Keeping dogs in an apartment building is subject to current laws. Pet legislation

The law on keeping dogs in a private home may be needed when the barking of an animal living in the neighborhood interferes normal life and the neighbors don't want to meet you. If the negotiations have not yielded results and the solution to the problem has not been found peacefully, then you have the right to contact the relevant services. To achieve a result, you need to know how and where to apply, as well as what documents and information you may need.

IN Russian Federation there are practically no laws that directly prohibit or allow barking and howling dogs in a residential area or apartment building. However, there are levers to help increase your comfort level. These are sanitary and epidemiological norms, the law “On administrative offenses”, the law “On silence” and laws adopted at the regional level.

Peaceful conversation with neighbors

First, you should politely talk with the owners of the animal. People who are not distinguished by restraint, upon meeting, immediately try to make claims that the neighbor's dog is barking, and demand that action be taken. But this method has a weak effect and sets the neighbors against you.

If you have a good relationship, that is, the probability of reaching a common decision in a peaceful conversation. You can go to the neighbors in the evening when they are at home, meet by chance on the street or leave a note with a phone number and a proposal for a meeting.

Start the conversation casually, friendly and respectful, but you need to state your position clearly and stand your ground. There is no need to immediately threaten the law on keeping dogs in a private home, strive to resolve the issue without leaving the peaceful channel. Perhaps the owner of the dog is not even aware of the problem that is bothering you.

Complain that the neighbor's dog barks loudly at night. Complain that barking and howling at night disturbs you when you sleep, prevents you from concentrating on work (if you work at home), but emphasize that you would like to resolve this situation without leaving the peaceful channel. Tell the owner of the dog "Thank you for your attention" and share the hope for a quick and high-quality solution to the problem. You should not press on a neighbor, constantly make comments, call. This can make him angry, stubborn and interfere with the solution of the problem.

If the neighbors are understanding, they will do everything possible to ensure that the dog stops bothering you.

Norms of the legislation of the Russian Federation

Russia does not have a single legislative framework regarding the observance of peace and quiet by the owners of animals. Regional authorities independently determine the types of noise that are prohibited in exact time. A direct ban on barking and howling is in the legislation of the Arkhangelsk and Samara regions. In the Murmansk region, refer to the law "On Administrative Offenses" if a dog can bark in the middle of the night. For night noise in this region, the violator will have to pay 3-5 thousand rubles. If your area does not have a specific dog barking law, then use the Silence Law.

Dog barking refers to impulse noise. By sanitary standards SN 2.2.4/, which regulate the noise level:
  • from 7 am to 11 pm are set allowed values 40-55 dB,
  • from 23 pm to 7 am - 30-45 dB.

The dog can bark, howl and whine, exceeding these norms. Their violation entails the imposition of an administrative fine of 500-1000 rubles (Article 6.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation) for each confirmed violation. If a neighbor's dog howls, you can contact Rospotrebnadzor. According to Article 23.13 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, the owner of the dog can be brought to administrative responsibility. But there is a possibility of complications, as this service can delay the check. You can order a noise examination from an accredited organization, fill out an application and, together with the result of the examination, transfer it to Rospotrebnadzor.

File a complaint that the neighbors dog is constantly barking - check with law enforcement officers what to do next. Most likely, they will indicate the service in your locality that deals with these issues. Contact the authority and submit your claim.

Next, law enforcement agencies will conduct a conversation with the owner of the animal. In the case of a fruitful conversation, they will tell you the result, if not, you need to contact the authorities again. You should immediately prepare for a lengthy process if your area does not have a direct law that prohibits barking dogs.

Another option is to call law enforcement agencies during barking and ask them to draw up a protocol on an administrative offense (clause 2 p. 1 Article 2 of Law No. 3-FZ of 02/07/2011).

If the neighbor keeps the dog inappropriately

If you notice that the neighbor does not intend to keep the dog in normal conditions and he barks for this reason, then you can report the fact of improper care of the dog to an animal mistreatment organization. Visit it if:

  • the dog does not have enough food and drink, it looks emaciated,
  • there are signs of beatings,
  • the animal lives in the yard of the house in extreme weather,
  • you see a threat to the life and health of the dog.

If you are right, then the animal will be taken from the owner, and you will get rid of the noise. But in the Russian Federation they rarely resort to such practice. Much more often, representatives of the organization have a conversation with the owner of the animal and are limited to this.

An effective method is a collective complaint. Most likely, the dog is disturbing not only you, and the neighbors will support you. When receiving statements from several people, law enforcement officers are more likely to take action.

Another option to deal with the owner of the dog is to file a lawsuit in small claims court. For this trial, you need to prepare, because you need to prove that the noise makes your living impossible. You need to go through the following steps before the court.

  • Talk to the landlord to show the court that you tried your best. Determine the amount you are claiming.
  • Gather evidence - video, photo, audio, testimony of witnesses. Contact an approved noise measurement service.

If the court is on your side, then you will receive compensation. Most likely small.

Regarding whether it is possible to keep a dog in an apartment in the Russian Federation, it was planned to pass a law, but he never saw the light of day even after active and long discussions. Therefore, there is no direct prohibition. But if the neighbor's dog interferes, gives you trouble and is aggressive, then you can file a complaint against the owner of the dog with law enforcement.

If a residential apartment contains a large number of animals, then the owner contributes to the formation of smell and conditions that do not meet sanitary standards. In this case, you should file a complaint with the SEP. The service will control the number of animals.

Keeping a dog in an apartment is, first of all, taking responsibility. pet, in case of violation of the rules of its maintenance, will provoke an administrative punishment for its owner. The dog should be kept in accordance with the characteristics of the breed. Needs must be met physical activity, food and water.

The dog must have veterinary passport. It is necessary to make all vaccinations that correspond to the age of the animal. In case of illness, veterinary care should be provided immediately. In case of rabies, the owner is obliged to report this to the appropriate authorities.

How to get rid of barking neighbor dog

There are several ways that can help deal with barking. neighbor's dog on one's own.

  • If the owners of the animal rent an apartment or house, then after talking with them, you can contact the owners of the apartment.
  • On sale you can find a special whistle. The whistle makes a sound that only animals can hear. The owner will not know about the use of the device. As soon as the dog begins to bark, howl or whine, you need to use a whistle. With regular repetition, the animal will remember the connection between what it is doing and the unpleasant sound and stop barking.
  • There is a whistle-like sound training system. It has the same principle of operation, but more efficient and expensive. Should not be used similar systems constantly, even if you are very annoyed. Since at regular use can damage nervous system animal and the problem will only get worse.
  • If you live in a private house, then an opaque barrier made between you and the dog can calm the animal down. The barrier will help if the dog is irritated by movement. Fill cracks and holes in the fence (if possible) so the dog can't see what's going on behind it. Cats running at night will stop annoying the dog.
  • Get a bark collar or ask a neighbor about it.

It is strictly forbidden to harm an animal. Poisoning, shots, firecrackers and stones thrown at the dog, as well as others similar actions will lead to bringing you to responsibility, as they are a direct offense. You will get problems with both your neighbor and the law.

Mandatory for all owners, regulated by regional codes, their non-compliance entails the imposition of liability and fines.

According to statistics, in the territory Moscow over two million households dogs . An organized and safe coexistence of people and animals is possible only if the rules of the legislation in the field of keeping pets are observed.

dog walking rule should be guided by every animal owner living in the metropolis. With a large number of people on the street or in the entrance, the pet can behave aggressively and cause damage to the property and health of others. If in the case of a lapdog or wolfspitz this can be classified as a minor nuisance, then a large individual may cause judicial trial. Protect yourself and four-legged friend from problems is possible only by excluding one's own fault - walking dog according to the rules.

The norms that modern conscientious dog owners are guided by were approved on September 23, 1980. On this day, the Resolution “On the regulation of the content dogs and cats in cities and other settlements» No. 449, approved by the RSFRS Council of Ministers. This regulation is still in effect today. Its observance is mandatory for residents of all cities of Russia. Equipment Requirements dogs on a walk in the city are listed in chapter three.

Four rules for walking dogs in Moscow

Let go of the animal walking around the city without a leash is impossible, no matter where it happens. On a leash without a muzzle, you can walk through natural and artificially landscaped areas, for example, through a forest park, where there is no a large number passersby. IN this case the presence of a muzzle is at the discretion of the owner - if there are problems with the animal, he will be responsible to law in all its severity.

Prohibited pollution public places faeces for dog should be removed immediately. Today, not all residents Moscow ready for such a measure, although abroad this practice is considered the norm.


The appearance of a pet without a muzzle on:

  • Children's sports and playgrounds;
  • Markets and shopping "piglets";
  • Beaches and places of recreation for people in the open air.

Dog walking law in Moscow applies to all places with a large concentration of people. For this reason, you should not drive even the most obedient and calm dog without muzzle along a busy street. This is understandable, because only its owner knows about the kind and friendly nature of the animal, but the impressive appearance big dog can scare strangers, especially children.

Even on a short leash in a muzzle to drive dogs of any breeds in Moscow strictly prohibited in the territories:

  • Schools and kindergartens;
  • Hospitals and clinics;
  • Schools attended by minors.

You can not walk with the animal and where children go in for sports, play: near the buildings of creative circles, sports sections and children's organizations.

dog walking without the necessary leash and muzzle inside the city limits is possible only in designated areas. At the same time, the area must be fenced off so that the animal cannot leave it on its own.

Where can you walk with puppies?

Puppies under 3 months of age are exempted from the above rules . The same applies to small breeds, less than 25 centimeters high at the withers. This is due to the fact that they are unable to pose a threat to people and animals around them. But this takes into account not only the minimum damage that they are able to bring, but also the human attitude. More often, such animals only touch others, and do not scare. For them, wearing muzzles on daily walks is not necessary.

But if an adult dog small breed is capable of displaying aggression, these points apply to it no less than pit bull terriers and shepherd dogs. Such an animal should not be allowed close to strangers especially to young children. And although the muzzle law is not required, nowadays it can be purchased even for the smallest animals. This should be done in any case, as this item, complete with a leash, is required for trips to public transport Moscow even dwarf breeds. And be sure to supply these items to large animals.

Rules for the local area

Walking animals, especially large ones, is prohibited in the area in front of an apartment building. The place in front of the house is almost always full big amount residents and guests, which makes presence dogs dangerous, especially when she is not muzzled and not on a short leash. But not only this factor matters, it is also necessary to take into account the possible damage to property, the responsibility for which is fully borne by the owner (or responsible for the pet).

Requirements for people accompanying the animal

Dog equipped in accordance with safety standards is not all that is required to avoid liability. According to law , walking it is prohibited for people in a state of intoxication or under the influence of drugs. large dogs children under 14 years of age cannot be accompanied, but this restriction does not apply to small and medium breeds. The child can lead a large animal on a leash only under the supervision of an adult.

One person per area Moscow it is not allowed to accompany two or more dogs large breeds. At the same time, a joint walk of several large animals with the same number of people is permissible.

Walking time Moscow

There are no time limits for walking. You can walk your pet at any time of the day, but between 11 pm and 7 am, you need to remember about the silence, which all residents of the city must strictly observe.

Liability for non-compliance with the order

Animal owners bear full administrative responsibility for violations of the principles dog walking , in accordance with the rules of the local Code of Administrative Offenses. In the capital, this is Article 5.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses Moscow . It spells out all the rules that apply not only to walking, but also to keeping animals in a city apartment. Here we are talking about insignificant damage, which falls under the classification of administrative offenses. If the behavior of the pet caused serious harm to other persons, such a situation requires settlement under federal law, for example, under the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Special attention of the authorities Moscow attracted representatives of fighting breeds and similar large animals. Due to their physical characteristics, they are a source heightened danger. When such dog injures someone from the people, the victim has the right to file a claim for compensation by the violator of moral harm, according to the 1079th article Civil Code RF. At the same time, the defendant may be held criminally liable if the harm to health turned out to be tangible, and the property was damaged or irretrievably lost. Then, in accordance with Art. 168 and 118 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, the victim can file a lawsuit in court.

If due to the negligence of the owner dog caused damage only to the material property of the victim, without causing harm to him, the situation falls only under Article 118 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The defendant is ordered to pay a fine in the amount of 500-1000 rubles. If the harm to health was, but turned out to be insignificant, then the fine increases to an amount from 4,000 to 5,000 rubles. The same is true when another animal died or was seriously injured after the attack.

Inciting dogs on people or other animals is punishable by a fine of 2000-5000 rubles. If, as a result of it, the animal caused harm to an outsider, articles 111, 112 or 115 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation come into force. The application of the articles depends on the extent of the harm caused.

For other, less serious violations committed in the territory Moscow a fine of 1000-2000 rubles is imposed. Among them:

  • Pollution of entrances, landings, adjacent territories, parks, streets and other places with dog waste;
  • Walking without leashes and muzzles in retail outlets, public transport, on beaches and recreation areas, as well as near educational institutions and health care institutions;
  • Walking a large dog in a protected area.

To avoid possible violation order, to eliminate the threat to the health and property of citizens, it would be rational to entrust walks with animals to specialists. The employees of the company dog walking ” comply with the norms, but at the same time do not infringe on the animal. You can be sure of the safety of your pet and others, comfort and compliance with all standards.

Several Yet important points about walking with pets

If in the territory Moscow has its own Code of Administrative Offenses, then in the Moscow Region this document is still under development. For this reason, the appointment of punishments for citizens for violations of the order dog walking produced in accordance with federal regulations. At the same time, many regional centers of the region have their own rules for both walking and keeping pets. on their territory. When an offense occurs within their limits, the court is guided primarily by these regulations.

These rules do not apply to those owners whose dogs caused serious harm to the health of people and animals, providing for criminal punishment. In such cases law operates in the same way throughout Russia.

The basic norms for keeping animals, prescribed in regional and city codes, are similar to each other. In no locality is it allowed to walk in public places with dogs without leashes and muzzles, it is forbidden to accompany animals to drunk people.

Only in units of documents out of dozens is the distinction between large and small breeds, in most normative rules responsibility for the behavior of small pets does not differ from that for large animals. A special place is occupied by fighting and hunting breeds, since they have a natural tendency to aggression, which means they can cause serious danger to others. The behavior of animals can and should be corrected, regulated, and experienced cynologists, veterinary psychologists, veterinarians can cope with this - contact us with any question, we will find a solution.

This section includes a list of violations and administrative penalties for inappropriate content pets, legal acts about walking within the city and transporting animals in public transport.

To place an order, click "Order"

For walking a pet wrong place can be fined up to $2,000.

According to the decree, the walking of animals was prohibited:

  • - playgrounds,
  • - next to residential buildings,
  • - near children's institutions.

Specially equipped areas for walking dogs should be located at a distance of 25 meters from houses, schools and kindergartens.

However, despite the accepted rules, the owners continue to walk their pets in the yard, often without muzzles and do not clean up after the animals.

In Moscow, the rules for keeping animals are determined by Chapter 5 of the Code of the City of Moscow on Administrative Offenses "Administrative offenses in the field of treatment of animals."

The owner is responsible for the illegal actions of his dog. If a passerby or other animal is seriously harmed by a dog, its owner will be punished for causing harm through negligence.

According to Art. 5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of Moscow, it is prohibited:

  • - walking with a dog without a leash in yards, parks, squares and forest parks (a fine of 1000-2000 rubles);
  • - walking dogs on the territory of healthcare institutions, kindergartens, schools (fine 1000–2000 rubles);
  • - without a leash and a muzzle to visit shops, playgrounds, markets, beaches (fine 1000–2000 rubles);
  • - without a leash and a muzzle to ride in transport (a fine of 500–1000 rubles);
  • - keeping dogs communal apartments without the consent of the neighbors (a fine of 1000–2000 rubles);
  • - set dogs on people and other animals (fine 2000–5000 rubles);
  • - arrange dog fighting(fine 2000-2500 rubles);
  • - allow dogs to contaminate common areas. Excrement must be - removed by the owner (fine 1000–2000 rubles);
  • - evade vaccination against rabies (fine 2000–3000 rubles);
  • - keep unattended, in conditions that lead to the death of the animal (fine 2000–2500 rubles);
  • - to conduct experiments on the animal, to kill it (a fine of 2000-2500 rubles);
  • - use for obtaining fur raw materials and meat (fine 2000–2500 rubles).

Where can you walk your dog?

Walking dogs in Moscow is possible on special grounds for training and training. The site requirements are as follows:

  • - their size must be at least 400 square meters,
  • - distance to the windows of residential and public buildings - at least 25 meters,
  • - distance to kindergartens, schools, hospitals and playgrounds - at least 40 meters,
  • - the lawn or sand cover of such sites should be changed at least once a year,
  • - the site must be fenced metal mesh not less than one and a half meters high,
  • - there must be a bench and an urn on the territory of the site.

Dog owners must humanely treat animals, not throw them away, not leave them for a long time without supervision, food, water, and in case of an animal illness, apply for veterinary care and timely vaccinate the animal. If you do not want to keep a dog or cat, the pet should be transferred to another owner or to a shelter, and not driven out into the street.

Where to complain if bitten by a dog?

If you are bitten by a dog, call the police. Employees law enforcement draw up a record of the incident. This document will be needed to further prove harm to health, present claims to the owner of the dog and compensate for material and moral damage.

After receiving the protocol, it is necessary to draw up statement of claim to court. In it, you will indicate all the circumstances of what happened, attach all the evidence you have.

In this case, you can demand reimbursement of treatment costs (they must be confirmed by receipts or other payment documents), plus compensation for non-pecuniary damage (for this, it is advisable to complain to a neurologist about your condition, for example, that you experienced a strong shock, fear, shock, etc.). P.).

Police officers are required to take any complaints about aggressive behavior animals. They are also required to hold the owner accountable and force him to take the animal to the veterinarian for examination.

Annex 2
to the decision of the Government
Moscow region
dated August 28, 2001 No. 268/25
1. General Provisions
1.1. These Rules have been developed in accordance with federal law"On the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population", the Law of the Russian Federation "On Veterinary Medicine" and the Law of the Moscow Region "On the Rules for Ensuring Improvement and Order in the Territory of the Moscow Region" and are aimed at realizing the legal rights and freedoms of citizens, ensuring sanitary - epidemiological and veterinary well-being the protection of human health and life.
1.2. These Rules determine the procedure for registering dogs and cats on the territory of the Moscow Region, and regulate the conditions for their keeping in residential premises.
1.3. These Rules apply to all owners of dogs and cats, including organizations, regardless of the form of ownership and departmental subordination (hereinafter referred to as the owner), located on the territory of the Moscow Region.
2. Procedure for registering dogs and cats
2.1. Dogs and cats, regardless of breed, owned by citizens and organizations are subject to annual vaccination against rabies in state veterinary institutions.
2.2. When vaccination is carried out, state veterinary institutions of the Moscow Region register dogs and cats. In this case, the owner is issued a registration certificate or a mark is made in it.
2.3. When registering dogs and cats, the owner is acquainted with these Rules against receipt.
2.4 Owners of dogs and cats are responsible for timely registration.
3. Procedure for keeping dogs and cats
3.1. The conditions for keeping dogs and cats must correspond to their species and individual characteristics and comply with veterinary and sanitary regulations. The number of dogs and cats kept in a dwelling is limited by the possibility of providing them with normal conditions content.
3.2. Temporary keeping of dogs and cats in hotels and hostels is regulated by the internal regulations in hotels and hostels.
3.3. Owners of dogs and cats can keep them in a separate apartment occupied by one family. It is allowed to keep dogs and cats in an apartment occupied by several families, with the consent of all adults living in this apartment.
3.4. Keeping dogs in common areas in residential premises (stairwells, attics, basements, corridors, etc.), as well as on balconies and loggias, is prohibited.
3.5. Dog owners who have in use land plot, may keep free-range dogs only in a fenced area or on a leash. A warning notice must be posted at the entrance to the site about the presence of a dog.
3.6. Sale and export of dogs and cats outside the municipality is allowed in the presence of accompanying veterinary documentation and registration certificate indicating the date of the last vaccination against rabies.
3.7. It is allowed to transport animals across the territory of the Moscow Region by all means of transport, subject to conditions that ensure safety for other people and property. Dogs must be muzzled and on a short leash.
3.8. When walking down the street, the dog must be on a short leash.
3.9. It is allowed to walk dogs only on specially designated by local authorities municipalities sites, wastelands.
3.10. It is forbidden to walk dogs in other places not provided for these purposes, including near residential buildings, on playgrounds, on the territories of children's preschool institutions, schools, hospitals, sports fields and other public places.
3.11. It is forbidden to walk dogs and appear with them in public places and in transport to persons in a state of intoxication and children under 14 years of age.
4. Rights and obligations of owners
4.1 Owners must:
4.1.1. Accept necessary measures to ensure the safety of people and animals around.
4.1.2. Immediately remove dirt behind the dog in stairwells, in elevators and other public areas in residential buildings, as well as in the courtyards of houses, on sidewalks and lawns.
4.1.3. Take measures to ensure silence in living quarters.
4.1.4. Do not visit playgrounds, shops, canteens, sports grounds, stadiums, preschool and school institutions and other public places with a dog.
4.1.5. Humanely treat animals, do not throw them away, do not leave them unattended for a long time, do not leave food, water, beat, and in case of illness of the animal - seek veterinary help in time. If you do not want to continue to keep a dog or cat - transfer or sell it to another owner, an interested organization.
4.1.6. Immediately report to city and district stations for the control of animal diseases and medical institutions about cases of injury by a dog or cat to a person.
4.1.7. Report cases of sudden death of a dog or cat, as well as suspicion of rabies to city and regional animal disease control stations. Isolate the sick animal, and in case of its death, do not bury it until the arrival of a veterinary specialist. The dead animal must be removed from registration in the institutions of the state veterinary service.
4.2. Any animal is the property of the owner and, like any property, is protected by law.
4.3. The owner has the right to leave the dog unaccompanied, tied on a short leash to reliable support near the building.
5. Responsibility of the dog owner for compliance with the Rules
5.1. For non-compliance with these Rules, the owner is subject to administrative liability in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the Moscow Region.
5.2. The owner is responsible for the harm caused by his dog or cat to citizens or their property in accordance with the law.

Police officers remind that in accordance with the law:
- walking dogs in the territories of parks, squares, health care institutions, preschool and educational institutions, sports facilities, playgrounds, beaches, markets shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of 100 to 500 rubles.
- taking dogs to public places without a leash and (or) a muzzle (with the exception of places specially designated for walking dogs) is punishable by a fine in the amount of 100 rubles to 2 thousand rubles.
- for the failure of animal owners to take measures to eliminate the pollution of public places by animals belonging to them, violators may be fined from 100 to 1,000 rubles.
- if a violation of the rules for keeping animals in cities and other settlements has caused harm to the health or property of residents, this entails the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of 2 to 5 thousand rubles; for officials - from 2.5 to 10 thousand rubles.