Rehabilitation after cauterization of the turbinates. Laser destruction of the inferior turbinates. Vasectomy and nasal septum correction

Deviations from the normal functioning of blood vessels in the mucous membrane of the nasal passages are a common cause of atrophy of the mucous epithelium and the cause of severe pathologies. Cauterization of vessels in the nose in this case is a useful procedure and the optimal solution to the problem.

The essence of the method

Vasotomy, coagulation, cauterization are the names of surgical operations to cauterize the mucous membrane and blood vessels of the nasal cavity. Conchotomy is also an operation to partially or completely remove the epithelial mucous tissue of the nose to release breathing, while partial cauterization of the vessels occurs. The procedure is prescribed when conservative treatment methods are ineffective and must be sufficiently justified.

Depending on the methods and methods of influencing blood vessels, it is necessary to go through several stages of diagnosis and the coagulation process:

  1. examination by a qualified otolaryngologist, who must assess the condition of the patient’s sinuses, make sure that the cause of the disorders is not a deviated nasal septum, and study the medical history;
  2. based on the data obtained, make a decision on the need for a coagulation procedure and choose a method for its implementation;
  3. surgery;
  4. rehabilitation period.

After surgery, it is recommended to use products to moisturize the maxillary sinuses (vaseline, sea buckthorn oil, other nasal preparations with oils), which will help quickly restore the functions of the mucous membrane. In addition to moisturizing, they have an antiseptic effect. The attending physician will definitely prescribe medications to treat the nasal cavity.

Important to remember! Cauterization of blood vessels in the nose is a process that requires compliance with all the rules and sequence of prescribed actions.

Reasons for using coagulation

Clear evidence should provide justification for the procedure. Symptoms for which surgery is prescribed:

  1. the presence of frequent nosebleeds;
  2. constant bleeding that has reached a severe phase of development;
  3. atrophy of the mucous membrane due to chronic rhinitis;
  4. prolonged form of sinusitis or rhinitis;
  5. difficulty breathing as a consequence of developed pathological processes in the nasal cavity;
  6. complications caused by dilated vessels.

According to medical statistics, the procedure is prescribed in most cases due to frequent and incessant nosebleeds. They are caused by the close location of blood vessels to the surface of the mucous membrane, thus being prone to frequent damage, which causes bleeding. In addition, such a predisposition may increase the likelihood of pathologies.

Children may be diagnosed with weak walls of the vessels of the nasal cavity. As a rule, everything falls into place with age and does not require treatment.

The clear advantages of coagulation are:

  • impact on a specific affected area;
  • high probability of successful treatment and low probability of re-bleeding;
  • rehabilitation is also possible at home without a hospital;
  • does not require lengthy preparatory stages or other manipulations;
  • the remission period is quite short;
  • rarely causes serious complications;
  • There is no need for anesthesia, as local anesthesia is used.

Like any other surgical intervention, the procedure has some contraindications:

  • presence of infection in the body;
  • poor immune system condition;
  • bleeding of various etiologies, including those caused by the use of medications.

Methods for cauterizing blood vessels in the nose

There are various coagulation methods. They all have their advantages and disadvantages. Depending on the location of the vessels that require cauterization, their number, the size of the nasal passage, the degree of distance from the nasal opening, the doctor prescribes one or another method. An experienced specialist can suggest a coagulation method, guided by the various rules of each technique:

  1. Cauterization with silver. This method is classic. In modern medicine it is rarely used: it is quite painful and causes complications. The essence of the technique is to use a solution of silver nitrate with chromic anhydride and trichloroacetic acid. The procedure is used to cauterize the vessels of the anterior sections of the nose and turbinate; this option is indicated for low-intensity bleeding. The basic rule when applying the solution: asymmetry. Application to symmetrical areas, especially in the area of ​​the cartilaginous septum, can lead to the formation of synechiae (this is a connection of tissue, bones, or cartilage that forms bridges in the nasal cavity).
  2. Using a laser. One of the most popular methods. Burning out blood vessels does not have negative consequences and is absolutely harmless. The method is based on the use of a laser. The mucous membrane recovers quickly. The only drawback of the method is its cost.
  3. Electrocoagulation method. The name suggests the method of cauterization - electric current. The risk of injury to nearby tissues is minimal. Specific values ​​are selected individually for each patient and assigned to a special device.
  4. The cryocoagulation method involves using liquid nitrogen on the damaged area. The gentle action promotes rapid regeneration of blood vessels and mucous membranes, minimal risk of bleeding and scarring. The method is expensive - this is its disadvantage.
  5. Radiosurgery or gamma knife is an innovative method. It is carried out only with special medical equipment. The remission period is very short, compared to other methods, it is the most harmless and the most expensive.

Any surgical intervention must be justified, as it is a last resort if other treatment methods are ineffective. First of all, conservative treatment is carried out first. If the results are unsatisfactory or ineffective, a decision is made to perform an operation.

Cauterization is indicated in the following cases:

  • hypertrophy (growth) of the nasal mucosa of a chronic form;
  • dependence on nasal medications due to long-term use.

In some cases, coagulation is the only correct choice. Side effects are quite rare and quite individual. But refusal to undergo surgery can affect the patient’s health and lead to the development of other pathologies.

Let us consider in more detail the most common methods of coagulation with silver and using a laser.

Applications of silver nitrate

Silver cauterization is indicated, as noted earlier, for bleeding from the anterior parts of the nose and for low intensity bleeding. The manipulation is carried out in three stages:

  1. anemia of the nasal mucosa, that is, vasoconstriction. Used to prevent bleeding during surgery;
  2. local anesthesia;
  3. direct cauterization.

Anemization is carried out using drugs such as Adrenaline, Ephedrine, by spraying or smearing. The procedure is necessary to constrict blood vessels and reduce the amount of mucus secreted. In this case, the cauterizing substance will not spread and is applied more precisely.

Anesthesia is carried out with local anesthetics (Lidocaine). The cauterization itself is carried out using a solution of silver nitrate. Its concentration is 40-50%. The solution should be applied in close proximity to the bleeding area. This is one of the conditions so as not to provoke increased bleeding, but only to cauterize the surrounding areas. Burning, sneezing, and lacrimation are often noted after surgery. Nasal congestion may occur. You must notify your doctor about this. All these effects are temporary, however, their manifestation can be reduced through the use of various medications.

Since the procedure is quite dangerous, extreme care is required in order not to damage healthy areas not only of the mucous membrane, but also of the paranasal space. It must be sufficiently justified: it can damage healthy tissue, and should not be symmetrical. The procedure is contraindicated for hemorrhagic diathesis (tendency to bleeding) of various origins: the risk of recurrent nosebleeds increases, and its abundance may increase, since the damage to the nasal cavity is extensive.

Laser vasotomy

Indicated for chronic nosebleeds and various types of rhinitis. Produced in several stages:

  1. local anesthesia is performed by applying an application with Lidocaine or Adrenaline;
  2. surgery using a laser. Treatment is carried out around the problem area, and then directly to the source. Does not require hospital treatment.
  3. rehabilitation. The recovery period is short. The patient is recommended to use ointments.

The great advantage of laser vasotomy is the elimination of recurrent bleeding: the vessels are cauterized and sealed, without bursting. If the operation is successful, if it goes according to plan, its duration is not more than 10 minutes. After the manipulation, 2-3 small wounds with a diameter of about 2 mm remain.

Judging by patient reviews, in 95-98% of cases the functions of the nasal mucosa are completely restored. Rehabilitation lasts up to 7 days. After the operation, the patient spends about half an hour in the medical facility, then can leave it. Breathing will return to normal in 2-3 days. After laser coagulation, it is necessary to lead a calmer lifestyle, not to be in an upside-down position, visiting baths or saunas is prohibited, using vasoconstrictor drugs, and drinking alcohol is not recommended.

Special sprays are prescribed for regeneration and additional tissue hydration. Some complications may also arise. They are strictly individual and may be caused by non-compliance with the doctor’s recommendations:

  • breathing problems and congestion occur as a result of an allergic reaction or repeated hypertrophy of the mucous membrane;
  • atrophy of the mucosa, which can cause its dysfunction;
  • the inflammatory process is an extremely rare complication, since laser exposure is sterile, and all necessary instruments are pre-disinfected.

The cost of the procedure for laser cauterization of blood vessels in the nose will cost on average from 10 to 25 thousand rubles. depending on many factors: the location of the clinic and its prestige, the qualifications of the staff, the use of medications as anesthetics, and the cost of diagnosis.

Consequences of the procedure

For a successful outcome of the intervention, it is necessary to adhere to all the recommendations of the attending physician, and also follow several rules:

  1. avoid straining the nasal bone;
  2. do not injure the inner surface of the nasal cavity;
  3. Do not remove cortical formations yourself;
  4. don't blow your nose.

However, some complications are possible:

  • the risk of trauma to the nasal sinuses increases due to the use of chemicals and swelling of the mucous membranes. Congestion occurs, which quickly goes away if you follow the doctor’s recommendations.
  • pain is most typical for electrocoagulation and cauterization with silver nitrate
  • provoking the opening of re-bleeding when independently removing the formed crusts at the cauterization site. It is necessary to comply with all rehabilitation conditions for the speedy restoration of the mucous epithelial cover.

High-quality and timely diagnosis will allow you to reasonably carry out the procedure of cauterization of blood vessels in the nose and get rid of unpleasant symptoms once and for all. Strict compliance with all rules and compliance with standards by the medical worker and the patient is the key to a successful surgical operation.

February 14, 2018 04/28/2018


Hello, Andrey Vladimirovich.
I have been to 3 lors. Everyone diagnosed me with vasomotor rhinitis. I'm dripping drops
in the nose 2 Xylene" 3-4 times a day for
5 years. All ENT doctors recommend different procedures for treatment. One recommended
submucosal vasotomy of the inferior turbinates. Second radio wave
disintegration of the inferior turbinates. Third laser destruction of the lower nasal
shells What is the difference? Which of these operations is better? you make these


Good afternoon. The complaints you described
characteristic of the diagnosis: Vasomotor rhinitis (medicinal rhinitis,
"Naphthyzine addiction"). To reduce the volume of the inferior turbinates
partial destruction of the cavernous tissue of the inferior turbinates is performed.
After such manipulations, the nasal turbinates decrease in size, and you breathe well through your nose, as after instilling drops. All listed
Your methods allow you to solve this problem, only the equipment is different,
used for the operation. Submucosal vasotomy of the inferior turbinates is often
bleeding and requires nasal tamponade for a day. Walk with tampons
My nose feels uncomfortable for a day. Impact on the inferior turbinates using
laser and radio waves are no less effective. The main thing is that this impact
was necessarily carried out under the mucous membrane of the inferior nasal concha. Such
the method preserves the mucous membrane of the inferior nasal concha and affects
only on cavernous tissue. Laser destruction of the inferior nasal concha and radio wave
disintegration of the inferior turbinates practically does not cause bleeding and
Tampons are not placed in the nasal cavity. This is convenient for the patient, because No
the need to return for a follow-up appointment to remove tampons. Nose after
laser destruction of the inferior turbinates or radio wave disintegration
will breathe poorly for 2-5 days due to post-operative swelling, in
In the future, nasal breathing will be restored. We master all available methods
treatment of vasomotor rhinitis (submucosal vasotomy, radio wave
disintegration of the inferior turbinates, laser destruction of the inferior nasal
shells). The decision to choose a treatment method is made together with the patient

Below is a video of the operation we
usually performed for vasomotor rhinitis (medicinal rhinitis, Naphthyzin

Sincerely, Lunev Andrey Vladimirovich

Radio wave coagulation of the inferior turbinates using the radiosurgical apparatus “SURGITRON” (USA)

The ENT doctor uses the "Surgitron" device for persistent difficulty in nasal breathing, as well as in the absence of effect from vasoconstrictor nasal drops, for diseases such as chronic hypertrophic rhinitis, as well as for (ronchopathy).

Using the Surgitron device, developed by American scientists at the Elman company, the ENT doctor performs an operation - radio wave coagulation of the inferior turbinates. This medical ENT manipulation is a minor surgical operation, one of the advantages of which is the ability to operate on the patient’s ENT without hospitalization (outpatient), and a short period of rehabilitation and recovery after surgery, due to the less pronounced swelling of the mucous membrane of the lower turbinates, as with other similar operations : ultrasonic disintegration, lezerocoagulation, argon plasma coagulation, cold plasma coagulation, cryotherapy and galvanocaustics of the inferior turbinates, allows us to safely give preference to it and put it in first place, compared to the above surgical treatment methods.

This ENT operation takes no more than 1 hour, and most of the time is spent on “preparation,” i.e. anesthesia. First, the ENT doctor performs local application anesthesia by placing a cotton swab moistened with a 10% lidocaine solution into the nasal cavity. Then the ENT doctor performs local infiltration anesthesia, making injections (injections) of Ultracaine DS-Forte into the thickness of the inferior nasal turbinates.

For high-quality and adequate pain relief, it is recommended to perform two injections into each inferior nasal turbinate. The ENT doctor performs the first injection with an insulin syringe with a small and thin needle. At the same time, the ENT patient practically does not feel the injection of the needle, but may feel slight tissue tension due to the “expansion” of the drug in the anterior sections of the inferior turbinate.

The effect of the drug Ultracaine DS-Forte is immediate, and the effect of anesthesia lasts about 3 - 4 hours, which makes it possible to guarantee an ENT patient’s operation with high-quality pain relief and allow the ENT patient to get home while under the influence of anesthesia.

The patient does not feel the second injection of Ultracaine DS-fortelor, since it is essentially a conduction anesthesia, through the anterior to posterior sections of the inferior nasal turbinate. Then the ENT doctor gives the ENT patient the opportunity to get ready for the operation, while the effect of the medications gains full strength.

The ENT doctor performs radio wave coagulation of the inferior turbinates by introducing an electrode into the thickness of the inferior turbinate for 10 - 20 seconds, depending on the severity of the chronic process.

Another important advantage of this ENT operation is the 100% sterility of this method. This is achieved due to the fact that when you press the pedal and apply a radio wave to the electrode, within 1 mile of a second everything living (bacteria, fungi, viruses, vibrios, spirochetes, protozoa and other microorganisms) that is on the metal spokes of the electrode, the so-called working surfaces die, unable to withstand ultra-high temperatures. At the same time, it is important that the ENT patient does not have a cold and does not suffer from diseases such as acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, sinusitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis, bronchitis, tracheitis, pneumonia and other acute and chronic bronchopulmonary diseases at the time of the operation. This guarantees the ENT patient the “sterility” of this ENT operation.

With direct radio wave exposure, the patient either does not feel anything or feels a slight, but very tolerable burning or tingling sensation in the nose. Due to the high speed of radio wave exposure, all negative sensations of the patient’s ENT are minimized.

Another great advantage is the so-called controllability of this ENT operation, since the ENT doctor has the ability to set the required frequency of exposure. In fact, this is the force of influence of radio waves on the tissues of the human body. Also, the ENT doctor has the opportunity to adjust the exposure at his own discretion, i.e. duration of exposure.

The most important and useful condition is that the ENT doctor has the ability to suspend the ENT operation at any time or stop it altogether. Unfortunately, today this is not possible with all operations, including those on ENT organs.

After ENT surgery on the lower turbinates, the ENT doctor places cotton swabs in the nasal passages in order to avoid possible bleeding and prevent the development of severe swelling of the operated mucous membrane of the nasal cavity.

The ENT patient removes cotton swabs independently the next morning after the operation, or can go to the ENT clinic where the operation was performed. 10 - 15 minutes after removing the tampons, postoperative swelling of the tissues of the inferior turbinates and the nasal mucosa develops.

The nasal breathing of the ENT patient will not be comfortable for 3 to 4 days after the operation, then the swelling of the nasal mucosa will gradually decrease, and nasal breathing will be restored.

Another important point in the postoperative course is the formation of “crusts” that complicate and interfere with nasal breathing. The so-called “crusts”, or if correctly, fibrinous-necrotic plaque, are formed 3-4 days after the operation, as a protective layer covering the operated area. At the same time, the nasal cavity needs careful toileting (cleaning), since this plaque tends to glue the mucous membrane of the operated inferior turbinate with the mucous membrane of the nasal septum. In this way, synechiae (adhesions) can form, which in turn will also need to be dissected, preventing the possibility of developing an adhesive process.

An ENT doctor performs a nasal toilet every day or every other day, but only in an ENT clinic with sterile instruments. An ENT patient will not be able to remove “crusts” from the nose on his own due to their deep location and high adhesive ability. On average, an ENT patient comes to the ENT clinic after surgery for a nasal toilet 3 - 4 times. It all depends on the mechanisms of regeneration and the reproductive ability of the human body.

It is possible to reliably assess the effect and quality of the ENT surgery performed only after a month, since only by this time the mucous membrane of the lower turbinates will be completely restored.

The restrictions after this ENT operation are as follows:

complete refusal of vasoconstrictor drops in the nose, since the nose will be able to breathe on its own,

restriction of physical activity (fitness, gym) for 2 - 3 weeks, restriction of baths, saunas for up to 1 month, restriction in the consumption of alcoholic beverages for up to 2 - 3 weeks,

limiting sexual relations to 2 - 3 weeks,

restriction in very hot foods, as well as spicy, salty, peppery, fried foods for up to 3 - 4 weeks.

In the first 14 days after surgery, a calm and measured rhythm of life, no emotional stress, and no overwork are recommended. Among medications, desensitizing (decongestant) therapy and oily nasal drops are recommended.

Laser coagulation of the nasal mucosa is an effective way to get rid of all signs of chronic rhinitis.


    • the presence of an inflammatory process in the body (ARVI, acute respiratory infections, influenza, sinusitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, etc.);
    • blood clotting disorder.

Equipment used:

  • ultrasonic device "Tonsillor - M";
  • modified vacuum nozzle for washing the tonsils;
  • vacuum nozzle "Tonsillor" for washing the tonsils;
  • syringe for washing the tonsils.

Often patients do not pay due attention to the processes in the body, especially when the only symptom that bothers them is a runny nose. Advertising offers many means to “relieve” the condition. So what's the result? The patient himself prescribes therapy, uses sprays and drops. At some point, they stop helping, and the runny nose and difficulty breathing do not go away. A person seriously develops the disease, and there is only one way out - surgery. Laser coagulation of nasal vessels (cauterization) in Moscow is indicated for all types of chronic rhinitis:

  • vasomotor (nasal vessels lose tone);
  • allergic (when, in response to a certain irritant, the vessels of the mucous membrane become clogged);
  • medicinal - occurs with prolonged use of drops;
  • hypertrophic - a companion to the rhinitis described above, in which the nasal mucosa increases.

If the doctor has made one of these diagnoses, you will be offered a surgical treatment method - laser coagulation of the nasal mucosa (cauterization). It allows you to alleviate the condition in a short time without resorting to hospital treatment.

Our doctors

How is the operation performed?

Coagulation of the mucous membrane with a laser is a non-traumatic and effective method that helps get rid of all signs of chronic rhinitis and allows you to breathe fully on the day of surgery. During the operation, the doctor uses a special laser to cauterize the vessels, as a result of which the swelling disappears and breathing is restored.

The operation itself lasts about 15 minutes. Before the procedure, the doctor applies local anesthesia. The patient should not move his head while the laser is working. The laser gently affects the desired area without touching adjacent ones. The patient does not experience any unpleasant sensations - only tingling. The doctor monitors what is happening using an endoscope. After the operation, the patient receives valuable instructions that must be carefully followed:

  • Do not use medications for the nasal cavity;
  • avoid physical activity;
  • Baths, saunas, and drinking alcohol are contraindicated.

If one procedure is not enough, the doctor will prescribe a repeat session. But this happens extremely rarely.

A significant advantage of the operation is its long-lasting effect and affordable price. Patients after it may not remember their illness for many years.

Certificates and licenses

Treatment in Moscow in our clinic is carried out using modern equipment and sterile instruments. Our prices have not changed since 2013, and are the best in the city. Laser coagulation is the best way to treat chronic rhinitis. It’s better not to let it reach the chronic stage, but if the disease is advanced, be sure to come. We will help you!

Sometimes a person has problems in the nose that cannot be dealt with with medications alone. In such cases, the otolaryngologist prescribes cauterization of the turbinates. It is made using different methods – chemical and laser. What are the advantages of the method? What are the consequences of the operation? The patient needs to know what he is getting into when he agrees to such a procedure.

What is nasal coagulation

With a chronic runny nose, the patient's nasal concha dilates. This interferes with the ability to breathe normally, you have to constantly use drops, but their effect is of little help. The goals of the operation are to reduce the hypertrophied mucous membrane, get rid of chronic rhinitis and normalize breathing.

By cauterizing the nasal sinuses, the network of vessels that are located between the bones and the epithelium is evaporated. The procedure is performed using a laser or chemicals, such as silver. The method is safe, the risk of infection is minimized.

Indications for coagulation

A doctor may prescribe cauterization of the nose if there are the following indications:

  • Chronic rhinitis, refractory to drug treatment.
  • The formation of hypertrophic changes in the nasal membranes as a result of frequent use of vasoconstrictor drugs.
  • Inability to breathe freely without the use of nasal drops, drug dependence.
  • Frequent nosebleeds.

The main condition for cauterization is the expansion of the nasal turbinates, and not other pathology.


This procedure has contraindications:

  • Exacerbation of chronic inflammation in the sinuses and in the respiratory system as a whole.
  • Low blood clotting.
  • In women, surgery is not performed during menstruation.

Cauterization should not be done when there is a risk of bleeding. High blood pressure and fever are also contraindications.

Preparing for surgery

Before performing the operation, the doctor must inform the patient about how the procedure will be performed and what its consequences are.

Women should stop using cosmetics and cosmetic procedures several days before surgery.

It is necessary to undergo a series of tests to determine the general blood picture, the patient’s condition and the presence of infection. After this, a date for the operation is set. During this time, you should not take alcohol or blood thinners.

How is the procedure performed?

Before laser cauterization of the nasal mucosa is performed, blood pressure and temperature are measured. The patient is once again informed about the advantages of the method, the progress of the operation and possible side effects. Here's how it should happen:

  • If the clinic is private, the patient is dressed in a disposable gown and shoe covers. Personal clothing is removed. Transferred to the operating room.
  • Any normal person worries before an operation, even if it is minor. The duties of medical personnel include talking with the patient and distracting him so that he calms down. If this does not help, the doctor prescribes sedatives.
  • The patient is placed on the operating table with the head raised.
  • During surgery, the patient must be completely motionless. Therefore, he must initially take a comfortable position.
  • A blindfold is put on the eyes so that the patient is not frightened by the sight of surgical instruments.
  • If the patient agrees, the arms and legs are secured with bandages so that he does not accidentally touch the surgeon. This may cause burns to the nasal cavity.

During the procedure, the patient breathes through his mouth. This insulates it from unpleasant odors. In addition, the vapor emanating from the laser touch will not enter the lungs.

  • The operation is painful and therefore requires pain relief. To do this, they give an injection or insert cotton wool moistened with a special solution into the nose for a few minutes.
  • The patient's face is treated with medical alcohol diluted to 70% to avoid infection.
  • In order to localize the mucosal disorder, the area is tinted with methylene blue. It will perform a double function - indicate the location and improve the effect of the laser.
  • The doctor needs to laser the anterior end of the nasal concha. All other surfaces remain untouched. The entire process is controlled by an endoscope or a special mirror. Normally, the patient does not feel pain, only a slight tingling sensation.
  • The doctor watches his actions on the monitor. Laser touches are carried out in the form of single points or continuously.

After the procedure, the patient is inserted into the nose with a cotton swab and taken out of the operating room.

Consequences and complications

Cauterization of vessels in the nose is a surgical procedure. And if you do not follow the recommendations of specialists, it can cause side effects. These include:

  • Atrophic changes in the mucous membranes of the nasal sinuses. This leads to disruption of the normal functioning of the epithelium. Pathology is rare.
  • Inflammation of the mucous membranes. Occurs rarely. The reasons may be poor compliance with disinfection and medical negligence. The device and instruments must be sterile.
  • Impaired perception of smells or complete loss. This condition is temporary and occurs due to internal swelling of the operation site.

After healing, everything is restored. If this does not happen, the patient must inform the doctor about this.

  • Severe feeling of congestion in the nasal passages, making breathing difficult. Usually everything goes away over time, but a relapse of hypertrophic phenomena is possible. May be due to allergies.

To avoid such phenomena, you must strictly follow all doctor’s instructions.. In cases of deviations from the norm, you must seek help.

Cauterization with silver

Nasal cauterization is carried out not only with a laser, but also with a chemical agent. One of the methods is cauterization with silver nitrate. This is a remedy that has a strong cauterizing property and is used to treat various skin pathologies, including papillomas and warts. It is also successfully used in otolaryngology.

The indication for this procedure is from the anterior part of the nose. But with the condition that the blood flows slowly and stops easily. This means that a small vessel has ruptured somewhere in the nose, and it needs to be stopped so that the bleeding stops.

Order of manipulations

The procedure is carried out as follows:

  • A vasoconstrictor is instilled into the nasal passages to eliminate swelling and reduce discharge.

Dry nasal passages do not allow the cauterizing agent to spread and prevent the occurrence of burns.

  • Anesthesia is carried out by irrigation with special means or by inserting a cotton swab soaked in anesthetic.
  • Do spot cauterization with silver nitrate.

The solution for cauterization must be strong - up to 50%. Recently, doctors have been practicing applying silver nitrate not to the bleeding vessel itself, but around it, so as not to provoke even more bleeding. This way the result is better.

Side effects

Cauterization with silver is not without consequences for everyone. Sometimes the following phenomena occur:

  • Burning in the nose, sneezing and profuse tearing.
  • The nose remains stuffy for some time after the procedure. Over time, everything will return to normal.
  • In rare cases, the sense of smell may be temporarily impaired.

If such symptoms occur, you should consult your doctor. Sometimes such cauterization is recommended for the treatment of rhinitis. But it is better to use other methods, since there is a risk of burns that injure healthy tissue.

Advantages of laser cauterization and silver cauterization

Laser cauterization has its advantages:

  • dressing is not performed at the surgical site;
  • no bleeding occurs;
  • there is no rupture of blood vessels, they are sealed and cauterized;
  • short duration, no more than ten minutes;
  • the wounds remain small and insignificant;
  • high percentage of complete restoration of the nasal mucosa, up to 96%;
  • does not require general anesthesia;
  • After the operation, the patient recovers quickly.

Silver cauterization is also more effective than outdated methods used before.

The cauterization procedure is painful, but quite effective in the fight against annoying rhinitis. It can be done at different ages, but taking into account all contraindications.