How to treat dry obsessive cough in an adult. Causes of dry cough. Possible consequences and complications

Dry cough is a common phenomenon, which many people simply do not pay attention to, believing that this unpleasant syndrome can go away on its own. And in vain, because a strong dry cough not only brings a lot of discomfort, prevents you from sleeping peacefully and communicating with others, it can be a sign of a more serious pathology occurring in the body.

The reasons can be different from a banal viral infection to an allergic reaction or tuberculosis. Therefore, you should not endure a debilitating cough and wait for complications; it is better to start therapy immediately.

Causes that can cause a cough

If a cough without sputum does not go away for a long time, preventing a person from breathing calmly and getting enough sleep, this indicates a pathogenic process that has already begun to attack the body. The causes of dry cough can be of different nature, but in most cases the syndrome indicates an infectious disease.

If initially the cough is dry, not accompanied by expectoration, then after a week (without appropriate treatment) it may be accompanied by chest pain, fever and general weakness.

Suspicious signs become an alarming signal and a reason to immediately consult a doctor

During the examination and examination, the doctor will prescribe a list of necessary laboratory tests and select adequate treatment tactics. The cause of a dry cough without fever may be hidden in the development of the following diseases:

  • Laryngitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx. It manifests itself as hoarseness and bouts of “barking” cough. In children, this condition can lead to the development of shortness of breath (stenosis) and severe deterioration in well-being.
  • Bronchitis is an inflammatory process in the bronchi, which is characterized by symptoms of a dry cough, and after 7-10 days it is replaced by a productive (wet) cough with a large amount of sputum.
  • Tracheitis is an inflammatory disease of the trachea. Manifested by pain and congestion in the sternum. Develops from constant exposure to a gas-polluted room or from living in unfavorable environmental conditions.
  • Pneumonia - the initial phase of the disease is characterized by a severe cough, and coughing attacks occur regardless of the time of day. Subsequently, a strong dry cough gives way to a productive one, and an inflammatory process develops in the lungs. If such symptoms are present, you should not hesitate to consult a doctor. Complex therapy is selected based on the results of radiographic examination and laboratory tests.
  • Bronchial asthma– with this disease, a frequent dry cough is also noted; it is accompanied by shortness of breath, heaviness in the chest and the inability to take a full breath. If attacks occur constantly, you should always have with you the medicine prescribed by the doctor and use it to stop the next exacerbation.
  • Diseases of the hematopoietic system– in such a situation, the bronchi are compressed by the lymph nodes, which are enlarged. A natural reflex occurs, which is accompanied by sweating, general malaise and loss of appetite.
  • Pleurisy - cough will occur against the background of an acute painful syndrome in the side.
  • Helminthiasis - the mucous membrane of the bronchopulmonary system can be irritated not only by viruses, but also by worms, which cause coughing.

If the cough does not go away for a long time and then becomes wet, accompanied by fever, weakness, loss of appetite and weight loss, this may indicate the development of tuberculosis. This situation requires immediate medical intervention.

If attacks of painful coughing are caused by a respiratory infection or the flu, these diseases must be treated immediately, because if the symptoms are ignored, the pathology can cause complications on the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, as well as significantly reduce immunity.

You can get rid of nicotine cough only by completely giving up cigarettes.

A lingering dry cough often plagues smokers, especially in the morning, immediately after waking up. Sometimes, during the reflex, mucous secretions are coughed up.


Typically, a dry cough does not produce mucus from the lungs. It causes soreness and soreness in the throat, hoarseness of voice, even complete loss of voice, and frequent attacks. What other signs appear with this problem:

  • "barking" cough;
  • shortness of breath and inability to take a full breath;
  • the patient has difficulty breathing and the muscles in the bronchi area hurt;
  • exacerbation of attacks at night.

All of these symptoms lead not only to the development of illness (bronchitis, pneumonia and others), but also to insomnia, severe headaches and nervous disorders. A debilitating cough at night also causes a significant decline in defenses; the body is weakened and cannot resist the attack of viruses and bacteria.

Problem in children and pregnant women

What is a dry cough and why it can occur is now clear. Examination and treatment of adults is not a particular problem, but what if the problem arose in a child or woman during pregnancy?

Severe and prolonged attacks of coughing, occurring against the background of changes in the color of saliva and lacrimation, may indicate the presence of viral agents in the body. In this case, the cough may be a sign of whooping cough, and the problem becomes serious. Consultation with a pediatrician and adequate treatment will help save your baby from a debilitating illness.

If a child is very sensitive to odors or prone to allergies, he may react with a dry cough to secondhand smoke, excess chemicals in the house and air pollution. It is recommended to protect such children from the harmful effects of allergen provocateurs.

A child’s cough, which cannot go away for more than a week and sharply worsens his well-being, cannot be ignored, especially if the baby becomes lethargic, eats poorly and complains of lacrimation.

Pregnant women, especially in the first two trimesters, suffer from a decrease in the body's defenses, so they often have this problem

If a pregnant woman has a dry cough that does not go away and is accompanied by severe tension in the abdominal muscles, you should urgently consult your doctor. Such symptoms can lead to pain and inability to get enough sleep.

Treatment of dry cough during pregnancy is complicated by the fact that taking basic antitussives during this period is prohibited. Only a doctor can recommend a treatment method that is safe for both the mother and the fetus.

Residual effects after a cold

A dry cough after an acute respiratory viral infection is a fairly common occurrence. Many patients complain that they continue to cough even several weeks after the end of therapy, although other cold symptoms have completely disappeared. If residual effects persist for several weeks, many patients begin to worry whether it is dangerous.

A dry cough is not dangerous unless there are the following signs:

  • temperature rise;
  • night sweats;
  • shortness of breath;
  • pain in the sternum;
  • discharge of viscous sputum.

If the patient has at least one of the listed symptoms, it is better to visit the attending physician and re-examine.

Perhaps the treatment of dry cough during ARVI did not produce positive results, and complications arose in the form of pneumonia, whooping cough or chronic bronchitis. Only a doctor can determine whether the period after the illness proceeds normally and whether the cough is a normal residual phenomenon.


Manifestations of dry cough should be treated in a timely manner, without waiting for the pathology to become chronic. The consequences of this disease can greatly undermine health, reduce immunity and make the body defenseless against colds.

The pharmaceutical market has a wide range of drugs to relieve painful coughs. Tablets, syrups, drops, herbal remedies, lozenges and much more are available.

Cough remedies

All medications are divided into the following groups:

  • peripheral and central cough suppressants;
  • expectorants;
  • mucolytic.

To use one or another drug, you need to know what the difference is between them, and it is advisable to start treatment with a preliminary consultation with a doctor. Centrally acting drugs are designed to get rid of dry cough.

Such medications act on the cough center, which is located in the brain, inhibit it, suppressing attacks. However, these drugs have many contraindications and side effects, so only a doctor should prescribe them.

During treatment, it is recommended to adhere to the required dosage, since centrally acting drugs belong to the group of narcotic drugs. The most famous of them is Sinekod syrup. Medicines with peripheral effects soften and alleviate attacks, have an analgesic effect and shorten the duration of the disease.

The drugs Libexin and Bithiodine are effective; they soothe irritated tissue of the lungs and bronchi and are not addictive.

Mucolytic drugs are used most actively, especially at first, when a non-productive cough needs to become wet. The purpose of this group of drugs is to dilute the mucus accumulated in the bronchi and remove it out. The most popular and effective medications are:

  • Mukaltin;
  • Ambrobene;
  • Lazolvan;
  • Gerbion.

With the help of these medications, the patient will be able to quickly turn a dry, exhausting cough into a productive one, and then remove thick phlegm from the lungs.

Traditional methods of treatment

To get rid of a dry cough on your own, after consulting a doctor, you can use mustard plasters. This remedy has long been famous for its quick effect and simple method of application. Several applications in the chest area can relieve the disease and alleviate the patient’s condition.

Applications are recommended for adults and children after 12 months, unless an acute infection is diagnosed

During an exacerbation of the disease, mustard plasters cannot be applied; you need to wait until the temperature drops and the inflammation subsides. Mustard plasters should be applied for 10–15 minutes and removed after a burning sensation appears. If mustard plasters are used to treat a child, care must be taken not to burn sensitive skin.


Treatment of dry cough with compresses involves various methods of their preparation. Compresses come in different types:

  • alcohol;
  • oil based;
  • cold;
  • hot;
  • dry;
  • aquatic.

The effect of the compress is based on improving blood supply to tissues and getting rid of the inflammatory process. To eliminate bouts of painful coughing, traditional medicine recommends rubbing ghee into the skin of the chest.

If the cough has just begun and the process is shallow, you can prepare the following compress. Apple cider vinegar (1 part) is mixed with water (3 parts), the fabric is moistened with the mixture and placed on the chest. You need to keep the compress under a warm blanket for about 20 minutes.

Oil compress is considered one of the most effective

Sunflower oil, which is preheated in a water bath, is mixed with water, and the fabric is moistened with this mixture. The compress is placed on the chest area, but not the heart, the patient is covered with a blanket and sleeps like that all night.


For any type of cough, it is useful to breathe over steam, especially if the decoction is prepared from herbs with mucolytic and expectorant effects. Inhalations are contraindicated at elevated temperatures; you also need to be careful during the procedure in children.

The best basis for inhalation are:

  • sea ​​salt;
  • herbal collections - licorice root, coltsfoot, plantain, sage;
  • soda;
  • saline solution

Inhaling steam from medicinal herbs soothes and softens the mucous membrane of the throat, relieving sore throat and cough. Inhaling eucalyptus vapors has a good effect, and it can be done directly while visiting a bathhouse or sauna (in the absence of temperature).

Medicinal compositions

To get rid of a debilitating cough, you can use one of the proven recipes:

  • Finely grate the horseradish root, add the same amount of honey and use the product twice a day, 1 tsp.
  • Sprinkle black radish (pre-washed and cut into small cubes) with sugar and bake in the oven. In this case, juice should be released from the root crop. It needs to be poured into a jar and drunk three times a day, 2 tsp.
  • Add a little honey and lemon to the ginger root cut into small pieces. The composition, poured with boiling water, should stand for several hours, then it can be drunk several times a day in the form of tea.

Folk remedies are not only safe, but effective and saturate the body with vitamins

Many people know about the healing properties of carrot, birch and cabbage sap. Cabbage leaves can also be used to make compresses with the addition of honey, which helps relieve coughs and reduce chest pain.


To prevent coughing, you need to follow these simple rules:

  • wash your hands not only before eating, but as often as possible to reduce the risk of transmitting infections;
  • when in contact with sick people, use gauze bandages (and it is best to avoid such contacts);
  • get rid of bad habits, such as smoking;
  • take vitamins and immune boosters;
  • eat well;
  • provide the body with rest;
  • drink more liquid.

Also, we must not forget about hardening, playing sports and spending time in the fresh air. You can’t procrastinate when a cough starts, because it can be a symptom of more dangerous diseases. It can be treated at home, with medication or folk therapy, but only after consultation with a doctor and examination. If the doctor confirms that a dry cough is not associated with dangerous pathologies, then you can find ways to treat cough at home and quickly get rid of an unpleasant illness.

The occurrence of a cough can be caused by many diseases; it can be both dry and wet. Helping a patient achieve a speedy recovery is possible only by correctly determining the type of cough and the cause of its occurrence. After all, treatment can be aimed at softening or suppressing cough or improving expectoration of sputum.

The coughing process itself is a forced expulsion of air from the lung cavity. In this case, air is expelled with accelerated force, due to which foreign particles located in the respiratory canals are removed.

Cough is useful from a physiological point of view. A wet cough helps remove germs and foreign matter from the respiratory tract along with phlegm. But with a dry cough, the situation is different - it is physiologically unproductive, exhausting, brings psychological and physical discomfort, and disrupts normal sleep. If a dry cough does not go away, it should definitely be suppressed with symptomatic treatment.

To treat dry cough, drug therapy can be used alone or in combination with non-drug therapy. When suppressing a dry cough, physiotherapy, massage and inhalation are used quite often and are effective. Naturally, before choosing a treatment method, it is worth understanding the nature of the cough and the cause of its occurrence.

Causes of dry cough

Of course, among the causes of a common cough one can also name the body’s defensive reaction to a foreign body in the respiratory tract, i.e. for a piece of food, a crumb of bread, dust, gases, etc. But if we talk about the cause of a dry cough, then most likely it lies in the presence of a certain disease. If a dry cough does not go away, then it makes sense not only to carry out symptomatic treatment, but also to identify the disease that causes it.

Some of the causes of dry cough may be the following diseases:

  • Laryngotracheitis causes a tiresome, hard to tolerate dry cough with little sputum production. At the same time, the temperature remains high.
  • In chronic bronchitis, a strong dry cough does not go away and is especially worse in the morning. The inflammatory process lasts a long time. Secondary tuberculosis may occur.
  • With cystic fibrosis, a dry, suffocating cough is replaced by a wet cough with an abundance of expectorant secretion. Expectorated sputum has a strong, unpleasant odor.
  • Bronchial asthma leads to attacks of intense coughing with shortness of breath. At such moments, the patient experiences pain in the chest area. The outflow of sputum is insignificant and occurs only occasionally.
  • Presence of a foreign body in the trachea. With such a dry cough, drug treatment is ineffective. It is necessary to push out the foreign body yourself or with the help of a doctor.
  • With tumors, the cough becomes tearing, especially dry and painful. It is often a symptom of lung cancer. Under no circumstances should such a cough be ignored; urgent examination and treatment is necessary.

Drug treatment

Dry cough is a consequence of irritation of cough receptors in different locations. Treatment of dry cough is carried out with drugs that suppress it and weaken the cough reflex. A painful, dry, barking cough exhausts the body, so symptomatic treatment is fully justified.

To treat dry cough, medications of central and peripheral action are used.

Centrally acting antitussive drugs can suppress the cough reflex by acting on the medulla oblongata. Among these drugs are Codeine, Glaucine, Ethylmorphine, Oxeladin, Prenoxdiazine, Dextromethorphan and combination drugs based on them. Prescribing and taking medications based on codeine and ethylmorphine should be carried out with extreme caution. They are mainly aimed at suppressing the respiratory center in the medulla oblongata. These drugs are contraindicated for children under two years of age.

Antitussive peripheral drugs, due to their effect on cough receptors in the mucous membrane of the respiratory canals, suppress the cough reflex. This group of drugs includes drugs based on the substance acetylaminonitropropoxybenzene.

Let's name the most well-known means of drug therapy for dry cough:

  • Acetylaminonitropropoxybenzene (Falimint);
  • Bronchitusen Vramed (Bronchocin, Broncholitin, Bronchoton);
  • Bronchicum syrup;
  • Butamirat (Panatus, Omnitus, Panatus forte);
  • Codelac;
  • Codelac broncho;
  • Codeine (codeine phosphate hemihydrate, codeine base, codeine phosphate hemihydrate);
  • Codelac phyto;
  • Neo-Kodion;
  • Cough tablets;
  • Fervex for dry cough;
  • Terpincode.

Non-drug treatment

If, according to the attending physician, the cause of a dry cough is ARVI, then warm milk with the addition of soda will alleviate the patient’s general condition and calm the cough reflex. Various herbal decoctions also help to transform a cough from dry to reproductive. You can drink decoctions of coltsfoot, elecampane, wild rosemary, plantain juice, black radish with honey, anise and thyme fruit extract several times a day.

If you decide to be treated with traditional methods, then you should remember that they are very inferior in duration of action to medications. Therefore, frequent intakes of “natural medicines” in small dosages are necessary. Beware of exceeding a single dose of the decoction, as this may lead to nausea and vomiting.

Inhalations are often prescribed for dry coughs. They are especially effective for diseases of the upper respiratory tract. The simplest inhalations for dry cough are steam inhalations of a solution of alkaline mineral water and baking soda. This method shows good results in the treatment of obsessive cough in children. When treating children, remember that inhalations with boiling water are strictly contraindicated for them!

Inhalations for dry coughs are also prescribed in medical institutions; they are carried out using nebulizers - special inhalers that generate an aerosol cloud of drug microparticles. This device allows for inhalation of children in the first years of life and newborns.


In most cases, the intensity and painfulness of a dry cough can be reduced or even prevented thanks to simple rules of behavior. For example, frequent ventilation in winter will reduce the number of acute respiratory viral infections. Even in cool weather, it is advisable to leave the window slightly open in the room where the child and other family members sleep. When the air is dry, moisture evaporates from the mucus in the respiratory tract, the mucus becomes thick and viscous, and this makes the process of expectoration very difficult. You can also humidify indoor air using mechanical or automated air humidifiers. As a last resort, you can simply place a wet sheet on the radiator.

Cough is a symptom of most diseases of the ENT organs; its cause can be irritants in the form of allergens, bacteria, fungi or viruses, as well as small particles of dust that enter the respiratory tract along with polluted air. When it comes into contact with the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, a reflex contraction of the muscles occurs, designed to cleanse the body of extraneous irritants.

A dry cough, which accompanies most respiratory viral diseases, usually turns into a productive cough within 3 to 4 days, with the separation, during attacks, of sputum formed in the bronchi. If this does not happen, medications are prescribed to help moisten the cough, and additional examinations are carried out to identify the cause of the pathology.

Depending on the manifestations, the cough can be wet, accompanied by sputum, or dry. A dry cough is usually unproductive, painful, and annoying. Depending on the disease, attacks may recur during the day, or worsen towards night.

In some cases, a dry cough can cause vomiting, a sore chest pain, or be accompanied by attacks of suffocation.

Treatment of cough must be competent, aimed at eliminating the cause of the disease, therefore, at the first symptoms of the pathology, a diagnosis is carried out.


To determine the cause of attacks, a number of studies are carried out aimed at identifying the causative agent of the disease, as well as accompanying pathological changes in the ENT organs that can cause a dry cough.

First of all, the doctor prescribes a general blood test, which will show the nature of the disease.

The predominance of eosinophils indicates the allergic nature of the disease; with an increased content of leukocytes, a viral etiology is diagnosed; neutrophils usually increase if the body is fighting a bacterial infection.

To determine the localization of inflammation in the lungs, percussion is performed, diagnostics is used by tapping the lungs and assessing the sounds that arise during this.

If necessary, the doctor may prescribe additional tests, such as:

  • X-ray examination of the lungs.
  • Bronchoscopy.
  • Bacteriological analysis of sputum.

To make a correct diagnosis, the doctor uses the method of exclusion; often a dry cough can occur as a result of several diseases, one of which is primary. Therefore, even if the cause of the cough is identified, additional tests may be prescribed, the task of which is to confirm or exclude the presence of pathology, which gave rise to the occurrence of secondary symptoms.

For what diseases

A dry cough may be an early symptom of one of the following diseases:

  • Cold
  • Bronchitis
  • Pneumonia
  • Flu
  • Sinusitis

At the recovery stage, a dry cough in these diseases becomes productive.

If the cough does not resolve within a week, the possible causes of the pathology are the following diseases:


Inflammation of the larynx is accompanied by unproductive, barking attacks and hoarseness.


Inflammation of the tracheal mucosa, which is accompanied by bouts of painful coughing, fever, and chest pain.


Inflammation of the pharynx, the symptoms of which are a sore throat that gets worse when swallowing food, as well as a hacking, dry cough.


Viral childhood disease. Symptoms of measles are the appearance of spots on the mucous membranes of the mouth and gums, barking, dry cough, elevated temperature during the catarrhal period. Then comes a period of rashes and pigmentation.

Whooping cough

A bacterial disease accompanied by a characteristic cough of a prolonged nature. Attacks can last up to 20 minutes, accompanied by facial redness, salivation, and vomiting.


A bacterial disease that manifests itself as weakness, weight loss, constant fatigue, and fever. The cough in tuberculosis is dry and moderate, attacks occur frequently, but are short-lived. When complications occur, viscous sputum may be discharged, sometimes with blood.


The inflammatory process in the pleura of the bronchi is accompanied by painful sensations in the lungs, which intensify with sneezing and sudden movements.

Bronchial asthma

Chronic bronchial disease, mainly of allergic etiology. Signs of asthma are frequent attacks of painful, unproductive cough, as well as bronchospasms accompanied by difficulty breathing. If the attack is not stopped in time, suffocation is possible.

An allergic reaction to certain particles spreading through the air, such as particles of epithelium, fur, pollen, chemical compounds, is accompanied by attacks of bronchospasm.

Oncology of the respiratory tract is often accompanied by painful attacks. Common causes of attacks include a long history of smoking, diseases of the stomach in which its contents are thrown into the larynx, and pneumoconiosis.

How to treat

Treatment methods, like medications, are selected taking into account the disease that caused the dry cough. If the disease has a viral etiology, as a result of which the respiratory tract becomes inflamed (laryngitis, tracheitis, pharyngitis, laryngotracheitis, colds, flu), the following treatment regimen is used:

  1. Drugs that strengthen the immune system in the fight against viruses.
  2. Mucolytic agents dilute sputum, improving its discharge from the bronchi.
  3. Antipyretic and anti-inflammatory drugs.
  4. If spasms are present, bronchodilators are taken.
  5. For viral infections, inhalations are used to moisturize the mucous membrane and promote the transition from dry to productive. This treatment is used only during the period when the patient’s body temperature is normal.
  6. If the disease is complicated by a bacterial infection, antibiotics are prescribed in the form of tablets, suspensions or injections. Most often, penicillin group of drugs or macrolides are used to treat the respiratory tract.
  7. Antihistamines are used for antibacterial therapy, as well as if the cause of attacks is an atypical reaction of the body to allergens in the air.

In some cases, when attacks are painful and do not give a person peace, antitussives are used that act on a special center in the brain. Such drugs are used only as prescribed by a doctor. Simultaneous treatment with antitussive and mucolytic drugs is absolutely contraindicated.

Self-medication or the use of folk remedies without first examining a doctor and identifying the cause of the pathology can not only aggravate the symptoms, but also aggravate the situation with allergic attacks to certain plant components.

– one of the main signs of disease of the respiratory system. Frequent coughing also occurs with diseases of the heart, blood vessels, and digestive tract. The exact cause can be determined after a thorough diagnosis.

Dry cough is the main symptom of respiratory system diseases

Causes of dry cough in adults?

A periodic dry cough without fever or deterioration in general health serves to cleanse the larynx, bronchi, and lungs from external irritants. But if the attacks are strong and frequent, accompanied by vomiting, hyperthermia, chest pain, and weakness, these are manifestations of serious diseases.

The main reason for the appearance of a long-term unproductive barking cough is the onset of diseases of the upper respiratory tract, laryngitis, pharyngitis, and tracheitis.

Diseases in the acute stage are accompanied by high fever, the voice becomes hoarse, sometimes disappears completely, there is a constant feeling of a tugging in the throat, and pain when swallowing is also characteristic.

What causes a dry cough:

  1. Bronchial asthma– a disease of allergic origin with a chronic course, attacks of choking cough are accompanied by suffocation and panic.
  2. Pleurisy, pneumonia– inflammation of the lung tissue, occurs with pain in the chest when coughing, shortness of breath, and a significant increase in temperature.
  3. – irritation of the mucous membranes by external factors causes a coughing attack, additionally a runny nose, conjunctivitis, and lacrimation appear.
  4. Whooping cough is an infectious pathology in adults that is rare, but it is very severe, with coughing leading to vomiting, high fever, and lack of appetite.
  5. ARI, ARVI - at the initial stage of a cold, a non-productive irritating cough appears, which turns into a wet one, which indicates the penetration of infection into the bronchi and lungs.
  6. Tuberculosis is an infectious pathology; it can occur for a long time without pronounced clinical symptoms of the disease; coughing attacks gradually become more frequent, sweating at night increases, weakness, and weight loss are observed.
  7. Malignant neoplasms– a long, painful dry cough at normal temperatures often occurs during oncological processes in the upper respiratory tract and lungs.
  8. Thyroid enlargement– against the background of compression of the trachea, there is a feeling of a lump in the throat, the person constantly wants to clear his throat.
  9. Pathologies of the cardiovascular system– attacks of severe coughing occur after physical exertion and are accompanied by shortness of breath, tachycardia, and a feeling of lack of oxygen.
  10. Gastritis, ulcer, reflux– particles of undigested food, together with gastric juice, penetrate back into the esophagus, oral cavity, irritation of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and larynx occurs, and paroxysmal cough occurs.

A dry cough can even occur due to gastritis

Long-term smoking, working in hazardous, dusty industries, nervous shock, infection with roundworms, taking ACE inhibitors - these factors cause frequent attacks of dry cough in adults. Severe coughing at night- a consequence of diseases of the nasopharynx, mucus accumulates in the sinuses, flows down the throat, irritates the mucous membrane.

A chronic, inveterate cough that lasts more than 100 days indicates the presence of serious pathological processes in the body - bronchitis, bronchial asthma, tumors of the respiratory system, tuberculosis, heart failure.

Which doctor should I contact?

In case of prolonged, debilitating cough, after examination and initial diagnosis, the doctor will write a referral to a phthisiatrician.

It is necessary to consult a doctor immediately if the cough is accompanied by a high temperature that does not decrease after taking medications, clouding of consciousness, severe swelling and frequent urination, severe tachycardia, pain when swallowing, inhaling or exhaling.


During the initial examination, the doctor performs percussion, auscultation and palpation of the chest to identify the location of wheezing and cardiac dysfunction. After which the specialist will prescribe tests that will help make an accurate diagnosis.

To diagnose the disease, a complete blood count and a number of other tests are taken.

Research methods:

  • general blood test - shows the degree of the inflammatory process;
  • tumor marker test;
  • Mantoux test;
  • if there is sputum, a bacteriological examination is carried out to identify the type of infectious agent;
  • fluorography, chest x-ray - carried out to assess the condition of the bronchi and lungs;
  • spirography - study of the functions of the respiratory system;
  • bronchoscopy.

If the presence of neoplasms is suspected, CT and MRI are prescribed to find out the location of the tumor and metastasis. If the cough does not occur due to problems with the respiratory system, an ultrasound or ECG is performed.

Treatment of dry cough in an adult

The main goal of therapy is to transform the cough from dry to wet; when coughing, pathogenic microorganisms come out along with sputum, accelerating the healing process. Treatment uses medications, physiotherapy and folk recipes.


To eliminate attacks of frequent coughing, antitussive and expectorant medications are most often used in the form of tablets (), syrups; these drugs cannot be taken at the same time. Additionally, antibiotics, antihistamines, and antiviral medications are prescribed, depending on the main cause of the discomfort.

Libexin helps suppress cough

How to treat a dry cough:

  • medicines that suppress cough– Sinekod, Libexin;
  • expectorants– Solutan, licorice root syrup, transforms a non-productive cough into a wet one ();
  • mucolytics– ACC, Ambroxol, improve sputum discharge;
  • lozenges with antiseptic and analgesic effects– Lizobakt, Strepsils;
  • rinsing solutions– Chlorophyllipt, relieve pain, moisturize the mucous membrane;
  • warming ointments– Doctor Mom;
  • antimicrobial sprays– Kameton;
  • antiviral drugs– Arbidol, Tsitovir, prescribed for coughs of viral origin;
  • antibiotics– Sumamed, Azitrox, must be taken for bacterial infections of the respiratory system;
  • antihistamines– Suprastin, Claritin, prescribed for allergic cough.

Antihistamine to help relieve cough

In combination with drug therapy, physiotherapy is prescribed - breathing exercises, electrophoresis with drugs, UHF, heating, inhalation with a nebulizer with saline solution, soda solution, alkaline mineral waters, bronchodilators.

Severe cough with convulsions and vomiting is observed with whooping cough, tracheitis and bronchitis. Constant coughing and sore throat are a sign of chronic bronchitis, tuberculosis, the presence of malignant neoplasms in the respiratory system, regular attacks of dry cough occur in active and passive smokers.

Folk remedies

For a dry cough, alternative medicine will help - steam inhalations, herbal infusions and decoctions, warm compresses, and other folk recipes, but it is difficult to completely cure the disease without the use of medications.


The most accessible and popular method of quickly getting rid of frequent coughing at home is steam inhalation. To prepare solutions, herbs with anti-inflammatory and coughing effects are used.

For dry cough, be sure to use steam inhalation

Herbal inhalations:

  • chamomile inflorescences, pine needles, sage, thyme, eucalyptus;
  • birch buds, spruce buds, juniper, black currant and lemon balm leaves;
  • St. John's wort, mint, meadowsweet, pine buds, sage.

Before each session, 2 tbsp. l. Brew the mixture with 2 liters of boiling water, leave for 10 minutes, inhale the steam through your mouth, exhale through your nose. The duration of the procedure is 10–15 minutes, it should be carried out in the morning and evening 1.5–2 hours after eating.

At high inhalation temperatures, warming compresses are contraindicated.

Onions and milk

If the cough is painful and does not go away for a long time, peel 1 medium onion and a head of garlic, boil the vegetables in 250 ml of milk. Cool the drink to a temperature of 50–60 degrees, add 5 ml of liquid honey and mint juice. Drink 15 ml of the medicine every hour; this effective remedy promotes coughing, thins mucus, and strengthens the immune system.

Radish and honey

A good home remedy, it will help even with an old, very strong dry cough, eliminates the manifestations of the inflammatory process.

Wash a small black radish, cut off the top, make a small depression, pour liquid honey into it. After 2 hours, juice will appear, which you need to take 1 tbsp. l. 3-4 times a day, always before bedtime.

Warming agents

Warming compresses will speed up blood circulation and promote better mucus removal. Lubricate your back and chest, avoiding the heart area.


  • prepare an ointment from 100 g of chopped onion and 50 g of goose fat;
  • mix grated pumpkin, warm milk and honey, add rye flour to form a thick, homogeneous mass, make a flat cake, fix it on the chest and back;
  • warming solution - combine 50 ml of apple cider vinegar, 30 ml of vegetable oil, 20 ml of camphor, soak gauze, make a compress.

After applying warming agents, place wax paper or film on top, secure the compress with a warm scarf, and wrap yourself in a blanket. The minimum session duration is 1.5–2 hours.

The easiest way to reduce coughing attacks is to draw an iodine grid on your chest and back before going to bed, and wrap yourself well.

Dill and anise

An effective remedy against paroxysmal coughs is to mix 5 g of crushed anise and dill seeds, pour 250 ml of boiling water, leave in a sealed container for half an hour, strain. Drink 45 ml of medication every 30 minutes.

Possible consequences and complications

Cough in an adult– the body’s protective reaction to the penetration of pathogenic microbes, constant irritation of the mucous membrane, but in a chronic course the pathology causes serious complications.

occurs due to involuntary forced exhalations, which are due to the fact that there is irritation on the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. Anything can cause a cough, from a speck of dust accidentally flying into the throat to serious illnesses: influenza, bronchitis, pneumonia, etc. Coughing is also caused by small foreign bodies caught in the throat. With the help of coughing, the child is freed from them.

In recent years, the number of cases of cancer and... Hemoptysis syndrome, which often complicates the course of lung cancer and tuberculosis, also requires the prescription of drugs that soothe and suppress cough. Antitussive drugs are also necessary for patients with functional disorders in the respiratory organs, tracheal dyskinesia and reflux disease. Thus, the range of diseases for which effective antitussives are needed is very wide.

A cough begins when there is irritation of the mucous membrane of the larynx, trachea and bronchi. That is why, in order to get rid of a cough (not the cause of the cough, but only the spasm itself), you just need to relieve the irritation, or at least reduce it.

Video: chronic cough - what is its cause and how to overcome it?

Causes of cough

Cough is a reflex defense reaction of the body, manifested by jerky exhalations and ensuring the removal of a foreign body or phlegm from the respiratory tract. Cough can be a symptom of many diseases, so its correct diagnosis is of great importance. Coughing allows the bronchi to clear, so the person does not choke. Therefore, we can say that cough performs a vital function in the body.

Cough can be divided into several types, depending on the causes and symptoms. Most often it is caused by two main reasons - foreign bodies and diseases. A sudden cough usually indicates that a foreign body has entered the respiratory tract. An acute and persistent cough most often indicates a respiratory tract infection, and it usually lasts for at least two weeks. If the cough lasts more than two months, it is called chronic.

Chronic cough is often observed with. In severe asthma, patients are bothered by a prolonged cough, especially at night and after any physical activity. Chronic cough can also be caused by a variety of irritants, such as cigarette smoke or chemicals that a person regularly inhales. A barking cough (especially in a small child) should be alarming, as it can be caused by swelling of the larynx, and the result can be suffocation.

Cough occurs with the following diseases:

  • Allergy;

    Heart failure;

  • Pneumonia;

  • Laryngitis

In general, cough is not always a symptom of illness. It can be caused by the following factors:

    Inflammation of the airways or areolas due to diseases such as tracheitis, pneumonia or lung abscess.

    Chemical irritation, that is, inhalation of gases with a strong odor. An example is cigarette smoke.

    Mechanical irritation, that is, inhalation of dust, increased tone of the bronchi and disruption of their patency.

    Thermal irritation, that is, inhaling air that is too hot or too cold.

When a foreign body gets into the respiratory tract or smoke is inhaled, the cough is usually one-time. In smokers or with bronchial asthma, a paroxysmal cough is observed. Viral infections cause an acute cough, and in case of heart pathologies, chronic bronchitis and other serious diseases, the cough is observed in a chronic form.

A very obvious cause of chronic cough is smoking, especially if a person has been smoking for many years. Cigarette smoke causes excess mucus to accumulate in the lungs, which may go unnoticed. Therefore, people who smoke often wake up in the morning with a wet cough that stops after a few puffs. If you absolutely need a cigarette in the morning, this is a characteristic sign that there are already serious problems in the functioning of the respiratory system.

A wet cough is a consequence of the accumulation of sputum in the trachea, bronchi and lungs; it often develops after a dry cough. With such a cough, the lungs are cleared of phlegm, which acts as an excellent environment for the maturation of bacteria. If a wet cough persists for a long time, the disease can become chronic.

For better coughing, sputum must be thinned with mucalytic agents. They make mucus less viscous and facilitate its removal from the respiratory tract. If you have a wet cough, you need to drink a lot of liquid (water, herbal tea, juice, compote).

A dry cough develops when the mucous membrane is inflamed, and a wet cough develops when there is an accumulation of sputum. Dry coughs are treated with sedatives, wet coughs are treated with expectorants. A dry cough can turn into a wet one, because the inflammatory process gradually sinks lower in the absence of timely treatment. A wet cough almost never turns into a dry one.

Cough without fever or runny nose

Cough without fever and runny nose is considered the most common pathological symptom, characteristic of most acute respiratory diseases. It can confirm the presence of an uncomplicated infection in the body, or act as a harbinger of a serious illness. Before treatment, it is necessary to understand the causes of cough. And, of course, only a qualified doctor can give an accurate conclusion and prescribe the necessary medications.

The human respiratory system is designed in such a way that when dust, infections, or allergens invade the respiratory tract, a cough appears due to irritation of the receptors. Thanks to it, the trachea and bronchi of a sick person are cleared of various secretions (mucus, sputum, pus, blood, as well as foreign bodies - dust, pollen, food particles).

A long, dry cough without fever or runny nose can be a sign of many diseases (certain types of ARVI, allergic reaction, post-infectious cough, stress, chronic diseases of the ENT organs, heart failure, thyroid diseases, certain diseases of the stomach, intestines, tuberculosis, respiratory oncology) .

Severe pain when coughing

The causes of pain when coughing are different: from ARVI to lung cancer. The main thing is to diagnose the disease in a timely manner, and preferably in the early stages. Therefore, you need to be examined at the first sign of pain.

Pain in the spine and chest when coughing, they may appear due to the inflamed pleura located in the chest cavity. Dry (inflammation of the pleura) most often occurs with pneumonia or pneumonia. Treatment is with painkillers and antibiotics. In case of pleurisy and pneumonia, the chest is sometimes fixed with bandages, which makes it possible to reduce pain when lying on the affected side.

Pain in the side and chest when inhaling and exhaling during coughing can appear due to pathology in the ribs and thoracic region, pleural tumors, pericarditis (inflammation of the cardiac lining). in most cases it is a complication of an infectious disease of the respiratory tract.

Pain in the ribs, “shooting” acute pain when coughing, may be a consequence of inflammation of the nerve endings of the intercostal space. The root cause is severe pinching or heavy stress on the nerves due to. In these cases, a good method of treating cough is to keep your back rested and warm. The cause of sharp chest pain when taking a deep breath and coughing can be due to injury or a strong blow.

Osteochondrosis can cause severe pain in the chest and back, worsened by coughing. Causes of osteochondrosis: spinal injuries, long, heavy loads on the spine, scoliosis. Pain in the back, chest, dry, “scratching” cough can be symptoms of tracheitis (inflammation of the trachea) caused by staphylococcal, pneumococcal bacteria. In its acute form, the disease is not dangerous, but it can develop into a chronic form. Chronic tracheitis can affect people dependent on nicotine, with diseases of the nose and paranasal sinuses.

Continuous attacks, an unpleasant sore throat, absence or a small amount of sputum - this is a dry cough. It is stopped by medications that inhibit the nerve center of the brain responsible for the corresponding reflex. But doctors do not recommend using such drugs without indications. In this case, it is much more effective and useful to use drugs to thin the sputum.

Coughing attacks in an adult. What to do if you have a severe cough?

Coughing is one of the unconditioned human reflexes. This is a necessary protective reaction of the respiratory organs to numerous external stimuli. Irritants can be various microparticles, pollen, dust or bacteria, microbes that cause an infectious cough. Cough is not a disease, but only a symptom of some disease.

Many bacterial and viral infections cause severe coughing attacks. Therefore, it is necessary to treat the disease directly after establishing an accurate diagnosis.

How to stop a coughing attack. Continuous coughing attacks can be relieved with the help of various herbal infusions. A very good remedy for expectoration is a decoction of chamomile with coltsfoot. It will remove accumulated mucus from the respiratory tract and relieve. Regular consumption of 50 ml of wild rosemary decoction will help relieve attacks and calm coughs in a few days.

You can stop a night cough by getting out of bed and leaning forward slightly. Regular stretching also helps get rid of cough. You need to stand up, raise your right hand up and stretch very well. Regular chamomile tea can be a salvation from uncontrollable coughing attacks.

Treatment of dry cough

Medicines aimed at getting rid of dry cough should be taken only if the patient’s cough reflex is really pronounced and interferes with his normal life. To restore quality of life, a doctor may prescribe medications that can relieve a person from a debilitating condition.

When a cough is not accompanied by sputum production, it is necessary to ensure that it becomes productive. Only after this can the patient be prescribed expectorant and mucolytic medications. In addition, it is possible to prescribe drugs that have a complex effect. They are simultaneously capable of providing an expectorant and antitussive effect.


The active ingredient of the drug, the lysine salt of carbocysteine, thins mucus and stimulates its discharge, and also prevents it from flowing into the lower respiratory tract. That is why Fluifort helps restore the structure of the mucous membranes of the respiratory system, reduces the intensity of cough and makes breathing easier. The drug is prescribed for rhinosinusitis, adenoiditis, otitis media, laryngotracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia. Available in the form of syrup and granules.

Indications for use


Side effects

Acute and chronic bronchopulmonary diseases, accompanied by the formation of viscous and difficult to separate sputum (tracheitis, bronchitis, tracheobronchitis, bronchial asthma, bronchiectasis) and mucus (inflammatory diseases of the middle ear and paranasal sinuses - rhinitis, adenoiditis, otitis media, sinusitis), preparing the patient for bronchoscopy or bronchography.

Hypersensitivity to any component of the drug. Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum (in the acute stage). Pregnancy (first trimester) and breastfeeding period. Children's age up to 1 year. Side effects

Adverse reactions occur very rarely: Dizziness, abdominal pain, nausea, loose stools.


Herbion is a plantain syrup produced in the form of syrup. Has antitussive, expectorant, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory effects. The drug softens and relieves dry cough. Its main active ingredients are mallow flowers and plantain herb.


Sinekod is an antitussive drug that has a direct effect on the cough center. It has expectorant properties, has a moderate anti-inflammatory, bronchodilator effect, and improves spirometry. Indicated for acute dry cough of various origins. The first form of release is intended for use by children, and the second for the treatment of adults.

Indications for use


Side effects

It should be taken for coughs (dry and acute) of various etiologies. Able to influence the cough center.

Among other effects:

    relieving inflammation;

    expectorant effect;

    promotes relaxation of the smooth muscles of the bronchi and improves their patency;

    contributes to the normalization of spirometry indicators.

    period of bearing a child;

    feeding period;

    age under 2 months is an absolute contraindication;

    age under 3 years is a contraindication for syrup (drops are possible);

    Children under 12 years of age are contraindicated for the tablet form.

Loose stools, nausea, allergies, dizziness.


Stoptusin has a combined antitussive and secretolytic effect. The composition includes Butamirate citrate, which has a local anesthetic, bronchodilator and antitussive effect, and Guaifenesin reduces the viscosity of sputum, improving its discharge. Effective for dry cough in children and adults.

Indications for use


Side effects

Due to Butamirate citrate, the drug can have the following effect:

    local anesthesia;

    expand the bronchi;

    reduce the cough reflex.

Due to Guaifenesin, the drug promotes:

    liquefaction of sputum;

    improving its discharge.

Prescribed in children and adults for dry cough.

Pregnancy, namely the 1st trimester and up to one year of age.

Sometimes - allergies, less often - headaches, vomiting, stool disorders and dizziness.

Codelac Phyto

The cost of this drug reaches 140 rubles. Available in both syrup and elixir form. The main active ingredients of the drug are extracts of licorice, thyme and thermopsis + codeine.


Broncholitin is a combined drug with antitussive, bronchodilating and bronchoseptic effects. The composition includes Glaucine hydrobromide, which has an inhibitory effect on the cough center and a weak anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. Basil oil has minor sedative, antimicrobial, and antispasmodic properties. Ephedrine stimulates breathing, dilates the bronchi, has a vasoconstrictor effect, thereby eliminating swelling of the bronchial mucosa.

Indications for use


Side effects

    Due to glaucine hydrobromide, a slight reduction in inflammation and analgesia, as well as inhibition of the cough center, is achieved.

    Basil oil achieves antibacterial, soothing and antispasmodic effects.

    Due to ephidrine, the drug expands the bronchi, constricts blood vessels, and stimulates respiratory function. As a result, swelling subsides from the bronchial mucosa.

Not prescribed for heart failure and under 3 years of age, as well as during breastfeeding and pregnancy.

Increased sweating, tremors of the limbs, increased heart rate, problems with night rest, namely insomnia, rashes, visual disturbances, difficulty urinating, vomiting and nausea.


Combined drug with anti-inflammatory, expectorant, bronchodilator effects. The syrup and tablets contain thyme herb extract, and the elixir also contains primrose root extract. Bronchicum is universal, it is an effective expectorant for dry and wet coughs. At the stage of the disease, when the cough is dry, Bronchicum helps to cope with severe attacks, transforming a dry cough into a wet one. Then, with a wet cough, it facilitates expectoration of mucus, helping to remove it from the lungs.

Indications for use


Side effects

The effect that can be achieved:

    relieving inflammation;

    sputum discharge;

    bronchodilator effect.

The versatility of the drug lies in the fact that when the cough is wet, it improves the discharge and removal of mucus, and when the cough is dry, it softens it, eases attacks and turns it into a wet one.

    For lozenges – age up to six years;

    For all forms – age up to six months, disorders of the liver and kidneys, pregnancy and lactation, individual intolerance.

Allergy, irritation of the gastric mucosa.


Linkas is a combined drug of plant origin that reduces the intensity of cough, increases its productivity, and has a mucolytic, expectorant, and anti-inflammatory effect.

The drug contains extracts of alpinia flowers, hyssop, violet, onosma, marshmallow, adhatoda leaves, licorice (root), long pepper (fruit).


Libexin is a peripherally acting antitussive agent. It has a local anesthetic, bronchodilator effect, and its antitussive effect is approximately comparable to codeine. Unlike codeine, Libexin does not cause addiction and has no effect on the central nervous system. In chronic bronchitis it has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Any medication can only be prescribed by a doctor. It also determines the frequency and duration of its use.


Education: Moscow Medical Institute named after. I. M. Sechenov, specialty - "General Medicine" in 1991, in 1993 "Occupational diseases", in 1996 "Therapy".