Example of a complaint about medical care. How to properly file a complaint against doctors to the Ministry of Health

Very high moral and ethical standards are required for the work of a doctor, so it is not surprising that a patient often has reasons, imaginary or real, to file a complaint against him. But where can one complain about the unprofessional actions of a doctor or about a medical institution as a whole?

The first step should always be to contact the physician's immediate supervisor. Usually this is the head of the hospital department or its chief physician. Information about the managing doctors of the medical institution, as well as the days and hours of their appointments should be on special information stands. The absence of such stands is in itself a reason to contact higher authorities.

However, contacting the hospital management does not always give positive result. What other authorities can I complain to?

Grounds for filing complaints against doctors

It is very difficult to list all the reasons why patients decide to write a complaint against a medical professional. We will indicate only the most common options:

  • medical assistance was not provided in a timely manner;
  • the doctor refused to admit the patient without good reason;
  • rudeness and rudeness on the part of health workers;
  • negligence and lack of professionalism;
  • misdiagnosis caused by the incompetence of the doctor;
  • incorrectly selected treatment method;
  • unsuccessful operation;
  • appointment expensive treatment bypassing cheaper options.

Rules for filing a complaint

The specific form of a complaint against a hospital doctor depends on which authority it will be sent to. The most general sample (form) of a complaint can be found at the link at the end of the article. In most cases, when drawing up an application, you must follow a number of simple rules.

Let's consider what a complaint against a doctor in a clinic or hospital should contain, which is sent to the head physician or to the local department of the Ministry of Health:

  • The complaint is written on a standard A4 sheet and begins with the “header” (upper right corner of the document). The “header” indicates the full name of the institution to which the document is sent, including its address, as well as the name and position of the person authorized to consider complaints (for example, if the complaint is transferred to the head of the hospital);
  • Just below in the “header” the personal data of the applicant is indicated (full name, residential address, phone number and other contact information);
  • Below in the middle of the sheet the name of the document is indicated - “Complaint”;
  • Main text of the complaint. The application must accurately describe all the circumstances that led to the filing of the complaint, in official, dry, business language. It will be necessary to indicate exactly which patient rights were violated and by whom. The complaint can be written against a specific doctor (indicate his full name, place of work, position), against the department or against the entire medical institution (indicate his full name, address and other details, full name of the chief physician);
  • A list of requirements that the applicant puts forward to the controlling organization. These requirements must be reasonable and legal. When listing the requirements and describing the circumstances of the case, it is advisable to refer to specific articles of laws that confirm the applicant’s position;
  • List of applications. Any documents, photographs, videos that confirm violations identified in the activities of medical staff or hospitals;
  • Date of filing the complaint and signature of the applicant.

A complaint against a hospital doctor is always submitted in duplicate. The copy that remains with the applicant is marked with acceptance, as well as the signature and position of the person who accepted the document. In the future, this will help prove the fact of transfer of the complaint to the court or other higher regulatory authorities.

Where can you complain about medical workers?

You can complain about a doctor at a large number of supervisory authorities, but you should always start with the management of the medical institution. And if this does not help, then go further, right up to the Ministry of Health, Rospotrebnadzor or the Prosecutor's Office. Let's take a closer look at each of the options for filing a complaint against hospital doctors in Moscow and other regions of Russia.

Head of a medical institution

It is allowed to contact the head of the hospital not only in writing, but also orally. The written option should be chosen if conversations and verbal requests have not led to resolution of the conflict. If the head of the hospital unreasonably defended his employee, then the head doctor himself should be complained about.

To do this, you will have to contact the municipal health department or directly the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. If the conflict is related to the criminal actions of doctors (extortion of a bribe, threats to life and health), then you should immediately contact the prosecutor’s office, police or court.

Compulsory medical insurance company

Patients who have a health insurance policy have the right to seek protection from their insurance company. Each insurer that issues health insurance, there is a special department that deals with the consideration of citizens' appeals. Insurance companies have the right to inspect the hospital upon receipt of a complaint and, if necessary, fine the medical institution or use other methods of influence.

The range of issues that are under the jurisdiction of insurance companies is very diverse:

  • failure to provide guaranteed medical services;
  • requirement to pay for free medical services;
  • refusal to assign a person to a hospital or clinic;
  • checking the quality of services provided;
  • untimely provision medical care etc.

To file a complaint, you must call your insurance company or visit its office in person.

Ministry of Health

The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation is the highest supervisory authority, who is obliged to monitor the functioning of the entire system of medical services. You can file a complaint with the Ministry by sending a letter to the address: Moscow, st. Neglinnaya, 25. This is the address for receiving all correspondence. You can also send your application to the main office address: 127994, GSP-4, Moscow, Rakhmanovsky lane, 3.

In addition to this method, the applicant has the right to use e-mail by sending a complaint to the address, or by calling the hotline 8-800-500-18-35. Electronic applications are also accepted through the “Public Reception” on the Rosminzdrav website. All necessary contact information and addresses for filing complaints are available on the same website in the “Contacts” section.


Another federal-level organization that you can contact in case of violation of rights in the medical field. Since the relationship between a patient and a doctor is within the framework of the Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights,” you can protect your violated rights with the help of the Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare.

To file a complaint with Rospotrebnadzor, it is convenient to use the “Citizens' Appeals” service, located on the official website of the service. For getting comprehensive information about consumer rights you can call toll free phone hotline 8-800-100-00-04 on any working day from 10 to 17 hours Moscow time (break from 12 to 12:45).

Police and prosecutor's office

Or does it only make sense if we're talking about about a criminal offense. For example, about intentional harm to health, extortion, threats, as well as insult to honor and dignity. However, the police have the right to apply administrative measures against doctors, including fines or administrative arrest.

The Prosecutor's Office carries out a general supervisory function over all public and private institutions, therefore it also considers any appeals from citizens when it comes to violations of their legal rights and interests. Based on the results of consideration of the complaint, the prosecutor's office can independently file a lawsuit against the doctor or hospital, send a protest to the medical institution, or issue a presentation with a list of identified violations and demands that they be eliminated within a specified period.


The right to go to court to protect their rights and freedoms is guaranteed to every citizen Russian Federation. If a complaint against a doctor to the head of a medical institution has no effect or the person is very serious violations(for example, causing harm to health due to the negligence of medical personnel), then the best option will be filing a claim in court at the place of residence.

The success of going to court largely depends on how well the statement of claim is drawn up and what evidence of offenses is attached to it. Therefore, before starting legal proceedings It is best to use the help of a lawyer or lawyer.

Every person has the right to receive medical care. Unfortunately, we do not often receive quality services. The medical industry is no exception. This is exactly the case when we completely open up and trust the doctor, but what we get is fraud and rudeness.

IN Everyday life We are used to defending our rights in trade and cafes, but for some reason we are afraid to complain to the doctor. There is an opinion in society that after complaining about doctors, they will immediately stop treating you and send you home. Or maybe we just don’t want to or don’t know where to apply. As a result, we have health problems.

The work of a doctor is closely intertwined with certain moral and ethical principles that differ from other industries and professions. After all, the doctor is responsible for the life and health of a person. In this way, some of the responsibilities of a doctor can be defined.

The activities of a doctor should always be aimed at preventing diseases, treating diseases, as well as promoting healthy way life. A medical professional, in any situation, must be ready to provide assistance to those in need. Caring, attentiveness, maintaining medical confidentiality, acting in the interests of the patient, these are the main qualities of a doctor. Constantly improve your professional qualities. The doctor is responsible for violating the medical oath. It is the doctor’s responsibility to prevent infringement of the rights and interests of citizens.

That is, if a doctor refuses to help you, he should be punished as a person who broke the law. It is necessary to fight against the indifference and lack of professionalism of the doctor. However, not everyone knows where and to whom to complain about a doctor.

Restoring your violated rights will serve as an example for many other doctors who violate patient rights. What is the right thing to do in this case? Where can I complain about a doctor?

Complaint against a doctor

Do not waste unnecessary emotions and energy, immediately seek help from the head physician, the management of the clinic or hospital, or medical center.

  • The first thing that can and should be done to restore justice is to file a complaint with the chief physician of the medical institution. Describe your situation in detail and attach evidence. When writing your appeal, remain objective and do not use insults. In this case, the complaint will not be considered. The main thing is not to miss the details: date, time, office, name of the doctor who violated your rights. If you have certain requirements (conduct an inspection, compensate for damage, etc.), be sure to indicate them in the text of the complaint. When a complaint is received, the head physician must accept your complaint, find out the reasons why your rights were violated and make a decision on guilt or right actions doctor Your application must be answered in writing. As practice shows, such a complaint is usually enough to resolve the situation. But there are also cases when doctors do not want to admit their guilt, and thus make the applicant guilty. Then proceed further and contact your regional health department.
  • Write a complaint, take it or send it by registered mail to the ministry of the relevant profile, namely to the public reception. These divisions exist in each region.

As mentioned above, a complaint can be filed in person or by mail, but do not forget to keep the receipt for sending the letter. One of modern methods applying for a doctor - send the application to e-mail, write a message to the ministerial website.

Please pay attention to the above methods for sending a complaint against a clinic doctor; you will definitely receive an official written response. Applications are reviewed within 30 days.

  • When this fails and no action is taken, move on to the third step. Your legal right is to demand an inspection by the prosecutor’s office in order to restore violated rights. The prosecutor's office exercises control and supervision over the activities of government bodies and other government agencies, and therefore carries out checks on existing complaints citizens.
  • Another authority where citizens can file a complaint against a doctor is the court. In the claim, you need to correctly write the name of the court, describe the problem, indicate the rights violated - it is best to refer to the articles of the law regulating the legal relationship between the doctor and the patient. It’s good if you attach all the arguments and evidence of violations to the complaint: certificates, extracts, other documents, videos and photographs; If there are witness statements, please include them as well. It should be remembered that when submitting a claim to the court, deadlines for its consideration are established. As a rule, this is 5 days, after which a decision is made on acceptance or refusal of the document.

You should know that, in the case when you take the complaint yourself to the destination, be sure to take a second example with you. They will put you on it registration number, the date of acceptance of the application and the signature of the person who accepted your application.

Another addressee to whom you can send a complaint against a doctor is the Federal Mandatory Fund health insurance. This organization protects the interests of patients, as it is responsible for the distribution Money By medical institutions. If there is a complaint, an inspection will necessarily follow to consider the presence or absence of unlawful actions on the part of the doctor towards the patient.

You can complain to the insurance company if you are being charged for free services, or if you have already paid for services that are provided free of charge, if you are unreasonably refused to switch to another doctor.

It should be noted that when you ask for help on hotline, you will need to provide not only the last name, first name of the attending physician, and the clinic where your rights were violated, but also your personal data and contact phone number. They may also ask for your number insurance policy. A complaint against a doctor submitted anonymously will not be considered.

Your application may be accepted by the Federal Service for Surveillance in Healthcare and social development. One of the organizations’ directions is to protect the patient from doctor’s negligence.

Sample complaint against a doctor

In order for your complaint to be considered, it is necessary to compose it competently and correctly. How to write a complaint against a doctor? There is no sample as such, but there is General requirements to filling out complaints in civil proceedings.

And so, a sample or statement of misconduct or inaction of a doctor includes:

  • in the upper right corner write the name of the organization or government agency where you are sending the document, its exact address;
  • A little lower write your personal information, residential address, telephone number;
  • in the middle write the name of the document - complaint, statement;
  • Then describe what happened to you. What rights were violated, by whom and where. Preferably indicating the doctor's name, office number, and department name. For example, a pediatrician, therapist, surgeon, etc. clinic No. 1 (district).
  • at the end, indicate your requirements, if any, provide evidence (extracts, prescription of treatment).
  • put the date and signature.

Therefore, the application should not exceed two pages of printed text. Avoid emotions, write to the point. When the conflict with the doctor is long-term, describe everything in your appeal chronological order. Don't forget you're complaining about certain people- doctor, laboratory assistant, nurse, therefore, in general, it is not advisable to complain about the clinic or department in this case. All the same, we follow the actions of a doctor at a clinic or hospital. Everyone is different and, accordingly, the duties and responsibilities are different. Do not miss the details, write specifically what the doctor did or did not do, what he said, what he did not warn about.

If you don’t know where to find a sample or example of writing a complaint, you can contact legal advice. The specialists of these organizations will help not only select correct sample statements, but will also help you compose it correctly.

Of course, an example of any appeal, including a statement of claim, can be found on the Internet. For help, you can go to the website of legal organizations; there, as a rule, there are many examples of statements, complaints and statements of claim. You just need to insert your data and describe the situation that happened to you.

You received unqualified medical care, your rights and interests were violated, the doctor violated his job responsibilities. In such cases, you can always restore justice by filing a complaint against the doctor’s actions. Such actions will serve as an example for many other doctors in the clinic or hospital.

We live in a world characterized by constant provision of services. An ordinary trip to the store involves a whole series of such actions. We use the consultant's recommendations and make a purchase with the cashier. Interaction with other people has a number of rules and norms of communication. For employees of various institutions, there is a whole list of instructions that clearly regulate their actions.

But what if an employee does not adhere to ethics or work plan when working with a client? Almost every one of us has at least once encountered boorish behavior on the part of people who perform their work duties. It’s good if no negative consequences other than a spoiled mood arise in this case. But what if the employee’s actions caused us harm?

What is a complaint against a doctor?

Today, regulatory and legal acts provide for a number of actions to protect their rights. Thus, the state guarantees us the opportunity to ensure liability for an unscrupulous employee. In this article, we invite you to consider the process of filing a complaint against a doctor. IN Lately it is in this area that it is fixed greatest quantity violations. Therefore, about how you can protect your interests and how to formalize all this correctly, read further in the article.

Activities in the field of medicine are a very important part of every person’s life. Health problems are what are taken most seriously. Therefore, every person wants his physical condition approached with professionalism and responsibility.

In our country, the treatment system is divided into two categories: government agencies and the private sector. Everything directly depends on who owns a particular institution. Regardless of whether the owner is the state or a specific person, all employees of the organization must adhere not only to the rules of professionalism, but also ethics. At the same time, every doctor must also have psychological approach, individual for each patient.

As practice shows, every year citizens receive great amount complaints against doctors. Those with their behavior can either simply ruin a citizen’s mood or harm his health. At the same time, if you look at the statistics, the greatest dissatisfaction is typical for government institutions. Private clinics receive far fewer complaints, although their number is also significant.

We live in a democratic state where the main priority is the protection of citizen's rights. Human interests come first. Therefore, regulatory legal acts provide for the opportunity for everyone to file a complaint against a doctor. This allows you to record the fact of a violation and compile statistics on the presence of problems, as well as bring the culprit to justice so that this fact does not happen again.

What are patient complaints against doctors? IN in this case, this concept can be looked at from two sides. First of all, this is a set of actions aimed at holding the doctor accountable for his unprofessional behavior. Also, a complaint is a special document that serves as the basis for contacting the relevant employees or authorities.

Why are such statements needed? As a sociological survey shows, few of our citizens believe in the effect of this appeal. As a rule, people who are faced with a boorish attitude from a doctor do not go anywhere. They simply express their dissatisfaction with their loved ones and acquaintances. But it's not right. In addition to the fact that you do not want to protect your own interests, you are exposing the same situation to occur, but with other patients.

It is mandatory to write a complaint in the event of a conflict. The belief that such actions will lead nowhere is unfounded. In this case, you just need to know how and who to contact. If everything is properly completed and completed, the culprit will definitely bear responsibility and will reconsider his attitude towards his professional obligations.

Reasons for contacting

Today there are a number of reasons that serve as the reason for conversion. In principle, any step to the left or to the right on the part of the doctor is a reason for responsibility. If we highlight the most common grounds for filing applications, they include:

  • untimely assistance from a doctor. Quite often workers medical field do not provide their services in a timely manner. Such actions on their part should be appealed, since delaying the treatment process may worsen the patient’s health;
  • making a false diagnosis. The lack of professionalism of a medical professional can lead to the patient being diagnosed with a false disease. Every doctor is obliged to study the symptoms that a person has and prescribe all necessary tests. Following this, if grounds are found certain disease- treatment is prescribed. Sometimes, some people are quite careless about this process and make a diagnosis without good reason. This entails not only the purchase of expensive medications, but also the harm to health that is caused by unnecessary medications;
  • refusal to accept. Some citizens encounter the doctor’s direct reluctance to accept the patient. It is worth remembering that in its work time Every medical worker must perform their duties strictly according to instructions. The main instruction is the reception of citizens. If the doctor has fifteen minutes left until the end of the working day and he says that he will not examine you, write a complaint;
  • negligence. This is probably the most common reason. As practice shows, many people are faced with an unprofessional attitude towards treatment. The doctor does not follow the instructions, which sometimes leads to severe consequences due to his superficial attitude to work;
  • deterioration of health. There are cases when the prescribed treatment not only does not help, but also causes harm. Taking medications prescribed by a doctor only worsens a person’s well-being;
  • high treatment costs. It's no secret that quite often doctors interact with various pharmaceutical companies. In such cases, instead of cheaper analogues, a medical professional can prescribe expensive drugs, from the sale of which he then receives a certain percentage. Also, it is considered completely illegal to demand monetary compensation for the provision of one’s services. Naturally, this rule does not apply to private hospitals. Although there must be special price lists, from which the doctor has no right to deviate;
  • boorish behavior. Such actions are usually characteristic of public hospitals. Many people every year experience rude treatment from a doctor. It is worth remembering that you are the client. This means that you have the right to demand normal and professional treatment. The doctor has no right to be rude to you, much less insult you.

This is not a complete list existing problems. But, as a rule, they are the basis for writing a complaint. If you become a victim of one of these situations, do not leave everything like that, but contact the relevant authorities. The culprit must be punished so that this does not happen to someone else tomorrow.

In addition, it is worth knowing that there are a number of reasons that are directly provided for in the regulations - legal acts. They are the basis for going to court. Today the legislator includes:

  • negligence of a doctor, which led to serious consequences. In this case, the damage caused to health is considered, which is characterized by moderate and severe degrees;
  • deviation of a medical institution employee from sanitary standards. Every doctor is obliged to follow epidemiological recommendations in order not to harm the patient’s health. Elementary rules– sterilization of instruments. Infection caused by the negligence of a doctor becomes the basis for serious liability before the Law;
  • negligence in relation to its activities. This point is identical to the one we discussed above;
  • hiding facts that are dangerous. So, the doctor is obliged to tell his patient all the threats to his life and health. At the same time, he must mentally prepare the person for such information.

Each employee is obliged to adhere to the rules of his work and professional ethics. Failure to comply with such standards is a valid basis for liability.

Where to write a complaint against a doctor?

If we have decided on a number of reasons that can become the basis for protecting our own rights and interests, then the question quite logically arises: who can we go to for help? In this situation, there are several options.

Yes, according to general rule, citizens who have suffered from the behavior of a medical worker can contact:

  • the immediate superior of the doctor or the directorate of the medical institution;
  • local health department. These include city, district and regional representative bodies;
  • The Ministry of Health, as the highest authority in the system of medical institutions on the territory of the Russian Federation.

In addition, in practice, appeals to other authorities that are not related to the provision of medical services are often used. These include:

  • local prosecutor's office at the location of the medical institution;
  • justice authorities.

The choice of treatment option directly depends on the immediate desire of the citizen himself who is faced with a problem.

How to write a complaint against a doctor? Sample

Now let's move on directly to the drafting of the document itself, which is the basis for the proceedings. Its form directly depends on which authority the patient plans to contact. The general rule is that the complaint is drawn up in a satisfactory manner. That is, there are no special forms to be filled out by law.

How to write a complaint against a doctor? And so, the first step is to decide on the body that will consider our claims. As practice shows, it is worth starting the proceedings from the lowest authority. If this doesn’t lead to anything, we move on to higher-ranking organs.

The first employee to whom you should send your application is the head of the department where the alleged perpetrator works. For example, a complaint about pediatrician In this case, it will be submitted to the head of the pediatric department.

And so, what content will be typical for such a document. First of all, in the upper right corner we write the person we are addressing. In this case, you will need to indicate the person’s position, his last name, first name and patronymic. Immediately below this data is information about who is applying for consideration of the situation that has arisen. We also write initials.

Next, in the middle of the sheet, indicate the name of the document. In this case, we call it a complaint. Now, across the entire width of the sheet, there is a statement of the very essence of the matter. To do this, you need to remember the time frame that is characteristic of the precedent. First of all, we write that the applicant consulted a certain doctor on such and such a date. We indicate his position and name. Following this there is a description the very situation that became the reason for the appeal.

For example, if we are talking about the fact that an employee of a medical institution refused to accept a patient, then we follow these instructions. We indicate the date and time when the citizen arrived at the hospital. We are writing about until what time the doctor worked during a given period, according to his work schedule. Then we point out that he refused to accept the citizen. You can also describe how he justified this. If what was said was said in a rude manner, we focus attention on this.

The next paragraph is a petition. In it, the applicant must indicate that he wants to find out all the circumstances of such behavior on the part of the doctor and take measures to hold him accountable for what he has done. At the very end of the document, on the left side is the date of filing the complaint, and on the left is the signature of the person who is contacting the head of the department.

The application can be written either by hand or printed using a computer. There is no difference between these options. The document is provided directly to the person being contacted.

Write a complaint against the clinic doctor addressed to the head of the medical institution

You can also make an application directly to the management of the medical institution. In our case, this person is the chief physician. What will be different in the complaint?

The whole form and essence remains the same. The only change is the first part, where we write the person we are addressing. In this case, it is worth changing the title of the position and the initials of the citizen.

Any hospital patient can write a complaint to the chief physician. At the same time, it makes absolutely no difference in which department the doctor for whom the application is submitted works.

It is worth remembering that if a doctor is contacted, the hospital itself is primarily responsible, as entity. All refunds will be made on her part. In the future, an employee who has violated his job duties may be required to write an explanatory note, make a public apology, and even dismiss him. Everything directly depends on how serious the violations were.

To better understand what this document should look like, check out our sample.

Write a complaint against the doctor to the Ministry of Health

The next stage is contacting representative authorities. Today, the Ministry of Health is dealing with issues related to disruption of doctors’ work. You can contact both the territorial offices of this body and directly to the central authority.

What will you need for this? As before, the basis for opening a case is the filing of a special complaint. It is written in voluntary form, but has some differences compared to previous versions.

So, when indicating the authority to which we are contacting, we write the full name of the local government or body federal significance. The person to whom the application is intended will be the head of the territorial authority or the Minister of Health. It is their names that must be indicated in the application. When writing information about the applicant, do not forget to indicate your contact information, such as address and telephone number. This is necessary so that the prosecuting authority can contact you and inform you about the progress of the case.

Also, if a citizen has previously contacted the hospital management, this fact must be indicated in the content of the complaint itself. Copies of statements can serve as confirmation of these actions. Therefore, if you contact the hospital itself, always have an additional sample complaint with you. Ask the person who receives you to put a mark on the document indicating the receipt of the application, indicating the date and the citizen who received the complaint.

All events must be described in detail. Also, you can argue your right to protect interests by indicating the norms legislative framework. To do this, you need to use the Constitution of the Russian Federation, which contains articles on the human right to protect interests. In addition, it would be most logical to look at Art. 41 of the Criminal Code. It contains rules regarding the responsibility of doctors. Select the required item and indicate it in your complaint.

The request in such a statement must be broader than in previous documents. So, you can ask the doctor to apologize publicly, fire him and compensate for the damage incurred from obvious inflated prices for treatment. We also suggest viewing a sample of this document with us.

A complaint against a doctor to the prosecutor's office is drawn up in exactly the same manner. Change is the body to which the appeal is made. The application must be submitted to the department at the location of the hospital. That is, it will be a city or district prosecutor's office.

How to write a complaint against a doctor to court?

Another opportunity to protect human rights is to contact the Themis authorities. Today, anyone who has suffered from the actions of a doctor can file a claim for unlawful actions of a medical professional. But here it is worth understanding that in mandatory a person must have a certain evidence base. What does it mean? Just saying that a hospital worker caused harm to a person will not be enough. Strong evidence is required.

This type of evidence can be provided by various documents. For example, these are purchase receipts medical supplies. Also, most often today they use the opinion of another doctor about a state of health that differs from the previous one. In addition, witness testimony is a significant advantage.

Let's move on to the complaint form. It will be more structured than previous options. As before, in the upper right corner there is a reference to the body to which they are contacting. In this case, we write the name of the court according to the territorial location of the hospital. Following this, the parties to the case are indicated: the plaintiff and the defendant. The first is the one who seeks help, and the second is the hospital itself, in which violations occurred in the opinion of the applicant. The main rule is that the doctor himself who violated his duties is not the defendant in the case. In any case, this will be the medical institution in which he works and which is responsible for his activities.

The body of the document contains the same factual statements as the previous samples. It is necessary to write down the time frame. In addition, this document should be neutral. There is no need to write how much you were offended and how bad it makes you feel. It is important to simply outline the situation. All other facts will be considered directly in the trial itself.

Next structural element- petition. In it, the applicant, in order of listing using numbering, indicates all the desired results in the case. The following is a list of attached documentation. A claim is never brought by merely presenting the complaint itself. It must necessarily have confirmation of certain facts. So, we must have copies of the citizen’s passport, a document confirming the doctor’s appointment, applications to other authorities, etc.

At the end, we sign the document and enter the filing date. The application is submitted to the court in two copies. One is directly for the body of Themis itself, and the second is sent to the head doctor of the hospital to study complaints.

Sometimes a visit to a medical facility brings new pain instead of the expected relief. You may have suffered from inappropriate behavior medical workers or, even worse, from an incorrect diagnosis by a doctor? Did you have to pay for the free procedure? Does your doctor refuse to write a prescription for the free medicine you desperately need?

Medical workers - special category citizens before whom we feel defenseless. It is to them that we entrust our health and life, and therefore we are afraid to complain, fearing for the consequences. But it is important to understand that by leaving egregious cases without punishment, we risk our health and the health of our loved ones. Modern medicine must develop with the times, and therefore medical workers are obliged to bear responsibility for their professional misconduct.

The legislation of the Russian Federation comprehensively protects medical rights citizens, you just need to learn how to use them.

So where do we look for justice?

1. You can start with the administration medical institution, where the medical professional from whose actions you suffered works. Prepare a claim addressed to the chief physician, sequentially outlining the events and clearly articulating your requirements. Do not forget to indicate your contact information and attach any available evidence in copies (for example, a cash receipt or a contract for the provision of paid services). The claim must be made in two copies, one of which, with a receipt stamp, must remain with you.

At this stage, as practice shows, everything can end, since a good leader, as the chief physician of an institution should be, prefers to resolve controversial issue and prevent the citizen from appealing to a higher organization.

2. Each territorial entity has a Ministry of Health (Department (Committee) of Health), which operates a public reception room. The complaint you sent must be considered and provided with a response within 30 days, this is the deadline set Federal law No. 59 - Federal Law “On the procedure for considering appeals from citizens of the Russian Federation.”

Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, receiving applications: http://www.rosminzdrav.ru/reception/appeals/new

Ministry of Health of the City of Moscow, accepting applications: http://www.mosgorzdrav.ru/mgz/komzdravsite.nsf/va_WebPages/page_00002?OpenDocument

Ministry of Health of the Moscow Region, accepting applications: http://old.mz.mosreg.ru/contact_info/

3. Protects the population from the negligence of medical workers Federal Service for Surveillance in Healthcare and Social Development. The complaint can be sent by mail or left on the official website of the organization: http://www.roszdravnadzor.ru/feedback/citizens

4. If you are offered to pay for free service services provided under the compulsory health insurance policy are asked to buy medicines necessary for treatment in a hospital, or you are unable to get an appointment with a clinic or change a doctor, then a complaint to the Federal (or territorial) Compulsory Health Insurance Fund will help you cope with the medical chaos. Qualified specialists fund will help protect your interests, because it is this organization that distributes public money to medical institutions and monitors how it is spent.

Moscow City Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund: http://www.mgfoms.ru/feedback

5. The provision of medical care is a service, and therefore violation of the patient’s rights falls under the law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”. You can complain about poor-quality service provided to the Department federal service for supervision in the field of consumer rights protection and human well-being ( Rospotrebnadzor).

You can also protect your violated rights in court by filing a statement of claim demanding compensation for the harm caused to you. The application must be accompanied by the evidence you have: certificates, contracts, extracts, photographs, conclusion medical commission and other documents. When filing claims for consumer protection, no state fee is paid.

6. Police authorities deal with offenses that involve intentional harm to life and health. Therefore, if you have reason to believe that the doctor intentionally caused you harm, feel free to write a statement to the police. This should also be done when there has been extortion or insults from a medical professional against you. All these acts fall under the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

7. Don’t forget about the possibility of filing an application with the Prosecutor’s Office. In addition to carrying out the supervisory function, the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation (district prosecutor's office) conducts inspections based on citizens' requests.

Don’t be afraid to be branded as a “complainer”; by involving all possible organizations in defending your rights, you have a chance to win and force medical workers to perform their duties properly and in accordance with the law. In order not to fight alone, it is best to involve a lawyer. This will help you not feel helpless in the fight against a powerful healthcare system.