What to do if a child has severe stomach pain, what medications can be given: a review of medications and home remedies. How to understand that a newborn has a tummy ache. What to do if a child complains of severe abdominal pain

The most common cause of illness in children is abdominal discomfort. They occur at any age and can be caused various factors Therefore, only a qualified pediatrician can accurately determine the nature of the pain.

Why does my stomach hurt?

Before trying to determine the cause of pain, it is necessary to find out how intense it is and where it is localized. In case of severe pain, babies, as a rule, prefer to lie down, taking not very comfortable positions. They turn and stand up, while the children are very careful, slowly. The symptom can be sharp (dagger pain), dull aching or stabbing.

To determine the cause of pain, it is important to track where its epicenter is located. So, left side peritoneum may indicate intestinal obstruction/inflammation. In addition, the pancreas is located on the left, which can also cause unpleasant symptoms. If there is pain on the right, this may also indicate problems with the intestines, but if the symptom is localized in this area, in addition, pathologies of the liver and gallbladder or tract are possible (for example, dyskinesia, cholecystitis, etc.)

If a child has a fever and a stomach ache, then an intestinal infection or appendicitis is likely. In any case, if such signs occur, parents should immediately call a doctor who can determine the cause of the baby’s illness. If, in addition to the main symptoms, there is blood in the child’s stool or vomit, this is a good reason to urgently call an ambulance.

In the navel area

The main causes of pain in the navel area are overeating or incomplete/untimely bowel movements. Treatment in in this case simple: it is necessary to reduce the amount of food given to the child, eliminate snacks between main meals, remove from the diet fatty foods. If after this the baby still has pain around the navel, give him an enema (even if he has bowel movements often) - this will help alleviate the patient's condition. Alternative option– give your son or daughter mild laxatives.

Other diseases that are sometimes indicated by pain below the navel are:

  • intestinal hernia (it is provoked by constipation, diarrhea, dysbacteriosis, malfunctions digestive process);
  • umbilical hernia(occurs in babies who often cry and thereby strain their tummy);
  • intervertebral hernia(sometimes pinched nerves in the spine cause pain below abdominal cavity);
  • appendicitis (this is possible if the child complains that he has pain in the lower abdomen, which is accompanied elevated temperature);
  • gastroduodenitis (with prolonged pain below the navel, inflammation of the gastric mucosa can be assumed; the symptom often appears after eating).

Cramping pain

If, against the background of a normal state of health, a child experiences attacks of abdominal pain, this may indicate intussusception (invasion of one area of ​​the intestine into another due to impaired peristalsis of the organ). Sometimes attacks are accompanied by vomiting and an increase in body temperature, while at the beginning of the disease the stool may not differ from normal. Acute cramping abdominal pain in children under 12 months is expressed by causeless crying/screaming, constant worry, poor sleep, tucking your legs in chest.

With intussusception, the attacks subside as abruptly as they appeared: the children calm down, begin to eat and play normally again. The frequency of pain is the main symptom of this disease. As the pathology develops, attacks become more frequent, becoming longer and more pronounced. As a rule, the disease affects children 6-12 months old, which is caused by incorrect introduction complementary foods containing fruit/vegetable components.

Vomiting and diarrhea in a child

If these symptoms are not accompanied by fever, then the reasons that caused them may be great amount. When a baby has a stomach ache and diarrhea, this does not necessarily indicate the presence of any pathology (only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis). The most common reason loose stool and nausea is E. coli, which manifests itself more often in the summer season. The reason for this is insufficient hand hygiene or eating dirty fruits.

In addition to diarrhea and vomiting, the child sometimes has a fever, dehydration begins, and sometimes there is an admixture of blood or mucus in the stool, and general state will be sluggish. When infected with E. coli, each meal ends with a bowel movement. Reason specified symptoms may be poisoning from stale food, poisons or medications (antibiotics). In this case, symptoms appear within a couple of hours after toxins enter the body.

Sharp pain

As a rule, colic or pain in the stomach in children occurs due to intestinal obstruction. The first pathology most often occurs in children 6-12 months old and is accompanied by nausea/vomiting, the second, as a rule, is diagnosed in infants under one year old. If 2 hours after the onset of pain the child’s condition has not improved and the tummy continues to hurt, the baby should be taken to a doctor for examination.

In the morning

If a child complains of abdominal pain that occurs in the morning, there may be several reasons for this. The most common among them are:

  • allergy;
  • intestinal infection;
  • upset stomach;
  • appendicitis;
  • helminthic infestation.

Sometimes children have stomach ache in the morning due to nervousness associated with their reluctance to attend kindergarten/school. The reasons for this are problems with teachers and peers, so parents should talk with the child and try to find out the causes, intensity, and location of pain. If it is very strong, and the baby takes unnatural positions lying down, slowly, carefully rises and turns over, you need to show him to the pediatrician. In some cases, these signs indicate appendicitis or peritonitis.

Constant abdominal pain

The reasons why a baby often has a stomach ache can be: serious pathologies, and mild disorders of the digestive process. The most common factors causing the symptom, are:

Small children often have stomach pain, and the symptom quickly goes away on its own without causing serious consequences. Call pain syndrome maybe even an unwashed apple. However, if a child has a fever and a stomach ache, this indicates the presence of a chronic or acute illness. At the same time, the children’s activity decreases, constipation or diarrhea begins, vomiting, nausea, weakness occurs, and the skin turns pale. Parents usually consult a doctor with such symptoms; they are typical for:

  • appendicitis;
  • pneumococcal or streptococcal peritonitis (inflammation of the abdominal mucosa);
  • acute diverticulitis (protrusion of the wall of the large intestine due to improper development of the organ);
  • acute cholecystitis(inflammation of the gallbladder, in which the stomach hurts in the upper right quadrant);
  • acute pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas, which is characterized by girdle pain and mild fever);
  • intestinal infection (severe diarrhea or constipation begins, the stomach hurts incessantly, the temperature rises);
  • various infectious diseases such as acute respiratory infections, tonsillitis, measles, whooping cough (with mesadenitis, the abdominal lymph nodes become inflamed and the tummy begins to ache).

When walking

After excessive activities physical exercise, vomiting, coughing sometimes causes a sprain abdominal muscles, which results in abdominal pain when walking and running. In this case, the child’s appetite remains normal and general health does not deviate from the norm. If the stomach begins to hurt after eating fatty/fried foods, the doctor suggests dysfunction of the biliary tract, in which children complain of pain in the right hypochondrium, which manifests itself while running or walking.

At night

If a child begins to experience abdominal pain in the evening, many pathologies can be assumed. Along with diseases digestive tract, pain syndrome can be caused by the following factors:

It is not uncommon for a child to have stomach pain at night during adolescence and preschool age due to neuroses that arise due to difficult relationships with peers. Conflicts with classmates or teachers serve as a strong stress factor of a neurotic nature, which provokes serious consequences type acute pain at night or early morning(before the start of the school day).

After meal

In children, such pain sometimes indicates the presence of an infection or inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, characteristic symptoms for this are complete absence appetite, anxiety. If a child has a stomach ache after eating, be sure to show it to the doctor, since the disease will not go away on its own. In case of an acute abdomen, this should be done immediately (the symptom manifests itself as constant, severe pain). This symptom is typical for appendicitis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, and others. dangerous pathologies.

In a newborn

Such phenomena are not uncommon in infants and, as a rule, there is no reason to panic. If a newborn has a tummy ache, he will tuck his legs in and cry loudly. Gases that form from carbohydrates often cause particular discomfort in infants. breast milk(especially a lot of them in the initial portions). During breastfeeding, mothers need to plan their menu with special care to prevent the development of colic or food allergies in the baby. In addition, a woman must:

  • reduce the consumption of sweets, potatoes, pasta to a minimum;
  • give up coffee, chocolate, hot spices, cocoa;
  • fill the menu fresh fruit, greens, while citrus fruits should be consumed to a minimum;
  • You should eat all red berries, vegetables, and fruits with caution;
  • It’s better to give up beans, eggplants, bread for a while, sauerkraut, grapes, sausages.

What to do if your stomach hurts

As a rule, parents are able to eliminate the pain syndrome on their own, but this is acceptable only in cases where the symptom is not accompanied by fever or incessant vomiting. Often, a child’s tummy hurts due to increased gas production and the symptom goes away within a couple of hours after going to the toilet. In this case, there is no need to call a doctor, you just need to feed the baby liquid food and calm down.

What to do if you have abdominal pain to alleviate your child’s condition? You cannot give any pills to your baby without a doctor's orders. It is better to give a boy or girl an enema (this does not apply to infants - they should not undergo the procedure without a doctor’s permission). If the cause of pain is constipation, supplement the child’s menu raw vegetables, apricots, apples.

If you have diarrhea, give your baby more fluids, small amounts and often. Neurotic pain is perfectly relieved by infusion of motherwort and valerian. In addition, your child should be given a glass of warm milk with honey before bedtime. To reduce stress, take your baby for walks more often. fresh air, give him a contrast shower, reduce the time he spends watching TV, and forbid playing on the computer before bed.

What to give your child for stomach pain

Medicine for abdominal pain for children should definitely be in the first aid kit of parents. Treatment of colic and bloating involves taking the baby's lungs medicines. Their use must be agreed with your doctor. What helps with stomach pain:

  • Disflatil;
  • Espumisan;
  • Festal;
  • Enterosgel;
  • Mezim;
  • Lactovit;
  • Linux;
  • Activated carbon;
  • No-shpa;
  • Furazolidone.

First aid

If a child has a tummy ache due to poor digestion, parents need to carefully monitor their child’s diet: exclude everything from the menu gas-forming products(milk, pickles, beans, bread, kvass, mushrooms), supplement it with fiber. What to do if an acute abdomen occurs? First aid for stomach pain is to call an ambulance. Only a doctor can determine the cause of acute pain and select the appropriate treatment. Before the ambulance arrives, you are only allowed to apply an ice pack to the baby’s stomach to alleviate his condition.

What can you eat when your stomach hurts?

Each pathology requires a specific diet, which is selected by a gastroenterologist. If the cause of pain in a child is indigestion or mild poisoning, it is not necessary to contact a specialist. What can you eat when your stomach hurts:

  • lean vegetable soups;
  • liquid porridge (semolina, oatmeal, rice, buckwheat);
  • boiled, steamed vegetables, except cabbage;
  • some crackers;
  • lean fish;
  • omelet, soft-boiled eggs;
  • lean meat (a week after poisoning);
  • herbal infusions, teas;
  • honey, jelly;
  • baked fruits.


A child can be worried about many things and the reason for this is not a spoiled character, but an imperfect immune system. Children can catch various kinds of diseases more easily than adults and are unlikely to be able to cope with them on their own. A child’s body needs constant supply of vitamins, good hygiene, etc. preventive measures which will improve immunity and help fight back pathogenic microbes and bacteria. And if an infection occurs, it is important not to waste time, but to go with the baby to a doctor who will make the correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

The most common complaints of children include abdominal pain, which can be a sign of many diseases. They can be classified as follows:

1.Pain in diseases of the abdominal organs:

  • acute form,
  • pneumococcal peritonitis,
  • coprostasis,
  • tuberculous mesadenitis,
  • intussusception,
  • volvulus,
  • gastric volvulus,
  • disadvantaged
  • acute diverticulitis,
  • mesenteric lymphadenitis,
  • Crohn's disease,
  • umbilical,
  • abnormal development gallbladder and bile ducts,
  • dyskinesia of the gallbladder and biliary tract,
  • acute cholecystitis and angiocholitis.
2. Spicy gastrointestinal diseases(gastroenteritis, dysentery)
  • acute enterocolitis, gastritis,
  • helminthic infestation,
  • typhoid fever.
3. Urinary tract diseases
  • acute pyelonephritis,
  • nephropathosis,
  • kidney stones.

The child has a stomach ache, what can I give?

Treatment of abdominal pain should be carried out only after consultation with a specialist, strictly adhering to his prescriptions, since the diagnosis can be very different and it is difficult for a non-specialist to determine what exactly led to the discomfort. Depending on the disease, the doctor will prescribe treatment.
Quite often the prescription includes medications such as:
  • Regidron, Gastrolit for diarrhea, nausea and diarrhea;
  • for food poisoning will help: Activated carbon, Enterodes, Polyphepan, Smecta;
  • Rennie (Almagel, Phosphalugel, Maalox) helps with heartburn and bloating;
  • drugs that improve the digestion process include: Creon, Festal, Mezim;
  • No-spa is a drug that helps with pain in the gastric region, spastic constipation, attacks of gallstones and urolithiasis;
However, as we said earlier, it is almost impossible for a non-specialist to determine what exactly led to the appearance of pain, so it is better to turn to specialists who can provide the correct and quick help(see list below).

What kind of pain is there?

If the baby complains of abdominal pain, the first thing parents should do is try to determine its intensity and location. The following symptoms will help you make sure that the problem is real and not fictitious (children often invent illnesses for themselves in order to stay home and skip school, for example):
  • the baby is in a forced unnatural position,
  • Difficulty when trying to roll over or get out of bed.
As for localization, there are several options:

  • the first - when there is only one source of irritation,
  • second – the pain is widespread throughout the body,
  • the third is concentrated around the navel.

  • Pain is classified according to its nature:
    • aching,
    • sharp (dagger),
    • in the form of colic (more often in newborns)
    Considered the most dangerous dagger pain, which indicates the presence of a “catastrophe” of the abdominal cavity - acute pancreatitis, acute appendicitis, etc. Call an ambulance as soon as possible, as the child’s life may be in danger. Before the doctor arrives, do not give the baby any medications, try to calm him down and apply it to his stomach (in a bag).

    The next type of pain is much more common than the first and is chronic. This phenomenon often indicates problems associated with the gastrointestinal tract (various infections). To identify the problem organ and prescribe treatment, it is necessary to undergo an ultrasound of the abdominal organs and be tested for dysbacteriosis. There is no point in delaying a visit to the doctor or self-medicating, since it is difficult to make an accurate diagnosis without examination, and delay medical care is fraught with the flow of pain into an acute form.

    When a child first complains of such unpleasant sensations, it is important to observe the time of their appearance and compare them with meals, since the doctor’s first question will be: “when does pain appear?”

    If we're talking about For teenage girls, the problem may be related to the onset of their period, although the most common cause is food poisoning.

    The third type of pain is neurotic and has nothing to do with the condition of the intestines and other internal organs. Complaints about discomfort in the stomach can come from the baby at moments when he experiences a feeling of fear or is exposed to stress.

    Without an examination, it is difficult to distinguish this type of pain from chronic or acute, since the baby, as in the first other cases, will be restless, hold his stomach and refuse to eat. An examination will help here, which, as a rule, should not reveal any physiological abnormalities and infections within the body. In this case, do not think that the baby was deceiving, but try to show him to a psychologist and neurologist, since mental disorders are no less dangerous than physiological ones. You can also visit a cardiologist if, in addition to complaints of discomfort in the abdominal cavity, the child has excessive sweating, fatigue, and rapid heartbeat.

    Which doctors should I contact if my child has a stomach ache?

    First of all, you should visit a pediatrician who will help identify the problem organ and direct you to take the necessary tests to confirm the diagnosis. Then, depending on how it is, you will be referred to the appropriate specialist. It could be:
    • gastroenterologist,
    • rheumatologist,
    • pulmonologist,
    • cardiologist,
    • infectious disease specialist
    • urologist,
    • psychiatrist, etc.
    Problems related to the abdomen should not be ignored by parents, as this may be a symptom various diseases, and many of them are very serious, requiring emergency medical care.

    The health of your child is in your hands!

    WITH abdominal pain in a child Absolutely all mothers face this problem, because there is no child in the whole wide world who would never complain of abdominal pain. The most common complaint in a child of any age, “tummy ache,” can arise for numerous reasons, including acute surgical diseases, requiring surgical intervention, do not take up much space.

    Today we will talk about the many types of abdominal pain in children, consider their main causes, and what to do in these cases according to the recommendations of a pediatrician of the highest category, infectious disease specialist and nutritionist L. Sh. Anikeeva.

    Ambulance call statistics

    According to the Moscow Ambulance and Emergency Medical Aid Station, about half of the calls to children are for “sick stomachs.”

    Of these, acute surgical pathology of the abdominal organs accounts for 19.2%, infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - 42.8%, chronic diseases digestive organs – 32.4% ( chronic gastritis, duodenitis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, pancreatitis, biliary dyskinesia, colitis, etc.). The remaining 5.6% includes diseases in which abdominal pain may occur, but is not the main symptom of the disease: pneumonia, pyelonephritis, blood diseases, etc.

    Signs of abdominal pain in children in the first months of life

    In the first months of life, babies quite often experience bouts of prolonged strong crying, during which the child twists his legs, pulls them to his stomach, refuses the breast, spits out the pacifier, and the efforts of the whole family to calm the “brawler” turn out to be fruitless until the anxiety ends. just as suddenly as it started. Such episodes are typical for babies aged 2 weeks to 3 months, often become regular, begin at the same time of day (in the evening), last several hours, and are more often observed in boys and the first children in the family.

    Infantile colic

    Pediatricians call these periods of prolonged restlessness infant colic and continue to debate the cause. Some associate colic with a certain stage of development nervous system and dysfunction of the gallbladder. Others compare them to a migraine-like condition. Third, indicating departure large quantity gases during colic, they speak of overstretching of the intestinal wall. Still others claim that errors in the nursing mother’s diet, etc., are “to blame.”

    What to do

    Quite often, during feeding, the baby swallows air, which causes intestinal overdistension and anxiety for the baby. To avoid this, hold your baby upright after feeding to allow air to escape from the stomach. When feeding from a bottle, make sure that the milk fills the nipple completely, then the baby will not suck in air.

    A nursing mother should exclude gas-forming foods (cabbage, legumes, rye bread with milk, etc.) from her diet.

    Whatever the cause of colic, try to calm your baby. After all, in his nervous system the processes of excitation prevail over the processes of inhibition, and he cannot calm down for a long time, despite the fact that the cause has long been eliminated.

    Take the baby in your arms, hold your tummy close to you, rock him rhythmically, saying sweet words or humming a monotonous lullaby. Iron the flannel diaper with a hot iron, fold it into 6-8 layers, apply it to the tummy and swaddle the baby with arms, despite the fact that you are against tight swaddling. In this case, tight swaddling is medical procedure. If colic occurs late at night and the whole family takes turns carrying the screamer in their arms, and in the morning, sleep-deprived, goes to work, try to cope with the situation in this way: gather the baby for a walk and go out with him to the balcony or to the street. In the fresh air, he will fall asleep within a few minutes, and you can immediately return home. Now he will sleep long and soundly, since he himself is pretty tired. Some children stop crying and fall asleep to the hum of a coffee grinder or the sound of a vacuum cleaner or washing machine.


    If colic is associated with gas accumulation, correctly performed will help belly massage, after which the gases go away and the child calms down. For the same purpose, pediatricians recommend the drug espumizan, the effect of which is that it breaks the membrane gas bubbles and promotes the release of gases. Drugs such as Babycalm, Subsimplex, Plantex, and fennel tea are also intended to help babies suffering from intestinal colic. It is impossible to give an advantage to any of them. Some babies prefer Subsimplex, while others calm down only after Babycalm. So intuition and observation of the child will help you in your choice.

    You need to go through this difficult period with dignity, without getting irritated or breaking into hysterics. It won't be long before work digestive system things will get better, your baby will grow up and become calm.


    Children who are with early age bottle-fed babies often suffer from abdominal pain, the cause of which is constipation.

    The intestines of an infant are relatively longer than those of an adult, the muscle layer and elastic fibers in the intestinal wall are weakly expressed, the secretory apparatus is not active enough, and the nerve pathways are underdeveloped. These factors contribute to the development of habitual constipation. Poor development of the anterior muscles abdominal wall, sluggish intestinal motility also do not contribute to the advancement feces and their removal from the body.

    In a healthy infant who is on natural feeding, stool occurs 2-4 times a day, orange-yellow in color, in the form of a homogeneous paste with a sour odor.

    Artificial children are more prone to constipation, since more time and enzymes are spent on digesting formula milk, the amount of feces increases significantly, and it is more difficult for the intestines to move them to the outlet and remove them from the body. Therefore, stool happens 1-2 times a day, sometimes every other day. Feces contain less water, have a thicker consistency, and are often shaped.

    Often the cause of constipation in infants is insufficient fluid intake into the body, that is, the mother does not consider it necessary to give the child water: “Why does he need water? The mixture is already liquid.”

    If a child has not had a bowel movement for 24 hours, but he does not show signs of anxiety, sucks well, behaves actively and cheerfully, do not rush to resort to outside intervention. He will independently cope with this important “big” matter as soon as a sufficient amount of feces has accumulated.

    Unfortunately, this tactic still prevails in our country: as soon as the child becomes worried about the lack of stool and the accumulation of gases in the intestines, the mother is already running to his aid with an enema at the ready and with a gas outlet tube in her hands.

    Take your time with the introduction foreign objects into the rectum even for the most noble purpose. You can help your child in a more pleasant and effective way.

    Make him tummy massage.

    Abdominal massage

    Place the baby on the changing table, free the tummy from diapers and onesies and with a warm hand begin a light, calm stroking clockwise.

    Stroking is performed with sliding movements with the palm, gradually increasing pressure on the abdominal wall.

    Next massage appointment - trituration- performed with three middle fingers, also clockwise, using more significant pressure.

    The abdominal wall of a baby is thin, the subcutaneous fat layer is poorly expressed, so massaging movements affect almost the intestinal walls and, enhancing peristalsis, promote the movement of intestinal contents to the exit and release of the intestines.

    Try to massage the area especially intensively sigmoid colon where feces accumulate.

    You should not use powder or Vaseline, so as not to interfere with skin respiration.

    Talk to your child during the massage. The affectionate intonations of mother's voice have an additional calming effect.

    You will be convinced of the effectiveness of the massage, as they say, “without leaving the cash register.” The intestines are immediately freed from feces and gases, and the child immediately calms down.

    Enema for constipation

    IN in rare cases when massage fails to relieve constipation, you have to resort to enema. It is not at all necessary to call an ambulance for this. To perform this simple procedure, the highest medical education not required. To give an enema to an infant (4-6 months), fill a rubber bulb with 100 ml of water at a temperature of 29-30 ° C, release the air from it, lubricate the tip with Vaseline and insert it into the child’s rectum with careful screwing movements, squeezing the bulb, release the water and remove the tip.

    After this, squeeze your buttocks for 2-3 minutes to prevent premature drainage of water. Then, using massaging movements in the sigmoid area, help the child empty his intestines.

    The water should not be too warm, otherwise it will be absorbed into the rectum and will not have the desired effect. Cold water will cause intestinal spasms and increase the child's anxiety.

    Water should be introduced at once. If you use a small bulb (25 ml volume), you will have to insert the tip into the rectum several times to pour in enough water. Repeated forceful intervention causes additional anxiety for the child and increases the risk of mucosal damage.

    You can buy it at the pharmacy microenema, which is called "Microlax". It is a polyethylene tube filled with liquid contents, with a tip and a break-off seal. It is enough to break it off, insert the tip into the rectum, press on the walls of the tube, and in 5-10 minutes you will get the result in the form of intestinal contents and the smile of a calmed baby.

    You shouldn't get carried away with enemas. Systematic introduction foreign bodies(enema, gas outlet tube) into the rectum injures its delicate mucous membrane, creating the risk of abrasions and cracks appearing on it, which lead to increased pain during bowel movements and force the child to retain stool. And this, in turn, leads to even greater compaction of feces and even greater trauma to the mucous membrane.

    Frequent enemas contribute to the development of a “lazy” intestine that does not want to empty itself.

    Forget about the gas outlet pipe altogether or treat it as a popular but useless remedy. To reach the accumulation of gases in the intestines and remove them, the gas outlet tube must be inserted at a distance of 2-3 meters. You have difficulty moving it 1-2 cm. So what meaning do you put into this action? After all, gases that have already descended into the rectum will come out without the help of a tube.

    The use of “soap” and an enema with soapy water, widespread among the people, does not stand up to criticism due to the gross chemical exposure on the delicate mucous membrane of the rectum.

    Another compelling argument against frequent use enemas and vent pipe based on availability in anus and rectum nerve endings, the irritation of which leads to sexual pleasure. And in boys, the tip of the enema can reach the prostate gland and also cause pleasant sensations.

    Oil enema

    For multi-day constipation feces lose liquid, become dense and hard and cannot be washed out with plain water. To soften the contents of the intestines, you can do oil enema . For this purpose, use any vegetable oil: sunflower, olive, flaxseed or vaseline. It is necessary to warm it up to body temperature and inject it into the rectum in a volume of 50 to 100 ml, depending on the age of the child. Don't expect immediate results. The effect will occur in 6-8 hours. It is best to give an oil enema at night, and in the morning the intestines will present their contents to you.

    Hypertensive enema

    Another type of cleansing enema - hypertensive. To carry it out, take a 10% solution table salt(1 tablespoon of salt per glass of water) or 25% solution of magnesium sulfate. From 30 to 100 ml of solution is injected into the rectum. Typically, bowel movement occurs immediately or within an hour.

    If your child is prone to constipation, review his menu. There are many foods and dishes that promote regular bowel movements.

    Persistent constipation from the first days of life requires consultation with a pediatric surgeon to exclude a congenital disease - Hirschsprung's disease.

    What to do if you have abdominal pain with vomiting and lack of stool

    Of course, immediate medical attention is required by the child’s severe anxiety in combination with vomiting and lack of stool. These symptoms suggest intestinal obstruction, in particular intussusception, which occurs most often at the age of 4-9 months. Anxiety and the presence of a tumor formation in groin area indicates a strangulated inguinal or inguinal-scrotal hernia and will force you to see a doctor at any time of the day or night.

    Acute appendicitis

    Acute appendicitis in children under 3 years of age it is very rare and proceeds completely differently from how we imagine it. General symptoms come to the fore: malaise, lethargy, moodiness, bad dream, repeated vomiting, sometimes loose stools, fever often up to 39 ° C. Against the background of these symptoms, abdominal pain is not so pronounced and does not have a “mandatory” localization in the right iliac region. Many mothers regard this condition as “food poisoning” and are in no hurry to see a doctor. And for doctors, diagnosing acute appendicitis in young children presents significant difficulties. Therefore, in unclear cases, the baby is hospitalized in surgery department for dynamic observation.

    The incidence of appendicitis reaches its “peak” at the age of 9-12 years and in most cases has a typical course.

    Pain appears “in the pit of the stomach” or near the navel, sometimes throughout the entire abdomen, but after a few hours it is clearly localized in the right iliac region. The pain of appendicitis in the first hours of the disease is not severe, but with a gradual increase in intensity and is constant. These are very important characteristics of pain that allow you to make a correct diagnosis.

    Symptoms of intestinal colic

    If a child screams and cries from abdominal pain that suddenly arose in the midst of complete health, squats down, cannot walk on his own, takes a forced position in bed with his legs brought to the stomach and is afraid to turn on the other side due to increased pain, and the pain continues cramping character is not appendicitis, but intestinal colic.

    Ask your child when he last had a bowel movement, and you will hear: “I don’t remember, it’s been a long time” or “Three days ago.” Here is the cause of severe pain associated with spasm of the smooth muscles of the intestines - the accumulation of feces and gases.

    Often colic is associated with the consumption of foods that cause increased gas formation (legumes, cabbage, nuts, seeds, rye bread, etc.) and indiscriminate dry food: chips, gingerbread cookies, crackers, buns.

    If your child has been gnawing seeds all day, cracking nuts, eating chips and washing them down with multi-colored soda, and in the evening he cries and writhes from abdominal pain, help him empty his intestines of gases (massage, a candle with glycerin, an enema), and recovery will come instantly.

    Attention: appendicitis!

    If the pain is constant, does not go away within several hours, is localized in the right lower abdomen, and its intensity gradually increases, call an ambulance: it smells like appendicitis.

    But it’s not for nothing that doctors call this insidious disease “the monkey of all diseases.” The appendix is ​​not always located in the place assigned to it according to anatomical laws, and having climbed into “places not so distant”, it radically changes the clinical picture, masquerading as intestinal infection, cystitis and pyelonephritis, cholecystitis and hepatic colic, pneumonia and pancreatitis.

    But parents should not engage in diagnostics, much less self-medication using “stomach relief” pills, heating pads, compresses, lotions, spells and other folk methods. It’s better to play it safe and see a doctor than to brush off your complaints (“it will go away”) and lead to peritonitis.

    Abdominal pain in a child who went to school

    Let's talk in more detail about abdominal pain at a child who went “to first grade for the first time”. Many mothers will say: “Yes, mine (mine) had it like that.”

    What are the reasons for this widespread phenomenon, which deserves a separate discussion? Before entering school, the child slowly ate milk porridge every morning at home or in kindergarten. For a stomach that had rested overnight, porridge was morning exercise, preparing it for intense daytime work. Alimentary fiber, contained in cereals, stimulated the intestines and contributed to its daily emptying. The child’s high physical activity forced the muscles to work abdominals and enhance intestinal motility, moving feces towards the exit. Feeling the urge to defecate, the baby went to the toilet and did the “big” thing.

    With the beginning of the school year, established habits and established life have radically changed. Now in the morning the child does not have breakfast, but chews a sandwich on the go, washing it down with two or three sips of tea or cocoa. For breakfast at school, he gets a bun with a sausage or a sandwich with sausage, and his first normal meal will only take place at lunch. That is, the child spent half the day on dry food or from hand to mouth, and at lunch he “swept everything in sight,” filling his stomach to capacity.

    The rhythmic functioning of the digestive tract was disrupted. Disorderly eating of food contributes to constipation. Decline motor activity during lessons and while preparing homework, it slows down intestinal motility. If during a lesson there is an urge to have a bowel movement, the child will be embarrassed to ask permission to leave the class. And if he does, he won’t dare to use the toilet because of its unsanitary condition. An unrealized urge to defecate leads to retention of feces, water from them is absorbed by the intestinal wall, and they become dense and hard, which makes bowel movements difficult. It is impossible to discount and stressful state, in which the child finds himself, having entered from a carefree childhood into a responsible school period.

    Here are the causes of abdominal pain. Sometimes the pain is so severe that the child literally screams, cries, cannot walk, bends over and holds his stomach. In bed, he takes a position on his side with his legs brought to his stomach and prevents examination, fearing increased pain.

    Ninety-nine mothers out of a hundred call an ambulance and, when they meet a doctor, they say: “Doctor, he screamed so much, he screamed so much! It's probably appendicitis. Take us to the hospital quickly.”

    Calm down! We have already said that such behavior of the child completely excludes the presence of appendicitis and indicates the absence of stool for several days, which is clarified during a conversation with the child. Examination of the abdomen confirms the doctor’s assumption: the abdomen is evenly swollen, dense as a drum, painful on palpation in the left half, where a hard, painful sigmoid colon filled with feces can be felt.

    So we are dealing with a banal intestinal colic , and the operation to remove appendicitis is postponed indefinitely, maybe forever. But what the child needs right now is to cleanse the intestines of feces and accumulated gases. How to do this, you just read.

    As soon as the intestines are freed from the accumulated “good”, recovery immediately begins, all fears are left behind, and smiles bloom on faces.

    Possible causes of abdominal pain in girls

    In girls, the cause of acute abdominal pain may be gynecological diseases.

    Ovarian apoplexy

    Ovarian apoplexy- its rupture, accompanied by hemorrhage into the abdominal cavity, occurs suddenly in the midst of full health. Often the trigger is injury or physical stress, but often apoplexy can occur at rest and even during sleep.

    The disease develops suddenly with the appearance of severe pain in the lower abdomen, predominantly localized on the side of the affected ovary. The attack may be accompanied by nausea and vomiting. Pallor of the skin appears, rapid pulse, lowering blood pressure. When examining the abdomen, pain and tension in the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall are revealed.

    The sudden nature of the disease will force any participant in the events to immediately seek emergency medical help by calling the treasured phone “03”, and there is no need to worry about the girl’s fate: she is in good hands. If bleeding into the abdominal cavity is minor, then treatment will be conservative. At heavy bleeding laparoscopy or surgery will be required.

    Similar clinical picture observed when circulatory disorders or twisting of the pedicle of a mobile tumor of the internal genital organs, especially ovarian tumors. The cause of torsion is most often rotational movements of the torso or increased intra-abdominal pressure. As a result of the bending of the leg, blood circulation in the tumor stops, and sharp pain in the abdomen, nausea, sometimes vomiting, blood pressure drops, severe pallor appears, cold sticky sweat, rapid pulse.

    Immediate delivery of the patient to the hospital for surgical intervention is required.

    Ectopic pregnancy

    If a teenage girl is already sexually active, then such a picture should make one think about a disturbed ectopic pregnancy. Naturally, the doctor will begin to clarify this delicate issue one-on-one with the patient. Therefore, parents, and even more so teachers and classmates, should not be offended by the doctor’s request to leave the premises.

    Interrupt ectopic pregnancy accompanied by bleeding into the abdominal cavity and causes severe pain in the abdomen, general weakness up to fainting, pallor of the skin, a sharp decrease in blood pressure, pain on palpation lower sections belly.

    Information about previous sexual contacts, the date last menstrual period and the presence of indirect signs of pregnancy: nausea and dizziness in the morning, enlarged mammary glands, odor intolerance, etc.

    However, do not expect that the young lady will immediately tell you all the details of her intimate life.

    Quite often, girls indignantly reject even the slightest hint of the possibility of sexual intercourse, despite the presence of irrefutable evidence.

    Fear of parental anger clouds the mind, and the patient’s stubborn silence prevents the ambulance doctor from making a correct diagnosis. Therefore, often instead gynecological department girls are delivered to general surgery with diagnoses of acute appendicitis, intestinal obstruction, perforated gastric ulcer, etc.

    Video on the topic

    A child has a stomach ache near the navel: what to do?

    The main causes of abdominal pain in children – Dr. Komarovsky


    1. Video on the topic.
    2. “Pediatrics: a complete guide for parents/L. Sh. Anikeeva": Moscow: Publishing House "Eksmo".

    Abdominal pain occurs periodically in a child of any age. The occurrence of pain syndrome can be provoked by any factors - from ordinary illness to serious pathology. Only a doctor can determine the exact cause of its appearance. To do this, he must order a series of studies and draw a conclusion based on them. When a child has a stomach ache, you should not try to solve the problem yourself, as this can worsen the patient’s condition and cause complications. In some cases, you need to give him first aid and wait for the ambulance team to visit.

    There are several types of abdominal pain: sharp, dull and aching. The most dangerous is a sharp pain syndrome. Appears due to inflammation occurring in the intestines. This condition is usually observed with appendicitis and pancreatitis.

    If sharp pain occurs, you must call an ambulance. For other types of pain, it is recommended to look at the accompanying symptoms, but you should consult a doctor in any of these cases.

    Causes of abdominal pain

    There are several causes of pain. Each of them has its own symptoms.


    This condition is usually observed in newborns up to four months of age. Symptoms: pulling the legs towards the stomach, constant screaming, the baby cannot lie still and constantly tenses. A warm diaper can help your baby. It is folded several times, heated with an iron or on a radiator and placed on the stomach. Plain water will help avoid colic. The child needs to drink between meals.

    If these methods do not help and the child is constantly anxious, especially at night, it is recommended to consult a doctor. The pediatrician will prescribe medicine for colic. Plantex, Espumisan and other drugs are usually prescribed.


    Corresponding symptoms are bloating, deterioration in sleep quality. With this condition, infants begin to eat greedily during feeding, and then abruptly refuse to eat without finishing the meal. After feeding, the baby begins to burp or regurgitate.

    Flatulence is not independent disease. Increased gas formation is a symptom of many pathologies, so at the first manifestation it is recommended to show the baby to a doctor.


    Characteristic symptoms are vomiting, diarrhea, blood and mucus in the stool, constant vomiting, fever. Abdominal pain is moderate. The pathology requires urgent treatment. Diagnosed by bacteriological tests.

    Viral infections

    Pain in the abdominal area is caused by viral, bacterial and mixed infections. Additional symptoms: abnormal stool, vomiting, increased body temperature.

    If parents suspect that viral infections are the cause of abdominal pain, it is necessary to take the baby to the doctor on the same day when this condition occurs or invite a specialist to your home.

    Constipation and diarrhea

    Stool upset is a common cause of abdominal pain. It is not always a manifestation of pathology. Constipation and diarrhea can occur due to an unstable emotional background, poorly washed fruit and other reasons. If the problem continues to bother your child for more than two days, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

    If a newborn has an upset stomach, it should be shown to a specialist immediately.

    Lactose intolerance

    If a child suffers from lactose intolerance, pain occurs half an hour after drinking milk. Stool upset, nausea and vomiting also appear.

    Gastritis and stomach ulcers

    In such conditions there is Blunt pain, which appears and disappears. Additional symptoms - extraneous sounds in the abdomen, stool upset, nausea and vomiting. An increase in body temperature may also occur.

    Worms are a common cause of pain in the abdominal area. In this case, the child experiences discomfort in anus, increased gas formation and headaches.


    Disruption of the normal functioning of the stomach, which makes digestion difficult. This condition causes pain in the abdomen and a feeling of fullness in the stomach. The child quickly gets full without eating even half of the usual portion.


    Pain is observed in the right side of the lower abdomen. At first it is aching in nature. The child loses appetite, the temperature increases, and vomiting occurs. Within a short time the pain becomes cutting. It is important not to give your child painkillers if you have appendicitis.

    The condition requires immediate surgical intervention, so if appendicitis is suspected, an ambulance is immediately called.


    Pancreatitis is another reason why a child has a stomach ache. In pathology, acute pain occurs, increased salivation, vomit. The pain radiates to the shoulders and back. This condition forces the child to take a comfortable position, turning over on his left side. The duration of the attack ranges from several minutes to several days. The abdomen is soft and there is no discomfort when palpated. With pancreatitis, body temperature does not increase.

    Pathology is treated with medications.

    Intestinal obstruction

    Most often occurs in children between 5 and 9 months. Symptoms: stool mixed with blood, nausea accompanied by vomiting. When this condition occurs in a child, urgent surgical intervention is required.


    This is a type of intestinal obstruction in which one segment of the intestine invades the lumen of another. Children from 4 months to 2 years are susceptible to pathology. The pain syndrome appears and then disappears. In the intervals between attacks, the child's normal behavior may be observed. As the condition worsens, constant vomiting and blood in the stool appear. If intussusception occurs, the child requires immediate treatment.

    If you consult a doctor within the first 18 hours after the first symptoms, the situation can be corrected with medication. After this period, surgical intervention is required.

    Girls often experience severe abdominal pain during menstruation. Pain syndrome appears both a few days before the onset of menstruation and directly on the days of menstruation. At the same time, the abdomen becomes hard and slightly increases in size. The pain is localized in the lower abdomen and can radiate to the back.

    Other diseases and conditions

    Other causes of pain include cystitis in girls. In boys, this condition occurs due to chronic prostatitis. The disease manifests itself even in childhood and is accompanied by problems with urination.

    If a child has a stomach ache in the morning, this may be due to a reluctance to attend kindergarten or educational institution. In this case, you need to talk with the child and take him to the doctor. The specialist will determine whether this condition is associated with pathologies or is it a simulation of pain.

    Diagnosis of pain

    To determine the cause of the pain, you need to see a doctor. The doctor will examine the baby, interview the parents, and then prescribe the following tests:

    • general blood, stool and urine tests;
    • palpation of the abdominal cavity;
    • X-ray, which involves inserting a catheter;

    Based on these studies, the doctor determines the cause of the pain and prescribes appropriate therapy.

    What to do if your child has a stomach ache?

    If your child constantly has stomach pain, he should be seen by a doctor. No independent actions should be taken, as this may cause complications. You can solve the problem on your own only if there is no increase in body temperature and vomiting.

    Rest mode

    It is important to provide rest to the child when pain occurs. It is recommended to put him down and not disturb him. If a child is vomiting, then an acceptable position is on his side. This ensures that the child does not choke on vomit during an attack. After this, the ambulance team is called.

    If you have pain in the abdomen, you should not allow your child to lift weights or do physical exercise. You should stop attending sports and dance clubs and sections until the cause of the pain is determined and it is eliminated.

    Dietary food for the child is developed by a gastroenterologist. Usually the doctor recommends the following menu:

    • vegetable soups prepared without meat, poultry and broth;
    • liquid porridges cooked in water;
    • vegetables prepared by boiling or steaming;
    • low-fat fish;
    • crackers, mainly from rye rather than white bread;
    • chicken eggs and omelet from them;
    • teas and decoctions prepared from medicinal plants;
    • baked fruits;
    • jelly, but only homemade, made from berries and starch;

    The menu should not include:

    • sweets;
    • cocoa;
    • potato;
    • pasta;
    • bakery;
    • legumes;
    • grape;
    • eggplant;
    • White cabbage;
    • grape;
    • sausages.

    It is not necessary to give up consuming such products forever. It is recommended to reduce their consumption during periods of exacerbation and therapy.


    If there is pain, you should not give your child painkillers. This will blur the symptoms, and the doctor will not be able to immediately determine the cause of this condition. In some cases, lost time can make therapy more difficult.

    If a child’s body temperature rises along with abdominal pain, the parents can give the child antipyretics before the ambulance or doctor arrives.

    You can't give your baby antibiotics medications to improve intestinal motility, enzyme preparations.

    What can you give your child when he is in pain?

    If a child has a stomach ache for reasons unrelated to pathologies, then the child can be given Mezim, No-shpu, Festal, Espumisan, Linex, activated carbon and others similar drugs. Before using any product, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

    When to call an ambulance

    A child should call an ambulance in the following cases:

    • the child’s age is less than 5 years and the baby complains of pain in the abdominal area for three hours, is noticeably nervous, cannot find a comfortable body position, cries and is capricious;
    • the child developed not only pain in the abdomen, rashes on the epidermis - it could be a rash, urticaria and others;
    • stool disorder is added to the pain and the condition is accompanied by an increase in body temperature, nausea and vomiting, which only stops for a few minutes;
    • the main location of the pain syndrome is the navel area;
    • the child loses his appetite, he can neither eat nor drink;
    • the pain occurred after mechanical impact from a blow to the stomach or a fall;
    • pale skin, loss of consciousness, dizziness appeared;
    • the period of pain onset is at night;
    • lack of bowel movement;
    • the pain syndrome appears and disappears and this condition is observed for 14 days;
    • weight loss without changing diet and physical activity;
    • the pain syndrome is observed for several months, even if nothing else bothers the child.

    Preventive actions

    Preventing indigestion:

    • proper nutrition - the absence of so-called unhealthy foods, sweet carbonated drinks from the menu and the inclusion of fresh seasonal vegetables, berries, fruits, and dairy products in the diet;
    • proper nutrition for a nursing mother - avoidance of foods that cause increased gas formation and colic;
    • physical activity;
    • strengthening immunity;
    • eating vegetables, berries and fruits only after thorough washing;
    • comfortable psychological atmosphere in the house;
    • regular visits to the doctor.


    If your child has a stomach ache, you should never postpone a visit to the doctor. Any delay can provoke the development of complications, which will significantly worsen the treatment of the pathology.

    Often, problems of the gastrointestinal tract are underestimated, brushed off with the excuse “it will go away somehow.” If such a complaint comes from a child, you need to be vigilant and not write it off as a whim. What should I give my child for stomach pain? This question asked quite often.

    First of all, it is necessary to take into account that treatment at home is not always acceptable. Especially when the issue concerns the baby’s health.

    From this article you will learn a detailed description of the symptoms of common diagnoses, and in which cases you should not ignore contacting a doctor.

    Will the pain go away on its own?

    Abdominal pain in a child may occur due to various reasons. If the baby has not had any falls or injuries, but began to receive complaints, it is necessary to analyze the diet of the last days. Sharp pain in the abdominal area can be caused by overeating, incompatibility of foods eaten, unhealthy and low-quality food. Digestive tract disorders manifest themselves unpleasant sensations, vomiting, diarrhea, bloating and flatulence. If a child has eaten a new or harmful product, panic can be put aside. There is no reason to worry if the freshness and quality of the product is not questionable, but overeating has occurred.

    The actions will be as follows: do not give food to the child for some time, while prerequisite will drinking plenty of fluids(water and tea), over time the sharp pain in the abdomen will go away. You should not allow your body to become dehydrated if you have diarrhea. It is necessary to urgently offer the baby something to drink. You need to understand that diarrhea itself is not as terrible as its consequences for child's body. If these manifestations do not stop, hospitalization will be necessary.

    So, for stomach pain, what should you give your child? This depends directly on the reasons that provoked the symptoms.

    Activated carbon and Smecta in a dose according to the age group will help in case of diarrhea. If the child feels worse or there is no dynamics in better side after six hours after the onset of the illness, you need the help of a doctor.

    When do you need a specialist?

    There are three types of pain syndrome: stomach aches, colic, acute pain. It’s good if you can find out the symptoms of illness in your child. But young children cannot always explain exactly what is bothering them and where. Therefore, you should carefully monitor their condition. If the child is lethargic and passive, the skin is pale, and there is perspiration, this may indicate a serious and life-threatening pathology.

    Acute pain is considered as such. Severe, incessant, unbearable pain that radiates to a neighboring area of ​​the body. Is a regular drug suitable for an “acute abdomen”, how can I alleviate the child’s condition? Parents should understand that unpleasant sensations in the gastrointestinal tract can hide serious illnesses. If a child has a severe stomach ache, what should I give?

    In the presence of acute pain, medical assistance is necessary - planned or emergency.

    Long lasting pain

    Before medical care There is no need to give medications, but you should try to distract the baby’s attention. Indications for treatment in a hospital (or contacting a doctor) are long-term pain. In this case, the behavior of the little patient is restless and anxious. Various painful sensations within two to three hours without positive dynamics is a reason to seek medical help. Also, symptoms that indicate that you should see a doctor are the presence of blood in the stool or vomit. What should I give my child for stomach pain? More on this later.

    In cases of unusual symptoms, it is better to abstain from medications so as not to aggravate the situation. It will be more difficult for doctors to determine the diagnosis while taking pain medication. This could cost the child his life.

    The following situation requires a quick reaction from parents: the child has taken medication, harmful substance, household chemicals. You should not take independent actions, much less resort to folk remedies. And it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance. Also, before the doctor arrives, put the baby down and let him take a comfortable position.

    What if your baby has a stomach ache?

    Young parents encounter difficulties in caring for their baby, and the reason is not only a lack of experience. The difficulty is that you don’t recognize the baby’s symptoms. How to determine that the cause is abdominal pain? If something is wrong, the baby can only cry. If he has poor sleep, appetite or refusal to eat, then it could be colic. The child is one year old and has a stomach ache. What should I give in this case? Let's figure it out further.

    Even if there is a problem in the abdomen, they knock with the leg and pull the knee towards the chest. The phenomenon of colic often occurs in infants aged four to six months. In this case special treatment not prescribed. But if the baby’s anxiety is increased by fever, vomiting, and blood in the stool, a doctor’s help is urgently needed. The listed symptoms may be due to food allergies or intestinal obstruction.

    For abdominal pain, what should you give to an older child?

    Abdominal pain in preschoolers

    Define external condition a child under two years old is possible by observing his behavior and mood.

    Decreased activity, crying, and refusal to eat are caused by a problem in the abdomen. It should be noted that in childhood, for more than a year, the cause of digestive problems is “not childish”: food poisoning, allergies, overeating, infections.

    Children just over two years of age are able to tell what worries them. Having paid attention to the baby’s complaint, the parent must evaluate the symptoms. If a child has a stomach ache, what should you give?

    For example, if the abdominal pain of a five-year-old child is irregular and a little time has passed since then, the condition is normal, then you can solve the problem at home. The child should be given a drug that improves digestion and ensure a state of rest.

    The same should be done in a separate case of diarrhea or vomiting. Remember, the occurrence of loose stools (not for long) is a sign of a digestive system disorder. Vomiting once may cause overeating or coughing. What to give a child for abdominal pain (in the stomach area)? In these cases, a regular remedy for diarrhea (for example, activated charcoal, Smecta or Enterofuril) can alleviate the baby’s condition. But, as mentioned earlier, you should not abuse these drugs without consulting a specialist.

    Stomach ache

    Permanent pain symptoms regardless of the specific part of the body, this is a reason to visit a doctor. It is noteworthy that the occurrence of abdominal pain and nausea may occur without physiological reason. This may be a consequence of the child’s psycho-emotional state. This symptom is called functional pain.

    So, examination of an internal organ results in normal results. The reason for this is overwork, overload of the nervous system, anxiety, stress. This is probably unusual, but the correction of such pain is carried out by a psychologist. Meanwhile, a visit to a gastroenterologist should not be ignored. Please note that constant childhood pain in the navel area may “speak” of a pathology of the internal organ. Especially if the child is 4 years old. My stomach hurts - what should I give? Let's talk about this further.

    Functional pain and treatment method

    In the event that a child has constant complaints of pain, the parent must be balanced, but cannot ignore it. You should schedule a visit with your doctor. If functional pain is confirmed, treatment should be given. You need to start keeping a “diary” in which abdominal pain will be noted. Register pain sensations, in what situation they appear, which improves your well-being. Analyze these recordings with a specialist, this will add specificity to the search for problems and help eliminate unpleasant sensations. Parents should take care of creating a favorable climate in the home for the child, and come up with a hobby (visits to a section, a club, a new hobby).

    If your child is 5 years old and has a stomach ache, what should you give him? stabbing pain?If you are sure that unpleasant sensations appear in connection with psychological problems, then you can resort to taking Ibuprofen or another analgesic wide range actions according to children's age group. Usually, after rest, the symptom of functional pain goes away.

    Home first aid kit

    What drugs should be in home medicine cabinet that relieve stomach pain in a child? Note that self-medication is not encouraged, but there are different cases. Which drug to choose to relieve pain in a child? For example, the drugs “Mezim”, “Festal”, “Creon” stabilize the digestion process (in case of a poor combination of products). The use of Gastrolit and Regidron will eliminate diarrhea and nausea. "Maalox", "Rennie", "Almagel" neutralize heartburn.

    Which drug from an adult’s first aid kit can be used if a child has a stomach ache and there are no children’s medications available? In this case, “No-Shpa” universal is suitable (removes spastic constipation). And if the child is one year old and has a stomach ache, what can you give?

    If in stock food symptom poisoning (diarrhea, vomiting, pain in the gastrointestinal tract), activated carbon, Smecta and Enterodes will not harm. But first, read the annotation carefully; the dose of the drug also matters and must be calculated. Even with home treatment, consultation with a specialist is advisable.

    Beware of infection!

    Infections are a particular concern for parents. There is no need to panic; the key to success is the correct diagnosis. Indicating infectious disease there is pain on the left side of the abdomen, on the right side, in umbilical region. It should be taken into account that the diagnosis of this type is graded according to the pathogen: viral, bacterial, mixed.

    Urination changes when there is an infection in the genitourinary system. Then little patient indicates pain in the abdomen, visits the toilet a lot.

    What should you give your child? Abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting, increased body temperature - the main signs infectious diagnosis. Do not forget that infections of various origins are dangerous. Thus, at the first suspicion of a viral or bacterial infection should be hospitalized in infectious diseases department district hospital.


    If a child has appendicitis, his stomach hurts, what can I give? Let's figure it out.

    The common belief is that appendicitis is more common in adults, but this is a myth. The real state of affairs is that this diagnosis occurs even at the age of two. It is fair to note that appendicitis in children under one year of age is a rare occurrence. But school age group Ten to twelve years old appears more often in statistics, especially for boys. For young people, appendicitis is especially dangerous. Correct diagnosis at an early stage, timely treatment- the key to a positive result.

    Appendicitis is an inflammation of the appendix. Requires emergency surgery.

    Symptoms of appendicitis - how to identify them?

    In the event that a child complains of pain in the abdomen regularly, and there is no positive dynamics after the night, contacting a specialist is necessary. It should be noted that "geography" painful symptoms can be different. The classic case - pain on the right side of the stomach and below - does not always happen. The epigastrium and umbilical area may also be painful.

    Parents should be vigilant if pain in the navel area intensifies when changing body position, while coughing or crying. Diarrhea and vomiting are less common. Typically, appendicitis results in increased body temperature, lethargy, drowsiness, and loss of appetite. If such symptoms are present, pain cannot be relieved with medications. Contact a specialist immediately. A 3-year-old child has a stomach ache. What to give? This question interests many.

    Other frequent abdominal pain

    All children often fall, fight and find themselves in ridiculous situations. AND calm child may trip or be accidentally pushed. What to do if the result of an injury is pain in the abdominal cavity? Abdominal injuries are divided into open and closed types. The first case “dictates” the need for emergency medical care and subsequent hospitalization. Otherwise, assess the child’s condition.

    If pain is present, but the child is active, eats, and sleeps normally, there is no reason to worry, but a visit to the doctor would be a good idea. If you have a rapid pulse, general weakness, or vomiting, contact a medical facility immediately. Be vigilant if you receive a complaint of pain in the left side of the abdomen. This may indicate that the spleen is damaged.

    In this case, what should you give your child for abdominal pain? Only the doctor should decide.

    Let us not lose sight of the fact that children are also troubled by various hernias. They are internal and superficial, sometimes palpated in the abdominal cavity. Accompanied by unpleasant sensations in case of pinching. It is prohibited to treat them on your own; a visit to a specialist and a therapeutic complex are required.

    Not only adults, but also children are susceptible to the presence of ulcers and gastritis. Often these diagnoses can be found in the primary school group and in adolescents. It is typical that this is caused not only by an unbalanced diet, but also by taking medications. Increased attention should be paid to a child’s complaint of stabbing pain in the abdomen, especially after surgery. This is not the only case where a medical professional should be immediately involved to make a diagnosis and treatment.

    Parental vigilance, adequate timely assessment of the child’s health, regular visits to the doctor are the guarantee of a positive result.

    We looked at what you can give your child for stomach pain.