Carrying out x-rays for newborns. Danger of X-rays for a child: assessment of possible risks

When an adult falls ill, it is enough for him to consult a doctor so that a correct diagnosis can be made through test results and some diagnostic procedures, but with children, and especially with newborns, everything is much more difficult. The point is not even that their small body is much more vulnerable to most ailments, the problem lies in the impossibility of using many diagnostic and treatment methods, for example, a small amount of medicine can be given to an infant, because many drugs can only improve his condition.

Many parents are also interested in whether it is possible to do a regular x-ray on a newborn, because the child may develop RDS. The abbreviation RDS is a disease such as respiratory distress syndrome, it is characterized by serious respiratory failure, and RDS occurs immediately after childbirth or a short period of time after it. But you should not assume that RDS is the only reason why it may be necessary to take an x-ray of the child’s body.

Description of the procedure

Let's first understand the principle of radiography. This method is based on the use of ionizing radiation, which is sometimes also called x-rays, or more precisely, on its basic physical properties. The fact is that such rays can easily penetrate the human body, but to some extent they linger there, on the basis of which photographs are taken. As you might guess, dense bones are much lighter in the image because they absorb X-rays quite well. For this reason, it will not be difficult for specialists to distinguish the location tubular bones from others. As for soft tissues, it is almost impossible to study them using X-rays, especially if it is performed without contrast (using contrast agent cannot even be considered if we're talking about about a newborn baby).

X-ray of abdominal and chest area newborn

As for the advantages of radiology, among them experts always highlight the speed, low cost of the procedure, as well as sufficient effectiveness in many situations. Of course, there are more modern and safe methods diagnostics, for example, magnetic resonance imaging, but in many situations the overpayment is meaningless, and if we are talking about the need for an X-ray for a newborn child, then this is almost impossible, because a person must remain in an MRI machine for a long time (even for children this is It can be difficult to explain, and a newborn baby will definitely not lie motionless). Using MRI, it is also impossible to study the condition of the long bones or, for example, the skull of a child’s head, because bone tissue is very poorly visualized.

Experts note that X-rays are practically not prescribed immediately after birth, because ionizing radiation can carry great harm, and the consequences can be extremely serious, because radiation will cause various pathological processes in a small organism. For this reason, radiography of tubular bones or anything else in children under the age of 14 can only be performed if indicated. It is worth noting that only digital equipment should be used, because film devices have a much higher radiation dose.

Indications for use

If dental x-rays are almost never taken at this age (dental x-rays are not necessary immediately after birth, and if there are dental problems related to dentistry in infants, then most often they can be solved in another way), then the same x-ray lungs for RDS or any other illness dangerous to the child may well be necessary. X-rays of the skull or, for example, tubular bones may also be required.

To the question of why the baby was x-rayed or why doctors recommend doing it, only one answer can be given - the need to make a competent diagnosis as quickly as possible. short time. It is worth understanding that under no circumstances should a newborn child be given a preventive x-ray, because such training is unjustified. Yes, and if a diagnosis can be made using safer diagnostic methods, then they always give preference to them (we are talking primarily about ultrasonography).

X-ray of the abdominal area.

Experts note that X-rays of a newborn child are often performed for the reason that there are signs of injury during childbirth, for example, a fracture of any tubular bones. Sometimes the situation can be so serious that it is impossible to do without an x-ray. Here are the main situations in which radiography is indicated, that is, the harm from it is neglected in order to avoid the occurrence of terrible consequences:

  • the need for diagnostics after the occurrence of injury during childbirth;
  • the need for diagnostics in the event that a newborn child receives some kind of grass, for example, falls from a changing table (such situations are very dangerous, because the child cannot even complain about anything, and bones at this age are incredibly fragile);
  • if you suspect the development of any pathological processes related to the musculoskeletal system (this includes rickets or, for example, osteoporosis);
  • hit for some reason foreign objects inside gastrointestinal tract or even respiratory tract(radiography will help identify the location of this foreign object);
  • the need for diagnosis if there is a suspicion of development intrauterine pneumonia due to infection in the mother’s lungs when the fetus was just developing;
  • the need to identify intestinal obstruction;
  • upcoming surgical interventions, for which doctors may need information that can only be obtained using x-rays to prepare for them.

Note! This list is for informational purposes only, experienced specialists always study the problem in more detail, that is, they focus on many other factors. For this reason, you should definitely not insist on an x-ray or refuse the procedure; listen to the opinion of an experienced doctor!

Absolute contraindications

As mentioned earlier, the harm from radiography at a young age is incredibly great, and it is prescribed only in situations where there is a very serious reason for it. It should be understood that girls should never irradiate the area where they are located. reproductive organs, boys, accordingly, cannot be taught testicles. Here absolute contraindications, in the presence of which it is strictly prohibited to conduct research:

  • extremely close location of organs;
  • the presence of any disturbances in the development of paired organs (for example, unevenness of this process);
  • violation of an individual character;
  • Training in the thyroid gland area is also prohibited.

An infant can be x-rayed from the first day of life, but there is some danger.

What could be the consequences?

We will not consider how X-rays are done for children, as well as what stages the study consists of, we will only consider the harm of the procedure and possible consequences. It is worth noting that the penetrating power of X-rays is extremely high, and when passing through the body, especially if we are talking about a child, radiation can change the structure of atoms or molecules. For this reason, there are somatic diseases of various nature, various genetic abnormalities are not uncommon, affecting future offspring.

Fortunately, the risk of dangerous consequences can be reduced if the procedure is performed on a modern digital equipment(in this case, the training will be short-term, and the radiation exposure will decrease noticeably). As you might guess, serious danger appears when irradiation is prolonged.

What can be a substitute for x-rays?

According to experts, if it is possible to avoid x-rays for a newborn, then it is best to use it. Nowadays, medicine, fortunately, is developed enough to have some choice among diagnostic procedures. Doctors recommend performing an ultrasound examination, that is, ultrasound. Thus, it becomes possible to identify many dangerous illnesses without harmful ionizing radiation. This method helps to easily determine the presence or absence of dysplasia when it comes to the hip joint, and it can be used to identify dislocation or even subluxation of the hip without any problems. It is worth mentioning that ultrasound cannot always replace radiography, just as X-rays in some cases are less informative compared to ultrasound. For this reason, the diagnostic option should be selected only by a highly qualified specialist.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to carry out safer research methods on infants (we are talking about procedures such as magnetic resonance or CT scan) are not always successful, because they require a person to remain in a stationary position for a long time (it is impossible to explain this to a baby).

Hello, dear parents. This article will be of interest to those who are interested in the question of whether to do an x-ray for a child. We will talk about what are the standards for permissible exposures, how often can you do it this procedure, from what age, when there is a need to conduct such a study. You will learn what precautions to take.


Parents should know how children are x-rayed so that they know what to expect from this procedure.

Indications for use

X-ray machines are also used in dentistry.

  1. In dentistry, x-rays are prescribed:
  • at controversial issue for treatment or tooth extraction;
  • with severe exacerbation of periodontitis;
  • with a long delay in teething;
  • orthopantomogram - necessary for optimal treatment periodontal;
  • for complications during periodontal treatment.
  1. An X-ray of the digestive organs may be prescribed:
  • if a neoplasm is suspected;
  • in cases where ultrasound and CT are powerless;
  • when a foreign body is in the gastrointestinal tract.
  1. X-ray chest:
  • frequent attacks of bronchial asthma;
  • confirmation of effectiveness in the treatment of cystic fibrosis;
  • babies with immune deficiency;
  • frequent positive results of the mantoux test;
  • rib fracture.

Parents should know that a chest x-ray in a child who is suspected of having tuberculosis can only be performed after repeated mantoux tests with a positive result.


An X-ray of a child’s chest is done according to strict indications

Calculation permissible dose irradiation is carried out taking into account such factors as

  • duration of the procedure;
  • multiplicity;
  • also the radiation intensity.

Parents should understand that the baby also receives background radiation from such sources as man-made: mobile phone, electrical appliances and natural views: radioactive substances in soil or rocks, cosmic radiation.

During the procedure, a single radiation dose for the lungs ranges from 0.1 microsievert to 0.3, x-rays of the extremities - 0.001, teeth - 0.02 - 0.04.

If you are interested in the question of how many x-rays can be taken per year for a child, then

the maximum amount of exposure should not exceed five msv. At the same time, it is desirable that this indicator should not be more than one msv. However, it is worth understanding that if an x-ray is necessary in the presence of a serious illness that is harmful to the baby’s health, this indicator may be exceeded.

  • type of equipment used;
  • the need to clarify the diagnosis when other methods are powerless;
  • field of study.

Children undergoing research are exposed to the most radiation abdominal cavity, chest or brain. But you must understand that the indications for such a procedure are quite significant:

  • skull injury;
  • rib fracture;
  • hip dislocation;
  • presence of a tumor;
  • the presence of foreign objects in the gastrointestinal tract.

Acceptable age

An x-ray was taken to confirm scoliosis and its degree

Parents often ask whether children can be x-rayed and at what age. Natural reaction manifested by a desire to refuse x-ray examinations. However, there are situations when this procedure cannot be avoided, otherwise a diagnosis will not be made, the specialist will not be able to find out the cause of the disease, for example, if a fracture is suspected, he will not be able to find out the exact site of injury and the presence of fragments.

Even a baby in the first week of life can be subjected to x-ray irradiation if during labor activity injuries to the nose, jaw, dislocation of joints or skeletal deformation were caused.

At this study the newborn will be placed in a special chamber. It will protect his body from radiation, with the exception of the area being examined. Children over two years old will wear a lead apron and special pads. This will be enough to reduce the dose of absorbed radiation.

As you can see, there is no exact answer to the question at what age children are given x-rays. It all depends on the situation and the need for the procedure.

My son had his first x-ray when he was two months old. The doctors convinced me that a chest x-ray was necessary. Today, my child is 12 years old, throughout his life he has had an X-ray of the chest three times, once of the head (if a traumatic brain injury is suspected), lower limbs(to confirm Schlatter's disease), oral cavity(dental photograph).

What is the danger

X-rays are electromagnetic waves. The energy indicator is between ultraviolet and gamma radiation. Since X-rays have ionizing properties, they can easily affect the condition of cells child's body, and also cause significant changes in them. These processes can lead to serious consequences, since they can even distort the structure of DNA contained in cells.

Parents need to understand that sensitivity various organs differs from X-ray radiation. So for the gonads the maximum allowable coefficient is 0.25, for the lungs - 0.12, for the mammary gland - 0.15, for the thyroid gland - 0.04.

Possible consequences

After frequent x-ray training or in the absence of protective equipment, they may develop serious complications, which will appear either in the baby himself as he grows up, or in his descendants.

  1. Erythrocytopenia. The level of red blood cells in a child’s blood decreases significantly, which can lead to oxygen starvation. This complication can be observed after an x-ray of the lungs.
  2. Thrombocytopenia. A sharp decrease in platelet levels leads to serious violations blood clotting. This can lead to serious blood loss from the slightest injury.
  3. Development risk malignant neoplasms. This process can be observed in the lungs, thyroid gland or gonads.
  4. Leukemia. The functioning of leukocytes may be impaired, which leads to a significant decrease in immunity.
  5. Deterioration of the organs of vision, possibly the development of glaucoma or cataracts.
  6. Violation of reproductive function.
  7. Rapid skin aging.
  8. Disruption of metabolic processes after an X-ray of the intestines, and the development of esophageal pathology is also possible.
  9. X-rays may show delays in physical and mental development in children under one year of age.

Precautionary measures

Remember the importance of using a protective apron

Parents' fear of X-ray radiation can cost the child lost time, which is so necessary for making a diagnosis. Consequently, it will lead to neglect of the disease and the development of serious complications.

  1. If there is a need for an x-ray, you need to choose a clinic that has the most modern equipment so that the radiation dose is minimal.
  2. Make sure that the radiologist is qualified and experienced in his field.
  3. Never consent to a procedure if the baby is not provided with protective equipment.

Parents need to understand that if a child is frequently x-rayed, there is likely a serious need for this. Be aware of precautions and that a doctor may not be able to make a diagnosis using ultrasound or clinical tests. Your task is to ensure that all the rules of the procedure are followed and that x-rays are not prescribed without a serious reason.

Lung X-rays are not often prescribed for children, as a rule, only if a serious illness is suspected.

Such x-ray techniques have a harmful effect on a growing organism, which is why x-rays are performed on children only in cases where the danger of the disease is considered greater than the harm from the irradiation process.

X-rays of the chest, in particular the lungs, are often not recommended for children, since developing cells of the body suffer as a result of radiation exposure.

A large dose of ionizing radiation can cause a gene mutation in a child’s body.

When changes in DNA structure occur due to strand breaks, this causes serious diseases.

When and how often can children be x-rayed? Only the attending physician can answer this question, since the specialist considers all cases individually.

For example, an X-ray of the lungs is indispensable if children have persistent seizures severe cough, swelling of the nasolabial triangle is observed and the temperature remains at 380 for more than three days.

The described signs raise suspicion of the development lobar pneumonia, which can only be confirmed with an x-ray of the lungs.

If nothing like this is done, then total or lobar pneumonia will cause death.

After studying the results laboratory tests, the doctor may also prescribe a chest x-ray for children, especially when there is an increase in leukocytes in the blood and a shift in the blood count to the left.

Replacing the chest x-ray procedure with an alternative technique, such as magnetic resonance imaging, is out of the question.

Tomography can only supplement the information obtained as a result of an x-ray.

Especially something like this additional examination can be done if you suspect acute inflammation lungs or for the presence of a tumor in the chest organs.

As practice shows, people often turn to radiologists with a request to give their children a chest x-ray without a referral.

Specialists, without confirmation of the appropriateness of use this method examinations are denied to patients.

Only after receiving confirmation in the form of recorded results medical examination and laboratory tests of the child, the radiologist will be able to determine the need for an x-ray.


As a rule, X-rays without a referral are carried out only in paid private clinics, but then the parent takes full responsibility for the impact of radiation on the child’s body.

One thing worth noting here important fact: Doctors do not recommend frequent x-rays for either adults or children, since the consequences of the procedure for the body can be irreversible.

How are chest x-rays done for children?

Today, chest X-rays can be done for children, but not often, using two types of technologies.

In the first case, a standard X-ray machine is used, in the second, more modern digital X-ray equipment is used.

Unlike the first device, which must capture the results on X-ray film, digital technology makes it possible to record the resulting image on an electronic matrix, after which the image can be studied electronically.

In any case, it is better for children to have x-rays done using digital equipment, which will significantly reduce the dose of radioactive exposure on the young body.

And yet any of the described x-ray methods Lung examinations for children can be performed once every 2-3 years, not more often.

If there is a need for frequent examinations, children are most often prescribed an MRI procedure.

The procedure for examining a child’s lungs using digital equipment:

  • The little patient is placed on a special table, the child is asked to freeze and hold his breath for a second. Very young children are fixed under the device in a motionless state - this is done by one of the parents. If the mother is near the baby, she should be checked for pregnancy in advance, since x-rays will have a negative effect on the fetus;
  • The radiologist activates the device, causing a second flash to illuminate the child’s body. Then the computer screen displays internal organs And bone structure, based on the image, the doctor makes a description of the characteristics of the body;
  • During the examination, the radiologist must observe certain rules, for example, if you only need to scan the patient’s lungs, the doctor must cover the rest of his body with special lead plates that do not allow radiation to pass through. If a parent is in the room with the baby, then his body is also provided with lead protection.

Data on each x-ray examination of children is entered into a special radiation document, which is used as a guide when prescribing a repeat x-ray examination for children.

By law, parents can not only be present at their children's X-ray procedures, but also control the amount of radiation they receive per year.

The last fact is very important, since every doctor, while performing his work, may require an X-ray of the patient, for example, in case of injury to a limb or curvature of the spine.

As a result, the total radiation dose received by a young patient per year can quickly approach excessive levels and cause the onset of a serious illness.

Therefore, if a pediatrician, who, in the parents’ opinion, does not have the proper qualifications, prescribes an x-ray to the child to make sure that the baby does not have pneumonia, it is better to take the child for an examination to another doctor.

Interpretation of the results of fluoroscopy of the lungs

A competent interpretation of the results of a lung x-ray will allow the attending physician to prescribe best option treatment.

The radiologist enters the description of the image into a special medical protocol, on the basis of which the radiograph is interpreted:

If the doctor indicates in the protocol that the image was taken with slight rotation, it means that the child was x-ray turned slightly.

Doctor's note " lung tissue“pneumatized” means that the lungs are airy and normal.

The term “pneumatization” refers to the presence of air in the alveoli, which is a physiological norm.

If the description of an X-ray of the lungs indicates the absence of infiltrative focal shadows, it means that there is no pathology in the patient’s lungs.

The interpretation of the description “the pulmonary pattern is enriched on both sides” is as follows: there was an increase in blood vessels (arteries, capillaries) and the gas supply to the blood improved.

A physiologically normal fact, observed during the growth process in children until the tidal volume is formed. But similar symptoms also occur in patients with bronchial inflammation.

If the description indicates that the roots of the lungs are compacted and expanded due to large pulmonary vessels, then this symptom speaks of an increase in the arterial network due to oxygen deficiency, which can occur against the background of regular physical activity or with a chronic illness.

If the diaphragm domes are characterized as clear and even and are located at the level of the fourth rib, then they physiological state fine.

“The pleural sinuses are free, the mediastinal shadow is without features” - this means that the patient’s lungs are healthy, and the doctor did not detect the presence of any additional education in the space between them.

Based on this transcript, we can conclude that pathological conditions V in this case are missing.

An enriched pulmonary pattern, compaction and expansion of the roots of the lungs can be attributed to normal changes occurring in the tissues of a growing organism.

But this is if the patient does not have a predisposition to heart disease or chronic infections respiratory organs.

Remember that you should not frequently undergo x-ray procedures on your child, because this will negatively affect the growing body.

One of the first methods allowing diagnosis without surgical intervention, there was an x-ray. With his help, it became possible to determine the condition of internal organs and bones.

However, the rays used during the study are radioactive. IN large quantities they are harmful to the body. Therefore, parents reasonably have a question about how often children can have x-rays. Modern techniques studies of the body make it possible to make a diagnosis without this method. But in some cases you cannot do without it.

X-rays are prescribed to children only in cases where other approaches would be inappropriate. Every parent will agree that it is better to take an x-ray than to treat pneumonia with antibiotics, which in fact does not exist.


To understand children and how great its harm is for a growing organism, it is necessary to understand the essence of this method. Rays passing through body tissue leave a clear picture of the condition on the film internal systems. This reliable method diagnostics Therefore, it is still used in different areas medicine.

X-rays are radioactive. Greatest influence they have an effect on new, developing cells. Therefore, such exposure can negatively affect the functioning of the body. Radiation in large quantities leads to the formation radiation sickness. Cell mutations and the appearance of a tumor are also possible.

However, modern ones emit radiation rays in such small doses that they cannot harm the body once. Their total amount affects the body in the same way as staying 2-3 days in the territory of a large industrial city. However, x-rays are prescribed only in extreme cases.

Harm to the child

When wondering how often a child can be x-rayed, you should understand the harm the procedure can cause. Children, by virtue of their physiological characteristics 2-3 times more susceptible to radiation than adults.

The longer life expectancy of a child creates theoretically greater potential for manifestation over time various consequences somatic and genetic nature. It should also be remembered that in children the organs are located closer friend to friend. Their development is rather uneven in dynamics. This creates an additional risk of developing pathologies due to such influences.

Another important factor that increases the risk to a child’s health is the location of his red bone marrow. It is he who is most susceptible to radiation. The distribution of red bone marrow in children is not the same as in adults. In babies, it is more concentrated in the limbs and skull. Therefore, irradiation of these areas is particularly demanding.

At what age are x-rays taken?

Pediatricians are often asked questions about whether and how often it is permissible to take x-rays infant. This procedure is necessary in a number of cases. For the nose, hip joints after the child passes birth canal An x-ray is required. Also, during the birth of a baby in a special difficult cases Possible skull injuries. In all of the above situations, X-ray examination can be performed in the first week after the birth of the child.

In this case, the baby is placed in a special box. It contains a certain protection system. Therefore, the rays pass exclusively through the area being examined. This procedure is performed at the most low levels radiation. To do this, the equipment must be of a new type.

X-rays are performed on an infant only if there is a pathology that threatens life and development.

Precautionary measures

When studying the question of how often X-rays can be taken for children under one year of age and older, parents should familiarize themselves with existing recommendations. First of all, if you cannot do without such an examination, you should pay attention to the type of equipment for the examination.

If a medical facility uses old-style devices, the radiation exposure will be higher than in new models. If your child needs an x-ray, it is better to have it done in a hospital where the equipment is regularly updated. Such devices provide clear images with minimal radiation.

Experienced staff medical institution can correctly select the level of radiation exposure. The protective equipment will protect other body systems from the effects of x-rays.


There are several main areas of examination where x-rays may be required. Dentistry is one of them. When studying how often you can do x-rays for children under 3 years of age and older, you need to refer to WHO recommendations. This organization states that annual exposure should not exceed 3 mSv/year. In quantitative terms, this is about 5-6 times a year.

But it all depends on the type of equipment and type of examination. During dental examinations, the level of radiation is so low that the number of photographs that can be taken will be quite large. This is required if it is necessary to decide whether to remove a tooth or treat it. Also when chronic periodontitis or filling a root canal, a similar examination is required before performing an apex infection. X-ray is necessary to determine the rudiments of teeth. In some cases, a panoramic examination of the jaw is required.

X-ray of the chest and digestive system

When learning how often children can be x-rayed, you should pay attention to examining the chest and digestive tract. This type of diagnosis is never used unless there are obvious signs of the disease.

The digestive system is examined using the presented method when foreign objects enter the body.

The chest organs are also examined if there is characteristic symptoms some diseases. Children do not undergo annual fluorography until they are 18 years old. If there are signs of pneumonia or tuberculosis, the picture is taken without projection. If Mantoux is enlarged, x-rays are not performed unless other symptoms are present.


X-rays of joints are necessary for injuries (fractures, dislocations), as well as suspected dysplasia. In infants, such examination is complicated by the presence in large quantities cartilage tissue. Because of this, the result may be unreliable.

When asking a pediatrician how often X-rays can be taken for children with dysplasia or injuries, parents receive ambiguous answers. On the one hand, one-time exposure will not affect the baby’s health, but on the other hand, certain protection rules must be followed. Hip joints are one of the most dangerous areas to survey. Under no circumstances should the genitals be irradiated. To do this, they are covered with special material. All areas of the baby’s body must also be protected during such examinations.

Skull shot

Another area in which x-rays are performed is the examination of the skull. This is required if head injuries occur or if a tumor is suspected.

When asking the question of how often you can do an X-ray of a child’s nose, you should consider the features of this procedure. Irradiation of this part of the body is carried out only in in case of emergency in the event of serious injury.

When is never carried out. Structure maxillary sinuses in young children it has some peculiarities. This does not allow us to obtain a reliable picture of the processes occurring in this area.

Because Bone marrow children are exposed to radiation, they are carried out in this area very rarely, and only when the danger to the baby’s body during treatment without this diagnosis is significant.

Carrying out the procedure

Performing an X-ray on children can differ significantly from the procedure on adults. The room where x-rays are performed must have special clamps. This allows you to immobilize the area being examined using such irradiation. Therefore, when studying how often children can be x-rayed, the psychological factor is also taken into account.

In some cases, the child must be immobilized with medication and anesthesia. This is necessary when performing long-term tomography. Fixing allows you to increase the likelihood of getting a good photo.

In this case, you will not need to re-do an x-ray and irradiate the baby again. During the examination, the child’s body is protected with special pads. If they are made of lead, the material should be covered.

First of all, the eyes require protection, thyroid, genitourinary system. At the right approach the procedure can be completely safe.

Having considered how often children can be x-rayed, it will be easier not to be afraid to carry out such a procedure several times a year. The process requires the correct protection to be applied. The newer the equipment used during the examination, the less radiation the child receives. Modern devices allow you to reduce radiation exposure to negligible levels.

X-ray is one of the diagnostic methods that allows you to determine pathologies of internal organs or bone apparatus. Despite all the harm that X-ray radiation can cause to a fragile body small child, it is not always possible to refuse irradiation. And before you sign a fateful refusal from the study, you must understand why x-rays are dangerous for a child and how to minimize the negative consequences.

What is an x-ray and is it harmful to a child?

X-rays are a stream of uncharged quanta traveling at the speed of light. These rays move in a straight line, and thanks to their strength they are able to enlighten any living creature. But this radiation also has other features that are unusual for ordinary light beam. In addition to penetrating abilities, X-rays are not absorbed uniformly, and the degree of absorption will depend on the density of the object through which they pass. In our case, body tissue. It is best absorbed bone tissue, highlighting these places in the pictures with white spots. The lower the fabric density, the lighter x-ray will pass through it, and the darker this area will appear in the photo.

Scientists have not come to a definitive conclusion whether it is dangerous or not to do X-rays on children. The thing is that, in theory, the radiation dose during research is negligible, which is why it cannot cause serious harm. But in practice, an X-ray can cause cell mutations, triggering the development genetic diseases and causing the growth of tumors. Therefore, x-rays for children are indicated only in cases where alternative methods diagnostics cannot give accurate results.

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61 years old

The main indications for X-ray examination in children are pneumonia, acute bronchitis, joint dysplasia, bone injuries.

X-ray for children: when radiation is especially dangerous

Fears of possible harm, which will be inflicted on a growing organism, force most parents to abandon this research method. In most cases, doctors agree with this decision, and whenever possible propose to replace irradiation with magnetic resonance diagnostics or safe ultrasound.

The child's body has hypersensitivity to radiation, so it’s difficult to talk about especially dangerous cases. Harm assessment occurs individually for each patient. It is especially dangerous to conduct research in the following cases:

  • The most sensitive organs, including the bone marrow, spleen and gonads, are exposed to radiation rays. Even minimal doses of radiation can provoke changes in cellular structures.
  • Repeated sessions X-ray exposure within a short period of time. Without good reasons multiple X-ray studies are not assigned. But in case of extensive damage, it may be necessary to repeat the procedure to make a complete diagnosis and select treatment tactics.
  • Pathologies of the development of internal organs, their hypertrophy or underdevelopment. In this situation, it is difficult to assess exactly how the cells of a particular organ will behave under the influence of radiation, even with low radiation sensitivity.

In addition, do not forget that in view of physiological structure In a child's body, the internal organs are located very close to each other. This increases radiation exposure even when all safety precautions are taken.

X-ray: possible consequences and complications

Sometimes taking into account the susceptibility of the child’s body to radiation, the equipment used and compliance with all safety rules cannot protect against the risks of developing complications. Let's consider the most likely consequences:

  1. Skin damage. Visually the injury resembles a severe sunburn. But underneath the blisters are hidden more significant changes that penetrate deep into the dermis. The resulting ulcers are extremely difficult to treat, and there is high probability that the child will need skin grafts.
  2. Irradiation during the period intrauterine development a child can provoke the development of pathologies at the genetic level. When X-rays penetrate through the membranes, the risk of having babies with Down syndrome, congenital, increases diabetes mellitus, epilepsy, heart disease and the like.
  3. Changes in blood composition that provoke the development of leukemia or premature aging body.

The development of a particular complication is primarily due to the organ that was irradiated. When X-rays penetrate into the groin area, the risk of infertility increases. X-rays of the skull may lead to structural changes in the cerebral cortex or visual disturbances.

It is impossible to predict the nature of the consequences for a child after an x-ray. But if there are compelling indications, you should not refuse research. Most often, it is refusal that poses a greater threat to the child’s life than possible complications.

X-ray exposure: how to reduce risks

By following a number of rules, you can significantly reduce harm x-ray radiation on the body. Be sure to listen to the advice of experts:

  • Take the indications into account and do not take your child to the X-ray room simply for prevention. Annual preventive examinations are carried out in children over the age of 15 years, when the body’s susceptibility to radiation waves decreases.
  • Trust only professional doctors and clinics. Modern equipment operates with minimal radiation doses. In city hospitals, which are on the balance of the state, such equipment, unfortunately, most often does not exist.
  • Insist on the use of protective aprons. During the study, one specific organ must be exposed to radiation. All other parts of the body must be hidden from the penetration of radiation rays.
  • Leave the office immediately after the procedure. Because, despite all kinds of protection, it is a place with increased background radiation.

According to numerous studies, after an X-ray, the amount of radiation received on middle-class equipment is equal to the level of exposure during a week of walking around the city with normal background radiation. And if we talk about the dangers of x-rays for children as a research method, then any treatment has its own side effects. And this situation is no exception.