How to treat a suture after a caesarean section. Types of sutures after cesarean section. What suture material should be used

The upcoming meeting with a child brings a lot of excitement to every woman. Most of all, expectant mothers worry about the process of childbirth. Sometimes by medical indications The doctor prescribes a caesarean section. After this operation, a stitch remains on the body. Therefore, some women are interested in the question of how to process it correctly. Others worry about possible post-operative complications. Such anxiety is understandable, but most fears are far-fetched.

Medical certificate

A caesarean section is a delivery procedure in which the baby is removed through an incision in the uterus. The reasons why a doctor prescribes surgery may vary. For example, incorrect position the fetus, a threat to the mother's health, or the baby being entangled in the umbilical cord. Depending on the process of delivery and the complications accompanying it, incisions are performed using several techniques. The result is various seams, requiring certain care. It will be discussed in more detail below.

What stitches are possible after a caesarean section?

There are 3 types of them in total.

  1. Vertical seam. If the fetus experiences acute hypoxia and the woman in labor begins bleeding, a corporal option is performed caesarean section. The result of this operation is a vertical suture running from the navel and ending in the pubic area. He is no different in beauty. In the future, scars become noticeable against the background of the abdomen and often tend to thicken. This type of operation is performed only in in case of emergency.
  2. Horizontal seam. At elective surgery A Pfannenstiel laparotomy is performed. The incision is made transversely in the pubic area. It is located in a skin fold, so abdominal cavity They don't open it. The abdominal muscles simply move apart. This creates a neat suture after a caesarean section. Thanks to a special application technique, it is uninterrupted and almost invisible.
  3. Internal seams. In both cases, internal seams may differ in the method of application. The doctor selects an option for fast healing wounds and reduce blood loss during the procedure. No mistakes should be made here, since subsequent pregnancies depend on the correctly chosen technique. During a corporal operation, a longitudinal suture is performed, and in the case of a Pfannenstiel laparotomy, a transverse suture is performed:
  • the uterus is stitched with a single-row seam made of durable synthetic material;
  • the peritoneum is sutured with catgut stitches;
  • For connective tissue muscles use self-absorbable threads.

How long will the suture after a cesarean section heal, how to properly care for it - these points directly depend on the type of incision of the uterine cavity. After childbirth, doctors are sure to answer all questions that raise doubts for patients.

Removing stitches

The first question that most women ask after giving birth is: on what day are stitches removed after a cesarean section? It is not possible to answer this unequivocally. It all depends on the technique of the cut.

If we are talking about a cosmetic suture, when self-absorbing threads are applied, there is no need to remove them. They disappear on their own approximately 70-80 days after surgery.

The interrupted suture, which is used in the corporal technique, is removed on the fifth day. The specialist plucks off the knot holding the threads from one edge with a special tool. Then he picks them up with tweezers and carefully pulls them out. It all depends on the sensitivity threshold. A correctly performed procedure should not be accompanied by unpleasant sensations.

Suture care in the maternity hospital

Caring for a woman while she remains in the maternity hospital falls on medical staff. Immediately after a caesarean section, the surgical scar is covered with a sterile bandage. It prevents infection and damage. The nurse is changing the bandage. If the recovery process proceeds without complications, treatment of sutures after surgery continues for 6-7 days. Antiseptic drugs usually use "Chlorhexidine", "Fukortsin" and a solution of brilliant green.

A woman’s task is to immaculately follow all the doctor’s recommendations. An unhealed scar is “afraid” of water. Therefore, on the first day it is strictly forbidden to get it wet. Water ingress is dangerous due to inflammation. Already in the maternity hospital you can start wearing a bandage after a caesarean section. It provides additional protection to the seam from mechanical damage and at the same time allows you to return your belly to its pre-pregnancy appearance.

Before being discharged home, the woman receives detailed advice about recommendations during the healing period of the suture and necessary measures to prevent complications.

Home care

After discharge, the woman must independently take care of the restoration of the body. After about a week, as a rule, there is no need for special care behind the seam. However, to avoid undesirable consequences, you should follow the standard recommendations of doctors:

  • regularly treat the incision area special drugs;
  • You are allowed to shower, but you cannot press or rub the seam;
  • continue to wear a bandage after a caesarean section;
  • do air baths.

Approximately a couple of months after cesarean it is allowed to use medicinal ointments and cream. They promote rapid resorption of the suture. After surgery, doctors advise starting treatment with pharmaceutical solution vitamin E. It should be applied directly to the scar. In the future, this product can be replaced with Contractubex ointment. Its cheaper analogue is another drug with a similar mechanism of action - Solcoseryl.

Features of the recovery period

The surgical technique in 90% of cases affects how long it takes for the suture to heal after a cesarean section, and what difficulties the woman will have to face. Therefore, it is advisable to note several problems that concern most new mothers.

More often recovery period accompanied by pain. This is not surprising, because after childbirth a wound remains on the uterus and abdomen. In the first few weeks or even months, discomfort may be present. This natural reaction tissues for cutting. Painful sensations can be treated with analgesics. They should be prescribed by a doctor, taking into account lactation period. The longitudinal suture will bother you for about 2 months, and the transverse suture for about 6 weeks.

Many people are concerned about the hardness of the tissue in the seam area. This phenomenon is also considered normal. Tissue healing occurs, but the scar does not immediately soften. sections heal faster. Tissue scarring ends within a year. A longitudinal scar lasts about one and a half years.

Some women notice that over time, a skin fold. In the absence of pain and suppuration, it does not pose a problem. This is how tissue scarring occurs. However, a lump in the seam area should alert you. Its size can vary from a small pea to the size walnut. Most often it has a purple tint. In this case, contacting a gynecologist is mandatory. A lump can be either a manifestation of tissue scarring, inflammation or even cancer formation.

When ichor appears on the seam after a cesarean section in the first week, there is no reason to worry. This normal process healing. If the discharge becomes mixed with blood and pus, you should immediately seek advice from a specialist.

For everyone who has had a caesarean section, after about a week the incision begins to itch very much. This phenomenon also indicates that the wound healing process has begun. However, you should not touch or scratch your belly.

Early complications

Achievements in modern gynecology made a caesarean section a relatively safe procedure for a woman’s health. However, complications may occur during the wound healing process.

In the first few weeks after delivery, a hematoma may appear on the suture and bleeding may begin. Such problems are due medical errors. It's about about poorly sutured blood vessels. A similar complication can be caused by improper treatment of the wound after surgery, when fresh tripe constantly injured.

IN in rare cases seam divergence is observed. At the same time, the cut begins to literally spread across to different parties. This usually happens on days 6-11. Another reason why the seam came apart after a caesarean section, there is an infection. It prevents normal tissue fusion.

Doctors often diagnose inflammation of the incision area due to improper care or infection. In this case alarming symptoms are:

  • temperature increase;
  • the appearance of pus or blood;
  • swelling;
  • redness.

If these signs appear, you should immediately seek medical help. Self-medication is dangerous. In the case of an inflammatory process, antibiotic therapy is usually prescribed. In advanced situations, surgical intervention is required.

Late complications

Negative consequences with a suture after a cesarean section can occur at any time. On initial stages complications are easily treated with medication. However, after several months, surgery may be required to eliminate them.

Most often, doctors diagnose ligature fistulas. They are formed for a reason developing inflammation around the threads. This means that the body rejects. Such inflammation appears a couple of months after the intervention. Fistulas look like seals small size, from the hole in which pus oozes. Only a doctor can remove the ligature.

Another complication is a keloid scar. This skin defect is not life-threatening and is not accompanied by pain. main reason its occurrence is an uneven growth of soft tissue due to the characteristics of the skin. Externally, a keloid scar looks like an uneven scar.

How to get rid of an ugly scar?

Sometimes the scar on the seam after a cesarean section looks extremely unattractive. Women have to face this problem not only after a corporal incision. To get rid of it, modern medicine offers several procedures:

  1. Microdermabrasion. This technique involves polishing scar tissue using aluminum oxide. As a result, new skin grows. At the same time, tissues improve metabolic processes. Just a few procedures with a break a week can significantly improve the condition of the skin on the abdomen.
  2. Laser resurfacing. This procedure involves removing scar tissue using a laser beam. On the one hand, it is very painful, but on the other, it is effective.
  3. Chemical peeling. It is carried out using fruit acids. Their correct use allows you to exfoliate the skin in problem area. During chemical peeling, it is mandatory to use preparations to smooth out the skin.
  4. Surgical excision. This procedure is recommended if the suture on the uterus after a cesarean section is small. During the operation, the scar is dissected and ingrown vessels are removed.

It is recommended that you consult with your doctor before choosing a specific procedure. Many of them have contraindications. In addition, scar removal should begin no earlier than a year after the intervention. The listed procedures do not completely eliminate the scar. They only make it less noticeable.

Subsequent pregnancies

Gynecologists do not prohibit women from giving birth again after the intervention. However, there are certain nuances here too.

The most common problem is that the suture after a cesarean section hurts and causes discomfort. The unpleasant sensations can be so pronounced that the woman will think about his discrepancy. For many inexperienced mothers, this feeling is accompanied by panic. If you know what dictated pain syndrome, all fears will immediately disappear.

Doctors recommend maintaining a period of 2 years between the operation and subsequent pregnancy. Only in this case the seam divergence is excluded. It's all about the adhesions that form during the restoration of soft tissue. They are stretched by the growing belly. That's why they arise discomfort. If pain occurs, it is important to immediately contact a gynecologist and undergo ultrasound examination. Your doctor may recommend a pain-relieving ointment.

You need to understand that the healing process of soft tissues after surgery is very individual. It depends on several factors: the woman’s health, the type of incision, the correctness of care after cesarean. If a new mother takes these nuances into account and follows the doctor’s recommendations, she can avoid the development of complications and plan a new pregnancy.

How long does it take for a stitch to heal after a caesarean section?

Caesarean section is a major abdominal operation. With it, not only the skin, subcutaneous tissue and the underlying muscle layer are dissected, but also a large muscular organ - the uterus. These incisions are quite large, because obstetricians need to comfortably remove the baby from the uterine cavity, and do it very quickly.

All cut tissues heal differently. It depends not only on individual characteristics body, but also on the state of health at the time after childbirth, on age, on the woman’s physique, and on what kind of incision was made: longitudinal or transverse.

A longitudinal incision is more convenient for obstetricians in the sense that through it it is faster to get to the uterine cavity and get the baby out. It is used in cases where there is a threat to the life of the mother or child: fetal hypoxia, maternal bleeding, maternal eclampsia. The doctors did it, took out the baby, handed him over to neonatologists or resuscitators, and then they stopped the bleeding, removed the placenta, and calmly and carefully sutured the cut tissues.

The suture after a longitudinal incision heals in about 2 months, but is felt and can periodically bother you for a year, sometimes longer. These seams tend to become thick and unsightly with cosmetic point vision.

A transverse incision in the lower abdomen is made in a larger percentage of cases, mainly after a planned cesarean section. The skin is often sutured using atraumatic suture material, and the thread passes intradermally, that is, needle marks on both sides will not be visible - it will look like a neat thin line (if you do not have an increased tendency to form keloid scars).

The suture heals a little faster after a transverse incision. Typically this is about 6 weeks. But it also tends to recur within a year of giving birth by Caesarean section. If the suture becomes inflamed after a caesarean section, do not tighten it.

Sutures on the skin are usually made with non-absorbable material - silk or nylon. Such sutures are removed one week after the cesarean section. Of course, suturing with absorbable threads also takes place. Such threads dissolve on their own within a month or two (this depends on the material).

After the operation, in the first three days the suture hurts a lot. In the maternity hospital, the woman is given painkillers, so breastfeeding is not allowed during this period. If you want to set up then breast-feeding, then it’s worth pumping to stimulate milk production in the mammary glands.

The suture after a cesarean section is treated with alcohol, iodine or brilliant green by the maternity hospital medical staff. A sterile bandage is applied to it. Before discharge, you should be told that upon returning home you will need to carry out the same manipulations on your own: soak (while it still sticks to the skin) the old bandage, pour peroxide over it, remove and treat with alcohol, and then brilliant green.

Treatment is usually carried out until 7-10 days, then the seam can be smeared sea ​​buckthorn oil or Solcoseryl, so that it heals faster and the nagging pain in it bothers you less.

The suture on the uterus is completely scarred two years after the operation. It is in 2 years, not earlier, that a woman can plan next pregnancy to be calm that the suture on the growing uterus will not come apart.

If you were discharged home, and the suture suddenly began to hurt more, if yellowish or bloody issues, if a lump appears under the suture or the temperature rises, immediately contact the maternity hospital where you were delivered this way - the obstetrician on duty will see you at the emergency room and tell you what happened and what to do about it.

Postoperative suture

In general, wound healing depends on the body’s overall resistance and on the skin itself. When treating wounds, it is not always possible to achieve healing by primary intention, which is associated with complications - suppuration secondary seam and microbial lysis of the skin flap.

How to remove stitches yourself

Surgical sutures are the most common method today for connecting biological tissues: organ walls or wound edges various localizations, which is used to stop bleeding or in the process surgical intervention. For suturing, a variety of medical suture materials are used: non-absorbable or absorbable threads of synthetic or biological origin, as well as metal wire.

The stitch came apart after a cesarean section

Caesarean section is an operation in which all layers are cut abdominal wall the mother in labor, as well as the wall of the uterus and remove the baby. This operation is carried out if during natural delivery there is a threat to the life and health of the mother or baby.

How long do stitches take to heal after childbirth?

During childbirth, there are situations when a woman in labor is given stitches for ruptures of the cervix and perineum, as well as after an incision of the perineum, and this is currently quite common.

After caesarean section

After the birth of the baby, the mother feels good and is happy. But if a woman wanted to give birth herself, but had to have an emergency caesarean section, then she may be disappointed. After such an operation, you need to talk to your midwife or doctor so that they explain why you had to resort to this method.

Modern medicine makes small sutures with minimal trauma. There are vertical and horizontal seams. After rehabilitation, the transverse suture looks aesthetically pleasing. The only problem is when the skin is prone to forming keloid scars.

To make the suture heal faster after a cesarean section, take air baths twice a day.

In the first days, painkillers are used to relieve pain, which are injected intramuscularly. Antibiotics are also prescribed. This prevents the development inflammatory processes after suturing. While you are in the hospital, your stitches will be cleaned and a bandage applied every day.

How quickly the suture heals depends on home care. After scarring, shower with soap and water. However, you should not rub the seam with a washcloth or subject it to other mechanical stress. To avoid them, also wear postoperative bandage. Its task is to fix the seam. It will help restore tone to the abdominal muscles, prevent the stitches from coming apart and reduce pain.

Do not scratch the scar. Itching indicates that the wound is healing.

To prevent the seam from coming apart, do not lift heavy objects, avoid physical activity, prevent constipation. However, get up and walk around more often. To heal the stitch faster, add foods with vitamin E to your diet and eat more protein.

The first months the seam is red with bluish tint. After some time it will turn pale and decrease in size.

Suture after cesarean section: complications

A longitudinal or vertical suture takes two months to heal, a transverse one – one and a half months. A vertical scar softens after a year and a half, while a horizontal scar softens a little faster. However, the woman feels slight nagging pain for a year.

Be alert if you notice the following symptoms:

  • severe bleeding;
  • pus;
  • unpleasant odor;
  • constant pain;
  • swelling of the scar;
  • severe redness;
  • temperature increase;
  • a purple lump is a fistula.

Similar symptoms are possible even when the threads are removed or dissolved. It means that damaged tissue inflamed, so consult a doctor immediately.

In obstetric practice, there are situations when childbirth is carried out surgically. During a cesarean section, the surgeon cuts through all the tissue, from the skin incision to the wall of the uterus. To successfully extract the fetus, the surgical wound must have the appropriate dimensions, so the suture after the operation can reach 10 - 15 cm. Every woman who has undergone this operation needs to know how to care for the suture after a cesarean section.

Read in this article

Types of cesarean section operations and stitches after them

Over the entire period of development of obstetrics, quite a lot of methods have been developed. surgical intervention at pathological childbirth. With the introduction of new methods of general and regional anesthesia, most specialists use two main incisions.

It all depends on the degree of urgency upcoming surgery. If a woman undergoes a planned caesarean section, then specialists usually perform a Pfannenstiel laparotomy. This technique involves making a transverse skin incision inside the natural suprapubic fold of the abdomen. The operation is the least traumatic, since the abdominal cavity is opened without an incision, and the woman’s abdominal muscles are simply moved apart. The use of this technique reduces the risk and shortens the patient’s length of stay in the hospital.

Quite often there are situations when a caesarean section is performed as an emergency for health reasons. It all depends on the condition of the expectant mother and fetus:

  • on the part of the woman, this is usually an early abruption of the placenta with abundant uterine bleeding, severe preeclampsia;
  • Urgent surgery is performed if the child has hypoxia or an abnormal heartbeat.

If there is emergency situation, then the choice of surgical intervention tactics depends entirely on the professional skills of the surgical team. One option is to perform a corporal cesarean section. In this case, the skin incision is made vertically - from the navel to the pubic area. This intervention causes great surgical trauma to the woman, since the surgeon has to cut the muscles of the abdominal wall, which makes the recovery period longer.

A beautiful suture after a cesarean section can only be obtained after a Pfannenstiel operation. The woman's skin wound is sutured with a cosmetic suture, which promotes a speedy recovery.

After a corporal cesarean section, it is necessary to qualitatively fasten a large array of muscles abdominals, therefore the seam on the skin will be thicker and more noticeable. But the patient can come to the rescue modern cosmetology. Specialists of this profile have developed enough techniques for correction external problems in young mothers.

Overlay internal seams on the uterus and peritoneum has a large number of options, but they have virtually no effect on the condition of the sutured skin. Their task is to eliminate bleeding in the early postoperative period and facilitate possible rebirths.

Cosmetic stitch after caesarean section

Problems with stitches in the first weeks after surgery

Any operation may pose certain threats in the postoperative period. Surgery is no exception. Caring for sutures after cesarean section occupies an important place in the prevention of all postoperative complications. Doctors usually divide these problems into two large groups:

  • Early complications include various pathologies sutures in women in hospital. These may be skin hematomas, bleeding from the surgical wound area. Most often this happens due to disorders of the young mother’s coagulation system. Suppuration is also considered quite dangerous for a woman. postoperative suture. If a suture bleeds after a cesarean section, the patient should immediately draw the doctors’ attention to this fact. To combat inflammation of the postoperative scar, the woman receives, and the medical staff treats the wound with special solutions.
  • Late complications after a cesarean section cannot be ruled out. These include ligature fistulas, which are a manifestation of the body’s rejection of suture material. Many young women, having discovered a red suture after a caesarean section, try to solve this problem on their own with the help of various ointments and creams. In 95% of cases, the result will be negative; the rejected suture material can only be removed by a specialist. If the manipulation is carried out correctly and appropriate therapy is prescribed, relapses of ligature fistulas can be successfully avoided.

Before being discharged from the maternity hospital, the young mother will be familiarized with the rules for caring for skin sutures and methods of recovery after a cesarean section.

What a woman needs to know after surgery

The technique of caesarean section in 90% of cases affects the duration of healing of the postoperative wound and the presence of various problems in a patient with a skin suture. At the same time, it is necessary to note several factors that concern most mothers who have undergone this operation.

Painful sensations

First of all, this is the presence pain in the area of ​​the postoperative wound. Caesarean section refers to abdominal operations and, given its high level of trauma, the pain syndrome can persist for up to 2 months. A woman may feel various unpleasant sensations in the scar area for a year after the operation.

In a hospital setting, pain relief is carried out by specialists, and after discharge the young mother should seek advice from a local pediatrician.

Many analgesics, anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drugs and other painkillers are strictly contraindicated during breastfeeding.

Seam seal

Caring for your suture after a caesarean section at home can continue. During the procedure, a woman may notice significant hardness of the postoperative scar. In this situation, too, everything depends on the cut: horizontal cosmetic stitch resolves over 6 - 8 months, and a vertical scar can bother women for up to 2 years.

Induration in the area of ​​the skin suture is a fairly common phenomenon, but if it becomes heterogeneous, tubercles form or discharge from the scar is noted, you should consult a doctor. Research, and especially ultrasound, will help to carry out differential diagnosis and distinguish ordinary scar formations from inflammation, ligature fistulas or an oncological process.

The suture itches after a cesarean section, discharge from the scar

Enough unpleasant problem There may be various discharge and itching in the area of ​​the postoperative wound. Itching indicates ongoing regeneration processes; it can last up to 3-4 months, but should not worry the young mother.

If there is discharge, you should consult a doctor. Similar symptoms may be normal occurrence, and the manifestation of a formidable pathology.

Caring for sutures after surgery at home

Before being discharged from the hospital, they will definitely have a conversation with the young mother, in which they will tell you how to treat the suture after a cesarean section, and how to behave during this period. Usually when normal course postoperative period, suture treatment after cesarean section is carried out only in the hospital. At home a woman takes care of postoperative scar only in the presence of any pathology.

Seam processing

A young mother should know how to handle a suture after a caesarean section. The site of the skin wound is lubricated with brilliant green or iodine 2 - 3 times a day, but the wound itself cannot be touched, as it can cause deep chemical burn. The skin area is treated up to 3 - 4 cm from the suture site.

The procedure is performed within 2 - 3 weeks after surgery. If there are bloody discharge from the wound, treatment can be extended after consultation with a doctor. Water treatments are not prohibited for young women, however, the postoperative area should not be subjected to mechanical stress with a washcloth or bath mitt.

Means to accelerate the healing of postoperative wounds

If a woman strives for speedy resorption of the suture on the abdomen, then 2 months after the operation it is allowed to use special ointments and creams that help reduce tissue scarring. IN initial period It is possible to recommend the use of a pharmaceutical standard solution of vitamin E directly on the scar area.

In the future, gynecologists recommend “Kontratubeks” ointment to their patients. It is advisable for nursing mothers to talk to a pediatrician before starting to fight a scar on the stomach. Many absorbable drugs are incompatible with breastfeeding.

When conducting regular examinations after discharge, specialists should recommend that the woman proper nutrition for normal healing of postoperative wounds. There are exercise therapy techniques that can be used as early as 2 months after birth. In addition, young mothers can receive air baths, because direct Sun rays And Fresh air have a beneficial effect on the rate of regeneration in the area of ​​the postoperative suture.

Caring for a suture after a cesarean section is not particularly difficult. Simple rules personal hygiene, compliance with the protective regime, and strict adherence to the recommendations of their doctor will allow young women to painlessly survive this difficult and intense period.

A woman should avoid any lifting; lifting only the child for a short time is allowed, since other weights can lead to problems in the area of ​​the postoperative wound. It must be remembered that after childbirth, caring for little man, and issues of cosmetic adaptation of the surgical suture can be postponed for a certain time.

A scar after a cesarean section is a sad prospect for women, however, if an operation is to be performed, this cannot be avoided. Neither a “laser” nor other methods can remove it; such an operation is always accompanied by a dissection of the anterior abdominal wall and a scar on the skin. If it's already reoperation, there is nothing to lose, the stitch after the second cesarean always goes along the old scar and you won’t get any more scars.

What types of seams are there?

The “royal incision” operation involves dissection of all layers of the mother’s anterior abdominal wall, skin, subcutaneous fat, muscles, and dissection of the uterine wall. In this case, the incision must be large enough to remove the child safely and without injury.

There are many ways to carry out surgical intervention, but in general there are fundamental differences only with regard to penetration or non-penetration into the mother’s abdominal cavity.

Classic corporal caesarean section is currently performed only in rare cases when labor must be completed quickly, for example, in case of maternal bleeding, acute fetal hypoxia or premature birth. In this case, the incision passes vertically along the anterior abdominal wall, from the navel to the pubis, and a so-called lower median laparotomy is performed. The operating surgeon then enters the abdominal cavity and opens the wall of the uterus with a longitudinal incision.

The vertical suture after cesarean section is not beautiful, it is clearly visible, it tends to become thick and hypertrophied.

Scar after cesarean section, photo

In most cases, preference is given to Pfannenstiel laparotomy.

This is a transverse arcuate incision on the anterior abdominal wall in the area of ​​the fold of skin above the pubis. The doctor cuts the skin and penetrates the uterus without opening the abdominal cavity. The incision made in this way is located in its lower segment, and also has a transverse direction.

Due to the transverse course of the incision and the fact that it runs inside the natural fold of the skin, the scar does not experience tension and can subsequently become completely invisible. A cosmetic suture after a cesarean section is used specifically for this type of operation; with a vertical approach, it is usually necessary to apply interrupted sutures, because high strength of tissue connection is required.

Suture after cesarean section, photo

The internal incision, the one that is applied to the wall of the uterus, has many modifications and options, there are even hardware techniques for applying ligatures, the main objective achieve good conditions to heal the uterine wall and at the same time reduce blood loss.

It is known that this scar has the best, most durable condition 2 years after surgery, and it is at this time that the onset is optimal. repeat pregnancy. An ultrasound of the suture after a cesarean section allows you to find out about its condition even before the onset of reconception; it is better to plan a pregnancy after a cesarean section.

How long does it take for a stitch to heal after a cesarean section?

So the operation took place, your baby was born...

How long does it take for a stitch to heal after a caesarean section?

In the first two days, prepare for quite strong postoperative pain, you will be helped by administering pain medications. Overweight woman A postpartum bandage can greatly help cope with pain, at least to some extent immobilizing the wound during movement.

No matter how painful it is, within a day you will be asked to get up and start moving actively. This is important, it helps to cope with intestinal paresis, he is lazy after the operation and does not want to work. And in general, the sooner you get up, the faster you will recover after the operation, and this is so important, your baby is waiting for you, who has been under the care of strangers all this time...

Why does the stitch hurt after a caesarean section?

The wound remains not only on the skin, the subcutaneous tissue and muscles are cut, and of course, the damage is very large. The pain will persist for a long time, the first days are severe and unbearable without medication support, as it heals, it will subside, and by 10-14 days it will almost no longer bother you. But for a long time you will feel itching in the scar area, there may be a loss of sensitivity with numbness in the lower abdomen after surgery with a transverse incision. Then all this will pass.

When are stitches removed after cesarean section?

The wound can be sutured with nodal separate lines, or there can be an intradermal cosmetic suture. With a transverse incision, the sutures are most often removed on the 7th day; if you had a vertical incision, they can be removed on the 10th day. However, this does not mean complete healing.

You will be discharged home, but dry crusts will still remain at the cause site.

Caring for seams

Treatment of the suture after a cesarean section in the maternity hospital is carried out by medical staff. Dressings will be done every day or every other day. To avoid getting familiar with cleol and adhesive plaster, you can buy special adhesive wound dressings in advance; they are very convenient for the patient. But this may not be necessary if the maternity hospital is well equipped; this is one of the little things that should be discussed with the doctor before the operation.

After the stitches are removed, they will tell you how to treat your stomach at home; if everything is fine, you can take a shower in a day, and it will be enough to simply smear the wound with brilliant green until all the scab falls off.

If postoperative period proceeds with complications, your doctor will tell you what to apply to the suture after a caesarean section.

What complications might you encounter?

Early complications

Early wound complications occur while you are still in the hospital.

Bleeding and hematomas

In the first three days there is a danger of bleeding from the wound. You may notice that the bandage is wet with blood; this should be reported to the medical staff immediately. Usually the suture bleeds after a cesarean section if the hemostasis of the skin vessels is not thorough enough and subcutaneous tissue, this is also fraught with the formation subcutaneous hematoma followed by suppuration, so measures should be taken immediately as soon as this is discovered.

Suture dehiscence after cesarean section

Discrepancy is possible after removal of the ligatures, 7-10 days after surgery. The first 2 days are dangerous with this complication, so you need to be very careful, avoiding stress on the rumen. Sometimes it happens that a woman manages to be discharged home before this happens if the stitches were removed on the day of discharge. If your suture comes apart after a caesarean section, even for small area, you need to see a doctor immediately, do not treat it yourself. Usually, the suture does not heal for a long time after surgery due to the presence of a sluggish infection, which means you need serious treatment.

Suppuration of sutures after cesarean section

To prevent this complication, it is usually prescribed antibacterial therapy after surgery, but this can still happen. This usually happens 3-7 days after surgery. Inflammation of the suture after a cesarean section will be noticed during dressings, and you may feel that it has become more painful, although the pain seemed to have already subsided. If the suture festers after a cesarean section, an antibiotic is prescribed or changed, if it was prescribed, dressings are performed with antibacterial ointments. If suppuration is accompanied high temperature, deterioration general condition, you may be transferred from the maternity hospital for further treatment to the gynecological department.

Pus first manifests itself as swelling and redness, pain; the doctor notices on the dressing that it is swollen, the skin around it is tense. If you do not treat it correctly right away, the inflammation will give way to suppuration, which will require premature removal of skin ligatures and treatment of the wound according to the principles of purulent surgery. Then it will take a very long time to heal, and even if you are discharged home and not to the hospital, you will have to go for dressings.

Late complications

Late complications occur months and even years after surgery.

Ligature fistulas

Ligature fistulas are among the most frequent complications, they arise due to the fact that the body begins to reject honey. material. When a caesarean section is performed, different threads are used, some of them do not dissolve for about a year, and the body sometimes reacts violently to them.

Most often, ligature fistulas begin to form within a month to six months after the intervention, but it happens that the characteristic lump on the suture after a cesarean section appears a year or even more after the operation. Usually, inflammation of the suture due to the ligature develops quite slowly, it takes several weeks, the swelling on the suture becomes increasingly larger, becomes painful, turns red, and then pus breaks out. Inside the wound, upon careful examination, you can even see the culprit of the trouble - the ligature.

Such a wound festers for months, the fistula on the suture either closes or flows again, and this will continue until the ligature is removed. There is no point in smearing it with anything or trying to treat it yourself; you need to see a doctor to remove the thread.


Hernias in the suture area occur only if there was a vertical incision, because when the anterior abdominal wall is dissected using the Pfannenstiel or Joel-Cohen approach, the transverse scar does not experience much stress. Hernias are rare and may take many years after surgery.

Keloid scar

A keloid scar is a significant thickening of the suture after a cesarean section; it becomes thick and unsightly. This is more of a cosmetic problem than a real one. health threatening. This practically never happens with transverse incisions, but with longitudinal incisions it occurs quite often.

How to remove a suture after a caesarean section?

will come to the rescue plastic surgery, from laser resurfacing scar before its excision, methods of disposal are selected individually in each specific case.