Political measures to ensure national security. National security system

Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation

Federal State educational institution higher vocational education

"Chuvash State University named after I.N. Ulyanov"

Department of Regional Economics and Entrepreneurship


"Economic security of the national economy"

Kanash 2009


1. National security of the state. Concept national security RF

2. Russia's national security system


List of used literature


Modern world full of acute contradictions of a political, economic, social and historical nature. In this situation, it is especially difficult for Russia, since it has a unique geographical location, Natural resources, multi-ethnic population, diverse cultural and scientific achievements. Therefore, ensuring national security is very important for our country, without which its development is impossible.

1. National security of the state. Russian National Security Concept

The fundamental document in the field of state security is the “Concept of National Security of the Russian Federation.”

In accordance with the existing legislative and regulatory framework in Russia National security– this is guaranteed protection of the vital interests of the individual, society and state, as well as national values ​​and way of life from external and internal threats (political, economic, military, informational, environmental, etc.).

A distinction should be made between the national security system and the national security system. The first one is functional system, reflecting the processes of interaction of interests and threats, and the second is a system of bodies, forces, means, and various organizations designed to solve problems of ensuring national security.

To implement the state's political strategy in the field of national security, national values ​​must be expressed in substantive form. They acquire it in the national interests.

National interests are understood as the objective needs of the citizen, society and the state, arising from the characteristics of the socio-economic and political structure of the state, its level economic development, historically established place in the international division of labor, specifics geographical location, national and cultural traditions. National interests are realized in foreign economic, foreign policy and military doctrines, various kinds concepts, programs, etc. For each state there is a certain set of critical parameters, violating which it loses its independence and may even cease to exist. These critical parameters cover the areas most related to the problem of survival, which include, first of all, international, domestic political and social relations, economics, ecology, healthcare, culture, etc.

Based on national interests, relevant institutions and government bodies develop and formulate public policy goals that reflect the interests of citizens, society and the state. To implement them, the country's leadership develops and implements special measures.

Interests that have been transformed into the goals of public policy are rendered government institutions onto the world stage, where international politics is formed and conflict manifests itself interstate relations. If the state of the state is characterized by the instability of its political, economic, social and national basis, the contradictory interests of various social groups and layers, relations at the intrastate level are complicated. As a result of the aggravation of contradictions in both cases, real threats arise to certain interests, external and/or internal. Moreover, due to the objectivity and inevitability of the diversity of interests of the individual, society, and state, contradictions are born that can become a source potential threats their safety.

2. Russia's national security system

Ensuring the national security of the Russian Federation means the purposeful activities of state and public institutions, as well as citizens, to identify, prevent and counter threats to the security of individuals, society and the state as a mandatory and indispensable condition for protecting the national interests of Russia. It is manifested in the definition of goals by the political leadership of the country and the setting of fundamental tasks to protect the national interests of the country and the development of forms, methods and means of achieving these goals.

National security policy is carried out on the principles of strict legality; maintaining a balance of interests of the individual, society and the state; mutual responsibility of the individual, society and state for national security and integration with international systems of collective security.

The main goal ensuring the national security of Russia is to create and maintain the necessary level of protection of the vital interests of all security objects, creating favorable conditions for the development of the individual, society and state and eliminating the danger of weakening the role and significance of the Russian Federation as a subject international law, undermining the state’s ability to realize the national interests of the Russian Federation.

This goal is achieved by solving a number of problems. The main ones are:

Timely forecasting and identification of external and internal threats to the national security of the Russian Federation;

Implementation of operational and long-term measures to prevent and neutralize internal and external threats;

Ensuring the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Russian Federation, the security of its border space;

Ensuring personal security of a person and a citizen, his constitutional rights and freedoms on the territory of Russia;

Strengthening law and order and maintaining socio-political stability of society;

Ensuring strict compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation by all citizens, officials, government bodies, political parties, public and religious organizations;

Lifting and maintaining enough high level military potential of the state;

Strengthening the regime of non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their means of delivery;

Adoption effective measures to identify, prevent and suppress intelligence and subversive activities of foreign states directed against the Russian Federation;

Identification, elimination and prevention of the causes and conditions that give rise to crime;

Strengthening the role of the state as a guarantor of the security of the individual and society, creating the necessary legal framework and mechanism for its application;

Strengthening the system law enforcement, first of all, structures counteracting organized crime and terrorism, creating conditions for their effective activities;

Involvement of government bodies, within their competence, in activities to prevent illegal acts;

Expanding mutually beneficial international cooperation in law enforcement, primarily with the CIS member states;

Promoting conflict resolution, including peacekeeping activities under the auspices of the UN and others international organizations;

Achieving progress in the field of nuclear arms control, maintaining strategic stability in the world based on the implementation by states of their international obligations in this area;

Fulfillment of mutual obligations in the field of reduction and elimination of weapons of mass destruction, conventional weapons, implementation of measures to strengthen confidence and stability, ensuring international control over the export of goods and technology, as well as over the provision of military and dual-use services;

Adaptation of existing agreements on arms control and disarmament to the new conditions of international relations, as well as the development, if necessary, of new agreements, primarily on confidence- and security-building measures;

Promoting the creation of zones free of weapons of mass destruction;

Development of international cooperation in the fight against transnational crime and terrorism;

Counteraction to economic, demographic and cultural-religious expansion into Russian territory by other states;

Suppressing the activities of transnational organized crime, as well as illegal migration;

Implementation of collective measures to ensure the security of the border space of the CIS member states;

Pollution Prevention natural environment by increasing the degree of safety of technologies associated with the burial and disposal of toxic industrial and household waste;

Preventing radioactive contamination environment, minimizing the consequences of previous radiation accidents and disasters;

Environmentally safe storage and disposal of decommissioned weapons, primarily nuclear submarines, ships and vessels with nuclear power plants, nuclear ammunition, liquid rocket fuel, nuclear power plant fuels;

Safe storage and destruction of chemical weapons stockpiles for the environment and public health;

Creation and implementation of safe production, search for ways practical use ecologically clean sources energy, taking urgent environmental measures in environmentally hazardous regions of the Russian Federation;

Improving the organization and conduct of civil defense on the territory of the Russian Federation, qualitative improvement of the unified state system for preventing and eliminating emergency situations, including its further integration with similar systems of foreign countries;

Improving and protecting the domestic information infrastructure, integrating Russia into the global information space;

Countering the threat of unleashing confrontation in the information sphere.

National security is ensured by all means at the country's disposal - political, economic, legal, military, organizational and resource - based on the consistent implementation of national security policy.

The most important means of ensuring the military security of the Russian Federation is the Armed Forces.

The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is a state military organization that forms the basis of the defense of the Russian Federation, main element military organization states.

Changed foreign policy situation recent years, new priorities for ensuring national security have set completely different tasks for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. They can be structured in four main areas:

1. Containment of military and military-political threats to the security or interests of the Russian Federation.

2. Ensuring the economic and political interests of the Russian Federation.

3. Carrying out peacetime power operations.

4. Application military force.

The peculiarities of the development of the military-political situation in the world determine the possibility of the development of one task into another, since the most problematic, from the point of view of the security of the Russian Federation, military-political situations are complex and multifaceted in nature.

The nature of the tasks facing the Russian Armed Forces, taking into account the characteristics of armed conflicts and wars in which they may be involved, requires the formulation of new approaches to their construction and development.

The main priorities for the development of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are determined by the nature of the tasks in the field of national security and the geopolitical priorities of the country's development. We can talk about the existence of several fundamental requirements for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, which will determine the main parameters of military development:

The ability to implement strategic deterrence;

High combat and mobilization readiness;

Strategic mobility;

High level of staffing with well-trained and trained personnel;

High technical equipment and resource availability.

The implementation of these requirements allows us to choose priorities for reforming and strengthening the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation at present and in the future. The main ones include:

1. Preserving the potential of the strategic deterrent forces.

2. Increasing the number of formations and units of constant readiness and forming groupings of troops on their basis.

3. Improving the operational (combat) training of troops (forces).

4. Improving the system of recruitment of the Armed Forces.

5. Implementation of the program for the modernization of weapons, military and special equipment and maintaining them in a state of combat readiness.

6. Improving military science and military education.

7. Improving systems social security military personnel, education and moral and psychological training.

The ultimate goal of these activities is to eliminate parallelism, eliminate duplicate links or redirect them to solve other defense tasks and provide, if necessary, complex application Armed Forces and military formations of power ministries and departments of the Russian Federation. All of the above must be taken into account when resolving issues related to ensuring the national security of Russia, since:

Despite the positive changes in the international situation, the sharp reduction in military confrontation, the military-political situation in the world remains complex and contradictory;

Russia, due to its geopolitical position, acutely feels the impact negative factors and features of the modern military-political situation;

There are real sources of threat to Russia's national security.

And this requires acceptance adequate measures to strengthen defense capabilities Russian state, increasing the combat readiness of its Armed Forces.


The state strategy of economic security during the transition period can be successfully implemented only if a number of certain requirements are met. Firstly, it is necessary to clearly delimit the functions of the apparatus of the President of the Russian Federation and the government, as well as federal executive authorities. Secondly, the tasks of the federal and local levels and the corresponding division according to public administration between federal bodies and executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Federation while ensuring the unity of executive power systems. Thirdly, adequate information support for the regulatory function of the state is required.


1. http://www.uvao.ru/uvao/ru/info/n_13441 Official portal of the Southeast Prefecture Administrative District Moscow city: " Current issues ensuring Russia's national security"

2. Economic security, V.K. Senchagova, Moscow ZAO Finstatinform, 2000

3. Basics of economic theory: tutorial, M: Academic project, 2002.

The main instrument for implementing national security policy is the system for ensuring it.

The national security system is a set of state and public institutions that act in the interests of achieving the required level of protection of national interests from threats in various spheres of life.

In other words, this is a system of subjects of ensuring national security, which is formed by the bodies state power, various non-state entities (local governments, private security services, individual citizens, public organizations etc.), as well as legislation regulating relations in the field of security22.

It includes three interconnected subsystems. 1.

Ensuring the vital activity of the state, society and citizen - the totality of all resources and values ​​of the state, society and citizen, ensuring their efficient use and development. 2.

Ensuring the protection of the state, society and citizen - the totality of all legal forces and means ensuring the protection of national resources and values, as well as state, public and personal interests from external and internal threats. 3.

National security management is a set of government bodies and public structures that provide operational and strategic management of the national security system.

The national security system (NSS) of the Russian Federation is created and developed in accordance with its Constitution, federal laws, decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation, decrees and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation, and federal programs in this area.

The main function of the National Security Service is to ensure the normal functioning of the country and the protection of the interests of the individual, society and the state from threats through:

identifying threats, developing and implementing measures to address them

neutralization and prevention;

maintaining security forces and means in readiness;

management of security forces and means;

implementation of measures to restore normal operation of security facilities in regions affected by emergency situations (ES);

participation in activities to ensure security in the Russian Federation.

SONB tasks:

maintaining the country's defense capability and repelling external aggressors;

fight against terrorism and extremism;

ensuring public safety and maintaining public safety;

guaranteed protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens; ensuring the sustainability of the functioning of the state

government and public institutions;

security favorable conditions for the activities of social structures.

The result of the functioning of the SONB is the progressive development of the country while protecting its national interests; the effectiveness of the functioning of the SONB is the degree to which national goals are achieved in the context of the operation of current educational institutions and the possibility of realizing potential threats.

The main elements of the SONS (in accordance with Article 8 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Security”):


organizations and associations;


the legislative framework in the field of national security - Іікти (НБ).

V Hence, the SONB includes two interacting subsystems

topics: state and public.

The State National Security Service plays a leading role. The ratio of the contributions of the state and public organizations to the development of national security depends on the specifics of the country, as well as the tasks facing it. Public SONB - existing and constantly created public structures at various levels, implementing the functions of general civil security, the role of which is the ability to perform following functions:

warning about the emergence of sources of social tension and the emergence of threats;

early warning of crisis situations, conflicts and contradictions; protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens and interests of society;

formation of public opinion and influence on

public control over the activities of government bodies and the implementation of their decisions;

involving citizens in practical activities to ensure public safety, achieve civil peace and harmony;

the fight against social and moral vices, corruption, official irresponsibility and incompetence;

development of civic consciousness.

The State National Security Service is a set of government agencies that ensure the protection of the individual, society and the state from violent illegal actions of internal and external opponents, as well as performing the functions of ensuring conditions for the development of the individual, society and the state within the available capabilities.

Generally government system ensuring national security consists of three main areas: 1.

Ensuring the country's defense capability (provided by the military organization of the state). 2.

The fight against extremism, terrorism, attempts to change the constitutional system (state security is ensured by the special services). 3.

Law enforcement activities (provided by bodies for the protection of public order, rights and freedoms of citizens).

The basis of the system for ensuring national security is made up of bodies, forces and means that implement measures of a political, legal, organizational, economic, military and other nature aimed at ensuring the security of the individual, society and the state.

The Security Council of the Russian Federation is the central element of the country's security system. The status of the Security Council of the Russian Federation is a constitutional body that prepares decisions of the President on issues of national security and the implementation of a unified state policy in this area. Constitutionality is determined by its status, defined by a special federal law (FL), and the leader’s purpose of this body is to ensure the execution by the President of the Russian Federation of powers under Art. 80.85-89 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation (protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens, protection of the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the Russian Federation).

These powers are ensured by the Security Council through the following tasks:

determination of the vital interests of the Russian Federation;

proactive identification and assessment of threats to the national security of the Russian Federation;

If "1-" operational preparation for the President of the Russian Federation of draft decisions to prevent them; development of proposals in the field of ensuring national security, coordination of the activities of forces and bodies for ensuring youth security, including the development of operational decisions in crises; - ^

control over the implementation of federal executive authorities and executive authorities of the constituent entities

ii Federation of solutions in this area.

The powers of the bodies and forces ensuring national danger, their composition, principles and procedures are defined by the relevant legislative acts.

For example, in the Guise Federation these bodies include: the Armed Forces. fe^e- gshe security agencies, internal affairs agencies, the Intelligence Service (SVR), federal Service security (FSO), and civil defense, security agencies for the execution of work in industry, energy, transport, and agriculture, customs authorities, tax police, environmental authorities, federal migration service authorities, public health authorities.

The security forces are the armed forces

i, intelligence services, law enforcement forces. As for means, national security is ensured by all available means: diplomatic, economic, informational, etc. The main criterion for dividing forces and means of ensuring security is their place in the mechanism for ensuring security, and specifically, the object of ensuring security. So,

і ensuring military security, or military action is implemented by the military organization of the state. Military Or- I

The Russian Federation includes the Armed Forces, which constitute it and the basis for ensuring military security, other troops and formations intended to carry out military tasks using military methods, as well as their control bodies. This organization also includes part of the economic entities

and scientific complex of the country,1 To carry out certain

Russian special services, some federal executive bodies, as well as special formations created for wartime are involved in military security tasks. These tasks are performed using primarily specialized techniques.

The main (generalized) tasks of the military organization of the state to ensure military security are.

in the field of defense:

preparing the military organization and the country as a whole for defense;

deterrence through deterrence (relying on nuclear potential and the potential of general purpose);

implementation of strategic warning;

“, repelling external armed aggression;

assistance to the forces ensuring state (special services) and public (law enforcement agencies) security;

in the field of supporting the implementation of national interests of the Russian Federation:

military support for allies and friendly states; "

containment of any activities and negative trends in the development of the international situation that impede the implementation of the national interests of the Russian Federation;

crisis response;

"compelling other states to pursue policies that meet the national interests of the Russian Federation;

maintaining and expanding zones of Political and economic influence;

ensuring international prestige.

Law enforcement agencies are government agencies,

the main purpose of which is to protect the rules of law, mainly criminal and administrative, from violation using public and secret means and methods, as well as the prosecution of violators within the framework established by law.

Intelligence services are a special type of government bodies, the main tasks of which are the secret protection of the state as a form of organization of political power from attacks within the country and outside, as well as information support for the current leadership of the state through the use of special forces, means and methods of activity associated with forced restrictions rights and freedoms of citizens, within the limits and manner established by law.

In other words, if law enforcement agencies primarily ensure the security of the individual and society, the main purpose of the intelligence services is to ensure the security of the state as a system of organizing political power. The activities of law enforcement agencies and intelligence services are often associated with the restriction of the rights and freedoms of citizens. Such a restriction according to the Constitution is possible only on the basis of a judicial decision. At the same time, in some European countries Such sanctions are issued by officials of the bodies themselves.

Government bodies providing all types of public safety. The state, in accordance with current legislation, ensures the security of the country and each of its citizens on the territory of the Russian Federation. Citizens of the Russian Federation located outside its borders are guaranteed protection and patronage by the state. To directly perform functions to ensure the security of the individual, society and the state in the system of executive power in accordance with Art. 12 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Security” defines forces and means. Security forces include the armed forces, federal security agencies, internal affairs agencies, foreign intelligence, ensuring the security of legislative, executive and judicial authorities and their senior officials, the tax service; emergency response services, civil defense formations, border and internal troops, bodies ensuring safe work in industry, energy, transport and agriculture. An important role is played by communications and information security services, customs, environmental authorities, public health authorities and other government security authorities operating on the basis of legislation. As for the means, security is ensured by all the instruments at the country’s disposal - political, economic, legal, military, organizational and resource. Security forces and means are created and developed in accordance with decisions of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation, short-term and long-term federal security programs. The heads of security agencies, in accordance with the law, are responsible for violating the established procedure for their activities. The creation of security bodies not established by federal laws is not permitted. The main body of the support system is the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. It is no coincidence that at present, when ensuring national security, great emphasis is placed on political, diplomatic, international legal, economic and other non-military means. Federal executive authorities ensure the implementation of the legislation of the Russian Federation, decisions of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of national security of the Russian Federation. Within their competence, they develop normative legal acts in this area and present them to the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation. Executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Federation interact with federal executive authorities on issues of implementation of the legislation of the Russian Federation, decisions of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of national security of the Russian Federation, as well as federal programs, plans and directives issued by the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in the field of military country security. Together with local governments, they carry out activities to attract citizens, public associations and organizations to provide assistance in solving problems of national security, in accordance with Russian legislation, make proposals to the federal executive authorities to improve the system of ensuring national security of the Russian Federation. The judicial authorities ensure the protection of the constitutional system, guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the laws of Russia, the constitutions and laws of the republics within the Russian Federation, and administer justice in cases of crimes that infringe on the security of the individual, society and the state. They provide legal protection citizens, public and other organizations and associations whose rights were violated in connection with security activities. Literature: Law of the Russian Federation “On Security” (1992); General theory national security. M., 2004. © Prokhozhev A.A.


  1. 12.1. The concept, subject of information security and its place in the national security system
  2. 12.4. Principles, objectives, functions and standards of ensuring national security

National security system- is a set of state and public institutions operating in the interests of achieving the required level of protection of the individual, society and state in various fields life activity.

In other words, this is a system of subjects of ensuring national security, which is formed by government bodies, various non-state actors (local governments, private security services, individual citizens and public organizations, etc.), as well as legislation regulating relations in the field of security .

The concept of a “national security system” (NSSS) includes two main aspects: the presence of appropriate structures and a certain process for making and implementing decisions on these issues. SONB there is a mechanism that allows you to transform the strategy adopted by the state in the field of national security into the coordinated activities of specific departments, public associations and citizens on the basis current legislation. Under mechanism for ensuring national security is understood as the unity of special bodies organized by the state that solve the problems of ensuring the country's security and for these purposes exercise state leadership in strictly defined forms and practically implement the functions of ensuring national security in their activities.

Hence, the national security system includes two interacting subsystems: state SONB and public SONB.

State SONB- a set of government agencies:

· protecting the individual, society and the state from internal and external opponents;

· providing the required conditions for the development of the individual, society and state within the framework of available capabilities.

Public SONB- these are public structures at various levels that implement the functions of general civil security, the role of which is determined by the ability to perform the following functions:

· warning about the emergence of sources of social danger and the maturation of crisis situations, conflicts and contradictions; fight against social and moral vices, corruption; development of civic consciousness; implementation of public control over the activities of government bodies and the implementation of their decisions.

· upholding the rights and freedoms of citizens and the interests of society:

· formation of public opinion and influence on it:

· involving citizens in practical activities to ensure public safety, achieve civil peace and harmony.

Main functions of the national security system:

· identification of threats, development and implementation of measures to neutralize and prevent them;

· maintaining readiness of security forces and means:

· management of security forces and means;

· implementation of measures to restore the normal functioning of security facilities in regions affected by emergency situations.

The basis of the national security system is forces and means of ensuring national security. Security Forces- these are the country's armed forces, special services, and law enforcement forces. Concerning funds, then national security is ensured by all available means: diplomatic, military, economic, informational, etc. The main criterion for dividing forces and means of ensuring security is their place in the security mechanism, and specifically the object of ensuring security. Thus, the policy of ensuring military security or military policy is implemented by the military organization of the state.

In general, the national security system includes three main areas of activity:

· ensuring the country's defense capability (military organization of the state);

· ensuring state security- combating extremism, terrorism, attempts to change the constitutional system (provided by special services);

· ensuring public safety(law enforcement agencies, public organizations).

Military organization includes the Armed Forces, which form its core and the basis for ensuring military security, other troops and military formations intended to carry out military security tasks by military methods, as well as their governing bodies. The military organization also includes part of the country's economic entities and scientific complex (the so-called defense-industrial or military-industrial complex). To carry out certain military security tasks, special Russian services are involved.

Intelligence services- a special type of government bodies, the main tasks of which are the secret protection of the state as a form of organization of political power from attacks within the country and from outside, as well as information support for the current leadership of the state through the use of special forces. means and methods of activity associated with forced restriction of the rights and freedoms of citizens, within the limits and manner established by law.

Law enforcement- government bodies whose main purpose is to protect the rules of law (mainly criminal and administrative) from violation using public and secret means and methods, as well as to prosecute violators within the framework established by law.

In other words, if law enforcement agencies mainly ensure the security of the individual and society, then the main purpose of the intelligence services is the security of the state as a system of organizing political power. The activities of law enforcement agencies and intelligence services are often associated with restrictions on the rights and freedoms of citizens. According to the Constitution, such a restriction is possible only on the basis court decision. At the same time, in some European countries, such sanctions are issued by officials of these bodies themselves.

The national security system operates in a certain mode. The content of this regime and its focus depend on the specific circumstances in which the state and its bodies conduct their activities. There is a normal regime, a regime of state activity in crisis situations and an exceptional regime.

Normal mode - This is the mode of operation of the national security system in standard everyday situations. when the main characteristics of the country's national security state are within acceptable limits.

Mode of government activity in crisis situations associated with change normal conditions activities of the national security system, aggravation and complication of the situation, in which it is necessary to include additional protective measures in limited time. These measures are designed to eliminate the emerging threat to the constitutional order, sovereignty and territorial integrity of the state or a significant deterioration in its functioning and prevent further deterioration of the situation. These measures can be introduced in levels, depending on the level of danger and development crisis situation. In the event of a crisis situation getting out of control, the introduction of emergency measures and an exceptional regime is required.

Exceptional mode associated with the occurrence of exceptional conditions. These are emergency circumstances that pose a direct threat to the life and safety of citizens or the constitutional order, as well as external aggression. The Constitution of the Russian Federation provides for two types of such exceptional regimes: martial law and state of emergency.

As a result, the main interacting elements of national security: the state, society and citizens, protecting their national interests, create national security system. This system is aimed at reducing risks to the activities and functioning of certain protected objects. The latter can be sovereignty, territory, and culture; everything depends on national interests. which determine the main objects of protection.

Thus, national security is a system of interacting elements - the state and citizens, creating a security system to counter threats that increase risks in achieving national goals, thus preventing the satisfaction of national interests.

National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation (Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 31, 2015 N 683 “On the National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation”)

General provisions

1. This Strategy is a basic strategic planning document that defines the national interests and strategic national priorities of the Russian Federation, goals, objectives and measures in the field of domestic and foreign policy aimed at strengthening the national security of the Russian Federation and ensuring the sustainable development of the country in long term perspective.

2. Legal basis This Strategy is constituted by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal laws dated December 28, 2010 N 390-FZ “On Security” and dated June 28, 2014 N 172-FZ “On Strategic Planning in the Russian Federation”, other federal laws, regulatory legal acts of the President of the Russian Federation.

3. This Strategy is intended to consolidate the efforts of federal government bodies, other government bodies, government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as government bodies), local government bodies, civil society institutions to create favorable internal and external conditions for the implementation of national interests and strategic national priorities of the Russian Federation.

4. This Strategy is the basis for the formation and implementation of state policy in the field of ensuring the national security of the Russian Federation.

5. This Strategy is based on the inextricable relationship and interdependence of the national security of the Russian Federation and the socio-economic development of the country.

6. This Strategy uses the following basic concepts:

national security of the Russian Federation (hereinafter - national security) - a state of protection of the individual, society and the state from internal and external threats, which ensures the implementation of the constitutional rights and freedoms of citizens of the Russian Federation (hereinafter - citizens), a decent quality and standard of living, sovereignty, independence, state and territorial integrity, sustainable socio-economic development of the Russian Federation. National security includes the defense of the country and all types of security provided for by the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the Russian Federation, primarily state, public, information, environmental, economic, transport, energy security, personal security;

national interests of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as national interests) are objectively significant needs of the individual, society and the state to ensure their security and sustainable development;

threat to national security - a set of conditions and factors that create a direct or indirect possibility of causing damage to national interests;

ensuring national security - the implementation by state authorities and local governments, in interaction with civil society institutions, of political, military, organizational, socio-economic, informational, legal and other measures aimed at countering threats to national security and satisfying national interests;

strategic national priorities of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as strategic national priorities) - the most important directions for ensuring national security;

system for ensuring national security is a set of state authorities and local governments implementing state policy in the field of ensuring national security and the instruments at their disposal.

II. Russia in the modern world

7. Public policy in the field of ensuring national security and socio-economic development of the Russian Federation contributes to the implementation of strategic national priorities and effective protection national interests. Currently, a stable basis has been created for further building up the economic, political, military and spiritual potential of the Russian Federation, increasing its role in the emerging polycentric world.

8. Russia has demonstrated its ability to ensure sovereignty, independence, state and territorial integrity, and protect the rights of compatriots abroad. The role of the Russian Federation in solving the most important international problems, resolving military conflicts, ensuring strategic stability and the supremacy of international law in interstate relations has increased.

9. The Russian economy has demonstrated the ability to maintain and strengthen its potential in conditions of instability in the global economy and the application of restrictive economic measures introduced by a number of countries against the Russian Federation.

10. Positive trends have emerged in solving the problems of improving the health of citizens. There is a natural increase in population, an increase average duration life.

11. Traditional Russian spiritual and moral values ​​are being revived. The younger generation is developing a worthy attitude towards the history of Russia. There is a consolidation of civil society around common values ​​that form the foundation of statehood, such as freedom and independence of Russia, humanism, interethnic peace and harmony, the unity of cultures of the multinational people of the Russian Federation, respect for family and religious traditions, patriotism.

12. The strengthening of Russia is taking place against the backdrop of new threats to national security that are complex and interrelated. Carrying out by the Russian Federation independent foreign and domestic policy causes opposition from the United States and its allies, seeking to maintain their dominance in world affairs. The policy they are implementing to contain Russia involves exerting political, economic, military and information pressure on it.

13. The process of forming a new polycentric model of the world order is accompanied by an increase in global and regional instability. The contradictions associated with the unevenness of world development, the widening gap between the levels of well-being of countries, the struggle for resources, access to markets, and control over transport arteries are intensifying.

Competition between states increasingly covers values ​​and models of social development, human, scientific and technological potential. Special meaning in this process, it acquires leadership in the development of the resources of the World Ocean and the Arctic. The struggle for influence in the international arena involves the entire range of political, financial, economic and information instruments. The potential of special services is being increasingly used.

14. The role of the factor of power in international relations is not diminished. The desire to build up and modernize offensive weapons, to create and deploy new types of them, weakens the global security system, as well as the system of treaties and agreements in the field of arms control. The principles of equal and indivisible security are not observed in the Euro-Atlantic, Eurasian and Asia-Pacific regions. In regions neighboring Russia, processes of militarization and an arms race are developing.

15. Increasing the power potential of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and endowing it with global functions implemented in violation of international law, the intensification of military activities of the countries of the bloc, the further expansion of the alliance, and the bringing of its military infrastructure closer to Russian borders create a threat to national security.

The ability to maintain global and regional stability is significantly reduced when components of the US missile defense system are deployed in Europe, the Asia-Pacific region and the Middle East, in the context of the practical implementation of the “global strike” concept, the deployment of strategic non-nuclear precision weapons systems, as well as in the case of the deployment of weapons in space.

16. The ongoing bloc approach to solving international problems does not contribute to countering the full range of modern challenges and threats. The intensification of migration flows from Africa and the Middle East to Europe has shown the inconsistency of the regional security system in the Euro-Atlantic region, built on the basis of NATO and the European Union.

17. The position of the West, aimed at counteracting integration processes and creating hotbeds of tension in the Eurasian region, has Negative influence for the implementation of Russian national interests. The support of the United States and the European Union for the unconstitutional coup d'etat in Ukraine led to a deep split in Ukrainian society and the emergence of an armed conflict. The strengthening of far-right nationalist ideology, the deliberate formation of the image of an enemy in the face of Russia among the Ukrainian population, the overt reliance on the forceful solution of internal contradictions, and the deep socio-economic crisis are turning Ukraine into a long-term source of instability in Europe and directly on the borders of Russia.

18. The practice of overthrowing legitimate political regimes and provoking internal instability and conflicts is becoming increasingly widespread. Along with the remaining hotbeds of tension in the Near and Middle East, Africa, South Asia, Korean Peninsula New “hot spots” are emerging, and zones not controlled by the authorities of any state are expanding. Territories of armed conflicts become the basis for the spread of terrorism, ethnic hatred, religious hatred, and other manifestations of extremism. The emergence of a terrorist organization that declared itself the Islamic State and the strengthening of its influence were the result of the policy of double standards that some states adhere to in the fight against terrorism.

19. There remains a risk of an increase in the number of countries holding nuclear weapons, proliferation and use of chemical weapons, as well as uncertainty regarding the facts of the possession of biological weapons by foreign states and their potential for their development and production. The network of US military biological laboratories is expanding in the territories of states neighboring Russia.

20. The critical state of the physical safety of dangerous objects and materials, especially in states with an unstable internal political situation, and the uncontrolled proliferation of conventional weapons increase the likelihood of them falling into the hands of terrorists.

21. Everything greater influence The nature of the international situation is affected by the growing confrontation in the global information space, caused by the desire of some countries to use information and communication technologies to achieve their geopolitical goals, including through manipulation public consciousness and falsification of history.

22. New forms of illegal activity are emerging, in particular using information, communication and high technology. Threats associated with uncontrolled and illegal migration, human trafficking, drug trafficking and other manifestations of transnational organized crime are intensifying.

23. The global demographic situation, environmental problems and food security. The shortage of fresh water and the consequences of climate change are becoming more noticeable. Epidemics are spreading, many of which are caused by new, previously unknown viruses.

24. The growing influence of political factors on economic processes, as well as attempts by individual states to use economic methods, financial, trade, investment and technological policy instruments to solve their geopolitical problems, weaken the stability of the system of international economic relations. Against the backdrop of structural imbalances in the global economy and financial system, growing sovereign debt, and energy market volatility continues high risk recurrence of large-scale financial and economic crises.

25. States, in response to increasing international instability, are increasingly taking responsibility for affairs in their regions. Regional and subregional trade and other economic agreements are becoming one of the essential means protection from crisis phenomena. There is increasing interest in the use of regional currencies.

26. To prevent threats to national security, the Russian Federation is focusing its efforts on strengthening the internal unity of Russian society, ensuring social stability, interethnic harmony and religious tolerance, eliminating structural imbalances in the economy and its modernization, and increasing the country’s defense capability.

27. In order to protect national interests, Russia is pursuing an open, rational and pragmatic foreign policy, excluding costly confrontation (including new race weapons).

28. The Russian Federation is building international relationships on the principles of international law, ensuring reliable and equal security of states, mutual respect of peoples, preserving the diversity of their cultures, traditions and interests. Russia is interested in developing mutually beneficial and equal trade and economic cooperation with foreign countries and is a responsible participant in the multilateral trading system. The goal of the Russian Federation is to acquire as much as possible more equal partners in different parts of the world.

29. In the field of international security, Russia remains committed to using, first of all, political and legal instruments, mechanisms of diplomacy and peacekeeping. The use of military force to protect national interests is possible only if all non-violent measures taken have proven ineffective.

III. National interests and strategic national priorities

30. National interests for the long term are:

strengthening the country's defense, ensuring the inviolability of the constitutional system, sovereignty, independence, state and territorial integrity of the Russian Federation;
strengthening national harmony, political and social stability, developing democratic institutions, improving the mechanisms of interaction between the state and civil society;
improving the quality of life, strengthening public health, ensuring stable demographic development of the country;
preservation and development of culture, traditional Russian spiritual and moral values;
increasing the competitiveness of the national economy;
consolidating the status of one of the leading world powers for the Russian Federation, whose activities are aimed at maintaining strategic stability and mutually beneficial partnerships in a polycentric world.

31. National interests are ensured through the implementation of the following strategic national priorities:

national defense;
state and public safety;
improving quality of life Russian citizens;
the economic growth;
science, technology and education;
ecology of living systems and environmental management;
strategic stability and equal strategic partnership.

IV. Ensuring national security

32. The state of national security directly depends on the degree of implementation of strategic national priorities and the effectiveness of the national security system.

National defense

33. The strategic goals of the country's defense are to create conditions for the peaceful and dynamic socio-economic development of the Russian Federation and ensure its military security.

34. Achieving the strategic goals of the country's defense is carried out within the framework of the implementation of military policy through strategic containment and prevention of military conflicts, improving the military organization of the state, forms and methods of using the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies, increasing the mobilization readiness of the Russian Federation and readiness civil defense forces and means.

35. The main provisions of military policy and the tasks of military-economic support for the country’s defense, military dangers and military threats are determined by the Military Doctrine of the Russian Federation.

36. In order to ensure strategic deterrence and prevent military conflicts, interrelated political, military, military-technical, diplomatic, economic, informational and other measures are being developed and implemented to prevent the use of military force against Russia, to protect its sovereignty and territorial integrity. Strategic deterrence and the prevention of military conflicts are carried out by maintaining the nuclear deterrence potential at a sufficient level, and the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies at a given level of readiness for combat use.

37. Improving the military organization of the state is carried out on the basis of timely identification of existing and future military dangers and military threats, balanced development of the components of the military organization, building up defense potential, equipping the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies with modern weapons, military and special equipment , innovative development military-industrial complex of the Russian Federation.

38. Improving the forms and methods of using the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies involves timely taking into account trends in the changing nature of modern wars and armed conflicts, creating conditions for the most complete implementation of the combat capabilities of troops (forces), developing requirements for promising formations and new means of armed struggle.

39. Increasing the mobilization readiness of the Russian Federation is carried out by improving the planning of measures to ensure mobilization preparation and mobilization in the Russian Federation and their implementation to the required extent, timely updating and maintaining at a sufficient level the military-technical potential of the military organization of the state. The most important areas for improving mobilization training are the preparation of the economy of the Russian Federation, the economy of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the economy municipalities, preparation of state authorities, local governments and organizations, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies to perform tasks in accordance with their purpose and meet the needs of the state and the needs of the population in wartime.

40. The readiness of civil defense forces and means is ensured in advance by carrying out measures to prepare for the protection and to protect the population, material and cultural values ​​on the territory of the Russian Federation from dangers arising during military conflicts or as a result of these conflicts, as well as emergency situations natural and man-made.

41. Ensuring the country's defense is carried out on the basis of the principles of rational sufficiency and efficiency, including through the use of methods and means of non-military response, mechanisms of diplomacy and peacekeeping, expansion of international military and military-technical cooperation, arms control and the use of other international legal instruments.