treated.

The differences between permanent teeth and baby teeth are: characteristics, How:

  • dental crown determined different sizes, in particular, the shape of the baby tooth is highly rounded, and in the cervical part there is an enamel ridge;
  • baby teeth have a bluish tint due to the low mineralization of dentin and enamel, as well as their smaller thickness. Permanent teeth have a yellowish tint;
  • crown constant unit has an inclination towards the lips and cheeks, and the milk breasts grow in vertical position;
  • difference in external sign can also be determined by the serial number of the dental arch, where the starting point is from the midline, as:

Of particular importance are special cellular structures that can destroy temporary roots that lose adhesion and strength in the jaw. If they cannot fall out on their own, they can be removed using dental instruments.

It should be noted that when asked whether all baby teeth are replaced by molars, the answer can be ambiguous. It takes a long time for primary teeth to fall out. And if the period exceeds six months, it is better to visit dental office for inspection and problem identification.

At the age of six years, the child’s first molars are just beginning to appear - 6 molars per jaw. The top ones are different large sizes and high strength, since the root system consists of three roots diverging in different directions.

Due to this feature, they are characterized by resistance to loads and reliable fastening. To quickly determine and get an answer to the question of how to recognize a molar or baby tooth, you can count the number.

An adult has 32 strong molars, unlike baby teeth. In treatment, milk can easily be manipulated by a dentist. Possessing useful information, parents can provide their children with a healthy, beautiful smile.

The need for radiography

If certain difficulties arise and parents do not know how to understand a baby or molar tooth, an x-ray can be taken. With its help, you can quickly determine the type of dental unit in the oral cavity.

When the size or shape of the roots have large discrepancies, then it can be assumed that there is a permanent rudiment in the root. The physiological change of a tooth can occur with a delay, and therefore you should know how to cope, determine the reasons for the delay, and the condition of the roots.

In the absence of a permanent rudiment, it is important to preserve the baby tooth and monitor the condition of its root. In case of rapid resorption, it is recommended to prepare for prosthetics.

Panoramic photography in pediatric dentistry

But when x-ray If a molar is discovered and the baby tooth does not fall out, it is advisable to consult an orthodontist for advice.

Based on the image, the specialist will determine the thickness of the bone and the angle of inclination in relation to closely spaced teeth. At correct location radical and removal of milk, you can count on independent teething.

Complications of the changeover process

Main, important function The function of permanent dental units in the human mouth is to crush food, and therefore their appearance should be treated carefully. Must be performed continuously hygiene procedures, which will preserve their basic functions and integrity. IN otherwise, the intervention of dentists and other doctors will be regularly required.

Spontaneous loss of milk units can occur painlessly in many children. But not excluded profuse hemorrhages in places of loss. In situations where the baby tooth has fallen out a long time ago, and the molar tooth does not appear in its place, the help of doctors will be required.

Treatment will likely be required, as inflammation or complications may occur. Improper growth is also considered a nuisance, which subsequently affects malocclusion.

Impaired development and eruption of teeth

But it is worth considering such a factor as a change in bite is considered a natural phenomenon, and if there are no pathologies, unpleasant symptoms, you don't have to worry. But if the child’s temperature rises or irritability appears during the process of changing the bite, you should contact dentists for help and solve the problems that have arisen immediately.

Proper care ensuring normal development

The eruption of the first permanent teeth requires special control care from parents. Initially, the enamel of the root unit does not have sufficient mineralization, which can provoke the development of caries. During this period, it is important to brush your teeth with a toothpaste that contains fluoride. It is advisable that the child take care of the oral cavity after each meal, rinse clean water.

Be sure to visit your dentist at this time for a consultation and examination. proper development. During this period, there is an increase in the sensitivity of the enamel, which will require eating foods with high content calcium. The child also needs a vitamin-mineral complex, which will be prescribed by the doctor at the appointment.

If your teeth grow crooked or incorrectly, you may need help from an orthodontist. But you should also pay attention to the child’s bad habits, such as sucking the tongue, fingers, and other objects, and try to eliminate them.

If the tooth becomes noticeably loose, you must wait natural loss, which will be less painful for the child than vomiting at the dentist's office. If inflammation is observed, then the help of specialists is urgently required.

In conclusion, it should be noted that problems that arise with the process of changing teeth can be eliminated either independently or by contacting a doctor. Their final formation occurs in a person by the age of 17.

It is advisable to control the process of loss and exclude solid foods from the child’s diet at this time. Oral cavity can only be rinsed saline solution to prevent pain and infection in fresh wounds.

Teething in children causes many problems for babies and their parents. This is a painful phenomenon, often accompanied by an increase in body temperature, disturbances in work gastrointestinal tract, change in mood. But such symptoms are characteristic not only of baby teeth; when permanent teeth begin to emerge, some children also feel unwell, and many begin to experience hyperthermia.

Replacing teeth has its own characteristics: this process must occur in a timely manner, and you need to monitor correct formation jaws to avoid problems in the future. To trace the process, many parents often look into the mouths of their babies. They strive to calculate how many new, beautiful, snow-white teeth have already been formed, and how many more will replace the milk ones.

How to distinguish a molar from a baby tooth?

  • The primary dentition is fully formed in children by the fifth year of life. During this period, already 20 units of incisors, canines and molars can be found. They serve little man for a few more years, gradually starting to change to permanent ones.
  • By the age of 7-8 years, the replacement period begins dairy range permanent. At this time, the molars have already fully formed, but are still hidden under the gums, waiting for space to become available for them. How long this process will last is impossible to say for sure. Everything here is strictly individual, there are no restrictions.
  • The main differences between two almost identical-looking elements are: loss of milk under the influence of buoyancy forces from the inside, gradual disappearance of their roots, painless loss of an element with subsequent replenishment.
  • There are many more molars: an adult may have 28-32 of them. Their loss is often caused by gum disease or jaw injury. It is much more difficult to pull out such elements, because they have a developed root system and are securely held in place.
  • The permanent and temporary elements of the jaw differ in color: the milk ones have a uniform white color, and the molars acquire a yellowish tint over time.

There are many differences, but one thing is important: the permanent jaw is formed forever. How carefully a person will take care of his oral cavity, what foods he will eat, and how competently he will manage his health (we are talking about bad habits), the beauty of your smile and the health of your teeth depend. From childhood, you should learn to properly perform hygiene procedures, take care of your gums and not allow caries to develop, so that you can enjoy your reflection in the mirror all your life and not be embarrassed to openly enjoy life in the company of others.

A person's baby teeth appear at the age of 6 months, and by the age of two years the temporary bite is fully formed. They begin to change at about 6 years of age, and this process is completed at about 14. At this time, the bite is called replaceable, because both milk and permanent bites are present at the same time. If necessary, it is not so difficult to distinguish a temporary baby tooth from a permanent molar on your own. IN in doubtful cases radiography is performed.

The width of the crown is determined during the formation of the rudiment, and its development occurs inside the jaw. After eruption, enamel and dentin contain very few cellular elements, therefore, unlike the jaw bone, the tooth does not grow. The alveolar process of a child's jaw is narrow and short, so there is not enough space for the eruption of a full permanent arch.

The size of the crown is one of the main differences between a baby tooth and a permanent tooth. A temporary bite is needed not only for chewing food and good nutrition. The load that the jawbone receives during chewing is the main stimulator of its growth. If there were no primary dental arch, the jaw would not be able to grow enough to accommodate the permanent one.

Formation of milk bite

Temporary incisors begin to erupt in a child on average at six months of age, although these periods vary widely - from 4 to 9 months. Then, closer to one year - the first primary molars, and by one and a half years - the canines. By the age of two, when the crowns of the second temporary molars appear in the child’s mouth, the primary dentition is considered to be formed. Before the beginning of the physiological change, that is, until the age of 6, all the child’s teeth are baby teeth, so during this period of time the question of how to determine whether a temporary tooth or a permanent one usually does not arise.

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How to relieve your child of toothache without harming him?

Period of physiological change of teeth

The physiological change begins at the age of six, first the central incisors become loose and fall out and the first permanent molars erupt (they do not replace the milk teeth, but erupt behind the temporary molars). Then the second incisors change and the baby molars fall out. In their place, small molars erupt; this occurs at the age of 8–13 years. The last to be replaced are the canines, after which the second permanent molars appear. The presence of wisdom teeth in the permanent dentition is not necessary; they may erupt at a later age or not appear at all.

If a cavity appears in a tooth, before starting treatment it is necessary to determine whether it is primary or primary. It will be necessary to treat in both cases, but the methods will be different. If there is no more than six months left before the physiological change, and the cavity is shallow, you can limit yourself to preventive measures, it is not necessary to put a filling.

Distinctive features of baby teeth:

  • shape and size of crowns. Primary crowns are significantly smaller than permanent crowns, and their shape is more rounded. In the cervical area there is a slight thickening - an enamel ridge;
  • color. Milk enamel and dentin are less mineralized, and their thickness is less than that of permanent ones. Therefore, the crown of a temporary tooth is white with a bluish tint, in contrast to the permanent one, which has a yellow tint due to the thicker layer of dentin.
  • location in the dental arch. Baby teeth grow vertically, the crowns of permanent teeth are tilted towards the lips and cheeks.

How to distinguish by external signs?

To find out a baby tooth or a molar, before considering the shape and size of its crown, it is worth determining its serial number in the dental arch, starting from the midline:

  • The 6th or 7th position from the midline of the jaw is a permanent molar. There are only 10 milk teeth on one jaw, that is, 5 on each side, so they cannot occupy this position;
  • 4th or 5th position: you need to pay attention to the shape of the crown. In the primary bite, this place contains molars - teeth with a wide crown and 4 chewing cusps; in the permanent bite, there are premolars. Their crowns are narrower, and there are only 2 masticatory cusps. In controversial cases, the shape of the crown should be compared with a similar tooth on the opposite side and adjacent ones;

From birth, nature generously gifts us with intelligence, beauty, dexterity and strength, but one of its most useful gifts is... teeth. Yes, yes, precisely the teeth that appear with such difficulty in infants and are completely replaced with permanent ones in adolescence.

Baby teeth

In the first trimester of pregnancy, in addition to all vital important organs, the child is forming his first teeth, so during this period the health and diet of his mother is very important. However, teeth are born much more after birth the baby himself. As a rule, the time when the baby tries to take his first steps coincides with the period of eruption of his milk teeth and may be accompanied by elevated temperature and swelling of the gums. Primary teeth appear in a certain sequence and by the age of one and a half to two years they all grow. Milk teeth are much smaller in size and differ in shape from molars. In addition, they have a bluish tint, in contrast to the characteristic yellowish-gray color of permanent teeth. By the age of six, primary teeth begin to change to permanent teeth, but also require care in the form of proper nutrition, hygiene and regular visits to the dentist.

Permanent teeth

By the age of 6-7 years, after changing the primary bite to a permanent one, the child develops 12 molars, 6 for each jaw. The upper molars are stronger and slightly larger than the lower molars. They have 3 roots diverging to the sides, rarely 4. Permanent molars appear in the order of loss of milk teeth. Although situations often occur when the baby tooth has not yet left its “nest”, and the root one is already trying in every possible way to take its place, which causes pain and inconvenience to the baby. In this case, it is necessary to contact a specialist in order to avoid the possibility of curvature of the new tooth. The molars are designed to perform the function of crushing food; their chewing surface is formed by 4 tubercles. They demand more careful care, to serve you faithfully throughout your life without causing any trouble.


So, we found out that baby teeth begin to erupt in babies up to one year old, molars or permanent teeth appear into the world starting from the age of six. Baby teeth fall out on their own primarily because the roots of permanent teeth begin to grow inside them. Permanent teeth are “attached” to the jaw by their roots and are not going to fall out. In addition, baby and molar teeth differ in color and shape.

Conclusions website

  1. There are only 20 milk teeth, 32 permanent teeth.
  2. Milk teeth begin to erupt at the age of six months to two years, molars - from six to 12 years.
  3. Baby teeth fall out on their own; molars have to be removed instrumentally.
  4. Baby teeth have a bluish-white tint, while permanent teeth have a slight yellowish tint.
  • Yellow plaque
  • Brown plaque
  • The process of a child’s teeth appearing is always interesting to parents, so they keep track of which baby teeth have fallen out and which permanent ones have come out. However, there are situations when it is not clear whether it is still a baby tooth in the toddler’s mouth or a molar one. How are they different and by what signs can you recognize them?

    What is the difference?


    This is the name given to the first teeth that appear in a baby before the age of 2.5-3 years. They begin to erupt in most children at 6 or 7 months, when the first central incisor “pecks” on the baby’s lower jaw. Soon his “partner” comes out, after which the incisors on the upper jaw, the lateral incisors below, the first molars, canines and second molars are cut until the child has 20 teeth.

    This amount will remain until about 5-6 years, after which the time will come for the eruption of the first molars.

    The replacement of baby teeth with molars begins at the age of 6-7 years


    This is the name for permanent teeth, which begin to cut on average at 6-7 years of age. The first of the molars to erupt are the molars, which occupy the sixth place in the dentition, and only after that the milk teeth begin to fall out, and their permanent replacement begins to cut in their place. At the same time, there are more molars - there are 32 of them in total, although in childhood in most cases only 28 of them erupt.

    The last four (wisdom teeth) appear later than the others, sometimes even after the age of 30-40.

    If a child only has 20 baby teeth, then there will be at least 28 molars.

    How to distinguish milk from indigenous?

    You can determine whether a tooth is a baby tooth or a molar tooth by its:

    • Size and shape. Temporary ones are small in size and more rounded, while permanent ones are larger.
    • Coloring. The color of milky ones is often white with an indistinct blue tint, while permanent ones, due to the presence of more mineralized tissues, have a yellowish tint to the enamel.
    • Location. The growth of the deciduous ones occurs vertically, while the molars are slightly directed with their crowns outward towards the lips and cheeks.

    Let's take a closer look at how to understand whether a baby tooth is in the baby's mouth or is already permanent, taking into account its serial number in the dentition (the number is counted from the midline outward):

    1. If the tooth is the sixth or seventh, then it is a molar, because there will be only five milk teeth on each side of the jaw.
    2. If you're looking at the fourth and fifth teeth, pay attention to the crown. The milk teeth in this place are distinguished by wider crowns and the presence of four chewing tubercles. If these are already permanent teeth, which are called premolars, they will have fewer cusps (there are only two on each tooth) and narrower crowns. In case of a controversial situation, the tooth is compared with a similar one on the other side of the dental arch.
    3. When deciding whether a child’s third tooth (canine) is permanent or baby, you should also take into account its shape and size. Milk fangs are smaller in size, and by the time of physiological change, their sharp tips wear out. The permanent canines are longer, and their cusp has a distinct pointed apex.
    4. When looking closely at the incisors (first and second teeth), first of all, their size is also taken into account. If they are temporary, their width is approximately 4-5 mm and their height is approximately 5-6 mm. In permanent incisors, the width of the crowns is larger - approximately 10 mm for the central ones and about 6-8 mm for the lateral ones. In addition, at the age of eruption of permanent incisors, their cutting edges are uneven (with small tubercles), while in deciduous incisors by this age the edge will always be smooth and even.

    Do all dairy products change to indigenous ones?

    In order for a child to have molars, absolutely all baby teeth must fall out. Some mothers think that baby molars, due to their large size, are permanent and do not fall out, but this is not the case. They will also fall out in due time, giving the opportunity for permanent premolars and molars to erupt.

    Wisdom tooth - molar or milk tooth?

    Wisdom teeth are the four teeth that erupt last. Based on their location in the dentition, they are also called “eights.” Since they represent the 29th, 30th, 31st and 32nd teeth in a person's mouth, they cannot possibly be primary teeth, since there are only twenty primary teeth. In addition, they are cut after the age of 17, when not a single baby tooth should normally remain in the child’s mouth.

    Wisdom teeth are undoubtedly molars.

    What to do if a root grows behind the dairy?

    The situation when a molar has already “hatched”, but the milk tooth is in no hurry to fall out, is not uncommon. In this case, you should wait a while, allowing the baby tooth to loosen and leave the dentition.

    If more than three months have passed since the appearance of a permanent tooth, and the milk tooth remains in the gum, it is worth going with your child to the dentist.

    Can the root remain in the gum?

    Starting from the age of five, the roots of baby teeth begin to dissolve. This process takes quite a long time, for example, the root of each incisor is resorbed within two years, and the complete resorption of the roots of molars takes about three years. However, all the roots sooner or later dissolve, and only after that the teeth fall out, so they cannot remain in the gums.