Stylistic coloring of phraseological units. Moscow State University of Printing Arts

Phraseology- the totality of all stable combinations in the language, the science that studies phraseological units (PU)

FE- a stable combination, characterized by fixed meaning and composition, reproducibility, metaphor (figurativeness), relative untranslatability (translation often destroys phraseological units) and indivisibility.

Differ :

1) by the number of values

a) unambiguous ( blue blood, tight wallet)

b) multivalued ( play a role - 1. have a value, 2. influence something, 3. perform a function, 4. pretend to be someone)

2) according to the degree of semantic fusion (by motivation / unmotivation of the meaning of FU by the meanings of its constituent words)

a) fusion (idiom) - the meaning is not motivated ( get out of your mind). The composition often includes obsolete words ( goof) and shapes. Or: a) one of the components is not used anywhere except in this phraseological unit. b) the meaning of each is clear, but in total does not give meaning to the phraseological unit ( eat dog)

b) unity - the meaning is partly motivated ( sit in a puddle). PU is homonymous with a free phrase ( go with the flow, go with the flow)

c) combination - a word with limited compatibility will be included in the composition (cry sobbing, a delicate question, pitch hell)

d) expression (aphorism, proverb) - the meaning is motivated and generalized (Live and learn)

3) by the ratio of values

a) synonyms ( roll up your sleeves, in the sweat of your face)

b) antonyms ( at hand - far away)

c) homonyms ( let the rooster - make a fire and sing out of tune)

4) by origin

a) primordial - not translated into other languages, the basis of modern phraseology, replenished from various sources: professional (until the court and case), jargon (at peak interest), dialect (written on the water with a pitchfork)

b) borrowed - from Old Slavonic (parable of the town), from Greek, Latin (Gordian knot). Western European languages ​​(to be or not to be)

5) by activity / passivity

a) active ( was was not)

b) passive ( beat with a forehead)

c) neologisms ( deep purple)

6) by stylistic coloring

a) colloquial - used in the field of everyday communication, pronounced figurativeness, low ratings ( dog in the manger, not kicked in the tooth)

b) book - used in writing ( the stones are crying out), sublimely evaluative, rhetorical

Functional characteristics of phraseological units:

Phraseology- that part of the language in which aesthetic, religious, emotive and evaluative ideas about the world are focused. This is an integral part of the Russian mentality. The environment of the functions performed by phraseological units is the main one - expressive. Often used in colloquial speech to give figurativeness to what was said.

A variety of stylistic and stylistic characteristics allows the use of phraseological units for various purposes (creating a comic effect, creating expressive-emotional structures, etc.).

Use is subject to certain regulations:

1) normative usage- correspondence of the semantics of phraseological units to lexical and grammatical characteristics, compatibility. In modern speech, strict normativity is cut off in use neo-phraseologisms(white collar, shadow economy, consumer basket, find your niche) who have not yet lost their living connection with the reality that gave birth to them.

2)abuse(if it is not erroneous) is due either to historical changes in the language, or to the communicative setting of the author. Usually the changes relate to the semantics or structure of phraseological units.

a) historically-conditioned deviations from the norm - In modern Russian, "good obscenities" with verbs to scream, yell, and in the XVIII-XIX centuries - with verbs to run, rush (I decided to go with good obscenities). Do not lose sight of your face - in the 19th century you will definitely include the pronoun yourself.

b) individual author's deviations from the norm. Component replacement: the cat cried - the dog cried, the seal cried, instead of blood with milk - blood with cognac. There is a truncation of the form: instead of take the bull by the horns - bull by the horns. These "one-time changes" characterize the writer's style.

c) contamination - mixing two or more phraseological units in one expression, may be a mistake and a trick (if it is a deliberate deviation from the norm): wait for the wind in the field = wait by the sea for the weather + look for the wind in the field. This technique does not lead to the formation of a new phraseological unit.

Errors associated with the use of phraseological units

1) change in the component composition of a phraseological unit

2) replacement of a phraseological unit component with a synonym (play the main violin), antonym, paronym, thematically related word, or no related word at all

3) unmotivated expansion or narrowing of the component composition of a phraseological unit

4) the use of a phraseological unit without taking into account its meaning

5) the use of phraseology without taking into account its stylistic coloring

6) simultaneous use of a combination of owls in a free meaning and in a phraseologically related one

7) contamination (overlapping/mixing phraseological units)

13. Difficult cases of using a noun: fluctuations in gender; kind of indeclinable words; gender of female names by profession, position, etc.; declension of compound nouns; declension of toponyms; variants of case endings units. and pl.

Genus of foreign invariable words:

a) I. (under the influence of most words)

If: foreign language + immutable + inanimate, That neuter gender

II. Gender depends on the thematic group to which the word belongs.

1) names of languages ​​- masculine ( argo, esperanto- and m.r. and cf.r)

2) predominantly male activities and characteristics - m.r.

3) according to the real gender of the face (emancipe, lady, miss)

M./female for words counterpart, protégé, hippie

Incognito (m.+m.+f.r.)

4) animals in a broad sense - m.r.

Zh.r. if there is a context, an indication of the female

5) drinks m.r. and cf.

6) the name of the winds - m.r. (unexpected tornado/sirocco)

7) geographical names - the gender is determined by the gender of the common noun, acting as a generic concept (sunny Tbilisi (city), wide Mississippi (river), etc.)

8) substantiated words (loud "cheers", sharp "I don't want", the usual "yes") - the middle gender.

III. Words to remember

1) iwashi - f.b.

2) tsetse - f.r.

3) drying - m.r.

4) penalty m.s.

5) avenue - f.r.

6) salami - f.r.

7) kohlrabi - f.b.

b) Type of abbreviations

If the abbreviation is high-frequency and ends with:

a) on -o or -e, then cf. genus

b) to a hard consonant - there is a high probability of transition to the category of words m.r. (Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ZhEK, NEP)

c) gender of proper names

d) the gender of compound words depends on the nature of these words:

1) composite names: museum-apartment, cape-tent. They are characterized by a relative dismemberment of perception, both parts are inclined, and the gender is determined by the first.

2) fused names: characterized by * some incomprehensible words *. Only the second part is inclined, and the genus is determined from it.

e) the name of women by profession

standard - direct motivation: m.r. gives female (student - student). Reverse motivation is rare (midwife)

Karellit (correspondence) does not exist if:

a) there is a correspondence with another value

b) there is no correspondence, i.e. persons of the opposite sex do not perform specific activities or do not have the characteristics of the other sex (dowry)

Correspondences may differ in meaning: the heroine

Gender of female names by profession, position, etc.

1. Many nouns m.r. denoting a person by profession, retain their form in cases where they refer to females (teacher, physicist, operator, ...). In colloquial speech, predicates are often put in zh.r. (the pediatrician held an appointment..., the master of sports set a new record)

2. Paired formations in cases where the activity is associated with female and male equally (pilot - pilot, weaver - weaver, teacher - teacher). But in an official business style, it is better to keep m.r.

3. Paired formations in colloquial speech (doctor - doctor, accountant - accountant) - vernacular, are used to a limited extent.

End options:

14. Difficult cases of the use of adjectives: features of the formation and use of full and short forms of quality adjectives; features of the formation and use of degrees of comparison of adjectives; synonymous and pseudosynonymous use of adjectives and oblique cases of a noun.

Adjective - an independent part of speech, indicates a sign of an object and answers the questions "what ?, whose?". There are quality(question "which one?"), relative(the question "what?", indicate the material from which the object is made or temporary signs), possessive(question "whose?")

Features of the formation of short forms :

In the short form, adjectives do not change by case, but change by gender and number, and take the appropriate endings m, f, cf. kind.

When forming short forms of adjectives m.r. a fluent vowel o or e may appear in them (strong - strong, warm - warm, smart - smart, BUT worthy - worthy)

From adjectives ending in -n, short forms m.r. are formed. in -en: essential - essential, related - related, limited - limited. In some cases, the old form is preserved in -enen: sincere - sincere, frank - frank. Some adjectives do not have a short form m.r., less often f.r.

Some adjectives do not have a short form:

a) adjectives with suffixes: comradely, efficient, advanced

b) in superlative degree: strongest, tiny

c) included in the terminological names: deep rear, fast train.

Some adjectives are used only in a short form: glad, much, must, need.

Degrees of comparison:

Degrees of comparison - the general name of the three forms of the adjective, expressing various degrees of quality inherent in the subject, the name of which is determined by this adjective or adverb. Degrees - positive, comparative, superlative.

Synonymy adj + noun and noun + noun

Adjectives, which always contain a qualitative characteristic of an object, indicate a stable feature, and the indirect case of a noun - only the relationship between two objects, which can also be temporary: exam tickets - tickets for exams, annual plan - plan for the year, mountain village - village in the mountains.

Constructions with nouns in indirect cases have a significant potential for expression (because they cause a clear idea of ​​two objects, which creates conditions for their greater figurativeness). They also have the advantage of being able to more fully and accurately characterize the subject with the help of defining adjectives ( fox habits - habits of a cunning fox). This thing is especially appreciated by writers.

However, when metaphorizing, the weight of the adjective increases significantly, and then its use can give speech more figurative than the case form of the noun: golden word, golden hands, golden days.

Stylistic coloring of phraseological units

Phraseological means of the language, like vocabulary, are used

in various functional styles and, accordingly, have one or

different stylistic coloring.

The largest stylistic layer is colloquial

phraseology (a week without a year, in all Ivanovo, you won’t spill it with water),

It is used mainly in oral communication and in

artistic speech. Colloquial phraseology is close to colloquial,

more reduced (set your brains, scratch your tongue, in the middle of nowhere,

up one's throat, up one's nose).

Another stylistic layer forms bookstore phraseology,

which is used in book styles, mainly in

written speech. As part of book phraseology, one can distinguish

scientific(center of gravity, thyroid gland, periodic

system), journalistic(shock therapy, live, black

tuesday, law of the jungle) official business(minimum

salary, consumer basket, testify, confiscation


It is possible to single out a layer of commonly used phraseology, which

finds application both in book and colloquial speech (from time to time

time, each other, to matter, to keep in mind, to keep one's word,

New Year). There are few such phraseological units. In the emotional

in an expressive sense, all phraseological units can be divided into

two groups. A large stylistic layer is made up of phraseological units with

bright emotionally expressive coloring, which is due to their

figurativeness, the use of expressive language means in them.

So, colloquial phraseological units are painted in familiar,

playful, ironic, contemptuous tones (neither fish nor meat, sit in

puddle, only the heels sparkled like snow on the head, from the fire and into the frying pan);

book books are inherent in a sublime, solemn sound (to brighten

hands in blood, die, elevate to the pearl of creation).

Another stylistic layer is made up of phraseological units, devoid of

emotionally expressive coloring and used in strictly

nominative function (compost ticket, railway,

military-industrial complex, explosive device, agenda).

Such phraseological units are not characterized by figurativeness, they do not contain

estimates. There are many compound terms among phraseological units of this type.

(securities, currency transactions, share, magnetic needle,

punctuation marks, viral flu). Like all terms, they are characteristic

are unambiguous, the words that form them appear in direct


Speech errors associated with incorrect use

phraseological units

Ignorance of the exact meaning of a phraseological unit, its lexical

grammatical composition, expressive and stylistic features,

spheres of use, compatibility, finally, inattentive attitude

to the figurative nature of phraseological units lead to speech errors.

1. The use of a phraseological unit without taking into account its semantics.

For example _____: He rushed about, looking for salvation. came up with a touching

story in its own defense, but it sounded like a swan song This-

th scorched villain. Phraseologism swan song, in which

concluded a positive assessment, a sympathetic attitude towards the fact that

who is being said is stylistically inappropriate in this context.

2. Unmotivated expansion of the phraseological unit in

the result of the use of qualifying words. For example, in

irregular speech quite often there are combinations of pleonas-

tic character, formed from phraseological units and redundant

definitions to their components: fail completely, accidental

a stray bullet, hard Sisyphean labor, merry Homeric laughter. IN

in other cases, the expansion of the composition of a phraseological unit is not associated with

pleonasm. For example: Unenviable palm tree for growth

crime belongs to the Southern Administrative District;

Commercial organizations have risen to the occasion

new tasks. Phraseologisms palm, not to be on top

allow distribution.

3. Unjustified reduction in the composition of a phraseological unit as a result of

skip its components. So, they write: this is aggravating

circumstance (instead of an aggravating circumstance).

Erroneously truncated phraseological units lose their meaning, their use in

speech can lead to the absurdity of the statement [The success of this

students wish a lot of the best (instead of: leave much to be desired

the best); Coach Williamson made a "good face" (omitted: when

bad game).

4. Distortion of the lexical composition of phraseological units[Master not

once he talked heart to heart with his wards (it is necessary: ​​he spoke)). Oshi-

lateral substitution of one of the components of a phraseological unit can

be explained by the synonymic similarity of the words [The path led from the gate to

to the wing from which Antoshin had just barely removed his feet

(followed: carried away)] and even more often by a mixture of paronyms [He entered himself

(Necessary: ​​left); escaped from his tongue (necessary: ​​broke), hold around

finger (necessary: ​​circle), ... did not lose heart (necessary: ​​did not fall)]. In other cases

instead of one of the components of a phraseological unit, a word is used, only

remotely reminiscent of the repressed [Well, they, as they say, and books

in hand (instead of: cards in hand), The organizers of this trip themselves and

spoiled by plopping a drop of tar into a bucket of honey (instead of: add to a barrel

fly in the ointment)]. False associations sometimes give rise to very

funny and ridiculous mistakes [Here, figure out which of them hides

ax in the bosom (phraseologism: keep the stone in the bosom), Through

for half an hour he looked like a scalded chicken in front of the administration

(phraseologism is distorted: wet chicken)].

5. Unmotivated change in grammatical forms

phraseologism. For example: The children killed the worms and had fun,

You can't use the plural instead of the singular.

Unjustified replacement of the grammatical form of one of the components

phraseologism is often the cause of inappropriate comedy:

surprised by the unusual, strange form of familiar steady turns

(It remains a mystery how such a colossus could be erected by four

a person, even if it is seven spans in foreheads and slanting fathoms in the shoulders).

Phraseological units are inherent in the stability of the grammatical structure, in

they usually do not change the grammatical forms of words. You can not do it this way

say beat the bucket, grind the lyas, replacing the forms

plural baklushi, lyasi singular forms, or

use a full adjective instead of a short one in a phraseological unit

bare foot. However, in special cases, variations in grammatical forms during

phraseological units are possible (cf .: warm your hand - warm your hands, is it heard

case - have you heard the case).

Most phraseological units have a strictly fixed order

words. For example, you cannot swap words in expressions neither light nor

dawn; beaten unbeaten lucky; everything flows, everything changes; although the meaning

would seem unharmed if we said: “Everything changes, everything

flowing." At the same time, in some phraseological units it is possible to change

word order (cf .: take water in your mouth - take water in your mouth, do not

leave stone unturned - leave no stone unturned). permutation

components are usually allowed in phraseological units consisting of

verb and the nominal forms that depend on it.

As part of phraseological units, distortions cannot also be allowed.

pretexts [He never thought that these words would come true in his fate with

in full measure (instead of: in full measure)]. Such careless handling

prepositions and case forms makes speech illiterate. However

some phraseologisms are truly “unlucky” - they have every now and then

replace prepositions: put dots on and; seven spans on the forehead, Michael under

dressed quickly and hurried to the call. Failure to choose correctly

case forms and prepositions as part of phraseological units generates such

“strange” mistakes: gritting their hearts, those in power, this is the case

fraught with consequences, a tablecloth for him on the road, in his head goes


6. Contamination of various phraseological units. Cause

misuse of phraseological units in speech can be

contamination of elements of various set expressions.

For example: The tongue does not rise talk about it... Known

phraseological units the tongue does not turn and the hand does not rise; author

used a noun from the first phraseological unit, and a verb from

second. Some stable combinations are constantly “unlucky”:

[say: take action (of take action and take steps),

to give importance (of pay attention and attach importance), to render

meaning (of influencing and attaching importance)]. Similar

stylistic errors are explained by false associations.

Some errors caused by contamination of elements of various

phraseological units are repeated so often that we perceive them

as expressions fixed in common speech (play the main violin).

Contamination of elements of various phraseological units can make

illogical speech: Many, knowing about these outrages, watching on tricks

enterprising businessmen slipshod(work - carelessly,

look - through fingers); This business not worth a penny

(mixing phraseological units is not worth a damn

not worth it). In other cases, the semantic side of speech does not suffer, but

the proposal still needs a stylistic revision (We could

ring all the bells but first decided to calmly think it over -

it is necessary to eliminate the contamination of phraseological units to sound the alarm and

ring all the bells).

Contamination of elements of various phraseological units can become

the cause of the comic sound of speech (grated sparrow, shot

kalach, not all the cat is hangover, in someone else's feast Shrovetide).





6.1. Morphological norms.

6.1.1. Forms of nouns.

6.2.2. Forms of adjectives.

6.2.3. Forms of nouns.

6.2.4. Pronoun forms.

6.2.5. Verb forms.

6.1. Morphological norms

6.1.1. Noun forms

Hesitation in the gender of nouns

1. Words that have parallel forms of masculine and feminine


nouns are used now in one, then in the other

grammatical gender. Usually one of these forms is considered or

as obsolete, or as characteristic of a vernacular or

professional use, i.e. lying outside

literary norm of the modern Russian language. For example,

modern literary language is characterized by masculine forms

banknote words, dahlia, sanatorium, hall, not their feminine pairs. IN

in some cases, parallel forms of masculine and feminine

differ in their meanings and both forms belong

literary language, i.e. normative. Yes, an apostrophe is superscript.

a comma sign ("), and an apostrophe - a pathetic exclamation.

Gender of some nouns in modern

literary language

Masculine: shoe, banknotes, hall, dahlia, giraffe, corrective,

potato, swan, shoulder strap, tomato, path, rail, piano, roofing felt, tulle,


Feminine gender: sideburn, parcel, veil, barb, galosh,

carousel, knee, hemp, cuff, callus, mouse, reserved seat, hole,

glade, price, shoe, slipper, surname

Middle gender: bast, jam, tentacle, apple

Gender of female names by profession, position, etc.

1. Words without paired formations. Many nouns

masculine denoting a person by profession

position, work performed, occupation, academic or honorary

rank, etc., retain their form even in cases where they refer to

females, for example: teacher, technician, turner, geologist, physicist,

metallurgist, designer, operator, innovator, judge, lawyer, associate professor,

candidate of sciences, deputy, Hero of the Russian Federation, laureate

international competition, master of sports, colonel, lieutenant.

In colloquial speech, there has clearly been a tendency to express attribution

similar words to females syntactically, mainly

by setting the predicate in the feminine form, if in the function

the subject is one of the words of the specified group, for example:

the deputy received visitors, the master of sports installed a new

All-Union record, the turner did a good job.

Such combinations are also found in cases where there is

the opportunity to form a paired feminine name, but with

well-known stylistic restrictions, for example: secretary

issued a certificate, the editor was on maternity leave, the conductor

announced the next stop, the house manager made an estimate.

Of the two constructions: the doctor came and the doctor came - no doubt

the first one is preferable.

2. Pair formations adopted in neutral speech styles.

Parallel names for designating females have become entrenched

in cases where the given specialty (profession, occupation, etc.)

is equally connected with both female and male labor, for example:

obstetrician - midwife, bartender - barmaid, laboratory assistant - laboratory assistant,

Phraseologisms, like vocabulary, also have one or another stylistic coloring. at. The largest layer is colloquial phraseology: a week without a year, throughout Ivanovo, you won’t spill water etc. It is used primarily in spoken language. close to colloquial colloquial phraseology, more reduced, often violating the literary and linguistic norm: straighten your brains, scratch your tongue, in the middle of nowhere, tear your throat, turn up your nose, hang noodles on your ears and others.

Another stylistic layer - book phraseology, which is used in book styles and mainly in writing. As part of book phraseology, one can single out scientific: center of gravity, thyroid gland, periodic system; journalistic: people of good will, law of the jungle, on the brink of war; official business: put into operation, testify, solvent demand etc.

It is also possible to single out a layer of commonly used phraseological units that are equally used in book and colloquial speech: from time to time, to matter, to play a role, to keep in mind, to keep one's word, New Year and others. There are few such phraseological units. In emotionally expressive terms, they can be divided into two groups:

1) with a pronounced emotional and expressive coloring;

2) phraseological units, devoid of emotional and expressive coloring, used only in a strictly nominative function.

Phraseologisms of the first group are characterized by figurativeness, the use of expressive means. Colloquial phraseological units also belong to the first group. They are painted in familiar, playful, ironic, contemptuous tones: neither fish nor meat, sit in a puddle, only the heels sparkled like snow on the head, from the fire and into the frying pan. On the contrary, book phraseological units have an elevated sound: united front, stain your hands in blood, die, dot thei and others.

Phraseologisms of the second group are not characterized by figurativeness, they do not contain an assessment: compost ticket, railroad, open meeting, agenda. Among them are many compound terms: specific gravity, magnetic needle, punctuation marks, viral flu. They are characterized by unambiguity and act in direct meanings.

Synonymy of phraseological units

One and the same thought can be expressed by phraseological units that act as synonyms. For example: smeared with one world, two boots of steam, one field of berries; without number, without count, darkness, darkness, there is no number, even a dime a dozen, that the sand of the sea, like uncut dogs. Phraseologisms often create synonymous series, with which individual words are synonymized. For example, phraseological synonyms: leave in the cold, leave with a nose, circle around your finger, take on a gun; lexical synonyms: deceive, deceive, deceive, deceive, deceive. The richness of lexical and phraseological synonyms provides enormous expressive possibilities of the Russian language.

Phraseological units in which individual components are repeated should be considered synonyms: game is not worth the candle - the game is not worth the candle. Synonyms are phraseological units with the same composition, for example, verb + noun, but based on different images: set a bath - set a pepper, chase a loafer - chase dogs, hang your head - hang your nose. However, it is necessary to distinguish between variants of the same phraseological unit: do not hit your face in the dirt - do not hit your face in the dirt, squeeze in a fist - clamp in a fist, throw a fishing rod - throw a fishing rod. Phraseological units similar in meaning, but different in compatibility and used in different contexts, will not be synonymous: with three boxes And chickens don't peck.

Phraseological synonyms may differ from each other in stylistic coloring. For example, leave no stone unturned And inflict violence- bookstores; A walnut And ask pepper- colloquial. May have slight stylistic differences: far away- very far away where Makar did not drive calves- the most remote deaf places. Sometimes synonymous phraseological units differ in the degree of intensity of action: shed tears, shed tears, drown in tears, cry out all eyes.

Synonymous phraseology is actively used by writers. For example, A.P. Chekhov in the story "Burbot" used such synonyms: disappeared, disappeared somewhere, remember your name, and the trace caught a cold, only they saw him, without a word he gave cravings, how he sank into the water, how he fell through the earth. It is possible to simultaneously use lexical and phraseological synonyms, as in A.P. Chekhov: "Venice charmed me, drove me crazy."

Antonymy of phraseological units

Antonymic relations in phraseology are much less developed. The antonymy of phraseological units is supported by the antonymic relations of their lexical synonyms. Compare: smart - seven spans in the forehead And stupid - does not invent gunpowder; ruddy - blood with milk And pale - there is no blood in the face.

A special group is represented by antonymic phraseological units, partially coinciding in composition, but opposed in meaning: with a light heart - with a heavy heart; not from a cowardly ten - not from a brave ten; turn your face - turn your back.

For writers and publicists, phraseological units that have the same components are especially interesting, because they make the speech lively and give a punning sound: “ Such a tight budget is needed to get England back on its feet, Jenkys argued. We don’t know about England, but he knocks us, the British, off our feet, - a man from the street bitterly sneers"(M. Sturua. "Greenwich Mean Time and in essence").

Similar information.

What are the types of phraseological units in terms of stylistic coloring?

What is a phraseological unit?

IV. Phraseology


(The following phraseological units are distinguished by stylistic coloring: 1. neutral - used in all styles of speech: a vicious circle, a just cause, live a century, with bated breath, know your worth, a game of imagination, come to consciousness. 2. Book - are used in book styles, mainly in writing: probe the soil, follow in the footsteps, tempt fate, disappear from the face of the earth, Egyptian execution, stumbling block, Augean stables. 3. Conversational - used mainly in the oral form of communication: to live in clover, behind seven locks, the eye rejoices, as if on pins and needles, through teeth, the first pancake is lumpy, seven Fridays in the week. 4. Colloquial - differ from colloquial ones by lowering, rudeness: to Kudykina mountain, to give a miss, to fool the head, a trifling matter, to reach the handle, to starve a worm, to shed a tear.)


1. Give examples of phraseological units in which are used:

1) single-root words,

2) different forms of one word.


1) even a dime a dozen, dark darkness, grief to grieve and etc.;

2) wall to wall, face to face, step by step, as easy as shelling pears, eye to eye, make ends meet, leave no stone unturned.

2. Complete the sentences with phraseological units.

1) The twins looked like... (two drops of water).

2) He writes sloppy and illegible, like ... (chicken paw).

3) From excitement, he was pale, like ... (canvas).

4) I know this area as ... (my five fingers).

5) He is busy all day, spinning like ... (a squirrel in a wheel).

3. Correct the mistakes in the use of phraseological units.

1) Work hard. 2) With my hand on my heart, I tell you. 3) Work with your sleeves down. 4) Agree with a grating heart. 5) He came unexpectedly, like a thief in the night.

Answer: 1) Work in sweat faces. 2) put I tell you my hand on my heart. 3) Work later sleeves. 4) Agree reluctantly heart. 5) He came unexpectedly, like (supposedly) a thief in nights.

4. What verbs are phraseological units used with?

a) faithfully; b) in the whole throat; c) between two fires; d) to the depths of the soul; d) side by side e) to the last thread; g) for next to nothing; h) on the outskirts; i) at full speed; j) nuts.

Answer: a) serve b) yell, shout, sing; c) to be, to be, to appear; d) to amaze, excite, shock; e) live, work, fight; e) get wet g) sell, buy; h) to be, to be, to be located; i) run, ride, race; j) got.

5. In what stable expressions are words found lepta͵ balusters, apple, gimp, incense? Explain the meaning of these expressions.

Answer:to contribute- to take part in any business. Sharpen balusters (lyasy)- empty. Like the apple of an eye (keep it)- Carefully, meticulously. pull the gimp- to delay the work begun, to do something slowly. To smoke (cense) incense- flattering praise.

6. What phraseological unit is ʼʼextraʼʼ? Why?

1) Like twice two, up to a seventh sweat, it's a well-known thing, as easy as shelling pears.

2) To beat the buckets, to celebrate the coward, to celebrate the lazybones, to drive the loafer.

3) Point the nose, circle around the finger, leave with the nose, nod, fool the head.

4) Throw off the burden, break the burden, break the chains, untie your hands, throw off the yoke.

5) Outlining his head, out of nowhere, like snow on his head, like thunder from a clear sky, like a butt on the head.


1) Until the seventh sweat- to exhaustion. The general meaning of the row is ʼʼclear, understandableʼʼ.

2) Coward celebrate- to be cowardly. The general meaning of the row is ʼʼto mess aroundʼʼ.

3) nod off- to sleep, fall asleep. The general meaning of the series is ʼʼto deceiveʼʼ.

4) Break free from the burden- give a birth to a baby. The general meaning of the series is ʼʼto be freedʼʼ.

5) Headlong- reckless. The general meaning of the series is ʼʼsuddenly, unexpectedlyʼʼ.

7. Choose as many phraseological units as possible that are synonymous with the indicated words.

1) Smart; 2) few; 3) fast; 4) be silent; 5) far.

Answer: smart - a bright head, a man of great intelligence, a storehouse of wisdom, not to occupy the mind, the chamber of the mind, the head on the shoulders, seven spans in the forehead, the head cooks. Few - nothing at all, sparse, one or two and counted, you can count on the fingers, a small fraction, the cat cried, with a gulkin nose. Fast - at full speed, at full speed, that there is a spirit, at full speed, at full steam, at full sail, at full speed, at full speed, headlong, headlong, like a madman, only heels sparkle. be silent - keep your mouth shut, swallow your tongue, keep your mouth shut, play silent, bite your tongue, pass by in silence. Far - at the end of the world, in the middle of nowhere, far away, in a distant kingdom, where Makar did not drive calves, where the raven did not bring bones, the near light.

8. Before you are ʼʼshiftersʼʼ - stable expressions in which each word is replaced by an antonym. Restore them to their original state.

New lies, get out of bad taste, die your own stupidity, come out of being, countless nights, start.

Answer:old truth, get a taste, live in someone else's mind, go into oblivion, a few days, give up.

9. Remember as many phraseological units with the word as possible hand.

Answer:pull yourself together, hand in hand (to go), out of hand badly, fall out of hand, give a hand to cut off, as if without hands, from third hands, fill your hand, the hand does not rise etc.

10. Give as many phraseological units as possible with the word heart. Explain what they have in common.

Answer:the heart hurts, the heart goes to the heels, the heart burns, the heart skips, the heart languishes, the heart is not in place, the heart asks, the heart rejoices, the heart breaks in half, the heart shrinks; with a light heart, with a pure heart, reluctantly; heart of gold, heart of stone and etc.
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These phraseological units denote the feeling, state, spiritual qualities of a person.

11. The Bible describes the Hebrew rite of imposing sins on an animal, ĸᴏᴛᴏᴩᴏᴇ then released, expelled into the wilderness. What phraseological unit reflected this rite?

Answer: scapegoat.

12. This wide knife, sharpened on both sides and mounted on a long stick with a crossbar, was used in the old days for bear hunting. What is the stable expression of the name of this object?

Answer: jump on the rampage.

13. Tell us about the origin of phraseology speak teeth.

Answer: Expression speak teeth(intentionally diverting attention from something important) originally meant ʼʼto treat a toothache with conspiraciesʼʼ, that is, spells, divination.

14. Replace the idiom with one word. Eg: to have a conversation - to talk.

1) Bear corner; 2) in the middle of nowhere; 3) stumbling block; 4) how to drink to give; 5) chickens do not peck; 6) who is in the forest, who is for firewood.

Answer:1) outback; 2) far; 3) difficulty; 4) for sure; 5) a lot; 6) out of tune.

15. Give examples of phraseological units that have come into the literary language:

1) from the speech of musicians and artists; 2) from the speech of sailors; 3) from the speech of carpenters; 4) from the speech of fishermen, hunters.


1)Play first violin, leave the stage, hit the tone. 2)Run aground, go with the flow, give up, take in tow, resurface, throw overboard. 3)Not a hitch, remove the shavings, carve them into walnuts. 4)Peck on a hook, reel in fishing rods, climb on the rampage, a blank shot.

What are the types of phraseological units in terms of stylistic coloring? - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "What are the types of phraseological units in terms of stylistic coloring?" 2017, 2018.

Many words not only name concepts, but also reflect the attitude of the speaker towards them, such words are called evaluative, or emotional-evaluative. For example, blond(negative assessment of the called concept).

A feature of emotional-evaluative vocabulary is that the emotional coloring is “superimposed” on the lexical meaning of the word, but is not reduced to it, the nominative function is often complicated here by evaluativeness, the speaker’s attitude to the phenomenon being called. For example: disapproval (rally, nomenklatura, nouveau riche,stringless balalaika ‘ wasteland'), contempt (intellectual, sexist), irony ( political party, soothsayer, guardian, heavy artillery‘clumsy, slow people’), playfulness (lamb- in the view of superstitious people: an invisible creature that appears in the house, providing help or harm; cab- one who is engaged in transportation; muslin lady- a pampered, unadapted person'), dismissive(phraseological units bottomless barrel- ‘a person who can drink a lot of alcohol without getting drunk’, fount of wisdom extensive and profound knowledge, information swearing(dog, dog - about a person), solemnity, elevation (stainhands in blood, die, erect in the pearl of creation).

As part of the emotional vocabulary, the following three varieties can be distinguished:

    Words with a vivid evaluative meaning, as a rule, are unambiguous: “the evaluation contained in their meaning is so pronounced that it does not allow the word to be used in other meanings” ( Kozhina M.N.). For example: words-characteristics: forerunner,herald, grouch, idler, toady, slob, words containing an assessment of a fact, phenomenon, sign, action predestination, destiny, deceit, fraud, marvelous, miraculous, irresponsible, antediluvian, dare, inspire, defame, mischief and etc.

    Polysemantic words, usually neutral in the main meaning, but getting a bright emotional coloring when used metaphorically. So, about a person they say: hat, rag, mattress, oak tree, bear; verbs are used in a figurative sense: saw, gnaw, hiss, dig, yawn, blink and etc.

    Words with subjective assessment suffixes that convey various shades of feeling: containing positive emotions - son, sun, granny, neatly, and negative - beards, kid, breech etc.

In addition to emotional and evaluative coloring, a word can also have expressive coloring. Expressiveness (from lat. expressio- expression) - the degree of expression of feelings. For example, instead of the word good We are speaking wonderful, marvelous, marvelous, marvelous; you can say I do not like, but you can find the most powerful words: I hate, despise, abhor. In all these cases, the lexical meaning of the word is complicated by expression. Vivid expression highlights the words solemn ( unforgettable, herald, accomplishments), rhetorical ( sacred, aspirations, herald), poetic ( azure, invisible, chant). A special expression distinguishes the words playful ( faithful, newly minted), ironic ( deign, don Juan, vaunted), familiar ( naughty, cute, gossip). Expressive shades delimit disapproving words ( pedant, ambitious, pretentious), disparaging ( to paint, pettiness), contemptuous ( tease, tease), derogatory ( skirt, squishy), vulgar ( grabber, lucky), swear words ( ham, fool).

Expressive coloring in a word is superimposed on its emotional and evaluative meaning, and in some words expression prevails, in others - emotional coloring. Therefore, it is not possible to distinguish between emotional and expressive vocabulary.

By the nature and degree of expressive-stylistic coloring, book words are not the same.

Scientific, official and business vocabulary is mostly devoid of additional emotionally expressive assessments, especially negative ones (joking, ironic, affectionate, familiar, abusive, etc.).

The expressive-emotional coloring of newspaper-journalistic vocabulary is more diverse. So, high-pitched words belong to newspaper and journalistic vocabulary, which give solemnity to speech (these are words such as, for example, good, announce, listen, inspired, sing, eyes, lips, fatherland, accomplishments, coming, for, so that and so on. (As you can see, among the sublime vocabulary there are many obsolete words). The area of ​​​​use of high vocabulary is some genres of poetry, as well as prose texts created on the occasion of any solemn events (cf., for example, anniversary articles and speeches), as well as emotionally expressive words expressing both positive and negative assessments of the called concepts. Book styles use ironic vocabulary ( beautiful soul, words, quixoticism), contemptuous ( disguise, venal), disapproving ( pedantry, obscenity).

Among vernacular words there may be words containing a positive assessment of the concept called ( hard worker, brainy, awesome), however, most of the vernacular words have a rough connotation, express the speaker's negative attitude towards the concepts he designates ( go crazy, flimsy, shrewd), therefore, the scope of their use is limited to such speech acts as a quarrel, squabble, skirmish and some others (cf. words such as mug, mug, mug, bore, crazy, trepach, bend down, stunned and so on.).

The semantic-stylistic essence of colloquial words (especially roughly colloquial ones) is obvious when compared with colloquial and inter-style words:

The use of stylistically colored vocabulary.

The stylistic coloring of the word indicates the possibility of using it in one or another functional style (in combination with commonly used neutral vocabulary). However, this does not mean that the functional attachment of words to a certain style excludes their use in other styles. The mutual influence and interpenetration of styles, characteristic of the modern development of the Russian language, contributes to the movement of lexical means (along with other linguistic elements) from one of them to another. For example, in scientific works one can find journalistic vocabulary next to terms. As M. Z. Kozhina notes, “the style of scientific speech is characterized by expressiveness not only of a logical, but also of an emotional nature.” At the lexical level, this is achieved by using foreign-style vocabulary, including high and low.

The journalistic style is even more open to the penetration of foreign-style vocabulary. You can often find terms in it. For example: " Canon 10 replaces five traditional office machines: it works likecomputer Fax , facsimile a machine that uses plain paperjet Printer (360 dpi),scanner Andphotocopier ). You can use the software included withCanon 10 in order to send and receivePC - facsimile messages directly from your computer screen"(from the gas.).

Scientific, terminological vocabulary here can be close to expressively colored colloquial, which, however, does not violate the stylistic norms of journalistic speech, but helps to enhance its effectiveness. For example, here is a description in a newspaper article of a scientific experiment: There are thirty-two laboratories at the Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry. One of them studies the evolution of sleep. At the entrance to the laboratory there is a sign: "Do not enter: experience!" But from behind the door comes the clucking of a chicken. She's not here to lay eggs. Here is a researcher picking up a Corydalis. Turns upside down. Such an appeal to foreign-style vocabulary is quite justified, colloquial vocabulary enlivens newspaper speech, makes it more accessible to the reader.

The appeal to emotional-evaluative vocabulary in all cases is due to the peculiarities of the individual author's manner of presentation. Reduced evaluative vocabulary may be used in book styles. Publicists, scientists, and even criminologists writing for the newspaper find in it a source of strengthening the effectiveness of speech. Here is an example of mixing styles in an informational note about a traffic accident:

Having moved into the ravine, "Ikarus" ran into an old mine

The bus with Dnepropetrovsk shuttles was returning from Poland. Exhausted from the long journey, the people slept. At the entrance to the Dnepropetrovsk region, the driver also dozed off. Lost control "Ikarus" went off the road and landed in a ravine. The car flipped over its roof and froze. The blow was strong, but everyone survived. (...) It turned out that in the ravine "Ikarus" ran into a heavy mortar mine ... The "rusty death" turned out of the ground rested right on the bottom of the bus. The sappers were waiting for a long time.

(From newspapers.)

Colloquial and even vernacular words, as we see, coexist with official business and professional vocabulary.

The author of a scientific work has the right to use emotional vocabulary with vivid expression if he seeks to influence the feelings of the reader (And the will, but the open space, nature, the beautiful surroundings of the city, and these fragrant ravines and swaying fields, and the pink spring and golden autumn weren’t our educators "Call me a barbarian in pedagogy, but from the impressions of my life I learned a deep conviction that a beautiful landscape has such an enormous educational influence on the development of a young soul that it is difficult to compete with the influence of a teacher. - K. D. Ushinsky). Even in a formal business style, high and low words can penetrate if the topic causes strong emotions.

The use of other style elements must be justified.

Stylistically marked and expressive-evaluative words and phraseological units can perform the following functions:

    Express appreciation.

High language can be used in fiction or journalistic text to create a comic effect. For example: "And here this loyal guardian surprise to everyone around flared up unbridled passion for the good, which was called to guard" (from a newspaper feuilleton).

    Describe the character's speech.

In fiction, colloquial vocabulary is used for the speech characterization of characters. In the author's speech, it is used when the narration is conducted, as it were, on behalf of the character; cf. this form of using colloquial vocabulary in the works of M. Zoshchenko: “Recently, a fight broke out in our communal apartment. And not just a fight, but whole the battle. They fought, of course, from the bottom of their hearts. Disabled Gavrilov last head off near chopped off."

Another example. St. Petersburg worker 25,000 Davydov - one of the main novels by M. Sholokhov "Virgin Soil Upturned" - often, for various reasons and without reason, repeats the word fact. On the one hand, it replaces the word Certainly or really, on the other hand, it seems to confirm what was said by him or the interlocutor, the correctness of the speaker. As an example, Davydov's remarks in different situations can be cited: I see many of my mistakes, but I don’t correct them all at once, that’s my trouble, the fact; We missed an important matter, and here, of course, I am also very guilty, a fact; It's not good, even ashamed, a fact; painfully he is prudent, a fact; For the first time this year I try fresh cucumbers. Okay, don't say anything, fact.

Vocabulary with reduced style. coloration

Vocabulary with a neutral style. coloration

Vocabulary with book style. coloration