The car begins to suffer from gluttony. How to overcome gluttony: getting rid of food addiction. Fight strategy and general psychological attitude

Gluttony and bulimia are an interaction between a mental disorder and a digestive disorder in which an uncontrolled amount of food is placed in the stomach. Let's figure out what causes bouts of gluttony and how to deal with them.

Historical fact

We inherited the mechanism of overeating from ancient times, when people had no options for preserving perishable food, good prey was rare, and hunger was too common. Gluttony allowed the stomach to stretch, accommodating gigantic portions of food; the body absorbed it, storing the excess as fat reserves.

With the development of agriculture and cattle breeding, the chaotic lifestyle of the hunter with bouts of gluttony and periods of hunger was replaced by a regime based on the rules of caring for plants and animals, ensuring constant access to food. Further development civilization contributed to the introduction into human life of a regime of wakefulness (dictated by the rhythm of useful activity - work), sleep and eating, driving bouts of gluttony into the framework of an outdated pattern.

Food hypnosis or signs of gluttony

We know how to overeat early childhood, especially on holidays, famous for their abundance tasty food, and hearing “in big family Don’t click the key,” we fill our stomach until it hurts.

However, with age, this capacity of the stomach turns into bouts of gluttony, the causes of which are usually emotional and behavioral:

  • Secret random outbursts of gluttony, lasting from an hour until exhaustion;
  • Ignoring saturation signals coming from the stomach, the inability to deny oneself;
  • In advanced cases, there are no symptoms of hunger, since the stomach is always full;
  • Automatic, uncontrolled, very fast eating, without chewing during an attack of gluttony;
  • In front of witnesses, portions of food normal sizes, and even less;
  • The capacity of the stomach is controlled by gag reflexes, both natural and induced (a manifestation of bulimia);
  • Synergy between adverse emotions and any food;
  • Mental imbalance due to constant discontent appearance;
  • cause depression and guilt with self-loathing;
  • Lack of pleasure from the food eaten;
  • Painful cutting spasms in the stomach from an attack of gluttony, an overabundance of food.

An eater suffering from gluttony is likened to a pirate who hides his main treasure - food - in a place inaccessible to others (his stomach) in complete solitude.

What does the coming day have in store for us?

Our stomach quickly catches everything,

Eyes look around

And they lead with their hands.

Seeing a table full of food,

Rather, put it in your mouth,

And now you chew without stopping

Jam, meat without disassembling,

Cakes, cookies, whites,

Salami, porridge, pita bread….

What are the main causes of gluttony?

Gluttony and bulimia develop very quickly, fed by negative emotions and disorders:

  • Hobby healthy food, with unhealthy foods;
  • Diets with constant breakdowns (“there is strength, there is will, but there is no willpower”) and overeating high-calorie foods;
  • By creating artificial periods of hunger with subsequent compensation in huge portions;
  • The habit of finishing the plate even when the stomach feels full;
  • The family habit of “eating with your eyes” is to serve large portions of food;
  • Violation of the daily routine and meals;
  • Taking oral contraceptives;
  • Excessive appetite, leading to gluttony before menstruation;
  • Metabolic and hormonal disorders;
  • Emotional state or eating problems;
  • Overeating as a form of protest;

Bouts of gluttony - main enemy physical and mental health men and women.

Diseases - consequences of gluttony

The body is rapidly trying to correct the situation, giving the eater suffering from gluttony bouquets of diseases:

  • obesity;
  • type 2 diabetes;
  • tooth loss and damage as a result of exposure to stomach acid (bulimia);
  • dry lips and lesions oral cavity(for bulimia);
  • hypertension;
  • gallbladder dysfunction;
  • disruptions in the functioning of the heart, turning into chronic diseases;
  • elevated cholesterol levels;
  • myalgia (muscle pain);
  • diseases of bones and joints;
  • diseases of the digestive system (stomach, intestines, esophagus, etc.);
  • shortness of breath and snoring during sleep;
  • overwork;
  • depression and stress;
  • bulimia.

If attacks of gluttony and bulimia are not stopped in time, the diseases will subsequently develop into chronic diseases, complicating the life of your loved one.

Self-control of gluttony or elephantine appetite

The most important thing is to clearly admit to yourself and others that you are a glutton, and develop an action plan.

Draw up schematically, in columns: attacks of gluttony, their causes and methods of combating them. After studying the diagram, write down your settings, your new predispositions to certain reactions and actions:

  • In order to lose weight, you need to eat. eventually compensated for by nightly gluttony. Getting rid of luxurious temptations: candy, smoked meats, chips, carbonated drinks and other unhealthy, high-calorie and favorite foods;
  • Food is not our friend, but a source of nutrition. Don’t eat away stress by stretching it out, but share your problems with family, friends, create a page on the Internet and feed your fears, sorrows and sorrows to your readers;
  • Regularity. Healthy sleep, establishing a diet with snacks at a time will force the metabolism to work, and gluttony will recede;
  • Plan your time without leaving room for melancholy and despondency, the companions of bouts of gluttony. On Monday you need to walk with friends, Tuesday is a day of forest walks, Wednesday is a day of finding a hobby, Thursday is time for painting, Friday is a day of shopping and cinemas, and Saturday and Sunday are family days;
  • Pleasant exercise. Choose what you like or what you dreamed of when you wanted to exercise without forcing yourself. The desire to practice will come with time;
  • Separate physiological and mental hunger. If the desire to buy candy appears without a feeling of hunger, you need to fight it, drink water, and your stomach will helpfully tell you that only the rumbling in the stomach is hunger, and the rest is a desire to eat sadness;
  • Keeping records, not necessarily eating or following a regimen, could be writing a diary.

It is vital for every person to carry out activities that include meaning, purpose, costs of achieving the goal and result. Find yourself and put an end to bouts of gluttony.

The path to recovery: with the help of doctors, family, friends

Family, friends and experts will tell you how to deal with bouts of gluttony. Tell us without concealment about your attacks of bulimia, which everyone guessed about, but did not talk about. The reasons for gluttony and are too obvious for everyone except the patient:

  • availability of food bags, candy wrappers and boxes;
  • instantly eating food and asking for more;
  • sitting on the toilet for a long time after eating, a red swollen face after trying to vomit, marks on the hand used to induce vomiting;
  • behavior of a person with a feeling of chronic guilt and low self-esteem;
  • a person never shares his emotional problems; on the contrary, he listens to others.

Do not put pressure on the eater, but use cunning to lure him into seeing a therapist, who will tell you how to deal with bulimia and bouts of binge eating. There is a specific treatment regimen for binge eating and bulimia symptoms:

  • Psychotherapy offers wide range services to cure binge eating, from individual to group sessions, from spiritual conversations to hypnosis;
  • Enrichment of the diet with vitamins and biological additives. For example, a deficiency of magnesium in food makes you crave sweets, and uncontrollable seizures overeating is associated with decreased serotonin levels;
  • Drug treatment of bulimia and gluttony with antidepressants (Fluoxidine, Afobazol) and diet pills (Reduxin, Goldline, Slimia). Drugs to suppress appetite (incretin tablets for diabetics Metformin, Glucophage, Exenatide), drugs to improve metabolism in the body (Xenical), medications that affect the absorption of calories (calorie blocker Phase-2, Glukomann). When trying to lose weight, do not forget about contraindications and side effects.
  • Surgical intervention: different kinds liposuction, gastric surgery and reduction of its volume, installation of a balloon in the stomach, gastroplasty, gastric bypass surgery.

Has proven itself very well group therapy, which allows you to increase self-esteem, identify the causes of gluttony and remove the feeling of shame for the amount of food eaten among uncontrollable eaters. Family members of a patient suffering from gluttony should also consult a psychotherapist.


To eliminate bouts of gluttony, their causes, and to successfully combat them, follow the rules healthy eating that you need to introduce into your life and try to comply with them without violations:

  • Developing adequate self-esteem;
  • Creating a stable and safe psychological climate;
  • Refusal to use the “carrot and stick” behavior system used for circus animals, or reward food for following instructions;
  • Compliance with the regime of wakefulness and rest;
  • Compliance with a diet, including main meals and snacks in accordance with the rule of the three Ps “measured, rational, varied”;
  • It is necessary to chew food slowly, and after 20 minutes the brain will receive signals of satiety;
  • Do not eat in front of the computer, TV, or book, developing bouts of gluttony;
  • Symptoms of hunger are born not in the head, but in the stomach, so one should not confuse with hunger the images of tasty food that appear in the head, causing an influx of saliva, which stimulates appetite;
  • Do not live in reserve, so as not to stimulate attacks of overeating, do not destroy yesterday’s food: borscht, cutlets, etc.;
  • Stop eating after receiving a signal of satiety;
  • Do not confuse thirst and hunger; observe;
  • Gradually eliminate foods that have become familiar dishes fast food(fast food), food instant cooking, contributing to the development of gluttony;
  • Take vitamin and mineral supplements regularly, since a lack of vitamins in food develops bouts of gluttony;

Do not tease, do not offend and do not take out your anger and anger on your family, because it is so easy to break the psyche healthy person and it is so difficult to fight for its restoration in the future. No disease disappears or appears at the snap of a finger, and obesity prevention is the ability to notice the first signs of an emerging disease.

Hello dear readers. Do you know what our grandmothers were wrong about? While raising us grandchildren, they fed us to our fullest all the time. They say that another bowl of soup is never too much. No matter how it happens, it happens. Constant and excessive overeating is a disease, and an eternally full belly is a sure sign of it. In this post we will figure out how to get rid of gluttony, what it is and what it leads to.

One of the deadly sins

Binge eating is called a disorder eating behavior. Gluttony is one of them. He was condemned back in ancient Greece. It was believed that gluttony in eating food makes a person physically and spiritually unhappy. The Greeks called the state after gluttony suffering, and called on righteous men not only to limit themselves in food, but to direct their thoughts in the right direction about the place of food in life.

Orthodoxy considers gluttony one of the eight main sins. Eastern Christian ascetics, in their desire for the Lord, limited themselves spiritually and physically, including food. Gastriamargia (this is the name of the phenomenon in Greek) is the first, lowest of the vices. This concept is also reflected in Catholicism, where gluttony is a sin against the second commandment.

Are you a glutton?

It's unpleasant to think that they could call you that, right? Meanwhile, many people suffering from compulsive overeating do not admit it to themselves or others.

What are the symptoms of the disease?

  • frequent cases of overeating during meals;
  • inability to control the amount of food eaten;
  • constant continuation of the meal not to the point of feeling full, but to the state of “full to satiety”;
  • depressed state from heaviness in the stomach after eating.

It is difficult to identify a glutton; a person with a tendency to overeat is hiding a vice. This explains the embarrassment of patients to eat in public. People most often come to a nutritionist and psychologist when obesity prevents them from feeling well.

In order not to bring yourself to a critical state, pay attention to the first “bells” indicating compulsive overeating:

  • while eating, you watch TV, use a gadget, thereby not noticing the amount of food you eat;
  • you chew something all day, the plate of food at your table is constantly replenished with new portions;
  • you cannot do mental work, watch a movie without a snack;
  • Every night the refrigerator door slams in your house - you love late-night snacks.

Many people have one of these weaknesses. But since you are reading this blog, you should understand that these points are a blow to harmony.

Reasons for constant overeating

To treat a disease, it is necessary to find out where it came from and remove risk factors. The causes of gluttony can be either physiological, psychological or as a result of environmental influences.

Compulsive eating is hereditary. Option one – problems at the genetic level, where everything is in the family and overeating, metabolic processes, blood sugar levels. Option two is the influence of home life. In families with a “cult of food,” undue attention is paid to meals; food is a reward.

From a psychological point of view, gluttony is a way to cheer up and calm down. Have you ever wondered why people often gain weight when they quit smoking? One of the reasons - . Chewing movements and satiation calm the nerves and help cope with difficult situations. back side medals – overweight, poor health.

Being inactive also leads to gluttony, sedentary lifestyle life. You constantly chew just out of boredom.

It is believed that after 50 years the risk of the disease increases. In fact, at this age a person moves less, is more at home, in the area where food is available. To eliminate the risk of illness, you should forget prejudices about a “sedate” life, move more, walk, and engage in as much sports as you can. And it doesn’t matter whether you are 20 years old or over 50, you can stop overeating, become more active and more attractive at any age.

Affects the process of food absorption and sleep. Have you heard this “life hack”: in order to stay awake, you need to think or chew? There is some truth in the statement; a sleepy person instinctively reaches for snacks in order to remain awake.

That is, the average person, immersed in gadgets, busy with nervous work theoretically prone to gluttony.

How to stop?

How to get out of the slavery of consumption? Treatment lovers folk remedies found a lot of options.

  • phytotherapy. The method is based on the properties of plants. Brew flax, marshmallow and corn silk, take half a glass several times a day. To strengthen the stomach, normalize processes gastrointestinal tract Cumin and dill will help. They are added to ready meals or make a green decoction.
  • Aromatherapy against gluttony helps because the oily smells of aromatic mixtures have a calming effect, you forget about the feeling of hunger. Light sticks or candles with bergamot and rosemary in your apartment, and the feeling of fullness when eating food will come faster;
  • acupressure of the area under the nose (the depression above upper lip). Acupuncture should be performed using circular movements.

The power of persuasion against overeating

Will help in the fight against overeating psychological techniques self-deception and limitations.

Icon of style and femininity Faina Ranevskaya, for example, to overcome overeating and as a best diet I recommended eating naked in front of a mirror.

But there are also less radical options for how to deal with gluttony.

Before eating, put on a tight sweater and jeans. Tie a thread at the waist or tighten the corset. So you physically won’t be able to eat much – clothes will get in the way.

After dressing in the appropriate costume, choose the smallest and most elegant tableware. You don't put a lot of food in it, it will be ugly. Even better is to weigh the amount of food you are expecting. And don’t add anything else to the plate.

Force yourself to eat slowly, to feel every bite of what you eat, and not to swallow tons of food. This way you will eat less.

This leads to another simple piece of advice – eat at meals. Allocate for power special time, don’t be distracted by anything, think about satiation, control your thoughts.

It’s not for nothing that a lunch break is given at work - this is a time for rest, general recuperation, and not for quickly eating food and returning to everyday work.

Diet to eat less

So, while eating, you should focus as much as possible on the food itself - extremely important point. At the same time, before a solid meal, eat something protein half an hour. For example, an egg, a piece of chicken, walnuts. Even workaholics should not forget that they need to eat 5-6 times a day, and in small portions.

To treat gluttony, you can establish the following diet:

  1. breakfast - 7.00
  2. snack – 10.30
  3. lunch – 13.00
  4. afternoon tea – 16.00
  5. dinner – 19.00

And most importantly, you need to sleep at night. Provide yourself with a healthy 7-8 hour sleep, then the issue of night snacks will disappear.

What to do if you suffer from “hungry insomnia”? Play sports. Best time for jogging or a quick walk - around 20.00. Have a drink milkshake before class and let your muscles work in the evening. After intense exercise and recuperation during dinner, fatigue will take its toll, you will forget about the “night watch”.

How to help yourself become better

Gluttons need to remove all “provocateurs” from the house. These are sweets, buns, snacks, fast food.

It’s worth talking to friends and relatives who always want to feed you. Let them help you in your affirmations - attitudes to combat gluttony.

Come up with motivating phrases for yourself, repeat them and implement them. Write a letter to your future self who has gotten rid of your illness. Here is an example of how to get rid of overeating:

  • Every day I become lighter and better.
  • I can only eat when I'm really hungry.
  • I am free to refuse unwanted food.
  • I let go of overeating.
  • I'm ready to change.

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Mini Tips for Losing Weight

How often do we behave like a glutton: we eat a lot, randomly, greedily. Because it’s delicious or it’s a pity for the food. If you don’t eat it now, you won’t have it later. It’s just a pity that the consequences of all these culinary experiences are not very pleasant.

Why is hunger not a thing?

If you, without feeling hungry, eat out of habit, often and without measure, only for a “voluptuous experience” taste sensations", you are a classic glutton. Today, all nutritionists unanimously insist that, no matter what diet you are on, it is unacceptable for you to be tormented by hunger. Otherwise, you can break down, attack the food and swallow an incredible amount. Remember that for the first 5-10 minutes we eat to satisfy hunger, and then more and more for pleasure. In short, we abuse it. And habits learned from childhood play a big role here. “Finish everything on your plate. It's already noon - lunch time. After the porridge you’ll get some candy…” It’s a bad habit to eat your least favorite dish with a treat.

Weekends and holidays are the same. Equally boring and unhealthy. At the table and on the sofa, in a series of endless feasts, it is very easy to forget about how much, when and what you can eat. So we eat. Satisfy your stomach. And we become slaves delicious table. The holidays pass, but the habit of chewing something remains. It’s not for nothing that they say: what goes into your mouth is good for you...

What is there! There are also thrifty housewives who would rather eat an extra piece than throw it in the trash. It's a pity for the products! What about your waistline and health?

The child grows up, and the older he gets, the more and more he moves away from proper nutrition, close to nature. What kind of food is this? Look at your mustachioed household members (husband doesn't count). Murka and Sharik are not afraid of gluttony, especially those who live in rural areas. And all because what attracts them to a bowl of food is not the beautiful crust of grilled chicken or the tempting roses on the cake, but hunger. But we are not animals. A hectic lifestyle makes us resort to fast food. Add here late meals and stress, from which we seek salvation in a plate or glass.

The reasons for gluttony can be different:

. Mentality : love for feasts is in the Russian blood. Even the proverb says: “He who eats poorly is not a good worker.” It’s just a pity, pies with rich sour cream cannot be called dietary. Or here’s another popular wisdom: “Damn is not a wedge, it won’t break your belly.” Russian people are not used to starving.

. Greed : we eat “for future use” because we are not sure about the future.

. Stress : low self-esteem, anxiety and fear make you sweep away everything.

. Sublimation: replacing sex, smoking or other unmet needs and attachments

Say no

. Treats : Food is not only pleasure, but also a source of vitality. The cunning body quickly gets used to indulgences in the form of sweets and cakes.

. In a hurry : There is no need to rush like you would to a fire. If you drive more quietly, you will go further and live longer. Fast food harmful to the digestive system. There is no time to sit down and calmly eat your lunch or dinner - limit yourself to a piece of fruit or a glass of juice.

. TV and newspapers : Try not to be distracted by foreign objects while eating. This way you will definitely not miss the moment when your body whispers to you: “Enough, it’s time to stop.”

Measure seven times, then eat

Let's tell you a secret: in fact, you can eat anything, but it is important to know when to stop. Leave the table half-starved, put on your plate half, or better yet, a third of the amount you would like to eat. And there is more with your eyes. That is, to receive purely aesthetic pleasure from food. Who can argue that chefs are not magicians?

Request stop

The feeling of satiety can be deep and superficial. And often the last piece becomes the penultimate one. And man is a doubting creature. In each of us there is a fear of being hungry, which provokes us to eat in reserve. Internal saturation always comes much later. Here you have to focus on a vague feeling of satiety. The most interesting thing is that excess appetite does not appear when the time of hunger comes, but vice versa. We see all the abundance of food and eat. And when there is little food, you gradually get used to it and are content with what God has sent.

Declare a fight to your glutton. The easiest way to avoid overeating is to stop on demand. The requirement of the mind, because the stomach is a bad adviser. Nutritional need dominates the brain. And if you don’t control your desire to eat, you can not only take the bull by the horns, but also eat it whole. Take breaks at the table. Moreover, a short break is not complete failure from food, which is nothing more than violence against your body.


Gluttony comes in different forms. Situational, when an uncontrollable desire to eat arises from time to time, for example, during holiday feasts. Everyone without exception is susceptible to such gluttony. And the first way to get rid of it is physical activity. Anything, just to forget about food. Moreover, the more you crave to eat, the greater the load should be.

Cases of clinical gluttony threaten not only the disappearance of the waist, but also long-term communication with doctors. Keep in mind that insatiable hunger and ravenous appetite can be symptoms of diseases such as depression, neurosis, diabetes, dysfunction of the thyroid, pancreas, tumors or brain damage. Some medicines(hormones, antibiotics, antidepressants, painkillers) can also cause increased appetite.

Gluttony - bad habit those who spend a lot of time at home, because there is a refrigerator and a sofa nearby. That’s truly it: we’ve slept, we can eat. There is a way out - keep only healthy foods at home that are not harmful to snack on, or immediately after lunch, grab yourself by the scruff of the neck and drag yourself out for a walk.

Gluttony is a virus that can be “infected” in a restaurant, cafe and other places Catering. It is provoked by the very sight of food, smells, pleasant memories of how tasty the dish was or may turn out to be. Prevention - do not go to restaurants or choose the most expensive ones. Then, even if you want to, you won’t eat much.

Gluttony is a “cure” for stress. Never sit down at the table if your soul is restless. Remember the eastern wisdom: eating is a sacred process that requires a clear mind and a blissful state of Spirit.

Ten ways to avoid overeating

1. Change your lifestyle. Forget about relaxing on the sofa.

2. Play any kind of sports. They suppress your appetite, reduce your weight, and at the same time normalize the level of lipids and glucose in the blood (and this is the prevention of atherosclerosis and diabetes mellitus).

H. If you drink 1-2 glasses of water before eating, satiety will come much faster, and you will eat less than usual. And during and after meals it is better to refuse large quantity liquids - this disrupts nutrition.

4. Never eat out of boredom or idleness.

5. Eat regularly, but in small portions.

6. Do not eat later than 3 hours before going to bed.

7. Don't get carried away with exotic foods. The body's enzymes are most tuned to foods that are characteristic of the area where a person lives.

8. Train yourself to chew your food for a long time. And before you put anything in your mouth, smell it.

9. Spend fasting days.

10. Love yourself. After all psychological reason gluttony - in rejection and dissatisfaction with oneself.

Tatyana Sorokina dealt with psychology

Every person experiences a feeling of hunger when food is not supplied to the body. nutrients for long term. This physiological feature considered completely natural. However, there is a category of people with increased and constant appetite. In this case, hunger is always present, regardless of the amount of food received. This is where gluttony develops and, as a consequence, problems with excess weight begin.

Causes of gluttony

  1. Consequences of diet. Many girls push themselves into limits, wanting to get rid of overweight bodies. They are addicted to diets, limiting the body to the right carbohydrates, proteins and complex fats. In the process of losing weight, the body begins to react violently to changes, not agreeing with them. When the diet ends, mass gluttony begins. The body strives to make up for everything that it has not received for many months.
  2. Lack of sleep. During night rest, leptin is produced, a substance responsible for the excitability of appetite. Due to lack of sleep, hormone production is significantly reduced, leading to constant feeling hunger. If lack of sleep develops into chronic form, pronounced gluttony begins.
  3. Psycho-emotional disorders. There are people who binge eat negative emotions. They literally do not leave the refrigerator, devouring high-calorie foods. Women with mental disorders. The inability to deal with stress leads to the fact that food becomes a kind of psychologist. Even if you start meditating and lead emotional background in order, gluttony will not disappear anywhere.
  4. Lack of vitamins. In most cases increased appetite develops in the cold season, when the body requires more food to warm up. Main role plays vitamin B, which is found in carrots, meat, cereals and legumes, cereals, vegetables. Combined with a lack of amino acids and Omega acids, hunger is constantly present. This leads to gluttony, which can be eliminated by normalizing the daily diet.

Symptoms of gluttony

  • systematic overeating;
  • inability to control portion sizes;
  • frequent use of the supplement;
  • inability to grasp the moment of saturation;
  • depression after a meal to the fullest.

Signs of gluttony

  1. The amount of food you eat cannot be controlled when you eat in front of a PC monitor, TV or listening to music.
  2. A dish of food is always at hand and is replenished as it becomes empty. A person constantly looks into the refrigerator to try “something tasty.”
  3. If you don't eat while watching a TV series or movie, anxiety begins. The same applies to the inability to perform mental work without a new portion of treats.
  4. Gluttons tend to snack at night, so after 11 p.m. the refrigerator door starts slamming in the apartment. At the same time, you want to eat the most forbidden fruit, for example, a cake.

To prevent constant overeating, you must follow A complex approach. Let's talk about everything in order.

Don't skip breakfast

  1. Never skip your morning meal. Breakfast helps the body wake up and activates metabolism. Start your awakening with a glass of cool water.
  2. About a third of an hour after rising, prepare cottage cheese with berries or muesli. Some girls have porridge for breakfast, which is correct. Breakfast should make up 40% of the total daily diet.

Normalize your diet

  1. If you prefer to sweep food from all the shelves of the refrigerator, it's time to get rid of this habit. Create a five- or six-time meal plan.
  2. In this case, you should have 3-4 main meals and 2-3 snacks. Eat strictly according to the clock so that gastric juice produced at a certain time of day. The body itself will send the signal “It’s time to eat!”
  3. Change the menu every week, eat a varied diet. Indulge yourself with delicacies, do not give up sweets completely. If you really want to, you can eat a piece of yogurt cake or a handful of candied fruits in the morning.
  4. Be sure to include cheese, eggs, cottage cheese of any fat content, and other milk in your diet. The menu should also contain meat, seafood, beans, cereals, fish, seasonal berries and fruits, and vegetables.

Have a snack

  1. Never go hungry. Get into the habit of snacking healthy products before main meals. If you can’t have a full meal at work, carry food in containers.
  2. As a snack, it is good to eat an apple, banana or pear, grapefruit (burns fat). Low-fat yogurt or cottage cheese, bread with red fish, dried fruits, nuts, and a sugar-free muesli bar are also suitable.

Eat desserts

  1. A person prone to gluttony regularly consumes sweets. They, in turn, help the production of endorphins - hormones of happiness. If you remove chocolate and sweets from your diet, apathy will begin, your performance will decrease, and your general condition will worsen.
  2. If you want tasty treats, eat dark chocolate. Make it a habit to always keep it in the refrigerator. Daily dose - no more than 30 grams. In this case, you need to feast on it in the first half of the day.
  3. An alternative to chocolate is an apple covered in caramel. Just dip the washed fruit into the mixture and bake it on the grill. Prepare casseroles from cottage cheese and berries (with sweetener or honey), eat dates in moderation.
  4. An alternative to sweets is ripe strawberries or a milkshake based on them, banana, grapes. Always have it on hand small portion nuts that you can snack on every 4 hours (20 grams each).

Keep drinking regime

  1. You can deceive the stomach with any liquid that you drink when your appetite is raging. At night, use kefir or fermented baked milk with low fat content, it will also cope with the task pure water or herbal tea.
  2. In the first month of fighting gluttony, drink at least 2.8 liters. filtered water per day. When all signs disappear, reduce the amount to 2.4 liters.
  3. Buy a juicer. Prepare fresh juice from carrots, cabbage, celery, strawberries, oranges and other citrus fruits, and beets. This way you will overcome hunger and saturate your body with extremely useful minerals.

Join a gym

  1. Physical activity suppresses hunger, so start exercising. Sign up for swimming, gymnastics, aerobics, or stretching. Start attending a dance school or boxing class.
  2. It is important to train at least 4 days a week, with the duration of classes usually being 1.5-2 hours. In your free time from the gym, go for walks fresh air, run.
  3. If you can't buy a subscription, study at home. Bet with your friends that you can pump up your abs in 5 months. Set a goal and move towards it.
  4. Effective home workouts include jumping rope, hoop, squats with a barbell, and lunges with dumbbells. Follow video lessons.
  5. When your appetite makes itself felt again, lie down on the floor and start pumping your abs. Do at least 3 sets of 20 reps, then stand up and evaluate the result. You will notice that you don’t feel like eating at all.

Practice food hygiene

  1. If you suffer from gluttony, do not accept invitations from friends to sit at a pizzeria or other such establishment. Otherwise, allow yourself only 1 slice of pizza. Find someone who will control you.
  2. In order not to overdo it with the portion, do not sit down to eat empty stomach. 20 minutes before a meal, fill it with a glass of kefir or water, a banana will also do.
  3. After eating, leave the table immediately, do not add more. Chew your food at least 30 times throughout your meal. Focus on the sensations, watch the movement of your tongue and jaw.

Always have breakfast, don't give up chocolate, switch to proper nutrition. Don't eat in a noisy environment. Never eat while watching TV or working on a PC. Do not turn off the lights, such an atmosphere promotes overeating. Even the most ordinary bread will seem incredibly tasty.

Video: how to overcome gluttony

When the demon of gluttony takes over your thoughts, you know that your brain threw this dirty trick at you. He stopped responding to the satiety hormone leptin.

And you are not alone in your trouble. There are many people with reduced sensitivity to leptin. Why this happens - read in .

Demon of Gluttony

When your brain stops responding to leptin, your body is forced to rebuild its self-regulatory systems. Your level of “pleasure hormones” (dopamine) drops, the central nervous system is depressed: the mood deteriorates, the chronic fatigue and irritability, the desire to do anything disappears.

You’re too lazy to even think about sex, because the production of sex hormones drops sharply. By the way, this can lead to infertility and polycystic ovary syndrome in women.

But the level of the “death hormone” - cortisol - rises sharply in your blood. This is accompanied by “burning” of muscles and the body’s transition to “economy mode”.

As a sad result, everyone's speed drops. metabolic processes and immune responses are suppressed. Laziness and frequent colds come over you.

At the same time, the amount of food consumed may decrease, but the amount of subcutaneous fat continues to increase.

Decreased sensitivity to leptin damages your bones and joints. Scientists have proven the connection of this phenomenon with the development of arthritis (inflammation in the joints) and osteoporosis (increased bone fragility). Scientists also note decreased sensitivity to the satiety hormone as one of the causes of the development of type II diabetes mellitus, since it provokes a decrease in cell sensitivity to insulin.

Women, especially those who have given birth, lose sensitivity to leptin most easily.

We will disappoint fans of diets and intense cardio training: until the body restores sensitivity to leptin and regulates the natural reflex mechanism, excess weight won't go anywhere. The body in this state does not have the strength to “burn fat” - but the body actively stores it “in reserve”.

True, diets or exercise in the gym can give an initial short-term result, expressed in a few lost kilograms. However, very soon the body switches to “survival” mode, metabolism slows down to a minimum, and weight loss stops.

A diet with low sensitivity to leptin leads the body into an indefinite “stress survival” mode, the consequences of which are sad. And no matter how much you count calories, you will not get one step closer to your cherished slimness.

We ourselves have gone the way of “magic” diets and “miracle pills”. At that time we still knew nothing about ghrelin or leptin. We ate cereals and salads, followed fashionable low-fat diets, counted calories and ran in the morning... For 15 years the results were zero!

Sensitivity to the satiety hormone and normal synthesis of the hunger hormone are restored in completely different ways. We were lucky - we found the lungs natural methods through trial and error and managed to achieve the lasting desired result.

Restoring the normal course of natural reflexes is the main task of the “Formula BodyHealth” technology we created. To a healthy body No extra weight needed. Soft natural methods systems gradually restore hormonal regulation, bring them into working condition nervous system and provide the cells with everything they need.

As a result, you can easily acquire and hold perfect body, youth and beauty.

Detailed information about the technology healthy body we give at our free master classes. Come and take it!

Gennady Falkovsky, Elena Shaparenko