How to combine products correctly. Combination: legal status

Vitamins that can not be combined

Negative compatibility of vitamins can suppress positive properties, destroy the structure or cause an allergic reaction. To prevent adverse effects, it is necessary to study in advance which vitamins cannot be taken together.

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) It does not combine well with B vitamins (B2, B6, B12), as well as with calcium and magnesium. These elements prevent the complete absorption of thiamine in the body. The combination may cause an allergic reaction.
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) Negatively affects the body in combination with iron and copper, which slow down its action
Vitamin B5 ( pantothenic acid) Negatively acts in combination with copper, which reduces its activity.
Vitamin B9 ( folic acid) Unfavorable compatibility with zinc. Substances act destructively
Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) Loses its abilities when combined with vitamins A, B, C, E, as well as iron and manganese
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) Incompatible with vitamins B1, B12 and copper. With an increase in the amount of ascorbic acid, copper begins to disappear
Vitamin E (tocopherol) Loses activity when interacting with vitamin D, magnesium, zinc and copper
Vitamin K Does not combine with vitamins A and E, which prevent its penetration into cells

What vitamins work well together

The simultaneous use of vitamins that are well combined with each other, far exceeds the effect of taking them separately. This is due to the fact that certain vitamins help to be better absorbed or enhance the action of each other.

Vitamins to take together

Vitamin A What is combined with Combination features
A (retinol) Vitamins C, E, iron, zinc Thanks to zinc, retinol is better absorbed. Not a large number of vitamin E helps to be better absorbed (a large amount, on the contrary, prevents the absorption of vitamin A). Vitamins E and C protect retinol from oxidation
B2 (riboflavin) Vitamins B3, B6, B9, K, zinc Riboflavin helps B vitamins (3, 6, 9) move into active form. It also increases the bioavailability of zinc
B3( a nicotinic acid, PP) Vitamins B2, B6, copper, iron Thanks to copper and vitamin B6, nicotinic acid is better absorbed in the body
B5 (pantothenic acid) Vitamins B1, B2, B4, B9, B12, C Vitamins B1, B2 provide better absorption of vitamin B5. In turn, vitamin B5 facilitates the absorption of vitamins C, B4 and B9.
B6 (pyridoxine) Vitamin B2, zinc, copper Thanks to vitamin B2, pyridoxine becomes active. Magnesium facilitates the penetration of vitamin B6 into cells. Pyridoxine increases the safety of zinc in the body, preventing its destruction
B12 (cyanocobalamin) Vitamins B5, B9, calcium Calcium facilitates the absorption of vitamin B12
C (ascorbic acid) Vitamins A, B5, B9, E Vitamin E enhances the antioxidant properties of ascorbic acid. Vitamin C preserves B9 in tissues, restores the action of vitamin E and helps calcium and chromium to be better absorbed
D (calciferol) calcium, phosphorus Thanks to calciferol, the metabolism of phosphorus and calcium improves in the body.
E (tocopherol) Vitamin C, selenium Ascorbic acid restores the activity of tocopherol during oxidation. Selenium enhances the antioxidant properties of vitamin E
Vitamin K Vitamin B2, calcium Vitamin B2 helps vitamin K get into its active form. Vitamin K improves calcium building process bone tissue in organism

Accepted vitamin-mineral complexes are only an additive to the basic diet, so the effect of products should also be taken into account. They contain biologically active substances, which do not always go well with certain vitamins.

Foods that lead to loss of vitamins or impair their absorption:

  • coffee;
  • strong black and green tea;
  • milk products.

If you decide to drink vitamins, then it is better to avoid the above products, or reduce their amount. At a minimum, they should not be used with vitamin supplements. It is better to wait 4-6 hours so that the nutrients can be absorbed.

In order for the vitamins and minerals entering the body to be well absorbed, a healthy intestinal microflora is necessary. It can be disturbed by the use fatty varieties meat, eggs, dairy products. To restore the intestinal microflora, it is necessary to reduce the amount of animal products and increase the proportion plant food.

Antibiotics and stress also have a negative effect on the intestinal microflora. They kill some beneficial bacteria Therefore, after taking antibiotics or prolonged stress, it is better to consult a doctor and drink a course of probiotics.

If you feel lack useful substances in the body and decide to take vitamin and mineral supplements, it is necessary to study the compatibility of vitamins and minerals. It depends on whether you will benefit or harm from the drugs you use. Unfavorable compatibility inhibits the activity of useful substances, destroys them or causes allergic reactions. good compatibility vitamins and minerals, on the contrary, will enhance positive action useful substances. Before taking any vitamin-mineral complex, you should consult your doctor and carefully study all the features of the compatibility of useful substances with each other. You can learn more about the combination of vitamins in the video below.

How to combine products correctly

Digestion through the eyes of naturopaths

Almost 1000 years ago, in the ninth century, great doctor Avicenna stated that "digestion different types food occurs non-simultaneously and mixing incompatible products is dangerous to health. Food in such cases is not digested completely and the body's need for nutrition increases dramatically. In our time food industry is influenced by outdated theory balanced nutrition. Following this theory has led mankind to devastating results. The time has come when a person, if he wants to live actively and not suffer from diseases, must believe in the wisdom of his body.

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Not knowing how foods fit together can lead to negative consequences. For example, if you first eat cottage cheese with bread, and then pea soup, porridge, meat and drink it all with sweet compote or juice, and then have a snack with a cake or an apple, then apart from a feeling of heaviness and oversaturation, a person will not feel anything. The result of such a dinner will be that none of the named products will be digested normally.

There will be a lot of calories, and digestion and excretory organs will suffer from poisons that are formed during the fermentation of these products in the stomach and intestines.

If you eat an apple and eat nothing else, then after 20 minutes this apple will no longer be in the stomach. The eaten orange will leave the stomach even faster. But if the fruit ends up in the stomach after eating dinner, then they will not be able to quickly enter the intestines, but simply begin to rot. The ratio of other products among themselves is also problematic. In the described lunch, cottage cheese, peas, meat, bread, porridge, etc. do not match with each other.

For each type of food, the body provides certain digestive juices. Besides, different kinds food is digested and assimilated in different ways, depending on the conditions that the body creates.

For example, proteins require acidic environment. Moreover, each type of protein corresponds to a certain enzyme that breaks it down. For the assimilation of starches, only an alkaline environment is required. Therefore, foods containing proteins and starch should not be consumed at the same time.

The same reason underlies the incompatibility of starches and acids: tomatoes, sour fruits, juices, etc. But in the process intestinal digestion pancreatic juice promotes the breakdown of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. This is what the opponents of separate nutrition argue their theory. The body is also not indifferent to the problem of product incompatibility.

If you use porridge boiled in water, then it will quickly be absorbed, since gastric juice is secreted moderately. Porridge will quickly reach the intestines, where it will be completely absorbed. But if porridge is consumed with meat, then the stomach will secrete some enzymes for porridge, and others for meat. As a result, digestion processes in the stomach are inhibited, and insufficiently processed food enters the intestines. The process of splitting it will continue under the influence of pancreatic enzymes, but the well-coordinated mechanism for the absorption of products has already been disrupted. It is invaded by the work of the liver, pancreas, small intestine. changing intestinal microflora in which putrefactive bacteria multiply.

The ratio of intestinal microorganisms is determined by the content of food consumed and its compatibility. If it is correct, then the stomach has healthy microflora. If the products are incompatible, then there is a violation of gastric and intestinal digestion. Undigested food lingers in the body and becomes a breeding ground for putrefactive bacteria. They poison the liver, kidneys and the whole body, causing numerous diseases.

Nutritionists have developed a classification of food compatibility.

The product compatibility table provides 10 groups:

  • Group 1 includes sweet fruits: bananas, dates, persimmons, figs, dried fruits, raisins, dried melons. Sweet fruits tend to take longer to digest, while sour fruits take less. Fruits should not be combined with other food, especially if they are eaten after a meal as a dessert. The same can be said about juices. They are best consumed separately, for example, half an hour before meals. The combination of sweet fruits with each other (raisins and prunes), sweet and semi-acid fruits (persimmons and apples) is considered ideal. A combination of sweet fruits with products such as cream, sour cream, herbs is acceptable. A small amount of dried fruit can also be added to cereals.
  • Group 2 includes semi-acidic fruits, including blueberries, blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, as well as cherries, pears, apples, plums, peaches, grapes, apricots, watermelon. They pair well with each other and are compatible with products such as cream, sour cream, cheese, nuts, fatty cottage cheese. Combinations such as fruits + meat, eggs, fish, mushrooms, legumes are harmful due to the speed of absorption. Peaches, blueberries, blueberries, grapes, melons are best eaten separately, not combined with other foods.
  • Group 3 includes sour fruits. The use of oranges, tangerines, grapefruits, pineapples, pomegranates, lemons, currants, blackberries, pears, apricots, grapes is allowed not only in combination with each other, but also with fermented milk products, such as cream, sour cream, cottage cheese. In combination with them, you can also eat nuts, cheese, herbs.
  • Group 4 includes compatible vegetables. The use of cucumbers, cabbage, radishes, sweet peppers, beans, onions, radishes, garlic, carrots and other vegetables contributes to the absorption of almost any food: meat, cottage cheese, bread, fish, etc.
  • Group 5 includes vegetables that are less compatible. cauliflower, green pea, eggplant, zucchini, boiled white cabbage, pumpkin can be combined with bread, sour cream, cheese. It is undesirable to eat meat with them.
  • Group 6 includes starchy. Wheat, rye, oats, and cereals such as buckwheat, rice, millet, as well as potatoes, corn are ideally combined with vegetables, fats, herbs. They also match well with each other. It is unacceptable to combine bread with meat, potatoes with fish, kefir with bread, porridge with milk and sugar, drink starchy food with fruit juices.
  • Group 7 includes protein. With meat, fish, eggs, cottage cheese, cheese, curdled milk, kefir, you can combine greens and vegetables. It is permissible to use fats with protein products. However, this slows down the digestion process. It is unacceptable to consume proteins and starchy foods, fruits, sugar at the same time, with the exception of cottage cheese, cheese, fermented milk products, nuts, which are useful with fruits.
  • 8 group consists of greens. The use of lettuce, nettle, parsley, green onions, sorrel, dill, etc. possible with any food. It is useful to combine it with protein and starchy foods.
  • Group 9 includes fats. The use of butter, ghee, cream, sour cream, vegetable oil, fat inhibits secretion gastric juice. It is useful to use fats with starchy foods, vegetables, herbs, berries. It is undesirable to use vegetable fats together with animals.
  • The 10th food group includes sugars. The use of sugar, jam, syrup, honey, molasses, fructose in combination with starchy foods and proteins provokes fermentation. They are best consumed separately and preferably 1 hour before meals. This does not apply to honey, which prevents rotting and goes well with all foods.
  • The above classification should help everyone plan their meals in the most rational way.

For correct operation gastrointestinal tract it is very important to follow the rules of combining food. They must be carried out especially carefully when it comes to a child. When a number of incompatible products enter the stomach, the digestion process begins to falter, the body is contaminated with toxins and fatty deposits. From a chemical point of view, incompatible products are substances with varying degrees energy intensity. For example, for the processing of proteins and carbohydrates, our body will require different efforts. Optimal is separate meals on plant-based. Such food is quickly digested and perfectly absorbed by the body.

How to combine products correctly

1. Meat, fish and eggs are high protein foods. It is difficult for the stomach to digest it, therefore, when taking such food, it is not recommended to drink it. The optimal combination is vegetables and animal fats. Break before next trick food - at least three hours.

2. Bread, pasta, nuts - are saturated with easily digestible complex carbohydrates and are perfectly digested by the stomach. Their combination with sugar is undesirable. The break before the next meal is two hours.

3. The most easily digestible food is fruits. It can be eaten between main meals. They do not combine well with sugar-based foods.

Nutrition principles

Up to 70 percent daily ration should be complex carbohydrates. This important condition to maintain acidity and alkaline balance blood. Many foods contain both proteins and carbohydrates. It is necessary to distinguish between “pure” proteins and carbohydrates. To fully meet the needs of our body, you need to eat a variety of foods. If a person needs additional energy - you need to eat foods with high content Sahara.

1. Buy homemade butter and sour cream, as they do not contain preservatives.

2. Consume vegetable oil first pressing. You should not fry food with the use of a large amount of oil - harmful carcinogens are formed in it.

3. Replace sugar with honey. It is much better absorbed.

4. Bread contains a large amount of starch and is not suitable for consumption with animal proteins. Eat bran bread.

5. Only brown rice is useful.

6. Boiled potatoes goes well with vegetables.

7. Sugar cannot be combined with beets, zucchini, pumpkin and carrots - this causes fermentation in the stomach.

8. Milk is not compatible with fermented milk products.

9. Eggs are best digested with vegetables.

10. Nuts consist of vegetable fats, they are perfectly digestible and are suitable for adding to vegetable salads.

11. Melon is not combined with any products and is always used separately.

12. Try not to cook complex meals, they are harder to digest by our body.

13. Foods that contain a lot of carbohydrates should not be combined with sour fruits and vegetables.

14. Try not to combine cream, sour cream, butter and vegetable oil with protein foods and nuts.

Proper combination of foods will allow your body to function properly.

Combining positions in one organization is a fairly common practice, especially today, when, due to the economic crisis, people are looking for all kinds of part-time jobs and quite reasonably give preference to an additional paid load at their main, proven, place of work. For an organization in such a situation, it is important to understand how the fact of assigning additional duties to an employee can be formalized. About it will be discussed in the article.

Internal combination and internal combination of positions: the difference in the design of relations

An employee of the company, who is already on the staff and performs a certain amount of work, decides to take on an additional burden that goes beyond his current service functionality. How can he do it?

In fact, in this case, independent labor relations between the company and the specialist come into force, which can be fixed in 2 forms:

  • internal combination;
  • combination of positions (professions).

There is a fundamental difference between these two forms that the company must understand. Namely: internal part-time work means the performance of work not related to the main one, at a time that is not occupied by the main activity of a specialist (Articles 60.1, 282 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). In other words, the second job (internal part-time work) is performed completely outside the scope of the main position held by the employee.


On manufacturing plant GV Ivanov works as a mechanic. The working day of a mechanic in production is from 9:00 to 18:00. At the same time, he decides to get a part-time job as a cleaner at the same enterprise. He performs the labor functions of a cleaner after his working day as a mechanic ends, that is, from 18 00 to 21 00. this case he does not combine positions, but performs the functions of a janitor as his additional work on terms internal combination in the same firm.

The internal combination of positions assumes that the specialist continues to work within the framework of his main job duties and, in addition, during the generally established working day, he manages to perform other functions corresponding to another position. That is, the specialist is engaged in the work of combining another position in parallel with the main work, at the same time (Articles 60.2, 151 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).


G.V. Ivanov from the previous example works as a mechanic, but additionally during the working day (from 9:00 to 18:00) he also manages to clean the shop. Such relationships can be formalized as a combination of the professions of a mechanic and a cleaner within the framework of one production enterprise.

The above features also determine the difference in the design of labor relations. Namely: for internal part-time a separate employment contract must be drawn up. When combining positions, the previous employment contract is sufficient, but an additional agreement must be issued to it.

Work on combining positions: registration

If an employee wants and can work at once in 2 positions in the company at the same time, then for him preferred option registration of additional relations with the employer in the form of a combination of positions. But for this it is important that the specifics of the work allow it to be performed without being released from the main activity and at the main workplace. Therefore, if the second position requires, for example, moving from the main place of work (to another workshop), then such an additional burden on the employee should be formalized as an internal part-time job, and not as combining work posts.

The company can issue a combination of positions by an additional agreement to the current one. employment contract an employee, in which, in particular, it will be stated what position he intends to combine, as well as the period during which the combination of positions will take place (Article 72 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

In addition, for work on combining positions, the employee must, by virtue of Art. 60.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, to receive an additional payment, the amount (or calculation method) of which should also be fixed in an additional agreement to the employment contract.

The grounds for drawing up such an agreement when combining positions are the following documents (depending on who initiated the combination):

  • a company offer signed by the employee to combine positions;
  • application of the employee with a request to allow the combination of positions.

In doing so, it is important for the firm to remember that work book a specialist who combines several positions, there is no need to reflect the fact of combining, since such an obligation is not provided for by law.

In addition, companies often have a question: should the time spent by a specialist on a combined position be recorded in the time sheet? In accordance with labor law alignment work does not appear separately on the table. After all, the employee performs the combined work in parallel, at the same time at which he is busy with the main work. Therefore, in the time sheet, you need to record only the hours spent on the main work.

Order on internal combination - sample

After signing additional agreement the firm should issue an appropriate order.

A specific unified form of such an order is Russian labor law does not contain.

At the same time, it should indicate which positions the employee will combine, for how long and for what additional payment. At the same time, as a basis for combining in the order, you must specify the details of the additional agreement drawn up with the employee.

A sample order can be found on our website:

Completion of the combination of positions

As mentioned above, if a combination of positions is organized in a company, then the period during which such a combination will be valid is determined in advance. Therefore, the question arises: what will happen after this period?

The combination terminates, i.e., the employee is further obliged to perform only his main duties. At the same time, the legislator does not provide for the need to draw up any special document closing the combination.

Therefore, everything here remains at the discretion of the company: you can issue a special order that terminates the combined powers of the employee, or you can not do this - the combination will still be considered completed (unless the company issued another order extending the combined powers of the employee).

In addition, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation establishes that at any time both one and the other party may terminate the combination unilaterally (Article 60.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). To do this, simply send the appropriate notification (if the initiator of the cancellation is a company) or an application (if the initiator is an employee) to the second party no later than 3 business days.

ATTENTION! If the company is the initiator of the termination of the combination, then it makes sense for it to acquaint the employee with the relevant notice against receipt, so that it does not later become clear that, since he did not know anything about the cancellation, he continued to work for some time, combining 2 positions, for which he requires appropriate remuneration.

Internal combination according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

An internal part-time worker, unlike a specialist who combines positions, by virtue of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, works in the main company at a second, additional job, but at a time that is not busy with the main activity (Articles 282, 60.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation establishes a number of restrictions regarding how much working time an employee can spend on part-time work. So, if a specialist within the same organization in different time works in two different positions, then the maximum additional workload of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation allows you to perform no more than 4 hours a day.

IMPORTANT! If the day falls when the employee is released from the main job for any reason, he can do part-time work throughout the working day.

For a month in aggregate, part-time employees have the right to work no more than half of monthly rate the time established for the category of workers to which he belongs (Article 284 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). However, sometimes an employee has the right not to focus on the specified limit.

For more information on how much time an employee is entitled to spend on part-time work, see the article “Part-time work - how many hours a week can you?” .

Not less than important question both for internal part-time workers and for their employers: how to pay for such work? Art. 285 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation says that payment must be set in one of 3 ways:

  • in proportion to the time occupied by the work;
  • according to the piecework scheme;
  • on other conditions stipulated in the employment contract.

On the features of the additional payment to the minimum wage for internal part-time workers, see the article "Supplement to the minimum wage for external and internal part-time workers" .

In addition to the above, companies should keep in mind that if they have someone in their staff who, in addition to their main job, also works on a part-time basis, then they are also entitled to a vacation of at least 28 days (Articles 114, 115 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). It is combined with leave in the main position in time, however, vacation pay is accrued separately for the main position and separately for combined work, since the employee has 2 independent labor contracts with the company (Articles 286, 287 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

An important issue that worries, in particular, part-time women, concerns the provision of benefits for pregnancy and childbirth.

Read more about this in the article. "Maternity allowance for part-time workers" .

How to arrange an internal part-time job

As mentioned above, when working on an internal part-time basis, a separate employment contract is drawn up. At the same time, he is subject to all the requirements that apply to similar contracts with ordinary full-time employees (not part-time workers).

ATTENTION! Employment contracts with an internal part-time job there should be exactly two: on the main job and part-time.

In particular, the employment contract must contain information about:

  • companies;
  • the position that the specialist undertakes to perform in addition to his main job;
  • wage system;
  • mode of work and rest, etc. (Article 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

As a general rule, such an agreement must be drawn up in writing, in 2 copies (one for the company and one for the employee).

ATTENTION! The employment contract must necessarily reflect information that the employee occupies the position on the basis of internal part-time employment.

Order and application for internal combination

According to the norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, in order for an employment contract with an internal part-time job to be considered concluded, such a specialist, among other documents, must submit to the company an application for employment on the terms of an internal part-time job, which, in particular, should indicate what kind of work he intends to take additionally the employee, as well as at what hours he will perform it.

The prepared application must be submitted in writing to the personnel department of the company.

By general rule after the employment contract is concluded, the company must issue an order fixing the hiring of a specialist (Article 68 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The same is true for internal part-time workers. This means that orders for the admission of such an employee there will be two : to the main place and part-time.

At the same time, there is a unified form of such an order (No. T-1), which you can download on our website.

In such an order, it is important to reflect the very fact of internal part-time work, and in addition, indicate the basic conditions for the work of a specialist, its nature and the mechanism of remuneration.


The design of imposing an additional burden on an employee of a company can be expressed in 2 forms: internal part-time work and combination of positions. If an employee intends to perform labor functions in a position that requires distraction from his main job, then such employment relations must be formalized in the form of a separate employment contract for work on an internal part-time basis. At the same time, it is important for the company not to forget to receive a corresponding application from the employee, as well as to issue an order to hire an internal part-time job. If the additional position does not imply distraction from the main job, then the specialist can combine them, that is, work at the same time in several positions in the company at once. Registration of internal combination of positions is carried out by signing an additional agreement to an existing employment contract. Also, the company should receive from the employee a corresponding signed application and form an order to organize a combination of positions.