What is atheroma (sebaceous gland cyst): photo. Atheroma on the neck. How to differentiate atheroma from other skin formations

Medicine knows great amount tumors. Some are visible to the naked eye, since they are located on the surface of the body, others are hidden inside, and therefore are often discovered by chance. One of the noticeable neoplasms is atheroma, which occurs predominantly in 20-30 year old patients of both sexes.

Atheroma can only cause concern when it is inflamed, then the cyst and nearby tissues swelling, redness, suppuration and pain.

The inflamed mass inside the cyst can cause an abscess to form. Sometimes the sebaceous contents dissolve the capsular membrane and are released outward or into surrounding tissues. When there is an outpouring of soft tissue, the prognosis is unfavorable, because microbes and toxins can provoke inflammation of muscle tissue or cause blood poisoning. But this happens very rarely, so atheromas are considered safe.

What is atheroma and what does it look like?

Atheroma is an epidermal cystic formation, formed from the sebaceous gland due to its blockage. Popularly, such a formation is often called a wen.

Which doctor should I contact?

In general, it rests with surgeons, because treatment is only surgical in nature.

How to get rid of a tumor?

Elimination of the neoplasm is carried out operational methods water:

  • Laser removal;
  • Radio wave therapy;
  • Classic surgical excision.

Among all the methods, the most preferable radio wave destruction, since tissue stitching is not required after it, there are no relapses, postoperative period lasts no more than 5 days, after which there is not even a hint of a trace of formation.

Can the tumor go away on its own?

Conservative self-removal of atheroma is impossible and it will not be able to go away on its own, since atheroma itself will never resolve. It will have to be removed someday.

It won’t be possible to squeeze it out either, because even after the contents are released, a capsule remains under the skin, which produces the secretion that fills it.

Therefore, after a normal autopsy, the atheroma will appear again after a while. Therefore, to finally get rid of the cyst, its surgical removal is necessary.


Specific prevention of atheroma has not been developed, but since such cysts are formed due to too oily skin or hypersweating, careful personal hygiene is necessary using products that reduce the oiliness of the skin.

Video about the causes of atheroma, its diagnosis and treatment:

Atheroma, or simply a wen, is a benign subcutaneous tumor with sebum inside and does not pose a threat to health. But sometimes its location on the face is so unesthetic that one involuntarily has to think about its removal, and besides, atheroma does not exclude the development possible inflammation adjacent tissues, because it is a foreign body that compresses the tissues.

Atheroma on the face, reasons for its appearance.
Atheroma or retention cyst on the face occurs due to blockage of the sebaceous gland of the introductory duct hair follicle due to a violation of the outflow of sebum or an increase in its density (thickness). This process can be triggered various factors. They can be roughly divided into external and internal. Among external factors, the main ones are hot weather, unfavorable ecology, due to which the secretion of sebaceous and sweat glands. Internal reasons are a violation hormonal levels, violation metabolic processes, hyperhidrosis, oily seborrhea, acne, excessive growth of bacteria on the skin, heredity.

The formation of atheroma in men can be caused by excessive production of the hormone testosterone and irregular shaving procedures. IN in rare cases formation can also appear in a newborn due to the presence of maternal hormones in his body.

Promote clogging sebaceous glands can use cosmetics on a fatty basis.

Localization of atheroma on the face.
A benign formation is mainly formed in areas of the greatest accumulation of sebaceous glands - usually the cheeks, forehead, nasolabial area, superciliary area, eyelids.

Clinical picture of atheroma.
Visually, atheroma is a painless compaction with clear boundaries, rising above the surface of the skin. Inside the atheroma greasy secret, hairs, skin epithelium, which together have the appearance of a curdled mass placed in a capsule. It is the capsule that prevents the contents of atheroma from gradual increase“come out” and spread under the skin.

The skin at the site of formation does not change, does not change color, does not fold, and is mobile. When atheroma first appears on the face, it is practically unnoticeable; a small ball simply forms, rolling under the skin. This ball grows over several years and can reach up to five centimeters in diameter. Sometimes, at the most convex point of the formation, a small duct opens, through which the contents of the atheroma come out. The process is accompanied by a rather unpleasant odor.

Video: Causes of atheroma in E. Malysheva’s program “Live Healthy!”

In addition to the face, atheroma can occur on any part of the body. Atheroma that forms in the eye area can grow to very large sizes. This is not only unpleasant from an aesthetic point of view, education interferes with normal visual perception. It can provoke intensive growth of education frequent use fatty cosmetic oils.

In case of infection and suppuration of atheroma, an increase in body temperature, redness and swelling of the skin in the area of ​​formation and pain on palpation (feeling) are noted. IN in this case treatment involves surgery, since internal tension can provoke rupture of the atheroma capsule and release of exudate into the subcutaneous layers.

Atheroma on the face, prognosis and treatment.
I would like to note right away that atheroma does not dissolve on its own during life; moreover, it only increases in size. You should not try to squeeze out its contents, since this measure will give a short-term effect and you will not be able to get rid of it completely. And since this cosmetic defect seriously impairs the quality of life, it requires compulsory treatment. In addition, atheroma is fraught with complications in the form of infection and suppuration, which can significantly complicate treatment.

First, you go to the doctor for accurate diagnosis formation, since atheroma is very similar to a benign formation of adipose tissue called lipoma. It is only possible to get rid of atheroma on the face forever surgically. During surgery, the surgeon makes a skin incision over the formation, removes its contents and excises the wall or capsule of the cyst (“husking” the atheroma). Next, the doctor injects an antiseptic into the wound. The procedure is completed.

Today, for surgical excision of a formation, a traditional scalpel is used in combination with more modern, laser methods excision ( laser destruction and radio wave excision). The use of a laser has its advantages, namely a high sterilizing effect, speeds up the recovery period, and minimizes the risk of re-formation of atheroma. In addition, there is no need for sutures, since damage to the skin is minimal. I note that using the laser technique, without the use of a conventional scalpel, it is possible to remove only small formations, up to 5 mm in diameter. Therefore, you should not wait until the formation increases in size and complicates treatment. At the first sign of a “foreign” body, go to a specialist and have it removed. The sooner you do this, the less pronounced the consequences of treating atheroma (scars and cicatrices) will be.

Treatment of atheroma with folk remedies.
In fact, there are no folk remedies that would help the natural process of resorption of atheroma. Therefore, treatment with prescriptions traditional medicine will be useless, moreover, you will only waste time during which benign tumor may increase significantly in size. Infusions and herbal infusions good to drink for general health improvement and strengthening the body to minimize the risk reappearance atheroma in the future, which, despite surgical treatment, still exists.

Prevention of atheroma formation on the face.

  • Carrying out general health-improving activities for the body.
  • Diet with minimization in the diet fatty foods and an increase in plant fiber.
  • Compliance with personal hygiene rules, including skin massage, daily cleansing of the skin (morning and evening), deep cleansing with preliminary steaming and the use of scrubs twice a week for oily and combination skin, once a week for normal skin and once every week and a half for dry skin, professional cleaning faces in cosmetology salon. All these measures will prevent clogging of pores.
  • Limiting time spent in the sun, using protective cosmetics, including in winter.
  • Use of high-quality cosmetics suitable for your skin type.

A sebaceous cyst is subcutaneous neoplasms in the form of tumors. Such a neoplasm is considered benign and therefore does not pose any threat to human life. For the same reason, you don’t have to worry that the growth of this tumor or the growth of inflammation will cause feelings of discomfort.

However, the cause of dissatisfaction is precisely the discomfort that a person experiences. This applies to cases where a sebaceous gland cyst appears on the face or in any other areas visible to others.

But what is the sebaceous gland and what are its features? The sebaceous gland is responsible for covering the surface of the human skin and hair with a layer of fat. Such glands are present in literally every part of the body. But, depending on the zone, the sebaceous glands differ in structure and size. Therefore, remember about possible methods for diagnosing and treating the sebaceous glands, depending on the location of the cyst.

The main functional responsibility of the sebaceous gland is to produce a unique secretion that comes out through the ducts and lubricates the hair and skin with fat. If the ducts for this gland are closed or clogged, then the secreted fat secretes no longer come out, but begin to accumulate in the epidermis area. And then a sebaceous cyst appears.

Cyst: what is it?

A cyst, or, to call it differently, atheroma, is a neoplasm that appears in the ducts of the sebaceous glands. Most often, this neoplasm has a round shape and appears in those parts of the body where a whole cluster of glands is located. By appearance The sebaceous gland can most easily be compared to a closed sac that appears under the skin. This bag is filled with a substance very similar in consistency to cheese - it is keratin.

Among the common places where sebaceous glands are localized are:

  1. Scalp;
  2. Face;
  3. The area located between the shoulder blades;
  4. Armpits;
  5. Posterior cervical region;
  6. Genital organs (the labia and scrotum).

Remember that a cyst, if it appears where hair grows, leads to hair loss.

The cyst contains fatty substances, as well as sebum and epithelium. However, not in all cases the cyst manifests itself as a single neoplasm, because in some situations doctors record a large number of rashes. According to stories and medical practice, there is the term atheromatosis, or the appearance large quantity benign multiple atheromas.


The first who fall into the risk group are those citizens who have oily skin or hair. Both women and men have an equal degree and likelihood of being affected by this disease.

Cysts of the sebaceous glands of the skin also appear in adolescents, since during puberty the glands begin to work with double or triple force. The accumulation of bacteria and fat is the best soil that influences the appearance and development of atheroma.

Common and common causes of cysts include the following:

  1. Genetic predisposition, including heredity and genetic diseases;
  2. The onset of pathologies during the development of the fetus inside the mother’s womb (the most common reason here is that instead of the cells responsible for the formation of skin, nails and hair, completely different neoplasms appear);
  3. Damage or rupture of the sebaceous gland;
  4. Rupture of hair follicles;
  5. Sweating, which occurs due to hormonal imbalances;
  6. Oily seborrhea;
  7. Rash;
  8. Skin damage;
  9. Prolonged exposure to the sun.

Symptoms of the neoplasm

Sebaceous cysts are ball-shaped tumors. That is, the cyst has precise, even contours. Atheroma can also be safely called a mobile type of neoplasm with a very dense consistency. If this type of tumor is examined in more detail, then in the center of it you can notice a small dark spot. This point represents a blockage for the exit of the glands. If we talk about color, the cyst very rarely differs from normal human color skin. However, it can be yellowish, reddish or white in color. As for the growth of atheroma, it grows slowly. It varies in size, ranging from a couple of millimeters to 1-2 centimeters.

According to statistics, every 1 in 10 people has a sebaceous cyst. In most cases, these neoplasms appear in the scalp, in the scalp. The disease also appears in the forehead area. With all this, people who have reached 40 years of age or older are much more susceptible to such neoplasms than young people.


In order to diagnose such a disease, it is necessary to record the contours and examine the neoplasm itself. It is also necessary to determine the black dot, the roundness of the shape and the absence of any painful feelings. In this case, consult a doctor.

He will personally check for the presence of a sebaceous gland cyst, and also determine more accurate diagnosis and appoint necessary treatment. This is important, since an accurate diagnosis can only be made in a hospital.

For this reason, in order to exclude factors possible risks, and also to verify a certain diagnosis, it is necessary to undergo two types of examination - morphological and histological.

How to avoid cysts

The most important preventive measure includes, first of all, personal hygiene and strict adherence to its rules. This is care own body, keeping it clean and other points. All this applies to popular, effective and the best ways in order to prevent the appearance of cysts.

And this suggests that the person who takes a shower or bath every day, and also uses soap against bacteria, is more confident in his own health.

Important. At the same time, pay attention to your back while taking a bath or shower.

As for preventing the manifestation of disease in the back area, it would be best to use 1-2 different cosmetic procedures, which are aimed at cleansing pores. These could be masks, baths or massage.

Important. Also if we're talking about about the scalp, we can note the use of medicated shampoos.

Another one preventative measure is a change and regulation of diet. It is necessary to give preference only to those foods that have minimum content fat

In some cases, the appearance of a cyst is also favored by possible disruptions associated with the endocrine system.

Should I delete it or can I leave it?

If the size is very small and the cyst does not grow, you don’t have to worry about either the biological or the aesthetic side. In addition, if the cyst does not bother you, you don’t have to treat it.

But sometimes it grows. This causes pain and discomfort for the patient. Contact your doctor immediately.

As for the opinion of doctors, they recommend getting rid of any neoplasms in order to exclude possible and probable complications. The fact is that any growths have the potential to begin to swell, fester, or become larger in size.

A festering cyst breaks out on its own, which is fraught with, at a minimum, an unpleasant odor. Therefore, before deciding to remove or refuse such a decision, consult your doctor.

Radical treatment

Many doctors recommend removing the tumor surgically. A cyst is a neoplasm that will not resolve on its own. It only breaks through or remains the same. If the cyst breaks through, it threatens sepsis.

Therefore, doctors recommend using surgical treatment for large tumors. In this case, the operation is performed using a scalpel. Stitches will be placed where the incision is made. The cyst is opened, its contents are removed, and then treated with medications.

Is it possible to treat a cyst using traditional methods?

Even though medicine does not recognize folk remedies for treating cysts as official methods, there are still common recipes that can greatly alleviate the course of the disease. It is important to remember that in this case you cannot count on prompt or very quick results.

An important point: it is highly not recommended to treat cysts on your own, as this is completely contraindicated due to the risk of causing even greater skin infections. However, there are traditional medicine tools and techniques that can be used. It is advisable to consult a doctor for advice before starting to use them.

Effective techniques:

  1. Place the coltsfoot sheets on the cyst. Secure them with a bandage. Change the compress every day;
  2. Burdock roots must be boiled, strained and used after they have cooled completely. Apply lotions to each cyst;
  3. Compresses made from baked onions and soap (it is best to use laundry soap). Both ingredients must be grated and then mixed until a porridge is obtained. The bandage must be changed twice a day.

What to do in case of suppuration?

Suppuration is a reason to contact a surgeon. It should be noted here that such operations have a negative cosmetic effect, and many incisions, especially if the cyst is small, are not sutured, but heal on their own. In this case, there is a possibility of scarring.

Remember that the pus that appears in the area of ​​the cyst very often prevents the tumor from being completely removed. This moment is fraught with another one - relapse, that is, the repeated revival of the formation of a cyst on a person. There is only one conclusion - turn to doctors for help.

Atheroma is clogged (deprived of outflow) sebaceous glands. The pathology is popularly called a wen, and in medicine it is a skin cyst, which sometimes looks like an ordinary pimple.

The disease is quite common and can be diagnosed on almost any part of the body, from the eyebrow area to the foot. The causes of atheroma involve damage to areas with hair (arm, groin, back of the head, head area, especially the parotid area, etc.).

How is it formed? Under certain circumstances (trauma, inflammation of the hair follicle, improper squeezing of acne, etc.), the sebaceous duct becomes blocked, but the glands continue to produce sebum. Since it does not come out, it forms a cyst, which gradually grows in size.

What it is?

Atheroma is an epidermal cystic formation that forms from the sebaceous gland due to its blockage. Popularly, such a formation is often called a wen.

Essentially this is benign education It is a painless round lump filled with cheesy contents of a whitish-yellow or grayish hue. This mass consists of keratinized skin microparticles and sebum.


Wen occurs due to the obstruction of the sebaceous duct. The sebaceous glands are located close to the surface of the skin, in the papillary and reticular layers.

The sebaceous glands produce up to 20 g of secretion per day. If more of it is released, a cystic tumor growth appears in the gland - a wen.

There are several reasons for the appearance of atheroma. The etiology of the disease is indicated by the location of the cyst and its contents. Retention follicular cystsecondary education. The reason for its appearance is a blockage of the sebaceous duct. Locations of secondary atheroma:

  • face;
  • back;
  • complications acne.

Epidermoids are neoplasms of hereditary nature. They emerge from the epidermis. Locations: groin and head ( hairy part).

The formation of atheromas is influenced by the following factors:

  • increased sweating;
  • lack of hygiene;
  • inflammatory process in top layer skin;
  • metabolic disorders, as a result of which the consistency of sebaceous secretions changes;
  • inflammation of the follicle, blockage;
  • improper care for problem skin;
  • self-treatment of acne and acne;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • pathology of the sebaceous glands (congenital defect);
  • genetic diseases.

Poor environment, working conditions, low-quality cosmetics, and constant use of deodorants increase the likelihood of disease.

Atheroma on the head

Atheroma on the scalp is a pathology that occurs most often. Atheroma on the head is most often presented in more than one quantity.

As a rule, wen are small in size and can only be eliminated surgically. One atheroma on the head is diagnosed only in 30% of cases. Such atheroma on the head can reach a large size. If you apply surgical removal, then this can lead to the development of relapse.

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What is the difference between atheroma and lipoma?

Lipoma (commonly called “fat”) is a true benign tumor. It is noted with her overgrowth cells connective tissue. It is not located in the skin, but somewhat deeper - in the fatty tissue.


Characteristic clinical symptoms atheromas do not have (see photo), since they do not have a tendency to change the surface, do not cause painful sensations, causing only cosmetic inconvenience.

In general, dermatologists characterize the wen as follows:

  1. The wen can be moved a little if desired;
  2. Above the formation is normal healthy skin;
  3. The cyst has a clearly defined contour;
  4. A clearly defined bulge lying on the skin surface;
  5. On palpation, the elastic and dense structure of the cyst is felt;
  6. In the center of the formation there is a characteristic black dot.

If the wen becomes inflamed, the following symptoms occur:

  1. There is pain when touched;
  2. In the area of ​​the wen, the tissues swell;
  3. The formation turns red;
  4. At times, purulent exudate breaks out.

What does atheroma look like: photo

The photo below shows how the disease manifests itself in humans.

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Atheroma behind the ear


Treatment of atheroma

The only complete and radical treatment atheroma is to remove it various methods. Atheroma cannot go away on its own, that is, the formation will not resolve under any circumstances, and sooner or later it will have to be removed in some way (surgically, laser or radio wave).

It is also impossible to squeeze out the atheroma, even if you first pierce the cyst capsule with a needle and form a hole through which its contents will come out. In this case, the contents will come out, but the cyst capsule with secretion-producing cells will remain in the sebaceous gland duct, and therefore, after some time, the free cavity will again be filled with sebum and atheroma will form. That is, there will be a relapse of atheroma.

Is it possible to squeeze out atheroma at home yourself?

In no case, especially if the atheroma is located on the head (behind the ear, in the forehead, back of the head, etc.). If it is inflamed, then the pus will blood vessels can enter the brain and cause severe inflammation. If not, this can lead to suppuration of the cyst. The best option- Contact a surgeon immediately.

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Is it possible to treat atheroma without surgery?

It will not be possible to cure atheroma at home, since in order to reliably remove the cyst, it is necessary to peel out its shell, and this can only be done by a person who has the skills to perform surgical operations. If a person can remove the shell of a cyst on his own (for example, he has performed operations on animals, is a surgeon, etc.), then having done adequate local anesthesia, he can try to perform the operation himself if he has sterile instruments, suture material and localization of atheroma in an area that is convenient to manipulate independently.

Such conditions are difficult to meet, so even a qualified surgeon, as a rule, cannot remove atheroma on his own and at home. Thus, treating atheroma at home is de facto impossible, so when such a cyst appears, you need to contact a surgeon and remove the formation while it is small, and this can be done without a large incision with minimal cosmetic defects.

All kinds folk remedies against atheroma will not help get rid of the cyst, but can slow down its growth. Therefore, if it is impossible to remove the atheroma within a short period of time, you can use various traditional methods treatment to prevent a pronounced increase in its size.

Removal of atheroma

The main treatment for atheroma is surgery, which consists in removing this cyst under local anesthesia. The indication for excision of atheroma is its big size, as well as the desire of the patient in order to achieve a cosmetic effect.

For uncomplicated atheroma, the following surgical options are possible:

  1. A skin incision is made above the place where the atheroma is most prominent. The contents of the atheroma are squeezed out and collected with a napkin. The cyst capsule is then grasped with clamps and removed. Sometimes they resort to scraping out the cyst cavity with a special surgical instrument- with a sharp spoon.
  2. After dissecting the skin over the atheroma in such a way as not to damage its capsule, the skin from the atheroma is shifted, then, by pressing the edges of the wound with fingers, the atheroma is peeled off.
  3. The most common method surgical treatment currently is the next one.

Currently, due to its good cosmetic effect, laser excision of even festering atheromas is used under local infiltration anesthesia, which can be done using one of three methods:

  • Photocoagulation is the evaporation of atheroma using a laser beam. This method it is even used to remove festering cysts, provided that the size of the atheroma does not exceed 5 mm in diameter. After the procedure, the doctor does not apply stitches, since a crust forms at the site of the atheroma, under which healing occurs, which lasts for 1 to 2 weeks. After complete healing of the tissues, the crust disappears, and underneath it appears clean skin with an invisible or hardly noticeable scar.
  • Laser evaporation of the atheroma shell from the inside is used in cases where the diameter of the festering atheroma is more than 2.0 cm. The technique is as follows: The atheroma is opened with a scalpel through a small spindle-shaped incision; the area fused to the skin is necessarily excised. The purulent contents of the atheroma are removed with dry gauze swabs. After this, the edges of the surgical wound are spread apart with sharp hooks, and with the help of a laser beam, the shell of the atheroma is evaporated from the inside. Apply to the wound primary sutures, rubber drainage is left. The sutures after laser evaporation of the atheroma shell from the inside are removed 8-12 days after surgery.
  • Laser excision with the membrane is performed if the atheroma has a size from 5 to 20 mm in diameter, regardless of the presence or absence of inflammation and suppuration. To perform the manipulation, first cut the skin over the atheroma with a scalpel, then grab the cyst shell with forceps and stretch it so that the border between normal tissues and education capsule. Then the laser vaporizes the tissue near the cyst shell, thus releasing it from the adhesions with the skin structures. When the entire cyst is free, it is simply removed with forceps, and a drainage tube and stitches are placed on the skin. After a few days, the drainage is removed and after 8–12 days the sutures are removed, after which the wound heals completely with the formation barely noticeable scar within 1 – 2 weeks.

Suppuration of atheroma is absolute indication To surgical intervention. In this case, only its opening is often used to ensure the outflow of purulent contents.

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Postoperative period

IN postoperative period It is important to monitor the condition of the wound. In the first days, dressings after atheroma are carried out every day or every other day, under the supervision of the attending surgeon. If the cyst was inflamed, the rubber releases are changed daily and the tissues are treated with an antiseptic.

On average, the healing process lasts about 2 weeks. The patient is on outpatient treatment, only patients with severe forms of cysts are admitted to the hospital. The sutures are removed after the formation of good connective tissue “bridges” between the edges of the wounds. This procedure is painless and does not require local anesthesia and takes 3-5 minutes.

Atheroma is a pathological cystic formation formed from cells of the sebaceous glands, which are localized in the thickness of the skin (under the skin). IN medical practice this pathology is called epidermal, follicular, epidermoid fatty cyst. Atheroma occurs in various parts of the body, but a sebaceous cyst is mainly formed in places rich in sebaceous glands: on the neck, head, face, in the groin, femoral area, in the back, under the armpits.
As it progresses pathological process atheromas increase, but do not degenerate into cancer. Atheromas, what is it? What atheromas look like, what are the signs, the main symptoms of sebaceous gland cysts. What to do if the cyst becomes inflamed and festers? How to get rid of atheroma? Which doctors should I contact? How to treat atheroma? Prevention of atheroma. We will answer these and other questions in this article.

What is atheroma, what does atheroma look like

A sebaceous cyst is a benign pathological formation spherical in shape with clearly defined contours. Inside the capsule cavity is filled with a pasty substance.

Important! Atheromas are mistakenly considered cancer, but this pathology is not a tumor. Sebaceous cysts are painless and, if there is no suppuration, do not cause discomfort.

When an infection occurs, the sebaceous gland cyst begins to fester and may become inflamed or infected. The inflamed area turns red. On palpation, patients experience severe pain. If you don't start adequate treatment infected atheroma, inflammation spreads to the deep layers of the epidermis.
A festering atheroma can open up and burst, and this creates optimal conditions for the penetration of pathological flora. Inflamed atheroma must be treated immediately, so we recommend immediately contacting a doctor who will select treatment and advise how to relieve inflammation of the atheroma.
In essence, atheroma is a cyst of the sebaceous gland, subcutaneous capsule, in the middle of which there is a curdled mass. A tumor-like formation develops due to blockage of its ducts. Sometimes there is a hole in the central part of the formation from which the contents are released unpleasant color and smell. Atheromas can be single or multiple (atheromatosis). Multiple wen primarily affects the scalp.
The increase in size of sebaceous gland cysts occurs due to the fact that the cellular structures cannot come out of the closed cavity, which contributes to their gradual stretching and enlargement.

Classification, types of sebaceous cysts

The classification of atheromas in medicine is based on the characteristics of the formation of tumor-like formations, their localization, morphological characteristics, nature of contents, histology.
According to the mechanism of origin, wen are:

  • congenital;
  • acquired.

Important! Secondary fatty deposits include dermoids, steacytomas, and sebaceous cysts in children.

Epidermal cysts, as already noted, form on any part of the body, but most often they are detected in areas that are rich in sebaceous glands. A sebaceous cyst occurs:

  • on the face (T-zone, scalp, forehead, cheeks, lips, eyelids, behind the ear);
  • on the side of the neck;
  • in the groin area, armpits, femoral area (back of the thigh);
  • on the genitals (in men, on the penis, on the testicles, on the scrotum, on the pubis, and in women, the labia and vaginal area are affected);
  • on the back, on chest, stomach, shoulders.

Also found in patients is atheroma of the perineum, atheroma of the lacrimal caruncle. In rare cases, cysts form on women's breasts. As a rule, atheroma forms on the nipple. A skin wen can form on the finger. Sometimes they are detected in the spinal cord, in the spine area. Atheroma also forms on the leg. It is extremely rare for atheroma to occur on the arm; the lower back may be affected.
In men, atheroma develops on the penis, testicles, in the groin area, and on the pubis. Big wen demands immediate treatment due to the likelihood of inflammation.
According to histology and morphological characteristics, epidermal cystic formations are classified into:

  1. Sebaceous glandular.
  2. Dermoid.
  3. Retention.
  4. Atheromatosis.
  5. Trichellemal.
  6. Steacytoma.

Moreover, all sebaceous gland cysts have the same development mechanism, identical signs and symptoms. This variety is of interest to a dermatologist only for scientific purposes.

The main reasons for the appearance of atheromas

Why do atheromas appear? This question interests many who are faced with this problem. If atheromas are diagnosed, the causes of their appearance are usually associated with dysfunction, blockage of the ducts of the sebaceous glands with sebum. A sebaceous cyst often occurs due to penetration of superficial cellular structures into the subcutaneous layers of the dermis.
The main causes of atheromas:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • excessive sweating;
  • metabolic failures;
  • neglect of personal hygiene;
  • chronic endocrine pathologies;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • sebaceous glandular lesions;
  • inflammation in the structures of the epidermis.

In women, sebaceous cysts appear on the face and body due to the use of low-quality cosmetics, squeezing acne, pimples. Atheroma on the buttock occurs when long-term wearing uncomfortable, tight synthetic underwear. If breast atheroma is detected, the main cause is hormonal imbalance, mastitis.
Frequent trauma to the skin and constant mechanical impact on the dermis contribute to the penetration of cellular structures into the ducts of the sebaceous glands, which causes their blockage. Atheroma cysts form against the background of cystic fibrosis, chronic dermatoses, dermatitis, and autoimmune diseases.

Signs and symptoms of atheroma

Symptoms of atheromas depend on their location, the intensity of the pathological processes in soft tissues. Cystic formations, if they are not inflamed, do not cause pain or discomfort, but cause cosmetic inconvenience.
Symptoms of atheroma:

  • the appearance on the body of a small round soft tumor-like mobile formation;
  • skin itching due to inflammation;
  • a small black dot is visible in the center of the cyst;
  • nearby tissues are not changed;
  • When pressed, the wen can move, but always retains its shape.

Sebaceous cysts have a dense consistency, elastic structure, and clearly defined contours. The diameter of the wen is from 5 to 40 mm. If the atheroma is not infected, there is no inflammation, the skin in the affected area is not changed. Characterized by slow development. For several years they do not change their dimensions. At rapid growth, development of atheromas become inflamed, modified, and manifested.

Inflamed atheromas

Atheromas can become inflamed, break open, fester, turn into an ulcer, and itch severely due to constant mechanical stress. Sometimes atheromas can open due to severe trauma or impact.
A suppurating infected atheroma can become inflamed and, if treatment is not carried out, spontaneously breaks out. A purulent exudate with lard-like curdled contents, characteristically unpleasant, is released from the cavity. putrid smell.
Atheroma hurts and quickly increases in size. There may be a slight increase in temperature, weakness, if the atheroma has broken through or become inflamed. The inflamed atheroma is very itchy, itchy, and causes discomfort. Your doctor will tell you how to relieve inflammation. The doctor will select a treatment regimen and prescribe effective medicines.
The main danger is the development of inflammation. If the cyst bursts and opens, perhaps penetration pathogenic flora, which will inevitably lead to damage to the deep structures of the epidermis. Therefore, with purulent infected atheroma You need to urgently contact a surgeon or dermatologist. Suppurating atheroma can cause soft tissue abscess and other complications, which is very dangerous for health. How to treat an inflamed, purulent, festering atheroma, how to relieve inflammation of the atheroma, a physician will advise.

Atheroma on the back

As a rule, atheroma on the back manifests itself as a single tumor-like formation. It is formed in the shoulder area, since there are many sebaceous glands here. Atheroma on the back can reach quite impressive dimensions (8-10 mm), often becomes inflamed, opens spontaneously, and becomes infected with pathogenic flora. Purulent exudate is released from the ruptured atheroma unpleasant odor.
Atheroma on the back develops due to constant mechanical impact on the dermis, wearing tight synthetic clothing, because of excessive sweating. Professional activity associated with staying in stuffy rooms is also a cause of this disease and leads to the formation of a wen on the back.
Atheroma on the back can progress quickly. When suppuration occurs strong pain, discomfort. An abscess may develop.

Atheroma on the neck

Atheroma on the neck is a frequently diagnosed cystic formation. As a rule, wen are solitary. Sometimes atheroma on the neck can be multiple. With intensive progression of this disease, the formation quickly increases in size. At the same time, atheroma on the neck rarely becomes inflamed, so a person experiences only cosmetic discomfort.

Atheroma of the earlobe

The pathology is localized mainly on the lobe ears, less often the formation is detected on the skin of the ears. Epidermal cysts are rare, small size. Multiple formations are extremely rare. Atheromas of the earlobe are prone to inflammation and suppuration. If the atheroma has broken through, in order to avoid its infection, you must immediately begin medical therapy.

Spinal cord cyst

Cyst spinal cord- a cavity filled with liquid. It is formed in the spinal cord trunk, in the spinal cord itself. Cystic formation appears due to severe injuries, on the background various diseases, infections. Most often, cervical spinal cord atheroma is detected.

Important! Sometimes a spinal cyst is congenital pathology, appearing against the background of genetic abnormalities. Education begins to increase in adolescence or after 20 years.

This formation is very dangerous for health, since it compresses the spinal cord, increasing in size. This leads to a lack of coordination. If a spinal cord cyst is diagnosed, the atheroma hurts, weakness in the legs occurs, and sensitivity decreases. Legs and arms go numb, muscle weakness increases.

Atheroma of the scrotum

Atheroma of the scrotum is one of the most frequently diagnosed pathologies in men. It affects the groin area, causing blockage of the sebaceous glands. If patients are diagnosed with atheroma on the penis, atheroma of the scrotum in an advanced form, rupture of the capsule shell may occur, which will provoke an abscess, the development acute inflammation. Over time, multiple tumor-like formations (atheromatosis) appear.
Epidermal atheroma of the skin of the scrotum reaches more than one centimeter in size. On palpation, the cyst may move one to two centimeters. Slight pain is typical. Secondary atheromas on the scrotum become bluish-yellow in color, have a dense consistency, and are very painful.
Atheromas of the scrotum occur due to injuries, against the background of gynecological diseases, and due to excessive sweating.

Breast atheromas

Breast atheroma occurs in women in rare cases. A cyst that is localized on skin mammary gland, can become inflamed and suppurate, which increases the risk of penetration of pathogenic flora and an infectious and inflammatory process directly into the breast tissue. If wen appears on the mammary glands, doctors recommend removing a single breast atheroma.

Atheroma in children

Atheroma in a child is no different from tumor-like formations in adults. Has the same morphology clinical course, symptoms, etiology. In children, congenital atheromas are usually detected. There are no factors that contribute to the formation of acquired epidermal cysts in children. Atheroma in a newborn baby is rarely diagnosed.
If your baby feels anxious, the atheromas are itchy, inflamed, urgently contact and consult with a pediatric surgeon or pediatrician.

Atheromas and pregnancy

Atheroma during pregnancy occurs due to hormonal changes in the body. Therefore, expectant mothers should be very careful about their overall health. Atheromas during pregnancy do not have any effect Negative influence on the condition of women and the fetus, but only if the atheroma is not infected with microorganisms, the tumor-like formations are not caused by infection, and are not inflamed.
During pregnancy, atheroma often occurs in the groin of women, on the chest, on the pubis, and also on the chest.

Diagnosis of sebaceous cystic formations

Noticing sebaceous cyst on the body, many people ask: “Which doctor should I contact?” If you notice a cystic formation, do not delay your visit to the medical center. If you suspect atheroma, immediately contact the clinic, consult with a surgeon or dermatologist.
The diagnosis is made based on the results visual inspection, ultrasound data, fluoroscopy. Prescribed MRI, CT, histological studies, differential diagnosis.

What to do, how to treat atheroma

Can atheroma go away on its own, or will it resolve without any intervention? How to treat it at home? Doctors are often asked questions like these. No, conservative techniques do not lead to the desired result. Sebaceous pussies cannot go away on their own and do not miraculously disappear. Epidermal atheromas will not resolve on their own, regardless of their location. Treatment of atheroma should be carried out by a doctor!

Important! It will not be possible to squeeze out the atheroma, even after the capsule breaks through and the pathological secretion comes out. A capsule remains under the dermis, which will gradually fill with sebum. After opening, the wen forms again.

Atheroma treatment and therapy should be prescribed only by the attending physician, based on the diagnostic results.
Treatment of epidermal atheromas includes:

  • surgery;
  • wave therapy, radio wave destruction;
  • laser therapy.

How to treat atheroma, what method therapeutic therapy the doctor will choose, depends on its location, intensity of the pathological process, age, individual characteristics body.

Treatment of suppurating atheroma: how to relieve inflammation

If the atheroma is severely inflamed, when it suppurates, infection penetrates complex treatment. Treatment methods the same as in the complicated form of the disease, but after excision of ordinary cysts, the wounds are sutured tightly. This activates tissue regeneration. This is unacceptable when diagnosing an inflamed formation.
The wound opening should remain open. A drainage tube is placed inside. The tissues are treated with an antiseptic. Sterile dressings are applied on top.
It is necessary to constantly monitor the condition of the wound after surgery. Bandages are changed daily. If the postoperative wound itches, antihistamines and painkillers are prescribed. The sutures are removed after the formation of dense bridges connecting the edges of the wound opening.
After the operation, you need to visit your doctor and follow all recommendations. For severe running forms atheroma, treatment is carried out in a hospital.
If the seams come apart, the bandage gets wet, purulent exudate is released, bleeding, or fever, immediately contact your doctor. It is also worth noting that this pathology often recurs. After treatment, we recommend visiting the medical center several times a year and undergoing a comprehensive examination.